Newspaper Page Text
. CURB LIST GOES TO LOWER LEVELS Market Turns Downward After Rising Trend Dur ing Forenoon. r It the Assodtted Press. NEW YORK, April 6.—A reaction in the Curb market today carried most prices lower, with setbacks ranging to more than a point. The list turned lower during the noon hour after morning trading saw most stocks move to higher ground. about a point were Sherwin-Wil liams, Babcock & Wilcox and Alumi num Co. of America. Fractional loss es were dealt Gulf Oil. Lake Shore Mines, Wayne Pump and Creole Pe troleum. Shares maintaining most of their early headway included Pan-American Airways, up more than 212 '• Agfa Ansco, up about a point, and Apex Electric and Calamba Sugar, each up a point or so. Treasury Reports Slight Climb In Weekly Bill Rate *57 tht Assoeltted Press. The Treasury reported last night a itiffening in its weekly bill rate. The weekly $50,000,000 offering of 373-day discount bills. It said, w-ere sold at an average rate of 0 661 per cent, compared with 0 643 per cent last week. On a $50 000.000 ofTerinc of 72-day bills, the rate averaged 0.513 per cent, compared with 0 450 per cent on 79 day bills last week. --—— RIGHT TO INTERVENE IN ST. PAUL GRANTED Bs the Associated Press. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion authorized the Railroad Credit Corp. today to Intervene in the Chi cago. Milwaukee. St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. reorganization proceed ings now pending before the commis »ion. The Milwaukee road owes the cor poration $1,291,002. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY SHARES ARE OFFERED »y the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 6 —An under writing group, headed by Cassatt & Co., Inc., today offered publicly 126, COO shares of Western Auto Supply Co. $lO-par common stock at $28.75 per share. Part of the proceeds will be used to retire bank loans incurred to purchase increased Spring and Bummer inventories. CURB BONDS Hiph. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4'as '67 . vi'i S3'a W'j Ala Power 5s 4h A 104 I04 104 Alum Co 5s ’52 - lOo'a log 2 ing‘2 Alum Co Ltd 5s 48 1U5'2 loaja 1".> 2 Am G & E 5s 2028 . inn's 106'. Ion's Am P & L Os 2016 H5Js PS's Po.’s Am Roi Mill 5s 48 102 -4 102’s 10' 3s Appalach E P os 06 IOm‘,2 l<W>*i 1<") 2 Ark P A: L os 256 P8 07 a 08 • As El Ind 4’js '53 o8'a 08 a g8 • As G A E 5s '50 _ 56',« oh's ohU Bald L 6s 318 xw sid 101 1»1 1»1 Bell Te C 5s '55 A lll’o lll'alll'a Beth Steel 6s 'PS 135 13o l-.o Btrm El 4'is ’68 _ no 8H'a Hi' Can No Pw 5s 253 A . 103", 103*. 103 , Cent I1PS 5s '56 E K'l's 102 Is Ij'-’s Cen II P S 4'js ’67 F 0. U. «7 Cent 111 P S 5s '68 G .lot loo3* loo3. Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56 . P2'a 02 P2'a Cen S; PAcL o'as '53 ,67 67 Chi Pn T1 o'as '42 . 1023, 1023, 10-3, Chi Rys 5s '40 cod .'Ih 72'2 g'-'.a Cities Svc 5s '50 g'- • g1 Cities Svc 5s ’6b - 73 ,3 '•>. Cities S Gas 5'as 42 _ loo'a luoJa loo--a Cities S Gas P 6s 43 . 103'« 103'•« 103'a Clt S PA.-L 5'as 252 _ 7P« 70j« 704. Com* Ed 4s *81 F 103 As 103s. 103H Oomw Sb 51.-s ’48 A lo;i', 103', 103', Cont G & E 5s ’58 A 88', 88 88', * Del El Pw 51 as 25P .104 ln-l 104 Det Cit Gas 5s 50 B loo7, I037. 1037a Det Int Be 7s ’52 . 33« 34, 33s East GAFIs 256 A . 8787 8, El Pw Al Lt 5s 2030 86 86 86 Fed Wat 5'2S 254 8.5'a 85'2 85'2 Finest Tire 5s '42 _ 104 104 104 Florida PAtL 5s 25 4 !»3‘a 03‘a 03'a Gary E&G 5s '44 stp PO'.a OP OP'4 Gatineau Pw 5s '56 10! lol lol Gatineau P 6s 41 B 101 >i 101 >2 101 '2 Gen W W A- E 5s '43 A H2'« 02" a 02'» Georgia Pv 5s 67 Pi's PO3, on3. Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 83 S3 82 Grand Tr We 4s 50 . HP's "O', PH's Hall IIVFI 6s '47 stp HP3, OP3, PH's Hou Gulf G fis 4.'! A 1(15 1(15 105 Hysrade Fd fis '40 B TS'A IS'i 7S'i Tdaho Fw Co 5s 1T 107’, 107’, 107’, El Pw A L fis '53 A 103’, 103'2 103’, El Pw A L 5'is '54 B 100’, 100’, 100’, Indiana Ser 5s '50 _ 71*2 71'2 71 '2 Indnap PAL 5s '57 A 1 "5'a 105*2 105'a Inti Securities 5s '47 _ 107 103 103 Inters! Pw 5s '57 _ 03’, 07'a 07’, Interst Pw fis *53 _ 4 7'2 40 47'2 Interst P S 4>2s '58 F 70’, 70’', 70’, lnwa-N IAP 5s 57 A 107’, 103’, 107', Inwa Pub Sv 5s '57 lO'l'a 103'2 107'a Jer C PAL 4'aS 'fil C 1 04 12 10412 1 04 1 2 Kan Pw Co fis ’47 A . 10] 101 101 Kentucky U 5s '80 I__ 80’, 80’, 80’, Lehic 1 P 8 fis 703fi A 107'a 107'A HIT'/a La Pw A Lt 5s ’57 1"4>, 104’, 104', Manitoba P 5'is ’51 08 08 08 Meirop Edis 4s '71 E 1 03’, 103’, 1 03’, Midland V RR 5s '43 03', 0.",', 0:1', Mirn PAL 41 as '78 . 05', 05 05', Miss PwAL 5s '57 RO'a RO'a RO'a Miss River P 5s '51 .108 107'A 108 Mont-Da P 5 'is '44 07'i 07 ' a 07'4 Mns SS fl'as .77 ww cod S’, S', S'a Net ad Cal El 5s '50 00>, O'", <1("4 New E GAE 5s '47 75', 75 75 New E Pw fis '4 8 . Ofi’, 00 00 New E Pw 5'is '54 08’, OS’, 08’, NY P A LI 41 -s '07 105', K'.fi', 105', N Y S EAG 4'as 'SO 107’a 107'a 107'A No Ind PS 4' s 'TO E _ OS’. OS’, 08’, Oh o Pub S 5s '51 D 1 04'2 1 041 2 1 04' a Okla PAW 5s 'IS A.. 03 07 03 Pan PAL 5s '55 87 8" 83 Penn C LAP 4'as '77 00 00 00 Penn O E fis '50 A 103 7 03 103 Penn P Svc fis '47 C 1"8 108 108 El P 5'2s '77 100>4 100", 100", Phila Rap T fis 'fi'3 05’, 05'a 05’4 Potomac E4’i» 'fi! F__104 104 104 Pw Ser Corp fis '40_1 00'', 1 OO'A 1 00"a Pub S N I 4'.s '81 F K'l’i 101 101 'i Pus S PAL 6'.s '10 A 88’, 88’', 88’, Puc S PAL fis '50 C 84', 84', SC, Pus S PAL 4'aS '5(1 r> 81". SO'. 801, 8t L GAC fis ’47 mat 10’, 10’, Ifi’, Servel Inc fis ’48 . 105’i 105’, 105’i Shw WAP 4'js '70 D Id'.", Id"', 1""’, Sou Cal Ed 3’,s '45 104 104 104 Sou Cal Ed 3’,s 'fill 00H 00”, !»!)’', Sou Cal E 3’,s fiO B lot", 00’, 00’, Sou Cal E 4s 'fio •105’-, 1 ofi', 105', Std GAE rv fis '35 rod 8fi SO 8fi 8td GAE cv fis '35 mat Sfi'i so", Sfi'i Std GAE fis '51 A 87’, 87", 87H Stand Pw Lt fis '57 . R5'a 85’k 85’. Super of n 4'iis '70 . 104'A 1"1 >2 Id', Tenn El Pw 5s ’50 . 00", no 00", Tide Wat P fis '70 A Ofi'2 05'i 05' , Toledo Edis 5s ’63 107’, 3(17’, 107’, Twin C RT 5‘As '57 A 85', s.m2 85‘A gn E1AP M fis ’fiT B lOfi l"fi 300 nit LtAPw fis '75 _ 81 8] 81 West Pa 5s 7030 OO'A 0!"i OCA Wis-Min LAP 5s '44 100', lOfi 106 FOREIGN BONDS. Euban Te T'/as ’4) A ion Kin inn anish Con 5'as '55 PP1« PP PP Dfnm Mt B 5s '72 lx RT P7 RT Fin R M B 5s 'fil st lnc 102 K12 Hun TBK 7'as 'fi.'i AC 32 H 3?li 3-% | Mendoz P 4s '51 sto PR PR PR gusslan 5’4* '21 cod 1'« 1 l^i ustlan av** ’IP cod l'« 1 l1/* iw—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st istpi—Stamped. {Negotiability impaired by maturity tCompanies reported In receivership. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK, April 6 Mb.—Foreign ex ehanee mixed; Great Britain in dollars, ethers in cents: Great Britain, demand, 4.OOli cables. 4.90!?: 60-day bills. 4.0013.; France, demand. 4.61V4: cables. 4.61%; Italy, demand. 5.26*4: cables, 6.2flyi. Demands—Belgium. 16.86; Germany, free. 40.23: registered, 19.80; travel, 23.60; Holland, 54 76: Norway. 24.67: Sweden. 25.30: Denmark, 21.92: Finland, 2.16% Switzerland. 22.83: Spain, un quoted Portugal 4.46: Greece, .90; Poland. 18.98: Czechoslovakia. 3.49; Yugoslavia. 2.34- Austria, 18.73n: Hun gary. 19.80: Rumania. .75: Argentina, 32.73n: Brazil. 8.80x/4n: Tokio, 28.61; Shanghai, 29.90. Hongkong. 30.55; Mex Ico City. 27.80: Montreal in New York, 100 12%: New York in Montreal. 99.87%. n—Nominal. -4 -- . , Idea) Cement Co.—1936 common share earnings were 17.40, against 13.34. . X NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to Uie Star. 2:30 Stock end S»le»— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Cloee. Aero Supply A 1)4- 1 2* 2* 24 Aero Supply (B)— 2 644 644 644 Agfa Ansco _ 2 24 24 24 Air Inv Inc war— 3 144 % H AlaPwrpf(6)_SOe 68 68 68 Alum'n Co of Am 250* 16944 168J4 16844 Alum Am pf al 1 44 200e 11844 118 11844 Alumn Goods b25o 1 1744 1 744 1 744 Arn Airlines. Inc.. 8 26?4 26 26 Am Beverage ... 2 244 244 2H Am Box B od (1).. 81 2144 2044 2044 Am CPAL VW244. 1 89 39 89 Am CltPAL B a20e 2 6 6 6 AmCynamBt60o 24 3144 8044 8144 Am GAE < 1.401 .. 11 8644 85 35 Am GAE pf (8) 100« 10844 10844 10844 Am Gen C’p <a50c) 2 11 11 11 Am Gen C of 4 2 ) 60 . 8 4 44 8 4 44 3 4 44 Am Hard Rub(al) 160. 23 2244 2244 Am L A T (tl.20). 1 2044 2044 2044 Am Maracaibo 60 244 1’4 2 Am Pot A Ch a2 *4 100. 52 4944 62 Am Seal Kapa30o 1 914 944 944 Am Superpower.. 11 244 2 2 Anchor Post F_ 5 4*4 444 444 Angostura (t20c). 6 7 44 7 44 7 44 Angostura-W rts.. 6 1 1 1 Apex Electrlctal) 2 36’4 35’,4 8644 Appalach E P pf 7 20. 1074* 107*4 107*4 Arcturua Radio T. 2 2 144 144 Ark Nat Gas _ 8 1044 10 10 ArkNatGcupf— 3 9*4 94* 944 Ark Nat Gas < A) .. 25 1U*4 10:4 10'4 Art Met W (80c).. 23 13*-* 13*, 13?4 Ashland OAK 1400 u 'Mi 'is Asso Gas & Elec.. 10 2 2 2 AssoGA E (A)... 13 34 34 34 Asso G A E 15 of . 1 264 2614 264 Asso Laundries 1 4 't 4 Atl Coast Fis h35c 4 104 10>4 104 Atl Coast L a2 4 150. 61 604 6O4 Atlas corp war 11 84 3 s Atlaa Plyw’dd 4) 5 264 26 4 264 Austin Silver ... SO 34 34 84 Auto Products ... 2 74 74 74 Auto Vot Mch jOo. 1 11 11 11 Babcox A WU (4). 176a 134 132 132 Ardstown Dlst .. 9 44 44 44 1 Barium Stain Stl 3 64 * * ! BarlowAS(A) 1.20 200. 174 174 174 i Bell Aircraft- 3 154 154 154 Bellanca Aircraft 6 84 74 74 Ball Tel of Can(6) 10. 163 163 163 BerkeyAUay F Co 14 24 24 24 BerkAGF pur war 18 14 14 14 BllssCo (E W)__. 2 194 1»4 194 Blumenthal S -. 1 33 33 33 Breeze C Inc a7 5c. 2 13 124 13 Brld’p't Mch b25c. 1 184 184 184 Brill Corp pf .. 160. 654 644 65 Brtllo MfK A (2)_150. 30 30 80 Brown Co pf . 1625. 824 784 804 Brown FAW bl5c. 2 13 124 124 BufT NAE pf 1.60. 3 254 254 254 Bunker H A S(bl) 150. 1324 132 1324 Burma Ltd b 16!sC. 1 64 64 64 [ Cable El Prod vte. 2 14 14 14 Cable A Wire(A) 1 14 14 14 Calamba Sue 11.60 3 304 29 30 Can CarAFdry pi 25 . 294 29 4 294 Can Hydr E 1st pf 60s 75 74 4 76 Can Marconi _ 114 24 24 24 Carlb Syndicate . 87 24 24 24 Carnegie Metals.. 6 24 24 24 Caro LAP pt (7)_ 10. 95 95 95 Carrier Corp .. 4 44 4 44 444 Carter (JW) 80c.. 6 114 11 11 Casco Prod b2 4.. 2 32 314 32 Catlln Corn iai"c) 5 84 84 84 Cslansse 1st pf t7 60, 1134 113 1134 Cellul’d Cist pf a8 100. 1034 103 1034 Cen Hud GAE 80c 1 IS IS 16 Cent A S tV Util . 8 34 34 34 Cent States Elec . 8 14 14 14 Centrlf Pipe 140c. 3 64 64 64 Chesebroueh '14) 60. 118 lli> 116 Chi Rivet & Mach. 2 164 164 164 Chief Consol 7 14 14 14 Childs Co pf_ 100. 88 8 7 88 Cities Service_ 31 44 4 4 Cities Service pf 5 51 494 494 Cities Svc pf(BB) 20. 44 44 44 City Auto St 160c t 1 124 124 124 Clt Svc PAL 86 pf 150. 714 714 71»» . Clt Svc P&L *7 pf 60 . 734 734 734 Claude Neon Lts 27 3 3 3 Clayt’n&Lam bl5c 19 9 9 Clev Tractor . 28 134 124 13 Colon Dev Ltd ..6 7 6*4 7 Colon Dev 6% pf.. 3 4'* 4‘4 414 Colo Fuel* I r war 5 I8I4 18 18 Celts PFA b37'4e. 7 74H 72 7314 ColumO&GalOc. 60 914 8*4 8*4 CompoS M stc tl. 1 1654 16*4 1654 Comwlth Edis t4_ 3 120 120 120 Com with & S war 23 ‘4 14 14 Community PS tl 260» 271* 27*4 27*4 Com'u'ty P&L 1st 60s 48 4514 48 Community W S._ 1 1*4 1*4 1*4 Cons Aircraft_ 5 2914 285* 28*4 Consol Copper 63 1054 95* 914 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 2 75 7414 75 Cods Mln&Sm t2 300s 89 88 88 Consol Refall Strs 2 8*4 8*4 8*4 Cons R S 8<Te pf b4 60s 129 129 129 | Cont i Roll & S Fv 8 23 22 22 Consol Steal Corp. 7 1514 14*4 1414 Cord Corp ] 45j 414 414 Coaden Oil Me <d) 2 214 214 2*4 CosdenVMe)pf(d) 3 351* 35 35 Creole Pel <a50c). 1 31 31 31 Crocker-Wh alOc. 4 17 16*4 16*4 Croft Brewing 6 1 ‘V % Crown Cent P a6c 7 214 214 214 Crown C HA)b50c 1 1314 1314 1314 Crown Dr (b20c). 9 414 414 414 Cuneo P pf (6 U )_ 150s 10714 107 107 Cust Mss Mlnlne 14 54 *¥ 14 Darby Petr (50c). 4 17*-S ib»4 1654 Davton Ruhber 7 28*, 28‘4 28>4 Davton Rub A (b2 )400s 33 32*4 33 Deiav Stores i80c 1 14*4 14*4 14*4 Dennison 7% pf . 60s 7114 71 71I4 Derbv Oil & Ref li 7 6*4 7 Det Gas pf (1.20). 3 1854 1614 I6I4 Det Gray Ir t20c .. 1 1514 15h 15)4 Det (Mich) Stove. 2 7 7 7 Det Pap Prod t25c 206 814 8H> 814 DomInS*C(B) 5 26*4 2554 2554 Douglast W L)pf_. 25s 33 33 33 Draper C (t2.40).. 80s 82 82 82 Driver Harris 154. 2 83 3214 33 Duro Test (blOc)_ 3 754 7)4 754 Duval Tex S a50c. 3 854 85* 8*4 Basle Pitcher blOc 10 22*4 21J4 2114 East'n G&F Asso 11 7*4 714 714 Estn G&F As pf 3.160a 4914 48*4 4914 East’G&F p pf 414 260a 67*j 66 6714 East Mall Ir al.30 26» 2314 2314 2314 East’n States Pwr 66 514 4*4 514 Easl’n St Pw (A). 5 78 75 78 Kast’D St Pw (B) 8 7514 72 7414 Easy W M(B)b25c 8 IH4 1114 11I4 Edison Bros Str — 6 2214 22 22 1 Eisler Elec ta5c)_ 4 314 314 314 Elec Bond & Shars 60 2114 21 2114 Elec B & S pf (6) . 2 7914 79 79 Elec P&L opt war 2 1014 1014 1014 El Pwr Assoc a25e 1 714 714 714 Elec P&L 2d pf A 30i 6514 65 6514 Elgin Nat W b50c- 100s 36 36 36 Emp G&F 6% pf 50b 6914 6914 6914 Emp G&F 7% pf . 160s 76 7514 75*4 Emp G&F 8% pf_. 100s 7914 7914 7914 Eaulty Corp(a25c) 17 2*4 214 2*4 Elurop’n El bd rts. 1 14 14 14 Evans Wall Lead 64 214 2 2 Evans Wall L pf 100s 85 84 35 Hlxcello Air(b20c). 14 2614 2414 2414 S'alstafr Brewing- 6 10*4 1014 1014 Fansteel Metal .. 1 16 16 16 FED Corporation 2 14 % % Fedders Mfg b25c. 1 15 15 15 Ferro Enam b25c 25 41 3814 <014 Ferro Enam rights 37 414 4 414 First NS lstpf 7. 20s 114 11314 114 Fisk Rubber_ 14 1714 1714 1714 Fla P & L Pf_ 850s 46 4514 46 rord (Can) A (1). 7 26 2514 2514 Ford Ltd al81*10o 6 714 714 1H Franklin Ray a60o 1 1114 1114 1114 Gen El Ltd a56*4e 2 2114 2114 2114 Gen G & El cv pf B 60s SO 60 60 Gen Invest Corp 7 1* l* i* Gen Kay on Ltd A. 1 2* 2* 2* Gen Tele C'p al .35 2 19* 19* 19* Gen Tel cv pf (3). 1 49* 49* 49* Gen Tire* Rub 2 86* 36 .36 Gllbet (AC)a62 *c 1 11* 11* 11* Glen Alden C ITU 2 13 12* 12* Goldfield Consol 6 * * * Gorham Mf vtc tl 1 24* 24* 24* Grand Natl Films. 6 3 2* 2* Gray Tel P S (1).. 2 16* 16* 16* OrtA&PTnvt* 10s 110 110 110 Grt A&PT 1st pf 7 167s 122* 122* 122* Great Nor Pap tl. 160s 47 47 47 Greenfield T & D . 3 14* 14 14 Groc Store Prod._ 3 6* 6* 6* Guardian Invest.. 1 * * * Gulf Oil <Pa> b25o 10 69 67* 67* Hat Corp (B) 80c. 1 13 13 13 Hearn DepS bl.65 2 16* 18* 16* Hearn DS6%pfJ 2 60* 60* 60* Hecla Min (b20c). 6 19* 19* 19* Hevden Ch (t2) . 1 42 42 42 Holllnger (t65c). 6 13* 13* 13* Holophane (b50c) 1 25 25 25 Horn & Hardart t* 100s 39* 38* 88* Hudson HMSrS * 1 * 14 85* 84 34* Huylers 7% 8t(d) 460» 25 22* 24 Hygrada Food 1 4* 4* 4* 111 Pwr * Lt *6 pf 660s 61* 60* 60* Imp Ch Ind(a29c) 2 9* 9* 9* Imp Oil Ltd »60c 10 23* 22* 23* Imp Oil reg (t50e) 1 28 28 23 Indiana P L(b30c) 2 14* 14* 14* 2:30 Stock end Sales— Dividend Rets. Add 00. Hl«h. Low. Close. Indus Fin 7 % pf . 10e 16 15 15 ins Co of No A t* *60. 674 664 *74 lntl HoldAInv Ltd 4 84 84 84 lntl Hr El S cv pf. 12 36 85 86 lntl Pstr <ti4)_ 6 864 864 864 lntl Products_ 1 74 74 74 lntl Dtli (B>_ 6 2 14 2 lntl Vltsmln(50e) 16 0 6 Interst P(Del)pf_ 70. 144 144 144 Irving Air Ch <1)_ 1 164 164 164 Itsl Superpwr(A). 2 1 11 Jacobs! FDCoi 1) 4 154 15 15 Jonas A Nbg blSc. 3 7 7 7 JonesALauah Stl 8 119 1174 1174 KanCPSpfA(d) 18 8 8 Kings Co Lt pfD 6 20. 684 684 684 Kingsbury Brew. 2 24 24 24 Ktnistr.n Prod 40o 21 64 64_64 Kirby Petrol <20c) 9 74 “ 74 74 Kirkland LO (6c) 4 14 14 14 Kreuger Brew tl_ 2 174 17 174 Lakey Fv A Macn. z 64 Lake Sh M < 14 > .. 5 554 644 544 Leh Coal AN 80c_. 1* .10 9*4 #4 Leonard oil .. JO 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (11.. 167 264 26 264 Locke Stl Ch t*0c. 3 17 17 17 Lockheed Aircraft 4 134 134 184 Lone Star Oaa 80a 2 11 104 104 Lone island Ltf — 2 44 44 44 LaLandHOe) - 16 124 124 124 Lucky TlRer tl2c. 1 14 14 14 McCord Rad (B> 1 94 94 94 McWilliams D (tl 6 86 85 35 Maiestlc RaATal. 4 44 44 44 Marlon Steam Sh . 2 I84 18 18 Mass Util Assocla. 1 34 34 84 Massey Harris 6 144 144 44 Master Elec 41) — 8 254 264 264 Mem Vat (KaBOc). 1 64 64 64 Merc Stores tb3). 1 614 514 614 Mer & Mfft A b20c. 1 54 54 54 Merritt Chap AS- 1 84 84 84 Mesabl Iron _ 9 14 14 14 Mich Bumper C__ 7 8 24 24 Mich Oas A Oil— 19 9 9 Mich Suear _ 8 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet (A)_ 1 54 *4 64 Mid Stn Pet (B) . 1 14 14 14 Mld-W Ahras alOo 4 4 4 4 Midwest Oil (tl). 2 124 124 124 Molvbdenum Corp 99 114 104 104 Monroe L S( A )32e 1 34 84 84 Moore Dlst (t60c) J 64 64 64 Mount Prod (60c). 6 64 #4 *4 ; Nat Aut Fib b50c. 2 36 36 36 I Nat Bella Hess _ 12 24 24 24 ; Nat Contain a50o_ 6 124 114 12 Nat Fuel Gas < 1). 23 164 16 164 Nat Gyps A a2H.. 1 75 4 754 754 Nat Leather .. 2 14 14 14 Nat Mfe & Stores. 19 9 9 Nat P & Lt pf 16 ) 60s 79 79 79 Nat Rub Mch a20c 6 184 174 174* Nat Service _ 1 4 4 4 Nat Service pf. .. 2 64 64 64 Nat Suear N J (2) 1 274 274 274 Nat Transit (75c). 1 104 104 104 Navarro Oil b30c 4 284 28 284 Nelsner Rr pf (7) 25s 114 114 114 Nelson 1H> (a45e) 1 15 15 15 NeptuneM (A >a 6O0 6 154 15 15 Nev-Cal LI pf (7) 25s 85 85 85 N E P As 6%pf b2 50s 79 79 79 New HavCKUi) 2 254 25 26 New Jer Zinc ( + 2) 100» 88 88 88 New MSA Ld ale 2 34 34 84 Newmont Min b75i 1 122)4 *22)4 122)4 X Y & Hon (b75C). 50s 32 32 32 N Y Pw&Et pf *7) 10s 114 114 114 Niag Hud Pwr new 10 13)4 13)4 13)4 Niag H P( A ) w»r 11 H »4 44 Niag Hud 1st (6) 250s 91)4 90 91)4 Niag Hud Pw B pf 60s 112 110 110 Niag Sh Md B a60e 1 14'* 14*4 14*4 Nipissing <50c> 2 2!g 2)* 2*4 Noma Eleo (b40c) 1 7)4 7*4 7*4 North Am LAP 5 4)4 4*4 4)4 North AmI,4P pf 100s 59 59 59 No Am Ray A b50c 6 60 49)4 49)4 No Am Ray B b50c 3 49)4 49*4 49*4 N A Ray pr pf (3) 100s 50*4 50)4 50)4 North Am Ut Sec 13 3 3 North'n EuropOR 11 44 44 44 X Ind rs pf b87 *-e 10« 91 91 91 Northern P L 75c _ 1 10)4 10)4 10)4 North States P A 2 29 29 29 Northwest Ell b50c 1 31 81 31 Novadel Agene(2) 1 82 32 32 Ohio Pwr pf (6) . 10b 110)4 110)4 110)4 Okia Nat Gas Co.. 3 12H . 12*4 12*4 Okia Nat Gas pf__ 60s 28 28 28 Oldetvme Distil 10 6 4’4 4)4 Overseas Sec €0c. 1 10)4 10)4 10*4 Par G&E 1st ( 1 *4) 2 29*4 29*4 29*4 Pacific Htg pf (6) 60s 105 104)4 104*4 Pac Tin spec 112) 200s 4;. 46 46 Pan-Am Air (tl). 2 68*4 67 67 Pantenee 011 56 7*4 7 7 PeninsularTel 1.60 50s 80*4 30*4 30*4 Pennroad ia'26ct 10 4)4 4*4 4)4 Penna Salt (bl*«i ) 60s 171 171 171 Penn Wat & P (4) 2 80 80 80 Pepperell Mfg t6 . 25i 129)4 129*4 129*4 Perfect Circle t2 60s 33V* 33** 33*4 Phillips Pkg a50c. 131* 13*4 13*4 PhoentT Secur 15 11*4 J0)4 10*4 ! Pierce Gov (b!5c) 1 30*4 30*4 30*4 ) Pioneer Gold blOc. 1 5)4 54 5’4 Pitney Bow(t40c) 18 8 8 Ptttsbgh Forging. 9 25)4 25 26*4 Pitts & L E b2 *4 . 80s 108 106*4 106*4 Pitts Plate G (bl) 2 134*4 130*4 134*4 Potrero Sugar 2 3*4 3)4 3*4 Powdrell&Al t60c 42 12H 12)4 12*4 Pratt & Lamb (a2. 1 35*4 35*4 35)4 Premier Gold *120 2 3 3 3 Producers Corp 1 M )4 H Propper-McC id). 1 *» J„ *4 Prosperity B al *4 1 14** 14** 14*4 Prov Gas (80c) 50» 10)4 10*4 1014 Prudent’l inv a50c 3 13)4 13*4 13*4 Pub S Colo pf (6) 10s 104 104 104 Pub Svc Ind pr nt In 10)4 60*4 60)4 Pub Svc N 111 pf6 100s 119 119 119 rug Sd F&I, pf b5. 50s 73 73 73 Pug Sd P&L 16 pf 100s 39 38 38 Pyle National (tl) 7fis 25 25 25 Quebec Power (1) 100« 20 20 20 Rainbow bum (A) 1 11* U* lj* Red Bank _ _ 2 16 15!* 15 Reed R B new t80« 3 41 41 41 Rel EI&En C a25o. 1 26 26 26 Reiter-Foster _ 5 1!* 11* 11* Reybarn Co a25c_. 3 61* 6!* 51* Rice Stix DG b50c. 2 12 11’* 11J* Richm'd Radiator. 2 61* 6!* 61* Root Petrolm (1) _ 20 81* 8f* 8!* Root P cv pf 1.20_. 1 16 15 15 Rossis Inti Corp 3 \ % % Russeks F Av 600- 6 14!* 141* 14!* Rustless Ir&Stl .. 5 141* 141* 141* Ryan Consolld’d 2 6 5 6 Rverson & Haynes 3 61* 61* 61* Saf Car H&Lt bl!*100« 141 141 141 St Anthony Gold 2 >* 1* 1* St Lawrence Coro 4 151* 14J* 141* St Lawrence C pf. 126» 38!* 38 38 St Regis Paper 476 II!* 101* H»* St Regis Paper pf 100. 115 1141* 115 Savoy Oil _ 1 31* 31* 3J* Schiff (The)Co(t3) 1 391* 391* 391* Scovill Mfg (b50c) 50. 51!* 51»* 515* Scrant S B Wat pf 60. 59!* 69'* 591* Segal Lock AH 2 31* 81* 31* Selberllng Rubber 11 9 8J* 8J* Selected Indus 7 35* 31* 31* Sel Ind all cfs 5!* 100. 102!* 102 102!* Sel rnd pr pf <61* 1200. 99 981* 98!* Select Indus cv a2 1 26 26 26 Seversky Aircraft 7 6!* 61* 61* Shattuck Den Min 13 21!* 21 21 Shawin W & P 80o 2 27 261* 27 Sherwin Will (4) 200. 135!* 136 1351* Shrev-El Dor P&L 2 !* !* !* Simmons Hd & P. 3 61* 51* 61* Solar Mfg <a40c)_ 2 61* 61* 61* Sonotone C (alUc) 8 1!* 1!* l!* Soss Mfg <a25c)_. 1 7!* 7!* 7!* So Penn Oil < til*) 8 441* 44 44 So Cal Ed pf C 1 % 1 261* 261* 261* Soutbl'd Roy blOc. 14 »!* 91* 9!* Spamsb&Gen rets 6 •* •» •* Seen Chain St 6i)c 15 iz 114 114 Square D of A 2.2010(1. 434 434 434 Stand Dredging.. 8 6 6 6 Stand Dr cv pf_100. 19 10 19 Stand Inv cum pf. 60. 65 66 65 Stand Oil Ky <tl) 8 20 194 1«4 Stand Oil Neb b25c I 134 134 134 Stand Oil Ohio tl_ 10 43 43 43 Stand Par ft Dt—. 16 6 6 Stand P ft L pf ... 100. 58 68 68 Stand Prod (b25c) 5 20 l»4 20 Stand SUftDd (40 8 4 4 4 Stand SU Sp a24_ 2 314 314 314 Stand Tube (B)_._ 17 7 7 Siarrett Coro vtc 4 84 84 84 Sterl Alum Pa 75o. 2 114 114 114 Sterl’g Brew a75c. 1 74 74 74 Sterling. lnc(2uc) 5 6 64 64 Stetson (JB)b50c_. 26. 224 224 224 Stinnes(Hugo) d 1 34 84 34 Stroock ft Co a2 4 2 29 284 284 Stutz Motor . 12 14 1 1 Sunray Oil (alOc) 21 44 44 44 Sunshine Min (S) 12 194 194 194 Swiss-Am Elec pf 60. 1134 1134 1134 Taggart Corp ... 22 154 144 154 Tampa El (2.24).. 2 864 864 864 TastyeastlDellA. 1 14 14 14 Tavlor Dlst 1300 . 6 4 4 4 4 44 Technicolor a50e. 2 204 204 204 Tech Hughes t40c 1 64 64 64 Texon Oil ft L <0c 1 64 6,4 64 Then Shovel aSOc 100. 64 634 64 Tilo Roof Inc (1). 8 174 174 174 Pob Prod Exp 16c 1 84 34 84 Todd Shlpyd (t2). M. <84 «2 <84 INGERSOtL-RAND EARNINGS IUMP $6,402,306 Profit Compares With $3,560,360 for Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 6.—Ingersoll Rand Co. today reported 1938 consoli dated net income of $6,402,306, equal to $6.42 a common share, compared with $3,560,360, or $3.50 a share, in 1935. The company, maker of pneumatic tools and other products, has plants in Northeastern States, Canada and England. Wright Aeronautical. A net profit of $1,057,098 for 1936 was reported by Wright Aeronautical Corp., maker of aircraft motors, with plants at Paterson, N. J. This was equal to $1.76 a share of capital stock. For 1935 profit was $423,295, exclusive of charges to reserves for contingen cies. Company is controlled by Cur tiss-Wright Corp. Calamba Sugar. Calamba Sugar Estate, with prop erties in the Philippines, reported for fiscal year ended September 30, 1936, net profit of $1,441,695, against $992, 995 in preceding year. Baldwin Co. The Baldwin Co. reported net profit of $187,841 for the year ended Decem ber 31, compared with $155,459 in the preceding year. President Luclen Wulsin told stockholders at the an nual meeting that increased demand for higher-priced merchandise was ex pected to continue during 1937. Anheuser-Busch. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., reported 1936 consolidated net income of $3,041,653, after all charges and Federal surtax, equal to $16.89 a capital share, com pared with $891,918, or $4.95 a share in 1935. Producer of beer and yeast, the company has plants in St. Louis, Chicago, St. Paul New York and Old Bridge, N. J. Ravbestos-Manhattan. Sumner Simpson, president, told stockholders of Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., at the annual meeting earnings of the company for the first two months of 1937 were equal to about 70 cents a common share, against 39 cents a year ago. First quarter earn ings, he said, may reach 95 cents to $1. while prospects for the second quarter appear good. The concern manufactures rubber and asbestos products, many of which are used in the reviving building industry. * - Pneumatic Tool. CHICAGO, April 6 (/P>.—The Inde pendent Pneumatic Tool Company and subsidiaries reported today 1936 net income of $1,096,271. or $5.83 a share, compared with $879,667, or $4.60 a share, in 1935. Thts was the best earning since 1929. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas D Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity Bid. Offer. .‘is Apr. 15. '37 100 1-32 34 Sept. 15. ’37 101 11-32 101 14-32 24s Feb. l. 38 . 101 20-32 101 23-32 3% Mar. 15. ’38 102 6-32 102 9-32 2T/aS June 15. '38 102 14-33 102 17-32 24s Sept. 15. *38 102 9-32 102 12-32 14* Mar. 15. *39 100 8-32 10**12-32 2 4s June 15. ’39 _ 101 19-32 101 23-32 14s Dec. 15. 39 10** 10**4-32 14s Mar 15, *40 100 5-32 100 9-32 14s June 15. '40 99 22-32 99 26-32 14s Dec 16. ’4<> 99 19-32 99-23-32 14k Mar. 16. 41 99 17-32 99 21-32 14s June 15. 41 99 4-32 99 8-32 1»/4S Dec. 15, '41 98 14-32 98 18-32 REGISTRATION STATEMENTS. By the Associated Press. Registration statements for proposed new securities filed with the Securities Commission today included: Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp.. Lewis town. Pa . 20.707 shares of no nar value 1 common stock worth $3 471.910. proceeds to be used to redeem 7 per cent cumulative convertible preferred stock. Credit Acceptance Corp.. Rochester. N. Y . <352.500 of $20 nar value preferred stock and 25 cents par value common stock proceeds to be used for increasing working capital. Laclede Packing Co.. St. Louis. Mo.. $250,000 of 4*2 ner cent first mortgage sinking fund bonds of 1947. proceeds to retire 7 per cent cumulative preferred stock and for additional working capital. Solar Aircraft Co.. San Diego. Calif . $225 000 of $1 par value capital stock, proceeds for debt retirement, plant addi tions. machinery, advances to a subsidiary and for working capital. -• FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK April 6 <>pt.—Revenue ! freight earloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended April 3 in cluded: Week Previous Year April 3. Week. Ago South. Pacific_ 37.967 36.656 30.832 ■ — • MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. April. 6 OPi.—Call money steady: 1 per cent all day: prime com mercial paper. 1 per cent; time loans Steadv: fiO days, fl months. l‘« per cent offered; bankers' acceptances unchanged; rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, 112 per cent. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Clos«. Tonopah M <a6c). 2 IK IK IK Tr-Lux DPS t20c- 3 4*4 4K 4H Transwest Oil Co. 6 1354 1314 1314 Tubtze ChatlUlon. 12 29 28 28 TubizaCh A (hi). 3 72K 72 72)4 Tune-Sol L pf 80o 1 12 12 12 Unexcelled Mfg 2 254 2*4 254 Un G of Can a35c_ 2 16*4 15*4 1554 Unit Chemical — 1 85* 9*4 9K United Corp war— 1 1)4 IK IK UnitGaaCorp — 20 11)4 11 UK Utd Gas war_ 3 254 254 254 Unit Lt A Pw (A). 15 7K 754 ?K Unit Lt & Pw pf 1 65 65 65 Unit Molass bll54 45 854 854 854 Unit Pro! Sb alOc 1 114 IK 114 Unit Shlpyds B 4 3*4 314 314 Unit Shoe M t214 350a 88I4 8814 8814 Unit S Mch pf 1.60 80a 40 40 40 U S Foil (B) (1)— 2 16K 1« 1« USAintlSecur 10 254 254 2K USAIS 1st pf blK 1 88 88 88 U S Lines pf - 7 414 4 414 U S Radiator- 1 13)4 1314 13.K U S Rub Raclalm. 1 9*4 954 954 U S Stores _. 5 14 H 54 U S Stores 1st pf.. 60a 8*4 8K 8K Unit Store* vto ..3 1 1 1 Unit Verde Ex (1) 8 354 354 854 Unit Wall Paper . 38 654 514 6K Utah Radio Prod 8 4 354 4 Utilities PA L <d) « K K K Util P A L B (d) - 3 314 3K 814 Util PA L pf <d>. 260a 18 1614 1714 Utilities IndusM. 1 IK IK IK Valspar vtc _ 3 74 74 74 Valspar pf vtc-_50. 614 614 614 Venezuela Petrol 1 24 24 24 Va Pub Svc pf (7). 10. 944 944 944 Walker Minins 2 34 34 84 Wayne Pump (60o 2 434 434 <34 Well't'n Oil of Del 2 124 114 114 Wentworth Mfg n 9 74 74 74 Welsbaum B B 40c 3 94 94 94 W Va Coal & Coke 2 54 64 54 Weetn A E <a25c) 1 11 it 11 West Au Sup A *4 17 294 294 294 Wll-lovr Cafeteria 2111 Wilson Jon a2H . 1 61 61 tl Wolverine Port C. 1 64 64 54 Wolver Tube b20c. 1 154 154 154 Woodley Pet t40c- 1 104 104 104 Wool FW Ltd b4lo 1 184 184 184 Wright Hare MOe 87 74 74 74 Ygstn Stl Door(2) 1 764 764 764 Yukon Gold 1 al8cI 8 84 84 34 Dividend rate. In dollara baled on leet Quarterly or semi-annual 'payment. tAn nuel rete—not Including extras t Ac cumulated dividends a Paid last year, b Paid this vear. d Companies reported ae being In bankruptcy or In receivership, or being reorganised under the bankruptcy act. or eecurltiei aieumed by «ueh com panies. J Progress of America's Fifth Great Inflation Compared with the Four Previous Inflations VANI .IP GROUP Prepares to Seek Board Places at Annual Meet ing April 20. NEW YORK, April 6—Prank Van derlip, Jr., said today he and hi* father, former head of the National City Bank of New York, and a group of Eastern capitalists have acquired substantial interest in Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich., and are pre pared to demand representation on the board of directors. Young Vanderlip said several sub stantial holders of stock had been ap proached in advance of the annual shareholders’ meeting April 20. Their holdings, together with those of the Vanderlip group, were reported auffi. cient to give control. No widespread solicitation of proxies has been undertaken yet, however. Books for recording shareholders pre liminary to the meeting wall be closed Friday. Company has 1,800,000 shares uf $5 par value stock outstanding The Vanderllp6 began to acquire Reo stock slightly more than two months ago. Associated with them and Eastern capitalists is an individual with automobile experience whose Identity Vanderlip, Jr., declined to dis close. The Vanderlip group and principals of the motor company are negotiating toward amicable adjustment of con flicting interests of both parties In Wall Street circles it was said con siderable Reo stock is in the hands of brokers and in Street names, having been sold in recent years by individuals understood to have held sizable blocks. METAL MARKET. NYW YORK. April « *.46.—Concur bare 7 steady; electrolytic, spot and future 17.00. export. 15 90 Tin easy, spot and nearby 01.75-62.00: future 61 .37 ‘ 2-62*2. l>ad veacy spot. New York 6.90-7.05 Eas* 8t. Louis. 6.75-85 Zinc steady, Ea^t 8» Louis, spot and future 7 50 Iron, aluminum antimony quicksilver platinum and wolframite unchanged. —-• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April fi —Silver fu tures opened steady. 12 to 25 lower May. 46.85b: July. 46.8<>b. September. 40.75b. b—Bid Property Management j Ml HAT our Property Man **’ agement Department is doing satisfactorily for hundreds of owners of apartment houses and resi dential properties it will be glad to do for you. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat'l 2100 Mortgage Loans Average for Two Months Placed at $8.37 Per Common Share. B 1 th» Associated Press. NEW YORK, April F. H. Brown ell, chairman of American Smelting & Refining Co., stated at the annual stockholders meeting today earnings of the company have continued high thus far In 1937. Brownell said January earnings were at the rate of $7.68 a common share per year, while the February rate was $9.05. or an average for the first two months of $8.37 a common share. He added he had reason to believe March earnings would run as high is in February. Brownell announced the company's preferred stock would be called as of ' June 30 at $105 a share, plus a $1 div I ldend. Because of the high precious metal ! content in domestic copper mines, about 500,000 tons of copper a year can be produced at less than 5 cents a pound, 400,000 tons more at less than 6 cents a pound, and about 100,000 tons additional at less than 8 cents a pound, he said. Large South African copper mines present no threat to American pro ducers, Brownell told a stockholder. About 500.000 tons a year in produc tion capacity is in South Africa and another 500.000 tons in Chile, he said. "While these producers have much lower labor costs than the United States producers, lack of precious metal content practically balances the low- labor cost," he added. At his last Friday press conference, President Roosevelt said copper could be produced at a profit at some mines for 5 or 6 cents a pound and at others at 9 cents. George A. Brockington. secretary of ! the company, was added to the board j of directors. -» INVESTING COMPANIES I NEW YORK April 6 ./pNew York Security Dealers' Association; (Noon quotations 1 Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc _19.67 20.93 Am Business Shrs___ 1.28 1.41 Am Gen Eq Inc. _ . . 1.16 1 29 Am Ins Stocks _ -- 5.25 6.00 Bancamer Blair 11.25 12.25 Bank Group Shrs 1,9* 2.13 Bankers' Nat Inv COPP 3.875 4 50 Basic Industry . . _ 5.38 Broad St Inv_ 36.7 4 39.29 Bullock Fund _ 23.25 Corporate Trust _ 3.06 - Corporate Trust AA_ 2.90 - Corp Tr A A mod _ 3.77 - Corp Tr Accum 8er_ 2.90 _ Corp Tr Acc Mod _.. 3.77 - Cumulative Tr Sh -. 6.65 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y A"- _ 2.72 Depos Ins Shrs A _ 3.56 Depos Ins Shrs "B’’_ 3.36 - Diversified Tr C _ 6.25 Dividend Shrs _ 2 09 7 24 Equity Corp $3 pf_ 39.75 42 75 Fidelity Fund Inc_28.7o 30 91 First Boston Oorp _ 36 875 38.375 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 13.82 _ Fixed Trust 8h B_11.58 Found Tr 8h A _ 6 05 5.35 Fund Investors Inc_ 24.98 26 38 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 6.44 7.13 Fund Tr Shrs B._ 5 92 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.16 7.78 Oroup Sec Agriculture_ 1.90 2.06 Group Sec Automobile ... 1.52 1.65 Group Sec Building _ 2.27 2.45 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.61 1.75 Group Sec Food 1.05 115 Group Sec Invest 8hrs . 1.84 1.99 Group Sec Merchandise 1.60 1.63 Group Sec Mining _ _ 1.84 199 Group Sec Petroleum. - 1.57 1.70 Group Sec R R Equip _ 1 68 1.82 Group Sec Steel _ 2.24 2.42 Group Sec Tobacco._ 1.09 1.19 Huron Holding _ 85 1 25 Incoro Investors . .. 26.63 Insurance Group Shrs . 1.67 1 80 Investors Fd "C" Inc _. 16.32 17.31 Kcyston Cuat Fund B-3 . 22 88 25 07 Major Shrs Corp — 3 25 Maryland Fund _ 10.28 11.26 Mass Invest Tr _ 20.49 31.29 Mutual Invest _17.34 18.95 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.76 4.86 Nation Wide Voting . 2.17 2.33 N Y Bk Tr Shrs — 4.375 North Am Bond Tr etfl 69.00 63.25 Nor Am Tr Shires . _ 2.82 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 3.63 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3 56 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 - 3.36 _ Plymouth Fund Inc- .96 1.07 Quarterly Income Sh- 18.79 20.59 Selected Am Sh - 4.28 Selected Am Sh Inc- 15.73 17.15 Selected Cumul Sh - 10.93 _ . Selected Income Sh- 5.69 Snencer Trask Fund- 22.25 22.94 Stand Am Tr Shrs- 4.30 4.55 Stand Util Inc _ .96 1.04 Super of Am Tr A- 4.20 - Super of Am Tr A A— . 2.83 - Super of Am Tr B- 4.37 - Super of Am Tr BB . -.82 - Super of Am Tr C- - 8.17 - Super of Am Tr D- 8.1 , - Supervised Shrs 15.09 16.40 Trusteed Am Bk B _ 98 1.08 Trusteed Industry Shrs 157 1.(4 Wellington Fund _ 20.5 ( 22.54 INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. April 8 iff’).—New York Security Detiers' Association: , Bia. Aftkea. Aetna Cas (2a) ---203% 107% Aetna Ins 11.80)- 47% 49% Aetna Life i.80s*- 30% 32% Am Eqult (160) - 42% 45% Am Ins Newark (%a)- 12% 14% Am Reins —. 43% 45% Am Reserve (la)--— 30% 32% Am Surety (2%)- 57 69 Automobile (la) - 31% 33% Balt Amer 1.20a)—.- % .,§% Carolina (1.30) - ~.% 29 City of N Y (1.20)- 2<% 29 Conn Oen Llf 1.80)- 38% .39% Contin Cas (1.20)- 29% 31% Fid & Dep (lgl -133% 137 Firemen's Nwk (15f)- 1-% 13 « Frank Fire (la) - 29% 31% Oen Reinsur (2)- 4<% 49,a 81en Falls (1.60)- 42 44 lobe A Rep (.80)- 21% 24 Globe A Rut - 68 71 Great Amer (la)- 28% 28 Hanover (1.60) - 35 37 Hartford Fire (2)_ 67% 69Va Home Fire Sec- 5% 7 Home Ins (la)—-- 37% 39,a Homestead ID - 18% -0 < Lincoln Fire _ 4% 5% Maryland Cat ,- 6% 7 Mast Bond (3%)--- 61 63% Natl Fire (2) „ 4- 63 66 Natl Liberty ( 20a)- 9% 10% N HamDshlre (1.60)- 43% 44% N Y Fire (,80a)- 22% 24% Nor River l.45g)--- 26% .8 Phoenix (2a) 91 94 Prov Wash (lg) -— 36% 38% St Paul Fire (6)_ 205 210 Springfleld (4%a)-123 1-6 l¥fve%es W;:-:::::: ig iSS Weftcr«te^('l.20.)il% §8% thH mi. Washington Exchange RALES. Washington Rwy. A Elee. pfd.—10 at 109. AFTER CALL. City it Suburban 5s—*1,000 at 8*. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. it Tel. i'/tt_106 Anaeostia St Pot. 6a 76 7S1/* Anaeostia A Pot. Guar. 6a_108 - C & P. TeL of Va 6a .. 103 Capital Traction R. R. 6l - 93'A 04'2 City St Suburban 6s _ 84 Georgetown Gas let 8*_113 131 Poi Elec. Pow. 3V.S-_ 99'j Wash. Gas 6s 1958 _ 105lj 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1960 _116 - Wish. Ry. A Elec. 4i _ 105V4 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club 5'<is 108 _ Wash. Mkl. Cold Storata 6s 100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer. Tel. St Tel. i9) *173 Capital Transit Co. 14 146< N. St W. Steamboat (6) 110 _ Pot. Elec Pow 63, pfd '61 113'2 Po. El Po. .Vir> pf (5.501 113 115 Wash. Gas Lt Co. <3.60> 79 Wash. Ry. a Elec, com <36i 730 _ Wash Ry. St El. pfd (5i 108 _ BANK AND TRU8T COMPANY. Amer. Sec A Trust Co. <e8>*395 305 Bank of Bethesda (h 7 5) _ 34 Capital (41 .. ... 137 145 Com, A Savings (10)_305 Liberty (4) ..._150 160 Lincoln (fO.35' 300 Natl. 8avlng A Trust. lrtn 160 Pr Georges Bk. St Tr. (.501 18 31 Riggs 'e8) . •330 350 Rtggs pfd (5> 101 Washington (6> — 130 Wash. Loan St Trust (e8)._ 393 300 EIRE INSURANCE American (Oi_ 100 - Corcoran (5> 125 - Eiremen'a <1.60* 26 - National Union (.80) - 18 - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) _ 15 1854 Real Eatate <6) 160 - MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp. (2.00) 22 28 La ns ton Monotype (*4> 96 105 Mergenthaler Line. <2 00i 4747 a, '*1.00) 57 60 Peoples Drug 8 pi. (8.5ft) 112 Real Eft MAG. pfd (**.70) 5 5)4 Security Storage '5> .M23 1'.5 Ter Ref A Wh Corp. (3) 60 - ' Wdwd. A Loth com <*1 50) 60 66 Wdwd. A Lothrop pfd. 17) 112 120 •Ex dividend. • Plus extras, e—27. extra f—l',% exira. h—75e extra. . .. ••25c paid June 30. 1938; *6e paid Dec 22. 1938. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. tReported by Chas. D Barney A Co i Bid Offer. Amer. Tel. A Tel. S',a 1943 112*og 113. Auburn Auto Co. 4',s 19.39 50 635, Calif. Packing Corp. 5s 1940 103 103}, Caro. Clin. A Ohio 6s 1936 104*. 104',a . Chesa. A Ohio Rwy ot 1939 1 08'. 107W Edison Elec. Ilium 4s 1939 105 106}, General Pub. Serv. 5'.s 1939 101', 102*, i Grand RaP A Ind. 4tis 1941 109}. i Houston Oil 5M>s 1940 101', 101*, ‘ Inti. Mercantile Mar. 6s 1941 66', 69'., Int Tel. A Tel. 4',s 1939 61 62t, Laclede Gas Light 5s 1939 9n', 94 Lehigh Valley Coal 6a 1936. 99', 99*, Lehigh Val Ter. Ry 5s 1941 106', in:}. Long Island Gen 4a 1936 102 103}, Louis. A Nash R.R. 4s 1940 106 106’, Michigan Cent R R 4s 1940 103'2 l"5t, Midland RR of N J 5s 1940 TO 60 Milw A North 4’ as 1939 90 95'., N. Y.. C A St. L. 67, N 1936 100', look, New York Dock 5s 1936 57 591, N Y . Susq A West. 5s 1940 51 New York Tel Co. 4‘,s 1939 106', 106', Pacific R R of Mo 4s 1P36 101', H'l', Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 1941 99», 100 Penna RR. Co. 4s 1943 lln'« 112 Rio Grande Western 4s 1939 7.3 71 South. Bell TAT 5s 1941 106', inn'. Ter. R R As St L 4',a 1939 106 107', Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 106'. 110 Vertlentes Sugar Co. 7s 1942 29', 3(1', Wabash Rwy. Co 5s 1939 99*. ]nn>, Warner Bros, 6, 1939 95'* 95'., Weetern N T A Pa. 4a 1943 106', 109*. Western Union Tel 5a 1936 102', 103 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. April 6 l/P) 07. S. Dent, of Agriculture)—Hogs. 14.000. including 4 000 direct: active, fully atesdy with Monday's average: spots 5-10 higher: top. 10.30 paid for numerous load* 210-250 pounds: bulk good and choice. 200-300 nounds. 10.10-25: most 150-190 pounds. 9.50- 10.15. bulk good packing sow*. 9.50- 75. Cattle 7.500: calve*. 3.000: fed steer* and yearlings grading strictly, good and better fully steady on shipper account: supply such kinds again very small and crop selling at 14.50 upward: early top. 15 00. but 10.60 bid: all other grades weak to shade lower: mainly P.00-12.00 market, but all well-finished offerings with weight. 14.00 upward: finished yearlings very scarce: she stock in only moderate supply but undertone weak: bulls active and strong: weighty sausage offerings up to 0 05: vealers tending lower, mainly 9 50-9.50: few 90-shipper kinds. 1000: recent rainy weather against Stocker and feeder trade, market slow and weak Sheep 10.000 Including 250 direct: fat lamb trade not established: bidding sharply lower: asking around steady but early Indications around 25 lower; fat sheep. 25 lower. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. April 6 I/P).—Raw sugar was unchanged early today at 3.45 for spots. Sales were reported, although there was Interest at this level following sales yesterday of fully 100.000 bags. Nothing was offered below 3.49 or 3.50. Futures were Irregular. The No 3 contract held relatively steady as trade interests continued to cover against recent sales In the outside market and scattered commission house buying. The No 4 contract, however, after opening slightly higher In response to the steadiness of the London market, re acted under increased liquidation and realising and hedge selling. July No. 3 sold at 2.54 and September at 2 55. or 2 to .3 points net higher, but reacted, and around midday was 1 to 2 points net In the No. 4 contract July, after selling at 1.39 or 1 point net higher, eased off to l.36'6. and held around the lower level at midday. Ifiie general list was '6 to 1 point net lower. Refined was unchanged at 4.9n for fine granulated, with moderate Inquiry re ported. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. April 6 (FI.—Oil shires re acted from their early hiih prices under profit-taking sales as the stock market finished with a steady tone. Trans Atlantic and gilt-edged securities held steady, while Oerman bonds were firm. Shipping shares sold higher on the firm freight rates and other industrials were firm The mining group moved irregularly especially Kaffirs on reports of labor un rest in the Band district. PARIS.—French rentes lost 86 to 106 centimes in a weak stock market today. Practically all sections finished lowerSue* Canal declining 290 francs. Royal Dutch 45 francs and Bank of France was 160 francs down. International Issues were In good supply at lower prices. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. Aorll 8 IIP) ID. 8. Department of Agriculturei.—A moderate demand was received for hulk fine territory wools in original baas in Boston today. Average to good French combing length fine wools brought mostly SI.02-08. scoured basis, while wools of bulk short French combing length sold at around SI .00-1.02. scoured basis, in original bags. The market was quiet on medium grades of domestic wools but quotations were firm. Spot foreign wools of fine and me dium grade* had som* call at firm prices. A May Co. Profit For Year Reaches $5,070,458 Mark ■r the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 6—May De partment Stores Co. and subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended January 31 reported net profit of <5,070,458, after surtax on undistributed profits. This equaled <4.12 a share and com pared with <3,463,153, or <2.81 a share, in the preceding year. The company operates in Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver, Los Angeles, St. Louis and Akron, Ohio. TECK-HUGHES GOLD IS UNREPRESENTED Br tbc Associated Press. The Teck-Hughes Gold Mines. Ltd., went unrepresented today at a se curities commission hearing on the company's application to withdraw its stock from trading on the New York Curb Exchange. Counsel for the com mission and the New York Curb Ex change asked that the application be dismissed. Their request was taken under advisement. STEEL PLANT EXPANDED. NEW YORK, April 6 (^.—Alle gheny Steel Co. has started Installa tion of an additional 25-ton electric furnace at its Brackenridge, Pa., plknt, to cost about $150,000. The furnace will add about 3,000 tons a month to the plant’s capacity. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, April 6 Uf>).—Bar silver firm, 4 higher at 463/«. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Deski Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 141ft Ert 81. N.W. Phan* NA. 2184 W. B. HIBBS & COMPANY MEMBERS HHW TOM STOCK BECHANCE PHILADELPHIA ATOCK EXCHANGE nw YORK CURB EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE HMTON ETOCK EXCHANGE HEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE WAMUHCTON rrOCX EXCHANGE HIBBS BUILDING * WASHINGTON. D C Telephone • National 0S40 |oOBSTM>tt THAT ABE ASKED ABOUT BANKING J 1 f 1 Vi i ¥* TTOR several weeks we have devoted our -T advertising space in this newspaper to a aeries of “Questions That Are Asked About Banku^,** together with answers in brief, aupk mW understandable terms. Our reason for using soch advertisements a simply this:— We wont the people of this community to J know more about our bonk, about our banking services and about the principles and practices of iiiiiinipuinuf which, m our opinion, make for sound, useful bonking. We bebeve that the more the people of this community know about our bank the better we shall be able to serve both the people and the community as a whole. If you have farther questions about bank ing, or our services, please come in and ask tht-» We shall do our best to answer them. Mcl^chlcn Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS. N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation tBooklets covering this series may be Had upon requests _