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INSURANCE SALES WELL ABOVE 1336 Capital Volume in March Climbs 28 Per Cent Ahead of Year Ago. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Writing $7,195,000 new life iasurance In March, Washington agents piled up a 28 per cent increase over the same month last year, led every big city in the country in percentage gains and most of the 48 States, the Life Insur ance Sales Research Bureau at Hart ford reported today. The report also revealed a 15 per cent gain for the first three months of 1937, compared with the like period in 1936. The monthly survey indicates stead ily expanding prosperity in the Capi tal and nearby territory. Virginia scored an increase of 25 per cent, South Carolina 27 per cent, West Vir ginia 15 per cent, North Carolina 6 per cent and Maryland 1 per cent. The average rise for the United States was 15 per cent in March and 6 per cent In the first quarter. Maryland wrote $8,417,000 in March, Virginia $6,668,000, West Virginia $4,367,000. North Carolina $6,779,000 and South Carolina $3,152,000, Eighty per cent of the companies doing busi ness in the Capital reported an increase in March over last year. The national total in new business in March was $604,257,000. Chicago was nearest to Washington in the city gains with 26 per cent. Boston, New York. Philadelphia, Cleveland and other cities scored no such sensational advances in new poli cies. New Mexico topped the State list with a 46 per cent upsurge, D. C. Underwriters Confer. Members of the District Life Under writers' Association held their April luncheon at the Willard Hotel this noon, made further plans for "Life In surance weeK and heard an inspiring talk by Edward C. An derson, educa tional director of the Connecticut Mutual Life In surance Co. of Hart ford, the guest speaker. His s u b j e c t was “Power Sell ing.” He pre sented new ideas on insurance sales m a n s h i p, many of which he gathered on a recent extended egency tour. Nominations for the board of di rectors of the association for next year were also made. President Lawrance H. Riggles presided. Spe cial interest in the nominations was cne factor in an extra large attend ence. Th election takes place in May. Firm Considers Liquidation. Stockholders of the Corcoran Fire Insurance Co. of the District of Co lumbia. one of the oldest insurance concerns in the Capital, have been notified by the directors that the company is considering the advisa bility of liquidation, a special meeting having been called for Wednesday, May 19. to obtain an expression from the stockholders. The letter states that three-fourths bf the shareholders have already ex pressed the opinion that the business should be terminated. In the notice the directors report a discussion at their meeting on May 5 of “the con ditions affecting the fire insurance business in the District of Columbia and elsewhere.” “Your board of directors after care ful consideration believe, under all the circumstances, that it would be for the best interest of the stockholders that the business of fire underwriting be discontinued and all outstanding risks reinsured; that, pending expiration or cancellation of all outstanding policies, the company’s organization be main tained and its funds kept invested, the directors directing the payment from 1 time to time of such dividends from ! earnings and surplus therefrom as may ' fee deemed advisable.” Instead of any losses, the stock holders will have substantial profits, the statement adding that “the com pany is incorporated for $100,000, evi denced by 2,000 shares of stock of the par value of $50 per share. The sur plus is more than $350,000 and it is Relieved that upon liquidation in this Planner each stockholder will receive $200 per share.” The officers are Frank McClelland, president; R. p. Hollingworth, vice president; Franz H. Ridgway, secre tary, and J. Clarence Welch, assistant secretary. The stock has been listed on the Washington Stock Exchange for many years, the bid recently being I raised from $100 a share to $150 a chare. Convention Opens Tomorrow. First delegates arrived here today for the fifth eastern regional confer ence of the National Association of Bank Auditors and Controllers, to be held tomorrow and Saturday at the Wardman Park Hotel. About 300 are expected to the conference, which is sponsored by the auditors' section of the District Bankers' Association. The convention will be called to order at 9:30 a.m. by General Confer ence Chairman Raymond G. Marx of the Riggs National Bank. H. H. Mc Kee, chairman of the Washington Clearing House Association, will gTeet the visitors. The two-day program calls for a discussion of a wide variety of sub jects of special importance to all bank auditors and controllers. Both general addresses and round table discussions are included. The national president is Charles H. Gordon, controller, Seattle First National Bank, Seattle. Wash. The chairman of the Washington, D. C., conference is Millard S. Yeatman, auditor, Hamilton National Bank; vice chairman, Harry L. Downey, Washington Loan & Trust Co., and secretary-treasurer, Gerald E. Keene, assistant cashier, Second National Bank. Virginia Bank Makes Record. The twentieth anniversary of the Farmers & Mechanics’ National Bank of Stanley, Va., is being celebrated this month. A glance at the records show that during this time the bank has enjoyed a gain of more than 100 per cent in capital funds, more than 200 per cent in total resources, and nearly 300 per cent in deposits. During the two decades the bank has paid to stockholders more than $50,000 in dividends besides adding a share of earnings to capital account. D. H. Modesitt is president and C. C. Lauder back, member of the Virginia House of Delegates, is cashier. Anaconda Copper Mining Co.—Sub sidiary, American Brass Co., reduced prices of brass and copper products to l1/* cents a pound. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 D.m. Prrv 1937 Stoclc and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Hate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 84% 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 6 83% 83 83 + % 22% 15 Adams Exp <a55c)„ 27 19% 18% 18%-% 28% 24% Adams MUlis <bl)_ 2 26% 26% 26%-% 36 30% Addressograpb <1)_ 3 32% 32% 32%—% 4% 2% Advance Rumely 2 2'% 2% 2% 80V* 68% Air Reduction (tl)_ 7 77 75 75%-1% 5% 3% Air-Way Electric 1 .3% 3% 3% 15% 12% Alaska Jun <t60c)._ 2 13% 13% 13%-% 5% 3% Alleghany Corp 80 4% 4 414 — % 59% 43% Alleg pf ww $30_ 2 50 48% 48% —1 62% 41% Alleg Corp pr pf 4 41% 41% 41% — 1 45% 36% Alleg Steel (b40c)-_ 6 39% 39 39 -% 27% 22 Allen Indus tl)_ 6 23% 22% 22% - % 268% 225 Allied Chem (6)_ 6 245 244% 245 33% 25% Allied Mills iboOc). 14 26% 26% 26% — % 21% 16% Allied Stores (b20c) 62 19% 18% 18%+ % 83% 63% AlUs-Chalm (b50c). 24 69% 68 68 -2 8% 4% Amal Leather _ 6 6% 6% 6% 114% 98% Amerada Corp (2) _. 2 107% 104 104 -3 101% 83 Am AgClim Del bl. 6 95 93 93 +2 41% 25% Am Bank Note (tl) 1 27% 27% 27% 75% 59 Am Bk Note pf (3). 110s 61% 61% 61%+ % 80% 58 Am Brake Sh <t2)__ 9 64% 64% 64%— % 121 101% Am Can (t4) x 2 105 101 101 -2% 71 56 Am Car & Foundry. 10 60% 59% 60% — % 98% 72 Am Chain & Ca bl._ 27 99 96 96 - % 148 115 Am Chain & C pf 6.. 1 147% 147% 147% +2% 33% 27% Am Crystal Sug b2_. 4 29 28% 28% — % 99V* 94% Am Crys S 1st pf 6.. 10s 97% 97% 97% + % 13% 8% Am Encaustic _ 4 11% 11 11 17 13 Am European Sec... 1 13% 13% 13% — % 13% 7v* Am & Foreign Pwr. 7 10% 10% 10% 58% 46V* Am & For Pw $6 pf.. 1 51 51 51 68% 54 Am & For Pw *7 pf.. 1 60V* 60VJ 60% 38% 20V* Am & For Pw 2d pf_ 2 28% 27% 27% — % 21 18 Am Hawaiian (1) ... 1 19% 19% 19% — Vs 11% 6% Am Hide & Leather. 10 9% 9% 9% 55% 371* Am Hide & L pf (3). j 47 47 47 + ^ 52% 45% Am Home Pr t2.40__ 2 47% 47 47 — % 4% 2% Am Ice __ l 374 3-4 17% 13% Am Interntl (a40c)_ 14 16% 15 15 — % 58% 43 Am Locomotive_ 3 51 50% 50% - v* 125 113 Am Loco pf <a3) 2 112% 112% 112V*— % 29% 22% Am Mach & F (tl).. 4 23% 23 23 — % 13% 10% Am Mach & Met 60c. 2 11% 11 11 68% 50V* Am Metals .. 3 55% 55 55 16% 10% Am Power & Light.. 12 11% 11% U%— % 72'* 55% Am Pw & Lt pf (5).. 4 57% 57 57 — % 87% 65*1 Am Pw & Lt pf (6). 1 67 67 67 — ', 29% 23 Am Radiator tfiOc . 36 24V* 3314 337B _ 170 153 Am Radiator pf (7). 20s 154 154 154 +1 45% 33% Am Roll Mill tl.20_. 36 38% 37% 37% — % 29 23% Am Seating (a2%)_ 2 24 24 24 58 41 Am Shlpbldg (2) 20s 48% 48** 48% — % 105% 88% Am Smelt & Ref(3). 56 91 89% 89% -1% 107% 105 Am Sm & Ref pf(6). 7 105$ 105$ 105$ 67% 59 Am Snuff (t3) ... 2 60% 60 60 — Vi 73% 54% Am Steel F (b50c) . 50 56% 54% 54% —1% 3% 3% Am Stl F rts May 15 366 3% 2% 2% — V* 115 109% Am Steel F pf (7)... 30s 110% 110% 110% zr>'2 zn Am stores (2)_ 3 24% 24 24 56% 47% Am Sugar (2) 1 48% 48% 48% — % 143% 1.30 Am Sugar pf (7)- 1 1,31% 131% 131% — % 187 167% Am Tel & Tel <9)_ 16 169% 168% 168% - % 99 78%. Am Tobacco (5)_ 3 81 80% 80% — 1% 99% 80% Am Tobacco B C5>_ 17 83 82% 82% — % 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf (6). 1 132 132 132 — % 20% 14% Am Type Founders. 6 16% 15% 15% — % 29% 20% Am Water W (80c) 17 21% 21% 21% — % 107 97% Am Wat W 1st p (6) 1 99 99 99 14"* 9% Am Woolen . 3 11% 11 H — l, 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl). 3 70 69% 69%. — % 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead _ 18 15% 15% 15% — % 69% 52% Anaconda Cop (tl). 97 58% 57% 57% — % 25s* IS Anchor Cap (60c) _ .3 21% 21% 21% + % 46 41 Archer-Dan-M(t2)_ 2 42% 42V* 42% -r % 111 107% Armour! Del)pf( 7) 1 110 110 110 13% 7 Armour of 111(b35c) 32 12% 11% 11% — % 99%. 81% Armour! Ill)pr pf 6. 1 95 95 95 70% 59% Armstrong Cork(2) 12 64 62"* 62% — 1% 17% 12% Artloom Corp _ 4 13 12% 12% + % 24% 18% Assoc Dry Goods . 6 19% 19% 19V* — % 57% 49% Associates Inv ( + 2). 2 56 54 56 -e4% 87% 69% Atch T ft S Fe(a2)_. 34 84% 83% 83% -1% 65% 44% Atl Coast Line(al). 14 51% 50 50 — % 29 23 Atl Gulf & Wst Ind. 2 24 24 24 -1% 37 30% Atl Refining (tl)- 21 33% 33% 33% — % 18% 16% Atlas Corp (80c)_ 23 17% 17% 17% 52% 50% Atlas Corp pf (3)_ 1 51% 51% 51% 4- % 94 72% Atlas Pwdr (b75c)_. 2 80 79 79 -ft 133 120% Atlas Pwdr pf (5)_40s 120 120 120 +1 18% 14% Atlas Tack (1)_ 1 15% 15"* 15% — % 36% 28% Auburn Auto _ 3 31% 31% 31% —1% 9% 6% Aviation Corp Del_ 14 8% 8% 8V* — % 11% 8 Baldwin Loco (d) . 62 8 7% 7% — % 120 86% Baldwin Locopf(d) 2 114 111% 111% —3 9% 6% Baldwin asd (d) .. 18 7% 6% 6% — % 40% 20% Baltimore & Ohio 47 37V* 36% 36% — % 47% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf__ 9 42 40% 40% — % 43% 35% Barber Co (a75c)_ 5 39 37% 38 — % 32 25% Barker Bros 2 29"* 29% 29% + V* 42 38 Barker Bros pf 2 \ 90s 39 gg*, 3g.*4 35% 26% Barnsdall (1) 28 32% 31% 31% — V* 20% 16% Bayuk Cigar t75c... 2 16% 16"* 16% 28"* 24 Beatrice Cream tl .. 6 26 25 25 —1 112 105 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4). 2 109 107% 107% —IV* 15% 12% Belding Hemin (1). 2 13% 13% 13% 30% 22% Bendix A via (b25c) 30 23% 22"* 22** — % 23% 20% Benef Ind Ln (b95c) 12 21% 21V* 21% — % 62** 66 Best & Co (2 %)_x 1 66V* 56% 56% 105% 73 Bethlehem (al%)_ 63 94% 92% 92% — % 20 18% Beth 5% pf (1)_ 2 19% 19 19V* 129% 119% Bethlehem pf (7)__ 3 121% 121 121 — % 69% 52 Bigelow-San b50c_. 2 €0 59 60 +1 38 30 Black & Deck b50c__ 1 32 2 2 32 — % 29% 22% Blaw Knox (b20c)__ 6 26% 26 26 — V* 49% 33% Boeing Airplane_ 16 41b 40% 41 48V* 40% Bohn Alum & B(3)_. 3 46% *6 46 93 85V* Bon Ami A (4) 20s 90 00 90 -fl 46% 41% Bon Ami (B) (2%).. 40s 45 44% 44% — % 28 25% Borden Co (1.60)_ 41 25% 25% 25% — % 8.3% 72% Borg-Warner (4)... 8 82 31 81% + % 15% 8% Boston & Maine __ 6 12% 12% 12% — % 4% 2"* Botany Mines A(d). 1 2% 2% 2"* 23% 16% Bridgept Brss(60c 70 17% 17 17% — % % % Bridgp't Br rts Ap29 170 ft ft % — ft 59% 45% Briggs Mfg (t2> _ 24 50V* 49% 49% + %| 53% 43% Briggs & Strat (3).. 4 49 48% 48% - % 47 41V* Bristol-Myrs t2.40_. 3 41% 41 41 — % 53 35 Bklyn-Man Tr (4) _ 31 35% 34% 34% — % 102% 88% Bklyn-Man T pf (6). 2 90"* 90% 90% — 1% 8 5 Bklvn & Queens_ 9 4% 4% 4% — V, 52% 38% Bklyn Un Gas (3)_ 29 39% 34% 34% — 4% 24% 20V* Brunswick-Balke_ 9 22 21% 21% +1% 25% 18% Bucyrus-Erie__ 6 19 18% 18% — % 14% 10% Budd (EG) Mfg_ 12 11% 10% 10% - % 13 9% Budd \Vheel(a20c)„ 21 9% 9% 9% 40% 34J'i Billiard (b2oc)_ 2 38 37% 37% — % 65% 50% Bulova Watch (+ 4)_ 6 59 68% 58%'—"% 35% 28% Burr Add M (80c)_ 10 30% 29% 30%+ % 11% 7% Bush Terminal (d)_ 3 9% 9 9% _ % 45% 24% Bush T Bldg pftd).. 20a 37 37 37 18% 13% Butler Bros (bl5c)_ 12 16% 16% 16% 36% 29% Butler pf (1%) _ 5 32% 32% 32% 9% 5% Butte Cop & Z(a5c)_ 3 6% 6 6% + % 33% 25% Byers (A M) _ 3 27% 27% 27% 34% 27 Bvron Jackson (tl). 2 31% 31V* 31% — % 6% 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead 29 4% 4% 4% + % 20% 14% Calumet&Hecla (1) 7 15 14% 14% 37% 29% Campbell WTy (fl)_. 2 30% 30% 30% —1 38% 27% Canada Dry G Ale.. 24 32% 31% 31% — % 17V* 13% Canadian Pacific 12 14% 14 14 61% 49 Cannon Mills! baOc) 1 49% 49% 49% + % 18% 15 Cap Adm (Altai) .. 2 16% 16% 16%—% 9% 7 Carriers & Gen t b5c) 34 9% 8% 9 — % 176% 138 CasetJ DCo (4) 9 170% 166% 166% - % 129% 116 Cased I)Co pf(7)_. 100* 120% 120% 120% -3 100 85% Caterpillar Tr (t2). 16 94V* 93 93% 39% 26% Celanese (b7oc) ._ 40 38V* 37% 37% — % 113% 106% Celanese pr pf A(7). 1 112 112 112 + % 48% 36% Celotex Corp _ 2 43 43 43 —1 82% 76 Celotex Corp pf (5). x 20a 76% 76% 76%+ % 39V* 33% Cent Aguire <tl%). 3 34% 34% 34%+ Vi 12% 8% Central Foundry_ 10 9% 9% 9% — % 107% 101 Cent 111 Lt pf (4 %)_. 10a 103% 103% 103% + % 41% 30 Central R R of N J_. 1 30% 30% 30%+ % 24% 17 Cent Violeta Sug 2 17% 17 17 - % 14% 10% Century Rib M b20c. 3 13% 13% 13% 86% 67V* Cerro de Pasco (4).. 2 73 72% 72% -1 23% 16% Certain-teed Prd.-. 5 20 19% 19% - % 82 67% Certain-teed pf rf). 190* 74% 74% 74% — % 60% 35% Champion Pap (tl)- 4 58 58 58 -1 90% 78% Chesapeake Crp(3)_ 4 86 85% 86 + % 68% 57% Ches& Ohio t2.80 22 61% 60% 60%-% 100 91 Ches&Oh pf A (4). 2 95% 95 95%+ % 13% 6% Chi & Est ill pf (d)_ 2 11 10% 10% - Vi 4 2% Chi Grt West (d>... 13 3 3 32 27% Chi Mail Ord tl% ... 3 28% 28% 28% 3% 2 Chi Mil St P&P td). 1 2% 2% 2% + % 7Vi 4% Cht M St P&P pftd) 4 5% 5V, 5% - % 6% 3% Chi & N W (d) .. 3 4% 4% 4% — % 19% 11% Chi & N W pf (d) 1 14% 14% 14%+ % 33 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool 3 27% 26% 26% — 1% 70% 61% Chi Pn T pf b87%c .. 2 64% 64 64% + % . 8% 5% Chi RI&P 6% pftd). 1 6% 6% 6% - % 10% 6% Chi RI&P 7 % pftd) 18 8 8 22% 18 Chickasha Cott’n Oil 1 18% 18% 18% + % 15% 12V* Childs Co 40 14% 14 14 - % 80 46% Chile Copper (1)_ 60a 64 64 64 -2% 185% 110% Chrysler (bl% )_ 62 )22 119 119% —2% 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2). 3 20%, 20 20%+ % 92 85 City Ice & F pf 6%_. 10a 87 87 87 + % 10% 8% City Stores _ 1 8% 8% 8% — % 38% 32% Clark Equip(tl.60). 4 36% 36% 36%—% 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 4%.. 60a 107% 107% 107% + % 44% 35 Clev Graph Br (2)_. 13 44% 43% 43%—% 170% 122% Coca-Cola (t2) _ 7 163 162% 162%+ % 25% 19% Colgate-P-P(t50c)_ 17 23% 23% 23%—% 62% 53 Collins & Aik (t2)_ 4 59% 58% 68%—% 112% 108% Collins & Aik pf (5). 30a 110% 110% 110% 45 26 Colonial Beacon_ 10a 40 40 40 —2 51% 39 Col Fuel & iron(bl) 2 41% 40% 40%—1% 27% 20% Colo & Southern _. 10a 21 21 21 —1 20% 13% Columb G & El(40c) 46 14% 14V* 14%—% 108 94 Col G & E pf A (6) . 2 95% 95% 95%-% 39% 32% Columb Pic vtc (tl) 4 34 34 34 46% 41 Columb Pic pf(2%). 4 43 42 42%+% 125% 112% Col Carb vtc (t4) ... 1 120% 120% 120% - % 69% 56% Cornel Credit (t4> . 24 64% 63% 63%+ % 114 100 Cornel Cred pf (4%) 7 107 106% 106% + % 80% 64 Cornel Inv T (t4)... 16 69% 68% 68% — % 21V* 16% Cornel Solv (t60c)._ 8 16% 16% 16% — % 4% 2% Comw & Southern_ 120 2% 2% 2% — % 75% 65 Comw & Sou pf (3).. 2 57 55 55 —2 19% 13'% Conde Nast Pub_ 3 16% 15% 15% + % 45% 36% Congoleum-Nrn(2)_ 4 41% 40% 40%—% 22 16% Conn R & L pf_ 60» 18% 18% 18%+2 95 83% Con C pr pf ww 6%_. 10» 90 90 90 49% 38% Cons Edls N T(t2)_. 82 39% 38% 38% - % 108 104% Cons Ed S T pf (6).. 1 107 * 107 101 _ k 2 IB p.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Bales— Nat High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chce. 5% 4% Cons Film__ 1 4% 4% 4% 18% 14% Cons Film pf U2)._ 3 15 14% 14%—% 17% 15% Cons 011 (80c)_ 73 17% 16% 16% — % 10% 7 Cons R R Cuba pf_ 1 7% 7% 7% — % 1% % Cons Textile (d)_ 5 % % %— % 13% 8% Cons Coal (Del) vtc10 12% 12% 12%—% 52% 33 Cons Coal Del vtc pf 260a 61% 50 50 — % 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 14 35 33% 33%-% 37% 27% Conti Baking (A)_ 2 28% 28% 28%-% 5% 3 Conti Baking <B)._ 10 3% 3% 3% - % 69% 55% Conti Can (3)_x 13 66% 56 56% 25% 20% Conti Diamond (2). 5 22 21% 21%-% 42% 37 Conti Insur (tl.60). 12 39% 39% 39% + V* 3% 2% Conti Motors_ 7 2% 2% 2% — % 47% 40% Conti Oil Del <tl)_ 23 47 46% 46%-% 35% 26% Conti Steel (b50c).. 19 34% 33% 33%+% 71% 60% Corn Prod Ref(t3)_. 14 61% 61% 61%-% 10% 6 Coty Inc . - 13 8% 8% 8% - % 56% 46 Crane Co _ 8 51% 60% 60% + % 28% 21 Crosley Radio al %. 3 22% 22% 22%-% 100% 70% Crown Cork & S(2). 11 79 78 78 -% 47% 41 Crn C&S pf xw 2 % 7 42 42 42 + % 25% 17 Crown Zeller(new) _ 80 22% 22% 22% — % 108% 99 Crown Zell cu pf (6). 9 107% 106% 106% - % 81% 51 Crucible Steel_ 9 73 71 71 - % 17% 11% Cuba R R pf_ 10a 12% 12% 12%-% 14% 10 Cuban-Am Sugar 5 11% 10% 10% — % 127 110 Cuban Am S pf b2% 280a 118 116% 116% +1% 20% 15% Curtis Publishing.. 9 16% 16% 16% — % 109% 92% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 3 99% 98% 98%-% 8% 6% Curtiss-Wright_ 29 6% 6% 6% - % 23% 18% Curtiss-VV (A)a50c. 23 21% 20% 20% - % 24 19% Davegacumpf 1%. 1 20% 20% 20%+% 137% 104% Deere & Co_ 25 135 128 130% -5% 29 22 Dei sel-Wem-G(tl). 1 23% 23% 23% 58% 42% Delaware & Hudson 4 50 48% 48% — % 24% 17% Del Lack & West ._ 9 20% 19% 19%—% 76% 61 Devoe & Rey A(t3). 1 65 65 65 36% 30% Diamond Mth(bSOc) 8 34% 33% 33% 23 21% Diamond T Mot b25o 5 21% 21% 21% 29 23 Distil Corp Seag .. 7 23% 23% 23%+% 25 20% Dixie Vortex (1 %) __ 8 22 22 22 + % 41% 39 Dixie Vortex A 2%. 60s 40 39 39 —1% 46% 36% Doehler Die Cast(2) 18 42% 41% 41%+% 51 41% Dome Mines (+2)_ 12 45% 44 44 — % 12% 10 Dominion Stores.... 3 12% 11% 12% + % 77% 54% Douglas Aircraft_ 23 61% 59% 59% —1% 39% 32 Dresser B(al) ... 1 32% 32% 32%-% 8% 5% Dunhill Internatl_ 2 5'% 5% 5% — % 18(1% 154 Du Pont <b75e)_ 45 163% 158% 158% -5% 135'... 131% Du Tontdeb (6)_ l 132',* 132% 132% + % 115% 112 Duquesne 1st (5)__ 40s 113% 113% 113% — Vi 17 11% Eastern Roll Mills.. 2 14 13% 13%+ % 175% 158% Eastman Kodak<6)_ 4 161 160 160 163 150 Eastman Kod pf (6). 50* 154% 154% 154% + V* 37% 31% Eaton M f g (2) 12 35% 35 35 16 1IV* Eitington-Schlld_ 17 14% 13% 14% + % 29 23% El Paso Nat G 1.60.. 6 25% 24V* 24V* — % 45% 37% Elec Auto Lt t2.40_. 21 39% 38% 39 -% 16 1IV* Elec Boar (a60c) 13 12% 12V* 12% - V. 7% 6% Llecsr.uus i (aloe). * »% o% o*» 26% 19% Elec Pow & Light ... 14 22% 22 22%-% 87 67% Elec Pw & Lt *6 pf.. 1 74 74 74 92% 75 Elec Pw & Lt *7 pf_. 9 80% 79 79 —1% 44% 39% Elec Storage Bat (2) 4 41 40% 40% — % 8 5% Elk Horn Cl pf (d).. 1 5% 5% 5% - % 60 55% Endicott-John (J)_. 1 57% 57% 57%+ % 17% 11 Eng Public Serv__ £ 1 11% 11% 11%+ % 23% 13% Erie R R _K 3 20% 20% 20% - % 35% 26% Erie R R 1st pf_* 5 30 29% 29%-% 28% 21% Erie R R 2d pf_ 5 24% 23% 23%-'* 34% 28% Evans Prod < +1 >_ 6 30% 30% 30V*— % 6% 4% Exchange Buffet_ 1 5% 5% 5% — % 5% 3% Fairbanks Co __ 1690* 4% 4 4% + % 28 20% Fairbanks Co pf,_ 340» 26 241 a 24% +2% 71% 56 Fairb’ks-Morse (tl) 10 57% 57 57 — % 70 53% Fajardo Sug Co (bl) 3 57% 56% 56% 150 66% Fed Min & Smelter. 1 128 128 128 IP* 8% Federal Motor(4Uc) 6 9 8% 8% — % 6 4% Fed Water Svc A 6 47» 4% 4% — % 108% 101 Fed’ted Dep S pf 4 % 2 101 100 100 -1% 45% 37% Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 6 4014 39% 40% + % 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2). 15 37 36% 36% — % 52% 46% First Natl Strs t2% 2 48% 48 48 46% 38% Flintkote Co (1) ... 6 39% 38% 38%-% 58% 46 Florence Stve b50c. 2 50 49% 50 + % 9% 6% Follansbee Bros(d). 7 9 8% 8% + % 58 47% Food Machine <1) . 3 67% 56 56 -1 128 116% Food Mach pf(4%). 20* 127 127 127 54% 43 Foster-Wheeler_ 10 61% 51% 51% + % 18% 12% Francisco Sugar_ 3 12% 12 12V* — 14 32% 26% Freeport Suiph (1). 7 28% 28 28 - % 73 55 Fuller Co pr pf_ 20* 53 53 53 —2 7% 4% Gabriel Co (A) -. 2 6 6 6 19% 14s* Gar Wood Ind a55C- 9 14% 14** 14% 861a 69% Gen Am Trans <a3) 4 72% 72% 72% — % 19% 13% Gen Bakins (t60c). x 6 14 13% 13%—% 14 97» Gen Bronze_ 6 10% 10% 10% — % 32% 25% Gen Cable _ 3 28% 28% 28% + % 65 52% Gen Cable (A)_ 1 57 57 57 -% 52% 43 Gen Cigar <T4) _ 2 45 43% 44% — % 64% 51% Gen Electric (b40c) 77 56% 55% 55% —1 44% 39% Gen Foods (2) . 15 42% 41% 41%+% 3% 2% Gen Gas & Elect A). 6 2% 2% 2% 65% 60 Gen Mills (3) 5 65% 65 65 124 117% Gen Mills pf (6)_ 60s 119% 119 119% +1 70% 57% Gen Motors(b25c)-. 165 61% 59% 60 —1% 122'. 114% Gen Motors pf(5)_ 1116 116 116 15% 10% Gen Outdoor Adv... 1 11% 11% 11%+% 19 15% Gen Print ink new.. ", 1 17 17 17 5% 4 Gen Pub Service_5 2 4 4 4 65% 48 Gen Ry Signal (1).. 2 60% 49% 49%-% 5% 3% Gen Realty & Util— 12 3% 3% 3% 48% 39 Gen Realty & U pf-. 2 40 40 40 -1 70V* 60 Gen Refract (a3^£). 2 62% 62% 62%+ % 88 70 Gen Steel Caet pf... 30* 72% 72 72% 33% 27% Gen Thea Eq(b25c). 2 27% 27% 27%-% 20% 15% Gillette S Raz (tl)_ 5 17% 16% 16% - % 88% 83 Gillette S R pf (5).. 2 84 84 84 — % 29% 20% Gimbel Bros — 6 26% 25% 25% -1 90V, 83% Gimbel Bros pf (6).. 2 86% 86% 86% + % 51% 43 GliddenCo(2>- 5 45% 45 45 — % 6% 5% Gobel (Adolf) _ 4 5% 5% 5% 8V* 6% Goebel Brew(t20c). 2 7% 7 7 50% 31 Goodrich (BF) (al). 27 48% 47% 47% 47% 27s* Goody'r T&R b50c-. 194 44% 43% 44% +1 141 100 Goodyear cu pf (5)_ 16 132% 130 132 —3 13% 10% Gotham Silk Hose— 2 11% 11% 11% i- Vi 4% 3 Graham-Paige_ 91 4% 4 4 — % 15 6% Granby Cons _ 2 9% 9% 9% + % 7 32 1 32 Granby rights Ap 26 12 1 32 1 32 1 32 5% 3% Grand Union ctfs .. 2 3% 3% 3% 27% 21% Grand Union pf(bl) 2 21% 21% 21% 48'* 38% Granite City Stl Cl). 2 39% 39% 39%-% 47% 41% Grant (WT) (+1.40) 1 42% 42% 42% +1 55V* 40% Grt Northern pf_ 54 54% 53 53v* — % 28% 19 GrtNorthnOre (1). 13 25 24% 24% - % 42V* 35 Grt West Sug t2.40. 3 36% 36 36 — % 39% 32% Green H L (tl.60)_. 1 35 35 35 -% 16% 13% Greyhound <t80c)_. 29 15% 14% 15 — % 11% 10% Greyhound pf (55c) 2 11 11 11 4% 3 Guantanamo Sug— 2 3% 3% 3% + % 59 40 Guantanamo pf_ 40* 51 50% 51 +1 17% 12% Gulf Mobile AN_ 3 13% 13% 13%+ % 59% 49% Gulf Mobile A N pf- 5 52% 52% 52% - % 36 26% Hack W pf A (1%) 10« 32 32 32 -% 20% 13% Hall W F Print ... 3 18% 17% 17%-% 31 25% Hamilton W <bS5c). 1 29 29 29 + % 108 104% Hamilton W pf (6). 20* 107 107 107 +1 58% 47% Harb-Walker (t2) — 10 48% 47% 47%-% 8 6% Hayes Body - 3 6% 6% 6% 15% 13 Hecker Prod (60c). 14 14 13% 13% + % 39% 28% Hercules Motor(11) 1 32 32 32 —1 185 150% Hercules Pwdr (6). 1 157 157 157 +1% 135% 128% Hercules Pdr pf (6) 10* 130 130 130 +1 111 102% Hershey Ch pf(t4). * 1 108 108 108 52% 45V* Holland Fur(al%). 2 45 44 44 -1% 120% 105% Holland Fur pf (5).. 100s 109% 109% 109% 30% 21 Hollander A Son(l). 2 28% 28 28 43% 31% Holly Sugar (+2)— 2 33% 33% 33% — % 431 355 Homestake ( + 12 >_ 40* 384 381 381 41 37 Houd-Hersh A(2%) . 1 37% 37% 37%+ % 27% 21% Houd-Her B <tl%). 14 23% 23 23 — % 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 27 15% 14% 14%—% 90% 62% Howe Sound (+3)— 15 86 84 84 — % 5% 4 Hudson & Manhat— 5 3% 3% 3% 15% 11% Hudson* Man pf—. 2 11 10% 10% -1% 23% 18% Hudson Motor - 17 21% 20% 20% - % 2% 1% Hupp Motor (new). 46 1% 1% 1% 38 22% Illinois Central- 28 35 33% 34 72 63 111 Cent Is In (4)- 10* 64 64 64 22% 12% Indian Refin (al)— 1 16% 16% 16%-% 47% 36% Indue Rayon (2)- 8 46% 45 45% — 1% 144 129% Ingersoll Rand(t2). 1 130 130 130 131% 112 Inland Steel (4)_ 2 116% 115% 115% -1% 33% 22% Inspiration Cop - 33 25% 2a 25 6 5 Insur Sh Md (blOc). 3 5 5 5 13% 8% Inter Rap Tr vtc(d) 6 9% 8% 9 — % 11% 4% Intercontl Rubber.. 5 8% 8% 8% + % 28% 16% Interiake Iron ... 37 22% 20% 21% — % 9% 5 Inti Agricultural_ 23 8V* 7% 7% — % 63% 42 inti Agricul pr pf... 4 60% 59 59 -1% 189 159% Inti Bus Mach(t6).. 3 164 163 164 +2 111% 99% lntl Harvesters%) 21 109 106% 106% —1% 162 146 Inti Harv pf (7)- 2 151 160% 151 16% 8% Inti Hydro El A — 13 12% 12% 12% - % 15% 6% Inti Mercantile M_ 6 12% 12% 12% - % 18% 12% Inti Mining ta90c)„ 13 13% 13% 13%,+ % 73% 61% Inti Nickel (b60c)„ 70 64% 63% 63% 24% 16% Inti Paper (A)_ 13 21% 20% 20% -1% 18 10% Inti Paper (B)_ 14 15% 15 15% - % 9% 6% Inti Paper (C)_ 48 8% 7% 7% - % 121% 90% Inti Paper pf_ 26 113% 109% 111% -2% 64% 41 Inti Print Ink (t2>„ 2 63% 63% 63%-% 111% 109% Inti Print Ink pf(6) 30* 109 109 109 +% 10 7% Inti Ry Cent Am —. 80* 7% 7% 7% + % 67% 48 Inti Ry C Am pf A— 70* 60 60 60 62 31% Inti Silver . _ 2 47% 46% 46% -1 110 90 Int Silver pf (b4)—. 70* 99 99 99 -1 15% 11% Inti Tel A Tel . 24 12% 12% 12%-% 36% 28% Interstat DpStb2% 3 29% 29 29 - % 107% 103% Inter Dept St pf (7). 30* f04% 104% 104% - % 30 25% Island Creek (2) - 8 29% 29 29% 126% 121 Island Creek pf(6)- 60* 125 125 125 -1 155 127 Johns-Manv < t3) 5 135 133% 133% -1% 126 120 Johns-Mansv pf(7) 20* 126 125% 126 + % 136 123 JonAL 1% pf(bl%) 100* 128 128 128 +% 46 38 Kalamazoo S (tl)— 1 '39 39 39 -1 29 20 Kan* City South_ 1 25% 26'% 25% - % 27% 23% Kayser J A Co (2) — 1 25 25 25 - % 23% 17 Kelsey-H A <al%)_ 2 18% 18% 18%-% 19% 14% Kelsey-H B (al%>~ 4 16% 14% 14%-% 69% 65% Kennecott (b50c) .. 61 59% 68% 68% — % 20% 17% Keystone SAW b30o 3 19% 18% 18%-1 46% 88% Kimberly Clark(1). 1 46 46 45 —1% 9% 6% Kinney (G R) Co—. 3 8% 8 8 - % 71 47% Kinney pf (al)-260* 70% 69% 70%+% 29% 24% Kreege S S (bJOc)— 8 26% 25% 25% 47% 39% Kress S H (1.(0)-» 2 89% 89% 89%-% _ 84% 22 Kroger Groo U1.40), I 2 22 22% 22%-.% 2:15 P.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 41% 26% Laclede Gas pf- 20a 2971 2971 29% + 2% 24 18% Lambert Co (2)_ 2 21% 21% 21% 2771 17 Lee Rubber (60c)— 13 26 25% 25% +1 61% 38% Leh Port Cmt 1 >4 —. 2 40% 40% 40%—1 3% 2% Lehigh Valley Coal- 83 2% 2 2 — % 18% 11% Lehigh Val Coal pf. 7 11% 11% n%— 71 24% 17% Lehigh Valley R R.. 4 20% 20 20 — % 21% 16 Lehn & Ftnklal %)_ 2 16% 16% 16%+ % 68% 48% Lerner Stores(t2)._ 4 62% 51% 61%—% 79 66% Libbey-Ow-F b75c _ 5 69% 69% 69%+ % 15% 9% Libby McN & L(al). 3 14% 14 14 • % 113V* 98 Ltgg&Myers < + 4)_ 3 98% 98 98 % 114. 98 Ligg & Myers B t4_. 7 98% 97% 98 % 23 21% Lily Tulip <tl%)_ 2 22% 22% 22%-% 83% 59 Lima Locomotive— 4 70% 69% 70% + % 61 52 Link Belt <+2» 1 55% 55% 55% + % 53% 43% Liquid Carb (2.60).. 6 52% 52 52 +% 84% 64% LoeWs Inc (t2> ... 11 83% 82% 82%-% 37. 2% Loft Inc 67 3 3 3 75% 56 Lone Star Cmt b75c 16 60% 59 59 -1 10% 6% Long-Bell Lumh(A) 3 9 8% 8% - % 43% 35% Loose-Wiles (2) ... 2 35% 35 35 -% 28% 22% Lorillard P ( + 1.20). 13 22% 22% 22%-% 28% 19% Lou Gas & Elec (A). 3 20% 20% 20% - % 41% 29% Ludlum Steel (tl).. 15 37% 35% 35% - 71 36 32 MacAndrew&F(t2). 1 32% 32% 32% + % 36 29% McCall Corp (t2>_ 2 30% 30% 30%-% 24% 18% McCrory Stores ... 16 18% 18% 18% -1 54% 40% McGraw Elec (t2)._ 6 63% 53’% 53% + % 28% 20% McGraw H P b27%c 2 22 22 22 -% 42% 35% McIntyre Porcu(2). 9 38 37% 37% - % 42% 33% McKeesp't Tin Plate 4 36% 36 36 + % 16% 12% McKesson & Rob .. 12 14% 14% 14% 67% 45 McKess & Rb pf(3). 1 45V* 45% 45%—% 19 15% McLellan Strs b75c. 1 16% 16% 16V* — % 62% 42% Mack Trucks (tl).. 11 54% 53% 53% — % 68% 49% Macy (R H) »+ 2)_ 1 61% 51% 51%+ % 15% 11% Madison Sq G(80c)_ 2 14 14 14 29% 22 Manhat Shirt (1)... 7 22% 21% 21%-1% 6% 4% Maracaibo Oil Exp.. 1 4% 4% 4% 14% 10% Marine Mid (t40c)_. 8 11% 11% 11% 3% 2 Market StHy ... 100» 2% 2% 2% 20 1.3% Market St Uy pf_ 20s 13% 13% 13% 51% 43% Marlin Rock (t2)_ 1 44 44 44 307. 18% Marshall Field •_ 4 26% 26% 26% — % 137. 9 Martin-Parry ._ 1 10% 10% 10% 41% 36 Mathleson Alk(l%) 9 38% 38 38 — % 66% 59% May Detit St (t3)._. 1 60% 60% 60% + % 34s* 25s* Mead Corp 6 32% 31% 31% — % 101 95 Mead Corp pf (6) .. 80s 97 96 96 —1 86% 72 Melville Shoe (t5) x 1 76 76 76 +1% 16% llHMengelCo . 4 14% 13% 13', — % 47% 41 Mengel 1st pf (2%). 80s 45% 45% 45% 41 36% Merch&Min (tl.60). 30s 36 36 36 -1 72% 59 Mesta Mach (bl%)_ 3 67 65% 65%-% 26% 16% Miami Copper .. 15 19% 18% 18% 35% 29V* Mid-Cont Pet al.15.. 15 33% 32% 32%—% 48% 38% Midld Stl Prod(t2). 3 43% 42% 42%+ V* 120 102 Mlnn-Hon Ros (2) 1110 110 110 124 113% Mlnn-Hn R pf B(4). 10s 115 115 115 16% 11 Minn Moline Pow 15 14% 14% 14% — % 34 26 , I. Ission Corp (»45c) 4 324 314 314—1 94 64 Mo Kans & Texas 3 84 84 84 344 244 Mo Kans & Tex of A 10 304 294 294 —4 124 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) 4 104 104 104 -', 404 304 Mohawk Carpd.20) 3 364 36 36 101 89 Monsanto Chm(tl). 3 91 91 91 +1 69 534 Montg Ward «+2) _ 54 604 584 59 -14 34 14 Mother Lode al2V£c 30 2 14 2 384 314 Motor Prod (+2) 23 354 344 344 +24 26 214 Motor Wheeld.60). 4 224 224 224 54 414 Mueller Brass (11)_ 2 444 444- 444 - 394 304 Mullins B (a50c).__ 2 334 334 334 +4 99', 914Mullinspf <7) ... 20s 97 964 97 + 4 90 70 Murphy G C (2.60).. 1 83 83 83 -2 25 32 18 32 Murphy rts May 10. 6 24 32 23 32 23 32 -1 32 204 154 Murray Corp(aoOc). 3 164 16 16 — 4 24', 174 Nash Kelv d) 24 224 214 22 —4 474 38 Nashv Chat & St L-. 10s 40 40 40 + 4 24 184 Natl Acme <a75c> . 3 204 20 20 — 4 334 28 Natl Biscuit (1.60) 51 28', 274 274 — 4 334 264 Natl Bond & In 1.44. 1 284 284- 284 - 4 384 294 Natl Cash Reg (1)_ 8 34 334 334 - 4 264 234 Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 40 244 24 24 - ', 1124108 Natl Dairy pf A (7) 80s 1114 110 1114 244 174 Natl Dept Stores _. 6 204 194 194 104 74 Natl Dept Strs pf .. 100b 74 74 74 35 274 Natl Distillers! + 2). 32 33', 324 324 — Vi Nat l Gypsum Co_ 14 184 174 18 44 334 Natl Lead !t50c) .. 8 374 364 364 -4 614 48 Natl Mall & S C boOc 18 55 54 54 -r2 144 104 Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 13 11 104 104 1 4 Natl P.y Mex 2d pf.. 14 4 4 94 4 70 Natl Steel (12 45s)_ 11 89', 88', 884 102'* 62 Natl Supply Co_ 11 1014 99'. 994 -14 124 94 Natl Tea (60c)_ 1 94 94 94 -4 134 104 Natomas (t80c)_ 2 11 11 11 57V* 47V* Nelsner Bros ( + 2)_ 1 50 50 50 + 4 644 54 Newberry JJ t2.40.. 1 57 57 57 -rl 109 100 Newberry pf (5) ... 30s 1034 1034 1034 +14 41'* 314 Newport Ind(b50c). 4 33 324 324 55V* 40 N Y Central .. 218 514 494 50 — «, 9 16 13 32 N Y Cent rts Mayl_. 354 16 32 15 32 15 32 72 41 N Y Chi & St L .. 2 704 704 704 -4 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf... 5 944 93 93 314 274 N Y City Omnibus.. 3 284 284 284 124 8 N Y Dock _ 50s 10 94 94 - 4 254 174 N Y Dock pf _ 40s 204 19'-, 204 + 4 2 lv* N Y Investors (d)_ 3 1'* 14 14 94 54 NY NH & H (d) ._ 23 74 7 7 -4 264 16V* NY NH & H pf (d).. 22 224 20 204 -2', 64 5 NY Ontario* W_ 1 54 54 54 154 114 N Y Shipbuilding... 2 124 114 114 44 2 Norfolk South (d).. 4 3 24 24 — V* 17', 124 North Am Aviation. 18 144 134 134 — 4 344 25 North Am Col b30c) 30 264 26 26 — 4 57V* 514 North Am Co pf (3). 1 53 53 53 -V, 104 4 974 North Am Ed pf (6) 3 100 100 100 364 27V* Northern Pacific ... 25 34', 334 334-1 534 514 Northwest Tel (3).. 10s 524 524 524 6", 34 Norwalk Tire & R._ 6 5'* 54 54 + 4 40 284 Norwalk Tire pf_ 60s 32 314 31'* - V* 224 174 Ohio Oil (a60c) ... 69 224 22 224 73 534 Oliver Farm Equip. 19 724 70 70 —1'« 26'; 184 Omnibus Corp vtc.. 4 20 194 194 — 4 19', 13i* Oppenhelm Collins. 2 16i; 16 16 + V* 454 35 Otis Elev (60c) _ 13 394 374 38 24'. 164 Otis Steel ... 7 204 194 194 —4 28 224 Outboard Mot b75c. 1 24 24 24 — Vs 75 66 Outlet Co (3) 50s 66 66 66 200 150 Owens-Ill G1 (6)... 7 1.94 179 179 - 4 23 194 Pacific Am Fish 1.20 4 194 194 194 — 4 154 104 Pacific Coast _ 10s 114 114 114-1* 27V. 18 Pacific Coast 2d ... 10s 204 204 204 — 4 324 24 Pac Financed 1.80). ■> 264 264 264 +14 38 304 Pac Gas* Elec (2). 10 314 304 30'*-'+ 534 434 Pao Lighting (3)_ 3 484 48 48 —4 444 344 Pac Mills (b50c)_ 2 39 384 384 -4 152 140 Pac Tel & Tel (8)... 90s 144b 144 144b + 3b 29b 22b Pac West 011(a65c). 7 27b 26 26b — b 12b 10b Packard Mot tbl5c) 66 10b 10b 10b — b 4b 2b Panhandle P & R . 7 3b 3b 3b - b 102b 60 Panhandle P&R pf. 80s 97 93' 94 -4 28b 22b Paramount Pic _ 117 25 24b 24b— b 200b 161 Paramnt 1st pf <*).. 4 173b 170 171 -4b 26b 20b Paramnt 2d pf 60c.. 4 22b 21b 21b - b 8b 4b Park Utah 17 5b 5b 5b 44b 38 Parke Davis (bl)___ 8 39b 39 39 -1 7b 5b Parmelee Trans 2 5b 5b 5b— b 10b 7b Pathe Film Corp 2 8b 8b 8b 23b 14b Patino Mines(t60c). 8 17b 17b- 17b + b 7b 3b Peerless Corp _ 5 6b 6b 6b 64 49b Penick & Ford(t3)_. 2 50 49b 49b - b 103b 97 Penney J 0(4) ... 11 98b 98 98 6b 4b Penn Coal & Coke .. 1 4b 4b 4b 12b 7b Penn Dixie Cement. 3 8b 8b 8b 50t* 39** Penn Railroad ia2)_ 31 46 45V* 45b — b 65b 48b Peoples Gas Chi . 1 51V* 51b 61b — b 87 82V, Pere Marq pr pf a20 1 76 76 76 —9 21b 17V* Petr Corp Am aOOc.. 4 20 19b 19b — b 13V* 10b Pfeiffer Brew b60c . 10 10b 10b 10b - b 6-32 4 32 Pfelft Br rts May 13. 19 3-32 3 32 3-32 59V* 47b Phelps Dodge b35c_ 33 53b 51b 51b —lb 64b 50 Phila Co 6% pf (3). 1 50b 50b 50b - b 7b 5b Phila Rap Tr (d) .. 100s 6 6 6 + b 14 9b Phila Rap Tr pf(d). 20s 9b 9b 9b 3b lb Phila Read C&I (d). 3 lb lb lb + b 84V* 70 Philip Morris(b314) 1 74 74 74 -b 59b 49b Phillips Petrol (2).. 27 68b 57b 58 — b 20b 16b Pierce Oil pf _ 2 18b 18V* 18V* - b 33b 28b Pilisbury Flour 1.60 1 29b 29b 29b + b 18V* 13b Pittsburgh Coal. 4 15 14 15 4-1 20 13b Pitts Screw&Bbl5c 4 17 17 17 + b 122 100 Pitts Steel pf_ 120s 104 103 103 -b 8b 3b Pitts United_ 4 6 6 6 + Vs 47V* 31b Pitts & W Va_100s 41 41 41 29V* 24V* Plymouth Oil (tl).. 49 29b 29b 29b + V* 33b 24V, Poor & Co (B) ... 3 26b 26 26 lib 7 Porto R Am Tob A.. 1 6b 6b 6b — V* 15b 10 Postal Tel&C pf(d). 2 10b 10b 10b 31b 23b Pressed Steel Car 16 26V, 26 26b — V* 31 24 Press Stl 1st pf 25c. 1 26 26 26 - b 86 66 Press Stl 2d pf 2 Vi 3 71b 71 71 65b ‘ 55b Proctor & Gam(t2) x 12 62b 61 Vi 61b — Vi 118b 114b Proc&Gambpf(5). 50s 115V* 115b 115b + V* 62b 42b Pub Svc N J (2.60).. 6 43V* 42b 42b - b 112b 100V* Pub Svc N J pf (5).. 1 103', 103b 103V, 128b 118b Pub Svc N J pf (6).. 1119 119 119 + Vi 72b 58 Pullman Inc (1 Vi), x 11 64 62b 62b -lb 24H 19b Pure Oil 43 22V* 21b 21V* - b 107 99 Pure 011 6% pf_ 6 102b 102 102 112b 108 Pure Oil 8% pf__ 30s 110 109b 110 -b 23b 18H Purity Bak (60c)_ 9 19b 18b 18b - V* 18b 16 Quaker State (80c). 8 17b 17 17 + b 12b 10b Radio Corp . _ 148 10b 10b 10b - b 80 72V, Radio pf A (3Vi)— 7 73 72V* 72b - V. 10b 7b Radlo-Keith-Or (d). 79 9b 8b 8b - b 25b 14b R R Sec 111 Cent ... 40s 21 21 21 - b 37b 31 Raybestos M (tlVi) 1 32b 32b 32b — b 47 39b Reading RR (2)_ 5 40b 40 40b + b 13b 9b Real Silk Hosiery._ 3 9b 9b 9b — V* 30 23 Reis (Robt) 1st pf.. 2 29 27 27 -2 22b 18b Reliable Str (a50c). 3 20b 19b 19b -IV* 35V, 31b Reliance Mfg (t60c)x 2 33b 33 33 29b 21b Rem-Rand (t60c)_. 16 25b 24b 25b - b 9b 5 Reo Motor Car _ 19 7b 7b 7b - b 47b 27b Republic Steal ... 139 43b 42 42b -lb 120V* 109 Republic pf (blVi). 9 122b 119b 121V* +2b 49b 33b Revere Copper .. 28 46b 44b 45 + b 98 71 Revere Copper (A).. 1 90b 90V* 90Vi + Vi 139 128b Revere Cop pf bib. 20s 137 137 137 30b 24b Revnolda Met (tl).. 3 25b 25 25 34b 24b Reynolds Spr <tl).. 2 26b 26b 26b + b 58 50b Reynolds Tob B (1) 42 50b 50 50b - b 2:15 P.ra. Prev]937 8tock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00 Hi*h. Low. Cloae. chge. 140 117 RuberoidCo (1.80). 1131 131 131 +1% 9% 6% Rutland R R pf_ 1 7 7 7 - % 46 38% Safeway Storea(t2) 3 40 39% 39%-% 103 97% Safeway Strspf(5). 10a 102% 102% 102% + % 113 110 Safeway Strs pf (7). 40a 110% 110% 110% 65 43% St Joseph Ld(b50c). 10 58 66% 56% — % 4% 3 St D-San Fran (d)__ 1 3% 3% 3% - % I 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d> 6 8% 8% 8% - % j 61% 42% Schenley Dlst(b75c> 4 46% 16% 45% + % 98% 94% Scherley pf (5%)... 5 97% 97 97 + % 3Vi 2 Schulte R Strs <d)_. 2 2% 2% 2% — % 23% 17 Schulte R S pf (d).. 1 18 18 18 -1% 45V* 38 Scott Paper <1)_ 40a 41% 40% 41% + % 2V« 1% Seaboard Air L. (d). 14 1% 1% 1% 8% 6 Seaboard A L pf(d). 5 6% 6% 6% - % 54% 10% Seaboard 011 (1)_ 28 50% 49 49% —1% 11% 7% Seagrave Corp_ 1 9% 9% 9% 95% 81 Sears Roebuck f 3)_ 26 90% 89 89% —1% 34 28 Hervel Inc (tl) ... 31 30% 30 30 — % 42% 29 Sharon Stl (tl.20)_ 4 38 37% 37% — % 120 102 Sharon Stl pf (5)... 1 108 108 108 +1% 14 10% Sharpe & Dohme ... 8 10% 10% 10% — % 65 59% Sharp & Do pf (3%). 1 60 60 60 17% 14% Shattuck F G (60c). 2 14% 14% 14%+ % 44 37% Sheaffer Pen(bl>4). 10* 40% 40% 40% + Vi 34% 26% Shell Un Oil (a25c)_ 8 31% 30% 30% - % 105% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 5% .. 3 104% 103% 103% — % 17% 12% Silver King <b25c)_. 4 14% 14% 14% — % 58 44% Simmons Co (b50c). 8 51% 51 51%—% 60Vi 42 Skelly OH . _ 14. 60% 58% 58V, -2 102V* 98% Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 4 100% 100 100%+ % 197 85% Sloss-Sheffield Stl.. 10a 170 170 170 120 105 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)... 30a 106'% 105 105 -2 40% 27% Smith & Cor ctfs(l) 1 34 34 34 54% 37', Smith (AO) _ 1 40% 40% 40% — % 29% 21% Snider Pkg (bl%)__ 2 23% 23% 23%-% 20% 16V* Socony-Vac (b25c). 231 20V* 20 20% + % 6% 4% South Am G & P 30c 6 4% 4% 4% 42% 34 South Port Sug(t2). 31 38% 38 38% 32% 26 SoCal Edison tl%_. 9 26% 26% 26% — Vi 65% 42% Southern Pacific_ 40 60% 59% 59% - % 43% 24 Southern Ry _ 68 41 40% 40% — % 60% 47% Southern Ry pf_ 6 53% 52% 52'% -1 9% 6% Sparks-Withing_ 2 7% 7% 7% 31 23 Spear & Co (aide).. 2 24% 24 24 -% 23% 19 Sperry Corp vtc(al) 13 20 19% 19% — % 34% 28% Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 3 33 31% 31% — % 50 45% Spicer pf A (3)_ 20a 48 48 48 — % 28% 22% Spiegel, inc (1) .... 20 25% 25% 25% - % 48% 40% Square D (B) b25c.. 2 40% 40% 40%—% 16% 14 Stand Brands!t80c) 97 14% 14 14% — % 128% 124 Stand Brands pf(7). 20» 125'* 125% 125% + Vi 12% 8% Stand Com Tobac 1 9% 9% 9% — % 14 % 8% Stand Gas & El (d). 9 10% 10% 10'-* — % 32% 25 Stand G&E $4 pf(d). 5 26% 25% 25% -1% 72% 60 Stand G&E J7 pf(d) 3 60% 60 60 — % 4 2% Stand inv Corp_ 2 3% 3% 3% 50 43% Stand Oil Calif (tl). 59 47V, 46% 46V, — % 50 44% Stand Oil ind (tl)_ 17 47V* 46', 46% - % 76 67% Stand Oil N J (tl).. 58 70% 68% 68% -1% 48 34% Starrett D S(tl.40). 1 41% 41V, 41% + % 75 65 Sterling Prod t3.80_ 3 68% 68 68 — % 21 l (% btewart-Warn toOc. 40 20% 20 20 — % 174 154 Stokely Bros <tl)__ 2 154 15% 15% — 4 33% 22% Stone Ai Web(a25c). 15 26% 25% 25% — % 20 13% Studebaker Corp... 51 17% 17 174 — 4 774 68 Sun Oil (tl) _ 1 71% 71% 71%+ 4 125 110 Sun Oil pf (6)_ 60s 124 122% 122% -IV* 61% 46 Superheater Co (1) 1 484 484 484 7% 4% Superior Oil _ 20 6% 64 64 — 4 47% 37 Superior Steel .. 2 414 40 40 —1 394 324 Sutherland P tl.60.. 1 374 374 374 —4 28% 254 Swift At Co <T1.20).. 7 26 25% 25% - 4 334 304 Swift Inti Ltd (2).. 1 33% 33 33 23% 18% Symington ww blOe 19 20% 19% 19% — % 17s, 14 Symington xw blOc 10 14% 14% 14% — % 15% 124 Talcott (J) b30c 3 13 13 13 + 4 57>„ 53% Talcott (J) pf t2$*_ 10s 53% 53% 53% — 4 8% 7 Telautograph(60c). 6 74 64 64 15% 114 Tenn Corp ialoc) 3 13% 134 134 65 50% Texas Corp (2) 130 654 64 644 — 4 9% 74 Texas Gulf Pr a5c 16 9 8% 8% — 4 44 384 Texas Gulf Sul (t2)« 16 394 384 384 -14 54% 434 Texas & Pac R P. .* 3 49 49 49 16% 134 Tex Pac C&O blOc.. 14 15% 15% 15%-% 15% 114 Texas P LT (alOc). 15 13% 13% 13V* — % 48 374 Thatcher Mfgr (tl). 2 41% 41 41 -1 , 13% 10% The Fair 2 11% 11% 11% 934 85 The Fair pf (7)_ 80s 89% 89 89% +1% 134 10 Thermoid Co _ 18 104 10% 10% - 4 284 23 Thomps'n Prod b40C 6 26% 25** 26 — V* 10% 6% Thompson Starrett- 10 6% 6% 6% 21% 184 Tide Wat A O (60c). 43 19 18% 18% — 4 284 22 Timken Detroit tl.. 24 24% 234 234 - % 79 614 Timken Roller B(3) 5 63% 624 63 + % 17% 15% Transamerica t40c. 21 15% 15% 15% 22% 164 Trans Wst Air a25c. 6 174 17% 17% — 4 11% 9 Tri-Conti (a50c) . 20 94 9 9% — 4 12 84 Truax-Traer(b25c). 3 11 104 11 + % 404 33% 20th Cent Fox b50c. 18 394 39 39 — % 50 42% 20th Cent F pf(l % ). 1 494 494 49% 94 74 Twin C R T pf al4.. 40s 78 78 78 26% 164 Twin Coach (bloc). 4 22% 21% 21% — 4 64 34 Ulen & Co _ 4 34 34 34 — 4 1004 85% Und-Ell-Fisher (3). 6 88 87% 87% - 4 914 63 Union Bag & P (2).. 2 86% 85 85 -1% 111 97% Union Carb (3.20).. 19 100 99 99 -1 28% 244 Union Oil(Calif)l.20 21 26% 25% 25%-% 148% 1264 Union Pacific (6) .. 3 148 147 147 —1 i 99*i 92V* Union Pacific pf (4). 4 934 91% 91% -2% 31', 26% Union Tnk Car 1.60. 2 28 28 28 354 27v* utd Aircraft(a50c). 31 29% 284 284 — % 24% 17% Utd Air Lines a20c.. 11 194 184 184— 4 30V* 25% Utd Biscuit (1.60).. 6 264 26% 264 — % 91 78 Utd Carbon (4) ... 1 81V* 81% 81% — \ 35 294 Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 2 32 32 32 — V* 84 54 Utd Corp (a20c)_ 51 6 5% 5**— 4 464 414 Utd Corp pf (3)_ 14 424 42 42 — % 16 13% Utd Drug (a75c)_ 10 134 13% 13% — % 26% 184 Utd Dyewood (1) ... 2 25 24% 24% — *, 106% 96% Utd Dyewood pf (7). 20s 100 100 100 —4'* 94 64 Utd Elec Coal 8 7 64 7 +4 1** 4 Unit El C rts May 14 18 1 4 4 63 464 Utd Eng & Fy (t2). 1 54 54 54 86% 804 United Fruit (t3)_ 2 85% 844 85 — V* 17 13% Utd Gas Imp (1)_ 26 14 134 134 164 64 Utd Paperboard_ 5 154 144 144 — v, 204 15 U S Distributin* pf. 20s 154 15 15 — % 24s* 17 U S & For'n Secur _ 8 20 19** 19a, _ 4 1004 96 U S & For'n 1st (6).. 1 96% 96% 96V* + 1* 344 234 U S Freight (tl) __ 2 244 24 24 - V* 137 111 USGypsum(t2)_ 4 116 116 116 —2 234 17 US Hoffman _ 5 22% 214 214 — % 43% 374 U S Indus Alcohol-. 6 394 39 39 — % 154 6% U S Leather vtc_ 1 10s, 10% 10% — % 22% 13V* U S Leather!A)vtc. 7 194 18% 18% — V* 72% 594 U S Pipe & Fdry (3). 8 62% 61% 61% — v* 19% 13V* U S Realty & Imp... 28 14% 134 134 — % 72% 44V* U S Rubber. _ 36 65% 64 4 644 — % | ns u S KuDuer 1st pi_ y 102 101% 101% — % 105 83V* U S Smelting (b4) 11 93% 92 92 — % 126% 75 U S Steel _ 165 116% 113** 114%-1% 150 139% U S Steel pf (7)_ 2 145% 144% 144% — % 9% 7 Unit Stk Yds (50c). 68 8% 8% 8% 8% 5% Utd Stores (A) 3 6 6% 5% — V* 86 69 Univ Leaf Tob (t3). 1 71 71 71 108 79 Univ Pictures lstpf 10s 84 84 84 +2 4% 2% Util Pw&Lt (A)(d). 1 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% Vadsco Sales Corp.. 11 2 2 2 58% 48 Vadsco Sales C pf._ 10s 50 60 50 39% 28% Vanadium Corp _ 9 33% 33 33 — % 44% 39% Van Raalte(bS2%c) 1 42% 42% 42% 46% 42% Vick Chemical (12)_ 1 43% 43% 43% — % 12ai 7% Va-Car Chemical _ 6 10% 10 10 - % 74% 54% Va-Car Chem 6% pf 7 67% 66% 65% -1% 115 108 VaEl&Pw of (6).. 80s 112% 112 112 -% 12% 8% Va Iron Coal&Coke- 40s 9% 9% 9% — % 37 26% Va Iron C & C pf 20s 27% 27 27 -3 10% 3% Wabash (d) T 7% 7% 7% - % 18% 9 V. abash pf (A)(d)„ 15 15V* 14** 15%+ % 16 7% Wabash pf (B)(d)_. 10s 11 11 11 + •% 19% 15% Waldorf Sys(tl.20). 4 15% 15% 15% + V* 33 29 Walgreen Co (2)_ 3 30 30 30 - V* 19% 19% Walker (H) pf (1).. 2 19% 19% 19% - % 18% 11% Walworth Co _ 11 17 16% 16%-% 10% 6% Ward Baking (B)_ 7 7% 7% 7% — % 18 13% Warner Bros Piet... 8 15 14% 14%-% 69% 61 Warner Bros Pic pf- 1 61 61 61 —1% 1% % WTarner-Quinlan(d) 1 % % % 12V* 6% Warren Bros (d)_ 6 10% 10% 10% — % 46 35% Warren Fdy&Pftl) 1 41 41 41 -% 38% 29% Waukesha Mot 41)_ 2 32% 32% 32%+ % 9** 6** Webster Eisenlohr. 1 6% 6% 6% — % 2% 1% Wells Fargo .. 100s 1% 1% 1% - % 56 46 Wesson O&S (t50c) 5 52 51% 51%-% 102 93 West Penn El A (7) 10s 94% 94% 94% -1 100% 90 West Penn El pf(6) 20s 93 93 93 +1 109 103 West Penn El pf(7) 10« 103% 103% 103%-1% 11% 7% Western Pacific pf-. 1 9% 9% 9% 83% 69 Westn Un Tei (3) . 25 70 67V* 67% -1% 57% 46 Westingh'se A B(l) 20 47% 46% 46%—% 167% 130% Westingh'se El (bl) 12 144% 141% 141% -1% 170 149% Westhse 1st pf (bl) 30s 156 155 155 +4 30% 24% Weston El Inst b25c 3 26% 26 26 — % 27V* 22 Westvaco Chlor (1) 4 23 22% 22% — % 34% 30% Westvaco 5%pf 1H 2 31% 31% 31%+ % 65 38 Wheeling Steel ... 10 59 57% 57% - V* 110% 103 Wheel Stl pf (bl)— 1 107% 107% 107% + V* 33% 23*4 White Motor - 7 29 28% 28V* - *4 18% 15% White Rk M S(1.40) 2 16 1£% 15%-% 6% 4% Wilcox Oil & Gas.-. 8 5% 6% 6% % 12V* 8% Wilson & Co (50c)„ 6 10 9% 9% — % 65% 51*4 Wool worth (2.40)—. 17 53% 63% .53% + V* 47 34% Worthington Pump. 2 40% 39% 39% - *4 112% 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 230s 109 108% 108% -1% 100 77*4 Worth Pump pf(B). 4 91 90% 90V. - *4 62% 49% Yale&Towne(t60c). 2 62% 62% 62% + % 37% 20% Yellow Tt & Coach- 67 32% 31% 31%—** 142 128 Yel Tr&Cpf(bl%) 20* 130 128 128 -1% 46% 40 Young Spr&W(t3)_ 2 41*4 41% 41%-% 101% 75% Ygstn S&T (b75c) . 43 95 92% 92%-2 115 99% Ygstn S&T pf (6%). 1 100 100 100 +% 40% 31 Zenith Radio (bl).. 10 38 37% 37%-% 9% 6*4 Zonite Products_ 6 6% 6*4 6**— % Approximate Sales of Stock* on the N. I. Stock Exchange. 11:00 P.M_ 340.000 12:00 Noon. 560.000 1:00 P.M_ 720.000 2:00 P.M _ 880.000 Dividend rates as alven In the shove table are the annuel cash payments based on the latest auerterlv or half-yearly dec larations s Unit of tradlne less than 100 share* »Annual rate— not including extraa. a Paid last year, b Paid thla year, d Companies reported In receiverahlp or belne reorsanJaed a Ex dividend. Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star | • T Handful of Issues Buck the Trend and Dealings Are Quiet. Stock Averages .no is is so Indus. Ralls. Util Sties. Net change. — 4 unch. unch. —.2 Today, noon 94 4 47.2 46.0 71 4 Prev. day.. 86 8 47.2 46.0 71 6 Month ago. 96.3 46 0 47.1 71 3 Year ago.. 80.6 33.8 46 6 60 4 1937 high.. 101 6 49 5 54 0 75 3 1937 low... 92 8 37.8 45.7 68 7 1936 high.. 99 3 43.5 53.7 72 8 . 1936 low... 73 4 30.2 43 4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61 8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial TVr. er. NEW YORK. April 22.—After A moderate advance at the opening . tock market leaders today went into re verse and backed away fractions to three or more points. Dealings were quiet during the greater part of the proceedings There also was a handful of issu-s :hat bucked the trend and ended witli medium-sized gains. Analysts could find little in the im mediate news to darken the market picture, but the light volume, it was said, attested to belief commitments by the public were small Cheering earnings statements con tinued plentiful, although here and there it was observed business profits were not quite up to the mark set In. the early months of last year. Brokerage quarters thought a num ber ol traders were still adhering to the sidelines until it was found out just how Congress will treat the President's recommendations on relief disbursements and economy. Transfers were around 1.300 001 shares. Somewhat discouraging to opti mistic forces was the failure of com modities to follow through on the rally of Wednesday. Grains and cot ton fell back substantially along with other major staples. On top of this retarding influence. United States Government securities again pointed downward and corpo*. rate bonds, on the whole, inclined to skid. Shares of Brooklyn Union Gas fell ' sharply to a new 1937 low as the directors reduced the dividend be cause of "increased costs, especially taxes." *-• NEW YORK COTTON E> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 22 —In quiet trading cotton eased today under May liquidation and scattered selling. Reports the proposed production control features of the agricultural program were not to be abandoned as a result of the President's economy drive attracted attention. July declined from 13.48 to 13 33 and was practically at the low for the day in midafternoon, when prices showed net losses of 11 to 12 points. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS April 22 -F —Corton opened irregularly today. 2 points hither to 2 lower under licht purchasing in near positions. Foreign markets were better May opened at 13 32 July at 13 3P. , October at 13.20. December at 13.23 and , March at 13.82. i Additional offerings entered the market , toward the end of the first half hour and ! prices generally were 3 to 7 points ower. i May held steady at the opening figure Cottonseed ail opened steady; Mar. ' fhHor). July 9.18b; September. $.$5trt i October 9.70b. I DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED ■ 1 . new YORK April 72 i.*P —Dividends declared 'prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Co: p '. Extra. Pe- Stk of Pa v7> 1 . , Rate nod. record ub.e. Managed Investm Inc 5c 5-1 5-15 Initial. Natl Elec Weld Mach 7!_c Q 4-24 5-1 Owens-Ill Glass 7 5c 4-29 5-15 Yuba Cons Gold F Ids 10c 4-14 5-1 Increase. Sienode Steel Strap 62'2c Q 5-3 6-7 Arrearage. Derby On Ref «4 conv pf $2.00 . 6-15 7-1 Accumulated. Ironrite Ironer 8g Df 4oc . 4-20 5-1 Wood Alexander A- James TT 1st pf *1.75 4-20 3-1 Regular. Chain Bel! Co 62'jc 5-1 5-15 Cincmn St Ry 15c 4-’4 5-1 Diem A- Wine Pan 5% Pf *1 25 Q 4-30 5-13 Dominguez Oil Fields -.’5c 4-22 4- :o Dominion Bridee Lid :lnc Q 4-.'ln - 5 Eastern Shore Pub Sve Sri.50 pf «1 «2'a Q 5-10 8-1 Eastern Shore Pub Sve Sri Pf *1.50 Q 5-10 «-l Lessings Inc 5c 6-3 ' -10 ' Little Lone Lac Gold Mines loc 5-5 5-3 Lord A- Taylor 6' 1st pf *1 50 o 5-1' • 1 ' Macy (R H' A- Co 5nr O 5-7 ’ - I Managed Investm Ine 5c Q 5-1 -1.3 Nat Biscuit Co 4"r ri-1" • -! .3 Nat Bisc t Cn 7', pf *1 75 Q 5-1 Nept'ne Meter S'. Df *7 00 O 5-1 5-15 Seaboard Suretv Co me 4-;>■ * 5-15 West Tablet A S’ation Sue O 5-5 5-15 West Tablet A Stationery 5'. Pf *1 75 Q 6-21 7-1 Williams iR C> A Co I5e 4-77 t-.’O Caterpillar Trac 5oc Q 5-1.3 .3-2.5 Caterpillar Trac Df *125 Q 5-1.3 5-25 1 Cons Oil *5 cum pf *1 75 Q 5-15 ri-1 | Delsrl-Wemmer-Gil I bert 25c Q 5-3 5-10 Kentuck Ut 7G jr pf ST'zc Q 5-1 5-20 Roch Gas A Elec 5G Pf 'JE" *125 CJ 5-7 6-1 Roch Gas A Elec Df ' D" *1.50 Q 5-7 6-1 Roch Gas A Elec Df "C *1.30 Q 5-7 6-1 Texas Pac Coal A Oil loc 5-11 6-1 BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON Apnl <P> (United States Department of Agriculture) -Tradine was slow in the wool market today Few \ quiries were received for domestic wools, but quotations were mostly steady Scattered demand was received on ^pot Australian and South American wool'' at firm quotations. Bids inclined lower from buyers who did not have urgent immediate needs to cover . ♦ STOCKS Our bulletin describing o diversified list of stocks which appear attractive to purchase for appreciation in value, will be sent on request. Robert C. Jones & Co. SHOREHAM BLDG. Metropolitan 2922