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Dratljfl. ABENDSCHEIM. DOROTHY VIRGINIA Oa Sunday, April 4. 19.’17. DOROTHY VIR GINIA ABENDSCHEIM. a-ged 19 years, beloved daughter of John P. and Marie Abendscheim of Suit-land road. Md. Funeral services at Hysongs parlors. 1:i< 11> N st. n.w.. Wednesday. April , at 8:15 a m., thence to St. Francis Xavier s Church. Pa. ave. and 28th st. s.e.. where mass will be said at 9 a m. for the re pose of her soul. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. AM NUT CHARLIE E. On Sunday. April 4, lP.’l'T. at his sifter's home Mu* Lizzie Allnut LayUmsville. Md.. CHAKLls E. aiu.NUTT mied 88. beloved husband of Marv E Allnutt. Funeral service will ■ be* held'at his sister's home, ^ay}?n1s1" ville Md on Wednesday. April i. at i t I m' interment Rockville Cemetery. Arrangements by Roy W. Barber, Lay tonsville. Md. n.i hnt ROBERTA CARY. On Sunday, AnrU'4 li“ 7 a? the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Dr. mid BERTArnCARYDBLUNTerof' Woodbourne SstefMd Funetalservlces at Woodbourne Tuesday April 0. at -J P.m. Interment at Rockville. Md. BROOKS, ZOIX1E CARLTON Jcn i n »Vr H0^til APZOLUE‘CARLTON BROOKS. feofsVOtdeedvS Lam' Brooks, brother o£ JRobert M Elisha R.. William H. and Kooeit Bernard Brooks Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home f n w Funeral Tuesday. April o_ at i $m from the Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. UROWN MARY PEARL. On Sunday. April 4 19;*t7. at her residence, '-1405 North Madison st.. Arlington. Va.. MARY PE\RL BROWN, beloved wife of the late A]vm Howard Brown and mother of Vinton Palmer and Vernon Milo Brown and Mrs. Maude Etta Miskell. one is also survived by two daughters-in-law. Mrs Delilah L. Brown and Mrs Louise A. Brown. Remains resting at her late residence until Tuesday. April b* 1 -no p m.t thence to Mount Olivet Me.h odist Church. Glebe road 1A.rl'1'e,]?SdVa,i where funeral services w 11 be. Tuesriav April b. at - P m. lniermtm* Oakwood cemetery. Faljs Church. Va. BT^NE EILEEN MAY On 3Sun,dapyroApril Ive' n.w EILEEN MAY BYRNE (nee Haves i, the beloved wife of„ Byrne and mother of Francis. Mar garet Catherine. Joseph and Mary Patricia Byrne and sister of John Celestmc, Margaret and Edward payers and Mrs. Harry Sullivan. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesda , April 7° at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Trinity Church, ,‘bith and N sts. n.w . where* mass' will be offered at « for the repose of her soul. K-eL and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Services by the W W. Chambers Co. CARMODY. MARGARET M. On Sunday. ^ April 4 1031 at her residence. 14 - 11th St n e .' MARGARET M. CARMODY (nee Flynn), beloved wife of the late Cor nehus J Carmody. Funeral will be held from the above residence oni W nesdav. April t. at a.m R?,qulcJ, mass at St Joseph's Church a* J a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. b CAKMODY. MARGARET. Officers ana members of Rev. M R Sullivan No. 1K5 and all councils of the C. \\ - B. L.. are requested to meet at the home of our late comrade. MARGARET CARMud*. 142 llth st. n.e.. Monday. April o. 193 at S:30 P-nn WARpIELD president. R. L. DONOVAN. Secretary. CASSIDY JOSEPH F. On Friday. April •'1937 at Mount Alto Hospital. JOS EPH P.' CASSIDY, son of the late Charles I. and Alicia Cf.ssidy. be.o\ed husband of the late Anna M. Cassidy and father of James Cassidy Funeral from his late residence. Ese si. n.e.. on Tuesday. April H. at b:30 a.m.. thence to Holy Name Catholic Church, llth and K sts. n.e.. where requiem mass will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 5 j CASSIDY. JOSEPH P. The officers and I members of General Nelson a. Miles Camp. No 1 United Spanish War Veterans are re quested to assemble at a.m. Tuesday. April »i JU.'iT. at l*:io Eye st. n.e.. to assist in the funeral of our late com rade. JOSEPH P, CASSIDV. Mass at, Holy Name Church at 9 a.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. GEORGE \V WAYNE. Commander. PRINT E. SHO.METTE. Adjutant. COLEMAN. ROBERT. Departed this life on Sunday. April 4, 1931. at 3:15 a.m.. ROBERT COLEMAN. 218 Bryant st. n w beloved husband of Edna Coleman. He is also survived by a devoted brother. Lucas Coleman: three loving children. Catherine. Robert Earle and Lillian Coleman: also many other relatives ana friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home New Jersey ave. •and R st. n.w. Notice of interment to be announced later. CONNORS, JEREMIAH .T. On Sunday. April 4 1937. at Providence Hospital, in the 71st year of his age. JEREMIAH J CONNORS the beloved husband of Margaret P. Connors (nee Man nix!. Funeral from his late resi dence lHOt; Mass. ave. s.e.. on Tues day. April 0. at 8:30 a.m : thence to Holy Comforter Catholic Church, 14th and East Capitol sts.. where solemn requiem mass will be said at 9 o'clock for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by P. A. TaJtavull. DAVIS. DONALD WALTER. On Friday. April 2. 1937. at his residence. 1103 7th st. s.e.. DONALD WALTER DAVIS, be loved son of Julia Willis Davis, devoted brother of Mrs. Edna Smith Mrs. Myrtle Bryan. Virginia and Charles Davis. He also leaves other relatives and many friends. Funeral Tuesday, ADril ti. at 2 p.m., from Mount Jezreel Baptist Church. 5th and E sts. s.e.. Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment in Har mony Cemetery. Arrangements by John T. Rhines. ° TELLER. HENRY C. On Sunday. April 4 1931 at his residence, the Portner Apartment. HENRY C FELLER, hits- I band of the late Emma Louise Feller j and father of Henry C. Feller, jr.: Mrs. Emma Feller Lyons, jr.. and Mrs. James H. Jarman. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w.. on Wednesday. April 7. at 10:30 a-tn. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. b 6IAMMITTORIO. EUGENE. On Saturday, April 3 1937. at Providence Hospital. EUGENE (GEMS) GIAMMITTORIO. son of David and Rose Giammittorio. brother of Mrs. Anne Giuseppe Mrs. Virginia Colangolo. Mrs. Mary Lit,teno and George and Tony Giammittorio. • Funeral from his late residence. 3o. Raymond ave.. Alexandria. Va.. on Tues day April H. at 9 a.m.; thence to St. Rita’s Catholic Church, where mass will be said at 9:30 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment St. Mary's Cem etery. Alexandria. Va. Arrangements by the Demaine funeral home. HAMILTON. THOMAS M. On Sunday. April 4. 1937 at Mount Alio Hospital. THOMAS M HAMILTON, beloved hus band of Edith M Hamilton, father of John Wesley Hamilton. 2d. of Appleton. Wis.. and brother of Mrs. Ida McPhee of Brownsville. Oreg. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. until 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 7. Funeral serv ices at his late residence. 521 Duke st., Alexandria. Va.. at 1:30 p.m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery, with mil itary honors. 6 HARRIS. STANYARNE. Suddenly. on Sundav. April 4. 1937. STANYARNE HARRIS, son of the late Lawrence and Hattie Harris, of 1021 Kenyon st. No tice of funeral later. HOPKINS. MARIETTA J. On Saturday. April 3 1937. at Emergency Hospital. MARIETTA J. HOPKINS, the beloved mother of Mrs. Mattie L. Burton. Fu neral services at the W. W. Chambers Co Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Tuesday. April ft at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5 HAWES. SARAH. On Monday. April 5. 1937. SARAH HAWES, wife of the late Isaac Hawes and mother of Mrs. Pearl Stanley Mrs. Sarah Knell of Baltimore. Md.: Mrs. Mamie Knott, and John Hawes of Merryfield. Va. Remains rest ing at the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. HI LIEN. MINNIE. On Monday. April 5. 1937. at her residence, till 1th st. s.e.. MINNIE HULIEN wife of the late Charles Hulien and mother of Mrs. Dora Rickman. Mrs. Eva Brown, Mrs. Minnie Nokes and Carl Hulien. Remains rest in'- at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. s.e. Funeral from the above funeral home on Wed nesday. April 7. at 3:3(1 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 7 _FUNERAL DIRECTORS. “”J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FrNFRAL DIRECTORS Crematorium ftt. and Mass. Are. N.E. Lincoln 5200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) Phone west nnnnoft'lA M St N W Established 1841 m IT.YV. Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. BSSTSS8- ^NAtion.12473 V. L SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with , the orlRlnal W. R Speare establishment. Phone innq H St N w NAttonal 28P2 n 1T.VY. FUNERAL DESIGNS. _ GEOTC. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OlOfl a^d SMfaS Cor. 14th b Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piacaa 1218 T at. N.W. National 4276 Ibattju. HUTCHINSON. HENRIETTA. The John Marshall Harlan Relief Associationan nounces the death of HENRIETTA HUTCHINSON. 347 22nd st. n_w.. Fri day April 2. 1937. Funeral Tuesday. April « at 10 a.m.. from St. Augustine * Church. GEORGE W. COLE. Pres. JAMES W. ROBINSON. Fin. Sec. JOHNSON. ROSA. Departed this Ufe on Sunday. April 4. 193.. JOHNSON. Remains resting at E. W. Bundysfu neral home. 021 Fla. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. KIDWELL. MARY ELLEN. Suddenly, on Fridav April 2. 1037. at her residence. 100 Madison st. n.w.. MARY ELLEN KID WELL. beloved sister of Ida M.. Rosa L. and John T. Kidwell. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. Tuesday. April 0. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment (private) Fairfax. Va. Kindly omit flowers. 6 LUSBY. KATE ALEXANDRA. On Sunday. April 4. 1037. at her home. 8001 1st ave.. Woodside. Md.. KATE ALEXAN DRA. wife of the late William E. Lusby. Services at her late home on Tuesday. April 0. at 2 p.m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. MANILLI. JIDIE. On Sunday. April 4, 1037. at Homeopathic Hospital. JUDIE. the beloved son of Michael and Pauline Maniili of 734 3rd st. n.e. Funeral from his late residence on Wednesday, Apri> *7. at, 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Aioysius Church, where high mass will be sung at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery : Arrangements by Wm. H. Sardo & Co. 6 I McC’OY. JOSEPH MELVILLE. On Mon day. April 5. 1037. at 3020 Tilden st. n.w.. JOSEPH MELVILLE McCOY, be loved husband ol Ella P. McCoy. Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w. Fu neral services at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 3rd and A sts. s e.. on Wednes day. April 7. at 11 a.m. Interment private. 0 MORAN. GEORGE W. On Friday. April 2 1037. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. GEORGE W. MORAN, aged 33 years, late residence. 4420 Prospect ave.. Brent wood Md.. the beloved son of Louis and the late Moliie Moran and father of Eleanor Moran. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. suburban funeral home. 01S Cleveland ave. R'iverdale, Md.. on Tuesday. April «>, at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 5 OBER. ALBERT N. On Sunday. March •:s. 1037. at St. Petersburg Fla. AL BERT N. OBER. beloved husband of Helen F. Ober tnee Fraser) and father of Mrs. Edith Armstrong and Mrs. Jeanette Hutchins. Funeral from Wm. J. Nalley’s funeral home. 522 8th st. s.e.. on Tuesday. April 0. at 2:30 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 5 PEARSON. CATHERINE M. On Friday, Anril 2. 11*37, at Mount Essex Hospital, Verona N. J. CATHERINE M. PE*B SON. beloved sister of Frank Pearson of 701 Quincy st. n.w. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday, April 7. at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Gabriels Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 0 PENN. CHARLES J. On Sunday. April 4, 193 7 at the Homeopathic Hospital, CHARLES J. PENN, father of Harry C. Penn, Mrs. May L. Fiscel of Washington, D C, and Mrs. Stella A. Flood of Has lett, Mich. Remains resting at H. M. Padgetts funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e. Funeral services at the Church of the Nazarene, 7th and A sts. n.e.. on Tuesday. Anril 0. at 2:30 P.m. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. REES. THEODORE C. On Saturday April 3. 1937. at Mount Alto Hospital. THEO DORE C. REES, the beloved husband of Georgia Rees of 3145 Mount Pleas and st. n.w. and father of Clarence A., Eriw G. and George W Pees. Funeral from the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Tuesday, April 6. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. REES. THEODORE C. By direction of the camp commander, comrades oi General M. Emmett Urell Camp. I No. 5>. U. S. W. V will assem ble at Chambers’ funeral par lors. Mth and Chapin sts. n.w., Tuesday, April 0. 15)37. at 11 a.m.. to conduct services at the burial oi our late comrade. C REES, who died at Mount Alto Hos pital April 3 at 10:05 p m. J. WALTER MCDONALD. Comdr. R E. WASHBURNE. Adit. * RIDENOUR. EMMA ENNIS. On Friday. April 1037, at the Sibley Memorial Hospital, of double pneumonia EMMA ENNIS RIDENOUR. aRed ‘17 years, the wife of Frederick Georee Ridenour; daughter of Lucy H. and Grover C. En nis of Mitchellville. Md She also is survived by an infant son one sister, Miss Susan Ennis of Washington. D. C . two brothers. Randolph Ennis of Mitchellville. Md.. and Joseph Ennis and family of Lanham. Md.: one grandfa ther. four aunts, seven uncles and fam ilies. also many friends, who knew her to mourn their loss. We do not know' the pain she bore, We did not see her die; We only know' she passed away And never said eood-by. MOTHER. FATHER. SISTER AND BROTHERS. ROBINSON. MEDICUS R. On Friday, April 1037, at Mount Alto Hospital. MEDICUS R ROBINSON, the brother of Mrs. Florence M. Pryor: he is also survived by many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w.. where funeral • services will be held Tuesday. April *>. at 8 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery ROGERS. ELLA JENNETTE. On Sun day. April 4. 1937 at 10 a.m.. ELLA JENNETTE ROGERS, aged 38 years, be loved wife of Robert V. Rogers of 81*2 Rittenhouse st. n.w.. and daughter of Mrs. Ida B Buck and the late Jesse Buck. She is also survived by one sis ter. Mrs. Amerlco Giovanoni. and five brothers. Beniamin R.. Irving Jesse. William D. Milton A and Vernon C. Buck. Funeral services Wednesday. April 7. at 10:30 a m., at Hysong s par lors. 1300 N st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 ROGERS. JEANETTE B. All comrades of : oe u. o. ». jacoo jones rosi. No. 2. of the American Lesion, are requested to attend the services of our late comrade. JEANETTE B. ROGERS. at Hysons's parlors l.'iOn N st. n.w . at R p.m. Monday April r> 1937; also military services at Ar lington National Cemetery on Wednes day. April 7 at 10:30 a.m. JANE R. COX. Commander. ESTELLE R. RUBY. Adjutant. RUSSELL. LEROY. On Saturday, April 3, 1937. at his residence. 809 E st. s.w.. LEROY beloved husband of Victoria Russell tnee Kojack) and son of Her man and Ada Russell. Funeral from his late residence on Tuesday April 0, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment. Cedar Hill Cemetery. Arrange ments by P. A. Taltavull. 5 SEATON. BLANCHE C. bn Sunday. April 4. 1937. at Sibley Hospital. BLANCHE C. I SEATON, the beloved wife of Clarence B. Seaton and mother of Welby V. and Gerald A. Seaton. Mrs. Olive N. Jones. Mrs. Anna E. Cowgtll. Mrs. Silvia M. Moore and Mrs. Dorothy L. Woods. Funeral services at the W. W. Cham bers Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. April 7. at 2 p.m. Relatives and ‘friends are invited. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. b SINGLETARY. SAMUEL. On Saturday. April 3. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. SAMUEL SINGLETARY of 2092 17th st. n.w. Remains resting the J. L. Lowe funeral home. 913 Florida ave. 1 n.w. Interment Wilson. N. C. SMITH. LOUISE. On Sunday, April 4, 1937. at her residence. 919 3rd st. n.w., LOUISE SMITH, devoted wife ol James C. Smith, loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Scrub. She also leaves one sister, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w. Funeral Tues day. April H. at 2 p.m.. from the T. B. Methodist Episcopal Church. T. B., Md.. Rev. T. Bailey officiating. TALBOTT, ETHELYN SARRATT. At sea. on March 13. 1937. ETHELYN SAR RATT. daughter of Col and Mrs. Sam uel G. Talbott. U. S. A. Funerai serv ices at the Fort Myer Chapel on Wed nesday. April 7. at 3 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. THOMAS. ALICE E. On Saturday. April 3. 1937. ALICE E. THOMAS, the devoted daughter of the late James A. and Katie E. Thomas of Leesburg. Va.; loving sis ter of Lula Green. James. Harry and William Thomas. She is also survived by two aunts. Mrs. Lula Dean and Car rie Johnson; two uncles. John and An drew Mason: two nephews. James, jr.. and Leon Thomas. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney Co.’s funeral home. 453 O st. n.w., until 10 o'clock Tuesday. April b. Funeral from Mount Zion Methodist Church. Leesburg. Va.. Tues day. April 6. at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. THOMPSON. IVORY. On Tuesday. March 30. 1937. at Casualty Hospital. IVORY THOMPSON of 431 N st. n.w.. loving daughter of Sallie Tobias of Shelton. N. C. She also leaves a devoted son. Edward Thompson; three sisters, three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Tuesday April b. at 2 p.m.. from the J. L. Lowe fu neral home. 913 Florida ave. n.w. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Remains can »be viewed any time after 4 p.m Monday. April 5. 6 THRASHER, JOHN P. On Saturday. April 3, 1937, at Mount Alto Hospital, JOHN P. THRASHER, the beloved husband of Mary J. Thrasher. Funeral from his late residence. 214 2nd st. s.e.. on Tuesday, April b. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Peter’s Church, where mass of requiem will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 5 THRASHER, JOHN P. Comrades of Col. James ». t-eiut camp. u. B. W. V.. will assemble at 214 12nd st. s.e., for the funeral of our late comrade. JOHN P. THRASHER. Tuesday, April H. 1037. at S:30 a.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cem etery. SAMUEL J. HAWKINS. Commander. WATT. JAMES. Suddenly, on Friday. Anrtl 2. lihIT. at his residence. Bessemer Branch. Greensboro. N. C.. JAMES WATT beloved husband of Virgil Watt and son of the late William and Elisa beth Watt. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at :! n.m. from his late residence. ft WIOFALL. LITCRET1A. On Saturday, April J0.27. at her residence. 1218 1st st. s.w.. LUCRETIA WIGFALL. devoted mother of Mrs. Bessie Malone. Mrs. Suddie Hartley. Mrs. Inez Barnes. Mrs. Annie Edwards. Mrs Julia Robinson, Mamie Michael Andrews and John Wig fall. She also leaves one brother. Mi chael Benjamine; other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. Ard and Eye sts. s.w.. until A_p.m. Tuesday. April fi. Body will be shipped to Batesburg. S C. for funeral services and inter ment. 6 Births Reported. Raymond V. and Rita P. Harrison, boy. Earl and Helen A. Roberts girl. Edgar P. and Barbara T. Eranafelder, boy. Paul A. and Phernetta M. Boyd, girl. Samuel and Anna Stern, boy. Thomas L. and Ethel Jarboe, boy. John A. and Helen I. Lewis, girl. Augustine L. and Ruby E. Simpson, boy. Louis and Bertha Robinson, boy. David J. and Rose Newman, boy. Clayton H. and Priscilla A. Hixson, boy. William R. and Betty R. Bartley boy. Arthur C. and Ruth P. Conover, boy. Venanzio and Margaret Pitoni. girl. Eugene and Wilma M. Pugh, boy. ---- t Deaths Reported. Virginia A. Barbee. 82. 1441 Qlrard at. Anna Wagner. 79. 1105 Florida ave. Mary E. Kidwell. 77, 106 Madison st Mary C. Peterson. 72. 14.31 Chapin st. Daniel M. Henry, 67, National Homeopathic Francis ^ Hayden, 67, Providence Hoa Marhf'k. Henshaw, 66. Oarfleld Hospital. Marietta Hopkins, 64, Emergency Hos Mamte' Harlow. 54. Sibley Hospital. Charles Butts, 53, Casualty Hospital, Dorothy A. Lawrence, 28, 1851 Lamont st. Adione C. L. St. John. 27. l*51Lamont st. Emma M. Ridenour 2, Sibley Hospital. Eugene Gems. 26, Prov'dence Hospital. Marie H. McLean, 22, Sibley Hospital. Dorothy J. Veikee. 16. 3529 T st. Infant Willard J. Alban. Georgetown Hos Infant* Phyllis Meyer. Children's Hospital. Infant Ann Schneider. Children s Hosp ta . Richard Forrester. 75; Gallinger Hospital. James Johnson. 66, Gallinger Hospital. John Benjamin, 58. 5666 Connecticut ave. Anna B. Furr. 58, Freedmen s Hospital. Irvv Thompson, 41, Casualty Hospital. Edna S. Pooles, 30. Gallinger Hospital. Sratlja. WILSON, JOHN H. On Monday. April 5. 19:17, at his residence. 17«6 You st. n w . JOHN H. WILSON, son of the late John H and Laura Wilson, devoted brother of Mrs. Maria E. Campbell and Mrs Lucy A Tyler, brother-in-law of Mr Georee W. Campbell He also is survived by two nieces. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson and Miss Luc* ?• nCaI??deJ a arandson. Woodrow Wilson and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at Morrow's funeral home, “S v st “ w. Notice of funeral later. WRIGHT. EDITH. On Sunday April 4. U)37. at her residence. < r , ~ EDITH WRIGHT, sister of Hazel Smoot She also leaves two aiinta Addie Tomp kins and Mary Christian Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later, b YEHLE KATHARINE C. Oil Monday. Colorado 'air mw”" KATHARINE'’ C. YEHLE beloved daughter of Joseph and Josephine Yehle and sister of Mrs F W Becker. Mrs. C. B. Fenton and Mrs. J. C Schlieker. Remains rest ing at the residence of her sister. Mrs. C B Fenton of 54*27 13th st. n.w. No tice of funeral later. in ifUmoriam. BALLFNGER. ELEANOR RAYMON'IK In memory of our devoted daughter. EL EANOR RAYMOND BALLENGER. who departed this life April 6. 10.16. Oh faithful, loving heart. Our memories still prevail. And ’mid this mist of tears We see as through a veiL MOTHER AND DADDY. Grandmother told me. mother, dear, that when you left us to heaven on high, so when the aun shines I look up and throw kisses. All day lone we work and Pit* and talk of the things we used to do, for l still remember you. When I say my prayers at night, And the big star shines so bright., I look out and say CioocI-rUgM^ • ■ April 5. 1912. Gone but not forgo* ‘ . HER LOVING CHILDREN. BROWN. MARJORY VIRGINIA. In lov ing and devoted memory °1 nj? darlmg. MARJORY VIRGINIA BROM N who passed out of my life two years ago to day. April 5. 1965. The years may wipe out many things. But this they wipe out never The memory of those haPPS' davs When you and I were • EPELIN MARIA L. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear motner. L EDELIN. who passed away two years ago today. April 5. 1965. My heart still aches with sadness. Mv eyes shed many a tear; God only knows how I miss you At ihe end of two longyears HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MAR GARET. CRAVENS. IDA. In sad but living re membrance of my mother. IDA CRA VENS. who died one year ago today, April 5. 1936. Until memory fades and life departs You will be forever in my heart Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back anoiher 1 eaf ■ HER DAUGHTER. CHARLOTTE BURNS. JACKSON. GLOVENIA HATTON. In mem ory of our beloved daughter and sister. GLOVENIA HATTON JACKSON, who de parted this life seven fears ago today. April 5. 1930. Our home has been saddened With loneliness and loss; Death took away our loved on* And left a heavy cross. In our hearts your memory ling*". Sweetly, tenderly, loving and true, There is not a day. dear Glovenia, That, we do not think of you. HER PARENTS. SISTERS AND BROTHER. JACKSON. GLOVENIA HATTON. In sad hut loving remembrance of my pai. GLOVENIA HATTON JACKSON. who departed this life suddenly seven years ago today. April 5. 1930. Upright. Just in all your ways. Loving, loyal all your days. Gentle, patient, always kind A beautiful memory you left behind. HER PAL. LOLA WALLACE * LEE. AGNES. Our loving mother. AGNES LEE left us one year ago today. April 5. 1966. Our home has been saddened. Death took away our loved one. In our hearts your memory lingers, fond There is not a day. dear mother, we do not think of you. _ DAUGHTERS. CARRIE AND MAMIE LEE RAUM. ELIZABETH M. In loving mpmory of my mother. ELIZABETH M. RAUM. who departed this life two years agot April 5. 1936. Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back every leaf. HEIR DEVOTED DAUGHTER LENA. RAUM, ELIZABETH M. In memory of my mother. ELIZABETH M. RAUM. who passed away two years ago today. April 5. 1935. May her soul rest In peace HER DAUGHTER. MABEL. * RAUM. ELIZABETH M. Two years have passed since that sad day when my be loved mother was called away but to live forever in the hearts of those we love is not to die. Memorial mass at St. Peter's Church. . . DEVOTED SON. VINCENT. SMITH. FREDERICK WILLIAM In lov ing memory of a dear husband and fa ther. FREDERICK WILLIAM SMITH, who passed away April 5. 1932. Resting where no shadows fall. In perfect peace he awaits us all. Ever remembered HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. • WILLIAMS, ALICIA E. Sacred to the memory of ALICIA E. WILLIAMS, who died two years ago. April 6. 1935. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. For to die in the Lord is peace. THE FAMILY. RAMSEY. FOUNTROY, CISSEL. * WORTHEN. JOHN H. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear husband and father JOHN H WORTHEN a loving husband, a father dear a faithful friend, who departed this life one year ago today. April 5. 1939. "Shall I doubt my Father's mercyf Shall I think of death as doom? Or the stepping o’er the threshold To a bigger and brighter room?" HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. * FLOWERS DUPONT CIRCLE NO. 7000 (edeo" Hill ‘WaAhwcjtijm moStBemitijul (emetery Otmmunity Mantoiiam, Columbarinni _and Receiving Vwlti._ DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Ch mherj $ 2 any place in the city Columbia 0432 One of the Lirieet Undertaken In the World THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Occasional rain tonight and tomorrow; slightly warmer, lowest temperature tonight about 55 degrees; fresh winds, mostly southeast. Maryland—Occasional rain tonight and tomorrow; slightly wanner. Virginia—Occasional rain tonight and probably tomorrow morning; slightly warmer. West Virginia—Occasional rain to night and probably tomorrow morn ing; colder tomorrow. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers clear today. Report tor Iwist 48 Hours. Temperature. Barometer. Saturday— Degrees. Inches. 4 p.m._ 55 30.14 8 p.m___ 51 30.22 Midnight _ 45 30.34 Sunday— 4 a.m_ 43 30.37 8 a.m_ 45 .30.42 Noon _ 50 30.40 4 p.m_ 62 30.32 8 p.m_ 48 30.33 12 midnight_ 48 30.31 Today-— „ 4 am_ 47 30.24 8 a.m__ 51 30.24 Noon _ 58 30.14 Record for Last 21 Hours. 'From noon yesterday to noon today ! Highest, 68. at noon today. Year **Lowest. 48. at midnight. Year ago, 42. Record Temperatures This Year. Highest, 78. on January 0. Lowest, 111, on February 28. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. • From noon yesterday to noon today.! Highest, 82 per cent, at 2:16 a.m. to dav. Lowest, 68 per cent, at 3:30 p.m. yes terday. Tide Tables. {Furnished bv United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow. High _ 2:38 a.m. 3:37 a.m. Low _... __ _ 11:22 a m. 10:211 a.m. High __ 3:111 p.m. 4:02 p.m. Low __ -- -- 0:50 p.m. 10:57 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Rises. Sets. Sun. today 6:48 6:35 Sun. tomorrow .... 6:46 6:36 Moon, today 2:12a.m. 12:40pm. Automobile lights must be turned on one-hall hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in inches In the Capital (current month to date;: Month. 1937. Average. Record. January _7.83 3.56 7.83 ’37 February _ 3.33 3.27 6.84 '84 March _ 1.60 3.75 8.84 ’91 April —_ 0.00 3 27 9.13 ’80 Mav _ __ 3.70 10.69 ’89 June I„_II_ _ 4.13 10.94 ’00 July _ 4.71 10.63 ’86 August - 4.01 14.41 ’28 September _ 3.24 1.4.» .14 October _ 2.84 H..y 85 November _ 2.37 8.69 89 December . 3.32 < .56 01 Weather in Various vines. Temp Rain Stations Baro. H'h.Bow.tail. Weath’r Abilene. Tex.__ nil. 12 4s 32 O.Ol Clear Albany N. Y._ 30.42 40 38 Cloudy Atlanta. Ga. -. 29.80 04 .14 0.12 Rain Atlantic City 30.30 40 42 Cloudy Baltimore. Md._ 30.28 6o 44 Cloudy Birmingham 29.84 80 .18 0.04 Ram Bismarck. N. D. 30.02 32 18 Cloudy Boston Mass 30.52 44 30 Cloudy Buffalo. N. Y 29.90 02 48 0.10 Cloudv Charleston S.C. 30.00 00 on l.oo Cloudy Chicago. 111. 29.82 54 40 0.50 Cloudy Cincinnati, Ohio 29.84 72 .10 0.44 Cloudy Cleveland. Ohio 29,88 70 .10 o.oO Cloudy Columbia S C. 29.98 02 on 0.T4 Rain WASH. D. C. 30.24 62 40 Cloudy If Your Dentist Hurts You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction *ra 1 guarantee a Tight Fit In anr Mouth. Violet May Treatment for Pyorrhea. Extractions.„__$1 A $2. Also Gas Plates _$10 to $35 Gold Crowns_-_$0 up Fillings _ $1 up DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Over Woolworth 6 A 10« Store MRS. CHARLES BRAND DIES ON WEST COAST Funeral Services Tomorrow at Tacoma, Wash., Home—78 Descendants Survive. Mrs. Charles Brand, 96, mother of Charles J. Brand, 1661 Crescent place, executive secretary and treasurer of the National Fertilizer Association, died Saturday at her home at Puyal lup, near Tacoma, Wash., according to word received here. Funeral serv ices will be held at Puyallup tomorrow. Mrs. Brand is survived by 78 direct descendants, including 2 sons, 5 daugh ters, 16 grandchildren, 44 great-grand children and 11 great-great-grand children. Her son here formerly was co-administrator of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Bom December 1, 1840, in Switzer land, she came to this country with her parents in 1852, when they brought their family of eight sons and two daughters to America. Her hus band, the late Charles Brand, and seven of her brothers served in the Union Army during the Civil War. The other son and five daughters surviving are: Dr. William A. Brand, Redwood Falls, Minn.; Mrs. F. W. La combe, Whitetail, Mont.; Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Murray, Bellingham, Minn.; Mrs. Mary Flam, Bigstone City, S. Dak.; Mrs. John E. Oehler, Tacoma, Wash., and Miss Anna M. Brand, Puy allup, Wash. Insects’ Hue Retained. Dead 60,000,000 years but perfectly preserved in every detail of color and form, hermetically sealed by nature against decay, a collection of insects in amber has been placed on display at Harvard University. RETIRED BUILDING CONTRACTOR DIES Henry C. Feller Victim of Heart Disease at Age of 79 Years. Henry C. Feller, 79, retired building contractor, died yesterday of heart disease at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Emma Lyon, in the Portner Apartments. He had been seriously ill the last two months. A native of Woodstock, Va., Mr. Feller was in the hotel business for a number of years, prior to coming to this city, having held executive posi tions at the Queen City Hotel, Cum berland, Md.; at a hotel at Deer Park, Md., and the Hotel Rennert, Balti more. Coming to Washington in 1910, he engaged in the building contract ing business until retiring in 1928. He leaves another daughter, Mrs. James H. Jarman, also of this city; a son, Henry C. Feller, jr., and four sisters. Mrs. Parker H. Sweet, this city; Mrs. Mary Wicks, New Market, Va., Mrs. Jennie Kingree, Woodstock, and another sister who lives in Cali fornia. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 am.. Wednesday, in Hines’ funeral home. 2901 Fourteenth street. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Caught a Cold? To help end it quicker, rub throat and chest with i VICKS A._▼ VAPOR U8 'I I =A SPECIAL SALE!: TABLE PADS FACTORY-TO-YOU • A SENSATIONAL VALUE ORDERS MUST BE PLACED NOW.'\?^ $^44 Liquid Proof 3 Heat Resisting Made-to-Measure SUPER-HEAVY PADS At Small Additional Cost WASHABLE WHITE FABRIC TOP GREEN CLOTH BACKING^^j PHONE OR WRITE-OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AT YOUR HOME DAY OR EVENING TO MEASURE YOUR TABLE. NO CHARGE Show-Room Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p\ m. Suburban Calls Mado • Mail Ordors Aetoptod UNITED ASBESTOS PAD CORP. KRESGE BLDG. (G & I Ith Sts. N.W.). District 3788 ■gSSSSSSSCopyr/g/it by United Aabestos Pad Corp., 1937 *7ot 'Traded. Watdxobei * iy '< [ PARK & T1LFORD, Distributors To People Who Never Re-Sole Their Shoes 1 Factory Standards, factory machinery and trained opera tors. 2 Soles damp-proofed by Viscol oil treat ment. Lonrer wear. 3 Sole leather used is finest selection of oak-tanned hides. 4M o 1 d e d Leather Soles—no stitches, no nails—for light weight shoes. 5 Top trade leather heels or rubber heels of extra qual ity. 6 Skilled treeing with correct lasts to re store original shape and style. 7 All rips repaired at no extra charge. 8 Linings and welts repaired at no ex tra charge. 9I'ppers cleaned and polished — new laces — no extra charge. 1 ft Dynamic polishes 111 and dyes used ex clusively. HFree call-and-deliv ery service. While vou-wait service at I 1th and G. Or leave shoes at any Hahn store. I O Special rush service 1 L when needed at no extra charge. t O Club - like waiting it) room at 14th and G. 1 A NO EXTRA 14 CHARGE for all these extra serv ices. There are many who don't realize a pair of shoes can be re-soled satisfactorily. They're ultra-critical about fit, shape and appearance of their foot wear. For you, if you're of the same mind, Hahn 14-Point Re pair Service will be a revelation! Bring in your last year's shoes. Our factory methods of shoe renewal will give you new-shoe appearance with old-shoe com fort. Try it just once! WHILE-YOU-WAIT SERVICE 14th b G Phone Dlst. 5470 or Leave at Any Hahn Store HAHN IT’S SWELL TO FEEL SWELL! FRESH Cigarettes are better for you! Throat rolieved... In the morning, particularly, my throat used to bother me from too much smoking. Those velvety smooth and fresh Old Golds have taken that throat scratch away. Hurrah for that double wrapped package! Grace Ashley (designer), St. Louis, Mo. OUTER JACKET OF i “CEUOPHANE" f OPENS FROM THE ft BOTTOM I Nerves steadier... Those “aiways fresh" Old Oolds are never harsh or raspy. They keep my nerves steadier. Wallace E. Biomgren (salesman), Burlington, Yt. Food tastes better.. . Since changing to Double-Mellow Old Golds, always so fresh and smooth, food tastes better, and I never feel the slightest bit fagged out after a long day of smoking. Edith Gibson (dancer ), Brooklyn, N..Y. YOU CAN’T BUY A STALE OLD GOLD IN LITTLE country towns, in the biggest cities, at cigarette counters from coast to coast, wherever and whenever you buy Double-Mellow Old Golds . . , you’ll find them absolutely fresh. Their freshness is due to a weather-tight, clt mate-proof package ... an exclusive package with an EX1 R.V wrapping of C ello phane! Two jackets of moisture-proof Cellophane instead of one. That extra jacket completely safeguards Old Golds against dust, dampness, dryness and every other foe of cigarette goodness. Fresh as the instant they were rolled, Old Gold s prize crop tobaccos taste better and are better for you. They retain all the appealing flavor and enticing fragrance which have won for them the name “Double-Mellow.” And, because they are fresh, Old Golds are cool and slow burn ing, They never develop (as stale cigarettes do) those harsh acrid qualities which irritate the mouth, the throat, and the smoker. They never leave you “fagged” out at the end of the day. You'll never go stale on fresh Old Golds! P. LORILLARD COMPx^NY, Inc. (Established 1760) II 5 lilt tAIKA JAUntl! '-cmopNANi-' Every pack of Double-Mellow OLD GOLDS is wrap °r;or ped in TWO jackets—double Cellophane. That EXTRA jacket keeps OLD GOLDS in prime condition in any climate. You can’t buy a stale OLD GOLD. by P. Lornlard Co., Inc._