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BUILDING GROUP RE-ELECTS CHIEF Isaac Nordlinger Named Citizens’ Equitable Head for Fifth Time. BY EDWARD C. STONE. ' For the fifth time Isaac B. Nord linger was elected president of the Citizens’ Equitable Building Associa tion, of Georgetown, at the annual __ meeting held at 1207 Wlsco n s i n avenue, last night. Mr. Nordlinger was a merchant in Georgetown for about 50 years and since retiring from the shoe business has given all his time to the building and loan association. Other officers elected in clude : John Hadley Doyle, vice presi dent; Harold W. Burnside, secretary; Harry L. Selby, treasurer, and Mrs. I. B. Arendes, as sistant secretary. The board of direc tors consists of P. F. Carr. A. L. Hay cock. J. Leo Kolb, jr.; Dr. Robert E. Layton and George A. Scheele Founded in 1883, this building and loan association is now 54 years old. At the annual meeting President Nordlinger reported to the directors that the year just closed had been the most successful in every way in the history of the company. Preston Staits Sixth Year. Ord Preston, president of the Union Trust Co., started his sixth year as head of the trust company today, having been elected to the position on April 12, 1932, and assuming his duties the next day. He succeeded the late E. J. Stellwagen, who was made chairman of the board at that time. Mr. Preston is third vice president of the District Bankers’ Association and has been an active Washington business man for many years. Al though born in California as the son of an Army officer, he soon came East and obtained his education at Andover Academy in Massachusetts j and Yale University, where he ob- j tained a B. A. degree in 1899. From New Haven he went to New York and became connected with a I Wall Street firm which conducted j both a banking and brokerage busi- i ness. He left his New York position ] and moved to Washington in 1911. j He became a director in the Wash- I ington Gas Light Co., was elected Tice president in 1923 and a year later was chosen president of the company. wnen elected president of the Un ion Trust Co. Mr. Preston had been on the Board of Directors for about 20 years and had also served for a long time on the Executive Commit tee. He is a member of the Episco pal Church, treasurer of the Church Orphanage Association and has ren- ] dered highly valued service to the j Instructive Visiting Nurse Society, as well as to the Community Chest. His club memberships include the Metropolitan, Racquet and Chevy Chase, Yale Alumni Association and University Club of New York. Akre Wins Oratory Trophy. Charles T. Akre, Riggs National j Bank, won the public speaking contest conducted by Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, last night at chapter headquarters, cap turing the bank presidents’ cup, which he already has in his possession as ! he won the same contest a year ago. j Roland T. Carr won second place, ! J. George Degenais, third, and Louis E. Purnell, fourth, all three being from the Riggs National. The winner of first honors has not taken enough I courses in the institute to allow him | to compete in the regional contest at Charleston, W. Va., on May 8 so this | honor falls to Roland T. Carr. These i preliminary contests are forerunners of the national contest for the A. P. Giannini prizes which total $1,000. Others taking part in last night’s contest were Stephen O. Porter, Riggs; Louis A. Briggs, Riggs; Miss Frances Hart, E. A. Pierce & Co.; James B. Ahalt, City Bank, and Ralph H. Mit tendorff, American Security & Trust Co. The subject was, “Is the Decline in the Proportion of Commercial Loans to Deposits a Permanent Condition and Why." The judges were Maurice D. Rosen berg, president of the Bank of Com merce & Savings; Dr. Wood Gray, George Washington University, and Judge Harry F. Kennedy of Alexan dria. Wallace E. Schreiner, chairman of the Public Speaking Committee, presided, all the speakers being ac corded ovations. Land Bank Will Call Bonds. W. I. Myers, governor of the Farm Credit Administration, announced to day that the Federal land banks have decided to call a part of the 414 per cent bonds, dated May 1, 1927, for payment May 1, 1937. That part of the issue which is called will be re deemed in cash, and there will be no refunding issue. These bonds are of the series dated May 1, 1927, and callable in 10 years, maturing in 30. A flat assertion that the adminis tration has not changed its fiscal or monetary policy and has no change in mind was made yesterday by Sec retary of Treasury Morgenthau. D. C. Exchange Is Active. National Savings & Trust Co. stock sold at 165 on the Washington Stock Exchange today, and National Capital Bank appeared on the board at 145. Washington Gas moved at 82!/2. Capi tal Traction 5s came out at 93. and there were many other bond and stock •ales around recent levels. Y. E. Booker, member of the board of governors of the Investment Bank ers' Association, will attend the an nual Spring meeting May 8 to 12 at Hot Springs, Va. In addition to the board’s 40 members, members of many national committees and former association officers will be present. Next to the annual session, it is the year’s most important meeting. A pamphlet tabulation just issued by Lazard Freres & Co., Inc., lists 300 callable rah road, public utility and industrial bonds of general market interest, bearing 414 per cent, 5 per cent and higher coupons which have •old over their call prices this year. Daily average sales of variety stores for March were about 20 per cent higher in dollar volume than for March, 1936, according to the De partment of Commerce. The total value of' sales for the first quarter of the year was about 10 per cent above that for the same period of 1936. City Bank Now 31 Years Old. The City Bank, with head office at Ninth street and Mount Vernon place, will complete 31 years of banking service tomorrow. Clarence F. Bur ton is president of the institution. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 c m. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 80% 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 1 75% 75% 75%+ % 22% 15 Adams Exp <a55c)-. 12 19 18% 18% + % 28% 247* Adams Millls <bl)._ 1 27 27 27 + % 36 30% Addressograpb < 1)_ 6 31% 31 31% -rl 4% 3 Advance Rumely_ 2 3 3 3 80% 68% Air Reduction (tl)_ 3 73 72% 73 -% 6% 3-% Air-Way Electric_ 2 3% 3% 3% + % 15% 13% Alaska Jun (t60c)_ 9 13% 13% 13%+ V* 5% 3% Alleghany Corp__ 18 4% 4% 4% + % 69% 43% Alleg pf ww $30_ 6 53% 63 63% +1% 69 43% Alleg pf ww $40__ 2 62% 62 62% +1 52% 41% Alleg Corp pr pf- 2 44% 44% 44%—% 45% 36% Alleg Steel (b40o)._ 9 40% 39% 40% +1% 258% 225 Allied Chem (6)_ 3 245 243 245 +6 33% 25% Allied Mills (b50c)_. 6 27% 27 27 21% 16% Allied Stores (b20c) 19 18V* 17% 18% + % 85 80% Allied Strs pf (6)._. 3 81% 81% 81%+ % 27% 22 Allen Indus fl)_ 1 23% 23% 23% — % 83% 63V* Allis-Chalm (b50e). 40 68% 66% 67% +1% 39% 30% Alpha Port Cmt (1). 1 31% 31% 31%+ % 874 4% Amal Leather__ 26 7% 6% 7% + % 52% 34% Amal Leath pf (3).. 2 43% 43 43 +1 ' 1147* 98% Amerada Corp (2)._ 3 105 104 103 -rl 101% 83 Am Ag Chm Del bl_. 2 92 92 92 +3 41% 25% Am Bank Note (tl). 5 2674 26% 26% +1% 80% 58 Am Brake Sh (T2>15 60% 58% 60 +1% 1% % Am Bra Sh rts Ap 15 291 1 % 1 + A 121 101% Am Can <T4) . ._ 9 107% 105% 106 -rl 71 56 Am Car & Foundry. 7 60% 59% 60 +1% 90% 72 Am Chain & Ca bl_ 41 91 84 90% t6% 1347s 115 Am Chain&C pf 5.. 3 134% 130 134% +1% 105% 9974 Am Chicle (t4)_ 2 1C1 101 101 23% 13% Am Colortype _ 5 19% 19% 19% + % 30% 26% Am Cornel A1 a50c._ 5 28% 28 28 33% 27V* Am Crystal Sug b2_. 2 27% 27% 27% — % 99V* 94% Am Crys S 1st pf 6.. 10s 96 96 96 13% 8% Am Encaustic - 7 11% 11% 11%+ % 17 13 Am European Sec... 1 14 14 14 + % 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr_. 28 10% 10 10% + % 587s 46V* Am & For Pw J6 pf_. 2 48V* 48% 48% -r % 68% 54 Am & For Pw J7 pf. 10 58 57% 68 +1% 38% 20V* Am & For Pw 2d pf _ 2 28 27% 2774 -t- % 21 18 Am Hawaiian (1) _. 2 19 19 19 11% 6% Am Hide & Leather. 21 10 9% 10 + 74 55% 37% Am Hide & L pf (3). 4 50% 50 50% -r2% 52% 4674 Am Home Pr t2.40 x 5 477* 46% 46% — ft, 4% 274 Am Ice _ 2 4 4 4 + % 27s, 17% Am Ice pf (2)_ 1 24% 247* 24% 17% 13% Am Interntl (a40c)_ 6 15% 15% 15%+ % 587» 43 Am Locomotive_ 6 52% 50% 5274 +1% 125 113 Am Loco pf (a3)_ 1 115 115 115 -r % 29% 22% Am Mach & F (tl)_. 4 24 23% 23% 13% 10% Am Mach & Met 60c. 1 10% 10% 10% 68% 50% Am Metals 13 R7.v. rki., R7 -i i 10 62 Am News (N Y) (3) 20s 68 68 68 —1% 18% 10% Am Power & Light.. 31 11% 11 11%+ % 72% 55% Am Pw & Lt pf (5)_. 5 58V* 57% 68 - % 87% 66 imPw&Ltpf (6).. 1 68% 68% 68%+ % 29% 23 Am Radiator t60c._ 41 24% 23% 23% 45% 33% Am Roll Mill tl.20.. 97 39V* 38% 38% — % 29 23% Am Seating (a2%)_ 3 24% 24% 24%+ % 68 41 Am Shlpbldg (2)_ 440s 501. 47% 49% - 1% 105% 88V* Am Smelt & Ref(3). 37 93 91% 92%+ % 107% 105 Am Sm & Ref pf (6). 5 105% 105% 105% 148 133 Am Snuff pf (6)_ 10s 133 133 133 73% 57% Am Steel F (b50c)__ 15 60% 59 60V* +1% 115 109% Am Steel F pf (7)._. 20s 110 110 110 26% 20 Am Stores (2)_ 5 20% 20% 20%+ % 56% 47% Am Sugar (2)_ 5 49% 49 49 -1 25% 21 la Am Sum Tob (tl)_ 1 21% 21% 21% - % 187 167% Am Tel & Tel (9)_ 14 169 168% 168% — % 99 78% Am Tobacco (5)_ 3 80% 80% 80% + % 99% 80% Am Tobacco B (5)_ 15 83 82% 82% — % 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf (6).. 4 133% 133% 133% -1% 20% 14% Am Type Founders. 6 16 15% 15% + •% 29% 20% Am Water W (80c). 45 21% 20% 21 14% 9% Am Woolen _ 9 ] 1% 11% 11% + % 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl). 4 71 70% 70% +1% 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead .. 22 16% 15% 15% — % 79% 44% Am Zinc & L pr pf __ 4 65 65 65 +1%. 69%. 52V« Anaconda Cop (tl). 171 59 57% 58% -t- % 25% 18 Anchor Cap (60c).3 21% 21 21% - % 37%. 28 Andes Copper_ 1 30 30 30 -r2 10% 5% A P W Paper_ 1 7% 7% 7% 46 41 Archer-Dan-M(t2)_ 2 42% 42s. 42% 13% 7 Armour(lll) bl5c 34 11% 11 11%+ % 99% 81% Armour(Ill)pr pf 6. 1 94 94 94 -1 70%. 59'... Armstrong Cork(2). 3 63% 63 63% -r % 16Vi 13% Arnold Cnst b62 %e. 2 14 14 14 17% 12% Artloom Corp __ 8 13 12% 12% — % 24% 18% Assoc Dry Goods ._ 12 19%. 18% 18% -r % 57%- 49% Associates Inv (12)_ 2 51% 51% 51%. 87% 69% Atch T & S Fe(a2)_. 40 83% 82 '82 — % 104 100% Atch T & S F pf(5). 4 101 100%. 101 +% 55%. 44% Atl Coast Line(al). 9 48% 47% 48% t1% 44 35 Atl G& W I pf(a3)_ 1 37 37 37 - 2 37 30% Atl Refining (tl)_ 27 34% 33% 33% -r % 116% 111 Atl Refill pf (4)_ 1 112 112 112 18% 16% Atlas Corp (80c)_ 43 17% 17% 17% 52% 50% Atlas Corp pf (3)_ 1 51% 51% 51% 94 72% Atlas Pwdr (b75c).. 1 77 77 77 - 1 36% 28% Auburn Auto _ 5 31% 30% 30% — ■% 9% 7% Austin Nichols_ 1 7% 7% 7% 9% 6% Aviation Corp Del_ 26 8% 8% 8% — % 11% 8 Baldwin Loco (d) _ 6 8% 8% 8% + % 120 86s* Baldwin Loco pf(d). 1 104 104 104 +2% 9% 6% Baldwin asd (d) .. 3 7 6% 6% 120 8S% Baldwin pf asd(d)__ l 104 104 104 t24 40% 20% Baltimore & Ohio_ 91 37% 36% 36% -t- V* 47% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf_ 11 42% 41% 42 + % 45 41 Bangor & Ar (2%)_ 1 43% 43% 43% +2% 43% 35% Barber Co (a75c)_ 32 39% 38s* 38s* -t- % 32 25% Barker Bros _ 7 29% 29 29% — 1% 35V* 26% Barnsdall (1)_ 29 32% 32 32% -r % 20% 16% Bayuk Cigar t75c._. 4 17 16% 16% — 1, 28s* 24 Beatrice Cream tl.. 3 26% 26 26% -1% 15% 12% Belding Hemin (1). 2 13s. 13% 13s.— ", 30% 23% Bendix Avia(b25c). 21 24% 24% 24% -r Vs 23s* 20% Benef Ind Ln < b95c) 12 22% 21% 21% — V* 62% 56 Best & Co < t2 %) — 2 57 57 57 - % 105Va 73 Bethlehem (al %)_ 68 94% 92 92% -Is. 20 18% BeLh 5% pf (1) _ 4 18% 18% 18%+ % 129% 120V* Bethlehem pf (7)_ 2 120s* 120% 120% -1% 69% 52 Bigelow-San b50c._. 2 55% 54%. 54% + % 38 30 Black & Deck b50c_ 2 30% 30% 30% + % 29% 22% Blaw Knox (b20c)_ 9 26% 26% 26%+ % 49% 33% Boeing Airplane_ 14 40 39% 40 -,1% 4SVs 40% Bohn Alum & B(3)_. 6 45 44 45 +1% 93 85V* Bon Ami A (4)_ 50s 90 89% 89%-+- Va 46 41HBon Ami (B) (2%). 110s 46V-) 45 46% 1 % 28 26 Borden Co (1.60).._ 23 26% 26 26 - % 83% 72% Borg-Warner (4)__. 9 82 80 80 +1% 15s* 8V* Boston & Maine_ 3 12% 12% 12% + % 4% 3% Botany Mines A(d). 2 3 3 3 — V* 23% 16% Bridgept Brss(60c 38 18% 17% 18% + Vs % & Bridgp’t Br rts Ap29 229 jjj % % — A* 59% 45V* Briggs Mfg (t2) ... 13 47% 47 47 + % 47 41Vi Bristol-Myrs t2.40_. 2 42% 42% 42% 53 39 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)__ 3 40% 40% 40%+ % 8 5% Eklyn & Queens_ 7 5% 5% 5% + % 38% 25% Bkn & Q T pf (3)_ 1 26% 26% 26% -rl% 52% 38% Bklyn Un Gas (3)_ 3 40% 40 40 24% 20V* Brunswick-Balke_ 11 21% 20% 21 + % 25% 18% Bucyrus-Erie _ 13 20 19V* 19% —1 14% 10% Budd (EG) Mfg_ 22 10% 10% 10% + Vi 13 9% Budd Wheel(a20c)_. 8 10 9% 9% -r % 45% 34% Bullard (b25c)_ 1 39% 39% 39% + % 65% 50% Bulova Watch (t4)_ 6 62 50% 504, — % 35% 30% Burr Add M (80c)_ 8 30V, 30% 30% 11% 7% Bush Terminal (d)_ 11 10Vs 9% 10 + % 39 27 Bush Term deb (d)_ 1 33% 33% 33% + % 45% 24% Bush T Bldg pf(d).. 80s 36% 35% 36% +1% 18V* 13% Butler Bros (bl5c)_. 4 16V* 16 16 36% 29% Butler pf (1%)_ 3 33 32% 32% +1 9% 5% Butte Cop & Z(a5c)_ 12 6% 6% 6% + % 33% 25% Byers (AM) _ 6 28 27% 27% + % 91 80 Byers (A M) pf_150s 80% 80 80 + % 34% 27 Bvron Jackson (tl) 2 31 31 31 + % 48V* 38% Calif Packing (1%). 6 42% 42 42% + V* 6% 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead 13 4% 4% 4% — % 20V# 14% Calumet&Hecla (1) 15 15% 15% 15% + % 37% 29% Campbell Wy (tl)-- 3 31% 31 31% -rl% 38V* 27% Canada Dry G Ale-. 69 33% 32% 32% -r % 17% 14 Canadian Pacific .. 30 14% 14V* 14% 61% 50 Cannon Mills(b50c) -1 49% 49V* 49V* — % 52V* 50 Cap Adm pf (A)(3). 30s 51 51 51 + % 106 100 Car Clin & O stp (5) 10s 101% 101% 101% + % 8% 7 Carriers & Gen(b5c) 7 8 7% 7% 176% 138 Cased I)Co (4)_ 3 157 151% 157 +7 129% 116 Cased I)Co pf(7)_40s 122% 122% 122% +2% 100 85% Caterpillar Tr (t2). 12 91 90 90% +1% 36% 26% Celanese (b75c)_ 107 36% 35% 36% 1- % 113% 106% Celanese pr pf A(7). 1110 110 110 —1 48% 36% Celotex Corp_ 2 43 43 43 + % 82% 76 Celotex Corp pf (5).. 120s 77 76 76 — % 39% 33% Cent Aguire (tl%). 1 34% 34% 34% 12% 8% Central Foundry_ 16 9% 9% 9% + % 41% 30 Central R R of N J_. 3 32 31% 32 + % 14% 10% Century Rib M b20c. 2 13 13 13 +1 86% 67% Cerro de Pasco (4)_. 8 76 74% 74% 23% 16% Certain-teed Prd __ 14 18% 17% 18 + 1 82 67% Certain-teed of (6). 240s 72 69 72 +3 58% 35% Champion Pap (fl).x 43 60% 56% 59% -r4% 90% 78% Chesapeake Crp(3)_ 2 84% 84% 84% +1% 68% 67% Ches & Ohio t2.80 .. 33 60% 60 60% + % 13% 6% Chi & Est 111 pf (d)_ 6 11 10% 10%+ % 4 2% Chi Grt West (d)_ 5 3% 3 3 18V* 13% Chi Grt West of (d). 6 15% 14% 15 + % 32 28 Chi Mail Ord tl%—. 1 28 28 28 3% 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d)_ 2 2% 2% 2% + % 7% 4% Chi M St P&Ppf(d). 17 6 5% 5% 6% 3% Chi & N W (d)_ 16 5% 4% 4% 19% 11% Chi & N W pf (d)_ 2 15 14% 15 +1 33 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool. 2 28 27% 28 + % 70% 61% Chi Pn T pf b87%c— 1 62% 62% 62%+ % 3% 2% Chi R I & Pao (d)... 4 3 2% 3 + % 8% 5% Chi RI&P 6% pf(d). 13 7 6% 7 + % 10% 6% Chi RI&P 7 % pf (d). 4 8% 8% 8% + % 15% 12% Childs Co_ 1 12% 12% 12% 135% 110% Chrysler (bl%)_ 122 119% 117% 118 +1% 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2). 4 20% 19% 20%+ % 92 85 City Ice & F pf 6%_. 10s 88 88 88 —1 10% 8% City Stores_ 2 8% 8% 8% + % 38% 32% Clark Equlp(tl.60). 14 35% 34% 35% +1 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 4%._ 40s 107% 107% 107% 41% 35 Clev Graph Br (2).. 5 39 37% 39 +3 98% 78 Cluett Peabody (3). 4 92% 89% 92% +4% 130% 126 Cluett Peab pf (7).. 10s 128 128 128 ~% 170% 122% Coca-Cola <+2)_ 16 161 154 161 +10% 58% 67 Coca-Cola A (3)_ 8 58% 58% 58% 25% 19% Colgate-P-P(tBOc). 19 23% 22% 22%-% 62% 53 Collins & Aik (t2)_ 29 59% 53% 58% +5% 112% 108% Collins* Aik pf(5). 200s 109% 109 109 -1 45 26 Colonial Beacon_ 30s 42% 42 42 +3 51% 39 Col Fuel & Iron(bl) 15 41% 40% 41% +1% 20% 13% Columb G & El (40c) 52 15% 14% 15%+% 108 94% Col G&EpfA (6)_ 2 94 94 94 - % 101 90% Col G & E pf (5)_ 60s 92% 92% 92%-% 125% 112% Col Carb vtc (t4)_ 2 121 118 118 -% 69% 56% Cornel Credit (t4)._ 19 61% 60 60%+4 2:15 p.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 80% 64 Cornel lnv T (T4)— . 24 67% 66 67% +1% 21% 16% Cornel Solv (t60c)_ 44 18 17 17%+ % 4% 2% Comw & Southern.. 88 3 2% 27* 75% 65% Comw & Sou pf (3).. 6 57% 67 67 — % 19% 13V* Conde Nast Pub__ 1 16% 15% 15%+ % 45t* 36% Congoleum-Nrn(2)_ 7 42 40% 42 +2 19V* 16% Congress Cigar (a2). 1 16% 15% 15%—% 95 83% Con C pr pf ww 6 74 .. 80e 90 90 90 49% 38% Cons Edls N Y(t2)_. 46 39% 38% 39%+% 108 104% Cons Ed NY pf (5)_ 2 106% 105% 105% + % 6% 4% Cons Film_ 2 4% 4% 4% + % 18% 14% Cons Film pf (a2)_' 1 15 15 15 + % 13V* 9% Cons Laundries__ 6 11% 11% 11% + % 17% 15% Cons Oil (80c)- 161 17% 17% 17%—% 1% % Cons Textile (d)_ 9 1 7* % 13% RV* Cons Coal(Del)vtc.. 7 12% 12% 12% — % 62% 33 Cons Coal Del vto pf 40« 60% 60 60 + % 36% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 94 37% 36% 36%+ % 37% 27% Conti Baking (A)_ 7 81% 30% 30%-% 6% 3 Conti Baking (B)._. 9 4% 4% 4% + % 69% 55% Conti Can (3) _ 18 57% 66% 67% +1% 25% 20% Conti Diamond (2). 6 22% 22% 22%+ V* 42% 37 Conti insur <tl.60). 22 37% 37 37%+% 37* 2% Conti Motors . _ 8 3 27* 2% + % 45% 40% Conti Oil Del (tl)_ 108 46% 45% 46 +% 35% 26% Conti Steel (b50c>-. 2 30% 30% 30-%+ % 77 637* Corn Ex Bank (3).. 10s 68% 68% 68'.* +1 71% 64% Corn Prod Ref(t3)_. 3 65% 65% 65%+ % 10% 6 Coty Ine _ 8 87* 8% 8% + % 66V* 46 Crane Co__ 6 60 49% 49% + % 121 115% Crane Co pf (7)_ 4 115% 116% 115% 37 29% Cream of Wheat(2). 1 31% 31% 31%+% 28% 21 Crosley Radio al%_ 3 22% 22 22%+% 1007* 70% Crown Cork & S(2). 6 77 76 76% +1% 56% 47% Crn C&S pf ww 2%. 1 48 48 48 + % 247* 17 Crown Zeller(new). 304 25% 23% 2444+1% 107 99 Crown Zell cu pf(o). 3 108% 107% 108% +2 81% 61 Crucible Steel_ 11 73% 72% 73 +1 3 2 Cuba Co_ 3 2% 2 2% + % 14% 10 Cuban-Am Sugar_ 2 11% 111* 11% 127 110 Cuban-Am Sug pf... 130s 112 110% 111 -2 20% 15% Curtis Publishing.. 3 16 15% 16 + % 109% 92% Curtis Pub pf (7)... 3 93% 93 93%+% 8% 6% Curtiss-Wright .. 46 6% 6% 6% + % 23% 18% Curtiss-W (A)a50c. 13 19% 19% 19%+ % 62 49 Cushman Sons pf_20s 65 55 65 90% 76 Cutler-Ham (b50c)_ 2 78 77 78 +2 18% 15'i Davcsa StoresCTl)-. 2 15% 15% 15% + ", 24 19% Davega cum pf 1 %. 2 20V* 20% 20%+ % 135% 104% Deere & Co ... 19 129 126% 128 +3% 31% 29% Deere & Co pf 1.40 .. 4 29% 29 29'*-% 29 22 Deisel-Wem-G(U) - 4 25 24 25 + % 58 % 42V* Delaware & Hudson 2(1 50% 49 49 24% 17% Del Lack & West ... 20 20% 19% 197* nr* r * ucn a: u u puuj. i +•« n ■* +** * vs 364 304 Diamond Mth(b50c) 4 324 32 32 + 4 404 364 Diamond Mpf(tlH) 1 37 37 37 23 214 Diamond T Mot b25c 3 224 224 224 +4 29 244 Distil Corp Seag 8 254 25 25 — 4 464 364 Doehler Die Cast(2) 1 374 374 374 + 4 51 414 Dome Mines (+2)_ 17 434 424 43 - 4 124 10 Dominion Stores_ 3 11 11 11 +4 774 544 Douglas Aircraft__ 19 564 554 564 + 4 14 4 Duluth SS&Atl__ 1 4 4 4 34 24 Duluth SS&Atl pf_ 1 24 24 24 + Vi 84 6 Dunhill Internatl_. 16 6 6 1804 154 DuPont(b75c)_ 10 1584 156 157!* +24 17 114 Eastern Roll Mills.. 4 14 134 14 + 4 1754 1684 Eastman Kodak<6)_ 3 161 1594 161 +24 163 150 Eastman Rod pf(6). 50s 155 155 155 +34 374 314 Eaton Mfg <t2) _ 4 324 324 324 +1 16 114 Eitington-Schild_ 5 14 134 134 + 4 j 29 234 El Paso Nat G 1.60— 22 264 244 254 + Vs j 454 38 Elec Auto Dt T2.40.. 8 404 394 39 4 16 114 Elec Boat (a60c) __ 12 12 114 114+ Vs 74 54 Elec&Mus 1 lal8c). 6 54 54 54 — 4' 264 194 Elec Pow & Bight - 68 224 214 224 +14 87 674 Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf.. 1 701* 70 4 704 +1,'*, I 924 75 Elec Pw & Lt $7 pf 7 804 794 794 +1 444 394 Elec Storage Bat (2! 1 39 4 394 394 + 4 2 14 Elk Horn Coal td) — 2 Is* 14 14 8 54 Elk Horn Cl pf (d)I 54 54 54 + Vi 1154 1084 Endlcott-Jhn pf(5). 10s 110 111! 110 174 11 Eng Public Serv _ 3 11 11 11 — 4 | 94 7V* Equitable Office B_ 7 74 "4 I1* — 4 234 134 Erie R R _ 25 20s, 20 204 + 4 354 264 Erie R R 1st pf_ 12 304 294 304 +14 284 214 Erie R R 2d pf _ 3 234 23 4 234 +14 144 12 Eureka Vac (80c)-„ 3 124 12 124 + 4 344 284 Evans Prod itl)_ 6 304 30 304 + 4 6s* 44 Exchange Buffet_ 4 54 44 54 + 4 54 34 Fairbanks Co__ 10s 44 44 44 — 4 I 28 204 Fairbanks Co pf_ 90s 224 22 224 -4 714 56 Falrb'ks-.Morse (tl) 5 594 694 594 — 4 70 534 Fajardo Sug Co <bl) 3 574 574 574 + 4 294 21 Federal Lt & Trac . 2 22V* 224 22V* + 4 114 84 Federal Motor(40c) 12 94 9 9 6 44 Fed Water Svc A_ 4 4'* 44 44 + Vs 434 364 Fed’d Dept Str(2) — 6 38 374 374 + 4 454 374 Fidel Phoenix T1.60. 5 40 394 394 + V* 414 324 Firestone T&R (2) 12 374 37 374 + 4 524 46V* First Natl Strs t2 Vi 2 47V* 474 474 — V* 464 381* Fllntkote Co (1) —. 8 41 404 41 i 584 46 Florence Stve b50c_ 1 464 464 464 + 4 94 64 Follansbee Bros(d). 5 8 74 74 * 4 68 474 Food Machine (1 >_ 2 67 664 564 — V* 544 43 Foster-W'heeler_ i 49 48 484 -t IV* 184 124 Frahcisco Sugar__ 4 134 134 134 + 4 32V* 264 Freeport Sulph (1). 18 28V* 271* 28 +1 484 344 Fuller Co 2d pf_ 30s 35 35 35 74 44 Gabriel Co (A)_ 1 64 64 64 — 4 I 33 23 Gamewell Co_ 20s 26 25Vi 26 —2 194 15V* Gar Wood Ind a.loc 6 154 154 154 + 4 154 124 Gen Am inv(a75c).. 7 144 134 144 + 4 ■ 86V* 694 Gen Am Trans (»3). 6 73 70 724 +24 19V* 15V* Gen Bakins <t60c)_ 7 16 154 16 + 4 153 145 Gen Baking pf (8)_10s 148 148 148 +2 14 10 VJen Bronze_ 3 104 10 104 + 4 324 254 Gen Cable _ 25 284 28V* 284 + 4 65 524 Gen Cable (A)_ 11 57 56 564 1 52V* 44 GenCigar(T4)_ 2 47 464 47 + 14 \ 152 140 Gen Cigar pf (7)_ 10s 136 136 136 —4 644 514 Gen Electric (b40c). 83 554 544 55 + 4 I 44V* 394 Gen Foods (2) 10 424 41s, 42 34 24 Gen Gas & Elec(A). 11 24 24 24 654 60 Gen Mills (3) 2 654 65 654 + 4 | 124 1174 Gen Mills pf (6)_ 40s 1194 1184 1194 + 4 '• 704 574 Gen Motors(b25c)_ 326 604 59 594* + 4 j 1224 1144 Gen Motors pf (5)_ 4 116V* 1144 1164 +1V* 15V* 12 Gen Outdoor Adv_ 4 124 12 12 19 154 Gen Print Ink new_ 9 15s* 154 15s* 54 4 Gen Pub Service_ 1 44 4V* 44 + V* 65V* 48 Gen Ry Signal < 1) 1 50 50 50 + 4 117V* 114 Gen Ry Signal pf(6) 20s 114 114 114 -3 5s* 34 Gen Realty & Util — 12 44 44 44 +4 48V* 39 Gen Realty & U pf— 1 41 41 41 + 4 70V* 60 Gen Refract (a3V4>- 10 63 60", 63 +2 88 70 Gen Steel Cast pf . — 50s 734 73 734 +24 334 274 Gen Thea Eq(b25C)_ 4 294 29 294 + V* 437* 37 Gen Time Instru tl- 3 394 394 394 — V* 207* 154 Gillette S Raz (tl)_. 10 17V* 164 167* 294 204 Gimbel Bros_ 18 26V* 26 264 + Vi 51V* 43 Glidden Co (2)_ 5 444 434 44V* +14 64 54 Gobel (Adolf)_ 3 54 54 54 + V* 8V* 64 Goebel Brew(t20c). 11 7 6Vs 7 + V* 50V* 31 Goodrich (BF) (al)_ 27 474 46 464 + 4 874 79V* Goodrich pf (5)_ 1 834 834 834 474 274 Goodyear (b50c)_ 7 2 424 42 424 + V* 141 100 Goodyear cu pf (5)„ 3 127V* 1247* 127V* -44 134 104 Gotham Silk Hose— 17 12V* 114 114+ 4 44 3 Graham-Falge_ 18 3 V* 34 34 15 64 Granby Cons_ . 16 104 94 104 + Vi 7 32 4 32 Granby rights Ap Zb ou oaz 4 az o 32 5X, 3% Grand Union ctfs_ 3 4 4 4 48% 38% Granite City Stl<l)_ 2 41 41 41 + % 47% 42 Grant CWT) ( + 1.40) 2 44% 44% 44% *- % 55% 40% Grt Northern pf — 69 51% 50% 51 + % 28% 19 GrtNorthnOre (1). 24 26% 25% 26% -rl% 42% 35 Grt West Sug T2.40- 5 36 35% 36 + % 39% 32% Green H L <U.60)- 3 34 34 34 + % 16% 13% Greyhound <t80c) — 29 14% 13% 14% + % 11% 10% Greyhound pf(55c) 2 10% 10% 10% — % 4% 3 Guantanamo Sug— 2 3% 3% 3% — % 17% 12% Gulf Mobile & N_ 1 13% 13% 13%+% 108 55% Gulf States Steel— 1 100% 100% 100% -r4 36 32% Hack W pf A (1%). 70s 33 32% 32% — % 20% 13% Hall W F Print .- 3 17% 17 17 31 25% Hamilton Wth b25c. 14 29% 28% 29% +1% 108 104% Hamilton W pf (6). 40s 108 107 108 105 101% Hanna (MA) pf<5)_ 10s 102% 102% 102% 68% 50% Harb-Walker <t2) — 3 51 51 51 + % 140 128% Harb-Walker pf (6) 20s 128% 128 128 -% 8 5% Hayes Body_ 2 5% 5% 5% 15% 13 Hecker Prod <600- 2 13'% 13% 13% + Vi 166 149 llelme <GH) pf (7) _ 10s 149 149 149 -1 39% 29 Hercules Motor<tl) 3 30'% 28% 30%+1% 67% 59 Hershey Choc <t3)_. 1 60% 60% 60%+% 111 102% Hershey Ch pf <t4)_. 1 106% 106% 106% 52% 45% Holland Eur<al%)_ 3 46% 45% 46%+% 30% 21 Hollander & Son<l). 8 29 28% 28%+ % 43% 31% Holly Sugar <+2)_ 3 35% 34% 34% - % 431 355 Homestake <tl2)_100s 390 387 389 +2 27% 21% Houd-Her B <tl%>- 8 22% 22% 22%+% 73 57% Household Fin <4) 1 60 60 60 94 88% Househ’ld Fin pf <5) 2 89% 89 89% +1% 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 22 14% 14% 14%+ % 90% 62% Howe Sound <t3)._. 7 78% 76 78% +2% 23% 18% Hudson Motor_ 31 21% 20% 21 2% 1% Hudd Motors_ 28 2% 2 2 38 22% Illinois Central 30 33% 32% 32%+% 67% 46 Illinois Cent pf A_ 1 67 57 57 -4 72 65 111 Cent Is In <4)_ 10s 64 64 64 -2% 45% 36% Indus Rayon (2)- 87 46% 45% 45%+ % 144 130% Ingersoll Rand(t2). 2 130 129% 129% —1% 137 133% Ingersoll R pf (6)._ 80s 136% 135 135 +1% 131% 112 Inland Steel <4)_ 6 114% 114 114 +% 33% 22% Inspiration Cop 61 26% 24% 25%+ % 6 6 Ins Sh Md ct <a20c). 6 5 5 6 — % 13% 9% Inter Rap Tr vtc<d) 2 10% 10 10%+ % 11% 4% Intercontl Rubber— 7 9% 8% 9% + % 28% 16% Interlake Iron 90 24 22% 23%+ % 16 32 4 32 Interlake rts.Apr 15 627 3 32 1 32 2 32 9 5 Inti Agricultural-— 91 8% 8% 8% + % 59% 42 Inti Agricul pr pf—. 41 60% 57 60 +6% 189 169% Inti Bus Mach<t6)- 1 164% 164% 164% 111% 99% Inti Harvester<2%) 43 107 104% 107 +3 16% 8% Inti Hydro El A — 21 13% 13% 13%+% 15% 6% Inti Mercantile M—. 49 14% 12% 12% —1% 18% 12% Inti Mining (aSOc)- 20 14 13% 14 +% 73% 62% Inti Nickel (b50c)-_ 39 65% 65% 65%-% 24% 16% Inti Paper <A)_ 27 23% 22% 22%+% 18 10% Inti Paper <B)_ 17 17% 16% 16%+ % 9% 5% Inti Paper <C)- 67 8% 8% 8% + % 121% 9014 Inti Paper pf_ 35 118% 116 116% - % 56% 41 Inti Print Ink <t21_ 2 57% 56% 57% +1% 57% 48 Inti Ry C Am pf A_60s 50% 50 60%+1% 49% 45% Inti Shoe <t2)_ 2 45% 45% 45%+% 52 31% Inti Silver _ 3 43% 42% 43% - % 16% 11% Inti Tel & Tel_ 38 12 11% 11%-% 36% 28% Interstat Dp St b2 % 5 31 30% 31 +1 2:15 p.m. Prcv 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 29% 25% Island Creek (2)_ 9 29 28% 29 + % 126% 121 Island Creek pf (6).. 10« 126 126 126 -% 87% 77 Jewel Tea (+ 4)_ 1 78 78 78 +1 155 127 Johns-Manv (t3)_ 8 134% 133 134% +1% 126 120 Johns-Mansv pf(7). 80s 126% 125% 125% 136 123 Jon&L 7% pf(bl%). 40s 126% 126 126%+% 46 38 Kalamazoo S (tl)_ 4 40% 40 40% +1 29 20 Kans City South_ 12 25% 25 25% + % 35 28% Kaufmann (tl.60)_ 1 31% 31% 31%-% 23% 17 Kelsey-H A (al%)_. 3 18% 17% 18% +1% 19% 14% Kelsey-H B (al %)... 4 16 15% 16 +1% 69% 65% Kennecott (b50c) .. 97 59% 68 69% +1% 20% 17% Keystone S&W b30o 60 19 18% 18%+ % 46 38% Kimberly Clark(l)_. 6 44% 42 44% +4 9% 5% Kinney (G R) Co_ 2 8% 8% 8% + % 71 47% Kinney pf (al)__ 10s 66% 66% 66% + % 29% 24% Kresge S S (b30c)._ 9 26% 24% 25 47% 39% Kress S H (1.60) ... 1 40% 40% 40% +1 24% 22 Kroger Groo (tl.60) 6 22% 22% 22% + % 41% 26% Laclede Gas pf_ 20s 28% 28 28% +2 24 18% Lambert Co (2)_ 2 21 20% 20%+ % 27% 17 Lee Rubber (60c).. 4 24% 24% 24% +1 61% 38% Leh Port Cmt 1% . x 6 41% 40% 41%+ % 3% 2% Lehigh Valley Coal. 3 2% 2% 2% — % 18'% 13 Lehigh Val Coal pf. 2 13% 13% 13% + % 24% 17% Lehigh Valley R R_. 6 20% 19% 19% + % 137 118 Lehman Corp (t3).. 1 123 123 123 +2 21% 18 Lehn & Flnk(al%). 1 19 19 19 + % 58% 48% Lerner Stores!t2)_ 5 50% 49% 60% +1% 79 66% Libbey-O-F (b76c). 6 69 68 69 +2 15% 9% Libby McN & L(al). 47 15% 14% 14'%— % 28% 25% Life Saver <tl.60).. 1 26% 26% 26%+ % 113% 100 Ligg & Myers (14)_. 2 99 98 98 —4 114 100% Ligg & Myers B t4.. 25 100% 98 98% -2 83% 59 Lima Locomotive... 2 72% 72 72% + % 61 62 Link Belt (t2). 1 55 65 65 +2 63% 43% Liquid Carb (2.60)_. 11 50% 48% 60 +1% 82% 64% Loew’s Ino (t2)_ 94 83% 81'/* 81%+1% 3% 2% Loft Ino _ 14 3% 3 3 — % 75% 66 Lone Star Cmt b75c. 10 63 62% 63 + % 10% 6% Long-Bell Lumb( A) 11 9% 9% 9% 43% 37 Loose-Wiles (2) .. 1 38% 38% 38%+1 28% 22% Lorillard P (11.20> _ 8 23% 23% 23%+ % 28% 19% Lou Gas & Elec (A). 2 21% 21% 21% + M 99 87% Louis & Nash b2%_. 6 90 89% 90 +2% 41% 29% Ludlum Steel (tl).. 5 36% 35% 36 + % 36 33% MacAndrew&F(t2). 2 34 34 34 + '« i 36 30 McCall Corp (t2)._. 2 30% 30% 30%+ % j 24% 18% McCrory Stores_ 8 19% 19 19% — V* I 54% 40% McGraw Elec <t2)4 51% 51 51 j 28% 20% McGraw H P b27%c 1 22 22 22 -% i 42% 37% McIntyre Porcul 2). 1 37% 37% 37% 42% 38% McKeesp't Tin Plate 6 '38% 38 38% + % if>'4 IsS’h ivictvesson « uod » zi l.v* IV i 14** — '/• 19 151* McLellan Strs b75c_ 3 16 16 16 -r '•* 1 62% 42% Mack Trucks (tl)_26 54% 53% 53% 58% 60% Macy (K H) <t2) _. 3 52 61% 51% — V* 15% 11% Madison Sq G(80c)_ 14 14% 14 14% +1 63 52 Magma Copper (2).. 2 55 54% 54% +2% 7% 5 Manati Sugar (d)_ 4 7 7 7 — % 30 20 Manati Sug pf (d)_ 270s 24% 21% 23 42 16% 14 Mandcl Bros (bl) _ 2 15% 15 15% 4 % 16% 10% Man El md gtd <d)_ 1 11% 11% 11% — % 29% 22 Manhat Shirt < 1)_ 2 23% 22% 22% 6% 4% Maracaibo Oil Exp.. 2 5% 5 5 — % 14% 10% Marine Mid <t40c).. 6 11% 11% 11% 4 % 39 29% Market St Ry pr pf. 10s 30% 30% 30% 4 % 51% 43% Marlin Rock ( + 2)—. 1 45 45 45 4 % 30% 18% Marshall Field_ 15 27 26% 26% 4 % 13% 9 Martin-Parry_ 2 10 10 10 — % 74 58 Masonite (tl)_ 2 59% 58% 59% 41% 41% 36 Mathieson Alkfl %) 14 38% 37 38% 41% 66% 59% May Dept St < +3)... 2 62% 62 62% 4 % 15% 12 Maytag Co <a50c)._ 1 12% 12% 12% 33% 25% Mead Corp _ 64 33 32% 32% 4 % 101 95 Mead Corp pf (6) .. 130s 97 96% 97 86% 72 Melville Shoe (15).. 2 77 77 77 41 16% 11% Mongol Co .. 47 14% 14% 14% 4% 47% 41 Mcngei 1st pf (2%) 670s 46% 44% 45 -t-1 72% 59 Mesta Mach (bl \). 4 63% 63% 63% 4 % 26% 16s, Miami Copper .. 34 20% 19% 19% 35% 29% Mid-Cont Pet al.15. 9 33% 32% 33% 41 48% 38% Midld Stl Prod(t2). 1 44 44 44 4l% 122 116% Midld Stl 1st pf(8). 30s 119 117 117 -1 120 102 Minn-Hon Ros (2). 1110 110 110 41 16% 11 Minn Moline Pow 91 15% 14% 14s, -r % 101 88% Minn Moline Fw pf 3 95'. 91% 95% - 4% 34 26% Mission Corp («45e) 3 31% 31 31% 4 % 9% 6% Mo Kans & Texas 4 8% 8 8 — % 34% 24% Mo Kans & Tex pf A 15 29% 28% 28% 4 % 6% 3 Mo Pacific (d) 6 5% 5% 5% 4 t, 12% 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) 7 10% 10 10% 4 •% 10% 30% Mohawk Carp(1.20) 6 34% 34% 34%-% 101 89 Monsanto Chm(ti) 2 90 90 90 69 53% Montg Ward (t2> 77 62% 61% 62 4 % 66% 62% Morris&Esx (3%) 20s 62% 62% 62% — V, 3% 1'.■ Mother Lode al2' -c 29 2% 2 2% 26 21% Motor Wheel (1.60). 4 22% 22% 22% 4 ', . 54 41% Mueller Brass (tl). 3 48% 47% 47% 39% 31 Mullins B (a50c)_ 3 .33% 33 33% - % 90 7" Murphy G C (2.60)_. 1 81 81 81 4l 22 32 18 32 Murphy rts May in. 6 24 32 21 32 21 32 41 32 20s, 157, Murray Corp(aaOc). 6 16% 16% let* — % 24% 17% Nash Kelv (1) .. 41 22% 21»; 22 4 *, 47% 38 Nashv Chat & St L-. 30s 40% 40 40% -rl% 24 18% Natl Acme (a75c)._ 1 21% 21% 21**+% 18% 13% Natl Aviation (al). 1 15 15 15 33s, 28% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 25 29% 28% 29% 4 % 33", 26s, Natl Bond & In 1.44. 4 27% 27 27% 4 % 38% 29% Natl Cash Reg (1) . 4 34 34 34 -r V, 26% 23% Natl Dairy Prd 1.20 22 24% 24 24 112% 108% Natl Dairy pf A (7) 40s 109% 108 109% 41 109% 107 Natl Dairy pf B (7) 60s 108s, 108'.. 108s, 4 % 21% 17% Natl Dept Stores .. 8 20s, 20% 20% -rl% 10% 71, Natl Dept Strs pf 10s 8 1 8 8 4 % 35 27% Natl Distillers! t2). 60 33% 33% 33% - K 44 33*, Natl Lead (toOc) 14 37s, 36% 37% - % 61% 48 Natl Mall & S C b50c 4 49% 48s, 48% 4 % 14% 10% Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 6 11 10% 11 1 % Natl Ry Mex 2d pf.. 1 % ", % — % : 94% 70 Natl Steel (t2%) ... 19 87s, 84% 86'., -2% 96 62 Natl Supply Co . 8 98 96 96 129% 121% Natl Supply pf a3Vj 1 127 127 127 4l 1 12% 9% Natl Tea (60c)_ 5 9% 9% 9% 13% 11% Natomas (t80c)_ 3 11% 11% 11% - % I 109 100 Newberry pf (5)_ 70s 102 102 102 41% 31% Newport Ind(b50c). 13 33% 33% .33% 4 % 55% 40 N Y Central . .. 204 49% 48% 48% 9 16 % N Y Cent rts Mayl.. 841 17 32 15 32 15 32 72 41 N Y Chi & St L ... 1 68% 68% 68% 41 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf... 7 92 91% 92 4l% 31% 27% N Y City Omnibus_ 3 28% 28% 28s, 4 7s 12% 8 N Y Dock _ 90s 9 9 9 25% 17% N Y Dock pf _160s 18% 18% 18% 4 % 2 1% N Y Investors (d).. 3 1% 1% 1% 4 % ! 9s, 5% NY NH & H (d)_ 7 8 7% 8 -r % 1 26% 16% NY NH & H pf (d).. 13 21 19 20s, -1% 6s, 5 N Y Ontario & W_ 1 5% 5% 5% 4 % 15% 11% N Y Shipbuilding... 7 12% 12 12 4 % 4*, 2 Norfolk South (d).. 6 3% 3% 3% 4 % 272 248 Norf & Wst <b2%). 2 252 249 252 42 114 102 Norf & W pf <4) ... 70s 102 102 102 17s, 12% North Am Aviation. 37 14 13% 13% 4 % 34% 25 North Am Co(b30c). 50 27% 26 27 4 % 104% 97*8 North Am Ed pf (6) 1 99% 99% 99% — % 36% 27V, Northern Pacific_ 74 32% 31*, 32% +1% 6% 3% Norwalk Tire & R_ 3 5% 5% 5s, 4 % 22"s 17% Ohio Oil (a60c)_ 167 22% 21% 22% 4 %' 70% 53% Oliver Farm Equip. 18 72% 71% 72 41% 26V, 18% Omnibus Corp vtc_ 10 20 19% 20 41% 19% 13% Oppenhelm Collins.. 2 15% 15% 15% 4 % 45% 35 Otis Elev (60c)_ 5 35s, 35% 35% 4 % ims uus »ieei - i.s zi's zmi sum -r -m 28 22% Outboard Mot b75c. 2 24% 24 24 + % 200 150 Owens-Ill G1 (6) ___ 2 175 175 175 -r4 23 19% Pacific Am Fish 1.20 17 21 20% 20% + % 15% 10% Pacific Coast . . . 320s 11% 10% 11%+ •% 40 25% Pacific Coast 1st pf. 110s 32% 29% 32% +2% 27% 18 Pacific Coast 2d_170s 21 19 20 +2 32% 24% Pac Finance(tl.80). 1 25% 25% 25%-% 38 30% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 9 32% 31% 32% +1% 53% 43% Pac Lighting (3)_ 4 47 46% 47 + % 44% 34% Pac Mills (b50c)_ 4 39% 38% 39% +1% 152 140 Pac Tel & Tel (8)._. 110s 142 140 140 -1 29% 22% Pac West Oil(a65c). 3 28% 28 28 12% 10% Packard Mot <bl5c) 41 10% 10% 10% + % 4% 2% Panhandle P & R __ 2 3% 3% 3% + % 88% 60 Panhandle P&R pf_. 20s 76 76 76 *- % 90 76 Paraffine Co <bl)_ 1 82 82 82 -1 28% 22% Paramount Pic_ 227 25% 24% 24% + % 200% 161 Paramnt 1st pf (6).. 8 176%, 170 176%, +9% 26% 20% Paramnt 2d pf 60c__ 24 22% 22% 22% + % 8% 4% Park Utah_ 28 5% 5% 5% + V* 44% 38 Parke Davis (bl)—_ 4 38% 38% 38% 29% 24% Parker Rust <tl%). 18 27 26% 27 +1 7% 6% Parmelee Trans_ 16 6 6 10% 7% Pathe Film Corp_ 12 8% 8% 8% 23% 14% Patino Mines(t60c). 9 18% 18% 18%+% 7% 3% Peerless Corp__ 20 '7 6% 6% + % 64 50% Penick&Ford(t3)_. 1 51% 51% 51%+% 103% 97 Penney JC) (4)_ 9 98% 98 98% + % 6% 4% Penn Coal & Coke .6 5% 5% 5% 12% 7% Penn Dixie Cement- 4 9 8% 8% + % 29% 22 Penn G1 Sd ot a50c_. 1 25 25 25 5014 39% Penn Railroad (a2)_ 19 46% 45% 46%+ % 48% 34 Pere Marquette _ 1 45 45 45 +1 21% 17% Petr Corp Am a90C-. 6 20% 20 20 + % 1314 10% Pfeiffer Brew b6(lc— 5 11% 1114 11%+% 59% 47% Phelps Dodge b36C— 33 51% 48% 61 -r2% 3% 1% Phila Read C&I (d)_ 12 1% 1% 1% + % 8414 70 Philip Morris(b3%) 6 72% 71% 72% +1% 69% 49% Phillips Petrol (2)-. 30 57% 56% 67 + % 20% 16% Pierce Oil pf_ 9 19% 19% 19% w % 33% 28% Pilisbury Flour 1.60 1 29% 29% 29%+% 66 50 Pirelli (A) <a3.13)— 20s 52% 52% 52% + % 20 13% Pitts Screw&B bl6c. 12 17 16% 16% + % 43 24% Pitts Steel_ 3 36 36 36 +1 122 103 Pitts Steel pf_ 20s 106 105 105 -1% 4 2% Pitts Term Coal_ 1 2% 2% 2% - % 8% 3% Pitts United_ 2 6% 6% 6% + % 47% 31% Pitts &WVa_ 10s 39% 39% 39% +1 28% 24% Plymouth Oil (til— 23 28% 27% 27%+% 21 18% Pond Creek Poo (2). 1 21% 21% 21%+% 33% 24% Poor& Co (B)_ 5 26% 25% 26% +1% 11% 7% Porto R Am Tob A- 1 7 7 7 - % 15% 10 Postal Tel&Cpffd). 2 10% 10% 10%-% 31% 23% Pressed Steel Car.-. 21 25% 24% 25 +% 86 67 Press Stl 2d pf 2%-. 3 68 67 68 +% 65% 55% Proctor & Gam(t2)_ 14 62% 61% 61%+ % 62% 43 PubSvcISI J (2.60)„ 8 44 43% 44 +% 128% 119 Pub SvcNJpf (6).. 1 119% 119% 119% 72% 58 Pullman Inc (1%)— 31 61% 60 61 +1% 24% 19% Pure Oil. _ 108 21% 21 21%+ % 112% 108 Pure Oil 8% pf_10s 110% 110% 110% + % 23% 18% Purity Bak (60c)_ 14 20 19% 19% 18% 16 Quaker State (80c)_ 3 16% 16% 16% 12% 10% Radio Corp_ 128 11% 10% 10%-% 80 73% Radio pf A (1%)_ 1 74% 74% 74%+1 9% 7% Radlo-Keith-Or (d). 181 9% 9% 9% - % 25% 14% R R Sec 111 Cent_140s 21 19 20% +1% 2:15 p.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 37% 31 Raybestos M (tl%) 1 32% 32% 32% 49 45 Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 47 47 47 + a* 13% 9% Real Silk Hosiery_ 11 10% 10% 10",+ »» 4% 2% Reis (Robt) ... 1 .3% 3% 3% + % 35% 32 Reliance Mfg (t60c) 1 31% 31%. 31% — % 22% 18% Reliable Str (a50c). 2 19% 18% 19'% + % 29% 21% Rem-Rand (t60c) . 31 24 23 24 + % 94% 80% Rem-Rpf ww(4%)_ 2 85% 85 85%+% 9% 5 lieo Motor Car_ 29 8 7% 8 + % 47% 27% Republic Steel_ 276 43% 42% 42% + a, 48% 33% Revere Copper_ 60 48% 45% 47% -i 2% 97 71 Revere Copper(A) .. 1 94 94 94 +3 155% 128% Revere Cop pf bl%. 30a 133 132 133 +1 95% 91 Revere Cop pf 6% 30a 91% 91% 91%+ % 30% 24% Reynolds Met (tl)_. 6 25 24% 24",— % 34% 24% Reynolds Spr (tl).. 3 26% 26 26'%+ % 68 60% Reynolds Tob B (3). 82 50% 50% 50% — % 9% 6% Rutland R R pf_ 1 714 7% 7% + % 46 38% Safeway Stores! t2) 24 39 38% 38% —1% 113 110 Safeway Strs pf (7). 20a 110% 110% 110%— % 65 43% St Joseph Ld(b50c). 15 55% 54% 55',+ % 4% 3 St L-San Fran <d)__ 1 3% 3", 3% + V, 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d).. 6 8% 8% 8% + ", 27% 14% Savage Arm (al)... 7 23% 22% 23% +1% 51% 42% Schenley List(b75c) 12 48 47% 47% + ", 98% 94% Schenley pf (5%).. 3 97 96% 96%.+ % 3% 2 Schulte R Strs id).. 2 2% 2% 2% + % 23% 17 Schulte R S pf (d).. 1 20% 20% 20% -r % 45% 38 Scott Paper (1) . . 120a 41", 41% 41% 2% 1% Seaboard Air L Id). 8 1% 1% 1% - % 8% 6 Seaboard 4 L pf(d). 2 6% 6% 6% + % 54% 40% Seaboard Oil (1) .. 66 52% 50% 50% + % 95% 81 Sears Roebuck (3)_. 31 90% 89 90% +2 34 28 Servel Inc (tl)_ 10 29% 29 29 - % 42% 29 Sharon Stl (tl.20)._ 3 36% 36% 36'%+% 14 10% Sharpe & Dohme 4 11 10", 10", + % 65 69% Sharp & Do pf (3%). 3 60 59% 60 -r % 17% 14% Shattuck F G (60c). 3 15% 15 15 - % 44 37% Sheafler Pen(bl %). 10a 40 40 40 + % 34% 26% Shell Un Oil (a25c). 27 32% 31% 32 - 1% 105% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 6%.. 2 104% 104% 104% + % 17% 12% Silver King !b2ac). 10 15% 15% 15", 58 44% Simmons Co (b50c). 11 54 53%. 53% 4 1% 4% 3% Simms Petrol_ 25 4% 4 4 60 42 Skelly Oil _ 10 58 57 57% 41% 102% 99 Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 5 99% 98", 99% - % 197 85% Sloss-Shcffleld Stl . 10, 176 176 176 -,5 40% 27% Smith & Cor ctfs(l) 3 34 33 33 +2% 54% 37% Smith lAO) .. 1 40 40 40 — % 29% 21% Snider Pkg (bl%) _. 1 23% 23% 23% - ", I 19% 16% Socony-Vac (b'.’ac) 138 19", 19% 19% + % 6% 4% South Am G & P 30c 7 4% 4", 4% I 42% 34 South Port Sue! ) 15 39 38% 38% — ", 32%. 26 So Cal Edison Tl1,4 II 26% 26% 26% -r % 63•, 42% Southern Pacific_ 68 59% 57*4 57% -1 43% 24 Southern Ry_ _ 48 39% 37*, 39 -1% 60%, 47% Southern Ry pf_ 20 534# 52% 53% - 1 % 11% 9 Spalding (AG)_ 2 9% 9*« 9*, + % 104% 100 Spang Chal pf bl%. 200* 101 100 100 -2 9% 7 Sparks-Withing 1 7% 7% 7% + % 23’, 19 Sperry Corp vtc(al) 22 20% 19% 20 -r % 34% 28% Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 2 32 30% 32 +1% 50 45(, Spicer pf A (3)_ 90* 48 47% 47% -r % 28% 22% Spiegel, Inc (1) ... 23 25% 25 25% -r % 48% 41 % Square D (B) b25c2 4214 42 42% * % 1644 14% Stand Brands! 180c) 35 14% 14% 14% -r % 128% 124 Stand Brands pf(7). 50* 127 126 126 -1 12% 8% Stand Com Tobac _. 2 10% 9% 10% + % 14% 8% Stand Gas & El (d). 18 10% 10 10%+% 32% 25 Stand G&E $4 pf(d) 8 26% 25% 26*, - 1% 72% 60 Stand G&E 17 pf(d) 1 62 62 62 - % 50 43% Stand Oil Calif (tl). 42 46% 45% 45% -r % 50 44% Stand Oil ind (tl).. 9 47 46% 46% - % 76 67% Stand Oil N J (tl).. 71 71 70% 70% - % 48 34% Starrett L S(tl.40). 13 40 4u 40 - % 75 65 Sterling Prod t3.80. 1 66% 66 . 66% -r % 21 17% Stewart-Warn T50c. 11 18% 17% 18% + % 33H 22", Stone & Web(a25c). 25 26% 25% 26% -1% 2o 13'/, Studebaker Corp __ 54 17%. 16% 17% + ■% 61% 46 Superheater Co (1). 2 48 47’, 47*,— % 7*, 4% Superior Oil _ 16 6% 6% 6% + % 47', 37 Superior Steel. . 2 42% 42 42 — % 39% 32',3 Sutherland P tl.60.. 2 37 37 37 * % 28% 23% Swift & Co (tl.20) 15 26% 25% 25%+ % 33% 30% Swift inti Ltd (2) . 2 33 32% 32% 23s, 18% Symington ww blOc 5 20% 20 20% + % 17% 14 Symington xw blOc. 3 14% 14% 14% + % 15% 13 Talcott (J) b30c ... 1 13% 13% 13% 15% 11% Tenn Corp (al5c)... 18 14V, 13% 14 + % 62*, 50% Texas Corp t2) ... 140 62%. 61% 62% -r % 9% 7% Texas Gulf Pr a5c.. 20 9V, 9 9% + % 41 38% Texas Gulf Sul (t2) 12 40% 4" 40V, - % 54% 43% Texas & Pac R R .. 5 46 46 46 16% 13% Tex Pac C&O blOc ._ 29 16% 15% 15%-% 15% 11% Texas P E T (alOc). 8 13 12. 12% 48 37% Thatcher llfg (11)_ 1 43% 43% 43%-—'. 13% 10% The Fair _ 4 11 10% 10% — % 13% 10 Thermoid Co_ 3 10% 10*, 10*. 28% 23 Thompson Pr b40c.. 2 24%. 24% 24% — % 10% 6% Thompson Starrett- 8 7*, 7 7% -r % 21% 18*, Tide Wat A O (60c). 20 19*, 19 19*, -r % 28% 22 Timken Detroit tl-. 12 24*, 24 24 79 62 Timken Roller B(3) 8 63% 62 63%* % 17% 15% Transamerica t40c. 85 17 15% 16% —1 22% 16% Trans Wst Air a25c. 3 17% 17% 17% — % 27% 19% Transue & W(tCOc) 3 22% 20', 22% t2V, 11% 8 Tri-Conti (a50c)_ 4 9% 9% 9% 12 8% Truax-Traer(b25c). 21 12 11% 11%+ V, 40% 33% 20th Cent Fox boOc. 57 39% 39 39%. -rl 50 42% 20th Cent F pf (1 % ) - 8 49% 48% 48% -r % 17% 11% Twin City RT.. ... 2 11% 11% 11% -r % 94 74 Twin C R T pf al4.. 20* 75% 75 75 — % 26% 16% Twin Coach lal.40). 6 23% 22% 22% +1% 6% 3%Ulen&Co ... 1 4 4 4 100% 85% L'nd-Ell-Pisher (3). 2 88%. 88 88 - 2 91% 63 Union Bag & P (2)-. 4 88'.- 87 87'..— % 111 97% Union Carb (3.20) 13 102%. 99% 101%. ,-2% 28% 24% Union Oil(Calif) 1.20 28 26*, 26% 26% — % 148% 126% Union Pacific (6) . 8 148% 144% 147% -6% 99% 93 Union Pacific pf (4). 4 93 92% 93 31% 26’, Union Tnk Car 1.60. 8 28% 28% 28% 35'* 27% Utd Aircraft(aaOc). 18 29', 28% 23% — % 24 , 17% Utd Air Bines a20c. 20 19 18%. 18*, % 31% 24 Utd Am Bosch _ 1 24% 24% 24% — % 30% 25% Utd Biscuit (1.60)_ 2 27 26% 27 - % 117% 113% Utd Biscuit pf (7).. 10*117 117 117 91 78 LtdCarbcn(4) ... 1 81 81 81 + % 35 29% Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 1 33 33 33 — % 8% 5% Utd Corp (a20c)_ 57 6 5% 6 -r % 46% 41% Utd Corp pf (3)_ 12 43% 43% 43% -r % 16 14 Utd Drug (a75c)_ 20 14% 13% 13% — % 9% 7% United El C ex rts 14 7% 7% 7% Unt ECrts M 14’37 58 1*, 1% 1% 63 46% Utd Eng & Fy (+2)_ 1 54% 54% 54% + % 86% 80% United Fruit (t3)_ 3 84',. 83 83 — % 17 13% Utd Gas Imp (1)_ 32 14 13% 13% — % 113% 110V, Utd G Imp pf (5)_ 3 111 110% 110%. — •% 16% 6% Utd Paperboard_ 7 15% 15 15% + % 23% 17 U S Hoffman _ 6 22 21%. 22 +1 43% 37% U S Indus Alcohol_ 12 40% 39%. 39% 15% 6V, U S Leather vtc_ 26 11% 11% 11% — % 22% 13V, TJ s Leathern A) vtc. 5 20% 20 20 ■+• % 72% 59% U S Pipe & Fdry (3). 4 63 61 63 -r2% 19% 13% U S Realty & Imp... f6 15% 14% 15% — % 72% 44V, U S Rubber _ 50 65 63 63% -rl% 118 92% U S Rubber 1st pf_ 7 104%. 102 104 " -. 3 ’ 105 83% U S Smelting (b4)_ 6 95% 93% 95 -2% 75% 69 U S Smelt pf (3%).. 2 69% 69 69% -e % 126% 75 U S Steel - 192 115% 113% 113% + % 150 139% U S Steel pf (7)_ 1 144 144 144 + % 9% 7 Unit Stk Yds (50c). 9 8% 8 8 8% 5% Utd Stores (A) ... 12 6% 6 6% + % 84% 78% Utd Str pf al4.81% - 1 78% 78% 78% — % 108 82 Univ Pictures lstpf. 70s 82 82 82 +1 4% 2% Util Pw&Lt (A)(d). 32 3 2% 3 2% 1% Vadsco Sales Corp — 10 1% 1% 1% 58% 48 Vadsco Sales C pf— 10s 50% 50% 50% + % 39% 28% Vanadium Corp _ 12 34% 33% 33% -rl 44% 39% Van Raalte(b62%c) 2 40% 40 40 46%. 42% Vick Chemical (+2) _ 2 42% 42% 42% — % 12% 7% Va-Car Chemical_ 41 12 11% 11% — % 74% 54% Va-Car Chem 6% pf 17 71% 70% 70% + % 115 108 VaEl&Pwof (6) _ 10s 112% 112% 112% + % 12% 8% Va Iron Coal&Coke. 30s 10% 10 10 — V* 37 26% Va Iron C & C pf_ 30s 31% 30% 31% +1% 10% 3% Wabash (d) _ 4 8% 8 8% + % 18% 9 Wabash pf (A) (d)_. 5 15% 15 15 + % 19% 15% Waldorf Sys(tl.20). 2 16 15% 15%+ % 33 29 Walgreen Co (2).—. 11 31% 30% 31%+% 118 11214 Walgr’nCopf (6%). 90s 113% 113% 113% 49% 44% Walker (H) (2)_ 4 46% 46 46% + % 18% 11% Walworth Co_ 62 17% 16% 16% 50% 35% Ward Raking (A)_ 2 39 38% 38% + % 10% 6% Ward Baking (B)_ 8 8% 8% 8% — % 18 13% Warner Bros Piet--. 121 15% 15% 1514+ % 1% % Warner-Quinlan(d) 1 % % % 121* 6% Warren Bros (d) - 3 10% 10% 10% 46 35% Warren Fdy&P(tl) 4 40 40 40 +1 56 46 Wesson O&S <t50c) 12 52 50% 51 + % 84’a 80 Wesson O&S pf (4)- 2 82 81% 82 102 93 West Penn El A (7) 60s 95% 93% 93% -3% 100% 90 West Penn El pf(6) 10s 91% 91% 911,-% 109 103 West Penn El pf (7) 20s 105% 105% 105%+1 123'-,118 West Pa Pwr pf (7). 10s 118% 118% 118% + % 11% 8% Western Maryland- 8 10% 10 10 23% 17% Western Md 2d pf... 1 19 19 19 - % 4% 2% Western Pacific_ 2 4 3% 4 + % 11 Vi 71* Western Pacific pf— 5 9% 9V* 9% -t- V* 83% 69 Westn Un Tel (3)—. 8 72% 71% 72 +1 57% 46% Westingh'se A B(l) 14 48% 46% 48%-rl% 167% 130% Westingh'se El (bl) 15 137% 135% 136% -t-2% 170 150 Westhse 1st pf (bl) 60s 150 150 150 30% 24% Weston El Inst a85c 5 26 24% 26 +1% 271* 22 Westvaco Chlor (1) 2 23 22% 23 + % 110 90 Wheel & Lake Erie. 10s 115 115 115 +13% 65 38 W'heeling Steel- 6 68% 57% 58% +1% 33% 23% White Motor _ 34 29% 28V, 28% + % 18% 15% White Rk M S(1.40) 1 16% 16% 16%-% 6% 514 White Sewing Mach 3 5% 5% 5% + % 6% 4% Wilcox Oil & Gas— 63 5% 5% 6% + % 12% 8% Wilson & Co (50c)— 18 10% 9% 9% 91% 79% Wilson & Co pf (6). 1 86% 86% 86% 65% 51% Woolworth (2.40) . 20 53% 52% 53 + % 47 34% Worthington Pump. 9 40 39% 39% +1% 112% 81 Worth Pump pf(A). 100s 108 106 107% +2% 128 100 Wright Aero (al)_. 10s 105 105 105 +5 76 68% VVrigley W 1r (t3)__ 1 70% 70% 701* + % 62% 49% Yale&Towne(t60c). 2 52 50V* 52 +1% 37% 20% Y'ellow Tr & Coach- 85 32 30% 31% + % 46% 40 Young Spr&W(t3)_ 2 42% 42% 4214+ % 101% 75% Ygstn S&T (b76c)— 46 89% 88% 88% + % 40% 31 Zenith Radio (bl)— 2 32% 32 32% + % 9% 6% Zonite Products_ 5 7% 7 7+1* Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. E. Stock Exchange. 11:00 P.M_ 400.000 12:00 Noon..710.000 1:00 P.M_1.110,000 2:00 P.M_1,250.000 ■ Unit of trading less than 100 shares, tAnnual rate— not Including extras, a Paid last Tear. b Paid this year, d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganized, x Ex dividend. General Gains Range From Fractions to $3 or Wore a Share. Stock Averages 30 15 15 #0 Indust. Rails. Util. Sties Net change. -f1.1 -r.3 +.1 -f.6 Today, noon 94 9 45.6 46.0 70.2 Prev. day... 93 8 45 3 45 9 69 6 Month ago. 99.4 48 3 48.1 73 7 Year ago,.. 84.5 37.7 48.3 63 8 1937 high.. 101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 92 8 37.8 45.7 68.7 1936 high.. 99.3 43 5 53.7 72 8 1936 low... 73 4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9 I 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Comclled by ths Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, NEW YORK, April 13—Stocks I swung upward in today’s market for general gains of fractions to 3 or more points. Steels led the jaunt from *he start, with selected motors, electric equip j ments, farm implements, rubber.--. | chemicals and specialties gathering j power in later dealings. Brokers attributed the come-back partly to relief of traders over the j fact markets received calmly the long ; awaited Supreme Court decisions of yesterday. Some buying stimulus was ; also apparently provided by business news. The pace was lively at times, but there were extremely slow intervals. A number of issues finished around their best levels. Late profit selling pulled back many from their tops of the day. There was a small assort ment of losers at the close. Trans fers approximated 1,600.000 shares. Bethlehem Steel had the benefit of President Grace's cheerful remarks at the company’s annual meeting in which it was intimated the common, in view of current earnings, was in line for a dividend. Carrier loans developed strength in the bond department and other cor porate issues improved. United States Government securities were mixed. Commodities displayed uneven trends, although some cut early losses sub stantially. The French franc was again lower in terms of the dollar. Conspicuous on the forward tilt were shares of Bethlehem, United States Steel. National Steel, Crucible, Chrysler, Yellow Truck. General Mo tors, Westinghouse. Deere. Oliver Farm. International Harvester. United States Rubber, Goodyear, Goodrich, Allied Chemical. Sears Roebuck, Re vere Copper, Phelps Dodge. Kenne cott, American Smelting, Seaboard Oil, Texas Corp . American Can. Du Pont, Skelly Oil. Standard Oil of In diana. Union Pacific, Northern Pa cific, Great Northern, Southern Rail way, Pullman, Celanese, Loew s, Para mount, Collins & Aikman, Wesson Oil, Mead Corp. and Canada Dry. Coca Cola got up about 10 points on limited turnover. Backward were American Tele phone, Trans-America. Remington Rand. Southern Pacific, Dome Mines and Safeway Stores. -.-m -• NEW YORK COTTON B' the Associated Press NEW YORK. April 13.—Early losses ranging up to SI a bale in cotton to day under foreign selling and liquida tion were recovered later on Wall Street buying, which accompanied a : rally in the stock market. July advanced from 13.60 to 13.81 ! and was 13.78 in midafternoon, when prices were about net unchanged. The undertone continued nervous and 1 business tapered off. with traders in clined to await developments. Futures closed steady, 6 to lu lower High Low Close May in n; 13 7 7 13.80-M July _ H3>! 13.60 13.dp-70 October _ 13.3R 13.16 13.24 December ... 13.21 13.07 13.17-1S January . 13.26 13 11 13 10 March 13.35 13.27 Spot qule* middling 14.4". CHICAGG GRAIN Es the Associated Press. ! CHICAGO. April 13—Rallies of ! new crop wheat futures late today j more than overcame early losses, de i spite continued depression of corn prices. Crop damage reports regarding wheat were received from parts of Ne braska and Kansas as a result of dust storms and of moisture shortage. An other stimulating factor near the end of the day was word of liberal export buying of wheat in Canada, At the close, wheat was varying from *s off to as up, compared with yester day's finish. May, 1.373s-1.37*,2; July. 1.23V124. Corn. >2-2*4 down. May. 1.27‘k -1.273r ; July. 1.1812-1.18*8- Oats at *4-34 decline, and prolusions show ing 15 to 25 cents setback. WHEAT— Open. Hish. Low, Close May 1.:««“« 1 :171 .• ] 357, 1 ::7 ; Julv t.22», 1.74 >, 1.72** 1.2.'l7,-2* Sen l.is3, l .201, l is3, l 2(1-20'» CORN— May. new 1.28 1.28‘a 1.26 177',-1, May. old 1.24 July, new . _1.19' ? l .l.'t7, 1.17s, 1.16'i-*. July, old . 1.17 Sop 1.(Id*, 1.097, 1.08 l.OS'j-*, OATS— May 40s, 4!'s, 4KS, .49',- « July .46', .46'? 45s, .46', Sep .42', .42s, .42 .47'.,-si SOY BEANS - May 1 15 1.75 1 74s, 1.74s, July _ -1.68', 1.69 1.68', 1.69 RYE— Ma.v 1.15'? 1 16', 1.15 1.15s,-s, July .1.07', 1.071, ldfi 1.07’?-*, Sep .96 .97s, .96 .97'a BARLEY— May 78s, LARD— May 11.7(1 1 1 75 1 1 65 11.67-70 July 11.90 12.00 11 00 11.95-97 Sep. _ 12.20 12,1(1 17.17 12 27-"5 - Oct 12.22 1237 12.22 12.25-30 BELLIES— May 15 95 15 95 15 77 15 77 July ... 18.30 16,35 18.17 16.17 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat, no sales reported; com. No. 3 mixed, 1.33^al.35</2,‘ No. 3 yel low, 1 33al.35t2; No. 4 yellow, 1.32'2a 1.33*3; No. 2 white, 1.37*4: No 3 white, 1.3381.35*2 oats. No. 2 white, 54a54%; No. 3 white, 53*4a53%; soy beans, No. 2 yellow. 1.74*4; barley, feed, 75a85 nominal; malting, 1.00a 1.27 nominal; timothy seed. 4.50a5.00 hundredweight; clover seed, 28.00a 34.00 hundredweight. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE. April 13 —Wheat No. 2. red. Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic. 1.49 V4; April. 1.49*4. Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG, April 13 f^i —-Grain range today: WHEAT— Prev. High. Low. Close. close. May Hz, 1.41Va 1 A::'*-'* July 1.3T* 4 1.35 1.3H‘-2 1.37*4-‘,« Sept. 1.23 8s 1.19*4 1.21 1 21H-a4 OATS— May .59V« .59 .59*4 -• RUMANIA STOPS WHEAT. BUCHAREST, Rumania, April 13 UP).—The government put a tempo rary halt on Rumanian wheat ex portation, fearing a domestic short age because 250,000 carloads already liad been exported In 1937. No re striction was placed on imports.