Newspaper Page Text
STORES FOR RENT. iR,94., 20th SR n.w.—LARGE ffTORE, *nt business, rent, $52.50. N?t£^i*^oP' BB<->WN, 615 4th st. s.w. 1705 DE SALES h3TREER Opposite the Mayflower Hotel. — tTNKTNS CO 17 A A De Sales St. 1015 9th ST. N.W. .„5'*,taille for an?' business. Close to Rth • nd N. Y. ave. Will decorate to suit tenant. Rent only $65 ROBT. L. McKEEVER CO., INC., ghoreham Bide. Natl. 4750. _A U TOMO BILE LOA NS. “ WE MAKE AUTO LOANS OTHERS REFUSE. Now you can borrow' $26 to $800 in 16 m< ,utes on any car. 1029 to 1007. whether paid for or not. You do not have to get indorsers. You are not embarrassed by an investigation. Loans Made on Md. and Va. Cars. AUTOMOBILE FINANCE COMPANY • 3068 M St. 'Georgetown) 14th & Que N.W.—15th & H N.E. WE RE FINANCE CARS IN SMALLER PAYMENTS Interest Charred on Balance Only No Brokerare Fee or Bonus No Procurinr Charres j No Endorsers Required AUTO LOANS IN 5 MINUTES Consultation Courteous and Confidential Ayares Small Loan Co., Inc. 7902 GEORGIA AVE. Silver Spring, Md. SHep. 3700 _ LEGAL NOTICES. _ NOTICE OF LIMITED'PARTNERSHIP. Name: “Long fellow Beauty Shop." Business: Ownership, management and ©Deration of a beauty parlor. General Partner: Gene I. Stacy, 653 E. Capitol St. Special Partner. James H. Edwards. 2311 Conn, ave Special Partner's Contribution: $2,600. Commencement: March Jb. 1937. Termination: March lb. 1942. or sooner by mutual consent. mh23.25,2 r.30-apl .3.6.8,10,13 15.17._ EL WOOD H SEAL AND WALTER L. FOW LER, Attorney* for Petitioner*. XN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District ot Colum bia In Re: Condemnation of land for the acquisition of land in Square 6602 for al ley purposes in the District of Columbia.— District Court No. 2-4 ‘,4 - NOTICE AND ORDER OF PUBLICATION—Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the pro visions of section 1608 to section 1010, Inclusive, of the Code of Law for the Dis trict of Columbia, have filed a petition in tms court praying for the condemnation ©f the land necessary for the opening of «n alley in Square 5602 (bounded by T rtreet. Kith Street 14th Street and Good lope Road» m the District of Columbia, as shown on a map or plat filed with the faid petition as part thereof, and pray ing also that this Court empanel a jury in accordance with the law provided for in auch cases to assess the damages each owner of land to be taken may sustain by reason of the opening of the alley m the said square, and the condemnation of the land necessary for the purposes thereof, and to assess as benefits resulting there from the entire amount of said damages, including the expenses of these prcxeed K gs. upon each lot or part of lot or par cel of land which w ill be benefited bv said condemnation, in the proportion that the said jury may find said lots, parts of lots, or parcels of land will be benefited as pro ' ded for in and by the aloresaid Code of Law It is. by the Court this J2th dav of April. 1937, ORDERED. That all persons having any interest in these proceedings be, and they are. warned and commanded to appear in this Court on or before the £*th day of May. 1937. at ten o clock £ M.. and continue in attendance until the Court shall have made the final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and the assessment of benefits of the jury to be empaneled and sworn here in. and it is further ordered, that a copy of this notice and order be published twice a week for two successive weeks in the Washington Evening Star, the Wash ington Herald and the Washington Post, r.f*wspapers published in the said District, commencing at least ten days before the said 28th dav 0f May 19.37. It is further ordered, that -a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States Mar shal. or his deputies, upon each of the owners of the fee of the land to be con demned herein as may be found by the said Marshal, or his deputies, within the District of Columbia, before the said 28th day of May. 1937. BY THE COURT AL FRED A WHEAT Chief Justice. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: CHARLES E. STEW ART. Clerk. By GEORGE A WATTS. Asst Clerk._ap.14.16.21,22. PROPOSALS f^OCUREMFNT DIVISION. PUBLIC Buildings Branch. Washington. D C . < April 9. 1937 —-Sealed bids in triplicate | will be publicly opened in this office at 10 A M. May 1 1. 193 7. for furnishing and Installing interior lighting fixtures in the Photo Laboratory at the U S Department ©f Agriculture. Extensible Building at Washington. D C. Specifications will be aurDliPd free to each Contractor inter ested in submitting a proposal. W E. REYNOLDS Assisting Director of Pro curement Public Buildings Branch, up. 1 6,17,19. AUCTION SaTesT _FUTURE._ THOS. J. OWEN A: SON. AUCTIONEERST 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES* SALE OF A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 322 T STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber 5726. folio 63. one of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the under signed trustees will offer for sale at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUES DAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF APRIL. 1937. AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. all that parcel of land situate and being in the District of Columbia and describee as lot 3. square 3566 in the subdivision made the Retreat House Society of Wash ington. as per plot recorded in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia in Liber 83 folio 32. together with the im provements thereon, the lot having a front age of 18 feet by a depth of 82.59 feet to a 16-foot alley, improved by a tw-o-story and cellar-brick dwelling containing 6 rooms and tile bath, front and two-story rear porches, hot-water heat and metal garage Terms jf sale: ALL CASH. A deposit of "3 on required of purchaser at sale. Exami nation of title, conveyancing, recording revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale other wise trustees reserve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting pur rhaster. after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington D C or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trus tees may avail themselves of anv legal or equitable rights against defaulting pur chaser, E C ROW2EE ...1«i,„,.W,ATSON F. CLARK, aps 10.13 15.1 , 'l(J_ Trustee*. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS, 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF BRICK BUILDING SITUATE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIRD AND H STREETS SOUTH WEST. BEING PREMISES NO. 230 H STREET SOUTHWEST. Bv virtue of a decree in the District F'utP<i States for the Dis inct^9,*„.Co’um'>la- Passed in Equity Cause No. 63310 we will sell at public auction. i.9„Lro,lt„9X.,JjS.premises' °n WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF APRIL , AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M. the fOllowlny-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and being lot numbered twenty-eight. (°8) in enuare numbered five hundred eighty-nine <oK9). with the improvements thereon Terms of sale: All cash $300 deposit required upon acceptance of bid. All con veyancing. notary fees and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be com Pl’"d with within thirty days from day of saie. otherwise the trustees reserve the richt to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days’ advertisement of such resale !n some newspaper published in Washing ton. D. C. BEN LINDAS. 532 4th St. S W. WILLIAM A OOOMBE. Colorado Building. _ Trustees. mhl9.26.ap2.9.1 0,12,13.14. 15-16 17.19.2 (K21__ Thomas j] owen a son, auctioneers 1431 Eye St. N.W. TOU8TEES* SALE OF DESIRABLE TWO STORY BRICK AND FRAME DWELL ING KNOWN AS PREMISES 1245 SIXTH STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded In Liber No. H471. at folio 88. of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, we shall sail in front of the premises on FRIDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF APRIL. A.D. 1937. AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M.. part ot original lot numbered eight (8) in square- numbered four hundred and eighty one <4Ki); beginning at a point on 6th street, distant 60 feet south of the north west corner of said lot and square and run ning thence east 93 feet 4 inches; thence south 17 feet; thence west 93 feet 4 Inches; thence north on Hth street 17 feet to the point of beginning. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years, with interest at six per cent per annum payable semi annually; or if monthly terms desired. $500.00 cash balance monthly, or all cash af the option of purchaser. Deposit of $300.¥0 required at time of sale. Terms of srIp to be complied with within thirty days from date of sale otherwise the trustees reserve the right the resell the property at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser, after five days' adver tisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the District of Columbia or deposit may be forfeited, or without for feting deposit, trustees may avail them selves of any legal or equitable rights against defaulting purchaser. Further par ticulars at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. VERNON G OWEN. WTLLTAM G. SCHAFHIRT apl 3 ^ Trustees. TARZAN’S QUEST. —By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS «SrSSW«6iaSR5 Soon the camp was made ready for the night. Tibbs took up the first three-hour watch, and Brown remained with him a few minutes. “I don’t like to see Uidy Greystoke go away alone tomorrow," Tibbs sighed; “If it weren’t for the princess, we could all go.’’ “Right,” Brown agreed; “the old dame is a darned nuisance. You might bump her off, Tibbe.” The pilot grinned, stretched, then went off to bed. Sborov was still standing outside the shelter, but as Brown entered, he followed, and both lay down to sleep. At midnight, Tibbs awakened Brown to mount guard. He had been on duty only a short time when Annette joined him. There was something vaguely strange In her manner. “What’s the mat ter. girlie?" the aviator demanded; “what’re you doing up at this hour?” “Something woke me about half hour ago,” she said, with a note of fear and mystification in her voice; “I awoke with a start, and I had the feeling that something was crawling around inside the hut—something so very wierd and creepy. I am afraid!” AUCTION SALES. _ future!___ THUS J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OP VALUABLE TWO SI'ORY. BASEMENT AND ATTIC BRICK HOUSE SITUATE NO. 'HtOK FORTY-FIFTH ST. N.W; CONTAIN ING 10 ROOMS AND 3 BATHS WITH DETACHED GARAGE By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In Liber No. B5til. lolio 62U et seq. of tile land records of the District of Co lumbia and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWENTY THIRD DAY OF APRIL. A.D 1037, AT THREE-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 47 in square 1338 in William C. Miller and Allison N. Miller s subdivision as per plat recorded In the office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 87 folio 183 Subject to and together with a perpetuai right of way described more fully In said deed of trust. Subject to covenants of record. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $1<> further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $1.00.000 re quired. Conveyancing recording etc., at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. CARL C. CRAMPTON. DION S. BIRNEY. aplS 15.17.20,22 Trustees. THOMAS J. OWEN A: SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Street Northwest. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BEING A TWO-STORY. BRICK-AND-STONE BUILDING CON TAINING A STORE ROOM ON THE FIRST FLOOR AND FOUR ROOMS AND BATH ON THE SECOND FLOOR. KNOWN AS 1 025 CONNECTICUT AVE NUE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, re corded in Liber No. 5907 at folio 229 of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and a' the request of the Darty se cured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY. 1937, AT POUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK PM the following-described land and premises situate in the District of Colum bia. and being lot numbered thirteen (13) in G. W. Hopkins and others' subdivision of lots in square numbered one hundred and eleven (111), as per plat recorded in Liber R. W folio 114 of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: All cash A deposit of $1,500.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing recording. revenue stamps, etc., at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty (30) days of the date of sale, other wise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of de faulting purchaser after five (5) days’ previous advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. J. WRILEY JACOBS. Surviving Trustee. 935 15th St. N.W.. . Washington. D. C. Note: The trustee is advised that the holder of the notes secured by the above mentioned deed of trust will entertain an application for a loan on the property sold in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 on terms and conditions, otherwise acceptable to it. The trustee makes no representa tion that any loan mav be so obtained, and any negotiations concerning the same must be had between any purchaser and the holder of the notes mh27 30-apl.,13.15.17,20.22.24, 27.29-myJ .4 THOS. J. OWEN SON. Auctioneers. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. Valuable tract of ground, containing about 132.53 acres more or less, suitable for use as an estate or for subdivision purposes, having a frontage of 1,533 feet on the easterly side of Rockville Pike, about 1,500 feet north of Jones Mill road on which the property also has a front age of 190 feet and running back in the rear to Rock Creek Park; proposed being located about a mile north of the business center of Bethesda, Md. At Public Auction. By virtue of authority vested in us. we will offer for sale at public auction, on the premises facing the Rockville Pike, on j THURSDAY. THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF APRIL A.D. 1937. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM. the following-described land situate in Montgomery County. Mary land know'n as the "C. C. BOHRER TRACT ” containing approximately 132.53 acres fronting on the easterly side of the Rockville Pike, immediately opposite the estate known as Tree Tops"; with a frontage on the northerly side of Jones Mill Road just west of the Columbia Country Club, and running back in the rear to Rock Creek Park proposed. This property is ideally situate for development as a large estate being in the vicinity of the Wilson Hamilton. Parker. Peter. Thorpe and Grosvenor Estates: or it may be readily subdivided being just north of those subdivisions known as “Glenbrook Village ••Rosedale.” West Chevy Chase Heights.” •Woodmont.” and "Bethesda.” Terms of sale: One-third of the pur chase price to be paid in cash, balance payable In equal installments In one. two and three years, secured by deed of trust on property sold bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of S2.6U0.UO in cash or certified check required at time of sale. All conveyancing, examination of title, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at the cost of the purchaser. Terms or sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the owner's agent. This tract will first be offered as an entirety; the owner's agent reserving the right to offer the front fifty acres separately. PIERRE C. DUGAN & NEPHEW. __ Owner’s Agent. BROKERS. PLEASE NOTE: The owner’s agent agrees to pay a commission of 2 \-iro to the broker securing a purchaser for this property at the auction sale. To be eligible for this commission, the broker must notify Thos. J. Owen <fc Son, Auc tioneers prior to the sale, in writing of the name of the client he represents, to gether with an acknowledgement on the client s part that the broker is his rep resentative. apll.15.L7.18.2U.21. THOS. J. OWEN i SON, AUCTIONEERS. 1401 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF A TWO-STORY FRAME RESI DENCE. KNOWN AS PREMISES 1146 EIGHTH STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 6084 at folio :)17. one of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY FIRST DAY OF APRIL. A.D. 1937. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being the north 4 feet 6 inches front by the full depth thereof of lot numbered fourteen < 14) and the south 18 feet front by the full depth thereof of lot numbered fifteen (15) m Rothwell and Naylor's sub division of square numbered four hundred and tw»nty-five (425). as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber N. K. at folio 289: subject to the building restriction line as shown on said plat. Terms of sale: One-third of the pur chase money to be paid In cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years with interest at six per centum per annum payable semi-anually from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $260 will be required at time of sale. All convey ancing recording, etc., at cost of pur chaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, other wise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of de faulting purchaser, after five days’ adver tisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. UNION TRUST COMPANY OP THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. By OEO. B PLBMwS1**' splO-d&ds.exSu Tice President. AUCTION SALES. _TODAY.__ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS, liyi EYE ST. N.W. Chancery Sale of Valuable Residential Property Known as 3504 Runny mede Place Northwest, Being a Two-Story Brick Building Containing Six Rooms and Garage. And Valuable Investment or Resi dential Property Known as 1725 Eleventh Street Northwest. Being a Two Story Frame Building Con taining Six Rooms. By virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia in Equity Cause No ftlKOO the undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction subject to the subsequent approval of the Court, in front of the respective premises on THURSDAY APRIL FIFTEENTH. 1037, AT THREE O'CLOCK P M Lot number seventy (70) in Fulton R. Gordon's subdivision lots and square num ber two thousand and three (**003) of “Chevy Chase'' as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber seventy-seven (77) at folio one hundred and ninety-one (101) and improved by premises 3504 Runny mede Place N.W.. subject to the build in* restrictions as shown on said plat and by the record and also subject to covenants that run with the land. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the pur chase price to be paid in cash and the bal ance payable In one. two and three years ; from date of sale to be represented by the promissory notes of the purchaser to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually and to be secured by a first deed of trust on property, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. Five hundred dollars (5500.0(»i dpposit shall be required of the purchaser at the time of said sale. WUK Ul LU( K r.M. Lot two <2> in L. S Chapman’s subdl [ vision of lots and square three hundred i and thirty-five (335) and improved by premises 1725 Eleventh Street N.w., as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor lor the District of Columbia in Book R W page forty-one (41), now known for the purposes of assessment and taxation as lot eieht hundred and five • 805) in square three hundred and thirty five <335) Terms of sale- Three hundred dollars ($300.(H)) in cash to be paid at time of sale, the purchase price to be paid within thirty days after the consummation of the sale all cash above the existing deed of trust of about one thousand two hundred ninety-six dollars and ninety-eight cents ($1,290.98) which trust the purchaser shall assume and agree to pay. All conveyancing notarv fees, recording, revenue stamps and examination of title at the cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from the approval and ratification thereof by the Court otherwise the Trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after five days' notice bv advertisement of the resale in some newspaper published in Washington D C Rents, taxes, water rent, insurance and interest on existing incumbrances, if any. are to be adjusted as of date of transfer and special improvements completed prior to date hereof whether assessment there for has been levied or not. shall be paid or proper allowance made therefor by the vendor at the time of the transfer THESE TRUSTEES ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE AND REPORT ANY OFFER FOR PRIVATE RALE OF THIS PROPERTY WHICH MAY BE PRESFNTFD IN AD VANCE OF THE PUBLIC OFFER IF SUCH A PRIVATE OFFER IS RECFTVFD ! BEFORE THE DATE OF SALE THESE i TRUSTEES WILL WITHDRAW THE PROP- I ERTY FROM THE OFFERING TO THE : PUBLIC PENDING THE ACTION OF THF COURT THEREON THF TRUSTEES ARE ALSO AUTHORIZED TO HAVE A RE SERVED PRICE IN THEIR DISCRETION UNDFR WHICH THE PROPERTY SHOULD NOT BE SOT D CHARLES S SHREVE 1001 15th St N.W. ALFRED L BENNETT 729 loth St N.W., Trustees. mhl3.20.27ap3.5.7 9.1 _;_FUTURE._ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING. CONTAIN ING FOUR STORES ON GROUND FLOOR. WITH OFFICE SPACE ON SECOND FLOOR. OCCUPIED BY FED ERAL GOVERNMENT. SITUATE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FIFTH AND K STREETS NORTHWEST AND BEING PREMISES NOS. 926 AND 928 FIFTH STREET NORTHWEST. AND 600-502-604-506 K STREET NORTH WEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 6570. folio 451 et seq.. of the land records of the District j of Columbia, and at the request of the 1 party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front 1 of the premises, cn WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL A D. 1937. AT FOUR O’CLOCK P.M . the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot numbered twenty-four 1 Hi Morris Wittlin and Samuel M. Deckelbaum’s combination In sauare num oered four hundred eighty-four (484> as per plat recorded in Book 93. page 64 of the records of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, together with all Dunaings and improvements of every kind and description now or hereafter erected or placed thereon, including all engines, boilers elevators, dynamos, heating and i£-h!1P* aDDaraLus. sprinkler or fire extin guishing system, mechanical refrigeration (including refrigerators) and equipment of every kind and description now owned, or which may hereafter be owned by the partv hereto of the first part, in and upon said premises or which may hereafter be placed Lhe rame- including any eauity r lu «la5l be ac<*uired by the said parties or the first part in any such equipment as a result of the making of installment pay ments on account of the purchase of the same and all each and every of the interior improvements and fixtures, movable or immovable of every kind and descrip tion in and upon said premises or which may hereafter be placed in or upon the same or used in connection therewith- it being understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the words “land and premises wnerever they occur in these presents, shall be deemed to include all fix tures and personal property above men tioned and conveyed. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the pur chase money to be paid in cash balance in three equal installments, payable in one two and three years, with interest at 6Va per centum annum payable semi-an r.ually from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A SSSSvwn? J-000.00. ln ca5?h or certified check will be required at time of sale All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps " cost of purchaser. Terms of sale .with1n thirty days from thJ wlvff11**’ oth^wise the trustees reserve inn Vfil4 JP/^?elUhe property at the risk cost of defaulting purchaser after five days advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington D c HARRY L RUST. OFO CAUVFFT BOWIE HARRY L. RUST. Jr.. ?-d<feds,exSu_ Ad»m A. Weachlcr A Son. Auctioneer!. FURNITURE STIEFF UPRIGHT PIANO Bu order Far ran’s Transfer A Storaae Co. for charges, et al. Moderne Twin and Double Bed Room Suites, Dining, Living Room and Bed Davenport Suites, Breakfast Suites, De sirable Odd Pieces, Radios, Rugs, Carpets, Etc. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E ST. N.W. SATURDAY Commenoinr at » O'clock A.M. at 3 P.M. - DRESSES DU jackets apis,1C _ L ETTER-OU T BY CHARLES H. JOSEPH. In AtTmt Letter-Out end you heve to do » XvAJN (jr.t!j this to get something. | Letter-Out end It le wood. 2 LADLE 2 __ ___ __ Letter-Out end hunters do this. 3 PROTEAN 3 4 SNORE 4 r ttfirmnir Letter-Out end K ginks In the _ 5 MISERY mud- 5 Remove one letter from each word and rearrange to spell the word called for in the last column. Print the letter in center column opposite the word you have removed it from. If you have "Lettered-Out’’ correctly heroes' get this. Answer to Yesterday's LETTER-OUT. . nr iirnnn I P Letter-Out and scouring powder 1 GLANCES | G cleans 1 2 MERMAID | A 1 DIMMER 2 3 MOULTS | M | "y “ 3 , . t-. I II Letter-Out for a poet whose first 4 NODULAR | U n,,me wa‘l^ndor 4 _ l T I Letter-Out and every girl has on* 5 TOURIST I T | 5 (Copyright. 1937.) AUCTION SALES. _TOMORROW._ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. Pursuant to authority vested In the undersigned executors, we will sell at pub lic auction within the office of Thos. J. Owen Son. 1431 Eye st. n.w . on FRI DAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF APRIL. JW37. AT ONE-THIRTY O’CLOCK PM Certificate No. 108 for 28 shares of the Capital Stock of the LINCOLN HALL AS SOCIATION. of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: All cash. C. F JACOBSEN and THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK OF WASHINGTON. D. C.. Executors of the Estate of Flora B. Welch, deceased. _jipft.9.13.15 _ GARAGES FOR WENT. $4 MO REAR loth AND COL. RD.. 1,129 Delafield. Colony Theater. N. E. RYON CO . 1216 N.JY. ave.__ __ TRAILERS FOR SALE. _ TRAILWAYS HOUSE & CAMP TRAILERS, display and utility trailers. •$275 and up. Mid. and sold by Herman Born 4c Sons, Inc.. 219 N. Fremont ave. Baltimore. Mo. Plaza 40Q.4.___ HAYES all-steel electric welded ino rivets), life time, safety trailers. PRINTCRAFT BLDG. GARAGE. INC. 930 H ST. N.W. i Basement i Met. 6921. "IT S EASY TOOWN A SILVER DOME." Our liberal finance plan enables respon sible purchasers to enjoy the pleasure and economy of trailer life and travel. Obtain details by visiting Trailer City, second floor. L. P. Steuart. Inc., 1440 P st. n.w. All models on display. _ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE._ FORD 1929 1 z ton in good running cond.; only $19. Woody, rear 1216 N. Capitol st. Met. 8044._______ T-lb-A 19.15 6. M C. cab and chassis: $450 30 M st. n.e._Met.__0505._ FORD 1931 11-2 ton. $95; G. M. C. 1931 1»A ton. $75; Chev. 1912 »i ton. $85: Chev. 1933 >i ton. $165: Dodge 1934 ton. $190- all in fine condition. Woody, rear 1216 N. Capitol st. Met. 8044.__ FORD 1936 stake body truck, l'/j ton. 157-in. w.b.; looks and runs like new. just put in new V-n motor; sacrifice, complete, only $4.19; terms. Evans Palmer, 4432 Conn.ave._ CHEVROLET 1934 truck. '-2-ton pickup, $2.15._210 Nth st._s.e. Mr. Hobbs._ PLYMOUTH 1936 sedan delivery; never been sold, on display only: make wonder ful delivery truck. Sacrifice. $489; terms. Evans Palmer, 14th and L sts^n.w._ FORD 12-ton panel trucK. prooaDiy tne nicest one in town; entirely overhauled: $1 riown_$9.8t^ monthly. 1166 18th n.w.* DODGE licit) truck, l',2 tons, lf)4-lnch w. b , chassis and cab. dual wheels, low mileage excellent condition throughout. Terms. Mr. Anderson._H142 29th st.ji.w._ CHEVROLET ‘a-ton panel, new finish. Dandv motor. Good tires. Runs and looks almost like new. Priced low at $319. Terms_Owen* Motor Co.. 6323 Oa. ave._ DODGE 1934 panel delivery; like new in every detail; new midnight blue paint; good tires, splendid motor: any business house can be proud of this fine truck. REO DISTRIBUTORS. Champlain Kalorama rd. n.w. FLEMING MOTOR COR P. Col. 102U._ FORD 1934 slake. 157-lnch wheelbase, dual wheels with helper springs, faultless mechanically, heavy-duty tires and ready for work; any reasonable offer accepted, carries our Famous Blue Ribbon guaran tee and 30-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. Truck Center, 4th and Fla. ave. n.e. Na11. 3985.__ FORD 1935 panel with 34-ton black body, like new V-8 motor, smooth and sound; 5 very good tires, new-car condition every way; any reasonable offer accepted; car ries our Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 3n-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. Truck Center. 4th and Fla. ave. n.e. Natl. 3985.__ CHEVROLET 1935 chassis and cab on 157 inch duals, all tires excellent, helper springs, closed cab: will take large body for heavy duty: tiptop mechanical order; any reasonable offer accepted: carries our Fa mous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30-day no-cost service. ‘ Triangle Ford Dealers, Truck Center. 4th and Fla. ave. n.e. Natl. 3985.____ CHEVROLET ’35 hydraulic dump truck, $495. lVa-yard Hercules body excellent. Firestone tires: ready to go to work; less than half the price of a new truck ADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS _1437 Irving St. N.W. Adams 5411. f CHEVROLET ’34 hydraulic. dump truck, $435. 2-yard Heil body like new. good tires, mechanically above average; the body alone is worth $300; our price com plete. $435. __ ADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS 1437 Irving St. N.W. Adams 541L_ CHEVROLET '36 closed-cab pickup, $385. Excellent condition throughout, equipped with wire wheels, hydraulic brakes: special t0daADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS. 1437 Irving St. N.W. Adams 5411._ CHEVROLET '36 131-inch dual chassis and cab $475: with 32x6 ln-ply tires and helper springs hydraulLc brakes: cost $840 new. ADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS 1437 Irving St. N.W. Adams 5411._ DODGE ’35 commercial sedan delivery. $385. Dark blue original finish: ideal for cleaner or furrier. Special today $385. ADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS _1 437 Irving St. N.W._Adams 5411._ FORD ’31 1‘4-ton panel. $105. A good, sturdy truck suitable for bulky loads; worth $225: our price. $165. ADDISON CHEVROLET TRUCKS _1437 Irving St. N.W._Adams 5411._ G. M C. one-ton panel delivery $85. Used very little by dry cleaner; real value at $85. full price. ADDr&QN CHEVROLET TRUCKS. 1437 Irving St. N.W. Adams 5411, TRUCKS. Fanels—Pick-Up*. Station Waion*. Stake—Dump. All Make*—All Style*. HTLL A TCBBITTS. 1114 Vsrmont Av*. N.W. A _AUTOMOBILES WANTED.__ CASH FOR YOUR CAR. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Whether Car is Paid for or Not. SEE MR. BARNES. 1729 14th St. CASH "FOR YOUR CAR—Highest prices paid. Superior Motor Cars. Inc., 1320 14th st. n.w. De. 1300. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ AUBURN 1935 5-passenger sedan, model 653. excellent dark green finish fine. ..clean upholstery, all good tires, splendid motor: this is a very clean car. $395. C. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co., i 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 330U. Open 8unday_ and evenings BUICK 1935 de luxe sedan with 6 wheels" 1 Real value: $695. 4221 Conn. ave. Cleveland 8401._ BUICK 192b Victoria: new paint, clean upholstery good motor, tires priced low at $95. FLEMING MOTOR CORP Cham Plain st. at Kaiorama rd n.w Col 1020. BUICK 1931 two-door sedan: driven since new by Army major; real value. $139. i 4221 Conn, ave Ciev. b4(»l. BUICK 1932 convertible coupe; owned by a Nebraska ave. chemist. Unusual value; $299. 4221 Conn. ave. Cleveland 8401. BUICK de luxe 1930 sedan: 6 wire wheels, trunk, etc.: must sacrifice $49; storage sale. Evans Palmer. 4432 Conn. ave. n.w. BUICK 1936 model 46 coupe; perfect me chanically and appearance. A wonderful buy. $725: terms, guaranteed. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. Decatur 2390. j CADILLAC 1932 sport coupe; 6 stainless steel wheels, white sidewall tires, beautiful ' black finish, this car is in excellent condi- \ tion throughout; $395. C. C C. guaranty. I Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. Natl._33nu._Open_Sun. and eve._ CHEVROLET 1935 coach. Must be seen to be appreciated. Quiet, powerful, eco- ! nomical 6-cyl. motor in A-l condition. Clean interior. Good tires. Priced very low at $349 Pay $75 down and we will arrange mo. payments to suit you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Oa, ave_ CHEVROLET 1933 sedan. A real beauty. Original finish, motor, upholstery and tire* far above the average. Priced very low at $259. Pay $59 down and we will arrange mo payments to suit you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga.ave._ CHEVROLET 1935 sedan. Original finish in A-l condition. Dandy motor. Spotless , interior. Five fine tires. Priced low at $349 Pay $60 down and we will arrange mo. payments to suit you. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave._ CHEVROLET 1931 de luxe “Victoria” coach; excellent condition: only $179; terms. Evans Palmer. 4432 Conn. ave. n.w. CHEVROLET 1937 master town sedan. Metallic green finish. Built-in trunk. Very low mileage. Cost $713. Will sell for $613. Liberal terms. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET 1936 de luxe sport sedan. Gun metal finish. New seat covers. Fisher body Knee-action wheels. Quiet, powerful motor Built-in trunk. Priced low at $569. Easy terms. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave._ CHEVROLET master 1934 sedan; fine paint and tires and it runs perfectly. See this one and compare our price of only $325. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w., Dist. 9141. _ CHEVROLET 1930 coupe. Excellent trans portation for only $69. Pay $25 down, $3 week._Owens Motor Co.. 0323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET 1936 2-door touring sedan; equipped with radio and white sidewall tires: only $69 down. $24 month. NORTH WASHINGTON MOTORS. Packard Dealers. 86 ‘-^Georgiaave._ CHEVROLET 1935 roadster, excellent green finish, new top. nearly new tires smooth, economical motor, rumble seat; priced low, with small down payment and easy terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon guar antee and 3()-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers, 17th and R. I. ave. n.e. Natl._39N0. _ ____ CHEVROLET 1935 four-door touring sedan with trunk. $475: 1935 town sedan. $475; JS»31 coupe $150. Mechanically and ap pearance excellent: terms; guaranteed. Baines Motors. 1 725) 14th. _ CHEVROLET 1937 master de luxe coupe: run 1,500 miles; new-car guarantee and terms._Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. CHEVROLET 1936 Master sport sedan with built-in trunk: driven little by original owner; gun metal finish without a scratch, knee action, hydraulic brakes, turret-top all-steel body, clean mohair upholstery, tires nearly new. faultless motor; $559; new-car guarantee. Washington Motor Sales owned and operated by Call Carl, Inc., 623 H st. n.w_ CHEVROLET 1935 Master coach with knee action, green finish excellent, upholstery clean and unworn, economical, sound mo tor, all good tires: $479; guaranteed. L. P. Steuart, N.E. Branch. 620 H st. n.e. Line. 7452, CHEVROLET 3 933 master coach. A real beauty. Excellent finish. Fine 6-cyl. motor. Spotless interior. Five good tires. Honestly priced at $259. Terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave._ CHEVROLET 1935 master coach. Knee action wheels. Fisher body. Beautiful finish and interior. Quiet, powerful, eco nomical motor. Honestly priced at $429 Terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. __ CHEVROLET 1935 sport sedan. Equipped with expensive radio. Formerly ownpd by a gentleman who took excellent care of his car. In AA-1-1 mechanical condition. Ap pearance like new. Spotless interior. Five fine tires. Honestly priced at $475. Terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave._ -- CHEVROLET 1936 6-passenger sport se dan: large trunk, perfect gray paint: you would take this for a new car; $576. C. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co., 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300. Open Sunday and evening^._ CHEVROLET 1934 6-passenger sedan: dark green finish; this car has a total of less than 16.000 miles; you can't find a cleaner car in the city; $346. C. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Oo., 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300. Open Sunday and evenings.__ CHEVROLET 1930 de luxe coupe; almost new condition; best care; only $79. Evans Palmer, N| T. and Florida avts. n.e. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. _(Continued.)_ CHEVROLET 1933 two-door sedan with all extras; sell on terms; $239; only $39 down. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Florida aves. n.e._ CHEVROLET 1934 de luxe custom COtipe; rumble seat “harness tan"’ finish like new. only $339; terms. $39 down. Evans Palmer 4432 Conn. ave. n.w. _____ CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe sport sedan. Built-in trunk. Radio. Metallic green finish Very low mileage. Cost $908. Will sell for $800. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave._ CHEVROLET 1936 town sedan, master mod el: with good tires and spotless black finish. Owner tfill sell reasonable and take older car In trade Terms can be Arranged for responsible buyer. Call Randolph 5805._ CHEVROLET coupe. ’31 model: occasionally used by careful driver; excellent condition; many essential extras; $157 terms. Mr. Kearney. 4201 Conn, ave. Clev. 2115. • CHETVROLET J 937 de luxe sedan. Black, privately owned, driven only 2.800 miles; $150 down, balance to suit purchaser. Call Mr. Pond. Barry-Pate Motor Co., District 4200. Evening. Walnut_7700. CHEVROLET 1935 master de luxe coach; knee action; used very little. For quick sale. $350. Call Columbia 6186-M._ CHRYSLER 1932 C. M. convertible coupe, entirely renovated like new. $7 down. bal. $ 14 ns monthly. J. 166 ] 8th_st.jn.w._•_ DE SOTO 1933 second series four-door sedan. $225: terms. Barnes Motors, 1729 14th st. n.w._ DODGE 1935 2-dr. trunk sedan. Owned by elderly lady. Everything about this car indicates the best of care Come see for yourself. $495 Terms. Community Motors. 6621 Wis ave Bethesda Wis._5475._ DODGES! "DODGES! DODGES! —1934 de luxe sedan. 6 wheels. $74 down. $20 mo. 1933 coach. $48 down. $18 mo.; 1933 4-door sedan. $54 down. $19 mo. PRY MOTOR CAR CO Branch. 1527 14th st. n.w. Decatur 6261._ DODGE 1935 de luxe sedan. $495: 1935 de luxe coach $450. Mechanically and appearance excellent. Terms, guaranteed. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. DODGE de luxe custom 1934 coupe; beau tiful ’ Windsor prince finish." looks and runs like new: only $349: terms. $49 down. Evans Palmer 4432 Conn. ave. n.w. DODGE 1937 4-door trunk sedan, demon strator; substantial discount. Mr. Brickell, Torrey Motor Co., 1218 Conn. ave._ DODGE 1936 4-door touring sedan: radio and heater equipped: new-car guarantee; $95 down. $26 month. NORTH WASH INGTON MOTORS, Packard Dealers. 8527 Georgia ave. n.w.__ DODGE 1931 custom sedan; six wire wheels, radio and heater. This fine car has had very excellent care. Still has many miles of good transportation left: $195. Terms and trade. Columbia Motor Sales. Inc . 1622 14th st. n.w. Hudson-Terra plane dealers._____• DODGE 1931 sport coupe Dandy motor, good finish tires and upholstery. Priced low at $109. Pay $35 down $4 week. Owens Motor^ Co 6323_Ga. ave. FORD coupe. '34 de luxe with radio forced to sell. Apply after 6 p.m.. R. D. Anderson, 140 R st. n.e._15* FORD 1933 sedan: just look this one over and drive it and you will buy the cleanest used Ford in town. Gold S*al guaranteed and personally endorsed: $295 FLEMING MOTOR CORP. Champlain st. at Kalo rama rd. n. w. Col._1020^_ FORD 1933 Tudor. V-H motor has been completely overhauled and is in A-l con dition. Excellent finish. Clean interior. Five fine tires. Priced low at $209. Pay $50 down and we will arrange mo pay ments to suit you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave. _ _ FORD 1934 Fordor sedan. Dandy V-H motor. Clean interior. Excellent finish. A-l mechanical condition Five fine tires. Priced extremely low at $269. Pay $60 ! down and we will arrange mo. payments to suit you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. *ve-- -_ ____ ! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS!—1937 Tudor ' touring sedan, $95 down. $26 mo.; 1936 de luxe phaeton. $15 down $24 mo.: 1936 P’ordor touring sedan $75 down $25 mo . 1936 coupe $65 down. $23 mo.; 19.35 sport roadster. $5»> down $22 mo.; 1935 con- i vertible sedan. $65 down. $24 mo.; 1934 de luxe Tudor sedan, radio. $48 down, $19 ; month. PRY MOTOR CAR CO Packard Dealer^5013_Conn. ave. Cleveland 9M)0. FORD 1937 Tudor touring sedan; very low mileage: can arrange terms; $75 down. $25 month. _50i9_Conn._ave. n.w. FORD J 935 de luxe sport coupe, in black, cream wheels; motor, tires and upholstery in keeping with low mileage. Radio. Truly a smart buy at $385. Terms. Community Motors 6621 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Wisconsin 54 75. ___ FORD 1929 sport coupe, looks and runs good and has good tires: $65. Pohanka Service,_l 126 20th st, n.w. Dist. 9141. FORD 1936 coupe in black, ali-steel body, low mileage, faultless mechanically, nearly new tires spotlessly ciean: priced low; trade your 1931 Ford. Chevrolet or Plym outh as down payment: easy terms. Includ ing our Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 3t>-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. No. 2 N. Y. ave._n.w, Natl. 3982. FORD 1936 Tudor sedan in green, finish and interior like new, A-l motor, all ex cellent rubber, slip covers: priced low, trade your 1931 Ford. Chevrolet or Plym outh as down payment; easy terms, includ ing our Famous Blue Ribbon guaranteed and 3o-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. No. 2 N. Y. ave. n.w. Natl 3982. FORD 1935 coupe, black factory finish like new. rumble seat, clean bedford cord up holstery fine V-8 motor: exceptionally sound throughout; trade your 1931 Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth as down payment easy terms, including our Famous Blue Rib bon guarantee and 30 davs’ free service Triancle Ford Dealers, No. 2 N. Y. ave' n.w. Natl. 3982._ FORD 1935 Fordor sedan, privately owned and carefully driven, low mileage, bright black finish, clean upholstery, reconditioned motor, all excellent rubber: trade your *93! Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth as down payment: easy term*. Including our Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30-day no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. 17th and R. I. ave n.e._Natl. 3986. FORD 1 933 roadster with rumble seat, has new 1934 motor: original car throughout is like new; black body, wind wings, excel lent rubber: $259: guaranteed. Washing ton Motor Sales, owned and operated by Call Carl. Inc . 623 H St. n.w._ FORD 1932 sedan: excellent conditlonT real bargain. $150; terms considered. Cleveland 6823. FORD 1936 5-passenger touring sedan; large trunk, black paint, heater radio; you cannot find a car in better condition: $515. C. C C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co., 1222 22nd st n.w. National 3300. Open Sunday and evenings. FORD 1937 Tudor touring sedan de luxe! a new car. driven exactly 16 miles; you can save money by buying this automobile. C. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300. Open Sunday and evenings. FORD 1935 de luxe Tudor sedan; finished in black and chrome, kept like new. sac rifice. $369; terms. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Fla. aves. n.e. __ _ _ i FORD 1934 de luxe sedan; blue finish", cream wheels, looks new’; only $239; terms. $39 down. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Fla. aves. n.e._ FORD 1934 de luxe Tudor sedan; Just like new: only $239: terms. $39 down. EvansPalmer. 4432 Conn. ave. n.w. FORD V-S 1934 coupe: owing ill health, unable drive car. will sell for balance of payments and small equity. 2112 O st. n.w North 1391._17* FORD 1936 V-h Tudor. Nurse leaving country. Cheap. Run 9.000 miles. Excellent terms. Col. 1162 evenings._ FORD 1933. Must sell for payments and $50 In payments; will guarantee In perfect condition. R. W. Carrey. 1438 Columbia rd. n.w,_ FORD '36 coupe, rumble seat, radio, heater. Just traded today. Sparkling performance. Brilliant appearance. "It’s like new.” $487 Terms. Howard & Kearney, 4201 Conn, are. Clev. 3116. • FORD 1934 coach. $215: this is a real buy; motor paint, condition throughout is perfect; easy terms. Century Motors. 2023 14th st. Potomac__2409. _* FORD 193” V-8 in lovely condition: $7 down, balance $14.08 monthly: 6-wheel de 1 uxe sedan. 1166 18th St. n.w. » FORD 1935 de luxe cabriolet, rumble seat: little used carefully driven; must sell, $350. Columbia 2075.__ FORD 1935 Tudor sedan, black all-steel body like new, interior spotlessly clean, tiptop mechanical condition, all good rub ber: trade your 1931 Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth as down payment: easy terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon guar antee and 30 days’ free service. Triangle Ford Dealers. 4th and Fla. ave. n.e. Natl. 3985.__ FORD 1936 Tudor original black body and Interior are clean and show no wear, the motor is smooth and sound and the tires are excellent; trade your 1931 Ford, Chev rolet or Plymouth as down payment: easy terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 3n-day no-eost service. -Triable Ford Dealer!. 4th and F,a. are. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD 1935 de luxe Fordor sedan, with radio. $395: 1932 coupe, rumble seat terms; guaranteed Barnes Motors. J 129 14th st. n.w . Decatur 2390. FORD 1936 de luxe sport coupe rumble seat, attractive Washington blue baxed enamel finish: driven little by one careful owner, faultless mechanical order custom radio, flexible steering wheel, like new throughout. $515; guaranteed: a "Good Will Bargain.” L. P Steuart. N.E. Branch. 141 12th st. n.e. Atlantic 6200. FORD 1933 de luxe roadster: rumble seat; black factory finish excellent: leather up holstery. top and tires like new; V-H motor smooth and sound: $245 guaran teed, & "Good-Will Bargain.” L P. Steuart, N.E. Branch. 141 12th st. n.e. Atlantic 6200._ GRAHAM 1932 sedan Quiet, powerful 6 cyl. motor. Clean interior. Five good tire^. Honestly priced at .$149 Terms to suit you. Owens Motor Co. 6323 Ga ave. GRAHAM 1935 6-passenger sedan, model 74; 6 cylinders, gun metal paint, clean upholstery, very good tires: this is a clean car at $425. C. C C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1222 22nd st. n.w National 3300. Open Sunday and evening. GRAHAM 1933 sedan; original attractive brown metallic finish: spotless upholstery tl^at shows no wear; practically new tires mechanically will pass any inspection. A real value at only $245. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st n.w.. Plat. 9141. HUDSON coupe. 1935. de luxe; extremely low mileage; looks same when bought, per fect every way; $390. Adams 8408 15* HUDSON de luxe 1933 custom coupe; rumble seat, etc.; like new. only $169; terms. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Florida ivtl. n e HUDSON 1935-type sedan; splendid condi tion; like new; only $397; terms. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Florida aves. n.e. HUDSON 1935 custom sedan: original blue finish is like new; excellent condition throughout: $425; trade and terms. Co lumbia Motor Sales. Inc.. 1622 J4th st. n.w. Hudson-Terraplane dealers * HUDSON 1929 sedan. You won't find bet ter transportation than this car will lur nish for only $49. L. P Steuart. N.E. Branch. 141 12th st. n.e. Atl. 6200._ HUD80N 1936 convertible custom 8 coupe in gray, radio equipped, electric hand gear shift: low mileage by one careful ow'ner; new-car condition throughout; *795; new car guarantee for 99 days. Washington Motor Sales, owned and operated by Call Carl. Inc.. 623 H st. n.w HUDSON 1935 4-door touring sedan with built-in trunk blue factory finish like new, 'potlessly clean Inside and out. smooth, powerful straight-8 motor. 5 very good tires: *489: guaranteed. Washington Mo tor Sales, owned and operated by Call Carl. Inc.. 623_H st. n w . __ HUDSON 1934 sedan: for luxury, beauty and comfort try this one: like new in every d«-.ail: Gold Seal guaranteed and personally endorsed: $395. FLEMING MOTOR CORP.. Champlain st. at Kalo rama rd. n.w. Col. 1020.__ HUPMOBILE sedan. 1931: good condition: cash. No reasonable offer refused. J Dyre. 9812 Georgia ave . between Locust Grove rd. and Forest Glen rd._• LAFAYETTE 1935 4-door sedan: black finish. Has had exceptionally good care. Specially priced: $395. Terms. Columbia Motor Sales. Inc.. 1622 14th st. n.w. Hud son-Terraplane dealers_• LA SALLE de luxe custom sedan very best condition; owner must sell, only $139. Terms. $39 down. Evans Palmer, 4432 Conn. ave. n w. LINCOLN 19.(3 5-passen*er sedan; 6 wire wheels, excellent Daint, SDOtless upholsterv, all good tires; $396. c. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1232 32nd st. n.w. Natl. 3300._open Sunday and evenings. NASH 1937 demonstrator, low mileage liberal discount; new-car guarantee. David S. Hendrick. Inc,, 1700 Kalorama rd. n.w NASH "8” 1931 sport sedan, new paint 6 wood wheels good tires and it runs fine; $95. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st n.w. Dist 9Mt NASH 1934 5-passenger sedan: 6 cylinders model 1220; large rear trunk, excellent dark green paint, very good tires, clean upholstery; this car in splendid condition represents unusual value at $325. C.C C guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1222 22nd St. n.w. Natl. 3300. Open Sun. and eve. OLDSMOBILE 1936 de luxe sedan: just like new; only $6.39; terms or trade. Evans Palmer._14th and L sts. n.w. OLDSMOBILE 1933 4-dr. sedan, perfect dark blue finish motor, tires and upholstery will pass your most critical inspection. Philco radio. $235. Terms. Community Motors 6621 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. Wis. 54 75. OLDSMOBILE 1933 touring four-door se dan. with trunk. $325; 1932 six-cylinder coupe. $195: terms. Barnes Motors, 1729 14th st. n.w. _ OLDSMOBILE 1936 sport coupe; radio heater, attractive gray finish hasn't a scratch: slip covers. 5 fine tires and it performes perfectly; $665. Pohanka Service. 1126 '20th st. n.w.. Dist, 9141. OLDSMOBILE 1933 touring coupe 5-pas senger: large built-in trunk, black finish, silver steel-spoke wheels, fine tires, clean inside and it runs perfectly; $295. Po hanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. Dist. 9141.__ OLDSMOBILE 19.36 5-passenger touring coupe; 6 cylinders; large trunk, perfect black finish; fine, clean upholstery; ex cellent tires. You will find this a fine clean car and a value at $665. C. C. C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w._Natl. 3300._Open Sir. and eves. OLDSMOBILE 1936 coach The black fin ish is lust like new; spotless inside; 5 fine tires; luggage space in rear; very low mile age. Your inspection will convince you of the original owner's fine care; $645. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w.. Dist. 9141.____ OLDSMOBILE “8" 19.34 touring coupe. 5 passenger; original green finish is perfect; large built-in trunk, fine tires, upholstery has been protected by slip covers; smooth, powerful motor. Very attractive and a real value at only $346. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st, n.w. Dist. 9141._ me only placb YOU CAN BUY AN RlG UsodCar ScaYburFORD DEALER YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY To own an automobile at the price you can pay from $69.00 up. These are all good ears, the more money the better car—75 to select from. See them at once, and get the pick of the crop. 1934 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . A LEARY USED CAR IS YOUR ASSURAXCE OF QUALITY—SERVICE—SATISFACTION TRADE AND TERMS H. B.LEARY, Jr., fir BROS. Used Car Department •pm POt. [,<*«» I 1321 14th St. N.W. L****. (Conti need on Next Pave.) A AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, PACKARD 1937 touring sedan: driven only u.koo miles as demonstrator; new^ V{4 fmim5*ce: ■,tierms arranKP(* and only •J*'* * montn. will accept trade north MOTORS, Packard Dealers Kfi., Georgia ave. n.w. luxe ~“PA*senger sedarf BssamhaiMs fp°« radinleo'^HCah.s? es ,r00m floor; has custom and tvin?i^eater,!.VDtop mechanical order fns}rill1* tdes aI* lke r"‘* spotlessly clean Inside and out, priced low, with small ??yLa R?.ym3nt and easy terms: guaran West o^f°“ln Motors- 2901 M at. n.w. nAE5^iRI"> 1838 "120" convertible sedan; ?n K^u,al nCraam nnlsh’ radio and General l”~p!y l!,rPi; many °<her extras; $1:15 CO BrS fRY MOTOR CAR co. Branch, 1527 14th st. n w. F£CKhRP ,1937 "-Passenger sedarTTfac tory Built-In trunk, carefully driven as demonstrator; new-car title, service and yatTAhty; Si36 down. $34 month. PRY MOTOR CAR CO.. Packard Dealers 1511) Conn. ave. n.w. PLYMOUTH de luxe 1 fin0 sedan: brand new. never sold, never titled, never used; only one left, your chance for great sav ings; terms or trade. Mr Roper. Evans Palmer. 1 4th and_L sts. n.w. PLVMOUTH 1934 coach; this car'haiThad the best of care and shows It; will make any demonstration, $360; terms. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. PLYMOUTH 1H.13 sedan with trunk arid radio, fine floating-power engine, safety steel body, reflnlshed: hydraulic brake>. very clean: all excellent rubber; priced low. witn small down payment and easy terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon guar antee and .'10-day no-cost service. Triangle Dealers, No. 2 N. Y. ave. n.w Natl. PLYMOUTH 1945 coach, driven only 11. Ooo miles just like new throughout; silver Kray finish, not a scratch or bump any ^Pfe.Ure are like new upholstery spot s*rvlce< 1129 2', h *5*47 2-door touring sedan with built-in trunk and custom radio; black nnish. floating power, safety steel body hydraulic brakes driven less than l.ono miles is exactly like brand-new .^ave sub stantially: new-car guarantee and service liberal trade. L. P. Sieuart. N E. Branch. J41 12th st. n e. Atlantic 0200. PLYMOUTH 1944 de luxe sport coupe rumble seat, safety steel body, flne float ing power engine hydraulic brake-- all excellent tires: $459: guaranteed a • Good-Will Bargain. ’ L. P Steuart. NE Branch. J41 12th st. n e. Atlantic turn PLYMOUTH 46 sedan trunk, gray; low mileage: $575 terms Columbia 9ii41. PLYMOUTH 1946 business coupe; black paint, here is a flne clean car at a low price. $495. C C. C. guaranty. Cap.u, Cadillac Co., 1222 22nd st. n.w. National 4400. Open Sunday and evenings. PLYMOUTH 1945 de luxe black * d chrome sedan: built-in “Aerotype" true.k Looks new; only $469 terms. Evans Palmer. New York and Florida aves. n e PLYMOUTH de luxe 1946 sedan brand new. never sold never titled, never used; only one left, your chance for great sav ings: terms or trade. Mr. Roper. Evans Palmer. 14th and L sts. n w PLYMOUTH P. E de luxe sedan. 194 i; flne condition well equipped sacrifice $295. Terms considered. Cleveland 6 PLYMOUTH SEDAN SPECIAL—1947. e .ri metal, slightly used; $7 in. Howard & Kear nrv |20j Conn ave. Cleveland 2115. PLYMOUTH, lux® coupe $4 ' has rumble seat, radio, heater: the motor, rubber paint you'd say new, low miiea-' Immaculate throughout, easy terms cer turv Motors, 2022 14th *t. Po- 2409 PLYMOUTH 1946 sedan. $525; buii'-.: trunk dual equipment, original beau-if .. gray finish- low mileage; absolutely peri' throughout: you'd say new. easy term Century Motor* 2022 14th st Pot . 2469 * PONTIAC 1937 green “8” four-door sedan with large trunk radio heater carrf ullv driven J non miles: unusual value, reduced $110. 4221 Conn, ave Cleveland |4 PONTIAC 1933 sedan Has had unusualW flne care by original owner. The dark-blue flmsh is just like new : spotless upholstery flne tires and it runs perfectly. The finest J bargain in our stock at only $263. Pohanka Service. 1126 2nth st. n.w . Disr 914 1. PONTIAC 1944 business coupe excellent black paint flne. clean upholstery, all good tires: this car certainly had the bet of care: $465 C. C C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w National 3300 Open Sunday and evenings._ PONTIAC 1936 8-cyl. coupe, black Wisher body with no-draft ventilation not a bump or scratch anywhere immaculately cle^:i . inside; knee action hydraulic brakes, ail- 1 steel turret-top body, driven very little; new-car condition throughout $675: guar anteed Wisconsin Motors. 29th and M n.w. West 2974.__ PONTIAC 1940 sedan: really good trans portation at our low prief $69, a “Good will Bargain." L. P Steuart Inc.. NL Branch. 141 12th st. n.e Atlantic 62"u. PONTIAC 6-cyl. custom sedan. 1932 6 wire wheels, heater, eipctric fan and many more useful extras. Maroon finish cannot be told from new Special at $205. No down payment Columbia Motor Sales. Inc. 1 022 14th st. n.w. Hudson-Terra plane dealers._ • PONTIAC 1934 4-door sedan, original cur throughout; black Fisher body with no draft ventilation, knee action fine straight H motor, 5 very good tires; $395; guaran teed. L. P. Steuart, N E. Branch* 620 H st n. e Line 7452 _ PONTIAC 1935 5-pa.*seneer coupe; beau tiful Rray paint spotless upholstery ail good tires splendid motor this car is a real value $475. C C. C guaranty Cap itol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n w. Na tional 33no. Open Sunday and evenings. PONTIAC 1936 4-door touring sedai . black Fisher body with no-draft ventila tion; knee action turret steel top hydraul c brakes clean and unworn a* new; 5 near'v new tirrs powerful efficient straight-s motor $695; guaranteed L P Steuar*. NE Branch 141 12th si. ne. AT 1 «2 • . PONTIAC 1933 coach black Fisher body with no-draft ventilation clean mohair in terior. smooth dependable straigh*-* mo tor, 5 very good tires tiptop condition ail the wav through: priced lew with small down payment and easy terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 3n-riay no-cost service Triangle Ford Dealer* No 2 N Y are n w Natl. 39*2 PONTIAC 1934 de luxe conv. coupe whre sidewall tires radio, mechanically and M appearance excellent; $425 term*, guar anteed Barnes Motors. 1729 14th at STUDEBAKER 1930 de luxe sedan. Car drives just fine and in excellent mechanical I condition. $49 castt._Adams $408. 15* STUDEBAKER 1935 5-passenger sedan. Dictator black paint, sea* covers good tires, splendid motor $445. C. C C. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st, n w. Natl. 3300. _ Open Sun, and eve. STUDEBAKER 1935 six-cylinder- mechan ically and appearance excellent; $425; ( terms._Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. STUDEBAKER 1935 sedan. $395: arrang ing sale for private party: original black finish built-in trunk motor rubber per fect; any demonstration; a real sacrifice: easy terms Century Motors. 2022 14t'a st._Potomac 2409 _•__ TERRAPLANE 1934 sedan; a* clean a* a j nound's tooth: will operate cheaper, ride better and last longer than any car near I the price. Gold Seal guaranteed and per sonally endorsed: $375. FLEMING MO TOR CORP.. Champlain st. ai Xalorarr.a rd. n.w. *_ TERRAPLANE 1936 coach. $495; beautiful brown original finish, interior motor, tires you’d say same as new; perfect throughout . ; easy terms Century Motors. 2022 1 itn st. Potomac 2409 _ • '36 CHEVROLET MASTER 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN In splendid shape * * mechanically. Has had particularly fine care and the engine is powerful, easily accel erated. very economical on *as and oil Upholstery is spotless. Tires like new, Everv one knows the value of a icood car in this model and here is a real bar gain. See it, drive it. own it. SUPERIORS 1320 14th St. N.W. DECATUR 1300