Losses of Fractions to About
Three Points General
Late in Session.
BJ tnf Associated Press.
NEW YORK, April 12.—Losses of
fractions to about 3 points were gen- j
eral in late trading in stocks on the J
curb market today.
Liquidation continued to center on
industrial shares recently in the spec
ulative limelight, Aluminum Co. of
America, Gulf Oil, Creole Petroleum, j
Sherwin-Williams and Wayne Pump
were off fractionally to about 2 points.
Northern States Power "A” dropped
more than 3 at one time. Moderately
lower were Niagara Hudson Power.
Electric Bond A Share and American
Light & Traction.
Newmont Mining. Montgomery
Ward A and American Cyanamid E
burked the main trend to score small :
--— »
Breclal Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK, April 12.—The invest
ment companies' common stock price ,
index declined with the general mar
ket last week, according to the aver
ages compiled by Distributors' Group,
The average for the common stocks !
for 10 leading management companies
influenced by the leverage factor stood
at 24.46 at the close of April 9. com
pared with 25.73 on April 2.
Tire average of the mutual funds
closed at 16.84 on April 9, compared j
with 17.22 at the close of the previous
NEW YORK. April 12 Last
week's average price of United States
type 12, grade B4F flue-cured to
bacco was 20 cents a pound, against
19 9 cents in previous week and 17.7
cents in the same period last year, ac
cording to the Stich tobacco index.
PITTSBURGH April 12 (Special! —
The Blaw-Knox Co. has acquired the
property and business of the Power
Piping Co. of Pittsburgh. W P.
Witherow, president of the Blaw-Knox
Co , announced.
- -.. >
NEW YORK. April 12 (Special).—
Directors of Fidelity Fund, Inc., have
declared a regular quarterly dividend
of 25 cents per share payable May 1
to stockholders of record April 20, 1937.
NEW YORK. April 12 oT.—Bar
silver easier, off from Friday.
April 9. at 46.
High Low. Noon.
Ala Power 4%s 67 s2% v% s '
Ala Power 6* 46 A UK 104 ]I4
Alum Co 5s .V.' 105% m.5% ius%
Am G A E 5s 2028 . 100% ioo% ino%
Am P A L Os 2010 95% 95% 95%
Appaiach E P 5s 56 loo loo loo
Appal P Of 20.4 A ])u%llu%j!n%
Arlt PAL 5s 50 95 94'. 94%
As G A E 4'.s 4 9 52 51% 51%
As TAT 5'js ‘55A si so-’’. Si
Balt) Lo 6s 38 xw ..lsi ]s| isi
Bald L 6s 318 xw stp 1st 119% lsi
Bell Tt C 5s '55 4 ..ill 111 i i i
Beth Steel 6s 9s i:;o i.m loo
Can No Pw 5s 53 A 193% 103% 111:; %
Cent UPS 5s 50 E 104 104 104
gn II P 8 4 %s til F 90% 90% 90 %
nt II! P 8 5s ‘68 G loo%. loo 1 oo%
Cen O L A P os 5OA 99% 99% 99%
Oent Pw A Lt 5s 50 90% 90% 90%
Oent St El 5%s '54 011 no on
Cen St P A L5%s '59 05 % 05'% 05%
Cln Str Ry «s '55 B loo 100 100
Oities Svc 5s 5o 11% 71 ii
Cities S Gas 6%s 42 100% 100% 100%
Cities 8 Gs P 6s 43 103 103% io->s.,
Clt 8 PAL 5%s 49 01% o;% 01 ■
Com* Ed 5s 54 B . 1 1 I % 1 1 1 % 1 1] %
0>mw Ed 4s '81 F 103% 103% ]n:;%
Com* Ed 3-%s 05 H 101 % lot % 101
Comuty PA-L Ss 57 So ;s 7 8
Cent GAE 5s ’58A 81 80-% 80%
Crucible S*1 5s 40 103 103 lo.'i
Det Cit Gs 5s 50 B 103', 103% 103*4
East G A E 4s 56 A 80% 80% 80',
E Pw A Lt 5s 2030 84 % 84 84
Bmp Dts El 5s '52 96% 96% 96%
Ebnp O A- R 5%s 42 89% S9% 8!i%
Florida PAL Ss '54 92% 9'% 9'"
Gary EAG 5s '44 s'D xw 97% 97% 97%
Gatineau Pw 5s 56 100% loot, mo%
Gatineau Pw 6s 41 101 % 19) % 101 %
Gen Bronae 6s 40 _ 93 93 93
Gen Pb TJ 6%s '56A 88', 88 88%
Gen W W A E 5s 43 A 91% 90% 9n%
Georgia Pw Ss 67 96% itti 90
Georgia P A L Ss '7 8 II3, 7 1 ", 7 I %
Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 80% 80% sn%
Grand Tr We 4s '50 99 99 99
guard Inv 5s 48 A 60% 60 00
ill tW. F. 1 6s 4i stp 118% 9s% 98%
11 Pw A L 6s '53 A 103% ] 03% 1034,
1' Pw A L 5' aS 54 B 10! % 10%’, 1014,
31 Pw A L 5s '56 C 90 90 90
ndien E C 5s '51 C 92% 9"% 9°%
ntl P Sec 6%s '55 C 05 65 65
htl Salt 5s '51 106% 196% ]06’4
nterst Pw 5s '57 62 61% 61',
nterst P s 4%s '58 r 78', 78% 78',
owa Put> Sv 5s '57 102 102 in"
Jer C P A L 4%s 61 C 102% 1024, 102%
Jer C P A L 5s 47' B 1044, 1043, 1044,
Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A 107% 107% 107',
Lex Util 5s '52 102% 102% 102%
Libby McNAL 5s 43 104', 104 104
Le Pw A Ll 5s '57 103% 1034, 103%
Mem PAL 5s 48 A 1013, ini % ] 01 %
Mldlan VRR 5S 43 __ 91 91 91
Mil G A- E 4%s 67.. 104% 104% 104%
Minn P A L 5s '55 102% 1112% 10"%
Miss PwAL 5s '5 7' 884, 8k% kk3,
Mont-Da P 5%s 44 94% 94% 94%
Mu SS 6%s 37 ww cod 8% 8% 8%
Netsner Bros 6s IS 107 107 107
New E GAE 5s 4 7 73’, 73% 73%
New E GAE 5s '48 743« 744, 74.1,
New E Pw 5%s 54 97 s, 97% 974,
1J7_ p * Lt 4‘xs «7__ 105% 105% 105%
N Y S EAG 4%s '80 . 100 100 100
No Ind G A E 6s '52 _ 107% lo73, 107%
No Ind P S 5s 66 C 102', 102% 102%
No Ind P 8 4%s '70 E . 963, 96''2 96%
Northw P S 5S ’57 A 96 96 96
Ohio Pub S 6s ’53 C _ 109% 109', 109%
Par. P A L 6S '55 80% 80% 80%
Palmer C La 6s '38 __ 100% ion’, loo7,
Penn C LAP 4%s '7 7_ 96’, 96% 96%
Penn El 4s '71 F _ 92 9" 92
Peon GLAC 4s '81 B.__ 914, 91% 913,
Fhila El P 6%s '72_3 10% 11 0% 110%
Phila Rap T 6s 82... 95% 95% 95%
Potomac E 6s '56 E_106 loti loti
Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs_130 129s, 130
Pub S No HI 5s '66 c 104% 104% 104'',
Pub 8 N I 4%s ’80 E .101 101 101
Pur B PAL 4%s ’ 5 OD. ._ 80% 80% 8(1%
Quebec P S 5s ’6SA. .. 104 104 104
eSafe H Wa 4%s 79 . 107 % 101% 107%
Sce-lims 51 as '43 . 102% 102% 102%
erld Wyo 6s '47__ 71 % 11% 71%
E PAL 6s 2025 A. _ 99 98% 98%
u Cal Ed 3%s 45 103% 103% 103%
Sou Cal Ed 3%s '60 . 100 994, 100
Sou Cal E 3%s '60B loo 100 loo
Sou Ind Ry 4s '51 . 78 78 18
Souw As T 6s '61 A . 97% 973l 97a,
Std GAE cv 6s ’35 cod 84 84 84
?tand Pw A Lt 6s 57._ 84% S33, 833i
exas Elec 5s '60 . 101 % 101 % 101V,
Tide Wat P 5s '79A 91 97 97
Twin C RT 5%s '52A. 83% 83% 8314
Unit LtAPw 6s '75 . 80 80 80
Unit L A R M 6s '52A . 11 2% 11 2% 113%
Utah PAL 4%S 44 . 96% 96% 96%
Va Pub Ser fis '46 94 94 94
Va Pub S 51 as '46A 100 99% 993,
West T Ut 5s '57 A 93% 93% 93%
We UGAE 5'as '55A 1 043, 1 044, ,043
Wls-Mtn LAP 5s 44 .107 107 101
Yadkin Riv P 5s '41 106% 106% 106',
York Rwy Co 5s '37 88% 88% 8SS%
Com Ptv B 5%s 37 52% 52% 52%
Denm Mt B 5s '12 lx 96% 96% 96%
Ger Con.Mun 7s '47 19% 19% 19%
Mendos P 4s '51 stp 96% 96% 96%
Santiag Chil 7s '61 .. 18V, 18% 18%
xx—With warrants, xw—Without war
rants. n—New. st (stp)—Stamped.
^Negotiability impaired by maturity.
tCompanies reported in receivership.
LONDON. April 12 (JPl.—The stock
market turned weak at the close alter
ihowing considerable strength and ac
tivity in the early part of the session.
Shares of gold mining companies were in
supply and the oil and trans-Atlantic !
sections were mixed. Foreign bonds and
gilt-edged securities remained quiet while !
the Industrial group was firm, especially ;
steels. tobacco, textiles and shipping
, issues.
PARIS —Government bonds and bank
ing shares were heavy today and prac- ,
tically all sections finished lower in the
Bourse Suez Canal iost 550 francs/ and
I Bank of France was 750 francs
" Rentes closed 76 centime* down and f»al 1
f Dutch dropped 6R franc*.
Ily private wire direct to the Star.
Slock »:id Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hllh Low. Close.
Acme W vto (2)_60s 60 49 50
Aero Supply (B)_. 15 5 5
Apia Ansco _ 3 22k* 22k4 22H
Ala Pwr pf (8). — 10* 58 58 68
Alabam Pw pf (7) 10e 74 74 74
Alum'nCoof Am 1000i!58 150 158
Alum Am Pf all84200t 118*4 118k* 118H
Am Alrllnea Inc. 11 25k* 247* 26)4
Am Box B od (1).. 3| 23k* 21*4 23k*
Am Capital (A)._ 19 9 9
Am Capital (B) .. 14 1 1 1
Am CP&L ww2*i. 200« S5V4 35>4 35)4
Am CltP&L B a20e 2 5)4 5k* 6k»
Am Cynam B tfiOo 15 30*4 30)6 30*4
Am Eqit (a22V*e) 1 4k* 41* 4k*
Am A- For Pw ww 1 S'4 8k* 8k*
Am Fork & H (tl) 8 21k* 21 2)
Am GAF (1.401... 9 36*4 36 36k*
Am GAE pf <6) _. 60s 109k* 109k* 109k»
Am Gen C*p Ia50o) 3 10*4 10*4 10**
Am LAT (tl 20)_ 2 20k* 20 20k*
Am L&T pf (I**). 1 28k4 28'4 28H
Am Maracaibo 18 2 lk* Its
Am Meter (b75c). 1 43k* 43 43k*
Am Pot & Ch a2 *4 200s 61 51 51
Am Superpower 28 2 It* It*
Anchor Post F_ 2 4)4 4*4 4k*
Anpostura <V20c) * 7'4 7k4 7)* i
Apex Electric!al) 1 35k* S5k* 85k* ;
Arcturus Radio T. 4 It* F4 It* |
Ark Nat Gas _ 8 9*4 9k* 9k*
Ark NatGcupf.. 2 9 8t* 8k*
Ark Nat Gas (A).. 25 91* 9V* 9k*
Art Met W (80c).. 1 18k* I3k4 l*k*
Ashland OAR T40c 4 7'4 7'» 7k»
AssoG* E (Al 13 8k* 3'4 8k*
Atl Coast Fis b35c 1 1014 10'4 10'4
Atl Coast L.a2 Vi .. f0« 48)* 48V* 48k* !
atlas Corp war 10 3 S 3
Atlas Plyw'd(lV4; 2 28 24k* 25
Austin Silver ... 8 3 2’* S
Auto Products .. 1 7*4 7V* 7*4
Auto Vot Mch 50c 2 101* 10 10k*
Axton-Fisher (A) 10i So 35 35
Babcox & Wll (4) 17a* 1271* 124 1274
Baldw L bd rts(d) 4 24 24 24]
Rardstown Dist 14 4 4
Barium Stain Stl.. 10 54 54 5**
Bell Aircraft_ 3 144 13!* 134
Bellanca Aircraft- 4 74 7** 7**
Berkey&Gay F' Co 12 24 24 24
Berk&GF nur war 1 14 14 14
Bliss Co (E W ) 10 20 20 20
Blue Ridge (bl.'iC) 1 314 34 34
Blue Ridge cv pf 3 1 44 4 44 4 44 4
Blumenthai S_ 3 314 31 81
Bohack(HC) 25* 84 84 84;
Botany Cons (d)-- 1 4 4 4;
Bower Roll B (2) - 8 294 29 294
Bowmn-Bilt 2d pf 1 6 6 6
Brazil TL&P 40c 2 26 25 25
Brid'p’t Mch b23c 3 I84 174 174
Brill Corp (A) 2 13 124 124
Brown Co pf 200» 744 73 73
Brown F&W bl5c 1 114 114 114
Brown F&W (A) 2 1 284 284 284
Bunker H & Sibil 60* 123 123 123
Cable & Wtre(B)_. 2 *» 4 4
Can Indus Alco A. * 6 6 S
Can Marconi 8 24 24 24
| Capital City P 60c l 20 £0 20
! 1'arlb Syndicate .12 2 2
j Carnation Co (1)_. 3 304 £94 304
| Carnegie Metals.., 4 24 24 24 j
I Carrier Corn _ 2 444 424 444 I
Carter (JW) 80c.. 1 104 104 104 j
! Casco Prod b2** S 304 30 304]
iCafllrOnrp (r1"c) 9 8 ’,** 74
j Celanese 1st pf t7. 25* 115 11:14 11,6
i Celluloid Corp 1 12 12 12
Cent & S W Util _ 12 34 34 3*»
I Cent States Elec . 6 IS 14 14
j Cenfrtf Pipe »40e 6 «4 6 fi
j Cherry Burrell (3 26* 82 82 82
Childs Co pf _ 60* (-64 864 864
I Cities Service . 17 4 34 4
I Cities Service pf 4 47 464 47
j Cit Svc T&L f 6 pf 60* 684 68*4 684
Cit Svc P&L S7 pf 60s 714 714 714
Cltv Auto Si rfiOe) 4 11'* 114 n»(
j Clark Controller _ 1 37 37 37 !
ciaurie Neon Lts. 12 3 24 3
i Clev Tractor .. 9 144 144 144
j ciuh Aluminum 2 1"* IS IS j
Cnhn&Rosen a.'iOc 2 74 74 74
I Colon Dev Lin 2 64 64 64
j Colon Dev Ltd A .. 1 44 44 44
[ Colon Dev 6% pf 6 44 44 44 ]
| Colo F’uel&lr war £3 18S 174 1x4
Celts PFA b37’ic 8 704 674 704 j
CoiumO&Ga20c 33 84 84 84)
Com with & S war 16 4 4 4
Community PS tl loo* 28 28 28
Community W S . 1 14 14 14 |
Cons Aircraft 4 26 264 26
Consol Biscuit 60c 1 7'* 74 74
Consol Copper 18 94 94 94
COELt*P Bo 3.60 7 744 73 74
Consol Gas Util 3 2»* 2>» 24
Cons Mln&Sm T2 ICO* 83 83 83
Consol Steel Corp 15 144 1.34 144
Cont’l Roll * S Fy 7 214 2(>?* 214 '
Cooper Bessemer. 1 26 26 26
Cord Corp ... 11 44' 44 44
Corroon & Reyn ._. 8 04 64 64
Coeden Oil Me id) 11 24 24 24
Creole Pe' (a50c). 12 31 304 31
Crocker-Wh alOc. 9 154 16 164 :
Croft Brewing .. 10 4 4 4
Crown Cent Pate 7 24 2 2
Crown C I(A)h50o 1 134 134 134
Crown Dr (b£0c).. 1 * 4 4
Cusl Mex Mining 8 4 4 4
Dayton Rubber 2 27 264 27
Dayton Rub A(b2)160s 324 32 324
Delay Stores t80c 1 14 14 14
Dennison 7% pf _ in* 724 724 “24
Derby Oil & Kef 1 74 7 74
Derby O&R pf a 4.. 25* 79 78 78
Det Gas Pf (1.20). 1 18 18 18
Det Pap Prod t£5e 1 74 74 74
Det Stl Prod b25c_ 2 534 63 53
DomlnS&C(B) . 6 224 22 22
Dow Chem (2.40) . 3 139 1384 139
Driver Harris 14- 2 324 324 324
Eagle Pitcher blOc 6 224 214 22
East’n G&F Asso 26 8 74 8
Estn G&F As pf 3.160* 49 49 49
Flast’n Slates Pwr 2 64 54 64
East'll St Pw (B) 1 71 71 71
Easy W M(B)b25o 1 in** 104 104
Edison Bros Str 1 214 21!* 214
Eisler Elec (a5c)_ 4 3 3 3
Elec Bond & Share 82 £04 194 20
Elec B & S pf (5). 1 68 68 68
Elec B & S pf (6 ) 6 78 774 774
El Pwr Asi A)a25o 3 74 74 74
Electrol Inc v.t.c.. 1 44 44 44
Emp G&F 6% pf 60* 684 684 684
Emp G&F 7% pf.. 50* 714 714 714
Eouity Corp(a25c) 15 24 24 24
Evans Wail Lead 21 2 2 2
Bxcello Air(b20c). 4 244 24 244
Fairchild Av al5c. 6 64 64 64
Falstaff Brewing 2 94 94 94
F’anny Farm C(l). 1 224 224 224
Ferro Enam b25c. 10 364 36 864
Fldello Brewery . S % % %
First N S lstpf 7. 10s 1124 1124 1124
Fisk Rubber .. 13 164 154 I64
F'lsk Rub pf (6)25* 82 82 82
F'la P & L pf_ 260* 46 454 464
Ford Ltd al81-10c 5 74 74 74
Ford (Can) A (1). 5 24 4 23 4 244
Froedt G&M(20c). 3 134 134 134
Gen Alloys 8 4 4 4
Gen Fireprfg h25c 6 204 204 204
Gen Invest Corp 6 14 14 14
Gen Tire & Rub 8 344 834 344
Georgia Pw pf (6) 100* 80 SO 80
Gilbe't (AC)a62 40 1 114 114 114
Glen AldenC (tl) 2 124 124 124
Goldfield Consol_ 6 4 4 4
Gorham (A) _ 1 64 64 64
Gorham pf ww_ 110* 38 38 38
Gorham Mf vtc tl 7 264 26 264
Grand Natl Films 2 24 24 24
Grt A&P Tnvt6 10* 1094 1074 1074
Grt A&PT 1st pf 7 60* 122 4 1224 1224
Great Nor Pap tl. 160* 46 44 44
Greenfield T & D 6 14 14 14
Guardian Invest .14 4 4
Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 28 69 674 69
Hall Lamp (80c)-. 7 6 6 6
Haloid Co (tl)- 1 174 174 174
Hartman Tobaeco 8833
Harvard Brewery. 8 24 24 24
Hazeltine Cb75c . 2 364 164 164
Hearn Dep S bl.65 4 164 164 164
Hecla Min (b20c> 2 184 184 184
Helena Rubenst’n 1 74 74 74
Helena Rub (A) 1 1 104 104 104
Heller pf ww 14 100 * 24 4 24 4 24 4
Hoe&. Co, Inc (A). 6 34 4 884 34 4
Holllnger it65c). 3 134 184 184
Hudson BM&S 11) 11 83 4 82 4 33 4
Humble 011 (14). is 824 81 824
III P & L 6% pi .. 60* 67 67 57
111 Pwr & Lt J6 pf 250* 674 664 664
Imp Oil Ltd t60c 9 224 224 224
Imp To Can b324c 8 14 14 14
Ind n Ter 111 Ol B) 14 4 4
Ind Pipe Line b30c 1 134 134 134
Ins Co of No A t2 100* 664 664 664
Inti Hy El S cv pf 1 33 S3 83
Inti Petrolm tl 4. 8 864 864 364
Inti Petr rgitlVi) 1 36 4 864 884
Inti Produets 1 64 64 64
Inti Safety Raz B. 2 1 1 1
Inti Vltamln(fiOc) 16 6 6
Interst Pi Del )pf. 20* 13»4 18 13»4
Irving Air Ch (1)- 1 15 15 15
Jacobs! FL)Coi 1) 29 154 144 164
Jeanette Glss a60e 2 94 94 #4
JerCent P&L pf 7 10* 97 97 4,97
Jones&Laugb Stl. 7 1114 110 1114
2 :.'10
Stock and Bales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.
Ken KT&L A a7bc 1 22)4 22)4 22)4
Kingston Prod 40c 7 6)4 6k 6)4
Kirkland LO (fie) 8 lk 1*4 lk
Knott Corp (b20c) 1 12)4 12), 12H
Koppers pf (6) _ "6, 107)4 107)4 107)4
Kreuger Brew tl_ £ 17 17 17
Lake Sh M (T4)_ £ 68H 53*4 53k
Lakey Fy & Mach. 4 6*4 6)4 6)4
Leh Coal AN 30c.. 17 9), 8’, Hk
Leonard Oil _ 33 1)4 1)4 lk
Lion OH Ref 41 >_ 12 24k 24 24*4
Locke Stl Ch t80c. 2 17)4 17)4 17)4
Lockheed Aircraft 14 14 ISk 14
Lone Star Oas SOc 6 10k 10k 10k
Long island Ltg— 8 4*4 4)4 4)*
Long 1 L pf A (7) 40s 86)4 86)4 86), ,
Long Isl Lt pf B 6 26s 74k 74t< 74), .
Loudon Packing_ 2 4', 4*. 4k
LaLandMOc) ... 16 12k 12 12k
Lynch Corp (t2)_. 1 39)4 39)4 39),
McCord Rad (B1.. 1 9k 9k «k
McWilliams D (t2 8 32 k 32)4 82k
Mangel Stores 2 8*4 8k 8k
Mangel St pf (5).. 60s 65k 65k 65k
Mapes Cons (2) ... 7 24)4 20)4 24)4
Marlon Steam Sh. 2 16k 16k 16k
Massey Harris 3 13k 13k 13k
Mem Nat G(a60c) 1 5)4 6)4 5)4
Mer & Mfg A b20c 2 5)4 5k 6k
Merritt Chap A S 2 7k 7*4 7k
Mesa hi Iron 5 1)4 1 1
Metal Textile 40c. 1 8k »k 3k
Mex-Ohio Oil ... 2 2H 2)4 2k j
Mich Bumper C_ 2 2k 2k 2k j
Mich Gas A Oil_ 2 8*, 8k 8*„
Mich Sugar _ 1 lk l.k B4
Mich Sugar pf_ 1 7k 7k 7k j
Mid Sts Pet (A) - £ 6)4 5k 5k
Mid-W AhrasalOo 1 4)4 4)4 4k
Midwest Oil (tl). 2 12 Ilk 12 ]
Minn MAM b40c_. 100. 85k 35k 35k j
Mock Judson 60c. 2 13k 13)* 13k
Molvbdenum Corp 6 10), 10)4 10)4
Mont Ward A (7) 90. 143 143 143
Montr HLtAP lk 50, 31 81 31
Moore Dlst ttSOc) 2 5 5 5,
Mount Prod (60c). 4 6k 6*4 6**
Nat Auto (bl) ... 2 34 34 34
Nat Bella Hess_ 9 2*4 2,k 2k
Nat Contain aSOo. 6 12), 12 12V, j
Nat Fuel Gas (1 ). 2 16k 16)4 I6f«
Nat Gyps A a2k ~ 6 76 75 75
Nat Leather 9 lk lk lk
Nat P A Lt pf 16) 60. 80k 80k 80k
Nat Rub Mch a20o 13 * 18)4 17k 18k
Nat Union Radio 3 2** 2k 2k
Navarro Oil b30c.. 8 26k 26 26
Nehl Corp . 1 60k 50k Bft)4
Neisner Br pf (7). 25. 115 115 115
N Kng Pwr Asso.. Mi. 30k 30k 30k
N E TelATel bl k 10, 130 180 130
New Jer Zinc <t2) 100. 84 84 84
Newmont Min b75* 2 119 118 118
N Y Pw&Lt pf (7) 10. 108}* US'* 108k
N Y Steam __ 2 I?k 17k 17k
N Y Tel pf (6k) - 26. 118 117k U7k I
N Y Water Svc pf 40. 49 49 49 j
Nlag Hud Pwr new 16 13k l*k l*k !
Niag Hud 1st (6) 100. 90 90 90
Niles Bm Pnd b50e 1 44 44 44
Ni pissing (50c) _ 1 2k 2k 2*4 j
Noma Elec (b40c) 1 *k 6k 6’,!
North Am LAP 6 4k 4 4k'
North AmLAP pf 100. 86 56 55
No Am Ray A b50c 8 49 47 48k
No Cen Tex O a 15o 2 5 5 6
NortIVn Eurnp Oil 4 *4 *» V
Northsrn P L 75c. 4 10)* 10k 10k j
North States P A. 6 27 24 24k
Ohio Oil eti pf (6). 2 109 H>8k 109
Ohio Pwr pf (6) _ 10, 110 1111 110
Okla Nat Gas pf.. 50. 27k 27k 27k
Oldetyme Distil _ 1 4;, 4", 4?,
Pac G&E 1st (1 k ) 2 30 30 30
Pac Tin spec 112) 100. 46k 46k 46k
Pan-Am Air (tl). 2 66 * (6k 66’,
Pantepec OH _ 42 fik 6k 6*,
Pennroad ia25e) 13 4k 4k 4k ‘
Tenna PAL pf (7). 20. 106*, 105k 105k I
Penn Wat A P (4 ) 3 80k 80 80k
Pepperell Mfg t6. 26. 127k 127k 127k 1
Perfect Circle t2_. 50. 33k 33k 33k!
Phlla EP pf (5).. 25. 33k 33k 33k
I’hoenix Sepur 5 10k 10k 10'4
i Pioneer Gold blOc. 8 6k 51, 6k
j Pitney Bow(t4()c) 2 8 7k 8
' Plttshgh Forging 2 24k 23k 24'*
Pitts Plate G (bl) 3 135 132'k 135
Potrero Suxar 3 3k 3k 3t*
Powdrell&AI t6tlc 12 12k >2 12
Pratt A Lamb (a2 1 35 35 35
Premier Gold t ] 2o 1 2k 2k 2k
Prosoerlty B al k * 14k 13), 14k
Prudent'l Inv a50c 1 13k 13k 13k
Pub Sve Ind or ot 100, 58 58 58
Put Sd P&L pf b5 160, 73 72k 73
Pug Sd T&L 16 pf 100. 37k 37k 87k
Raym’d Cone (tl) 100, S6H 85 85
Reiter-Foster 2 lk lk lk
Reybarn Co a25c.. 8 6k 6 5
Reynolds Invest.. 3 2 1)4 2
I Rlchm’d Radiator. 3 S'i 6 f
Roosevelt Field .. 1 2V* 2'i 2*4
Root Petrolm(l)_ 2 8k 8k 8k
Rossla Inti Corp_ 6 k k k
Rustless Ir&Stl_ 2 15k 15 15k
St Antbonv Gold.. 2 k '< k '
St Regis Paper .. 76 11 in', 10k I
Savov OH 1 8k 3*4 8*4
Scrant S B Wat pf 25. 64 54 54
Segal Lock & H 3 8k 3 3
Selberllng Rubber 6 8k 7li 8k
Selected Indus 4 3*4 3k B*4
Sel Ind all cfs 6 k 50, 101 101 101
Sel Ind pr pf '5 k ) 100, 98'* 98 98'* j
Sent Saf Control ..2 ", ", ", ;
Seton Leath a50c_ 1 10'4 10k 10k
Seversky Aircraft 8 SH 6 Sk i
Shartuck Den 3)ln 21 20)4 19k 20)* I
Sherwin Will (4) 260, 135k 134 185 j
Shrev-El Dor FAL 1 *4 )4 k
Singer Mfg (tR> _ 10, 306 305 80S
Solar Mfg (a40c)_ 1 6', 6*4 «k
Sonctone C (alOc) 7 1** 1*4 1*4;
Soss Mfg (a25c).. 1 7k 7k 7k1
So Penn Oil!tlk) 1 42 42 42
SoCal Ed pt pf 1 k 20, 37 37 37
So Cs 1 Ed pf B 1 k 3 27*4 27*4 27**
South’n Colo PA 1 6)4 6)4 6*4
Southn Onion Gas 14 4 4
Southl’d Roy blftc. 8 9*4 9k 9*4 ’
Spencer Ch S b75c 6 Ilk Ilk Ilk
Stand Brewing 5 k )4 k
Stand Dredging 4 5k 5 5
Stand Oil Ky (tl). 7 20 19*4 20
Stand Oil Ohio tl. 2 40 40 40
Stand Oil Oh pf 6. 150. 105 105 105
Stand Pwr A Lt 8 4!4 4*4 4*4
Stand Prod <b25c) 2 19 I8J4 18k
Stand SllALd (4c) 71 H k k
Starrett Corp vtc. 3 8k 8k 8',* 1
Sterchl Bros a30e 4 9*4 9*4 9)4 1
Sterchl Bros 1st 3 100, 37 37 37
Sterchl B 2d b25c. 100, 13k 13k 13k
Sterl Alum Pa 75c 1 10k ink 10k
Sterling. Inc(20c) 4 6k 5*4 6)4
Stroock & Co a2k 2 27k 27'4 27'*
Stutz Motor 3 k % H
Sunray Oil (alOc) 8 4k 4k 4*4
Sunr’v O cu pf 2 k 1 46k 46k 46k
Sunshine Min (8) 2 18k 18H IRk
Superior Port C B 25, IS 18 18
Swiss-Am Elec pf 100, 114 113k 114
raggart corp _ i 144 144 144
Tampa El (2.24).. 1 364 86*4 364
Taylor Dlst (30c). 6 44 44 44
Tastyeast(Del )A. * 14 14 14
Technicolor a50e_ 2 204 204 204
Tech Hughes t40o 4 54 54 54
Tex P & L pf (7).. 10s 107 107 107
Texon Oil & L 60c 1 64 64 64
Thew Shovel a50c 275« 624 624 624
Tlshman R & C IS 3 8
Tob Prod Exp 16c 3 34 34 34
Todd Shipyd (+ 2) 260s 684 664 684
Tonopah Relmont. 4 4 4 4
Tr-Lux DPS »20o. 8 44 44 44
Transwest Oil Co. 8 15 124 124
Trl-Contl C war 4 24 24 24
Tublze ChatillJon. 2 274 26 274
rung-Sol Lamp n. 1 74 74 74
Tung-Sol L pf 80c 1 12 12 12
Unexcelled Mfg_ 1 24 24 24
Unit Air war _ 1 22 22 22
Unit Chemical_ 1 #4 94 94
United Corp war.. 6 14 14 14 !
Unit Gas Corp — 115 114 10 114
Utd Gas war_ 4 24 24 24
Unit Lt & Pw (A). 26 74 64 74
Unit Shipyas B_ X 34 84 84
Unit Shoe M t24. 26s 87 87 87
U S Foil (B) (1).. 9 15 144 144
U S Lines pf ... 5 34 84 34
U S Rub Reclaim. 2 94 9 94
U S Stores ... 26 4 4 4
Unit Verde Ex (1) 4 34 34 34
Unit Wall PaDer 18 54 6 5
Univ Cons Oll(al) 1 16 16 16
Univ Corp'n v.t.c.. 4 8 74 74
Utica G&E pf (7) 10s 100 100 100
Utilities P & L (d) 6 4 4 4
Util P& L B (d»— 2 84 34 34
Util P& Lpf (d).100t I84 18 18
Utility Ed pf b44 26s 80 80 80
Utilities Indust’l. 1 14 14 14
Utility* Indus pf. 5 44 44 44
Venezuela Petrol. 3 21 244 244
Walker Minina . 2 344 844 844
Wayne Knit Mills. 2 746 744 7 44
Wayne Pump (BUo 7 4244 4 1 44 4244
Well'fn Oil of Del 6 1246 H 44 1244
Wentworth Mfg n. 14 744 744 744
W Va Coal & Coke 7 546 4H 6
Weatn A E <a25c> 1 1046 1046 1046
Western Auto Sup 8 29*4 28*6 2946
West Tex Ut pf<6) 50i 90 8944 *»44
Wil-low Cafeteria 2 46 46 46
Wil-low Cafe pf .. 1 440 4*6 44i
Wolverine Port C- 1 644 644 644
EARNS $16,728,329
1936 Net Compares With
$12,601,958 Recorded in
Previous Year.
Ey the Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 12.—Consoli
dated Oil Corp. reported for 1936 net
profit of $16,728,929, compared with
$12,601,958 in 1935, a gain of 48 per
This was equal after preferred divi
dend to $1.15 a common share, com
pared with 79 cents a share in 1935.
Accompanying the pamphlet report
was a notice to stockholders they j
would be asked to approve at the (
annual meeting authorization of a j
debenture issue of $50,000,000 far ]
capital needs. They will also be asked
to vote on the proposal to redeem the j
outstanding 56,592 shares of $5 pre- !
ferred stock.
Interstate Department.
Interstate Department Stores, Inc., i
reported for 1936 consolidated net. j
income of $882,002, equal after pre- j
ferred dividends to $3.22 a common j
share This compared with $442,438,
or $1.24 a common share, in 1935.
The company's operations are in the
Middle West and East.
United Biscuit Co.
United Biscuit Co., with Nation
wide bulk and package distribution,
reported consolidated net profit for
the year ended December 31 of $1,
180,776 after all charges, equal after
preferred dividends to $2.39 a share
on the common stock. The compara
tive figures for 1935 were $895,498.
or $1.74 a share.
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, pro
ducers of business and industrial j
magazines, in its pamphlet report to
day reported 1936 net income of $954,- j
660. equal after surtax on undivided J
profits to $1.65 a common share This |
compared with $609,691, or $1.05 a :
share, in 1935.
_ 1
By me Assotu teo Press.
LONDON, April 12—The United
States dollar improved in the foreign
exchange market today, gaining 3/16 '
cent and closing at 4.39 13 16 to the!
pound. Saturday's closing New York
rate was $4 89V
French francs eased to 109.70 to !
the pound, compared with 109.31 Sat
FARIS. April 12 </P).—Three per
! cent rentes. 67 francs 70 centimes: 4';
! per rent rentes, 71 70.
Exchange on London. 109.65. The
dollar was quoted at 22.38.
Washington Exchange
Rral Estate Mt*r & Guar, pfd —inn
at 5’4. 100 at 5j4. mo at 5'4, inn at j
5'4. 100 at 5>4. 100 at 5>4, 100 at
5>4. 100 at 5'4.
Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 93.
Bid and Asked Prices.
. _ _ Rid. Asked
Amer Tel A Tel. 4*2s H»6
Anacostia A Pot. 5s ',6 77%.
, Ana. A Pol Guar. 5g 1 <#K
C. A P Tel. of Va 5s 103
Capital Traction R R. 5a 92% 93%
City A Suburban 5s *;> J
Georgetown Gas 1st os J ] :i J21
Pot. Elec. Pow :t'is «*«i%
Wash. Gas 5s 1 !*=>S “ 105%
Wash. Gas 5s l?u;<» 11; * ]lb'3
Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s jno 106*2
Col. Country Club. 5%s ]05
W. M. Cold Storage 0* loo I
; Amer. Tel. A Tel. <9) _ *168
Capital Transit Co. 14 14%
N. A W. Steamboat <6* lio
Pot Elec. Pow n\ pfd. <6* 112%
Po. El. Po o'j'r nf (5 50) 112 115
Wash. Gas Li Co. <3.60* mi 83%
Wash. Ry. A El. com. 136) 725
Wash. Ry A Ei. pfd. (5* 108
Amrr. Sec A Tr. Co. <eS) _ 295 305
Bank, of Bethesda <n.15> 34
I Camtal «4 » 137
Com. A Savings <10) 210
Liberty <4< _ 150 3 60
Lincoln (fo 25* . 200
Natl. Savings A Trust 160 180
, Pr. Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50) 18 21
Riggs (eb» *328 350
Riggs Dfd. (5) 101
Washington (6) _ 130
Wash. Loan A Trust (eS) 292 300
American <6> _ 100 _
Corcoran (5) 125 _
Firemen's <1.60) __ 29 _
National Union (.60) _ 16 _
Columbia ( 30) 15 16%
Real Estate <6) 150 _
I Carpel Com (2.00* _ *22 26
Lan.ston Monotype (M) 95 105
Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00* 46% 48
Peoples DrugS. com. < + 1.00) 54 08%
Peoples Drug S. pfd (6.50* 112
Rea] Est. M. AG pfd (••.70) 5% 5%
Security Storage (5), 120 125
Ter. Ref. A Wh. Corp. <3> 60
Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.60) 60 68
Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. 112 125
•Ex dividend.
+Plus extras,
e—2*7 extra,
f—3 %% extra,
h—75c extra
••25c paid June 30. 1936; 45o bald
Dec. 22. 1936.
NEW YORK. April 12.—Dividends de
clared ;
Pf- Stk. of Pay
Rate. nod. record, able.
Fidelity Fund 25c 4-20 5-1
Neisner Bros pf $1.75 Q 4-15 5-1
Pfeiffer Brewing 30c Q 5-15 5-25
Roxboro Knitting pf 8c Q 5-15 6-1
CHICAGO. April 12 (/Pi.— (United States
Department of Agriculture).—Hogs. 18,
ooo including 5.000 direct: few sales early
steady, but general market around 10
lower than Friday’s average: top. 10.20.
but little above 10.10: bulk good and
choice 200-300 pounds. 9.85-10.05; 150
190 pounds 9.25-10.00; most good pack
ing sows 9.40-9.65.
Cattle 12.000: calves 1.500: largely
steer run: short-fed light offerings pre
dominating: undertone weak to 25 lower
on such offerings, only strictly good to
prime steers largely weighty kinds holding
up: these strong: prospects new high top.
16.50 or better: only a few loads well fin
ished light and weighty steers in crop,
these selling at 3 5.00 upward; others 9.00
12.00 mostly: all she stock firm, fairly
active: bulls strong to 10 higher: sausage
offerings 6.75 down: vealers steady to
weak at 6.50-8.00 on light kinds, with
throwouts down to 5.00 and below, only
choice shipper and small killer weighty
vealers selling at 9.00-9.50.
Sheep 13.000. Including 3 000 direct;
fat lambs mostly 25-40 higher: strictly
good and choice w’ooled lambs 12.40-12.65:
top. 12.75 to shippers; choice clipped
lamps. 10.60-10 75 to packers and ship
pers: sheep firm; most wooled ewes 6.50
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. rflose
Wriwbt Hare t40o 4 7H 7H 7H
Yfratn Stl Door(2) * 7* 72H 7*
Yukon Gold (al Sc) S m
Dividend rates In dollars based an last
quarterly or semi-annual oayment. tAn
nual rate—not Including extras. tAc
cumulated dividends a Paid last year,
b Paid this vear d Companies reported as
being In bankruptcy or In receivership, or
being reorganised under t,he bankruptcy
act. or securities assumed* by such com
— ..^ '
How Much Do the Families of Each
State Spend for Groceries and Meats?
Par Family brpanditurat at Groeury Storat (Without Maatt). Combination Storat (With
and Without Maatt) and Mu at Marfcatt in 1935
felt Ada
B$300.r>d Ov«,
HJ $2504300
fill $2004250
IQ] $1504200
For Leading Cities
Washington, D. C.. $474.74
Boston. 345.71
Pittsburgh. 332.03
Milwaukee. 314.44
Buffalo. 310.45
New York. 303.48
Baltimore. 278.95
San Francisco .... 277.45
Los Angeles. 25719
Philadelphia. 250.91
Detroit. 233.22
Exchange President and Benjamin
Brinton, Treasurer, Named
by Committee.
By the Associate 6 P:ess.
NEW YORK, April 13.—Charles R
Gay, president of the New York Stock
Exchange, and Benjamin H Brinton,
treasurer, were renominated today for
one-year terms by the Nominating
Committee of the exchange. Elec
tions will be held May 10 and nomi
nations by petition may be made any
time within the next two weeks.
Of the retiring 12 members of the
Governing Committee Harry H. Moore.
Walter L. Johnson. Edward T. H
Talmadge and Robert Vose White
were renominated Other nominations
included Alpheus C. Beane, E Burd
Grubb, former president of the New
York Curb Exchange; Charles B
Harding Frank R Hope, John \
Rutherford. Jacob C Stone. Robert I
F. Whitmer. Jr. and Thomas H Gam- 1
Governors whose terms expire and
who were not renominatfd included
Dr Herman B Baruch. Harold Hart
shorne. Louis E Hatzfeld, Peter J
Maloney. Charles M Newcomb. Joseph
H Seaman. George m. Sidenburg and j
Alexander C. Yarnall.
BJ the Associated Press.
NEW YORK April 12 —Cotton was
heavy today under continued liquida
tion and Wall Street selling, with de
mand limited principally to trade i
covering and a scale down.
The action of other markets and
continued nervousness over the price
situation accounted for the selling
the market eased to new lows for the
movement with near months more ,
I than a cent a pound under recent
July sold off from 13.87 to 13.57 '
and in midafternoon was quoted at
13.64 when prices generally show ed net
losses of 14 to 18 points.
Future.' closed steady. I to 4 lower.
High Lou Clo^e. 1
May 13 98 13 67 13 vf*
July 13 81 13.51 13.78
October 13 43 1.316 13 34-35
December 13 33 13.01 13 21
January 13 34 13 io 13 28
March 13 37 13 lx 13.33
Spot quiet; middling 14 49.
New Orleans Prices.
NEW ORLEANS. April 12 - Pi.— A bet
ter tone to foreign markets lifted domestic
cotton prices 2 to 4 points in early dealings
at New Orleans today
Liverpool apparently taking a more
optimistic attitude regarding the immediate
price outlook for cotton, reported a good
trade offtake
At New Orleans May nppr.Al 4 points
higher at 13 81, July gained 4 points to
13.14 and October at 13 4»i. and Decem
ber. at 13.43. also showed nominal ad
The trade was the principal buyer The
decline in sales of loan cotton has brought
hedgincs almost to a halt
Weather over the week end was better
for planting
Cottonseed oil futures closed steady.
May. 10 30b: July. 10.37b: September.
10.39b; October. J0l9b. b—Bid.
NEW YORK April 12 1.4’ —Federal
LJnd Bank bonds
4'.s Nov.. it>5b-:is ini', ms
4>.s May, 1957-37 inn1. ]1111-v,
4s May. 195R-3S ... 102»» ]«•:»,
4s Nov., 1957-37 1 n 1 a* ini’,
♦ a July. 194H-44 nib’s 107 4
3'.s May. 1955-45 1 lliiv, ]01
3s July. 1955-45 99'. 994
3s Jan . 1956-46 99', 994
3s May. 1956-46 99', 09Vj
NEW YORK. April 12 OV—Foreign ex
change mixed Great Britain in dollars
, others in cents. Great Britain, demand
| 4.807r: cables. 4.89T« 60-day bills. 4.89**:
1 France demand. 4 46>2: cables 4.461*;
Italy demand. 5 26>4: cables 6.26 V4
Demands—Belgium 16.85: Germany
free. 40 20: registered. 19.90 travel 23 15
Holland 54.72 Norway. 24 62 Sweden
25.27: Denmark. 21 88. Finland 2.16'2:
Switzerland. 22.76: Spain, unauoted: Por
tugal. 4.46: Greece. .90* 2: Poland. 19.on
Czechoslovakia 3 49: Yugoslavia 2 34;
Austria 18.T3n: Hungary. 19.80: Rumania
.75: Argentina. 32.7Mn: Brazil. 8.80»4n.
Tokio. 28 56: Shanghai 29.85: Hongkong
30.51; Mexico City. 27.85 Montreal in
New York 100.09**; New York in Mon
treal. 99.90s*.
NEW YORK April 12 OPt.—Copper,
steady, electrolytic spot and future. 15 50:
export. 15.16. Tin. easier; spot and
nearby. 60.00-60.1212: future 59.50-62'y.
Lead steady, spot New York. 6.00-6 0.6:
East St Louis. 5.85. Zinc, steady. East
St Louis spot and future. 7.00. Iron,
steady; No. 2 f.o.b. Eastern Pennsylvania.
25.00: Buffalo. 24 00: Alabama. 20.00.
Aluminum 20.00-21.00. Antimony, spot.
17.00. Quicksilver 93.00-95.00. Plati
num. 58.00. Wolframite. 21.76.
BOSTON. April 1C (U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture).—The market was
quiet on domestic wools today.
Inquiries received from mills were
mostly for small quantities of spot wool
for immediate requirements. Buyers
showed little interest in anticipating re
Despite the quiet tone quotations on
spot wools and reshearing contracts were
steady to firm.
NEW YORK. April 12 (/P\.—Call monpy
steady: 1 per cent all day. Prime com
mercial paper. 1 per cent. Time loans
steady; KO-PO days. 1 V\: 4-ft months. 11 ?
per cent. Bankers' acceptances un
changed; 30 days. HiiV. fiO days. Sa,V
4 months, 3« a \: 5-fi months. %aV Re
discount rate New York Reserve Bank, 1V2
per cent.
NEW YORK, April 12 (/P).—'The vis
ible supply of American grain shows
the following changes in bushels:
Wheat decreased 1,163,000, corn de
creased 1,054,000; oats decreased 1,
472,000; rye decreased 103,000; barley
decreased 698,000.
NEW YORK, April 12 OP).—Pacific
Power & Light Co. declared a dividend
of *1.75 on the 7 per cent preferred
stock and *1.50 on *6 preferred, on ac
count of accumulation*, both payable
May 1 to stock of record April 17.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK. April 12—For the
month of March, Associated Gas &
Electric System reports net electric
output of 386,356,000 units (kilowatts).
This is an increase of 59.761.485 units,
or 18.3 per cent above the production
of March, 1936.
Output for the 12 months ended
March 31 increased 519.382.566 units
to 4.344.166.278 units, or 13.6 per cent
higher than the previous 12-month
Gross output, including sales to other
utilities, was up 18.9 per cent to 414 -
555.622 units for March and up 12
per cent to 4.795.060.641 units for the
12-month period.
By toe Associated Press.
NEW YORK, April 12.—February
employment in the steel industry
rose to a new high figure of 556.000.
an increase of 23 per cent over
January and 98 000 above the 1929
peak, the American Iron Ar Steel
Institute reported today. Fay rolls
amounted to *74.278.000. against $76.
423 000 in January and $50 250.000
in February, 1936.
NEW YORK. April 12 (Special).—
Announcement tray made Saturday by
officials of the Lockheed Aircraft
Corp. of an order from the United
States Navy Department for four
Lockheed "1? transports Cost of
the ships is estimated at $205,513. N’e
gotiations are under way for a fifth
plane, which if consummated, will
raise the figure to a total of $258,000.
NEW YORK, April 12 (/P) —Sale*
of prime Western zinc in March for
March delivery totaled 4,935 tons at
an average price at East St. Louis
of 7.30 cents a pound, the American
Zinc Institute reported. Futures sales
totaled 21,336 tons, with the average
price 7.45 cents.
Retail Lineage Climbs 7 Per
Cent Above 1936 in
Major Cities.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
CHICAGO April 12.—The volume
of advertising placed by retailers in
the newspapers of 77 major cities this
year through April 3 was 17.097.943
lines greater than that placed in the
same cities during the corresponding
period of 1936, Advertising Age re
ported today.
Total retail advertising volume in
those cities during that period was
259,907,229 lines, compared with 242.
809.280 lines last year, a gain of 17,
097.949 lines, or 7 per cent.
For the seven-day period ended
April 3 retail display advertising in
the measured cities totaled 20,957,678
lines, against 22.605,808 lines m the
oompai-able week of last year, a loss
of 1,648 130 lines, or 7 3 per cent.
This loss was to be expected, the
advertising publication says, because
Easter’s early arrival this year already
has shown its effect on retail trade,
whereas it will t>e two weeks before
1937 passes the comparable period in
which Easter fell last year.
'Rerur'eo b.v Chas D Barney 61 Co )
Rate—Maturity Bid. OCer
3 April 15. ■; ’ loo
• P« Sent. 15. 57 101 8-32 l n i io-o •
2s* Feb 1 38 lot 18-32 loi 20- , j
3 Mai 15 :;h 102 5-3° 1 "2 7-32
:7* June 15 in*: 11-32 in-’ 13-52
2’a Sept. 15 .18 Ht3 5-32 102 7-3**
I1- Mar 15. 30 100 11-32 100 13-3*’
21* June 15 30 loi 17-32 101 13-32
P* Dec. 15 30 00 30-32 100
1*« Mar 15 40 J003-.32 100 5-3°
I'j June 15. 40 00 17-32 00 73-'*.’
1*2 Dec. 15. 40 00 10-32 00 12-3°
1 ’. Mai 15 4 1 00 0-32 00 8-3"
! June 15 4 1 1*8 18-32 08 20-32
J 14 Dec 15 4 1 07 30-52 OR 2-32
VOUR money eorns 5 1 2 ■ c on this
sound security. Only o limited
number of these desirable notes
obtainable — denominations are
from $500 to $1,000.
_ _ ^ ★
Shannon & luchS]
Member- In,,,lire 1505 H Sf. NW
ol Reel T.,,e<e .. .
Mcncoement NAnOflw
These are some of our
Best Advertisements
They are all over town—in countless Homes and
offices—in restaurants, theatres and shops—on the
streets,in the parks—riding,driving,walking,working.
Yes — some of our finest advertisements are the peo
ple who bank here —the more than seventy thousand
men and women who look upon the American Secur
ity as their banking headquarters.
These depositors tell their friends about the bank;
those friends open accounts here and become our
friends, too — and so the circle goes on widening.
If you are looking for a bank where you can count
on efficient, friendly service, from one year's end to
another, come in and talk with one of our officers.
Largest Capital and Surplus of any Washtngton Trust Company
Main Office: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania ave.
7th and Massachusetts Ave., N. W. Seventh and E Streets, S. W.
Eighth and H Streets, N. E. 1140 Fifteenth Street, N. V.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System