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JLT.iT.EHK I Quarter’s Net Compares With $34,442,956 in Same 1936 Period. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 15.—Net income of the American Telephone & Tele graph Co. for the quarter ended March 31 was reported today at $43, 435,751, equal to $2.32 a share on the capital stock, or 7 cents more than the quarterly dividend requirement. In the like quarter of 1936 net in come was $34,442,956, br $1.85 a share. For the 12 months ended March 31, the company’s net income was $183, 819,208, equivalent to $9 84 a share, compared with $130,089,618, or $6.97 a chare for the previous 12 months. In a consolidated statement covering American Telephone and its 25 prin cipal telephone subsidiary companies for the three months ended February 28, the company show's net income of $53,597,104. equal to $2.87 a share. This contrasted with $39,662,389 for the like three months of the previous year, or $2.13 a share. For the 12 months ended February 28, net income was $191,989,951, equal to $10.28 a share, against $138,760,698, or $7.44 a share for the preceding 12 months. These figures were after minority interests. Walter S. Gifford, president, re ported the number of telephones in the Bell System increased about 293, 000 in the March quarter, compared with an increase of 197,800 in first quarter of 1936. The company has in service now approximately 14,800, 000 telephones. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. April 15 <jP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4*4s Nov.. 1958-38_103*4 104*4 4*4s May. 1957-37_100*4 _ 4s May. 1958-38_102*4 103 4s Nov.. 1957-37_1013a 1017 8 4s July. 1940-44 _lot5* 108*s 3*4s May 1955-45_101*4 101 5« 3s July. 1955-45_ . 100 100* 8 3s Jan. 1950-40._ 100 10018 3s May 1950-40_ 100 100*/8 -• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON April 15 CP).—Gold mining nhares were asain under pressure in to day’s stock market and oils and rubbers also eased There was a fair demand for motor and silk securities and the gilt edged division and German bonds also moved UDward. Trans-Atlantic stocks re mained steady. PARIS.—Government bonds closed firm, rentes making net gains of 40 to 45 cen times. and Bank of France advanced 95 francs. Royal Dutch and Suez Canal fin ished 75 and 135 francs up. • ■ • NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. April 15 </Pi.—Eggs. 23. 598, irregular: mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 1 1.499; steady. Centralized (90 •core*. 32*2a3234; other butter prices un changed. Cheese. 104.123; steady. State, whole milk. flats, fresh, fancy. 17al7*2; other prices unchanged. Live jjoultry. by freight, barely steady; prices unchanged. FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING - - - Lowest Rotes . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% . BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Life ins. Co. 1417 K St. N.W. NA. U300 Charter No. 2038. Reserve District No 6. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Second National Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts $2,302.818 64 2. Overdrafts 98 4J 3. United States Govern ment obligations, di rect and/or fully guar anteed 2.848.3 .0 31 4. Other bonds, stocks ar.d _ securities -- < 00.638.63 3 Banking house. $831. 666.O0: furniture and fixtures. $59,288.37 890.9o4.3< 7. Real estate owned other . than banking house 68.398.50 *. Reserve with Federal Re- „ , serve Bank 9. Cash balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collec tion 1.276.894.49 13. Other assets_ 40.000 94 Total assets __ $9,242,374.18 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of in dividuals, partnerships and corporations_ $3,815,174.16 lft. Time deposits of In dividuals, partnerships ____ _ and corporations 3.099.235. t < 17. United States Govern ment and postal sav- __ ings deposits 8 <0.036.15 18. Deposits of other banks. including certified and cashier's checks out standing 455.13 <.84 Total of items 3 4 to 18. inclusive: (a) Se cured by p ledge of loans and/or In veat in e nts $1,141 524.22 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and or invest ments fc> To t a 1 de posits $8 239.586.92 t7. Interest taxes, and other expenses accrued and _ _ , unpaid 20.529.94 •8. Dividends declared, but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared 1.114.75 19. Other liabilities_ 33.380.94 80. Capital account: Class A pre f erred stock. 2.416*3 sh ares, par $60 per share: common stock 7 5 0 0 shares, par $60 per share $595,000.00 Surplus 200.000.00 ndivided prof its —net _ 144.992.36 Preferred stock, r e tire m e n t fund 7.769.27 Total capital account $947,761.63 Total liabilities_$0,242,374.18 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. •1. United States Govern ment obligations, di rect and/or fully guar anteed $1,216,412.76 #5. Other bonds, stocks and securities 164.959.50 *4. Total pl’dged (exclud ing rediscounts) $1,371,372.26 *5. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government ,nd postal savings de posits $1,215,412.76 <c> Against deposits of trust departments 104.343.50 (d) Against other de posits 50.616.00 (g) For other pur poses 1.000.00 (h' Total pledged $1,371,372.26 District of Colombia, ss.: I FRED R. BEYER cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is toue to the best of my knowledge and be’ief (Signed) FRED S. BEYER Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13lh dav of Anril 1037/ (Seal ) ELIZABETH M KINTZ. Notary. Public. D. O. Correct—Attest: __ JOHN A. REILLY VICTOR B. DFVBER. JACOB 9CHARF WM. M. HANNAY EDW. F. COLLADAY. WM. B. WOLF Director*. LEHMAN CORP. PLANS 3-F0R-1 STOCK SPLIT the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 15 —A three-for one split-up of capital stock of Leh man Corp., an investment company, has been proposed by the management, to be voted upon by shareholders at a special meeting May 14, it was an nounced. If approved, authorized capital stock will be increased to 2,500,000 shares from 2.000,000 shares. There are cur rently outstanding 690,123 shares. Lehman Corp., one of the larger units in the investment company field, reported net assets of $96,376,000 as of last March 31. --——•-— GOLD PRODUCTION CLIMBS SHARPLY Large Russian Increases Add Substantially to World Upturn. 8pecial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, April 15.—Production of gold throughout the world increased materially last year, with Russia mak ing spectacular gains, according to Poor's Industry and Investment Sur veys. Semi-official reports from Mos cow indicate that Soviet gold output in 1936 totaled 10,360,000 ounces and 5.500.000 the preceding year. A further rise to around 14,000,000 ounces is ex pected in Russia in 1937. "In the United States and its pos sessions last year’s gold production is estimated at 4,313,000 ounces, an in crease of 20 per cent over the 1935 output. Canadian mines extracted 3.721.000 ounces, and South Africa 11.339.000 ounces in 1936. "Supplies of gold are increasing so rapidly that the world commodity price level may be affected even tually. If the new gold finds its way into the world markets on a large scale, boosts in commodity prices appear inevitable. Increasing costs of production would, of course, tend to check the earnings of gold mine companies, other than Russian. Over the inter mediate term, however, earnings of domestic gold miners promise to re main stable. Although costs of pro duction are rising somewhat, many mines are offsetting that adverse fac tor, either by increasing output or by extracting ore of higher gold content. -• 600 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK. April 15 (P>.—The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 600 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per hundred pounds, St. Louis. 1886 51st Year 1937 of Progress Office Furniture STOCKETT F I SHE CO PRODUCING STATIONERS 010 E ST* * M • W Packard Output Sets All-Time High for March By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 15—Packard Motor Car Co. produced more cars and delivered more to purchasers in March than in any previous month in the company’s history, M. M. Gilman, vice president and. general manager of the company, said today. March production totaled 14,827 units, Gilman said, compared with 6,869 in the like 1936 month, a gain of 116 per cent. February last was the best previous month, with output of 12.780 cars. The present rate of production is ahead of that for March, he added, with average daily output of about 680 cars. For the first quarter production totaled 38,315 units, against 16,579 Jn the like period last year, an increase of 131 per cent. DOLLAR MOVES DOWN IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Press. LONDON, April 15.—In quiet for eign exchange dealings the United States dollar eased 1-16 of a cent today to close at 4.9013-16 to the pound. In New York yesterday ster ling finished at $4.90?g. French francs were quoted at 110.03 to the pound, compared with the pre vious close of 109.93 francs. PARIS. April 15 (/P).—Three per cent rentes, 66 franc 70 centimes; 4*2 per cent rentes, 71.00. Exchange on London, 110.04. The dollar was quoted at 22.42ti. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. by the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on April 13: Receipts. $15,474,077.(11; expendi tures. $16,289,148.14: balance, $1,803. 893.071.54: customs receipts for the month. $19,761,286. Receipts lor the fiscal year (since July 1). $3,022,625,588.34: expenditures, 85. 848.252.581.39. including $2,231,845, 177.80 of emergency expenditures; excess of expenditures. $1,925,626,973.05: gross debt. $34,832,008,911.69. a decrease of $155.7d.5l under the previous day: gold assets. $11,687,708,168.06. including $456,452,963 of inactive gold. Property Management EFFICIENT management is most satisfactory to troth owner ond tenant. ■ WE specialize in the man- • agement of all types of in vestment properties and are now Monaging Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity of discussing your management problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real Estate 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 Charter No. 4247. Reserve District No. 5. ' REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Lincoln National Bank Of Washington, in the District cf Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts_$3,570,549.83 2. Overdrafts _ 2,202.09 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed ____ 894 879.88 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities___ 1,662,509.64 5. Customers' liability on account of acceptances executed_ None 6. Banking houses, $325,803.65; Furniture and fixtures, $35,222.09 361,025.74 7. Real estate owned other than banking house..241,852.56 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank_ 1,715,410.73 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection_ 2.913.192.04 10. Cash items not in process of collection_ None 11. Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement of this bank_ None 12. Securities borrowed-__ None 13. Other assets_ 15,550.52 Total Assets... .$11,377,173.03 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions .....*5,659,664.83 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 3,956,273.16 16. State, county, and municipal deposits_ 5,347.02 17. United States Government and postal savings deposits_ 13,146.64 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier's checks outstanding_ 553,474.37 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments _ *152.802.34 <b) Not secured by pledge of loans and or investments ... 10,035,103.68 (c) Total Deposits_ 10,187,906.02 19. Agreements to repurchase United States Government ojliga tions or other securities sold___ None 20. Bills payable........ None 21. Rediscounts _ None 22. Obligations on industrial advances transferred to the Federal Reserve bank_ None 23. Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement of this bank_ None 24. Aceeptances executed by this bank for customers and to fur nish dollar exchange, exclusive of acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted_ None 25. Acceptances executed by other banks for account of this bank None 26. Securities borrowed_„_ None 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ 16,975.00 28. Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared_ None 29. Other liabilities_ 28.00 30. Capital account: Common stock, 4,000 shares, par *100 per share _ $400,000.00 Surplus__ 400,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 372,264.01 Reserves for contingencies_ None Preferred stock retirement fund_ None Reserve for dividend payable in common stock _ None Total Capital Account_ 1,172,264.01 Total Liabilities-. $11,377,173.03 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed . $240,443.75 32. Other bonds, stocks, and securities__ 90,358.75 33. Loans and discounts_ None 34. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts)_ $330,802.50 35. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits.. $50,000.00 (b) Against State, county, and municipal deposits_ None (c) Against deposits of trust departments_ 168,358.75 (d) Against other deposits_ None (e) Against borrowings___ None (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers_ 111,443.75 (g) For other purposes- 1,000.00 (h) Total Pledged..... $330,802.50 City of Washington. D. C„ ss: I, JAMES A. SOPER, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Seal) JAMES A. SOPER, Cashier, JAMES A. SOPER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, 1937. (Seal) EVERETT H. PARSLEY, Notary Public, D. C. My commission expires Sept. 16, 1937% Correct—Attest: . GEORGE I. BORGER, HOWARD R. NORTON, WILLIAM W. BRAWNER, HENRY T. OFFTERDINGER, FLOYD E. DAVIS. GEORGE C. PUMPHREY, ALBERT S. GATLEY, JOHN SAUL, W. W. GRIFFITH, FRED A. SMITH. FRANKLIN W. HARPER, HOWARD L WILKINS, LEROY W. HERRON, Director*. * * * i ime CROP EXPECTED TO BE LATE THIS YEAR By the Associated Press. The Agriculture Department pre dicted yesterday that marketing of the early lamb crop before July 1 would be much below average. Cold and wet weather In March de layed growth of seed and range, the department said, and the lamb crop was expected to be late. Fattening of yearlings and wethers tn Texas also was delayed, the depart ment said, but added that heavy mar ketings from that State ‘‘during the next three months will probably more than offset expected decreased market ing of fed lambs and early Spring lambs from other States.” DIVIDENDS ORDERED. NEW YORK, April 15 (Special).— Directors of International Utilities Corp. have declared dividends, for the quarter ending May 1. of $1.75 per share on the $7 prior preferred stock and 8714 cents per share on the $3.50 prior preferred, series 1931, both pay able May 1 to stockholders of record April 22. -• ANGOSTURA STOCK OFFERED. NEW YORK, April 15 VP).—Public offering was made today of 170,000 shares of Angostura - Wuppermann Corp. common stock, less whatever shares are subscribed for by present stockholders under an existing offer. The offering to the public is at the market price on the New York Curb Exchange, which is currently in the neighborhood of $7 a share. Safe Investments First mortgage notes, f* well secured on Cott le /f\ servatively appraised, ^ new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Years Reserve District No 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Morris Plan Bank of Washington Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31 1937. • Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Sec tion 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts $1,852,148.17 2. Overdrafts 40.91 3. United States Govern ment obligations, di rect and or fully guar anteed 35,500.00 6. Banking house. nor.e; furniture and fixtures. $5,205.88 __ 5.205.88 8. Reserve with approved reserve agencies 87.597 28 9. Cash balances w’ith other banks, and cash items in proces of collection 157 040 76 10. Cash items not in process of collection 103 00 13. Other assets _ 4.020.93 Total assets _ $2,141 656.93 LIABILITIES 14 Demand deposits of in dividuals. partnerships and corporations $128,162.44 15. Time deposits of in dividuals partnerships and corporations 1.452.037.04 18. Deposits ol other banks, including certified and cashiers checks out standing 98.324.85 Total of items 14 to 18. inclusive: (b) Not secured by pledge, of loans a n do r i n vest ments . _ $1,678,524 .33 (c) T o t a 1 d e- * posits $1,678 524.33 27. Interest, taxes and other expenses accrued and unpaid _ 15.504.31 20. Other liabilities _ 89.315.38 30. Capital account: C o mm on stock. 1 0.000 shares. par $70.00 per *hare $200 000.00 Surplus 77.500 00 Undivided pro fits —net 40.586.89 R e serves for con tin Ren cies 40.226 02 Total capital account 358.312.91 Total liabilities $2,141,656.03 City of Washington. District of Columbia, ss: I. V WALTON RHINE, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledae and belief V WALTON RHINE. Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of April. 1037. (Seal.) ELIZABETH P WAYLAND Notary Public. Correct—Attest: ' WILLARD G. BARKER W CAMERON BURTON. WM. CLARK TAYLOR. EDWIN A. MOOERS Trustees. PARIS BANK CHANGES. PARIS, April 16 UP).—The Bank of France statement for the week ended April 9 (in millions of francs): Gold reserve, 67.358; unchanged. Sight balances abroad 12: decrease. 1. Bills purchased abroad. 1.153; decrease. 12. Discounted commercial bills. France. 7.601: Increase. 469. Temporary advances to state (prior to 6-18-36). 12.203; decrease. 62. Temporary advances to state (sln«e 6-18-36). 7.800- unchanged. Advances against securities. 3.801: decrease. 95 Circulation, 86.207; decrease. 637. Total credit to current accounts 18.068 ins crease. 1.142. Thirty-day advances against government securities. 1,220: increase. 420 Rate of discount. 4 per cent. LONDON BANK REPORT. LONDON. April 15 (/pi—The Bank of Enaland statement for the week ended April 14 (In thousands of poundsi: Circulation 4tj5tid4: decrease 4 575 Bullion, 1114,575; decrease. II. Reserves,' 48.878; increase. 4.5(14. Public deposits. 55H71 ■ decrease “140. Private deposits, 1114 HIS; increase. 1,(151. Government se curities 0H!l4!i; decrease 4.155 Other securities 511.(1511; decrease. (1411. The pro portion of the bank's reserve to liability Is 111 per cent compared with 58.50 last week Rate of discount. 2 per cent. -• BROKER JOINS BOARD. NEW YORK, April 15 (/$>).—Charles W. BRker, a partner in the stock ex change of Laird, BLssel & Meeds, was elected a director of Newport Indus tries. He succeeded John A. Wood bridge, who retired. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye St N.W Phone NA. 2184 Steel Ingot Rate Remains at Best Level Since 1929 Bt the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 15.— Daily Metal Trade today says: Despite noticeable slackening in new business, steel makers have made lit tle- headway toward reducing large order backlogs accumulated over re cent month, and under pressure for deliveries ingot operations are being maintained at the highest rate since 1829. At midweek the national ingot rate is estimated at 91 per cent of capacity, unchanged from a week ago. Producers in many instances are j sold out entirely on second-quarter tonnage and in a number of cases have order backlogs which carry inta third quarter. Money for Contraction Loan* and Loan* on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE L BORGER 643 Indiana Avc. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OP CONDITION OF THE The Washington Loan & Trust Co. Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. 8. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts----$7,915,341.73 2. Overdrafts ____-.. 455.50 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed ...... ... --- 7.873,339.90 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities _____ 1,911,373.78 6. Banking houses, $1.793,716.80; furniture and fixtures, $148, 641.84 .... .... 1,942.358 64 7. Real estate owned other than banking house.... 504,392.74 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank _ 5,871,700 93 9. Cash, balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection _ 5,078,281.16 10. Cash items not in process of collection..... 11,468.76 13. Other assets____87,342.67 Total assets ______ S31.196,055.81 LIABILITIES 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora tions __ -_ -- -..*16,590,558.80 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations .. 10,473,488.43 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding ....... .....__719,403.39 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and or investments *1,071,279.53 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and or investments . _ 26,712,171.09 (c) Total deposits ...... *27,783,450.62 27. Interest, taxes and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ ' 050.21 , 29. Other liabilities ... _ 1 054 35 30. Capital account: Common stock, 10,000 shares, par $100 per share _ $1,000,000.00 Surplus . . Undivided profits—net_ 304,485.64 Reserves for contingencies_ 99,014.99 Total capital account___ 3.403,500.63 Total liabilities_ $31,196,055.81 Memorandum: Loans and investments pledged to secure liabilities: 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed _ $1,519,125.00 34. Total pledged (excluding rediscounts)_$1,519,125.00 35. Pledged: (c) Against deposits of trust departments..... $1,265,625.00 (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers _ 252,500.00 (g) For other purposes_ 1,000 00 (h) Total pledged. $1,519,125.00 City of Washington, District of Columbia, ss: I. GEO. M. FISHER, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. M. FISHER, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, 1937. (Seal) ARTHUR C. HARMAN. Notary Public. CORRECT—Attest: HARRY G. MEEM, H. BINGHAM, ALFRED H. LAWSON, JOHN A. JOHNSTON, L. W. ESTES, A. C. OLIPHANT, GEORGE A. KING, GEORGE P. HOOVER. S. H. KAUFFMANN, JAMES ALEXANDER LYON, WALTER S. PRATT, Jr., TENNEY ROSS, WM. H. BALDWIN, THEODORE W. NOYES, i WM. E. PEARSON, CHARLES G. TREAT, CHARLES H. DOING, Directors. Charter No. 1069. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts_ $3,099,114.70 2. Overdrafts - 293.90 3. United States Government obligations, direct and'or fully guaranteed_ 12,477,433.55 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities_ .. ... . _ 1,053,705.21 6. Banking house, $800,000.00; Furniture and fixtures, $25,418.77_ 825,418.77 7. Real estate owned other than banking house _ 1.00 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. . .... . _ 8,900,363.30 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection_ 5,758,670.92 10. Cash items not in process of collection_ 718.90 13. Other assets- 2,066.21 Total assets..—----$32,117,786.46 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations_$18,252,340.20 15. Time deposits' of individuals, partnerships, and corporations_ 7,330,144.43 17. United States Government and postal savings deposits .. _ 350,000.00 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier’s checks outstanding- 3,717,420.62 Total of items, 14 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments_$2,619,247.25 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and or investments_ 27,030,658.00 (c) Total Deposits - $29,649,905.25 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ _ - 12,244.57 28. Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared - 24,000.00 29. Other liabilities- 196.09 30. Capital account: Common stock, 8,000 shares, par $100.00 per share_$800,000.00 Surplus_ 800,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 831,440.55 Total Capital Account_ 2,431,440.55 Total Liabilities__.$32,117,786.46 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed_$3,504,359.38 32. Other bonds, stocks, and securities___ 59,937.50 34. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts)_$3,564,296.88 35. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits_ $646,937.50 (c) Against deposits of trust departments... _ 999,971.88 (d) Against other deposits . .... __ .. _ 1,716,387.50 (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers_ 200,000.00 (g) For other purposes_ 1,000.00 (h) Total Pledged_________$3,564,296.88 District of Columbia, ss: I, C. F. JACOBSEN, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. F. JACOBSEN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th da? of April, 1937. (Seal) WM. G. WINSTEAD, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: GEO. W. WHITE, LOUIS D. BLISS, OTIS BEALL KENT, A. A. HOEHLING, HENRY A. WILLARD, 2nd, J. THOMAS KELLEY, Jr, O. H. P. JOHNSON, C. F. R. OGILBY, FRANK F. NESBIT, CHARLES JACOBSEN, W. K. WIMSATT, Directors. . 1 Charter No. 3425. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE National Bank of Washington* Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts__$3,656,297 45 2. Overdrafts_____ 457.15 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed ..-. 3,953,809 38 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities___ 218,735.50 6. Banking house, <423,004.00; Furniture and fixtures, $61,887.34 484.891.34 7. Real estate owned other than banking house___ 614,200.00 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... 1,278,741.76 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection-:... 1,636.106.70 10. Cash items not in process of collection_ 2,306.22 Total Assets.......$11,845,545.50 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions .. $5,723,895.90 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 3.916,347.71 17. United 8tates Government and postal savings deposits_ 105,000.00 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier's checks outstanding_ 319,365.46 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments _ $375,849 05 (b) Not secured by pledge of lc^ans and; or investments -. 9,688.76002 (c) Total Deposits.$10,064.609 07 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. 26,069 38 29. Other liabilities_ 46.03 30. Capital account: Common stock, 10,500 shares, par $100 per share . $1,050,000.00 Surplus _ 450,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 189,580.20 Reserves for contingencies_ 65.240.82 Total Capital Account_ 1,754,821 02 Total Liabilities___$11,845,545.50 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed . $695,330.72 34. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts)_ $695,330.72 35. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits_ $105,000,00 (c) Against deposits of trust departments_ 99,791 66 (d) Against other deposits_ 220,000.00 (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers_ 263,539.06 (g) For other purposes_ 1,000.00 (h) Total Pledged-. $695,330.72 City or Washington, District of Columbia, ss: I, RUTHERFORD J. DOOLEY, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. RUTHERFORD J. DOOLEY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of April, 1937. S. J. COSIMANO, Notary7 Public. CORRECT—Attest: J. FRANK WHITE, MAURICE F FLYNN. JAMES TRIMBLE, JOHN EDMUND CAMMACK, G. W. FORSBERG, GEORGE N. EVERETT. MORRIS E. MARLOW, CLARENCE F. NORMENT, Jr., GEORGE P. SACKS, W. CLARENCE MILLER, ARTHUR MAY, MICHAEL A. KEANE. LOUIS M. DENIT, Directors. ODELL S. SMITH, Reserve District No. t. REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE National Savings and Trust Company Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts_r_$9,320,403 15 2. Overdrafts ..1.. 637.34 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed _ 2.794.796.93 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities_ 1.677,882.21 5. Customers’ liability on account of acceptances executed_ None 6. Banking house, $1,232,181.05; Furniture and fixtures. $58,344.49 _.*.. 1,290,525.54 7. Real estate owned other than banking house_ 1,451,605.26 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank_ 1,969,706.19 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection_ 3,124,794.44 10. Cash items not in process of collection_ 62.74 11. Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement of this bank_ None 12. Securities borrowed_ None 13. Other assets_ 19,188 19 Total Assets. .$21,649,601.99 LIABILITIES 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions _ $9,908,340.30 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 8 216,513 93 16. State, county, and municipal deposits___ Non* 17. United States Government and postal savings deposits_ Non* 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier's checks outstanding__ 47.640.35 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: ta) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments ___ None (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments_$18,172,494.58 (c) Total Deposits_*18,172.494.58 19. Agreements to repurchase United States Government obliga tions or other securities sold_ None 20. Bills payable_ None 21. Rediscounts _ None 22. Obligations on industrial advances transferred to the Federal Reserve bank_ None 23 Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement of this bank_ None 24. Acceptances executed by this bank for customers and to furnish dollar exchange, exclusive of acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted_ None 25. Acceptances executed by other banks for account of this bank None 26. Securities borrowed_ None 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ 39,500.00 28. Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared_ Non* 29. Other liabilities_ 143.10 30. Capital account: Income Debentures_*613,700.00 Class A preferred stock, none; Class B preferred stock, none. Common stock, 10,000 shares, par *100 per share ___*1,000,000 *1,613,700.00 Surplus _ 1,000,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 672,045.16 Reserves for contingencies_ 151,641.55 Income Debentures Retirement Fund- 77.60 Preferred stock retirement fund_ None Reserve for dividend payable in common stock __ None Total Oapital Account_ 3.437.464 31 Total Liabilities-.*21,649.601.99 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed - *825,463.77 32. Other bonds, stocks, and securities_ 189.465.94 33. Loans and discounts- None 34. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts)__*1,014,929.71 35. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits_ None (b) Against State, county, and municipal deposits_ None (c) Against deposits of trust departments_ $607,260.95 (d) Against other deposits_ None (e) Against borrowings_ None (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers_ 406,658.13 (g) For other purposes_ 1,010.63 (h) Total Pledged-$1,014,929.71 District of Columbia, ss: I, FRANK R. ULLMER, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRANK R. ULLMER, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, 1937. (Seal.) JOHN W. CROW, Notary Public. My commission expires August 10, 1939 Correct—Attest: H. PRESCOTT GATLEY. VICTOR KAUFFMANN, WILLIAM B. WILLARD, WILSON B. NAIRN. WILLIAM D. HOOVER, H. ROZIER DULANY, Jr., BRUCE BAIRD. FREDERICK A. FENNING, DAVID BORNEJT, CHAS. S. BAKER. WALTER C. CLEPHANE, THOMAS A. BUTT, MARCY L. SPERRY, CLARK G. DIAMOND, REGINALD 8. HUIDEKOPER, L. CORRIN STRONG. Director* j *