Newspaper Page Text
Deatfja. ANDERSON, ELLA. On Saturday. April 10. 193*. at her residence 4044 Hayes ft n.e ELLA ANDERSON, mother ol the late Eva Belle Brown. She leaves to mourn their loss one granddaughter, Mrs. Melba Washington two sisters, one brother, two great-grandchildren end other relatives and friends. Rc *hfjns resting at Morrow's funeral home. 13!.0 V st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. April 14. at 1 ‘2 noon, from Enon Bap tist Church. C st. between Oth and ?th sts. s.e.. Rev. R. w. Rembert officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 13 BOSS. CASTLEMAN PETTIT. On Satur day. April 10. 1937. at his residence. 6'.; Clue st. n.e.. CASTLEMAN PETTIT BOSS, beloved husband of Mable Martin Boss and devoted father of Mrs. Beulah Boss Whitlock of Norbeck. Md . and son of the late John P and Carolyn Boss; brother of John and Mrs. Mary Clark. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w.. on Tuesday. April 13. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery. BOSS. CASTLEMAN P. A special com munication of Pentalpha Lodee, No. 23. F. A. A. M will be held at the Masonic Temple at 1 i o'clock p.m. on Tuesday Anril 13. 1937. to perform the last rites for our late brother. CAS TLEMAN P. BOSS. By order of the master. CLARENCE M. MITCHELL. 12 BOSS. CASTLEMAN PETTIT. The mem bers of Association of Oldest Inhab itants are requested to attend the fu neral of our late associate CASTLEMAN PETTIT BOSS, from the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at 2 p.m THEODORE W. NOYES President. J ELIOT WRIGHT. Secretary. Bowman. Chester. Departed this life on Saturday. April 10. 1937. at his resi dence. 134 1 4th st n.w.. after a brief illness. CHESTER BOWMAN the be loved husband of Susie Bowman. Re mains resting at the J. L Lowe fu neral home. 913 Florida ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROWN. PEGGY. On Saturday. April 10. 1937. at Children’s Hospital PEGGY BROWN beloved daughter of Wilbur and Adeline Biown. Remains resting at the Eugene Ford funeral home 1300 South Capito. st.. until 4 p.m. Tuesday. April 13: thereafter at her late resi dence. 1001 New Jersey ave. s.e where funeral services will be held on Wednes day. April 14. at 11 a m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 13 BUEHLER. PLRC'Y E. Suddenly, on Sat urday April 10. 1937. at his residence. 405 10th st. n.e.. PERCY E. BUEHLER. the heloveu husband of Frances S. Buehler and son of Mrs Albert Buehler. Remains resting at the W. \V. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Funeral services Tuesday April 13. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cem etery. 12 Bl EHLER. PERCY' E. A special communi cation of New Jerusalem Loose. No. 9. F, A. A. M.. will be held at the Masonic Temple. 13th st. and N. Y. ave. n.w. on Tuesday April 13. 1937. at 1 p m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of Brother PERCY F BUEHLER By order of EARL J BROWN Worshipful Master. BLRNs, THEODORE a.. <R. Suddenly on Saturday April in 1937. at his resi dence. 4520 4th st. n.w.. THEODORE A. BURNS. Sr . the beloved husband of the late Elizabeth M Burns. Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. April 13. at 9:30 a.m.. thence to St. Gabriel’s Church where mass of re QUiem will be offered at 10 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. COLE. JENNIE H. On Thursday April 8 1037. JENNIE H COLE Funeral serv ices at the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st s.e cn Monday. April 12 at 2:30 p.m Rela tives and friends invited to attend. In terment Glenwood Cemetery. COLEMAN. GEORGE I RANCIS. On Fri day. April 9. J937. at his residence. River road. Bcthesda. Md. GEORGE FRANCIS COLEMAN, devoted husband of Rosalie Coleman, brother of Ada Coleman. Mrs. Mary Bailey and Grant Coleman. He is also survived by a niece. Mrs. Ethel Johnson, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 3*9 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Funeral Tues day. April 13. at 2 p.m.. from the above mentioned establishment Interment Lincoln Cemetery. 01 GAN. MOLLIE MAY'. On Sunday. April 11, 1937. at her residence Seminary rd. near Baileys Cross Roads. Va.. MOLLIE MAY DUGAN, the beloved wife of the late Richard Dugan and mother of Clyde N. Welshans and Mr Clara M. Shipley. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 14<m> Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 14. at l p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery Alexandria. Va. DUGAN. MOLLIE. A special meeting of Golden Rule Council. No. in. D of A . will be held at Mrs. Margaret Taylor s residence 420 Kentucky ave. s.e Mon day April 12. 1937. at 7 p.m for our late sister. MOLLIE DUGAN MRS MILDRED LAWLER Councilor. MRS. ELIZABETH SHEPHERD Secty Edmonds. Florence. Departed this life on Monday. April 12. 1937. FLOR ENCE EDMONDS of 1*0* s st. n.w She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted mother. Mrs Lucille Edmonds: two broth ers. Lloyd and James Edmonds one sis .ter. Mary Edmonds, and many other rel atives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schev funeral home. N. J ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. EHRHART. CHARLES A. On Sunday. April 11. 1937. at his residence. 5525 5th st n.w.. CHARLES A. EHRHART beloved husband of Anna Ehrhart and father of Anna C. Ehrhart. Services /private > at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n w . Wednesday. April 14. at 9 a.m. Service^ private. Interment Shrewsbury. Pa. < York pa pers please copy.) 13 ri YNN. LYDIA OLIVE. On Sunday. April 11. 193/. at her residence. Groveton. Alexandria. Va LYDIA OLIVE FLY'NN widow of the late Matthew Fiynn and mother of Mrs. F D Parrish. Mr. Matthew Flynn of Alexandria. Va . and Mrs. F W. Mielke of San Francisco. Remains resting at Demaine’s funeral home. *17 King st.. Alexandria, Va. Notice of funeral later. ORAVES. JOHN THOMAS. On Sundav April IF 1937 JOHN THOMAS GRAVES, beloved son of Alice Graves of 2128 37th st. n.w. and the late Andrew; R. Graves. Body resting at Gawler’s chapel. 1750 Penna. ave. n.w. Services at Holy Trinity Church. 35th and N sts. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 14. where mass will be offered at 9 a m Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 13 BAISLUP. EMMETT E. On Saturday. April 10, 1937. at Garfield Hospital. EMMETT E HAISLUP. beloved son of Elizabeth and the late Randall Haislup and lather of Mrs. Blanche Allison. Funeral serv ices at the W W. Chambers Co. fu neral home. 14t'0 Chapin st. n.w. on Tuesday. April 13, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery Ball. Hamilton Alexander on Sunday. April II. 1937. at his home. Upper Marlboro. Md.. HAMILTON AL EXANDER. husband of the late Eleanor F. Sweeney Hall and father of Mrs. Mary Straining and Mrs. Helen Simms Ham ilton M. Hall of Upper Marlboro. Md., and Miss Margaret Hall of Washington. D. C. Services at Ritchie Bros.' funeral home. Upper Marlboro. Md.. on Tuesday. April 13. at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Mary's Chur?h. where mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Interment Mount Carmel Cemetery. HERBERT. WILLIAM HOWARD. On Fri day. April 9. 1937. at Oteen. N C WILLIAM HOWARD HERBERT beloved husband of Mrs. Bertha Herbert of 1915 14th st. n.w. Surviving him also are one sistt- two brothers, two aunts and other r atives. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3*9 R I ave fi.w. Funeral Tuesday. April 13 at * 30 a.m from the above-mentioned establishment: thence to St. Augustine's Catholic Church at 9 a.m. where mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. Interment Arlington National Cemetery fiJUL MOLLIE. On Saturday. April 10. J93f. at * a.m at her residence. 410 O st. n.w.. MOLLIE HILL, widow of Allen Hill and mother of Adolphus and Clarence Hill and Mrs. Annie West. Funeral Wednesday. April 14. at 1 pm., from Mrs. Ruth Dabney's funeral par lor. 453 O st. n.w. 13* fiOLLAWAY. WILLIAM H. On Sunday. April 11. 1937 WILLIAM H. HOLLA WAY. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3*9 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 13 __ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) Established* ?8S?3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. NAtional 2473 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers ir. the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the orlRlna] W R Speare establishment. NAtloPnhare28P2 1009 H St. N.W. PERCY J. SAFFELL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Announces removal to a new funeral home 475 H ST. N.W. Formerly located 733 5th St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium *th and Mass. Are. N.E, Lincoln 5200 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral PiecM 1212 f Bt N.W_NAtional 4278 GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0108 Open Evenings _ -a , - _ and Sunday* LOT. L^th CT Eye Sratljs. JACKSON. ABRAHAM. Departed this life on Saturday. April 10. 1037. at Gallinger Hospital. ABRAHAM JACKSON. He i leaves to mourn their loss a devoted mother and father. Elizabeth and Jos eph Jackson, and a sister. Arnita Jack son. Remains resting with L. E. Mur ray <fc Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. Fu neral notice later. JOHNSON. REV. DAVID. On Saturday, April lo. 1037. at his residence. 2117 S. Oxford st., Arlington. Va.. Rev. DAVID JOHNSON, beloved husband of Callie i Johnson: devoted brother of Mrs. Ida i Young Mrs. Laura Kindard, Mrs. Ella Adell and John Copelin. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts s.w.. until 3 P.m. Monday. April 12. thereafter at his I late residence Funeral Tuesday April 13. at 3 pm., from Macedonia Baptist Church. Arlington. Va. Body will be shipped to Clinton. S. C.. for interment. JOHNSON. MARY LANIER. Departed this life on Sunday April 1 l. 1937. at 10:10 a.m.. at her residence. 152 Thomas st. n w Mrs. MARY LANIER JOHNSON, beloved wife ot James L Johnson and devoted mother of Mrs. Beatrice Lan caster. Mrs. Ruth McGuire and Mrs. Ethel Nix of Philadelphia. Pa. She also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters, two brothers, two grandsons and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. Oth st. n.w. Funeral from the above-named establishment on Tuesday. April ]3 at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Danville. Va. JONES CLAYBROOK. Departed this life on Sunday. April 11. in:!7. at Freed man's Hospital. CLAYBROOK JONES beloved husband of Mary Leah Jones and father of Bernice J. Digggs. He also leaves to mourn their loss a devoted son-in-law. Everett Diggs, and two sis ters. Alice Hunter and Olivia Hender son. Remains resting at Moon A- Son's fuller a! home, 1.T22 You &t. n.w. Funeral Wednesday April 14. at 1 pm., from the above funeral establishment. l.'i* J0PP.-N' ‘O" Saturday. April 10 I'M. CREED JORDAN, devoted foster son of Mrs. Dora Alexander: nephew of Mrs. Sarah D Henry Mrs. Emma Mat thews and George Wanzer. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis fu neral church. 14:12 U st n.w Funeral Tuesday. April 1;!, at 1 ::10 o.m.. from Hie above funeral church. Rev. J. H. Randolph officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. KEANJ?uL,P; ”\TT,e E On Saturday. ♦ i IGeorgetown University Hospital HATTIE E. KENDALL, wife of )Yadp, 9-AirKenda11 Services at, the cnapel of \\arner E Pumphrey’s funeral Vvme; Rockville Md . on Tuesday. April J.J. at 11 a m Interment Herndon. Va. MORRISON. Suddenly, on Monday. April It., lit;}?, at her residence, i-™VEUC1id SV n w- ABBIE MORRISON ?L,fc of, the latp Caspar R, Kent and mother of Mrs Mae K. Fuse and o/s.uEa4iinw ^ Dodge. Remains resting a.kc», e. * » ^ Hines Co. funeral home. 14th st. n.w. Notice of funerai later. LANDON. GEORGE. SR. Departed this t fAM?^MUnod^y April 11. 1 !>;{?. GEORGE LANDON SR . of 411 *J1 st st. n.w.. de \oted father of George Landon. 1r. He also leaves to mourn their loss one sis- I tci. Mrs Hattie Ellis, and many other relatives and friends. Remains res:mg at top Malvan A- Schey funeral home. N J ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral on 1 Wednesday. April 14 ar 1 ::to pm I from the above parlors. Relatives and I friends invited Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. i * LIGGETT. ANNIE P. On Saturday April 1 V.1,,1'1'1'. at her daughter's residence. I -.12 O st. n.w. ANNIE P. LIGGETT, uevoted mother of Mrs. Minnie Hamil- : ton Mrs. Victoria Somers Mrs. Clara : Reeder. Henry and Robert Liggett. She l also leaves other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W Ernest Jar vis tuneral church. 1432 U st n.w un til Wednesday noon: thereafter at the residence of her daughter. 2712 O st n.w. Funeral Thursday. April 1". at 1 .'in p.m.. from the Mount Zion M F. Church. 20 th st. between Dumbarton ave. and O st. n.w Rev, Curry officiat ing Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 13 LONG. WILLIAM R. On Sunday. Anril 11 i Cooper Hospital Camden N. ' J WILLIAM R LONG, the beloved hus hand of Nellie M. Long brother of Ulda L Conner. Olive M . Irene D. Samuel A Frank R Harold H. and Robert B Long. Funeral Wednesday. April 14. at 2 p.m from late residence 400 Crescent blvd. Brooklawn. N. J. Interment Nor ristown. Pa. 13 MORAN. ROBERT D. On Saturday April 10. 1037 at his residence. 3512 T st. n.w ROBERT D MORAN, beloved hus band of Mary E Moran, father of How ard J Robert L Harry E and James T. Moran: grandfather of Frederick Ed win Moran. Funeral from his late resi dence. 3.512 T st. n.w. on Tuesday April 13. at 8:3,0 a.m : thence to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 38th and N ?t.e n.w. where mass will be offered at fi a m. for the repose of his soul. Rela tives and friends are invited Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Services by W W. Chambers. 12 NASH. DAPHNE HUMPHREY’. On Friday. April ft 1037. a? Georgetown University Hospital. DAPHNE HUMPHREY’ and infant child wife and son of Carroll B Nash and daughter and grandson of Lieut. Col. Marion B. and Ruth B Humphrey. Bodies resting at the Tabler funeral home. 4217 i»th st. n.w.. until Tuesday. April 1.3 when services will be held at 12 noon in the chapel at Rock Creek Cemetery. 12* PELL. On Sunday April 11. 1037. at Sibley Memorial Hospital, the infant son of William and Margaret Pell. Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral heme. 517 11th st s.c.. on Tuesday. April 13. at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. PRIEST. MARY' S. On Monday. April 12 10.37 at 3:20 a m.. at the home of her son. Edward Priest. 102 West Thornapple si.. Chevy Chase. Md. MARY S. PRIEST age 08 the beloved wife of the late Charles Priest. Fu neral services at the above address on Tuesday. April 13. at. 7:30 p.m. Inter ment Pennsylvania. ].3 SANFORD. SUSIE A. On Saturday. April 10. 1037. at the residence of her son. William R. Sanford. Mrs SUSIE A. SANFORD, late of 1352 Pa. ave s.e. widow of Charles L. Sanford Funeral services at the residence of her son. 1524 D st. n.e.. cn Tuesday. April 13. at 0 a m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Sanford's home place. Montross, Va. SCHRAM. PERCILLA BRADY’. On Sun day. April 11. 1037. at her residence 4*24 Irving st. n.w.. PERCILLA BRADY SCHRAM. the beloved wife of John L Schram of Washington. D. C. Remains resting at her late residence until 4 p.m Tuesday. April 13. Services in the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w at 8 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited Interment i Oakland. Md.. on Wednesday. April 14. 13 SHEIRBURV. ELIZABETH PAGE. On Sat urday. April 10. 1037. at her residence. 3222 Date st. n.e. Mount Rainier Md. ELIZABETH PAGE SHEIRBL RN late of Charles County. Md. beloved wife of Joseph Francis Sheirburn. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2.001 14th st. n.w, on Tuesday. April 13. at 8:15 a.m.; thence to St. James’ Church. Mount Rainier. Md.. where mass will be offered at 0 a m. Rel atives and lriends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. SMITH MARY’. On Sunday April 11. 1037. at her residence. 1104 Irving st. n w MARY SMITH, mother of the late Alice Williams McBeth. She is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Bertie Jones. Mrs. Noma Walker: three grandchildren. Mary Bowman. Aubrey Jones and J. W Jones. Jr.: three sons-m-law. William Warren McBeth, J. W Jones, sr.. and Lemuel Walker, and other relatives and friends Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home at 380 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 1.3 SORACCO. ANNIE. On Sunday, April 11. 10.37. at Sibley Memorial Hospital, in the 75th year of her age ANNIE SO RACCO. beloved mother of Mrs Theresa GuifTre. Mrs. Blanche Sheaffer and Mrs. Sadie Beckert. Services at the home of her daughter. 18 Evarts st. n.e.. on Wednesday April 14. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Rosary Church 3rd and F sts. n.w where reoulem mass will be said at 0 a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 13* STELFOX. WHILIMINA. On Sunday April 1], 1937. at her residence. 1 Sib ley ave. Hyattsville, Md.. WHILIMINA STELFOX. aged 88 years, beloved wife of the late John Stelfox. Funeral from the First M. E Church South. Hyatts ville. Md., on Tuesday. April 13. at 11 a.m. Interment National Capita' Me morial Park Cemetery. Baltimore Boule vard. Md. TAYLOR. REV. WILLIAM. Suddenly on Sunday. April 11, 1937. at his resi dence. 2021 13th st. n.w. Rev WIL liam A. Taylor, pastor of Florida Ave nue Baptist Church. Notice of fu neral later. Arrangements bv Mrs. Winslow A Fillmore Funeral Co. Til DEN. LEONARD E. On Saturday. April 10. 1937. at his residence, 1313 Fair mont st. n.w., LEONARD E TILDEN beloved husband of Harriet M Tilden' Funeral services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday April 13. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Marlboro. Cheshire County. N. H. TILLET JOHN W. On Saturday. April 10. 1937, at Emergency Hospital. Wash ington. D C.. JOHN W. TILLET. for merly of Annandale. Va.. beloved hus band of Mary Ellen Tillet and father of Mrs. Effie Garrison and Edward Tillet. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd. Ar ton Va. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. ADril 13. at 2 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Annandale. Va. Interment tn the church cemetery. 12 WARTHEN. MARY JANE. On April 9 1937. MARY JANE WARTHEN (nee Hyatt), aged 75 years, beloved wife of Nathan Beniamin Warthen. Funeral from her late residence. 3358 Strick land st.. Baltimore. Md. on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.: thence to Damascus M. E. Church. Montgomery County Md. at 12 noon. Interment Damascus Ceme tery. 12 WATANABE. LILLIAN. On Saturday. April 10. 1937. at her residence. 1531 Isherwood st. n.e.. LILLIAN WATANABE inee McVeyl beloved wife of the late William Watanabe. Funeral will be held from Timothy Hanlon’s funeral parlors 041 H st. n.e.. on Tuesday. April 13, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Com forter Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 12 WAUGH. BARBARA ELLEN. Suddenly on Sunday April 11. 19.37, at Provi dence Hosnital. BARBARA ELLEN WAUGH, the beloved daughter of John W. and Marlon Waugh. Remains rest ing at the W. W. Chambers Co funeral home. 1400 Chapin sti n.w. Notice of funeral later. p. DIES AT AGE OF 88 Deceased Was Prominent Maryland Banker and Retired Physician. Dr. Jacob J. Weaver, jr„ 88. promi nent Maryland banker and retired physician, died Saturday in Homeo pathic Hospital. He had been ill about six days. Dr. Weaver, father of Mrs. Edmund K. Fox, 1709 S street, had been spend ing the Winter here with his daughter for many years. Native of Maryland. . A native of Uniontown, Md., he practiced medicine there and in the surrounding country, until retiring from practice in 1889, due to failing health. Subsequently, he entered the banking business. At the time of his death he was president of the Carroll County Sav ings Bank at Uniontown and president o the board of the First National Bank at Westminster, Md. He also was a former president of the latter bank and was president of the Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Carroll County. For many years Dr. Weaver had been a member of the Lutheran Church at Uniontown and formerly was superintendent of the Sunday school of the church. He belonged to the Sigma Chi Fraternity, Sons of the Revolution, and the Maryland His torical Society. Graduate of Maryland U. Dr. Weaver was graduated in 1867 from Gettysburg College (then the old Pennsylvania College) and from the University of Maryland, where he re ceived his degree in medicine in 1869. He is said to have been the last sur vivor of his class or any preceding classes at Gettysburg College. Besides his daughter he leaves two granddaughters, Miss Grace E. Fox, now’ studying in London, and Mrs. Charles R. Whittlesey, Princeton, N. J. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the Lutheran Church at Uniontown Burial will be in the Methodist Church Cemetery there. | CASTLEMAN P. BOSS DIES AT AGE OF 75 Masonic Leader Had Been 111 Sev eral Months—Was Native of Washington. Castleman P. Bass, 75. retired printer, prominent in Masonic circles of the city, died at his home late Sat urday night after an illness of several months. Born in the District, the son of the late John T. and Caroline Boss, he attended public schools here and spent j most of his career as a printer at the ! Government Printing Office, from which he retired about 10 years ago. At one time he was employed on The Star, prior to going to the Government Printing Office. Funeral services will be conducted by Columbia Commandery, Knights Templar, of which he was a member, at Hines funeral home tomorrow at 2 P-m„ with burial in Rock Creek Ceme tery. Mr. Boss was a past master of Pen talpha Lodge of Masons and a mem ber of Columbia Chapter, Adoniram Council, and Columbia Commandery of Masons. He belonged also to the Trestle Board, Esther Chapter of the Eastern Star, and was a past monarch of the Grotto here. He was secretary and treasurer for many years of the Stephenson’s Bible Class at Bethany Baptist Church, a member of the As sociation of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia and the Society of Natives and the North Capitol Cit izens’ Association. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mabel A. Boss; a daughter, Mrs. Beulah Whitlock; one brother, John, and a sister, Mrs. Mary M. Clark, all of this city. SraJljfl. J-- JR- On Saturday. £ST.'} 'n 193' at Homeopathic Hos Pi^' iPL j j WEAVER Jr., father of Mrs. E. K. Fox of 1709 S st. n.w. Re mains resting at the S. k. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w unto !" D.m. Monday. April 13. S“rvices Tuesday April l.'i. at 11 a m. at Union town. Md. Interment at Uniontown 13 WETHERALL. LAURA E. On Sunday April 11. 193/. in the 87th year of her age. LAURA L. WETHERALL. daughter of the late James and Rebecca Dixon Wether ali. Remains resting at the John R. Wright funeral home. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral private. WOOD. FRANCES E. Suddenly, on Bun day. April 11, 1937. at her residence, pin 19th st. n.w.. FRANCES E. WOOD beloved wife of the late Frank I. Wood and mother of Carl I. Wood of Great Neck. Long Island. N. Y Remains rest ing at Lee’s funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday. April LT at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Methodist Protestant Cemetery Alexandria. Va. WORMLEY. MARY C. HARRIS. On Sun day. April 11, 1937. at 1325 Nea! place r w„ MARY C. HARRIS WORMLEY. She is survived by one brother, three sisters and an uncle: also other rela tives and friends. Funeral Thursday, April 15. at 2 p.m.. from 447 Neal place n w-. Interment Woodlaw-n Cemetery. Arrangements by Malvan & Schey. In Utmnrtam. ANDERSON. GEORGIANNA. In loving re membrance of our dear daughter and sister. GEORGIANNA ANDERSON, who passed away two years ago today. April 12. 1935. She had a smile for every one, A heart as fair as gold; To those who knew her Her memory will never grow old. THE FAMILY. HAWKINS. MINNIE B. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our devoted mother. MINNIE B. HAWKINS: departed this life April 12. 1927. It was the saddest of the year: Although we ought to be of good cheer. Knowing that our mother has done her best And left this world to take her rest. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. ROSIE MOSLEY HENRY BATSON ESTEL LA FORD AND MOLLY HAWKINS. PAGE. INDIA EDWARD. In loving re membrance of our dear mother. INDIA EDWARD PAGE, who passed away two years ago, April 12. 1935. And while she lies In peaceful sleep. Her memory we shall always keep. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. STARKE. ROBERT; WILLIS, REV. ED WARD. In sad but loving remembrance of our loving husband and father, ROBERT STARKE, and our devoted fa ther and grandfather. Rev. EDWARD WILLIS, who departed this life April 12. 1913. and April 10, 1897. DAUGHTER. MARY. AND GRANDCHIL DREN, ETHEL AND VERNON. • DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Cfi mberj $ 3 any Place Y3 in the city Columbia 0432 One •[ the Lerceet Undertaken WOMAN IS INJURED VIEWING BLOSSOMS Mrs. Ida May Kiatta Is Thrown From Horse at Tidal Basin. Mrs. Ida May Kiatta, 3218 Wis consin avenue, received neck and back injuries yesterday when thrown over her horse’s head while viewing the Mrs. Kiatta. cnerry niossoms at the Tidal Basin. She was given first aid at Emergency Hos pital. Her husband, George Kiatta, a delicatessen pro prietor, said Mrs. Kiatta’s mount stumbled and stopped suddenly, tossing her to the ground. Mrs. Kiatta was taken home after being treated, and physicians said a complete diagnosis of her injuries could not be made until the X-ray photographs had been studied. ■— ■■ • HEART ATTACK FATAL Mrs. Anna Sutherland Dies in New York Hospital. Mrs. Anna Sutherland, 1260 Tenth street, died of a heart attack in a New York City hospital early today after she had been removed from a Washington-to-Boston Greyhound bus, according to an Associated Press dis patch. Mrs. Sutherland had been living here with her daughter, Mrs. Hilda Vin cent, and was on her way to Boston to visit a sick brother. She left Wash ington yesterday afternoon. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Pair with light frost; lowest temperature about 34 degrees tonight; tomorrow fair and warmer; gentle shifting winds, becom ing moderately southerly. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers clear today. Report for I.ast 24 Hours. Temperature. Barometer. Yesterday— Degrees. Inches. 4 p.m. _ _ 4« .30.11 8 p.m. _ . 4i tin.19 Midnight _ 38 30.24 Today— 4 a.m. __ _ 3fi 30.27 8 a.m. ... 4n 30.37 Noon . 50 30.33 Record for Iasi 21 hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today 1 Highest, 50, at noon today. Year ago. 54. Lowest, 34, at 6 am. today. Year ago. 40. Record Temperatures This Year. Highest, 76. on January y. Lowest. 14. on February 28. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 76 per cent, at 9:30 p.m. yes terday. Lowest, 31 per cert, at 11 a m. today. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and i Geodetic Survey.) ... Today. Tomorrow. High - __ 8:42 am. 9:28 a.m. Low- - — 3:01 a.m 3:4!) a.m. High - . __ 9:06 p.m. 9:59 p.m. i Low - . . . _ 3:42 p.m. 4 :31 p.m. I The Sun and Moon. Rises. Sets. Sun. today 5:3; 6:42 Sun. tomorrow. . 5:35 6:43 Moon, today __ 6:13 a.m. 8:54 p.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one-halt hour aiter sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in inches In the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1937. Average. Record. January _ 7.83 3.55 7.83 '37 February _ 3.33 3.27 6.84 '84 March - 1.50 3.75 8.84 '91 April_ . l.m 3.27 9.13 ’89 May _ 3.70 10.69 ’89 June - __ 4.13 10.94 ’00 July - 4.71 10.63 ’86 August _ 4.61 14.41 '28 September _ 3.24 17.45 ’34 October __ _ 2.84 8 57 >5 November _ _ 2.37 8 69 '89 December _ 3.32 7.50 '01 Weather in Various Cities. Temp Rain Stations Baro. H'h.Low.iaU. Wealh'r Abilene Tex _ 36,64 86 60 Cloudy Albany N Y. 36.24 48 32 . Clear Atlanta. On. _ 30 42 58 36 _ Clear Atlantic City 30,24 48 34 __ Clear Baltimore. Md. 30.32 48 38 __ Clear Birmingham 30.44 04 42 _ Clear Bismarck N. D. 29.54 62 42 _ _ Cloudy Boston. Mass. .30.12 50 36 _Cloudy Buffalo N Y 30.36 42 32 _ Clear Charleston. S.C. 30.40 64 44 _ Clear Chicago. 111. 30.36 46 38 _ Clear Cincinanti. Ohio 36.50 48 30 _Clear Cleveland. Ohio 30.42 40 34 __ Clear Columbia. S. C. 30.44 60 34 _Clear Denver. Colo. _ 30.00 70 36 _Cloudy Detroit Mich. _ 30.40 46 32 _ Clear Ei Paso. Tex. 29.94 82 56 _ Clear Galveston Tex. 30.26 68 62 _ Cloudy Helena. Mont.. 30.16 46 28 Cloudv Huron. S. Dak. 29.68 64 44 0.22 Cloudy Indianapolis 30 44 52 38 Cloudy Jacksonville.Fla. 30.30 68 46 Clear Kansas City,Mo. 30.06 62 52 0.02 Cloudv Los Angeles 30.08 66 52 Cloudy Louisville. Ky.. 30.50 52 38 _Clear Miami. Fla. 30 26 76 62 _ _ Clear Minneapolis 29.92 60 42 _ _ Rain New Orleans 30.36 72 56 Clear New York. N Y. 30.20 48 .34 _ Clear Oklahoma City 30.06 72 58 Cloudy Omaha Nebr. 29.86 62 44 0.10 Cloudy Philadelphia 30.26 46 38 Clear Phoenix. Ariz._ 29.96 84 52 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa._ 30.42 40 28 0.01 Clear Portland. Me, 30 12 50 36 Clear Portland. Oreg. 29.96 56 46 0.06 Rain Raleigh. N. C. . .30.38 52 .36 Clear Salt Lake City 30.14 52 .32 0.04 Clear San Antonio . 30.10 76 62 _ Cloudy San Diego Cal. .30.06 62 56 _Cloudy San Francisco .30.12 60 48 __ Cloudy St. Louis. Mo. . .30 .24 58 42 Cloudy Seattle. Wash. 29.92 54 44 0.04 Rain Spokane. Wash 30.06 52 36 . Rain Tamm. Fla. .30.34 74 52 _ _ Clear WASH D. C. .70 .34 48 .74 ... Clear FOREIGN (7 a.m.. Greenwich time, today.) Stations Temperature. Weather London England_ 47 Cloudy Paris. France _ 46 Cloudy Vienna Austria _ 46 Cloudy Berlin. Germany_ 45 Cloudy Brest. France 50 Cloudy Zurich Switzerland_ 4.7 Cloudy Stockholm. Sweden_ 37 Misting Gibraltar Spain 57 Cloudy (Noon. Greenwich time today ' Horta ‘Fayal). Azores 62 Rain (Current observations.) St. Georges Bermuda_ 58 Cloudy San Juan. Puerto Rico 78 Clear Havana. Cuba _ _ 68 Cloudy Colon. Canal Zone 82 Cloudy THE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CLOSES APRIL 21 To order a telephone, extra listings, or ad vertising in the yellow pages just call MEtropolitan 9900 GEN. W. S. WOOD. Veteran of Many Wars Was Native of Washington, Born in 1864. Brig. Gen. Winthrop S. Wood, U. S. A., retired, a native of the District and a veteran of the Indian campaign, the Spanish-American War. Boxer Rebel lion, Philippine Insurrection and the World War, died yesterday in Walter Reed Hospital. Gen. Wood was decorated for gal lantry in action at Santiago, Cuba, and was seriously wounded in the bat tle of San Juan. During the World War he was quartermaster in charge of the American Expeditionary Force Base at Marseilles, France. Born here August 30, 1864, Gen. Wood began his military career as a West Point cadet in 1885. He was commissioned a second lieutenant of Cavalry in 1889 and served on the frontier in Arizona, New Mexico and Montana. After recovering from his Spanish War injuries, he was sent to China, where he served through the Boxer rebellion and then saw active service in the Philippines. He had several tours of duty in Washington prior to the World War. He went to France in the Summer of 1918, returning here after the war. He was retired as assistant to the quartermaster general, with the rank of brigadier general, August 30, 1929. Gen. Wood is survived by his widow, Mrs. Pauline C. Wood, of the Kene saw Apartment, Sixteenth and Irving streets. Funeral services will be held at the Fort Myer Chapel at 3 p.m. tomorrow, with Chaplain Ora J. Cohee officiating. Interment with full military honors will be in the western section of Arlington National Cemetery. The following retired Army officers will serve as honorary pallbearers: Maj. Gens. Walter A. Bethel, Ed ward F. McGlachlin, jr„ and Charles D. Rhodes, and Cols. Morris K. Barroll, Edwin V. Bookmiller, Harry R, Lee and John R. M. Taylor. G. T. GRAVES, LAWYER, G. U. GRADUATE, DIES Formerly Was Note Teller at Liberty National Bank. Ill Four Months. John T. Graves, 30, of 2128 Thirty seventh street, a practicing attorney here, died here late yesterday after a four months' illness. He was a graduate of Georgetown University Law' School and Gonzaga High School. Formerly a note teller at the Liberty National Bank, at the time of his death he was associated in law practice w'ith the firm of Kelly j & Nicolaides. He was a member of Delta Chi Fra- : ternity and the Holy Name Society. ! His mother. Mrs. Alice Graves, and two sisters, Mrs. Rose Sullivan and Mrs. Aileen Metzer, survive him Funeral arrangements were to be announced later. -»-— EIGHT FLYERS KILLED Italian Bombing Planes Collide, Government Reports. FORLI, Italy, April 12 (/P).—Eight Italian flyers were killed last Friday, the government announced today, when two bombing planes collided in midair. "These Pacific Mutual checks have actually saved my life" "The doctors said I’d surely die unless I moved to a dry climate and spent at least a year in bed. My Pacific Mutual 5-way Policy was my only resource; it pulled me through and paid for every thing. I’m sure glad I had that protection.” . . . Our 3-way Policy insures you in case of disability from sickness or ac cident, as wrell as old age and l death. Write for free folder. t Pacific Mutual mails each month to policyholders and beneficiaries, | approximately 4,700 checks total ing more than $1,000,000.00. j General Agency, 1422 F Street N.W. Metropolitan 3322 Movie Actor-Director, Bos ton Native, Victim at Kensington, England. By the Associated Press. LONDON, April 12.—Ralph Ince of Boston, Mass., motion picture director and actor, was killed yesterday when an automobile in which he was riding with his wife struck an iron standard at Kensington. Mrs. Ince, who was driving the car, was taken to a hospital suffering om lacerations on her face. Mrs. Ir e, before her marriage, in 1932 in New York, was Miss Helen Tigges of Ohio. Ince, formerly connected with the picture industry in Hollywood, has been in England three years, directing for Irving Asher and Warner Bros. (A son, named Joe E. Ince for the comedian Joe E. Brown, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ince in London last June 20.) Ralph Ince was born in Boston in 1887 and entered motion pictures as an actor after a brief career on the legitimate stage, which included an appearance in Richard Mansfield's company in “The college Widow.'' He first directed pictures for the old Vitagraph Co. After the introduction of talking pictures Ince directed or acted in a long series of pictures for Columbia, Radio, Universal, First National and Monogram companies. Among his best known pictures were “Little Caesar,” “County Fair,” “Men of America,” “Havana Widows” and “No Escape.” WITH RICHARD MANSFIELD. Theatrical Career Begun by Ince While in His Teens. BOSTON, April 12 (ff).—Ralph W. Ince, motion picture actor, director and producer, killed in London today, was the son of John E. and Emma Brennan Ince, well-known actors of that day. In his teens Ince played with Rich ard Mansfield’s company, scoring a success in “Ben Hur” and “The Col lege Widow.” He studied art, going to New York as a young man to take lessons from Dan McCarthy, cartoonist, then for (ed©,r Hill ‘U 'an!UMjttm'i mod Beautiful (cmeteru CsmuDBit; Mausoleum, Columbariun and KL«eeiTinir Vaults. the New York World. It was in 1906 he first became known as a di rector for the old Vitagraph Co. His ] first wife was Lucy Lee, a sister i of the once well-known actress, Anita I Stewart. Later he was married to Lucille Mendez, an artist, from whom he was divorced in 1932. BEGAN AS AN ARTIST. Ince Engaged as Assistant on Ani mated Cartoons. HOLLYWOOD, Calif., April 11 UP). —Ralph W. Ince, killed in an auto mobile accident today in London, was one of the better known directors and actors of the movies’ silent days. As a youth Ralph studied art and later did magazine illustrating and cartoons for the New York Mirror and the Evening Telegram. He was attracted to the movies by an offer from Windsor McCay, who sought 1 his assistance in making animated cartoons. Starting in 1906 he took the title role in a series of Vita-1 graph pictures based on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Ince directed and starred in "The Goddess,” one of the first and big gest serial pictures ever filmed. He directed Charles Ray in a "come ■ back” attempt, "Dynamite Smith," ' produced, directed and starred in “The Sea Wolf,” based on Jack Lon j don's novel; directed Peter B. Kyne's I story, "Breed of the Sea.” His later directorial efforts included "South Sea Love,” "Hard-Boiled,” “Hurri __ cane,” which starred Hobart Bos worth, and “Chicago After Midnight.” He was co-starred with Alieen Pringle in a talkie, "Wall Street." • — WILLIAM R. LONG DIES AT HOSPITAL IN CAMDEN William R. Long, a2, former Wash ington resident, died yesterday in Cooper Hospital, Camden, N. J„ after being struck by an automobile Thurs day night in Brooklawn, N. J., ac cording to word received here, Mr. Long, employed as import-ex port clerk by the Pennsylvania Rail road, was a resident of this city until about 1914 and attended public school here. Among survivors are four brothers and three sisters, all of this city: Frank R. Long, lawyer; Samuel A., Harold H. and Robert B. Long, Mrs. Lida L. Conner, Miss Olive M. Long ana Miss Irene B. Long. He also leaves his wife, Mrs. Nellie M. Long, and three sons, John M„ William R., Jr., and Fred Long, all of Brooklaw'n. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at his late residence in Brooklawn. Burial will be at Nor ristown. Pa. .FLOWERS OUPONT CIRCLE NO. 7000 — A SPECIAL SALE! = TABLE PADS FACTORY-TO-YOU • A SENSATIONAL VALUE ORDERS MUST BE PLACED NOW! .44 Liquid Proof Heat Resisting Made-to-Measure SUPER-HEAVY PADS At Small Additional Cost WASHABLE WHITE FABRIC TOP GREEN CLOTH BACKING^^g PHONE OR WRITE—OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AT YOUR HOME DAY OR EVENING TO MEASURE YOUR TABLE. NO CHARGE Show-Room Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m. Suburban Calls Mad* • Mail Orders Accepted UNITED ASBESTOS PAD CORP. KRESGEBLDG. tHiisu* DISTRICT 3788 ^Copyright by United Asbeitoi Pad Carp., 7.9.77—»■ £ T ' /y Enjoy them! Let Manhattan banish washday drudgery — save you money, too! ' Thrifty Laundry Service 0 ~-y 70, . .... Li---i.... j • GET out in the Spring sunshine—send your washday worries to Man hattan. That’s our business. Think what you get with Thrifty Service Flat pieces sized, mended, ironed. Bath towels softly fluffed. Wearing apparel just right for easy ironing. Only 79 cents for a great big 9-pound bundle. And of course—everything washed in soft Net Bags—to make your clothes wear longer—save you still more money. Try Manhattan’s famous Thrifty Service this week. It is Guaranteed for your protection. Tlumt Duttbou \YlO • Now! MANHATTAN COMPANY A Complete Cleansing Institution 1 330-1346 FLORIDA AVENUE Stud (viAAjiVuUj • • • ONE CALL DOES ALL 1 Every type of Laundry Service S Fur Coats cleaned, repaired, remodeled 2 Dry Cleaning of every variety 6 Pillows cleaned, sanitized, recovered 3 Rugs cleaned and repaired 7 Blankets, Curtains, Portiers cleaned 4 Furniture cleaned, demothed 8 Hats cleaned, blocked, refinished 9 Modern, moth-proof Storage Vaults for rugs, fur coats, clothing, blankets, draperies, portiers, curtains, etc. --Oil Svuncct Quajuudodl