Newspaper Page Text
U. S. BONDS STEADY IN QUIETJRADING Corporate Issues Slide Along Narrow Groove Also in Forenoon. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls Indust Util P en Net change. +.2 —.1 Unc. +.1 Today, noon 94.3 102.8 99.6 71.5 Prev. day.. 94.1 102.9 99.6 71.4 Month ago. 94 4 103.0 99 9 72.1 Year ago— 91 8 102.5 101,4.69.6 1937 high.. 99 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.9 102.4 99.4 70.8 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low— 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45 8 40 0 64.6 42.2 1928 high— 101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon-108.7 Prev. day. 108.8 Month ago 109.1 Year ago. 111.6 1937 high. I'm 1937 low. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 19—In quiet trading the bond market slid along in a narrow groove today, with prices steady in both the U. S. Government and corporate divisions. U. S. Government issues picked up about 1-32 to 5-32 of a point. De mand centered on Treasury 2'2s, the 23is of 1954 and the 3s of 'l955. The 3tgs of 1949 were a shade lower. Modest improvement ruled in Amer ican & Foreign Power 5s, Bethlehem Steel 4’2s, Rock Island general 4s, International Telephone 5s, Nickel Plate 4Vis and Southern Railway 4s. Somewhat lower were Santa Fe 4s, Goodyear 5s, International Paper 5s. Penn Dixie Cement 6s and Western Union 5s. In the foreign sector, fractional gains were scored by Milan 6'2$, Ja pan 6'2s, German 7s and Brazil 6’2s. Uruguay 6s and Peru 6s were a shade lower. Washington Exchange SALES. City & Suburban 5s—$1,000 at 85, $1,000 at 85. Capital Transit Co.—1 at 13'8, 2 at 13'r. Potomac Electric Power 6 r\ pfd.—5 at 116 cash. Washington Rwy. & Elec. pfd.—10 at ; 109. 10 at 109. National Capital Bank—10 at 145. 10 at 145, 9 at 145. Washington Loan & Trust Co.—1 at 292. Mergenthaler Linotype—10 at 46'-, 7 at 4612. 3 at 46:2. BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 4*2s . An&costia & Pot. 5s __ 76 77U Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5s ins C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s _ 103 Capital Traction R. R. 5s 93 94*2 City & Suburban 5s 85 88 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 113 Potomac Elec. Pow. 3Us ini 103 Wash. Gas 5s 1958 _ 105*2 107 Wash. Gas os 1960 _ 116 118*2 Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s _ 104U 106 MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club 5*bs 105 W. M. Cold Storage 5s 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Tel. (9) 167*4 Capital Transit Co. __ 13* 8 13U N. A W. Steamboat (6) . 110 Pot. Elec. Pow. 6U pf 16• _ 112 _ Po. El. Po. 5*27p pf 15.50) - 111 Wash. Gas Lt. Co (3.60) *79 S2*/a Wash. Ry. A Elec. com. (36) 725 Wash. Ry. A Elec. pfd. <5> losU _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec & Tr. Co. <e8)._ 285 305 Bank of Bethesda <h.75i 34 Capital (4* __ 145 155 Com. A Savings (10)_ .210 _ Liberty (4> 150 160 Lincoln (f6.25) 200 Natl Savings A Trust 160 175 Pr. GeorRes Bk. A Tr. (.50) 18 21 Riggs i pH) .323 330 Riggs pfd. (5» 101*2 Washington (6> _130 Wash Loan A Tr. (e8) .. 292 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American <6)_ _ . 110 _ Corcoran (5) 150 _ Firemen's < 1.60) 29 _ National Union (.60) 16 __ TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) 15 163U , Real Estate (6) 150 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Oorp. (2.00) 21 26 Lanston Monotype < *4 > 97 105 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00> 46 48 Peoples Drug S. com. ( + 1.00) 56 57 Peoples Drug S. pfd. <6.50> 112 Real Est. M AG. pf. (**.70) 5*« 5Vb Security Storage <5> 119 125 Ter. Ref. A Wh. Corp. (3) 60 Wdwd. A Loth com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7) 113 125 •Ex dividend. + Plus extra, e—2% extra, f—1 We extra, h—75c extra. ••—25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid December 22. 1936. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. April J9 op».—Over-the counter market, bank and trust compa nies; opening bid and asked prices; Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan (21 a>_ 36 38 Chase (1.40) _ 57*2 59 U City (1)_ 51*2 63Va Commercial (8) _ 208 214 First National (100)_2330 2370 Public (1*«) _ 48*b 50Vb Bankers (2) _ 73* a 75Va Brooklyn Trust (4)_139 144 Central Hanover (4)_135 138 Chemical (1.80) _ 70*2 72*2 Continental (.80) _ 19 20U Corn Exchange (3) _ 69*4 70*/4 Empire (1) _ 31 32 Guaranty (12) _ 36) 366 Irving (9 -1 _ 17lb 18*/a Lawyers "’ • ast (2.40)_ 48 51 Manufacturers (2) _ 58 60 N Y Trust (5) __138 141 Title Guaranty & Trust_ 15 16 FOREIGN MARKETS. \-LONDON. April 1» yP).—Stock prices elosed mixed, with gold mining shares in good supply, especially Kaffirs. Operators were awaiting the presentation of the government's budget statement tomorrow before making new commitments, and the possibility of liquidation in commodity markets also acted as a restraining factor. Gilt-edged securities and foreign bonds remained quiet and steady, while the oil group and trans-Atlantics were mixed. Shipping and rayon shares sold higher. PARIS.—Banking shares were firm In the Bourse today, despite the fact that Bank of France stock closed 10(1 francs lower. Government securities were mixed, rentes finishing 20 centimes lower to 20 higher Suez Canal lost 225 francs and Royal Dutch declined 23 francs. CRUDE OIL PRICES. TULSA. Okla., April 19 OP!.-—Base crude ell prices: , . _ Mid-Continent area—Oklahoma-Kansas. gravity scale. 98c to $1.30. North. North Central and West Central Texas, gravity gcale, 96c to *1.20. East Texas, *1.27. West Texas (Permian Basin), gravity ecale. 84c to $1.08. North Loulsiana Arkansas. gravity scale. 90c to $1.22. Rocky Mountain area—Salt Creek. Wyo., gravity scale. 98c to $1.30. Eastern area — Pennsylvania grade (Bradford-Allegany) $2.67: same grade In Southwest Pennsylvania lines. $2.42: game grade In Eureka lines. *2.37: same grade In Buckeye lines, *2.22. Corning, $1.4?. -• STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK April 19 UP).—Steel prices per 100 pounds, f.o.b. Pittsburgh: Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled. 2.426 Gal vanized aheets. 3.826. Black sheets, hot rolled, 3.176. Steel bars. 2.475. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 19 <fP>.—Crude rub tfr fuiHr£f,.0I*.n?d firm- to 63 higher: MW. Sa-TSb: July. 23.05a23.17: Septem ber, 28.26a23.34. b—Bid. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct te The Star. TREASU RY. High. Low. 2:58. 24*8 1949-63_ 97.30 97.28 97.29 2 94s 1945-47_ 101.28 101.28 101.28 2%iS 1948-61_ 100.12 100.10 100.12 2948 1951-64_ 100.1 99.30 100. 29is 1356-69_ 100. 99.30 100. 29*s 1950-60_ 101.3 100.81 101.1 3s 1946 48 _ 103.12 103.7 103.12 3s 1951-66 _ 102.28 102.23 102.28 144s 1946-49_ 103.29 103.28 103.29 3 44 8 1944-46 ... 106.10 106.8 106.10 344s 1940-43June 106.21 106.18 105.21 3 94 8 1 9 4 3 - 47 _ 105.30 105.30 106.80 3 94s 1946-66_ 108.16 108.16 108.16 4s 1944-64_ 110.18 110.9 110.9 4 44 8-3 44 8 1943-45 106.16 106.12 106.12 4 448 1947-62 114.16 114.10 114.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 38 1947 - 102.7 102.7 102.7 Is 1949 - 101.30 101.27 101.80 3448 1964- 102.25 102.24 102.24 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 448 1942-44 _ 99.26 99.24 99.26 2«*s 1939-49_ 100.6 100.4 100.6 ts 1952-- 101.22 101.17 101.17 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low 2:55 Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s *51. loot* 106H 1064* Adriatic Glee 7s’52_ 89 89 83 Akersnus 6s 63 _ 989* 389* 989* Antloqula 7s 46 A_ 16 16 16 Antloqula 7a 45 B_ 16 16 16 Antloqula 7s 45 D.__ 16 169* 16 Antloqula 1st 7s'57_ 16 15 16 Argentine 4 4*s'71_ 999* 99 9t Argentine 14* a 62_1005* 1005* 1005* Argentine 6s 67 A_1015* 1019* 1014* Argentine 6s ’68 B ... 1009* 1009* 1009* Argentine 6s 69 June. 1009* 1009* 1009* Argentine 6s 69 Clct . 1019* 1019* 1019* Argentine 6s'60 May 1029* 1029* 1029* Argentine 6s'60 Sept 1019* 1019* (019* Argentine 6s 60 Oct 1019* 101*-* 1019* Argentine 6s 61 Febr lot 101 101 Argentine 6s 61 May. 1029* 1029* 1029* Australia 44*s 56_ 1019* 1019« loU* Australia 6s 55 - 1055* 10694 1069* Australia 6s 67 - 1055* I059i 1065* ■ n 44s 43 _ 109 109 109 Bergen City 5s HO-1004 1004 1004 Berlin Elec 6s 5.. .04 204 204 Berlin Elec 64s 59_ 204 204 2#4 Brazil 6 4s'26- 57- 404 3»4 40 Brazil 64s'27-'57_ 40 40 40 Brazil 7s’52_ 41 41 41 Brazil 3s 41 - $34 50 614 Brisbane 5s '67- 1004 1004 1004 Buenos Aires 44»-84»’77Py- 77 76^ Buenos A 44s'76 Aug 774 774 774 Buenos Aires 43is-44s'76 April . 774 774 774 Bue A1 Pi«-4^s'75 . 80 10 80 Buenos A C 6s 60 Oct. 1014 1014 1014 Buenos A 6s 61stPv. 834 831. 834 Bulgaria 74s S3 May coupon off- 274 274 474 Canada 24a 45- 974 974 ^77^ Canada 3 4a 61- 984 984 984 Canada 4s 60- IO64 1064 1064 BS 62-U24 1114 1114 Chile 6s’bO - 22 214 22 U'de 6s 61 Jan - 214 214 214 Chile 6s '61 Eebr_ 22 214 22 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 214 214 214 Chile 6s 63 - 214 214 214 Chile Mtc Bk 64s'57. 19V, 194 194 Chilean Mun L 7s SO.. 184 184 184 Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 32 314 22 Colombia 6s 61 Oct __ 324 81*4 824 Copenhagen 14s'53.. 944 944 94*^ Cordoba 7s'57 stpd_ 80 80 80 Costa lika .s A 61_ S3 324 >24 Cuba 54s 45 - 6/4 664 fe74 Cuba 54s 53 - 102*, 1024 1024 Czechoslovakia 8s'51. 103*, 1034 1034 Denmark 44s 62- 974 974 974 Denmark 54s 55-1014 101 101 Denmark 6s 42- 105 lu5 105 Estonia 7s 67- S94 994 994 French Gov 7s'49_ 123 123 123 French Gov 74s 41... 118*4 1184 1184 GerCBkA6s38- 41*4 41*4 414 GerCBkATs 50- 60 60 6u Ger Gov 64s 66 st 254 24 25U Ger Gov 64s 65 un st 214 214 ziu Ger Prv & City Bank ^ con Ag 6 4s'58 _ 244 24W 244 Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd..., 28 28 28 7s 61 _ fin K7I - ua Itai P U Crd 7s ’62 - 764 764 764 Japan 6 4s'65- 804 so* g0H Japan 6 4s 54 - 96 94* Kreug&Toll 6s '59 cts. 484 484 484 Leipsig 7s'47 - 204 204 204 Lombard Elec 7s'52 7* 74 74 Low Austria 74s'50 unmat coupon on ._ 98 98 98 Madeline 4s 64 ... j& 14* ,s MrUnS6iU'4fi'aS8t- 68,1 6‘^ Minas Gers64s '58 74* 74* Sept coupon off ... 234 2g4 Z84 New So VVaies5s'67.. 102V. 1024 1024 No^w ay mi 5* '5* 10i!* l0i* £°rwa> 4s 63 - 954 904 994 Norway s»s 65 .. 1004 ]C0 100^ £°™a* 68 43 —- 1064 1064 1064 By El 549 67— 1024 1024 1024 Oslo 4 4. 55 .. ,8 98 98 "»» *. 5» IS « Peru 6s 61 -- !}* 1 Poland 6s 40 - fJc ™ Poland 7 s 4 7 I** 4®»* Prague Gtr 7 4.'52-1 ^ Prussia 6s '52 __ 19W i,u Queensland 7s’41_in ill ill Rhine IV El P 6s'52 21 21 ot Rhine VV El P 6s’53 ._ n *ou 2\ Rhur Chemical 6s'48.. 2i *1 21 Kio ae-Jan 614s 61 Aug coupon off ... 2gu 2* 9ku Rio Or do Sul 7s'66 * 28H May coupon off _ 2914 29U 2uu Rio Gr do Sul 7s #7 H 29* June coupon off .... 29*4 28 2gw Rio Gr do Sul 8s’46 * April coupon off_ 32*4 82*4 a»u Rome 6 *4s 62 ... ,6 1 3^ Sao Paulo C6*4s '6T May coupon off_ 28*4 28U 2«u Sao Paulo St 7s 40_93 93 Sao Paulo St 7s '68 93 Sept coupon off _ 29 2a 20 Sao Paulo St 8s 36 July coupon off_ 88 S8 Sfl Sao Paulo St 8s '60 38 July coupon off- 32*4 82*4 32u Sydney 6 *4s'55-102* ,02* Toklo 6*4s 61-- 75^ im 751. Toklo E L Ltd 6s’52 . 78*4 77*4 77*4 UBStl Wk 6 *4 a 47 A 26*1 26U 25^ Un Stl Wks 6*48 '61 A 26*4 26*4 25* Uruguay 6. 60 - egu, 88* Uruguay 6s 64- 88*4 M Uruguay 8s 46- 68*4 g7H 58*4 Vienna 6s '52 May c o. 96 95 95 Fokohoma 6s 61 82*4 82H g2H DOMESTIC BONDS. Ano»?°rPc“ 44 9»4 98 98 Alleg Corp 6a 49 you you MOU Am * For Pw 6. 2030 78H ^ Am ice cv 6s'63 gbU. H4U ur Amin r*K 11/ „«- 90y* Am „,,C,W 49 — >064 10t>4 1064 Am inti 6 4s 49 106 iqr «.i« Am Jel * T81 8 4.'«1 984 98 98U Am TeJ & Tel 3 ^4 b'66 yg 9714 us is»STia*'s— iS <8__ _ na 11214 11q A.m Writ Paper 6. 47. 76 734 744 Anaconda deb 4 4.-BO 105 106 106 Ann A 1st ex In 4s'95. 68U 68U ghu ADKlo-Chil Nit 7. '67 f. 384 874 ,?4 Armour* Co 4 4. 39. 1024 1024 1024 Armour( Del )1.t 4s'66 974 964 974 Armour * Co O.'4. 67 9«4 964 4 Ar®fl„ronK Ck 4s 60 1034 I03U 103U A TAS FeYcfw48 q9r5 'U4H '°4H 104* a p! d 48 95 8t 104H 1°‘4 1044 i tIs Fe 4*4.V I08H 108* lu8* »US^rV/u .CO l08H 1084 1084 A 1. FeC A 4^8 62 ll'H 1114 1114 A TAS Fe TSCL 4s 68 U14 U14 11 U Atla*rh&AB.irRm48'33' i2H 22H 82« Atla&Ch A L 6s 44 110H HAU iioi4 AtiCoa.tLl.t 4. 61. 1004 1004 1004 AtlC L un 4 4s 64 .. 984 984 984 At| 2°*** Lina 6. 46.. 1084 1084 1084 Atl G A W 16. ’69 .... 76 76 76 Baldwin Loco 6.'40— 1064 1064 1064 B t O lit 41 48- 107 1064 1064 B A O 44a 60 - 764 764 764 B AO 1st 6. 4* _112 H2 H2 Balto A O ref 6. '98 A. 88 874 874 B A O 6. 98 F __ 874 87 87 B A O ref 6s 2000 D . 874 87 874 B A O ref 6. 95 C 984 984 984 B & O PLE&W V 4s’41 1084 1084 1034 B A O Swn 6s 60 __ 1034 1084 1034 B A O Toledo 4.'69_ 93 93 83 Beth Steel 34s 66_ 96 944 96 Beth Steal 4 4. 80_ 1024 1024 1024 Bo. A Me 44.'61 J_ 81 . 81 (1 Bo. A Me 6. 66 _ 874 86 4 864 Bo. A Me 6. '67_ 864 864 864 Bot Con M _ *2 82 82 Bklyn Ed con 3 4a'66- 994 9»4 994 ▲ High. Low. 2:55, Bklyn Man T 4!*s'66. 98!* 9*!* us Bklyn Un EH 6a ’60 ... 106!* 106!* 106!* Bklyn Un Gas 6a '45_112!* 112!* 112!* Bklyn Un Gas 6a'GO lol!* too!* 100!* Bklvn Un Gas 6s '67 B 106H io«!* loev* Buff G E 4%s '81 B___ 108!* 108!* 108!* Buff RAP con <Hs ’67. 87!* 86!* 86!* Bush Term con 6s ’55_ 68!* 68!* 68!* By-Prod Ck 6!*s '46... 108 103 IDS Camag 7s 42 ctfs _ 28!* 27!* ?7!* Canada So 6s'62 A_114 114 114 Can'dlan N R 4!*s '67. 110!* 110!* 110!* Can'dlan N 6s’69 July. 114 114 114 Can'dlan N 6s’69 Oct.. 116!* 116!* 116!* Can’dlan N R6s’70_116!* 115!* 116!* Can dlan N db 6V*s‘46 123 123 123 Can dlan Pdb 4s perp U6 U6!* U6!* Can dlan Pac 4!*s 60 loi!* 101!* 101!* Can’dlan Pac 68*44 cfs 112 112 112 Caro Cl & O 6s '6# A_110!* no* 110!* Car % Gen 5s '60 ww_104!* 104 104!* Cent of Ga 6s '69 C 20!* 19!* 20!* Central 111 Lt 3 !*s ‘66. 101!* 101!* lol!* Cent N England 4a'61. 71!* 70!* 71!* Cent of N J gen 6s'87. 78!* 73!* 73!* Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49.. 108!* 108!* 108!* Cent Pac 6s 60 ._ »9!* 99!* 99!* Cent RR B Ga 6s '37_88!* 88!* 88!* Cert'd dsb 6 5%s 48__ 88 88 88 Chesap C cv 6s 44_121!* 121 12! Chesap Corp 6s 47_ 138!* 138 138!* Ches & O 3 V*s 96 D_ 96!* 96 96!* Ches&OS!*s 96 E_ 96 96 96 C & O gen 4!*s '92-117!* 117!* 117!* Chi B & Q gen 4s '68_108!* 108!* 108!* Chi B & Q 4%s '77_108!* 108!* 108!* Chi B & Q ref 6s '71_115 114!* 116 Chi BAQ1 dlv SHs’49.. 106 105 106 Chi B & Q 111 dv 4s '49. 109!* 109!* 109!* Chi & E III 6s *51 _89!* 89!* 39!* Chi & E 1115s ’61 ctfs.. 18 87V* 88 Chi Grt West 4s ’69.__ 46!* 44!* 46 Chi 1 & L gen 6s 66 . 19 18!* 19 Chi Ind & E gen 6s'66. 19 19 19 C M St P 4s ‘89 ... 69 67 69 CMftStP gn 4!*s'89 C. 66 64 65 CM&St P 4!*s 89 E... 65!* 64!* 66!* CM&St P 5s 76 .. 31!* 80!* 31!* CM&StP&P ad1 682000 10!* 10!* 10!* Ch &NW gen 3 !* s "87 .. 40H 40V* 40!* Chi & N!V 4 V*s 2037 30!* 30!* 30!* Chi & NW 4 Ha 2037 C. 31 30E 81 C'hl & N W 4*iS 49 20 194 194 Chi & NW Ken Es 87 .. 474 464 474 C&NW Nr W 64s*36.. 63 6S 63 Chi R l&P rf 4a'34 .. 23 *24 23 Chi R I&P rf 4s'34ctf_ 1»4 184 184 Chi R l&P gen 4s '8 8 __ 374 87 874 Chi R I&P 4s '88 ctfs_. 86 36 86 Chi K l&P 4 4a '62 *24 22 22 Chi R l&P 4 4s '62 ctf. 194 19 194 Chi R I&P 44s'60 ... 184 134 I84 Chi T H&S 1st 6a '60_ 924 92 924 Chi T H&S Inc 6s '60__ 82 82 82 Chi Un Sta 3 4s'61_ 102 102 102 Chi Un Sta 34s 63 E. 1044 1044 1044 Chi Un Sta 4s'44_105 105 106 Chi & W In con 4s'52_ 1034 1024 1034 Chi & W Ind 44s 62.. 1004 1004 1004 Childs & Co 6s’43 904 904 904 Cln Un Ter 3 4s D Ktd 102 102 102 Cln Union Term 5s’57_ 108 108 108 CCC&St G gen 4s 93 . 984 98 4 984 CCC&St G rf 4 4s'77 E 97 96 964 CCC&St G ref 6s '63 D 1054 1054 1064 CCC St G Wh Wat Valley 4s 40 _ 102 102 102 Clev El 111 34s 65- 107 4 1074 1074 Clev Un Tel 4 4s’77 . 102 102 102 Clev Un Term 6s 73 B IO64 1064 1064 Clev Un Ter 64s'72A 1114 1114 1114 Colo Fuel&Iron 6s'43. 106 106 106 Colo Fuel & lr 6s 70__ 83 824 824 Colo & So 4 4s '80_ 67 654 67 Columbia G * E deb 6s 52 April -102 102 102 Columbia G & E 6a 62 May -lu2 1014 102 Columbia G&E 6s'61 -. 102 102 102 Colum Ry P&G 4s 65. 105 105 105 Cornel Credit 3 4s'51- 964 954 964 Com Inv Tr 3 4s '51 1004 1004 1004 Cons Ed NY 3 4 s 46 n 1034 i 084 1034 Cons Ed NY 3 4s'56 n 1024 lo24 1024 Cons Gas NY 44s '51- 1074 1074 1074 Consol Oil 34s 61 -_ 1024 102 102 Consum Pwr « 4 s 66 .. 974 97 4 974 C< .sum Pun 34s'66. 1014 1014 1014 Cons Pwr 34s '70-101 1004 lol Crane Co 61_yy y87% 9ST4 Crown C & S 4s'60-1044 1044 1044 Cuba RR 6s 36 - 66 66 66 Cuba Northn 64s 42. 654 644 65 Dei * Hud ref 4s 43 92 9iu mu 5*" 58 51 St — 107M 1(m* 107H Den <& R G con 48 3«__ *2 3iu 22 Den &RG 4^8 36_ S2 3iu 32 Den&RG w 6s 66... jg* jgu ?L pen & RGW 6s‘55as8t_ Den & R G ref 6s '78 .. 274 264 2m DesM&FtD 4S'35 cfa. 11 I04 104 OM^ls^n?^ 6F1 D- !3S I® *3 Duaues Gt 44s ’57 B.. 1034 1034 1084 a**’62~ T' 10'* 1L j7 « Ik SS SS h-bcXTsV;'6*-- “g “g Pla E C Ry 6s ’74 Ctfal IS* J** SSSJJZZ'W-vh S? Goodrich 6s 46 Goodyear t* w iu& *06 ';■« ■;« P- £Sy ref<*»’6H 111*4 1 4 u • ssisl SSVWML*- s «h ?7&2W.y.--.s\s\s* SSSlSr^.?,r “ 2 S Hud* Man ref 6s-67.. 75* 76* 7S4 111 Cent col tr 4» 53 gsu ms ms 111 Cent ref 4s 65 2fC £L It. lisp P P P piipPif ^ ^ '66 ctf« 76 76 76 nt Gr, Nr 6s 62 A _ „ It lntGrtNrad3 6s-52 A i«u l! “ Int Hydro dee (s iiS si* gf gfH ntPap ist6. 47A.;_. ioi* ,00 100 Int Pap ref 6s 66 »# „gU aitu SSKrYAV”- SX “» SS IntTtTS, m I;™ ,"J "S 72* lows Cent lst*rf4s’6X. 8* g L Jones&L Stl 414s’61 A- 102 101* 102 DU 37LA ^an%City So ref 6* ’50 98* 93* 93* K^.TFrm i8t 48'60 107 '06* m* Kreste Found 4s 46... 104* 104* 104* Laclede Gas 6» J9- 94* g4J, Laclede G 6*» 63 C_ 60* 60* 60* Laclede G 6 He 60 D . 60* 60* 60U Lake SAM S° 3He 97. 100 100^ 100 L^h v&p* 4*V4 A - 86H 86* v oS°n4V4,2°03 «»K «»* 68* Leh V RRCon 6a2003_ 7#Jt 7g£ * Loews 3 He 46 98* ggj^ #gu Long Isld ref 41*49 stp 108 103 103 l^oriilard 7a 44.._i27W 12714 12714 La* Ark 6.-89 . .. 96* M* m2 Lou A Jeff Bid 4s’46.. 107 107 107 *00*-»2* »lK «* LANunlf4. 4°-i06 i06 106 LAN 4Hs 2003 C-lo4 104 104 Mcerory Stores 6s 61 108* 103* 108* McKessAKoo 6Hs’6o ios* 103* ios* Manhat Ry 4s 90 ctfs. 38* 38* 38* Manila RR S I 4s '39__ 92* 92* 92*. 68 '4o -106 106 106 Mich Cent 3Hs ’62- 106 105 105 Mid RR N J 6s *40..... 90 90 90 MU El RAL 6s ’81- 108* 102* 102* Mil E R A 8 L rf 5s*71. 108 108 108 MU Spa AN W 4s’47. 89 89 89 Minn A 8t .L 6e"34 ctfs. 19* 19* 19* MStPASSM cn 4s 18 _ 27* 27* 27* MStPASSM 6s '88 gtd. 27* 27* 27* Mo K A T 1st 4s 90_ 88* 88 * 88U MOKAT4S82B_ 69 68* 69 Mo K AT 6s '62 A-81* 81* 81* MoK A T adl 6s 67- 69* 69* 69* Mo Pac 4S 76 --20* 20 20* Mo Pac 6s ’66 A- 48* 42* 48* Mo Pac 6s 77 F - 43* 42* 48* Mo Pac 5s 77 F ctfa... 41 3<^ 41 Mo Pac 6s 78 O .. 18* 42* 48* Mo Pac 6s 78 G ctfs_ 40* 40* 40* Mo Pac 6a 80 H-l 43* 48 43* Mo Pac 6s 811 _____ 48* 42* 48* Mo Pac 6Ha 49 A_17* 17 17* Mob A Ohio 6s 38_ 88* 88* 81* Mob A Oh M dlv 68*47— 49 a 49 Mohawk AM 4s '91_ 90 90 90 Monong Pub 8 4He'60. 102 101* 101* HUh. Low. 2:65. Monong Pub S 6*’65_ 10814 10314 1O814 Monong Ry 1st 4s'60. 106 106 106 Montana Pwr 3\a '6*. 94)4 94 9414 Mor&Essex J He 2000 89 8714 >9 Morrls&Eeeex 4Ha '56 98 9314 98 MorrlaAEsaex Ba *55 . 9914 9914 9914 Nassau Else 4a’Sl gtd. 55 55 55 Natl Dairy SHrBlww. 10414 104 10414 Natl DIs P C 4Hs’46._ 104 10314 10814 Natl Steel 4s 66 _10414 104I4 104)4 New Eng RR 4s'45_ 66I4 66I4 6*14 New OrlONR 6a '83 A. 94 9314 94 New Orl & N 4H»'62_. 7914 7914 7914 New Orl PS 6s 62 A_ 97 9614 97 New Orl PS 6a '65 B._ 96J4 9614 9614 New Orl Ter lat 4a '6* 94 94 94 New OrlT&M 4 Ha '68_ 6414 5414 6414 New Orl T&M 6s 66 C. 68J4 68J4 58U NOT&M 6Ha'64A cfs_. 62 62 82 N Y Cent 8%s '62 w.l. 10614 10614 10614 NY Centre! 3 He 97_ 9614 9614 9614 NY Central 8%4e’46_101V4 10114 10114 NY Cent con 4a '98_ 9714 9714 9714 NY Cent rf 4Ha 201l_. 92 9114 9114 NY C rf 4H» 2013 n_„ 92 92 92 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 9814 93 9814 NY Cent ev 6a 44_ 123 12114 12214 NY C L Sh 3 Ha'98_ 90!< 9014 9014 NYC&St L 4Hs '78_ 9014 9014 9014 NYC&St L 6Ha'74 A.. 101 10014 101 NY Chi * St L, 6s '38_ IOO14 100J4 10014 NYC Mich C 3H« '98__ 88I4 88*4 88I4 N Y Cht & StL 48-46_ 10214 10214 10214 NY Dock lat 4B'61 __ 68 63 63 NY Edison 8He 65 D_ 9914 9914 9914 NY Edls ref 8 Ha'66_ 99 99 99 NYNH&H8Hs'E4_ 8714 87 17 NY NH & H 4a 67_8014 8014 8014 NY NH & H 4Hs '87__. 4614 4614 4614 NY NH & H cl tr 6s’40. 61 61 61 NY NH & H cv 6a '4*„ 6014 60 6014 NY O&W gen 4a 65___ 2254 22H 22H NY O&W ref 4s 92 __ 81 81 81 NYQuoons conSHa*6E. 10214 10214 10214 NY Steam 6s 66_ 107 107 107 NY Steam 1st 6s'47 108V4 10814 10814 NY Tel pen 4Hs '39_106)4 10614 10614 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp_ 90 90 90 NY W & B 4 Hs 46 „ 1714 17 1714 iviag rails F 34s 66_. 102 102 102 Niag L & O 5s '65 ._ 107*4 107*4 107*4 Norf So 1st ref 6s'61 _. 29 29 29 Norf S 1st rf6s'61 cfe. 28 4 28 4 28 4 North Am Co 6s 61 _ 1044 104 1044 North Am Ed 6s 69 C. 102 102 102 Nor n Pao gen 3s 2047. 75 744 75 NoFn Pac 4s "97 _ 104 104 104 Nor'n Pao 4HS 2047 99 *84 98*4 North Pac 6s 2047 C_ 108 103 lu3 North Pao 6a 2047_1114 1104 1114 Ohio Edison 4S *65_ 1034 1024 108 Ont Pwr Nlag 6s '4 8_1104 1104 1104 Oreg RR & N 4s '46_ 1074 1074 1074 Oreg VV RR 4s 61- 1044 1044 1044 Pao Gas & El 3 4s'66 . 97 964 9«4 Pao G & E 3 4* '61-1014 100*4 1014 Pao G A E 48 64 ._ 1064 1054 1064 Pac RR Mo 1st 4s'38.. 101 101 101 Pao TAT rf 3 4 s 66 B. 994 994 994 Pac TAT 84a 66 C ._ 994 994 994 Paramount Plo 6s '65.. 1004 1004 1004 Penn Dixie C 6s 41_1004 100 1004 Penn Co 4s '62 E- 1044 1044 1044 Penn Co 4s 63 -101014 1014 Penn Glass A S 60_1034 1014 1034 Penn O & D 44s 77._. 1064 1054 1054 Penn PAL 4 4s 81_ 1054 1064 1054 Penn RR 34s'62 - 1074 107 1074 Penn HR 34s 70 C_ 994 99 99 Penn RR 44s '81 D_ 1054 1064 1064 Penn R R 4 4s 84_ 1054 1064 1054 Penn RR con 44s'60. 1184 H84 1184 Penn RR gn 44s 65.. 1084 1084 1084 Penn RR deb 4 4s'70. 1014 1014 1014 Penn RR gen 6s'68 . 1164 116*4 1164 People GLAC rf 6a'47_ 1134 1134 1134 Peoria A E inc 4s'90_ 20 20 20 Pere Marq 44s'80_ 984 984 9»4 Pere Marq 1st 5s 56_ 106 105 105 Phila Co 6s 67 . — 1044 1044 1044 Phila A IfcCAI 5s '71_ 34 834 334 Phila A R CA1 6s 49__ 164 154 I64 Philippine Ry 4s 37_ 27 27 Z7 Plllsbury FI M 6s 43.. 1074 1074 1074 PCCASt L 44s '77 C_ 1074 1074 1074 Port Gen El 4 4s 60._ 634 fS 64 Postal Tel AC 6s’53._ 304 804 3114 ITessed Stl Car Es 51. 96 96 ®6 Pure 011 4 4e 60 »».. 122 122 122 Pure 011 4 4 s 60 xw_ 104 1034 104 Purity Raking 5s >4*._ 984 384 984 R-K-O 6f 61- 123 122 123 Reading R 4 4s'97 A.. 1074 1064 107U Reading R 44s 97 B_. 107 107 107 Rem-R 54s ’47 A ww_ 1054 1064 1054 Republio Stl 44s 60.. 187 1864 1864 Republio Stl 44s 66_ 98 974 974 Republio Stl 44e 61__ 974 97 974 Republic Stl 64» 54.. 121 1204 121 Revere Cop 44e 66 _. 1034 103 1034 Richfield O 6e'44 ctfe.. 644 144 644 Rio G Wool 4. 49A._ 4. «6 45 R 1 AAL lat 4 4s 34_ 224 224 224 Rutland Can 4s ’49-- 244 244 244 Saguenay Pw44s'66.. 101H 101 1014 St L 1MAS RAG 4s’33. 824 814 824 StLIMASRAS4s'33ct. 81 804 81 St L-s Fran 4s'60A .. ai 804 81 at L-S F 4a '60 A otfe_ 274 264 27 St L-S Fran 44a'78— SO 294 30 St L-S F 4 4»'78 cf at_ 264 244 264 St L-S Fran 6s'60 B_31 31' 31 St L S W lat 4i'89- 904 904 904 St L S W gn rf 6a 9«_ 45 45^ 4& St PKCSL44B 41.. 224 22 224 St P MAM ext 6a 41 1024 1024 1024 ban A A A Pass 4s 43. 101 101 101 ban An P Svc 6a'52 A. 109 109 109 San Diego CGAE4s'65. 108 108 108 Scioto C A N E 4s’89_114 11I 1,4 Seabd A L 4s 60 _ 34 34 «, Seabd A L 4s '60 stp_82 n J2 Seabd A L ref 4s 69._. 174 17U t7u Seabd A Ladl6s 49_12 uu jm Seabd A L 6s 45 a- 214 204 21U Seabd A L 6s 46 ctfs._ 204 20 20 Seabd A^Fl 6s’36 A ct. 11 104 11 Seabd A-Fla 6s'35 B ct 11 It 11 874 874 874 Silesian Am 7a 41- 704 704 704 Skelly Oil 4s '61_ 99 98£ ^4 Socony Vac 34a ’60 . 1084 1084 1034 Southn Cal Gas 4s'65. 1034 1034 1034 South Nat G 44»’61_ 984 984 984 So Pac 34s 46- 994 994 994 So Pac col 4s 49-944 944 944 So Pac ref 4s 66-IO84 1064 1064 - 90>/i 90^ *>* So Pac 4 4* 69- 91 904 904 So Pac 44s 81-— 904 904 904 So Pac Oreg 44s '77_ 964 964 964 SoRy gen 4s'66 A_ 83 814 824 So Ry 5s '94 - 1074 1064 1064 SoRy gen 6s 66- 1024 1014 1024 SoRy 64s'56 - 105 1084 105 So Ry M 4 O 4s '38_ 94 94 94 South Bell T&T 6s '41. 1054 1054 1054 Spokane Int 6s’66_ 82 32 82 Staley A E 4s '46-1044 1044 1044 Stand Oil N J 3s '61—„ 96 964 964 Studebakercv 6s 46_ 184 133 184 Swift & Co 3%s '50- 1064 106 106 Tenn C&C 6s 44 B-1034 1034 1084 Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A_ 974 97 97U Term AsSt L. 4S '63- IO84 1084 1084 texas Corp 84s'61— 1014 1014 1014 Third Av ref 4s 60 ... 624 614 624 Third A ad In ex 6s'66. 844 344 844 Truax T C 64s'43 — 1084 108W inau Un El L & P 5*s 54 _ 106* 105* 106* Un Oil of Cal 3 Hs '62. Ill* Hi uD.011 kallt 6> 42 A— ll6lJ H6* US* Union Pac 3*8'70- 94* 94* 94u UnPac3Hs’71 .. 94* 93^ 94j, HntfnSt **/■ 2001' 104* 104 l°«g H" PrUE 6« '63 100* lOOiT 100 n^!tpd k!VS St ^ 4* 24 80 30 30 rrfSi1,Ub.ber 53 47 106*406* 106* utlhp&i^sg] (AK 1004 1004 *°0* utuV jf, KO — 108H 102* 10*H Utli F &L 6s 69 ww_ 68H 68U &«u uuiPftL.H8.47...: I9g Eg Eg Vanadium ct 6a 41... 106* lot* l0** V Cz*Plst 4 '34 ast 8* 3* gu V«r Sug lat 7s"42 ctla. 28* 27* 27* *f l«raf W66. 107g 107 mg a Ir C&C lat 63 ’49— 60* 60 60 VaS Wcon K "s*6 A" ,03H ,03H 103H va 8 W con 6a 68- 94* 94* 94* Wabash 4*s '78 . 89u asu »ou Wabash 4Hs 78 ctfs.. 86* 86* E* Wabash lat 6a ’39_101 101 10? Wabash 2d 6a 39_ 93* 9iw 101 Wabash 6. ’76 B-Eg Eg Eg wSh^L80,?—: Jig Wibasb 6^i 76__ 42 19a Walker HAS 4 Ha'46.. 106 104* 104* Walworth 6s '65 n_ 94 atH E4 Warner Bros ct 6a '29. 97* 97* 9714 Warner-Qnmea'Sg ._ 60 so* to* Waet Pann P,1H» '66. 104* 104* mu W 8h lat 4s io61 gtd_ 92* 92U «■) wEt-n Md 6u 4V,“~ 108H 1084 l0*H w*arnMd6Ha 77-104 104 me Wesfn Pao 6a ’49 A— 66* ggu uu Weafn Pac 6a 46 A aa 85* *6** mu Westm Un 4Ha 60 . 106* 106* io&w Westn Un cl tr 6a '22.. 102* 102 102* w!aJ.“ H"f* 81-104« 104* io4g Weit n Un 6a 60 .... lus 102* 10s Wheel Steel 4 Ha'52 . 99* 198* 90 W Sp Stl 1st 7a 35 ct. 41 41 4j W Sp Stl con 7s 36 ct 41* 40* 41* Wilkes B&E lat 6s '42 89 39 g9 Wilson ft Co 48 66 100* 100 100* WlsCent 1st gn 48 49. 27* 26* 26* wise lat gn 4a 49 ot_ 26* 25* nu Wls C SAD Trm4a’J*_. 19 19 19 rngsUiSAT *H*’61~ 140* 199* 199* T’ngstn SAT 4a ‘21_ 100* 100* 100* NEW PEAK IS SET BT STEEL OUTPUT Operations Climb to 91.3 Per Cent, Well Above Mark for May, 1929. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 19.—A new high production record for the steel industry in this country was an nounced today by the American Iron and Steel Institute. It reported operations for this week advanced to 91.3 per cent of capacity from 90.3 per cent the previous week, equivalent to a tonnage output of 1,196,000 tons for the week. This stopped the May, 1929, peak of 1,193, 284, the institute said. Operations on a percentage of ca pacity basis were higher on the 1929 spurt. Steel men explained, however, expansion in production facilities in the meanwhile enabled the industry to set a new tonnage record, despite the lower operating rate. Busy for weeks on the largest back log of unfilled orders in many years, the industry has pushed steadily up the recovery path this year. The latest week operating rate com pares 89.6 per cent a month ago and 70.4 per cent a year ago. Trade quarters have reported some slackening in new orders lately, but the large reserve has enabled mills to maintain activity at peak levels for the recovery. Orders have been coming in from a variety of sources, with revival in rail equipment buying and expansion in automobile production sin« the settlement of strikes swelling incom ing business. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 37; 14-pound prints. 38; tub. 36 PO score. 1 pound prints. 36: 14-pound prints 37* tub. 35. MEATS—Choice beef. IS: calves. 16; veal. 16; lamb. 21: pork loin. 24. frozen pork. 21; fresh ham. 33; smoked ham 26; sliced bacon. 33; slob bacon, 28, com pound. 1 314: lard. 1412. LIVESTOCK—Pigi. ;34aH'4: light hogs, 8PaP. medium PaPV. heavies. 7V4aP; roughs. Sa?1^; calves. 6al0. lambs. 6al0. Prices paid shippers net fob Washing ton. By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market on United States Gov ernment graded extras, mediums and standards, large. 14 cent lower: other grades unchanged Current receipts. 20,a: hennery whites. 31 la. Government graded and dated white eggs <net prices paid shippers f.o.b Washington) U 8 extras, large. 2334. U. S extras, mediums. 20l4; U S standards, large. 23. LIVE POULTRY—Market on chickens steady and undetermined other classes about steady at unchanged prices. Fowl: Colored, heavy. JHalP; Leghorns. I4al5. Chickens. Rocks and Crosses, no quota tion: Leghorns. 1*4 to 2*4 pounds and up. 21: smaller sizes, 18 Old guineas. 25a30 each. Turkeys. Old hens, it$al8, old toms. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to 8 am. today APPLES -No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track Supplies moderate demand moderate, market steady. Bushel baskets. U. S. No. J: Virginia. Staymans, 2*2-inch minimum, l.Toal 85. 234-inch minimum. 1.85a2.00. scalded, all sizes. 1.50*1.65; Yorks. 2,_’-inch minimum. 1.75a 1.85; 234 inch minimum. 1.85*2.00. scaled, all sizes. 1.50*1.65: Golden Delicious, 2x4-inch minimum. 1.90a2.00: 2x2-inch minimum. 2.15*2.25: Delicious. 2*4-inch minimum. l.POa2.00: 2'2-inch minimum. 2.25: 2*4 inch minimum, 2.35a2.50; Wines*ps. 2 inch minimum. 1.60*1.65; 2x4-inch mini mum. 1.75*1.85: 2Va-inch minimum. 2.00* 2.25: 234-inch minimum. 2.25a2.35: U. 8. Utility, 1.40al.85, as to size Yellow New towns. 2!4-inch minimum. 1.65; 2,a-inch minimum. I.90a3.00: 234-inch minimum. 2.35: Paragons. 234-inch minimum 1.75* 1.85: 3-inch minimum. 1 85a2 00 Car tons; Maryland Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, fancy Lowrys. 160 size. 1.60*1.75; 112 size, 1.75a2.00; Wine saps. J60 size. 2.16*2.25: 112 size. 2.25* 2.35: Golden Delicious, 144 size. 2.25* 2.35: Staymans. U. S. No. 1, 144 size. 1.90*2.00: 112 size. 2.00a; 96 size 2.00* 2.25; boxes: Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, combination extra fancy and fancy: Delicious. 2.25a 3.75; Staymans. 2.00*2.35; Paragons, 2.00a2.25. ASPARAGUS—One South Carolina ar rived; one unbroken car on track. Truck receipts moderate, supplies moderate, de mand moderate market steady. South Carolina, pyramid crates, dozen bunches; Extra Colossal 3.75; Collossal. 2.00*2.50; fancy. I.75a2.00: choice. 1.25a 1.50. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals: three broken cars on track. Truck receipts moderate. supplies moderate demand moderate: market steady. South Carolina. Pa-bushel hampers, pointed type: Freight receipts. 85a90 fair condition. 65*75; truck receipts Dacked locally 75ft85. CARROTS—Two California arrived: three broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand mod erate: market steady Texas, half-lettuce crates. 1.40; California. W’estern-lettuce crates 3 25. CAULIFLOWER—Two California ar rived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate demand moderate: market steady. California, crates. 1 TOal.OO. CELERY—One Florida arrived: three broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate demand light: market steady. Florida, individually washed. 10 inch crates and 16-inch crates wire bound, 3-8 dozen, 2.00; few. 2.25: 10 dozen. 1.75a2.<>0: XX s 1.50al.75. LETTUCE—Three Arizona arrived: 11 broken and 3 unbroken cars on track. Supplies liberal: demand moderate; market steady Arizona. Western crates. Iceberg type. 5-dozen. 2.75a3.00; few 3.25; fair quality and condition. 2.25a2.50. ONIONS—One New York arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate; market steady Michigan and New York. 50-pound sacks, yellows. U. S. No. 1, 1.25a 1.35. PEAS—No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track Supplies moderate: de ! mand moderate: market steady. Cali fornia, bushel hampers. Telephones. 3.25. Potato Market Weak. POTATOES—Nine Maine arrived: three cars diverted: 4 broken and 14 unbroken cars on track. Old stock—Supplies mod derate: demand moderate; market weak. 100-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1—Maine, Green Mountains. 2.35a2.40; Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 3.25. New stock—Sup plies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel crates Bliss Triumphs ar.d Spaulding Rose. U. S. No 1. 2.00: double head barrels. Spaulding Rose. U. S. No. 1, 0.25. SPINACH—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Virginia, bushel baskets, 65-75. STRAWBERRIES—One Louisiana by ex press arrived: no cars on track. Truck re ceipts light; supplies light: demand light; market weak. Florida, wide range In con dition. 36-pint crates, best. 5.00: fair con dition. 3.25-4.00 per crate. Louisiana. 24 Quart crates, 4.00-4.25 per carte. SWEET POTATOES—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track Supplies moderate: de mand light: market about steady. North Carolina, bushel baskets Porto Ricans and Nancv Halls. 1.40-1.50. TOMATOES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate; sup plies moderate: demand light: market steady. Florida, wide range in condition, lug boxes, ripes and turning wrapped. 6x6 and larger. 3.00-3.50: fair condition, 2.25 2.50; 6x7. 1.50-2.50: Mexico, lug boxes, ripes and turning wrapped. 6x6 and larger. 3.75-4.00. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot arri vals; no cars on track. LIMA BEANS—Supplies verv light: de mand light: market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, fair quality. 3.50-3.75. SNAP BEANS—One Florida arrived: one broken car on track. Truck receipts light: supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, green, flat type, fair quality. 2.25-2.50; round stringless, 3.00. few higher. EGGPLANT—Supplies very light: de mand light: market steady. Florida. lVi bushel crates. 2.00. PEPPERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, l^-bushel crates, green. 2.00-3.00. according to condition. CUCUMBERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel baskets. 2.50-3.50. SQUASH—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped, fair quality. 2.25-2.50. ORANGES—No carlot arrivals; two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1, 3.00-5.00, as to size and grade. GRAPEFRUIT—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 6.50-7.00; No. 2. 4.60-5.00. BEETS—Texas, Va crates, 1.50. MUSHROOMS—Maryland. 3-pound bas kets. 60-85. GRAPES—Argentina, boxes, various va rieties. 2.50: poorer lower. RHUBARB—Michigan, 6-pound oar tons. 50. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, ora teg, 3.00-3.75. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. April 10 OP).—Live poultry—Fowls. Plymouth Rock, fancy, small. 2.'): large, 22; mixed colors, small, 21-22; large. 20-21: White Leghorns, fancy, 20; good. 18-10: ordinary. 16-17; old roosters. 13-14: Leghorns, old roosters, 12-13; broilers, fancy Plymouth Rock, large. 23-24; medium sized. 21-22; cross breds, fancy, large, 23; medium sized. 21; Reds, broilers. 18-21; Leghorns. 18-21: ducks. White Pekin, young, 18-IP; old. 17; mixed. 16-16; Muscovy, white, 17-18; oolored. 16-16. Dressed poultry—Fowls, fresh killed. 17V4-26: old roosters, dry picked, ldti 17V4; Spring ducks. Long Island. 18^-17. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. April 19 (A*).—Poultry, live, no cars in, two due, 17 trucks; steady; hens over 6 pounds, 18; 5 pounds and less. 19Vi: Leghorn hens. If)Vi; fryers, colored 23; White Rock, 24; Plymouth Rock. 28; barebacks, 19-21; Leghorn, 21; roosters, 13, Leghorn roosters. 12; colored Springs, over 3 pounds, 24; Plymouth Rock Springs, 26; White Rock Springs, 26: turkeys, hens. 20; toms. 16; No. 2 tur keys. 16; ducks, heavy white, 16; heavy colored, 16; small white, 14; small col ored, 14; geese. 11. Butter. 8,096, weak; creamery specials (93-score), 30V4-31 Vi; extras (92), OOVi; extra firsts (90-91), 293/«-30; first <88 89), 29-29V4: standards (90 centralized car lots), 30Vi. Eggs. 41.468, unsettled. Extra firsts, local. 22’/4; cars, 22Vi; fresh graded firsts, local, 21 Vi: cars. 22; cur rent receipts. 20%; storage packed extras, 23'/4; storage packed firsts, 23. Potatoes. 135: on track. 231: total United States shipments 877 Saturday. 74 Sunday: old stock. Idaho Russets de mand good, market steady; other stocks, demand slow, market dull: sacked per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks United States No. 1. 2.60-27.6: mostly 2.65-2.70: United States No. 2. 2.35; Maine Green Mountain. United States No 1. few sales. 2.25-2.30; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. United States No. 1 and partly graded, car. 2.40: Wisconsin Round Whites. United 8tates No. 2 2.10: United States commercials. 1.70-1.75: Wisconsin Green Mountains. United States No. 1. car. 2 15. New stock price moderate for best quality stock, demand fair, mar ket about steady for fair quality small sized stock, demand slow, market dull with weak undertone. Texas Bliss Tri umphs United States No. 1. 3.60-4 00; according to quality, car showing some decay. 2.00: United States No. 2. few sales. 2.75; Louisiana Bliss Triumphs. United States No. 1. fair quality showing dirty ear 3.00. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chat. D. Barney A Co.) _ . _ . Bid Offer. Amer T A T 5%s '4.1___112% 112% Auburn Aut 4%s '.19 _ 60 79 California Packing 6s '40 ]04 104% Carolina Cl A Ohio 6s ’.18 . 104 104% Chesapeake A Ohio 6s ’30_ 107 107% Edison Elec Ilium 4s .19 104% 100 General Public 8vc 5%s ’39 102 ]02% Grand Rap A Ind 4%s ’41 109% Houston Oil 5%s '40.. 101% io"% Internatl Merc Marine Os '41 82 80 Internatl T A T 4'is '30 82% 83% 1 Laclede Gas Lt 5s 39 941. <151? Lehigh Valley Coal (is '38 _ 99 99% Ix*high Valley Termn 6s '41 . 100% 107% Long Island Gen 4s '38 10"% iq't Louisville A Nashville 4s '40 lo5\ iohi', Michigan Central 4s ’40 103% 101 Midland RR at NJ 5s '40 70 75 Milw A Northern 4%s '39 90 uu N Y, Chi A StL lit notes '38 loo ]oo% New York Dock 5s '38 Ho% «" N Y. Susqueh A West 6s '40 40 New York Tel 4 %s .39 _ . 1005. j,w% Pacific RR of Mo 4s '38 101 1013. Penn-Dixle Cement (5s '41 993. 101 Pennsylvania RR 4s '43 j0!) Rio Grande Western 4s 39 7"34 -4 Southern Bell TAT 5s '41 105% 10534 Term RR Assn StL 4%s '39._ 105=4 107 Vanadium Corp 5s '41 _ 107 ini Vertiertes Sugar 7s '42 . 28% 29% Wabash Rwy 5s '39 100% 101 Warner Bra, Os .39 . 97% 7% Western N Y A Pa 4s '4.3 108% 110% Western Union Tel fts 102 1021^ ----•- • i TJ. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. T*h* position of the Treasury April Ifl* A1.? 05-h«8.«": expenditure!: "11 nr,fi'1.’11' balance 51.735.20*, $2.V177.7C2(f°.™' recplp!s f°r ,hp month. 11 ?oCaI ypar ,since July nil 6i' 47 .expenditures. *5, OR-< 8',5- Including *2.260.799 - 06,^66 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. *2.002 *11 354 95 gross ^ •1 d e c re a s e r °o f ^ L. Un<^'*r the previous dav Kldo Vtftnc?}} '0,3?™™ Including 5472,/41.269.51 of inactive gold. —--• MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. Aorll 19 —call money Steady. 1 per cent all day. Prime com mercial paper. 1 per cent. T:me loans ° sdavv *-« months ul of, ,Ban,keya acceptances unchanged: on days. */ga,. 60 days, ‘.a 90 days. I ^ months, •1,asg; 5-r, months ’aa3* Rediscount rate New York Reserve Bank. i a per cent. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates riBST DEED or TKDST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred Our Real Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY * Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURAHCE CORP’K Atlantic Refining Reports $1,993,000 Net for Quarter Special Dispatch to Th» Star. PHILADELPHIA, April 19 —A profit of $1,993,000 for the first quarter of 1937, compared with a profit of $1,983,000 for the first quarter of 1936. is reported by the Atlantic Re fining Co. and subsidiary companies. Both figures are after interest, de preciation, taxes, etc. No provision has been made for any surtax on un distributed profits. Profit per share on common stock (after deducting dividend on prefer red stock in 1937) for the first quar ter of 1937 was ”9 cents as compared with 74 cents for the corresponding period of 1936, which was prior to the issuance of the preferred stock. --——• NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, April 19 C4>).—Bar silver steady and unchanged from Friday, April 16, at 451/i. FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rates . . . 3-Yeor Con struction Loans . . . 5% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent Jonn Hancoce Mutual Life ins. Co. 1417 K St. N.W. NA. 1130# We Have the Mortgage Plan You Are Seeking S years. 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, monthly payment, semi-annual or quarterly—the in terest rate and fees are very rea sonable. [Shannon & luchS] Mortr&fe Loan Correspondents INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Tables Chairs Steel Files Steel Cabinets Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1410 Eye St. N.W. Phone NA. *184 Safe Investments First mortgage notes, well secured on con servatively appraised, new buildings in Washington and near uy maryiana. uen ominotions of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Eitabllshed Nearly 40 lean First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fo. appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Cooperative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 1879 home loans To Purchase or Refinance i Here Are Protected by Peoero, Your Saving* He 0 $5,000 w^rsiyss® PROPOSALS ARE INVITED for the operation of the Philadelphia Gas Works, owned by the City of Philadelphia, and supply ing gas for municipal, domestic and industrial use within the city. The present agreement will expire December 31st, 1937, and alternative proposals will be entertained for terms of two, five and ten years thereafter, subject to approval of the City Coun cil of Philadelphia as to provisions. All proposals must be accompanied by satisfac tory assurance of the financial responsibility of the proponents in order to receive consideration. Such detailed information as may be required will be furnished upon application to the under signed. All proposals must be in the hands of the Mayor of Philadelphia not later than June 1,1937. S. DAVIS WILSON Mayor, City of Philadelphia