Newspaper Page Text
Seatija. ▲DEN. JAMES N. On Wednesday. April 21. 1937. at his residence. 919 R st. n.w . j AMES N. ADEN, beloved husband of Laura S. Aden and uncle of Alonso J and William Frederick Aden. Fu neral Saturday. April 24. at 2 p.m., from St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Ar rangements by McGuire. 23 BAILEY. LULA. Departed this life on Fri day. April 10. 1937. LULA BAILEY of 1610 Corcoran st. n.w. She is survived by a devoted husband. Benjamin Jack son : seven sisters, one brother, many other relatives and friends. Remains jesting at. the Malvan & Schey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral Thursday. April 22. at 1:30 P m.. from the above parlor. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. BAKER. BEALLE JENNINGS. On Monday, April 19. 1937. at Sarasota, Fla., BEALLE JENNINGS BAKER of Wash ington and Alexandria. Va.. beloved wife of Thomas Henry Baker and mother of Mrs Edwin B. George. Miss Sarah M. Baker and Floyd J Baker. Remains resting at Birch's funeral home. 3034 M st. n.w. Funerai from St Paul’s Epis copal Church. Alexandria. Va.. on Fri day. April 23. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. BECKWITH. BESSIE. On Wednesday. April 21. 1937. at 1:30 a.m.. BESSIE BECKWITH. Funeral Friday. April 23, at 2:30 p.m. from her late residence. 1455 Monroe st. n.w. Interment Forest Oak Cemetery. Gaithersburg. Md. 22 BELL. JOSEPH A. Suddenly, on Tuesday, i April 20. 1937. JOSEPH A. BELL, of 1141 23rd st. n.w. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3H9 R. I. ave. I n w Funeral Saturday. April 24. at I fi m . from the above-mentioned estab- 1 ishment. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. Rev. W. A Jones officiating. Rel atives and friends are invited 23 Bl'RBFTTE. EARL H. On Wednesday. April 21. 1937. at Takoma Park Sani tarium EARL H BURDETTE, the be loved husband of Marjory Nicholson Burdette of Gaithersburg. Md. Remains resting at the Colonial funeral homp of William Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville Md. Funeral services at the above funeral home Saturday April 24. at 11 a m Interment Salem Cemetery. Cedar Grove. Md. 23 BERMAN. ELIZA KNIGHT. On Wednes day. April 21. 1937. at the Episcopal Hospital. Mrs. ELIZA KNIGHT BUR MAN of 111 Allegheny ave.. Takoma Park Md . beloved mother of H K. Burman and Mrs. Maud B. McCormick Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Friday. Anril 23. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. % u '.'tMil • » . KJII luraurtj, n»n n 20. 1937. at Sr. Elizabeth's Hospital. ALONZA C.. the beloved husband of Carolyn B Connelly of 4432 Gault pi. n e. Also surviving are three sons and many friends. Funeral Friday. April 23. at 12 o'clock noon, from Henry S. Wash ington At Sons' funeral home, 4925 Deane ave. n e. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Remains may be viewed ^ftcr 4 p.m. Thursday at the above-named funeral home. 22* DYSON. ANNIF. Departed this life on Sun day April IS. 1937 at her residence. 2908 L st. n w . after a brief illness. ANNIE DYSON She leaves to mourn their loss a son. Walter Dyson; two daughters. Mrs. Annie Bundy and So fihonia Dyson; a devoted nephew’. Wil iam Bren*. four grandchildren and a ho^t of relatives and friends. Funeral Fridav April 23 at 2 r» m from Boyd’s funeral home. I84n L st. nw FRANKLIN. SrENCER. Departed this life suddenly on Monday. April 19. 1 937. SPENCER FRANKLIN He leaves to mourn their loss a loving mother. Mrs Essie Franklin a father. Edgar Franklin, a brother. Thoma> Franklin, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes A: Matthews’ funeral home 914 4th st. * w.. until 4:30 p.m. Thursday. April 22; then at his late residence 1839 4th st. n.w. Funeral services Friday. April 23. in Elm City. N C. Garraghty, MILDRED. On Wednes day April 21. 1937. at 505 14th st. me., MILDRED GARRAGHTY. beloved sister of Peter and James Garraghty of Bedford County. Va.. and Mrs. Mattie Lyles. Funeral from the above residence on Thursdav. April 22. at 8 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Lynchburg. Va. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. GRAY. MARIA MARGARETHA. On Tues day. April' 20, 1937. after a brief illness, at Freeman's Hospital. MARIA MARGA RETHA GRAY, devoted foster daughter oi Elizabeth Burgess of 1017 llth st. n w. Also surviving is one daughter, father, one brother, one aunt, three un cles and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington A- Sons' funeral home. 407 N st. n.w. Funeral from the above named funeral home on Friday. April 23. at 2.30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. • JTFRFl'RTH, WILLIAM C. Suddenly, on Tuesday. April 2u. 1937. WILLIAM C. HERFURTH. beloved husband of Bessie M. Herfurth and brother of Mrs. Freida A. Miller and Albert Herfurth. Funeral from H M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 llth st. se. on Friday. April 23. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Prospect Hill Cemetery. IRWIN. HELEN HALL. On Tuesday. April 20. 1937. at Walter Reed Hospital. HELEN HALL IRWIN, beloved wife of Lieut. Col. S. LeRoy Irwin. U. 6. Army. Services will be held at Fort Myer chapel on Friday. April 23. at 2 p.m Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Jackson, william Howard. Departed this life Tuesday. April 20. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. WILLIAM HOWARD JACKSON beloved son of Effie and Isaiah Jackson. He also leaves to mourn their loss a devoted grandmother. Annie John son- also four aunts. Maggie Carter. Mary Kelton. Ella Kelton and Katherine Briscoe: five uncles. Marshall Kelton. Hilon Kelton. Arthur Kelton. Frank Jack son and Daniel Johnson; also other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Eugene Ford funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m.. Rev Wright officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 22 JOHNSON, HANNAH C. Suddenly, on Wednesday. April 21. 1037. at her resi dence. Beltsville, Md . HANNAH C. JOHNSON, aved 83 years, beloved wife of the late August L Johnson. Remains testing at the S»rgeon Co. funeral home. K'll 7th st. nw Services at the Sher wood Presbyterian Church. 22nd st. snd R I ave. n e.. Fridav. April 23. at 2 c m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. KENNEY WILLIAM. On Tuesdav. April 20. 1037. WILLIAM KENNEY Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 38!) R. I. ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. IANGLEY. CHARLES HENRY On Wed nesday April 21. 1037, at his residence. 3O~0 »th st w, Congress Heights. P', c'j CHARLES HENRY LANGLEY, beloved husband of Catherine Langley. Funeral from the above residence on fi^ay. Aprii 23. at 8:30 a.m.. thence to the Church of the Assumption, where mass of reauiem will be offered at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. LOMAX HENRIETTA. Departed this"life on Wednesday. April 21.. 1037. at 7:46 n.m.. at her residence. Lakeland. Md.. after a brief illness. HENRIETTA LO MAX. She leaves to mourn their loss mx children. Mus. Annetta Matthews. Mrs. Ellen Oriscoe. Mrs. Marie Dory. Henry. Charlip and Myron Lomax: three daughters-in-law. two sons-in-law. eight een, grandchildren, twenty great-grand children. three sisters, twi brothers and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until Saturday noon: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Sunday. April 25 at 2 p.m.. from Muirkirk M. E. Church' Rev. C. T. Keys officiating. Interment church cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 24 MAY. BLANCHE. On Tuesday. April' 20, 1037. at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. BLANCHE MAY. wife of the late Frank O. May. Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w., on Friday. April 23, at 2 n.m. In terment Olenwood Cemetery. 22 Mel-Eon. VIRGINIA BROWN. On Wed nesday. April 21. 1037, at 7 a.m. at her daughter s residence. 782 Irving ft n w . VIRGINIA BROWN McLEOD She ipaves to mourn their loss five eons, Alonzo. Luther. Fred John and William McLeod: four daughters. Mrs. Hattie Ashe. Mrs. Mattie McKinnon, Mrs. O Richardson and Mrs. Lucille McCloud and many othpv relatives and friends. Remains may he viewed at 4 p.m. today at the Malvan A- Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Interment will be Friday. April 23. In Bennetts ville. S. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARECO; Neither the successor to nor connected with the orletnal w ’R Speare establishment. NAtlona°ne2892 1009 H St. N.W. PERCY J. SAFFELL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Announces removal to a new funeral home 475 H ST. N.W. __Formerly located 733 gth St, N.W ALMIJS R. SPEARE 3200 Rhode Island Are. N.E. Succeeding the original. W. R. SPEARE Formerly 1023 Conn. Ave. N.W. greenwood 2740.Deeator 0242. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave, N.E. Lincoln 5200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Manager) Phone West 0Q9fl -JA-JA M C> M U/ Established 1841 OU-J** 1X1 IN.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. kVdefnTtffpfi Nf7i;NAtional 2473 _FUNERAL DESIGNS._ GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piacwa 1212 P St NW_NAtlonal 427ft THE PALAIS ROYAL FLORIST SHOP FLORAL SPRAYS. $2.50 upwards. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT. Phone DI 4400 Prompt delivery. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICER PHONE NAT OlOfl °^S KS Cor. 14th & Eye McNELLY. ARTHUR. On Wednesday. April 21. 1937. at 12:30 am., ARTHUR Me NELLY. the beloved husband ol Maggie McNelly. Funeral services will be held at his late residence, 1632 K. Capitol st. on Friday. April 23. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 MURDOCK. ROBERT B. On Wedneaday. April 21. 1937, at his residence, 1924 11th st. n.w.. kOBERT B. MURboCK. the beloved husband of Rebecca I. Mur dock and father of Mrs. Annie Burwell. Mrs. Cordelia Wharton. Mrs. Maud Rivers and Mrs. William Berry. Funeral Sat urday. April 24. at 1 p.m., from his late residence. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Interment Harmony Ceme tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 23 PURNELL. ANNA MAY. On Sunday. April 18. 1937. after a brief Illness. ANNA MAY PURNELL, wife of William Purnell of Baltimore. Md. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Washington of Lynchburg. Va.; dear sister of the late Mallnda Walker and alster-ln-law of John T Walker of 839 2nd st s w She Is also surwived by five nieces and three nephews Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home 30 H st. n.e.. until Thurs day afternoon; thereafter at 839 2nd st. s.w. Funeral Friday. April 23. at 1 p.m.. from the above address Inter ment Harmony Cemetery. (Baltimore papers please copy.) 22 RUSSELL. PAULINE. Departed this life on Tuesday. April 20. 1937. at Oalllnger Hospital. PAULINE RUSSELL, beloved daughter of Raymond Russell, glster of Mildred and Raymond Russell, jr. Re mains resting at Eugene Ford s funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where fu neral services will be held Saturday, April 24. at 3 p.m., Rev. A. Lewis offi ciating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 23 SCHAEFFER. WILLIAM L. On Tuesday. April 20. 1937. at his home. Seneca. Md.. WILLIAM L. SCHAEFFER, beloved hus band of Edith Clugston Schaefler. Re mains resting at Gartner’s funeral home. Gaithersburg. Md. Funeral services Friday April 23. at 2 p.m. at above funeral home Interment Bealisville, Md. SHERBERT. MAURICE CHILDS. On Wed nesday. April 21. 1937. at Sibley Hos pital. MAURICE CHILDS 8HERBERT. beloved husband of Lydia Virginia Sher bert and devoted father of Addie E. Munch, Ella M. Snellings. Mary J. Moore, Alice R. Booze Maurice Henry Sherbert and F Virginia Sherbert Re mains resting at his late residence. 921 F st. n.e. Services at his late residence Saturday. April 24. at 1 p.m.; thence to Mount Harmony Church. Chesapeake Beach rd. Calvert County. Md. where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited Interment Mount Harmony Cemetery. smiTH. KATIE. On Wednesday. April 21. 1037. at her residence. 2312 Eye st. n.w.A KATIE SMITH devoted wife of Redd Smith, loving mother of Bertha Ingram. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at W. Ernest Jarvis' funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w.. until 12 noon Friday. April 23: thereafter at W. Ernest Jarvis’ West End parlor. 28th st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w. Funeral Saturday. Atfril 24. at 2 p.m.. from West End parlor. Rev Gaskins officiating. In terment Mt. Zion Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 23 SNYDER ANNA G. On Tuesday April 20. 1937. at her residence. Gambrills. Anne Arunuel County. Md. ANNA G.. aged 08 years, the beloved wife of William F. Snyder Funeral from Sacred Heart Catholic Church White Marsh. Md. on Friday. April 23 at 9:30 a m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22 SOHL. AGNES T. On Wednesday. April 21. 193,. at her residence. 30 Hesketh st., Chevy Chase. Md.. AGNES T. wife of John E, W. Sohl. Services at Gawlers’ chapel. 1730 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Friday. April 23. at 3 p m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. SWEARINGEN. VALERIA E. On Thursday. April _• 1937. at the home of her son. Noble P. Swearingen 20 Flower ave Takoma Park. Md.. VALERIA E wife of the late Henry H Swearingen Her body resting at Warner E. Pumphrey's funeral home. 8424 Ga ave. Silver Spring. Md. Notice of services later TOLSON. MARTHA. On Thursday. April at Ga r-fleld Hospital. MARTHA JGLSON. loving aister of Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Grace Brown. Norris L. and Oscar Sumby: devoted grandmother of Grace Tolson. She also leaves other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. TL'RTON, EDWARD WARREN On Tues April 29. 1037 EDWARD WARREN TURTON aged 37 years, beloved hus band of Mrs. Mary Maher Turton and son of Mrs. Annie Virginia and the late J Edward Turton He Is also sur vived by one brother. Mr. W. Frank Tur ton. Funeral services at Hysong's par lors, 1390 N st. -n.w.. on Friday. April 23: thence to St. Patrick's Church, where mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 22 WARFIELD. BASIL T. Suddenly, on Tues day. April 29. 1937. at his home, near Damascus. Md BASIL T. WARFIELD, ace 19. beloved son of Raymond War field. Funeral services will be held at his late home on Friday. April 23. at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lebanon Cem etery. Arrangements by Roy W. Bar ber. funeral director, Laytonsvllle. Md. 22 WATERMAN, JULIA TURNER. Suddenly, on Wednesday. April 21. 1937. at her residence, the Brighton. 2123 California st. n.w JULIA TURNER WATERMAN, wife of the late James K Waterman. Funeral services and interment St. Louis, Mo., on Friday. April 23. BERTHA O. On Tuesday. April 20. 1937. at her residence. 6218 Noel Peasant. Md.. BERTHA O. WATKINS, beloved wife of Milton O. Watkins: sister of Mrs Lowell T. An derson and Mrs. May Hum. of Washing, ton. D. C. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n e.. where services will be held on Fri day. April 2.3. at 2 p.m. Relatives snd friends invited Interment Addison Chapel Cemetery. Seat Pleasant. Md. 22 WEST. ROBERT CONRAD. On Thursday. April 22. 1937. at his residence 2132 31st st. s.e.. ROBERT CONRAD WEST, beloved husband of Gladys Alleen West • nee La Rue). Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. April 24. at 1:13 p.m. Services at Congress Heights Bap tist Church at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 23 west. EMIL. On Thursday. April 22. 1937. at Manhasset. Long Island EMIL WEST beloved husband of Rachel West and father of Alvin West. Interment Sunday. 3 p.m.. at Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery. WILLIAMS. FRANCES ALIDA. On Wed nesday, April 21. 1937. at her residence. 132 Carroll ave . Takoma Park Md.. FRANCES ALIDA WILLIAMS, widow of Dr. Edward Williams and devoted moth er of Marllynn M. Morrteon and Oene vleva W. Klley. Remains resting at the 8. H. Hlnee Co. funeral home. 2901 14th at. n.w.. until 9 am. Saturday. April 24. Funeral services at Trinity Episcopal Church. Dahlia at. and Plney Branch rd.. Takoma Park. D C on Saturday. April 24. at 10 a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Schenectady. N Y. 23 WOMERSLEY. BENJAMIN G.. SR. On Thursday. April 22. 1937. at the Tuber culosis Hosoital. BENJAMIN G WOM ERSLEY. Sr., the beloved husband of Annie M. Womersley. Funeral from H. M. Padgett’s funeral home. 131 11th st. a.e.. on Saturday. April 24. at 9:30 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 23. YOUNG. ISABELLE S. On Wednesday April 21. 1937. at her residence. 1002 Park rd n w ISABELLE 8. YOUNG wife of the late E. Walter O. Young and moth-r of Mrs. Dorothy Barrett’ Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson. Edward W Young and Mrs. Isabelle McCloud. Also sur viving are seven grandchildren and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Funeral Friday. April 23. at 1 P.m.. from Plymouth Congregational CSiurch. 17th and P sts. n.w. 22 Itt fJbttmrtam. BROWN. FRANCES C. In aad but loving remembrance of our beloved daughter and sister. FRANCES C. BROWN, who departed this life one rear ago today. April 22. 1936. One year has passed Since that aad day. When our dear Frances Passed away. We loved her then And love her still. We miss her now And always will. . THE AMTLY. CHAPMAN. HATTIE BROOKS. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. HATTIE BROOKS CHAPMAN, who de parted this life three years ago today, April 22. 1934. We miss you. mother, our hearts are sore. As time goes by we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one, mother, can take your place. HER CHILDREN REBECCA. THOMAS, NAOMI AND ANNA MAE • GOWENS. AMANDA. In memory of our beloved mother. AMANDA GOWENS. who departed this life thirty years ago today. April 22. 1907. Gone but not forgotten. HER LOVING CHILDREN. MODENA, VIRGINIA. HENRY AND WILLARD OOWENS. • HAWKINS, LEVI. In sad remembrance of our beloved father. LEVI HAWKINS, who departed this life eleven years ago today. April 22. 1926. It Is hard to lose a father. A friend that is so dear; If only tears could bring him back. Father would be here. DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. BLANCHE WILSON. MAMIE HAWKINS. • IOUVENAL. CARRIE V. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother. CARRIE V. JOUVENAL who entered Into eternal rest four years ago today. April 22. 1933. The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day. But never will the one we love. From memory pass away. We miss your kind and loving hands. Your fond and earnest care: Our home Is dark without you. We miss you everywhere. Our heart still aches with sadness. Our eyes shed many a tear; God only knows how we miss you At the end of each sad year. Four years hare passed, dear mother. Since you were called away; How well do we remember That sad and weary day. Tou suffered hours—yes. hours of pain. To wait for cure, but In vain. ’Til God above knew what was best. He called you home to give you rest. Forget you? No. we never will We loved you then, we love you gtilL Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away. HER DEVOTED CHILDRBN. SM. MARIE AND j^pQUBB. “ DRIP. HOOD DIES IN CAPITAL HOME Retired Chief of Bureau of Mines Unit Had Long Been III. Dr. O. P. Hood, 71, retired chief of the Bureau of Mines' technological branch, died today at his home, 1831 Dr. Hood. Lrving street, alter a long illness. Dr. Hood was retired June 30, 1936, after his term of offloe had been extended one year beyond the age limit by executive order. He had been a resident of Wash ington for the past 20 years. Before coming here he served with the Bureau of Mines at Pitts burgh as chief mechanical engineer. Prior to joining the staff of the bureau he was professor of mechanical and electrical engineering at the Michigan College of Mines for 13 years. From 1889 to 1898 he was professor of engi neering at the Kansas State Agri cultural College. Dr. Hood was an honorary member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers and of the In ternational Railway Fuel Association. He was a member of the Washington Society of Engineers and the Society for the Promotion of. Engineering Edu cation. Dr. Hood was bom in Lowell, Mass., June 14, 1865. He was graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute In 1883 and from the Rose Polytechnic Institute in 1885. He held the degree of doctor of engineering from the lat ter institution. He was married In 1884 to Miss Gertrude Benight of Terre Haute, Ind. Surviving are the widow, three sons, Ben, Karl and Harrison; 12 grand children and two great-grandchildren. He also leaves a brother, Arthur Hood, an attorney In Indianapolis. Funeral services will be held at the residence Saturday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Russell CUnchy will officiate. Burial will be In Rock Creek Cemetery. LIEUT. POOLE BURIAL TOMORROW MORNING Air Corps Officer* Honorary Pall bearer*—Full Military Hon or* at Arlington. First Lieut. John K. Poole, Army Air Corps, who died April 17 at Ran dolph Field, Tex., will be buried with full military honors in Arlington Na tional Cemetery at 9:30 am. tomor row. A formation of Army planes from Bolling Field is to fly over the grave. Chaplain Ora J. Cohee will officiate. Honorary pallbearers, all officers of ,the Air Corps, will be Majs. Norman D. Brophy, Edward W. Raley and Wil liam B. Sousa, and Capts. James B. Jordan, Ever* Abbey and Luther S. Smith. Born here in 1906. Lieut. Poole was graduated from the Military Academy In 1929 and was commissioned in the Field Artillery. He completed his fly ing training in 1930 and was trans ferred to the Air Corps. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Althea Poole. MRS. HELEN IRWIN DIES Funeral Rites for Army Officer'* Wife at Fort Myer. Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Hall Irwin, wife of Lieut. Col. S. LeRoy Irwin, Feld Artillery, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Fort Myer chapel. Chaplin Ora J. Cohee will officiate and burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Mrs. Irwin died Tuesday in Walter Reed Hospital after a brief illness. BURIAL IN ST. LOUIS Funeral services for Mrs. Julia T. Waterman, 68, who was found dead yesterday in a bathtub in her apart ment in the Brighton Hotel, 2123 California street, will be held tomorrow in St. Louis. Burial also will be there. A native of St. Louis, Mrs. Water man lived here many years ago and later resided for 30 years in Europe. She returned here last January. In fHmnrtam. MOORE, DELLA. In loving memory of my dear mother. DELLA MOORE, who left me six years ago today. April 22. 1931. Gone Is the mother I loved so dear. Hushed is the voice I loved to hear, I cannot help but wor-der why The best are always first to die. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. BEATRICE MOORE. • NORRIS. THOMAS. In remembrance of my dear son. THOMAS NORRIS, who departed this life live years ago today. April 22. 1932. The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day. Ofttlmes my thoughts go wandering to the grave not far away. But never shall the one I love from memory fade away. HIS DEAR MOTHER. MARY NORRIS. • SIMMS. WILLIAM I. A tribute of love to the sacred memory of my loving hus band. WILLIAM I. 8IMMS. who entered the haven of i;est one year ago today. April 22. 1936. No trembling sad farewell Prom his quivering lips was heard, So softly he crossed the quiet stream. Was not a ripple stirred. So low was his Master’s voice That it did not reach my ears. But he heard the sound of His loving voice. _And he was full of Joy—no tears. HIS DEVOTED WIPE, ANNIE BAILEY SIMMS. • SPILMAN. WILLIAM W. In gad. but lov. lng remembrance of our dear father. WILLIAM W. SPILMAN. who departed this life one year ago today. April 22. 1938. Anniversary magg at St. Stephen’a Catholic Church. HIS DAUGHTERS. * WHITE. MARIAH. Sacred to the mem ory of our beloved slater. MARIAH WHITE, who departed this life four years ago today. April 22. 1933. The blow was bard, the shock severe. I never thought her death so near; Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. HER DEVOTED SI8TER. MARY FRA ZIER- AND FAMILY. » Frazier's —service, quality and reverance in conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. 8. War Veterans, Also for the C. C. O. Camp, N. P. 11. Company 1980, Washington, D. O. No Deserving Case Turned dteap Parlors and Chapels Tree Gall NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. -^ EMIL WEST, 74, FORMER RESIDENT, DIES IN N. Y. Retired Clothing: Merchant Was in Business Here for 40 Tears. Emil West, 74, retired Washington clothing merchant, died today at the home of his son, Alvin West, in Man hasset, Long Island, after a long ill ness, according to word received here. Mr. West for about 40 years was proprietor of men’s furnishings stores, his last place of business being in the 400 block of Seventh street. He retired in 1932 and soon afterward went to live with his son. A native of Menzingen, Germany, Mr. West came to Washington in 1880. Besides his son, he leaves his wife, Mrs. Rachel West; a sister, Mrs. A. Lincoln Dembltz, 4115 Wisconsin ave nue: a brother, Julius West, New York, and one grandchild. Burial will be here Sunday afternoon in the cemetery of the Washington Hebrew Congregation. WIFE GRANTED DIVORCE FROM JOHN PHILIP HILL Plea of Desertion Since 1932 Wins Absolute Decree for Prominent Baltimore Woman. By the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, April 22—Mrs. Su zanne Carroll Hill won an absolute divorce today from Brig. Gen. John Philip Hill on charges of desertion. Hill, a former Representative and World War veteran, is prominent here, as is Mrs. Hill. She told the court that she and her husband had been separated since 1932. The couple was married in 1913 and has three children. Simpson (Continued From First Page.) Mrs. Simpson Is unmarried when her English decree nisi becomes abso lute. “I cannot understand,” Keith con cluded, “why at the proceedings at Ipswich, strict proof of the validity of the first divorce was not required, and If available, given." When Keith raised the Issue a month ago other authorities were in clined to agree on the law, but con sidered the Ipswich decree as assur (eda,r Hill ‘Wadiincjtcm meatBeauti^d (cmetery CommnnltT Mausoleum. Colamlmriaa _ and Reecirins Vault,. ance the English courts considered the the Warrenton decree legal. The date for the wedding of Wind sor and Mrs. Simpson was expected to be either June 19, Mrs. Simpson's birthday, or June 23, which is Wind sor's. The ceremony, which their friends say will be attended by his sister Mary, the princess royal, and the Duke of Kent, who will be best man, Is likely to be at the Chateau de Cande at Tours, France, where Mrs. Simpson now is in residence. Definite fixing of a date, however, was said to await the duke’s arrival at the chateau after Mrs. Simpson’s divorce decree is made final April 27. Friends of Windsor doubt if he will leave Austria before the coronation of King George VI on May 12 for, al though he says he is “counting the days” until he sees Mrs. Simpson again, he is determined to give his brother a ‘‘clear run” during the coro nation. The middle of May was the earliest date his friends would set for the reunion between the two. Despite reports of a last-minute in tervention to stop the divorce, legal authorities considered -the case fin ished except for the technical appli cation for the final decree which can be made absolute any time after next Tuesday. It was understood that Sir Thomas Barnes, the King's proctor, who is charged with supervision of divorce court conduct during the period of the decree nisi, was continuing to receive letters protesting against the divorce, but they were considered the work of cranks. The office of the proctor would not discuss any possibility of a hitch in the arrangements, declaring: “This office reveals nothing to any one. It is no part of the job of the King's proctor to make any disclosures about intervention.” ESCAPED PRISONER DIES IN GUN BATTLE Officer Critically Wounded in At tempt to Take Man Barricaded in House. Ej the Associated Press. UNIONTOWN, Pa., April 22—An escaped prisoner, hiding in a mine house at nearby Filbert, was shot to death today in a gun fight with police after he wounded one of the officers trying to arrest him. A squad of police fired a volley of 40 to 50 shots into the house and hurled tear gas through a window be fore the fugitive fell. State Policeman Joseph A. Hoffer, 30, was wounded in the abdomen. Officers identified the prisoner as Hamilton Leftwich, colored, one of six prisoners who escaped last week from the Fayette County Jail. • Police routed, the prisoner from the house within 15 minutes after Hoffer was shot. Hoffer was taken to a hospital In COMPLETE FUNERALS FULL COMPLETE SERVICE BURIAL PLOTS ... $25 UP XV.* \ v W. W. CHAMBERS Oh M the Lumt Uototitm la tlx W*rl4. POLISHED HARDWOOD CASKETS £ AT LOW PRICES* niwlfk (merftl for .... I THRFF FIINFRAI. HOMF5 I SOUTHEAST OfTKT »n Elevrntfc S*. S.E. rtm ATIantte «7<N mat* orricz 14th A Chapin M. M.W. Flame CO. M3X RUBntlUWI omcB RiT*rd»lr. IbnlMd Hw CBnwwiI lttt Unlontown, six miles away, where at tendants reported he had been wounded In the chest and abdomen. His condition was critical. MOVE TO END STRIFE Flag Association to Distribute Tracts Urging Tolerance. Plans for a movement designed to "help materially" in solving indus trial questions were announce today by the United States Flag Associa tion. The movement will be inaugu rated at once, it was said. Col. James A. Moss, president gen eral of the association, said the plan consists of a series of "patriotic In- • dustrial tracts" to be distributed among employers and employes to de velop "a mental attitude that will sub stitute good will and tolerance, un derstanding and co-operation, for envy and greed, misunderstanding and strife In employment relations.'' $5,000,000 Hospital Opens. A new hospital, which has cost more than $5,000,000, has been opened by Cairo, Egypt, on the banks of the Nile, with 2,500 beds and provision for treating over 10.000 patients a day. FRIDAY ONLY CLEARANCE Odds and Ends Priced to Insure Quick Selling! 8 COTTON LACE COATS, AA pastel shades, were $6 95, now_ Z.UU 6 PASTEL PRINT DRESSES, SO 7C were $6.95, now___ Am. / O 24 WHITE & PASTEL SILK DRESSES, JO were $6.95, now_ A.. U V 8 COTTON PLAY SUITS, J-| were $2.95, now_ I, vU 5 COTTON DRESSES, $1 AA were $2.95, now_ I ,UU 12 EVENING DRESSES, J*> -▼ C were $8,95 to $14.95, now- O ./ J 4 SILK COATS, JO HO were $5.95, now_ 19 DARK PRINTS, J A 7C were $8.95, now’_ "T./ J 9 DARK PRINTS, JAL 7C were $12.95, now_ w. / ^ 12 CREPE DRESSES, black, grey and beige, were $12 95 ^ to $19.75 __- V/./ ^ 92 HANDBAGS, black, green end brown, were $1.00, Ao Exchanges or Refunds EVERYTHING IS LOW-PRICED AT Z AHflCIN 1? Z WOXZEMA 4fr S ENO SALTS 77‘ r: ASPIRIN 14° m COTTON w 27‘ Oral Hygiene Suggestions: Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste_19e Klenzo Dental Creme_29e Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Powder__23c Liggett's Pure Bristle Toothbrush_19c Mi 31 Antiseptic Mouthwash_49c Puretest Sodium Perborate (flavored) 39c Puretest Sodium Bicarbonate, pound_20c Puretest Powdered Pumice, pound-30e Puretest Chalk and Orris, 4 ozs. 1-20c Puretest Tincture Myrrh U. S. P. 1 oz_30c Denturex Dental Plate Cleaner_50c Rexall Milk of Magnesia, pt-29e an ALCOHOL 19° a PEROXIDE 10° Z VICK’S SftLVE 24" Z BflBBflSOL 39° Z FEENAMINT 19° Big Little BOOKS Your Choice oft Buck Rodgers Orphan Annie Dick Tracy, etc. Handy Pocket Key Holders Made from real leather. Assorted colors. TOBACCO POUCHES Folding type. Rubber lined. Assorted colors. MONOGRAM Match Boxes Metal case with your initial to hold box of matches. Imported Manila ( CIGARS f . | I Manufacturers | ^ close-out price. ■ W A | | Box or so 83c I Social Security I Card Holders | | . | I Will keep your reg- j § istration card safe ^ | i and clean. | I MENTHO- ! I KERCHIEFS I ^ P Package of Paper ^^B j l Kerchiefs contain p ing menthol. ^^P Rubber Tire Ash Trays I I I A miniature Sei- [1 j | berling tire with I glass center. ^^P taDmiMCKftr SKOAL COMBINATION ^ omn OUVC m POAMV OK SHAMPOO S JO CONDITIONING HAIR M* SCALP TONIC .00 TOTAL VALUE «f BOTH S1.M j BOTH • NOW • ONLY 59$ fltlOWY SUDS • .EAR WATER RINSE IUSTROUS HAIR | drench I SAcunpoo- 89c !_ /mi M miCRO/WATIC GEM RAZOR I vfUkSQuututt GEM BLADES Side Sanction/ Larqe size OVALTINE - 52c Famous Swiss Food Drink for robust health and extra energy. KOTEX —— 12*e Regular. Jan- 2UC! V TOT 9DC ior or Saner. 1 KURB 12 Tablets Anodyne Tablets. ■ “ ■ For certain days, headaches and aen- COG eral pain. Large tube. LIFEBUOY Shav'Cream Quicker, Easier Shaves 25‘ LUX TOILET SOAP 3 for 20c LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 for 20e LUX FLAKES 2 for 19c 12-ox. Squibb'* Cod Liver Oil-79c Colgote't Perfumed Toilet Soop»-2 for 11c Friendly service . . . low prices . . . free .delivery . . . money back guarantee . . . Registered > he Pharmacist always in attend- Nation’* once. Mail orders filled «... • ■ promptly (add 10% for post- Neighborhood oge). Drag _ Mailing Addran: Store I HEADQUARTERS FOR CUT-RATE DRUGS 801 14th St. N.W. L__ I REFER TO YOUR LOCAL TELEPHONE BOOK FOR ADDRESS OF THE NEAREST1 LIGGETT STORK faoooBaanwnaaMMwaBHHHweHaaninaaoMHoaHaaHHaHHHHii