Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) HOT - WATER HEATER. Rudd automatic. ‘20-pal. cap : like new reasonable. C. A. Myers, 3812 7th st. n.w. _16* ICE BOXES all kinds and sizes. For sale cheap Arthur H. Todd 3418 R. I. svp Mr. Rainier. Md. Phone Greenwood 15Q1,_ IRON SAFE—Large size, double door, rea sonable. Kreig's Express A: Storage Co., Jo 16 Eye st n.w. 21* 1RONERS—Special closeout of demon strators: your choice. $11).50 each. All good makes. Pay Si weekly. National 3323. Jordan’s. 1236 G st.. corner of 13 th._ _ __ LIGHT PLANT. Westinghouse. 1.500-watt. UO volts, with 56 batteries: in operation now; $150 Arthur H. Todd. 3418 R. I. a\e n.e._Phone Greenwood 1501._ LIVING ROOM SUITE 3 pieces, over s' ufTpd. bed davenport double bed spring and mattress Library tables and desk table. Norge refriRerator. Hoosier kitchen cabinet._Rundlett. 4817 Iowa avp.n.w. * OFFICE FURNITURE new. usea desks, chairs, filing cabinets Washington Salvage Co., new location. 800 E n.w Natl. 8200 OFFICE FURNITURE—A large assortment of used pieces at low nrices H Baum * Sop 616 E st. n.w __ PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, slightly used. 1 (ic each: $1 doz.; largest selection in city_E. O. Likens 924 5th st. n.w. PIANO, small upright, in very good con dition, $132: has a very lovely tone; pay $1.50 weekly. Natl. 4 7 30. Kitt s. 1330 G street. _ PIANO—Latest model Estey new ccnsole tvpe piano, used less than lour months and in absolutely perfect condition now reduced to $235: a repossession, it can be purchased by continuing the small monthly Payments. Natl. 4730. Kitts. 1330 G street._ _ _ PIANO—Steinwav upright (used*! many bargains in apt. grands, new also spinet tvpe antique Victorian cnair. Harry P. Jones, 1140 15th st. n.w. District 1040. * PIANO, used, smallest size baby grand, with a good tone, special, only $138 on easy terms. Pianos lor rent. $3 per month no up. Natl. 4730. Kitt s 1.330 G street. PIANO. Steinw-ay baby grand lovely ma hogany. perfect condition. Owner will sac rifice for cash at American Storage. • PIANO small upright good condition: will sell for storage and other charges. $26.85. A* American Storage PIANO Stieff upright, exceptional value lor quick sale. Call Wise. 2031 between 10 and u 15* 1 ianu. scnunert. lull keyboard, baby giand. in good condition, $14$ on easy terms; also other values in used grands. National 4224. Arthur Jordan Piano Co., 2 240 G street._ PIANO latest model mahogany finished fraud, in new condition $204. Used less rlian five months, we've just repossessed it. and will sell it to any one who will continue the balance of the easy monthly payments, A very popular model. National 4#4«». Kit t's._ 1440 G street. PLASTER BOARD, new.' 38"_Gold”Bond'. 2*ac sq. ft.: new drainboards. white enam rl steel, only 05c. Harris Wrecking Co. Lincoln 4004. _ POOL TABLES one 4 ft. by 0 ft.. $75; one regulation subway. $lOti; terms if de nied: also pin-ball machines for own use. *4 _E. O Likens. 024 5th st. n.w. RADIOS, current sale, reconditioned sets; •*4 05 complete and up Philco. R. C. A . Ma.iestic. etc • loo to choose from. Apex Elec Co . 700 Oth n.w at G. REFRIGERATOR MOTORS oil burners, exhaust fans, repairs bearings brushes rewinding._Cart yJSlectrjcjCo.._ 1 608_1 4 th. REFRIGERATOR General Electric. 4 cu. ft. Perlect condition Cheap for cash. 4414 R. I ave . Mt. Rainier. Greenwood 0075. REFRIGERATOR Electrolux. 6 cubic ft.: * ike new: will sacrifice Wisconsin 0170. RUGS Imported, hxll. excellent condi tion, .$18. also 0x12. almost new. Ritz Apt. lid. 1641 Euclid st. n.w. RUGS-—Must sacrifice. 0x12. 7xlo. 4x0 will sell all or part for cash. 1401 Girard Ft _n.wu._No. 4 Dealer SEWING MACHINE- Dropheads. $3 up ailor type. $15 up Ideal port. elec. $15; rents._ $4 up repairs, $J . West. 4000. • SEWING MACHINE Singer portable. $45: i wo other makes. $20. one console for un paid balance and a few slightly used ma chines. greatly reduced; all guaranteed; >rms. 4447 Conn. a\e. SEWING MACHINES—Console elec.T'like new $20.5<»; Singer treadle perlect, $12 50. open e\e. 5010 14th n.w. Col. • u _ STEEL SAFE, one olive-green Van Dorn, (lass B double door, si/e about 40 niches wide. 51 inches deep and 05 inches high, in strictly first-class condition ?nd appearance. Address Box 4 14-Q. Star rmce. _ SPRING COAT, navy blue worn verv few times. 48-4o; originally $16.7 5, sell $7 5u. I>41 1 01h st. n.w_ * ' RAILER—1047 S’lver Dome Hyway. slightly used factory guarantee complete with brakes and power car hook-up. reg ularly $000; special. $57 5. Trailer City, Mnd floor, L. P. Steuart, Inc., 1 140 P st. n .w._ TUXEDO SUIT new, size 4<>; silk vest; sacrifice. $15. Natl. 5812. ex:. 8. or ad dress Box M0 7-S. Star office. _• TYPEWRITERS—Sales and service on all makes; several a' $17.50. Central Tvpp writer Co . 024 G st. n.w . National 8129. TYPEWRITERS—Underwood. Remington; Corona portable first-class condition. $15. 1448 Park rd . Apt. 7. Columbia 4025. TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co. closing out about Moo typewriters: prices slashed to the bone. Open evening. 1441 East Capitol st. Lincoln 0082. TYPEWRITERS- Underwood. $25: L7~C. Smith. $17.50; Royal $42.50: new port ables $l per week: many others very reasonable; rentals. $3 mo. Capitol Type writer CoL. 822 1 4th sLji.w. National 4858. VACUUM CLEANERS $5.75. Eureka. Pre mier and many others Hoover. Airway. Royal etc. $9.75. Electrolux complete. ^10 50- factory rebuilt guaranteed like i ew Open evenings. Free delivery, dem onstration. BEST BRANDS CO.. 805 1 1th *t n.w. National 1159. VACUUM CLEANERS. re-built like new’: 1 rear guar : Electrolux. Hoover Eureka. Beevac. etc: $5.95 up: give lo davs' free trial. Electrical Center. 514 loth st. n.w. vacuum ~ cleaners, factory re built. LIKE NEW GUARANTEED ONE VEAR EUREKA $5.95 HOOVER ELEC TROLUX. AIRWAY $12.75. Worth $50 each. PHONE DECATUR 5564 until 10 Pm WE DELIVER AND DEMONSTRATE (mill Id p rn, also Sundays. No obligation STANDARD BRANDS i:m 14th n.w 18* WASHING MACHINES rebuilt like new 1-year guar.: Maytaas. Apex A. B. C. anc* bp. Electrical Center. 514 10th st. n.w.__ WASHING MACHINES—Special closeout of demonstrators of good make; your choice. $42 each. Pay $1 weekly. Arthur Jordan Piano Company. 1240 G street. N a t ion a 1 4224.__ WOMENS SPRING DRESSES and" suits sizes lo and 18: cheap. Apply 4700 Mass. ave. n.w. Apt. 50] BE SURE and visit the Nearly-New Shop. 2oin p n.w. Open daily o-b. You will be interested MOVING from large house to apt ; have surplus bed rm . din. rm. and porch furniture, sewing machine, washing ma chine 4622 15th st. n.w. Georgia 8729. NAT. JACK H-W. FURNACE. $40. i Roper Gas Range. Side Oven $12. Electric Refrigerator. $20. P$02 Veaze.v St. N.W. Cleveland_67 38. ~ SUMMER RUGS. Beautiful new designs, wide selection, ail ne-fect: 9x1.2 as low as $6 95. Final clearance Winter stock at sacrifice prices. CAPITOL RUG COMPANY, 2821 14th ST. N.W. (At Harvard). ___Open Evenings. LUMBER—CEMENT. 2x4—10 and 12 ft__$40 00 M 2x6—10 to 16 ft. __ 42.50 M i 2x8—10 to 16 ft. _ ~ 32.50 M 1 1x6 roofers, up to 16 ft.. 42 50 M Cement, Lime, Flamingo. Phone. Day or Niaht. Jackson 1880 Arlington Coal & Lumber Co. _2805 Jefferson Davis Highway. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living room suite upholstered tor *45; covering and new inside material included: made like new in finest tapestry and friezette Workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO . 14th ST N.W._^OLUMBIA_l<ll?° FRIGIDAIRES. Brand-New 1038 Models with 5 Yrsl Guar. AT SPECIAL CLOSE-OUT PRICES. L. P. STEUART, INC., 1401 14th St. N.W. Decatur 4800. We Will Trade Your Old Refrigerator. Used Box Bargains Rentals. __OPEN EVENINGS._ FURNITURE — Suites, also separate pieces; radios, re frigerators, rugs, miscellane ous furnishings, china. Pub lic auction sale, 2 p.m., Fri day, April 16th, 1937, Smith’s Transfer & Storage Co., 1313 You st. n.w. North 3343. MISCELLANEOUSFORRENT. PIANO lovely Kimball, baby grand; will rent to careful persons immediately; $0 month. Wisconsin 4474. _DOGS, PETS, ETC. PED PERSIAN KITTEN, male. 7 weeks old, $10. Adams 7540.___ KITTENS, very pretty, part Persian, house trained males and females; $2 each. 1827 Park rd. n.w. Col. 10322___ BOSTON TERRIER—^Small. young female; ld*al markings; champion pedigree. 5334 4Cnd st. Cleveland 0818._37* CHILDREN’S PET. Collie. grown up with young baby, play mate for children, wants good home; can not remain in apt. Phone North 503H-J. evenings. DOG BEAUTY SALON. Plucking. $3: Clipping. $1.50; Bathing. *1. COUNTRY BOARDING KENNELS. 83 H St. N.W.Met. 7812, POULTRY & EGGS. BABY CHICKS^—Special price on Leghorns. Rocks and Reds, heavy cockerels. $7.50 hundred. Leghorn cockerels. $4: special prices on other breeds; blood tested from well-knoum hatchery. Wm. James A Son, 83 0 K gt, n.w. Met. 0088. COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL PENN. HARD COAL—Egg. stove, chestnut. $10; pee $8.50; buckwheat. ,$T.50. Lin coln 2544. Nights. Adams 3180. 4 DAN DUNN. ___Secret Operative 48. —By NORMAN MARSH. a ww* \ ruu i <-> 7oun FOLLOW THIS MAN, ORDERS--* Z2j-* HE THINKS IF SOMEONE ONE OF THE IS FOLLOWING GOVERNMENT HlM.X? ^ OPERATIVES . . mr' SHADOWING HIM"/ i/UAT TUCV/ t£ND DAN, WATCHING FROM THE SHADOWS SR|N^|U -J™ the spy leave the house-I MUST MOT P^SON THE W HMm! THERE HE COMES OOT NOW-BEEN\ BC C/VlklA SAME THINOr R THERE EXACTLY TWENTY-FIVE-MINUTES*• WE^^TWE I H€1LL WEAX> FO« HIS HOME NOW* OUT!# _I HO USE BOTHERING MORE WITH HIM*-1 GOVERNMENT R T'LL PICK HIM OP IN THE — J OPERATIVE f ^MORNINGi^ f WHAT'S THAT? THEREiS another! FELLOW « COMING OUT-- THEYfcE BOTH GOING IN TME SAME DIRECTION JtLL TAIL HIM-UNTIL I CAN MAKE SORE WHAT. ME LOOKS LIKE^ _ \!\lk k _MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. | ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASH prices paid for all kinds of furniture. :t-burner gas ranges and books._ National 17!W_15 BED ROOM dining room and living room suites: pianos, rugs: also electric refriger ator .Call MetropolUan_278t>.__IT CLuThING—Highest prices paid for-men * used clothing Berman's. 1122 7th «t. n* Phone Metropolitan 2707 Will call FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china, glassware rugs, silverware, paintings. Highest cash prices paid Call Murray._Adams_5122. id* FURNITURE, rugs. stoves, household goods, etc.: positively highest cash prices. For best results call any time. Lincoln 10204. WE are in the market for metals, rags pa per and books: 20 yrs.' honest serv Fed eral Junk Co.. 1125 1st st. n.w. Dlst.J>594. GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM. TEETH. DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH A KAHN INC 44 YEARS AT 025 P CASH FOR OLD GOLD. Sliver watches diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry Full cash value paid. _SEIINGER'S. 818 F 8t. N.W_ OLD GOLD, silver, platinum purchased for manufacturing use: maximum price paid BURNSTINF/S. 921 G ST N.W __Since 1800._ I BUY FURNITURE; MISC. _High Cash._Anv Time._Dist. 04 7 4._ ' GOLD—DIAMONDS. Hiphes* Cash Prices Paid. A. MARKEL. Room 211. 918 F N.W. WE PAY CASH for antique or broken gold, jewelry, teeth diamonds, watches, silver. Schiller Bros., 922 F N.W. * FARM AND GARDEN. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE— Seeding sodding, shrubbery, etc. Louis J. Mancuso._702_ll th st. n.w. Natl. 2770. W'ELL-ROTTED COW MANURE. Guar anteed_Wisconsin 4195._ ' SOD or landscape gardener s extra-heavy i blue grass from rich bottom land Cut and 1 rolled 8c per sq. yd at the farm 12c de livered Laonzo Sigler. Great Falls rd.. opposite Rockville Fruit Farm. Phone I Rockville 12-F-3 NOW IS THE TIME TO USE BONE MEAL on your lawns. $2.50 for loo pounds MILTON HOPFENMAIER ESTATE, :!.{no K St N.W _ Phone West 1432. _ ~ LANDSCAPING. For better class of plantings, call Villa Nursery lor estimates. Gieenwood 1 7 7 7 . ROOMS FURNISHED. 1333 11th ST. N.W.--Large front room . with kitchen gas range, running water. $7 j per week. THE VIVIAN. 17 23 G st. n.w—Just opened; 100 large, well-heated ideal guest rooms, near shower baths: plenty hot water, choice of ail new modern or maple furniture, with do.ible or twin beds, inner coil-sDrine mattresses Venetian blinds; double rooms. $9. Mo. M i weekly._ 1054 COLUMBIA RD.—Single and double, jail outside rooms; running water; 2-room i non-housekeeping apt Adams 7533. IB* . 803 A ST. S E. -Bed room and kitchenette, front: $25. adults: owner. Line. 3425, 18* $39.50 MO 2 rooms, private bath: eiec.. I gas. private entrance bus service Electro ! lux and l.h.k. Adults. Cap Heights_457. ; THE WESTMINSTER. 1007 17th st. n.w!— : Desirable newly decorated, nicely furn i lshed rooms now available: single $5. and $6: double. $72 showers; elevator. 1859 INGLESIDE TER N.W.—Attractive i double room and porch on nark- 2nd floor: quiet, private home choice location. Adams 0079 _ Meals opt tonal. I 1845 BELMONT RD.. at Columbia—Large 1 double room second floor; twin beds pri vate bath. Columbia 9134. DOWNTOWN 2020 F st n.w—Beautiful , single room, next to bath large closet. Gentleman. Met 4107. 18* ALTURAS 1500 10th st n.w.—Attrar : live rms. near showers: maid service. 24 i hour_elevator: reasonable _ j 1000 17 th ST. N W.—Single room, second floor front: showers, unlimited phone hot 1 water $5 week $20 month: home of men: : walking distance_ 1203 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—Large front bed room for one or two. Randolph 2005. __ __15 • 323 EMERSON N.W.—Attractive large front rm., s. exp .; priv. bath; close bus; suit able 3 _or 2: 830. _ __ 3733 18th N E.—Front rm. corner: suit able 2: $20 month; breakfast optional. North_3043-W_ 1043 HOBART ST. N.W.—Large room. ! near bath; family 2 adults, nr transpor tation; gentleman. Columbia 0240. RESEARCHMEN S CLUB. ] UOT I (EyeI fct. Single, $20 monthly; with shower baths and_board_optional at <2.50_weekly. ALABAMA APTS . 1015 N st. n.w.—2 front j rooms adjoining bath, twin beds, walking distance Govt depts._ Terms_reasonable. 2204 R ST N.E.—2 l.h.k. rms. bath. elec., oil heat. elec, refrigeration and phone: laundry new home. $12 week. Adults. Phone Atlantic 27 01. __ 1447-1440 MASS. AVE N.W.—Double rm.. $24 mo.: also le. front rm.. l.h.k. for 1 ladv. vacant l 7th._S25._ 5816 6th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished room: 2 exposures; c.h.w. in detached i home:_neai^car_and bus._ Georgia 0283. ■ 17 17 EYE ST. N.W.—Cozy, single rm.; | $20: also redecorated twin bed rm.. priv. i bath; $40; ladies only. 1834 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—$4 wk.. sing, rms.: doub.. $0; clean, outside; 4 baths; ' c.h w.: 10 min, downtown. Adams 10213. OFF DUPONT CIRCLE. 1412 20th st. n.w -—Second-floor room with or without kitch enette :_2_emploved ciris. After_f, p m._15* DUPONT CIRCLE—Refined, young man wishes to share front rm.. semi-private bath, twin beds with another: $18 mo. Modern apt bldg. North 4475-J. 16* PRIVATE BATH: front, large room: 2. $22.50: 3. $18 month each. Walking dis tance; good n.w. apt. bldg. North 4475-J. __15*_ 1421 COL. RD.. Apt. 31 (near 14th) — Double rm.. porch adjoining, unlimited tel., refined atmosphere Adams 3607._ 144 3 FAIRMONT ST N.W.-—L.h.k. room with screen porch, second floor, nicely fur nish ed and_Frisidaire. Adams_l 481 _. 1 5* 1008 10th N.W.—Single and double rooms, close in _attractive_furniture:_rpasonable. 182 7 PARK RD. N.W.—Unusually attract, large rm. piano priv. bath, housekeeping privileges, share with anothfT girl. Also small rm.. with south sleep, porch: nr. cars._Columbia 10322._ 1 lo EYE ST. N.W.—Most attractive, large, double front room, enormous closet. 6 windows. fleplace. N o r th 958<»._ 1227 N ST. N.W.— l and 2 rms. for housekeeping._Elec., h.-W.h._Garage._$5. 2827 16th ST N.W’.. Apt. 22—Young lady, congenial, bet. 20-30, share bed-living rm. with another: $13._ 1010 21st ST . near Dupont Circle—At tractive single room; also young lady de sires_roommate.___ 1228 10th ST. N.W.—Large, front rooms: also 2-r. apt., with private bath, girls or couples._District 0510.__] 5* 1807 RIGGS PL. N.W.—Single, double, also l.h.k : nicely furnished; private home. S3.00-S8.0P. North 0584._1 8* _ 1030 10th ST. N.W.—Attractive double, second-floor front room, large bay window, porch, alcove: free phone. W.JO EYE Si. N.w.. • Diplomat”—Com fortably Turn, basement, l.h.k. room, with range and near bath: $26 monthly. 1016 MASS. AVE. N.W., downtown—Dou ble room, equipped for l.h.k.. $6: English basement room, running water. $6. NEAR WARDMAN. Shoreham Hotels—-Dou ble room, private bath; private home. Phone Columbia 2907._15* 1743 QUE ST. N.W.—Large, attractively furnished, double front room: twin beds walking distance._ • 616 F ST. N.W.—Large furnished rooms, suitable for two; convenient location; rea sonable._ 16* 2000 S ST N.W.—Comfortable double rooms. Va block Conn. ave. car: other rooms after 17th: men_preferred. 16* 1308 16th ST. N.W.. Scott Circle—Charm ing- sunny room; suitable for one or two, TILDEN GARDENS. 3000 Tilden st.— Room ajid bath._Cleveland 5334. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2014 P st n.w.—Lovely room, single or double. 1st fl.: pleasant room__for_l.h.k.; a.m.i. Decat ur 5 84 7. 3360 18th ST. N.W.—2nd-floor front room, twin beds: $16.50 each; clean, com fortable. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1733 P st. nTw^—Base ment. pvt. entrance, housekeeping, one room, kitchenette, 2nd floor. Double sleeping room._$0._ 1327 CHILDRESS ST. N.E.. off Trinidad ave.—2 rooms, l.h.k.; sink, stove; suitable for single or couple; reason able. 1713 LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large, second floor front room, twin beds: also double room: both next to bath: ladies. Col. 9732. 1440 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Room. 1st floor: lady; $4 wk. Basement unfurnished. white couple. exchange woman’s service. JR1 FAIRMONT N.W.—Elegant home. \.h.k with kitchen: $5. $6. $7: basement single. $2,50. Manager wanted. _ 3434 30th N.W—Large, airy bed room: bath, twin beds: excellent environment: near Connecticut. Emerson 8134. 16* 515 QUINCY 8T. N.W.—Private home: large room, closet; opens on porch; light; next bath; for 1 or 2; near bus, 16* i ROOMS FURNISHED. __J Continued.)_ GENTLEMEN—Dupont Circle. 1609 19th st. n.w Ideal comfortable, modern con veniences^ walking distance._ North 3739. 728 21st ST N.W.—Large front studio room. $20 to $25. Small room, $9 month. West 2742-J. 3110 MT. PLEASANT ST^-Housekeeptng; clean. Quiet, comfortable, near bath, c.h.w.; convenient cars, busses. Adults only. 3317 RANDOLPH ST. N W —Newly 'fur nished single room, next bath, adj. porch; unlimited phone 4 000 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE!-N.W.—At - tractive double room private bath. Also single next to bath: c.h.w.: private family; reasonable. Must be seen to be appreci ated. 177i MASS. AVE. N.W.—Gentleman; nice ly furn. single room; shower bath used by two other men ATTRACTIVE STUDIO ROOM fireplace' adjoining bath; maid service, gentlemen. North 0475-J._ 1733 N st. n.w._1 5* 513 3rd ST. N.E.—Large front room, twin beds running water, l.h.k.; clean house, adults._ _ 16* 937 15th ST. S E.—2 fur., front rms.. for l.h.k ; no other roomers; close Pa. ave. car_line.______ CHEVY CHASE D C.—Single rm.. quiet, shower; on bus line: reas.; reference re quired Gentleman only. Cleveland 4995. 3213 WALBRIDGE PL. N.W.—Attractive rm.. inclosed back porch, new home, i or 2 gentlemen meals opt._Coi. 4L10-J. 3172 17 th ST. N.W.—Nicely decorated front bed-sitting room, couple, private bath_near car. good surrounding; phone. 1439 CHAPIN ST. N.W.—Furnished room, semi-private bath, telephone:_$ 10 month 1430 iMONROE ST NW.—Large room, newly furnished adjoining bath, owner's home._Reasonable_ 18th AND I STS. N.W, The Monticello^ Double room, private bath: large storage space:_newly_renovated.__• 3 804 LAMONT ST. N.W— Large front double rm. 3 windows. 2nd fi.. attractively furn.; all conven.; single, double, reas. • 1008 M ST. N.W.—Bright front room, newly decorated neatly furnished: cen trally located. reasonable. 300 7th ST. N.E.—Two rooms, furnished l.h.k.: sink: c.h.w.:_*7_week._ 304 MASB.AVE. NE Delightful, clean outside room for l.h.k.; also 1 sleeping rm. Refined people only _ CLEVELAND PARK—$15 month large basement room, new home. 7 double beds, well furnished: conveniently located, cool, sunny and clean, newly decorated, radio. Victrola and unlimited phone m room, pri vate entrance. 3804 Veazey st. n.w . near Bureau of Standards._ Cleveland 85o4. 3212 GEORGIA AVE—Furn. rm for gill or woman; mod. apt.: kitch. priv.; semi PriV. bath on car line. _ 1462 GIRARD ST. N.W.—:Hm. with run ning water, newly decorated, c.h.w . those appreciating cleanliness: garage. 2432 39th ST NW Master bed room private bath: suitable for two men or couple._ 2208 QUE ST N.W.—Attractive front dou ble room twin beds: two men: reasonable. 1369 QUINCY ST. N.W —Front bed room, nicely furnished, near 14th st. car line; phone privilege. Adams 4888. 1314 19th ST N.W. — Large 2nd-fl. front alcove room new furn.. 4 windows: also smaller room. *4 week _ 2022 10th ST. N.W.—Twin beds, next bath: attractive home: com. h. w ; phone; single. *4.5o: double. *3.25 430 NEWTON PL N.W. -Attr cheerful, newly furn Ige front rm.: two single beds: *2n mo. for 2; unlim. phone. Adams 0120 RANDLE HIGHLANDS—Attr double or single rm new priv. home overlooking city; conv and reasonable 1701 29th st. g.c. Telephone Atlantic 0768-J J 44<» W ST N.W Ap'. 35—'Nice com fortable room Large closet. Private family. *4 per week • !*I»> Mh Sr. N.W.—Walking distance. Ideal licht housekeeping room for two. next to bath._ • 1138 CONN. AVE.—Downtown, center of everything studio furniture semi-bath, continuous hot water, all conveniences; reasonable rent i ii* 1*14 R I AVE N.W.—Well-furnished large double room, excellent accommoda tions^ convenient downtown_location • 14 54 MONROE N.W.— Well furn. private home; semi-private bath: 1 block 14th and Park._Adams 8350. • 1349 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.—Nicely fur nished room with private family. Gentle man_ sm a month • 939 C ST N.E.—Large front room and kitchenette, near Capitol and station. Adults $7 pet week._ • 15th AND L STS. N.W. Apt. 408. the Cecil —Nicely furnished room: reasonable; con venient location: semijprivate bath • 1333 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Large "*2nd-fl" front room and kitchenette: next to bath; newly_decorated. I Mu; LA MONT ST N\wF^Single front room, adjoining bath with shower; also double^ near_cars:_phone _ _ 48*29 19 th ST. N.W.—Desirable, large rm.. semi-pri. bath; quiet family; rea sonable _Gentlemen. _ ROOM for single or double, large closet; unlimited phone; for two. $9 per week. Adams 3:210 J44o W ST. N W Apt. 1—Room, radio, use of kitchen elec, refrigerator; instant, hot water: si 5 GIRLS—Attractive studio room in apt., next bath: convenient location: home priv ileges: $20. North 14*20. Apt. 394. 1501 Kith ST N.W.—Single: clean com fortable: $17-$1H monthly. North 4099. DOWNTOWN. Thomas Circle. 1223 Ver mont ave.. Apt. 7 4—Quiet, attractive room: gentleman; all-night elevator. Dis trict _7 54s _ 17dl PARK RD.. Apt. 314—Attractive room, next bath: to refined woman Govt, employe preferred: ref.: two In family; $25. _Adams 7319-W. 1*215 EMERSON ST. N.W ^-Double! pri vate lavatory: double or single, opening on porch: detached home facing park; privileges. • 19 21 NEW HAMP. AVE—Large "front *2nd“ floor double room: very attractive daily maid service; reasonable. _ • 2:29 ‘2nd ST. S.E.—Large front room, twin beds, c.h.w. reasonable: couple or gentle men._Lincoln_7T_74-M after 5. 57 11 19th ST. N.W.—Beautifully fur nished bed room, southern exposure: with or without lovely sun parlor, connecting bath large shady yard and porches; very reasonable._Georgia 4443. • ATTRACTIVE DOWNTOWN~Private en trance everything new. single, double next bath. $4 to $7_per week_1439_N st. n.w.^ ‘-940 loth ST. N.E.. off R. I. ave—Single l room S3.50: in private home; for gentle man._De c atu r_2408-W.___ 1934 R. I. AVE N.W.—Lovely location, newly decorated front rm.. near bath, un 11m. phone : wa Ik in g_dist. Met, 5 79-2. __ 1339 COL RD N.W.—Bed-liv. rm. prlv. entrance, running water; redecorated. $29 mon thly._Col .5789-J._ 21 lo R ST. N.W.—Most attractive, large, double front room, enormous closet. 5 windows._flreplace._North_9r>KO._ FRONT ROOM with 3 closets; very nicely furn. with private porch; very reasonable. Col. 4520. Ificio LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large, front rm.. 2nd floor. 4 windows, twin beds; all conveniences. *.30. Apt.. .3rd floor sitting room, bed room, kitchen, l.h.k.. all redeco rated. comfortably furnished; private f a mil y._Col u mbi a_0225. _ MT. PLEASANT. 3210 17th st. n.w.—Large single rm.. next bath, hot water and Phone._*3.50 per week. 1049 NEWTON ST. N/W.—Refined young lady to share attractive, newly furn., 2nd n., front rm. with another. Twin beds. Easy chairs. All conveniences. 1 blk. cars and_16th st. bus. Reas. Col. 7019._ 1.349 JEFFERSON ST N.W.—Double room, owner's detached home; now available; unusual opportunity for the right persons. Georgia 7091._ NEW HOUSE. 1025 22nd st. n.w.—Double rooms. suites furnished, unfurnished stoves, sinks._*5160_to_S8_weekly._ NORTH CAPITAL ST.—MODERATE NEWT-Y FURNKHED ROOM. SUITABLE EMPLOYED COUPLE. *5.50 WK. • THE GORDON HOTEL _ , »16 16th ST N.W. ' - ,7.omJori*ble-double rooms, twin beds, with bath. *lo per week; with running water *11 and *12 per week; 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. 1 TOE MAURY. 701 19th. ST. N.W. 100 ideal sleeping rooms, each with running water inner - coil - spring mat tresses; convenient to bath and showers: hotel service 2006 COLUMBIA RD. N.W. * or double rooms, beau tifully furnished: southern exposure; un limited phone._ JUST OPENED Different, attractive single and large rooms: meals optional 1752-4-6 Que st. n.w. Decatur 5755._ COLORED—2470 Ontario rd. n.w.. Apt. 1. Semi-private room: *2 per week: ref. COLORED 1036 6th ST. N?E.—Large room, radio: *15 month: single or married couple. See Mr. Williams.___ COLORED—Desirable, well-furnished l.h.k. rooms (one-roem apartments). $5.50 to *7 week; gas. light, heat, etc., Included: ref erence. Inquire 823 Mil it. n.w. Id* i HOW TO TORTURE YOUR WIFE. —By Webster 00 P5: 1 I ,„C The cur-uP who PRETCmDS To SruMSLf k/HI/.f CARRYING T7/e TH^y — _ BOATS. OUTBOARD. Thompson built runabout. 17'2 ft long; sacrifice. *73 cash. Call National 4460, Branch 308. 15* _TABLE BOARD 1704 Q ST. N.W near Dupont Circle — Home-cooked food, well prepared and prop erly balanced all you want to eat $20 perjnonth Also rooms. North 4095. _ROOMS WITH BOARD. PRIVATE HOME. 5-acre grounds: 20 min utes to Treasury Prefer employed mother wjh one or two children; consider em ployed couple or two ladies or gentlemen. Reasonable. Not a boarding house. Wal nut. 7564._ 14t>l 16th ST N.W—Young man to share basement, studio with another; phone: near shower: free parking: good meals FOR GIRLS—2 beautiful rms.. large grounds, tennis, swimming; reasonable. Columbia 8923. 1629 K ST N w Lee-Marque—Nicely fur nished single and double rooms, running water. Excellent board 15* 4224 ,16th ST N.W.-—Army officer’s w idow has double room private bath shower, porch, lawn and garage Also studio room. 3545 HOLMEADE PL N.W.— Nice room. Southern home cooking; men only. Adams 121JI VERMONT AVE downtown — Large room ooich. wash room: three. $7.50 weeklyjsingle: best foods. Met. 7204. 1390 17th ST. N.W.—Vacancy for young man with another in attractive comfort ably furnished front room convenient bath excellent home_cooking $45. 1X4 2 KALORAMA RD N.W.—Refined home: reasonable rates; excellent food. Southern cooking double and single rooms J706 16th ST N.W.—Large front room iOr two girls or gentlemen. Also single room;_j 5* 511 4th ST N.W.—Large, douole room, suitable 2 or 4 men walking distance downtown; $40 month each. Available April 13. Also table board. Met. XI45. 13* 1629 RHODE ISLAND—Large, attractive: excellent meals, spacious living and dining 100ms; refined surroundings, reasonable _15*_ CO-OPERATIVE CLUB. 1697 Eye st. n.w — Co-operate to reduce living expenses: room, $2.50 weekly_up; board. $2.59 weekly. THE SPINNING WHEEL INN. 1924 19th st. n.w.—Attractive home for men and women. Convenient location, excellent food, perma nent or_ transient guests._North 4 752. 202 EAST CAPITOL-—Large room, twin beds, next bath, running water: near Con gressional Library._Lincoln 6634. NR 14th AND PK. RD—Lovely, large, cheerful rm.. suitable 2 or 3 young ladies or gentlemen; excellent meals, pri. Va. family exceptionally convenient all transp.; most reasonable Adams (1172. _ 1.450 MONROE ST N.W.—Attractive front rm.. 2nd fl Twin beds. Unlimited phone. Men only. Excellent meals. Res.s. Adams 2599_ DOUBLE ROOM twin beds, private family: near Conn ave. bus: reasonable. Emerson 3836_ 4105 19th ST. N.W overlooking park— Attractive double front room; excellent t able._Rea son a bier at e s_for_t w o_15 * *MH 4 MASS. AVE—2 doubles, best resi dence section. Across st. Rural Electrifica tion and Resettlement. Home-cooked meals. _15*_ _.jim imn si. in w.—mceiy iurnisnea. Jewish girl, shower, excellent cooking. reasonable: private_liome._Adam.y8388-R 1435 PERRY' PL. N.W.— Large, attrac. rm.. priv. Jewish family: excellent meals. A dams 28 30._ DUPONT CIRCLE: 1744 P st.—Large, front room for two or three also double; large reception rooms._Excellent meals._15*_ 1835 QUE ST. N.W.—Single and double; new. modern furniture: excellent «electtd meals: hot breads._15*_ 1834 CONN. AVE.—Large 2nd-floor double rm.; priv. bath, large closet, twin beds; S45 each._ 3145 18th ST. N.W—Single room, next bath: vacancy for lady: excellent meals; 2011 ROSEMONT AVE. N.W.—Young man to share room with another, near 10th and Pa rkrd._Ada m s_4425._ 1637 MASS. AVE. N.W.—2 bed rooms, suit able for three or four, with private baths. Reasonable._Pot. 4(508._ 1715 EYE ST N.W.—Accommodations for young employed people. Comfortable sur roundings._Excellent meals. Ideal location. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS—Love 1 y_r oo m_i n_p rivate _h o m e._Em e r so n_5 728. 2024 N N.W.—2nd fl.. large, so. rm.: next bath, running water in rm.: suitable gen tleman or settled couple: quiet, priv. home; o i 1 burner. _ 1704 Q ST. N.W.. near Conn. ave. and walking distance. Large room and bath. 2 or 3. $37.50 each._ DUPONT CIRCLE. 1511 20th st—Large second-floor front room; 2 or 3; attractive home; excellent meals._ 1708 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.. just off Conn. ave.—Vacancy. Very reasonable. New house. Excellent meals. Walking distance. _21* 3225 13th ST. N.W.—Desirable location: clean, light, well furnished rm.; excellent home-cooked meals;_reasonable._ MOUNT PLEASANT SECTION—One or two. board, with young couple; new home; $8_week 1 y._Colu m b i a_»3 82.__ 3423 18th ST. N.W.—Large, beaut, furn. front rm.; suitable for two; also sing, rm.; private family: well-bal. meals. Conv. transportation._Columbia 9500^_ 1722 P ST. N.W.—Roommate, congenial young man for college graduate; every con venience; excellent meals: reasonable._• “ 1735 19th N.W. Single and double rms.; excellent meal*; homenke_atmo.spheie.___ 15*_ JUST OPENED. Different, attractive singles and large rooms: meals optional. 1752-4-8 Que st. n.w. Decatur 5755._ OPPOSITE WARDMAN PARK. WOODLEY INN. 2653 WOODLEY RD. N.W. Vacancies for 3 young girls or men; excellent meals: home privilege*. Adams 9523. _ CLUB MERIDIAN, 2620 16th ST. N.W. A club residence for men and women with delightful social atmosphere. Ideally and conveniently located in the fashionable area of the foreign embassies and lega tion*; was the former Persian Embassy; larga gardens: all rooms tunny: equipped for comfort of rueats. Personal hotel aerv. let. distinctive menua. Reasonable rates. * i ROOMS FUR. O UNFUR. TWO nice bright rooms, unfurn . or will furn. to suit, reasonable Lincoln 1OOS-M OPP. VETERANS' BUREAU 153!* Eye st. n.w. — 1 large room semi-private bath; 1 h k^_if desired After 4 30. • 007 JEFFERSON ST. N.W.—'2 rooms kitchen and semi-private bath. Frigidaire. adults, gentiles 1 block to car, $45. .Phone Georgia 97X9. 7oi 7th ST N.E. — 1 large room, bay window, lavatory, furnished or unfur nished. electric refrigeration: for settled Christian woman. Call Lincoln 3X02-J. rooms unfurnished! ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR, three rooms kitchen, priv, bath. heat. gas. electricity. Frigidaire free; 3 or 4 adults. Col. 2091. VICINITY 17 th and P sts.—One cvra large room and kitchen, third floor, pri vate home gas. electric refrigeration in cluded _$40._Call Decatur 51 lx. • 1320 KENNEDY ST N.W'.—Entire 3rd floor. 2 rooms and bath, detached; hear elec, and phone, c.h.w.; adults; $35 per mo. SUBURBAN ROOMS. POTOMAC HEIGHTS. 4 5/10 mile* from White House Large, bright room for two. meals_optional. conv. transp. Emer 2734. 1123 N STAFFORD ST Arlington—3 l.h k. rooms furnished: private bath large yard one-half block lo bus. Phone Clar endon loxo-j. io* _ ROOMS WANTED. EMPLOYED LADY wishes furnished room in apartment with couple or small family, downtown section: reasonable references. Address Box 343-S. Star office • LADY, settled refined, very l.h.k. room in quiet. Christian home or apt.; $15 month. Address Box 349-8. Star office. • APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 1 747 F ST N.W.— 2-ROOM STUDIO APT , southern expos. Electrolux refrigeration. private bath: $40-$5o.___ FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT. HOTEL. 20th and F sts n.w.—1 room. kit. bath com pletely furn.: linens, silver. Frirldaire: day. wee*, month National 5426. INZER 1736 18 th N.W.—2 ROOMS, kitchen bath, at’ractively furnished: re frigeration. light, gas. _See Janitor._ COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR l.h.k._lxit; Kalorama rd.._Apt .31. 1504 PARK RD N.W. NICELY ~FUR nished 2’ rooms, kitchen and bath, elec refrigeration __cont._hot_water._ BURTON 2120 G ST. N.W.— 1 ROOM, kitchenette and semi-private bath: com pletely furn ; maid s service; $10.50 and $11.50 per week._ Room. $52>0 and up. ONE OR TWO ROOM APTS. ALSO BASE ment: $5 and up; c.h.w. 408 3rd st. n.w _16* 14 41 HARVARD ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS' kit._and_bath;_adults: resident _manager. DUPONT CIRCLE" 1 7 35 P ST. N.W — Large room. kit. bath; nicely furn.; quiet adults only__ 1 ELM AVE.. TAKOMA PARK—2 RMS~ all conveniences; private entrance; $20 mo_Shepherd_3553 _ __ 3100 CONN. AVE. N.W.—SUBLET LIVING rm.. bed rm. kitchen, bath, dinette; call Columbia 2145. apt. 409 •'1031 CAMBRIDGE PL. N.W.—2 ROOMS, bath, phone, gas. electric refrigeration. deMrable_location._adults._S4!>._JO* _ 3544 PARK PLACE N.W.—FRONT ROOM] bed room, kitchenette, bath; gas. elec.. inch_No children. _ 15* 1101 FLA. AVE. N.E.—l LARGE DOUBLE rm. and kit., varnished and polished floors._seml-pnvate bath, c.h.w. :_932. 19* 2001 EYE ST. N W.—'! FRONT ROOMS kitchen, bath: completely furnished, also 1-room bachelor apt._ 2013 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.. APT. :tld— 2 rms.. kitchen, bath completely furn.; conv. trans.: will sublet for 3 months: available May 4. Pot. 4380. Apt. 3 lb. aftero p.m._19* 333 SEATON PL. N.E.-'! ROOMS. KITCH^ en bath: large rooms; bed room next bath; one block downtown cars. North 2357._Apt._l JO.___15* 1054 PARK RD.—3 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS] bath: FTigidaire. overstufled furniture: clean._Near_car_and_bus_lines. 1842 PARK RD N.W.—2 NICELY~FURN] rms.. private bath: refrigeration; l.h.k.; elec., phone Included,_Couple. 730 FARRAGUT ST N.W.—NICELY FUR. 2 adjoining rms.. kit., bath: a.m.i.: ref*,: brick gar.; beautiful location. Col. 5440-J. ____15* _ PARK LEE. 1630 PARK RD.—EXCELLENT location; one. two attractive rooms, hall, dressing room, dinette, kit , bath. Frigid alre. shower. $55. $72; newly furnished choice bachelor apartment. Adams 3.382. ____ 19*_ NR. CONN. AVE. STORES. BUSSES—2 rms.. k. and b.; corner apt., well furn.. sunny, clean. 6218 Ch. Ch. parkway. Emerson_1 870 SUBLET—2 BED ROOMS L. R.. K. AND b. . Rock Creek Park exposure. 3701 16th st. n.w._Columbia 0150-W. TWO CLEAN," WELL-FURNISHED L.H.K. rooms, with gas range; adjoining bath; c. h.w. 145 11th st. n.e. CORCORAN COURTS. 401 23rd STTnTw] —Girl to share apartment with another. AfterS p.m . National 6934. Apt. 103. 20* 2327 PA AVE] N.W. (AT WAShTcIRCLE) —Desirable apts.. everything furnished; $7 and $10 week. ___ 30* LARGE BRIGHT BED ROOM AND kitchen; nicely furn.; linens, silver, dishes, gas and elec.: reas.: next bath; adults. 609 Irving njr. _Adams_2394 SUBLET— 3 R.. K. AND B„ BEAUTIFUL ly furn.: 3433 Conn, ave.. Apt. 26. Cleve land 6493. 16* 4025 BRANDYWINE "ST. N.wTaPT] NO.1 —Completely furnished 4-room apt., bed room, living room, dinette, kitchen, pri vate bath; elec refg.; 1st n.. outside apt : available May 1 to Sept. 1; *85 per month. Adults only._ 1023 8th ST. N.W —FURNISHED~"aPT , 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. No children. 15* 6 LARGE ROOMS. BATH. ELECT] RENTAL cheap. 201 C st. s.w._ 1104 E ST N.E,—.3 OR 4 ROOMS. COM pietely furnished; adults only. 1021 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—EXCELLENT location; 2 rooms, dinette, kit., bath com pletely furnished; secretarial phone serv ice. Avail. May 1. sublease 2 months. $65 month North 8704-W. 15* i809 KENYON ST. N.W.—WELL-FUR nlshed living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen, bath, inclosed aleepini porch. , rrigidaire: adults only. _ 500 PARK Jtt>. N.W.—8 R., K.. INC. I heat, ltcht^na. Adams 2479. b APARTMENTS FURNISHED. _(Continued.) 500 E. CAPITOL ST—LARGE. FRONT rm. for gentlemen: newly decorated; meals If desired. Lincoln 8751. 1620 R N.W.— MODERN BLDG.: GEN tleman to share ant., new furniture priv. bed rooms: Eeaut.vrest mattress unlim. phone, maid service avail. April 15; *42.5o mo.^Dec, 4052. *55 OK *59—2 R . K. AND B . ELEC RE lrigeration. 4520 Georgia ave. and 4526 12th st. n.w. Georgia !882. CHASTLETON—TWO LARGE ROOMS, kitchenette bath, sleeping porch, piano; *75. Furniture can be bought. North 10000 Apt. 828._ CENTRAL—CHOICE 1st FLOOR: * R, k pnv. b.. large closet; 9 wind.1 elec., refg. or 2-rm. suite. Gentile adults; refs. 1626 17 th. __ 15 2136 K ST. N.W. AND 2000 F ST. N.W Beaut, rm.. kitchenette: newly dec.; south, expos.: studio couch or bed up-to-date furniture; *7.50-*9 wkly.. apt. free to caretaker. _ 1000 M ST. RW — FIH8T~~ FLOOR~2 bright l.h k rooms, glassed porch and bath; a m i. . reasonable; adults ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 2-ROOM apartment overlooking Rock Creek Park, available April 18 for 4 to 0 weeks. Adams ^54 9_ • CLARENDON, VA.—2 LARGE“ ROOMS' kitchen and bath, new and completely furnished Heat, light, gas. water re frigeration included *65. Can take 4 adults. Private quiet. cool, overlooks shad' lawn shrubs flowers Bus at door. Phone_Walnut_7510-—during office hours. 1122 11th ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS. NICELY furnished, includes elec.: 2nd floor, rea sonable. private bath;_dow ntown • SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM USUAL beehive. Wallace Bryant's unusual artistic apt*._One now available. _ 91 2 1 9th st. 90 1 J 2th ST . APT. 24—LARGE ROOM kit : a e. linen. Frigidaire furnished; *lo.50 per week. _ • THE PARK LANE. 2025 EYE ~8T.—1 R , k b.. nicely furnished. West 1160. Apt. 523 after d p in _ 1207 TRINIDAD AVE. N.ET—2 RMS. kit., semi-bath; elec, refrigeration gas *8 week: no children._ Atlantic 4229. • TWO ROOMS KITCHEN AND BATH tastefully and completely Turnlshed; clean comfortable beds. Stelnwav piano southern exposure overlooking park convenient lo cation available May 1: references. Call West 1529-W after 5 pm 17* 127 E ST. S E — LARGE FRONT ROOM and kitchen, furnished, adults *7.50 uerk. • CATHEDRAL AVE AT 27th ST—TWO rooms, bath kitchenette. Adams 9704-M • 2529 12th 8T N W.—Ist-FLOOR FRONT: i room kitchenette:, neatly furnished, adults._ ___ • 408 EMERSON ST. N W. -LIVING ROOM' bed room kitchen and bath; employed Gentile couple_preferred TAKOMA 722 CARROLL AVE—2 RMS., porch. 2nd-floor front. Nicely furn : beau tiful location, lge corner lot: adults pre ferred: *4 5._Shepherd 2095. AVAILABLE MAY 1—COMPLETE AT tractively furn apt : suitable for couple. lMoo_Kav m n.w. the Bradford. 2171 18th ST. N.W.—1 RM KITCHEN and bath; Electrolux: corn to bus and cars; adults: *45._Col. 2124 TRINITY TOWERS — BEAUTIFULLY Furn. I rm. kit. bath; linen, silver. 3023 14th st. n.w. Apt. 615. 814 CONN AVE N.W—APARTMENTS, gas electricity, with semi-private bath: $37.50 and $35.00. Rooms $1*> and $35. • THE MORTON HOUSE—UNUSUAL BACH elor apt. in Washington's most beautiful home_1500 R. I. ave. n.w. _ • GREATLY REDUCED FOR SUMMER; cor. apt. so. expos., redecorated 5 r . bath large porch; completely furn . adults. 18(12 Mint wood pi n.w. Col. 557 <». 2 ROOMS ALL CONVENIENCES. ON R st.. near Conn. aye._North_hl38. NR. DUPONT CIRCLE—COMPLETELY furnished newly decorated liv. rm . bed rm. dinette kitchen, foyer bath: inex pensive Apt 157, 3 80!i 20th st. n.w. Interview 5-10 pm. •-‘T. 8th ST. N.E — I ROOM AND KITCH enette cool apt . semi bath; nicely furn. Adults only. *35. -151 CALIFORNIA-ST. N.W7.—BARGAIN. bed rms. dining room, sittiug room etc. Potomac 5102 __ DETACHED PRIVATE HOME~{" RMS*, porches, lawn elec, refrigeration conven ient bus tar*, garage adults. 421 Ritten house st _n w _Georgia. 0201. 2ir, 8th ST S.W. < ACROSS SMITH - sonian Park*—Attractively furnished apt. Private bath._Linens. china etc_• GIRL TO SHARE 2nd-FLOOR APT. WITH 2 other girls. Reasonable Company allowed Home privileges. Call after 5:30. 122215th st. n.w._Met._024 1. 1002 N HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.. NEAR Wash Circle—Beaut rm newly and beaut, furn. with up-to-date furniture artistic arrangement: front: hardwood floors. French doors: gas. light free; large closet. $5-*!* weekly.__ FACING PARK—2 RMST BATH~PORCH. Refrigeration. $40. Adults. 1810 Ingle side ter. (below 18th and Newton* n.w APARTMENTS—FURN.—UNFURN. FREE CAR SERVICE. DISTRICT 57 80. 3 01(J_yt. Ave.. Rm. 217.Eve . Em. 8302.1 7* 1107 11th ST—ONE ROOM. KITCHEN and bath; $55 month. Gas free, refriger ation on house current. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO INC . 1321 Goan. AVC Decatur 2000. G EORG ETOWN Attractively furnished studio apt 3 rms.. k. and bath; so. exposure, available May 1 ; $75. BRODIE A' COLBERT INC _1707 Eye St. N.W._ Natl S875.__ COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Right Downtown Near Everything—Walk, to Work. MIRAMAR Corner 15th and R. I. Avt. Frigidaire Current Free $70 50—Living room with portable din ette table and chairs, dressing room with Murphy bed. cozy sun room w'ith Murphv bed. kitchen with special cabinets, tiled bath with shower. See Manager. Potomac 5000 _1404 K._C A FRITZ Dist. i»080 __ 1315 IRVING ST. N.W. _Attractive apt.._l.h.k.:_$30_and *35 WARDMAN PARK. Sublease 2 rms., kit. bath, May 1. Ad dress Box 2P5-Q. Star office. 17* DOWNTOWN—1227 M~ ST 1 room, bath: suitable 2 men: ref. —. .~Ta, —■ .. —... — ■ _u: APARTMENTS FURN. b UNFURN. 011 12th ST. N.E.—2 LARGE." CLEAN rooms with private bath: lights, gas. heat furnished: *ti To per week. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—NEWLY DECO rated' 1 room, kitchenette and private balh: *40 to *50. 1724 P st. n.w. Po tomac 2373._ 1323 IRVING N.W.—NEW FURNITURE' new decorations. BEAUTIFUL, don’t miss it. Two. or one room, kitchen; all services free:_ *52.60-*42.5tl._Couple._ MODERN DOWNTOWNAFT 2 RMS *40: .3 RMS.. *57. Convenient, fireproof bldg.: 24-hour ele vator. switchboard service- refrigeration on house current Furnished at small extra charge. 103(1 R st. n.w. Potomac 1000 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 2524 17th ST. N.W. (JUST SO. COL. RDl ■—3 r„ k.. b and Inc. porrh. $55; Frigld alre; adults; lease. 17« $38.60—1321 KENYON ST. N.W—ONE large room, nice dinette, kit., tile bath, re frigeration ^redecorated; inviting. 1438 F ST. N.E.—3rd FLOOR. 2 ROOMS kitchen semi-private bath: gas. light and heat Included. $32.50. Adams 1344._ BEAUTIFUL 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM APTS, centrally located. Apply 1138 7th st. n.w. Dlstrfct 6769. 1348 KENYON N.W .—ENTIRE 3rd FLOOR. 3 large attrac. rms.. kit. and pvt bath; gas and elec, included. Reasonable._ THE CARLO. 1575 SPRING PL. N.W. (3016 ltith st.)—2 r.. k. and b.; Frlgid alre:_lease; adults; $52.50. 23* ‘811 !)th ST. N‘w‘—NEAT APT.; 3 ROOMS: cross ventilation; kitchen, bath; newly renovated: $35. THE BOND, 1230 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. n.w.—1 room, kitchen, dinette, bath; Frigldaire;_elevator._Resident_manager. 1218 18th ST. N.E.. BLADEN8BURG HD. and M—Entire 2nd fl. in pvt. home, 3 rms. and kit. Atlantic 1834. NR. 16th AND IRVING—Newly decorated. 5 rms.. kit. bath, screened porch and garage: elec, refg.: $7U. Met. 3811 or Wisconsin 3474 after 5 p.m._ AIR - COOLED. KENNEDY - WARREN — Three-room apartment overlooking park. southeastern exposure._Adams 0]23._ MICHIGAN PARK 1035 PERRY ST. N.E.. Apt. 303—Brand-new sunny corner apt. of 2 rms., kitchen dinette bath. Attractive lease proposition. Dist. 7741. Evenings. Clev. 2385._ 943 MAS8. AVE. N.W.—2 FIRST-FLOOR, large rooms, kitchen and bath. To re spectable, employed couple; $37.50._ 3020 TILDEN ST. N.W.—5 RMS.. BATK extra lavatory. 3 exposures. Particularly desirable. Phone Cleveland 6116 or 5754. 1121 EYE ST. N*.—3 RMS. AND BATH. heat, light and gas. $36. HALL ft BROB.. i 1204 H at. n.a. / APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. I _(Continued.) 2 BED ROOMS LIVING ROOM. KITCHENT ! All modern, newly decorated reasonable rent; lights and Frigidaire on house cur rent. 451 OJGeorgia ave. n.w 15* CONN.-FLA. AVES.—2 ROOMSTlCITCHEN, bath, fireplace; quiet and refined $43.50 and $47.50. Cleveland 2020. _ 2o* 1820 INGLESIDE TERRACE N.W.—2 room and hall apt,, newly decorated; heat, light and gas furnished; overlooking Rock Creek Park $30 month._ 843 LONGFELLOW ST. N W --1~ ROOM. 1 kitchen and inclosed porch semi-private bath: corner house, gas. elec, and heat lurnished._ CLIFTON MANOR~APTS ‘.'51414th ST. n.w.—2 rms . kit. bath, elevator, swltch board._$5o. Immediate occupancy NEAR CAPITOL. WALKING DISTANCE downtown 332 2nd st. n.e—1 room. , kitchenette and bath arn.i. See janitor or phone Adams 0015 3 ROOMS PRIVATE BATH $30 MONTH ly WARREN T. COTHERN. National 7410._ _ 15*_ HAMILTON COURTS. 2140 N ST. N.W.— Attractive cheerful. 3 and 4 room, kitchen, bath apt* ; elec, refg • $45 and $53.00 month. Se** res mgr . Union Stor- I age Co.. 705 Florida ave. n.w. North 0104. 3935 MILITARY RD . CH CH . D. C.— Attrac. rm.. kitchenette; vara, laundry; 1 newly dec.: porches: $$_wkly._ STREET FRONT LIVING ROOM BED I room. k.. b. and porch. Buchanan Apts , i 4520 13th it. n.w _Georgia I883._ 1035 QUE~ ST N.W. LARGE LIVING room, two bed rooms, large kitchen, din- I ette and bath: $5o._15* I 7 S ST N W — 1 ROOM LARGE KITCH- , en; gas. elec . phone included. $28 per . month- two adults._15* ROYDON APTS., NEAR liith N.W.—4 LG” front rms., recep. hall, lg. kit., bath; ’ $82.60._See_manager _ SIXTEENTH AND EUCLID STS. N.W.— | hour dandy rooms and big porch. Excel lent condition throughout Only $(;<» per mo. MOSS REALTY CO . 310 Tow er Bldg. Met. 17 *. t) THREE DELIGHTFUL ROOMS AND BIG sleeping porch at 528 Irving St. N.W Rent. $42.50 per mo . includes heat, light and gas. MOSS REALTY CO. 310 Tower Bldg. Met. J 77 0 TILDEN GARDENS—FIVE ROOMS”oNE and one-half baths, sun porch—all newiv decorated. Rent. $ I 25.oo per month. MOSS REALTY CO . 310_Towei_BldR _ Met. J ‘,7 0. ' TAKOMA—MODERN 2nd-FLOOR APART ments 4 and 5 rooms and bath sleeping ! porch all outside rooms; oil heat, at bus line; adults _Shepherd 7408._ 351 3 14th ST. N?W.—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, private bath, screened-in back poich. Frigidaire._gas. elec ^__no children _ 5524 Mh ST NW. CORNER *th AND Longfellow—2 rms.. kit., bath Frigidaire on house current Rent, $42.50. Hee jani tor or call Met 27 13 WALKING DISTANCE— 3 LARGE ROOMS, i kitchen, bath, foyer. Frigidaire s.e. cor- ' ner; light, and sunny elevator- janitor i near Dupont C.rcle. m;;.5h Potomac 503 : SUNNY APT.. 2 ROOMS. BATH PORCH. r ngidaire gas included suitable for cou Pl< "t" 3207 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w. N W.—2 RMS.. KITCHEN.~ BATH. IN closed porch, heat light, gas, refrigeration; adults. Georgia tdiis 8HJ SHERIDAN ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS~ kitchen and bath- del. home: heat, light, j gas and phone Randolph 3382 l.l111 PARK RD N.W.—•: RMS , KITCHEN, bath. $.!, oil. 1.11H Park rd. n.w.. ;i rms.. kitchen bath, refrigeration. «5n Conn. ave.. I rm . kitchen, bath refrigera tion, sa. 50. THOMAS P. BROWN 615 , 4th st s w Natl _j sj :i !-f.'l ORREN Hr; N.E. APT ]_" Dcf I rms.. k b . dinette, screened porch bldg. • 1 yr. old: heat, h w furn: kevs in apt '.’ or phone MR TOMS Disc 14.14 ! CORNER .1 ROOMS AND LARGE KITCH en. private bath. Electrolux heat liah'. gas included: $011. 7fl_Decatur st. If G ST NE—MODERN 5 ROOMS AND oatn: white neighborhood, near school stores and car line reasonable. Phone evenings Adams til 57. MR. WEITZ 1210 13th ST N.W.—2 APTS . 4 ROOMS ' bath. 2nd floor; heat electric refrigera- ' tion reasonable. National 2247 • ■-71 GALLATIN ST. N.W.—ENTIRELY new ’nd-floor apt.: liv. room bed room kit. bath: everything furnished 17* 8th ST N E —5 ROOMS. 2nd FLOOR Hot-water heat furnished. is* R I AVE. N.W—2 ROOMS DINETTE 1 kitchen and bathCleveland 4667. !<;• 1411 KENNEDY ST N.W.—3 BRIGHT rooms, kitchen bath porch; detached home: near cars busses; adults only 21* 508 2nd ST. S E —DUPLEX APARTMENT ground flat. 5 r. and b h.-w h newlv ■ dec. furnish own heat: $45.50. National 9 i 24. 3835 MILITARY RD" N.W.—ATTRAC tive room and kitchen:_newly decorated 1 22 WEBSTER ST. N.W.—2 RMS. KITCH en. semi-private bath; beautiful, including gas and electricity adults only. CAPITOL HILL "CENTRAL N E--4 RMS bath <desirable 1st floor* newly equipped. $5K5o month most convenient. 716 Mh st. ne.: adulfs_no pets._Adams 4786 ATTRACT 3 ROOMS KITCHENETTE, bath, sleeping porch. Frieidaire. newlv dec exclusive apt. house; $7o. North 10000. Apt. 436. _ 1843 KALORAMA RD. N.W.——3 ROOMS kitchen bath gas and electricity tree; Frigidaire S55 Columbia 6032-j. FLAT. 5 ROOMS AND BATH SECOND floor, front room suitable for office: 1631 L st near Mayflower Hotel: $55. MR. MILOR. Natl. 0600. Night. Rockville I10-R_ _ NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA RD, 7406 18th st.—7nd-floor front apt . 3 rooms porch, bath and kitchenette elec refrigeration, rent. $4 7.50. Call Potomac 5932.____ NEW. CORNER 4-FAMILY BUILDING 1701 28th st. s e.—2 bed rooms, living room kitchen dinette, bath, pbrch. hot water and heat furn $55. RANDLE Ac GARVIN 25)5 Pa. ave. s.e._Lincoln 1879. $45 50. 3 r. k. and b No. 36. Leonmor. 2100 N St. N.W. W. P LOCKWOOD. 1410 H ST N.W. • VERY DESIRABLE APT . 2nd FL.. FRONT: also 3-rm. lst-fl apt.: adults only. _LAVENIA._618 F ST. N.E_I EXCEPTIONALLY BRIGHT. ATTRACTIVE apts.: 1 rm.. k b.: 3 rms. Pullman kit., b. _EVANSTON. 34‘.’7 13th ST^N.W._ 810 OTIS PL. N.W. 3 rms. kit., bath, a m i. $37.50 FLOYD E DAVIS CO _733 17th St. N.W.__ National 0352. 335 W ST. N.E. 7 rooms, kitchen, batn; 3 rooms, kitchen, bath; newly painted papered and new floors; heat light gas and electric re frigeration furnished. Open Sat. and Sun. Telephone North 8045. __15* _ ~~~ 17 5th ST. NE 3 rooms, dinette, bath, heat furnished; refrigeration. JOS A. HERBERT Ar SONS. 515 F Capitol St. Lincoln 0129. BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENTS HAMPSHIRE COURTS New Hampshire Ave. & Gallatin St. N.W. All outside, corner apartments, cross ventilation, large rooms, ample closet space, parquet floors, custom-built kitchen cabinets, Electrolux refrigeration, Magic Chef gas ranges, ventilating fans, incinerator, laundry facili ties and storage space. Fireproof construction, sound-proofed, and insulated. A cool, quiet location, convenient to schools, transporta tion, stores. On* b*d room, living room, dinette, 555-00 t0 $58-50 kitchen, til* both and thower. - _ - t„. w r«.». $65-00 to 570-0° 5040 FIRST ST. N.W. Open for Impaction Until 9 P.M. Daily *■* WEAVER UflyDAC Drive out New Hamvshire Are. BBAC fflUnlfUC to Farraout St., right one block DnUwi| «nit left to evartmente. I__ WARREN REALTORS (Continued on tfext Pare.) 1 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. Ant« n? o1*11, WYOMING AVE N W~ turn2; "soU . mTnC.°IUmbl‘ 0569 0“ PremreSl?S5i EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE APT' ~ io-l.i Lanier Pi. NW kltchen,:>0*ilr<rS.nVrVlnK roora dlnln« room. Place 2 hert g£„!ll ngo r20m wl,h real «-'*• ** bed rooms. baths dinlnn rorim sur. room and kitchen. aining room. w THE KENNEDY-WARREN. n..T..CoKnve'! Alr-C00lfd nfeoo #40.50—18 8th st. s.e.'.' :i 1. b; Dorch' *25.50—64.1 e - r It b 81- t ,™OS D WALSR INC ' k B' _815 31th St. N W District 7558 WINTON-STANLEY ~ , -it.1.’ HARVARD ST. NW — 4 ROOMS._KITCHEN AND BATH 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W."~ — 4. I?rg? rooms, kitchen, bath: newly d»r orated_throukhout: Frigidaire relerenres 7603 EASTERN AVE., ?„ bl?®kA fror" Georgia ave Convenient transportation. 2 rooms. kltchen and bath. Moderate reman Apply res. mgr.. Apt. 202. 7611 Ga. a e. _Phone Georgia 4Mib. SLEEPING PORCH APT.^ 4 RMS., $60; 5 RMS., $70. Hn^0d,f,;n bldg : large. bright rms fine fit nat^: h*nd* 10 everything Near lntn and Park Phone Adams 2008 16th ST. N.W. 1 room kitchen, bath. 2 rooms, kitchen bath and foyer. _ See Resident Manager Apt 1 AT CONN. AVE. BRIDGE," _ '5221 CONN AVE Two rooms, foyer kitchen and bath *511..>0: electric refrigeration house cur rent, elevator. HIGBIE RICHARDSON & FRANKLIN ... INC.. 1 o 14 K St NW National lOlfl 1IN Mi . PLEASANT. 1««5 LAMONT ST N.W.—$57 50 APl *-“—Rec hall, living room b*d room, kitchen and bath electrical refriger ation. heat and hot water furnished _M«'4 K CAFRITZ DUt flftgn BRIGHT, CORNER APT., 5331 4th St. N.W. Living room. 7 bed rooms, kitchenette, dinette and bath heat hot water ; - eluded: $t57.50. Key a’ Apt. 2. Bradley. Beall & Howard. Inc.. _National 0271. _232 Southern Bid' NEW 4-FAMILYAPARTMENTS 1616-1620 28th PI. S.E. One square Penn. ave.—2 bed room*, living room, dine’re kitchen bath pop h heai included. $55. 7 rm*- dmet’*. kitchen bath, porch: heat included. $5 ’. Ready for occupant v L. T. GRAVATTE, 720 15th Sr N W Realtor. Nat! 075.3 DOWNTOWN APTS. 1 rm.. k . $40: 2 rm., k . $50. Modern elevator bldg . convenient THE BLAIR l_32i M ,t n.w National 5137 5-R. 16th ST. APT—$70.' Modern apt. bldg Large rooms t;!rd bath handy to cars store*- etr jH n .st near Col. rd Phone Adam* nut: 233 KENTUCKY AVE S.E. NEWLY DECORATED 2 rooms, kitchen bath, janitor service: near the Navy Y~rd $42.50. John F. Donohoe & Sons, 314 Penna. Ave. SE Lincoln flOM 1812 NORTH CAPITOL ST.' Five big room' and baths, porch very easy walk to business section of city con venient to busses cars, churches and the aters. Rent. $52,50. Howenstein Realty Corp.. 1 Lv H S' N.W. riCt 7S77. SILVER SPRING NEW APTS —$52.50 PER MONTH 14-FT SCREENED SLEEPING PORCH 2 rooms kitchenette, dinette bath; he:-* and hot water furn hich elevation, over looking wooded valley 1 block from school and shopping center. :t blocks from 15" acre public park with tennis courts, grounds, swings and wading poola for children WALTER FUNDERBURK Shepherd JM. NEW ECONOMY APTS.—$49.50l Ready for Occupancy April 15. Apr. No 3. 1774 Canitol Ave NE Just One Block West of W. Va Ave N F. Living room bed room dining room, kitchen tile bath with shower, electric stove, screened rear porch; heat and hot water furnished 1404 K. CAFRITZ Dist PhRO THE ROYAL. 1364 GIRARD ST N.W. One and two room apts. available now and on March 15. Very desirable location in a recently remodeled building App'y v to .ianitor on premises. _ 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 2 rm'.. kitchen bath. Frigidaire. Adults_only._ Reference^ 232 HAMILTON N.W.—$62.50. 2 bed rms. refrigeration heat, hot water, 4* MADISON N.W.—*52 50. 2 large room* kit dine'tp screci^d porch refrigeration, heat hot water free. 1027 HAMLIN N E—$52.50. 4 rooms, porch, refrigeration heat. SAM ROSEY—ADAMS 2700. _ EXCELLENT LOCATION. $53.50. Apt. No. 4 4*15 4th st. n.w — Rec hall living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen and bath heat and hot water furnished 1404 K CAFRITZ Dis MOfM RIGHT DOWNTOWN. 3-RM H K APT $55—5 RMS $85 Fireproof, elevator bide large rooms, marble bath I424_K st._n.w Natl 543_L SPECIAL APT. VALUE. 2514 QUE ST NW Modern bidg exclusive convenient: large liv. rm . kit dinette porch larse dressing rm. bath, recep hall light and refrigeration included *52.5" Also 5 larce rooms and porch apt.. $85. Natl .S437 NEW. MODERN APARTMENTS! 1409 G STRRET N.E. AVAILABLE MAY 1st. 1 and 2 room units, tile bath w:*h shower dining alcove electric refrigera tion. large closets, plenty of light and ventilation CAYWOOD BROS A: GARRETT INC. 015 NEW YORK AVE N.W. _ NATL- 0032 __ 1523 D ST. N.E 3 rooms kitchen bath refrigeration; heat, gas elec included *50. WEAVER BROS., INC., Washington Bldg Realtors DUt. 1400 Longfellow St. N.W. New bldg ; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. 2nd floor front: heat, hot water free; $5!».5o from May 1st Inspection by ap pointment. BIRON. Met 7*50 _ NEW 4-FAMILY APARTMENTS 4474-4500-4505 Conduit Rd. 2 rms.. dinette, kitchen, bath, screenpd porch; $52.50 to *55 Heat included. L. T. GRAVATTE, 739 loth St . N W. Realtor._Natl, ft:53. JUST REMODELED. 345 11th St. S.E 3 modern up-to-date apartments of 2 and 3 rooms with bath. Ready for rtn mediate occupancy Heat and hot water furnished the year around Convenient to the Navy Yard and Government build ings. No children. $42.50 and $50.00. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. Lincoln 0084.