Newspaper Page Text
BONDS HESITANT AFTER EARLY RISE Federal Issues Level Off. Most Junior Rails Gain Slightly. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust Otll. P’gn Net change. +.2 Unc. +.2 —.2 Today, noon 94.0 102.6 99.8 71.1 Prev. day-. 93.8 102.6 99.6 71.3 Month ago. 94.7 103.1 100.0 72.3 Year ago... 92.2 102.3 101.6 69.6 1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.9 102.4 P9.4 70.8 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101 8 99.3 67.8 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon-108.9 Prev. day. 108.8 Month ago 109.3 Year ago. 111.6 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 88.8 (Compiled by tbe associated Press.) B$ the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 15.—After ex tending a rally, the bond market showed signs of leveling ofi today. United States Governments gave promise of further upturn at the start, but improvement was cheeked follow ing announcement by Secretary Mor genthau of a new weekly series of $50,000,000 bills continuing through September. It was explained the financing would constitute borrowing of additional cash. A few Federals held gains ranging from l/32d to 5/32ds of a point, but others were off l/32d to 3 32ds. Most junior rail liens held well. Alleghany Corp., Baltimore & Ohio, Erie, Illinois Central, New York Cen tral and Southern Railway loans moved up fractionally. Utility bonds edged higher under lead of North American Co. 5s and American & Foreign Power 5s. Pure i Oil 4'iS pushed up about 1!2. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 37; *4-POund prints. 38; tub. 36: 9" score. 1 pound prints. 36; 14-pound prints. 37; tub. 35. MEATS—Choice beef. 18: calves. 16: veal. 16; lamb. 21: pork loin. 2-4; frozen pork. 21: fresh ham. 23: smoked ham. 25; sliced bacon. 33; slab bacon. 28. com pound. 13*4: lard. 141 _. UVE STOCK—Pies. 734a8>4. light hogs. 8*2&9; medium. 9*9*4 heavies. 734a9; toughs. 5a712; calves. HalO; lambs. 6alU. ! Prices paid snippers net f.o.b. Wash ington by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market weak and unsettled. Receipts still heavy. United States Gov ernment graded extras, large and U. S. standards, large. *4 cent lower. Current receipts. 20*2: hennery whites. 211 . Gov ernment graded and dated white eggs met prices paid shippers f o.b. Washington': U. S. extras, large. 2334. U. S. extras, me diums. 21; U. S. standards, large 22*4. LIVE POULTRY—Market quiet and un changed. Fowl: Colored heavy. 18 to 19: Leghorns. 14 to 15. Chickens. Rocks and Crosses, mostly *’l to 23. a premium on 4-pound average; Leehorns 134 to 21* pounds and up. 21; smaller sizes. IS. Old guineas. 25 to 30 each. Turkeys. Old hens, 16 to 18: old toms. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receivers tip to 8 a.m. today. APPLES—No carlot arrivals, one un broken car on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate; market steady. Bushel baskets. U. S. No. 1; Virginia. Staymans. 2*/4-inch minimum 1.40*1.50: 2*2-inch minimum. 1.75*1.85: 234-inch minimum. 1.85*2.00; Yorks. 2U-inch minimum. 1.40 *1.50; 2*2-inch minimum. 1.75*1.85; 234 inch minimum. 1.85*2.00: Winesaps. 2 Inch minimum. 1.40*1.50; 2,4-inch mini mum. 1.75*1.85: 2*'a-inch minimum. 2.00* 2.25; 234-inch minimum. 2.25a2.50: De licious. 2*2-inch minimum. 2.25a2.35: 234 inch minimum. 2.35*2.50; 3-inch minimum. 2.50; few' higher: Golden Delicious. 2*4 lnch minimum 1.85: 2*2-inch minimum. 2.25*2.35. Boxes; Maryland. Pennsyl vania. Virginia and West Virginia, combi nation extra fancy and fancy: Delicious. 2.25a2.75; Staymans. 2.00a2.25: Golden Delicious. 2.00a2.75: Paragons. 1.75a2.25. C grade: Delicious. 1.95a2.00; Staymans. 1.75*1.90: Golden Delicious. 1.75a2.00; Paragons. 1.75*1.85; scalded 1.50al .75. Cartons: Maryland. Pennsylvania. Vir ginia and West Virginia, fancy: Staymans. 1.85*2.25: Delicious. 2.25a2.75: Golden Delicious. 2.25*2.50; Lowrys. 1.85a2.00: Paragons. 1.75a2.00. C grade1 Staymans. 1.65*1.85; Delicious. 1.85a2.00: Golden Delicious. 1.85*2.00: Paragons. 1.50a 1.65. ASPARAGUS—One California arrived, one broken car on track Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate: demand mod erate: market slightly weaker South Carolina, pyramid crates, dozen bunches: Colpssal. 2.50a2.75: fancy. 2.00a2.50; choice. 1.50*2.00. CABBAGE—One South Carolina ar rived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Truck receipts moderate; sup plies moderate; demand moderate; market steady. South Carolina. lV2-bushel ham pers. pointed type, truck receipts, packed locally, mostly around 75. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: one bro ken car on track. Supplies moderate; de mand moderate: market steady. Texas, half lettuce crates. 3 dozen. 1.40-1.50; California. Western lettuce crates, 6 dozen. 3.25. lauliflu wtK—ito oauiomia ar rived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies light; demand mod erate; market slightly stronger. Cali fornia. crates, mostly around 1.75. CELERY—One Florida arrived; three broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. Florida, individually washed. 16 Inch crates, wire bound and in-inch crates. 3-10 dozen, 2.00-2.25; XX's. mostly around 1.75. LETTUCE—Two Arizona arrived; nine broken and six unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate: mar ket steady. Arizona. Western crates. Ice berg type. 6 dozen. 3.00-3.25: fair condi tion. 2.50. ONIONS—One Michigan, one New York arrived: one broken and three unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: de mand moderate: market steady. Michigan and New York. 5'i-pound sacks, yellows. U. S. No. I. 1.25-1.35. PEAS—No cariof arrivals: one broken ear on track. Supplies moderate: demand slow; market weak. California, bushel hampers. Telephones. 3 25-3.50; mostly 3.25; South Carolina, bushel hampers. 8.50- 3.00. Potato Prices Stradv. POTATOES—One Florida, two Idaho, three Maine arrived: 14 unbroken cars on track. Old stock: Supplies moderate; de mand moderate; market steady. 100-pound sacks, U. S. No. 1; Maine. Green Moun tains, 2 40-2.50: Idaho Russet Burbanks. 3.50- 3,60. New stock: Supplies light; demand light; market steady. Florida, double-head barrels. Spaulding Rose. U. 8. No. 1. 6.25-6.50: bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs and Spaulding Rose. U. S. No. 1. 2.00-2.15. SPINACH—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts light; supplies light: demand moderate: market steady. Bushel baskets. Savoy type. U. S. No. 1: Virginia. 60a85: North Carolina, fair oual ll5STRAWBERRIE6—Express, one Louisi ana arrived; no cars on track. Truck receipts light: supplies light: demand mod erate: market steady. Florida. 36-point crates. 5.00aB.50 per crate. SWEET POTATOES—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track Truck receipts moder ate: supplies moderate; demand moderate: market slightly stronger. North Carolina, bushel baskets. Puerto Ricans and Nancy Halls. 1.40a 1.50. few high as 1.65 TOMATOES—No carlot arrivals: two unbroken cars on track. Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate: demand mod erate: market steady Florida, wide range In condition, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 3.00a3.50: 6x7 " 25a2.50: 7x7. 1.50B1.75: poorer, all sizes lower: Mexico, lug boxes, ripes and turning, wrapped. 5x6. 4.00a4.25. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals; three broken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—No carlot arrivals: no ears on track Supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, green, flat type, fair quality. 2.50 a3 25; round stringless, best, 3.60; fair quality. 3.00: poorer lower. LIMA BEANS^No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Supplies light: de mand moderate: market steady. Florida, bushel hampers 3.00*3.50. EGGPLANT—Supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Florida. l'.i bushel crates. 2.00a2.50. PEPPERS—Supplies insufficient to Quote. CUCUMBERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel bas kets. fancy 3.00-3.60. SQUASH—Supplies light. Florida, fresh arrivals bushel hampers, white, wrapped 2 50-2.75; few. 3.00: poorer, lower; bushel hampers Yellow Crooknecks 2.50-3.25 KALE—Supplies light demand moder ate; market steady. Nearby sections, bushel baskets 25-35. ORANGES—Thi ee California arrived, one broken and four unbroken cars on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1 3.00-4.75; No 2. 3.00-4.00. as to slse. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida boxes. No. 1, 2 50-2.75: No. 2. 2.25-2.50. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 6 50 TOO: No. 2. 4 50-5.00. BEETS—Texas. V, crates. 1.50-1.60. MUSHROOMS—Maryland. 3-pound bas kets. 50-00. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crate* 3.00-4.00. MT^t*NIP SALAT*—North Carolina, bush#! baskets. 50. BONDS ON By private wire direct to The Star. T REASUR Y High. Low. 2:56. 2Hs 1949-53_ 97.22 97.1g 97.19 2948 1945-47_101.28 101.16 101.21 2948 1948-51_ 100.10 100.2 100.9 2948 1961-54_ 99.29 99.18 99.24 2948 1958-69_ 99.28 99.18 99.23 2948 1960-60_ 100.26 100.16 100.26 ' 38 1946-48_ 108.7 108.8 103.7 38 1961-66_ 102.20 102.15 102.17® 194 a 1946-49_ 103.24 107.20 108.24 3%s 1946-49 res- 101.15 108.16 108.16 8948 1949-52. 103.80 103.24 103.30 3948 1944-46 _ 106.8 104.28 106.8 8 94 8 1944-46 rer- 104.29 104.89 104.29 8 8fcs 1941-43 Uar. 106.11 106.11 106.11 8 648 1943-47 . 105 26 106.39 106.25 3448 1940-43Jun# 105.17 105.17 105.17 8448 1946-66 _ 108.6 108.6 108.6 48 1944-64 _ 110.6 109.26 110.6 4 94 8-3 94 8 1943-45 106.7 104.80 106.7 4948 1947-62_ 114.18 114.8 ,114.12 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2 44s 1942-47_ 100.15 100.15 100.15 38 1947_ 102.3 102. 102. 8e 1949 _101.27 101.10 101.28 3948 1964_ 102.16 102.12 102.16 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 244 8 1 9 3 9-49_ 100.2 99.27 100.2 38 1952_ 101.6 101.1 101.6 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 5:55. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s 'BS 106 10554 10554 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s'48. 2654 2554 2554 Antlooula 7a 45 A_ 16 IB IB Antioqula 7»’45 B_ 15 16 15 Antioqula 1st 7a’57... 1854 1854 I854 Antioqula 2d 7s’B7 new 1354 18Vi 1354 Antwerp 6s’68 101 101 101 Argentina 4 54■ '71_ 9954 9954 9954 Argentine 6s 67 A_ 10154 10154 10154 Argentine 6s *58 B ... 10054 10054 10054 Argentine 6s’69 June. 10C54 10044 10044 Argentine 6s ’69 Oct.. 10154 1 0154 10154 Argentine 6s'60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 10 1 44 1 0 1 44 1 0144 Argentine 6s’60 Oct.. 10 154 1 0154 1 0154 Argentine 6s'61 Febr. 10154 101 Vi IOI54 Argentine 6s ’61 May. 102 102 102 Australia 44ia'56_ 10154 101 10154 Belgium 7s 65 H714 H75f 11754 Berlin Elec 6 54s'51_ 2054 2054 2054 Brisbane 6s'68_101 101 101 Brisbane 6s’50_ 103 103 103 Brazil 6 54s’26-’57_ 4054 3954 3954 Brazil 7a'62- 4044 4054 4054 Brazil 3s 41- 4954 4959 49U Buenos Aires 4 4i*-3 44s ’77 Pv_ 7 7 7854 7 7 Buenos Aires 4 Hs-4 54 s '76 April _ 77*4 7754 7754 Buenos A 4 Hs'7 6 Aug 775* 7754 7754 Buenos A C 6 V s '65_100J* 100»* 10054 Bulgaria 754s 63 May coupon oft_ 2654 2654 4654 Canada 254a 45- 9754 9754 #754 Canada 3 5*a '61- 98'4 9754 9854 Canada 4s’60_IP654 106 106 Canada 6s'52_112 112 112 Chile 6a’60 - 2114 2154 2154 CMJe 6s'61 Jan_ 22 21*4 2154 Chile 6s’61 Fabr_ 21*4 2154 2154 Chile 6s 61 Sept__ 22 22 22 Chile 6s’62_ 22 22 22 Chile 7s'42 - 2 254 2 2 2 254 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62_ 1954 1954 19*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6 54s’67. 1954 1954 ]»5* Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 8254 8154 8254 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 315* 815* 8U4 Copenhagen 4 54s’53_ 9354 93*4 9S>* Copenhagen 6s'62_ 98 98 98 Cordoba 7s '57 _ 80 80 80 Cordoba 7s’57 stpd_ 75 75 75 Cuba 65*s 46 _ 64V* 6854 6454 Denmark 4 54s'62_ 9V/» 9 7 54 9 7 54 Denmark 6 54s'55_ 10 1 54 1 0 1 54 * 0154 Denmark 6s 42 104*4 10454 10454 Dominic 1st 5 54 s'69ext 80 80 80 Dominic 2d 6 54 s 40.... 19*4 78*4 79V* Finland 6s 45 _ 107 1065* 107 tier Gov 5 54s'65 st_ 2454 231* 23*i Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd __ 275, 275* 2754 Grt C El Jap 654s 50_. 9254 9254 9254 Italy 7s 61 _ 87 86*4 87 Ital P U Crd 7s ’52.j>_. 74 737* 74 Japan 6 54s'64. _ 9454 9454 #4*4 Kreug&TolI 5s'59 era. 4754 4744 47*4 Eeipsig 7s'47_ 21 21 21 Met Wat 6%s’60 _ 102 102 102 Mex 4s 10-'4o asst lge 654 654 *54 Mex 4s 10-’45 asst sir 654 654 654 Milan 654s'62 73 78 73 Minas Gers6 54s ’58 Sept coupon oft _ 27 27 27 New So Wales 6s ’67_ 10254 10244 10244 Nord Ry 6 54s'50- 10744 1 07 54 1 07*4 Norway 4s ’63_ 9 644 9644 9 944 Norway ’ 548 65_ 10054 100 100 Norway 4 44s'66- 10244 1PZ 102 Norway 6s 44_ 106 106 106 Oslo 4 54 * 55 - 9754 9754 97J4 Paris Or) Ry 5 54s’68.. 101 101 101 Pernambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon oft_ 2451 245* 245* Poland 7s 47 - 665t 6654 *554 Poland 8s 50 _ 485* 48'* 485* Porto Alesre ss ’ll June coupon off_ 275* 27J4 2754 Queensland 6s 47- 10 9 54 1 0 9 54 1 09 54 Klo de Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 2 9 54 2 9 1 9 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’63 June coupon off_ 28 2754 28 Trondhiem 6 54s'57... 1005* 100H 1005* Un Stl Wks 654s '51 A. 255* 255* 265* Un Stl Wk 65js’61 C— 255* 265* 255* Uruguay 8s 46_ 65 65 65 Warsaw 7a'68_ 45 4454 43 DOMESTIC 0ONDS. Adams Express 4»'47. 100 100 100 Adams Express 4s’48. 101 10044 10044 Alleg Corp 6s'44- 9744 974$ 9744 Alleg Corp 6s'49_ 9044 90 90 Allied Stores 4%s '61_ 98 98 98 Am A For Pw 6s 2030.. 7944 78U 7814 Am 1 G Ch 6 44 s ' 49_ 106 10544 106*4 Am TAT 4 44s '39- 10644 10544 10644 Am TAT614S 43_ 113 11244 113 Anglo-Chil Nit 7s‘673 9 44 8 9 3 9 Armour!Del list 4s’55 96K 96 96*4 Armstrong Ck 4s'50 103M, 10344 10344 A T&S Fead.1 48 96 st 10 4 44 1 0 4 44 1 0 4 44 A T&S Fe C A 4%s'62 111 111 ill Atl Coast L clt 4s 62 . 9444 93 9444 Atl C Lun4%s 64 .. 9344 91J4 93JT Atl Coast Line 6s 45.. 10344 1 03 44 1 03 44 B A O Toledo 4s '59_ 9 4 9 3 44 9 3 44 L'amag 7s 42 ctfs ... 29 ' 29 29 Callt Packing 5s 40... 10444 104 IU444 Canada So 5s '62 A ... 115 115 116 Can dian N R 4448' 66. 11144 11144 11144 Can'dtan N R 444s ’61. IIH4 11144 11144 Can'dtan N R 4 44s'57. 11044 11044 11044 Can dian N R 4^8 65. 11344 118*4 113*4 Can'dian N 5s'69 July. U4H 114H 1UH Can'dtan N 6s'69 Oct_. 11544 116H 11644 Can dian P db «s perp 95 44 9 644 9644 Can dian Pac 444s'46. 104 104 104 Can'dtan Pac 444s 60 100U 100J4 100J4 Can’dlan Pac 6s'44 cfs lllV* 11144 11144 Can'dtan Pac 6s '54_: 108 108 108 Car & Gen 5s '60 ww_ 10444 10444 10444 Caro Cl & O 6s 62 A... 110 110 110 Cent BrUPis 48_ 3244 3144 3144 Central Fdry cv 5s '41 109H 10944 10944 Cent Ga Chat 4s 51 86 36 86 Cent of Ga rt 6 44s'59. 2044 20 20 Cent 111 E & G 6s'61 10144 101*4 10144 Cent of N J gen 5s '87 7844 7844 7844 Cent of NJ gn 5s’87rg„ 66 66 66 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 107M, 10744 10744 Cent Pac 5s 60 . _ 9944 9944 99^ Cert'd deb 6%s'48 .. 8644 86 86 Champ P& F 4%s'50. 106 106 106 Chesap C cv 6s 44_121 121 121 Chesap Corp 6B 47_13754 137 13754 Ches&03%B96D_ 96 96 96 C&O gen 454s 92_11754 11754 11754 C & O con 6s ’39_ 10754 107>4 10754 Chi & Alt ref 3s '49_ 6654 66 66 Chi B & Q gen 4S 68_ 10854 10854 10854 Chi B & Q 454s 77 - 10854 10954 10854 Chi B & Q ref 6s 71.„ 11454 11454 11454 Chi B&Q1 dly 3 54»’49_. 10654 10654 10654 Chi & E 111 6s *61 _ 3854 88 88 Chi Grt West 4s ’69 _ 4454 4454 4454 Chi Ind & L gen 6a ’66. 1954 1954 1954 Chi Ind & So 4s ’66_ 10154 10154 10154 C M St P 48 '89_ 67 57 67 CM&StP gn 4 54* ’89 C. 6854 6854 6854 CM&StP 4 5is'89_ 6454 6 4 54 6 4 54 CM&StP 6s 76. _ 3054 2954 30 CM&StP&P adl 682000 1054 1054 1054 Ch &N~W gen 8 54s '87. 4054 40 4954 Chi & NW gen 4s 87_ 44 4354 44 Chi & NW 4 548 2037 3054 3054 3054 Chi & NW 4 54 * 2 0 3 7 C. 8054 8054 S0»4 Chi &NW 4548 49 .. 2054 20 2054 Ch) & NW gen 6s 87_46*^ 4654 46V. Chi & NW rf 6* 2037.. 81 11 81 Chi Rye 1st 6s '27_ 7254 7254 7 2 5< Chi R l&P rf 48'34_ 2254 82 2254 Chi R l&P rf 4s-S4ctf. 1854 1854 1854 IChl R l&P gen 4s 88 .. 37 8654 8654 Chi R l&P 4s '88 Ctfs.. 86 86 86 Chi H l&P 4 54*'62 .. 8154 8154 8154 Chi R l&P 454s '62 ctf. 1954 1954 1954 Chi R l&P 454s 80 __ 1354 18 1854 Chi T H&S 1st 6a '60.. 9254 9254 9254 Ch! On Sta 3 54a '61 .. 102 102 108 Chi tjn Sta 854* 68 E. 10454 10454 104H Chi Un Sta ts'44_ 10454 10454 10454 Chi Un Sta 4s 63_ 10654 10654 10654 N. Y. STOCK High. Low. 2: SB. Chl& W InooB 4»’6J. 102* 102 102* Chi & W Ind 4 *• •62.. 100* 100* 100* Childs* Co 6s‘43_ 89 89 89 Cln G 4 E 8*1 '66- 99* 99* 99* Cln On TerlHsDgtd. 102 102 102 CCC&St L gen 4a ’93-_ 97* 97* 97* CCCASt Lrf 4*8-77 E 96* 94* 96* CCCASt L ref 6s -«8 D 105* 105* 106* CCCAStLStLdv 4S-90. 87 97 97 CCC&StLCW&M 48-91 93* 93* 98* cisv El 111 8*S '65_ 106* 106* 106* ClST UB Tel 4*8 -77 .. 102* 102 102* Clsw Un Term 6s '73 B. 106* 106* 106* Colo Fuel &Ir 6s'70._ 84* 84* 84* Columbia O 8c E 6s 63 May_ 103 103 103 Columbia GAE 6a '61.. 101H 101 101)4 Colum Ry PAL 4s '65.. 104)4 104)4 104)4 Cornel Credit 3 Hs'61. 96)4 96)4 *6)4 Com JnvTr3Hs’61_101 100)4 101 Conn R A L 4Hs'61_102)4 102)4 102)4 Cons Coal Del 6s '60_ 68)4 68)4 68)4 Cons Ed NY 3 He 46 n. 103)4 108)4 108)4 Cons Ed NY 3Hs *66 n. 102)4 102)4 102)4 Cone Gaa NY 4Ha'61. 107)4 107)4 107)4 Consol Oil >Ha '61 __ 102 lot 102. Conaum Pwr 4 H» 66._ 97 97 97’ C< numPunlHa’65. 102)4 101 101 Cons Pwr SHe'70_101 100)4101 Crane Co 8He 61_ 98*4 98 98)1 Crown C A S 4a '60__ 104)4 104)4 10«H Crown Will P6s'61— 103)4 103)4 103)4 Dayton PAL 3Ha *60.. 108)4 103)4 103)4 Del A Hud ref 4a'43_91)4 491)4 91)4 Den G A E 6s '51- 107)4 107)4 107)4 Den A R G oon 4S '36_81)4 81 81 Den A R G W 6a '85_ 13)4 is jsu Den A RGW 6s’56asat_ 18 18 18 Den A R G ref 6a '78... 27 26)4 26W Dea MAFt D 4a’36 cfa. 9)4 9)4 9)4 Det Edison 8Hs 66- 102)4 102)4 102)4 Detroit Ed 4s '66 F_108 108 108 Det Edison 6s '62107)4 107U 107)4 Dul S S A At 6s'87- 66 65 166 Duques Lt 4Hs ’67 B_ 108)4 103)4 103)4 Else Auto Lite 4s '52.. 110 110 110 Erls cv 4s '63 A_ 86 86 88 Erie cv 4s '63 B_ 86 88 86 Erie cons 4a'96_ 98 98 98 Erie gen 4a'98_ 84 83)4 84 Erie ref 6a '67_ 82)4 81)4 82)4 Erie ref 6a 75 _ 82)4 82 82H Erie & Jersey 6s *65_117 117 117 Fed Lt A Trao 6s 43__ 102 102 102 Fla E C Ry 4Hs '69_ 78 77 78 Fla E C Ry 6a '74_ 16)4 15 16)4 Gen Mot Aco 3a 46_101 100)4 100)4 Gen Mot Ass 3H« '61.. 300 99*4 300 Gen Stl Cast 6Hs’49__ 90*4 90)4 90*4 Goodrich 4 Hs'56_ 99)4 99 99)4 Goodrich 6s 46__ 106 105 106 Goodyear TAR 6s ’57 .. 104)4 104)4 10414 Goth Silk H 6s '46 ww 100)4 100 100*4 Gt North'n Ry 3 Hs'67- 92H 92)4 92)4 Great N Ry 4s 4b G .. 129)4 128 129)4 Great N Ry 4s 46 H .. 107)4 106J4 107 Grt N R gen 4Ha’76 D. 102)4 102 102 Grt N R gen 4Hs'77 E. 102 101)4 102 Grt N R gen 6s 73 C_109)4 109)4 109)4 Grt N R 6H» 62 B_117 116)4 117 ureen Bay 6s "62 B_it n n Qulf MAN 6s'50 _98 98 y^ Qulf States St 4 4 s’61_. 97 J 97 97 Qulf States Util 4s '66 101 1004 101 Gulf States Ut 44s'46 1034 103 103 Hoe (R) 1st mtt 44... 944 944 944 Houston OH 54s'40_102 1014102 Hudson Coal 6s'62_ 60 60 6J Hud A Man lno 6s '67„ 814 314 314 Hud A Man ref 6s '57„ 77 764 77 111 Bell Tel 3 4s '70_ 1034 1034 1034 111 Cent ref 4s'65_ 874 874 874 111 Cent 44s *6_ 76 754 754 111 Cent ref 6s'55_ 99 99 99 111 Cent St L 34s’51._ 944 944 914 ICCAStL N 04 4s’63_ 8O4 804 804 111 C St LAN O 5s'51.. 110 110 lio ICCAStL N O 6c S3 ._ 864 85 85 111 Steel deb 44s 40_ 1064 10651 >064 Ind 111 A Iow a 4s '50__. 102 102 102 Inland Stl 34s 61 ... 102 102 102 Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 .. 79 774 774 1 R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs. 78 78 78 Int R T 6s 32_ 364 35 364 Int R T 7s 32 _ 784 77 77 Int R T 7s'32 ctfs_ 764 754 754 Int Qrt Nr 6s'62 A_ 3651 36>i 364 int Grt Nr adl 6s'62 A. 144 144 144 Int Hydro Elec *s 44~ 814 804 81 Int Mer Marine 6s ’41. 874 87 87 Int Pan 1st 6s 47a_ 1004 994 1004 Int Pap ref 6s 65_ 994 » 94 994 Int Ry of C A 6s'72_ 88 88 88 Int TAT cv 4 4s 39_ 82 4 824 824 Int TAT 4 Hs'51_ 684 664 664 Int TAT 6s '65_ 704 70 704 Iowa Cent lstArf4s'61. 74 74 74 JonesAL Stl 4 4s’61A. 1014 1014 1014 Kans C F SAM 4s '38.. 69 69 69 KanCFSAM rf4s'36ct. 664 664 664 Kans C So 1st 3s 60... 874 874 874 Kans City So ref 6s‘50 925l 924 924 Kan C Term 1st 4s'60. 107 107 107 Kans G AE4 4s'80_ 1034 1034 >034 Ky Cent Ry 4s'87_ 108 108 108 Kresge Found 4s 45 104 104 104 Laclede Gas 5s '49 .___ 94 94 94 Laclede G 54s 63 C_604 604 604 Laclede G 54s 60 D_6014 604 6u4 LAutaro Nltr 6s’6i _ 414 414 41*4 uautaro Nit 6s 64 cfa. 4lyj 414 414 LehC&N«4s 64 A... 95 96 96 weh Val Coal 5s'74_ 634 634 634 Leh Val Har 6s 64_ 1024 102 1024 Leh V P con 4s 2003 624 624 624 Leh V Peon 4 4s 2003. 68 68 68 Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 77 764 77 Leh Val Term 6s '41_106*4 106»« 1064 Llgg & Myers 5»'61_ 1184 1184 1184 Loew a 34a 46_ 974 974 974 Long lsl ref 4s '49_ 1024 1024 1024 Long Isld raf 4s"49 stp 103 103 103 Lorillard 6s'66_ 1174 1174 1174 Lorlllard 7s 44_ 1274 1274 1274 La & Ark 6s *69_ 934 934 934 Lou & Jeff Bid 4s *45_ 1064 1064 1064 L&N lst4s 2003__ 974 974 974 L&Nunlf4s 40_ 107 1064 107 L&N 44* 2003 C_ 104 1034 1084 L&N PM 4s'46_ 106 106 106 L& N So Mon jt 4a '62. 96 944 95 McCrory Stores 5a 51. 104 104 104 McKesa&Roh 6 4s'50_. 1034 1034 1034 Me C RR clt 4s '45 A_ 1024 1024 1024 Me C RR gn 4 4a'60A. 8 1 804 804 Manat) Sug 7%s 42... 73 73 78 Man Slst 7 4s'42 ctfs. 714 114 114 Manhat Ry 4s'90 _ 46 46 46 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs. 41 41 41 Manitowoc 3 V4s'41_ 37 87 37 Met W S El Cr 4a '38_ 134 134 134 Mich Cent 4s 40_ 104 104 101 Mil El R&L 6a’61_ 108 103 103 MU Spa & N W 4s '47. 384 S3 884 Minn & S L rf 4s 49... 64 «4 64 Minn & St L 5s'34 ctfa. 18 18 18 Minn & St L 6s '62 A 64 54 54 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38__ 27 26 26 MStP&SSM 6%s 78_ 844 84 4 844 Mo K. * T 1st 4s 90__ 88 88 88 Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 684 684 684 Mo K & T 6s '62 A_ 80 4 804 804 MoK & T adj 6s '67_ 70 70 70 Mo Pao 4a '76- 194 194 194 Mo Pac 6a'65 A- 414 414 414 Mo Pac 6s ’77 F_ 41 41 41 Mo Pao 5s’77 P ctfs_ S94 394 894 Mo Pao 5a'78 G _ 41 41 41 Mo Pac 6a'78 G ctfs... 39 39 39 Mo Pac 5s'80 H _414 414 414 Mo Pac 6a *80 H ctfs_ 39 39 39 moracosBll- 41)4 40)4 4U4 Mo Pao 6)48 49 A_ 17)i 17)4 17)4 Mob & Ohio 6s "38_ 33)4 33)4 83)4 Monong PubS 4)48-60 102 101)4 102 Monong Ry 1st 4s'60 106 106 106 Montana Pwr 3)4s'6*. 94)4 94)4 94)4 Mont Tram 6s 41 . 102 102 102 Mor&Essex 3)4s 2000 87)4 87 87)4 Morrls&Essex 4)4s-66 90)4 90)4 90)4 Morrls&Essex 6s '66 _ 98)4 98)4 98)4 Namm & Sons 6s 43.. 100)4 100)4 100)4 Nassau Elec 4S'5l gta. 66)4 66)4 55)4 Nau Dairy 8)t rfilw-w. 104 108)4 104 Natl Dls PC 4)4s-45._ 104 lo4 104 Natl Steel 4s <6_ 104 108)4 104 New E T&T 4)4a ’61._ 117)4 117)4 11T)4 New E T&T 1st 6s 62. 119)4 119)4 119U New Jer P&L 4)4s 60. 10614 106)4 106)4 New Orl P S 6s 62 A_ 96)4 96)4 96U New Orl PS 6s'65 B__ 97 97 97 New Orl Ter 1st 4s -6*. 94 93 94 New OrlT&M 4%s'66_ 66 64)4 63 New Orl T&M 6s 61 B. 68W 68 68)3 NOTAM 6)4s’64 B cfs. 64 64 64 New Orl T&M 6))e '64. 62 61)4 61)4 N Y Cent 8)4 s'62 w.l. 106)4 106)4 106)4 NY Central 3 )is 97_ 96 96)4 96)4 NY Central 3 44s*46_101)4 101)4 101H NY Cent con 4s 98_ 97)4 96)4 97)4 NY Cent rf 4)4S 2013.. 91 91 91 NY C rf 4)4S 2013 n_ 91 91 91 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 97)4 *7)4 97)4 NY Cent cv 6s 44 .. 121H 119)4 120)4 NYC Mich C 3 ))s '9S__ 88)4 88)4 88)4 NY C LSh 3 )4s 98 90 90 90 N Y Cbl & StL 4s’4#_ 102)4 102)4 102)4 NYC&St L 4)4s'78 ... 90 89 90 NYC&St L 6)4s '74 A- 100)4 100)4 100)4 NY Chi & St L 6s '38 _ 100)4 100)4 100)4 NY Conn lst4)4s'53._ 107)4 107)4 107)4 NY Dock 6s 38 ..._ 61 60)4 60)4 NY Edison 8)4*'66 D. 99)4 99)4 99)4 NY L& Wist 48 73_ 98)4 98)4 98)4 NY L. & W 4% 8 *73- 105H 106 106 NYNH&H8%s 47_37 *7 *7 NY NH & H 3)48*68_ 86 86 86 NY NH & H 4)48 '«7_ 40 4 46)4 46)4 NY NH & H cl tr #S’40. 61 <1 61 I EXCHANGE Hlih. Low. 2:68. NT NH A H ev 6a‘4t_. 4844 4854 4844 NT OAW geo 4a 66... 13 2254 28 NT O&W ref 4a 92 ... 8154 8144 8154 NTQueena oon3%a*66. 10254 10244 10244 NT Steam 5a’68_ 107 107 107 NT Tel gen 4% s'3 9_10654 10654 10654 NT W & B 454a '4$ ... 1754 1 744 1 744 Nlag Falls P 3 Via '68.. 10244 10154 10154 Nlag Sh 6 54a '60_ 10 1 54 1 0 1 44 10 1 44 Norf So 1st ref 6»'81.. 8044 2 9 44 2 9 44 Norf S 1st rf6s'61cfa_ 294< 2844 2844 Norf & W 1st 4a ‘9«.__ 118 11254 118 North Am Co 6s'61_ 104 10854 104 North Am Ed 6s ’67 A. 10444 104 10444 North Am Ed 6s’69 C. 10244 102 10244 North Am Ed 6548*63. 104 10854 10854 Nor’n Pao gen 3s 2 0 4 7 . 7444 7 4 44 7 444 Nor'n Pao 4a '97 _ 10854 10854 10854 Nor'n Pao 45i a 2047 9854 8844 9844 Nor'n Pao 6s 2047 D_ 10244 10244 10244 North Pao 6a 2047_ 11144 11054 11054 Ohio Edlaon 4a*66.__ 10844 10244 10854 Ohio Pub Svo 7s‘47_111 111 111 Oreg RR4N4S '46 107 44 1 07 44 107 44 Oreg W RR 4a '81_ 106 10444 106 Pao Gas & El 8 44s '86. 97^* 97 97 Pao G & E 3**s '61_101 1005* 101 PaoG*E4s64 .- ._ 104*<106 105 Pao RR Mo 1st 4a '38.. 101** 101** 101** Pao T&T 3 4*s ’68 C_ 100 100 100 Paramount Plo 6s'66_. 100** 100** 100J* Penn Co 4s'62 B- 104** 104** 104*4 Penn Co 4a’63 _10l!4 10144 1014* Penn Dlxla C 6a'41_100*4 100 100 Penn P&L 4 44s 81_ 106 105 106 Penn RR 3*4s'52_ 107 1064* 107 Penn RR 3 **s '70 C_ 99** 98!* 99** Penn RR 4 44s '81 D_ 1064* 106*4 106*4 Penn R R 44*8'84_ 106 106*4 106 Penn RR gn 4 44 ■'65.. 1084* 108*4 108** Penn RR deb 4 44*’70_ 101** 101 101 Penn RR gen 6a’68 _ 116*4 1164*115*4 People GL&C rf 6a’47_ 113*4 118V* 118*4 Peoria & E 1st 4s *40._ 04** 98*4 944* Peoria & E inc 4a '90__ 20 20 20 Pare Marq 1st 4s'66_ 94** 94 94** PereMarq 4 44s'80_ 96** 96 96*4 Pere Mara 1st Es '66 108 103 108 Phila B&W 4 44s '81_111** 111** 111** Phila B&W cn 6s'74... 119 119 119 Phila Co 6s 67_ 106 104** 1044* Phila & R C&l 68 ’78_ 84** 834* 8844 Phils & R C&I 6s 49__ 164* 164* 164* Philippine Ry 4s 37_ 28** 27 27 PCC&St L 4 44s'77 C-_ 107 107 107 PCC&St L 6s'70 A ... 116 115 116 Pltts&W Va 444s'59 B g8® 89 89 Pitts Y&Ash 63 ’62 B_ 128** 128** 123** Port Gen El 444s 60_,64 62>* 84 Postal Tel & C 6s >63._ 29!* 29** 294* Prov Sec deb 4s'67_|204* 204* 120*4 Purs OH 4 4*8 60 ww__ 124 123 123 Pure 011 4 4*s '60 it_ 1024* 102** 102!* Purity Baking 6s *48„ 984* «84* 984* Reading R 444a'97 A-. 107 1064* 1064* Reading R 444s 97 B.. 1084* 1064* 108** Rem-R 5 44s'47 A ww. 108*4 108*4 108** Republlo Stl 4 44 s 60.. 192 189 189 Republio Stl 444s'68.. 98V* 98 98V* Republlo Stl 4 44s '81_. 97** 97** 97** Republlo Stl 644s'64.. 1201* 119*4 IIP** Revere Cop 4 44 s 66 1081 1031 1031 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs_. 66 661 661 R 1 A&L 1st 4 Ha '84 _ 2241 221 2241 R O W 1st ex In 4s’39. 73 73 73 Saguenay Pw44*s’**.. 10151 1005* 10151 St L IM&S R&G 4s'33_ 81 81 81 St L-S Fran 4s '60A_ 8051 80 80 St L-S F 48 ’60 A ctft_ 26*1 261 261 St L-S Fran 4 41s’78_291 2911 295* St L-S F 444*'78 cf st_ 2541 261 26*1 St L-S Fran 6s ’60 B ... 80 80 80 St L S W gn rf 6s’9#„ 44 44 44 St L S W 1st ter 5s’62. 6*51 6651 6651 St P & Duluth 4S *68 ... 107 107 107 St P M&M ext 6s '43 10241 10241 10241 San A & A Pass 4s '43. 10051 10051 1001 Schulco 644 s’46 A stp. 34 34 34 Seabd A L 4s’50 _ 844* 3441 8441 Seabd A L 4s’60 stp_31 3t 81 Seabd A L adj 6s 49_ 111 1151 HI Seabd A L 6s 46 A_ 201 194* 195* Seabd A L 6s 46 etfs.. 19 185* 19 Shell Dn deb 3 41b '51.. 9741 971 97*1 Silesian Am 7s’41_ 70 70 70 Skelly 011 4s'51 _ 99 99 99 Socony Vac 3 4* s’60 ... 108** 103 1031 South Bell T&T 6s’41. 106 106*1 1055* Southn Cal Gas 4s ’65. 1031 1025* 1031 So Colo Pwr 6s ’47 A_ 105 105 105 So Pac 3 4*s 46_ 9951 985* 991 So Pac COl 4s'49_ 94 931 94 So Pac ref 4s 65_ 10551 1061 10551 So Pac 44*8'68__ 9051 90 901 So Pac 44*s *69_ 90 8951 80 So Pac 4 44 s 81_ 90 891 20 So Pac Oreg 4 44 s’77_ 9651 9551 861 So Pac SF Ter 4s ’50.. 1074* 1074* 1074* So Ry gen 4s’66 A_ 81 805* 81 So Ry 6s ’94- 1071 10*41 107 So Ry gen 6a '66_ 1014* 1004* 1001 So Ry 644s ’68- 1081 10854 1081 So Ry M & O 4s '38__ 94 94 94 So Ry St L dlv 4s '61_ 981 981 981 S W Bell Tel S44s’64.. 104 1081 1081 Soutnw'n G&E 4s ’60_ 101 101 101 Spokane Int 6s '55_ 821 82 821 Staley A E 4s '46- 104 1031 1085* Stand Oil N J 3s ’61_ 964* 961 961 Studebakercv 6s 45._ 186 186 186 Tenn C&l RR 5s'51_117 117 H7 Tenn El Pw 6s'47 A... 974 97 97 Terra AsSt E 4s '53_107*1 107*1 107*1 l’exas Corp 34s'61_1014 101 I01E Texas & Pac fis 77 B__ I024 101 1024 Texas & Pac 6s 79 C._ 10*4 10*4 1024 Texas & Pao 6s'80 D . 1024 102 1024 Third A ad In ex 6s'66_ 83*4 38 834 Un El E & P 5s'57_ 1074 107 107 Un El E & P 64s'64_ 105 104*1104*1 Un Oil Calif 6s '42 A_116*4 1164 116*1 Union Pac 3 54 »'70- 934 934 984 Un Pac 854s’71_ 94 94 94 Un Pao 1st 4s'47-1104 11051 11051 Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008_ 10451 1044 1044 United Drug 6s'53_100 994 994 U S Rubber 6s'47- 1064 1064 1064 Utah L & T 6s'44 (A)_ 9954 # 954 9 9 51 Utah P & L 6s ’44____ 10351 1024 10*51 Util P AL 6s 69 ww_ 6854 6851 6854 Util PAL 654a*47- 694 684 694 Va E A p 1st ref 4s’55. 10754 107 1074 Va Ry 1st 34s '66 A_ 10354 1034 10854 Wabash 4 54 s ‘78- 38 87*4 38 Wabash 1st 6s'39- 100*4 1004 1004 Wabash 6s '76 B_ 40 894 40 Wabash 6s 80 D_ 40 89*4 40 Wabash 6 54s'76- 394 8951 894 Walker HAS 4 54■'46.. 1054 106 106 Walworth 4B '66 804 80 804 Warner Bros cv 6s'39. 9751 974 974 Warner-Quin 6s'39... 60 494 60 Warren Br cv 6s 41 .. 704 704 704 Warren RR 3%s 2000. 80 80 80 West Penn P 8 54e'66.. 1044 104 104 West'n Md 1st 4s ’62__ 10354 103 1034 West'n Md 6 54 s '77-IO64 1064 io«4 West'n Pao 6s 46 A_ 86 86 86 West'n Un 4 54s 60 ... 1054 106 4 1064 Westn Un cl tr 6a '38_. 10151 10154 1014 West'n Un 6s'61- 1044 104 1044 West'n Un 5s 60_103 103 108 Wh & E E con 4s'49_ 106 106 106 Wheel Steel 4 54a'63_ 99 984 99 White Sew M 6s 40... 1034 1034 1084 W Sp St) con 7s'36 et. 414 404 414 Wilkes B&E 1st 6s *42 89*1 894 894 Wilson A Co 4s 66. . 1004 1004 1004 WisCent 1st gn 4s'49. 27 27 27 Wls C 1st gn 4s 49 ct_. 264 254 264 VngstnSAT 3 54e ’81_142 141 141 V’ngstn S&T 4s '61._1004 100 100 $3,546,548 Earned By Hiram Walker For Six Months By the Associated Press. WINDSOR, Ontario, April 15.—Im provement in earnings for the first six months of the current fiscal year was reported by Hiram Walker-Gooder ham & Worts, Ltd., today. Net income for the quarter ended February 28, 1937, amounted to *1, 658,578, equal after preferred dividends to $2.14 a share on the 722,304 com mon shares outstanding at the end of the period, compared with $1,118,663, or *1.52 a share on the 660,000 common shares outstanding for the similar quarter of the preceding year. Net income for the first six months of the fiscal year was $3,546,548, equal after preferred dividends to $4.59 a share, against $2,322,747, or $3.17, for the six months ended February 29 1936. ASSET VALUE GAINS. NEW YORK, April 15 (/P).—Ameri can International Corp., a leading in vestment company, announced today the net asset value of its security port folio increased to *21.87 a common share at the end of March, compared with (19.06 at the end of 1936. 1 . GAIN OVER m Total for 22 Leading Cities 15.1 Per Cent Ahead of Year Ago. BJ the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 15.—Although lowered from the heavy amount of a week earlier, the percentage Increase In bank clearings over the comparative 1936 level virtually was unchanged for the latest period. The total for 22 leading cities as reported to Dun St Bradstreet for the week ended April 14 was $5,837,681, 000, against *5,072,985.000 in the cor responding 1938 period, a gain of 15.1 per cent. This contrasted with a percentage advance of 15.2 In a similar compari son for the week previous. New York City clearings of $3,626, 818.000 Increased 13 per cent over the $3,210,778,000 a year ago. At outside centers the total was $2,210,863,000. or 18.7 per cent in excess of the $1, 862.207.000 In 1936. Increases ap peared at all individual cities, with the exception of Pittsburgh and Omaha, where there were small losses. Gains of 25 per cent or higher oc curred at Philadelphia, Cleveland, At lanta, Kansas City, Dallas and Seattle. Clearings for the past week showed a drop of $822,070,000 when compared with the figures for the preceding period. Between the two similar weeks of 1936 there was a loss of $709,417,000. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS York (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bank of Manhattan (lVi) B1<*‘ Bankers Tr (2) On Han Bk & Tr (4) Chase Nat (1.4(n ___ Chem Bk & Tr il.SO)_ Comercial (S) Coni Bk * Tr ( SO) Corn Ex Bk A: T (3) Empire Tr <11 __ First Nat (Bos) (2) First Natl (100) __I 2 Guaranty Tr (12) Irving Tr (.00) __ __ Manufacturers Tr (2) Manufacturers Tr of (2) Natl City id N Y Trust (5) Public (11 a» _ Title gat_:::: -a— FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NBW YORK, April 15 14’ —Foreign ex change eteady; Great Britain ln dollars “‘hers In cents: Great Britain—Demand, 41HIU: cables, 4.9011; un-day bills. 4.90,'7! Ih-ance—Demand 4.46',; cables. 4 46',.. Italy—Demand. 5 26V,. cables, 5.26V,. Demands—Belgium. 16.85: Germany free, *0.21: registered. 19.85 travel. 23.65: Holland. o4.76: Norway, 24 66: 8weden. Jo.,.;1: Denmark, 21.92: Finland. 2.17; Switzerland. 22.80; Spain, untiuoted; Por tugal 4 46: Greece. 90‘2: Poland. 19.00' Czechoslovakia. 3.48>,; Yugoslavia 2 34' Austria. 18.70n; Hungary,; Rumania', ■<‘V, 32.70n; Brazil. 8.80V,n; roklo. 28 62: Shanghai. 29.85: Hongkong. 30 no Mexico City. 27.85: Montreal In New York. 100.093.: New York ln Mo£ treal. 99.90V,. n—Nominal. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON April 15 UP* (U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture).—The finer grades of Western grown wooJ were moved in moderate volume today at steady prices. Average to good French combing length fine territory wools ln original bags brought 1.03*06 scoured basis Short French combing length fine territory ard average French combing half blood terri tory wools in original bags sold at 1.10 to 1.02. scoured basis. Pre-shearing contracts for Western grown wools were Quiet. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. April 15 0P>.—Copper steady: electrolytic, spot and future. 15.50; export, 15..35*45. Tir easy, spot and near by. 59.87*4*60.12^; future. 59.37*4a624 Lead steady: New York spot. 6.00*05; East St. Louis spot. 5 85. Zinc steady: East 8t. Louis spot ard future 7 00 Wolframite. 22.65. Iron, aluminum, an timony Quicksilver and platinum un changed. -• FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK April 15 <jp\.—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting for the week ended April 10 included: Week Previous Year , ,, April 10. week ago Norfolk <fc West 26.430 23 122 23 128 Pennsylvania 113.328 118.489 95.513 Western Pacific 3.380 3.031 -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 15 UP.—Crude rub ber futures opened easier, 21 to 34 lower. May. 22.40-42; July. 22.65-75; Septem ber. 22.77-80. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. April 15 —Dividend* de clared (prepared by tne Standard Statistics Corp.); Increased. Pe- Stk. of Pay _ Rate, rlod. record, able. Bourne Mills . S2.RO 4-13 R-l Cherrv-Burrell Oorp $1.00 Q 4-20 4-30 Hamilton Watcn_40c.. 6-4 fl-15 Heela Minin*-_26c 6-16 -6-16 Initial. Emil Klein 3% nf 62Vie ._ 4-20 6-1 Extra. Buffalo Ankerlte Oold M Res 6e._ 6-1 5-16 Buffalo Ankerlte Gold M (Bearer) _6e _ 6-18 Accumulated. Moody’s Investors Svc S3 Pt pf_ 76c ... 6-1 6-15 Liquidating. 81mm* Pet_50c .. 4-23 4-30 ■erular. Am Motorists Intur (Chi) 60c Q 3-25 4-1 Buffalo Ank Gold M Reg _12Vic q 6-1 6-16 Buffalo Ank Gold M (Bearer) 12'/aC q _ 6-15 Cherry-Burrell Corp 5% pf $1.25 q 4-20 4-30 Cliffs Corp Vtc_20c. 4-20 4-30 Hamilton Watch 6% pf *1.50 q 6-14 6-1 Kro’ler Mf 07,. pf A $1.50 q 3-24 3-31 Libbey-Ow Fold Glass 75c _ 5-28 6-15 Luther Mfg $1.50 4-13 6-1 Moody Inv 8v $3 pt pf 75c q 5-1 6-15 Moore Drop Forkings A $1.50 4-20 6-1 Newb'ry (J J) 57. pf $1.25 Q 5-17 6-1 Pacific G A E 6% of 37Vic Q 4-30 5-15 Pac G A E SVi% Pf 34V.C Q 4-30 5-15 Pioneer Mill ... lficM 4-21 5-1 Schwltser-Cummlns 25c q 4-23 5-1 Emil Klein ...._25c Q 6-21 7-1 Parker Pen _ 60c q 6-15 6-1 Atlas Plywood 37'ic Q 4-20 6-15 Cent Cold Storage 25c Q 5-5 6-15 Inti Util $7 prl pfd $1.75 Q 4-22 5-1 Inti Ut $3.50 pr pf 87M,c Q 4-23 5-1 Lynch Corp 50c q 5-5 6-15 Natl Lead ’’A” pfd *1.75 q 5-28 6-15 Amortized LOANS for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bonk Hot Mode Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loons " SECURITY13 SaoitiGs & Commercial BANK Two Convenient Branches. 9th & G . 1518 K Sts. N.W. * St. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Look into our BUILDING Loan Plan It combine* low interee: rat* with monthly repay ment* on principal, over an extended time. We cooper ate with property owners in the District of Columbia, nearby Maryland and Vir ginia. Ample funds for mort gage loans—large or small. WEAVER BROS ihc REALTORS Mtneaft Lsan Corrtifmdsnt Mstriftlitan Lift Insurants Cmfany WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 9486 Reserve District No. 6. REPORT OP CONDITION OP f Union Trust Company of the District of Columbia Of Washington, D. C., a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district on a date fixed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts_ $2,650,998.98 2. Overdrafts _____ 252 68 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/dr fully guaranteed . 3,548,280.80 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities_ 1,839,513.22 6. Banking house, $1,711,774.28; Furniture and fixtures, $148,620 . 1,860,394.28 7. Real estate owned other than banking house_ 1,106,173.73 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank_ 1,338.011.65 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection_ 2,264,274.92 13. Other assets_ 292,745.60 Total . $14,900,645.86 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions . $7,228,075.52 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 4,388,575.77 18. Deposits of other banks, certified and officers’ checks outstanding, etc. __ 213.303.25 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: Not secured by the pledge of loans and/or investments_$11,829,954.54 Total Deposits. $11,829,954.54 28. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ 36,128.94 30. Other liabilities_ 188.93 31. Capital account: Common stock, 20,000 shares, par $100 per share _$2,000,000.00 Surplus _ 500,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 487,289.09 Reserves for contingencies_ 47,084.36 Total Capital Account_ 3,034,373.45 Total, Including Capital Account_$14,900,645.86 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 32. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed _$1,621,195.12 35. Total Pledged, excluding rediscounts_$1,621,195.12 36. Pledged: Against deposits of trust department_$1,000,000.00 Against other deposits_ 100,000.00 With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers___ 520,195.12 For other purposes_ 1,000.00 Total Pledged...... $1,621,195.12 I, S. WILLIAM MILLER, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. WILLIAM MILLER, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of April. 1937. (Seal) J. DUTTON WAIN WRIGHT, Notary Public. CORRECT—Attest: ORD PRESTON, EDWARD L. HILLYER, GEORGE E. HAMILTON, DANIEL B. DEVORE, GEORGE E. HAMILTON, Jr., W. S. HARBAN, D. J. KAUFMAN, LUTHER F. SPEER, CHARLES F. WILSON, H. C. NEWCOMER. GEORGE E. FLEMING, JOHN H. SMALL. 3rd, DANIEL W. O’DONOGHUE, Jr., Directors. > k Decline Revealed In Construction Total for Week By the Associateo Preas. NEW YORK, April 15.—Engineering construction awards In the past week totaled $46,927,000, a decrease of 8 per cent from the preceding week and 14 per cent from the corresponding period of 1936, Engineering News Rec ord reported today. Private construction amounted to $24,608,000 and public to $22,419,000. In the previous week private awards aggregated $27,813,000 and public $22, 965,000, wdth the total $50,778,000. ASSOCIATED OUTPUT UP. NEW YORK, April 15 (Special).—<,1, For the week ended April 9, Associated ' Oas & Electric System reports net elec tric output of 86,532,415 units (kilo watt hours), which is an increase of 9.314.365 units over the comparabl# week a year ago. - —» MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April 15 i/Pi_Silver fu 4F.r4nhPe?,ld **sler :,0 to 40 lower. May 4.5.40b, July. 45..iob; September. 45.2»b, REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and R /O SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 989? Charter No. 13782. Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Hamilton National Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency under ' Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts___ «-? cc,n a An m 2. overdrafts...;;;;;;;; ■ SS©} 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed . 6 360 047 42 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities_ 4 452 594 12 6. Banking house, $25,052.65; Furniture and fixtures, $58,245.62 83 298 27 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank___ 2.730 055 11 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items In process of collection. 4 435 , - 10. Cash items not in process of collection ’ ',,»«!! is. other ... Total Assets-.....*25,836,056 38 , liabilities. 14. Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations ...__ lfi' stftt deP“!tS of lndlviduals' Partnerships, and corporations 7^983 42172 16. State, county, and municipal deposits____ 5 754 97 is' ?°veTm!nt and p°®tai *avin8s deposits:::;::: miooo oo 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier’s checks outstanding.... er „ ... Total of Items 14 to 18, inclusive: * 1 (a) Secured by pledge of loans and'or ,h, Wp?Ve8tmeni8 V...$2,749,470 54 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or Investments. 21,013,352.22 ___ 4 Total Deposits_ co*? 7fl7 090 7r ll.oi80 236 77/ 30. Capital account: 109 812 39 Common stock, 50,000 shares, par $20 00 per JS? .-.$1,000.000 00 Undivided profits—net__ _ _ _ 222 163 61 % Reserves for contingencies. 52^020 94 Total Capital Account..1 874 184 55 MEMORANmTTM 3TiUtIe*-V.-.$25*838 056.38 31 UniM ^ r ^ 40(1 InVMtmentR PledSed to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and or fullv guaranteed ... 1 j,,..,..,, 12. Other bonds, stocks, and securities__668 104 85 35.' PledJeT Pledged 'excludin* rediscounts).13,635,141.44 (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits- $203 820 85 (c) Against deposits of trust departments_ 134 59743 <d) Against other deposits..”. 2 986 190 74 (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers... 303 602 49 (e> For other purposes. 1 000 0a <n) Total Pledged. TTT^TVTTT City of Washington. District of Columbia, ss" that 0f 1116 atK)Te'named bank do solemnly swear that the abote statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. t . , W. J. WALLER. Cashier. Sworn to ana subscribed before me this 13th day of April. 1937. v. . . " KENNETH O. HULSE, Notary Public M> commission expires February 1, 1942. CORRECT—Attest: E C. GRAHAM, to™ h rLARKF Jr’ CHESTER WELLS. „.Tf„,ry™AN’ EMORY H. BOGLEY. Ratptt HORACE G. SMITHY. ROGER J. WHITEFORD, u BAL,rz* C. C. ROGERS. _ Director*. Charter No. 5046. Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK Of Washington, m the District of Columbia, at the close of business on March 31, 1937. Char'ei y°‘. 5°46, Reserve District No. 5. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes) ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts...$19,744,924 90 2. Overdrafts ... 7 040 32 3. United States Government obligations, direct and or fully . »'■;...-... 42,633.520.15 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities_ 5,065 424 79 5. Customers’ liability on account of acceptances executed 27 479 00 6. Banking houses, $2,662,434.36; Furniture and fixtures, -7 R«4i41'°t32t9° .. 3,103,467.26 I. Real estate owned other than banking houses_ 59,170 79 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank_ 14,334 602 59 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection____ 2j 944 262 45 10. Cash items not in process of collection_ 37 091 18 13. Other assets--- 140.398.97 __ Total assets.$107,097,382 40 LIABILITIES. 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpo rations .... S61,405,491.23 15. Lime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 18,631,235 68 16. State, county, and municipal deposits... _ 43,601.73 18. Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashier's Checks outstanding.. 17,705,388.30 Total of items 14 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments . $2,460,977.38 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments_ 95.324,739.56 _ _ '-f (c) Total Deposits..$97,785,716.94 25. Acceptances executed by other banks for account of this bank ..... 27,479.00' 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid_ 182,360.33 28. Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared_ 60,000.00 29. Other liabilities_ 228,576.68 30. Capital account; Class A preferred stock, 14,175 shares, par $100 per share retirable at $100 per share; Common stock, 30,000 shares, par $100 per share_ $4,417,500.00 Surplus _ 2,225,000.00 Undivided profits—net_ 1,635,174.73 Reserves for contingencies_ 445,780.92 Preferred stock retirement fund_ 89,793.75 Total Capital Account_ 8.813,249 40 Total Liabilities.$107,097,382.40 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities. 31. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed . $4,212,465.06 34 Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts)... $4,212,465.06 ' 35. Hedged: (c) Against deposits of trust departments_ 1,075,941.20 (d) Against other deposits_ 1.996,792.69 (f) With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers.. 1,138,727.66 (g) For other purposes- 1,003.51 (h) Total Pledged_I $4,212,465,06 District of Columbia, City of Washington, ss.: I, GEORGE O. VASS, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April. 1937. (Seal) ANDREW T. D1JNT. Notary Public, D. C. My commission expires August 28, 1938. *» CORRECT—Attest: GEORGE O VASS, Cashier, ROBERT V. FLEMING, RANDALL H. HAGNER, H ROZIER DULANY, JOHN O. LA GORCE, C. POWELL MINNIGERODE, H. B. SPENCER. HARRY F. CLARK, D. J. CALLAHAN, HILLEARY G. HOSKINSON. STERLING RUFFIN, FLEMING NEWBOLD, CHARLES H. TOMPKINS, HENRY P. ERWIN, Directors. A