Newspaper Page Text
II. S. BONDS EASE WITHCOfiPORATES Market Slips Backward Un der Pressure of In creased Offerings. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls Util P an Net change. —.1 unch. —.1 —.1 Today, noon 94.1 102.9 99.7 71.8 Prev. day.. 94.2 102.9 99.8 71.9 Month ago. 95.0 103.0 100.3 72.3 Year ago.. 91.4 102.2 101.4 69.6 1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.9 102.4 99.4 70.8 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 10 Iaiw-Yield Bonds. Noon -109.0 Prev. day. 109.2 Month ago 109.3 Year ago. 111.3 1937 high 113.7 1937 low-. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1938 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 • Compiled by the Associated Press.) T v the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 22.—The bond market slipped backward under pres sure of increased offesings in the late trading today. United States Governments were lower from the start and showed little rallying power up to the final hour. I osses ranged from 1-32 to 12-32 of a point. Corporate bonds sold off in sym pathy with a declining share list. Erie 5s, Great Northern 4s, Inter national Hydro Electric 6s, New York Central 5s. Youngstown Sheet & Tube 3'2r and other recent trading favorites were down a point or more. American & Foreign Power 5s and Studebaker 6s were among a minor group showing moderae gains. Declines predominated in the foreign sector. Cuban. Polish and Italian is sues were down 1 to 1>2 points. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. April 22 «..p,._New York Security Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. B< of Man d1*) 36 38 Bankers Tr (2) _ 73\3 7o'i Ceil Han Bk & Tr (4)_133 136 Chase Nat <1.40) 58 60 Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ ?<» 72 Ccmmercial (8) 20? 213 C-ont Bk AT r (.80) _ 10‘4 203-i Corn Ex Bk & Tr (3) _ 6S34 69 34 Empire Tr < 1 ) _ _ 31 14 3214 First Nat <Bo?) (2) _ 56 58 First Natl (100) 2310 2350 Guaranty Tr (12) 361 366 Irvins Tr ( 60) _ 171 i l S>2 Manufacturer? Tr (2)_ 50 6] Manuf'rs Tr pf (2)_ 51 53 Natl City ( 1 * _ 51 52 53*2 N Y Trust '.*>) _ ... 138 141 Public (112> 48 50 Title G & T 1612 1T1 i -• FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK April 22 (AT—Federal Land Bank bond' 4 4s Nov., HI58-3X . . .. In;;1. lo4 4 .5 May. 1H57-.17 . HUT 102 4' May. 1H58-35 _ 102», lii.Cs 45 Nov., _ lull's 101’s 45 July. 1040-44 _ _ los msT •' 45 May. 1055-45 _. _ liu1. HUT 3s July. 1055-45 ___ loo 100U 3s Jan.. 11)58-40 „ loo looi. 3s Mar. 105(140 . __ lou IUO'4 *-• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO April 22 1.4V—Poultry, live, 31 trucks, steady; hens, over 5 pounds 18; 5 pounds and less. 20; Leghorn hens, lfi'a. fryers, colored. 23: White Rock. 25; Ply mouth Rock. 25. White Rock Springs. 20; broilers, colored. 23; White Rock. 24; Ply mouth Rock. 24: barebacks. 111-21; Leg horn. 22: roosters. 13; Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys, hens. 20. toms. 10; No. 2 turkeys. 15: ducks. 4T pounds up. 10: heavy, colored 10: small, white. 14; small, colored, 14: geese, 11. Butter 10.054: firmer Creamery spe cials 103 score', 31-ni'i: extras i02). •lo'a; extra firsts (on-on. 30-30'.: firsts <88-80', 2014-2!l34: standards illil, cen tralized carlotsi, 30'j. Eggs. 30 280 firmer extra firsts, local, 221.: cars 22'i fresh-graded firsts, local. 211 a: cars 22; current receipt-. 20T: storage packed ex tras -j::3, s-orage packed fir-u. Potatoes. 82; on track, 185: total U S. shipments. 717: old stock supplies mod erate: for Idaho R'ussets demand fairly good, other stock demand .slow, market steady Sacked, per cwt.. Idaho Russets. U. S. No. 1, 2.50h2.T5; mostly -.\i;0a‘.’To; U. S. No. 2. 2.35; Wisconsin, round whites, u. S. commercials, l.TOal 75; unclassified, car. 1.05: Michigan, Russet Rurals. car. lair quality and condition. J .8(1. New stock. supplies moderate, demand fair market steady: Texas. Bliss Triumphs. U S. No. 1 3.00a3.80. according to quality and condition; U S. No. 2. 2.00a‘2.60. ac cording to condition. —" ■ -• PARIS BANK CHANGES. ■ PARIS April 22 (/Pi.—'The Bank of France statement for the week ended April 16 <in millions of francs): Gold reserve 57.358 XJnch’K Sight balance? abroad. 1C Unch'g Bills purchased abroad 1.133 — 20 Discounted c o m m e r cial bills -France __ 7.065 —536 Temporary advances to state (prior to June 18. 1936) 12.200 — 3 Temporary advances to state isince June 18. 1936* 7.800 Unch’K j Advances against securities 3.729 — 72 j Circulation 85.696 —601 : Total credit to current ac counts .. 17.399 —659 I 30-day advances against eovernmerU securities 770 —450 Rate of discount. 4 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. April 22 ifp,.— Foreign ■ exchange firm: Great Briiain in dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand. 4.04'»: cables. 4 04',.; 6"-day bills. 4.92’»: France, de mand. 4.4 4■ ^: cables. 4.44'«: Italy, de mand. b.'Jfi'.; cables. 5.2H1. Demands' Belgium. It).80: Germany free. 40.2.'!; registered. If).85; travel, 23.70: Holland. 54.70* Norway. 24.83; Sweden 25.48; Denmark 22.00'*: Finland °1S; Switzerland. 27.88'*: Spain, unquoted: Por tugal 4.48',: Greece. .On'.: Poland 1!' ml Czechoslovakia. 3.48'.; Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria 18.72n; Hungary, Rumania J5;. Argentina 37.n3n: Brazil, Tokio. ~8.£i; Shanghai 29 93• Hongkong. ?0.70: Mexico City. 27.85; Montreal in New York. 100.25: New York in Montreal. o—Nominal. ® U. S. TREASURY NOTES. * (Renorted by Chas. D Barney A: Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer 3‘« Sept. 15 37 101 s-32 101 Ki-32 2A, F»b 1. 7)8 1(11 17-32 101 10-32 3 Mar. 15. 38 107 0-32 102 11-32 .--*?» June 15, '38 107 13-32 102 15-32 21 * Sept. 15. '38 102 8-32 102 10-3° 1*2 Mar. 15. '30 10023-32 10025-32 2'» June. 15. '30 101 27-32 101 20-3° I3* Dec. 15. '30 100 8-32 10010-3° 13a Mar. 15. '40 100 15-32 100 17-32 I'a June 15. '40 loo ion 2-32 1 Dec. 35. '40 00 27-32 00 20-32 3 Vi Mar. 15 41 00 20-32 00 2°-32 33» June 15 4 1 00 4-32 00 0-32 * 1V* Dec. 15. '41 08 11-32 08 14-32 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on April CO: Receipts. $16,347,781.37: expenditures. $24,228,609.52: balance. $1,682,567,568. 60: customs receipts for the month. $30. 638.638.34. Receints for the fiscal year (since July 1). $3,994,091,855.67: expenditures. $6. 054.340.619.81. including $2,293,083,388. 73 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures $2,060,248.76*4.14: gross debt. $34 832.075.135.61. an increase of $4,696,058.08 over the previous day: rold assets. $1L.736 764.054 69. including $505,500,631.01 of inactive gold. LONDON BANK REPORT. LONDON April 22 (fP).—The Bank of England statement for the week ended April 21 (in thousands of pounds): Circulation _ 464.024 —1.670 Bullion __ 314.693 4- 121 Reserves __ 50.669 4-1 791 Public deposits 25.585 4*3.214 Private deposits 130.049 —4.769 Government securities 94.064 —2.885 Other securties 28.607 — 446 The proportion of the bank’s reserve to liability is 32.50 per cent, compared with 31 no lAst week Rate of discount. 2 per cent. —- -•-- - RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, April 22 i/P>.—Crude rubber futures opened firm. 33 to 4° hiRher. May. * Sd.Mafll; July, 23.84a85: September. 23.80a89. Six men were killed in a hut struck bjy^ghtning at Malpin, South Africa. BONDS ON By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. 2*48 1949-62_ 97.9 97.3 97.9 2*48 1946-47_101.U 101.6 101.9 . 2*48 1948-61_ 100. 99.19 99.27 2*48 1951-64_ 99.11 99.2 99.11 2*4s 1956-69_ 99.12 99. 99.6 2*4s 1960-60_ 100.10 100.8 100.10 38 1946-48_ 102.30 102.26 102.30 38 1951-55 _ 102.1 101.30 102.1 l*4s 1946-49_ 103.10 103.8 103.8 3*48 1949-52_ 103.16 103.16 103.16 I >48 1941 105.23 106.18 106.22 Sis 1944-46 .. 124.40 104.24 104.24 3*4s 1 940-43June 106.12 105.9 105.12 3*48 1941-43 Mar 106.20 105.20 I0V2O 3 *4 s 1943-47 ... 105.19 105.9 105.16 3*«sl946-56_ 107.28 107.28 107.28 48 1944-64._ 110. 109.29 109.30 4*4 8-3*4 8 1943-45 106. 104.24 106. 4 *4 8 1947-62 114.16 114.10 114.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2*48 1942-47_ 100.17 100.16 100.17 38 1947- 101.30 101.80 101.80 Isl949 - 101.19 101.12 101.19 **4sl964- 101.30 101.80 101.80 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 1*48 1942-44_ 99.2 99.2 99.2 2*48 1939-49_ 99.20 99.8 99.18 *8 1951___ 106.31 100 21 100.31 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:55. i Abltibi Pa&Pw 6s '63 iu6b l0o 13*H j Antioauia 7s 46 A._ 16*> 15b 16b ( Argentine 4 *4s'71_ 9,*4 96*4 97*4 ! Argentine ! *ls 62_101 loOb lol Argentine 6s 67 A_I0K4 101b lolb Argentine be '53 B 100*4 loub 100*4 Argentine 6s 59 June lot'b 100b 100b Argentine 6s 69 Oct 101*4 101*4 llHb Argentine 6s'60 May 102 102 102 Argentine 6s 60 Sept 101*4 101b 101*4 Argentine 6s 60 Oct lol*» 101*4 101b Argentine 6s 61 Febr 101 101 101 ; Argentine 6s'61 May. 102 102 102 ! Akershus 5s 63 _ 98*4 97*4 98*4 Antioauia 7s 45 D_ 15b 16b 15*4 Australia 4*4s 66_101 101 lol Australia 6s'55_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 , Australia 6s'57_ 106 106 106 I Austrians '67_100*4 100*4 100b Belgium 6s '55_ 109*4 109b 109b Beltlum 1b 65 _118 118 U8 Bergen City 6s’60_ 100b 100b 100b Brazil 6 *4e'26-’57_i 40b . 40 40 Brazil 6 *ts'27-’57_ 4o 40 40 Brazil 7e’62_ 4lb 41 41*4 Brazil 8s 41,.. _ 60b 60b 60b Breda Frnesto 7s ’54_ 73 73 73 Brisbane 6s 68 _100b 100*t 10ub Budapest 6s 62 unmai coupon on_28b 28*4 28b Buenos Aires 4*48-3*48'77 Pv __ 7t*4 ',6*4 ,6b But At 4*48-4*is '75_. 80b *0 8u I Bulgaria 7 *48 68 uuupuu uii._ C i >4 *>i‘4 Canada 2 >•.» 45_ 98 98 98 Canada 3 V* a 61_ 99 984* b8 v* Canada 4s 60_106}* 10b 106 Canada 6s 52_1124s 1114* 11144 Chile 6s '60 _ 224* 224* 224* Chile 6s '61 Jan_ 224, 224* 224* Chile 6s "61 Febr_ 22s* 224* 224* Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 2£>* 2244 224* Chile 6s'62_ 2*4* 224* *24* Chile 6s 68 - 224, 224* 224* Chile 7s 42 - 224* 224* 224* Chile Mtg Bit 6s’61_ 20 194* 1944 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62.— 19M 1944 1 94* Chile Mtg Bk 6 Hs'67. 1^1 19}* 194* Chile Mtg Bk 64*s 61. 1644 194* 19H Chilean Mun L 7s til.. 184* 184* 184* Chinese Gv Ry5s’51_ 674* 67}* 67}* Colombia 6s 61 Jan .. 324, 32 324 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 324* 3244 324* CoDennagen 6s 6* ._ 984* 984* 98‘* Cordoba 7s’57 stpd_ 784* 7s 784* CosLa Kira is A ol_ 33 3*4* i2J* Cuba 6s '04-'44- 103 103 103 Cuba 5s 14- 49 - 10*4* 10244 10*4* Cuoa 5 4* s 46 _ 66‘* 65 b5>* Czechoslovakia 8s ’61. 1044* 1044* 1044* Denmark 4 V4» 62_ 98 97i* 98 Denmark 6 4*s 66 _ 101 101 101 Denmark 6s 42 105 Iu4!* 105 Dominic 1st 5>*e’69ext 79 79 79 French Gov 7s'49 1184* 118 118 Ger G Ag Bk 6s'6U Oct 3o}* 30}* 30}* Ger Gov 6 44s'66 at 25** 244* 26 Ger Gov 6 44 e 65ungt 22 22 *2 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 64*e '58 .. 26 24}* 26 Ger Rep 7s 49 un at_ 24 234* 24 Ger Rep 7e’49 stpd_ 274* 274* *7}* Grt C El Jap 7a '44_ 98 97}* 98 Hungary 7 4*s ’44 Febr coupon on_ 61 61 61 Italy 7e 61 _ 8644 864* 864* Ital P U Crd 7s ’52_ 764* 764* 764* Japan 644s'65 - 8b}* 804* 804* Japan 644s 54 ... 954, 964* 964* Kreug&Toll 5s '59 cts 484* <84* 48** Lombard Elec 7s'52 . 74 74 74 Uedenn 6 4,8 5t 164, 144* 15 Met Wat 6 s '50_ 1024, 1024* 1024* Milan 6 4*8 52 744* 744* 744* M1 nas Gera6 44 s '58 Sept coupon ofi 284* 284, 284* MmasGsrs 6 44s '69 Sept coupon on _ 28}* 284* 28jf New So Wales 5s’67.. 1024* 1024* 1024* New So Wales 5s '58 1024* 1024* 1024* Norway 4s '63 - 954* 964* 994* Norway *s '65_ 1004* 1004* 1004* Norway 4441'66- 1024* 1024* 102}* Norway 6s 44- 1064* 1064* 1064* Nord Ry 644s’60_ 1U7 107 107 Nuremberg 6s '52_ 19 19 19 Panama 6s 63 stp as.. 6844 6644 6644 Parts Orl Ky 5 44S'68. 1004* 1004* 1004* Pernambuco 7a'47 Sept coupon off_ 274* 274* 274* Peru 6s '60 - 204* 2044 2044 Peru 6s '61 - 2044 2 044 2044 Poland 6s 40- 484* 484* 484* Poland 7s 47- 63 63 63 Poland 8s 60- 4844 4 8 44 4 8 44 Queensland 6s 47_ 1094* 1094* 1094* Rhein Main 7s'50_ 234* 23!* 234* Rhine VV El P bs 52_ 204* 204* 214* Rhine W El P 6s 55... 21 21 21 ' Rio ile Jan 64*a 68 auk coupon on_ 274 27 27 Rio de Jan 8s 46 Adi-11 coupon oft_ 814 81 314 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’68 June coupon off _ 29 284 284 Rio Gr do Sul 7b 6$ May coupon off _ 304 304 804 Rio Gr do Sul 7b '#7 June coupon oft _ 304 30 304 Rln Gr do Sul 8s ’4$ April coupon off_ 38 >3 38 Rome 6 Ha '62 _ 764 764 764 1 Rotterdam 6s'64- 1004 1004 1004 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4Hs'46.. 100 100 100 B & O ret 6s 2000 D __ 864 864 684 B & O ref 6s ’96 C 984 984 984 B & O PLE&W V 4s’41 1024 1024 1024 B & O Swn 6s 60 1034 1034 1034 Ban* & Aroos cv 4s'61 1044 1044 1044 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B 1164 1164 1164 Beth Steel 34s fig 944 944 944 Beth Steel 4Hs 60_ 103 1024 103 Bos & Me 44s 61 J .. 304 804 804 Bos & Me 5s 65 864 864 864 Boston N Y A L 4s '65 28 28 28 Bklyn C RH 6s'41 924 92 92 Bklyn Ed con 3 US'66 994 *94 s94 Bklyn Man T 4 Hs 66 93 93 93 Bklyn Un El 6s '60 103 103 103 Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45.. 1134 1184 1134 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 1014 1014 1014 Bklvn Un Gaa 6s '67 B 1064 1064 1064 Buff G E 4Hs '81 B- 1084 1084 1084 Buff K&P con 4H* '67 87 864 864 B C R & N 6s '34 Ctfe._ 264 25® 264 Catnag 7s 42 ctfs 274 27 27 Can’dlan N R 4Hs'67. 1104 1104 1104 Can dlan N R 4Ha>61. 1114 1114 1114 Can dlan N R 4H» "66. 1114 1114 1114 Can'dlan N 6s’69 July. 1144 1184 1184 Can'dlan N 6s’69 Oct 1154 1164 1154 Can dlan N db 6Hs 46 1284 1234 1234 Can dlari P db 4s perp 964 964 954 Can dlan Pac 4Hs'46 104 lot 104 Can dlan Pac 4Hs 60 1024 102 102 Can'dlan Pac 6a'44 cfs 1124 1124 1124 Can dlan Pac 6s '54 1084 1084 1084 Car ^ Gen 6s 60 ww.. 106 106 106 Cent Br UP 48 48 824 32 4 324 Cent of Ga con 6s'45 . 824 324 824 Cent of Ga 5s'69 C 22 214 214 Cent of Ga rf 6Hs'59 22 22 22 Cent 111 E A O 6s'61 1014 1014 1014 Cent of N J 4s '87_ 62 62 62 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s'49 1074 1074 1074 Cent Pac 5s 6<> . 994 994 994 Cent P Tr Sh 4a 64_1024 1024 1024 Cert'ddeb6Hs 48_ 884 88 88 ChesapCCT6s 44_ 122 1304 1204 Chesap Corp 68 47 _ 139 1874 >374 Ches&OSHs 96 B_ 964 96 964 C A O gsn 4 Ha '92- 1174 1174 1174 Chi ft Alt ref Sa 49_ 67 4 67 67 Ches&OSHS 9»D_ 96 96 96 Chi B ft Q gen 4s '68... 1084 >084 1084 Chi B ft Q 4Hs '77_ 1074 1074 1074 Ch1 B ft Q ref 6s '71_ 1164 1164 1164 Chi ft Ell! 6s*61_ 414 41 41 Chi ft E 1116s '61 ctfa.. 604 404 404 (Jhl Grt West 4a '69_ 474 474 674 N. Y. STOCK HlEh. Low. 2:56. Chi Ind ft Lou 4s ’47- 3654 3654 3654 Chi Ind ft L pen 6s '66. 20 20 20 Chi Ind & So 4s '66_ 10154 1 0154 10 1 54 CM St P 4s ’89. ... 6054 6064 6064 CMftStP gn 456s ’89 C. 6665 6664 *664 CM&St P 456*'39 E.._ 66M 66 64 ««54 CM&St P Es 75 .. 8254 *154 3154 CMftStPAP ad1 Ss2000 1164 1054 1054 Ch 4NW gen 3 54* '87. 4154 41M 41V4 Chi ft NW 4 54 s 2 0 8 7 8 1 64 SIM 31M Chi ft NW 4 54 S 2087 C 3154 3054 3054 Chi A NW 4 84 s 49 21M 20 54 2 954 Ch1 ft NW pen Bs '87 .. 4 854 4 854 4 354 Chi ft NW rf Bs 2037 . 32M 32M *254 C&NW Nr W 656s >36 B4 64 64 Chi R iftP rf 4s '34 2354 *364 2364 Chi R IftP rf 4s\34otf 20 19*4 19*4 Chi R (&P pen 4s'88 3964 3864 8864 Chi R IftP 4 56S '62 23 2254 22*4 Chi R I&P 4 56s'B2 ctf 20 20 20 Chi R I&P 4 56s'60 . 1464 13V4 M864 Chi St L&N Me 4s 'El. ..' 93 98 93 Chi T H&S 1st 6s'S0 . r9SV4 T9364 9364 Chi T H&S Inc Bs ‘60.. 1 8854 8854 8364 Chi Un Sta 3 56s'Bl . 10264 102 10264 Chi Un Sta 3 84 s '63 E 104 10854 104 Chi ft W In con 4s 'E2_ 10354 10264 102M Chi ft W Ind 454e'62.. 10064 9954 9954 Childs ft Co Bs *43 89 89 0 89 Cln tin Ter 3 54 a D rtd 10264 10154 10254 Cln Union Term Bs’57. 10854 108 108 CCCftSt L pen 4s '93 98 98 98 CCCftStL StLdv 4s’9 0 9 8 54 9 8 54 9854 CCCftSt L rf 4 5^8'77 E 9R 54 9 4 54 9 4 54 CCC&St L ref Es '63 D 105*4 10E54 10554 Clev CllfTs Ir 4 54 s‘BO 10754 1 0764 1 0754 Clev El 111 354s '65 10654 106N 10654 Clev Un Tel 4 56s '77 101*4 10154 101*4 Clev Pn Term Bs 73 B Iori; ]06>4 1064 Col ft So 4 55s ’89 asst. 67 66>4 66*4 Columhia O ft E deb Bs'52 April .. 10H4 10H4 10154 Onltimhin O ft E Bs 52 Mav . 103 1 8 101 Columhia O&E Bs '61 in'* li i*. 101*4 Coliim Bv PftL 4s '6B 10B'< 1054 105>4 Comol Credit 3 54 a'51. 96*4 U6*4 96*4 Com Inv Tr 356s'51 .. 101 101 101 Cons Coal Del Bs'60 68 67 67 Cons Ed NT 3 14s 46 n 103M I03'4 1034 Cons Ed NT 35ts'B6 n 102M 10214 10264 Cons Oas NT 4 54s'51 _ 107 54 1 0754 1 07 54 Consol 0(1 3 54s'B1 .. 102M 102 10254 Coneum Pwr 4 54 s 66 . 9764 9754 97M Cr osum P nn 3 54s '65 101*4 IOI64 IOI64 Cons Pwr 354s '70 . 100*41005410064 Consnm Pwr 3 44s'65.. 104 103*4 103*4 Container deb Bs '43.101*4 101*4 101*4 Crane Co 3 56s SI _ 9954 9954 «9V4 Crown C ft S 4s'50_10464 10464 10464 Crown Will P 6s'51_104 101 104 Cijha RR 1st Bs '52 .. B664 BB64 R664 Cuba Northn 6 54s'42 B464 B464 B454 Davton Pftl. 354s'60 . 104 10314 10364 n*1 ft Hod ref 4s '43 31*4 9R4 »i>4 Den ft R O eon 4S'38 .. 321/- 32'4 3264 Ben ft R O 4 56s’36 ... S2i< 3114 32'4 Hen ft R C W Bs '65 19 19 19 Hen ft ROW Bs'KBnsst 19 19 19 Den ft R O ref Bs '78 or 28 28 Des MftEt D 4s’3B ofs 1054 10*4 10*4 [let Edison 4*4b 61 D 1121. II?1; 1124 net Edison Rs'52 1077* 107T« 1077^ net River Tun 4Vi#'6t 113*4 1 137-4 1137* Puquesne Lt 3 *4s'56 . 104 104 104 Elec Auto Lite 4s'52 .. 110 109',' 110 El Paso Nat04*4s’61- 10?*; io"*; io>»; Erie cons 4s '96_ 98*-< 98'S 987* Erie (ten 4s 9*_ 84*; 84 84 Erie ref 5s’67_ 83 82 82 Erie ref Ss’75_ 824 8154 8144 Fatrbks Morse 4s'56 . I0I*.4 lam 10154 Fla E r Rv 6s'74 . 15*.; 154 151; Ela EC Rv Rs '74 ctfs. 1514 14*-; 145; Francisco Rue 6s '56 . 75 74 74 Gen Am rnv as'52_1014 10114 10114 Gen PaM# BIAS 47_104U 104I4 10414 Gen Mot Acc 3a 4* 10114 10074 1 00*4 Gen Mot Aas 3 14 s'51 ]no 9914 oqu Gen Rtl C*a #t Rlx # *4 o 91*4 91** 91*; Ga Caro ft Nor 6s'34 . 44'* 4474 44*4 Goodrich 4 4 s 56 S9*j 9914 Q914 Goodrich*# 45 loB', lusu 1051; Good ven r Tft R R# '57 104*4 10414 1041; Goth Silk 17 5c 45 trtr 100U ]00*a ]0OW Gt North’n R.v 2*is’67 93'< 97*4 9214 Great N Rv 4s 45 r, 1351; 133 133 Great N Rv 4a 46 5* 108 j07 1P7 Grt N R een 4Us'77 E 1021; 1021a 102'" Grt N R EUs R? p H7 n*U j]51; Green Bav 6s'62 B ... 117; 11*4 \\ia Gulf M ft N R# *R0 _ 991; Qpi; 994/ GulfRfates Rt 4*4s’61 96*; 96*; 965; Gulf States Ctll 4s'66 loi 101 loi Gulf States Ut 4*4s’46 10314 10314 103V4 Hoe (R) 1st mti 44... 92*; 92 921; Hudson Coal 6a'52 .. 4814 48 48 Hud ft Man 1ne 6a '67.. 80L 3014 301; Hud ft Mad ref 5s '57.. 7454 74 74 HI Cent eol tr 4a'53__ 84 84 84 til Cent 484s 68 _ 76 7* 7fi HI Cent ref 5s '55 _ 985; 98*4 98*/ ICCftRtL N 0414s'63 . 82 82 8# * ICGftStL N O Rr *3 8614 .861-4 861* Ind noils U R 5s ’65 B 103H 10314 103U t0 3,i 9 Bl 1'’2I4 102*; 102*4 ntRT,sr rfRs 6* 77>; 7RU 75*. I R T 1st-f Rs 66 ctfs 76 7514 75w nt R T 6s 32 32 305; i Tnt RlTl 7" ’2 C,f° 77H 77H 771; ! Interiake Iron 4s '47 _ ic3 ion* ino*4 Int Grt Nr 5s 56 B .. 374 37U 371! Int Grt Nr 6s '62 A .. 394 33H nt Hvdro Elec 6s 44 79*; 78 7gu nt Met-Marine 6s-41. 844 844 844 Int Pan ref «* It* - ’^lOOHlOOH tnl DaPe ^fiS SB S9^ 99 99 » " s SS ss James F*C4s'89 «gu a* u« Jones&LStl 4l4s’61A. 101*4101*41015; Kans CFSftM 4S-36 60 160 60 Kan OFSj&M rf4s'36ct. 574 674 674 KansCSo 1st 3a 50 875; g7ix 371/ Kans City So ref Es '50 934 93^ 93^ EePh «T*rT ,S* 48 'B0 107 'O7 107 Keith 6b 46 qe|/ Qftt/ 00#, Kinney (G R)7 4s '36102* 102 * lo’4 Laclede Gas 6s 59 .. 95 95 95 Laclede G 614s 53 C._ 61 61 6 Llh caVI' .,r 69a 54 — 40H L«n r^N 4i,fi 64 A_ 9bM »6U 95U Leh C&N 414s 64 C_ 95 95 us f* P . 1 CoaJ 58'4 4- S»7*i 97*4 9714 phv!!^03!^ 64-- 62H fi2v^ fi2^ ^-eh Val Coal 5s '74_ 62 f2 62 ILevhvVval«ar,s 64 — ,024i l02‘i 10254 I rh^Yc4M!* 4Ufrtd — 1015, 10154 101«* £v£C°n 4,3003 62^ 621i «2H . ^ ,^COn 4Hs20n3 6«5* 68 68 Leh V RR con 6s 2003 7514 75 75 Llaa A Myers 5a '51.. 11854 118*4 11854 Loew a 3 54a 46 _. 98H 9814 9814 1 nnf JSl/6VS 33 102H 10214 10214 Long Isld ref 4s'49 atp 103 108 103 iV*MAr^ t8,'69 96 ^ *6*4 9654 L & Nash 3 84 s 2003_ 8114 91U 9114 LAN latts 2003.- 97*1 97* (am y,n,if ™40—ioey*,o6^ i°®« LA N 4548 2003 C- 10214 10214 10214 L A N 6a 2°°3 B - 10714 10714 10714 wCST<JTy Stores 6a '51 10*54 10854 10354 ‘.I6 9. 5R Clt 48 45 A - 102H 102H 102H Me C RR Kn 4 54s’60A 82 82 82 Man Slst 7 54s'42 ctfa 66*4 86U 6614 Manhat Ry 4s 90 4114 4114 4114 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ctfa 37H 37 37 Manhat R 2d 4s 2013 . 2114 2114 2114 Mead Co fis '45 105 105 105 Met Ed 1st rf 4 54 s 68 10754 10714 10714 Met W S El Cr 4s'38.. I3u; 1314 1314 Mich Cent 3 54s 52_104*, 104*4 10454 Mich Cent 4s 40 _ 104 104 104 Mich Cent 4 54s'79_ 108 103 103 Mil El RAL 5a'61 __ 108 102H 10214 Mil E R A S L rf 5s'71_ 10314 10314 10314 Mil Spa A N W 4s *47. 4014 40H 4014 Minn A S L rf 4s 49 .. 6H 614 *u MStPASSM cn 48 '38 . 26 26 26 MStPASSM 6a ’38 gtd. 2854 2854 2854 MStPASSM 654a '78.84 8314 8354 MoK A T ad) 6a'67_ 6914 6914 6914 Mo Pacts‘76__ 21 21 21 Mo Pac 6s ’66 A_ 46 46 4 5 Mo Pac 6a '77 F__48 49 45 Mo Pac 6a '78 O__ 46 45 46 Mo Pac 6s '80 H- 4454 4454 4454 Mo Pac 6a '81 1_ 46 46 46 Mo Pac 6s'81 I ctfa_ 4214 4214 4214 Mo Pac 654a 49 A _ 17* 17* 1714 Mob A Ohio 454s'77... 34 3354 3354 Mob A Ohio 6s 38 36 35 36 Mob A Oh M dlv 6s'47. 49 49 49 Mohawk A M 4s *91 . 89 89 89 Monona Ry 1st 4s '60. 106 10554 10554 Monona Pub S 6s '65 103>4 10314 10814 Montana Pwr 354s'66 935t 9854 9 354 Mom Tram 5s 41 102 102 102 MorAEssex 3 54 s 2000 89 88I4 8814 MorrisAEssex 454s'65 89 89 89 1 MorrisAEssex 6s '5 5 9 954 S954 9 954 Namm A Sons Cs 43.. 10154 10154 10154 Natl Dairy l%»51ww 104* 10414 10414 Natl Dls PC 454a'46_104H 10414 104H Natl Steel ta 66 _ 10454 10414 10414 New E TAT 4548 '61_ 11754 11754 11754 New E TAT 1st 6a'62. 11954 11954 11954 New Jer PAL 4 54 a 60. 10714 10614 10714 New OrlONR 6a'83 A. 9414 94H 9414 New Orl Ter 1st 4a *53. 94 9354 9354 New Orl TAM 6a'61 B. 5 7 54 6754 6 7 54 New Orl TAM 6 54* '64. 6014 6014 *014 NOTAM 6 54a*64A efa_. *454 6454 645i NT Cent 354a’62 w.t. 10754 10**4 10*54 • NT Central 4 5fea 97_ 9654 9*^ 9*54 EXCHANGE _ High. Low. 2:45. NT Central J84«10154 101** 1014* NT Cent 4a '42_ 104 106 106 NT Cent con 4a '98_ 9/ 9644 9644 NY Cent rf 4Ha 201*.. SOm 90 BO NT C rf 4Hs 2012 n_ 9144 8944 NT Cent rf 6a 201*_ 9844 »7 974* NY Cent cv 6s 44 .. 12744 12444 126 NY Conn 1st 4 44a '63_108 1 108 108 NY C L Sh 344* 98 .. 90*4 90 90*4 NTC Mich C 3 44s 98_ 89*4 8944 *944 N Y Chi & StL 4s'48_ 103*4 108*4 108*4 NTCASt L 44*s '78 ... 89*4 89 89 NYCASt L 6 44s ’74 A.. 10044 100 100 NY Cht&St L6s'38_. 100 100 100 NY Dock 1st 4s 51 ... 624* 61*4 *61*4 NY Dock 6s 38 . 6254 62 62 NY Edison 8 *4* 65 D 9»H 9954 9944 NY Edls ref 3 4ie 66 _ 99H 9914 994 NY G E) HAP 4s 49... 111*4 111*4 111*4 NY L & W 1st 4s 73... 9844 9844 9844 NY & Lone Br 4s '41 10644 10644 10644 NY NH A H 3 He 47 3844 8844 8844 NY NH & H 4s '47-- 4 1 44 4 144 4 1 44 NY NH & H 4s ’65_ 4144 4044 4044 NY NH & H 4s ’66_ 4144 4044 4044 NY NH A H 4s ‘67_ 80 2944 2944 NY NH A H 4H» '67_ 4744 46*4 46*4 NT NH A H CV 6s'48._ 60 4944 4944 NY OAW Ken 4s 65_ 22*4 2244 2244 NY OAW ref «s'92 .. 81 29*4 80 NTQueens con3Hs*65. 10844 10854 10844 NY Steam 1st 6s '61... 10744 10744 10744 NY Steam 6s '66 _ 10744 10744 10744 NY Trap Rock 6s ’46.. 87 87 87 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp... 9244 9244 9244 NY W A B 4Hs "46 .. 1844 1744 175* Nlac Falls P 3Hs'66.. 10254 10254 10244 Nias Sh 6 He '60 .. 101*4 10H4 ioj*i Norf So 1st ref 6s'61.. 285s 28*4 28*4 North Am Ed 6s 69 C. 10244 102 102 Nor n Pac sen 3s 2047. 74*4 74 74 Nor'n Pac 4s '97 __ IOB'4 103 103 Nor'n Pac 4Hs 2047_ 98*4 98*1 98*4 North Pac 6s 2047_11144 11144 11144 Osden L C 4s '48 - 2444 24*4 24*4 Ohio Edison 48’65_ 10254 102*4 l»2'4 Ores Sh Line 6s 46_118*4 118 11844 Ores; \V RR 4s 61 ... 104*4 10444 104*4 Pac Gas A El 3Hs'66. 964* 96 965* Pac G A E 3*4s '61 ... lul 100*4 100*4 Pac ft A E 4s 64 106 1045* 104*4 Pac RR Mo 2d 6s '38 100** IO054 IOO44 Pac TAT rf 3 >4 s '66 B. 100 100 100 Pac TAT IHa '66 C -_ 995* 99*4 99** Para Broadway 3s'66. 735* 7344 7844 Paramount Pic 6s '65 _ 10044 100*4 IOO44 Park-Lx6Hs'53etfs. 48 48 48 Parmelee 6s 44_ 72 Ti 71 Penn Co 4s 63 -101** 1014* 1014* Penn Dixie C6e'41_100>4 1004* 10044 Penn PALtH* 81_105*4 106 10544 Penn RR 3Hs '52_10SJ4 107*4 107*4 Penn HR3*,s 70 C... 9854 984* 9844 Penn RR4Hs*8l D._. 106*4 1044s 10444 Penn R R 4 4*s '84 _ 1045* 10444 104*1 Penn RR con 4 Hs'60. 118 118 us Penn RR (jn 444S 65 108*4 108 108 Penn RR deh 4Hs'70 100 99*110.) People GLAC rf Ss'47 . 114 114 114 Peoria A E Inc 4s '90 ._ 21 20^. 21 Ph!laCo6s 67 ... infiu 101L insu Pnlla A R CA1 6s '71__ 324 S2V 3^4 Phlla&RCA16s 49_15*4 154 16 4 Philippine Rv 4s 37 .. 264 264 264 Pitts Y&Ash 5s '62 B._ 120 120 120 Port Gen FI 44s 60._ 63 '2** 62*; Port G E 5s '35 assd... 105*; 1064 io5»; Postal Tel A c 6s ’53 _ 30*t 294 294 Pressed Stl Car 5s '61. 964 96 *64 Prov Sec deb 4s’57 ... 28 28 28 Pure 011 4 4** 60 ww__ 1244 1234 1234 lure 011 44s 60 it_1034 1034 1034 R-K-O 6e '41- 119 119 1]9 Keadlns JerC4s'51__ 98 4 984 984 Keadlne R 44s '97 A. 1074 1074 1074 Reading R 44s 97 B . 1074 1074 1074 Rem-R5 4s’47 A ww. 1064 1064 1064 Republic Stl 44s 50 . 195 190 ]9o Republic Stl 44s 56.. 98 98 98 Republic Stl 44s 61.. 974 96 4 96'; Republic Stl 64s ’54.. 122 121 121 Revere Cop 4 4s 56 .. 1034 1024 10'4 Richfield Oil 6s 44 .. 55 55 55 Richfield O Rs’44 Ctfs 644 64U 64U R I AAI. 1st 44s 34 234 234 234 R O W 1st ex In 4s'39. 73 73 73 Rio G W col 4s 49 A _ 47 47 47 Rutland RR 44* 41 _. 274 274 274 Satruenay PW4 4S-66 I00*; 100», loo*: St Jo Rv L TAP 6s'37. 99 99 99 St L IMAS RAG 4s’33 . 82 81*2 82 St LIM&SRAS4s‘33ct_ 81 81 81 St L-S Fran 4s '50A .. a24 314 S14 St L-S F 4s '50 A ctfa. 284 28 28 St L-S Fran 44s "78__ 31 SO 80 St L-S F 44s"78 cf st_. 264 264 26*2 St L-S Fran 6s '50 B_ 32 82 32 St L S W 1st 4s '89 .. 91*; 9-.u 911/ St L S W cn rf 5s '9*.. 484 474 «7*2 St L S W 1st ter 6s"62. 61 60 60 St PA Duluth 48 "68... 106 106 106 St PKCSL44S 41.. 234 224 234 St P MAM ext Es '43 . 1024 >024 1024 San AAA Pass 4s 43. 1004 1004 1004 ! San An P Svc 6s'52 A . 109 109 109 ‘ San Diejr°CGAE4s"65 1084 1084 1084 1 Reeha * 4e ’SP *,D ’,2‘- S1‘* »1 4 1 Seahd A L rf 4s'69 cfs 174 174 171.1 Seahd A L 6 s 45 A 22*4 2WA 21V Seahd A 1.6s 45 Ctfa 22 2,u 22 Seahd A-FI 6.-3 5 Ac, l2 ,,u _he|) r n deb 34s '51 974 97 q7l< Silesian Am 7s'41 70 69U sau Sharon Stl ct 44s'51 111 in ln^ sitelly 011 4s '51 . 99 93.2 "9 Soconv Vac 34s'50 103*2 1034 108*2 South Bell TAT Es 41 ,064 ,054 05vt Southn Cal Gas 4s'65 103 102U 103 SoU^n,C^ GaS 4% '61 104 O4 Sg Zy 1% sopacl^-g*:::::- Z% Z* So Rv'mIc81- 90>A 89‘* 89*2 so Ry MAO 4s-38 ... 98 4 93 4 984 So Pac Orep 4 4s'77 _ 964 954 95u SoRy%Sen4Ts-456 ’I0rE' ’2”" ,07'4 107« SoRyEs-94 A —' 81* 8I* 8'H So Ry 64,-es }P7 jP®H SSSV.'SV" IS IS IS Tenn E*Pw'ss4*?a" >"« ‘S* '“2 pss.w.;ssssasa Texas A Pac 5s'79 C._ 103 102* 102* TpdSLPraeCf64V86°0D- “g '1% I*1.1™3 A a(3 In «x 5b’66. S3 32«U »2U T7Ol^iOh,OC3^* 60“‘ 10lH 101^ ,03H Un El Chicago 5s '45.. 19* lsu J9U ‘ig 'ig “g Un Pac 3*8 ‘71_ 94* II* S* gS!r:«—ss-ra* Un Pac 1st rf 4S 2008 104* 104 101U Un Pac 1st rf 6s 2008. 115* n6»4 Mu United Biscuit 5s '50 .. 106* Jfi* IXw United Drug 6. 63 ... -100 S U S Rubber 6s 47 . lOo* i06^ ulahP&ZlMJ <A>' "V‘ ",4 "*< u^p^65Vs9'4w7w :; SH SB SB Wivr:^; .ss .s?H iSB Va Ir C&C 1st 6s 49... 60 67 67** Va Ry 1st 3*s '66 A.. 103* 103* 108* Wabash 4*s'78 .. 40* 40.4 4ni/ Wabash 4*s 78 ctfs.. 87 87 2* Wabash 1st 6s'39- 96 #6* 9*u Wabash 6a '76 B_ 42* 4.g 4,J* Wabash 6a 80 D_ 41* 4 * i}£ Wabash 6*.'76_ «4 48 f!* Wabash Oma 3*s '41. 64* 64* 64U Walker HAS 4*■'46.. 105 106 106* Walworth 4s 65- 80* 80* 80* Walworth 6s '66 n_ 95* 9514 usu Warner Bros cv 6s '»#. 96 m It Warner-Quln 6s '89_ 49* 49 49 Warren Brcv 6s 41... 70* 70* 70W West Penn PS*. 66. 104* 104* 104* W Sb 1st 4s 2061 gtd_ 98 92* 92U West'n Md 1st 4s 62.. 103* 102* 103* West'n Pac 6s '46 A_ 36 86 86 ' West’n Un4*s 60_104 104 10412 West'n Un6s 61.. 10s* 10s* 103* West n Un 6s 60 103 t02 ,02,? Wheeling* L E 4s’66. 106 106 106 i Wheel Steel 4*s 53 99b 99 99P W Sp Stl 1st 7s '35 ct. 41* 41* 4iu W Sp Stl con 7s'36 ct 42 41* 4ip Wilkes B&E 1st 6s ’42 88* 88* 88* ; Wilson* Co 48 66 100* 100* (OOP WlsCent 1st gn 4s '49 29 28* 28* Wise 1st gn 4s 49 Ct_. 26* 25* 26* IPngstnS&T S*a'Bl_. 160 160 160 F'ngstn SAT 4s "61_ 101*101 101 PETROLEUM CORP. EXEMPT. The Petroleum Corp. of America received exemption from the Securities Commission today from registration under the 1935 utility holding company act. Virginia Electric Weighs $4,000,000 Building Program Bj the Associated Prise. RICHMOND, Va., April 22.—Jack O. Holtzclaw, president of the Virginia Electric & Power Co., said the organ ization had under consideration today a $4,000,000 construction program for 1938. The announcement was made yester day at the annual meeting of stock holders together with a report the company had enjoyed the most pros perous year of business since 1931. The electric department Increased its subscribers by 8,197 to an all-time high of 134,645. Harry H. Augustine, executive vice president, was elected to the board of directors to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Herbert W. Jackson, presi dent of the Virginia Trust Co. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 36: V4-pound prints. 37; tub. 35: 90 score, 1 pound prints, 35; V-i-pound prints. 36; tub. 34. MEATS—Choice beef. 18; calves. 16; veal. 16; lamb. 24: pork loin. 24. frozen sliced bacoi., 33; slab bacon, 28; com pound J3V2; lard. li\j. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 8,aa834; light hogs, fla*»14; medium hogs. 9‘aa9 u ; heavy hogs. E'.aaO1/*; roughs. 5^aH; calves. OaiO. Prices paid shippers net f.o.b. Wash ington. Bv the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economic*; EGGS—Market irregular; prices one quarter cent higher on U. S. extras large, but one-quarter cent lower on mediums. Current receipts. 20: hennery whites. 21; Government-graded and dated white eggs (net prices paid shippers f.o.b. Washing ton!. U. S extras, large, 24; U. S. extras, mediums, 1934: U. S. standards, large. 211*. LIVE POULTRY — Market generally steady at unchanged prices; fowl, colored, heavy, ]8al9: Leghorns. 14al5, chickens, rocks. 22*24; crosses. 21a23: Leghorns, I34 to 2*4 pounds and up. 21: smaller sizes. 18; old guineas. 25a30 each; turkeys, old hens. 10al8: old toms. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales In large lots by original receivers up to x a m. today APPLES—One Washington arrived, three unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market steady Bushel baskets U S No. 1. Virginia. Staymans. 2'2-inch minimum 1.75-1.85; 23/4-inch minimum. 1 85-2.00: scalded all sizes. 1 5(1-1.65: Yorks. 2‘j-inch minimum. 1.75 1 85: 234-inch minimum. 1.85-2.00; scalded all sizes 1 50-1.65: Golden Deli cious 2'4-inch minimum 1 00-2.00; 2*2 inch minimum. 2.15-2.25: Delicious. 2fl inch minimum 1.90-2.00 2’2-inch mini mum. 2.25 23«-lnch minimum 2.35-2.50: Winesaps. 2-inch minimum. 1.60-1 65 rt,4 inch minimum. 1 75-1 85; 2’2-lnch mini mum. 2 00-2.25: 234-inch minimum. 2.25 2 ft5 U S utility 1.40-1 85. as to size; ypllow Newtowns 2'4-inch minimum 1.65: 21 -inch minimum 1.90-2.00: 23-i-inch minimum 2.25 Paraeons. 234-inch mini mum. 1.75-1.85: 3-inch minimum 1.85 2 00: Maryland Pennsylvania Virginia and We*t Virginia cartons fancy Lowrys 160 size 1 60-j T 5; 112 size 1.75-2.00: Wine sanv 160 size 2 15-2.25 112 size °.25 2 35- Golden Delirious. 144 size 2 25-2.35: Staymans. U S. No 1 144 size 1 90-2.00: 112 size 2.00: 96 size 2.00-2.25: boxes, combination extra fancy and fancy Deli cious 2 25-2 75 Staymans. 2 00-2.35: Par agons. 2.00-2.25. CABBAGE—One South Carolina arrived, three broken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate- demand mod erate; market about steady. South Caro lina l12-bushel hampers pointed type, truck receipts, packed locally 85; fair con dition. 65 ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Truck receipts moderate; supplies moderate: demand moderate; market steadv South Carolina, pyramid crate5 dozen hunches Extra Co lo.c5al. 2.50-2.73: fair Quality 2.00; Colossal. 2.00-2.25: few 2.50; fancy. 1.75 2.On. choice 1.50-2.00. CARROTS—One Texas arrived three broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate • demand moderate; market steady Texa5 bushel baskets, 1.60. California. Western-lettuce crates. 3.25-3 50. CAULIFLOWER—One California ar rived three broken and one unbroken cars on traok. Supplies moderate de mand moderate- market steady. Cali fornia. crates. 1.85-1.90. CELERY—No carlot arrivals, three bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steadv. Florida individually washed: 10-inch crates and 16-inch crates, wire bound. 3-6 dozen. 2.25; 8-10-dozen. 1.75-2.00: xx's 1.50-1.75. LETTUCE—Three Arizona arrived: seven broken and five unbroken cars on track. Supplies liberal: demand moderate; market steady Arizona Western crates Iceberg type. 5-dozen, 2.75-3.25; fair condition. 2.00-2 50. ONIONS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steady. 50-oound sacks. Michigan and New York, yellows. U 8. No. 1. 1.25. Texas, crystal white wax. i tT. S commercial fair condition. 1.50. PEAS—No carlot arrivals; one broken j car on track Supplies moderate; demand light; marke' weak California, bushel: hampers. Telephones 3.00-3.25 South j Carolina, bushel hampers, small size. 1 75 1.90. Potatoes About Steadv. POTATOES—No carlot arrivals: four broken and nine unbroken cars on track. Old stock Supplies moderate; demand light: market about steady. 10u-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Maine Green Moun tains. 2.25-2.35. Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 3.10-3.25. New stock: Supplies mod erate; demand light: market weak. Flor ida. double-head barrels. Spaulding Rose. 5.00; some 4 75. SPINACH—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies light; demand light; market steady. Virginia, bushel baskets. 60-65. STRAWBERRIES—One Louisiana by ex press arrived: no cars on track. Supplies light: demand moderate: market steady. North Carolina. 24-quart crates, various varieties, holdovers, fair condition. 4.00 4.50. few 4.75 per crate; Florida 36-pint crates. 10-11 per pint; poor condition. 2.50 per .crate. SWEE^ POTATOES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies lifcht: demand light; market weak. North Carolina, bushel baskets Puerto Ricans. 1.25-1.35. few higher. TOMATOES—One Florida arrived: one unbroken car on track Supplies moder ate: demand moderate: market steady. Florida wide range in condition, lug boxes, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 and larger. 3.00-3.50. poorer lower; 6x7. 2.25 2.50 poorer lower; Mexico, lug boxes, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 and lareer. 3.75-4.00 MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals; no cars on track LIMA BEANS—Supplies light: demand light, market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, fair condition. 3.00. SNAP BEANS—No carlot arrivals: one uiuiten car on track, supplies moderate; demand moderate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, green, flat type. best. 2 o0: poorer. 1.50; round stringless. 3.00 3.50; poorer lower. EGGPLANT—Supplies light; demand light; market steady. Florida. lVa-bushel crates, fancy, mostly around 2.50; fair quality. 2.00. PEPPERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida. 112-bushel crates, green, fancy. 3.25-3.50; choice. 3.00. CUCUMBERS—Supplies light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel bas kets. 2.50-3.60, according to grade. SQUASH—Supplies light: demand mod erate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped, fair quality, 2.00: yellow Crooknecks. 2.50. ORANGES—No carlot arrivals: two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1. 3.00-5.00; No. 2, 3.00-4.00. as to size. GRAPEFRUIT—One Florida arrived: one nnbroken car on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1, 2.50-2.75: No. 2. 2.25-2.50. as to size. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1, fl.50 7.00: No. 2. 4.50-6.50. as to size. BEET8—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Texas. >2 crates. 1.50. MUSHROOMS—Maryland. 3-pound bas kets. 50-85. -• SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co ' Bid. Oder. Amer. Tel & Tel. 5%s 1943 _ 112% 113 Auburn Auto Co. 4%, 1939 _ 72 79 Calif. Packing Corp. 5s 1940 104V* 105 Caro.. Clinch. & Ohio 5s 1938 103V* 104% Chesa. & Ohio Rwy. 5s 1939 107 107% Edison Elec. Illumin. 4s 1939 104V* 106 General Pub. S'vice 5%s 1939 103 102% Gr. Rapids & Ind. 4%s 1941_ 108% Houston Oil 5%s 1940 . 101% 102 lntern'1 Merc. Marine 6s 1941 83% 84 Inter. Tel. * Tel. 4%s 1939 _ 82% 84 Laclede Oas Light 5s 1930 __ 94 94% Lehigh Valley Coal 6s 1938 99 99% Lehigh Val. Term. Rwy. 5» '41 106% 107% Long Island Qen. 4s 1938 _ 102V* 103 Louis. & Nash. R. R. 4s 1940 106% 106% Michigan Cent. R. R. 4s 1940 103% 104 Midland R. R. of N. J. 5s 1940 50 76 Mil. & North. R.R. 4%s 1939 90 98% N.Y.. Chi. & St. L Wr N. 1938 100V* 100% New York Dock 5s 1938 «1 61% N Y. Susque, & West. 6s 1940 48 New York Tel Co. 4%s 1939 107 107% PaclOc R R. of Mo. 4s 1038 100% 100% Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 1941__ 100 100% Penna. R. R. Co. 4s 1943 _ 109 Rio Grande Western 4s 1939 72% 73% Southern Bell T. & T. 5s 1941 105V* 105% Term. R R. As. St. L. 4%s '39 106 107% Vanadium Corp. os 1841 106% 108 V>rtientes Sugar Co. 7s 1942 26% 27% Wabash Rwy Co. 5s 1939 95% 98 Warner Bros 6s 1939 96% 97% Western N. Y & Pa. 4s 1943. 108% 109 Western Union Tel. 5s 1938 . 102 102% -• NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. April 22 UP\.—Eggs. 22.271: steady to firm. Mixed colors, standards. 23%: storage packed firsts, 23%a%. Other mixed prices unchanged. Butter. 9.264: steady. Creamery, higher thar. extra. 32%a33%: extra 192 score), 32a32%. Other grades unchanged. Cheese. 86.874: steady and unchanged. Live poultry, by freight, weak. Fowls, colored. 19a20. Other freight price* un changed. Thirty-one sound feature motion pictures were produced in Czechoslo vakia last year. Industrial Revival and War Preparations Boost World Demand. By me Associates) Press. NEW YORK. April 22.—Tin con sumption figures for leading nations of the world bear witness to the for ward surge of industry and war preparations demands. For the year ended February, per centage increases in consumption were reported as follows: United States, 16.3; Soviet Russia, 38.2; France, 23.1. Declines were: United Kingdom, 2.2; Germany, 7.8, and other countries, including Italy and Spain, 10.1. These figures, compiled by the International Tin Research and De velopment Council, are interpreted as imports of tin rather than actual use, but nevertheless throw some light on the general consumption trends. Trade circles said they reflect world improvement in trade and industry derived mainly from the expansion of motor output and heavier demand from the tin plate industry. A point stressed by trade observers is that tin is not a munitions metal. Its use by nations preparing for war, however, has been stepped up by tin plate makers producing cans and other miscellaneous products. While world consumption in the 12 months ended February totaled 160, 391 tons (of 2,240 pounds), or 7.4 per cent higher, differences in the rate of gain between some countries or actual declines are in some measure illustrative of varying conditions. For instance, Soviet Russia turned in the widest gain. This, analysts say, is attributable to strenuous efforts of the country to push to the front rank of the world’s industrial nations. The small decline registered by the United Kingdom has as its most prob able explanations, experts say, the more intensive use of stocks previously accumulated. The drop of 7.8 per cent shown for Germany emphasizes that country’s determination to take as little raw material from the outside world as possible and her program of using substitute materials. The decline in consumption by Spain and Italy is explained in trade quar ters in terms of the current struggle now taking place in Spain and the depletion of Italy’s purchasing power owing to her venture into Ethiopia. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONL1 GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’! 0350 Property Management EFFICIENT manooement to most satisfactory to both owner ond tenant. WE specialize in the man agement of all hypes of in vestment properties and are now Managing Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity of discussing your manogement problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real Estate 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3604 Amortized LOANS for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bank Has Made Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loans 0 SECURITY® S&omos & Commercial BANK Two Convenient Branches: 9th & G _ 1518 K Sts. N.W. * St. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Look into our BUILDING Loan Plan It combine* low interest rat* with monthly repay ment* on principal, orer an extended time. We cooper ate with property owners in the Diatrict of Colombia, nearby Maryland and Vir ginia. Ample funda for mort gage loan*—large or email. WEAVER BROS iN< REALTORS hitrtgmgt Imr Ctrrttfmdtmg hittnftthm lift Immrmtt Cmfsng WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT *4S« Rising Costs Bring Hint of Boost In Telephone Rates By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 22.—Telephon* rates may increase if prices continue to rise, Walter 8. Gifford, president of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., told stockholders at the annual meet ing yesterday. "If prices of practically everything, including wages and taxes, continue to rise, telephone rates cannot continue contrary to the general trend," he said. "They must ultimately follow it un less the Increase in prices is so gradual and within such limits that inventions and improvements in operating tech nique can be made fast enough and productive enough to create offsetting economies,” he added. On the other hand, he said, “in the long run, other things being equal, we look to development and research to reduce the cost of furnishing telephone service." MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April 22 IIP.—Silver fu tu.r«s opened steady. 15 to 25 lower. May. 44.Sob: July, 44.55b; September, 44.45b. 1886 1937 Year of Progress STEEL STORAGE CABINETS STOCKETT FISHE CTO PROD L/C I NO STATIONERS O OT. - N » W Safe Investments _ First mortgage notes, /• well secured an con ■ ■ ffj servotiraly appraised, \M * new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears PLUS SAFETY MONEY ytsas. FOR BUILDING AND ••••-:-. si] REFINANCING 0 Thorough TERMS AS LOW AS Protection ST.SO PER SI,000 PER MONTH PRUDENTML BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1331 G St. N.W. Suite 304-5-6 DUt 1270 NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, April 22 (yp)._Bar silver steady and unchanged at 44%, REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and R /W SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE DISTRICT 83M OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE l«ia Ere St. N.W Phone NA. *184 FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rates . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% BOSS fir PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loin Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Lite ms. Co 1417 K St. N.W. NA. U30« Build Your Home with a FHA Loan If you have 20% cash or own your lot free and clear see us today— rtatonable feet. [Shannon & luchS] Mortgage Loan Correspondent! INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H Sr. N.W. Notl. 2345 BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinance your home or business property LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthly pay' menu, which, in addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profits of this Association. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION 511 SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 years I MEMBER OF FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE U 5. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE HI P R O P E RTY MANAGEMENT THE INVESTMENT-MINDED find the essential elements of a sound investment in our FIRST MORTGAGES The return is appealing, the se curity satisfying. That's why you find them Over reposing contentedly in so many Forty 1 ears strong boxes. Experience B. F. SAUL CO. First Mortgage REAL ESTATB Investments National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. MORT GAGE LOANS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT This firm has always emphasized the importance of careful and periodic examination of investment accounts, Those interested are cordially invited to make use of our Investment Research Department Auchincloss, Parker & Redpatr 719 Fifteenth Street, Washington Members N iv You Stock Exchange New Yoke Cotton Eickanci N. Y. Cuu Exchange (Aeeoc.) Niw Yoke Pkoouck Exchange Chicago Board op Trade Chicago Mercantile Exchanoe Commodity Exchange. Inc. Washington Stock Exchange New York Baltimore Wilkee*Barra Philadelphia LONG TERM • • , * INTEREST Mortgage Loans Monthly Payments of $6-60 on each $1,000 borrowed, include interest and pay off loan in 20 years. • Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. • Amount loaned — up to 662/$% of appraised value. • Valuable prepayment privi leges. Other plans of financing first mortgage loans available H. L. RUST COMPANY 1001 fifteenth St NAtiooal 8100