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ME CONTINUES SMV ADVANCE Bad Weather and Labor Troubles Fail to Halt General Trend. Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 9—Some branches of business struck a more leisurely pace this week, but the vagaries of weather nor labor unrest modified in a pronounced manner the forward movement, Dun ii Bradstreet said today in the review of business. "Deterrent influences restricted the demand for some types of merchan dise," the agency said, “but the trend of retail distribution continued up ward. Slackness appeared in several branches of the wholesale market, due to the small proportion of recorders, but buying of Summer goods pro ceeded actively. “Buoyed by growing backlogs, indus trial operations were undiminished, I except at centers where, strike condi tions prevailed." The review estimated retail sales j for the country as a whole at from 2 to 4 per cent ahead of the week 1 preceding and from 6 to 12 per cent better than at this time last year, despite the fact that the final surge of Easter shopping was stepping retail tales along at this time in 1936. Percentage gains over a year ago in the major geographic regions were: New England, 8 to 16; East. 4 to 25; Middle West, 10 to 15; Northwest, 12 to 20; South, 15 to 22; Southwest, 10 to 20, and Pacific Coast, 10 to 18. Although business in women’s wear was slower than had been expected at some centers, a brisk demand was re ported for a long list of seasonable merchandise, particularly yard goods, which was featured prominently by stores. Housewares were in ready call in all centers. A feature of the wholesale markets was the rapid moving out of building materials as a result of favorable weather for construction in most sec tions. Plumbing fixtures, paint, wall paper and electrical supplies were j especially active. MARCH FLOUR OUTPUT SHOWS SLIGHT GAIN •y the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 9.—General Mills announced that flour milled in March totaled 5,409.950 barrels. This compared with 5,407,271 in March, 1930. Since June 30, 1936, a total of 49.430,266 barrels of flour have been milled, against 49,326,465 in 1935-36 period. -• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. April 9 —The .stock mar ket was Quiet and liquidation continued, especially in the mining group. Selling orders predominated in other sections of the list and prices were generally lower. Rubber shares were in supply, while oils and foreign bonds held steady Trans Atlantic issues finished lower, Paris trading was confused in the Bourse today over the monetary uncer tainty and the sharp break in the French francs. Rentes closed with net gains of 35 to 65 centimes. Suez Canal was up 300 francs and Royal Dutch advanced 65 francs. Banking shares were also higher. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on April 7: Receipts. $125,349,009,40; expenditures. $82,351,126.11; balance $1,844,21 1. 194.19; customs receipts for the month. $1 1.254.921.28. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1‘. $3,850,044,338.62; expenditures. $5. # 29.694.421.79. including $2,190,757. 441.60 of emergency expenditures; excess of expenditures. $1.879.650.083.1",: gross debt. $34,827,829,563.06. an increase of $46,364,554.03 over the previous day Gold Assets. $11,592,468,848.93. including $361. 223.446.90 of inactive gold RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 9 (JP>.—Crude rubber futures opened easy. 15 to 65 lower. May. 24.59-63, July. 24.50-75; September. 24.35-53. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE, PHILADELPHIA. April fl i/P<.—Live •oultry—Broilers, fancy. Plymouth Rock, t medium stsed, 22a23. Dressed poultry unchenaed. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Gas 5s 1958—$1,000 at 106. Washington Rwy. <& Elec. 4s—$1,000 at 105, $1,000 at 105. Potomac Electric Power 5'/2% pfd.—10 at 112, 10 at 112, 10 at 112. Washington Rwy. & Elec. pfd.—5 at 109. Riggs Bank common—2 at 340. AFTER CALL. Washington Rwy. & Elec. 4s—$1,000 at 105, $1,000 at 105, $1,000 at 105, $1,000 at 105. Washington Rwy. & Elec, pfd—5 at 109. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. , _ , „ _ , Bid. Asked. Amer, Tel. & Tel. 4%s_luo Anacostia & Pot. 5s__ 7fi 77% Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5s _108 C. & P. Tel. of Va. os __ j.03 Capital Traction R. R. 6s _ 93 93Y City & Suburban 5s _ __ 84 87' Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_ 113 Put. Elec. Pow 3%s_ 99% Wash. Gas 5s 1958_1(18 108% Wash. Gas 5s 1980 117 Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s_ 105 108 ” MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club. 5%s_105 W. M. Cold Storage os 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. & Tel. C»)_*168 Capital Transit Co. . _ 14 143,. N, & w. Steamboat (6) __ 110 Pot. Elec. Pow. «'7 pfd (0) l]"1, Po. EJ. Po. 5V* Pf. (5.50) _ 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Co. (3.60) _ 81 Va Wash. Ry. & El. com. (36)- 730 Wash. Ry. & El. old. (5)-_ 108 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. Sec. & Tr. Co. «e8)__*295 3U5 Bank ot Bethesda (h.?5>__ :t4 Capital 14) -_ 137 Com. & Savings (10)_III 210 Liberty (4> _ 150 feo Lincoln (f6.25>- ->oo Natl. Savings & Trust. 160 180" Pr. Georges Bk. & Tr. (.60) 18 21 Riggs (e8) _ •330 350 Riggs pfd. (5) 101 u Washington (6) __ 130 Wash. Loan A Trust (eS) . 202 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (Hi „ __ mo Corcoran (5) _ j*»5 Bremen's (1.60) 20 National Union (.60). 16 I TITLE) INSURANCE. Columbia (.30) .. 15 Real Estate (6). 150 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corn. (2.00) *22 26 Lanston Monotype (+4) _ 05 105 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 46 47 Peoples Drug S. com. (tl .00) 56 67 Peoples Drug S. pfd. (6.50) 112 Real Est. M.A-G. pfd. (**.70) 5 5'3 Security Storage 15) __ *120 125 Ter. Ref. & Wh. Corp. (3) 60 Wdwd. & Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. & Loth. pfd. (7) 112 125 •Ex dividend. tPlus extras, e—2% extra, f— IV! extra, h—75c extra. **2Sc paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid Dec 22. 1936. PROXIES ASKED EOR RUPP PEAN _ Meeting Is Called April 16 at Richmond to Take Finance Action. By the Associated Press. RICHMOND. Va.f April 9.—Thomas Bradley, president of the Hupp Motor Car Corp., in a statement released through attorneys' offices here, called on stockholders to send in their proxies in order that a proposed re financing plan might be completed at a meeting to be held here April 16. A special meeting of the stock holders weis held here yesterday to consider the proposal, but adjourned until April 16 because of the lack of a quorum. Approximately 640,000 shares were represented, while 880,000 are necessary for a quorum. Eppa Hunton, 4th, counsel for the corporation, said the refinancing pro posal provided for a reduction in the par value of the stock from $10 to $1 per share and the exchange of two shares of the present stock for one share of the new. under the plan, existing stock holders would be given the right to subscribe for one and one-half shares of new stock for each share of new stock held upon completion of such conversion. The statement said stock unsub scribed for by existing stockholders had been underwritten by a group of bankers. “This new, financing, for which reg istration statement was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission March 30, 1937,” the statement said, “will, it is anticipated, yield the company approximately $2,600,000 of new capital, which will enable it to resume production of Hupp auto mobiles,” -%- — - NEW YORK PRODUCE, NEW YORK April 9 —Eggs. 15 832; steady. Mixed colors, firsts. 22,a-2312. dirties. No. 1. 22U-,a; other mixed prices unchanged. Butter 6.166; about steady and un changed Cheese 131.733; steady and unchanged. Live poultry by freight, firm Chickens Rocks 1,: Leghorns 14: ducks. 13-14; other freight prices unchanged. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April 9 (/P).—Silver futures opened steady. 10 to 15 higher. May. 4o.#Ob: July. 45.60b. September, 45 55b. b—Bid. TIME TO CHANGE ^our car, too, feels the stir of Spring and needs a change. Follow this treatment. Bring your car to us. We will drain the old Winter oil and give it the best Spring tonic ... a refill of Quaker State Motor Oil of the cor rect Summer grade. Then, you will. . . 60 &4RTHIK. •EFORE YOU NEED A QUART MINUTE SERVICE STATION 3939 Canal Road N.W. \ Retail price, f \ybitaquan Ij The New Telephone Directory Closes Soon Mr. Businas* Man, here is a BUSINESS BUILDER COMPLETE information about your product or ser vice in the Yellow Pages will increase your sales. It Will List About 103.000 Residences 23.000 Businesses MAKE CERTAIN YOU ARE LISTED IN IT Call Metropolitan 9900 .... To Order a Telephone, Additional Listings, or to arrange for Complete In formation about your Product or Service. THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY 723 13th STREET N. W. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. April 9 OP).—Security Dealers Association: (Noon quotations.! . . , _ Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc _18.97 29.18 Am Business Shrs_ 1.24 1.30 Am Oen Eq Inc_ 1.13 1 2(1 Am Ins Stocks_ 5.25 6.00 Mancamer Blair_11.99 12.99 Bank Group Shrs _ 1.91 2.00 Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ 3.75 4.376 Btaslc Industry _ 5.17 Broad St Inv _ 35.37 37.83 Bullock Fund 22.59 24 26 Corporate Trust _ 2.97 Corporate Trust A A..._ 2,82 Corp Tr A A mod _ 3 04 Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2 82 Corp Tr Ate Mod_ 3 04 Cumulative Tr Sh 8 45 Depos Bk Sh N Y "A" 2 03 I" Depos Ins Shrs "A” 3 47 Depos Ins Shrs "B" 3 97 Diversified Tr C -_ ’ 5 10 Dividend Shrs 2 92 °17 Equity Corp 83 pf_ 39.00 423)0 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 27 00 29 79 First Boston Corp__ 35 25 30 76 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 1331 Fixed Trust Sh B __ 1111 Found Tr Sh A __ 4 95 5 "5 Fund Investors Inc__24 19 "555 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 0 "8 7 09 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 6 70 Gen Investors Tr _ 0.9,3 753’ Group Sec Agriculture_ 1 84 1 99 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.43 1 50 Group Sec Building _ 2.18 ” 30 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.58 1.72 Group Sec Food _ 1 02 i 1" Group Sec Invest Shrs.__I 1 ^75 l’nd Group Sec Merchandise __ 1.40 1 59 Group Sec Mining _ 1.73 1 88 Group Sec Petroleum _ 1 49 ] 02 Group Sec R R Equip 1 59 1 73 Group Sec Steel .._ 2.11 2.19 Group Sec Tobacco _ 1.08 1.18 Huron Holding _ - 78 1 18 Incorp Investors _ 25 93 Insurance Group Shrs 1 02 1 74’ Investors Fd "C" 15.82 lii'79 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 22.51 24 HO Major Shrs Corp 3 125 Maryland Fund 9 92 10 80~ Mass Invest Tr..._ 28.65 30 "9 Mutual Invest . 10.90 18 47 Nation Wide Sec .___ 4 ill 471 Nation Wide Voting _ _ 2 on 2."5 N Y Elk Tr Shrs 4.125 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 68.025 62 87 5 Nor Am Tr Shares 2 70 Nor Am Tr Sh 1965 .. 3.52 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 3 45 Nor Am Tr Sh 1968 . 3 25 Plymouth Fund Inc - 93 1 04 Cuarterly Income Sh 18 20 19 94 Selected Am Sh _ 4.14 Selected Am Sh inc _ 3 5.22 16 59 Selected Cumul Sh - In 69 Selected Income Sh _- 5.52 Spencer Trask Fund-- _ - 21 59 2° 16’ Stand Am Tr Shrs _ 4 29 4 45 Stand Util Inc _. __ 91 98 Super of Am Tr A __ 4 18 Super of Am Tr AA - - 2.89 Super of Am Tr B - _ 4 35 Super of Am Tr BB •* 89 Super of Am Tr C 8 10 $2,157,677 Earned By Acme Steel Co. In Twelve Months Bs the Associated Press. CHICAGO, April 9.—Acme Steel Co.’s annual report showed today 1936 consolidated net profit of $2,157,677, or $6.58 a share, compared with $1, 760,964, or $5.37, in 1935. Sales increased 20 per cent in 1936. R. H. Norton, president, said busi ness this year has started out with a "considerable increase” compared with a year ago. BITUMINOUS OUTPUT OFF SHARPLY IN WEEK The National Coal Association, from incomplete carloading reports from the railroads, estimates bituminous coal production in the United States for the week ended April 3 as ap proximately 7,000,000 net tons. Pro duction for the corresponding week, 1936, 6,538,000 tons; 1935, 3,809,000 tons. The report of the Bureau of Mines shows production of 11,123,000 tons for the week ended March 20 and 11.256.000 for the week ended March 27, 1937. Production calendar year to April 3; j 1937. 134,249,000 tons*; 1936, 113,- i 158.000 tons. •Subject to revision. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, April 9 (A>).—Bar ail- ' ver firmer, up V* at 46V8. Super of Am Tr D _ R.10 Supervised Shrs _ 14.56 15.83 Trustee Stand Inv C . . 3.IO Trustee Stand Inv D 3.04 Trusteed Am Bk "B" .05 1 05 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1.52 1 .68 Wellington Fund 20.15 22.09 5% Home Loans 5% District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia 3 to 15 Years Also 20-Year Loans On owner-occupied homes, nor over 5 years old, payable $6.88 per month per $1,000, including interest and principal. j Other plans on monthly quarterly or semi-annual payments, including F H. A. insured mortgages. Randall H. Ragner & Company IN CO RPO WAT E D Mobtiuo, Loan Corribpondint -£tfe^nujr<in-ct ^orr^any^ 1321 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 300 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK, April 9 </P).—The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 300 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per 100 pounds St. Louis. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN, April It (/Pi —The Reichsbank statement as of April 8 (in thousands of finS. JPark5): Notw In circulation. 4.046. <H)0. decrease. 202.000. Gold. 07,702; ln £r£5?,c’ .**'-• Foreign currency reserves, Inc!:ea^' Other bills of ex 'iki ?o<ran4,.cheSkf; a.72K.!>54: decrease. .IW1.7D— Otner dally maturing obligation*. 5 6d?i5’ .decrease, 154..158. Advance*. iik9A««- Pecrease’ J8.073. Investments! J’5 decrease. 21 525. Ratio of gold a"d foreign currencies to notes. 1.6 per cent. Rate of discount, 4 per cent. Spain's war is greatly stimulating Portugal’s wine trade. Richard Prince Suits and Topcoats A happy combination of modern wear ables that lend the wearer a magnificent oir of well-groomed grace, and entailing a very modest outlay. Richard Prince Suits • Cable Stripes • Sharkskins • Scotch Cheviots • Glenover Plaids • Gabardines • Herringbones $35 Richard Prince Topcoats • Andes Alpoca • British Covert* • Scotch Cheviots • Herringbones $29-50 and $35 Charge Accounts— Monthly Settlements —or ]2-Pay Plan Courtesy Parking it N.W. Cor. 12th and E Sts. or N.E. Cor. 11th and N. V. Ave. s Sssis? nl9 4ind Values Outstaud n|0„ x.»;u” „ <*.»• “■*■ vi « 5 ?f--SSt sU* « ri-SS?Sfi « sirs* *1 0cCa8i°sWle Tap' 5 5 finish d' Cou spring 2 *21 ®°X*n MsW*; . t 1 .SO cotnhlnsiwn ^ at 5C“s-2i- 'S7-1S .14* *59- sT^t.sgs SSSJ-i#* tog an ", ctvate tocyo^ ah values be SSaddt0 & tbe reabV » “m°rt°* ®e wrs i v BtP ROOM f 8a'e . 4 A SS^5^-.«*.*©£ SU9 pieces ° { matcne spRce. ... price , orlTE-^ade "me dra«et SV ^ X ^ . ss^"£?>'--” ::,’^a-:.;r" *167 s^S'S-i—.r-ss: ‘10* CT*WSd^toUt tiveTUdordeSlSd a sm°°—-" *■ , -* v.mRtcti ' construe^ * ._ <r-4 4 H $147 $199 sss^ss^-^ SQ< WAtt0nttt Century mflsuper finish- - Vour cho're i ^inSssr^.^: ~^ \ PTiCC:GBOOMS^T^ ^ ..""phoned $1 1 9 \ ««- jgM- ::.5“.^ —s£**sf $17 4: \ ST*-.. . sc-Q \ uvn.0.^" . ..; 5 5^ \ v«e»« „ poo* 8«S . -*|1\ \ ^ il^0M \ of -•* Si”C‘ ^35 <*** ^ \ j V.'e Sts- '' ''a'l-llV'oOK N'V"B 1 7th and EV^,, 0STER>'