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LEWIS MAKES PLEA FORDEMOCRACV ‘At Lowest Ebb in 50 Years/ Senator Declares in Radio Forum. Declaring democracy to be "at the lowest ebb it has been for 50 years,” Senator J. Hamilton Lewis, Democrat, of Illinois appealed to the people of this Nation last night “to conjoin with any undertaking under estab lished constitution with such nations of the world who are struggling to preserve on our basis a democracy of the people.” "Let us extend our hand of aid,” he continued, “and assure these nations of our co-operation in behalf of con stitutional principles of democratic republics.” The colorful senatorial veteran spoke in the National Radio Forum, sponsored by The Evening Star and broadcast over a Nation-wide hook-up of the National Broadcasting Co. Text of Lewis’ Talk. The text of Senator Lewis’ address follows: I answer the query, "Where stands America at this world crisis in democ racy.” We ask. what is this crisis. Let us plainly answer it is, that in the whole world, democracy—which is govern ment by the will of the people, and the rule of government by voice of its people—is at the lowest ebb it has been for 50 years. Not since the war be tween the American States has de mocracy been so rejected. Nations which once boasted that they had by revolution wrenched themselves from the government of kings, and by war overthrown the oppression, have now turned to re establish kings and with an embrace of devotion surrendered in servile obedience. This they have evidenced to the whole earth in actions barbaric upon nations and murderous upon people. We have the fulfillment of de scription by Byron: first ireedom, then glory. With that past Avarice, corruption, barbarism at last, And all of history’s volumes vast Hath writ one page.” Nations which for a generation ex horted the world to support them in their declared democracy are now repudiating it all. These now choose to publicly proclaim their adoption of the tyranny of tyrants and th£ir ap proving the dictation of dictators. Toys of Temptation. History records that multiplied mankind of organized society was first seduced to give in to imperial power for the promise of benefits, these benefits being rewards in money worth. Later they were allured by the prize of privileges and honors con ferred. These toys of temptation were to compensate for the surrender of democracy, and pay for the abolish ment of free government directed from the mind and speaking the human needs. All these who now compromised their principles at first denounced the slavery of intellect as humiliation. They cried out for civilization to sup port their aspiration and to destroy the oppression that took from them the freedom of life. The poet, Pope, translates the Odys sey of Homer, saying: “Jove fixed it certain, that whatever day Makes man a slave, takes half his worth away.” Here we summon you to know' that In government of men in the area of freedom there are two agencies that ever conspire to overcome the will and make the slave. First, the tyranny of masters in the administra tion by dictators. To one form of united power people yield through fear or weakness. The other, dissolu tion of popular will is by seduction of the masses through the promise of profit and assurance of pow'er to be enjoyed. It is these that bring humble citizens to denounce and declare as their enemy of property or privileges enjoyed by others. When the criminal masters of au thority have absorbed the products of farm and factory and withered by oppression the trade or commerce, they educate the sufferers to organize against each other and become the mass moo oi me Highways. Tyranny of Mob Excells. No tyranny can excell that of the mob, none so subject to the conspiring oppressor or demagogue as the aroused masses. This it is which surrenders 0 So convenient—just a minute from the Pennsylvania Station to New York’s No. 1 hotel—the Pennsylvania. And so thrilling! New smartness glamour in lobby, restaurants, lounges and bedrooms... designed by today’s foremost artisans. No hotel like it in New / ROOMS York! SENATOR J. HAMILTON LEWIS OF ILLINOIS. _ —Star Staff Photo. to the call to loot, then to seize and to hold by power of numbers all things accessible of value. There is no difference in the effects of tyranny from that of the masters of oppression through military or financial power and that of the mob that shouts the crowd to overcome peace and shatter order that property may be seized and the rights of man in civilization destroyed. We summon you to note that this defined program describes the state of the countries of the world now dominated by military or political tyranny. Note Spain, the first land to civilize races by the influence of the cross of Christ; Italy, the home of classic culture for freedom and re ligion; Germany, the people of phil osophy and faith in man. All these melting in the heat, forged by inferior rulers. Russia, experimenting with the teaching to deny God and to destroy free will in individual man. From this depth of dissolution, lift up your gaze and behold America thi^ is the one country free and now wholly protected against the ravaging ad vance of enemies trampling down democracy. W1U We Fortify Toilers? Question for you is, how long will you maintain your people in the liberties of life and the blessings of nature? Will you carry your country on that it may further realize the purpose of the fathers who sacrificed all of possession and life to found for you this Republic as a nation in the spirit of democracy? In reply your first consideration must be, will we strengthen and fortify our toilers against being seduced by conspiracy into an army of revolt against pros perity and thus invited by the de ceiving promise of possession of that they assail? Will our producers who create by industry and genius allow themselves to become the victim* of the rule of ruin proclaimed by manipulating de ceivers who poison the trusting with the delusion that by lawless invasion the offenders become masters? Will our proprietors of property and industrial kings apply justice between themselves and draw the toilers and the brethren of power to a common cause that protects the poor and needy, feeds and preserves the hungry and helpless? Will these favored ones, seeing the need of just distribution of possession, obey the instinct to charity and win the confi dence of their fellow mankind by pn I Cut to Wanted Sizes ■ at No Extra Cost Here’s a service rendered »t J. Frank Kelley that saves yon time and money. We'll ent year limber !j^B in oar mill to wanted aisea at ne I^B extra eost. ■ Jast tell ns what kind ef tanker need—and the siae yon want it—we’ll do the rest. nB We’ll deliver free of eharre. H Lnmber prices are Increasing '1111 Repair and remodel now—yon can make real savinrs. H Get oar free estimates. B FREE DELIVERY B J. FRANK If ELLY Sudden Service |H m Lumber and Millwork B 2121 G«. At*. _^ NOrth 1341 administering its blessings? Will these of fortunate station in life encourage the affections of their lesser associ ates by making equals of them? And through all of these avenues of co operation, inspire the citizenship to the patriotism that will keep America the first democrocy of the world— truly the land of the free and the home of the brave. We ask, is not the hour upon us when our Americans shall announce to the earth that we will not be beguiled by political favor or the promise of lawless profit to yield up our composure and sacrifice the se curity we enjoy under peace, religion and liberty? Learn From Impositions. Let us learn from the Impositions inflicted on the nations overcome by the forces of confiscation and slaughter to be on guard. Let us keep free from that road that sends us to the Gehenna of tyranny or to the abyss of communism. Our course is directed to be one of Justice and brotherhood. Through this inspira tion let us feel free to conjoin with any undertaking under established constitution with such nations of the world who are struggling to preserve on our basis a democracy of the people. Let us extend our hand of aid end assure these nations of our co operation in behalf of constitutional principles of democratic republics. Let us defy the nations or masters who threaten to induce America to forfeit her independence and superiority, and let us fight the weakness that would bring us to descend to the obedience of the orders of despots, nor permit ourselves to be flattered to our de struction under the propaganda from the official quarters of European die tators announcing that the destruction of democracy will save the expense and burden of elections and relieve the nation of legislature of states and nation. We call to all to view our situation. Behold the peace that Don’t WISH for Hair Like Mine HAVE l You’re never going to know whether your falling hair can be stopped and a new growth started until you consult someone who, 1st—Recognizes conditions. 2nd—Knows how to correct them. 3rd—Knows how to revive the dor mant tissues on which hair growth depends. I offer you years of experience, plus a sound scientific background . . . the moet modem and effective equipment and a sincere desire to serve you. If they are of value to you . . . and they have proved to be of value to thousands ... I invite you to come in for consultation. If I can help you, I shall. If I can't . . . and I find cases that I can do nothing for I shall tell you so, frankly. A Consultation Costs You Nothing and Doesn't Obligate You in Any Way F. D. Johnson Scalp Specialist 1050-53 SHoreham Bldg. Phone NA. 6081 HOURS—B A.M.-T F.M. Sat., TUI I FJM. blesses us, the prosperity that en riches us, the brotherhood and affec tions among the citizenship under our free government. Behold bur financial supremacy. Feel the pride of our exalted credit before the world and note that American Institutions of justice and righteousness are being copied as the symbol of perfection in government wherever democracy holds the confidence and support of man kind. Shall we surrender all this to the madness of master? We answer— Never, and surely never so long as we have faith in ourselves. "Which Way, Peter?” As txamjfle for our inspiration, let us vision the sacred instance where along the Via Doloroaa at Rome one sees the imprint of the human foot on the marble plaque. It is reported that this is the mold from the tread of the Holy Redeemer. We are told that from here He beheld the fleeing figure of his once disciple. To this escaping form Christ cries out: “Quo i-vadis, Dominie” — “Which way, Peter?” Then it was that this great apostle, recalling his sense of duty and prompted by his conscience, turns to pledge from his soul his devotion 1 to the sublime cause of his Celestial Master. He no longer races to the temple of the tyrant—the Ceasars— or takes refuge in the mad circles of the multitude. He rejoins himself to the great undertaking of the Immortal Leader. Prom thence arises the new Peter and what he represents in hu manity, Christianity and justice. As a monument to this victory of self there arises a great temple in the Eternal City—St. Peter’s of Rome. Today we rededicate ouselves to the endowments of our Constitution and pledge our existence to the deathless life of a just democracy. Through this, we command justice to our fellow men and enforce righteousness to America. We stand fixed in the vow for a free government for free men. We summon all mankind of oppressed lands to look to us; we Invite all nations to follow us that in one union of purpose we be for liberty, for democracy, for God and country. WONDER SPOTS Hi i 1" i * • . .TWO WEEKS IS TIME ENOUGH ... ALL SUMMER NOT TOO LONG /. -/V Glorious Glacier offers you the wildest confusion of moun V ta'n grandeur on the continent. Its 60 living glaciers, countless alpine lakes, roaring rivers of snow water and towering peaks make it the goal of world travelers. Magic Yellowstone, unique for its roaring geysers, boiling pools, mud volcanoes, colorful canyon, marvelous waterfall, abundant wild life, spectacular Cody Road—an endless variety of thrills. Cool Colorado in the heart of a refreshing mountain world where the Rockies reach their scenic climax. And now, the thrill of riding on the new 12-Car DENVER ZEPHYR speeding between Chicago and Denver, just overnight —every night. Economy Ticket Costs Surprisingly Little One Burlington ticket provides air-conditioned transportation to America’s 3 greatest summer playgrounds at a surprisingly low cost and here is why: You start with the low, round trip summer vacation fare to Glacier —only $48.20 from Chicago. You go to Glacier by way of Colorado—at no extra rail fare, with a trip from Denver to Colorado Springs and return free for the asking. And for only two or three dollars added to the cost of your Glacier ticket, you can go to the Cody, Red Lodge or Gardiner gateways of Yellowstone. En route between Glacier, Yellowstone and Colorado you may travel alongside the Black Hills of South Dakota. And you may stop off for a 2-day all-expense motor tour through this pictur esque country for only $24.75. All railroad agents know about this outstanding Burlington %. Vacation bargain. Ask any of them or mail the coupon today. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY F. F. CRABBE General Agent, Burlington Route Dept. WS-1, 309 Woodward Bldg., Washington Phone: National 333S Send me free illustrated booklets, rates and information about vacations in □ Colorado O Yellowstone Q Glacier □ All three. Check Booklets Wanted. Name. _ ... ..................... Street It Number........ City...State. □ Check here if mtereeted in All-expense Escorted Tour V A MAN can cook and not be a sissy, but he can’t drink sweet beer and get away with it. Not with real beer drinkers. That’s why the little cook is being kidded by the big fellow. He knows his beer and he knows that Gunther’s is a good, dry, beery beer like the brews he used to get in the old country. The taste for sweet beers is left over from the days of home brew and "needle” beer. But in the old country good beer has always been the dry, beery kind.'* ^ And that’s why Gunther’s—the dry beery beer—is the leading seller in Washington and Maryland com bined. And another thing. Real beer drinkers prefer a beer like Gunther’s because it’s not heavy in body, but light and tangy—the kind that doesn’t "fill you up.” You can drink more of it without spoiling your appe tite for food. It never leaves you feeling dull or heavy the way the sweet prohibition brews did. Take the advice of a real beer drinker; Switch to a dry, beery beer. Try a glass of Gunther’s and learn what satisfaction a real beer can give; **