Newspaper Page Text
J.S. BONDS LEAD ACTIVE RECOVERY Many Low-Yield Issues Move Ahead With Fed eral Group. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Dill. P'en Net change +1 —.2 unc. unc. Today, noon 93 9 102.7 99 9 71.3 Prev. day - 93 8 102.9 99.9 71.3 Month ago. 96.8 103.9 101.2 72.9 Year ago... 92.7 102.6 101.8 69.5 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 93.8 102.9 99.8 71.3 1936 high— 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40 0 64 6 42 2 1928 high- 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon .. 108 8 Prev. day. 108.6 Month ago 110.8 Year ago. 111.6 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.6 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 1*10.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) B> ihe Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 5.—United States Government issues led the way in a brisk upturn in the bond mar ket today, following overnight an nouncement the Federal Reserve Board was prepared to buy Federals on the open market for account of Reserve banks. In both Treasury and guaranteed groups prices had risen by midday from 6-32 to more than a full point. These gains on top of the recoveries Saturday lifted the market sharply above the lows of Friday, which were the culmination of several weeks of Insistent selling. Assurance of Reserve support ap peared to inspire buying from many sources, including traders who as a rule deal but lightly in the Govern ment market, observers reported. Many low-yield corporate loans moved ahead with the Federals. In this group prices had been declining with the Governments, but today buyers showed more confidence. Convertible liens and others of spec ulative rating got a lift not only from the rise in the higher grades, but from an improved stock market as w'ell. ■ • -- Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 92u. AFTER CALL. Potomac Electric Power 5]2rc pfd.— 1 at 112. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 9234. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Anacostia Sc Pot. 5s 76 7734 Anacostia & Pot Guar. 5s._ 108 _ C. & P. Tel. of Va. 5s __ 103 Capital Traction R. R. 5s 90'2 93’i City Sc Suburban 5s _ 83 85 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s-113 121 Pot. Elec Pow. 31 as ___ 9912 1011* Wash. Gas 5s 1958. _ 30534 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1960_117 - Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4s _ 105Va - MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club 5Vis 105 - Wash. Mkt. Cold Storage 5s 100 - STOCKS. • PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Tel. (Pi. '1111. Capital Transit Co. _, 14 143a N. & W. Steamboat (6) 110 - Pot. Elec. Pow 6r7 Pfd (6>_ 112Vi Po. El. Po. 5* 2*7- pf < 5.50 • 112 115 Wash. Gas Lt Co. 63.60) __ 79 83 Wash. Ry. A Elec. coni. <36> 730 _ __ Wash Ry. & El. pfd (5) 108 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. Sc Tr. Co. 'e8)__*290 305 Bank of Bethesda th.75)_ 34 Capital (4 > 137 145 Com. & Savings (10)-205 Liberty i4> 150 160 Lincoln (f6.25) 2QD Natl Sav. & Trust 15u -- Pr Georges Bk. & Tr. (.50) 18 21 Riggs < eS) _ *340 360 Riggs Pfd (5> 101 - Washington (6) — 130 — Wash. Loan & Trust (e8)-_ 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE American (6)_ 200 - Corcoran 16) 105 - Firemens (1.60) 28 - National Union (.60) 16 - TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30) ._ _ 15 163/4 Real Estate <6) 150 - MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Com. «2.00) 22J2 26 Lanston Monotype <+4) 98 105 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 47 48 (tl.OO) 57 60 Peoples Drug S of. (6 50) 112 - - Real Est. M.ArG. of '**.701 5 4 5Vi Security Storage <5> *12 P 2 125 Ter Ref & Wh. Corp (3) 60 Wdwri. <fc Loth. com. ' + 1 50) 60 68 Wdwd. Sc Lothrop pfd. (7). 112 3.0 •Ex dividend. ♦ Plus extras, e—*2% extra, f—Pextra, h—75c extra ••25c paid June 30. 1933; 45c paid Dec. 22. 1936. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK, April 5 (/Pi.—Federal Land Bank bonds: . . . Bid. Asked. 4%s Nov., 1058-38_104% 105% 41 ,s May. 1057-37- 100% 100% 4 s May. 1058-38- 102% 03% 4s Nov.. 1057-37- 101 % 102 4s Julv. 1040-44_100% 10,% 3%S May. 1055-45- 1004s 100% 3s July. 1055-45_ — 00% 99% 3s Jan.. -050-48_ 00% 99% 8s May, 1950-48- 99% 99% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. April 5 (/Pi ITT. S. Dept Aar I_Hogs. 10.000. including 2.000 direct' falrlv active: good and choice hogs around 10 higher than Friday’s average: medium kinds 10-25 higher; bulk, good and choice, 200-300 lb.. 10.10-._o, early top 10 26: part load. 10.30: most packing lows 10 higher at 9.35-75. Cattle 13.000. calves. 1.500: choice and prime fed steers fairly well cleaned up on early rounds: fully steady: supply such kinds very small: top 18.25- several loans. 15 00-18 00: latter scaling 1.485 lb.: best •leers. 15 50: nothing done on other grades; largelv 25 lower with undertone bearish at decline: light kinds off most: largely steer run all she-stock weak to 25 lower: bulls and vealers steady- best fed heifers. 10.60: kinds selling at 9.50 downward show de cline vealers. 9 00-50: practical top. 10.00: practical top sausage bulls. 8.50; few out standing offerings. 8.85 Sheep 10.000. including 1.400 direct: fat lambs opening slow around steady: choice handyweicht wooled lambs to ship pers 17 50: little doing on bulk supply: fat 'sheep 25 lower: small lots choice handvweight ewes 8.75- bulk natives. 6.00 60: culls mostly 2.60-3.50. CRUDE OIL PRICES. TULSA. Okla.. April 5 OP).—Base crude •11 prices: , . _ Mid-Continent area—Oklahoma-Kansas, •ravitv scale. 98c to $1.30. North Central and West Central Texas, gravity scale. P6c to $ 1.20. East Texas. $1.2? West Texas (Permian Basin), gravity scale. 84c to * 1.08. North Louisiana-Arkansas, gravity scale. 90c to 81.22. Rocky Mountain area—Salt Creek, Wyo., gravity scale 98c to 81.30. Eastern area — Pennsylvania grade tBradford-Allegany). $2.ti7; same grade In Southwest Pennsylvania lines. $2.42; same grade in Eureka lines. $2.22; same grade In Buckeye lines. $2.22. Corning. $1.42. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. BT the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on April 2: Receipts. $33,932,527.21. expenditures, $43 503.505.72: balance. $1,810,394. 263 92- customs receipts for the month, $3.918.252.95. Receipts for the fiscal year isince July 1) $3.7 62.622.961.98: expenditures. $5. 618 847.072.26 including $2,157,819. 659.25 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $1.8514.224.110.28. Gross debt $.34,782,667,125.63. an increase of $9 995.829.55 over the previous day. Gold assets $11,576,505,405.58. Including $345,265,789.42 of inactive gold. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct te The Star. TREASURY Hirh. Low. 2:55. 244s 1949-53_ 98-4 97-20 97-31 2448 1945-47_ 101.16 101.12 101.12 2548 1948-61_ 100.22 100. 100.8 2548 1961-64_ 98.28 99.9 99.20 2^8 1956-69_ 99.14 99.7 99.10 2%s 1956-60 _ 100.27 100.4 100,11 2%s 1955-60 re*- 100.16 100.1 100.11 38 1946-48 _ 103. 102.24 102.24 38 1951-65 _ 102.16 102.2 102.3 114s 1946-49_ 103.16 103.10 103.16 3 54s 1949-52_ 104.8 104.R 104.8 3*48 1941 __ 106.16 1O6.8 105.8 3*48 1944-46 104.30 104.20 104.20 3 54s 1940-43.Tune 106.5 105.5 106.5 3 54s 1941-43 Mar 106.8 105.8 105.8 3548 1943-47 _ 105.6 105.4 106.4 3 84 s 1946-56 _ 108.10 108.10 108.10 4s 1944-64 _ 110.2 109.22 109.23 4 14 s-3 14 8 1943-45 104.80 104.1R 104.30 4148 1947-62 114.1 118.28 114. FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 284s 1942-47_ 100.13 100.10 100.13 3s 1947_ 102. 101.22 102. Is 1949 _ 101.24 101.8 101.8 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 2*4 8 1942-44 _ 100. 99.18 99.21 25is 1939-49_ 100.20 99.30 100.1 88 1952 .. _ I'M.7 100.26 101.1 FOREIGN BONDS Hieh. Low. 2:55. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s'ES 108 106 107*4 Antloaula 7s’45 A — 15 16 15 Antloaula 1st 7s'57_ 1444 1344 1344 Antwerp 5s’68 101 101 101 Argentine 4%a "71_ 9954 9954 9944 Argentine FHa 62_101 101 101 Argentine 6s’57 A- 101*4 10144 101*4 Argentine 6s’58 B ... 101*4 10154 10154 Argentine 6s'59 June. 10044 10044 1004c Argentine 6s "59 Oct . 10144 10144 10144 Argentine 6s‘60 Mav - 102 102 102 Argentine 6s‘60 Sept. 101*4 10144 10144 Argentine 6s ’60 Oct 1004 10144 10144 Araenttne 6s 61 Febr 1014; 10U1 10144 Argentine 68-61 May. 102V, 102 44 1 02 44 Australia 444s-56 ... 100U 100 100U Australia 6s ’55 _ 106*; 106 44 1 05*4 Belgium 644* 49_ 10844 10844 10844 Beltlum 7s 65 _117 117 117 Berlin 6s 68 _ 1944 1 944 1 944 Berlin Elec 6s‘65_ 20 20 20 Brazil 644s‘26-’57_ 40*4 40 4OV4 Brazil 644s’27-'67_ 4144 4144 4144 Brazil *s'41 _ 48 47*4 45*4 Brisbane 6s'67_ 100 100 100 Buenos A C 3s’84_ 5644 6644 5644 Buenos Aires 444a-3 84s '77 Pr_ 7744 7744 7744 Buenos Aires 4 84S-4HS'76 April.. 78 78 78 Bue A! «Hs-44is'75 82 82 82 Buenos A C 6s '60 Apr 10 1 54 1 0 1 44 1 0 1 44 Buenos A O 6s'60 Oct. 101441014410144 Buenos A C 644s '55_101 101 101 Canada 314 e'61_ 9754 97*4 97»; Canada 4s'60- 106 1 0 6 44 1 0 5 44 Chile 6s '60 - 2144 2144 214; CMIe 6a ’61 Jan- 214s 2144 2144 Chile 6s'61 Sept_ 2144 2144 2144 Chile 6s'63 _ 2IH 2144 2144 Colombia 6s'61 Jan... SU; 815; 314; Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 3144 81 31 Copenhagen 4 54s'53.. 9544 96'4 9554 Copenhagen 6s'62 _ 99 98*4 99 Copenhagen T 5s'54_ 99 98*; 99 Cuba 6 54 s 46 _ 65 63 64 Denmark 44®'62_ 994 99 994 Denmark 64s'55_1014 1014 1014 Denmark 6s 42 _1044 1044 1044 Dominie 1st 54s '42 8H, 81 8) Dominic 54s'61 ext-. 81 81 81 Frankfort 6 4s 53_ 184 184 184 Ger Gov 64s'65 st 24 234 234 Ger Gov 64s 65 un st 204 204 204 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ar 6 4s'58 _f 244 244 244 Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd ... 294 284 294 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st... 244 244 244 Grt C El Jap 64s'60.. 914 914 91U Grt C El Jap 7s'44_ 984 9f4 984 Hungary 74a ’44 Febr coupon on_ 494 494 494 Italy 7s 51 - 864 86 854 Ital P U Crd 7s ’62_ 734 734 734 Japan 64s'65 - 804 804 804 Japan 6 4s'54- 94 934 934 Lombard Elec 7s'52 . 74 74 74 Low Austria 74s '50 unmat coupon on_ 98 974 98 Medelin 6 4s 54 _ 134 134 134 Met Wat 54s'50_ 1014 101 101 Milan 64s ’52 - 724 724 724 Norway ' 4s'65- 994 #94 #94 Norwav 4 4s '56 .. 1024 1014 1014 Norw Hy El 54s'57.. 1U2 102 102 Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 794 79 794 Oslo 44a'65- 99 99 99 Paris Orl Ry 64s'68. 1004 1004 1004 Pernambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon oft_ 244 244 2*4 Peru 6s'60- 224 224 224 Peru 6s '61 _ 22 4 22 224 Poland 6s '40___ 504 604 504 Poland 7s 47 - 644 644 ««4 Poland 8s'60_ 49 49 49 Rhine W El P 6s'62_ 20 20 20 Rhine W El P 6s’63_ 19 184 19 Rio de Jan 64s 61 Au*r coupon off _ 274 274 274 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’68 June coupon off_ 27 27 27 Rio Gr do Sul 7s ’66 May coupon oft_ 274 27 274 Rio de Jan 8s '46 ADril coupon oft_ 804 294 304 Rome 6%s'62_ 76 75 75 Rumania 7s ’49 Aug coupon oft_ 364 864 854 Sao Paulo St 6s '68 July coupon off_ 27 27 27 Sao Paulo 8t 7s '40_ 925* 92X 92X Sao Paulo St 8s ’60 July coupon off_ 3114 SIX 3IX Serbs 7s'62 unm c o_ 29 29 29 Silesia Elec 6Xs'46... 19 19 19 Taiwan Elec 6Xs'71_. 73X 7864 73X Tokio 5s'52_ 69 69 69 Tokio 6X8 61_ 74X 74X 74X Tokio E L Ltd 6s '58_ 78 77X 78 Ujinawa E F 7s 45_ 93 92X 03 Ua St] Wk 6Xs'47 A-. 2514 2514 2514 Urunuay 6s 60_ 64X 64X «4X Warsaw 7s '68_ 43X 43X 43X Westphal El Pw 6s'53 20 19X 20 DOMESTIC BONDS. Allen Corp 5s‘44_ 97 96 96X Allen Corp 6s 49_ 90 89 84 Allen Corp 6s'50_ 86 86 86 Allen Corp 6a'60 BtD 65 6414 64X Allied Stores 4X*'50. 99X 99X 99X Allied Stores 4Xs'51. 98X 98 98 Am & For Pw 6o 2030 . 77X 77X 77X Am Ice cv 5s'63 _ 9314 #2X 92X Am I GCh 6Xs'49_ 106 106 106 Am Inti 6Xs *49_ 10514 I04X 106X Am Tel & T«1 SX»'«1 9SX 95X 98X Am Tel & Tel 3 Xa'66 97H 9614 97 AmT*T4XB'39_ 106X 106X 106X Am T&T6XS 43 ... 113 112X112*4 Am Wat Wks 6s '75... 109 108*4 109 Am Writ Paper 6s'47. 77X 77X 77X Am Writ Pa 6s 47 cfs 76X 76X 76X Anaconda deb 4Xs'60 105 104X 105 Annlo-Chil Nit 7s'67 . 89X 39 R9 Ann A 1st ex In 4s'95. 69 69 69 Armour & Co 4 Xs'39 103 103 103 Armour(Del)lst 4s’65 98 96X 96X A T&S Fe nen 4s '95 110 109X 109X Atl Coast L 1st 4s'52. 100X I00X 180X Atl Coast Lclt 4s'62.. 93X 93X 98X Atl C L un 4X8 '64 .. 91X »0X 90*4 Atl Coast Line 6s'45.. 103X 103X 103X Atlantic & D lSt4S'48 63 63 68 Baldwin Lo 58’40 asst 1054 105 4 1054 B A O 1st 4a 48_ 1064 1064 1064 B AO 44a 60 _ 80 794 794 B AO 1st 6a'48_1104 1104 1104 Balto A O ref 6a '95 A- 904 904 »04 B AO 6s 96 F _ 884 884 884 B A O ref 6s 2000 D_ 884 884 884 B AO ref 68 95 C_ 1004 100 100 BiOPLEAW V4s’41 1034 1024 1034 B AO Toledo 4S‘69 — 924 924 *24 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B__ 117 1164 117 Bell T of Pa 6s'60 C 122 12S4 122 Beth Steel 34a-66_ 944 944 944 Beth Steel 4 4a‘60_ 1024 1014 102 Boa A Me 6s'65_ 86 86 85 Boa A Me 6s'67_ 844 844 844 BotCon M «4s'S4_ 834 384 834 BotCon M 64s’34 et„ 834 334 834 Bklyn Ed con 3 4a‘66_. 994 99 99 Bklyn Man T 44a 68 . 994 *94 994 Bklvn Un El 6s ’60 . 1074 1074 1074 Bklyn Un G ref 6a '47 . 1*0 1194 1194 Bklyn Un Gaa 6s '60 1034 1024 1034 Brown Shoe S4a*60__ 1084 1084 1034 Buff RAP con 4 4s '67. 864 864 864 Bush Term 1st 4s'62.. 864 804 864 Bush Term con 6s'55 70 70 70 Bush Term Bids 6a '6 0 65 64 4 66 Camas 7a 42 ctfs - 31 804 81 Canada So 6s '62 A- 1164 1164 1164 Can dlan N R 44s'66. 1114 111 1114 Can'dlan N R 44s'57. 1104 1104 1104 Can'dlan N 5s’69 July. 1134 1134 1184 Can'dlan N 5s'69 Oct 1154 1154 1164 Can dlan Pdb 4s perp 984 *24 98 Can dlan Pac 4 4s '46- 10*4 1084 1034 Can dlan Pac 4 4s'60. 102 102 102 Hlsb. Low. 2:55. Can’dlan Pao 6s’44 cfa 1114 ill!* 1IU4 Can’dlan Pao 6s'64_1084 108 108 Car & Gen 6s '60 ww_ 106 106 105 Cent of Oa con 6»’45— 824 324 824 Cantof Ga rf 6 4s'59. 214 204 21 Cent Hud G&E 6s '57— 102 102 102 Cent 111 E& G 6s 61 101 1004 101 Central 111 Lt S4a'66. 102 1014 102 Cent of N J gen 5a ’87. 68 674 «74 Cent Pac lat rf 4s’49.. 1084 108 108 Cent Pac 5s'60 reg_ 100 994 100 Cent RR B Ga 6s'37_ 91 91 91 Cent Steel 8s ’41_ 124 124 124 Cert'd deb 64s 48 .. 86 86 86 Champ P & F 4 4s '50. 1064 1064 1064 ChesapCcv6s 44_1234 1224 1224 Chesap Corp 6s 47_ 140 1384 139 Ches & O 3 4a 96 D__ 96 954 »&4 Ches & O 34s 96 E.._ 964 96 964 C & O 44s '92 reg_118 118 118 C & O con 6a '39.... . 1064 1064 1064 C& O Big Sandy 4s'44. 107 107 107 Chi B & Q gen 4s '68 .. 1094 1084 1084 Chi B&QI dlv S4a'49.. 106 1054 106 Chi & E 111 6s *61 _ 394 39 894 Chi & E 1115s '61 ctfs._ 384 384 »»4 Chi & E 111 con 6s'34._ 101 101 101 Chi Grt West 4a '69 . 474 47 47 Chi Ind & L ref 6s '47. 864 86 4 3«4 Chi & NW 44s 2U37_ 304 804 304 Chi&NW 4 4s'87_ 454 454 454 C U St P 4s '89 _ 604 604 804 CM&St P 44s 89 E-._ 65 65 65 CM&St P 5s 75 314 304 314 CM&StP&P ad1 682000 114 11 11 Chi & NW 44s 2037 C. 804 804 304 Chi & NW 4 6*8 49 21 204 20*4 Chi & NW gen 5a'87._ 464 464 464 Chi & NW rf 6a 2037._ 324 314 314 Chi R l&P rf 4a'34_ 23 23 23 Chi R I&P rf 4s’34ctf_. 20 4 204 204 Ch1 R I&P gen 4B'88._ 384 38 38 Chi R I&P 4s '88 ctfs.. 374 37 87 Chi R I&P 44»’52 . 22 22 22 Chi R l&P 4 4s'62 ctf. 20 194 20 Chi R I&P 44s 60 .. 14 134 134 Chi T H&S Inc 6s '60.. 814 814 814 Chi & W In con 4s 62. 1014 1014 1014 Chi & W Ind 44s 62 . 100410041004 Chi Un Sta 3 4s 63 E 104 1034 1034 Childs & Co 5s'43 _ 88 4 874 884 CinG&E34s'6 6 98 4 98 4 984 Cin Un Ter 3 4s D gtd 102 102 102 CCC&St L rf 1 4s '77 E 934 934 934 CCC&St L ref 6s'63 D 103 103 103 CCC&St L ref 6a 41 C- 1024 1024 "'24 Clev El 111 3»is 65 _. 1064 1064 1064 Clev Un Tel 44s'77 . 102 10141014 Clev Un Term 6s '73 R 1054 1054 1054 Colo Puel&Iron 6s'43. 107 107 107 Colo & So 4 4s'80 ... 694 69 69 Columbia G&E deb 5s'52 April . _ 1034 1024 1024 Columbia G & E 6s '62 May _ 1024 1024 1024 Columbia G&E Bs'61 1014 101 101 Col R P&L 1st 4 4s'57. 1034 1034 1"34 Cornel Credit 3 4s 51. 934 934 9.84 Com Inv Tr 3 4s'51__. 101 101 101 Conn R & L 44s '51 .. 1024 1024 1024 Ci nsum P un 3 4s'65 . 1014 1014 1014 Cons Pwr 34s'70 __ 100 994 994 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 .. 684 674 684 Cons Ed NY 3 4s 46 n 104 1034 104 Cons Ed NY 34s'56 n 1014 1014 1014 Consol 011 3 4s'51 .. 103*ii 1034 1034 Container deb 6s'43_ 1024 102 102 Crane Co 34s 61 _ 98 974 98 Crown C & S 4s'50_ 105 106 105 Crown Will P 6s '61_ 1044 1044 1044 Cuba RR 1st 6s'52_ 674 674 574 Cuba Northn 64s'42. 647, 544 644 Del * Hud ref 4s'43 ... 91 904 904 Del & Hud 54s'37_1004 1004 1004 Den G & E 5s '51_1064 106*4 106*; Den & RGW 6s'65asst 18 174 174 ■ Den & R G ref 6s '7S 274 27 27*4 I Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs 8*4 8*; 8*, Det Edison 34s 66 .. 1034 1034 1034 Detroit Ed 4s 65 F 107 IU64 107 Det Edison 44s'61 D 1124 1124 1124 Dul S S & At 5s'37 61 604 6O4 Duaues Lt 4 4s'57 B . 103 4 103 4 1031; E T V & Ga cn 5s '56 . 1154 1154 1134 Elec Auto Lite 4s'52110 110 110 El Faso Nat G4 4s 51. 1014 1014 101*; Ertegen4s y«_ 824 «24 824 Erie ref 6s 67_ 834 824 824 Erie ref 6s 75 _ 824 824 824 Erie & Jersey 6s'55... 11* 116 116 Falrbks Morse 4s 56.. 1024 1*14 102 Fed Lt & Trac 5s'421034 1034 1034 Fla E C R v 6s *74 . 17 17 17 Fond J&G 4s'52 filed.. 94 94 94 Gen Mot Acc 3» 46 .. 1004 1004 1004 Gen Mot Ass 34s 61.. 1004 100 1004 Gen Stl Cast 64s'49.. 914 914 914 Goodrich 4 V;s'56_ 98'; 984 984 Goodrich 6s 46 . _106 lu64 1054 Goodyear T&R 5s'57_. 1044 104 1044 Great N Ry 4s 46 G... 129 129 129 Great N Ry 4s 46 H 1074 10715 1074 Grt N R Ren 44a'76 D 102 102 102 Grt N R Ren 4 4s'77 E 102'; 102'; 102'; Grt N R 54s 52 B_ 1164 1154 1154 Gulf M & N Ss'60_ 99 984 99 Gulf Sta Stl 54a '42._ 974 974 974 Hack Wat 1st 4s'52... 106 106 106 Hock Val 44s 99 _ 1144 1U4 1144 HoelRilstmts 44... 914 91 91 Houston OH 54s '40._ 1014 1014 1014 Hudson Coal 6a 52 ... 604 481; 50 Hud & Man Inc 6s'57.. 32 32 32 Hud & Man ref 6s '57.. 78 78 78 111 Bell Tel 34s'70.__ 102»; 132 1024 111 Cent col tr 4b'53_ 824 824 824 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 89 89 89 111 Cent 4 4 s 66. _ 774 77 77 ICC&StL N 044s'63._ 82 814 814 ICC&StL N O 6s 63 .. 87 864 864 III Steel deb 44a 40._ 1074 1064 1074 Inland Stl 34» 61 .. 1024 1014 1014 Int R T lat rf Ea 66 91 884 884 1 R T lat rf 6s'66 ctfs 89 4 884 884 Int R T 6s 32_ 41 41 41 Int R T 7s 32 _ 844 84 84 Int R T 7s '32 ctfs_ 824 824 824 Interlake 5s 51 _ 1024 1024 1024 Int Grt Nr adl 6s’52 A. 144 144 144 Int Grt Nr 6s'52 A .. 374 364 364 Int Hydro Elec 6s 44.. 81 80 80 Int Mer Marine 6s '41. 894 884 884 Int Pat) 1st 5s 47A_1014 1014 1014 Int Pap ref 6s 65 99 984 99 Int Ry of C A 6s 41 1024 1024 102 4 Int Ry Cent A 6 4s'47. 96'; 954 954 Int T&T cv 4 4* 89... 824 814 81*; Int T&T 44a '52_ 68 674 674 Int T&T 6s 56 _ 714 714 714 Jones&L Stl 4 4 s’61 A 102 1014 1014 KansCSolSt3s 50 88 874 874 Kan C Term 1st 4s ’60. 1064 1664 1064 Kans G &E4 4s '80_ 103H 1034 1034 Kv&Ind T 4 4 S '61_ 084 98 4 984 Kresge Found 4s '45.1074 107 107 Laclede Gas 5s '39_ 91 91 91 Laclede G 5 4s'53 C._. 61 604 604 Laclede G 5 4s 60 D . 60 60 60 Lake S&M So 34s'97. 100 100 100 Lautaro Nltr 6s 64_ 43 43 43 Leh Val Coal 5s’44_ 97 4 974 974 Leh Val Coal 5s '54_ 66 66 66 Leh Val Coal 5s'64_ 624 624 624 Leh Val Har 5s'64 . 1044 1044 1044 L V Pa cn 4s 2003 reg 644 8*4 814 L V Pa cn 4 4s 200.3 rg 71 71 71 Llgg & Myers 5S '61. 120 120 120 Llgg & Myers 7s '44 ... 1294 1294 1294 Loews 34s 46 97*4 974 97*4 Long Isld ref 4s’49 stp 1014 1014 1014 La & Ark 5s ’69 96 964 954 Lou & Jeff Bid 4s "45— 106*4 IO64 106*4 L & Nash 3%s 2003_ 92 92 92 L&N lst4s 2003 _ 994 99 9»4 L&N 44s 2003 C_1044 1044 1044 L& N 6s 2003 B_ 107 107 107 McKess&Rob 64s’60 108 4 10? 103 MeC RRclt4s 45 A._ 101 1004 1004 Me C RR gn 4 4S 60A- 824 8 ! 4 82 Mil El R&L 6s '61_ 1034 103 10.34 MU E R & S L rf 5s'71 1034 103 103 Minn & St L 6s'J4 ctfs 164 16 164 MStP&SSM cn 48 38 . 28 28 28 MStP&SSM 6s'38 gtd- 31 SI 31 Mo K &T 1st 4S '90._ 88 88 88 Mo K & T 48 '62 B_ 69 4 68 4 68*4 MoK & T ed1 6s '67_ 704 704 704 Mo Pao 4S'75 _ 194 194 194 Mo Pac 6s'65 A_ 41 41 41 Mo Pec 6s'77 F - 414 «1 41 Mo Pac 5s'77 F ctfs— *94 39 4 394 Mo Pac 5s'78 G_ 414 404 40*4 Mo Pac 6s 80 H_ 41 41 41 Mo Pac 6s'811_ 414 414 «14 Mo Pac 54s '49 A_ 164 164 164 Mohawk & M 4s’91.—. 90*4 904 90*4 Monong Ry 1st 4s '60 1064 1064 1064 Monong Pub S 4 4* 60 102 102 102 Monong Pub S 6s'65 1044 1044 1044 Montana Pwr3%s'66 . 934 934 934 Mor&Essex 3 4s 2000 88 4 864 884 Morrls&Essex 44s'55 914 904 91 Morrle&Essex 5s'55_ 994 984 994 Namm & Sons 6s 43— 98 99 99 Natl Dairy SfcrBlww. 103 102*1 103 Natl Dls P C 4V4s'45 104*4 104*4 104*4 Nat Ry Mex 4%s’57 as 4*4 4*4 4*4 Natl Steel 4s 66 . ... 104 103*4 103*4 New B T&T 4*4t’61-. 116*4 116*4 116*4 New Jer P&L 4*48 60. 106*4 105 105 New Orl P S 6s 52 A.. 98 97*4 98 New Orl PS 5s 55 B 96*4 f 96 9fi New OrlT&M lnc5s'35. 50 49*4 50 New Orl T&M 5s 51 B 68*4 57*4 68*4 New Orl T&M 6s 66 C 57*4 57*4 57*4 New Orl T&M 5*48 54 61*4 60*4 «r, NOT&M 6*4s'54a cfs. 57 57 67 NY Central 3V41 97 — 98 9? 97 NY Central 3*4S M6_101*4 101 101*4 NT Cent con 4s 91_ 97*4 96*4 96*4 High Low. 2:55. NT Cent rf 4 4s 2018.. 904 »0 90 NY C rf 44s 2018 n_ 904 90 :0 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 974 97 974 NY Cent cv 6s 44_ 1264 1244 126 NY C L, Sb 84s '91_ 90 4 894 904 NYC Mich C 3%s'98„ 91 90 90 NYC&St L, 1st 48 '37__ 1014 1014 1014 N Y Chi & StL, 4s’46_ 1024 102 1024 NYC&St JL, 44s '78_ 89 4 884 894 NYC&St L 6 4s '74 A„ 101 1004 101 NY Chi & St L, 6s'38 . 1004 1004 1004 NY Edison 8 4s 65 D. 984 974 98 4 NY Edis ref 3 4 s ‘66_084 »84 984 NY G El H&P 4s 49__ 1094 1094 1094 NY G El H&P 6s M8_119 119 119 NY L & W 1st 4s 73_ 100 4 1004 1004 N if NH & H 4s ’65_ 414 41 414 NY NH & H 48 '56_ 424 414 414 NY NH & H 44s '67._. 464 46 464 NY NH & H Cons Rys 4s'64_ 8*4 864 864 NY O&W ref 4s '92_ 31 804 804 NY Futnam 4s '93_ 874 874 874 NY Rys 6s 65 A stp_ 1054 1054 1064 NY Steam 1st 6s '61_ 1064 1064 1064 NY Tel gen 4 4s'39_ 1064 1064 1064 NY Tr Rk 6s'46 stp.__ 90 90 90 NY W & B 4 Vis '4 6 __ 174 174 174 Niag Falla P 34s'66.. 1014 1014 1014 Nlag Sh 6 4s '60 _ 102 102 102 Norf & W 1st 4s'96_113 113 113 North Am Co 6s 61_ 105 1044 1044 North Am Ed 6s'G7 A.. 102 102 102 North Am Ed 6s 69 C. 1014 1004 lol North Am Ed 64s '63. 1014 1014 1014 Norn Pac gen 3s 2047. 754 76 754 Norn Pac 4s '97 _ 1034 1034 1034 North Pac 6s 2047_ 1104 1104 1104 Ogden EC 4s'48_ 28 28 2 Ohio Edison 4s’66_ 1024 102 102 Ont Pwr Nlag 6s'4S_112 112 112 Oreg W RR 4s 61_ 1044 1044 1044 Pac Gas & El 3 4s'66. 964 9«4 964 Pao G & E 4s 64 .. 106 1044 1044 Pac RR Mo 2d 6s'38 102 1014 1014 Pao T&T rf 3 4 s'66 B. 100 4 100 100 4 Pac T&T 3 4s'66 C . 1004 1004 1004 Pan Am PC 6s'4() ctfs. 484 484 484 Paramount Plo 6s'65 . 1004 100 1004 Park-Ex «4s'53 ctfs. 60 60 60 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 1004 100' 1004 Penn Dixie C 6s 41_ 100 994 100 Penn P&E44s 81_ 105 1044 105 Penna R R 314s w.l.__ 1084 1084 1084 Penn RR 34s 70 C 994 984 984 Penn RR cn 4s'48 stp.. 1134 1134 1134 Penn RR 4(45 '81 D_ 105 1034 106 Penn R R 4 4 s'84_1044 1044 1044 Penn RR gn 44s'65_ 1084 1084 1084 Penn RR deb 44s '70.. 1004 1004 100 4 Penn HR gen 6s'68 _ 1144 1144 1144 People GL&C rf 6s'47. 1124 1124 1124 Pere Marq 4Mt s’80 ... 964 964 964 Pere Marq 1st 6s '56— 1014 1014 1014 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 104 1034 104 Phila & R C&l 5s'7*._ 384 874 374 Phila & RC&l 6s 49— 17 I«4 164 Philippine Ry 4s 37 _. 264 264 264 Plllsbury FI M 6s'43.. 107 107 107 PCC&St L 4s '60 H .. 1094 1094 1094 PCC&St L 4 4s'77 C 106 106 106 PCC&St L 5s'70 A ...116 116 116 Port Gen El 44s 60 ... 63 4 624 *34 Porto Rico A T 6s 42.. 804 804 804 Postal Tel & C 6s'53 . 824 324 824 Potomac El P 34s'66 101 101 101 Pure 011 44s 60 ww._ 1224 1214 1214 R-K-06e«l_ 11554 115 11554 Readme Jer C 4s '51_ 99 98*4 98** Readme R 4'4a ’97 A.. 10654 10554 105*4 Reading R 4 54 s 97 B_. 10654 19854 10554 Rein-Rand 4 54 s’Stww 10754 10754 10754 Republic Stl 444* 50— 201 1975, 199*1 Republio Stl 4 54 8 56— 97 96*4 96*4 Republic Stl 4 54 s 61_. 96 955, 96*, Republic Stl 5 44s '64— 122 121 5, 12154 Revere Cop 4 5*s 66... 10154 1015, 10154 Richfield 011 6s 44 — 66 66 66 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs . 555, 65*4 6554 R G W 1st ex In 4s '39. 7.'1 73 73 Rio GW col 4s 49 A._ 4654 46)4 455, R 1 A&G 1st 4 44 s 34._ 23 23 23 Saguenay Pw4 54s'66.. 1018a 10114 10154 St G l.M&S R&G 4s'33. 8154 815, 815, St GlM&SR&S4s'33ct. 82 82 82 St G-S Fran 4s'60A_ 315, 31 31 St G-S Fran 4 54a ‘78 ._ 305, 2954 3054 St G-S F 4 54S'7g cf St. 265, 2614 265, St G-S F 6s 50 B ctfs. 28 275, 28 St G S W 1st 4s'89 . 88 88 88 St G S W 1st ter 5s’52_ 675j 5754 6754 StPKCSG4*4S 41_ 23 2 2 54 2 25, St P M&M ext 6s '43 . 10254 102*4 102*4 San A & A Pass 4s 43. 100*, 100*4 10054 Seabd A G 4s'50 stp._. 31 3054 31 Seabd A G 6s'45 A_ 20 19*, 1954 Seabd A G 6s 45 ctfs.. 18»* 18*4 18** Sharon Stl c» 4 54s'51. 115 115 116 Shell Un deb 3 54»'51— 97 9654 96*4 Silesian Am 7a'41_ 72 72 72 Skelly 011 4s'61 . _ 99 9854 99 Socony Vac 3 54a'50... 10254 1025, 10214 South Bell T&T 6s ’41 106*4 106*4 106*4 Southn Cal Gas 4 54 '61 10654 10514 105*4 So Colo Pwr 6s'47 A.. 1055, 105', 10554 South Nat G 4 54a’51_ 985, 98*4 98*4 So Pac 3 A, s 46_ 98 97>, 98 So Pac col 4s'49_ 93*4 93*4 93*4 So Pac ref 4s '65_ 10454 104 1015, So Pac 4 54 s 68_ 91 9054 9054 So Pac 4 54a'69- 9054 895, 89V4 So Pac 4 54 s 81_ 905, 89*, 89*4 So Pac Oreg 4 54 s'77_ 9554 94?4 95 So Ry gen 4s 56 A_ 8154 8054 805, So Ry 5s '94 _1C754 10754 107*4 So Ry gen 6a '56_ 101 1005, 101 So Ry 654s'56 .-- 1045, 104 1045, So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 9354 9354 935, S W Bell Tel 3 54 s 64.. 1035* 102*, 10.3 Soutnw n G&E 4s 60.. 1OOJ4 9954 10054 Spokane Int 5s'55_ 335, 335, 335, Staley A E 4s’46_ 102 102 102 Stand Oil N J 3s '61_ 965, 9654 96 Studehaker cv 6s'46_140 143 140 Symsn G&G'56 xw_ 126 126 126 Term El Pw 6s 47 A .. #9 9814 98*4 Term As St L 4%s ’39. 106 106 106 Texarkana 6Vis'50 ... 10414 10414 10414 Texas Coro 3Hs 51... 10114 10i>4 IOU4 Texas & Pac 5s 77 B._ 10244 I02H 10214 Texas & Pac 5s '80 D__ 10414 104 101 Third Av ref 4s 60 65 65 65 Third A ad In ex 6s’66. *6 36H 36 Tri-Conti Corp 5s’53 .. 118 118 118 Un OH of Cal 314s ’52. 11214 11214 11214 Union Pac 3 14s'70_ 95 95 95 UnPac3Hs’71_ 9614 96*4 9514 Un Pao 1st 4s '47_11014 110H 110*4 United Drug 6a'53_ 10014 10014 100J4 United Rys St L 4s’34 3ll4 3114 3114 U S Rubber 5s'47 106 10514 106 Utah L & T 6s '44 (A). 100 9914 9914 UtahP&L5s’44 _ 102 102 102 UtllP&L,6s 69 ww_ 60*4 6014 50*4 Util P & L 5 I48'47_ 61>4 6114 *114 Vanadium cv 5s 41... 109 108*4 10814 Ver Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfs 3114 3044 31 V Cz&Plst 4 14s 34 ast 41.4 44^ 41^ Va E & P 1st ref 4S’55. IO6I4 IO6I4 106*4 Va Ry 1st 314s ’66 A_ 10214 102 102 Wabash 414s’78_ 3914 3» 39 Wabash 1st 5s’39_ 100 100 100 Wabash 6s ’76 B- 4014 40'4 4014 Wabash 5s 80 D- 40H 4014 40H Wabash 614s 76_._ 41I4 4114 6114 Wabash Des M 4s ’39_. 81 81 81 Walker H&S 4 148'45.. 10514 10&14 10544 Walworth 4s 56 .. 8U4 80 83 Warner Bros cv 6s'39. 9514 9614 95U Warner-Quin 6*’39... 6U4 5114 6114 Warren Br cv 6s 41._. 73 7144 72 W’ash Cent 4s 48 ... loip, 10U4 10114 W'ash W P 1st 5s '39 .. 1051^ [06*4 106I4 West Penn P 314s 66. 1034* 10814 103H W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd._ 93 P 93p, 93P West’n Md 1st 4s '52.. IOH4 101 101 West’n Md 514s '77 10744 10614 106I4 West'n Pac 6s 46 A as 36 35*4 36 West’n Un 414s 50... IO6I4 105'4 IO6I4 West'n Un 6s 61-104!* 10344 101H West'n Un 6s 60 .— 10314 103(4 10314 Wheel Steel 4 lis'63 _ 9914 99 9944 W Sp Stl 1st 7s'35 ct. 4244 4214 4214 W Sp Stl con 7s ’35 ct. 42*4 4214 4214 Wilson & Co 48 '56 . 100 9914 100 Wis Cent 1st gn 4s '49. 2714 2714 2714 P’ngstnS&T 314s 8X._ 14814 147 148 F’ngstn S&T 4s’61 ... 10014 100M 10014 BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. April ft i/Pi i United States Department ol Agriculture).—Tne wool market in Boston was rather quiet today. A slackening demand was apparent during the latter part ot last week and thus far there has been no sign of a pick-up. An occasional inquiry was received for fine territory wools in original bags, but buy ing interest did not appear urgent. Aver se French combing length wools of fine and half-blood grades of spot territory w'ools were_ offered at prices in the range of a>1.02-0o, scoured basis. ---• METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. April 5 (>P).—Copper barely steady; electrolytic, spot and future. 17.00: export. 16.20. Tin firmer; spot and near by. 03.00-63.1212: future. 62.37V2-62.50. Lead steady; spot New York. 6.90-7.05; East St. Louis. 6.75-85. Zinc steady; East St. Louis, spot and future. 7.50. Iron steady: No. 2 f. o. b. Eastern Penn sylvania. 25.00; Buffalo. 24.00: Alabama. 20.00 Aluminum. 20.00-21.00. Anti mony, spot. 17.00. Quicksilver. 93.00-95.00. Platinum 58.00. Wolframite. 21.76. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK. April ft OP).—The visible supply of American grain shows the fol lowin* chance fin bushels': Wheat de creased 2.184.000. corn decreased 840,000, oats decreased 1.750.000. rye decreased 180.000. barley decreased 718.000. SANTA FT NETS 1936 Total Compares With $9,554,315 Recorded in Preceding Period. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, April 5.—Operations of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. in }936 resulted in a sub stantial increase of gross revenues, despite adverse agricultural condi tions, the annual pamphlet report to stockholders indicated. Gross income for the year ended December 31, 1936, was $23,346,245.98, which compared with $22,749,966.22 for the previous year. Net corporate income, representing the amount available for dividends and surplus after all expenses, was $9,998, 125.53. In 1935 this was $9,554,315.11. Samuel T. Bledsoe, chairman of the Executive Committee and president of the company, also told stockholders what had been accomplished and some of the plans for 1937. Freight car loadings in 1936 were 1,363,938, an increase of 140,941 over 1935. Increased passenger revenue was re ported as due partly to improvement in general business conditions, the convenience and comfort of air-con ditioned equipment and a general re duction in transcontinental fares. The increased revenues, Bledsoe said, were practically absorbed by in creased maintenance expenditures and increased taxes. Expenditures for maintenance of way structures in creased $5,593,357.32, or 29.9 per cent. Taxes increased 34.6 per cent to $14,103,225 from $10,476,178. Guaranty Trust Discloses Sharp Drop in Deposits B5 the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 5—Guaranty Trust Co.’s statement as of March 31 showed deposits of $1,602,377,016, com pared with $1,744,810,010 on December 31, 1936, and $1.488 284,606 on March 31, 1936. The institution’s holdings of United States Government bonds amounted to $582,269,639, against $590,105,249 on December 31. Washington Produce BUTTER—02 score. 1-pound prints 38: *4-pound prints 39; tub. 37; 90 score. 1 pound prints. 37; U-Pound prints. 38; MEATS—Choice beef. 17: calves 10: veal 10 lamb 21 pork loin. 24: xresn ham 23: smoked ham 20: sliced bacon, slab bacon. 28. compound. 13*2: lara. 1 Vive STOCK—Pigs. 8a8V light hop. Ob:''.-: medium hogs. 934 heavies. 8a.* 2. roughs tia8: calves. OalO lambs OalO Prices paid shippers, net f.o.b. Wash ington By the U. 8. Bureau of Agricul tural Economics- „ EGGS—Market on U. S Government graded extras mediums and standards, large cent lower. All other grades steady at unchanged prices. Current re ceipts. 2la-:l12; hennery whites. 22a2,,'aj a few at 23 Government graded and dated white eggs <net prices paid shippers fob. Washington»—U S. extras, large. 24^: U. S extras, mediums. 22; U. 8. standards, large 22*4. , . ,, LIVE POULTRY—Market generally steady at unchanged prices Fowl—Col- , ored heavy ]7a1P: Leghorns. 13al4. 1 Chickens Rocks and Crosses, all sizes mostly 21a23: a few at 23,/a: Leghorns. 134 to 214 pounds and un 20a21. Old guineas. 25*30 each. Turkeys, old hens, 16al8. old toms. 15. Fruits and \efetable*. Sales in large lots by original receiver* up to 8 am. today: APPLES—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate, market steady. Bushel baskets. U. S No. 1 Virginia. Staymans. 21*- ! inch minimum 1.40-1.50; 2* 2-inch mini- . mum. 1.65-1.75: 2a4-inch minimum. 1..5 1.85. Yorks. 214-inch minimum. 1.40 1 .,=>0. 212-inch minimum. 1.65-1.75: 23/4 inch minimum. 1.75-1.85: Winesaps. 2*'«-1 inch minimum 1.75-1.85; 2la-inch mini- ; mum. 2.00-2.25: Parakons. 2‘4-inch mini mum. 1.40-1.50: 2’2-inch minimum. 1.60 l.t*5. 234-inch minimum. 1.05-1.75; Lowrys. 214-inch minimum. 1.25-1.35; 2l2-inch minimum 1.50-1.05; 23/4-lnch minimum. 1 05-1.75; Ganos, 2v4-inch minimum. 1.00-1.15. 2*a-inch minimum. 1.35-1.40: 2^4-inch minimum. 1.40-1.50; Black Twigs. 2*4-inch minimum 1.35-1.40: 2!2-inch minimum 1.00-1.05; 2%-inch minimum. 1.05-1.75; Romes, 2J4-inch minimum. 1.35-1.40; 2,a-inch minimum. l.HO-1.65 : 234-inch minimum. mostly around 1.75: Delicious. 2*4-inch minimum. 1.65-1.75; 2*2-inch minimum. 2.25-2.35; 234-inch minimum. 2.35-2.50; Golden Delicious. 24-inch minimum. 1.65; 2Va inch minimum. 1.90-2.00. Boxes: Mary land, Pennsylvania and Virginia, combina tion extra fancy and fancy as to size: Staymans. 1.75-2.25: Delicious, 2.25-2.75; Paragons. 1.65-2.00; Romes. 2.00-2.50. C grade, as to size: Staymans. 1.50-1.75; Delicious. 1.85-2.00; Paragons, 1.50-1.75; Romes. 1.75-1.85. Cartons: Maryland. Pennsylvania and West Virginia, fancy— Staymans. 1.75-2.25: Delicious. 2.25-2.50; Lowrys. 1.00-2.00; Golden Delicious. 2.00 I 2.35. ASPARAGUS—No cariot arrivals: no cars on track Truck receipts moderate; supplies moderate; demand moderate; mar ket steady. South Carolina, pyramid crates, dozen bunches; Colossal. 3.50 4.INI: fancy 2.75-3.00: choice. 2.00-2.60. CABBAGE—One South Carolina ar rived: four broken cars on track. Sup plies moderate- demand moderate: market steady. I'a-bushel hampers, pointed type: South Carolina freight receipts. 00-1.00; truck receipts. 85. CARROTS—Two Califronia arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate, demand light; market weak. California Western lettuce crates. 0 dozen. 3.00-3.25; Texas, half-lettuce crates, bunched. 1.26 CAULIFLOWER—Two California ar rived; three broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate: market steady. California, crates. 1.50. CELERY—One Florida arrived; three broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market dull Florida. 10-inch crates, individually washed, and wire-bound crates, trimmed tops. 3-10 dozen. 2.25-2.50; XX's. 1.75 2.00. LETTUCE—Three Arizona arrived: five broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. California. Western crates Iceberg type. 5 dozen, considerable fair quality. 4 00-4.50. few best. 5.00. ONIONS—One Michigan arrived: one broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light; market steady. 50-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Michigan and New York. Yellows. 1.25; Colorado. Valencias. 3 inches and larger. 1.00. PEAS—No cariot arrivals; one broken car on track. Supplies moderate; demand light: market steady. California, bushel hampers. Telephones. 3.25: Florida, bushel hampers. 1.25-1.50. few higher. Potato Market Weak. POTATOES—Five Maine arrived; seven broken and eight unbroken cars on track. Old stock Supplies moderate; demand slow: market weak 100-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1. Maine, Green Mountains. 2.50 2.00. mostly 2.50: New York, round whites, 2.25-2.35. mostly 2.26: Pennsylvania, round whites, 2.25: Idaho. Russet Bur banks. 3.50-3.05. mostly 3.50. New stock: Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel crates. Bliss Tri umphs. U. S. No. 1. 2.00-2.25. SPINACH—One South Carolina arrived; three broken cars on track. Supplies mod erate: demand light; market steady. Bush el baskets. Savoy type. South Carolina. 00; Virginia. 75-85: fair condition, 60; Texas, 1.00-1.15. STRAWBERRIES—No cariot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts light: sup plies light: demand light: market steady. Florida 36-pint crates. 18-20 per pint. SWEET POTATOES—No cariot arrivals; no cars on track. Supplies moderate; de mand light: market slightly stronger. North Carolina, bushel baskets. Puerto Ricans. 1 25-1.40: Maryland. Anne Arundel County, bushel hampers, Jersey type. U. S. No. 1. 1.35. TOMATOES—No cariot arrivals; one un broken car on track. Truck receipts mod erate; supplies moderate; demand light; market steady. Florida, mostly fair to ordinary quality and condition, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 and larger, few best. 2.60-3.00: poorer, 1.60-2.00; 6x7. few best, 2.25-2.50; poor er, 1.00. _ _ _ MIXED VEGETABLES—One Georgia, one Texas arrived; two broken and two unbroken cars on track. LIMA BEANS—One Florida arrived: one unbroken car on track. Supplies mod erate: demand light: market weak. Flor ida. bushel hampers, best 3.50; poorer, "eggplant—Supplies light: demand light: market steady. Florida, lVa-bushel crates, 2.00-2.50. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. April 5 (/PI.—Revenue freight carloadings of railroads reporting today for the week ended April .1 Included: Wk Apr. 3. Pv. wk. Yr. ago. Atchison _28.780 27.978 B. Sc O._5 1.719 54 514 42.011 8t. Paul_ 28,406 27.723 26,023 A United Airlines Receives $431,325 From 1936 Express Special Dispatch to Tha Star. CHICAGO, April 5.—Importance of air express tonnage to airline reve nues Is reflected in United Air Lines’ announcement today that it received $431,325.64 revenue in 1936 from ex press flown on its New York-Chicago California and Pacific Coast routes. This was a gain of $122,675.77 over the previous year and represented 1,587,999.067 express pound miles, com pared with 1,135,892,475 express pound miles in 1935. United is currently transporting ap proximately 40 per cent of the Nation’s air express, substantial gains having resulted from the unification of air express service of 17 domestic air lines. providing a Nation-wide air and air-rail service, utilizing the pickup and delivery facilities of the Railway Express Agency. Melville Corp. and Kinney Co. Reveal Plans for Higher Prices. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 5.—Leading chain shoe store organizations announced today they were preparing to increase prices. Melville Shoe Corp , operating two large chains, said their lines would be advanced on April 12. the amount of the boost to be announced later. The company operates stores in 40 States. G. R. Kinney Co., Inc., manufac turer and distributor, revealed it was revising prices upward and that white Summer shoes would be priced ap proximately 12 per cent to 15 per cent higher than a year ago. Earlier in the year the Kinney com pany advanced women's shoes about 20 cents a pair. -• NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. April 5 UFt.—Eggs. C7. 189. about steady, mixed colors, special packs. 26‘2-28 Va standards. 243,*-25; storage packed firsts. 24,«-34 firsts 2234 23*2: mediums 22-22*.4; dirties. No. 1. I 22-22*4 average checks 21*. Butter. 8.889. about steady; creamery, higher than extra. 33,'2-34,4 extra <92 scorei. 33-33*4 firsts <88-91 scores), 3134-33 seconds <84-87 scores!. 30*2 31*2; centralized f90-scorei. 32*-2 Cheese. 91.129, quiet; State, whole milk flats, fresh fancy, 1?!2; held fancy. 1938. 22*2-23 Live poultry, by freight, nominal, no quotations. -• MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. April 5 -P).—Call money steady 1 per cent all day; prime com mercial paper. 1 per cent; time loans steady. 80 days. 8 months. 1*4 per cent offered; bankers acceptances unchanged 30 days *2 -/• Hu days. 5 ■ - ** 90 days. *«-iV 4 months, 6-8 months. 2" ,«• rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, 1 12 per cent. First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranged an Easy Monthly Payments Miwiu au'LO'NO 4 ioa« aifOCiAtioN council yoc. XaTIO/iAL T^armcment BUILDING ASSOCIATION IvnDC* IuPl«»i5*0» I W S VN»ASU*V I OAO NINTH STRUT, H^T \ First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred Our Real Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSTl [N8URANCB CORP'R i INSTITUTE FINDS STEELRATE DOWN Operations of Current Week Decline 0.8 of Point to 89.9 Per Cent. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 5.—Operations in the steel industry for the current week declined 0 8 of a point to 89 9 per cent of capacity, compared with 90.7 per cent last week, the American Irion and Steel Institute estimated today. A month ago operation averaged 87.3 per cent of capacity, while a year ago the rate was 64.5 per cent. CHICAGO PEODUCE. CHICAGO. April 5 lit*.—Poultry, live. 1 car, 16 trucks; unsettled; hens, over 9 Eounds. 18%; 5 pounds and less. 19%. eghorn hens, 18%: colored fryers. White Rocks. 20; Plymouth Rocks. 28%. colored broilers. 28; White Rocks. 20: Plymouth Rocks. 20%; barebacks. 21: roosters, 13; Leghorn roosters. 12; turkeys, hens. 20: toms. 18; No. 2 turkeys, 16: ducks. 4% pounds up, white and colored. 21% small white and colored, 17: geese. 15: capons. 7 pounds up. 20: less than 7 pounds. 25. Butter. 9,908; easy; creamery, specials (93 score). 32%a33; extras (92). 32: extra firsts (90-91). 31%a31%: firsts (88-89), 30%a31: standards (90. centralized car lots). 32. Eggs. 36,339: steady; extra firsts, local 23%; cars. 23%; fresh graded firsts, local. 22%: cars 23: current receipts. 22: storage packed extras. 24%: storage pack ed firsts 24%. Potatoes. Ill: on track. 202: total United States shipments, Saturday. 783: Sunday. 37. Old stock steady, supplies moderate, demand slow. Sacked, per cwt. Idaho Russet Burbanks, U. S. No. 1. few sales. 2.7oa2.75: U S. No. 2. 2.35a7.40: Colorado Red McClures. U S. No. 1. few sales, 2.90 Wi.sc6nsm Round Whites, U. S. No. 1. few sales. 2.20: unclassified 1.9<>a 1.95; Michigan Russet Rurals. U S. No. 1. 2.20. Minnesota Cobblers. U. S. No 1 and partly graded. 2 20a2.25; unclassified. 1.75: Early Ohios. U. S. No. 1 and partly graded, mostly 2.40: North Dakota Early Chios, U S No. 1 and partly graded. 2.50. New stock slightly stronger supplies light, demand good. Carlot track sales. Texas 50-pound sacks Bliss Triumphs. U S. No 1 2.16. Less than carlots Texas 5n-pound sacks Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, 2.05a2.20, mostly 2.10a2.15; U. S. No. 2. 1.80al.85 a sack. STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. April 6 OP' — Steel prices per 100 pounds, f. o. b. Pittsburgh Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled, 2.425. Galvanized sheets 3 825. Black sheets, hot rolled, 3.175. Steel bars, 2.475. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye St. N.W Phone NA. 3184 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. April 5 UP) —Over-the counter market, bank and trust companies, opening bid and asked prices; Bid. Asked. Bk of Manhattan (1 Vi)_ 35Vi 37'a Chase (1.40) 58 Ho City (1) 53 55 Commercial (8) 210 218 First National (100)_ 2485 25:5 Public (1 Vi) . _ 51 53 Bankers (2) 78 80 Bklyn Trust (4) 148 )5l Central Hanover (4)_ 138 141 Chemical (1.80) 72 74 Continen'.al (.80) _ 10'i 21 Corn Exchange (3) _ 87‘a 8m', Empire (1) 32 33 Guaranty (12)_ _ 374 370 Irving (.80) __ _ 17'i 18', Lawyers Trust (2 40)_ 48'a 61 Vi Manufacturers (2) 58 rn N Y Trust (5) _ 145 148 Title Guaranty & Trust _ 151« lo', -« MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL April 5 iff*i —Silver futures opened strong 6*> to 1 So higher May, 46.55b: July. 46.80b. September 46.50b FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rates . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Lite Ins. Co, 1117 K St. N.W. NA. U.tO* Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland^ and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York Life Insurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 UNUSUAL TERRITORIAL OPPORTUNITY We have an unusuallv profitable business opportunits to offer to the proper individual or organization. We manufacture a nationally known product retailing from $200 to $2,000 and we are leading manufacturers of this type of product. A large and active market already exists for this type of equipment in Washington, and genuinely large profits are being made in this , area in similar businesses. Due to an unusual combination of circumstances, we are at present able to offer the \aluable Wash ington territory to the persons possessing the proper qualifica tions for building a wholesale and retail operation. If you possess business experience and integrity, and are willing to invest approximately $12,000. here is an unusual profit opportunity. Full and complete details will be given only to ' qualified applicants. A company executive will arrange local interviews. Address Box 236-Q, Star office. LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge foi appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. O rganized 18*9 Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real eitate— a* low at including internet and curtail. . . No commit tiont . . . No renewal feet. Let ut help you tolve your problem with a Perpetual loan. 111! J! PERPETUAL Building Aaaociation ia the largeat in Waahington, and one of theleadera in theentire United Statea. PERPETUAL haa over 55,000 bor rowing and aavinga membera. PERPETUAL’S Board of Directora keep in cloae contact with the officera and materially aaaiat in the apeedy handling of loana. PERPETUAL'S regular examinationa by the U. S. Treaaury Dept, are aup plemented by apecial C.P.A. audita aa well aa ita own Auditing ataff. PERPETUAL haa alwaya had a rep utation for aound, fair appraiaala. Over 200 borrowera per month were advanced loana laat year, totaling over $12,000,000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 11th & E STREETS. N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington—Assats Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman of The Board President Secretary