Newspaper Page Text
EnrtltH. ANDERSON. LARZ. On Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at White Sulphur Springs. W Va . IaARZ ANDERSON, beloved husband of Isabel Perkins Anderson Services will be held at the Cathedral Friday. April 16, at 12 o’clock noon. BELL. WILLIAM T. On Monday. April 12, 1937. at 6. p.m.. WILLIAM T. BELL, the beloved husband of Bertha Bell, departed this life suddenly at Georgetown Univer sity Hospital. He also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Miss Leeanr.e Bell and Mrs Nimine Major: one brother, Arthur Bell: one uncle. George Mitchell, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Ridgley & Hicks' fu neral home. 2930 M st. n.w.. until 1 1 a m. Friday; thereafter at his late resi dence. Halls Hill. Va.. until 2 p.m. Sat urday. April 1*. Funeral from the Holi , ness Church. Halls Hill. Va . Rev. Cole man. pastor. Interment Hopkins Chapel Cemetery. Howard County. Md. 16 BEUCHERT. CAROLINE D. On Wednes day. April 14. 1937. at her residence. 1117 North Highland st.. Arlington. Va.. CAROLINE D BEUCHERT (nee Wass mann), beloved wife of August H. Beuchert. She also is survived by two sons and six daughters. Remains rest ing at her late residence until Friday. April 16. at 9 a m. thence to St. Charles’ Catholic Church. Washington blvd.. Ar lington. Va.. where mass will be said at 9:30 a.m. for the repose of her soul. In terment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. 1.5 BLISS. EMILY AUGUSTA. On Thursday. April 15. 1937. at the residence of her daughter. 2745 Macomb st. n.w.. EMILY AUGUSTA BLISS, beloved wife of the late George H. Bliss and mother of Mrs. Ida K Draper and Georoe H. Bliss. Services private Interment Lynchburg. Va 'Annapolis. Md.. and Lynchburg papers please copy.) 16 BOSWELL. ELNORA. On Wednesday. April 14. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. ELNORA BOSWELL beloved mother of Helen Brown. She also leaves to mourn their loss several other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Fueene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st. where fu neral services will be held Saturday. April 17. at 3 p.m . Rev. F. F King officiating. Interment Woodlawm Cemetery. 16 BROOKINS. SOPHIA. On Wednesday. April 14. 1937. at her residence. 201 12th st n.e.. SOPHIA BROOKINS, moth er of Estelle Cozie. daughter of Eliza Cozie of Annie West. Susie John son. Emma Addison. Nettie Colbert. Cora and Howard Cozie. She also is survived bv three aunts. Carrie Stewart. Nancy Smith and Henrietta Stewart: one uncle. Fred Stewart: nieces and nephew's. Re mains resting at Stewart s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e Notice of funeral later. 15 Bl'RDETTE. MARY L. On Tuesday. April 13 1937 at her residence. 815 L st. n e . MARY L BURDETTE (nee Shea), beloved mother of Mrs. Cornelius Sul livan. Funeral will be held from^the above residence on Saturdav. April 1 «. at 8 30 am. Requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Bl RRISS SAMUEL. On Tuesday. April 13 1937. at Emergency Hospital. SAM UEL BURRISS aged 04 years, formerly of Rockville. Md Remains resting at the Colonial funeral home of Wm. Reu ben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Friday. April 10. at 11 a m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. 15 CAMPBELL. AGNES. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. April 14. 1937. AGNES CAMP BELL. sister oi Mrs. Ruby Milberg. Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison. Mrs. Margaret Gar ner. Mrs. Isabel Lang William. James and Janet Campbell Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 290L 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. April 17, at 2 p m. 10 COLE. ANDREW (BODIE). On Thursday April 15. 1937. ANDREW BODIE* COLE beloved husband of the late Mil dred Cole and father of Mrs. Blanche Anderson. Funeral from the chapel of Frank Geier’s Sons' Co 1113 7th Ft, n w.. on Saturday. April 17 at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Im maculate Conception at 9 am. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 10 DANDRIDGE. LELTA R. On Wednesday April 14. 1037. at her residence. 018 L st. n e.. LELIA R DANDRIDGE. daugh ter of Paul L Dandridge and the late Susan Dandridce. devoted sister of Hat tie C . Claude O and Richard A. Dan dridge. She also is survived by other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Services by Stewart's funeral home. 15 DANIELS. SERGT. EDWARD L. On Tues day April 13. 1937. at W'alter Reed General Hospital. Sergt EDW’ARD L. DANIELS of the 25th Infantry. Com pany I. devoted husband of Mrs. C. C. Daniels, father of Juanita M. and Ed ward L. Daniels, jr Mrs. Antonio R. Connor. Carey C. and Philip N Daniels. He is also survived by many other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I ave. n.w. Funeral on Friday. April 10. at 1 p.m.. from the above-mentioned establishment. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Rev. Emory B. Smith officiating. DEAN. WILLIAM A. On Wednesday. April 14 1937. at his residence. 90S 11th st. 5 e WILLIAM A DEAN. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa ave s.e.. on Saturday. April 17. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Peter's Church, where mass of reauiem wiil be offered at 9am Relatives and friends invite* Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 10 FLYNN. LYDIA OLIVE. On Sunday April 11 1937 at her residence. Groveton. Va' LYDIA OLIVE FLYNN, beloved wife of the late Mathew Fiynn. Funeral from Demames funeral home. Alexandria. Va on Friday. April 16. at 9 a.m.; thence to St. Mary's Church. Alexandria. Va where requiem mass will be said at 9:3(1 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. GIVEN. HARRY C. On Tuesday. April 13. 1937 HARRY C. GIVEN, beloved hus band of Josephine (Nonie) Given and fa ther of Charles Proctor and Harry C. Given. 1r. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin at. n.w.. on Friday. Abril 16. at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery, lo GIVEN HARRY’ C. Washington Lodge No - 15 B. P O Elks: The lodge i will convene in session of sorrow at 7:.'}() p.m. Thurs ciay Anril 15. 1JW7. for the purpose of paying tribute to the memory of our late brother. HARRY C. GIVEN, class of November 0. lf»lf*. who passed to the Grand , Lodge of the Hereafter April 13. licit. 1 Elk services at Chambers' chapel. 1400 ; Chapin st. n.w.. at S p.m. By order of PHILIP U GAYALT. Exalted Ruler. Attest: W. S. SHELBY. Secretary. HAMMOND, FLORENCE MINNIE. On Monday, April 12. 19.37, at her resi dence. 1010 Delaware ave. s.w FLOR ENCE MINNIE HAMMOND, wife of the late Thomas Hammond, devoted mother of Mrs. Nellie Harding and Mrs. Verona Ford. She also leaves five grandchildren. Florence and Alvin Ford. Theodore Hall. John and Avon Harding: two great-grand children. other relatives and friends Re mains resting at. the John T. Rhines fu neral chapel, .3rd and Eye sts. s.w. until 2 p.m. Thursday: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Friday. April lfi at I p.m. from Mount Moriah Baptist Church 3rd and L sts. s.w. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. HENSON. LORETTA. Departed this life Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at Gallinger Hospiiai. LORETTA HENSON beloved daughter of Thomas and Geneva Hen son. sister of Melvin and Thomas Hen son. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1390 South Capitol st.. where funeral services will be held at II a.m. Friday. April 16. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 15 HOFSTETTER LORAIN M. On Tuesday April 13. 19.37. LORAIN M„ wife of Clar ence F. Hofstetter. maior. Ordnance U. S. A. Body resting at the Tabler funeral home. 4217 9th st. n.w., until Saturday. April 17. when services will be held in the Church of the Epiphany. G st. be tween 13th and 14th sts. n.w.. at 10 s.m.. followed by lntemient in Arlington National Cemetery. 15* I.A PORTE, FRANK M. On Wednesday April 14. 1937. at his residence 1004 Otis pi. n.w.. FRANK M. LA PORTE be loved husband of Florence M La Porte father of William F. La Porte and Mrs Adeline La Porte Ridgeley and brother of Mrs. William S. Hodges. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. fu neral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w on Saturday. April 17. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. LOWE MARY DONAHUE. On Wednesday April 14. 1937. at 8 p.m . at the home of her son. Howard J. Lowe. Ashgrove \a . MARY DONAHUE LOWE, widow of , Rector Lowe. She leaves to grieve their loss her children and grandchildren Funeral services will be held at Andrew Chapel Church. Va.. Friday. April 18. at M - P m. Interment church cemetery. _ _FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ALMUS R. SPEARE 3200 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Succeeding the original. W. R SPEARE Formerly 1623 Conn. Ave. N.W. preenwood 2710.Deratur 6242. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium «th and Mass. Ave. N.E, Lincoln S200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Manager) Established 184? 3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. nt>i NAtional 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlona°ne2892 1009 H St. N.W. PERCY J. SAFFELL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Announces removal to a new funeral home 475 H ST. N.W. Formerly located 733 5th St. N.W_ FUNERAL~PES1GNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PRONE NAT 0108 Open Evenings _ . . . , _ and Sundays LOf. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piecas 1213 F 8t N.W_NAtional 4278 THE PALAIS ROYAL FLORIST SHOP FLORAL SPRAYS. ?2 5n upwards. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT. Phone Cl. 4400. Prompt delivery. Seatlja. MATER. GEORGE H. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. April 14. 1937. at his residence. Bladensburg. Md.. GEORGE H. MATER, beloved uncle of Mrs. G. Ranke of St. Louis. Mo. Funeral from Gasch's fu neral home. 46 Maryland ave.. Hyatts ville. Md.. on Saturday. April 17. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Glenwood Cemetery. 16 McLEAN. LAURA VIRGINIA. On Wednes day April 14. 1937. at her residence. 3615 Albemarle st n.w.. LAURA VIR GINIA McLEAN. wife of the late George H. McLean and beloved mother of Mrs. Annie L. Hunt and Mrs. May E. Rice of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Lillian V. Hyams of Los Angeles. Calif. Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. April 16. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme tery. MIDDLETON. LANNIE. On Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital LANNIE MIDDLETON. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife. Flora Middleton; a father. Abe Middleton; a sister. Laura Jefferson; two brothers. James and Eu gene Middleton. Remains resting at EuRene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where funeral services will be held Saturday. April 17. at 11 ajn. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 16 MOORE. ANNIE M. (NEE JOHNSON). At Atlanta Ga . Tuesday. April 13. 1937, ANNIE M. MOORE (nee Johnson) be loved wife of William H. Moore and mother of Frank and Douglas Moore. Funeral services Friday. April 16. at 2 p.m., at Geier's chapel. 1113 7th st. n.w. 15 MORTON. JOHN A. On Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at his home, in Richmond. Va.. JOHN A MORTON, brother of Mrs. W. C. McDowell, uncle of Mrs. Rossell E. Mitchell. Funeral from the Church of the Good Shepherd. Richmond, at 3:30 P.m. today. Interment Hollyw’ood Ceme tery. Ml DD. MARY ELLA. On Wednesday. April 1 4 1937. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. MARY ELLA MUDD. the beloved wife of the late Francis Mudd. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Friday April 16. at 9 a m.: thence to the Church of the Most Holy Rosary. Rosaryville. Md.. where mass of requiem will be offered at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. In terment in the church cemetery. NEWBY. EDW’ARD L. Suddenly, on Tues day. April 13. 1937. at his residence. 4507 Argyle terrace. EDWARD L. NEW BY. beloved husband of Ella Loretta Newby. Funeral services at the above residence on Friday. April 16. at 10:30 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. RATTI. GINO A. On Tuesday. April 13. 1937. at Homeopathic Hospital. GINO A. RATTI. aged 55 years, of 4930 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. beloved husband of Mrs. Lina Ratti. father of Edward H and Marie F. Ratti. father-in-law of Margarete Ratti and grandfather of Gino A. Ratti. Fu neral services on Saturday April 17. at 2 p.m. at Hysong's parlors. 1300 N st. n.w Friends invited to attend. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. (Chicago. 111., papers please copy.) 16 RICCI, CASIMIRRO. Suddenly, on Tues day. April 13. 1937. CASIMIRRO RICCI, beloved husband of the late Alessan drina Ricci. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Penna. ave. s.e.. on Friday. April 16. at 8:30 a m.: thence to Holy Name Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 15 ROBINSON. CHARLES HENRY. On Tues day April 13. 1937, at his residence. 2211 13th st. n.w.. CHARLES HENRY ROBINSON, devoted husband of Sarah Robinson, loving father of Edith Cooper. Jennie Thompson and Charles Henry Robinson, jr.: brother of Helen Strother. He also leaves to mourn their loss eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, many other relatives and a host of friends. Remains may be seen at his late residence Thursday and Friday. Fu neral Saturday April 17. at 1:30 pm. from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. Rev. Walter H Brooks officiat ing. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 16 ROSS. HELMS. Departed this life on Fri day April 9. 1937. HELMS ROSS He leaves to mourn their loss a mother and a father and a devoted friend. Rubie Ramey. Remains resting at Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. RUFFIN. JOSEPH R. On Tuesday April 13. 1937 at his residence. 1473 Florida ave n.w . JOSEPH R. RUFFIN, husband of the late Eleanor Ruffin, devoted fa'her of Mrs. Lucille Armstrong, grandfather of Mrs. Lottie Henderson. J H and A. R. Armstrong. He also leaves other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n w. Funeral on Saturday. April 17 at 2 p.m.. from the Metro politan M. E Church. M st. between 15th and 16th sts. n.w . Rev. J. Campbell Beckett officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 16 RUSHING. THEODORE. Departed this life on Wednesday. April 14. 1937. THEODORE RUSHING of 1 251 12 6'2 st. n.w He leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Mrs Ammie Stewart and Mrs. S&rah Brice: one brother. Sherman Rushing, and many .'other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. J ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. April 17. at 1 p.m.. from the above parlors. Inter- j ment Woodlawn Cemetery. SMITH. JOHN M. Entered into eternal life on Wednesday, April 14. 1937. JOHN M. SMITH, beloved husband of Minnie Smith and father of Mary E. Walker. Alice A. Lauxman and John W. Smith. Remains resting at his late residence. 1515 Gales st. n.e. Funeral from the Nativity Chapel 14th and A sts. s.e.. on Friday. April 16. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 15 SMITH. MARY LELIA. Departed this life on Wednesday. April 14. 1937. after * brief illness. MARY LELIA SMITH She leaves to mourn their loss four sisters. ■ Ida Johnson. Ruth Diggs. Geneva Tippett and Lucille W. Washington: two brothers. Joseph and Paul Barnes, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Barnes Ac Matthews fu neral home, 614 4th st. s.w.. until 4 p.m. Friday April 16: then at the residence of her sister. Mrs. Ruth Diggs. 634 L st. 1 s.e Funeral Saturday. April 17. at 9 am. from St. Cyprian’s Church. 13th z and C sts. s.e. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 8MITH. MINNIE. Departed this life Tues oav April 13. 1937. at 5 p.m.. MINNIE SMITH of 447 7 C st. s.e.. beloved wife of James Smith. She also is survived bv two sons. James Smith, jr . and John Barber, four loving daughters. Alberta. Henrietta and Viola Barber and Mrs. Ludy Gadsden, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan Ac Schey Deanwood funeral home. 4445 Deane ave. n.e. Funeral from the above parlors Friday. April 16. at L p.m. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. THOMPSON. HARRY. Departed this life on Tuesday April 13. 1937. at his resi dence 1235-A. Carrolburg st. s.w., HARRY THOMPSON devoted husband of Rebecca Thompson, son of the late Nathaniel and Amelia Thompson. He also leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Viola A. Holmes: two sisters, one brother and several other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Can itol st.. where funeral services will be held 1:30 p.m.. Saturday. April 17. Rev. B H Whiting and Rev. C. D. Lynch officiating. Interment Payne’* Cemetery * 16 THOMPSON. ISABELLA OWENS. On Wed nesday. April 14 1937. at her residence, i Oxon Hill. Md.. ISABELLA OWENS THOMPSON, beloved wife of James Mer vin Thompson. Funeral from her iate residence on Saturday. April 17, at 9:30 am: thence to St. Ignatius’ Church. Oxon Hill. Md . where mass will be said at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment St. Barnabas’ Cemetery. Oxon Hill, Md. 16 TURVEY. MARY AGNES. On Wednesday. April 14. 1937. at Georgetown University Hospital. MARY AGNES TURVEY <nee Sullivan!, beloved wife of the late Walter J Turvey and mother of Mrs. H. P. Gill. Mrs R. Ellsworth Jeffries. Mrs. Walter A. Saunders and Carl F. Turvey. Fu neral from the residence, 3173 18th st. n.w.. on Saturday. April 17. at 8:15 a.m.: thence to Holy Trinity Church. Georgetown, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 16 WILLARD. CLARENCE C. Entered into eternal life on Tuesday. April 13. 1937. CLARENCE C. WILLARD, beloved hus band of Lena L. Willard and brother of Roxana B Willard. Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner & Sons. North and Penn aves., Baltimore. Md.. on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment private. WOLF. MORRIS. On Wednesday. April 14. 1937. in New York City. MORRIS WOLF, aged 37 years, of 1315 Allison st. n.w.. beloved son of Mrs. Yetta Wolf. He also is survived by three sisters. Mrs. Barney A. Epstein. Mrs. Dave Heyman son of New York and Mrs. Harry Kap neck. ar.d one brother. Max Wolf. Fu neral from the chapel of Bernard Dan zansky. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. April 16. at 10 a.m. Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. WOOLVERTON. PEARL. On Wednesday, April 14. 1937. at Charleston. S. C.. PEARL WOOLVERTON. formerly of Washington. D. C.. wife of the late Wil liam H. Woolverton and mother of Mrs. Robert G. Hand of Washington. D. C.; Mrs. Henry L. Beck of Charleston. S. C.. and William H. Woolverton. jr.. of Bir mingham. Ala. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. April 16. at 3 p.m. In terment private. 10 In Utmnrtam. BIRCH. LILLIAN VENDETTA. In sad but loving remembrance of our daughter and sister. LILLIAN VENDETTA BIRCH, who departed this life six years ago to day. April 15. 1931: Until memories fade and life departs, You will be forever in out hearts. Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back another leaf. THE FAMILY. Bl'DD. EUGENE D. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear husband ana our affectionate father, who departed this life nineteen years ago today. April 15. 1018. Beloved, be assured we shall ever flunk of you, and In our hours of de votion. pray to see you again. The hour that you are not in all our thoughts be that hour darkness! Let the shadows of death cover it! Let It not be numbered In the hours of day. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • BRADFORD. ROBERT S. In memory of our dear brother. ROBERT 8. BRAD FORD. who passed away three years ago today. April 15. 1934. Gone, but not forgotten. SISTERS AND BROTHERS. • MRS. CHARLES A. KINCAID DIES OF LONG ILLNESS Former Washington Resident Was Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Alderson. Mrs. Nellie Alderson Kincaid, 58, former Washington resident and wife of Charles A. Kincaid, Oak Hill, W. Va., business man, died yesterday after a long illness, at her home in Oak Hil’, according to word received here. Mrs. Kincaid was the daughter of the late George Alderson and the late Mrs. Mary McClung Alderson, who were Washington residents. Three of her brothers, Alpheus H., George, 3rd, and Marmion Alderson, live here. Besides her husband and three brothers, Mrs. Kincaid leaves three daughters, Mrs. G. H. Massey, Wick ham, W. Va., and Miss Phala Kincaid and Miss Jean Kincaid, both of Oak Hill; two sons, Charles A., jr„ and Alderson Hewitt Kincaid, both of Oak Hill, and two other brothers, Augustus Alderson, Beckley, W. Va., and John Charles Alderson, Oak Hill. She also leaves one grandchild. Funeral services will be held tomor row morning at the Oak Hill residence. Burial will be in Hill Top Cemetery, near Oak Hill. —, Itt Ulrmariam. LACEY, JULIA V. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my beloved wife. JULIA V. LACEY, who entered eternal rest one year ago today. April 15. 1936. I miss you now. my heart Is sore. As time goes on I miss you more: Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can fill your vacant place YOUR DEVOTED HUSBAND. GEORGE E LACEY. LAMBATH. R. EDWARD. In memory of my beloved husband. R EDWARD LAM BATH. who died suddenly four years ago today. April 15. 3933. All to myself I hold and know. All of the days of long ago. Wonderful days, when you and I Owned all of the sunshine in the sky. The days come back and they always win. But I keep their memory with me still. All to myself. LILLIE. 6 LAMBATH. R. EDWARD (ED). In loving memory of our dear brother R EDWARD (ED> LAMBATH who pass?d away four years ago today. April 15. 1933. You tenderly cared for your loved ones. To your friends you were ever true So. when God laid His hand on our heartstrings. He left fondest memories of you HIS DEVOTED BROTHER AND SIS TERS. • MrGLl E MAE LOUISE. % In sad but loving remembrance of my dear wife. MAE LOUISE McGLUE. who departed this life two years ago today April 15. 1035 HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. JAMES WIL LIAM McGLUE. • McGLUE. MAE LOUISE. In loving mem ory of my dear mother MAE LOUISE McGLUE who departed this life two years aeo today. April 15 1035 HER DAUGHTER. ALVA MAE McGLUE ROBEY. MARY OLIZIA. In sad but lov ‘02 rernembran-c of our dear mother MARY OLIZIA ROBEY, who passed away one year ago today. April 15. 103fi. What is home without a mother. Ail things this world may s**nd But when we lost you. dear mother. We lost our dearest friend A happy home we once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still: Bur. death has left a loneliness The world can never fill LOVING HUSBAND. DAUGHTER AND SON. ROBINSON. JACOB C. A tribute sacred to V1* ™emory of mv devoted husband. JACOB C. ROBINSON, who left us three years aeo today. April 15. 1034. and whose memory we cherish HIS DEVOTED WIFE. KATE B. ROBIN SON. • THOMAS. LILLIAN PALMER. In memory Wife LILLIAN PALMER i mom AS. who died six years ago. We shall meet again. ALEXANDER G. THOMAS. • MRS. ABI BENJAMIN, 91, IS DEAD OF PNEUMONIA Funeral Services for Widow of Merchant and Banker Held at Home. Mrs. Abi M. Benjamin, 91, died Tuesday of pneumonia at her home, 1357 Newton street Funeral services were held today at the residence. Burial will be in Rose Bank Cemetery, Calvert, Md Mrs. Benjamin was the widow of Charles A. Benjamin, formerly a prominent grain and coal merchant and banker at Northeast, Md. Her first husband wap William J. Morris, an officer in the Union Army during the Civil War. Fifteen years ago Mrs. Benjamin came to Washington to live with her daughter, Miss Gertrude Morris. Be sides the daughter, she leaves a son, Harry C. Morris, Wilmington, Del., and another daughter, Mrs. J. G. Smith, Elsmere, Del. MRS. MARY TURVEY, 60, LONG ILL, DIES HERE Mrs. Mary Agnes Turvey, member of an old Washington family, died last night in Georgetown Hospital after a long illness. She would have been 61 April 17. Mrs. Turvey, widow of Walter Tur vey, lived in Washington until recent years when she moved to Park Lane, Va., to be with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Saunders. Besides Mrs. Saunders she leaves two other daughters, Mrs. H. P. Gill, this city, and Mrs. Ellsworth Jeffries, Park Lane; a son, Carl F. Turvey, this city; her mother, Mrs. Isabelle Sullivan, this city; three sisters, Mrs. George Hunt, this city; Mrs. Isabelle Simpson, Clarendon, Va., and Mrs. Thomas §mith, New York; four brothers, Cornelius, James and Aus tin Sullivan, this city, and John Sulli van, Endicott, N. Y„ and five grand children. Funeral arrangements were to be announced later. i __ (Jdevr Hill 1iculunqtbiid moStBeaulilnl (cmeteru Camznunit? Mausoleum, Columbarinn I __and Receiving Vault*. Frazier's —service, Quality and reverance In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. S. War Veterans, Also for the C. C. C. Camp, N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. COMPLETE FUNERALS FULL COMPLETE SERVICE BURIAL PLOTS ... $25 UP W. W. CHAMBERS One of the UrcMt Undertaken In the World. POLISHED HARDWOOD CASKETS £ AT LOW PRICES One ef the bent iiMlnAec ’ complete funeral for .... I le (jrefaCLmta} Co. THREE FUNERAL HOMES SOUTHEAST OFFICE MAIN OFFICE SUBURBAN OFFICE SIT Eleventh St. S.E. 14th A Chapin St. N.W. River-dale, Maryland Phone ATlantie 6700 Phone CO. 0432 Phone GRerawoed 12*1 ... A LITTLE BUYS THE BEST Home Made Pecan Mallows Choice Pecan Nuts come all the way from Texas for your fresh Pecan Mallows. The centers are fluffy, pure white marsh mallow, dipped in f-nnn . caramel. , t4)L 9) pP f Milk Chocolate Assorted Nats Nuts are good for you—especially these tasty, fresh Almonds, Brazils, Cashews, Filberts, Pecans and Walnuts, all WSL , covered with delicious milk chocolate. 1-LB. w Iff Chocolate and Vanilla Fudge 1-lb. 19' Satin Orange Blossoms 1-lb. 24' Chocolate Covered Caramels 1-lb. 29' Home Made Assortment 1-lb. 49' Butterscotch Assortment 12-ox. 24' Beginning Saturday, April 17th For Om Wook Omlg Banana Ice Cream—made the Loft way—from ripe, fresh fruit. Try our delirious Banana Fountain Specials. Take some home for the family. PUTT 25/ QUART 49/ 1103 H St. N.E., 3115 M St. N.W., 800 7th St. N.W., 3102 14th St. N.W. •Henri is the Loft Candy Man—Sees All—Knows All—WATCH FOR HIM. MRS. HOFSTETTER DIES IN HOSPITAL Wife of Ordnance Department Of ficer Succumbs After Operation. Mrs. Loraine Mary Hofstetter, 39, wife of Maj. Clarence P. Hofstetter, Ordnance Department, U. S. A., sta tioned at the Aberdeen (Md.) Proving Grounds, died Tuesday in Walter Reed Hospital after an appendicitis oper ation. Maj. Hofstetter until last Sum mer had been stationed in the office of the chief of ordnance for about four years. A native or Farmer, Ohio, Mrs. Hofstetter was a graduate of the Washington State Normal School and taught school in Idaho prior to her marriage in 1918 in San Francisco. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Society of New England Women. Besides her husband, she leaves a 2-year-old son, John Phillips Foote Hofstetter; her mother, Mrs. Flora Norway, who has been living with Maj. and Mrs. Hofstetter at Aberdeen; a brother, Charles Norway, Seattle, and sister, Mrs. Leslie Tuthill, Oro ville. Wash. Funeral services will be held at 10 a m. Saturday in the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany. Rev. Harry Lee Doll, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Va., will officiate. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. EX-SUPERVISOR DIES FRONT ROYAL., Va., April 15 (Spe cial).—Funeral services for Grandison Catlett, 79, who died Tuesday, will be held today. Mr. Catlett lived on the farm which has been in possession of the Catlett family for 200 years. He was a mem ber of the Warren County Board of Supervisors for 28 years, retiring five years ago. He is survived by two sons, Turner and Harry Catlett of Warren County; a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Donaldson of Alexandria; a brother, William E. Catlett of Front Royal, and a sister, Mrs. Mattie Santenyers of Washing ton, D. C. | • ESTABLISHED 1865 • p PLYWOOD | § In o Variety of Finishes 4 g 4 Cabinet makers will find our , || two cdnveniently located g 4 warehouses amply stocked at g . all times to make prompt 'g g deliveries. And Barker prices g g ore the lowest in town. Com- g g plete selection of hardwoods p ; for all purposes! GEO. M. BARKER! 1 • COMPANY • | LUMBER W MILLWORK ft 649-651 N. Y. Ave. N.W. 1 1523 7th St. N.W. I NA. 1348, "The Lumber Number" I CHEESE GRILL something different — and quickly prepared I It’s the special tastiness that Gulden’s Prepared Mustard gives this Cheese Grill which makes it such a favorite disfi at popular Schrafft Res taurants. Place slice of cheese on toast. Spread with Gulden’s, top with 2 strips bacon. Grill. Different and delicious! Serve it for supper this Sunday! Be sure you use Gulden’s. Experienced Advertiser sP referTheStar |l»lViKArSj NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES DOUBLE-ROW WEDDING RING with 18 DIAMONDS 4975 The luxurious hind of wedding bond she will be proud to wear . . . she will be hoppy to wear it foi o lifetime! Never before have we offered such a gorgeous double row wedding ring—actually set with 18 lovely diamonds—for only $49.75. On easy terms. $1.00 A WEEK THE "WINIFRED" ^B BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND^ SOLITAIRE $2975 A r t i s t i cal’y designed mounting glorifies the fine well-cut diamond j k :»«c a WICK A Beautiful. new gtvle mounting wi'h larce ren ter diamond. enhanced bv the fiprv hrau'y of In, . Mde diamond? A \ *100 A WEEK M THF ‘TON<TA\TF ' BF.AI'TIFI L CENTER! DIAMOND WITH K SIDF DIAMONDS S^C)!0 Large center diamond and »• side diamonds in a refreshing new style mounting > . f i Ot> A WEEK jL rTHF BE %I'TIFI L C F V'TFR^ DIAMOND WITH 1 *» SIDF. DIAMONDS ' $12500 Beauty—charm . . dis tinctive quality! A combination of every thin? you look for in ai diamond A *.> -.0 * WEEK Jm rTHF “GAIL’^^H BFAl TIFl L C'ENTFk^H DIAMOND WITH ^ \ SIDE DIAMONDS 1 $25000 True luxury In rinz de sign. A glorious exam ple of the high Quiijlty work of master cr*.*ts-; men A k 9A.00 A WEEK M DIAMOND BRIDAL ENSEMBLE—Both for Lovely engagement nng, set with gen- a gfl 7R uine diamond. A I U >•“ Matching wed- I ding band. I Charming Petal de sign. 50c A WEEK 10-DIAMOND BRIDAL ENSEMBLE Exquisite white or yellow gold A 7R mounting . . . 2> tew 5 genuine dia mond! in each lovely ring. $1.00 A WEEK 22-DIAMOND CLUSTER RING llnuiusl de sign ... 22 genuine, fiery diamonds. $1.50 ■4.AV ^IhP l i 11111 |J; 11 [i|f * 409 7th St. N.W. r MAN'S 3-DIAMOND ^ RING 1 $^Q75 Massive solid - told mountint ... in the .modern manner :i fine diamonds . 91.00 A WEEK A K . x' w«/* A