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BONDS IMPROVE AFTER HESITANCY Firmer Support Appears on Roosevelt Denial of Gold Rumors. ' 1 ■ ■■ ■ " . i ■ i i t Bond Averages 20 10 10 30 Rails Inrlust. Otil F'gn Net change. Unc. —.1 Unc. Unc. Today, noon 93.3 102.4 99.6 71.0 Prev. day.— 93.3 102.5 99.6 71.0 Month ago. 96.0 103.5 100.0 72.6 Year ago — 92.7 102.8 101.9 69.7 1937 high— 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low—. 93 3 102.5 99.6 71.0 1936 high.. 98,2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high— 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _108.5 Prev. day. 108.5 Month ago 110.3 Year ago. 111.7 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.5 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low— 86.8 (Compiled by tbe Associated Press.) Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 9.—The bond market moved over divers paths today and revealed an undercurrent of nerv ousness over weakness in the share list and foreign currencies. Support became firmer in parts of the list following a denial by President Roosevelt the Treasury had any inten tion of altering the gold price In con nection with the Government's plan for dealing with the rise in commodity prices. Unevenness prevailed in both the United States Government and cor porate divisions. The Federals made some early gains, ranging from 2-32ds to 6-32ds of a point, and registered an equal number of losses of about the same scope Federal Reserve purchases of $28, 819.000 in Governments in the first three days of the week, as disclosed by the weekly Federal Reserve state ment, was a subject of comment among dealers. To observers the fig ures meant the Reserve Board lost little time In putting support in the market following its announcement a week ago it was prepared to act in that direction. Losses ranged from 1 to around 2 points in Youngstown Sheet & Tube SUs, Walworth 4s, Pure Oil Pa cific Gas 334s, Chesapeake Corp. 5s, Great Northern 4s, Illinois Central 434s and International Hydroelectric 6s. Many more were down fractions. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK April P—'Prepared by the Standard Statistics Corp.;. Initial. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate nor.’, record, able Mfrs Trad Corp <Dei- tie Q 4-15 4-18 Accumulated. Harnischfgr 5D pf *1 *15 4-1 4-15 Tex Hy El $3.50 pf -5c 4-10 4--1 Extra Frank Fire Ins Inc 4-t’O 5-1 Regular. Bank of Calif N A SD.oO Q 4-0 4-15 Harmschfzr 5 pf >1.-5 Q 4-1 4-Jo Holeprf Hos pf 50c Q 4-0_ 4-lo K nicker bock Ins N Y UOc Q 4-In 4-*.4 Lanston Monotype M >1 .>-:i ._>-•» l Ohio Pub S D,o pf 581 <C M 4-In n-1 Do HD pf 50c M 4-1 r» n-1 Do 5D pf 4 1 =-,c M 4-15 5-1 Pub S Colo D« pf 58*.jC M 4-15 5-1 Do HD pf 50C M 4*15 5-1 Do 5 , pf 4 1-.C M 4-15 5-1 A Ind GAE 4 Hd pf *1 DO Q 4-15 5-1 Toledo Ed ?D pf 58*.,c M 4-15 5-1 Do Hd pf 50c M 4-15 n-1 Do oD pf 4 1 - C. M 4-15 5-1 CJ S Fire Ins 5oc 4-‘13 5-1 Am Distil pf M5c S 4-15 5-1 Calif Wat Svr pf *1.5o Q 4-3U 5-15 Camden Fire Ins 50c S 4-15 5-1 Dixie-Vortex 37l2C Q H-lo .-1 Frank Fire Ins. *V5c 4-tio 5-1 Kress <S H) 4uc G 4-10 5-1 Minn-Honeywell 50c Q 5-4 5-tIO Riv Cement SO pf $1.50 Q 4-15 5-1 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. April 0 (.^..—Over-the counter market bank and trust com panies. opening bid and asked prices: Bud. Asked. Rk of Manhattan (lVa) - - 35 3? Chase (1.40) -- - 55*2 5-d City <1i . _ •">*, Commercial <8) -- -08 First National (100) _ -•*!»(• -430 Public flVi) ■ - 48 Vi 50 D Bankers (2) -- 75 Bklvn Trust <4> 14*.’ 14: Central Hanover (4) _ 13i! 135 Chemical (1.801 -- . b:<D 71 1 ^ Continental <KO> -- 18*2 *-0 Corn Exchange (3) _ Hr,1 > 07*2 Empi’e «1> *-034 303-4 Guaranty M‘I) . 35U 3»i 1 Irving « dm - 17 18 lawyers Trust (C.40) _ 40 oM Mfrs (*2> 55*2 57V4 N Y Trust (5) 130 14‘.: Title Guaranty fc Trust 15 10 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. April 0 </P>.—Federal Land Bank bonds; Bid. Asked. 4*4s November 1958-38 1<>4’: 105*2 4 * 4s May 1957-37._ _100>4 10()*2 4s May 1958-38 -- 10234 103* 4 4s November 1957-37 101*2 102 4s July 1940,-44 __ 100’.. 107’4 3* 4s May 1955-45 100U 10034 3s July 1955-4 5_ _ __ 987b 99’4 3s January 1950-46 98'8 99 U 8s May 1950-46 987g 99*4 -• U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Otter 3 Apr. 15. 1937 100 .3*4 Sept. 15. 1937 1019-32 lol 11-32 Csb Feb 1 1938 _ 101 17-32 lol 19-32 3 Mar. 15, 1938 102 7-32 103 9-32 27a June 1 5. 1938 102 12-32 102 14-32 2*2 Sept. 15. 1938 102 7-32 102 9-32 1 *2 Mar. In. 193!* 100 7-32 1009-32 2*b June 15. 193,9 lol 13-3.2 lol 15-3.2 1 '’a Dec. 15. 1939 99 25-32 99 27-32 1»b Mar 15 1940 _ 99 30-32 100 1*2 June 15. 1940 99 14-32 99 16-32 1*2 Dee 15. 1940 99 6-32 99 8-32 1*2 Mar. 15. 194 1 99 5-32 99 7-32 l3* June 15. 194 1 99 19-32 99 21-32 1*4 Dec. 35. 194 1 97 30-32 98 4-32 -• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. April 9 «P..—Butter. 9.184. easy Creamery specials (93 score). 31a 31*2: extras *92). 30*. extra firsts (90 fll) 3o*4: firsts (88-89*. 29*2a3o; stand ards (90 centralized carlots). 303<. Eggs. 29.564 steady prices unchanged Poultry live. 23 trucks steady to firm hens over 5 pounds. 19: 5 pounds -and less 21: Leghorn hens. 17Va: colored fryers 26: Plymouth and White Rocks. 27; colored broilers 26; White Rock. 26; pivmouth Rock 20* 2: barebacks. 22; Leghorn. 23; roosters. 13: Leghorn roos ters 12: turkey hens 20. toms. 16; No 2 turkeys. 15: ducks 4*_> pounds up. white and colored 19*2. small white and col ored. 15: eeese. 12: capons. 7 pounds up. 26; less than 7 pounds. 25. Potatoes. 50; on track. 162; total United States shipments 904. Old stock. Idaho Russets, barely steady other stock about steady supplies light, demand slow: sacked per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Bur banks. U. S. No 1. 2.40-70 Montana Russet Burbanks. U. S No. 1. 2.40; Colo rado Red McClures, U. S No. 1. very few sales, 2.85-3.00: Wisconsin Round Whites. U S. No 1. 2.10-15: U. S. Commercial. 1.95: Minnesota Cobblers. U. S’ No. 1 and partly graded. 2.15: North Dakota Early Ohios U S No 1 and partly Rraded. 2.80. New stock steady: supplies light: demand fair: carlot track sales. 50-pound sacks. Texas Bliss Triumphs. J3. S No. 1. few sales 2 12*2-15 a sack bushel crates. Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. 2.17* 2 a crate. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW' YORK, April 9 M5.—Foreign ex change mixed. Great Britain in dollars, others in cents: Great Britain, demand. 4.8Sj*«; cables. 4.89 ,V. (id-day bills. 4.8811. France, demand. 4.48: cables. 4,48. Italy, demand. 5.20V4 cables. 5.20'4. Demands—Belgium lO.S.'Gi; Germany, free. 40.19; registered. 20.00: travel. 23.75: Holland, 54.08: Norway. 24.58; Sweden. 25.22: Denmark. 21.84: Finland. 2.IOV2: Switzerland. 22.73; Spain, un quoted; Portugal. 4.40: Greece, ,90'j: Poland. 19.00; Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yugo slavia, 2.34; Austria. 18.73n: Hungary, 19.80: Rumania. .75; Argentina. 32.00n; Brazil. 8-80V4n: Tokio. 28.50: Shanghai. 2p.86; Hongkong. .30.50 Mexico City. 27.85: Montreal in New York. 100.0938; New York in Montreal, 99.90sa. n—Nominal. --•- * Revere Copper <fc Brass, Inc.— President said net earnings for initial months of 1937 were at annual of $8.04 a common share. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE TREASU RY. By private wire direct te The Star. Hieh. Low. 2:55. 25*s 1949-63_ 94.24 96.18 96.24 2 54 8 1 9 4 5-47__ 101.2 100.29 101. 254s 1948-51_ 99.28 99.21 99.23 2«4s 1961-64_ 99.6 99.1 99.4 2548 1966-69_ 98.26 98.24 98.26 2%s 1960-60 _ 100. 99.22 99.81 27*8 1965-60 reg„ 99.23 99.17 99.23 3s 1946-48 _ 102.18 102.13 102.18 38 1951-55 101.80 101.24 101.80 3s 1951-55 reg_ 101.23 101.23 101.23 11*8 1946--* 9_ 103.7 '33.1 108.4 3 54 8 1949-62_ 103.8 103.6 103.8 3 54 8 1941 _ 106.6 !04.28 106.5 3 54 8 1944-46_ 104.16 104.12 104.18 3 54s 1941-43 Mar. 106. 104.30 105. 3 54 8 1 9 4 3 - 47 1 05. 104.28 1 05. 3 *48 1940-43June 104.27 104.27 104.27 3 5*8 1946-56 _ 107.81 107.81 107.81 4s 1944-64 _ 109.20 109.12 109.17 4 54 s-3 548 1943-45 104.16 104.13 104.13 4 548 1947-62 _ 113.26 118.26 118.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 254s 1942-47_ 100. 99.24 99.30 3s 1947 _ 101.12 101.2 101.11 3s 1949 _ 100.19 100.12 100.18 3548 1964_ 101.20 101.20 101.20 HOME OWNERS* LOAN. 2 548 1942-44_ 98.27 98.26 98.26 2 5* 8 1939-49_ 99.6 98.80 99.6 Ss 1952 100.6 100.2 100.6 3s 1952 reg_ 100.1 100.1 100.1 FOREIGN BONDS. Hirh Low. 2:55. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s’63 1(17 10654 137 Apr Mtg Bk Col 6s'48. 2254 22 54 2 2 54 Akershus 6s 63 _ 98 98 98 Antloqula 7s 45 D_ 14 14 14 Antwerp 6s 68 _ 10054 10054 10054 Argentine 4 54s '71_ #954 9954 9 954 Argentine 1 54s 62_10154 101 101 Argentine 6s 67 A_ 10 154 1 0 1 54 1 0154 Argentine 6s '68 B_ 1005? 10054 10054 Argentine 6s 69 June. I0t5? 10054 10054 Argentine 6s 69 Oct-- 102 102 102 Argentine 6s '60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 10154 10154 10154 Argentine 6s 60 Oct.. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s '61 May. 102 102 102 Australia 4 54s'66_ 100 54 1 0054 1 00 54 Australia 6s'55_ 10654 1 06 54 106 54 Australia 5s'57_ 10654 10554 10554 Belgium 6s'55 _ 1085* 10854 10854 Belgium 6*4s 49_ 1085 10814 108(4 Belllum 7s 65 _1175* 117 54 U754 Brazil 6 54S’26-'57_ 4054 40^ 40!4 Brazil 654s'27-’67_ 41** 4154 4 154 ! Brazil 7s'52_ 4154 41 41 1 Brazil 8s 41 _ 48*. 48** 4854 Brisbane 5s 68_ 10054 1005* 10054 Budapest 6s 62 unmat coupon od_ 29 29 29 Buenos A C 3s'84 _ 66** 6654 5 6 54 Buenos A 4 54s'7 6 Aug 775* 775* 7754 Buenos Aires 454»-354s '77 Pv ___ 7 7 54 7 654 7 7 54 Bu« A1 4 54s-45*s'75 . 805* 80 805* Buenos A 6s 61 st Pv. 83 8254 83 | Bulgaria 7 5js '68 May coupon off_ 26 26 26 Canada 3li«'61_ 975* 9754 #754 Canada 4s CO _ 105 106 105 | Canada 6s'52 _ 112 11154 '12 I Canada 5s ’52 reg_ 11154 111!* 1115* Chile 6s ’60 _ 215? 215* 215? O'.ie 6s 61 Jan _ 2144 2154 2154 cmle 6s '61 Febr_ 215* 2154 2154 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 215? 2154 2154 Chile 6s 62_ 2 1 5* 2 1 54 2 1 5? Chile 6s 63_ 215? 2154 2154 Chile 7s 42 _ 215? 215? 215? Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 19*4 1954 1954 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 195* 1954 l»5i Chile Mtg Bk 6 4* s 61. 19‘* 195* 1954 Chilean Mun L 7s 60.. 185? 185? 185? Chinese Gv Ry5s'51_ 67 67 67 | Col Mtg Bk 654s 47_ 20** 2o5i 205? ' Col Mtg Bk 7s '46_ 22 21 22 j Col Mtg Bk 7s 47_ 215? 2154 2154 Copenhagen 45?s'53._ 9b 3454 3414 Copenhagen 6s 62_ 98 975? 9C4 Costa Klca -a A '61_ 3254 32 82 Cuba 6 5? s 46 ... 645* b354 6454 Czechoslovakia 8s '61. 1035* 1035* 1035* Czechoslovakia Ss'62. 10354 1035* 1035* Denmark 4 Vss 62_ 98*4 98 98 Denmark 6 Vis'55_ 10S54 10354 *0154 Denmark 6s 42 104!* lo,*, 104*9 Dominic 1st SVSs 40._ 78 78 78 Dominic 1st 5Vss 42.. 81 81 81 Dominic 2d 6Vis 40_ <859 7 8 54 7 * 54 Ger Gov 6 Vis'65 st 235* 23 28 GerGovSVss 65 un st. 205s 2054 305s Gar Hep 7s '49 stpd_ 28V» 28 28*9 Haiti 6s 62- 9854 9854 9854 Italy IS 61 . _ 8654 85 8554 Ual P U Crd 7s’52_ 735, 7354 735, Japan 6Vis'65_ 79*4 79*4 79*4 Japan 6Vis 64_ 9454 9454 9454 Medelin 6Hs'64_ 1354 1354 1354 Met Wat 6 Vis'50_ 102 10154 10154 Men 4s 10- 46 asst sm 654 654 654 Mex 5s 45 asst lge_ 7% 754 754 Milan 6Vis 52 735, 73 73 Montevideo 6s'59_ 615? 6154 61H Montevideo 7s'52__ 67 67 67 New Bo Wales 5s '67-. 10259 10254 10259 Nord Uy 6V4S '50- lu75, 10754 10754 Norway 'Vis 60_ 995, 99*, 94J9 Norway 4V*s 56 1025, il'254 il'254 Oriental Dev 6Vis’58.. 74 5, .459 7 * 59 Oriental Dev 6s '53_ 79 79 7y Panama 6s 63_ 7454 7454 7454 Paris uri Ky aVis '68. 10i>4 100*4 lo054 Pernambuco 7a 47 Sept coupon off_ 2 359 2 3 54 23 54 Peru 6s 60- 21*4 2154 Peru 6s 61- 215, 215s 2154 Peru 7s 69- 225, 2259 2259 Poland 7s 47- 6454 64 *454 Poland 8s 60 - 465, 46H 465, Rio ae Jan 6V40 51 Aug coupon off- 2 7 54 2759 2754 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 27J4 2759 175i Rio Gr do Sul 6s '61 June coupon off ... 2654 2654 2654 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66 May coupon off __ 2754 2654 2759 Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46 April coupon off_ 3154 *154 3154 Rome 6Vis 52 - 7 4 59 7 454 7 4 59 Rumania 7s '49 Aue coupon off- 8 4 59 * 459 3 4 59 Sao Paulo C6V4s '57 May coupon off_ 2559 2559 2659 Sao Paulo St 7s 40- 925-4 9254 9 2 54 Serbs 8s 62 unm c o_ 29 29 29 Shin su El P 6Vis'62.. 8954 8954 8954 Silesian Bank 6s'47_ 3654 365, 8664 Silesia Prov 7s 58 ... 4354 485-i 4354 Taiwan Elec 6Vis'71_. 7454 7454 7454 Toklo E D Dtd 6s '53_. 7 9 54 7 9 54 7 9 54 Uruguay 6s 60 _ 65 6454 66 Tokohoma 6s 61—... 8254 8254 8259 DOMESTIC BONDS Adams Express 4s-48 101 101 101 Ala Urt So con 5s'43. 114* il«* 1UW Alleg corp 6a 44 97 s6 "g* AilegCorp 6s 49 ... 89* 89* 89* Alleg Corp 6a'60 stp ._ to* to* so* Allied Stores 444s 61. 98* 97* 97* Am & For Pw 6a 2030 . 7s 77* 79 Am Ice cv 6s’63 _ 93* 93 93 Am IQ Ch 6 44 s 49 lot* 106* 106* Am Tel & Tai 3 4ia «1 97* 9b* 97* Am Tel & Tel 3*s 66 97 96* 97 Am TAT 444s 39 106 105* 106* AmTAT 644s 43 . 113 112* 112* Am T F 2 44 8-6s'38-'60 16! 1*1 ui Am Wat Wks 6s '76 108 108 108 n,r!1 ^ai>er 68 47 73^ <»* 73* Am Writ Pa 6a 47 cfs 73 7* 73 Anaconda deb 4 44 s'60 106 104* 104* Ann A 1st ex in 4s 95. b« 67* t8 Anglo-Chil Nit 7s '67 _ 38* 88^ 88k Armour A.Co 4 44 s 39 102* 102* 102* Armour A Co Del 4a 67 96* 96* 9b* Armour. Del list 4s 55 96* 96* 96* ArTlsFeKad.VSox° 103^ “>3* l03H A 8 96— l03'i 103* 103* A ?AS Fe 4 iV-Ia*6' I08,i 108* 1U8H * pS 8 48 - 109* 109* 109* AD D088! V l8‘ 48 62 100^ 100 10044 Atl Coast Lclt 4s 62 91* 9]* uiv At^ife^ A La4%S’44 108J-‘ 1°8 108 * Atl Refining deb 5s'37 100* 100* loo* BAG *44s*60*-i06HlU6 ‘06 BA 0 4448 60- 77* 7SU |JoJss::5Jc~ 'is* "j* %, BaltoAOretbs^A. 87* jjg ,g B A O ret 6s 2000 D .. 85* 8S* astx BAG PLEA W V4.-41 103 !03 l“H B & () Swn 6s 60 103U I02i< imu BeRTotBpft 3%S'51 102^ 102* 102* Beil 1 of Pa 6s 48 B__ i]g H6Vi niiu Beth Steel 3*s 66._ 91* 92* is* Beth Steel 4 >4 a '60_101* l0I toi* Boa A Me 6s 66 _ 84 g3is ./* Bos A Me 6s 67 .. . 84 *** g Boston N I A L 4s'66. 27* 27 »7W Bot Con M 6 448 34 32 82 |2 Bot Con M 6 44s 34 ct. 82 82 82 Bklyn Man T 4 44 a 66 97 96 9* Bklvn LJd El 6s‘50 107* 107* 107* Bklvn Un Gas 5s 45.. 113* 11s* 113* Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 101* 101 101 Bklyn Un Gas 6a '57 B 107* lot* 106* .Brown Shoe 3*a’50 . 103* 103* JOS* l^uff RAP con 4 44 s "67. 81* 84* 8M Hl2h. Low, 2:55. Bush Term 1st 4s'52 .. 8b* 86 85 Bush Term con 6s'65 69 6* 6a Bush Term Bldg 6s '60 62* 62* 62* Calif Packlne 6s 40... 108* 103* 103* Canada So 6s'62 A_115 116 116 Can’dlan N R 4*s *61. 110*110*110* Can’dian N R 4*s'67. no* lio no* Can'dlan N R 4*a‘65. 112* 112* 112* Can'dlan N 6s'69 Oct— 116*116*115* Can’dian N R5s '70_115 ns 115 Can'dlan P db 4s perp 93* 93 93 Can'dlan Pao 4*s'46. 103* 103* 103* Can'dlan Pao 4*s'60. 100*100 100 Can’dian Pac 6s '64_ 107* 107* 107* Caro Cl AO 6s 62 A... 109* 109114 109* Car A Gen 6s'60 ww._ 105 105 105 Central Fdryov6s'41. 108* 108* 108* Cent of Ga con 6s '45_80 30 so Cent of Ga 6s’69 C .. 19* 19* 19* Cent of Ga rf 6*s'59. 20* 19* 20 Cent 111 E & G 6s'61 _ 99* 99* 99* Cent of N J gen 6s '87. 70 68 70 Cent of NJ gn 5s’87rg. 63 63 61 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49_. 107* 107* 108* Cent Pao 6s '60 97* 97* 97* Cert'd deb 6*s ‘48 _ 86* 86* 86* Champ P A F 4*s '50. 105*106*105* Chesap C cv 6s 44_120 118 120 ChesapCorp 6S 47_ 135* 134* 136* Ches A O S*s 96 D.__ 95* 95 95 Ches A O 8*s 96 E_ 95* 95* 96* C A O con 6s ’S9 _ 107 107 107 Chi A Alt ref 3s'49_ 63* 52* 62* Chi B A Q gen 4s '68_ 108 107* 108 Chi B A Q ref 6s'71 .. 1)4 114 114 Chi B A Q 111 dv 4S'49. 110 109* 109* Chi A B 111 6s *61 .. 87* 36* 37* Chi A E 1115s'61 ctfs.. 87* 86* 37* Chi Grt West 4s'59 . 45* 44* 44* Chi lnd A L gen 6s'66. 20 19* 20 C M St P 4s '89_ 66* 56* 66* CMASt P 6s 76_ 29* 28* 29* CMAStPAP adj 6S20OO 10* 10 10* ChlANW gen 4s ’87 st- 46 46 46 Chi A NW 4*3 2037 29* 29 29 Chi A NW 4*8 2037 C. 29* 28* 29* ChlANW 4*8 49 ..'20 19* 20 Chi A NW gen 6s 87_f46 46 46 Chi Rys 1st 6s’27 _ 70* 70* 70* Chi R IAP rf 4a ’34_ 21* 21* 21* Chi R IAP rf 4s'S4ctf_ 19 19 19 Chi R IAP gen 4s '88_ 36* 86* 36* Chi R IAP «*S'62 ._ 20* 20* 20* Chi R IAP 4*s '62 ctf. 19 19 19 Chi R IAP 4 *s 60 .. 13 12* 13 Ehl St LAN Me 4s '61.. 91 91 91 cm un sti^s t>i _ n>2 iu2 102 Chi Un Sta 34* 63 E. 104 104 104 Chi Un Sta 4s 63 ... 1054 1064 1054 Chi & w ind 4 4* 62— ioo 991,* 100 Chi & VV In con 4* 62. 10141004101 Childs & Co 5s '43 _ N64 664 864 CCC&St L gen 4s'93 — 994 99 99 CCC&St L rf 4 4s'77 E 92*4 «2 92 CCC&St L ref 6s'63 D 1084 103 103 CCC&StL StLdv ls’90 97 97 97 CCCAStLCW&M 4S'91 93 4 934 934 Clev El 111 34* 65 —. 1064 IU64 1064 Clev Un Tel 4 4*'77 _ . 1004 100 100 Clev Un Term 6a'73 B 106 10541106 Colo Fuel & Ir 6s'70_ 844 834 844 Colo & So 44* '80 _ 68 68 68 Columbia G & E deb 5*'62 April _ 1024 1024 1024 Columbia G & E 6a 62 May _ 103 1024 103 Columbia G&E 6s'61.. 100 994 100 Colum Ry P&L 4s'65.. 1034 103'4 1034 Cornel Credit 3 4 s 51— 944 94 944 Com inv Tr 34s'51_ 100 100 100 ConnR&L44s 51_101 101 iou Cons Coal Del 6s 60 —_ 684 674* 684 Cons Ed NY 34a 46 n_ 1034 1024 1024 Cons Ed NY 3 4a'56 n 1014 1014 1014 Cona Gas NY 44s'61. 1064 1064 1064 Consol Oil *4s'51 „ 1024 1024 1024 Conaum Pwr j 4s 66 — 974 97 97 Ci isum P un 3 4s '65. 1014 1014 1014 Cons Pwr 3 4 *'70 _ 99 984 984 Container deb 6* 43_102 1014 1014 Crane Co 34* 51 _ 974 974 974 Crown C & S 4*'60_101 lot 104 Crown Will P 6s’51_lot 104 104 Cuba KR 1st 6s 52_ 654 664 654 Cuba RR 6s 36 _ 65 55 65 Cuba RR ref 74s'36-. 64 64 64 Cuba RR 74s 36ctis_ 64 64 64 Cuba Northn 64* 42. 644 634 644 Dayton P&L 3 4s'60— 102 102 102 Del & Hud ref 4s 43 —. 90 4 904 *04 Del P&L 44*'69_ 102 102 102 Den G & E 5s'51 st_ 1074 1074 1074 Den & R G con is 36.. 314 31 314 Den & K G W 6s 66 .. 174 174 174 Den & RGW 6s’65asst_ 17 17 17 Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs. 84 »4 84 Detroit Ed 4s 66 F ... 10 7 4 107 4 107 4 Det Edison 3 4s 66 . 1014 1014 1014 Det Edison 44a'61 D. 1124 1124 1124 Det Edison 5s 62_ 1074 1074 1074 DulSS&Atos 37_ 68 58 68 Duaues Lt 4 4s '57 B_. 1024 1024 1024 Elec Auto Lite 4s’52.. 1084 108 1084 Erie cons is 96_ 98 98 9s Erl* gen 4s 96_ 814 81 81 Erie ref 5s 67_ 81 to bi Erie ref 6s 75- 804 80 804 Fatrbks Morse 4s 56„ lul lei hr Fed Lt & Trac 5s'42_103 1014 lul4 Fed b&Tr 6s 64 B_loo 100 loo Fla EC Ry 44s'59_ 77 77 77 Fla E C Ky 6s'74_ 15 16 lo Galv H&H 54s 38_ 95 4 95 4 954 Gen Am inv 5s 62_1014 101 lol Gen Mot Acc 3s 4*_ 994 994 994 Gen Mol Aas 3 *4 s 51„ 984 984 984 Gen Stl Cast b '43.. 904 894 894 Goodrich 44s 66_ 98 4 984 984 Goodrich 6s 46 _ 1054 1044 1044 Goodyear T&R 6s'57— 104 1034 104 Great N Ry 4s 46 G... 126 1234 126 Great N Ry 4s 46 H 1064 106 1064 Grt N R gen 44s'76 D :uiH 1014 1014 Grt N R gen 4 4s'77 E IOI4 loo*; 1004 Grt N R gen 5s 73 C— 1104 1104 1104 Grt N R 64s 62 B_ 116 1154 1154 Gulf M & N 5s 60 _ 974 974 974 Gulf States Util is '66 994 994 994 Hack Wat Ifit 4s '52 __ 10^4 1054 1054 Har Ry P C 1st 48 54_. »04 904 904 Hock Val 44s 99 ... 1154 I154 1164 HoesRt 1st mtg 44.»u 90 90 Houston OIJ 6 4s 40.. IU14 1014 1014 Hudson Coal 5a 62 61 604 b04 Hudson Co G 1st 5s'49. 1174 116c, 117*4 Hud & Man inc os 57.. 31 304 304 Hud & Man ref 6s '57.. 75'i 744 744 111 Bell Tel 34s'70_ 1024 1014 1024 111 Cent 4 4s 68 754 744 75 111 Cent St H 34a 61.. 96 96 96 ICC&StL N U4 4s'63_ 784 774 784 ICC&StL, N O 6c S3 83 824 83 III C St L&XO 5s’51 rg 1004 1004 1004 Inland Stl 34s 61 . 1014 101 iui lnt R T 1st rf 6a 66 83 8I4 824 1 R T 1st rf 6s 66ctfs. 814 «t 81 lnt R T 6s 32 _ 38 37 38 lnt R T 6s 32 ctfa- 364 364 354 lnt R T 7s 32 - 30 784 80 lnt R T 7s'32 ctfa- 784 784 784 lnt Grt Nr 6s 66 B_ 34 34 34 lnt Grt Nr 6s '62 A ... 364 344 354 lnt Grt Nr adl 6s'62 A. 134 134 134 lnt Hydro Elec Ss 44 .. 81 79* 80 lnt Mer Marine 6b 41. 874 87 87 lnt Pap 1st 6s 47A ... 994 994 994 lnt Pap ref 6s 65 ... 99 984 984 lnt Ry of C A 5s '72 90 90 90 lnt Ry Cent A 64®'47. 96 96 96 lnt T&T cv 44s 33 .. 814 804 81 lnt T&T 44a'52_ 664 66 66 lnt T&T 5a 66 - 694 68*4 694 Iowa Cent lst&rf4s’51 64 64 64 James F * C 4a'39 .... 96 934 934 Jones&L Stl 4 4a'61A. 1004 100 1004 Kans C So 1st 3a 60 88 88 88 Kans City So ref 6s '50 904 894 »04 Kans G &E44s 80 . 1034 1034 1034 Keith 6s '46 ._ 984 98 4 984 Kings C E & P 5s '37_1014 1014 1014 Kresge Found 4s 45_ 106 106 106 Laclede Gas 5s '39_ 96 934 95 Laclede G 6 4a 63 C_ 604 694 594 Laclede G 6 4s 60 D . 604 60 60 Lake S&M So 34s '97. 994 99 99 Lautaro Nltr 6s 64 . 424 424 424 nautaro Nit 6s 64 cfa. 48 424 43 Leh Val Coal 5s '64_67 664 664 Leh Val Coal 6s 64_ 66 65 66 Leh Val Har 6s 64_ 102 4 1024 102 4 LV NY 44e 40 gtd___ 102 1014 102 Leh V P con 4s 2003 .. 614 604 61 Leh V P con 4 4s 2003 68 674 68 Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 744 744 744 Llgg & Myers 7s *44_ 1294 1294 1294 Loew s 3 4s 46_ 974 974 974 Lorlllard 7s 44-1274 1274 1274 La & Ark 6s’69 _ 914 914 914 L & Nash 3 4 s 2003 914 fi904 904 L&N lst4s 2002_ 984 984 984 L&Nunlf4s 40_1064 106 1064 LAN 44s 2003 C .. 104 104 104 L & N S&N Ala 5s'63. 116 118 118 McCrory Stores 6s 61. 1034 1034 1034 MoKess&RoD 64s'50_ 1084 1084 1084 Me C RR gn 44s’60A. 61 8t 81 Manat) Sug 7 4s 42 .. 70 70 70 Man Slat 74s'42 ctfa. 70 70 70 Manhat Ry 4s ’90 . 47 47 47 Marton St Shov 6s '47. 97 97 97 Met Ed 1st rf 44s '68 1064 1064 1064 Mil El R&L 5s '61 . 1024 1024 1024 Mil E R & S L rf 6s’71_ 1024 1024 1024 Mil Spa & N W 4s '47. 384 384 384 Minn & S L rf 4s 49 6 6 K Minn & St L 6S-34 ctfs 18 18 18 MStP&SSM cn «s 38 . 27 264 27 MStPASSM 6s '38 gtd. 30 U 80 MStP&SSM 64s '46_ 174 P 17 High. Low. 2:5ft MStP&SSM 614s'78__. 84)4 8414 84H Mo K & T 1st 4s '90_ 87 8614 8614 Mo K * T 4s '62 B_ 6914 *914 6914 Mo K & T 6s '62 A_ 80 7914 7914 MoK & T ad! 6s '67_ 70 6914 70 Mo Pao 4s'76 _ 1814 1814 1814 Mo Pac 6s ’65 A__ 3914 39 39 Mo Pao 5s'77 F_ 8914 8914 3914 Mo Pac 6s ’78 Q__ 3914 8914 8914 Mo Pac 6s'80 H_ 3914 3914 8914 Mo Pac 6s '81 1_ 3914 39 39 Mo Pac 614»'49 A_ 1614 1514 1114 Mob & Ohio 6s '38_ 3114 8114 3114 Mohawk & M 4s’9)_ 9014 9014 9014 Monoric Ry 1st 4s ’60 106 106 106 Montana Pwr 3%s ’6*. 9214 92 92 Mor*Essex 314s 2000 86I4 86 86 Morrfs&Essex 414 s'65 8814 8814 8814 Morris*Essex 5s '55 . 90 90 90 Natl Dairy 8%amiww 103 102*4 102*4 Natl Dls PC 4*4■’45 103*4 108*4 103*4 Nat Ry Max «*<>b’57 as 4*4 4*4 4*4 Natl Steel 4s 65 . 102*4 102*4 102*4 New Jer PAL 4*4s'60. 105*4 105*4 105*4 New Orl P 8 6»'56 B - 9« 9« 96 New Orl TAM 6s’61 B. 66*4 66*4 *6'4 New Orl Ter 1st 4s'63 92*4 92*4 92*4 Newp&Cin B 4*4s’45.. 110 110 110 N Y Cent 3*4 s’52 w.i_. 108*4 107*4 107*4 NY Central 3*4* 97.„ 95*4 »6 96 NY Central 3*4a'46— 99*4 99*4 99*4 NY Cent con 4s’98 . 96*4 95*4 96*1 NY Cent rf 4*4s 201S— 87*4 86*4 87*4 NY C rf 4*4s 2013 n_ 87*4 86*4 87*4 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 96*4 94*4 *5*4 NY Cent cv 6s 44_121 114*4 120 NY CLSh 3 *4s ’98 ... 90 89 89 NYC Mich C 3%s'98.. 90*4 90*4 90*4 N Y Chi & StL 4s'46_100 too 100 NY Chi A St L 6s '38.. 100 99*4 100 NYC&St L 4*4»'78 _ 86 86 86 NYC&St L 6’4s '74 A.. 98*4 97*4 97*4 NY Dock 6s '38 _ 68*4 68*4 68*4 NY Edison 3*4 s'65 D. 97*4 97*4 97* NY O El HAP 4s 49... 110 110 110 NY O El HAP 5s'48 117 116*4 117 NY LE VVD Imp 6s '43 105 105 105 NY LA- W 1st 4s 73 _ 99 99 99 NY NH A H 3 *4 s 66_ 39 88*4 39 NY NH AH 4s '56 _ 40*4 *0*4 40*4 NY NH A H 4*43 '67 ... 46 46 45 NY NH A H cv 6s 48.. 47 46*4 46*4 NY O&W ref 4s 92 ... 30*4 30*4 30*4 NYC&St L 1st 4s'37_ 101*4 101*4 10IU NY Rvs 6s 65 A stp... 105*4 105*4 105*4 NY Steam 1st 6s'51... 107*4 107*4 107*4 NY Steam 5s 56 _ 107 106*4 106*4 NY Tel iren 4*4s '39... 106*4 106*4 106*4 NY Tr Rk 6s'46 stp_ 90 90 90 NY W & B 4*4s '46 .. 17 16*4 16*4 Niasr Falls P 3*4s 66.. 100 loo loo Niap L A O 5s '55_ 107*4 107*4 107*6 Norf So 1st 5s’41 _ 82 82 82 Norf So 1st ref 6s'61.. 28 26 28 Norf S 1st rf5s'61 ef«. 25*4 23 25*4 Norf A W 1st 4s'98_113 113 113 North Am Co 5s 61 _ 108*6 103*6 103*4 North Am Ed 6s'57 A. 101 101 101 Norm Pac eren 3s 2047. 78*4 73 73*4 Norn Pac 4s'97 _ 103 102*4 108 North Pac 6s 2047_110*4 110*4 110*4 Ohio Edison 4s’65_101*4 101*4 101*4 Orec RR & N 4s '46_ 107*4 107*4 107*4 Orec Sh L 5s'46 etd... 117 117 117 Orec W RR 4s 61 . 104 104 104 Pac c,ss A El 3 >£■ '66. 96*4 94*4 94*4 Pac G & E 3 *i s’61 . 100*4 100 100*4 Pac G A E 4S 64 . 104 103*4 104 Pac RR Mo 1st 4s '.38.. 101*4 101*4 101*4 Pac TAT .3 *4S 66 c _ 99 98*4 98*4 Para Broad wav 3s'55. 73*4 72*4 72*t Paramount Pic 6s '55 . 100 100 100 Parmelee 6s 44 _ 73 *2*4 72*4 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Penn Dixie C 6s '41_ 100 100 ion Penn PA-L4*4«, Ri_ 105*4 105 105 Penn RR 3*4s'52 _ 107 106*6 106*4 Penn RR3**s 70C_ 98 97*4 97R Penn RR 4 14 s'81 D_ 103*4 104*4 103*4 Penn R R 4 *4s'84 . 104*4 103*4 1044 Penn RR con 4*4 s'60. 116 116 116 Penn RR pn 4*48'65 . 108 107*4 107*4 Penn RR deb 4*4s'70. 99R 99*4 99*4 Penn RR een 6s'6R . 114* 4 114*4 114*4 People OL&C rf Es'47. 112*4 112*4 112*4 Peoria A E Inc 4s'90_ 19*4 1904 ]9i< Pere Mara 4 *4s’80 ... 96U 96*4 96*4 Pere Mara 1st 6s '66 101*4 101 101 Phila B&W 4*4s'77... X16 115 115 Phlla Co 6s 67 ... 10* 102*4 103 Phi la A R C&I 6s "7 J_ 36*6 36*4 36*4 Phlla &RC&I 63 49_ 16*4 16*4 16*4 Pbillnnlne Rv «s 37.. 25*$ 2f> 25*4 P C C A stti 4s ’53 F Ill 11! 11! PCCASt L 4 *4 s '77 C__ 106*4 106*4 106*4 PCCASt L 6s'70 A . 114*4 114*4 114*4 PiftsA-V7 Va 4>4s 60 C 89*4 89*4 89*4 Porto Rico A T 6s 42.. 79 79 79 Port Gen El 4*4s 60._ 63 62*4 *2*4 Port G K 5s "35 assd ... 106 106*4 106 Postal Tel & C 6s ‘53 . 30 29*6 29*4 Pressed Stl Car 5s 61. 94*4 94*4 94*4 PureOH4*is 60 ww_. 118*6 117 118*4 Purity Raklnc 5s’48.. 9914 98*6 98’4 iteamn* jer 48 61_ 99 984 »8*i Heading Ft 44s 97 A. los 1064 106 Reading R 44s 97 B.. 106 106 106 Rem-Hand 4 4 s'56ww 1074 1064 1064 Republic Stl 44s 50_. 1604 1814 1894 Republic Stl 44s 66.. 964 964 964 Republic Stl 44s 61.. 96 964 96 Republic Stl 54s 54.. 118 1174 1174 RevereCop44e 66 .. 102 102 102 Richfield O 6s'44 ctfs. 53 53 63 Rio GW col 4s 49 A._ 454 464 454 Roch G&E 5s 62 E ... 1084 1084 1084 R 1 A&G 1st 44s 34_ 214 214 214 Rutland HR 44s '41.. 284 2*4 284 Saguenay Pw4 4 s'66 .. 101 1004 1004 St G IM&S P.&G 4s 33. 804 80*j 804 St G-S F 4S'60 A ctfs. 26 26 26 St G-S F'ran 44s '78 ^84 284 284 St G-S F 44S'78 cf Sl. 244 24 24 St I,-S F 5s 60 B ctfs. 26 4 284 264 St L S W 1st 4s'89 .. 884 884 884 St G S W gn rf 6s 90_. 44 434 44 St P K C S G 44« 41.. 214 214 214 San A & A Pass is 43. 100 100 100 San Diego CG&E4s’65. 1064 1064 1064 Seahd A G ref 4s'59... 154 164 164 Seabd A G 4s '60 stp_ 30 4 30 4 304 Seabd A G adj 6s 49_11 11 11 Seabd A G 6s 46 A_ 19 I84 19 Seabd A G 6s 46 ctfs.. 174 174 174 Seabd A-Fl 6s’36 A ct. 104 10 104 Shell Un deb 34s'51.. 96 954 964 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 704 704 704 Shelly 011 4b'61 ... 97*1 974 974 Socony Vac 34 s'60 ... 101 100*4 101 South Bel) T&T 6s ’41 1074 1064 1074 Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 1024 1024 1024 Southn Cal Gas 4 4 '61 1054 106 1054 So Colo Pa r 6s'47 A.. 104*4 104 104 South Nat G 44s’61_ 974 974 974 So Pac 3*is 46 _ 97 *96* J 964 So Pac ref 4s 55_ 104*1 104*4 1044 So Pac 44s 68_ 88 874 88 So Pac 4 4s’69_ 884 874 874 So Pac 4 4s 81_ 87*4 87 874 So Pac Oreg 4 4s’77_ 94 93*4 934 So Ry gen 4s'56 A_ 78 774 774 So Ry 6s '94 _1064 1064 1064 So Ry gen 6s ’56_1004 100 100 So Ry 64s’56 - 102*4 1024 1024 So Ry M & O 4s 38 ... 934 934 934 So Ry St G dlv 4s 61_ 97 4 974 974 Soutnw'n G&E 4s 60.. 994 994 994 Spokane Int 6s "55_ 33 3) 33 Staley A E 4s 46 _1024 1024 1024 Stand OH NJ 3s 61... 964 #5 96 Sturiehaker cv 6s 46_ 134 132 1334 Swift & Co 39ls ’50_ 103 4 1024 1024 Term El Pw 6s 47 A— 96(4 96(4 96(4 Term AsSt L 4a J53_ 107 107 107 Texarkana 6(is’60_ 104(4 104(4 104(4 Texas Corn 3 (4S 61_ 100(4 100 100(4 Texas & Pao 6s 77 B__ 101(4 101 (4 101(4 Texas & Pae 63 79 C__ IOU4 101 101 Texas & Pac 5s 80 D . 102(4 I02!4 102(4 Tex & Pac 1st 6s 2000. 119(4 119(4 119(4 Third Av ref 4s 60 68(4 62(4 68(4 Third A ad In ex 6s'R6 83(4 82(4 88(4 Tol & Ohio C 3(4 s'60. 101*4 101(4 101*4 Trl-Contl Corp 6s’53 .. 118(4 118(4 118(4 Un El L & P 6(is 54 _ 10454 10454 10454 Un Oil of Cal 3 (is 62, 111(4 110(4 UIW Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A. _ 11654 11654 11654 Un Pac 3 (is’71 - 93*4 9354 9 85i Un Pac 1st 4s 47_111 110(4 111 United Drug 6s 63_ 99(4 99 99 U S Rubber 5s 47 10654 *06(4 10654 Utah E & T 5s 44 (A). 99(4 99 99 UtahP&L6s’44 „ IO1J4 101(4 101*4 Utli P &L 6s 69 ww_ 60 59(4 69(4 Util P & E 6 (48’47_ 60(4 60 60 Vanadium cv 6» 41_ 108 107 108 Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs. 28!4 28‘4 28(4 Va E & P 1st ref 4S'55. 106*4 106H 106*4 Va Ry 1st 3 54s '66 A _ 101(4 101(4 101(4 W abash 4(4s’78 „ 86(4 8554 35(4 Wabash 4(4s 78 ctfs., 82 82 82 Wabash 1st 6«’39_100(4 100 100 Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 98(, 9254 98 Wabash 6s ’76 B_ 38 38 38 Wabash 6(4s 76 -, 8h(4 38(4 88(4 Wabash Oma 3(is'41- 68(4 68(4 68(4 Walker HAS 4(4* 45.. 106 104(4 106 Walworth 4s 66 .. 80 7954 808 Warner Bros cv 6«’39. 9554 96 9654 Wamer-Quln 6s '39_ 6054 6 954 6054 Warren Br cv 6s 41 70 69 70 West Penn P 3(is ’66. 102P 10254 10254 W Sh 1st 4S 2061 gtd.. 9214 92 92 W Sh 1st 4s 2061 reg— 88 88 88 West’n Md 1st 4s '52 .. 10154 10154 101(4 West’n Md 5(4*'77 I06*i 106(4 10654 Westn NY&Pgn 4S’43 108(1 108(4 108(4 West'n Pac 6s 46 A as 35 3454 3154 West’n Un 4 (is 50_ 105(4^106(4 105(4 West’n Un 5s '61___104*004*4 104J4 ( FREIGHT LOADINGS ATM MARK Total Off 4.5 Per Cent From Week Ago, but 18.4 Above Year Ago. NFW YORK. April !).—The As sociated Press seasonally adjusted weekly index of freight carloadlngs. based on 1029-30 as 100. declined to day to 77.5 compared with 81.5 the previous week and a year ago. Range of recent years; 10.17. 1936. 1936. 1934. 1933. High - 81.5 84.5 71.1 65.9 67.3 Low 72.0 60.7 58.0 69.5 47.7 Bj the Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today 726,687 cars of revenue freight were loaded during the week ending last Saturday. This was a decrease of 34,422 cars, or 4.5 per cent, compared with the preceding week; an increase of 113,106, or 18.4 per cent, compared with a year ago, and an increase of 181,231, or 33.2 per cent, compared with two years ago. The report classified the loadings as follows; This Last Year .. , . „ Week. Week. Ago. Wise, freight 328.874 +10.384 +69.212 Less than car lot mdse._ 174.070 + 3.864 +11.085 \ , .118.317 —53.497 +19,340 drain and grain oroducts 32.271 + 4 026 + 2.352 West, distr's. 10.406 + 2 627 + 1 163 Live stock 10.806 — 15 + 751 West, distr's 8.120 -- 7C __ eoo Forest products 38.600 ^ 434 -1-10 019 gre -- 12.880 + 866 + 6,930 Coke-- 10.860 — 478 + 4.319 Washington Produce i- R^,TLERTfl.2 score 1-Pound prints. 37; „;,;P°,und prints. ;i8; tub, :iH; B<> score. l tub°35prlntS- 3t>; V»-pound prints, 37; , MEATS-Cholcr beef. ]7: cslves, ]fl: hem' « amtl pork loin. 24; fresh i-k :uSmoked ham 2fi: sliced bscon, 33j slab bacon. 28: compound. 13‘/4; l»rd, , LIVE STOCK-PJ,.. st2aS^: light hogs, mPd"«'p hogs. B'sa»J. heavy hogs. Ua'l* j: r0U*h*’ ha8: calves. 6»l(t; l»mbs, teePrlCD.Ba,s shippers net f o b. Washing i?5 fbj United Stales Bureau of Agricultural Eeconomics rgw5P?S_7Mark^t bftreJy steady: bulk of of ,nr.arby ungraded eggs at Inside PfJSf®- .V,nd?non*\ unsettled. Current re ceipts. 2 la-, l'j: hennery whites. 22*2244 C»o\ernment graded and dated white eggs tnnlk -P/r CoS PRld shippers f.o.b. Washing ton U. S. extras, large. 24: U 8. extras. mediums< -14a; U. 8 standards, large. ct^nIHCEorPOULKTRY^TMarkft JUSt •hPUt steady at unchanged prices. Fowl: Col ored heavy, 18*10: Leghorns. 14al5. Chickens Rocks and Crosses, all sizes, mostly 1*2.1. a few at 2344: Leghorns, ci,i t({ 0-5°unads and up- 21 smaller sizes. 18 Old guineas. 2.5*30 each. Tur keys. Old hens. 16a18: old toms. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales In large lots by original receivers up to 8 a m. today. i APPLES — Four Washington arrived: ; four unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate demand moderate; market steady. Bushel baskets. U. S No. 1: Vir ginia, Staymans. 2I.-«-lnch minimum. ] .40a 1 .)(); 2‘a-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75: •.34-inch minimum. 1.75*1.85. few 2.00: 3-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75: Yorks. 2 V4 inch minimum. 1.40*1.60: 212-inch mini mum 1.65*1.75; 234-inch minimum, mostly around 1.85: 3-inch minimum. ! 1.85a2.0o; Winesaps. 2-inch minimum. l.40al.50: 2,/4-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75; 2'a-mch minimum. 2.00*2.25: 23/4-inch minimum. 2.25*2.50; Delicious. 2*.4-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75: 2’2-inch minimum 2.ooa2.25: 234-inch minimum. 2.26*2.35; Golden Delicious. 2,4-inch minimum. 1.75a 1 >5: 2*a-inch minimum. 2.00*2.25: *4-inch minimum. 2.26*2.50: Paragons. 2‘a-inch minimum. 1.00al.65; 23 4-inch minimum. 1.65a 1.76: 3-inch minimum. 1.75al 85: Lowrys. 2l4-inch minimum. 1.35*1.40: 2’2-inch minimum. 1.50*1.60: 234-mch minimum, 1.60*1.75; Ganos, 2’4-inch minimum. l.Ooal.10; 2,2-lnch minimum. 1.40al.50. Boxes. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia— Combination extra fancy and fancy De licious. 2 25a5.50; Staymans. 2.00*2.25; Romes. 2.00*2.50. C grade Delicious, 1.85*2.00. Staymans. 1.65*1.85: Romes. 1.05al.85. Cartons, No 1: Staymans. 1.75*2.00. Fancy Delicious. 2.25*2.50: Staymans. 3.85*2.26; Golden Delicious. 2.25*2.50. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Truck receipts moderate; supplies moderate demand moderate: mar ket steady South Carolina, pyramid crates, dozen bunches. Colossal. 3.00-4.00, fancy. 2.50-3.50: choice 2.00-3.00. CABBAGE—One Florida. one South Carolina arrived two broken and three unbroken cars on track Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate, demand mod erate: market steady South Carolina. Ha bushel hampers, pointed type, freight re ceipts mostly around 1.00; truck receipts, packed locally. 75-85. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: one bro ken car on track. Supplies moderate: de mand moderate: market steady. Califor nia. Western lettuce crates. 6 dozen. 3.00 3.25: Texas, half lettuce crates. 1.40. CAULIFLOWER—Two California ar rived: three broken cars on track. Sup plies moderate; demand moderate, market steady California, crates. 1 40-1 50. • CELERY—One Florida arrived, four bro i ken cars on track. Supplies moderate: de mand verv slow market weak. Florida, individually washed 10-inch crates and wircbound crates, trimmed tops. 3-10 dozen. 2.00-2.25; XX s. mostly around 1.50. LETTUCE—Two Arizona arrived: nine broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand slow; market weak. California Western crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen. 3.25-3.50; few higher; poor er. 3.00. . ONIONS—No carlot arrivals: one un broken car on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate, market steady. Michi gan and New York, yellows. U. S. No. 1, 50-pound sacks. 1.25-1.35. PEAS—One California arrived. one broken car on track. Supplies light: de mand light: market steady. California, bushel hamDers. Telephones. 3.50-3.60. Potatoes About Steady. POTATOES—Two Maine arrived, three broken and eighi unbroken cars on track. Old stock: Supplies moderate; demand moderate, market about s'eady. 100 pound sacks U S. No. 1. Maine. Green Mountains. 2.40-2.50: few. 2.60: New York, round whites. 2.25-2.50: truck re ceipts. 2.25; Pennsylvania, round whites. 2.25: few hiRher Idaho. Russet Burbanks, mostly around 3.50. New stock: Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Flor ida. bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. 2.25: fair condition. 2.00: double head barrels. Spaulding Rose. U. S. No. 1, t>.5(). SPINACH — No carlot arrivals. one broken car on track. Truck receipts mod erate; supplies moderate: demand mod erate: market steady Bushel baskets. South Carolina. 75; Virginia. 70; North Carolina. 85. ,, STRAWBERRIES—Supplies very light: demand light; market steady. Florida. 36 pint crates. 6.00-6.50 per crate. SWEET POTATOES — Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate; demand light; market steady. North Carolina, bushel baskets. Porto Ricans and Nancy Halls. 1.25-1.35: Maryland. Anne Arundel County, bushel hampers, Jersey type. U. S. No. 1. 1.25-1.35. TOMATOES—No carlot arrivals, no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate: sup plies moderate; demand light: market steady. Florida, wide range in condition, lug boxes, green and turning, wrapped. 6x6. 3.00-3.50; fair condition. 1.26-1.75; 6x7. 2.25-3.00: fair condition, 1.25-2.00; 7x7 fair condition. 1.00. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals; 3 broken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—Supplies light; demand moderate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, green, flat type, 2.50-2,75; round, stringless, 3.50-3.75 LIMA BEANS—Supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers. 3.60. EGGPLANT—Supplies light; demand light: market steady. Florida, lVa-bushel crates, small size. 2.00-2.60. PEPPERS — Supplies light; demand light: market steady. Florida. 1 Vi-bushel crates, green, fancy, 2.00-2.60; choice, 1.50. CUCUMBERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel bas kets, extra fancy. 4.50: fancy, 4.00. KALE—Supplies light; demand light; market steady. Nearby sections, bushel baskets 40c ORANGES:—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Florida, boxes, No. 1, 3.00-4.50; No. 2. 2.75-4.00, as to size. GRAPEFRUIT—Commercial: One Flor ida arrived, two broken and two unbroken cars on track. Relief: No carlot ar rivals; one broken car on track Florida, boxes. No. 1. 2.60-2.75: No. 2. 2.26-2.50. LEMONS—California, boxes, No. 1, 6.50 7.00: No. 2. 5.00-6.00, as to size. BEETS—Texas. crates, 1.40. AVOCADOS—California, boxes. 2.00 3.00; ripe. 1.60. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.50-4.00. GRAPES—Argentina boxes, various va rieties, 2.76: fair condition. 75-1.26. HONEYDEW8—Chile, crates. 2.00-2.50, as to size. TURNIPS—-No carlot arrivals: one un broken car on track. Georgia, crates. 1.90. MUSHROOMS—Maryland. 3-pound bas kets. 50-65. TURNIP SALAD—North Carolina, buihel baskets. 1.00. CABBAGE SPROUTS—North Carolina, bushel baskets. 50. MUSTARD GREENS—North Carolina, bushel baskets. 90. High. Low. 2:55. Wogt’n Un 6s CO ... 10844 loam 10844 Whes) Steel 4 44 s'62.. 99 98 H 99 W Sd Stl con ?s 35 et. 40 40 40 Wlllmar S F 6s ’40_10844 1G3J4 10844 Wilson & Co 4S 66 99'. 9944 9944 Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 2*44 2644 2644 Wls C 1st gn 4s 49 ct.. 26 26 26 Wls C SAD Trm4s'36_. 18 II 18 rngstnSAT SHs'Bl.. lLy* 18844 18944 T*n*stn SAT 4S'II_ 100 9944 100 Lower Prices Paid For Memberships On Big Exchanges m the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 9.—Lower price* figured In arrangements made yester day for the sale of seats In the New York Stock Exchange and the New York Curb Exchange. Arrangements for the transfer of a stock exchange membership at 1106,000 represented a $2,000 decline from the previous sale. The highest price paid this year was $134,000 January 8 and the lowest $105,000 January 8. A figure of $29,000 was agreed upon as the sale price for a curb member ship, a drop of $3,500 from the pre ceding transaction. STRONG RAYON TREND EXPECTED TO CONTINUE By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 9.—In a fore cast of trends In the rayon field, Tex tile Organon, trade paper, says, “Ray on over the next year apparently will continue In a sold-up situation fea tured by a strong yet conservativa price structure and with domestic de mand rising well ahead of the ability of the domestic Industry to supply the yarn required.” -• French silk exports are up In volume and down In price. First Mortgage LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE At 5% Monthly Paymentt If Preferred Construction Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Md. and Virginia WM. J. FLATHER, Jr., Inc. 1508 H St. NA. 1753 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinance your homo or business property LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthly pay ments, which, in addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profit* of this Association. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION 511 SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 years MEMBER OF FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE II. S. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE If your prosont MORT4ACE is soon Maturing COME IN and let us ex* plain how our Mortgage Refinancing Plan can lower your interest costs and set up your principal payments on a more attractive basis. As a property owner, you should know the advantages of the Weaver plan. WEAVER BROS me REALTORS Msrtpagt Loan Ctrniptndmt Mttrtpsiitan Lift Insurants Csmpany WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 94S* EXCHANGE TO REOPEN AT CALCUTTA APRIL 12 Be th« Associated Press. CALCUTTA, India, April 9—The stock exchange decided today to re open April 12 after being cloeed yes terday because of a runaway bull mar ket in iron and grains Induced by a world rise In commodity prices. Outstanding accounts were ordered settled by the end of business today so the four-day holiday, including the usual Saturday and Sunday holidays, would give brokers time to adjust, their books. The local crisis produced but little reaction In Bombay, where closings are common in such circumstances. Safe Investments _ . First mortgage notes, /■ Qj well secured on con /r\ servatively appraised, \M * new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Years Bridge Dedicated in 1883. Brooklyn Bridge, from which Steve Brodie is reputed to have jumped into the East River, was dedicated May 24. 1883. Amortized Loans for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home made under | Federal Housinq Act I Title 2. This bank has made over $2,000,000.00 of these loans. SECURITY SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL BANK 9th and G Sts. N.W. 1518 K Street N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. • PRESENT INCOME • FUTURE SECURITY FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES 'V'OT only do you immediately gain a good income from this investment, but you may be sure that its intrinsic value will in crease at the years pass. The principal is protected by new homes in the District of Columbia and nearby Maryland, where values are rising and the future will bring invest ment growth. In Denominmtions From USO Up [Shannon &luchS] Real tort If tm tor« of the Washtnrten Real Eatate Board 1505 H St. N.W. NAtional 2345 LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fo> appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET IN.W. _Organiifd 1879 HOME loans I fjG purchase 1 °r ] Refinance | l A.. P"-*"*"1 b’ fe<e,al I '"‘“onii niMG ASSOCIATION I COLUhBIN BUILDING^ A. e palai# Rova, I 716 lHh Street ([QUESTIONS that are asked about bankingj MOST of the bankslof the country (14,123 which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) are prohib ited by law or government regulation from paying interest on “demand deposits.” Check ing accounts are, of course, demand deposits, for they may be withdrawn at any time by the depositor. It is now generally recognized that the pay ment of interest on demand deposits is not sound banking practice. A bank must be pre pared at all times to pay out these funds on demand. Consequently, the bank cannot make full use of this money because it does not know when the depositor may want to withdraw it. A checking account is primarily for the convenience of customers for keeping their money and writing checks. For those who wish to receive interest their funds can be placed in interest-bearing time deposits. McLfichlen Banking Corporation Sinc« 1891 I TENTH AND G STREETS, N. V. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave S.W. | Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I Booklets covering this series may be had upon request.1