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CHINESE TEXTILE Tells Conference Foreign Governments Have Caused Evasion of Law. China's protest at the strength of foreign governments in the domestic operation of her own economy was expressed today in a speech by a representative of War Lord Chiang Kai Shek before the representatives of 27 countries attending the World Textile Conference at the Depart mental Auditorium. •'Certain unscrupulous foreign na tionalities,” remarked Zaung-Teh Ing, In explaining difficulties facing any attempt by the Chinese to enforce minimum wage and maximum hour standards for her textile industry, “have even gone so far as to smuggle their goods into China under the protection of armed force, at the connivance of their own governmental authorities, and in such enormous quantities that China has been losing in the amount of uncollected duties at a rate of more than $1,000,000 a week." Ing's speech was the third in ! two days directed at the problem of 1 trying to cope with the unregulated 1 ' competition of foreign textile pro duction and foreign management of textile factories on Chinese soil, 40 per cent of which are run by Japanese [ and 4 per cent by the British. Override Chinese Law. “I am sorry to say,” Ing declared Of this foreign factory ownership, “that there are still nationals of •everal countries who enjoy the princi pals of extraterritoriality in China and have caused the authorities in the •ettlements and concessions to evade and override the Chinese laws, pre venting them from being enforced and thereby creating an unfortunate basis of competition.” To meet the labor problems at tending the rapid growth of textile factories in China, which spread from an industry of fewer than 1,000, 000 spindles in 1915 to one of more than 5.500,000 spindles in 1936, the Nationalist government in 1929 en acted a five-point law for the protec tion of workers, Ing said, but the foreign influence renders its enforce ment not only “impracticable but Impossible.” This law provided the exclusion of i vornen and children from dangerous ' work, for compensation and pensions In the case of accident or death on ' the job, for the installation of sani tary and safety equipment in fac tories, for the prohibition of the labor of children under 14 years of age and ] for an eight-hour day and a six-day week. 11-Hour Day Common. Despite this law. Chu Hsueh-fan, Chinese workers’ delegate to the con ference, pointed out yesterday, “an 11-hour day is common and 11-hour day workers get only 60 cents, Chinese currency, or 18 American cents.” Fan, who expanded an earlier protest by Chinese Employers’ Delegate Kanyo Nieh, added: “Seventy-five per cent ot the work ers in the textile industry in China •re women and children. That means that the future mothers of the Chi nese race are working an 11-hour day and a 60-hour week. That is the intol erable condition of work in the textile factories in China today. But the vital point is that practically 46 per cent of the workers are working in foreign factories owned mostly by the j Japanese. What does this mean? It means that this unfair practice of for eign factory owners in China prevents any amelioration of the working con ditions for the Chinese workers.” i Spain (Continued From First Page.) troops to withdraw to the second range of hills on one of the two principal highways between Vitoria and Bilbao. Pine Forests Fired. The insurgents set afire pine forests to drive back the defenders. Insurgent airplanes fought off at tacks by government planes and dropped pamphlets over the Basque country containing a “last warning” to surrender. Government troops fought desper ately to break through an Insurgent ring of steel protecting the city of Cordoba, in Southern Spain. Seizure of Villaharta would place government fighters In position to cut the Cordoba-Penarroya road and break the insurgents' main line of communication. Withdrawal of troops from the Avila Province, 38 miles west of Ma drid, by Franco to reinforce other lines, enabled government troops to capture Cebreros, 18 miles southeast of the insurgent base of Avila city. RUSSIA ACCUSED ANEW. Writer Charges Ship Is Carrying War Materials to Spain. ROME, April 8 (/P).—Virginio Gayda, regarded as the most authoritative of Italian editors, today charged Soviet Russia, as he previously had accused France, of violating the Spanish civil war neutrality agreement by sending aid to the Madrid government. The Spanish steamer Mar Negro, Gayda declared, was en route to Valencia from Odessa, Russia, with a Moke your own pictures of the CHERRY BLOSSOMS SPECIAL! Friday and Saturday Falcon Camera Junior Model A dependable camera that takes clear, sharp photos 1% in. x 21,2 in.; easy to carry and operate. Just the thing for your week-ends and sight-seeing trips. GARRISON’S 1215 E St. N.W. 1SAVE MONEY ON LUMBER Lumber prices are advancing steadily. Prices soon will be much higher. Buy now and save money. We can be of freat help in year Repairinr and Remodelinc Plans. Come in let’s talk it over and advise you how best to do the work. This service is FREE. J. FRANK fELLY R INC. W SUDDEN SERVICE m Lumber and Millwork m 2121 Ga. An. _ N Orth 1341_ HUSKIES! the NEW whole wheat flakes 1 Ill 7th St. N.W. "sVEcfALs" 3146MSt. N.W. rOUNG, TENDER ' LEAN C BOILING_lb. II END CHUCK „ -m ROAST_lb. |5 BONED-ROLLED aa RIB ROAST lb. SSo TENDER ROUND STEAK... it 25* SMALL FRESH Shoulders »b 18c SLICED PORK LIVER b i:r LARGE OR SMALL BOLOGNA ■b- 15c SMALL SMOKED Shoulders •> 18* ROLL CREAMERY BUTTER >» 37* HOME-DRESSED ” ~ If I- fl I aav“_.. i»- is* ■ laflUL ce1?l? STOBE-SLICED BACON 28c LINK PORK SAUSAGE ‘ 20c QUART SALAD Dressing 35c QUART JAR Mayonnaise 35* SLICED BEEF LIVER 17c ARMOUR'S IIIIIA MORRELL'S A>. STAR HAMS pride lb. 75® SMOKED _IlfllTIW SMOKED •■V GREEN BEANS 2 19° LEMONS Extra Special doz. |5« ICEBERG LETTUCE 2,#r 17° LARGE C|LERY 2 15® ■■""""■OPEN TILL NINE P.M. SATU cargo of munitions of war for the Spanish government. Aboard the vessel, he wrote, were 25 tanks, 20 airplanes, 30 trucks and 800 tons of war materials. Oayda’s charges, coupled with those ct yesterday that a French general staff was taking over planning of cam paigns, were regarded in diplomatic circles as government inspired. Informed sources, however, de scribed the Italian official attitude as one of “watchful but hopeful wait ing” and insisted Italy did not Intend to take any direct action “for the moment." REFUGEES REACH HENDAYE. Boatloads Leave Bilbao as Insurgents Approach. HENDAYE, Franco-Spanlsh Bor der, April 8 (A5).—Boatloads of refu gees from Bilbao began to arrive In this frontier town today as Spanish Insurgents drove nearer to the Basque capital. Basque circles reported Juan Aguirre, president of the Basque autonomous government, has received an oiler of a *10,000 donation from supporters in the Philippine Islands. DRIVE TOWARD CORDOBA. MADRID, April 8 (&).—The eastern flank of the Spanish Government’s southern army hammered at Villa liarta today, striving, in the face of repeated counter attacks, to break the Insurgent barrier of steel pro tecting the ancient Moorish city of Cordoba. Seizure of Villaharta and a slight southerly push from that point would “bottle up" 15,000 of Gen. Francisco Franco’s troops, and open the way for a swift motorized advance over 28 miles of improved highway to the southeast against Cordoba. The decayed city, a major seat of European culture in the Middle Ages, now is one of the principal bases of Insurgent strength. Franco’s men fought desperately to dislodge Madrid’s troops from advanced positions In proximity to Vlllaharta, but were turned back seven times. Nests of insurgents cut off from the main body of Franco’s force by the drive on Vlllaharta were being cleaned out. Vlllaharta lies just north of the Cordoba - Penarroya road running north and northwest from the provin cial capital and linking Insurgent positions along a broad front extend ing as far as Penarroya, 18 miles from Villaharta. Barcelona dispatches told of fresh victories on the Northeastern Aragon front. Catalonians Advance Near Huesca. Catalonian troops were said to have made a 500-yard advance just south of Huesca, capital of the Aragon prov ince of that name, about 200 miles northeast of Madrid. There was heavy hand-to-hand combat. The government'* Avila offensive, about 38 miles west of Madrid, waa reported facilitated by Franco’* recent withdrawal of force* there to rein force other fronts. InUsDw Home of AnatfaZ '' CRACK-SHOT, used ^ regularly, is guaran teed to keep the home free of these disease carrying pests. Get a aK ean now. Sold only W at drug stores. _ j 50c I pans Tooth Past*_27c 25c Phillips Tooth Past*_13c 50c Phillips Tooth Past*_29c 50c Pebcco Tooth Past*_26c 25c Pebaco Tooth Past*_16c 50c Forhans Tooth Post*_24e 50c lodant Tooth Past*_26c 25c S. T. 37 Tooth Post*_14e 50c Detoxol Tooth Past*_29c 40c Bost Tooth Past*_19e 50c Kolynos Tooth Past*_28c 50c Forhans Tooth Powder_27e 30c Calox Tooth Powder_17c • 50c Calox Tooth Powder_26c 25c Dr. Lyons_Me 50e Dr. Lyons_27c 35c Revelation _23c 35c Dr. Wernets _18c 60c Dr. Wernets_36e $1.00 Pyrozid* _57e 35c Corega _18c 60c Fosteeth_31c I _i 50c Prophylactie_24c 35c Tooth Brushes_16c 50c Tek Tooth Brushes._-.-24c 50c Dr. West Tooth Brushes, 23c 25c Prophylactic Masso_14c 35c Dr. West Economy_14e 25c Tooth Brushes _7e 35c Ponds Face Powder ...jar 18c 70c Ponds Face Powder.-.jar 37c 55c Houbigant Face Powder..39c $1.10 Houbigant _77c 25e Woodbury Face Powder 16c 55c April Showers_32c $1.10 Azurea Face Powder...67c 55c Java Face Powder_34c 50c Woodbury Face Powder. 32c $1.10 Princess Pat_66c 85c April Showers ..._56c 85c Cappi Dusting Powder...53e $1.10 Houbigant __73c $1.00 Mavis Bath Powder_51c 65c D. and R. Creams_39c 35c Ponds Creams __18c 50c Dioxogen Cream___29c $1.00 Dioxogen Cream_63c 50c Woodbury Creams_29c 55c Lady Esther Cream_29c $1.25 Lady Esther Cream ...77c 50c Pompeian Massage _29c 50c Pacquins Hand Cream..-31e $1.10 Hoppers Restorative_69c 50e Nadinola Cream _29c 35c Noxzema Skin Cream_18c 60c Phillips Cleansing Cream .49c 55c Princess Pat ... ..._34c 83c Tangee Cream Rouge_54c 60c Angelus Rouge_37c $1.10 Tangee Lipstick_63c $1.10 Angelus Lipstick __63c 39c Tangee Lipstick _21c 35c Non-Spi _;._29c 60c Non-Spi _49c 25c Hush_14e 35c Amolin Powder_21c 60c Amolin Powder_34c 30e Amolin Cream _17e 50c Amolin Cream_29c 60c Mum Deodorant_34e 30c Spiro Powder_:_17e 50c Spiro Powder_29c 35c Odprono Liquid___19c 60c Odorono Liquid_34c 60c Wildroot Hoir Tonic_29e 75c Glovers Mange Medicine..47c 50c Vitolis Hoir Tonic-28e $1.00 Vitolis Hair Tonic_59e 75c Kreml Hair Tonic_45e $1.00 Fitch Hair Tonic_73e $1.00 Liquid Arvon _59c $1.00 Jeris Hoir Tonic_49c 50c Lucky Tiger_29e $1.00 Lucky Tiger_51c $1.25 Herpicide _63c 50c Packers Scalptone_29c 75c Packers Scalptone_42c 50c Marchand Wash-29c 50c Watkins Mulsified __29c 50c Packers Shampoo-29c 15c Amami Shampoo-2 for 13c 75c Fitch Shampoo-36c 60c Wildroot Shampoo_29c 25c Golden dint Shampoo_14c 60c Mar-O-Oil ..39c 50c Conti Shampoo_29c $1.00 Admiracion _59c 50c Admiracion _29c $1.00 Blondes_ 63c 50c Hennafoam _29c $1.00 Orene Shampoo_79c $135 Farrs far Gray Hair_93c $150 Kolor-Bak___83c EVERYDAY PRICES NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS—RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, NONE SOLD TO DEALERS 25c Dr. Wests Tooth Paste 7« 55c Pond's Face Creams ‘28c 35c Mum Cream Deodorant 19# 60c Drene Shampoo 43' k A . A k A A 50c Mennen Shaving Cream 29e 10c Pack of 4 Probak Jr. Razor Blades 3c 10c Woodbury Facial Soap 6c 60c Campanas Italian Balm 37c 10c Powder Puffs 60c Meet Depilatory 34° Salute Alarm Clocks 67« 50c Floor Wax Paste 19c 5c CIGARS Choice of G a r c la Grande. Bayuk Phillies. La Asora. Muriel. Rol Tan or Henrietta. 5 19© $1.89 3 for 1 Oc 10c CIGARS Choice of El Producto Bouquet, or La Palina Senators. 2 for 15c ... $3.71 2 for 5c CIGARS Choice of Tiona Lon* dres, George W. Child*. Blue Ribbon. Rocky Ford, or King Edward. 10 f°r 19c 0" so_93c Formerly 2 for 25e Hampton Arms or Abbey Kings CIGARS 5c ra< h $2.49 CIGARS Choice of Cremo. Marts Wheelinr. Lord Baltimore or Havana Ribbon. 4 tot 11c ffk $1.35 Pound Tobaccos • Velvet • Raleigh • Granger • Prince Albert 69' 15c TOBACCOS • Velvet • Prince Albert • Holt end Half 10e Pipe Cleaners Package 1 A for_* UNION LEADER 14-Ouneo Tin for_ Edgeworth Tobacco £7'_93' HALF AND HALF frf... 67* 5c Nurica Sublime CIGARS 2,or 5c %t*60_ $1*23 $1.00 PIPES Your Choice • Frank Madico • Dr. Grabow • Milana • Yello-Bolo 67« SHAVE CREAMS 50c Borbosol, tube-27c 50c Burma Shave-29e 35c Burma Shave-21c 35e Ingrams _19c 35c Lifebuoy Shove Cream, 14c 50c Lucky Strike 29c 50c Williams Shove Cream, 26c 50c Molle Shove Cream.-.29c B RAZOR BLADES 25c Probak Blades, 5's_15c 50c Probak Blades, 10s...30c 15c Segal Blades, 5's-9e 75e Schick Injector, 20's..45c 25e Auto-Strop, 5's -15c 50c Durhom Duplex, 5's...30c 35c Eveready or Gem, 5's..21c 25c Gillette Blue, 5's ....15c 50c Glletfe Blue, 10's.—30c 15c Barbasol, 5's-7e 30c Enders _20c SOAPS 10c Lux Soap_5c 25c Packers Tor_17c 25c Cuticura Soap_17c 10c Lifebuoy Soap_5c 10c Saymans Soap_6c 15c Stork Castile_9c 25c Germicidal Soap, 1%, 13c Camay Soap-4c SKIN LOTIONS $1.00 Italian Balm-67c 50c Jergens Lotion-31c 50c Frostilla Lotion_31c 50c Hinds Honey and Almond . 32c 85c Fougere Royal 59c 50c Mennens Skin Bracer, 29c 50c Williams Aqua Velva, 26c TALCUMS 50c Azurea Tale_27c 25c Movis Talcum_11c 50c Mavis Talcum_29c 25c J. & J. Talcum_13c 50c J. & J. Talcum_31c 25c Mennen Berated_13c 28c April Showers_17c 25c Cuticura Talc_17c 28c Cappi Talc___17c 25c Z. B. T. Talcum_14c 25c Williams for Men_6c 25c Mercks Zinc Stearate, 14c $1.50 Moltine with Cod Liver Oil, pint _85c $1.25 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, pint ... 69c 60c Father Johns Medicine 36c 60c Rem for Coughs . 43c 35c Groves Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets 18c 30c Hills Cascara Quinine Tablets, tin of 20 14c 35c Hills Nose Drops _17c 15c Parke Davis Medicated Throat Disc, 60's_He 35c Piso Cough Syrup_24c 60c Scotts Emulsion_34c $1.20 Scotts Emulsion, Fortified _ 69c 25c Six-Six-Six Cold Tonic..-13c 65c Misfol Nose Drops _37c 30c Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops _14c 35c Vicks Vapo-Rub Salve_21c 98c Clinical Thermometer*...69c Styptic Pencils-lc Paper Napkins, 60's-4c Boby Pants - 7e Card Safety Pins_3c Wash Cloths -3c 10c Haarlem Oil_4c Amco Sanitary Napkins, 12'*...9c Atlas Poste Shoe Polish -3c Waxed Paper, 30-ft. rolls_3c 10c Dental Floss_5c Gum Camphor, Vi or., 2 for 5c 50c Bicycle Playing Cards 34c Silva-Cross Cleansing Tissues, box of 500 19c Ponds Tissues, 500's-21c Tooth Picks.._ 3c 30c Energine Cleaner-14c 30c Wrights Silver Cream_14c 10c Cocoa Butter_5c 15c Atlas Shoe Kits-8c J. & J. Cotton, ounce_6c J. & J. Gauze, 1 yd. by 1 yd. 8c $2.25 Agfa Box Cameras. $1.69 $1.00 Kurlash .. 57c 35c Cutex Preparations_18c 20c Glazo Preparations_11c 50c Manicare _29c 75c Maybelline . _42e 60c Murine for the Eyes_34c U-10, 5cc..26c U-10, lOcc. 46c U-20, 5cc_43c U-20, lOcc.57c U-40, 5cc_;_59c U-40, lOcc.. $1.03 U-80, lOcc..$2.01 LAXATIVES 39c Milk of Magnesia, pt., 11c 25c Espotabs Tablets_14c 35c Lapoctic Pills_21c 60c Caldwells Syrup Pepsin 34c 30c Fleets Phospho-Soda . 17c 60c Fleets Phospho-Soda 34c 25c Ex-Lax Tablets_13c 50c Ex-Lax Tablets_27c 25c N. R. Tablets ... ..12c 60c Condensed Jad Solts, 34c 60c Edwards Olive Tablets, 34c 25c Carters Liver Pills 13c 60c Alophen Pills, 100's 34c 25c Cascarets Tablets_14c 30c Sal Hepatica_17c 5 Pounds Epsom Salt_12c $1.25 Saraka _71e 40e Pluto Water, large...28c $1.25 Veracolate Tablets..71c 60c Eno Effervescent Salt, 34c 25c Seidlitz Powders_8c $1.00 Nujbl Oil, pint_49e 25c Citrate of Magnesia... 8c 25c Hinkles Cascara, 100's _ 10c 85c Jad Salts_48c 75c Regulin _43c 60c Sal Hepatica_31c 25c Black Drought_12c $1.25 Caroid and Bile Solts ..73c Castor Oil, 4 ounces_7c Senna Leaves, 2 ounces_9c INDIGESTION 10c Turns _6c 25c BiSoDol Powder_13c 65c BiSoDol Powder_37c 75c Bell-ons Tablet*_43c 50c Phillips Magnesia Tablets _29c 60c Popes Diopepsin_34c Soda Mint Tablets, 100's...9c SUPPOSITORIES $1.00 Norforms . 56e 25c Glycerin Suppositories. 11c $1.50 Anusol, 12's_84c KODAK FILMS <8-Exposure Rolls) V120 Verichrome_19c VI16 Verichrome_.....24c V127 Verichrome ........21c V620 Verichrome _23c V616 Verichrome_28c FOOT REMEDIES 35c Scholls Foot Balm_21c 35c Freezone -21e 25c Blue Jay Plastan_14c 35c Noxacorn_23c 50c Dr. Scholls Solvex_33c 35c Scholls Corn Salve_23c Rubbing Alcohol Pint 15c tin of 12 Bayer Aspirin Tablets 6C A A A A A A 25c Peroxide Pint 25c } Phillips 4 Milk of i Magnesia 1 13c 5 4 30c < Edward's < Olive Tablets 70c Kiiuchen Salts Epsom Salts Pound 1 < 35c Scholl's Zino Pods 50c Fountain Syringe* *3e Lighthouse Cleanser 2C 50c Hospital Cotton Pound Ironing Cord Sets IIC $1.00 Ironized Yeost. _ 59c $2.00 Valentine's Extract_$149 50c Yeastfocm Tablets_27e $1.00 Marmola Tablets_59c $1.25 Occy-Crystine _71c 10c Mercurochrome, 2%_5e 10c Tincture Iodine_5c 25c Saccharin Tablets, V* or Vi grain, 100'*_lie 35c Alcorub, pint_17c 10c Peroxide, 4 ounces_4c 60c Angiers Emulsion_34c $1.25 Creomulsion _73c 75c Ovaltine__47c Cod Liver Oil, pint_49c $3.00 Lilly Lextron _$2.49 $1.50 Atophan Tablets_89c Boric Acid Powder, 4 ounce*... 7e Glycerin, 4 ounces 17c 15c Spirit Camphor, ounce_7c $1.25 Abbotts Haliver Oil with Viosterol Capsules, 25's 77c $1.25 Abbotts A, B, D Capsules, 25's 77c 75c Abbotts Haliver Oil, Ploin, lOcc__ 43e $1.00 Abbotts Haliver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc_54e $1.25 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, Fortified, 25's 69c $1.25 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, 50's 69c $1.25 Meads Halibut Liver Oil with Viosterol Capsules, 25's 77c 75c Meads Cod Liver Oil, 8 ounce _ 45e 75c Meads Viosterol, 5cc_ 43e $4 25 Meads Viosterol, 50cc $2.55 75c Meads Halibut Liver Oil, lOcc _ 43c $1.00 Meads Halibut Liver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc.. 54c 55c Porke-Davis Haliver Oil, lOcc__43e $1.00 Porke-Davis Hah ver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc 54c $1.00 White Cod Liver Oil Con centrate Toblets, 100's _ 59c 25c B. C. Powders_13c 30c Bromo Seltzer _17c 60c Bromo Seltzer _33c 30c Capudine Liquid_17c 60c Capudine Liquid _34c 75c Bayer Aspirin, 100's_43c Aspirin Tablets, 12's_3c Aspirin Tablets, 100's_11c 20c Midol Tablets _12c 50c Midol Tablets _29c 75c Doans Pills_41e 75c Cystex Compound_41c 60c Swamp-Root _34c 35c Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules_21c w 25c K. Y. Jelly . 13c 75c 8aume Ben-Gay_43c 25c Cuticura Ointment_...17c 50c Index Ointment_34r 20c Bnrie Acid, tube_12c 60e Resinol _ _ _34c 50c Unguentine Ointment_29c 25c Saymans Salve_14c 60c Pozo Pile, tin _36c 25c Zinc Ointment_9e $1.25 Absorbine Junior _71c 60c Japanese Oil _36c $1.50 Grays Glycerine Tonic, 86c $1.00 Wine of Cardui_57c $1.40 Pinkhom Vegetable_84c $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine...47c $1.25 Neuro-Phosphates _ 67c $1.75 Neuro-Phosphates _$1.14 $1.00 Irradol-A _59c $1.25 Tonlac Tonic_74c $1.10 Millers Herb Juice_83c $2.00 McDades Prescription, 98c] 65c Glyco-Thymoline . _36c 25c Lavoris Mouth Wash_14c $1.00 Lavoris ....._57c 50c Dr. Lyon Mouth Wash_31e $ i .00 S. T. 37. 69c 60c Zonite _ _34c 60c Tyrees Powder_32c 25c Mercks Sodium Ferborote, plom _14c 50c Bo-Cor-Ai Powder _29c Boric Acid Powder, pound ___ 14c ; 60c California Syrup of Figs 34c 90c Lactogen Food . 61c 15c Hygeia Bottles 8 ounces 9c Merck Milk Sugar pound_32c 15c Hygeia Nipples_9c 50c Meads Pablum pound_29c Meads Dextri-Maltose lb_52c Meads Cereal pound_17c Pyrex Nursing Bottles_15c 5c Baby Nipples-2e 50c Mennen Baby Oil_29c ,15c Lime Woter pint_9e 1-inch by 1-yard_^_4c 14-inch by 5-yards_8c 14-inch by 10-yards_13c 1-inch by 5-yords_13c 1-inch by 10-yards_22c 1- inch by 10-yards_3c 2- inch by 10-yards_6c 3- inch by 10-yards_Ic