Business Men’s Home Economy
Beaten in Domestic Sit-Down
By the Associated Press.
LARCHMONT, N. Y., April 15.—
Every morning when the 8:06 train
pulled out of Larchmont for New
Vork Samuel Sternefeld, who manu
factures corsets, got to talking with
a couple of other men about house
hold expenses.
What their wives and servants
needed to learn, they nodded, was ef
ficiency, and something should be
done about it. So they formed a home
conservation movement, sort of, and
invited a lot of other commuters to
Join, and everything was going along
dandy until Sternefeld got home last
* Those morning rides were very pro
‘Tt's like this,” expanded Morton J.
Adelson, a textile designer with a
pretty good-sized household of a wife
and children and servants. “Women
in the home do not have the same bus
iness intelligence as men exercise in
their offices, and something should be i
There were little things, such as
burning electric lights unnecessarily. ,
The more they talked, the more in
dignant they got, and Sternefeld was
elected president of the movement. A
lotof other men on the train were ■
approached, and they would say af
fably, big business men that they were
“Sure, count me in.”
Stemefeld swung off the evening
train last night and walked home,
and there everybody sat, Mrs. Steme
feld and the servants.
"Where’s dinner?” he asked, looking
at the domestic sit-down.
“Will you pay the bills without
question after this?” inquired Mrs.
On the 8:06 this morning Stemefeld
said he guessed he would have to re
sign the presidency on account of the
press of other business. The other
fellows said they guessed they were
going to be pretty busy, too.
The wives investigated but could not
find a membership list of the Home
Conservation Movement.
E. Morrison Paper Co.
1009 Pa. Ave. Phone NA. 2915
15 Sorority Chapters to Meet at
Howard University.
Three chapters of Washington
Alpha Kappa Alpha, a gradute group,
will be hostesses to 15 chapters of
the North Atlantic region in a con
vention at Douglass Hall at Howard
University April 23-25.
The general theme of the conference
will be “The Sorority and Human
Relationship.” MTs. Ethel Hedge
mann Lyle of Philadelphia, founder
of the sorority, is expected to attend.
Card Party Is Scheduled.
A card party will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at the Nativity Parish Hall,
Fourteenth street and Massachusetts
avenue southeast, by the Nativity
Parish Aid Society.
At the First Sign of
Trouble, Consult Us!
ueiar is orten dan.
gerous. Many minor
eye ailments are
k easily corected if
I attended properly in
P» the early stages. At
the first sign of eye
trouble consult our
graduate optometrist.
He will advise you.
M. A. LEE5E Optical Co.
<!l I 9th St. N.W.
Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Are
Given Special Commendation.
The awarding of a certificate of
special commendation by the Na
tional Safety Council to Pennsyl
vania-Central Airlines in recognition
of its contribution to safe air trans
portation was announced today.
The certificate cites records of the
Bureau of Air Commerce showing
that the airline operating between
Washington and Milwaukee had
neither a passenger nor a crew fatal
ity during its recorded period of op
eration, 1930-1936. During this period
it operated a total of 36,177,210 pas
senger miles and 8,951,377 airplane
We Deliver »i-Ton Orders.
Dial NA. 5885 or JAckson 20(M
Phone Orders—DAY OR NIGHT
Mrs. H. W. Elmore Again Heads
Humane Society.
Mrs. Herbert W. Elmore wax re
elected president of the Washington
Humane Society at the sixty-eighth
annual meeting of the organization
at the Carlton Hotel on Tuesday.
George P. Alt was elected first vice
Tang o* the Sea” Food
Fri. only—11:30 a.m. to Midnite
A tatty tea food
Platter — Crlsfleld pi JA
■ trie, includlna elam ■- ■■A
broth, fried teal- III Mia
loot, garatoya po- mill
tatoei. Mexican aal
ad. home-made rum
buna, bread, batter.
coffee, ton or float
president; Rev. C. Ernest Smith, Mrs.
John C. Boyd, Mrs. R. Ross Perry
and Miss Barnes Richardson, vice
presidents; Frederick A. Genau, treas
urer, and Wallace J. Hill, secretary.
2,240 Pounds to the Ton
Gall for Our Low
Spring Prices Now in
Effect Before Placing
Order Elsewhere
Lamp delivered in separate compart
ment from the fine—showing you get
correct amount of lump.
Coal carried from truck to your
coal bin; we do not dump it on curb.
Guarantee: If you are not pleased
with our coal after burning it 48
hours, we will take it back and re
fund your money on portion not used.
Over 20.000 New Customers In 3 Yrs.
in Baltimore and Washington
There la a Reaaon Why
World’s Largest Retailers of Va.
Miners of Virginia Anthracite Hard
Coal. Alexandria Rd.. So. Wash.. Va.
ME. 3M5. Jack. 1000.
k satin rwisH
„ . I once "61" *
^-applied. Resistant to wear and water, "61"
floors are SAFE, not slippery; require
no renewal or attention for years, other
than ordinary cleaning with a dust mop
or soap and water. Made in Clear Gloss,
Satin Finish and Dull Finish.
bee Tour Neighborhood Hardware Dealer
609 C St. N.W. ml' , ME. 0150
^ W' orthy of the Capital—this handsome station at
22nd and Virginia Are. N. W. is typical of Calf
There are .)5 other Culf stations in Washington.
FREE Vacuum Cleaning
With every car wash, Gulf sta
tions equipped for this service
throw in a thorough vacuum
cleaning job.on the rugs and up
holstery. No extra charge. Drive
a bright, clean car this week-end.
FREE Call-and-Deliver
Inquire at your nearest Gulf station
about our free Call-and-Deliver
service. Save time by having your
car serviced while you are at your
office, and returned when you
want it. No extra charge!
New Kind of Lubrication jfij
Many Gulf stations have a new I
type hydraulic jack that simulates I
road action while your car is being I
lubricated. This works the lubri- I
cant into every joint. Get Gulf 9
Registered Lubrication! ■
Whot a Team I
Now is the time to change to
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finest motor oil . . . and fill up
with New Gulf No-Nox Ethyl
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While they last! Get your initials in beautiful, stainless
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Battery Smite
(Free checking and filling)
Radiator Sendee
Spark Plug Service
(Free totting)
Tire* and Aceeaaoriea
Big, modern Gulf
stations everywhere
give you the District’s
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Something has been happening in the
nation’s capital!
•For two yeans Gulf has been selecting con
venient locations, buildingnewsuper-stations,
beautifying old ones, and installing carloads
of shiny new station equipment.
Today, beliere you get more service and
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Disc than anywhere else in Washington.
You'll find all Gulf stations complete and
up-to-the-minute. All Gulf men trained to
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Gulf stations you’ll get unique services avail
able nowhere else in the District!
Discover for yourself the NEW Gulf.
Drive in at the Sign of the Orange Disc and
get the thrill of your motoring life!