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THE EVENING STAR With Sunday Morning: Edition. WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY_April 5. 1937 THEODORE W. NOYES....Editor The Evening: Star Newspaper Company. 11 th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. New York Office; 110 East 4',’nd St Chicago Office: 405 North Michigan Ave. Rate by Carrier—City and Suburban. Regular Edition. The Evening and Sunday Star 05c per month or loc per week The Evening Star . 45c per month or 10c per week The Sunday Star- -5c per copy Night Final Edition. Night F nal and Sunday Star— 70c per month Night Final Star—- 55c per month Collection made at the end of each month or each week. Orders may be sent by mail or tele phone National 5000. Rate by Mail—Payable in Advance. Maryland and Virginia. Daily and Sunday.. 1 yr„ $10.00; 1 mo,. S5c Dailv only _1 yr.. $0.00; 1 mo„ 50c Sunday only_1 yr.. $4.00; 1 mo.. 40c All Other States end Canada. Dailv and Sunday. 1 yr„ $17.00; X mo.. $1 ho Daily only_ - 1 yr., $*.00; 1 mo., ,nc Sunday only _1 yr.. $5.00; 1 mo., 50c Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatton of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All richis of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved Another No Man’s Land. No legalistic “No Man's Land” created by the courts can compare with the "No Man's Land” created in the local relief field by arbitrary application of a system plus the paralysis of responsible officials entangled in their own red tape. Arbi trary rules have shut down on the avail ability of created work to as many as 3,000 destitute persons here who are technically “employable,” while equally arbitrary rules and a lack of funds have denied other relief to the same indi viduals because they are technically employable. Repeated pleas in their behalf have fallen between the Commis sioners and the Budget Bureau, each passing the responsibility for action to the other. Yesterday's mass meeting of citizens, called In behalf of these unemployed employables, whose needs are causing such suffering to themselves and such concern to those familiar with their plight, was a remarkable exhibition of determination to correct a condition which has been permitted to go too long without remedy. The citizens who expressed their own and the views of local organizations dropped supplica tion in favor of a demand for action. Their resolutions and plan of procedure may be effective if they are followed vigorously, although the nature of the obstacles In their path is not difficult to recognize. First of these is the division of re sponsibility between the Commissioners and the Budget Bureau, which leaves the Commissioners helpless in recom mending expenditures to Congress with out the explicit approval of the Budget Bureau and which enables the Budget Bureau to say that the recommendations cannot be made to Congress unless the Commissioners persuade the bureau of the needs and the availability of revenue to meet them. And this impasse must in turn be considered against the back ground of a condition which places the revenue-raising powers and the appro priative powers in the hands of Congress, largely dependent, in turn, upon Budget Bureau recommendations. The spirit of yesterday's mass meet ing of local citizens seemed to be that responsible officialdom has made a sorry mess of the local relief problem and that the only prospect of remedy lies in the hope that local citizens, as politically powerless as they may be. will be able to win their case before what is now the court of last resort—the Senate appro priations subcommittee—and there ob tain the necessary grant of funds. Last year Senator Thomas, chairman of this subcommittee, heard budget offi cials in private regarding another im passe then existing, which at that time had tied up manifestly necessary funds for health work. The Senator was im pressed with the charges and counter charges regarding responsibility passed between the Commissioners and the bureau. This year, it is to be hoped, the Senate committee will devote a part of ita time to a thorough Investigation of the relief problem and especially the •‘informal” exchanges between the Com missioners and the official of the Budget Bureau whose personal sociological pre dilections led him to express himself so vigorously in opposition to any more re lief funds. As one of the speakers at yesterday’s meeting emphasized, the relief problem is not merely a “job of charity,” but a local olvic problem for which a solu tion must be found. A thorough inves tigation of the situation by the Senate committee might reveal the cause of the condition now existing, as well as provide the remedy. The term “liberal” has come into pop ular use in political and economic dis cussion, bringing up an obligation to define the point where liberality ceases and extravagance begins. Instructions which boys get at colleges are not always approved at home. It may be necessary to organize a “Parent Teacher Association” on new lines with parents doing more of the teaching. More Sitting Down? If American tourists in London desire to witness the coronation ceremonies without paying for the privilege, they might sit down at points of vantage now and stay seated until May 12. Their procedure, of course, will represent a form of theft, but it will have the ap proval of numerous apostles of "direct action.” Again, if opponents of President Roosevelt’s plan to control the Supreme Court wish him to withdraw his proposal, they might sit down at the White House until he surrenders. Police reserves probably will be summoned to cast them into outer darkness, but their misde meanor will have the blessing of John L. Lewis even if it ends in broken bones and bonnets. Similarly, those fanatics who object to public ownership might sit down on Sec retary of the Interior Ickes, while their contemporaries who demand a balanced budget and honest gold dollars might sit down on Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau. At the same time, citizens critical of subsidies for farmers at the expense of city dwelling consumers could sit down on Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, and the growing army of appel lants for "a breathing spell for business” could sit down on Secretary of Commerce Roper. The lawyers certainly must have a mischievous Impulse to sit down on Attor ney General Cummings, and if the stamp collectors of the Nation ever catch up with him they certainly will sit down with a vengeance on Postmaster General Farley. But what about the taxpayers? Surely, they are entitled to sit down on a Con gress which unhesitatingly mortgages the future to win an election. Indeed, if justice were done an unborn genera tion would sit down on a Senate and a House by which it has been sold down an everlasting river. The principle is clear enough. What Is fair for the labor goose is fair for the unorganized gander. The time will come when Secretary of Labor Perkins will regret profoundly her ill-considered sug gestion that ‘‘the legality of sit-down strikes has not yet been determined." Now the thing is a habit. But there can be no question about it being a ■ two-edged sword. It may cut friends ’ and foes alike, eventually. Nazis in Africa. Hitherto Nazi machinations outside of Germany have for the most part been confined to pernicious meddling in Europe, notably in countries like Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Now Hit lerism has raised its head in Africa, requiring the Union of South Africa to promulgate stern prohibitive decrees against subversive activities. The bans are aimed at German residents of South west Africa, the Reich's former colony which is administered by the Cape Town government under a League mandate. It is on the territory in question, em bracing 300.000 square miles of valuable mineral and agricultural areas, that Berlin casts particularly covetous eyes, in connection with the Nazi crusade for recovery of Germany's war-lost colonial domain. The 7.000 or 8,000 Germans who live under British rule in Southwest Africa have been comporting themselves as if the colony were still under the Reich flag. Many are reported to have sworn allegiance to Hitler, to have taken part in recruiting for the German army or to have joined “volunteer” bodies under the banner of the swastika. The South African government has finally deter mined to suppress steps which bear all the earmarks of a seditionary campaign. Non-Britons are henceforth debarred from declaring their loyalty to any alien government or to affiliate with any polit ical organizations with alien connec tions. Fines, imprisonment and deporta tion are the penalties that await violators of the new laws. That a situation is thus provoked which may have critical international consequences is indicated by week-end reports of bitter German resentment of the anti-Nazi restrictions. The affected Germans propose a “boycott” of the South African courts, establishment of extraterritorial tribunals of their own and an eventual appeal to the League of Nations. The Berlin foreign office, espousing their cause, claims that the complainants are being denied cove nanted political, cultural and commer cial rights. The Cape Town authorities are not im pressed by this outburst of protest and threats. Ever since the advent of Hitler ism they have been called upon re peatedly to suppress Nazi excesses and pretensions. These reached a stage that not only demanded drastic repres sive measures, but destroyed most of South African support of Germany's program to regain her former colonies. On the threshold of Hitler's drive for restoration, current events in Southwest Africa are far from propitious. A dominant American characteristic is a reverence for ancestral achieve ments. Names associated with family tradition dot the map, traditions ex tending from Memphis, which bears an imagined relation to the Nile, to New Amsterdam content with lore related to Hudson and his men. In order to retain a consistent sense of genealogical pride it may be necessary to forget de tails of family history, which may go so far as to associate a proud name with some distressing incident, such for in stance as threats of hanging for piracy. Whence Prejudices? The origin of prejudices is a fascinat ing study, and others than professional psychologists on occasion might do worse than think about the source of those opinions which so largely govern human conduct. By way of illustra tion, a remark once made by Israel Zangwill may be cited. His sympathies, he said, were with the Allies in the World War because he resented the mannerisms of German train dispatch ers. Of course, there were supplementary reasons for the great novelist and play wright’s choice. But he was faithful to his first impressions. Try as he might to throw off their influence, it still seemed plain to him that the Teu tonic system violated a fundamental tenet of civilization—the principle of courtesy. It troubled him to see vast numbers of people submitting to a martinet. In similar fashion, a resident of Washington recently changed his mind about the Supreme Court. Engaged in writing a voluntary defense of the high est tribunal of the land, he went to the beautiful new building in which the justices now render their decisions. A guard on duty at the entrance was im polite to him when he asked permission to borrow books from the library. In stantly a display of tamper on tala part f complicated matters to the point where | he was requested to leave the premises. He obliged with alacrity—to save time In the preparation of an attack on the court which he declares may have to be printed on asbestos! Human nature is like that. One of the bitterest critics of the administra tion of Herbert Hoover was a wholesale dealer in railroad ties who came to the Nation’s Capital to lobby for a Federal loan to his principal customer. The money was not available. So, in the end, the disappointed petitioner went back to Tennessee to campaign for the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. A lifelong devotion to republicanism had to be thrown overboard, but the sacrifice went unnoticed in the circumstances. And the chronicles of human experi ence are replete with Instances much more important than any of these men tioned. The Chief Justice, it may be recalled, might have been a tenant of the White House in 1917 had it not been for the prejudice of a certain California member of the Senate. Likewise, the Chief Executive currently in office might never have returned to public life in 1928 had it not been for the antipathy of a certain “happy warrior” for an other aspirant for election as Governor of New York. Some of the current readjustments of patriotic principles now charged can hardly fail to recall the whimsical sar casm of Artemus Ward (Lincoln’s favorite humorist): "My pollertics, like my relijjon, is of an exceedin’ accom modatin’ character.” John Drinkwater was one of the writers who have aided in an appreciation of Lincoln's intel lectual precision which made instantly clear the quip of the comedian who seeks to disclose a profound disapproval, by a process of reduction to the absurd. A nation’s wealth lies chiefly in the orderly development of its resources. It would be embarrassing if the guard ians of Treasury gold, buried in the Kentucky hills, were, when it is required for service, to organize ‘‘a sit-down strike.” Human ambition is very likely to be haunted by shades of envy. No depart ment of government likes to be out ranked in title by another department. Perhaps the word ‘'Supreme'' in "Su preme Court” is what really rankles. Senator Ashurst of Arizona has evi dent inclinations toward a sense of humor which may yet rival the cher ished drolleries of Bill Nye when he used to edit the "Tombstone Epitaph.” Shooting Stars. BY PHILANDER JOHNSON. Back to Business. The Old World heard a call from up among the distant stars. The operator said, “Somebody's calling you from Mars.” "Friend Mars must call some other day,” the Old World told the clerk; “I'd like to have a chat—but I'm com pelled to go to work.” The Old World got some papers written lengthily to show The psychologic rules by which society should go. Said he, "The lure of literature most temptingly doth lurk, But hand me down my overalls—I've got to go to work.” The Old World heard a pleasant song about eternal bliss. Said he, "That is a state of things I do not want to miss. The fires of Industry must blaze to clear away the murk, For every hope of happiness depends on real work.” Question of When. "A wise man may change his mind.” “My boy,” replied Senator Sorghum, "the greatest of all wisdom consists in knowing when to change your mind.” Disturber. The man who likes to hear himself Vociferate with lusty glee, You’ll find most likely is an elf Who lacks all sense of harmony. A Scientific Question. "Nothing is ever totally lost or de stroyed,” said the professor of physics. “In that case,” said the simple and frank person, "how do you explain the fact that everybody loses umbrellas and you never meet anybody who has found one." Evolution. Though slang a scant respect doth win, It calls upon mankind to note That he who always "butteth in” In course of time becomes "the goat.” A Curious Resemblance. "Mr. Oroucher is always complaining that nobody understands him.” "Such people,” replied Miss Cayenne, "are frequently like one of these old fashioned riddles. When you get the answer it really doesn’t seem of much Importance.” Of No Consequence. “There are bacilli In a kiss!’* Exclaims the sage, suspicious; But microbes in a case like this Are really delicious. "De reason,” said Uncle Eben, “dat some men likes children, is dat children hasn’t accumulated enough info’matlon to call a bluff about bein’ wise an’ superior.” Compromising Neutrality. Prom the Williamsport Sun. Washington reports the probability of a compromise on neutrality legislation. Yet when neutrality Is compromised It ceases to be neutrality. All Very Much Alive. Prom tho Troy (N. T.) Record. Officials in Missouri who were sleeted by ths votes of ths dead havt reported no ghosts at tbs pis eounter. * r Sit-Down Strikes and the Property Rights Question To th« Klltor of Th« Star: Various reasons have been suggested concerning the legality of sit-down strikes. Mr. Homer Martin’s contentions about their legality and the acquired and vested rights of the workers to protect their jobs are well known, and it ap pears Mr. John L. Lewis acquieses by his acts, although I have not read any direct statement he is supposed to have made on this particular point at issue. Justice Pecora and Mr. Landis seem to agree, as well as some prominent per sons connected with the present ad ministration. Let us assume that the workers have acquired a "property right” and author ities, or the courts, declare and define those “property rights,” which would in clude the legal right to take over the offices and plants of a corporation, such as happened in the Chrysler sit-down strikes. And, the next automobile plants which the automobile unions take charge of shall be Ford’s. It is understood that Mr. Ford and his family own all, or practically all, of the Ford plants. Mr. Ford and his family have acquired and hold a lot of money, or property, or wealth. Mr. Ford is getting old. He has worked hard and well. Suppose he takes the position that he has done a good job; he had an idea, developed it, put it into practice, furnished work for thou sands, helped create a demand for auto mobiles, a greater demand for good roads, a greater use of gasoline and oil, but is now old, tired and wishes to avoid further grueling work and strife, and decides to quit the manufacture of automobiles entirely. In such an event, and the automobile union workers have acquired a ‘‘property right” as defined by Mr. Martin, would Mr. Ford be permitted to quit? Could he sell, or dismantle his plants, or turn them into other use than the manu facture of automobiles? For the pro tection of their ‘‘property rights” and their Jobs, could not the workers seize the plants and operate themselves? It seems to me that if such claims of ‘‘prop erty rights” upon the part of the workers should be sustained, the same reasoning for keeping control of the plants and operating them would be as logical and legal. Of course, the question of financ ing the operation and the purchase of materials would arise. However, that would be easy. Mr. Ickes, or Mr. Hop kins, could be assigned to attend to this feature of the case. All those thou sands of workmen and their families could not starve, so the humane thing to do, the logical thing to do, would be for the Government to furnish the neces sary money and directing talent to keep the plants producing. Why put a good automobile worker to digging a ditch or to any other kind of work to which he is not accustomed? It seems to me all of the above troubles could be avoided by abolishing the Supreme Court, doing away with Congress and establishing a committee to take over all industry and all agricul ture, eliminate a lot of expense, ‘‘wheels within wheels," and then we would have a country of no strife, no suffering, no poor and life would be one long, sweet song, the same as in Russia. j Mr. Editor, I am for "property rights.” I have no property, but want some in some form. I should like to have the Government assign my "property right” in the United States Treasury. As long as we choose, and perhaps can seize, why grab a "property right” in a fac tory, when one in the United States Treasury would be a lot closer to easy money. C. J. ANDERSON. What Manner of Men Have Been Given High Offices? To the Editor of Th« Star: In your daily columns there are many Interesting letters from your readers re garding the economic and political situ ation at the present time, and I have noticed that while numerous criticisms are made about the present so-called “sit-down” strike situation, no one seems to have offered a constructive solution. It would seem that the main ques tion to ask is what manner and what kind of people have we placed in our high offices such as the President of the United States and Governors of several of the States that have tolerated these illegal conditions to exist. There are several laws in practically every State of the Union referring to the duties of a governor. Also there is a law in the U. S. Revised Statutes. Sec tion 5299, which commands the Presi dent to execute his authority to protect the rights of private property, etc. By what right or authority do these execu tives take it upon themselves to use their own personal discretions and whims to Ignore their oaths of office? The point will come up before long when the people that represent the large majorities which do not belong to either the powerful capitalistic group nor the powerful labor union groups which are essentially communistic in spirit, will resent in no uncertain terms the unlawfulness and undemocratic high-handed manner which these two groups have taken and it is hoped that conditions will return to the time when monopolies and large money interests are held and checked by law and these laws enforced and these labor organ izations controlled and their leaders de ported and the organizing of these labor organizations made unprofitable. To offer and to plan a really con structive procedure to solve our present day ills would require first a real man who is absolutely sincere and honest in-his intentions and capable of being a leader and not the type we now have at the head of our government. It would further require a group of men of the same caliber who would be truly American in their ideals and reorganize the entire government procedure in line with the Constitution as it is written and to abide by the laws. Until such a person or group of persons can be se cured it is pretty obvious that our pres ent-day ills will not be cured. CASEY HENRY. Insurgent Eagle. From the Flint Journal, An Italian war plane shot down an inoffensive Ethiopian eagle. The bird’* crime, we can guess, was it didn’t halt its flight and return the Fascist salute. Study or Discussion. Prom the Winston-Salem Journal. It is apparent from the present Su preme Court agitation that a lot of people would prefer to discuss the Con stitution rather than to study it. Thinking. Prom the Takima (Wash.) Republic. It would be too bad if we all thought alike, says a correspondent. Maybe so; maybe not. It would be bad if all of us thought as some of us think we think. Reno in Retrogression. Prom the Humboldt Tlmea. Nevada will not permit divorces based on mere incompatibility. Goodness, do they have to give reasons when they I want a divorce in Nevada? THIS AND THAT BY CHARLES E. TRACEWELL. No greener lawn ever has been seen around the White House than this Spring. Many a modest householder, walking by, nods appreciation of this feat, for feat It Is, to have a good lawn—any where at any time. The lawn Is at once the hope, pride and despair of many good amateur gardeners. Knowledge seems to have really very little to do with the outcome. Often side by side, In adjacent yards, one may see grass which stays fairly green all the year around, and grass which dies out In Winter. The why and wherefore of all this undoubtedly lies in the sorts of grasses sown, in the first place, or the exact type of sod used— But which? * * * * Read as you please about lawn build ing, try out experimental plantings of this and that seed, fertilize with various known and unknown materials, the fact remains that a lawn Is often an unknown proposition. Use certain “cover grasses," such as Italian rye, and get a good lawn—for a time. Unless other and more lasting species are used, no permanent lawn will result. Sometimes this won’t come about, anyway. Lawns are stubborn, in many in stances. They go along all right all Summer and Fall, but when Winter comes, out they go, leaving large patches of bare earth. When the formal raking of early Spring is undertaken, the dead grass is pulled off by the rake, leaving nothing but earth behind. * * * * Rather than despair of good grass, or give over the attempt to have it, a good procedure is to reseed a poor lawn twice a year, in early September and early April. Lack of rainfall at critical periods, especially in Fall and early Spring, often has a great deal to do with unthrifty lawns. It must be kept in mind, then, that plenty of water is essential at these planting times, if one decides that a decent lawn is possible in no other way. One always will be puttering around about the grass? Well, a good lawn, or even a halfway good lawn, is worth it. It is, as has been said so often, the background for home and garden. Specialty gardens are feasible with little lawn, but the average place looks better with plenty. Grass has a softening wa? with it. Grass tones down harsh lines, and helps make the average house look homelike. Grass is, indeed, something like snow. Every one knows the magic of a snow fall. in its possibilities; not every be holder realizes that grass, too, provided it is of a fair quality, has much the same magical effect. ♦ * * * Grass is. then, Summer snow, if the gardener chooses to look at it that way. Ask the robin. He will say it is not snow, but his larder. The good lawn would be worth it, if for nothing more than that the robins like it, and have great times in it. All birds love a good lawn. In this they are one with the good householder. By proper seeding, at the times men tioned, even the most dlfflcult lawn may be kept at a fairly even state of medium excellence. Few persons are Interested In another man's lawn, except to think it better than their own. This is a well known state of mind, evidenced In the famous song which every one has heard about, but nobody ever heard sung. Fortunately, this lack of Interest In another's lawn permits the honest householder to go about his reseeding twice a year without comment. Routine procedure calls for putting seed Into every bare spot. What If the grass will grow over without It? The possibility should make no difference. Plenty of fresh seed is a mighty help for the poor or medium lawn. The more of It Is used the better both for the stand of grass and the mind of the maker. Psychology has a part to play In lawn making. A good lawn Is not something which one must have. Today a very great tol erance has arisen for poor lawns. Even muddy terraces are to be seen In many parts of town. No one seems to think harshly of the keeper of a poor lawn. It is only in the mind of the keeper, himself, that any doubts will arise. If they do, let him cherish them, for they are valuable In more ways than one. Not only will the soul sensitive to grass, and Its value, make a better citizen and neighbor, but he will, above all, get a great deal more pleasure out of life. His sensibilities will be aroused, and he will realize that nothing Is finer, in the everyday walks, than a good lawn, and the good things it does for house and garden. There is, above all, satisfaction to the artistic eye. This Is something which no home gardener should forget. After all, there is not much reason to growing flowers, especially, except as a satisfaction to the sense of beauty. The lawn must be counted as an aggregation of plants, flowers as well as any, in a very good sense. It is diffi cult to handle, many times, because its beauty lies precisely in aggregation. We may have a few specimen shrubs, and forget the poorer ones in the flowering of the former. But with grass plants it is an entirely different matter. They must be very much alike, in thickness of stand, in height (aided by the mower), and espe cially in their appearance of health. Such a result is not easy to secure. What saves the reputation of many a gardener is that in this one item of gardening few persons are critical. The reason that even gardeners are not critical of other people's lawns is that they commonly tend to look upon the grass as a thing apart, which it is not, rather than as an integral part of every good house and garden, which it most certainly is. Continuous sowing is one way of hav ing a good lawn, if not an excellent one. At least it will be satisfactory during the time one wants it mo6t, Spring and Summer. WASHINGTON OBSERVATIONS BY FREDERIC WILLIAM WILE. Although President Roosevelt’s Su preme Court-packing proposition is two months old today, its enactment is just about as doubtful as when the bombshell was sprung on February 5. Both admin istration forces and opponents of the plan are firm in claiming victory for their respective viewpoints. Each side admits that whoever wins will do so by a razor-edge margin of not more than a handful of Senate votes. The balance of power rests with the group of a dozen or more Democratic senators still un committed. There's no doubt that plenty of New Deal pressure will be exercised to bring the fence-sitters into line for the President's proposal. Whether patronage and relief bait is to be as ruthlessly used as Senators Holt of West Virginia and Burke of Nebraska suggest has yet to be clearly revealed. The sanest estimate of the probable outcome is that the White House will get its way, but only after substantial compromise on the number of addi tional Justices, the retirement age limit, and some kind of constitutional amend ment. Few authorities except blind presidential partisans believe that the Rooaevelt program can possibly be passed In the original form. Meantime, speculation persists as to whether the bill’s chances have been in creased or diminished by the recent crop of decisions affecting wages and labor. Administrationists identify themselves with Attorney General Cummings’ con tention that “the soundness of the President’s proposal” has been estab lished bv the Supreme Court’s reversal of itself and the demonstrated “futil ity” of the theory that constitutional difficulties can be avoided by careful drafting of laws. The opposition is no leu convinced that the court's find ings pull most, if not all, of the props from beneath the claim that either enlargement of the bench or constitu tional change is necessary’ to secure desired humanitarian objectives. Be all this as it may, there is no inkling that the controversial Niagara will be checked at any early date. No deadline is in prospect for cessation of committee hearings, with both camps pretending that time is on their respective sides. Indications are sprouting that popular interest in the court talkfest is on the wane. New ideas, pro or con, are already about as scarce as hen's teeth. Rival leaders are beginning to wonder whether endless discussion is an asset or a liability. w w w w Senator Carter Glass has received more than 7.000 letters and telegrams from people In all parts of the United States In response to his recent two fisted radio assault on the court-packing program. His office reports that this is about twice the number of “fan” com munications evoked by the Virginian’s celebrated broadcast advocating Mr. Roosevelt’s election in November, 1932. Among those who sent the Senator com mendations on his appeal for an inde pendent judiciary are Samuel Harden Church, president of Carnegie Institute, former Assistant Secretary of War Han ford MacNider, innumerable members of Congress, outstanding representatives of the bar, law school professors and Jus tices and ex-Justices of state and Federal courts. * * * * There’s not a particle of indication In Mr. Roosevelt’s debonair demeanor that he’s at all upset by the storm of prob lems and controversies, political, eco nomic, congressional and otherwise, now raging around his head. The Supreme Court fight, labor troubles, depression in the Federal bond market, agitation over sit-down strikes, disparity In prices be tween durable goods and consumer com modities, international unrest all and k sundry, domestic and foreign, seems to leave the President more or less un ruffled. His serenity does not mean, of course, that he is not adequately con cerned over these various trials and tribulations. It rather reflects afresh his worry-proof temperament and his apparent disinclination to aggravate the situation by any public expression of undue anxiety or alarm. The chief executive probably was the most sur prised man in the country that his "economic dissertation in words of one syllable" on price spirals, as he dubbed it, should have blown the lid ofl the stock market on April 2. It was de livered quite casually in response to an eleventh-hour press conference question. Norman Thomas, national Socialist leader, has just sailed for his first trip to Europe in almost 30 years. In the course of it he plans to tour Russia and commune with Soviet government offi cials on world problems, even though he had some difficulty in getting Mos cow's permission to enter the country. A passport visa was at first refused Mr. Thomas by the U. S. S. R. because of his membership in the North Amer ican committee for defense of Leon Trotzky, exiled former Bolshevist poten tate. Thomas says he is neither a Com munist nor a Trotzkyite, and, while friendly to the Soviet, "don't believe I have to take it on blind faith that everything done in Russia is done by God.” * * * * "Willie” J. Collins, superintendent of the Senate press gallery, has just com pleted 28 years of service in that potent branch of the Capitol. He began his career in 1909, in charge of the press room of the Senate Office Building. After serving in the gallery successively under Col. Edwin A. Halsey, now secretary of the Senate, and James D. Preston, now assistant administrative secretary of the National Archives, Collins took Preston’s place as superintendent 6ix years ago. He says the greatest change he has seen in his time is the Increase in the number of Washington's women writers. When he first entered the gal lery, the late Mrs. George F. Richards, veteran representative of a group of New England papers, was the only ac credited newswoman on the Hill. Today there are 39 women in the gallery. The total membership of correspondents has grown from 172 in 1909 to 520 in 1937. * * * * “Daisy" Harriman’s appointment as minister to Norway will temporarily re move from the Washington scene the vivid personality who has presided for nearly 20 years over one of the Capital’s few genuine political salons. Her famous Sunday night supper parties periodically brought together for in formal, though always animated, dis cussion high government officials, con gressional and political leaders of all party complexions, foreign diplomats, newspaper correspondents and distin guished visitors from abroad. Free and frank round-table debate, on national and international topics, brilliantly led by the vivacious hostess herself, was the Invariable rule. Her admirers are confi dent that the author of "From Pinafores to Politics” will give an eminent account of herself in diplomacy. Before her se lection for the Norwegian post, Mrs. Harrlman had been mentioned for the ministership to the Irish Free State and also for a District of Columbia commis slonership. (Copyright, 1037.) Back to the “Walk-Out.” From tb* Battle Cr„k Cn«ulr,r-N,w«. Individualism Is by no means dead. From a Louisiana town comes news that striking workers “walked out.” ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS BY FREDERIC J. HASKIN. A reader can get the answer to any Question of fact by writing The Evening Star Information Bureau, Frederic J. Baskin, Director, Washington, D. C. Please Inclose stamp for reply. Q. How much money Is paid In taxes by the motion picture business?—E. H. A. Approximately $350,000,000 In taxes was collected from the film Industry In 1936. Q. la the Maxwell House atm open In Nashville, Tenn.?—K. D. A. This historic hotel is still open to the public. The traveler may rent suite 308 with the same furnishings used by Andrew Johnson. One expert says the Maxwell Is the besi, built brick house In the United States. Work on the present building was started In 1859, but It was used as a hospital during the Civil War. The bill of fare for the opening of the Maxwell House In 1869 shows an array of food that would bankrupt the modern hostelry. There were twenty-two hot entrees and fourteen kinds of wild game. Including boned wild boar's head, haunch of black bear, saddle of venison, Ten nessee coon and Kentucky 'possum. Q What State sends the most automo bile travelers to Florida?—W. P. A. This Winter, cars with Ohio licenses were most numerous. Q. What route will be followed by the coronation procession?—W. H. A. Prom Buckingham Palace the pro cession will travel down the Mall to Whitehall, to Westminster Abbey, thence to Victoria avenue, to Northumberland avenue, past Trafalgar Square to Pall Mall, to St. James street, to Piccadilly, to Regent street, to Oxford street, past Hyde Park, down East Carriage road to Constitution Hill and back to the palace. Q. What is a pot-hunter?—G. D. A. In sports, it refers to a person who is keener on winning prizes—silver cups or pots—than on the sport. Q. What became of the comic supple ment character Little Nemo, and what artist originated the character?—W. J. A. Winsor McCay, who died in 1934, created Little Nemo in 1902 for the New York Herald. Mr. McCay used his son as a model for the character. Winsor McCay, Jr., is now drawing a strip called Little Nemo in Slumberland and will carry on his father's work as a cartoon ist. Q. Where are the book reviews of Clifton Fadiman published regularlv?— L. P. A. In the New Yorker. Q. What kind of a drink is otard?— D. S. A. A. Otard is the trade name of a French brandy. Q Where is the quotation found. An other Richmond in the field?—C. T. A. It is in Shakespeare's Richard III. The king, speaking of Henry of Rich mond—afterward Henry VII—says: "I think there be six Richmonds in the field. Five have I slain today instead of him—A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” Q. What is the Burroughs Newsboys’ Foundation?—H. J. A. The foundation in Boston was established by a former newsboy, Harry E. Burroughs, now a lawyer, author and philanthropist. It is devoted entirely to the guidance and education of working boys and has an enrollment of over 5.000. Q. How large Is the Bols de Boulogne In Paris?—C. J. A. The park consists of 2,100 acres. Q. The three balls of the pawnbroker’s sign are said to be taken from the device of the Medici family. Why did they use this device?—C. M. A. According to legend or romance, Averardo de Medici slew the giant, Mug ello, and took the three balls of his mace, for his device. Q. Was Sarah Bernhardt at one time fined for breaking a contract?—L. W. A. She broke her contract with the Theatre Francais in 1880 and was obliged to pay a forfeit of $20,000. Q. Are three meals a day the best num ber for efficiency?—F. P. A. Dr. Howard W. Haggard in "Diet and Physical Efficiency” says that max imum efficiency results from the proper diet taken in five meals instead of three per day. Q. What is "The Lusiad"?—W. J. A. It 1s the only Portuguese poem that has gained world-wide celebrity. Writ ten by Luiz de Camoens, it appeared in 1572 and was entitled "Os Lusiadas,” the subject being the conquests of that nation in India. Divided into 10 cantos, the poem contains 1,102 stanzas. Q. How many criminals are executed each year in the United States?—O. S. A. In 1932 there were 155: in 1933, 160; in 1934, 198, and in 1935, 186. Q. Was Beethoven bom deaf? If not, how early did he become so?—W. H. A. The composer began to be troubled with a defect in his hearing when he was in his 20s. From about 1798 the trouble became more serious until by 1814 the loss of his hearing was complete. Q. What per cent of the midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy graduate?—P. H. A. About 70 per cent of the midshipmen finish the course. Traffic Penalties. From the Philadelphia Kveninc Bulletin. New York Traffic Code has been amended to permit certain types of offenders to pay their fines by proxy. The rule does not apply, however, to jail sentences. A Rhyme at Twilight By Gertrude Brooke Hamilton. In the Dusk. Low in the west a crescent moon A misty ray sent down Where solitary Venus shone; While all above the town The firmament hung black as Ink; A density that seemed to link In some mysterious bond afar The crescent moon and evening star. I wondered if the fair young moon Was gossiping on high; As in the black and murky dusk No other star was nigh: . . . Old Saturn plans to spare a ring You. Hesperus, to nearer bring, While fiery Mars In anger gleams And Jupiter frowns on their scheme*. A nonsense whimsy, routed soon. As clouds enshroud the crescent moon. « \