Newspaper Page Text
I General Trend Is Higher, but Scattering of Losers Remain. hr the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 9 —Curb market prices generally pointed moderately 'higher today, although there was a smattering of losers present in late dealings. Tlie list apparently took its cue from the "big board” which rallied on the President's denial that a change in the gold rate was contemplated. Up fractions to a point were Amer ican Gas & Electric. Creole Petroleum, Gulf Oil, International Petroleum, Pan-American Airways, Sherwin-Wil liams, United Gas and Wayne Pump. Slightly behind were Sunshine Mining, St. Regis Paper. Aluminum of America and Lake Shore Mines. CHICAGO GRAIN Es the Associated Press. CHICAGO, April 9.—Late reactions while traders were awaiting the United States Government May crop report virtually canceled today's price gains in wheat. Fears of a large official crop fore cast regarding wheat were evident on the part of many operators. The corn market, however, was without any such adverse influence, and prices of that cereal tended upward. At the close, wheat was */» cent off to % up compared with yesterday’s finish. May, 1.39-1.39>8; July, 1.25% Corn, 1 j-1 % advanced, May, J 3 0; a -14; July, 1.20'2-34. Oats un changed to 3 4 higher, and provisions varying from 10 cents decline to a gain of 2 cents. >. WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close pi i.W: iw: v«: Horn--1"0’* 122'4 ^ lift-tf pi: noid }:•:«%' 1:W: IWy* iZ n0eid 1,K5‘120141-1RS» BeOATS— 1 I0'4 l n’4 ' 111%-* £» :!«’• -SSpI* May j 7t%x, July - -- 1.7*.^ RYE— 10 7 i. t .*» i 15^'p i 145 1 i4i S£ i: 34 Ws-: i:tt« . barley— 4 ” ‘ ‘ .Id IS* ~R -KI LARD— 4 -‘6 * Tu^ J2.?0 13.35 13.30 12.27 P iH-Tr 15:75 gjg-» °BELLIES-' 12 00 12 S' 12 9,1 Mas 16.05 ns o5 July 16.H5 16,65 Ifi.HO lfi.iio Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat—No. 2 dark hard, 1.44'4; No. 2 hard, 1.44%. Corn— No. 3 mixed, 1.36%; No. 3 yellow. 1.35’--38; No. 4 yellow, 1.351--36i4; No. 2 white, 1.40; No. 3 white. 1.39. Oats—No. 1 white. 5534; No. 2 white. 55-55%; No. 3 white, 5334-5434. Soy beans—No. 2 yel low, 1.7214; No. 4 yellow. 1.67%. Bar ley. feed. 78-85 nominal; malting, 1.10-27 nominal. TLmothy seed—4.70 5 25 cwt. Clover seed—28.00-34.00 cwt. Baltimore Quotation*. BALTIMORE. April 0 <,-T*■.—Wheat. No. ~ Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, 1 oO; April. 1.50. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. .. High. Low. Noon. A.a Power 4’,aS ’07 _83 83 83 Am G 4 E os 2028-. 106V« loti 100 Am P 4 L Os 2010_ 037a 93'4 93’» Am Radiat 4’,as '47 104'4 104’4 104'4 Am Roll Mill ns tS_- 10 2 3 4 10"34 1o234 Am Scat Os ’30 stpri.. 1041. 104V4 104', Apnalach E P os '56 __ loti1, 100 loti Art; P 4 L 5s 50_ 90 95Va 95Vi As G 4 E 41 as '48__ 50 50 50 As G 4 E 4'as ' 49_ 54 5,'i'/« 53'4 As G 4 E 5s 50 - 50 50 50 As G4E 5'is inv ct_ 08 08 08 As G 4 E 5'2S '77_ 00'; Ott 00 Paid Lo Os '38 ww _190 190 190 Bald Lo Os '38 xw_180 lT.s 180 Bald L tis '38 xw stp.._ 181 178 181 Bell Tell C 5s '55 A_111 111. ill Bell Tell C 5s '57 B-_ 115 115 115 Can No Pw 5s '53 A.. 103»i 1035i 103s. Caro Pw 4 Lt 5s '50__ 99'i 99 99 Cent 111 P S 5s '50 E_. l()33s 1033« 10344 Cen III P S 4 1 aS '07 F__ 97 90'a 90' . Cent 111 P S 5s 'OS G.._ loo1, 100s, 100s; Cen O L4P 5s '50 A 99Vi 99'i 99'., Cent Pw 4 Li 5s "50.- 91 9034 907« Cen St P4L 5VaS '53_. Oti 05'a 05'a Cm Str Ry 6s '55 B--101 101 lol Cities Svc 5s '50- -- 71 7034 7o3l Cities S Gas 5'is '42 100Vi loo'., 100', Cit S P 4 L 5'as '62_ 08 07 H734 Cit S P4L 5'aS '49_ _ 0814 08 08 Comw Ed 4'as '50 C__ 109'4 109 lti't Comw Ed 4s 'SI F_ m.'i’/a lO.'l'.i 10314 Comw Sb 5Vis 48 A_ 103 103 103 Comnty P 4 L 5s '57_- 79 78 79 Cont O 4 E 5s '58 A .. SO'i 85", Rti'i Crucible Stl 5s '4". -- 10278 io"7« lo"74 Det Cit Gs 5s '50 B _ 103 103 103 East G 4 F 4s '50 A sti3, 80 SO3, El Pw 4 Lt 5s 2030_S.'j'a 83'i S3'a Emp 04R 0V2S '42_ 88'a 88 88 Fed Wat 5'aS '54 _ 83', Si.'i'4 83'/« Ftrest Cot M 5s '48 __ 1 ((4'4 104 104 Florid __P 4 L 5s '54 92Va 92 92 Gy EtxG os '44 stp xw 99 98 98 Gatineau Pw 5s '56._ loo3, loo'i Kiti'A Georgia Pw 5s 07 90'4 90V4 9tiV4 Georgia P4L 5s '78 71 ', 70 70 Grand Tr We 4s 50 9S34 983i !I834 ilall 'WF' tis '47 Stp . 9K>2 98'a 98'2 loti W Ast .s '54 ww 35 341., 34' , lygrade Fd Os '49 B 78 78 78 il Cent R R Os '37.- 100 100 100 11 North Util 5s '57. 107 107 107 11 Pw 4 L 6s '53 A 104 103s,,10341 111 Pw 4 L 5'aS '54 B . lOOVi lOO'/a lOO'/a 111 Pw 4- L 5s '56 C _ 96 Vi 90 9» 111 Pw 4 Lt 5'is '57 .. 110'/4 lio'/i 1 lo'/4 Indian 4 M E 5s '57. 11(IV4 110'/4 no'/4 Indian El C Os '47 A 103 103 103 Indian EC tt'-as '53 B . 103 103 103 Indnap P4L 5s '57 A 105 Vi 1057i 105% Tnd Hy-El 5s ’58 A _ 90 90 90 Interc Pw Os ’48 A _ 8 8 8 Inti Pw Sec 7s '57 E 74'2 74'i 74'-i Inti Pw Sec 7s '52 F 09'2 69'i H9Vi Inti Securities 5s '47 lol 101 mi Interst Pw os '57 02 01s', 015', Interst P S 5s ’50 D K4'2 84Vi 84'/i Interst PSl'ts '58 F 794, 793/, 79% towa_Pub Sv 5s '57 102'i 102'/4 102>/4 Jer C PA L 4 'is 01 C 104'/, 104', 104 V, Kan pw lo »s 4 , A 102 102 102 Kentucky Ut 5s *61 _ 9114 91 V4 91V4 Ken U «».'2S ’4s D _ ] 04 104 104 Lone Star G 5s 42_ _ 105U 105% 105V4 La Pw A Lt 5s ’57 _ 104 103% 104 Widlan VRR 5s ‘4.4 925* 92V* 92V* Winn PAL 4VaS ’78 . 9<P2 »6Vi 06 Vi klinn PAL 5s ’55 102V2 102Vi 102Va Wont-Da P 5*'is ’44 97 97 97 Mun SS 6 Vis’37 ww cod 8 Vi 8 Vi 8!/2 Nat Pb S 5s ’78 cod 47 46V4 46»4 Nevad Cal El 5s 56 8934 8934 80% New E GA:E 5s ’47 . 7514 74% 74% New E GAE 5s ’50 74 74 74 New E Pw 5s ’48 _ _ 95 Vi 95V4 95V4 New E Pw 5%s ’54 _ 973/4 97V* 9734 S Y P A Lt 4%s ’67__ 105% lOS'/g 105% (In Con U 5'as 18 A 56% 563,, SB3/4 In Ind PS 5s ’66 C-102 162 102 In Ind PS 54 ’69 D— 102% 102% 102% In Ind PS 4%s To E- 97% 96% 96% Inrthw P S 5s ’57 A_ 96% 96 96 >gden G Co 5s '45_108% 168% 108% Ihlo Pub S fis ’53 C . _ 109% 109% 109% 3kla N G 4%s '51 A _ 96% 96% 96V* =>ac P & L 5s '55 80% 80% 803, ’enn C L P 4%s T7 96% 96% 96% ?eop GLAC 4s '« B _ 91% 91% 91V, ’itts Steel 6s '48 _ 102% 10214 192% 'ortland G & C 5s ’40__ 77% 77% 77% >otomac E 4%s '61 F 105 105 105 3ub S N I 4%s T8 D _ 102% 102% 102% >ub S N I 4%s ’80 E_1013/s 101% 101% >ub S N I 4'4s ’81 F . _ _ 101 100% 101 >ub S Okla 4s ’66 A 99% 99% 99’/. big S PAL 5%s '49 A_ 87% 87 87 *Ug S PAL 5s '50 C SS3/* 84% 84% big S PAL 4%s '50 D . 80 80 80 it L ti&t: ns 47 mat.^ in in in icripps 5%s ’41 102% 102Vs 102% iervel Inc 5s ’48 ... 105% 105% 105% E PAL Hs 2025 A 99% 99% 90% •OU Cal Ed l%s '45 _ 10.1% 101% 101% ou Cal Ed l%s '00 _ 99% 99% 99% OU Cal E 3%s '00 B _ 99% 99% 99% ou Cal E 4s '00 _ 105'/4 105 105 td GA-E Os '51 A 80% 801 a 80% td GAE Os '00 B __ 80% 80% 80% tand Pw A Lt Os '57 _ 85% 85% 85% uper of 111 41 as '70_101% 101% 101% 'exas Elec 5s 'fin 100% ion ion 'ex Pw A L 5s '50. _ 104% 104% 104% ide Wat P os '79 A __ 97 90 90 olcdo Edis 5s 02 _ 108% 108% 108% win C RT 51 as '52 A 81% 81% 81% nit Lt A Pw 5%s '59. 105% 105% 10544 nit Lt A Pw 0 %s '74. 84 84 84 nit L A R D 5%s '52 80% 80Va 80% nit L A R M Os '52 A 112% 112% 112% a Pub S 5%s '40 A . 100 99% 99% ash Gas Lt 5s '58 __ 100% 106V. 100% ash W & P 5s '00 105% 10544 10544 est Pa 5s 2010 _ 97 97 97 est T Ut 5s '57 A __ 93% 92% 93 is-Min LAP 5s '44 100% 10044 100% li P A L 4s '50 A 95% 95 95 ork Rwy Co 5s '37_.. 92% 02% 92% FOREIGN. '.lie M B fis ’31 mat. 19% 19V4 19% g] Su Pw fis 'fi.3 A _ 59 59 59 aranhao Br 7s 'SR _ 27V4 27 27 endoa P 4s ’St stn . _ 9fi 9514 9514 ed El fi'zs ’fin A ... 71% 71 71 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war tjjs. n—New. *t tstpi—Eftamped. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlth. Low. Close. Acme W vto (2)_7te 60)4 49 40)4 Aero Supply (B).. 14 4 4 Air Investors Ino_ 14 2)4 4 Air lnv Inc war.„ 2 1 1 1 Air Invest cv pf_ 1 29 29 29 Allen Indus (tl)-. 1 22)4 22)4 22)4 Allee Fisher_ 2 8)4 8)4 3)4 Alum'n Co of Am 860. 149 1B7 157 Alum Am pf all* 150. 118 117)4 117)4 A luminum Ltd. __ 2f Os 122 119 120)4 j Aim Ltd c pf bl )4. 1 127)4 127)4 127)4 Am Airlines. Ino.. 1 24)4 24)4 24)4 Am Beverage- 1 2)4 2)4 1)4 Am Box B od (1).. 17 21 20)4 21 Am Clt P&L (Alt 100* 84)4 34)4 86)4 Am CP&L WW2 %. 1 27 87 87 Am CltP&L B altOc 4 6)4 6)4 4)4 Am Cynam B t60o 20 81*4 80 31 Am Eqit (a22%c). 1 4)4 4)4 4)4 Am Fork & H (tl) 1 21 21 21 Am GAE (1.40)... 9 88)4 36)4 36)4 Am GAE pf (6)... 200« 109 109 109 AmGenC'p laCOe, 4 10)4 10)4 10)4 Am Hard Rublal) 60s 22 22 22 Am Laun’y M 80o. 2 31)4 81)4 *H4 Am L A T (tl.20)_ 8 20)4 20)4 20)4 Am Maracaibo .. 28 1)4 l)4 1)4 Am Meter (b76e)_. 2 46 44 46 Am Superpower 10 2 1)4 g Am Superpw let C 1 93 93 93 Am Superpwr pf__ 4 40)4 40 40 Angostura (t20c). 10 7 6)4 6)4 Apex Electrlc(al) 1 36 36 36 ‘Appalach E P pf 7 10« 107 107 107 Arcturus Radio T. 8 2 1)4 2 Ark Nat Gas__ 27 9)4 9)4 4)4 Ark Nat G cu pf_ 8 9 9 9 Ark Nat Gas (A)_. 60 9)4 9)4 9)4 Art Met W (80c)_. 1 IS)* 13*4 18H Ashland OAR T40o 82 7)4 6)4 7 Asso Gas & Elec_ 1 1*4 1)4 1)4 Asso GAE (A)_ 11 3H sh 3)4 Asso G A E *5 pf _. 1 26 26 26 Atl Coast FIs b35o 1 10)4 10)4 10)4 AU Coast La2 *4.- 180e 49)4 49 49 Lias corp war __ 10 s 2li 3 Atlas Plyw'd(ltt) 1 24$* 24$* 24$* Austin Silver_ 11 8 2)4 * Auto Product*_ 6 7)4 7)4 7)4 Auto Vot Mch 50c. 1 10)4 10)4 10)4 Axton-Fisher (A). 30a 35)4 35 85H Babcox & Wll (41 160a 126)4 123 126 Baldw L bd rts(d) 4 2H 234 2)4 Bardstown Dist... 6 4)4 4 4 Barium Stain Stl 13 6)* 6V4 6*4 Barlow&S (A) 1.20 100» 17 17 17 Bellanca Aircraft. 6 8 7)4 8 Berkey&Gay F Co 3 2!4 2). 2)4 Berk&GF pur war 1 1V> l)^ p* Bliss Co <E W 1 6 20)4 20 20!4 Blue Kidge (bl5c) 36 3)4 3 3)4 Blue Kidge cv pf 3 1 44*4 44)4 44)4 Blumenthai 8 4 82)4 82 82)4 Borne Scrym b76c 100» 17)4 17)4 17)4 Bower Roll B (2). 7 29)4 28)4 29)4 Bowman-BUtmore * 2 2 2 Brazil TLAP 40c. 4 26 26)4 26 Breeze C Inc a75c. 3 12 It 11 Brld'p t Mch b26c. 2 17)4 17)4 11)4 Brill Corp (B)_ 16 6 5 Brill Corp pf-100* 61)4 60 60 Brit Celan Ltd res 10 2)4 2)4 2)4 Brown Co pf . 500a 77 74)4 76)4 Brown F&W bl5c. 4 11)4 11)4 11)4 Brown Forman .18 8 8 Burma Ltd bl6'/ac. 1 4)4 4)4 4)4 Cable El Prod vtc. 1 1)4 1)4 1)4 Can Car&Fdry pf. 52a 29 28 28 Can Indus Aico A. 1 6)4 6)4 6)4 Can Marconi_ 13 2). 2)4 2)4 Carlb Syndicate 1 2)4 2 2)4 Carm’n&Co A b50c 1 25 26 25 Carnation Co (1). 1 29)4 29)4 29)4 Carnegie Metals.. 5 2)4 2). 2). Caro L&P pf (7).. 10a 93 93 93 Carrier Corp ... 7 42)4 4 1 44*4 Carter (JW) 80c.. 6 11 10)4 ll Casco Prod b2 1 81)4 31 81 Callln Corp ia4uc) 18 8)4 8 8)4 Celluloid Corp_ 1 12 12 12 Cen Hud G&E 80c. 3 16 16 16 Cent Ohio S b25c__ 1 16)4 16)4 16)4 Cent & S W Utll._ 6 8)4 3‘a 3)4 Cent States Elec.. 2 l)t 1), pj Centrlf Pipe t40c 6 6)4 6 6)4 Cherry Burrell (3 50a 81*. 8P4 81*4 Chi Flex Shaft (4) 150a 64)4 64 64)4 Chi Rivet & Mach. 1 16)4 16.4 I6)j Childs Co pf - 50a 86). 86). 86). Cities Service_ 60 4 34 3), Cities Service pf__ 7 48)4 47)4 47). City Auto S< t60c) 7 11)4 11)4 1114 Claude Neon Lts _ 2 2)» 2)4 2)4 Clev EII lum(t2). 1 41 41 41 Clev Tractor — 20 14)4 13)4 14H Club Aluminum... 1 l). p* 1*4 Colon Dev Ltd ... 3 6*. 6)4 6)4 Colon Dev Ltd A.. 7 4)4 4)4 4)4 Colon Dev 6% pf.. 2 4)4 4)4 4H Colo Fuel&lr war 1 16)4 I6J4 I6J4 Celts PFA b37)4c. 6 71 68)4 70 Colum G&E pf (O) 75i 76)4 75 76 Colum O & G a20c 88 8)4 8)4 8)4 Com with AS war 65 ). i. 14 Com'u’ty P&L 1st 60« 46)4 46*. 46*. Community PS U ICO* 28 28 28 ComSll stc vto tl. 1 16 16 16 Cons Aircraft 6 26)4 26 21*4 Consol Biscuit 6O0 1 7). 7)4 7^ Consol Copper 51 9*4 9 8)4 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 3 76 74 74 Consol Steal Corp. 12 14)4 13)4 14 Conti Oil (Mex) 1 1)4 iy. 1)4 Cont i Roll & S Fy 6 2l)j 20)4 21 Conti Securities.. 100* 12 12 12 Cook P & Var T60c 1 18)4 18)4 18)4 Cooper Bessemer. 2 26 25). 26 Copper Range- 4 13)4 12)4 13*4 Cord Corp - 8 4)4 4)4 4)4 Corroon & Reyn.. 10 6)4 6)4 6)4 Coeden Oil Me (d) 4 2)4 2H 2*/» Cosdenl Melpf(d) 1 34)4 84)4 34)4 Creole Pet (»50c). 7 80)4 29)4 29)4 Crocker-Wh alOc. 4 lb% 15)4 16)4 Croft Brewing_ 4 1 *). 1 Crown Cent P a6c. 18 2)4 2)4 2)4 Crown Dr (b20c)_. 1 4)4 4 4 Cusl Mex Mining. 94 14 14 Darby Petr (60c). 1 15)4 15*4 15)4 Dayton Rubber 3 27 26 27 Dayton Rub A(b2) 60a 32 32 32 Delay Stores tgoc 1 14)4 14)4 14)4 Dennison 7% pf.. 60a 72 7o 72 Derby Oil & Ref . 5 7)4 6)4 6)4 Derby O&R pf a4.. 60a 79 79 79 Detroit Gasket tl. 2 16)4 16)4 16)4 Det Gas pf (1.20). 1 18)4 ig^ 43^ Det Gray Ir t20c._ 1 16)4 15 16*. Det (Mich) Stova. 2 7 7 7 Det Stl Prod b2ac. 1 64 64 64 Distilled Liquors. 8 9)4 9 9y$ Domln SAC 1 R < 2 23)4 28)4 23)4 Dom Tar & Cham.. 2 17)4 17)4 17)$ Driver Harris 1)4. 3 32)4 32 32)4 Duval Tex S s50c. 1 8% 8)4 8)4 Baffle Pitcher blOc 4 22 21% 21% East'n G&F Asso 1 7% 7% 7% Eatn G&F As pf 3 100, 48% 48 48% East G&F p pf 4% 26, 66% 66% 66% East'n States Pwr 6 6% 6% 6% East'n St Pw (B) 1 71 71 71 Easy W M(B)b25c 1 11 11 a Eisler Eleo (a6c). 4 3 8 3 Elec Bond & Share 143 20% 20 20% Elec B & S pf (6) 8 78% 77% 77% Elec P&L opt war. 2 10% 10 10% Eleo P&L 2d pf A 20» 64 64 64 Elec Sh pf ww (6) 100, 92 92 92 Electrol Inc v.t.c.. 1 4% 4% 4% Empire Dls El pf. 50, 45 45 45 Emp G&F 6% pf 26, 68% 68% 68% Emp G&F 1% pf 100, 74% 74% 74% Emp G&F 8% p*__ 60, 79 79 79 Bmsco Derrick tl. 2 17% 17 17% Equity Corpta26c) 20 2% 2% 2% Evans Wall Lead 8 1% 1% Vyi Evans Wall L pf 60, S3 S3 32 Bxcello Alr(t20c) 4 24% 24% 24% '-'alstalT Brewing. 6 9% 9% 9^ Ferro Enam b25c. IS 88% 37 37 Fldello Brewery_ * % % % Fisk Rubber ... 23 16% 16% 16% Fisk Rub pf («).. 26, 80 80 80 FlaP&Lpf. 160. 44 41% 41% Ford Ltd al81-10o 10 7% 7% 7% Ford (Can) A (1). 16 24% 24 24% Froedt G&M(20c). 2 13% 18% 13% Gen 4 lloyt 84 8% 4 Gen Fireprfg b2oc 2 20% 20 2u% Gen invest Uorp 6 1% 1% 1^ Gen Tele C’p al.SS « 19 18% 18% Gen Tire * Rub 26 84% 82% 34 Georgia Pw pf (*) 26, *0% 80% 80% Glen Alden C (tl) 2 i2% J2^ 12% Godchaux S A b2_ 80, 44 44 44 Godcnaux Sur t B) 1 80 29% 30 Goldfield Consol 86 % % % Gorham Mf vte tl 1 24% 24% 24% Grand Natl Films 8 2% 2% 2% Gr Rap Var(t80c) 1 18 16 16 Gray Tel PS (1).. 1 lb% 16% 16% Grt A&P T n v t6 80, 109% 108 109% Grt A&PT lit pf 7 76, 122% 122% 122% Greenfield T & D 6 18% 18% 13% Groo Store Prod.. 1 6% 6% 6% Guardian Invest .6 % % % Gulf OU (Pa) b2ie 16 67% 66% 67 Hall Lamp (80c). 2 6% 6% 6% Haloid Co (tl)_ 1 20 20 20 Hartman Tobacco 44 3 2% 8 Hat Corp (B) 80c. 1 18 18 18 Hazeltine Cb75c._ 6 16% 16% 16% Hearn Dep S bl.66 1 16% 16% 16% Hecla Min (b20c) 22 19% 18% 19 Helena Rubenst'n 1 7% 7% 7% Heller pf ww 1%. 100, 24% 24% 24% Heyden Ch (t2)_ 1 42 42 f 42 t 2:30 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Hire* (C E)A(2) lOOe 40 40 40 Hoe & Co, Inc (A). 6 88 >2 8284 Holllnger (t65c) 2 18)4 13)4 18)4 Holt(H) pt A blOo 4 8)4 884 384 Horn A Hardart tS 260 a 88 88 88 Hudson BMAS II) 18 8884 82)4 83)4 Humble Oil (1H). 8 82 80)4 82 111 Pwr A Lit |6 pf 800. 6784 67 6784 Imp Oil Ltd t60o 16 23 2284 23 Imp To Can b32%c 6 14)4 14 14 IT GtB&l b84%c_ 1 37 37 87 Ina Co of No A T2 100. 66)4 66 4 66)4 Inti Hy El S cv Df 14 3684 33)4 83)4 Int H E Sep A war 6 1)4 1)4 1)4 Inti P^trolm (184) 7 36)4 85*4 36)4 Inti Petr rg(fl%) 1 36)4 36)4 36)4 lntl Utli <B) 2 1)4 174 174 Inti Vitamin(50e) 6 6 674 6 Interst PIDellpf 80. 1374 1 3)4 1 374 Inv Royalty (t6c) l % % % Iron Fire vto 1,20.250. 24 23 2874 Jacobs(FL)Co( 1 > 6 1 6)4 1 484 1474 Jeanette Glss a60o 2 984 984 984 JerCen P&Lpf 6% 20. 79)4 79)4 79)4 JerCent P&L of 7 10. 96)4 96)4 96)4 Jonas A Nbg blSc. 1 674 «T4 674 JonesALaugb Stl. 6 112)4 111)4 111)4 (Cans City P 8 vtc 1 )4 )4 yt KanCPSpfA(d) 2 284 284 284 Kingston Prod 40o 12 6)4 6 6)4 Kirby Petrol (20c) 4 7 684 674 Kirkland L G (6c) 12 1)4 1)4 1)4 Knott Corp (b20c) 1 11)4 11)4 11)4 Kreuger Brew tl- 6 1674 16)4 16)4 Lake Sh M (t4)_ 19 644 61)4 64)4 Lakey Fy A Mach. 11 6)4 6)4 6)4 Leh Coal AN 30c.. 7 984 9)4 984 Leonard Oil_ 15 I84 1)4 1)4 Lion Oil Ref (1)__ 10 26)4 24*4 26 Lit Brothers _ 1 6>4 6)4 5)4 Locke 8tl Ch t80c. 4 17)4 17)4 17)4 Lockheed Aircraft 13 1 3)) 1284 1 3)4 Lone Star Gas 8O0 23 1074 1084 1074 Long island Ltg._ 4 4)4 484 4)4 Long 1 L pf A(7). 80. 88 87)4 87)4 La Land (40c) ... 27 12)4 1174 1284 Lucky Tiger tl2c. 2 14 14 14 McCord Rad (B).. 4 94 94 94 McWilliams D (tl 2 S3 82 33 Mangel Storss „ 1 74 74 74 Mangel St pf (5)„ 10a 65 66 65 Marlon Steam Sh. 1 164 164 164 Massey Harris_ 8 184 134 134 Master Elec (1) . 1 234 234 234 Mead Johnson(t3) 75s 1144 1144 1144 Mem Nat G(a60c» 1 64 54 54 Mercantile St pf 7 25« 105 4 1054 1054 Merritt Chap 4 S_. 2 74 74 74 Mesabi Iron_ 7 14 1 14 Mex-Ohio Oil_ 1 24 24 24 Mich Bumper C.__ 7 24 24 24 Mich Gas & Oil_ 4 34 34 84 Mich So gar- 3 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet (A)__ 2 64 64 64 Mid Sta Pet (B)._ 11 14 14 14 Mld-W Abras alOc 7 4 4 4 Midwest Oil (tl) 7 12 114 12 Mldl’d O cv pf b25(100a 84 84 84 Mining Co (Can)*.. 2 4 4 4 Mock Judson 60o~ 4 14 14 14 Molybdenum Corp 16 104 104 104 Moody's pt pf (3). 60a 374 3/ 374 Moore Diet (t50c) 2 64 64 64 Mount Prod (60c). 2 64 64 64 Nat Auto (bl)- 3 864 85 864 Nat Bella Hess_ 21 24 24 24 Nat Contain a50c_ 2 124 124 124 Nat Fuel Gas (1).. 8 164 164 164 Nat Gyps A a24 — 3 704 704 704 Nat Leather 2 14 14 14 Nat Mfg & Stores. 2 8», 84 84 Nat Hub Mch a20o 12 174 164 174 Nat Service _ 7444 Nat Service pf_ 6 54 54 54 Nat Sugar N J (2) 1 264 264 264 Nat Transit (75c). 1 104 104 104 Nat Union Radio . 4 24 24 24 Navarro Oil b30c 4 264 264 264 NeptuneMi A)a60o 2 144 14 14 NEPAs6%pfb2 50a 79 79 79 NETel&Telbl4 60a 1304 180 1304 New Hav Cl (14) 2 244 244 244 New Jer Zinc (t2) 650a 854 83 86 New M&A Ldalc 1 34 34 34 Newmont Min b75. 2 1194 U8 1184 N Y Omnibus (war) 1 15 15 16 N Y & Hon (b75c). 50a 32 82 32 N Y Shlnbldg ... Ill n n N Y Steam - 1 134 ]84 184 N Y Tel Df (64) 150a 1174 1174 1174 N Y Transit t30c 1 44 44 471 N Y Water Svc pf ICa 48 48 48 Niag Hud Pwr new 26 134 124 134 Niagara H B war 2 14 14 ju Niag Sh Md B a60e 8 14 14 14 Nipissing i50c) .. 6 24 2W 24 North Am L * P 2 44 34 84 North AmL&P pf 150a 65 53 56 No Am Ray A b50c 3 474 464 474 No Am Ray B b50c 1 474 474 474 No Cen Tex O al5c 1 64 64 64 North'll Euror Oil 13 4 4 4 Northern P L 75c. 1 104 104 104 North States Pa 6 28 28 28 Nor Tex El 6% pf. 1 3 3 3 Ohio Oil cu pf (6). 1 1084 1084 108*4 Okla Nat Gas Co.. 3 114 114 114 Okla Nat Gas pf.. 100a 28 28 28 Oldetyme Distil. 7 44 44 44 Pac G&E 1st (1 4 ) 4 294 294 294 Pac Public Servic* l 64 64 6*4 Pac Tin spec 1T2) 160a 444 44 44 Pan-Am Air (tl). 3 67 66 67 Pantepec Oil . 21 64 64 64 Pender G (A)3 4.. 60a 40 40 4(1 Pennroad (a25c). 5 4*1 44 44 Penn-Mex F a50c. 1 54 54 54 Penna P&L pf (7) 40a 1074 1064 1064 Penn Wat &P (4) 9 804 80 80 Pepperell Mfg t6. 76a 1264 1254 12*4 Phoenix Secur 12 104 104 104 Pierce Gov (bl5c) 1 284 284 284 Pioneer Gold blOc 2 64 5 5 Pitney Bow(t40c) 4 74 74 77^ Plttsbgh Forging 7 24 4 23 4 244 Pitts Plate G (bl) 2 1844 133 134*1 Pleas Vail W(boc) 1 14 14 14 Plough Inc (1.20). 1 164 164 164 Potrero Susar 10 34 34 34 Powdrell&A) t60c 24 124 114 124 Pratt & Lamb <a2 1 35 35 35 Premier Gold ti 20 3 3 24 24 Pressed Met (t2). 1 32 32 32 Prosperity B al *4 3 144 144 144 Prudent’l Inv a50c 3 134 124 134 Pub Svc Ind pr pt 190a 58 67 58 Pu* Sd P&L pf b5 125a 724 72 724 Pug Sd P&L *6 pf 325a 37 354 37 Quaker Oats (5)_. 3Ga 115 115 115 Ry & Lt Sec al.65 100a 21 21 21 Raym'd Cono (tl) 60a 364 364 364 Red Bank 1 154 154 154 Reed R B new t80« 1 41 41 41 Reeves (Dan) 50c. 1 64 64 64 Reiter-Foster 2 14 14 14 Reybam Coa25c_. 1 54 64 64 Reynolds Invest.. 2 2 2 2 Richm'd Radiator. 1 64 64 64 Roosevelt Field .. 9 24 2*4 2*4 Root Petrolm(l).. 6 84 8 8 Rossla (ntl Corp.. 11 4 4 4 Royal Type b75c_. 4 96 92 94 Russeks F Av 50c. 4 14 134 134 Rustless Ir&Stl . 7 144 144 14*4 Rran Consolid’d .6 6 6 6 Rverson & Haynes 8 64 64 54 Saf Car H&Lt bl% 26. 136 136 136 St Anthony Ooiu 11 !4 14 H St Lawrence Coro. l 14 14 14 Sr Reals Paper . 99 11 10*4 io>-; Savoy Oil _ 12 4 344 4' ScblfffThe)Co(t3) 1 39*4 39>i 39*4 Scrant S B Wat pf 100, 67 66 66 Segal Lock AH 6 3 3 3 Seiberllng Rubber 6 8*4 8*4 8*4 Selected Indue 33 3*4 3*4 3*4 Sel IndallcfaSH 160, 101*4 101*4 101*4 Sel tnd pr pf (6 % 11060, 98*4 98 98 Select Indus cv a2 1 26 26 26 Seversky Aircraft 11 6*4 6 5 Shattuek Den Min 86 20*4 18«4 2014 Sherwin Will (4). 150, 136 134*4 135 Slmmone Hd A P. 2 6*4 6*4 6*4 Singer Mfg <t6> ._ 10, S02 *02 *02 Solar Mfg (a40c)_ 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 Soss Mfg (a26c)_. 1 7*4 7*4 714 So Penn Oil< tl *4) 1 42*4 42*4 *2*4 SoCal Ed pt pf 1 *4 *0, 38*4 88*4 38*4 So Cal Ed of B 1*4 2 27*4 27*4 27*1 Southn Union Gas 6444 Southl’d Roy blOc 8 9*4 9*4 9*4 SnarnshAOen rcte 8 % J6 J4 Spencer Ch S b75c. 8 12 11*4 11*4 Stand Dredging 2 6 6 6 Stand Oil Ky (tl) 4 20 19*4 20 Stand Oil Neb b25c 1 13*4 13*4 18*4 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 8 41 40*4 40*4 Stand Pwr A Lt 6 6 4*4 4*4 Stand Prod <b25c) 1 19*4 1**4 19*4 Stand SllALd (4c) 24 *4 *4 44 Starrett Corp vtc 2 8*4 8 8*4 Sterchl Broa a30e 1 9*4 9*4 9*4 Sterl Alum Pa 76o. £ 10*4 10*4 10*4 Sterl’g Brew a75c. 4 7*4 7*4 7*4 Sterling, Inc<20c) 8 6J4 6*4 6*4 Stlnnes(Hugo) d.. 3 8*4 3*4 8*4 Stuta Motor ... 16 *4 *4 *4 Sunray Oil (alOc) 40 4*4 4*4 4*4 Sunr’y Ocu pf 2% 1 48 48 48 Sunshine Min (I). 11 19 18*4 18*4 Taggart Corp _. 10 16 14*4 14*4 Tastyeaat (Del) A. 6 1*4 1*4 1*4 Tavlor Dlst <800. 4 4*4 4*4 4*4 Technicolor a60e. 6 20*4 20*4 20*4 Tech Hughes t40o 12 6*4 6*4 6*4 Texon Oil A L 60o 6 6*4 6*4 6*4 Thew Shovel a60e 160, 63*4 8b 68*4 Tllo Roof Ihd (1). 2 16*4 16*4 DRIVE TO STEADY Reserve Board Discloses Net Purchases of 29 Millions'in Week. By the Associated Press. The Federal Reserve Board, report ing on its operations to maintain “orderly” conditions in the Govern ment bond market, disclosed it made net purchases of $29,000,000 of Fed eral securities during the week ended April 7. Acquisitions through Federal Re serve Banks comprised $25,000,000 of Government bonds and $32,000,000 of Treasury bills, offset, in part, by sales of Treasury notes totaling $28,000,000. The transactions brought aggregate Reserve Bank holdings of Government securities to $2,459,000,000—$29,000, 000 over the same week last year and the highest level since 1934. The board’s decision to buy in the open market came Sunday night after a study of the erratic course of Gov ernment bond prices, which had tend ed downward for several weeks. In formed authorities said the action was designed to iron out sharp fluctuations rather than to support the market. Idle Cash Increases. Purchases bolstered the supply of idle cash in member banks which sold Government securities, and this was reflected in a $45,000,000 increase in member bank reserve balances dur ing the week to $6,684,000,000. On April 1, excess reserves of mem ber banks, which form the basts for credit expansion, were estimated by the board at $1,440,000,000, an in crease of $40,000,000 for the week. Money in circulation increased $10, 000.000 during the week ending April 7 to $6,387,000,000, or $481,000,000 over the same week a year ago. “During the week ended April 7 member bank reserve balances in creased $45,000,000. Additions to member bank reserves arose from increases of $35,000,00 in Reserve bank credit and $18,000,000 in gold stock and a decrease of $36,000,000 in Treas ury deposits with Federal Reserve banks, offset in part by increases of $22,000,000 in Treasury cash. $11, 000,000 in non-member deposits and other Federal Reserve accounts and $10,000,000 in money in circulation and a decrease of $3,000,000 in Treas ury currency. Inactive Gold Grows. “Excess reserves of member banks on April 7 were estimated to be approximately $1,440,000,000. an in crease of $40,000,000 for the week. Inactive gold included in the gold stock and in Treasury cash amounted to $361,000,000 on April 7, an increase of $18,000,000 for the week. “Principal changes in holdings of bills and securities were increases of $25,000,000 in United States bonds and $32,000,000 in United States Treasury bills, and decreases of $28, 000,000 in United States Treasury notes and $4,000,000 in discounted bills." BIG GAIN DISCLOSED BY PROVIDENT MUTUAL Special Dispatch to Tht Star. NEW YORK, April 9.—New paid life insurance of the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia for the first quarter of 1937 amounted to $20,235,000, an increase of $4,003, 000, or 24.7 per cent over the cor responding period of 1936, according to a statement made by M. A. Linton, president. Of this gain almost $2,000,000 was recorded during March. Insurance in force also increased during the first quarter from $942. 946,000 to $948,461,000. Of this in crease $2,475,000 was recorded in March. — ■■ ■■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ UTILITY PROFITS DROP. NEW YORK, April 9 t*P).—Interna tional Hydro-Electric System and sub sidiaries reported 1936 net income of $957,472, equal after dividend require ments on $3.50 cumulative preferred stock to 54 cents a share on the $2 cumulative class “A" stock. This compared with 1935 net income of $1. 131,259, equal to 76 cents a share on the class “A” stocks. --• POWER OUTPUT HIGHER. NEW YORK, April 9 (iP).—Electric output of United Gas Improvement System in the week ended April 3 totaled 89,848,862 kilowatt hours, a gain of 11.2 per cent over a year ago, the company announced. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Bate. Add 00 High. Low. dose. Tob Prod Ext) 16c 5 3)4 8)4 3)4 Tob Sec(a59 4-5c) 1 171* 17'* 17)4 Todd Shlpyd <t2 1. 60s 64*4 64*4 64*4 Tonopah M (a6e). 10 1*4 1*4 1*4 Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Transwest Oil Co. 12 13)4 12*4 13)4 Trl-Conil C war 6 2)4 2 2)4 TublzeChatllllon. 6 27 26)4 27 Tubize Ch A (bl)_ 7 70 70 70 fung-Soi Lamp n 4 7*4 7*4 7*4 Tunir-Sol L pf 80c 5 12 11*4 12 Ulen & Co 5% pf... 16 5 6 Unit Ou Corp 144 10*4 1014 10*4 Utd Gas war 6 2)4 2)4 2*4 United G C pf bl*4 1113 113 113 Unit Lt & Pw (A) 12 7*4 7*4 7)4 UnitLt&Pwpf 7 6314 51 62*4 Unit Shoe M t214 150» 86*4 86 86 Unit S Mch pf 1.50 110e 3914 89 39 US Foil (B)(1) 6 15*4 15)4 15)4 US&IS 1st pf bl!4 1 87>4 87)4 87)4 U S Lines pf _ 4 4 3*4 4 U S Radiator_ 2 1314 12*4 1314 Unit Stores rtc_ 1111 Unit Verde Ex (1) 2 3*4 3*4 3*4 Unit Wall Paper 13 6I4 6 6 Univ Corp’n v.t.c._ 10 8*4 8 8 Uta P&L pf b8714c 26» 67 67 67 Utah Radio Prod 2 4*4 4)4 4*4 Utilities P& L (d) 8 ' % *4 *4 Util P& L B (d) . 1 8*4 8*4 8*4 Utl) P&Lpf (d). 860* 19 18 18 Utility Equities 1 6*4 5*4 6*4 UtJlltv & Indus pf 1 4 4 4 Valspar vto _ 18 8 8 Venezuela Petrol. 3 2)4 2*4 2)4 Va Pub Svc Df (71 10i 9414 94)4 94)4 Waltt&B’d A a50c 1 10 10 10 Walker Mining 1 3)4 314 3)4 Wgyne Pump (60o 7 42 40*4 41*4 Weisbaum B B 40c 2 8*4 8)4 8)4 WelltnOilot Del. 8 11*4 11)4 11*4 Wentworth Mfg n 4 7*4 7*4 7*4 W Va Coal & Coke 6 6)4 6)4 6I4 Westn A E (a25c) 1 1014 10)4 10*4 Western Auto Sup 4 29)4 29 29)4 Westn Tab&St(2) 1 29)4 29)4 29)4 Will 011-0-M a50o 19 9 9 Wil-low Cafeteria 2 1 1 1 Wil-low Cafe pf . 1 5)4 6)4 6*4 Wolverine Port C. 2 6*4 6*4 6*4 Wolver Tube b20c. 12 16 15)4 16 Woodley Pet t40c. 3 10)4 10 10*4 Wrlgrbt Harg V4(*c 16 7)4 7*4 7*4 Ygstn Stl Door(2) 6 73 68)4 78 YukoD Gold (a 13c I 18 314 3)4 8)4 Dividend rates In dollars based on last quarterly or semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not including extras j Ac cumulated dividends. a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported ai being tn bankruptcy or In receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed bv such com panies. > -How the Price of Phillips Petroleum Stock Has Fluctuated During the Last Four Years Price* of Phillip* Petroleum Stock, 1933-1937 oouars PI* SHAKE r r»$HAU l'|ITIIIII!ll|||||||||||lH"^"llllllll IIIIIIIIIIIINir 40 _ . Earning* _Amounted to Amounted to 36 Earning* $3.23 per Share j Cent* per Share Amounted to in 1935. Stock mJ 50 - in 1933. Stock $1.39 per Share _ Sold Between “ cr Sold Between in J934. Stock “ "' 4.26 and 12.38 ' “ 50 13.19 and 52.08 Sold Between Time* Earnings | I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 - ■ Time* Earning* 9.62 and 14.93_ _40 Time* Earning* Tl |n |929 Earn|ngi in Amounted to Amountai to " '' P»r.S^ 30 $4.02 per Share Stock Sold 20---l-i I I 1U .in 1936. Stock.__ BT^»*rL4-86 20 - ( . Sold Between and9(V! Tim« “ Jr T IT IT TT 9.48 and 13.03 ( ^raing* |0--p | | | I I [■ | j j j- - Time* Earning*-10 Stock Exchange « Closed vLJ——LJ—La. a j—l_*—_ _■ Mill II 111 11 1* llll 11 o JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASON 0J F MAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASONDJ FMAMJ J A SON D 1*33 1934 1935 1936 1937 _Letter*_AboveAreJnitial*^of Month*: J for January, F for February, Etc. Auto Production Climbs to 100,470 Level for Week By the Associated Press. DETROIT, April 9—Ward’s Re ports, Inc., today estimated the cur rent week's output of motor cars at 100.470 units, compared with 97,710 last week and 110,190 in the like week of 1936. Cram's Reports placed this week's assemblies at 98,910, compared with 95,827 last week and 112,818 in the corresponding week a year ago. Cram's placed General Motors’ assemblies this week fit 51,080 units, against 48,293 last week. , Ford output was estimated at 34.850, against 34,800 last week. Chrysler, Hudson and Reo were out of produc tion. '■ • CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAOO. April 9 (U. 8 Department of Agriculture1.—Hogs. 8.000. including 4.000 direct; market generally steady to 3 0 lower than Thursday s average, pack ing sows steady, top 10.2o; bulk, good and choice. 200-320 pounds O.pnalO.15; good and choice 150-100 pounds. 0.35a I 10.05; bulk packing sows. 9.40*70. Cattle. l.OOO: calves 500. clean-up market fully steady, holdover from earlier in week comprising bulk of crop; steers selling at H.ooa 10.00. with best around 11.25: these prices unevenly 25 to 40 under late last week; common kinds only weak to 25 lower: undertone still strong on strictly choice weighty steers Stocker and feeder demand continues narrow with 1 supply in second hands fairly liberal; all ' she stock strong all classes well cleaned i up on early rounds: most cows 6.00 down: | these comprising cutters and common beef ! cows: common to medium grade heifers, i 8.5o dow'n to 6.50: light vealers 25 lower, others steady: practical top 0.50: mostly 7.50a8.50; market ruling 50al.25 under week ago. Sheep. 11.000. including .3 500 direct’ market generally steady on fat lambs and sheep; extreme top lambs 10 higher; good and choice Colorado and Nebraska fed Iambs 12.00a25: bulk. 12.15 upward; top paid on one load; choice fed lambs from nearby territory. 12.35 to shippers; choice ewes. 6.50 down. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. April 0 tjp>.— Raw sugar was easier early today and prices declined - Points under Increased offerings, with a sale confirmed of 22.000 bags of Cubas lor prompt shipment at 3 43. Futures were easier especially the No. ■4 contract, where there was further liqui dation and hedge selling which uncovered stop orders and appeared to be influenced by the decline in London. Uncertainty over the outcome of the world sugar con lerence also was a market factor. The No 3 contract declined in sympathy with easiness in the stock market and fears of further delays In the passage of the sugar tax bill at Washington. No 4 contract at one time was 21? to 4 points net lower, but towrard midday there was a j partial recovery and renewed commission i nouse buyine on news President Roosevelt ! knew nothing of any plan to change the i Rom-buying policy. July recovered from \ T,V2, t0 ®nd September from 1 20 to 1.30 leaving the list at midday about Pa to P-2 points lower. The No. 3 contract, after celing 1 to 3 points lower, was un changed to 1 point higher at middav as July and September recovered from 2 4K to , r»<> Refined was unchanged at 4 so for fine granulated with a moderate in quiry reported. ------. MONEY MARKET. c.„NFW YORK’ April ii f/Pi.—Call money -teady l per cent all day; prime com mercial paper. 1 per cent: time loans steaay. days. Pi: 4-o months. p2 . c^nt; bankers' acceptances unchanged: rediscount rate, New York Reserve Bank, 1 Va per cent, METAL MARKET. NEW YORK April P f/P».—Copper un settled; electrolytic, spot and future. 15.50; export. 15.50a75. Tin steady: spot and nearby. 60.37,/2a621^: future. 59.871 -a Jj€&d steady: spot New York rt.oo ab.Oo. East St. Louis. 5.85. Zinc steady; r»ast st. Louis, spot and future. 7.00. Iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksilver, platinum and wolframite unchanged. ____ FIRST M ORTGAGE L OANS j District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated — MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York Life Insurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 I _• First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranged on Easy Monthly Payments OUILOIHG 4 LOAs ASSOCIATION COUNCIL O C RATIONAL T^&ttncment BUILDING ASSOCIATION | uNota sutcavisios I «r v % ▼atAsuay g | OA9 NINTH STRUT, | UNIVERSAL CORP. ISSUE IS ADMITTED BY CURB By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 9—The New York Curb Exchange has authorized admission to trading of Universal Corp. common stock voting trust cer tificates, effective April 9. The com pany is a holding concern with con trolling interest in Universal Pictures Co. TOBACCO VOLUME DOWN. NEW YORK, April 9 (^P).—Business of Porto Rican American Tabocco Co, for the first three months of 1937 was behind that of last year, J. M. Por ter, president, said at the annual stockholders’ meeting. -* . . . - SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney A Co • Bid. Offer. Am. Tel. A Tel. 5'is. 1043 112% 113 Auburn Auto Co. 4%s, 1930 71 83 Cal Packing Corp. os, 1940 103% 103% Caro., Clin. A Ohio 5s. 1938 10412 105 Ches. A Ry 5s. 1930 107 107% Ed is. El. Illu. 4s. 1939 105 . 108% Gen. Pb. Svc. 5%». J039 . .102 102% Gr. Rap. A Ind. 4%s 1941 ___ 109% Houston Oil 5%s. 1940 102V* 103 Int. Mer. Marine 0s. 1941 88 89 Int. Tel. A Tei. 4%s, 1939 81 81% Laclede Gas L. 5s. 939 92 N 94 Lehigh Val. Coal Os. 11*38 99% 99% Lehigh Val T. Ry 5s, 1941 10H% 107% Long Island Gen. 4s. 1938 102 103% Lou. A Nash. R. R. 4s. 1940 1 Oft lod% Mich. Cen. R. R. 4s. 194m 103% J05% Mid R. R of N J. 5s. 1940 70 71* Milw. A Nor R. R. 4%s 10.30 00 99 N Y . C). A S.L. 0% notes, 38 100 loo% N Y. Dock 5s. 1938 . .58% 59 N. Y , Sus A W 5s. 1940 _ 49% N Y. Tel. Co. 4%s. 1939 100% loO% Pac R R. of Mo 4s. 1938 101% 101% Penn-Dixie Cement Os. 1941 99s* 100 Penn. R R. Co 4s. 1943 llo 112 Rio Gr West 4s. 1939 72 73% So Bell Tel. A Tel. 5s 1941 100% 108 Ter R R. As. St L. 4%s. ’39 105% 107% Vanadium Corp 5s. 1941 103 1<»0% Vertientes Sue. Co. 7s 1942 27% 30 Wabasn Ry. Co. 5s. 1939 loo% looy4 Warner Bros Os 1939 94% 95 West. N Y. A Pa. 4s 1943 108% 110% West. Union Tel. 5s. 1938 101% 103 --- INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK, April 9 0P—New York Security Dealers* Association: . Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a) _102(2 106*4 Aetna Ins (1.60) _ 45(2 47Va Aetna Life (.80a) _ 29‘4 31*4 Am Equit < 1.60a) __ 4114 44‘S Am Ins Newark (Via) 12V4 1.334 Am Reins (3) _ 42Va 44*2 Am Reserve (la* _ 3(>V4 32*4 Am Surety <".'2) _ _ 54 12 5oyk Automobile (1 a» 31 33 Balt Amer (20a) __ 7*4 8*4 Carolina (1.30) 2634 28'4 City of N Y (1.20) _ . 27 28Va Conn Gen Lif < HO) 37 3H12 Contin Cas (1.20) _ __ 27*2 2934 Fid <fc Dep <4* _ __ 133 136(4 Firemens Nwk (.30) 11*2 13 Frank Fire (la* .. _ 29*2 31 (4 Gen Reinsur (2) __ 45*2 47*'2 Glen Falls (1.60) _ 4]*4 433'4 Globe A Rep (.80) __ 2<)»4 23(4 Globe A Rut _ _ 65>4 69 Great Amer (la) _ 25V2 27 Hanover (160) __ 34*4 36(4 Hartford Fire (2)_ 6 634 6K3/4 Home Fire Sec _ 6V4 6Va Home Ins (la* _ 36 38 Homestead (1)_ 18*4 20 Maryland Cos _ 6*4 7 Lincoln Fire _. . 434 5*4 Mass Bond (3Va)_ 60* 2 63* 2 Natl Fire (2) _ 62 (4 64*4 Natl Liberty (.20a> _ P 10V* N Hampshire (1.60) __ 43 4434 , N Y Fire (,80a) __ _ 2P2 24(4 Nor River (1)_ 25'/2 27 Phoenix (2a> . __ 89 93 Prov Wash (1 * . _ 36 38 St Paul Fire <6) ___ _ 205Vi 211 Springfield <4‘asa) _ 119*'2 122*4 Sun Life <3*4R» _ .. 700 750 Travelers d6) _ 468 478 U S Fire (2) _ 51*4 5334 Westchester (1.20a) 34*4 36* 4 a—Also extra or extras g—Declared or paid so far this year. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON April 9 iff* (Dnitfd State* Department of Agriculture*.—Business was slow in the wool market today as mills restricted purchases to small quanti ties for the most urgent immediate needs. Recent sales have included fine terri tory wools in original bags at steady prices ranging mostly 1.00-02. scoured basis, for bulk short French combing length, and 1.03-06. scoured basis, for average to good French combing length. Buyers showed little interest in country Dacked lots of three-eighths and quarter blood Ohio. Michigan and Indiana bright fleeces, which were offered at 45-46 cents in the grease, delivered East. INSTALLMENTDEBT HITS NEW PEAK Outstanding Volume Climbs 50 Per Cent Above 1929 Levels. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, April 9—Installment sales and the outstanding volume of installment debt reached new peaks in 1936, representing an expansion of 50 per cent since 1929. according to estimates of the index of the New York Trust Co. It places the total of such sales during the past year at $9,000,000,000 and the outstanding debt at approxi mately $3,000,000,000. Two-thirds of all sales of automobiles are reported, by the bank review, to have been on an installment basis, in comparison with about half in 1929. while whole sale, or dealer financing, by sales financing companies has increased even more. "During the past few years, more over," the index says, "the record of the sales installment finance com panies has bee- excellent. Through out the country collections were uni formly good, even in depression years, and while the comparative loss ratio did decline as a result of adverse economic conditions, it never reached serious proportions. Through lower rates, extended terms and smaller down payments, the ease of financing new purchases has greatly increased from the consumers’ point of view. "While the strong capitalization of the leading finance companies and their satisfactory experience have en abled them to extend these more fa vorable terms without immediate risk, there are dangers inherent in present practices which are emphasized by the keen competition prevailing in the in stallment finance field and the pros pects of such competition increasing. “Nevertheless, it may be said that installment purchasing is here to stay and that finance companies may well experience a further expansion of their business." OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desk* Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safe* BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye St. N.W. Phone NA. 2181 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONUT GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’I 0350 Jtfember Federal Reserve System AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY WASHINGTON, D. C. Condensed Statement of Condition as of March 31, 1937 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Federal Reserve and Other Banks .:.. $15,705,766.96 U. S. Government Obligations, Direct or Fully Guaranteed. 25,437,505.38 State and Municipal Bonds.$323,620.56 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank. 204,000.00 Other Securities.2,955,607.02 - 3,483,227.58 Loans and Discounts. 13,265,828.27 Accrued Interest Receivable . 218,318.90 Banking Houses, Vaults, Furniture and Fixtures and Other Real Estate Owned. 3,006,996.48 Other Resources .v.. 99,405.86 Total Resources.$62,217,049.43 LIABILITIES Deposits . $53,816,296.35 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Expenses, etc... 142,139.53 Capital Stock.$3,400,000.00 Surplus. 3,400,000.00 Undivided Profits. 1,136,221.73 Reserve for Contingencies.... 322,391.82 Total Capital Funds . 8,258,613.55 Total Liabilities.. • • .$62,217,049.43 FIVE CONVENIENT B A N K I N G . O F F I C E S Main Office: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania avb. CENTRAL BRANCH 7th «nd Massachusetts Ave., N. W. NORTHEAST BRANCH Eighth and H Streets, N. E. SOUTHWEST BRANCH Seventh and E Streets, S. W. NORTHWEST BRANCH 1140 Fifteenth Street, N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits and Reserves $8^58,613.55