Newspaper Page Text
SPECIALTIES LEAD . Small Group Forges Up 1 to 3 or More Points in General Rise. By the Associated Press, NEW YORK, April 13.—A handful of specialties ran ahead 1 to 3 or more points in an advancing Curb market today. Gainers were Aluminum Co., Creole Petroleum, Newmont Mining, Pep perell, Sherwin-Williams, Thew Shov * el, Wayne Pump and Raymond Con crete Pile. Fractionally higher were American Gas & Electric, International Petro leum, Sunshine Mining and United Wall Paper. Off fractions to a point or so were , Lake Shore Mines, Venezuelan Petro leum, Wright Hargreaves and Gulf Oil. I Iron Ore Stocks On Lake Erie Sag To 10-Year Low By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND. Ohio. April 13.—Sup plies of iron ore on Lake Erie docks are at the lowest levels in more than 10 years, the Lake Superior Iron Ore Association reported today. Stocks on hand are 2,851,951 tons, compared with a balance on the same date last year of 4.668,581. onipments irom docks to furnaces during the past year totaled 25,711,230 tons, compared with 14.615.452 in the . like period a year ago. Toledo and Fairport stocks are a little above a year ago but other ports we sharply lower. Conneaut has the largest supply at 1,180,974 tons, against 1.565,803 a year ago. Others are: Cleveland, 280,396, against 640,844; Toledo, 38,825, against 21,497, and Buffalo, 1.201, against 2,915. CALIFORNIA STANDARD PROFITS RISE IN 1936 By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. April 13 — Stand , wd Oil Co. of California, giant of the California petroleum industry, reported its 1936 net profit was $23,310,224. This amounted to $1.78 a share on the 13,102.900 issued shares of capital stock, and compared with $18,594,320, or $1.42 a share in 1935. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. ai. r, ,, High. Low. Noon. A a Power 4%s 67- 83% 83% 83% Ala Power 5s '46 A-104% 103% 104% £ n„P?.wera °?- ,'68- 91% 91’- 91% Alum Co 5s o2 _10510512 1051,0 5 A E 5s 2028_100J4 lOtP-4 loo3! Am F & L 6s 2016_ 9534 95% 95% Am Roll Mill 5s '48- 102s,8 102% 102% Anpalch E P 5s ’56—106 106 106 Appalch Pw 5s '41-107% 107% 107% rfr^1^55 - 95% 95% 95% As El Ind 4%s o3_ 08 57% 57% As G & E 4%s '49_ 53 52% 52% a^4 50- 55% 55% 55% As G&E, 5%s inv ct— 68 68 6.8 Bald L bs 3b ww stn . lots 194 196 * ffrm Lf?S a?8 x^oStp— 18234 186 Birm El 4VaS 68_. 867k 864« 803* Binning Gas 5s '59 78 78 78 Can No Pw 5s '53 A— 103% 103% 103% Caro Pw & Lt 6s '56— 99 99 90 Cen 111 P S 4%s '67 F 97% 97% 97% Cent 111 P S 6s '68 G_100% 100% liio'a cent I P S 4 %s '81 H— 90 nfi 96 Gent Pw & Lt os ’56__ 91V* 90% 91 Cent St El 5%s ’54— 60 60 60 Gen St P&L o'as '53— 66% 66 66% Cities Svc 5s ’50_ 72 717. "" Cities S Gas 5%s '42_100% 100' 100% Comw Ed 4s '81 P_104 103% 103% Coraw Ed 3%s ’65 H— 102 102 102 c£SJ!t„St. 2 !’ ’4s,-A - 103 103 103 Comnty P & L 5s o/__ , 81* 78*4 7,s’« £°|}f n jBair 41a,s. US* 2 11W*2 118»“ C°nt G St E os 08 A_ 87*/2 8712 871 \ Crucible Stl 5s ’40_103 103 loV nStr<r?tCo? r5 10rt‘4 lo«U P1^ 2s J?s , 0(1 B 103 103 103 et Int Bg ,s o2 cd 3 3 3 ast G A F 4s ’56 A__ 86‘/4 8534 86!k g1 Pw & Lt os 2030.. 85 845« 85 » Emp Dis El 5s '52_ 97s* 071, 075., O * R 89 U 8.034 rca Wat oVas o4 84 «4. qa Florida P & L 5s ’54__ 92 915« 9° ^ « 7 AW <*c , 'a 'is Gatineau Pw ns ’56__ IOOV2 10<>»2 lOOVi Gatineau Pw 6s '41__loi nil in r^n ^ 6j2s ’50 A 8914 89 *4 89* 4 Gen W W&E 5s ’48 A _ flpa pp™ <i]i! Georgia Pw 5s ’07 _ 9634 P634 9A32 Georgia P&L os ’78 7*7P 7 V ~.V Glen Alden Cl 4s 05 _ 8OV4 8(H4 RniJ Hall iw P. 6s '47 stp _ 98*4 98' ogij Hygrade Fd 6s ’49 b . '9 79 in SWo^ L 68 ’58 A 1083i 10;{34 loipi T 1 ^xLT0iaS -s?B • 101 52 101 ‘2 1<M *2 111 Pw & L 5s 06 C _ 96 96 96 Indian E C 5s '51 C ill ill 91 Indiana Ser 5s '50 71 71 7f Indiana Ser 5s '63 A 69% 69% 39% Indnap P&L 5s '57 A 106% 106% 106% Interc Pjit^os '48 A 8% 8% 8% tSJLA6 Dtie-^5.s.f17 101% 101 % 101% Interst Pw 5s 57 _ 61% m M,i" Interst Pw fis l’52 47% 47% 471' ! Interst P S4%s '58 p. 70% 7.0% 70a.? Iowa Pub Sv 5s ’57 . K)2*i 10214 10°>2 Jer C P&L 4j2« '61 C . 102 *.2 102*2 3 d2,5 Ken U 8%s M8 D . _ 104 104 104 Lex Util ns 52 _ _ 103% 103% 103% T^Pw Tr? -S >t2 - J05% 1053a 105% k* pw & Lt ns 57 104% 104 lot% Mem PAL 5s '48 A _ 102 103 102 Midlan V RR 5s ’48 91 91 pi M!nn #,aS 06*2 P6>a P6V2 Miss Pw&L 5s ’o7 86 88 88 Muns SS OVas’S? cod ww 8Vi s*4 8>4 Nat P & L 6s 2026 A 96 947* 9478 JJebr Pw 412s ’81 a 109 109 109 Nevad Cal El 5s ’56 _ P034 po34 po34 New E G&E 5s ’-4 7 7878 7234 7*>3,4 New E G&E 5s 50 _ 783a 725 a 78 New E Pw 5s '48 95% 95 95% New E Pw 5%s '54 98 98 98 N Y P A Lt 4%s '67 _ 105% 105% 105% N Y 8 E A G 4%s 'SO _ 10034 100% 100% No Con U 5%s '48 A . 57% 57% 57% No Ind PS 5s 'Oil D 102 102 10" No Ind PS 4%s '70 E _ 97 97 <17 Norw El 6s '45 stpri _ 10.3 10.3 1113 Northw P S 5s '57 A _ 95 95 sir, Ohio Pub S fis '53 C _ lliilt. 109% 109% Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D __ 105 105 105 Pac GAP fis '41 B _ 115% 115% 115% Penn CLAP 4%s '77_ 96% 96% 9«% Penn El 4s 'll P _ 92% 92% !l"% Penn O E fis '50 A_ 102 102 102 Penn P Svc 5s '54 D _ 105% 105% 105% Peop GLAC 4s '81 B 91 90% ill Phila El P 5%s '72_110% 110% 110% Pitts Steel fis '48 _103% 10.3% 103% Potomac E 4%s 'fil P __ 105 105 105 Potomac E 5s '66 E_106% 106% 106% Pw Ser Corp fis '49 __ 100% 100% 100% Pub S N I 4 %s '78 D__ 103 103 103 Pub S N I 4 %s '81 P Ini*/. 1 m i'. 1 n 11. pug S P ft L 5vaS 49 A 87', 87V, 87V, Pug 8 P & L 4%s ’50 D 80% 80% 80% « Quee G A E 5%s '52 A 103% 103% 103% Safe H Wr 4%s '70. 107% 107% 107% Bcripps 5%s '43 102V, 102% 102V, Shw WAP 4%s '87 A 102% 102% 102s, 8 E P A L 6s 2025 A._ 99% 09% 99% Sou Cal Ed 3%s '45 __ 103% 103% 103% Sou Cal Ed 3%s 00 100% 100 100 " SOU Cal 3Vis '80 B 100% 100% 100% Sou Cal E 4s '00 _105V, 105% 105'.* Sou Caro 6s '67 _ 01% 91% 91% Souw L A P 5s '57 A _ 101% 101% 101% Souw Pb 8vc 6s '45 A 104 104 104 Std G A E cv Hs '36 cod 84 84 84 Std G A E cv 6s '25 mat 84 84 84 Std G A E 6s '61 A -- 84 83 84 Stand Pw A Lt 6s '57__ 84% 83% 84% Tenn Pub 8 5s '70- 73% 73% 73% Texas Elec 5s '60_101 % 101% ini % Tex Pow ft L 5s '56 ___ 104% 104'/* 104'* ?ide Wat P 5s '79 A .. 98% 97% 97"* oledo Ed's 5s '62 . 108% 108% 198% Twin CRT 5%s '52 A 83% 82% 82% On E L A P M 5s '67 B 107 107 107 Unit Lt ft Pw 5%s '59 . 105'/* 105% 105% Unit Lt ft Pw 6s '75 __ 80 80 80 Unit LARD 5Vis '52 _ 86% 86% 86% Unit L A R M 6s '52 A 112 112 112 Unit L ft R M 6s '73 A 79% 79% 79% Utah P 4 L 6s 2022 A_ 95 95 95 Utica G A E 5s '56 D- 105% 105% 105% Utica G A E 5s '52 E _ 106% 166% 106% Va Pub S 5'2S '46 A — 94 94 94 Va Pub S 5Vis '46 A.. 100 100 100 Wash Gas Lt 5s '58_ 106 106 106 West Pa 5s 2030 ___ 97% 97 97% West T Ut 5s '57 A 94% 93% 94% We U G ft E 5Vis '55 A 104% 104% 104% Wis P A L 4s '56 A... 95% 95 95% York Rwy Co 5s '37.87% 87 87% FOREIGN Bogot M B 7s '47 a-o. 22 22 22 Sol Agr M B 7s '46_ 22% 22% 22% om Prv B 5%s '37_ 52 52 52 Cuban Te 7%s '41 A __ 100 100 loo Denm Mt B 5s '72 lx _ 96V* 95% 95% 8er Con Mun 7s '47 __ 19% 19% 19% uant A W 6s '58 A.. 55 55 55 Hanover City 7s '39_ 20 19% 20 Medelin Col 7s '51 ___ 15% 15'* 15V* Parana Bras 7s '58_ 28% 28% 28% Rio de Jan 6%s '50 .. 28V* 28V* 28% Ruhr G C 6%s '53 A._ 22% 22% 22% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st (stp)—Stamped. (Negotiability Impaired by maturity. ♦ Companies reported in receivership. Associated Gas & Electric Co.— Electric output of system in March, 1937, showed an increase of 18.3 per cent over like 1936 month; in 12 months gain was 13.6 per cent. L NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hteh. Low. Close. Acme W vto <*).. 76a 60 49 60 Aero Supply <B)_. 6 5 6 6 Agfa Ansco _ 1 £2V4 22J* 22V* Air Invest cv pf 12 80 29 29V* Alabam Pw pf (7) £0t 74!* 74V* 74!* Alles Fisher .18 S3 Alum’n Co of Am 350t 162 168 160 Alum Am pf all% 100a 119 118V* 118V* Aluminum Ltd .. 360e 125 122 122 Am Airlines lno_. 7 27 25V* 27 Am Box B’od (1)„ 57 24!* 24 24 Am Capital (A)_ 1 8!* 8!* 8!* Am Capital (B).. 2 1 1 1 Am Clt P&L (A) 8 60a 85H 861* 85V* Am Cynam B t60c £7 81!* 80!* 80!* Am G&E (1.40)... 24 87 86s* 86!* Am G&E pf (6)... 160« 110 109>* 110 Am Gen C’p (a60c) 1 10!* 10** 10!* Am Gen C pf (2) 100a 33!* 83!* 33!* Am Laun’y M 80c. 3 31V* 81 81 Am L&T (11.20). 5 20V* 20V* 20V* Am Mfg Co <a3)._ 25« 42 42 42 Am Maracaibo ... 8 2 lj* IV* Am Superpower 64 2 1J* 1J* Am Superpw 1st 6 2 94 94 94 Am Superpwr pf.. 1 41 40!* 40!* Anchor Post F ... 8 4V* 4!* 4!* Angostura (t20c). 12 7J* 7V* 7J* Apex Electrlc(al) l 85 85 35 Appalach E P pf 7 80* 107 107 107 Arcturus Radio T. 1 IV* IV* IV* Ark Nat Gas _ 6 9V* 9)* 9)* Ark Nat G cu pf_ 1 8J* 8V* 8V* Ark Nat Gas (A)„ 45 10 9)* 91* Art Met W (80c)2 13V* 13)* 18V* Ashland O&R t40o 8 7V* 7V* 7J* Asso Gas & Elec.. 12 2 2 Asso G & E (A)._. 1 3!* 31* 8!* Asso G & E SB pf.. 2 26V* 26 26V* Asso Laundries _. Is*!*!* Atl Coast Fis b35c 4 101* 9Jx 91* Atl Coast L a2 V* 110a 60 491* 49V* Atlas Corp war . 4 3 21* 3 Atlas Plyw’dtlH) 2 25',* 24V* 25 Austin Silver .. 84 31* 21* 21* Auto Products ... ]0 7** 7!* 7!* Auto Vot Mch 70c 1 10!* 10!* 10!* Avery (B F) & Son 8 11 101* 11 Babcox* Wil (4 i 32.7 a 130V* 127!* 128 Raldw L bd rts(d) 10 3 3 3 Bardstown Dist... 7 4)* 31* 4V* Barlow&St A > 1.20 200a 17 16«* 16!* Barium Stain Stl_. 4 6 61* 51* Bell Aircraft_ 9 14!* 13!* 14!* Bellanca Aircraft. 4 71* 7** 7V* Berkey&Gay F Co 9 S 21* 2’„ Berk&GF pur war 1 11* 1«* l>* Bliss Co (EW) 1 201* 201* 20V* Blue Ridge (bl5c) 9 31* 31* 8 V* Blue Ridge cv pf 3 1 451* 451* 45V* Blumenthal S ... 2 33 32V* 33 Botany Cons td).. 3 V* V* V* Bower Roll B (2). 2 29** 29!* 29!* Bowman-Blltmore 12 2 2 Brazil T1.AP 40c 2 26!* 25!* 25!* Breeze C Inc a75c. 1 11V* 11 11V* Brld’p’t Mch b25c S3 20V* 18V* 20 Brill Corp pf . 200* 63V* 63V* 63V* Brlllo Mfg (80c).. 2 11V* 1IV* 1IV* Brown Co pf 400a 77V* 75 751* Brown F&W bl5c 1 12!* 121* 12!* Brown F&W lA) 2 1 28 28 28 Brown Forman 2 8V* 81* 8V* Bunker H & S(bl) 60a 1241* 124 124 . Burry Biscuit_ 2 6!* 51* 6V* Calamba Sue tl.60 1 £0 30 30 Can Indus Alco A. 8 6** 6V* 6!* Can Ind Alco (B)_. 2 6V* 6 6 Can Marconi _ 2 2V* 2V* 2V* Carlb Syndicate 11 2 2 2 Carm’n&Co A b50c 1 25 25 25 Carnation Co (1).. 1 31V* 31V* 31V* Carnegie Metals_ 9 2** 2V* 2!* Carrier Corn _ 17 45V* 44V* 45V* Carter (JW) 80c.. 1 10!* 10!* 10!* Catlln Coro (840o) 9 8V* 8 8V* Cent Ohio S b25c 3 16!* 15 15 Cent P & Lt 7% pf (b3.06 V* )_100a 88V* 87V* 88V* Cent&SWUtll. 4 3 V* 3!* 3>* Cent States Elec 19 1!* 1»* l!* Cent St El cv pf n 125s 18V* 16 I8V* Centrlf Pipe t40o. 6 6V* 6 6V* Charls Corpll V*). 1 14 14 14 Chesebrough <t4J 60a 119 Us no Chi Flex Shaft (4) 160a 66V* 65 65 Childs Co pf _50a 87V* 87 87V* Cities Service_ 86 4 3V* 3V* Cities Service pf . 4 49V* 48 49!* Cities Svc pf(BB). 50a 45 45 45 Cltv Auto SltBOe) 2 12 11J* 11J* Clark Con (b50c)_. 1 38 38 38 Claude Neon Lts 24 3 274 a Clev E II lum(t2). 1 41 41 41 Clev Tractor_ 80 154 144 144 Colon Dev Ltd ... 7 64 694 694 Colon Dev Ltd A.. 10 44 44 44 Colon Dev 6% pf_. 4 44 44 44 Colo Fuel&Ir war. 12 199g 184 194 Celts PFA b374c. 8 714 714 714 Colum O & G a20c. 57 84 84 84 Comwlth Edls T4. 1 1124 11$* 11294 Com'with & S war 37 4 4 4 Com’u’ty P&L 1st 150s 47 469* 47 Community PS tl. 60s 284 284 289-g Community WS.. 1 19-* 14 14 Cons Aircraft 15 274 269* 274 Consol Biscuit 6O0 2 74 74 74 Consol Copper 58 94 94 99* C GELt&P Bo 3.60 6 754 74** 74*4 Consol Gas Util 4 3 24 3 Cons Mtn&Sm t2 60s 84 84 84 Consol Retail Strs 2 8»* 8’* 84 ConsRS8% pf biUO. 129 129 129 Consol Steel Corp 11 149s 144 144 Cont’l G&E pr pf 7 05s 96 96 96 Confl Roll & S Fv 2 214 219* 219* Cook P & Var f60c 1 19 19 19 Copper Range- 1 139* 139* 134 Cord Corp - 80 4'* 44 44 Corroon & Reyn2 69* 6s* 6s*; Coeden Oil Me <d) 13 24 2>* 24 Cosdeni Melpf (d) 2 33 32 32 Creole Pe”. <a50c)_ 67 834 31** 33 Crocker-Wh alOc. 2 16 is 16 j Croft Brewing_ 15 4 9$ ag Crown Cent P a6o. IS 24 2 2 Crown Dr (b20c)_ 3 4 34 34 Cusl Me* Mining- 46 4 4 4 Darby Petr (50c). 6 17 164 17 Dayton Rubber_ 2 274 274 274 Dennison 1% pf... 80s 76 73 76 Derby Oil & Ref64 74 74 74 Derby O&R pf a4.. 25s 78 78 78 Detroit Gasket tl. 4 174 17 1794 Det Gray lr t20c.. 3 I64 16 16 Det Pap Prod t25e 8 8 8 8 Det Stl Prod b25c. 2 65 66 65 DomlnS&C(B> 4 234 224 224 Dow Chem (2.40). 3 142 140 142 Driver Harris 14. 1 33 4 334 334 Duro Test (blOc). 2 74 74 74 Bagle Pitcher blOc 13 224 224 224 East’n G&F Asso 2 8 74 8 Estn G&F As pf 3.160s 49 48** 489* East G&F p or 4 4 26s 66 4 664 66 4 Easy W M(B)b25o 2 11 Xl 11 East'n States Pwr 6 64 64 64 East’n St Pw (B)_ 1 72 72 72 Eisler Elec (aSc). 2 3 3 3 Elec Bond & Share 104 214 20 4 214 Elec B & S pf (6) 15 79,4 78 4 784 El Pwr As(A)a25o 2 74 74 74 Elec P&L opt war. 2 94 94 94 Eleo P&L 2d pf A. 60s 664 624 664 Elec Shareholding 2 5 494 R Emsco Derrick tl. 2 174 174 174 Equity Corp(a25e) 14 24 24 24 Evans Wall Lead. 7 2 2 2 Excello Air(b20c). 11 254 244 244 Falstaff Brewing. 8 94 94 94 Fanny Farm C(l). 1 224 224 224 FED Corporation 4 4 4 4 Ferro Enam b25c.. 2 384 874 384 Fidello Brewery l 4 4 4 Fire As(Fhila.)t2. 60b 74 734 734 Fisk Rubber- 8 164 164 164 Fla P * L of-150b 464 464 454 Ford Ltd al81-10o 9 74 74 74 Ford (Cant A (1). 15 244 244 244 Ford (France)_ 1 34 34 34 Franklin Ray a60c 2 124 114 Froedt G&M(20c). 1 134 134 134 Gen Alloys 2 44 44 44 Gen Fireprfg b25c 15 21 204 21 Gen invest Corp.. 8 14 14 14 Gen Tire & Rub... 5 344 844 344 Georgia Pw pf (6) 150b 81 80 80 Glen Alden C (tl) 9 124 124 124 Goldfield Consol 8444 Gorham Mf vtc tl 4 26 25 25 Godchaux Sug(B) 1 81 SI 81 Grand Natl Films. 6 24 24 24 Gr Rap Var(t60c) 2 164 164 164 Grt A&P Tnvte. 70b 107 106 106 Greenfield T & D 4 144 134 144 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 15 594 684 584 Hall Lamp (80c)_. 4 6 6 6 Hartman Tobacco. 11 34 34 84 Hat Corp (B) 80c. 1 13 18 13 Hearn Dep S bl.65 3 164 16 164 Heels Min (b20c>. 8 184 184 184 Hevden Ch <t2) . 2 42 42 42 Hoe & Co, Inc (A). 10 35 34 4 34 4 Hollinger (t65c) 4 134 13 13 Horn & Hardart t2 25a 39 89 39 Hudson BM&S 11) 10 33 324 33 Humble Oil (14). 0 83 824 83 Huyler’s (Del) (d). 1 14 14 14 Hygrade Food 1 44 44 44 Hygrade Sylv (J). 160s 61 61 61 111 Pwr & Lt $6 pf 460b 674 67 674 Imp Oil Ltd »60c 8 23 224 224 Imp To Can b32 4c 6 144 14 144 Indiana Svc 6%pf 10a 24 24 24 Ind Service 7 % pf 10i 24 24 24 Indus Fin vtc_ 4 14 14 14 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Indue Fin 7 % pf 100a 18 17)4 18 ln» Co of No A t2 260a 67)4 664 67)4 Inti HvElSrv pf 2 344 S3 844 Inti Petrolm tl4_ S64 86)4 364 Inti Products_ 2 74 7 74 Inti Utli (B) ..18 2 14 14 Interst H M t2%_. *' 1 874 874 374 Interst P(Del>pf 40a 14 184 14 Inv Royalty (t6c) 1 % % % Irving Air Ch (1). 1 144 144 144 Ital Superpwr(A). 1 14 14 14 Jacobs (FL)Co(l) 85 164 154 164 Jeanette Glss a60o 4 104 94 104 Jonas & Nbg bl6e. I 64 64 64 JonesALaugh Stl- 6 115 1114 115 KansG&Epf (7). 10a 114 114 114 KlngsCo Lt pf B 7 60a 82 82 82 Kingston Prod 40o 19 64 64 64 Kirby Petrol (20c) 4 7 64 7 Knott Corp (b20c) 8 13 124 IS Kreuger Brew tl. 2 17 164 164 Lake Sh M (T4)_ 13 53 52 62 Lakey Fy A Mach. 2 64 64 64 Lane Brvant p' 7_. 30a 100 100 100 Leb Coal &N 30c.. 27 9 4 8 4 94 Leonard Oil _ 12 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)._ 10 244 284 284 Locke Stl Ch t*0c. 7 174 174 174 Lockheed Aircraft 2 14 134 134 Lone Star Gas 80c 2 104 104 104 Long 1 L pf A(7) 10a 87 87 87 Long Isl Lt pf B 6 26a 744 744 744 La Land (40c)_ SI 13 124 I24 McCord Rad (B).. 1 94 94 94 McWilliams D(t» 1 83 33 83 Maiestlc RaATel. 2 44 44 44 MapesCons(2)__ 1 24 24 24 Marlon Steam Sta_. 8 174 164 174 Massey HarrlB_ 8 144 14 14 Master Elec (1)_ 1 244 244 244 Mem Nat G(a60c). 1 6)4 64 54 Merritt Chan A S 4 8 74 8 Merritt C & S pf A 26a 644 64 4 644 Mesabl Iron _ 23 14 1 1 Mich Bumper C_ 24 24 24 24 Mich Gas A Oil _ 16 104 84 10 Mich Stl T P b26o. 8 144 144 144 Mich Sugar _ 2 14 14 14 Mich Sugar pf_ 17 7 7 Mid Sta Pet (A)_ 6 6 64 6 Mid Sta Pet (B) _ 1 14 14 14 Mld-W Abras alOo 8 44 4 4 Midwest Oil (tl).. 2 12 114 12 Mining Co (Can!.. 10 34 3*4 34 Minn MAM b40c._ 60a 36 36 36 Molybdenum Corp 13 104 104 104 Montr HLtAP 1 hi 60a 30*1 304 304 Moody's nt nf (3). 25a 364 364 364 Moore C Ltd b40c. 60a 424 42** 424 Moore Dtst (t50c) 6 64 6 64 Mount Prod (60c). 4 64 6*4 64 Nat Bella Hess __ 9 24 24 24 Nat Contain a50c_ 3 124 124 124 Nat Fuel Gas (1).. 10 16*4 154 154 Nat Gyps A a24.. 2 764 75 754 Nat Leather ..4 14 1 14 Nat P A Lt pf (6). 100a 804 804 804 Nat Refining_ 1 10 10 10 Nat Rub Mcb a20o 23 184 174 184 Nat Service _ 14 4 4 Nat Service pf_ 16 6 6 Nat Union Radio.. S3 34 24 3 Nehl Corp ... ... 2 614 614 614 Nelson(H) (a45e). 1 144 144 144 New Brad OalOc 1 6*4 64 54 N E P As 6%pf b2. 60a 80 4 794 804 New Jer Zinc (t2) 850a 864 834 864 New M&A Ldalc 4 34 84 34 Newmont Min b75i 3 120 118 120 N Y Pw&LtDf (7) 20a 1074 1074 1074 N Y Tel pf (64).. 25a 118 118 118 N Y Water Svc pf. 70a 484 47 47 Nlag.Hud Pwr new 24 134 134 134 Nlae H P(A ) war. 14 4 4 Ni Sh Md pf A(6). 26a 964 964 964 Niag Sh Md B a60e 1 144 144 144 Niles Bm Pnd b50c 1 44 4 44 4 444 Nipissing (50c) . 1 24 24 24 Noma Elec (b40c). 17 7 7 North Am LAP 3 44 4 4 No Am Ray A boOo 3 494 49 494 No Am Ray B b50c 5 49 48 49 North C T O (30c). 1 54 64 54 North n Europ ull 6444 No IPS 6ft, pf b75c 10a 824 824 824 Northern P L 75c. 2 104 104 104 North States PA 6 264 26 4 264 Northw est En b50c 7 324 32 4 324 Novadel Agene(2) 1 314 314 314 Ohio Edis pf (6) 26a 102 102 102 Ohio Pwr pf (6) 30a 1094 1094 1094 Okla Nat Gas Co_ 3 114 114 114 Oldetyme Distil... 12 6 44 44 Pac G&E 1st (15*) 1 29?* 29?* 29?* Pacific Ltg pf (6 ) . 60s 104?* 104 104 Pac P & L pf bl%_ 20s 78 78 78 Pac Tin spec t T2) 100s 46 46 46 Pan-Am Air (tl)_. 2 66?* 66?* 66?* Pantepec Oil ._ 23 6?* 6*4 6** Pender G (A)3 %100s 89*4 39*4 39*4 Pennroad ia26c) 28 4J* 45* 4»* PaPw&Lt6%pf 20s 100 98 98 Penna P&L pf (7). 40s 104 103*4 104 Pepperell Mfg t6. 40s 134?* 128?* 134?* Perfect Circle t2_. 60s 34 34 34 Phillips Pkg a50c. 1 125* 125* 125* Phoenix Secur . 3 105* 10?* 105* Pierce Gov (bl5c). 1 30 30 30 Pioneer Gold blOc. 1 6** 6',* 6?* Pitney Bow(T40c) 4 8!* 8?* 8?* Plttsbgh Forging, 6 24?* 24'4 24?* Pitts Plate G (bl) 6 135 135 135 Plough Inc < 1,20). 1 1654 165* 1654 Potrero Sugar .2 3?* 3?* 3?* Powdrell&Al t60c 15 12?* 11?* u?* Pratt & Lamb (a2 1 35 35 35 Premier Gold 1120 6 3 2?* 2?* Pressed Met <12)_ 1 325* 32'* 321* Producers Corp _. 11 ?* 5* >4 Propper-AlcC Id). 2 ?* ?* ?* Prosperity B al *4 2 1454 145* 145* Pub Svc ind pf 30s 345* 32 33?* Pub Svc Ind pr pf. 30s 69 69 69 Pub CJt Sec pr pf . 60s 2?4 2?4 2?4 Pug Sd P&Lepf b5. 75s 73?* 73,'4 73?* Pug Sd P&L. (6 pf. 50s 89!4 37*4 39?* Pyrene Mfg a90c_. 2 11?* 1L 11 Quaker Oats (5)-. 60s 114 114 114 Ry & Lt Sec al.55. 60s 22 21?* 22 Kainoow Lum (A) 1 1?* 1?* 1?* Rainbow Lum <B) 2 4 4 •* Raym'd Cono < 11) 250s 40 35?* 40 Raytheon Mfg vtc 1 6»* 55g 5‘* Red Bank _ 1 15?* 15?* 15?* Reed R B new t!0i 1 41 41 41 Reiter-Foster 9 1?* 1?* 1?* Rel El&En Ca25c. 1 2554 2654 2554 Reybarn Co a25c.. 1 5?* 6?* 5)* Reynolds invest_ 2 2 2 2 Rice Stlx DG b50c. 2 11*4 IP* 11)4 Rlchm'd Radiator. 2 6?* 6?4 6?4 Roosevelt Field_ 2 254 25* 25* Root Petrolm(l)„ 8 85* 8 8 Rossla Inti Corp_ 2 ** ** 4 Royal Type b75c_. 2 94?* 94?* 94?* Rustless ir&Stl 3 155* 15?* 15?* R.verson & Haynes 8 15* 6 65* St Anthony Gold.. 15 4 <4 4 St Regis Paper 135 115* 11 11?4 St Regis Paper pf 126s 1125* 11254 11254 Schlft(The)Co<t3) 1 39?* 39?* 39?* Scovill Mfg (b50c) 10o» 61?* 61?* 51?* Seeman Bros t2 Vs - 1 4754 4754 4754 Segal Lock & H . 2 3?* 3 3 Selberllng Rubber 4 854 8?* 854 Selected Indus 8 35* 35* 35* Sel ind all cfs 6*4 .160. *02 101*4 102 Sel Ind pr pf <6*4 J900« 99 98*4 99 Sent Saf Control.. 1 *4 *4 *4 Seversky Aircraft 6 6*4 6*4 6*4 Shattuck Den Min 11 21*4 20*4 21*4 Sherwin Will (4).400. 138*4 136*4 138*4 Sherwin W pf (6). 20. 111*4 110*4 111*4 Simmons Hd & P. 3 6*4 6*4 5*4 Singer Mfg (t6J— 10. 305 801 801 Sonotone C (alOc) 4 1*4 1*4 U4 Soss Mfg <a26c).. 2 7*4 6*4 6*4 So Penn OIK 11*4) 2 43 42*4 43 SoCal Ed pt pf 1 *4 10. 39 89 39 So Cal Ed pfC 1*4 6 26*4 26*4 26*4 South'n Colo P A. 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 Southn Union Gas 4 4 4 4 Spantsh&Gen rcta 2 *4 *4 *4 Spencer ChSb75c. 7 11*4 11*4 11*4 Square D of A 2.20100a 41 41 41 Stahl Mver Inc_ 14 4 4 Stand Dredging 2 6*4 6 6*4 Stand OH Ky (tl). 2 20*4 20*4 20*4 Stand Oil Ohio tl_ 2 41 40*4 41 Stand Pwr 4 Lt_ 10 4*< 4*4 4*4 Stand P& L (B)__ 2 4*4 4*4 4*4 Stand Prod (b25c) 4 19*4 19*4 19*4 Stand SU&Dd < 4c) 21 54 *4 *4 Stand Tube (B)_ 2 7 7 7 Sterl Alum Pa 75c. 7 10*4 10*4 10*4 Starl’g Brew a76c_ 17 7 7 Sterling, lnc(20c) 4 6 5*4 6*4 Stroock & Co a2*4 1 27*4 27*4 27*4 Stuta Motor-- 2 *4 \ % Sullivan Machine. 1 21*4 21*4 21*4 Sunray Oil (alOc) 6 4*4 4*4 4*4 Sunshine Min (8). 9 18*4 18*4 18*4 Superior Port C B. 25a 18 17*4 17*4 Swiss-Am Elec pf 200a 113*4 113 113 Taggart Corp_ 4 15 14*4 14*4 Tampa El (2.24)— 1 36*4 36*4 36*4 Tastyeast(Del)A. 3 1*4 1*4 1*4 Taylor Diet <300. 3 4*4 4*4 4*4 Technicolor aaOe. 9 21 20*4 20*4 Texon OH Sc L 60c 8 6*4 6*4 6*4 Thew Shovel a50e 326 a 65 64 64*4 TiloRoof Inc (1). 2 17*4 17*4 17*4 Tob Prod Exp 16c 1 3*4 3*4 8*4 Todd Shlpyd <t2).200a 69 67*4 69 Tonopah M <a6c). 2 1*4 1*4 1*4 Tr-Uux DPS t20c_ 8 4*4 A*4 4*4 Transwest OH Co. IT 18*4 13 1354 Trunx Pork S a50o 1 8*4 8*4 8*4 Tublze ChatlllloB- 20 28*4 27*4 27*4 A 7 BYM.A. HANNA CO. Quarterly Profit Compares With $430,373 for Same 1936 Period. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 13.—M. A. Hanna Co. and subsidiaries, reported for quarter ended March 31 net profit of $494,015, equal after preferred divi dend requirements to 32 cents a com mon share. This compared with $430, 373, or 26 cents a common share, in March quarter last year. Company’s principal activity is the development and operation of iron ore and coal mining properties, with head quarters at Cleveland. L. C. Smith & Corona. L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc., reported for quarter ended De cember 31, second period of its fiscal year, consolidated net profit of $279, 141, equal after dividends on preferred stock to $1.36 a share on 175,577 com mon shares. This compared with $209,755, or 99 cents a share on 168, 486 common shares, in the September quarter. Figures for the same period last year are not available. Parker Rust-Proof. Parker Rust-Proof Co., Detroit, re ported for March quarter consolidated net income of $329,850, equal after preferred dividend requirements to 76 cents a share of common stock, against $250,393, or 58 cents a share, in March quarter last year. Continental-Diamond. Continental-Diamond Fiber Co. and wholly owned subsidiaries reported for year ended December 31 net profit of $595,060, equal to $1.30 a share on capital stock. This compared with $167,677, or 37 cents a share, in 1935. Company produces vulcanized fibers and other products, having principal plants at Marshallton, Del.; Valpa raiso, Ind., and Bridgeport, Pa. Chicago A Northwestern. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. reported for year ended December 31 net loss of $9,388,038, after taxes and charges, against net loss of $11, 448,639 in 1935. The statement in cluded the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha Railway Co. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. April 13 i/Pi.—New York Security Dealers’ Association , . „ Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a)_ 102 loti Aetna Ins il.tiO)_ _ 4tji, 48't Aetna Life (.8oa)_ _ __ _ 2934 313* Am Equit (1.filial __ _ _ ii3t 44'i Am Ins Newark (Via)_ ijl 14 Am Reins _ __ 4"12 44'/ Am Reserve (la)_ mil, 32if Am Surety (2'a)_ 543, Sip,. Automobile (la) _ 3(P« 3°"4 Balt Amer (,20a)___ 7". jp. Ctrolina it.30) _ 27 "S' City of N Y 11.20) _ " 27 •~8U Conn Gen Lif (.80)__.'UPl 38',4 Contin Cb (1.20)_ 28 30 Fid £ Den >4) _ 133 130'A Firemen's Nwk (.30)__ 11‘. 13 Frank Fire (la) ___ 31 33 Gen Reinsur (2)_ 45 47 Glen Falls (1.00) _ 413, a-is. Globe £ Rep (.80)_;_T 2(P, •>31,4 Globe & Rut _ 65 68' Great Amer (la)_ 26>t •>734 Hanover (1.00) ___ 35 37 Hartford Fire (2)_ 70',« 7'M, Home Fire Sec __ 5 (4 61 Home Ins (la)_ _ 363< 3837 Homestead <1) _ 18'i 20 Lincoln Fire __^ 4S8 ~5SA Maryland Cas . _ 6'a 7 Mass B°nd <3’4>- _ _ 60 63 Natl Pire <2) _ H21* 641* Natl Liberty <.20a>_ _ __ Qibj! " nampsmre (1.00)_ _ 4 1'2 431. N Y Fire (,80a)_ _ 21’j °4'i Nor River (1)__ _ _ °5c, ‘>7'» Phoenix (2a> _ SRi* an' Prov wash (1)_ 351. af 1 f St Paul Fire <fi) _ 20H 211 Springfield (4*2a) _ _ _ 119 1 •'*0 Sun Life (334g)_ _ 705 755 Travelers <16> _ 409 479 U S Fire (2) . r>OJ< 543, Westchester (1.20a) . _ 34».4 3634 a—Also extra or extras. S—Declared or paid so far this year, GRAND RAPIDS BRASS SETS MARCH RECORD Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. April 13.—Pointing to maintenance of the consistent monthly expansion of shipments and profits witnessed since operating results turned upward last Fall, Russell Geyer, president of Grand Rapids Brass Co., Grand Rapids. Mich., reported total shipments of $209,085 in March, 1937, the best month in the company’s his tory, as compared with $147,723 in February. 1937. and $148,689 in March. 1936. Net profits for March were estimated at $33,000, as against $21. 137 in the preceding month and $14,388 in March last year. DAWES BOND HOLDERS MAY EXCHANGE COUPONS By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 13.—The Ger man consulate general announced to day that holders of coupons of the American issues of Dawes loan bonds due April 15 may exchange them against dollars at the rate of $25 per $35 rate of coupon. Dawes marks may be purchased at the customary rate of exchange as heretofore, the announce ment said. 2:30 > Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close. Tubize Ch A (bl). 2 70 70 70 Tune-Sol Umtn 18 8 8 Tune-Sol L pf 80c 3 124 12 12 Ulen & Co 5% pf . 1 44 44 44 Un G of Can a35c. 3 154 144 144 Unit Air war _ 2 224 224 224 Unit Chemical — 3 94 94 94 United Corp war.. 3 14 14 14 UnltGaaCorp . 104 12 114 114 Utd Gas war- b 24 24 24 United G C pf bl% 6 1134 1134 1134 Unit Lt & Pw (A). 26 74 64 74 Unit Lt & Pw <B). • 1 74 74 74 Unit Lt A Pw pf . 2 544 624 624 Unit Prof Sh alOo. 1 14 14 14 Unit Shlpyds B 4 34 84 84 Unit Shoe U t24. 100e 874 864 874 US Foil (B)(1).. 2 164 16 15 U S Lines pf- 1 34 34 84 U S Radiator- 4 134 13 134 U S Rub Reclaim. 3 94 94 94 U S Stores ..26 4 4 4 U S Stores 1st pf.. IOi 9 9 9 Unit Stores etc_ 11 1 1 Unit Verde Ex (1) 3 4 34 4 Unit Wall Paper . 10 64 6 64 Univ Corp’n v.t.c.. 2 74 74 74 Uta P&L pf b87V4c 50e 674 674 674 Utilities P & L id) 8 4 4 4 Util P&Lpf (d)..150e 194 39 194 Utility Eaulties _ 2 64 54 54 Utility & Indus pf 3 44 44 44 Valspar vtc_ 2 74 74 74 Valspar pf vto .. 160e 584 66 66 Van Nor Ma b40c_. 4 304 30 304 Venezuela Mex O. 1 64 64 64 Venazuela Petrol- 3 24 24 24 Vogt Mfg (b20c)_. 1 14 14 14 Walker Mining .. 8 34 34 34 Wayne Knit Mills. 17 7 7 Wayne Pump (50o 6 434 424 424 Well't'n Oil of Del 12 134 124 134 Wntwth Mfg bl5c 7 74 74 74 Weisbaum B B 40c 19 9 9 W Vs Coal * Coke 4 64 5 64 Western Auto Sup 2 29 4 294 294 Westn Tab&St(2) 1 284 284 284 Wll-low Cafeteria 7 4 4 4 Wll-low Cafe pf .. 2 44 44 44 Wolverine Port C. 2 64 64 64 Wolver Tube b20o. 2 164 164 164 Wright Harg t40o 9 74 74 74 Yukon Gold ( al 3c) 6 34 34 34 Dividend rates In dollars based on last quarterly or semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not Including extras t Ac cumulated dividends a Paid last year, b Paid this year, d Companies reported ae being in bankruptcy or in receivership, or being reorganised under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by euch com panies. Stage of Business as Reflected in 4 Leading Barometers IWOUSAND Freight Carloading* A. (WEEKLY FIGURES) _ Ihluons of Electric Power Production KILOWATT hours_(WEEKLY FIGURES) ., __{WEEKLY FIGURES) ( per cent of Ratio of Operations to Capacity of St*«l Mills I CA/ACITY (WEEKLY FIGURES) 1 New Shipments Declared Sign Metal Is Coming Out of Hiding. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 13 —Fresh ar rivals of large amounts of gold from England have been accepted in some financial quarters as evidence of a big "de-hoarding" movement, revers ing the depression tendency to cling to the yellow metal as a refuge against currency depreciation. A huge shift of gold from London to New York has been on since the French franc, the Holland guilder and the Swiss franc last September finally followed the British pound and the American dollar on the devaluation trail. From the perspective of the last six months, it appears this fall of the so called "gold bloc.” which many economists heralded as marking vir tual completion of the depression circles of currency depreciation, was the signal for reappearance of hun dreds of millions of dollars in gold which had gone “under-ground" dur ing the prolonged period of uncer tainty over currency outlook. As the world's leading free gold market, London harbored a great, but uncounted amount of metal outside recorded bank reserves for account of those who wished to guard capital against possibility of devaluation. borne estimates of the amount ran up to $1,000,000,000 or more. The big movement of metal to New York from London in the meanwhile has given substance to the estimates. Since September, the main source of gold imports has been London. Running at the rate of about $75,000, 000 earlied in the year, there have been indications of an acceleration of the movement lately, partly as re sult of disposal of large amounts of Russian gold for sterling. More than $50,000,000 was reported to have left London for New York in three days last week. The New York Federal Reserve Bank reported arrival of $19,204,200 from London over the week end. Aside from dehoarded metal, the movement was regarded as an indi cator of increasing world production of newly mined metal. Much of the new gold is sold in the London mar ket, including the output of South African mines, the largest producers. Meanwhile the rise in basic com modities accompanying the heavy flow of metal from London to New York seems to bear out predictions of some authorities last year that dehoarding of gold would be a potent force toward raising world price levels. -• INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. April 13 ('/Pi.—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon Quotations ! . . Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc __ 19.05 20.27 Am Business Shrs_ 1.25 1.37 Am Gen Eq Inc_ 1.13 1.26 Am Ins Stocks_ 5.25 6.00 Bancamer Blair _ 11.375 12.375 Bank Group Shrs _ 1.90 2.05 Bankers Nat Inv Corp _ 3.75 4.375 Basic Industry _ 5.21 Broad St Inv_ 35.91 28.41 Bullock Fund _ 22.625 24.375 Oan Inv Fund _ 4.65 5.05 Central Not Corp •‘A,,_ 47.00 50.00 Central Nat Corp "B"_ 7.00 10.00 Century Shrs Tr . 26.31 28.29 Consolid Funds Corp "A"_ 11.50 13.00 Continental Sh pi 19.5(1 20.50 Corporate Trust . _ 2.99 _ ^uipuzaie .trust a a _ c.flo _ Corn Tr A A mod_ .'1.68 _ Corn Tr Accum Ser_ 2.85 __ Corp Tr Acc Mod_ .'1.68 _ Cumulative Tr Sh _ 6.46 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y "A"__ 2.60 _ Depos Ins Shrs "A"_ :i,47 _ Depos Ins Shrs "B”_ 3.27 _ Diversified Tr C __ 5.15 Dividend Shrs _ 2.04 2.19 Equity Corn S3 Pf_ 38.25 41.25 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 28.00 30.16 First Boston Corp_ 37.125 38.625 Fixed Trust Sh A_13.40 _ Fixed Trust Sh B _11.20 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.00 5.30 Fund Investors Inc_ 24.39 25.75 Fund Tr Shrs A_ 6.34 7.00 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 5.81 Gen Investors Tr _ 8.99 7.61 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.91 2.07 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.46 1.59 Group Sec Building — 2.21 2.39 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.60 1.74 Group Sec Food 1.03 1.13 Group Sec Invest Shrs__ 1.76 1.91 Group Sec Merchandise-- 1.50 1.63 Group Sec Mining _ 1.77 1.92 Group Sec Petroleum _ 1.55 1.68 Group Sec R R Equip.. 1.61 1.75 Group Sec Steel _ 2.18 2.36 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.08 1.18 Huron Holding _ .88 1.25 Incorp Investors -_25.90 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1.63 1.76 Investors Fd “C” Inc . 15.88 16.85 Keyston Cust Fund B-3-- 22.51 24.66 Major Shrs Corp_ 3.125 Maryland Fund_10.01 10.96 Mass Invest Tr_ 28.85 30.61 Mutual Invest _18.89 18.46 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.65 4.75 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.12 2.28 N Y Bk Tr Shrs - 4.125 -- North Am Bond Tr ctls. 58.625 62.875 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2.75 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1955_ 3.52 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 3.45 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 3.25 __ ._ Plymouth Fund Inc_ .94 1.05 Quarterly Income Sh_ 18.38 20.13 Selected Am Sh - 4.22 ----- Selected Am Sh Inc_15.53 16.79 Selected Cumul Sh_10.80 - Selected Income Sh _ 5.62 - _ Spencer Trask Fund_ 21.68 22.35 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.20 4.45 Stand Util Inc _ .03 1.00 Super of Am Tr A _ 4.19 - Super of Am Tr A A_ 2.80 - Super of Am Tr B _ 4.36 - Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.80 - Super of Am Tr C_ 8.11 - Super of Am Tr D_ 8.11 ------ Supervised Shrs _14.83 16.13 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3.12 - Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.08 - . _ Trusteed Am Bk "B"' .95 1 05 Trusteed Industry Shrs_- 1.53 1.69 Wellington Fund _ 20.20 22.14 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. April 13 UP).— Live poultry, fowls. Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 22a23; White Leghorns, fancy, 19; cross-breds. fancy. 20a22. Dressed poultry unchanged. Germany ig Importing mors chem icals than any otner country. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 93. Washington Gas Lt.—5 at 82'/2, 2 at 82>/2. Washington Rwy. <fc Elec pfd.—3 at IO8V2, 25 at 109. National Savings & Trust Co.—10 at 165. National Capital Bank—10 at 14a, 8 at 145, 5 at 145. AFTER CALL. City & Suburban 5s—$1,000 at 85, $1,000 at 85. Potomac Electric Power 5'/2% pfd.—2 at lUVa Washington Gas 5s 1960—$500 at 117. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. A- Tel. 4%s 105% Anacostia & Pot. 6s _ 76 77% Ana. & Pot. Guar. 5s_108 _ C A P. Tel. of Va 5s _ 103 Capital Traction R. R. 5s 92% 93% City & Suburban 5s _ 85 hm Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_113 121 Pot. Elec. Pow 3%s _ 99% Wash. Gas 5s 1958_ 105% 100 Wash. Gas fts I960 . ..117 118 Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s 105 100 MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club. 5%s 105 _ W. M. Coid Storage 5s. 100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A- Tel. (9) . ... _. _ Capital Transit Co. - 14 14% N. & W. Steamboat '0) . 110 Pot Elec. Pow. t)rr pfd. (6). 112 Po. El. Po. 5%'. pf. (5.50i- 112 115 Wash. Gas Lt. Co '3.00) . 80 83 Wash. Ry. & El. com. (30) 725 _ Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. <5> _ 108 - BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. Sec Ac Tr. Co. <eS)__ 290 305 Bank of Bethesda (h.75)_ 34 _ - Capital < 4 > 140 - Com. & Savings (10)_210 Liberty < 4 > _150 160 Lincoln (f6.25) 200 Natl. Savings A: Trust 160 170 Pr Georges Bk. Ac Tr. (.50) 18 21 Riggs ieH> *325 350 Riggs, pfd (5) 10J >2 Washington (6) 130 Wash. Loan A; Trust (e8)__ 292 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6)_100 _ Corcoran <5) 125 _ Firemen s (1.60) 29 - National Union (.60)_ 16^ - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia <30> _ 15 16.34 Real Estate (6). _ _ 150 - MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp. (2.00* _ _ *22 26 Lanston Monotype (+4) __ 95 1"5 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00* 46*4 48 Peoples Dr S. com. ( + 1.00) 55 57Vi Peoples Drug S. Dfd. (6.50* 112 Real Est. M.&G. pfd. (**.70> 5 5»a Security Storage (5) 120 125 ! Ter. Ref. A: Wh. Corp. *3* 6(> Wdwd. & Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7) 113 125 •Ex dividend. + Plus extras, e—2extra, f—lxh% extra, h—76c extra ••25c paid June 30. 1936: 45c paid Dec. 22. 1936. MENGEL ORDERS SOAR WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 13.—Mengel Co., Louisville, Ky., manufacturers of cor rugated containers and hardwood lumber products, reported bookings for the month of March, 1937, totaled $1,214,182, an increase of 54.6 per cent over the $785,365 bookings in the same month last year. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney A Co.i Bid. Offer. Amer Tel A Tel 5%s '43 _ 112% 113 Auburn Auto Co 4%s '39 _ 75 83% Calif Packing Corp 5s '40 103% 103% Carolina C'fleld A O 5s '38 104% 104% Chesap & Ohio Ry 5s '39.. 107 107% Edis Elec Ilium 4s '39 105% 108% Gen Pub Service 5%s •39.. 101 102% Gr Rapids A Ind 4%s '41__ 109% Houston Oil 5%s '40 . 101 % 103 Intern Merc Marine Os '41. 87% 89 Intern Tel A Tel 4%s '39.. 81% 81% Laclede Gas Light 5s '39 93% 94 Lehigh Valley Coal (is ’38 . 99%. 99% Lehigh Val Term Ry 5s '41. 100% 107 % Long Island Gen 4s '38 101% 103 Lou & Nash R R 4s ’40 . 105% 100% Mich Cent R R 4s '40 _ 103% 103% Midland R R of N J 5s '40 70 79 Milw A Nor R R 4%s ’39 90 99 N Y. C A St L 0% Notes '38 100 100% New York Dock 5s '38 56% 58 N Y Susa A West 5s '40 4 1 48% N Y Tel Co 4 %s '39 _106% 107 Pac R R of Mo 4s ’38 .. 101 101% Penn-Dixie Cement fis '41 100 101 Penna R R Co 4s ’43 . 109 Rio Grande West 4s '39.. 72% 73% Sou Bell Tel A Tel 5s '41 _ 106% 107 Ter R R As St L 4%s '39 105% 107% Vanadium Corp 5s ’41 107 10f-s% Vertientes Sugar Co 7s '42 27% 28% Wabash Rwy Co 5s '39-100% 100% Warner Bros 8s '39 . 95 05% Western N Y A Pa 4s 43 _ 108% 110% Western Union Tel 5s 38_. 101% 102% ■ -W CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. April 13 (/P> (United States Department of Agriculture).—Hogs. 23, 000. including 7.000 direct; generally 10a 15 lower than Monday's average; packing sows. 15a25 lower: bulk, good and choice. 200-300 pounds. 9.80a95: practical .top. 10.00: one load. 10.05: comparable 150 190 pounds. 9.15a85: packing sows mostly 9.15a50: big weights down to 9.00 fre quently. Cattle. 8.000: calves, 2.500: steers grad ing strictly good and better very scarce: fully steady: no strictly prime offerings here: best. 16.40. paid for 1,326-pound averages: few loads. 13.76 upward, but not much above 13.00. steer crop being mainly shoit-feds selling slowly at 12.00 down to 8.50: common and medium grades steady to weak, medium kinds showing most slowness: shipper demand narrow and local outlet none too good: fed heifer and light-weight steer yearlings fully steady: cows firm to shade higher: bulls strong to 10 higher; selected vealexs steady at 9.00a50: others weak to lower; Ohio fed heifers, scaling 973 pounds. 11.75; weighty sausage bulls up to 6.85. Sheep. 4.000: none direct: active on slaughter classes, mostly steady: medium to choice wooled lambs to local packers. 12.26a65: top. 12.75. on several load choice 80-92 pounds woolskins; clipped lambs. 10.50a75; load choice lambs with coatskin. 11.26: wooled ewes. 6.50 down; short offerings. 5.00 and below. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. April 13 I/p (V. 8. Department of Agriculture I.—Small quantities of do mestic wools ware moved at steady orlces today compared with last week’s quota tions. Average to good French combing length fine territory wools in original bags brought SI.03-06. scoured basis. Graded staple combing length half blood territory wools sold in the range of $1.07-12. scoured basis. Good 12-month Texas wools on the early thorn clip were around $1.05. icoured basis. Fertilizer Association Finds Average at 88.2, Against 88.7 Previously. A reaction in commodity prices last week resulted in a moderate down turn in the weekly wholesale com modity price index compiled by the National Fertilizer Association. This index in the week ended April 10 was 88 2 per cent of the 1926-1928 average, compared with 88 7 in the preceding week, 87 8 a month ago and 76.9 a year ago. Five of the 11 principal group in dexes declined during the week, while only two advanced. The third consecu tive weekly decline was registered by the index of food prices, taking it to the lowest level reached since the first week in March. Lower prices for cotton, live stock and eggs resulted in a decline in the farm product index in spite of the continued rise in the price of corn. The index of grain prices was at a new high point for the recovery period, 68 per cent above a year ago. The first important reaction in metal prices in many months occurred last week, with copper, tin, lead and zinc showing rather sharp declines. Although most cotton textiles as well as wool, burlap and hemp moved higher last week, the textile price in dex fell off slightly, due to lower quota tions for cotton and silk. A slight upturn in the building ma terial index, caused by higher prices for brick and linseed oil, took it to a new high point for the recovery period. MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. April 13 <jp,.—Call money steadj. l per cent all day; prime commer S!* r»pa?er 1 Per cent; time loans, steady; no-0<i days. 1U 4-6 months. 1*2 per cent; bankers acceptances unchanged. Redis count rate. New York Reserve Bank. 1*2 per cent. 1886 1937 51st Year \e of Progress Legal Blanks STOGKETT FI SitE CO PRODUCINO STATIONERS 019 E ST- -W PEHHSmtIGRAM Approve Broad Powers to Increase Company’s Indebtedness. B5 the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, April 13.—Di rectors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. were given broad powers by stock holders today to add $95,000,000 to the company’s indebtedness whenever in their judgment the additional financing is needed. With unused previous authoriza tions the directors will have leeway to add $98,234,300 to the company’s debt. A formal stock vote will be taken on the authorization on April 27. No indication was given by officers of the company at the annual meet ing how soon the board will exercise its newly acquired authority or for what purpose the additional funds would be used, if and when acquired. Thomas S. Gates, president of the University of Pennsylvania, a director, presided at the annual meeting. One stockholder suggested the Penn sylvania follow the example of the New York Central, which in recent financ mg gave siocsnoiaers me rignt to sub scribe to new debentures, thus saving bankers' underwriting fees. A. J. County, financial vice president, reply ing, said of the 218.000 Pennsylvania Railroad shareholders, only 19,000 sub scribed to a previous financing He added that the problems involved in the two companies were not com parable. County told the meeting the floods in March, 1936, cost the company $7,600,000 and was charged to profit and loss. An additional loss of $800 - 000 was suffered in the 1937 floods, he said. In addition to voting on the new financing on April 27, the stock vote also will determine the successors to three directors whose terms expire this year. They are Howard Heinz, R. K. Mellon, jr., and Gates. County told the stockholders the board would give careful considera tion to dividends every six months. -• METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. April IK up'.—Copper steady: electrolytic epot and future, is Sc, export. 15.15. Tin firmer: spot and near by. SO.oOao.'.ei’'*: future.'^a gO-lS'j Lead steady: New York spot (i 0"at, "n: East St Louis, spot. 5.85. Zir.c steady. East St. Louis spot and future. < oo. Iron, aluminum, antimony quick silver. piatinum and wolframitt un chaimed. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1*16 Eye St. N.W. Phone NA. 2184 Property Management X INVESTIGATE the efficiency * of the service our Property Management Department is or ganized to render in the manage ment of apartment houses and residential properties. Inquiry imposes no obligation. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loans home LOAHS 1 I Interest os 11 | 1 Low os 111 5% 1 \ Easy MontHly Pay- 1 \ ' l ^ Proterted by Federal ft Your Savings He uot0 $5,000 1 '"S“o.mniH6 ASSOCIATION I COLUMBIA BUILDINB p«e p>Wl Ro„, ft 716 11th Street CONSTRUCTION LOANS in District of Columbia or nearby Maryland SIX MONTHS TO ONE YEAR INTEREST COMMISSION 1% Upon completion of buildings, these loans may be extended on one of several long term monthly payment plans; or for three or five years, without curtails; interest semi-annually. H. L. Rust Company 1001 FIFTEENTH STREET NATIONAL 8100