Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. ^ _(Continued.)_ ,, 3211 WHEELER RD. S.E., \ blocks from Nichols ave. Convenient to stores school and bus. 2 rooms, dinette. Kitchen and bath. 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen *nd bath. Moderate rentals. mgr, on premises Phone Lincoln 8422. 2138 California St. N.W. 'a Block West of Conn. Ave. £ rooms, kitchenette, bath _ _ $50 " rooms kitchen, bath $115 1495 Newton St. N.W. , ' . Block East of lfith St. I rooms and bath _$27.50 . A. S. GARDINER, - 1*510 K St. N.W_Natl. 0554. 3217 CONN. AVE. 2 r . k. dinette, b. and rec. hall: 555 • nd 557.50, includlng current._ 209-213-217 19th ST. N.E. New 2-story brick apt. nearing comple tion, for May 1 occupancy. Living room 13.3x15.8. dinette, tile bath, bed room, kitchen with ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. 10-ft screened porch; $42.50-$44.&0. Also end apartments with 3 exposures. $45.50 *47.50. B. H. GRUVER, 0 816 Investment Bldg. National 1737. Evenings, Phone Cleveland 7649. neaiOioose^eiTF^high^ 4306 ARKANSAS AVE. N.W. 252.50—Reception hall, living room with Murphy bed. bed room, dinette, kitchen and bath, electrical refrigeration. 1404 K_CAFRITZ. _Dist. 9080._ CORNER 5th, CONCORD. 5611 5th ST. N.W. New modern apartment. 2 rooms, kitch *n, dining alcove and bath. $54.50. « Higby, Richardson & Franklin. ,, 1614 K St N.W._Natl. 707R._ 2517 MOZART PL. N.W. Mozart pi. Is located between 16th and 37th sts., Euclid and Columbia rd. OA8. ELECTRICITY. REFRIGERATION INCLUDED IN RENT. Modern In Every Respect. I room, kitchen, dressing closet and bath _ $55.00 • rooms, kitchen and bath — __$05.00 H L. RUST CO 1001 15th SI N.W, Natl. SI00. Reservations Now Being Accepted for New Duplex Apartments Available May 15th 14th St. N.W. Ret. \ an Ruren and Whittier 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath; screened rear porches, $45.00 and $49.50 FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. 733 12th St. N.W. Nat. 0352 Exclusive Intown Apt. 2311 15th St. N.W. Facing Meridian Park Consisting of 2 large bed rooms, living room, kitchen-dinette, maid's room and bath in base ment. Laundry and locker room, janitor, heat and hot water at all times. Open. Agent on Premises. Bradley, Beall & Howard Not. 0271 NEW Four-Family Apartment*. 4482 & 4486 Conduit Rd. N.W. Just Southwest of Foxhall Village LARGE SCREENED REAR PORCH Ample locker space m basement: hot-wster heat furnished the year around, heat included in rent; built-in tubs and showers in tiled baths. 2 Rooms. Kitchen, Dining: Alcove and Bath. $52 to $55 B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. RIGHT DOWNTOWN Walk to work—Save car fare CORCORAN COURTS 401 23rd St. N.W. Frigidaire Current Free $62 50—Apl- consisting of reeep v ' tion hall, living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen and tile bath with shower. SEE MANAGER. NATIONAL 6933 MIRAMAR Corner 15th and R. I. Ave. Prigjdaire Current Free Radio in Every Apartment $57 50—Lar*e' bright living room * with portable dinette table ar.d chairs, dressing room with Murphy bed. cozy sun room, kitchen with special cabinets, tiled bath with built-in tub and shower. $77 50—Beautiful front apt. Liv " ing room, sun room, bed room, kitchen and bath. SEE MANAGER. POTOMAC 5600 PARK CENTRAL 1900 F St. N.W. Frigidaire Current Free Radio in Every Apartment $45 00 Rfc hall, living room * with portable dinette table and chairs, dressing room. Mur phy bed kitchen and bath. $57 50 ~ Larpe bright living room. *** * with Dortable dinette table and chairs, dressing room with Murphy bed. cozy sun room, kitchen with special cabinets, tile bath with built-in tub and shower. $82 50—Beautiful front apt.; rec. * hall, living room, sun room with Murphy bed. bed room, dinette kitchen, tile bath, built-in tub and shower. Bellboy. Elevator. Switchboard Service SEE MANAGER. MET. 0540 NEW APT. BLDG. 2000 Connecticut Ave. "An Address to Be Proud of.’* $89 50—Front' apt., large living “ * room, combination sun room and dining room, bed room, kitchen, tile bath, built-in tub and shower. SEE MANAGER DEC. 3000 1404 K. CAFRITZ. DI. 9080. REFINED COLORED—2115 14th ST N.W. —3 rooms, kit., bath, porch. Frigidaire. to.-w.h.; no children; now ready; private and exclusive: $50 month. Colored—525 2nd st. n.e%—opposite Union Station—5 rms. and bath, $42.50. A p p ly 505 Color a d o_B 1 de._N ational 734 COLORED—COLONADE APTS., 18th AND Vernon st. n.w.—7 rooms, bath, extra lav atory. pantry, porch; reasonable rent; fin est apt. in the city for colored people; must be good family. Apply SIMON BE LQFT. real estate, 1003 N. Y. ave. n.w. COLORED—2117 10th ST. N.W.—3 rooms, kitchen and bath, h.-w.h.. elec.; 635.50; no children. Phor.e Line. 3706. FOR COLORED. 635 Va. Ave. S.E . Apt. 23. Living room, bed room, kitchen, dinette And bath; 2nd floor. Newly decorated; heat, hot water and janitor service; rent, HARRY B PITTS CO.. 1039 15th St. N.W._ Met, 0100. .FOR COLORED. 623 3rd st. s.w.—3 rooms, semi private bath _ $12.50 C4 N st. s.e.—4 rooms and bath 25.00 FLOYD E. DAVIS CO.. 733 12th St. N.W. National 0352. _APARTMENTS_SUBURBAN._ 5 SHERIDAN AVE.. HYATTSVILLE—2 large rooms, bath, unfurn.: heat, light; near_school: $22.50. Greenwood 3337. 2627 LEE HIGHWAY. VA —2 R.7 k!. E>~ bath, garage. 4 r.. bath, garage, refriger ation^ Walnut 7010. , 3.7* 3 rooms.Modern impts., % sq. lee Highway. Idc fare: furnished or unfur ntshed. 2041 N Stafford. Cherrydalc. Va.* MT. RAINIER—FURN. OR UNFURN. 3 R, $45: 3 r.. $35; 4 r.. $50: 2 r. $30: 1 r.. $15._Greenwood 2309-W. 3020 33rd. * _apartments wanted. FOUR GENTLEMEN DESIRE FURNISHED floor in private home, in good residential section: references. Emerson 0003 after 7 p.m._ C-RM FURN. HOUSEKEEPING APT! IN n.w. section for 6 wks.-2 months; occu g|?SyKf.rom Anril lS-2(f Call Decatur 2672 between 6:30 and 8 p.m. 1 BEN WEBSTER’S CAREER. Happy Days? —By EDWIN ALGER PRlftWOLV SESN\CETPLUS 600D MiRCMJkUBWVlE METHODS, WERE W0RWW6 WOUDEBfc WITH W661WS STORE-EUSIWESS REALM VM OH THE UPfcOADE / „.—i ... !_ — * — ' ■ — - ■-■■■ /oRACACUS ME.&uO / JEW'S SURE PlllW' f ^UP PROFITS- i—--' -“X—r>--^ Tncw okuwcgu, a w - i *OCM 'MVm A 4V*Ut TUSSfeJ *0«60 \ cawTv '♦oivwrrrv? ) icaw, J '-» y -._KiAT- ) f-aur n "owABijnr So taua ago ^ . rv4vwn i couldvjrr / but uovj. wwv ( !\WKf VMB CAU UO«I AW08JD VBUV f ' 1 TUAT UBV4 TBUCW BftM’fc SUES! JT s-LOUftWBaa-J moving, packing and storage. ANDERSON VAN SERVICE. MILLS BLDG. National 7070. Low rates N. Y.. Atlanta. Boston. Fla.. Chi.. Clev. Local moving. _HOUSES FURNISHED. “ N STREET N.W.. GEORGETOWN— Beautifully furnished six-room remodeled house; oil heat, garden, choice library. THOMAS J. FISHER <fc CO . INC ._15th St, N.W._District 6830. ATTRACTIVE ROW HOUSE 11 ROOMS: a.m i.. furn, complete; Frigidaire. radio, garage; near 3rd and S. Carolina ave. s.e. Phone_Lincoln (10H5-J. MILITARY RD. “ N VV —S ROOMS, moderately furn : grand piano radio elec. ! refrigerator, etc.: $<)n. CHAS. S SHREVE. ! HUH 15th st. n.w. National !>33«. NEAR Uth AND PARK RD.—K ROOMS. May L to Oct. 1 ; Frigidaire: not over four adults; reasonable. Address Box 34(»-S. Star office. • CLEVELAND AVE. " N.W. — TEN rooms, three baths; available May l» to September 1. liKtT; $-.’00 per month RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO.. INC . L>‘- LConn Ave._ Decatur :td00. CONVENIENT N.W. LOCATION— Row house, d rooms, bath, glass-in closed sleeping porch, recreation room oil burner: large new G E. refrigerator: furnished complete In cluding new mattresses, china, silver, hnens and blankets: $85 ner month. Call Cleveland *’.‘100 or Decatur 1630. “may through august. I 6 rms. bath; nicely furn. $75 ; _ SAM ROSEY, ADAMS 2700. __HOUSES UNFURNISHED._ 1877 MONROE ST. N.W.—SEMI-DETACH Pd Colonial, ti r. and b,. h.-w.h. glass-in plosed sleeping porch: garden. Col. 50711. ?411 15th ST. N.E—NEW BRICKS DE tached: never occupied: t> rms. built-in Rarage. modern, S8U L V. THACKER, 2<26 lath st. n.e. Potomac 2387. WOODRIDGE—NEW ’ DETACHED BRICK . rooms and bath (bed room and lavatory on first floor!, oil heat, garage; adults. Apply/Ui'Ll Newton st n.e Pot. 1651-J. « FOR RENT—SUITABLE FOR ROOMING house: near Irving and Georgia ave : 8 i°9™.and sleeping porches: $70: lease. S WINFIELD UliH l nth n.w, Natl. flfi5j4. HSU WARREN ST N.W —SEMI ~ DE tached: excellent location: newly redeco rated: reasonable rental. Large lot. Garage. VICINITY WALTER REED HOSPITAL^ bix-room detached house, oil heat double garage. Georgia 3546. 17« CHEVY CHASE, D. C -tj LARGE ROOMS' . baths, sleeping porch, garage, deep lot: good residential neighborhood: convenient to bus. stores, schools^ National 1040. 4823 CONDUIT RD. N.W.—ti ROOMS. ; baths, garage, large grounds: available April ^lb; >00 month. A, VINCI. 315 F CHEVY-CHASE; MD. Six rooms one bath, living room, dining kitchen and sun porch on first floor; built: aa,raae■ 011 beat elec , refg ; lot appro*. , Ox.OU. Available April 15. Rent. $85. ®DW- H JONES A- CO.. _5'*-0 Conn Ave._Cleveland 2300. 5201 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. Detached newly decorated and painted: ti r, and b.. h.-w.h., 2-car detached garage *7* ' ..... , , FLOYD E DAVIS CO.. — 1 -th S! N.W. _ National o:;.v_\ 710 E ST S.E • rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. oil burner elec refrigeration; $65 * 46 R. I AVE N.W. garaKemS$62a5o" *urnace heat> electricity, L. T. GRAVATTE, 723 15th St. N.W. Realtor. Natl 0753 1409 18th PL. S.E. 6 Rms.. Bath H-w.h., Electric $57.50. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _.'il t Penna. Ave.SJl._Line 0084 726 SHERIDAN ST. N.W. Semi-detached brick of b rooms bath and garage. $60.00 month H. L RUST CO. - 1001 loth St. N.W. Natl. 8100 TAKOMA PARK, MD. Very attractive modern home—six rooms ■ oath and kitchen; large yard. Rem per month. MOSS REALTY CO 316 Tower Bldg. Met. 1776. 730 Hamilton St.'N/Wf—$65. 6 rms. and bath, maid's room detached enrage: house in new condition. Possesion immediately. PHILLIPS & CANBY, INC., 1012 15th St. _ Natl. 4600. _HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. WE CAN RENT YOUR VACANT PROPERTY CALL _ MOSS REALTY CO. TOWER BLDG.MET. 1778 HOUSES FOR SALE. GEORGETOWN—$3,950. 2-STORY co lonial. corner bide. Excellent to remodel Into charming little house. Plans drawn. See 1535 34th st. n.y. LIPSCOMB. West 0600: evening._West 2445. _15* REPOSSESSED. RECONDITIONED^CLAlT endon. Va.. 8 rooms, bath, veranda, large lot. Federal housing, less than rent. Ad dress MRS SCHAMBERGER. 314 Uhler ave . Alexandria. Va._15* 6345 31st PL. N.W.—NEW. BRICK“aND stone: a.m.i : best wooded section: under $9.<i<t<h MR. MeCUNE. Potomac 1900. MONROE ST . WEST OF 14th—SEMI detached brick. 6 rms.. oil heat. 3 porches, deep lot. garage: good condition; conv. I location: priced for immediate sale. Call ! MR DOWD. National 2ii4<>. $9.000—BRICK HOME. 4 BED ROOMS. 2 BATHS, good condition. On loth st. n.w.. near Decatur st.; $1,000 cash. $65 month will buy and carry this excellent property. BOSS A PHELPS. NATIONAL i 9300. EVENING PHONE. DECATUR 2146. $500 CASH BUYS THIS LOVELY NEW brick bungalow in Highland View (1V2 mi. from D. C.>. Studio living rm„ sunken tub. large rooms, modern gas appliance?. WASHINGTON REALTY CO. Geo. 8300. AN OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A SPLEN did six-room row brick house. 20 ft. wide, close to Sherman Circle at the price of $1,950. on terms. There are two inclosed porches, one used as kitchenette and sleep ing porch: electric refrigeration: screens, garage. Upstairs rented for $62.50 per month Phone Shepherd 4455 until 9 p.m. WAPLE A JAMES. INC._ SILVER SPRING—5 LARGE ROOMSi i tile bath, modern kitchen, bright cellar, h.-w.h., h.-w.f., fireplace, porch; stores, schools, busses within 2 blocks. Call Shepherd 1311 between 5 and 8 p.m. BEAUTIFUL DETACHED HOME NEAR 16th st and Colorado ave.; suitable for, doctor or professional man Now being reconditioned throughout and is being offered for immediate sale for about one half of the original cost. For informa tion and appointment, call National 2040. A NEW DETACHED BRICK ABOUT ONE half block west of Connecticut ave at the attractive price of $8,950. This home has six splendid rooms, oil heat, modern kitch en. slate roof, furred, insulated, screened; lot looxloo. Detached garage. An op portunity for some careful purchaser. Phone ShcD. 4455 until 8 p.m, WAPLE & JAMES. INC.___ IN LELAND. CONVENIENT TO THE Bethesda business section, a detached home on a splendid lot. While this is a used house it is in perfect condition. The owner has made lavish expenditures to provide a home of real comfort, including a superfine bath, a fully equipped recre ation room, a kitchen far above the aver age See it at $10,500. Phone Shep. 44 55 unt 11 ft p.m._WAPLE & JAMES. INC. NEAR GRANT ‘CIRCLE—6 RMS. AND bath; 20-ft. brick: 2 inclosed porches; oil burner, elec, refrigeration; detached ga rage; deep lot. Adams 5336. _ DESIRABLE. NEAR CONN. AVE. BRIDGE and Calvert st.; overlooks park; large rms. porches, automatic heat. elec, refrigera tion; $8,760, terms or make cash offer above trust; opportunity. MR. BAILEY Adams 4780. CAPITOL HILL—CORNER. FACES PARK 8 rms.. 2 baths; only $9,850. Also other 0 to 12 rm. houses. MRS. WILLIAMS Lincoln 3143 or 500 E st. n.e. CAPITOL HILL—CENTRAL N.E.. 3 APTS I 10 rms. 3 baths: modern, attractive ex cellent condition; automatic heat; insu 1 lated. weather-stripped caulked, copper | screens, fire escapes, separate entrances I :.'-car brick garage Reflnished. Adult tenants. Income. $1,800.00 year. Price only $12,750. Owner leaving city. Adams 4780.___ CHEVY CHASE. MD.. FOREST SECTION. 1 Six rooms. G. E. refrigerator, h.-w.h., coal i or oil fuel available; single trust (5‘5). Make offer. No agents. For inspection 1 call Wisconsin 0257._• NEAR GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY— Beautiful brick home of 8 rooms 2% baths. 5 bed rooms; automatic heat, large lot. garage; new-house condition. Will consider smaller home on trade. National 4353._ $5.450—NEAR NORTH CAPITOL AND Rhode Island ave.: 6-room and bath brick; hot-water heat double rear porches, ga rage. Owner says ‘'sell." BOSS Ac PHELPS. NATIONAL 9300. EVENING PHONE. CALL MR. TAMMARO. COLUM BIA 2323.__ | TWO (2) CHEVY CHASE BARGAINS. IF REALLY INTERESTED 1 CALL MR. LEWIS. CLEVELAND 0680. L 4 HOUSES FOR SALE. _(Continued.)_ CLEVELAND PARK; $9.950—THE IN formed home seeker will appreciate this exceptional value in one of Washington's most desirable residential communities. Situated on a beautiful corner lot. this semi-detached brick, comprising 7 rms.. sleeping porch and built-in garage, is in excellent condition. An inspection will convince you of the superior merit of this offering. Call J WESLEY BUCHANAN. INC. Cleveland 2832. until 9 p in. A HOME IN THAT EXCLUSIVE SECTION between 10th st. and Rock Creek Park, containing some of Washington's finer homes, at the price of $14,500. This is a detached brick of Colonial design, brand-new has three splendid bed rooms, two and one-half baths, oil heat, finished attic, screens modern kitchen, etc Phone Shepherd 44r>5 until 9 pin. WAPLE & JAMES INC. WOODRIDGE HOMES. 5 rooms, h.-w.h.; new-house condition; $8,250. 4 large rooms, excellent location. $5 950. New bungalows with oil heat and garage $7,450. Small down payment, bal ance like rent. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO _2377 R. I. Ave, N.E.__ North 7203. A REAL BARGAIN GEORGETOWN. $0,500. 8 rooms tilt? bath, double back porches; hot-water heat large lot: ami. Terms. For inlorrnation. call Mr. Zimmerman. , Georgia 2242. WAPLE A JAMES INC 1224 14th St_N W._Disfnct 3347_ $8,250. Large old detached house, in Chevy Chase. D. C.: 4 bed rooms. I bath, sleep, pch,. 2-car built-in gar . green file roof, oil heat, large trees; near school. Cleve land 8718. GLOVER PARK—$9,150. New row house with 3 large bed rooms. 2 baths, den. recreation room, furred walls, rock wool insulation, automatic gas heat, ultra modern kitchen, built-in garage. Close to Western High School and all con veniences. The finest new house available. Evening phone service from 7 to 9. PHILLIPS & CANBY. INC _Natl. 4800. 101?? 15th St N.W.__ 3915 OLIVER ST. CHEVY CHASE. MD. Beautiful Colonial, detached center-hall brick; 8 rms. and 2 baths. 2-car garage, priced low for quick sale W. H. WALKER. _734 15th St. N.W._National 1880._ NEAR LINCOLN PARK $9,500. Beautiful corner bay window brick; 8 large rooms and bath. 2-car built-in ga rage, h.-w. heat; house in excellent condi tion New awr.ings for entire house. Can be bought on easy terms Seen bv ap pointment onlv. Call W. E. Simpson. Columbia 2045 WAPLE A JAMES. INC 1224 14th St N.W._District .3.347. D. C. BARGAIN! $7,150 buys a brand-new. well-located 5 room masonry home, large vard. trees, garage. Cali All. 1590 alter _8 p.m._ I HAVE A LOVELY. SEMI-DEI ACHED HOME—9 very large rooms, built-in ga rage. convenient to Roosevelt High School. House 28 ft. wide modern in every respect. Call Mr. Orem Georgia 4839 WAPLE A JAMES INC _123 4 14th St N.W. District 334 7. ARRANGED FOR TWO FAMILIES. Just off 14th. above Park road 5s,450. $1,000 cash. $80 mo WAPLE A JAMES. INC _1224 14th St. N.W._District 3347. $10,950. An exceptionally fine buy west of upper 18th st.. facing Government park A •^eJ2i.;detached English brick home of 8 ROOMS including den and inclosed sleep ing_Porch, automatic refrigeration. 2 l°l ln,)-ft. deep Bargain at price BOSS & PHELPS. NATIONAL 9300 EVE Sl£S>^rPHO~NE CALL MR- WASSER. GEORGIA 8758 , -«CONVENIENT NORTHEAST. 56.950. brand-new brick. 0 large rooms. convertible for 2-family use. best _buy available. Call National 1438. 7811 13th ST. N.W., _ SHEPHERD PARK You will be interested in looking at this new Colonial center-hall brick heme of six : rooms, two baths, library and lavatory Carefully planned and of the finest con struction It represents excellent value. Open daily until 9 p.m. H. G. SMITHY CO _Natl. 5904._SI 1 15th St. N.W. HERE IS A LOVELY HOME IN SMJL’S ADDITION. West of Ga. ave. W# are going to sell. Will be thoroughly re conditioned and can be bought on easy terms. 7 rooms, detached (4 bed rooms). 2 baths; one bed room and bath on 1st floor. For inspection call Mr. Orem. Gro. 4639 WAPLE JAMES. INC 1224 1 11 h^St.^N.W. District 3347. A BARGAIN—NEW HOME IN BEAUTIFUL SECTION. CHEVY CHASE D C 511.750—Detached, on very prettv lot: brick construction 6 lovely rooms, finished 3rd floor 2 BATHS, automatic heat and relrigeration. attached garage with covered porch above entering to living room open fireplace. BOSS & PHELPS. NATIONAL iiww. EVENING PHONE. CALL MR. TAMMARO. COLUMBIA 2323 CHEVY CHASE. D C. The Best Location—51 (>.500. Midway between Conn, and Wis. aves. and opposite a small park is this lovely brick home in perfect condition and offered at many thousand dollars sacrifice to ow’ner. 8 large rooms and 2 lovely baths with six rooms and bath including baths on 1st floor and two large rooms and bath on 2nd floor. Oil burner, gas refrigeration and 2-car built-in garage. Large lot. A distinct bargain. Evening phone service. 7 to 9. PHILLIPS & CANBY INC.. _Natl. 4600._ 1012 J 5th St. N.W. 1404 DECATUR ST. N.W. Eight rooms. 2 baths, new oil burner, screens, awnings, etc.; 2-car garage; deep lot. Evenings call Georgia 4404. W. H. WALKER. 134 1 5th St. N.W._ _National 16S0. 54 950—SHERIDAN ST. N.W.—7 RMS.', bath, h.-w.h. lot 30x180. 2-car gar.. 54.000 building loan 55 250—Keefer pi. n.w.—Nr. Ga. ave., semi-det. brick 6 rms.. tiled bath, h -w.h.. front and rear lot 20x85. 54.000 building loan. 56,650—Near Taylor st at Soldiers’ Home. 20-ft. brick. 6 rms., tile bath, h.-w.h.. Frigidaire garage; small cash. Your terms. Met. 5400. _LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO._ HOME OR INVESTMENT! 55,500; here's your opportunity to buy a substantial brick home, near the business section of Georgia ave. It contains 6 large rooms and porches. Don't delay. Call Na _tional 3 439. GEORGETOWN. INTRIGUING OLD HOME CHARMINGLY RESTORED. 522.500. In exceptionally fine location. 8 rooms (including studio living room. 11x24. north light, overlooking big garden space): 2 baths. 2 extra lavatories, automatic heat and refrigeration; lot. 50x120. with several fine trees. Inspection by appointment. BOSS A PHELPS. NATIONAL 9300 EVE NING PHONE CALL MR. DRISCOLL. METROPOLITAN 0122. HILLCREST. BUNGALOW—Five rooms tiled bath with shower, recreation room, large floored attic, modern kitchen with built-in cabi nets and electric refrigeration; landscaped lot. 82.5 wide For appointment to in spect call Mr. Allman. Atlantic .'1928. WAPLE A* JAMES, INC.. 1224 14th St. N.W._District 3348. DOWNTOWN PROPERTY. Several large, well located brick homes. Suitable for rooming houses. 16 rms., 2 and 3 baths. *12.960 up. Terms. District 3121, MOSS, Georgia 6483. MT. PLEASANT—N.W. Beautiful brick home of 6 large rooms, l'a tiled baths; garage: nice yard; mod ernly equipped; with new oil burner: near stores, schools and cars. $8,500; terms. Geo. 4138. Dist. 0368, SPECIAL—$6,760. BRICK BUNGALOW. In Bethesda. Small cash payment. $50 monthly GOSS REALTY CO . 6800 Wis. Ave._Wls. 2553. A HOME AND INCOME. Hear 4th and Emerson sts. n.w.; ar ranged for 2 families: one 3-room apart ment. another with 2 bed raoms. living room, kitchen and bath; recreation room, built-in garage; gas heat; nice porch; in sulated; all modernly equipped; near busses and stores: substantial cash pay ment; balance, $22.60 per month. Geo. 4138. Dist. 0368. $7,000—NEAR SPRING RD. AND NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. — Attractive two-story brick. 6 rooms and bath, hot water heat double rear glass-inclosed porches hardwood floors, garage. *9.260—-NEARBY MONTGOMERY COUN TY—NEW DETACHED RESIDENCE. .6 rooms. 2 baths; bed room and bath on first floor; hot-water heat, oil burner: hardwood floors, weather-stripped, side porch, garage. Over one-half acre lot. Just a few minutes from downtown. Only $1,000 cash. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H 3t. N.W. _National_2345. TWO SPLENDID BUYS > NORTHWEST. $7.750—Near new Woodrow Wilson High School A beautifully renovised semi-de tached brick home: 6 rooms, modern bath, modern kitchen with electric refrigeration, oil heat, built-in garage. Vacant and ready to occupy. Excellent rental Invest ment. $8,760 — Near new Woodrow Wilson High School. Materially reduced In price. Detached Colonial of 6 rooms tiled bath with shower, breakfast Book, lgrge front and two re»r porchejt lovely deep lot: garage, vacant: bargain BOSS & PHELPS. I NATIONAL 9300. EVENING PHONE, CALL MR. FISCHER OOLUMSIA 5810. A. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. —By BAER m: r^— i -HE'S JUST PRACTICING UP SO HE CAN ANSWER THAT AD IN THE EVENING STAR FOR A POINTER ” _HOUSES FOR SALE._ PETWORTH BARGAIN $6,750: I mis.. 1 bath, h -w h., gas, elec good condition 4 bed rms. attic, nice yard Adame ?i405 PRICE $11,750 POUR BED ROOMS AND TWO BATHS. 5 ACRE OF GROUND BED ROOM AND BATH FIRST FLOOR LATEST IMPROVEMENTS THROUGHOUT. BTUILT-IN GARAGE 7207 BRADLEY BOULEVARD • JUST PAST WILSON LANE.) OPEN DAILY. SHANNON 6i LUCHS CO _1505 H ST N.W._NATIONAL 2345. ON 7 th ST NEAR GALLATIN ST —NICE home or investment. 2 screened porches. , Rent. $50. Price $5.75o. J. EDW FOWLER & SON 1012 Eye St. N.W._ National 3679. • NEW—2-IN -1 HOME! $7.950—Just finished, with separate apart- [ ments of large rooms. 2 baths au- j tomat-ic heat. garaRp. Conven ient section, a few minutes from central n.w. and absolutely the best bargain on today's market. Better be prompt for this one! _Call National 1439. NEAR BETHESDA Lovely detached, reconditioned home of 7 large rooms, breakfast nook and many extra features, only found in specially and individually planned and built homes, as this happens to be. And of course being a foreclosure is the reason why it can be had at such a bargain. If you want a spacious home, lots of roomy closets, in a restricted community, then by all means call Natl 143!) for appointment to inspect, j 4621 1th ST. N.W. REDUCED TO $9,950. New semi-detached brick. 24 feet wide; 6 large rooms beautiful tiled baths, recre ation room modern electric kitchen, auto matic heat and built-in garage Finest construction. furred walls insulated, caulked, scrrened and weather-stripped. OPEN DAILY TILL 9 P M. 14th A K N.W._CAFRITZ. Dist. 9080. $6 250—NEW BRICK BUNGALOW. Conveniently located in nearby Vir ginia and priced very modest. Five big. bright rooms, cement porch, newest equip ment throughout, including electric re frigerator copper gutters and downspouts, screened, fireplace, daylight cellar, nice size lot with pretty shrubbery and a ga rage. This is an exceptionally good value and should bp seen without delay. Phone R. M. HOOKER Metropolitan 2663. Eve nlngs, 5 to 9, call Adams 4990._ NEAR BEAUTIFUL ROCK CREEK PARK. Seven-room brick row house, in good condition, in restricted Mt. Pleasant dis trict: h.-w.h . large lot; 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch: convenient to transporta tion. Price. $8,950. on easy terms. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 1519 K St. N.W_ District inis. CORNER FOR SALE. 7131 9th STREET N.W. All-brick dwelling eight rooms, two baths, h.-w.h.; built-in garage. Offer of $9,850 will be considered. GEORGE I BORGER _fi43_ Indiana Ave. N.W. Natl. 0350._ $10,950 BUYS Beautiful Ch. Ch.. Md.. corner containing R rms.. 2 baths, oil heat, beautifully land scaped lot: small cash, balance under one trust at 5V' interest until paid. Call J._WESLEY_ BUCHANAN INC . Met. 3772. ; ~ TO CLOSE ESTATE! Picturesque home of French-Normandy architecture. Built of stone and brick, containing 6 rms. and bath. 2 rear porches, located best section Burleith; a few minutes from downtown. Price. $8,000. WE ADVISE AN IMMEDIATE INSPECTION Call MYRON IVEY, with J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. INC.. Adams 9099. until 9 p.m._ MASS. AVE. HEIGHTS. $20,500. A beautiful detached home in an un usually fine residential section offered at a great sacrifice; 8 large rooms. 2 baths and lavatory: 2-car built-in garage; oil h.-w.h. Large kitchen with new and mod ern equipment; 2 sun parlors, servants’ quarters. For further particulars call WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., _1519_K_St. N.W._ _ District 1015._ CORNER BUNGALOW. NEARBY VIRGINIA. Reconditioned throughout: H delightful rms.. bath, garage. General Elec, refrigera tor. elec, range, new inst. h.-wf. heater, h.-w.h. with oil burner, beautifully shrub bed: wooded lot. 100x115. Additional land adloining. 200x100. For further details. MR FREDERICKS. District 3100. all day; after R:30. Randolph 1740.__ 44th and Ellicott St. N.W. YOUR CHOICE Of painting, papering and decorations, etc., available at NO ADDITIONAL COST if any of the 13 new AIR-CONDITIONED detached homes now nearing completion are sold before being placed on the market. A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING can be had if purchased now. Over 60 honv*s have been built and sold in this desirable northwest location, convenient to stores, schools, transportation and churches. Representa tive on tob daily. _14th and K. CAFRITZ. Pist. 0080. $8,950—NEAR MASS. AVE. A Dutch Colonial brick and frame home, only a few years old and in perfect condi tion Six very large rooms, the kitchen Is spacious and well equipped, large attic, beautiful bath with shower: lot 40xlB2. with garage. It would be hard to match this value today. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DIST. 1411. 828 RICHMOND AVE., SILVER SPRING—$8,450. Detached brick home; 8 large rms.. attic garage. Priced $2,000 under origi nal price to close estate. Out Georgia ave. 1 block beyond District line. Turn right over bridge continue on Falkland dr. to Richmond ave and home. Open and Lighted to 0 P.M. EUGENE H. PHIFER. _North SHOO._Potomac_44BK_ NORTH WOODRIDGE. Beautifully planned, new detached brick homes in new subdivision. 70 home sites, H large rms.. with tile bath and shower. Attractive living rm. with open fireplace. Modern elec, kitchen. Oil burner with year round hook-up. Weather stripped. Insu lated. large floored attic, concrete side porch Large, level lots. Oarage. OPEN EACH DAY UNTIL ft P.M. To inspect—Out R. X. ave. to 18th st. n.e . left on 18th to D. C. line, then 1 block to Rockwood ave. WM R THOROWGOOD, 2024 R. I. AVE. N.E. DECATUR 0317. Speculators—Home Seekers! 4-BED-ROOM DETACHED HOMS. Like New: Large Lot: Clarendon. REAL BARGAIN FOR EQUITY CASH. OWNER. MET. 4344. CL BY. 0626. k _HOUSES FOR SALE. _ i AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. 4144 ELLICOTT ST N.W NEW DE TACHED STONE HOME FIRST FLOOR. LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN. BED ROOMS. BATH. ’Jnd FLOOR. 4 BED ROOMS AND BATH DETACHED SINGLE-CAR GARAGE FULLY INSU LATED SCREENED OIL HEAT. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TO U PM COL. 1973. 12-BED-ROOM SACRIFICE. $17,950—Completely Furnished. ESTIMATED INCOME $4,800 PER YEAR. I Beautiful, artistically furnished home, j just off lbth st.. in an exclusive conven- ! lent neighborhood : contains complete apart ment in addition to the bed rooms 'each with running water). 4 baths, par ouet floors, open fireplace, roof garden, --car brick garage. House newly decorated throughout. Cali J B SHOWALTER, North H914. any time _ $6,750. 6 Rooms, Built-in Garage. NEW-HOUSE CONDITION 1 Block to Schools and Stores 707 Somerset PI N.W. Open Daily. 10-9. HARRY WARDMAN, ISIS K N.W Di5t.Ji8.in_ PRIVACY In Rock Creek Park, yet only five minutes from downtown. Two houses that are ideally situated Beautiful walled vards and rock gardens. 3 and 4 master bed rooms. I maids' rooms 3J2 and 4J2 baths, guartered oak floors ’.’-car garage, copper downspouts screened throughout including porches. These houses must be seen as they_ are above description Priced at v„*4 5o<). they cannot be duplicated today for $30,000, Will consider trade on small clear house Call MR. REILLY at Cleveland 3574 after 7 p.m 17* SPLENDID N.W. SECTION. AUTOMATIC HEAT—AIR CONDITIONED 9 ROOMS. $7,750.00. Splendid condition 3 apts. if desired or splendid rooming house. Easy terms. Live on one floor and more than pay for home with income from other floors. Call us today. METZLER-Realtor, Dist. 8600. 1106 Vt. Ave. __Sunday, nights. Ad a ms 116I6._ HERALD MODEL HOME, 290K TAYLOR ST. NI WOODRIDGE VILLAGE Exceptional Value Terms or Trade. Open Daily 10 to 9. TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOUSE FOR NEW CHEVY CHASE HOME. Colonial design detached tapestry brick, brand-new 7 large rooms, cedar closets, large built-in garage, automatic gas heat two tile baths: very large lot with rear all fpncrd (very pretty). Vacant. Instant possession Price right Located east end Bradley lane. H203 Melville pi. For key call Dist. 3830 or Dist. 2145. Evenings. Greenwood 2232, WEST OF GA^rAVE! „ SEMI-DET. BRICK Near schools, stores, theaters, trans portation. 4 bed rooms. 1 12 baths SEE 6205 12th ST. N.W. OPEN TO 9 P M S Rms. Built-in Garage. Priced to Sell—Terms. Out 13th st. to Ritt.. right to 12th. ROGER MOSS, _927 15th._ Dist. 3121. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Corner house, lovely grounds, front porch, center hall. Price reduced. House open. Apply OWNER. 4301 17th st. n w. 5404 39th ST. N.W., CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Newly renovated de‘ached house of six rooms and bath, modern kitchen with electric refrigeration, three porches (one inclosed), attic, hot-water h-eat. detached garage, large lot with shade trees. Imme diate possession. Open Evenings, 6 to 9 P.M. WAGGERMAN-BRAWNER REALTY CORP. 1700 Eye St. Met. 3800. GENTLEMAN’S SMALL ESTATE IN EXCLUSIVE EDGEMOOR. A modern home with all the appoint ments for comfortable family life as well as gracious entertaining in the midst of a beautifully landscaped setting of IV2 acres. The garden alone represents an investment of many hundreds of dollars and reflects a worth-while saving in time necessary to bring this tract to its present state of perfection. A word pictur* is fritile In describing this lovely estate but tne 14x21 reception hall. 17x32 living room and full private apt. for your over night guests are worthy of mention here. You must see this fine property to get a comprehensive idea of its beauty and value May we urge you before committing your self to build or buy. to arrange an ap pointment. to inspect this unusual offering? Call J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. INC.. Clev. 1526. KALORAMA HEIGHTS. $15,000—“SPECIAL.” Home In perfect condition and in Washington’s best residential section; 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, and all appointments as a fine residence. Owner sacrificing for immediate sale. For inspection call Dis trict oiiftfl any time._ YOU WILL AGREE With me when I say this is the finest value in Chevy Chase. Md. Located on the most exclusive street in this section—this beau tiful Colonial home on very large lot (with oak and beech trees) is now available— costing over $22,000 when new (now 4 years old) this home may be purchased for less than $17,000. Center hall, brick, furred walls, automatic heat and Insulated. 2-car brick garage. The first floor has everything, including a breakfast room and library with built-in bookcases. On the 2nd floor there are 3 large bed rooms, and 2 beautifully tiled baths with sun deck of! master bed room and wardrobe closets. The third floor has 2 bed rooms and 1 bath, ror further Information call Co lumbia 3157. after 6:30 p.m. k HOUSES FOR SALE. INSPECT TONIGHT. 600 VAN BUREAN ST. N.W. Beautiful Detached Homes. Eight large, light rooms <5 bed rooms), insulated attic, furred walls, hot-water heat electric refrigerator, garage and ail the latest improvements. Open and Lighted Until 8:30 P.M. Drive Out and Look Them Over. Howenstein Realty Corp., r 1418 H St._N.W._District 7877._ NEW—DETACHED. $11.250—0 RMS.. 2 BATHS Stone construction imposing and desirably arranged; living rm., dining rm . kitcnen. 2 bed rooms and bath on first floor: 4 rooms, bath on 2nd oil burner, electric refrigeration, screens weather strips, hard wood floors, garage near street cars and Woodrow' Wilson High School An oppor tunity that you should be quick to accept. Terms may be arranged. L. T. GRAVATTE, 729 loth St. Realtor Natl. 0753. Evening Phone Adams 1642. WOODRIDGE BARGAIN. Positively must be sold < r.. 4 bed r., oil heat, worth $8.non; $5.950 will buy it. Inspection by appointment only H C. MAYNOR. 2605 Brentwood rd. n e. North 4338. " 3050 CLINTON ST. N.W. Lovely bungalow 2 bed r oak floors; $5,250 $500 cash, $45 monthly. H. C. MAYNOR. 2605 Brentwood rd n e. North 4 338 SHEPHERD PARK. A Finer Home. 1145 Geranium St. N.W.. Cor. 16th. New corner center-hall brick and stone construction. 5 bed rooms. ;; baths, lava tory on first floor; recreation room. 2-car attached garage overlooking Rock Creek Park. Open daily to 9 pin. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. Met 1143 $8,950. BEAUTIFUL SPOT IN WOODSIDE An individual home, directly built, only I years old. looks like new; loi 5(1x12."). with beautiful surroundings and conven ient!y located, there are 6 very spacious rooms and 2 baths, attractive fireplace, well-equipped kitchen, attic, bright base ment. screened side porch slate roof, one car built-in garage It is built of brick and frame and has a fascinating color scheme Originally cost $16,509 reproduction cost would be more today Call Mr. Shea, eve nings, Adams 5569. with FRANK S, PHILLIPS. Dlst. 1411. J. B. TIFFEY Builder of liumrs PRESENTS 5120 New Hampshire Ave. Completely Furnished 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, salon dining room, dream kitchen, recreation room with fireplace, gas furnace, detached garage. Facing city park. Open Daily and Sunday BEITZELL 1515 K St. N.W. Dist. 3100 DEANWOOD D C. To colored—Six rooms and bath elec, and pa* water and sewr: deei» lot to alley house in splendid condition: located near business, churches and schools: cash pay ment S25<». monthly payments, *35. ALEX _S_CLARKE Jr 1410 H St N W. FOR COLORED 5-room bungalow, beautifully located. Sacrifice at Has large lot all conveniences. Owner leaving city. Phone North 1982 3 to 7 p m • REFINED COLORED Brick. D rms. bath and extra lavatory, in good condit.on. Near 11th and O ft.*, n w Price only $F>.5no less than assessed value. Call Mr Conner GOSS REALTY COMPANY. Natl. 3 353. 3405 Eye St. HOUSE! FOR SALE^IR RENT. PETWORTH NEAR GRANT CIRCLE 44 1 4 Illinois ave. n.w.—Detached 6 rooms and bay^garage. OWNER. Clarendon 1420-M • ^HOUSES WANTED JO BUY^ ALL CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE. ANY condition or location. J. L. HOPKINS. 1358 Fairmont st. n.w. Adams_l0451._ CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME, white or colored Immediate settlement. E A. GARVEY Dist. 4508. 1126 Vt. ave. 6 OR H RM. BRICK HOUSES: WILL FAY cash if price right. Call R. G. DUNNE. 600 H st. n.e., Lincoln 7630 UP TO $8.000—CASH BUYERS. NEW OR used houses; fhv. etc E. W. BAILEY. Adams 4780._Mail. 1435 Meridian n.w. _ PETWORTH OR MARIETTA PARK—CASH clients: up to $s.5oo. E W. BAILEY. Adams 4786. Mail. 1435 Meridian n.w. SPOT-CASH DEAL IF PRICED RIGHT. NO commission charge, no agents District 5079. BRICK HOUSE. D C . NOT OYER S7 noo cash. CHAU H. GRIGGS. 1427 I st. n.w. Dist. 0373._ CASH' PURCHASER DESIRES BRICK home in Chevy Chase. D. C Cleveland Park or similar desirable location in the District. Detached home of 4 bed rooms. 12 baths good-sized lot; around $3 0,000: give address and all particulars. Address Box 10O-S. Star office 4 BED-ROOM BRICK HOME WITH AUTO matic heat. Near Blessed Sacrament Church T. J. LANE. Jr.. _Woodward Bldg. _Natl. 9438, HELP! We need houses and lots in Silver Spring. Takoma Park. Petworth. Bright wood and Woodside. ROBERT E. LOHR 311 CEDAR ST._ GEORGIA 0881. REAL ESTATE WANTED. CASH FOR ALL CLASSES INVESTMENT property; p. c. only; no commission; im mediate settlement. Room (UO. 1010 Vt. ave. n.w. or Met. 2713. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. ti-ROOM HOUSE OF THE BUNGALOW type, with 2 acres of ground. 2 miles this side of Rockville; price. $4,1150; $500 cash, balance monthly. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. IT.'ll K st. n.w. CHEVERLY. $2,750. TERMS—NEW Dou ble construction; 4-rm.. bath bungalow, large wooded lots, garage: basement heat, elec, range, running water. DICKEY. 117 nth n.f LARGE HOUSE. AMT.. ON HIGHWAY; garden, fruit, outhouses: 111 acres. Ex change. OWNER, address Box 227-8. Star office.___15 ♦ NEARBY VA SACRIFICE—5-RO<JKl AND bath furnished bungalow: Treasury 10 min : $3,950: small down payment. Adajns l783. 11 RMS. FRAME-STUCCO. A.M.I.. LARGE lot. facing Colonial Village. Clarendon. Suitable for apts.. home with roomers. A real bargain. $7,000. easy terms. Wal nut 7511.__ DETACHED FRAME: FIVE ROOMS. BATH; elect, and gas: furnace heat: price, $3,500: cash. $250. monthly $30; vacant, ready for occupancy. Takoma Park. Md. ALEX. S. CLARKE. JR ,_1410 H st. n.w. NEW SIX-ROOM STONE HOUSE; REC reation room, 2 fireplaces, air-conditioned; nearby Virginia. Call Jackson 1805. 20* BRAND-NEW. 2-STORY" FINEST CON struction; Glebe rd. sec. of Arlington Coun ty: basement garage; choice of wall paper and heating: 7 rooms, bath and half. $3,950: 3 rooms, bath. $0,450. MR. BRYANT. Decatur 1111._* _ CLARENDON. VA.—fi-EM.. ATTR.. HOME, a.m.i., lge. lot. garage, in beautiful section of fine homes on principal thoroughfare. Owner moving to Florida: must sell at once Price. $3,950; easy terms. Call Walnut 7511._ NEW BUNGALOWS. SEAT PLEASANT. MD. —4 r. and b.. tub and shower: plastered: double constr.. hardwood floors: 3 lots: $3,300; terms. ZANTZINGER CO.. 945 K st. n.w._Natl. 9593._* SALE BY OWNER: ATTRACTIVE NEW bungalow: tile bath with shower, open fire place. hot-water heat. Price. $4,500. Terms. Call Greenwood 3027 after 3 p m. $5,600. Lyon Park, Va.; 5 rms„ 2 stories. Cape Cod; full base.; 7 minutes downtown Wash. Direct from builders. Other 5 and 6 rm. houses under construction. McCLAINE. 2100 Wilson Blvd.. Clar., Va, Wal. 9292. _ _ Open 8un. and Eve. 6-RM. BUNGALOW AND 5 ACRES OF land on a hard road near Rockville On)? $1,700. GOSS REALTY CO 6000 Wiaconaln Ave. Wise. 2553. i SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. _(Continued.)_ INVESTIGATE THIS " Attractive brick home on beautiful shaded lot in Ashton Heights. :j bed rooms. 1>2 baths oil heat 2 fireplaces screened porch and built-in garage Insulated Permanent financing. Call Mr. Lanham with BOSS PHELPS._Walnut_881 ft.__ 5-ACRE PLACE—ONLY $5,600. Mod. ft - r. house, bath, hot-water heat: extra cottage, 2-car garage biR poultry house, stable. 35-tree orchard; 2*> a pas ture. 2 a truck nr. rrollev bus: small cash. easy terms HANSEL Phone Clarendon 400 or Falls Church 430-J-l • SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING In good rental section—15 apts. of 3 rooms, kit. and bath: rent schedule at low rents, nearly yearly: nicely financed. Can be bought on small cash payment and reasonable terms Call Mr Rrr^^elr.opolitan F ELIOT MID DLETON 20;» Investment Bldg BETHESDA BARGAIN. T automatic heat, IA.?,9E CELLAR LOT Hhx 1 *10. "nd FL NOW RENTED AS AN APARTMENT 1 s! EL VACANT SEPARATE ENTRANCES - ELEC. REFRIGERATORS. TERMS $500 CASH. $«5 MONTHLY TO INCLUDE ALL INTEREST E. M AIKEN Moo H ST N W NATL. 3550, RES.. WIS. 32H3. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR JRENT. RMS . SEMI-BATH APT.. WITH HEAT elec . gas: furn. or unfurn : J:r> mo !io« Baltimore Pike^Riverdale 5-RM NEW MODERN BUNGALOW H.-w.h.. city elec., hardwood floors, fire place. School bus. Nr. Clinton. Md Only M miles from D C. line I-car garage 5 acres of land. $50 per month. OWNER Dist 7321. SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. WANT TO BUY SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE building lots within 8-mile radius mini mum size 80x100; approximately S4oo per lot: must have water and electricitv; send sketch complete size location arid all details. Address Box 331-S Star office. ___19* HAVE CLIENT FOR HOME IN VA ON good highway within commuting distance two or more acres, high, with trees, prefer brick or stone modern house not neces sarily new. Price around SI0.000. with good down payment. M LAZO 2801 Wilson Blvd.. Arlington. Va _Walnut 6880. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. S3.' >0—K ST. OFF N. CAPITOL. Modern O-rm brick h -w.h rent *35.75 month, has *7 700 ioan; pays *18 5m month. Write MR. MILLER, Box 22 71* 5th st^ n.w L ST. NORTHWEST NEAR NEW JERSEY ave.—5 brick houses and one frame with two double brick garages monthly rental. *123.50. Property clear. Bargain at *0 500. THOS. D WALSH. INC 815 Uth St. N.W Dist 7558-7550. A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY! $4,000 — 2-story brick. near Stanton Square Five rooms and bath hot *ater heat rented to white tenants at *45 a month in excellent condition. STORE AND TWO APTS of 4 rooms and bath each. In one of the best blocks of H st. ne. near 5c and 10c store and market. Now rented very cheaply at $10o per month, no leases. A bar gain at *13.250. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1565 H St._N.W._ _National 2345 $6 750—1st COMMERCIAL ON WIDE thoroughfare. 3-story brick bldg., which can easily be remodeled, showing nice re turn on present investment. POTOMAC REALTY CO . 3503 Ga Ave N.W. _ Adam> 1303 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A SAFE AND sound Investment in real estate showing better than lOG* on your money0 Have in excellent n.w section a new. .semi-detached 4-family brick apt building—all rented For further particulars call MR THROCK MORTON District 0002 ~ $4.950—MAKE-OFFER Brick alley corner 8 large rms. bath Nr Soldiers' Home Easy to make into apts KELLEY. Dist. 7741. Evenings. Cleveland 2385 NEAR 20th AND P N. W.—2-STOR Y brick 8 rooms, bath: electric light. Ren I *82 .->0 month Colored tenant Price S7.8.5M. c. W SIMPSON CO. J 074 Ver mont ave Met. 5700. LOTS K)R SALE. WOODED BUILDING SITE OVERLOOK Ing Washington. RANDLE & GARVIN, 2515 Pa ave. s.e Lincoln 1S7P_ 3 CHOICES HIGH LOTS FACINCTPUBLIC park. Takoma Park Md Cal! Shepherd 2353-W 4 to 6 p m. Corner Hodees lane and Holly ave._ BUILDERS. ATTENTION—SALE^OR-Ex change for income prop, best lots in Rock Creek Estate: so west of 16th st. Adams 2(165. OWNER BUILDDRS' ATTENTION—LGE WOODED lots. Silver Spring: nr. business section: a m i MR McCUNE, Dist. 11261. Pot. 1900. PICTURESQUE LOT BEAUTIFUL TREES, running through Irom 17th to Holly sts.. in Rock Creek Hills. Surroundings nicely im proved. Sale or exchange for income prop erty. Phone District 2:t7>6 in*_ EXCELLENT NORTHWEST SITES-PRICED ;ow geo E DIEFFENBACH Lot SDectalist. Natl, 88o0. 1101 Vt. ave. n.w Em. 4117 BEAUTIFUL FLAT SITE 4000 BLOCK Kansas ave.: close In: sidewalk and sewer In. 63-loot Irom. Call OWNER. 621 Ken yon st.. after 4 p.m._ 5189 — WOODED V A. LOTS' 5 0 - FT front: 20 minutes out good for cabins. Address Box 339-8. Star office. IMPROVEMENTS IN. CHEVY CHASE 2 wooded lots, each 50xl3<>. Raymond st block east of Brookville road. Excellent residential block. $1 10'U>0 each. Ad dress_ Box 395-8 Star office FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER. H lots. Hillside. Prince Geo. Co.. Md 1 block off Marlboro pike Inqire Mike Young's pi. Marlboro pike and Benning rd JULIA HUTCHERSON VERY DESIRABLE CORNER APT. SITE near 18th and Columbia rd J 8.000 square ft.; priced very low to settle an estate. F. ELIOT MIDDLETON _ 295 Investment Bldg_Met 2827. CHEVY CHASE D C. OLIVER ST. 3209 block—1V2 squares to bus. 1 square to school: 50x13212 ft : assessed value. $2,451: price. $1,87 5: includes street, sewer and water. J. H. GORDON CLEV. 1935._ $1.475—HILLCREST. Beautiful section of Southeast Washington on 33rd st.: 50x137 Just the place for your home. See Mr. SJtebbin. Evening phbne. Lincoln 8804-J A DELBERT W. LEE 1343 H St N W Dist 4699. APARTMENT' HOUSE SITE CHEVY Chase D C.. 200-ft. front. 47.000 sq. ft., nr. Connecticut ave. Also prominent corner. Conn. ave. Can probably be zoned first commercial, now zoned for 8-story apt house. 251 ft. frontage Brokers, at tention. FULTON R. GORDON 1427 Eye st. n.w. District 5230. HILLCREST—65x147. Corner lot in this beautiful community of attractive, detached houses, good lots are getting scarce in this section. See Mr Stebbin. Evening phone. Lincoln 8804-J. ADELBERT W. LEE 1343 H St. N.W._District 4800. CALIFORNIA ST.. WEST OF’24th. SHADED LOT 99-FT FRONT. NATURAL SUNKEN GARDEN. WIDE ALLEY AT REAR. _L._W GROOMES. 17 19 EYE_ST_ SILVER SPRING. " (A Bank Offering.) Overlooking park and senior high school: lots 70-foot frontage, many wooded. $950 upward: macadam streets, sewer, water, etc High elevation: design your own home, we will finance responsible individuals. Shep. 2130 for appointment. Office at Flower ave. and Schuyler rd. Open Sundays. COLORED Lots. $97.60 up: terms as low as $1 down and^1 monthly: in n.e. Natl. 4359 COLORED LOTS IN DEANWOOD AND FAIRMONT HEIGHTS $75 up. easy terms: help build. District 9170. LOTS WANTED. HAVE CASH FOR LOTS N.W. SECTION. Call WARREN T. COTHERN 913 New York ave. n.w National 7416. 15*_ BUILDER WANTS LOT. DETACHED homes Project. Owner to subordinate: n.w. only. Address Box 338-S. Star office. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. WAREHOUSE' FOR SALE OR RENT Lo cated centrally. 16.000 square feet: electric elevator; price reasonable. Address Box 344-K. Star office. SECOND-STORY SPACE 26x80: HEAT, water, electricity: suitable for office, light manufacturing or storage. Phone West 2437. After ft p.m.. Walnut 8857._ WAREHOUSE OR GARAGE. SEMINARY rd.. Montgomery Hills. Silver Spring. Md.. suitable for beer distributor: 000 square ft. of space; concrete alley. Phone Shep. 2384 or Shep 3270._ 2nd COMMERCIAL BUILDING. 6.080 Square Feet Space. FOR LEASE. Downtown, half block off Conn, ave.: fireproof building, suitable for garage, warehouse, manufacturing or any whole sale business. Priced right for long-term lease. Call MR UGAST. Emerson 1621 or Metropolitan 2627. F ELIOT MIDDLE TON. 205 Investment, Bldg. k BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. NEAR 18th AND COL. RB. «..A/‘f»cyvc stor* and 2 apts. income over 59T* ’ bar8aln *or qqlck .sale. Call Pol. SILVER SPRING. ' jfJSJI *^re- 25x80. With large apt above; excellent location for drug store dellcaies sen or bakery: ready for occupancy about May l _WALTER FUNDERBURK Shep ‘>401. H STREET N.E. Must be sold: two brick houses, 9 rooms, ftac_£, b -w.h elec., total frontage, 9) feet. Price. feM.fiOO for both A real buy. Hohenstein Brothers, _ . Exclusive Agents. _7th and H Sts. N.E. Line 0897 CORNER PROPERTY. GROCERY BU8INESS AND BUILDING. Store and 3 rooms on first floor; 3 rooms and bath on second floor; 3-car garage; mixed neighborhood. PRICE *13.300. Call MR GUIFFRE Met 3»"7' F ELIOT MIDDLETON, 305 Investment Bldg. BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED SMALL STORE AND APT : ANY GOOD location or 2nd commercial Have some cash. No brokers. Address Box 93-S. Star office _FARMS_ FOR SALE._ 550 DOWN—81-2 ACRES. WOODED. PAC ing gravel road: 1*21 ^ miles D C.; 3325. Atlantic 5205-J or National 3753. 16* 220 ACRES. NEAR LAUREL—10-RM. house, large stock barn, poultry house; ex cellent grain and grass land $h.<mio. W. G. WILLIAMS. Metropolitan Bank Bldg. ___18* _ TOBACCO GRAIN OR STOCK PASTURE lands in any size and liberal terms. State highway or back lands from 525 to 5100 per acre. Churches, high school busses, railroad station rapidly growing town within 20 miles of Washington. D C Met. 3254 or address Box 49]-Q S*ar office. INVESTIGATE AT MY EXPENSE This little OM-acre farm in rich Loudoun Co. Va nr Middleburg Very seldom is one offered an opportunity of purchasing anything worth while at such a low price in this beautiful mountainous country. Many miles of pretty bridle paths avail able. About 50 acres of good, rich tillable land and a livable 1-rm house that has possibilities for remodeling The property is ideal for any one who loves privacy Pretty setting of large oak trees around house An ideal week end place Price only $3,000; cash, balance easy. JOHN A BRICKLEY Suite 29 -'1" Barr Bldg Dr-* 7321. ONE OF THE BEST AND AT YOUR PRICE THE LYDDANE FARM Montgomery Co. Near Old Germantown—Subdivided 10 acres. I.’il acres. ‘J.'MI acres. And Personal Propertv. WILL BE SOLD At Public Auction Tuesdoy, April 20th, 11 A.M. Sold for Division. Easy Terms For further information Call, or write N. C. HINES b SONS Auctioneers 1511 K St. N.W. Tel. Di. 7710 FARMS WANTED. IAVE NUMBER OF CLIENTS WANTING • 2. acre farms Must have fairly good louse, offered at fair price M. LAZO CO . 2801 Wilson Blvd. Arlington Va. Walnut 6880. ""ACREAGE FOR SALE. i" acres near d. c LINE N E 5150 )er acre terms ZANTZINGER CO . flyattsville._National _05!»:. • KONT.. PR GEO.. CHARLES COUNTIB3. VI d Arlington Co Va 1«> 11 : > 4" ' and 105 acres at a specular r. e price right terms: buy to build develop or to bold. Land within ::«» mi. ol D C w:.l enhance. Cali for data N E RYON CO.. 12It; N Y ave. 22o:{ W’llson blvd. ACREAGE WANTED. WANTED—U TO 5 ACRES HIGH WOOD *d land, suitable for .small estate, n » pre ferred not over 10 miles Central High School price reasonable, will aey cash. Call Columbia .1020. WATER FRONT PROPERTY. BEVERLY BEACH CHESAPEAKE BAY— Lots, bungalows: terms. Gentiles only Send for booklet ._ Address MAYO. A A. Co.. Md. FOR SALE OR RENT. ON CHESAPEAKE Bav less than 30 m:. from Washington. Beautiful well-furnished cottage o rooms, complete bath 1st fl extra large Tnd fl . within half bl. of pier elegantly land scaped extra large yard inclosed, every city conv._CalJ_Adams TOO.Y___ THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW ON SALT water. T7 miles from Washington bathing boating, fishing, club house stores. hnu**e deliveries of groceries and icc free school bus Total price of bungalow including two lots. $T99 Easy terms Address Box 38-Q Star office BEACH SUBDIVISION AND FARM—1 vtl acres, long frontage 01. Chesapeake Bay. fin? bathing beach fishing grounds, con venient D. C : well started: many cottages sold and streets m a beautiful property; ripe for quick selling sacrifice price. - OOU. Easy terms to reliable party, due t® owner's ill health. Address Box T07-J, 8tar office.__ __ RENT FOR SEASON WATER-FRONT COT tage. living room T bed rooms, kitchen, complete bath screened throughout am i : beautiful view dimming, fishing, boating. Phone Clev 54 7;* FOR " SALE—CHOICE" LOTS ~$T<)ii $5 monthly payments. See DR BAILEY. North Beach._Mci SALE—SHADYSIDE. MD .'.-ROOM FUR nished cottage on water front fireplace, garage: lot. ooxT75 artesian well, prua^e pier, excellent boat harbor Clev. o]81, after pm. wee* days is* VIRGINIA BEACH—u-R. HOUSE. $3.000—$1,000 CASH BAL H» YEARS. OWNER MET. 4344 OR CLEV. I11T. EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING IN SHORE PROPERTY Commanding site, nearly two acres, wide frontage on beautiful South River New brick bungalow, living room. Tlxlo: open fireplace, dining room kitchen, two ma.Mer bed rooms and bath. Large servant's room in attic. Oil heat, lavatory and two-car garage in basement A Summer and Win ter residence Illness of owner reason for selling Pricp. $8,500. Reasonable terms. Phone Dist :;.VTT GEO W LINKINS CO _ ON CHESAPEAKE BAY. ONLY 27 MILES FROM WASHINGTON. New restricted development, beautiful beach-front lots Can be had at unheard of prices Safe harbor for boats. Superb salt-water bathing and fichmg. The bay here is 15 miles wide Beautiful corner lot with large oak trees loo ft from water. Price. $95; terms. We will build you a beautiful cottage 3 rms. kitchen bath room, large porch. HxTT ft with bronze screening, open fireplace with heat-o-later that circulates heat. Good water. Price only $995 Small down payment, $T0 month 1719 K st. n.w Call Natl. 1107 from 9 am. to lo pm MONEY TO LOAN^ MONEY TO LOAN ON D C REAL ESTATE at lowest interest rate Prompt service. JESSE E, HEISKELL. 1115 Eye st. n.w.__ HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR Tnd TRUST notes; confidential; quick action. E. A. GARVEY District 4 508. 11T0 Vt. ave._ FIRST-TRUST MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate 5G interest: quick service. P J WALSHE. INC.. 1107 Eye St N.W_National 0468. SECOND-TRUST LOANS TO HOME OWN ers. builders and brokers. Prompt service Collateral loans also made Call, write or see COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO 335 Southern Bldg. District HI 50-1._17* PLENTY MONEY AVAILABLE FOR SEC ond-trust loans, taxes and first-trust in terest Let me relieve your burdens by consolidating your debts. Call WARREN T. COTHERN, 913 New York Ave. N.W. National 7410. lrt* MONEY WANTIP. WANTED FIRST" MORTG AGE LOAN FOR $5.o00.0o on beautifully located South River home on water front Property In fine condition Cost $18,000. Address Box 350-8. Star office • PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Operating Under Uniform Small _Loan Laws._ _ /Nn6RIJ> i 0 ^Ns A Domestic Integrity Loan means that you borrow on your name only—just sign a note. Anyone— single or married — may obtain cash on this simple, easy-to repay plan. Domestic also makes quick loans on cars or other personal security. DOMESTIC FINANCE CORPORATION A Small Loan Company Aleian4ria-103S.Wash St , Phone 1717 Reulyn—2nd. FI., Arlington Tr. Bldg. Phone WE at 0306 Alt. Rainier—3306 Rhode Island Phone DEeatur 4574 Operating Under Smell Lean Lews