:ew Leaders Lose Gains
Made Early in Day.
[ Oils Buoyant.
By the Associated Press.
NEW7 YORK. April 5.—'The curb
narket ruled generally higher in late
rading today, although a few leaders
were minus their early gains.
Industrial specialties received con
siderable attention, and for Apex
Fleetric, Brown Co preferred and Mc
Williams Dredging, advances ranged
from 1 to around 6 points.
Gulf and Creole were buoyant lead
er of oils.
bT the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. April 5.—With anxiety
evident, not only as to dearth of im
mediate supplies, but also regarding
prospects for the 1937 crop, corn prices
today shot straight for the zenith.
Lateness of the season for planting
operations, with inability of farmers to
get into the fields, is reported as men
acing crop prospects and making rural
owners of old corn more determined to
hold it. Announcement of 1,182,000
bushels decrease in the United States
corn visible supply tended also to
maintain at the last today's maximum
price gains.
At the close, com futures were l3.ia
3'>s above Saturday’s finish. May,
I32>a-V July. 1.23V1.24U: wheat,
’ -cent off to 34 up; May, 1.43uaUl
July, 1.29:VV. oats, 3.4-l3s advanced,
and provisions unchanged to 17 cents
WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close.
Vlav HI'i 1 •».'*■» l.Lh 1 a
July l.'-h 4
=,rp 1 ‘ ’ 4 l.’.’O’j l.*2o*4 l-‘.0 2- 8
May new 1 'VI'a 1 ..‘i:?'s 1.31 l
May. old 1 *:!•’; 1.30**
July, new. 1 :13-% l.-M*-* 1*~13* } 8
J ■ ] J v Old | 'M 3.21*4 1,'IM 1-1*4
Arp ’ 114 1,15’a 1.1:!!>1.H*4-15
May .Sl'i ,VC« .Si's ..;*L-34
July 40*r ,70*4 .40*s ,4hsfl-34
3fp 41: ' 4 .47*4 .4(1*4 -it!34-'a
May 17*' , , , 1
July I. ,1*4 1..3 4 1 - * 1*4 1-"1*4
May 1.17*4 117*. 1.10*4 l.l'i’a
j11v i i<> i in>4 i.(ir***4 l.io
Kyp 1.02*4 TOCs 1.02 * 4 1.02*4
May 1 “ 77 12.82 12..<2 12 82
I ; 1 v 12.SO 12.00 12.80 12.8.
-,rp ] II 1.7 13.20 13.10 13.1 ,
be*' 11117 13.20 13.17 13.20
May ----- 18 - •_>
July _ _ 18.ho
May _ - -81
Chicago Cash Market.
Cash wheat. No. 1 dark hard, 1.51:
No. 4 dark hard, 1.43%; No. 1 hard,
1.50'2al.51; No. 2 hard, 1.49!2al.50;
No. 2 mixed, 1.4712: com. No. 3 mixed,
1.36%; No. 3 yellow, 1.37al.37%; No.
3 white, 1.41: oats, No. 1 mixed heavy,
68; No. 2 white, SS^aSe^; No. 3
white. 54%a56: buckwheat, 2.43a2.50
nominal; soy beans. No. 3 yellow,
1.78: barley feed, 75a85 nominal;
malting. 1.00al.27 nominal; timothy
seed, 4 75a5.50 hundredweight; clover
seed. 29.00a35.00 hundredweight.
Baltimore Quotations.
BALTIMORE, April S i.-Pi—Wheat. No.
2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic,
1 52Li: April 1.52'i.
High. Low. Noon.
Ala Power 4%s ’67__ 85% 85*4 85%
Ala Power 5s 51 —101 101 101
Ala Power 5s ’OS 91% 91% 91%
Alum Co Ltd 5s 48 105*2 105*2 105*2
Am GAE 5s 2028 _ 106% 100*8 100%
Am P A L Os 2010 _ 90 95% 90
Am Rol Mill 5s ’48 102% 102% 102%
Appalach E P 5s ’50 _ 100 100 100
Appal P 6s 2024 A — 110% 110% 110%
ArK PAL 5S '50 _ 97% 97*4 97%
As GAE 4%s 49.- . 54% 54% 5434
As G A E 5s '50_- _ 50% 56% 56%
As G A E 5s ’08 — 53 52% 53
Bald Lo Os '38 xw 193 193 193
Bald L Os '3s xw stp .191 J9J 191
Bell Te C 5s 57 B . 110% 116% 116%
Brim El 4%s '08 89% 89% 89%
Caro Pw A L? 5s ’50._ 102 101 101
Cen IiPS 4%s 07 F 97 90% 97
Cent 111 P S 5s OR G ino% 100% 100%
Cenrrai Pw 5s '57 D 86% 86% 80*2
Cent Pw A Lt 5s ’50 92% 92 92%
Cent Sr El 5s ’4S_ _ _ 03*2 02*8 02*8
Cent St El 5* is '54 03*2 03*2 02*2
Chi Pn T1 5%s ’42— 102% 102% 102%
Cities Svc 5s '50__ 73% 72% 72%
Cities S Gas o%s ’42 100% 100% 100%
Comw Ed 4s ’81 F 1 n4% 1 03% 104%
Comw Ed 3%s 05 H 107 101% 101%
Con Gas Ut Os '43 st_« >5 85 85
Cont GAE 5s '58 A _ 88% 88% 88%
Det Int Be 6%s '52 10 10 10
East G A F 4s ’56 A 87 80*2 86%
El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 80% 85% 86% 1
Emp OAR 5%s ’42 89% 89% 8934 ;
Fed Wat 5 *s 54 85% 85 *8 85%
Florida PAL 5s '54 93% 93% 93*2 ,
Gary EAG 5s '44 stp xw 99*2 99% 99%
Gatineau Pw 5s 50_30] 100% 101
Gatineau Pw Os '41 101% 101% 101%
Gatineau P Os 11 B .101 10] 101
Gen Bronze Os ’4o_. 91% 91% 91% \
Gen Pb U 0%s '50 A 89 89 89
Gen Vend C Os '37 22 22 22
Gen W W A E 5s '43 A 91% 91% 9]%
Georgia Pw 5s ’07 97% 97% 97%
Georgia P A L 5s ’7 8 _ 74 73 73
Grand Tr We 4s '50 99% 99% 99%
Guard Inv 5s 18 A 02 62 02
Ball iWF) Os ’47 stn loo 10o 100
Til Pw A L 6* 53 A 1 n3*i 103*4 103%
111 Pw A L 5s *56 C . 97 97 97
Indiana El C Os ’47 A 103% 103% 10.3%
Indiana Ser 5s ’50 72 71 % 72
Indnap PAL 5s ‘57 A 3 05% 165% 305%
Indianap Gs 5s '52 7 5 75 7 5
Interc Pw Os ’48 A _ 9 9 9
Inti P Sec 6%s ’55 C 05 65 65
1ml Securities 5s '47 _ 102 102 102
Interst Pw 5s 57 _ 01*2 00% 61 %
Interst Pw 6s ’52 45 43% 45
Interst P S 4%s '58 F 7 9% 7 9% 79%
Iowa P.H 4 %s ’58 A 104% 104 % 104%
Jer C P A L 4%S ’61 C 104 104 104
Kentucky Ut 5s ’61 91 91 91
Lehigh P S 6s 2020 A 107% 107% 107%
The Mengel Co 4%s ’47 1 14% 113% 13 3%
Metro Ed is 4s ’71 E _ 103*4 103% 103*4
Midlan VRR 5s ’43. _ 93% 93% 93%
Mil GAE 4%s ’07. _ 104 104 104
Minn Pi-L 4%s ’78 __ 97 90% 96%
Miss Pw A L 5s '57 91 91 91
Neisner Bros Os '48 . 107% 107% 107%
Nevad Cal El 5s \5ff__ 90 90 90
New E GAE 5s 47. _ 70 70 76
New E Pw 5%s ’54 _ 98% 98% 98%
N Y P * Lt 4 * is *67 .- 105 105 305
Nor A LAP 5*as ’56.. 93% 93*a 93%
No Con U 5*2S '48 A 57 57 57
No Ind PS 5s '06 C 102% 102% 302%
Norw El 6s 45 st.pd _ 103% 103% 103%
Ohio Pub S 5s ’54 D 304% 104% 104%
Okla PAW 5s ’48 A _ 91% 91% 91%
Pac PAL 5s ’55 82*4 82 82%
Penn C LAP 4 %s ’7 7 99% 99 99%
Penn O E 5* as ’59B 99% 99% 99%
Penn P Svc O.s ’4 7 C 108% 108 108
Penn WaAP 5s ’40 109% 109 109
Phila El P 5%s ’72 1 09% 109% 109%
Portland GAC 5s '40. 80V# 80Ys 80*/*
Pub S N I 4'is 8<'E _ 10] 101 101
Pub S N I 4%s '8IF 101% 101% 101 %
Pub S Okla 4s '60 A 101 % 101 V4 101 %
Pur S PAL 5%s ’49 A 89% 89% 89%
Pug S PAL 5s ’50 C _ 85*8 85% 85%
B' L GAC 6s ’47 mat _ 16 16 16
San An PAS 5s '58 B _ 102 101 *2 101%
Bcrlpps 6*is ’43 __ 102% 102% 102%
Bhw WAP 4* is ’70 D _ 102% 102% 102%
6ou Cal Ed 334s 00 __ 100% 100 100
6011 Cal E 3%s ’60 B 100% 100 100*/4
Sou Cal E 4s '60 105% 105% 105%
Bo C Gs of Cal 4%s ’68 103% 103% 103%
Bouw As T 5s ’61 A 98% 98% 98%
Bouw LAP os ’57 A __ 101 % 191% 101 %
SJtd GAE cv 6s ’35 cod. 86*2 86% 86%
Btd GAE 6s ’51 A . 87% 87% 87%
Stand PAL 6s '57 .... 86 85% 85%
Super of T1 4%s ’08. 103% 103*2 303%
Texas Elec 5s ’60_101'2 101 101%
Tex PAL 5s ’56 104 % 104% 104%
Tide Wat P 5s ’79 A 95 95 95
TJlen A- Co 6s '44 III St 51% 51% 51%
Unit LtAPw 6s ’75 81 81 81
Unit LtAPw 6%s ’74 . 85 80 So
Unit L&R D 5* is ’52 88 88 88
Unit LAR M 6s ’52 A 112% 112% 112%
Va Pub Ser 5s ’50 B _ 95% 94% 90%
Ward Baking 6s ’37_. 100% 100% 100%
■West News U 6s ’44 __ 65% 65% 65%
West T Ut 5s ’57 A . 92% 92% 92%
We UG A E 5* is ’55 A 104% 104% 104%
Wis PAL 4s ’56 A 95% 95% 95%
York Rwy Co 5s ’37 95% 95% 95 %
Com Prv B 5%s ’37 . 52 52 52
Cuban Te 7%s ’41 A._ 100% 100% 100%
Denm Mt B 5s ’72 ix__ 97 97, 97
Isarco Hyd El 7s ’52._ 69*2 69Vi 69%
Parana Braz 7s ’58_ 29 29 29
Pied El 6%s ’60 A... 70% 70 70
ww—With warrants,
xw—Without wararnts.
st tstp)—Stamped.
§Negot lability impaired by maturity,
tCompanies reported in receivership.
NEW YORK, April 5 (>P).—Net sales
of Interstate Home Equipment Co., for
the 11 weeks ended March 13 totaled
$738,188 against $319,435 for the cor- J
responding period of 1936. '
By private wire direct to the Star.
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hi*h. Low. Close
Acme W vto «*) — 26a 51 61 61
Aero Supply <B>- 8 6K 5 6
Air Inv Inc war 2 1H 1H 114
Alabam Pw of (7) 10a 7684 7684 7684
Alum’n Co of Am 250t 170 168 16914
Alum Am of al 1 84 150a 118 11784 118
Alumn Goods b25c 1 1714 1714 1714
Aluminum Ltd . 160a 13014 12814 12814
Am Airlines Inc 1 2714 2714 2714
Am Box B'od (1)_. 15 2014 2014 2014
Am Capital (B) 2 114 1 1H
Am CIt PAL (A1 3 60a 3484 3484 34H
Am CltPAL B a20c 4 6*4 614 "M
AraCynam B t60o 14 82*4 3084 208*
Am GAB 11.40).. 7 3614 3514 3514
Am GAE pf (6) .. 100a 109 109 109
Am Gen C’p <a50c) 6 1114 1084 1H4
Am Hard Rub(al) 60a 2214 2214 2214
Am MfflCo (a3)_. 26a 42*4 4284 4 284
Am Maracaibo 17 214 2 2
Am Pot A Ch a214 ions 49 48 49
Am Superpower _ 20 214 2 2
Am Superpwr pf.. 1 43 43 43
Anirnstura (420c). 3 714 714 714
Anpostura-W rts. 12 1 1 1
Apex Electrtctal ) 2 3484 3414 3484
Appalach E P pf 7 10a 10714 10714 10714
Arcturus Radio T 3 214 2 2
Ark Nat Gas _ 4 1 084 1 084 1 084
Ark Nat Gas (A)-. 27 10*4 1084 108*
Ark Nat G cu of 4 9 84 984 984
Art Met W (80c)- 1 1814 1314 1314
Ashland OAR t40o 4 714 7 714
Asso Gas A Elec 12 2 2
AssoGAB(A) 4 384 384 384
Atl Coast FIs b35c 9 1114 11 H
Atl Coast L a214 . 110a 6114 6084 6084
Atlas Corp war 5 314 3 3
Atlas Plyw’d(114) 1 2614 2614 2614
Austin Silver ... 6 314 884 884
Auto Product*- 11 784 714 714
Babcox & Wil (4). 26b 133 133 133
Barium Stain Stl. 4 t'H
Bell Aircraft- 2 15H 15M 1
Bellanca Aircraft 4 8 74 8
Rell Tel of Can(6) 20* 1634 160 1634
Benson & Hedges .9 5 5 5
Berkey&Gay S' Co 1 3 27i 24
Berk&GF our war 1 14 14 14
Bliss Co <E W) . 2 20 194 20
Blue Rldce C slOe 4 34 3 . 34
Borne Scrym b75c 50* 184 '84 184
Bower Roll B (2) 1 29 29 29
Rowmn-Bllt 1st pf 50* 244 244 244
Brazil T1.&P 40c 4 27 264 27
Breeze C Inc a~5c. 1 134 134 134
Brid'p't Mch b25c. 1 184 184 184
Brlllo Mfg (80c).. 2 114 11 11
Brown Co pf 1450* 79 734 79
Brown F&W bl5o. 2 134 13 13
Cable* Wire(B)_. 6 % 4 4
Can Indus Alco A- 1 6 6 6
Can Marconi_ 15 24 2 2
Carlb Syndicate_ 7 24 24 24
Carnegie Metals_ 2 24 24 24
Carrier Corp _ 1 434 434 434
Carter (JW) 80c.. 2 114 H 114
CatUn Corn (a<0c) 3 84 84 84
Cellul'd Cist pf a8 100* 102 102 102
Cent & S W Util 5 4 34 34
Cent States Elec It 14 14 14
Centrlf Pipe t40c 15 64 64 64
Cherrv Burrell (3 100* 82 814 82
Chi Flex Shaft (4 ) 50 . 68 4 68 4 684
Chi Rivet & Mach. 2 17 17 17
Chief Consol_ 1 14 14 14
Childs Co pf_ 100. 88 874 874
Cities Service_ 47 44 4 44
Cities Service pf . 4 504 504 604
City Auto S(t60c) 2 124 124 124
Claude Neon Lts 16 3 24 24
Clayt’n&Lam bl5c 1 94 94 94
Clev Trector .. S3 124 114 124
Cllnchfield Coal_ 1 8*4 84 84
Colon Dev Ltd 3 74 7 7
Colon Dev 6% pf.. 6 44 44 44
Colo Fnel*Tr war. 3 19 184 184
Celts PFA b374c. 2 74 71 74
Colum G&E pf (5 ) 25* 80 80 80
Colum O&Ga20c 2 94 94 94
Com with & S war 114 4 4
Community PS tl 100 * 274 274 274
Community W S . 1 14 14 14
Compo S M stc tl. 1 164 164 164
Cons Aircraft_ 2 29 29 29
Consol Copper 38 104 104 104
C GELt&P Bo 3.60 2 754 744 744
Consol Gas Util... 8 34 3 3
Consol Retail Strs 3 84 87$ 87*$
Cons R S 8 % pfb4 70* 129 129 129
Consol Steel Corp 5 164 154 154
Cont'l G&E pr pf 7 25* 96 96 96
Conti Oil (Mex) . 3 14 14 14
Cont'l Roll & S Fv 6 23 4 22 4 23
Cook P & Var t60c 2 194 194 194
Cooper Bessemer. 2 274 27 274
Cord Corp _ 6 44 44 44
Coeden Oil Me (d) 2 24 24 24
Creole Pet (a50c). 17 82 304 324
Crocker-Wh alOc. 3 17 164 164
Croft Brewing_ 15 1 \
Crown Cent P a6c. 10 24 24 24
Crown Dr (b20c)_. 2 44 44 44
Cusl Mex Mining. 18 4 4 4
Darby Petr 160c). 8 1754 165. 175.
Dayton Rubber 4 2854 2854 2854
Dayton Rub A(b2)100. 32*4 32*4 32*4
Dejay Stores t80c 3 1454 14 14
Dennison 7% pf._ 30. 7 1 54 7 0 7154
Derby Oil & Ref .. 16 65. 654 654
Det Gas pf (1.20). 1 1854 1854 18’4
Det Gray lr t20c 1 16 16 16
Det (Mich) stove- 2 754 7*4 754
Det Pap Prod t25c 18 8 8
Domin S&C (B) 1 26 26 26
Draper C (t2.40) .. 50. 82 82 82
Driver Harris 154. 1 32*4 32*4 32*4
Pubeller Condens. 2 45s 4 45s
Duro Test (blOc). 2 754 754 7*4
Eagle Pitcher blOc 5 23 2254 2254
East'n G&F Asso 17 7 7
East G&F p pf 4 54 26. 65 65 65
East'n States Pwr 6 454 454 4*4
East’n St Pw (A). 2 72 70>4 7054
East’n St Pw (B) 2 6954 69 69*4
Easy W M(B)b25c 2 1154 1154 1154
Edison Bros Str— 6 22 22 22
Electrol Inc v.t.c.- 2 454 <54 4*4
Elec Bond & Share 32 2154 21 21*4
Elec B & S Df (6). 1 7! 71 71
Elec P&L 2d pf A 30. 66 65 66
Elec Sh pf ww (6) 200. 9254 9254 92*4
Emp G&F 6% pf. 50 . 70 6954 6954
Emp G&F 765, pf 100. 76 76 76
Emp G&F 8 65, p' 100 . 7954 7954 7954
Emp Pwr pt al.8 0 300 . 3054 2954 3054
Emsco Derrick 11 1 1754 1754 17*4
Equity Corp(a25c) 11 254 254 2*4
Evans Wall Lead 29 254 254 254
Evans Wall L nf 300. 38 38 38
Excello Alr(b20c) 12 2654 26 2654
Fairchild Av al5c 3 654 * 54 6*4
EalstafT Brewing 3 1054 1054 1054
Fanny Farm C(l). 1 2254 22*4 2254
Fansteel Metal 8 1554 15*4 1954
FED Corporation 2 % 54 '}i
Ferro Enam b25c 6 3854 3754 3854
Ferro Enam rights 16 354 354 354
Fldello Brewerv 10 54 54 54
First N S lstpf 7. 10. 11354 11354 11354
Fisk Rubber- 10 18 1754 18
FlaP&Lpf_ 160. 4654 46 46
Ford Ltd S181-10C 1 754 754 754
Ford (Can) A (1). 4 2654 2654 26*4
Froedt G&M(20c). 1 1354 1354 1354
Grn Alloys l 454 «54 i'/i
Gen Fireprfg b25o 1 2054 205! 20H
Gen Invest Corp 8 15. 151 154
Gen Rayon Ltd A 6 254 254 254
Gen Tele C’p al.35 1 1954 1954 1954
Gen Tire* Rub 2 3754 3654 3654
Georgia Pw pf (6) 125. 80 795! 795!
Glen Alden C < tl» 3 1354 13 18
Godchaux Sug(B) 1 31 31 31
Goldfield Consol 16 ‘4 54 54
Gorham Mf vtc tl 2 2454 245! 2451
Grand Natl Films 6 3 25i 25!
Grt A&P T n v t6 10. 10951 10951 10951
Great Nor Pap tl- 60. 46 46 46
Greenfield T * D... 2 1451 14 14
Groo Store Prod 1 651 651 65i
Gulf Oil <Pa) b26o 15 6951 6854 5854
Gyp Lime & Alab. 26. 1751 1751 1751
Hartman Tobacco. 2 254 2 51 251
Harvard Brewery. 2 254 254 254
HatCorp (B) 80c- 1 13 13 13
Hecla Min Ib20c) 6 2054 1951 1951
Hearn Dep S bl.65 2 1651 1651 1651
Hearn D S 6%pf 3 1 6051 605! 605!
Helena Rubenst’n 2 8 8 8
Helena Rub (A) 1. 1 11 11 11
Hevden Ch 112) -. 1 42 42 42
Hollinger (t65c)_. 1 14 14 14
Holophane (b50c) 1 245! 245! 245!
Holt(H) pt AblOc 19 9 9
Hudson BM*S>1) 14 3754 8654 8654
Humble 011 <154 >- 2 8254 8254 8254
Huylers7% st(d) 160. 2354 2251 2854
111 PAL 6% pt—100. 61H 615! 615!
Ill Pwr * Lt <6 pf 400. 62 6051 6051
Imp Oil Ltd t60c. 2 23 23 23
Imp Oil reg (t50c) 2 2854 2351 2354
I T GtB&l b84%c_ 4 3754 8754 3754
Indiana P L(b30c) 6 1451 14 1 451
Indus Fin 7 % pf - 60. 1654 1 651 1551
ins Co of No A t2 600. 68 6651 6751
Inti Hold&Inv Ltd 1 851 851 354
Inti Hy El 8 cv pf 1 8551 8551 8551
Int H E Sep A iwar 1 151 151 151
Inti Petr 1 tl 54 )— 9 3654 3654 3654
Inti Products_ 1 751 751 751
Inti Dtl. »B) ..- 2 2 154 151
Int) Vltamin(50c) 1 654 654 654
Interst P(Del)pf 160. 1654 1 454 1 451
Inv Royalty (t6c) 8 H 54 51
Iron Fire vtc 1.20.100. 24 24 24
Irving Air Ch <1>- 1 165! 1551 1551
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Bate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.
I tal Supern'vr (A) 2 IK 1 1
Ftal Sup’pw d rta. 3 K K K
Jacobs! FL)Co< 1) 7 15)4 16)4 15)4
(Cans City P 8 vtc 1 M H K
Kingston Prod 40o 3 6)4 *K *K
Kirby Petrol <20c) 20 7)4 «K 7)4
Kirkland L G <60 2 1H IK IK
Koppers Df <6 ) 400s 109 108 108
Kress(SH) pf 60c 2 11K UK UK
Lake Sh M <T4) .. 6 65K 55K 65K
Lakev Kv A Mach. 2 6*4 6K 6)4
Leh Coal AN 80c.. 16 9K 9)4 9K
Leonard Oil -- 71 1)4 IK IK
Lion Oil Ref <11— 28 24K 24 24H
Locke Stl Ch t80c. 9 17)4 17 17
Lockheed Aircraft 2 13K 13)4 18K
Lone Star Gaa 80c 3 11 II 11
Long island Ltg — It 4)4 4)4 4)4
Long 1 L pf A(7) 20a 88)4 88)4 88)4
Long tsl Lt of B « 26a 76H 76K 75K
Loudon Packing_ 2 5 4K 5
La Land (40c)_ 18 12)4 12K 12K
Lyneb Corp <t2)_. 1 89*4 39H 39)4
McCord Rad <B).. 1999
McWilliams D <tl 9 36*4 85)4 35)4
Ma.estlc RaATal. 2 4)4 4K 4)4
Margay Oil a50c.. 1 30)4 30)4 30)4
Massey Harris 6 14H 14K 14K
Master Elec (1).. 1 25K 26K 25H
Merritt Chap AS 6 8J4 8*4 8K
Merritt C A S pf A 76s 68 67 68
Mpnabi Iron 23 1)4 IK IK
Metal Textile 40c. 1 3H 3H 3)4
Mex-Ohlo OH ... 1 2)4 2)4 2)4
Mich Bumper C_- 2 3 2)4 3
Mich Gaa A OU_ 1 8)4 8)4 8)4
Mich Sugar__ 2 IK IK IK
Mich Sugar pf_ 1 7)4 7)4 7K
Mid Sta Pet iA>-_ 2 5*4 5)4 5*4
Mid Sta Pet (B).. 6 IK IK IK
Mid-W Abras alOo 8 4)4 4)4 4K
Midwest Oil (tl). 2 12)4 12K 12*4
Molybdenum Corp 14 10)4 10)4 10K
Mont Ward A (7). 30s 143H 142*4 143)4
Moore Dlst <t60c) 2 5)4 5H 6*4
Mount Prod <60c). 2 6)4 6K 6K
Nat Bella Hess _ 2ft 24 24 24
Nat Contain a&Oc- 3 12 11*4 114
Nat Fuel Gas (1).. 1 164 164 164
Nat Leather 4 14 14 14
Nat Mfg & Store* 1 94 9!* 94
Nat P & Lt pf (6) 60s 79 79 79
Nat Hub Mch a20c 17 184 18 18
Nat Service _ 28 \ 4 4
Nat Service pf_ 2 64 6 64
Nat Sugar N J (2) 2 2?4 274 274
Nat Union Radio.. 2 3 24 3
Navarro Oil b30c . 2 284 28 4 284
Nehl Corp 1 64 64 64
NeptuneM(A)a60o 1 184 184 184
N E Tel&Tel bl % - 90s 132 1314 132
New Jer Zinc (12> 150s 88 87 88
NewM&ALdalc 2 34 34 34
Newmont Min b75. 2 126 126 126
N Y Merch (80c) . 1 134 134 134
N Y Pw&Ll pf (6) 20s 1024 1024 1024
N Y Tel pf (64 )-- 25s 118 118 118
N Y Transit t30c 2 44 44 44
Niag Hud Pwr ness 18 134 134 134
Niag H P(A) war 14 4 4
Niagara H B war 12 2 2
Niag Hud Pw B pf 100s 113 113 113
Niag Sh Md B a60e 2 144 144 144
Niles Bm Pnd b50c 1 46 46 46
Niplssing (600 . 1 24 24 24
Noma Elec (b40c) 1 74 74 74
North Am L & P 1 44 44 44
No Am Ray A baOe 2 494 49 49
No Am Ray B b50c 2 494 49 494
North n Huron 011 7 4 4 4
No IPS 6To pf b?5c 60s 864 86 86
N Ilid PS pf b87 40 20» 904 89** 89'*
Northern P L 75c - 6 104 104 104
Novadel Agene<2) 1 32)* 324 324
Ohio Brass B (tl). 25* 60 60 60
Ohio Oil cu pf (6). 1 109>* 1091* 109!*
Okla Nat G pf(6). 25. 103 103 103
Oldetyme Distil ..15 5 5
Overseas Sec 60c. 1 10** 105* 105*
Pac G&E 1st (1 5*) 1 29*, 29»* 29»,
Pac Tin spec (t2 > 150* 47 45 45
Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 667* 66!* 66>*
Pantepec Oil _ 93 77* 7 77*
Parker Pen (2) ... 100* 27 267* 267*
Penn-Mex F a50c. 2 6 55* 5**
Pennroad <a25ci 9 47* 45* 4’*
Penna P&L, pf (7). 20* 1087* 108!* 1087*
Penn 7Val & P (4) 1 807* 807* 807*
Pepperell Mfc t6. 75* LOT* 1277* 1307*
Phillips Pkg a50c_ 2 137* 137* 13!*
Phoenix Secur .. 27 105* 105* 105*
Phoenix S pf A(3) 1 385* 381, 38‘*
Pierce Gov (bl5c). 1 32!4 327* 327*
Pines Wlntfrt(n). 2 37* 37* 37*
Pioneer Gold blOc. 2 6Ti 67* 67*
Pitney Bow(t40e) 4 8 8 8
Plttsbgh Forging. 9 26 257* 267*
Plough Inc (1.20 ). 1 177* 177* 177*
Potrero Suear _ 3 35* 37* 35*
Powdrell&Al t60c. 15 12 115* 12
Prosperity B al 5* 2 145* 14** 145*
PubSvclndpf_ 100* 36 35>* 35
Pub Svc Ind pr pf 20* 607* 607* 607*
Pub Sv Okla pi(6> 10* 97 97 97
Pu» Sd P&L pf b5. 25* 74 74 74
Pue Sd P&L 16 pf 26* 395* 39 39
Pyle National (tl) 25* 21 23 24
Rainbow Lum (B) 4 V •» 5*!
Reiter-Foster 6 P* 17* 174 ]
Rel EI&En C a25c- 2 27 26 26
Reybarn Co a25c— 3 67* 57* 67*!
Reynolds Invest_ 12 27* 2V* 27*
Rice Stlx DG b50c. 1 115* 115* 11**
Root Petrolm(l).. 15 87* 8 8
Royal Type b75c.. 2 96 947* 947*
Russeks F Av 50c. 4 14!* 14 14'*
Rustless Ir&Stl .. 2 1 454 1 47* 145*
Ryan Consolld'd.. 2 5J* 6 5 •
Rverson & Haynes 3 67* 65* 67*’
Saf Car H&Lt bl% 50e 140 135 140
St Anthony Gold <> K K K
St Lawrence Corn 1 145* 1454 1 454
St Lawrence C pf- 25a 38 38 38
St Regis Paper 215 1054 10 1054
St Regis Paper pf. 75a 11454 114 114
Savoy OH _ _ 2 354 35* 3)4
Schlff(The)Co(t3) 2 40 40 40
Scovill Mfg (b50c)100a 6154 6154 6154
Seeman Bros T2 54. 1 4654 4654 46>4
Segal Lock AH.. 2 354 3 54 3 54
Selberling Rubber 16 9 854 9
Selected Indus 6 354 354 354
Sel Ind all cfs 6H 200a 10254 1 0254 1 0254
Sel Ind pr pf (6 54 j350a 99 99 99
Sent Saf Control . 2 54 54 K
Seversky Aircraft 2 1 554 654 55*
Shattuck Den Min 6 22 2154 2154
Shawin W & P 80c 2 2754 27 27
Shrev-El Dor P&L 1 >4 7» 5»
Simmons Hd & P 1 65* 65* 55*
Sonotone C (alOc) 6 1*4 154 IK
Soss Mfg (a25c)_. 1 754 7 54 7 54
So Cal Ed pf B 1 54 1 27*4 27*4 27*4
South'n Colo PA 17 7 7
Southn Union Gas 3 3K 3K 354
Spamsh&Gen rets 1 54 54 54
Spen Chain St 60c. 8 1154 1054 115)
Stand Dredging 9 5 54 5 6 54
Stand Oil Ky (tl). 2 2054 2054 2054
Stand Oil Ohio tl- 2 43 42*4 42K
Stand Pwr A Lt . 2 6 6 6
Stand SllALd (4c) 8 % 54 54
Starrett Coro vtc 2 854 8 854
Sterl Alum Pa 75c 2 1154 11K UK
Stsrl'g Brew a75c, 1 754 7 54 7 54
Sterling. Inc(20c) 2 554 654 5K
Stroock ACoa2 54 1 29 29 29
Stuti Motor . 18 1 \ 1
Sullivan Machine- 2 2354 22*4 2354
Sunray Oil (alOc) 22 454 454 4*4
Sunshine Min (3) 7 19*4 1954 1954
Superior Port C B 25s 18 18 18
Swiss-Am Elec of 100a 11354 11354 11354
Taggart Corp _ 8 1554 1454 1454
TastyeasttDellA- 2 154 154 154
Taylor Dlst (30c). 1 454 4 54 4 54
Technicolor a50e. 3 4 2 1 56 2 054 2 054
Tech Hughes T40c 6 554 654 654
Texon Oil A L 60c 3 654 654 654
Thew Shovel a50c 100s 6354 6354 6354
TiloRoof Inc (1). 2 1754 17 17
Tob Prod Exp 16c. 4 354 354 354
Tr-Lux DPS t20e_ 6 454 454 454
Transwest Oil Co.. 17 1 354 1 354 1 354
Tublze chatllllon. 8 2854 2754 2854
Ulen A Co 754% pi 1 654 5 54 654
UnGof Cana85c_ 2 1 554 1454 1554
United Corp war— 2 154 154 154
Unit Gas Corp -- 28 1154 1154 1154
Utd Gas war_ 2 254 254 254
United GC pi bl % 1 111 114 114
Unit Lt A Pw (A). 23 8 7 54 754
Unit Lt A Pw pt— 2 6654 66 66
Unit Shlpyds B — 2 354 354 854
Unit Shoe M t254 . 60s 8854 8854 8854
U S Foil <B> Cl)— 2 16 1 554 1554
USA inti Secur 2 254 254 254
USAIS 1st pf bl54 1 87 87 87
U S Lines pf - 3 4 4 4
U S Rub Reclaim. 1 954 9J4 954
U fl Stores- 4 54 54 54
U S Stores 1st pf— 90s 854 854 854
Unit Stores rto_ 2 111
Unit Verde Ex <1) 8 354 854 354
Unit Wall Paper— 60 554 6* 554
Unle Pictures_ 2 12 12 12
Utilities P A L (d) 9 % 54 %
Util P A L B (d)_ 1 854 354 854
Util PAL pf <d)„ 60s 18 18 18
Utility Equities 1 654 654 654
Utility Eq pf b4 54 60s 81 81 81
Valspar vtc_ 4 7 54 754 7 54
Venezuela Mex O. 1 654 654 654
Venezuela Petrol. 7 254 254 254
Wagner Bak b40o. 1 20 20 4o
Wahl Company— 13 8 8
Wayne Pump 16O0 4 4354 4354 4354
WeU'f n Oil of Del 1 1254 1254 1254
Jumps 1% Cents an Ounce
to 46%, Highest Since
. November, 1936.
BJ the Associates Press.
NEW YORK, April 5.—The price of
foreign-mined bar silver in New York
Jumped today 1% cents an ounce to
46% cents, the highest level since No
vember 10, 1936.
The new price, set by Handy & Har
man, brokers, followed a similar sharp
advance in London. Trade reports
ascribed it to buying in the Indian
bazaars and speculative purchasing in
the London market.
There was no immediate explanation
of the Indian demand as brokers here
said no shortage had been reported.
In the Montreal silver futures mar
ket prices were from .62 of a cent to
1.30 cents higher.
NEW YORK April 5 UP).—New York
Security Dealers' Association:
Bid Asked.
Admin Fd 2nd Inc_19.00 20.85
Am Business Shrs_ 1.27 1.40
Am Gen Eq Inc_ 1.16 1.29
Am Ins Stocks_ 5.25 0.00
Bancamer Blair _11.125 12 125
Bank Group Shrs _ 1.07 2 12
Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ .3.875 4.50
Basle Industry _ 5 30
Broad St Inv _ 30.42 38.95 I
Bullock Find __ _ 23.125 24.875
Corporate Trust _ 3.05 _
Corporate Trust AA_ 2.90 __
Corp Tr AA mod _ 3.75 _
Corp Tr Accum Ser__ 2.00 _
Corp Tr Acc mod _ 3 75 _
Cumulative Tr Sh_ _ 0.02 _
Depos Bk Sh N Y A_ 2,71 _
Depos Ins Shrs A __ 3.55 _
Depos Ins Shrs B _ .3.30 _ _
Diversified Tr C __ 5 25
Dividend Shrs __ 2 00 2.24
Equity Corp S3 pf_ 39 75 42 75
Fidelity Find Inc_ 28.70 30.91
First Boston Corn__ 30,50 38,00
Fixed Trust 8h A___ 13.78
Fxed Trust Sh B 11 53
Found Tr Sh A _ 5.05 5.35
Fund Investors Inc __ 24 92 20 32
Find Tr Shrs A _ 0 44 7.13
Find Tr Shrs B _ 5 91
Gen Investors Tr _ 7 15 7.78
Group Sec Aertculture_ 1 90 2 00
Group Sec Automobile_ 152 1.65
Group Sec Buildtny_ 2 28 2.40
Group Sec Chemical _ 1 03 1.77
Group Sec Food _ 1 04 1.14
Group Sec Invest Shrs __ 1 81 1.00
Group Ser Merchandise 1 50 1 03
OrouD See Minina __ 1.85 2 09
Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.57 1.70
Group Sec R R Eoulp_ 1 07 1 81
Ornun Sec S'"el __ __ 2 "4 ''4"
Group Sec Tobacco _ i 10 1 20
Huron Holding _ _ 85 1 2ft
Incorn Investors _ 20 42
Insurance Group Shrs 1 07 1 80
Investors Fd C Inc 10 30 17.20
Kevstonr Cut Find B-S 2" si 24 89
Malor Shrs Corp _ 3 25
Maryland Find 10 24 11 21
Mass Invest Tr "9 43 31 "3
Mutual Invest 17 20 18 87
Nation Wide Sec _ 4 75 4 85
Nation Wide Votlna _ 2 17 2 33
N Y Bk Tr Shrs _ 4 375
North Am Bond Tr ctfs _ 68 s?o 03 125
Nor Am Tr Shares _ "81
Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 3 01
Nor Am Tr Sh 1950 _ 3 64
Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 3 34
Plymouth Fund Ine . 90 1 07
Quarterly Income Sh 18 71 20 50
Selectee Am Sh _ 4.31
Selected Am Sh Ine . 15 80 17 05
Selected Cumul Sh _ 1 1 oil
Selpcted Income Sh . _ 5 73
Spengei Trask Find 2" 07 ""75
Stand Am Tr Shrs 4 30 4 55
Stand Util Inc _ 97 1 05
Super of Am Tr A 4 18
Super of Am Tr AA " 81
Super o; Am Tr R _ 4 3ft
Super of Am Tr BB _ __ 2 81
Super of Am Tr C _ _ 8 14
Super of Am Tr D_ s 14
Supervised Shrs __ 15 nr 10 38
Trusteed Am Bk B 98 1 ns
Trusteed Industry Shrs 1 57 1 74
Wellineton Fund Sn Oft •>" 63
NEW YORK April 5 fjps.—New York
Security Dealers’ Association:
. . _ . Bid. Asked.
Aetna Cas (2a) _ _ 303 107
Aetna Tns (1.601 473i 40%
Aetna Life ( 80a) __ 3j 33
Am Eault d 60) _ZZZZ 42 45
Am Ins Newark (%a)_ ]•>% 14%
Am Reins . _ 44 4r
Am Reserve da)__ 30% 3*’%
Am Surety tn%>__ _ 57n4 50%
Automobile da> _ _ 3P- 331
Balt Amer (.2(»a)__I 7% s%
Carolina (1.30) __ °7% °o
Citv of N Y (1 20) _I__I 27% «o
ronn Gen Life ( SO)_ 38 301%
Contin Cas (1.20). _ _ 20% 31%
Fid A D°r do _ 334 ] 371-0
Firemen's Newark. 1°% 14 '
Frank Fire da* __ °fi3-4 31%
Gph Reinsur (2» _ __ 47 40
Glen Falls d 60> 43 45
Globe A Rep 1.8O) __ 2 112 24
Globe A" Rut _ 68 71
Great Amer da). __ 26% 28
Hanover (1.601 _ 35% 37%
Hartford Fire <2)_ 68 70
Home Fire Sec_ 5% 7
Home Tns da* _ 37% 30%
Homestead (1)_ 18 a4 20%
Maryland Cas _ 6% 7
Lincoln Fire _ 4% 5%
Mass Bond (3%).._ 60% 63%
Natl Fire (2) 62% 64%
Natl IJbprtv (,20a)_ 0% 11
N Hampshire d.60) __ 43% 44%
N Y Fire i.SOa' _ 22% 25
Nor River ».45g)_ 26% 28
Phoenix '2a> 01 04
Prov Wash (la* _ 36% 38%
St. Paul Fire (6) _ 205 210
Snrinefield (4%a)_- 123% 126%
Sun Life (3%e)_ _ 725 775
Travelers d6> 471 481
U S Fire (2) 53 55
Westchester d.20a'* . 34% 36%
a Also extra or extras.
t? Declared or paid so far this year.
(Reported by Chas. D Barney A: Co.)
Bid. Offer.
Amer TAT 5%s ’43_112% 113
Auburn Auto 4%s '39 __ 67 83%
California Packing 5s ’40_102% 103%
Carolina. Cl A Ohio 5s \38__ 104% 104%
Chesapeake A Ohio 5s '39—100% 107%
Edison Elec Ilium 4s '3!* _ 105*4 106%
General Pub Serv 5%s ’39 101% 101%
Grand Rapids A Ind 4%s’41 __ 100*4
Houston Oil o*4s ’4 0 101 101%
Internatl Merc’tile Ma 6s ’41 86 88
Internatl T A T 4%s ’39 . 82 84
Laclede Gas Light os *39 00 91
Lehigh Valley Coal 6s ’38.. 99% 99%
Lehigh Valley Term 5s ’41 106% 107*4
Long Island Gen 4s '38 102 103%
Louisville A Nashville 4s ’4P 106 ] 07
Michigan Central 4s '40 __ 103*4 105*4
Midland R R of N J 5s ’40_. 80
Milw A Northern 4%s ’39 90 95*4
N Y. Chi A StL 6% notes ’38 100% 100%
New York Dock 5s ’38 56% 59
N Y. Susqueh A- West 5s ’40 51
New York Tel Co 4*4s '39 106% 106%
Pacific RR of Mo 4s ’38_101*4 101%
Penn-Dixie Cement. 6s ’41._ 100 100%
Pennsylvania R R 4s ’43_110% 112
Rio Grande Western 4s '39 . 72 73%
Southern Bell T A T 5s ’41 106% 106%
Term RR Assn StL 4*4s ’39 105 106
Vanadium Corp 5s ’41_ 107 107%
Vertientes Sugar 7s ’42_ 30% 31%
Wabash Rwy 5s ’39_ 99 99*4
Warner Bros 6s *39 95% 98
Western N Y A Pa 4s ’43 108% 109%
Western Union 5s ’38—_102% 103
NEW YORK. April 5 OF.—Foreign ex
change firm: Great Britain in dollars,
others in cents.
Great Britain demand. 4.00H; cables.
4.003»: 60-day bills. 4.89 11-16: France
demand. 4.61: cables. 4.61: Italy demand.
5.26V«: cables. 5.20y«.
Demand: Belgium. 16.85'b: Germany,
free. 40.22V2: registered. 2n.f>0: travel.
2.2.75: Holland. 54.76: Norway. 24.65:
Sweden. 25.20: Denmark 21.90: Finland.
2.101'i: Switzerland. 22.82: Spain, un
quoted: Portugal. 4.443«: Greece. .90:
Poland. 18.98: Czechoslovakia. 2.49: Yugo
slavia. 2.24; Austria, 18.72: Hungary,
19.80: Rumania. .75: Argentina. 32.70n:
Brazil. S.SO'tm: Toklo 28.57: Shanghai,
29.90: Hongkong 30.55: Mexico City,
27.80 Montreal in New York. 100.12'/s:
New York in Montreal. 99.87V4.
NEW YORK, April 5 UP).—Bar Sil
ver strong, 1% higher than Friday,
April 2 at 46%.
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.
Wentworth Mfg n. 2 74* 744 744
W V* Coal & Coke 7 644 644 644
Weetn A E <a26c) 2 1144 11 H
West Au Sup A 74 400b 80 8844 8844
Will Oil-O-M s50o 2 8 844 »
W11-low Cafeteria. 2 111
Wolverine Port C- 2 6 8 6
Wolver Tube b20e. 1 1644 1644 1544
Woodley Pet t40o. 1 1044 1044 1044
Wool FW Ltd b41e 1 1844 18J4. 1844
Wrtwht Harg 740c 10 754 744 744
Yftstn Stl Door(2) 1 16 75 76
Yukon Qold< alSc) 18 844 344 844
Dividend rates In dollars based on last
quarterly or semi-annual payment. 7An
nual rate—not Including extras tAc
cumulated dividends a Paid last year,
b Paid this vear. d Companies reported as
being in bankruptcy or in receivership, or
being reorganized under the bankruptcy
act. or securities assumed by such com
Number of Strikers Involved in
Labor Disputes-1881-1936
Resumption on Common in
“Not Very Distant Fu
ture” Hinted.
BT lh« Associated Press.
HOBOKEN, N. J., April 5 —Possi
bility of resumption of common divi
dends in the “not very distant future"
was foreshadowed in remarks by
Myron C. Taylor, chairman of United
States Steel, to stockholders at the
annual meeting today.
Taylor said it was his greatest de
sire that “we shall in some way in the
not very distant future be able to re
ward you stockholders in a way which
your patience justifies.”
In a talk to reporters following the
meeting. Taylor declined to amplify
his statement. The last dividend on
the common was 50 cents, paid in
March, 1932
Earlier the chairman had told
stockholders the corporation's opera
tions had advanced to 87 per cent of
capacity from a depression low of 18.3
per cent.
He said. “As to the future, of course.
I would not care to prophesy. I can
recall in the past, however, when a
rise from around 18 to 21 per cent
of capacity gave us great satisfaction."
“I recall mentioning at the annual
meeting in 1935 that consumption of
steel per capita in the United States
in 1932 was 252 pounds. At that time
I said there tvas no sound reason why
we should not again reach a total
of from 800 to 900 pounds per capita.
Last year production was 810 pounds
per capita and at present the rate is
960 pounds per capita."
Taylor reviewed progress of the cor
poration during the past nine years.
He cited reduction of funded debt, the
absorption of younger blood into the
management and efforts to readjust
production and distribution most eco
After a discussion of wage, tax and
profit problems, he said, “in conclusion J
the best single formula I could evolve I
in the several relationships between
workers, owner and the public is that
which will induce the largest produc
tion at prices within the range of the
purchasing powder of the community
and at the same time provide adequate
real wages to workers, management
and owners of the property."
Directors were re-elected.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK. April 5.—Revenues for
the transit industry for the week end
ing March 27, 1937, based on tele
graphic reports received from a rep
resentative group of transit operating
companies, showed a good increase
over last year.
Transit Journal's revenue indicator
stands at 105.56, which represents a
gain of 5.56 per cent over the corre
sponding week in 1936.
For the week ending March 20. 1937,
the indicator was 106.46.
Improvement in transit revenues
was not so great for the latest week
as for the week which preceded it. i
Good gains w’ere general for the whole
country, however, and for cities of all
(Reported by Chaa. D Barney & Co >
Rate. Maturity Bid. Oder.
( Anr 15,
ZJune 15.
1 >1 Mar" 15.’ 19:19.-100 6-32 100 9-32
2'» June 15 1939.. 101 17-32 101 20-32
lZ Dec 15. 1939.. 99 31-32 100 1-32
15« Mar 15. 1940. .100 5-32 100 8-32
11/| June 15. 1940._ 99 22-32 09 25-32
l4 Dec. 15. 1940 99 20-32 99 23-32
112 Mar. 15, 1941 99 18-32
I3-. June 15. 1941.. 99 5-32
IV* Dec. 15. 1941 98 18-32
LONDON. April 5 </P).—There was a
marked mcretwe in trading over recent
sessions of the Stock Market and although
prices were somewhat mixed at the close
the tone was generally firm. Oils, rub
bers and mining shares moved higher and
European and Brazilian bonds were strong.
The gilt-edged division held steady while
trans-Atlantics remained quiet.
PARIS—Securities were generally firm
in the Bourse, with Royal Dutch advanc
ing for a net gain of 163 francs. Rentes
finished 15 to 75 centimes up and Suez
Canal rose 90 francs. International is
sues were mixed, while Bank of France is
sues closed 90 francs lower.
PHILADELPHIA. April 5 UP>—Live poul
try fowl. Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 21a22:
mixed colors. 19-20; White Leghorns, fancy.
17- 18: ordinary. 14-10; old roosters
12-14: broilers fancy. Plymouth Rocks,
23; cross-breds. 22-23: fancy Leghorns,
18- 22: Spring chickens, fancy. 24: turkeys,
fancy young hens. 27; toms 18-20; ducks,
white pekin young. 20-21; old. 17-18;
Dressed poultry, fowl, fresh-killed. 17Vb
25; old roosters, dry picked. 14V4-17V4;
Spring ducks. Long Island. 18.
ST. LOUIS, April 5 (Special).—
Erection of new automatic block alg
nals on the 234 miles of the Missouri
Pacific Lines between McCracken,
Kans., and Sugar City, Colo., will start
about April 10. The railroad is spend
ing *559,000 to install 277 color light
NEW YORK. April 5 W—Crude rubber
futures opened firm. 15 to 21 higher May.
26.45-48; July. 20.70-72; September.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK, April 5—Insurance
stocks in the New York City market
declined further during the last week
and closed at a new low for the year,
according to records compiled by Holt,
Rose & Troster.
The aggregate value of 20 leading
fire and casualty insurance issues on
April 2 totaled $621,292,000 (the new
low), compared with $634,303,000 at
the close of the previous week, a de
crease of $13,012,000, or 2.05 per cent.
The current average yield of the 20
issues of 3.61 per cent compares with
a yield of 3.53 per cent on March 25.
The current market value equals 1.12
times the current liquidating value,
against 1.15 times a week ago.
NEW YORK. April 5 OP).—1The
management of the New York. Sus
quehanna & Western, subsidiary of
the Erie Rail Road, has extended for
30 days the time for deposit of the
first mortgage 5 per cent bonds due
January 1, 1937, and the second mort- ]
gage 4s, due February 1. The exten
sion was granted because of the failure
of a sufficient number of security
holders to deposit them and make
effective the plan for a three-year
lengthening of the maturity.
NEW YORK, April 5 OP).—Electric
output of 19 major systems in the week
ended March 27 shows decreases up
to 4’2 per cent and gains up to 42.6
per cent compared with the like
period of last year when floods inter
rupted service in many sections.
NEW YORK, April 5 VP).—Stock
holders of Simmons Co. were told at
their annual meeting business for the
first two months of the year was sub
stantially ahead of a year ago and
that unfilled orders continued to run
favorably. Grant Simmons, president,
said prospects for the whole year were
NEW YORK, April 5 (*»).—Sales of
Neisner Bros., in March aggregated
$1,772,109 compared with $1,333,030 in
March, 1936, a gain of 32 9 per cent.
1936 Net Totals $1,772,937
Compared With $92,628
in Previous Year.
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, April 5—Stone &
Webster, Inc., a public utility holding
and investment company, and sub
sidiaries, reported consolidated net in
come for 1936 of $1,772,937, equal to
84 cents a share on the capital stock.
In 1935 net Income was $92,628, or
4 cents a share.
Pere Marquette.
Pere Marquette Railway Co. earned
net income in 1936 of $2,752,406, equal
after preferred dividend requirements
to $3.46 a share on the common stock,
the annual report of the company dis
closed. This compares w'ith $1,628,
248, or $1 a share in 1935.
t»5 the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, April 5.—Money in use
remains nearly $500,000,000 ahead of
the comparable figure a year ago fol
lowing a recent gain attributed chiefly
to Easter shopping demand for more
The rise has been going on more
than three years along with the ad
vance in commodity prices, pay rolls
and retail trade. For this season the
amount outstanding is the largest since
immediately after the 1933 banking
Money in use, as reported by the
Federal Reserve Board, compares as
Week ended March 31..$6,377,009.009
Previous week_ 6.375,000,000
Same week last year... 5.884,000.000
★ For Safety of Principal
★ For Assurance of Income
SELECTED properties and conservative
appraisals combine to make these First
Mortgage Notes on District of Columbia and
nearby Maryland homes one of the highest
* class offerings we have ever sponsored.
Denominationl from $250 Up
. [Shannon & luchS)
Beal Batata
1505 H St. N.W. National 2345
Member! ef Waehtnrton Real Eitate Beard
Isn’t This
Type of Bank?
V a bank that has made a place for itself in the District,
by rendering faithful and efficient service over a period
of forty-seven years.
V a bank that has won the loyal regard of more than
seventy thousand people — men and women who, look
upon it as their banking home.
V a bank whose Directors and Officers have demonstrated
their capacity for leadership and service by successfully dis
charging heavy responsibilities in many fields of endeavor.
V a bank whose usefulness to the community has increased
so that it now offers the facilities of five convenient, well
equipped offices.
V a bank which places at your disposal commercial, trust,
savings, real estate, safe deposit and foreign exchange
departments—with a combined staff of several hundred
trained employees.
V a bank whose capital resources now exceed $7,800,000,
indicating careful management in building reserves for
the protection of depositors.
V a bank that is administering the largest trust business in
the District.
In choosing a Bank or Trust. Company, consider
the advantages which this sound, well-managed
institution offers you.
Largest Capital and Surplus of any Washington Trust Company
Main Office: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania ave.
7th and Massachusetts Ave., N. W.
Eight and H Streets, N. E.
Seventh and E Streets, S. W.
1140 Fifteen Street, N. W.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System