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ELECTION APPEAL Parliament Dissolution Laid to Russian, U. S., British Policies, BACKGROUND— Conflict between Japanese Army leadership and civilian authorities in Japan over foreign policy brought Gen. Senjuro Hoyoshi to the pre miership as compromise. Early expression of modification of foreign policy by Gen. Hoyoshi has led to calling for general elec tions of April 30 in Japan. Br the Associated Press. TOKIO, April 15.—Premier Senjuro Hayashi, In an election appeal to the Japanese people, declared today the acute International situation created for the country by Russia’s Asiatic policy and the huge United States and British naval expansion had caused the recent dissolution of Parliament. The premier, who attacked the ma jor parliamentary parties for filibuster ing in the last session of the Diet, urged the voters to elect on April 30 a new House of Representatives quali fied to carry out a program made nec essary by the grave situation facing the empire. One million copies of the appeal, printed in the official gazette, were dis tributed to the electorate. Hayashi, referring to growing na tionalistic sentiments over the world, laid the delicate international situa tion surrounding Japan did not war rant optimism. He declared the Japanese govern ment was watching with concern the Soviet Union's Fax Eastern policy, predicated on gigantic armaments, to gether with the Komintem’s ideo logical aggression. Nor can the government, he de clared, remain indifferent to the huge Anglo-American naval expansion pro grams. — . - • Connery (Continued Prom First Page.) N. R. A.” for the textile industry. There was some uncertainty, however, w-hether the Supreme Court’s de cisions had altered the Chief Ex ecutive's views. Free Commerce Object. In the light of decisions broaden ing the interpretation of the inter state commerce clause of the Consti tution. Connery said Congress could legislate to prevent interruptions of the free flow of interstate commerce and al^o to control "recurring prac tices” which cause such interruptions. •’Low wages, long hours and child labor,” he asserted, "are the most frequently recurring practices which A Racer Lives Up to Its Name Mischief, a class “C” service runabout, somersaulting while rounding a curve on the course in the Olympic Marine Basin at Long Beach, Calif., during one of the races in the recent Pacific Coast regatta. Wayne Powell, who teas running close behind in his C-127, narrowly averted a collision by quick maneuvering. —Wide World Photo. cause labor disputes and Interfere with interstate commerce. That’s what men strike about.” Whatever legislation is adopted toward shortening working hours, he said, should be uniform but flexible enough to permit exceptions where necessary. ''There should be no wage differ entials, however,” he asserted. "No $15 for the North and $11 for the South. I can see no justification for such discrimination.” John L. Lewis, whose labor or ganizers have been active in mass pro duction industries, served notice he would oppose any bill to require labor upions to incorporate. Such a measure might destroy the unions, he said, because "spies'' placed in a labor organization by a corpora tion could commit "overt acts" for which the union would be held res-1 ponsible. Lewis said a surge of enthusiasm for his Committee for Industrial Organization developed after the Wagner act decisions. Three hundred requests for charters have been re ceived, he said, predicting the mem bership soon would be larger than that of the American Federation of Labor. The C. I. O. leader said a resolution in Congress condemning sit-down strikes, along with company unions and industrial espionage, "admirably straddled the situation." he added: "I wouldn’t say that C. I. O. would abandon the sit-downs.” The Labor Relations Board, mean while, plans to seek immediate court enforcement of its order calling on GARRISON'S ANNUAL 98c SALE Friday and Saturday Only Waste Paper Baskets, also used as magazine racks; walnut finish, at tractively deco- QQ rated . ^OC 15-Pieee Highball Sat. 6 glasses, « muddlers, tray, ice b o wl and tongs. Regularly Qfi $1.50_ /OC Electric Toaster, made by Stern-Brown Co., A.C. and ^ Q D.C. current, serviceable yAf and dependable _ Metal Book Ends, varied de- Qft signs, heavy; will not tarnish... JrOC Tie Racks, excellent gifts, dog QQ heads and other ornamentation Jr O C Chrome Military Sets, in gift Q Q boxes; comb and two brushes— Jr OC Dozens of other items of gift or utilitar i a n value spe cially priced during this 2-day sale. Sewing Boxes, maple or wal nut finish; opens from both sides, a QQ* fine value _ 70C GARRISON'S “The Year Round Gift Store” 1215 E ST. N.W. iWE SELL U. S. GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEATS 311 7th St. N.W. Tp"-?™" 3146 M St. N.W. ROLL CREAMERY BUTTER _ »> 35c SHOULDER VEAL ROAST »b-15* SMOKED BEEF TONGUES * 18c LARGE JUICY FRANKS ib. l T SMALL FRESH Shoulders ib isr STORE-SLICED BACON_">■ 28c tofflNc...... ib. ir END CHUCK „ -■ vc ROAST_lb. BONED-ROLLED RIB ROAST lb. 223 ROUND—SIRLOIN STEAK - - »>• 27* LINK PORK SAUSAGE * 20c SLICED SWEITZER CHEESE it. 32c DAISY LONGHORN CHEESE ib. 21' SMALL BACON SQUARES .b 18c LEAN SMOKED HAMS - - - - >» 25* QUART PEANUT BUTTER 28c LARGE BANANAS *“• go* GRAPE FRUIT 4 " 15* QUART SALAD DRESSING 25* OPEN TILL NINE P.M. SATURDAY* Remington-Rand, Inc., to reinstate about 4,000 strikers. The board reached its decision after conferences yesterday with Frank Fenton, American Federation of Labor organizer for New England, and eight strike leaders, most of whom are from Syracuse, N. Y. A board spokesman said the delegation came to Wash ington to discuss their status in vi^w of the Wagner act decisions. The board said it would ask the Second District Court of Appeals of New York to compel the company to abide by its decision of a month ago. Visit Our Snd-Floor Dining Room [ Froth Potomac Shad Roo, 85c BONED SHAD DINNER, $1 Special Sea Food LUNCHEON 40© trade hark Large Storage Sale Household Effects of Every Description including Gulbronsen Upright Piono, Mahogany Chests of Drawers Complete Dining Room and Bed RIGlSTCftfD Room Suites, Chino, Glassware, P i c t u r ^s, Bric-a-Brac, Breakfast Sets, Upholstered Daven ports and Chairs, Rugs, Metal Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Washing Ma chines, Electric end Other Refrigera tors, Talking Machines and Records, Studio Couches, Etc. AT PUBLIC^ AUCTION at Sloan’s, 715 13th St. SATURDAY April 17, 1937 at 10 A M. B<j order of the Metrovolitan Ware house, the Union .Storage Co. and others. TERMS' CA8H C. G. Sloan Me Co.. Inc., Ancts. Established 1891. RATS Die Like Flies DON T rely on hail-way measure* to get rid of these destructive, disease spreading pests. Use the preparation that never tails to kill. Hats eager to eat Stearns’ Electric Paste. Than instantly rush outdoors for air and water— to die. Used by Government authorities and mill toot of pvopie during rpet SB yuan. Money back if it tails. Said ev» vrhart Tubes. 35c. Large boxes, $1.00. Aiw suae STEAR*S'“~T~fasTE On Sale at S. & L. STANDARD DRUG CO. 1113 G St. N.W. The board found, among other things, that union workers had been dis charged for union activity and or dered 27 reinstated with back pay. RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Ambassador j_ATLANTIC CITY__ ! ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. World'. Premier Health and Pleaanre Resort. Hotel aecom . modatlons. Cottates and Apts, (furnished I or unfurnished) at eery reasonable cost. j VIRGINIA BEACH, Vil NEW WAVEHLEY HOTElTVlrtlnla Beach. Va. Nose open for your Sprint racation. I with erery eonrenlence. Ask forhooklet 8. CANADA. Trsrsl north to Amertea'1 largest National Park rta Canadian National. Stop at Jarper Park Lodge in the heart of the Canadian Rockier. Caaadlta national diHutyt, »«• HUllt., II. W., Wat*., I. C. GIT YOURS AT I THE REXAll ~~DRUG STORES ) The RAZOR Everybody's Talking About! 89c With 12 BLADES It's the SCHICK De Luxe Injector RAZOR —Exactly the aame razor as is now being sold in the $2.00 kit , . . attractively boxed with 13 blades. Get Yours at .j SCHICK Injectoi* RAZOR rOR ONLY 12 (Mf MU mmsl 1 ,l«rj bU4m) tXACTLY TNt SAMt AAZOt At now solo in rfhs tioo nr ON SALE AT ALL THE BUSY "ALL OVER TOWN”—-the better to nerve yeut i BREAK PLOT PEAK News Agency Reports Mass Escape Set for Coronation Day Balked. By the Associated Press. LONDON, April 15. — Dissatisfied convicts at Dartmoor Prison, Eng land’s bleak “granite jug,” were re ported today to have been balked In a plot for a corodnation day mutiny. Officials, however, denied the existence of such a plot. An unconfirmed report said the prisoners, angered because King George VI would not reduce sentences or grant pardons in celebration of his coronation May 12, had arranged a “break” during the crowning cere monies. The secretary of the prison com mission, however, said there was mere ly a “minor breach of discipline” at the prison, and that it arose after a “number of prisoners made complaints about dinner.” Only five Inmates were involved in the incident, he said, "for which they were duly reported and dealt with,” Report Minimised. ■ The home office likewise minimized reports of impending trouble in the isolated penitentiary on the south western moors. The report was originated by the Exchange Telegraph Agency, which STEAMSHIPS. BERMUDA VIA FURNESS. StJS op. round trip with private bath on Monarch of Bermuda and Queen of Bermuda. fre quent sailings. Ask your travel agent. TRAVEL. STEAMSHIP TICKETS over all lines Travel Department AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY Us* easy Tintex to restore or give new Paris colors to all faded fabrics. 45 smart colors. 1a package at aH drug and notion counters. RGBS1 (Lasfo*' Why are the men who bought a Schick Injector Razor last year in Washington still using it? Doable-thick Blades.,. Schick Blades take a better edge...and bold it longer ...because they are twice as tlyck as other razor blades. Each blade is individually ground, honed, stropped and inspected. Sealed in all in a metal ear* fridge. Instead of packing Schick Blades in a paper package which would rub and dull their edges... they are sealed in oil in a cartridge — their edges suspended in space! Changes blades automatically! Nothing to unwrap, unscrew, twist or reassemble. Give the "trig ger” a pull and a push—and out shoots the old blade, in goes a fresh one! Saves time,trouble and temper! Th* famous Schick Guida Bar flattens the skin...doesn't "groove” it as razors with combing "teeth” do. There are no "bumps” to get scraped or nicked... no "valleys” where whiskers are missed. Yoa have three hands... when you shave w^th the Schick Injector! The Guide Bar stretches the skin taut just before the blade touches it. Gives the blade a true, even cut thibugh the whisker. A rins*. and it's elnanl Saves min utes every day. No need to wipe and dry the Schick Razor after every shave. A flush under the fau cet and it’s clean! All ready for the next quick, close, smooth shave. — and because we’ve found that men do continue to use the razor after they’ve once tried it, we can afford to repeat the test offer we made in this city last year. •aid It had learned stern measures had been taken to suppress any out break at the lonely prison which houses hundreds of desperate prison er* serving long terms. The prisoners were believed to have selected May 12, the day King George VI will be crowned, for a bold dash for freedom because they were an gered by the fact no amnesties will be granted or sentences reduced in celebration of the event. The agency said it was believed the prisoners may have planned on re duced vigilance on the part of their guards on the national holiday. Demonstrations similar to those pre ceding the famous Dartmoor mutiny five years ago were said to have occurred, with prisoners flinging plates and soup bowls in the faces of officers. The men were said to have beer* angered because they learned Italy had reduced penal sentences in trip. Oration of the birth of an heir to tha throne, but England refused to taka a similar step for the coronation. fc by using effective, mildly medicated . at the big A&P ►6205 Georgia Ave. ».!.♦ IONA ~ " ~ Peaches 2 N5 29c Slice* or Halves m FULL SIZE NO. 2 CANS OF STANDARD QUALITY ^TOMATOES 4 ° 25c White House APPLE BUTTER |2 & 25c Campbell's TOMATO JUICE d,4“-9Ke ■f cans rice t,;,3 %”• isc Sparkle Desserts 4i*p- 15c Tomato Juice 5C ANN PAGE BRAND MAINE QRjsPlPffiSM^ZE^ 1 *?; :;;«1 FftNrMHSsTED® 1 POTATOES pa-nRftNBES ^29° 1 1ftlb> 27c I BBisrcISRTF^ Post Toasties or Keller*’* P^S* / C Corn Flakes f BOKAR COFFEE 2 47c SMITHFIELD Deviled HAM ,3i". 19® PREMIUM FLAKE CRACKERS By 7 oz. N. B C. pkg. POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes Carton $].I5 DEL MONTE FPESH PRUNES 2 bit No 2'j ram fnV SSALAD DRESSING .; 19c SPAGHETTI Prepared 2 cans 13C i ANN PAGE—Pure PRESERVES £ 17c ’£ 31c Del Monte PEARS* ,£”19c IONA PEARS 2 £. 29c LUX FLAKES large box 2lc Kirkmon'j Borax Soap 3 cakes 1 3C EVAP. MILK WHITE HOUSE 425c PRUNES EVAP.—SIZE 40-50 2lbs 13* ___J PREMIUM OR BLACK HAWK SMOKED HAMS w%r lb25c FILET MIGHOH 33c Pimento Bologna " 19c KK CHICKENS RIB BEEF ROAST >» 27c 3-Corner Beef Roast »>• 23c FRESH BUCK SHAD » 12c FRESH ROE SHAD <» 19c CLAW CRAB MEAT ». 35c 2 to 3 lbs. each Prices Effective Until Closing Saturday, April 17th AT THIS STORE ONLY