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CAUTION RULES Most Federal Issues Up, but Few Register Sharp Losses. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls Indust. CJtll P'an Net change —.3 +.1 Unc Unc Today, close 93.3 102.9 99.7 71.7 Prev. day-. 93.6 102.8 99.7 71.7 Month ago. 95.0 103.0 100.3 72.2 Year ago... 91.3 102.2 101.5 69.6 1937 high-. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.9 102.4 99.4 70.8 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low—. 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close-109.2 Prev. day. 109.0 Month ago 109.3 Year ago. 111.2 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low. 108 4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) mmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmm By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 24.—Cautious steps were taken by the bond market today as buyers and sellers assumed on-guard positions. Neither side took the offensive and prices fluctuated narrowly in each direction. Federal issues edged higher for the most part, although several bonds dropped rather sharply. Gains ranged to >4 of a point late in the session, while setbacks extended to 3-g of a point. Some failed to register any transactions. Few of the domestic corporates swung as much as a point. Some of the rail bonds were up or off major fractions, with the majority following a downward course. St. Paul 5s of 1975 ran into comparatively heavy offerings and recoiled more than a point. Major fractions were clipped from North Western 4r\,s. Baltimore & Ohio 4'2s and Frisco 4'2s. "Katy” 5s bucked the trend for a run-up of % or so. American & Foreign Power 5s showed to advantage by adding a major fraction, continuing a recently launched rally. Other utility loans, however, were hobbled by light deal ings. Industrials were all but neg lected. MEMBER TRADING ON EXCHANGE SHOWN Amounts to 20.04 Per Cent of All Round Lot Transactions During Week. By the Associates Press Transactions for the personal ac counts of members of the New York Stock Exchange during the week ended March 27 amounted to 20.04 per cent of all round lot transactions on the exchange, the Securities Com mission reported. The member trading included 5.84 per cent in transactions initiated on the floor of the exchange, 4.47 per cent in transactions initiated off the floor, and 9.73 per cent in transactions with specialists. In the same week member trading on the New York Curb Exchange to taled 17.46 per cent of all transactions on that market. The commission said the total round lot volume on the stock exchange dur ing that week w^as 7.449.440 shares and the total curb exchange volume was 1,851,125 shares. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Rwy. & Elec, pfd.—10 at 109, 10 at 109. Liberty National Bank—8 at 151. Real Estate Mtge. & Guar. pfd.—40 at 5’g. AFTER CALL. Washington Gas Light —10 at 8014. BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. _ , Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. A Tel. 4V4s_104% Anacostia A- Pot. 5s ' 76 78 Ana. A pot. Guar. 5s_108 _ C. & P. Tel. of Va. os._103 Capital Traction R. R. 5a.. 94 04% City & Suburban 5s _ 85 87 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_113 121 Potomac Elec. Pow. 3>/«s_100% 103 Wash. Gas 5s 1058.__ 105% 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1060 __ 116 Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s_ . 105 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Col, Country Club 5%s_105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s. __ 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tei. A Tel. (0)__166% Capital Transit Co. ___ 1.3 131/ N. & W. Steamboat (6) 111) Pot. Elec. Pow. 63 pf (61 112 Po. El. Po. 6Vi% Pf. (5.50) 11 Pi I Wash. Gas Lt. Co. (3.601 *79% 81 Wash. Ry. A Elcc. com (36) 725 Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. (5). 108Va 100Va BANK SAND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Trust Co. 08) 200 305 Bank ot Bethesda (h.75)._ 34 Capital 14) _140 Com. & Savings (10)_210 Liberty (4) _150 160 Lincoln (ffl.25) _ 200 Natl. Sav, A Trust. _ _ 160 Pr. Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50) 17 21 Riggs ifeS) . __ 318 330 Riggs pfd. (5)_ 10114 Washington (6)__130 Wash. Loan A Tr. (e8)_*292 800 FIRE INSURANCE. American 16)__• 110 _ Corcoran (5) _150 Firemens (1.60) _ 20 National Union (.60)_ 16 »._ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)__ 15 16% Real Estate (6)_ 150 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Camel Corn (2.00) _ 20 26 Lanston Monotype (+4) 05 101 Mergenthaier Lino. (2.001 47% 48% Peonies Drug S. com. < +1.00) 54 57 Peoples Drug S. pfd. (6.50) 112 Real Est. M.AG. pf. (”.70) 5% 5% Security Storage (5>~ _ 118 125 Ter. Ref A Wh. Corn. (3) . 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7)___ 113 125 •Ex. dividend, IPlus extra. *—2% extra, f—1’4% extra. _7f>c extra ••—25c paid June 30. 1036: 45e paid December 22. 1936. GAR WOOD SALES SOAK NEW YORK, April 24 OP).—Oar Wood industries and subsidiaries of Detroit sales during the first quarter cf the year totaled $2,183,000, an in crease of 30 per cent over the $1, 685,000 in the same period of last year, Logan Wood, vice president, stated. -• MONTREAL SILVER. , MONTREAL. April 24 m.—Silver fu tures closed steady. 13 higher to 17 lower. No sales. May. 44.75b: July. 44.(i5b: Sep tember. 44.60b. b—Bid. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 24 OPi.—Crude rubber futures closed steady 15 to 25 higher. May. 23.23b: July. 23.35-36: September. 23.88-40. Smoked rrebed. gpot. 23.18n. . *- -Id. N—Nominal. _ BONDS ON By private wire direct te The Star. Approximate Transaction# Today. O S Gov't Bonds_ 1.870,000 Foreltrn Bonds_—, 540,000 if Domestio Bonds_ 8.580,000 TREASU RY. High Low. Close. 254# 1940-53_ 91.6 96.24 97.5 2 54» 1945-47_101.7 101. 101.7 2 54 s 194 8-61_ 99.24 99.22 99.22 254s 4951-64_ 99.6 98.24 99.6 2 54 s 1956-69_ 99.7 98.80 99.7 2 54 8 1956-60_ 100.6 99.28 100.5 3s 1946-48_ 102.29 102.24 102.29 3s 1951-55_ 102. 101.20 101.30 154s 1946-49_ 108.10 103.7 103.1# 8 54a 1941 _ 105.26 106.26 105.26 3 548 1944-46_ 104.27 104.22 104.27 3 »4s 1940-43June 105.9 106.9 106.9 3 54 8 1 9 4 3 - 47_ 105.14 106.7 106.14 4s 1944-64... 109.16 109.16 109.16 4 >4 8-3 51# 1943-45 104.29 104.18 104.29 4 54 s 1947-62 114.20 114.20 114.20 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2 54 8 1 9 4 2 -47_ 100.20 100.20 100.20 3s 1949 _ 101.10 101.8 101.10 3 >4 s 1964_ 101.24 101.24 101.24 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 54# 1939-49_ 99.14 99.6 99.14 Ss 1952_ 10n.26 100.17 100.21 FOREIGN BONDS. men. LiOw. uiose. Abltlbt Pa&Pw 6s’53. 106)4 106 106)4 Akershus 6s 63_ 99 98)4 98)4 Antloaula 7s '45 B__ 15)4 15 15 Argentine 4%s '71_ 97)4 »7 97 Argentine 1 Hs 62_10014 100)4 100)4 Argentine 6s'57 A_101H 101)4 101)4 Argentine 6s’58 B_ 100)4 100)4 100)4 Argentine 6s'69 June. 100)4 100)4 100)4 Argentine 6s 59 Oct . 101)4 101)4 101)4 Argentine 6s’60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s’60 Sept. 101)4 101)4 101)4 Argentine 6s'60 Oct . 101)4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s '61 Febr. 101 101 101 Argentine 6s ’61 May. 102 102 102 Australia Es'57_ 105)4 '05*4 105)4 Belgium 6s '56 _ 108)4 108)4 IO8V4 Brazil 6 )4S’26-’57_ 39)4 39)4 39)4 Brazil 6'4s'27-’E7_ 39)> 39)4 31)4 Brazil 7s’52_ 41 41 41 Brazil Ss 41 _ 50V4 60)4 60)4 Brisbane 6s'50_ 102)4 102)4 102)4 Budapest 6s '62 unmat coupon od_ 28)4 28)4 28)4 Buenos A C 3s’84_ 57 67 57 Buenos A 4Hs'76 Aug 77)4 77)4 77)4 Bu# A1 4)4s-4^4s’75_80 80 80 Buenos A C 614s '55 100)4 100 100 Buenos A C 6*4s'61 Pv 84 84 84 Canada 2)4* 45_ 98 98 98 Canada 3*is'61_ 98)4 98*4 98)4 Canada 4s'60_ 106*4 106)4 106)4 Chile 6s'60_ 22)4 22V4 22)4 Chile 6s'61 Jan__ 22)4 22)4 22)4 Chile 6s‘61 Febr_ 22)4 22)4 22)4 Chile 6s'61 Sept_ 22 22 22 Chile 6s'63_ 22 22 22 Chile 7s'42_ 22)4 22)4 22)4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s '61_ 19*4 19)4 19*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62- 19)4 19)4 19)4 Chile Mtg Bk 6)4s’57. 19)4 19)4 19t» Chilean Mun L 7s'60.. 18)4 18*4 18)4 Cologne 6)4s '50_ 19)4 19)4 1»H Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 31)4 31)4 31)4 Col Mtg Bk 6%s '47_ 22)4 22)4 22)4 Col Mtg Bk 7s’46_ 24 24 24 Copenhagen 6s'52_ 98 97)4 97)4 Cordoba 7s’57 stpd_ 78 77H 77)4 Cuba 6)48 46 _ 64*4 64)4 64)4 Denmark 474s 62_ 977* 977* 977* Denmark 5 74s'55_101 101 101 Denmark 6s'42 _ 1047* 1047* 1047* Dominic 2d 674s'40_ 787* 787* 787* Dominic 1st 5 74S 42_ 81 81 81 Dresden 7s'45_ 197* 197* 197* Fiat deb 7s‘46_ 92 92 92 Finland 6s'45- 1077* 1077* 1077* Frankfort 6 74s'53_ 197* 197* 197* Ger C Bk A 6s '60 July 317* 317* 317* Ger Gen Elec 7s 45_ 30 30 30 Ger Gov 6 74 s'65 st_ 26 257* 26 Ger ReD 7s'49 stpd_ 29 29 29 Grt C El Jap 7s'44_ 96 96 96 Helsingfors 674s’60._ 1057* 1067* 1057* Italy 7s 61- 877* 87 87 Japan 6 74s'65_ 81 807* 81 Japan 6 74s'54_ 967* 947* 94?* Kreug&Toll 6s '53 cts_ 487* 487* 487* Medelln 674s'64_ 147* 147* 147* Met Wat 6 74s'50_ 102 102 102 Mex 4s 10-45 asst_ 67* 67* 67* Minas Gers6 74s'58 Sept coupon oft _ 28 28 28 New So Wales 5a'58_102?* 1027* 1027* Nord Ry 6 7mS '50- 1U67* 106?* 1067* Norway 4s’63_ 967* 967* 967* Norway '74s '65_ 1004* 1007* 1007* Norway 4 74s'66_ 1027* 1027* 1027* Norway 6s'43_ 106 1057* 1057* Norway 6s 44- 1067* 1067* 1067* NorwMunEk 5s'70..„ 1027* 1027* 1027* Oslo 474s '55- 9874 987* 987* Panama 6s '63 stp as.. 677* 677* 677* Paris Orl Ry 6%s'68„ 1007* 1007* 1007* Pernambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon off_„__ 26 26 26 Peru 6s '61 - 2074 207* 207* Porto Alsare 8s '*1 June coupon off_ 297* 297* 297* Prussia 68'62_ 197* 197* 197* Rhein Main 7s'50_ 287* 237* 237* Rhine W El P 6s '55_ 207* 207* 207* Rhine W El P 7s '50_ 207* 207* 207* Rio Gr do Sul 7s '6# May coupon off_ 297* 29 29 Rotterdam 6s'64- 1007* 1007* 1007* Sao Paulo St 6s 68 July coupon oft- 28t* 287* 287* Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 927* 927* 927* Serbs 7s '62 unm c o_ 29 29 29 Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 447* 447* 447* Tokdo 674s 61- 767* 767* 757* Toklo E L Ltd 6s '68_ 787* 787* 787* Trondhfem 5%s'57___ 101 101 101 UJlgawa E P 7s'45_ 947* 947* 947* Us Stl Wk 6 74s '47 A_ 257* 257* 257* Uruguay 6s'64_ 68 677* 68 Warsaw 7s'58- 447* 447* 447* Tokohoma 6s '61_ 887* 837* 887* UUMtbllL BQND5. Adams Express 48'47 1014$ 1014$ 1014$ Adams Express 4s'48. 1004$ 1004$ 1004$ Allee CorD 6s’44 _ 984$ 98 98 Allee & Westn 4s’98— 94 94 94 Allied Stores 44$s’60. 994$ 994$ 994$ Am & For Pw 6s 2030. 79 78*$ 785$ Am Ice cv 6s '63 _ 954$ 964$ 964$ Am 1 G Ch 6 4$ s 49 107 106*$ 107 Am Tel & Tsl 34$s'«l 98 974$ 974$ AmTel&Tel3>$s’66 974$ 974$ 974$ Am Tft T 44$s ’39. 1044$ 1044$ 1044$ Anaconda deb 4 4$ s'50 105t$ 105 1064$ Armour (Del list 4s’55 964$ 964$ 964$ Armour & Co Del 4s 67 964$ 96 96 Armstrong Ck 4s'50 1044$ 1044$ 1044$ A T&S Fe adj 4S 96 st. 1034$ 1034$ 1034$ A T&S Fe gen 48'96— 1074$ 1074$ 1074$ A T&S Fe 4 %s '48_ 109 1084$ 109 AT&SFeC A 44$s’62. 1114$ 1114$ 1114$ Atlanta & Blrm 4s'33_ 36 36 36 Atl C L un 44$s '64_ 91 91 91 Atl Coast Line 6s'46— 10* 104 10* Atlantic & D lst4s '48. 624$ 624$ 624$ B & O 1st *B ‘48_ 1064$ 1054$ 1064$ B & O *4$s '60-:_ 76 764$ 765$ B & O 1st 6s'48- 1124$ 1124$ 1124$ Balto&Oref 6s'95 A- 874$ 87 87 B&0 6SS6F _ 864$ 854$ 854$ B & O ref 6s 2000 D_ 864$ 85 854$ B & O ref 6s '96 C_ 984$ 97J$ 984$ B & O PLE&W V 4s'41 1024$ 102 1024$ B&OSwn6s'60 _ 1084$ 103 103 B * O Toledo 4s'69_ 92 92 62 Bell T of Pa 5s '60 C_ 1224$ 1224$ 1224$ Beth Steel 3 4$s’66_ 94 94 9* Beth Steel 4 44 ■'60_ 1034$ 1034$ 1084$ Boston N Y A L 4s '55. 274$ 27 27 Bot Con M 6 4$s’34 „ 80 294$ 80 Bklyn Ed con 3 44s'66_. 995$ 994$ 994$ Bklyn Man T 4 4$s 66_ 924$ 92 92 Bklyn Un El 6s '60_1035$ 1084$ 1084$ Bklyn Un Gas 6s'45_1124$ 1124$ 1125$ Bklyn Un Gas 6s’50_loO 100 100 Brown Shoe 3%s '50— 1064$ 1064$ 1064$ Buff R&P con 4 4$s’57. 854$ 864$ 864$ B C R & N cl 5s '84_ 264$ *54$ 254$ B C R & N 6s *34 Ctfs.. 25 25 25 Bush Term con 6s '65— 695$ 694$ 694$ Can'dlan N 6s'69 Oct— 1165$ 1164$ 1154$ Can'dlan N R 4 44s '67_ 1104$ 1104$ 1104$ Can’dlan N R5s'70_116 116 116 Can’dlan N R 444s'66. 1114$ 1114$ 1114$ Can'dlan N db 644s'46 1284$ 1234$ 1284$ Can'dlan P db 4s perp. 964$ 944$ 9*4$ Can dlan Pac 4 44s'46. 1044$ 1044$ 10*4$ Can'dlan Pac 44$s 60 102 102 102 Can'dlan Pac 6s'44 cfs 113 113 113 Caro Cl & O 6s 52 A_1105$ 1104$ 1104$ Car & Gen 6s'60 ww_104 10* 104 Cent of Ga 6s '69 C — 204$ 204$ 204$ Cent of Ga rf 6 44s '59. 204$ 20>$ 20t$ Cent N England 4s'61. 714$ 714$ 714$ Cent of N J gen 6s'87. 714$ 71 71 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s'49.. 106*$ 1064$ 1065$ Cent Pac 6s'60_ 994$ 98J$ 99 Cent Steel 8s '41_1214$ 1214$ 1214$ Chesap C cv 6s 44_1184$ 1184$ 1184$ ChesapCorp 6s'47____ 1854$ 18*4$ 1364$ Ches&0844*'96D_ 96 954$ 96 C * O con 6s '*9_ 107 107 107 Ches&0!44s S6B_ 964$ UK UK N. Y. STOCK High. Low. Cflow Chi B&QI d!w 3M»’49-. 105 105 105 Chi B & Q gen 4s ’68.108 108 108 Chi B & Q ref 6s'71... 115 115 115 Chi & Bill 6s *61_ 8954 39 39 Chi Grt West 4s *69_ 46 4511 4611 C M St P 4s '89_ 68 68 58 CM&St P 6s '76_ 8051 80 3051 CM&StP&P adl 6S2000 1054 1051 1054 ChlANW 454»'49 ... 1951 19 1951 Chi & NW gen 6s '87_4654 4651 4654 Chi & NW rf 6s 2037_ 3054 S#54 8011 C&NW Nr W 6%s*38.. 6351 62*1 6251 Chi R l&P rf 4S *34_ 2151 2154 2154 Chi R I&P rf 4s'34ctf_. 1951 18*1 1911 Chi R I&P gen 4s'88.. 3851 8751 8751 ChlRI&P454»'62_ 22 22 22 Chi R I&P 451s '60_ 13 1254 13 Chi T H&S Ino 6s '60.. 8254 8251 8254 Chi Un Sta 3 44 s 63 E-. 10454 104 10411 Chi & W in con 4s '62. 10254 10254 1025* Chi & VV Ind 4 54 s 62.. 10051 10051 10011 Childs & Co 6s’43 ... 8854 88 54 8 8 54 CCC&St L gen 4s '93_9754 9754 9754 CCC&St L. rf 4 548'77 E 9454 9414 9454 CCC&St L ref 6s'63 D 10554 1 0614 1 0651 CCC&StL StUdv 4S'90 59 9814 99 CCC&St JL, ref 6s'41 C. 1035s 10354 1 0851 Clev Un Tel 4Ms '77_ 101*4 10154 10151 Clev Un Term 5s '73 B 10554 1 0 551 10654 Colo Fuel & Ir 6s'70.. 825» 82 82 Colo & So 4 54 ■ '80_ 66 66 66 Columbia G & E deb 6s'62 April_ 102*1 10254 10254 Columbia G & E 6s ul may-- yuo luo Columbia G&E 6s'61.. 1014 1014 1014 Cornel Credit 3 4»'51. 964 »64 964 Conn R&E 44s '61_ 1064 1064 1064 Cons Ed NY 3(4«46n. 1084 1034 1034 Cons Ed NY 34»*56n. 1024 1024 1024 Conium Pwr 4 *4s 66_ 974 97 4 974 Container 6s >46_ 1034 1034 1034 Crane Co 34B 61_ 99 99 99 Cuba Korthn 6 4s‘42.. 63 624 63 Cuba RR 1st 6s'62_ 66 4 664 364 Del * Hud ref 4s'43_ 904 904 904 Den & RG con 48'3*._ *14 31 *1 Den & RG44s'36_ 314 814 314 Den & R G W 6s '55_ 184 184 184 Den & RGW 6s'66asst. 184 18 18 Detroit Ed 4s'66 F 1074 1074 1074 Det River Tun 4 4s'61 1134 1134 1134 Dul S S & At 6s'37 ... 66 66 66 Duquesne Lt 3 4s'06-. 104 104 101 Ed El 111 Bklyn 4s '39. 1044 1044 1044 Elec Auto Bite 4S'62.. 109 109 109 Erie Ren 4b 98_ 82 82 82 Erie ref 6s'67_ 82 814 814 Erie ref 6s 76_ 814 814 814 Fed L&Tr 6s >42 st_ 1024 1024 1024 Fla E C Ry 6s '74_164 1& 15 Gen Cable 6 4»'<7_ 1044 1044 1044 Gen Mot ACC 31'48_1014 1014 1014 Gen Mot Ass 34s'51_. 994 994 994 Goodrich 4 4«'66 .. 994 99 99 Goodyear T&R 6s >E7_. 1044 1044 1044 Goth Silk H 6s'46 ww 1004 100 4 1004 Gt North'n Ry 3y*s'67 . 93 4 924 924 Great N Ry 4s 46 G._. 130 128 4 1284 Great N Ry 4s 46 H... 1074 107 1074 Grt N R Ren 44s’77 E. 1014 1014 1014 Grt N R 64s >62 B .116 116 116 GulfStates St 4 4s>61_ 964 964 964 Gulf States Util 4s '66 1004 100 4 1004 Hoe (R) 1st mts'44_ 91 91 91 Houston OH 64s'40_102 1014 1014 Hudson Coal Es'62_ 48 474 474 Hud & Man Inc 6s '67_. 294 294 294 Ill Bell Tel 3 4a "70_104 104 104 111 Cent col tx 48'53_ 82 82 82 111 Cent ref 4s 65_ 87 87 87 111 Cent 44s 68_ 75 744 744 111 Cent ref 6s '65 _ 984 984 984 til Cent Lou 3 Vis ’53.. 974 974 974 ICC&StL N 04 4s’63.. 804 *04 804 ICC&StL NOSt 63_ 84 834 834 Inland Stl 34s 61_102*4 1024 102*1 Int R T 1st rf 6s 68 .. 764 744 744 1 R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs. 744 74,4 744 Int RT 6s'32_ SI 304 304 Int RT 7s 32_ 76 4 76 75 Int R T 7s-’32 ctfs _ 75 75 70 Interinks Iron 4s'47.. 1004 994 994 Int Agr cl 6s 42 stp._. 1004 1004 1004 Int Grt Nr 5s'66 C_ 864 864 364 lnr Hydro Elec 6s'44_ 774 76 4 764 Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_ 1004 1004 1004 Int Pap ref 6s 55_*9 99 99 Int T&T cv 4%s 39_ 834 83 83 Int T&T 44s ‘52_ 66** 664 664 Int T&T 6s '66_ 70 70 70 Iowa Cent lst&rf4s’51. 74 74 74 James F * C 4s’39_ 95 95 95 Jones&L Stl 4 4 s’61 A. 1014 1014 1014 Kans C So 1st 3s 60_. 864 864 864 Kans City So ref 6s'60 93 93 93 Kan C Term 1st 4s’60. 1074 107 1074 Kresee Found 4s 45._. 106 1054 106 Laclede Gas 5s'S3_ 94 94 94 Laclede G 64s'63 C_614 604 6 04 Laclede G 54s '60 D._ 604 6O4 604 Lake S&M So 34s'97. 984 984 934 Lake S&MS 3%s’97 rg. 964 964 964 Lautaro Nitr 6s '64_ 39 39 39 Leh C&N 4 4s 64 A_ 98 93 93 Leh Val Coal 6s *44_ 98 974 98 Leh Val Coal 6s'64_ 604 604 604 ^eh Val Coal 6s’74_ 61 61 61 Leh V Peon 44s 2003. 67 67 67 LV NY 44s '40 (ttd __ 102 102 102 Leh V Pcon 4s 2003... 624 61 624 Leh V RR con 5s 2003. 784 734 734 Llpp & Myers 7s '44__. 1294 1294 1294 Lorlllaxd 7s 44-- 1274 1274 1274 La & Ark 6s'69- 954 944 944 L&N lst4s 2003__ 964 96 96 L&N unlf 4s 40_ 1064 1064 IO64 L&N 44s 2003 C_ 101 1004 1004 McKess&Rob 64s’50_. 103*4 1034 1034 Me C RR clt 4s'45 A.. 1024 102 102 Man Slst 74s'42 ctfs. 67 *64 664 Mead Co 6s '46 106 105 105 Met Ed 1st rf 44s'68. 108 108 108 Met W S El Cr 4s '38.. 14 14 14 Mil El R&L 5s'61_ 102 102 102 Minn & S L rf 4s 49... 6 64 64 MStP&SSM cn 4s'38. _ 26 26 26 MStP&SSM 6s ’38 gtd. 28 274 28 Mo K & T 6s '62 A_ 82 82 82 MoK & T adj 6s '67_ 674 674 674 Mo Pac 4s ’76-____ 204 204 204 Mo Pac 6s’77 F_ 43 414 414 Mo Pac 5s'80 H ctfs_ 40 40 40 Mo Pac 6 4s'49 A_ I64 164 164 Mononf? Ry 1st 4s ’60_. 106 106 106 Mont Cent 6s ’37_1004 1004 1004 Montana Pwr 3 \s'6«. 984 984 934 Morrls&Essex 4 4s'5 5 92 4 924 924 Natl Dairy 3*s’Olww. 104*104*104* Natl Dls P C 4*s'45 .. 105 104* 104* Natl RM 1st 4s’61 asst 4* 4* 4* Natl Steel 4s'65_ 104* 104 104* New E T&T 4*s '61... 116* 116* 116* New Jer P&L 4*s 60. 106 106 106 New Orl P S 6s'62 A._ 96* 96 95 New Orl P S 6s'65 B__ 96* 95* 95* New OrlT&M 4%s'56. 53* 53* 63* New Orl T&M 5s '61 B 57* 57* 67* New Orl T&M 5*s'54 60* 60* 60* NYCent3*s'52 w.l. 106* 106 106 NY Central 3*s 97_ 96* 95 95* NY Central S*s '46_101* 101* 101* NY Cent 4s'42- 10* 106 106 NY Cent con 4s'98_ 96* 96* »6* NY Cent rf 4*s 2013_ 90 88* 88* NY C rf 4*s 2013 n_ 89* 89 89 NY Cent rf 6a 2013__ 96* 96* »6* NY Cent cv 6s 44__ 121 120 120* NYC&St L 4*s’78_ 88* 88 88* NYC&St L 6*s'74 A_ 98* 98* 98* NY Dock 1st 4S’51_ 64* 64* 64* NY Dock Bs'38__ 65* 64* 65 NY G El H&P 5s '48_118* 118* 118* NY NH & H 3%s '47_ 88 38 88 NY NH & H 4*s ’67_ 45 45 45 NY NH & H cv 6s'48„ 48* 47 47 NY O&W ref 4s'92_ 29* 29 29* NY Putnam 4s'93_ 88* 88* 88* NY Steam 1st 6s '51_ 107* 107 107 NY Steam 6s'56_ 107* 107* 107* NY Steam 1st 6s’47_ 108* 108* 108* NYW&B4*s'46_ 17 16* 16* Norf So 1st ref 6s ’61.. 29 28* 29 Norf S 1st rf5s’61 cfs. 27* 27* 27* North Am Co 6s 61_ 104 104 104 North Am Ed 6 *s *63. 104 104 104 Norn Pac gen 3s 2047. 74 73* 73* North Pac 6s 2047_111* 111*111* Ohio Edison 4s *65_ 103 102* 102* Ohio Pub Svc 7*s’46. 112 112 112 Oreg RR & N 4s ’46_ 108 108 108 Oreg W RR 48 ’61_ 104* 104* 104* Pac Gas & El 8 %s ’66_ 95* 95* 96* PacG&E3%8'61_ 100* 100* 100* PacG*E4s’64_ 104 104 104 Pac RR Mo 1st 4s ’88.. 100* 100* 100* Pao T&T 8 *8 ’66 C_ 100* 99* 99* Paramount Pic 6s’65_. 100* 100* 100* Penn Co 4s’63_101* 101* 101* Penn Dixie C 6s '41_ 100 100 100 Penn O & D 4*s ’77_ 106* 106* 105* Penn P&L4*s 81_ 106* 104* 106* Penn RR 3*s '52_ 107* 107* 107* Penn RR 3 * s 7 0 C_ 97* 97* 97* Penn RR 4*s '81 D_ 106 104* 105 Penn RR 4*8 *84_ 104* 104* 104* Penn RR gh 4*8'65.. 108 108 108 Penn RR deb 4*s '70. 100* 100* 100* Peoria & E Inc 4s’90_19* 19* 19* Pere Marq 1st 48 66_ 96 94* 94* PhllaCoBs 67 ... _ 105* 106* t05* Phi la & R C&l 6s '7*__ 88* S3* 33* Pblla & R C&l 6s 49_16* 16 16 PCC&St L 4*s "77 C_ 107* 107* 107* PCC&St I, 6s *70 A_111 116 115 PCC&St L 6s’75 B_116 116 116 Port Gen El 4*a 60_ 62 61* 62 Postal Tel & C 6s *68„ 28* 28 88* Pur«OU4*a’EO 181 120*121* EXCHANGE Hieh. Low. Close. Purity Baking Es '43_|99 ‘ |9814 99 R-K-0«r «1_ 1181< 11814 H814 Readlna Jer C 4* 9814 *814 9814 Reading R 414a'97 A... 107M 10614 10614 Rem-R 6%s '47 A ww. 10614 106 106 Republic Stl 4Ha'E0__ 183 180 18014 Republic Stl 414s 66_ 9714 97H 9714 Republlo Stl 414* '61_9614 9614 9614 Richfield 011 6s 44_ 6414 6414 6414 St Jo Ry L T&P 6a'37. 9914 9914 9914 St L IM&S R&G 4a'33_ 8114 8114 8114 St L-S Fran 4s'60A_• 80*4 8014 80*4 St L-S Fran 414 s ‘7 8_ 29 29 29 St L. S W 1st 4a '89_ 91 Vi 9114 9114 San A & A Pass 4s'43. 10014 10014 10014 Schulco 614s'46 B_ 34 84 34 Seabd A L, 4s '60_ 3414 3414 3414 Seabd A L ref 4a'69_ 1614 16H 1614 Seabd A L ad) 6s '49_ 10 914 10 Seabd A L 6s 45 A__ 2014 1914 1914 Seabd A L 6s 46 ctfs.. 19*4 1914 1915 Seabd A-Fl 6a’35 A ct_. 10)4 10)4 10)4 Shell Un deb 3*As *51.. 97)4 9714 9714 Silesian Am 7s'41_ 6914 6914 6914 Socony Vac 3%s'60... 103)4 103 103 South Bell T&T 6s'41. 105)4 105)4 105)4 So Pac 34ig 46_ 9914 99 99 So Pac col 4s '49_ 98!4 93)4 9314 So Pac ref 4s'56_ 105 104)4 105 So Pac 4)4s '68_ 89*4 89 89)4 So Pac 4%s '69_ 8914 89 89 So Pac 414s'81- 89)4 88)4 89 So Pao Oreg 414s'77_ 96 96 95 So Ry gen 4s’56 A_ 80 79)4 7914 So Ry 6a'94- 106 10514 106 bo Ry gen 6s 56-1014 1014 1014 So Ry 64s'56- 1024 1024 1024 So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 934 934 934 So Ry St L. dlv 4s'51_974 974 974 Soutnw'n G&E 4s '60_. R114 1014 1014 Spokane Int 6s *65_ 31 804 304 Staley A K 4s '46_ 1034 1034 1034 Stand Oil N J 3s‘61_ 96 96 96 Swift & Co 34s'60_ 106 4 106 4 108 4 fexas Corp 3 4s '61_1014 1014 1014 Texas & Pao 6s 77 B__ 1024 1C2 102 Texas & Pac 6s '79 C_1024 1024 1024 Texas & Pac 6s '80 D__ 102 1014 101*4 Third Av ref 4s 60_ 634 634 634 Third Av 1st 6s’37_ 99 99 99 Third A ad in ex 6s’66_ 124 81 31 Union Pac 34s'70_ 94 934 934 Un Pac 3 4s’71_ 93 4 93 4 934 Un Pac 1st 4s’47- 1104 1104 1104 Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008.. 1044 104 104 Un Pac 1st rf 6s 2008.. 114 114 114 United Drug 6s'53_ 994 99 994 U S Rubber 6s '47_1064 1064 1064 Utah P & D 6s '44_ 1084 1024 1024 Util P &L 6s 69 ww_ 684 684 684 Util P&L 5%a '47- 694 694 *94 Va Ry 1st 31is '66 A_ 1034 1034 1034 Wabash 1st 6s'33__ 95 944 94 Wabash 2d 5s'39_ 84 84 84 Wabash Term 4s’54_ 834 834 834 Walker H&S 44s '45_. 105 106 105 Warner Bros cv 6#'39. 96 954 96 Wamer-Quln 6s '39_ 474 474 474 W Sb 1st 4s 2061 gtd._ 924 92 4 924 West'n Md 1st 4s '62._ 1034 103 1034 Westn NT&P gn 4S'43. 1074 1074 1074 West'n Pac 6s 46 A _ 364 354 354 West'n Pao 6s 46 A as 85 J44 8b West’n Un 44s'60_1044 104' 104 West'n Un 6s '61- 1034 1034 1034 West'n Un 6s '60-lu3 1024 1024 Wheel Steel 44s'53_994 384 934 W hite Sew M 6s '40_103 103 103 Wilson & Co 4s 66—_ 1004 1004 1004 V ngstnS&T 3%i'Bl__ 1424 142 142 i'ngstn S&T 4s'61_1014 101 101 CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. Ala Power 4 Ms 'B7 9?-?i' Cl°-Sf' Ala Power 5s ’ti8 .l.I him uVm of?* AmoCjt eH/'-mwS - J,,;i3* KM’i lf'iiM Am P A- L MS •hum - <i5y 9 ?■* J!?,8 Am Roll Mill 5s MS jp, ,; S3* Am Seat «is ;}t; stpd invJ ln-'t4 j..-,4 Appalach E P 5s 5M * j .* J ,* j ;?,* Ap^iach pw os. mi .: i.,7 *? I;;?,* !!!?;* mVal4*"! -S5-— sis;; g?:3 as a a e 5s so .:::: R-U? pi* pj? As OAE f’is* Inv ct ■ 7 •'M T:M l"\ K stD 1g!! 3g? Caro^Pw tV"" -*« 1 i,:*34 1 n;j >4 1 <»:*3 Cem u p^Vc^r,.5? lno l«»t» J«M» cln ii'p^^ms'm? £ 4:;4!3 J:;i3 Cent II P s 5s 'M.s g In"'-, jii-s] Gn O U-P 5s -50 A Ml, 8 1 7, 8 9 7, 8 Central Pw 5s ’57 D x4 v i 'J? Cent Pw A Lt 5s ’5n Pm m m Cen St PA-L 5> s hm -7m : - 2 Chi Di El 4 Ms 70 A - Ki m V 8 , ’Vs Chi Rys 5s M-7 rod UP, r,?! Cities ovc 5s '5M 7jSi f * if* g' ‘®s f Gas 5Ms M’C" lm,.; 1, c!"s pam?s5m;V-;i Jl!i T, cn s p*l r>^8 ’4f» h* & « Comw Ed 4 1 <-.s ’59 c _ ] i u ] j ,, i i,, Comw Ed is ’Si p „• , Jv Comw Ed TVs ,15 H } it’s, fta. {ft, Cf/mw sb ms mx a io.ii? J ;::,* !:*?* Con Gas Ut f»s '•}•'{ st Sn-1! sni cln4 Corn G A E 5s 5X A n!! * * * S ' Denver GAE 5s MO in:7, ilri Bfxie’r <r*S«fS 5?-B Hi;,', 1 u5 105 * r « rGiGV A Jni id mi SaM G A P 4s 50 A X7'« s* i'. o-,. Elm WLARR 5s '56 ' ](l,; 8 lm; 8 ,8’ * Emp OAR 5Ms M2 Hi i, mi Eirest Cot M 5s MX i ,i»2 ,! Vs Florida PAL 5s 54 hi Bln 8 1 on 8 Gatineau Pw 5s ’5M Inns j,,,,3 ,;j3 Gen Bronre Ms Mu mi; * J,!l! * Gen Pb Ut MMs 5M A 8HM xh go 2f!V W dA'B 5S..'4;! A HIM, HUM HOI, Georgia Pw os i> i 97*,n3„ fi*i Glen Alden C! 4s ’«5 II so 7 0? 70\ Gobel Inc 4 Ms 11 A 78 7 s 78 T^aCi^ Wat os ’98 111*♦ in', Idaho Pw Co 5s 47 |,M. , ,!si« j!!g., li Pw x V „ !<"V K»4,4 1ii4:i, ti f':A° V.s, B in-ji^ j(,’21 3 ](vi® Indian E c'5s ,?5|Cc im’4 jjf!‘4 mo'4 A Xnterst P S 4 Ms '58 F 7m -m * Iowa-N LAP 5s '57 a 1 n.,3, lnS-i. i uVm Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 1 d"*? ] ii'’V i d«* Jer C PAL 4'^s 'Ml C Kli' ji i." KarnCPuPAr-L ^ Ti B - 1 <11ilija Kan Pw Co os 4 , A . .. In" mi i? In" Kentucky ut 5s Mi h:i <i- <7, Lehigh P S (is 20'JM A IdH'i ]1imi. u.i'u; &1U4r.?sft'S4742 -JV5? \\'I& Metron Edis 4s 71 E lilt „'iT t,?.7?* M!.dl^nAVFR4.R B£*3 mu G A E 4Ms M7_Ki'u, lir'M lir'i. Mmn P A L 4Ms ’78 H7 7 - * Mo Pub S 5s M7 A 7.’ii/« Jie 2L,. NatSSFh |U8sL'-35 '45' - 3,>r’'* ins'i 105'i «at Pb S 5s ,8 cod _ 4M7, 4M7. 4 ;7 Nevad Cal El 5s ’SB HI Hi mi 8 New Ams Gas 5s MS 314 314 ,',1 New E G A E 5s M7 7ti msi New E G A E 5s ’50 7”V, 7" 7;I NeY P AWTt is. ?4«,-»«J4 »«»; V V o wArLg 4, /S 87 l'"1 11153, 1053* No J A LX.'p 9,4. 2.s- ,.80 401 1 <11 101 nor A LAP 5<4s oB . _ H.'i on mm nS InSjs^f^ £ vr*w;>zr* Ogden G Co 5s ’45 in,:7 1111:7 im’7 Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D " in'51* jj!?,8 j j?j" °acap %\ T ',4-8 A 2?!? 2!" 31 s'n' i Penn c LAP4Mk’ ’77 I }V»i7i Vs*?, 5”i? Penn C PAL 5s '70 _ 3(1'.’ Kn? 30? 8 Penn El 4s '71 P <»4 <);; i4 «>.j Penn O E 5’*s ’59 B 99«4 »cm! oov SS??. %P»-H;*«•-. Vi:-. Portland G&C 5s '40 _ 80% 80% 8% Potomac E 5s ’56 E 107 107 in: I ?.° ,nl Ss 5H - 109% 109% 109% pllh I mi1 f3S 'H<l 1-104 104 104 P;;b S Ok la 4 s '06 A - 101% 101 % 101 % Pug 3 PAL 5%S '40 A 88 88 88 Pug S PAL 5s '50 C . 85% 85% 85% Puc S PAL 4%s '50 D _ 82 81% 813. |»ff H Wa 4%s ’79 . 1075a 107% 107% St L G&C 6s ’47 mat . 15% 15% 15% San An PAS 5s ’58 B 10.’!% 103% 103'! Scrlpps 5%s ’43 102% 10”% 102% Shw WAP 4s '67 A _ 102% 102% 10”% |h® WAP 4%s ’68 B102% 102% 10”% S E PAL 6s 2025 A _ 90 99 00 Sou Cal Ed 3%s ’60__ 100% 100% 100% Sou Cal E 4s ’60 _ 105% 105% 105% f c G of Cal 4%S ’68 _ 104 104 104 Sou Ind Ry 4s '51 _ 77% 77% 77% |0UW L&P 5s '57 A . 101% 101% J 01% Std G&E 6s !i5 cod _ 81 8J 81 Std G&E 6s ’51 A_ 8.‘t 83 83 Stand Invest 5s '37 _ 08 oh oh Stand Pw & Lt 6s '57 ._ 80% 80 80v. Super of 111 4t2s ’6S_ 1o4«.-4 1(»4,'4 TOP* Super of 111 4Vas ’70__ ]043* 104 ui43« Texas Elec 5s ’60. _ 101% 10] 101% Tex Pw A- L 5s 56 . . 105% 105 105% Tolpdo Edis 5s ’62 _ 107% 10741 107% Twin C RT 5%s ’52 A.. 83% 8.”% Rn% Ulen Co 6s ’44 IHst 51 51 51 Unit Lt A Pw 5s ’59 105 105 105 Unit Lt A Pw 6%s ’74 81 81 81 Utah P A L 6s ”022 A 96 96 90 Va Pub Ser 6s '40 93 93 03 Va Pub S 5%s '40 A 101 % 101% 101 % Va Pub Ser 5s ’50 B_93% 93% 93% Ward Bakirg Os ’37_100V« 100% 100% West News U 6s '44 63 63 63 West Pa Tr 5s '60_108% 108% 108% West T Ut 5s '57 A . 93 92 93 We U GAE 5 'is '55 A- 105 105 105 Wis-Min L&P 5s '44 106% 106% 106% Wis P A L 5s ’56 A__ 93% 93% 93% Yadkin Riv P 5s ’41__ 106% 106% 106% York Rwy Co 5s '37. _ 86% 86% 86% FOREIGN BONDS. Ger Con Mun 6s ’47_19% 19% 19% Ger Con Mun 7s '47_19% 19% 19% Ital Su Pow 6s '63 A_ 60 00 60 Mendoz P 4s '51 stp_ 96 90 96 Nippon E P 6%s ’53_ 80 80 86 Russian 6%s '19 mat_ 1% 1% 1% Stin Hg 4s ’40 st II_38% 38% 38% Unit El Svc 7s ’56 A __ 71% 71% 71% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. St. (stp)—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. TJ. S. TREASURY POSITION. Ey the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury April 22: Receipts. $14,517,263.30: expenditures, $25,239,802.12: balance. $1,708,461. 607.19: customs receipts for the month, $33,343,362.87. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). $4,015,192,384.88; expenditures, $6, 101,600,466.58. Including $2,310,058. 271.15 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $2,086,408,081.70: gross debt. $34,883,559,777.97. an Increase of $937,168.96 over the previous day: gold assets, $11,760,139,357.62. Including $528,672,698.30 ql Inactive gold. 10 LOWER LEVELS Break in Aluminum Co. Widens Sharply in Gen eral Decline. Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 24.—A break in Aluminum Co. of America, following a suit by the Federal Government for dissolution of the company under anti trust laws, widened sharply today as renewed selling hit all sections of the share list on the curb exchange. Aluminum Co. shares, ordinarily relatively inactive, encouraged heavier offerings and fell 16 points in early trading on top of a 7-point drop in the preceding session. As leading stocks on the “'big board’’ wilted under liquidation, selling spread in the curb list, particularly in re cent industrial favorites. Losses of fractions to more than two points were recorded in American Cyanamid B, Electric Bond & Share, Gulf Oil, Dow Chemical, American Manufacturing, New Mont Mining, Northern States Power “A” and Wayne Pump. Utilities retreated with the market, but showed better resistance, since they had been depressed for some time while industrial shares were rising. PNEUMATIC TOOL PLAN IS DRAFTED Chicago Firm Calls Special Meet ing May 25 for Action on Recapitalization. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 24 —A plan of recapitalization for Chicago Pneu matic Tool Co. will be submitted to stockholders at a special meeting May 25, it was announced. The plan pro vides for reclassification of the present $3 50 preference stock, increase of 250.000 shares in the common and creation of a new $2.50 convertible preferred. Revamping of the capital structure, the management explained in a letter to shareholders, is necessary because of the early maturity of $2,000,000 in funded debt, an accumulation totaling $3,169,862 on the preference stock and existence of $842,000 in notes payable. Under the plan the present out standing $3.50 convertible preference stock, plus accrued dividends, would be reclassified into one share of new $3 preference stock (convertible into m shares of common), with dividend cumulative from April 1, and 34 share of common stock. Common stock would be increased to 750,000 shares from 500,000 and 100.000 shares of new prior preferred stock, carrying a dividend rate of $2.50 a year, would be issued. Of the latter, each share would be convertible into l2^ shares of common. DOEHLER DIE CASTING OPERATES AT CAPACITY By the Associated Press. NEW' YORK, April 24 —Doehler Die Casting Co. has been operating at capacity in April and company's out look is favorable, H. A. Doehler, chair man. told stockholders at the annual meeting. May operations should be at a good level, he said, barring labor or legis lative disturbances, but he added the company's labor relations were “very harmonious,” Profits for the March quarter were $351,957, equal to $1.25 a share on 280.426 shares of common stock, against $209,622 or 86 cents a share on 206,195 common share in 1936 March quarter, after preferred divi dends. --# BALTIMORE STOCKS Special Dispatch to The Star. B'BALTIMORE April 24.— Sales ' High Low Close 1*5 Arundel Corp 2212 22'2 2” 12 4* Baltimore Transit 2 2 2 lDOBalto Transit pt ft3« 5 s* 5s* 5n Black & Decker 31 31 31 145 Consol Gas 75*2 75 75 1 (*<1 Fidelity a Guar 42 42 42’ 220 Houston Oil m vtc 22 22 22 450 War Tex Oil Co 43* *'4 43« 12.0 Mong W PS? 2Hl2 2H‘a 201 •» 1X0 Mt Ver W Mis nf 75 75 75 “ 35o Npw Amster Cas 17 10s* 10s* O Pa aWter A Power Ho34 no34 sii34 35 Seaboard Coml pf 4 5 45 45 237 U S Fidel A Guar 2H1* 2*)1* 2ti,/« --• ' ■ CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. April 24 —Following Is the complete official list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today; Sales. STOCKS. High. Low. Noon, inn Adams Roy _ 12 12 12 mu Advance Alum_ 10% 10% in% loo Allied Prod A 22% 22% 22% 20 Altorfer Bros nf 38% 38% 38% 10 Am Pub Svc nf 73 73 73 fitin Armour & Co 11% 11% Ji% Jno Asbestos Mfg 2% 2% 2% 50 At hey Trus Wheel 12% 12% 12% 3on Bast lan-Bless 21% 21% 21% 5n Bendix Av 22% 22% 22% 400 Bliss A Laughlin 39 38% 38% 800 Borg-Warner N 42% 42 42% 250 Butler Bros 15% 15% 15% 100 Butler Bros pf 32 32 32 50 Castle A M 38 38 3S 150 Cen A S W Ut 37* 3% 3% inn Cen & S W $7 pf 05% 65% 65% 20C A SW’ $7 pi pf 105 104% 104% 00 Chain Belt* 67 60 60 Son Chi A N W 4% 4% 4% 5850 Chi Corp _ _ 5 4% 4% 100 Chi Corp nf_ 4 1% 44% 44% 25o Cities Serv 3% 3% 3% 50 Com'wlth Edis 111 111 111 50 Con Biscuit _ 7 7 7 600 Consumers __ % % 1/4 00 Consumers 6% pf P% 9% 9% 500 Cord Corp_ 4% 4 Vs 4 Vs 50 Cun’gham D Strs 22 22 22 50 Dayton Rubber 26*4 20% 26% 250 El Household 9 9 9 350 Gen Finaree 6V4 5Vs 5V* 200 Gen Household 7 7 7 150 Gt Lakes Dredge 22 21% 21% 10 Harnischfeger _ 15 15 15 150Heileman <G) Br in 9% 10 150 Jarvis fWB)_ 24% 24% 24% 50 Katz Drug _ 13% 13% 13% 150 Kellogg Switch 10% 10% 10% 80 Ky Ut Jr cum pf 36 35% 35% 150 Ken-Rad T & L 22% 22% 22% 400 Kerlyn Oil A 7Vs 7 7% 100 La Salle Ext__ 2 % 2 % 2% 200 Lincoln Pr 11% 11 Vs 11 Vs 100 Lincoln Print pf 44 44 44 100 Lynch Corp _ 39% 39% 39% 50 Manh Dearborn. 2% 2% 2% 300 Marsh Field _ 25 25 25 lOOMcQuay Norris _ 53 63 63 100 Merch A Mfrs A_ 5% 5% 5% 1250 Mid Wrest Corp 10% 10% 10% 100 Midland Unit _ % % % 150 Nat Leath 1 1 1 100 Nat Pres Cooker 17 17 17 50 Nat Union Radio 2% 2% 2% 150 Noblitt-Sparks 45% 45% 45% 200 Nor Am Car 6% 6% 6% 100 Norwest Bancorp 11% 11% 11% 50 Parker Pen 25 25 25 50 Penn El Switch A 20% 20% 20% 100 Penn Gas & El .. 13 12% 12% 100 Pines Winter_ 3 3 3 50 Potter Co _ 4% 4% 4% 60 Rath Pack_ 22 22 22 50 Raytheon n_ 6 rt 6 100 Raytheon pf n _ 2% 2% 2% 150 Reliance Mfg 31% 31% 31% 50 Rollins Hos cv pf 27% 27% 27% 50 Schwitzer Cumm 23 23 23 200 Serrick Corp B__ 13% 13% 13% 50 Signode Stl pf_ 33 33 33 30 Sivyer Steel Cost 25 25 25 350 South Bend L W_ 24*4 24 24 40 So'west G&E pf_ 101 101 10] lOSowest L&P pf_ 93 93 93 loo std Dredg pf_ 18% 18% J8% 50 Storkline Furn _ 12% 12% 12% 200 Sunstrand M Tool 24% 24V4 24*4 150 Swift & Co_ 25% 25% 25% 250 Swift Int _ 32% 32*/s 32*4 50 Thompson (J R). 10% 10% 10% 650 Utah Radio_ 4% 4% 4% 50 Walgreen _ 30 30 30 200 Woodall Indust_- 11% 11% 11% 300 Zenith Rad_ 35% 3574 35Vs Stock sales today. 24.000 shares. —-• 125 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK. April 24 (&).—The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 125 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per hundred pounds, St. Louis. f March Car Sales I Set New Records, Association Finds By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 24—Sales of motor cars and trucks in March set several new records, some for that month and others for any month, Alfred Reeves, vice president of the Automobile Manufacturers’ Associa tion, reported. Preliminary estimates placed the industry’s domestic sales—exclusive of those of Ford, which is not a member of the association—at 480,253 cars and trucks, a new March high record, he said. Based on these figures, he esti mated March deliveries wer« the fourth largest for that month. Salps of trucks were put at 72,840, a new monthly high. First-quarter deliveries set new record for the period, Reeves esti mated, while retail sales of 1,041,301 units also represented a new peak. Truck deliveries for the quarter were placed at 167,414, also a record. - ■■■ ■ -m Quarter’s Net Compares With $13,391,299 for Same 1936 Period. Ev the Assoclater. Press. NEW YORK, April 24 — Report of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. of Wilmington, Del., for March quarter showed a balance available for com mon stock of $14,806,572, equal to $1.34 a share. These returns included dividends from company's General Motors Investment amounting to 22 cents a share of Du Pont common stock. For first quarter last year balance available for common stock was $13. 391,299. equal to $1.21 a share. This included dividends from General Mo tors investment amounting to 45 cents a share on Du Pont common. Keystone Steel & Wire. Keystone Steel & Wire Co., Peoria, 111., reported for March quarter net income of $378,154, equal to 50 cents a share on capital stock, against $332,646, or 44 cents a share, in March quarter last year. Briggs & Stratton. Briggs & Stratton Corp., makers of automobile locks and portable gaso line engines, reported for the quarter ended March 31 net profit before Fed eral undivided profits surtax of $429, 170, equal to $1.4.7 a share on 297.149 l capital shares outstanding. This com | pares with $321,850, or $1.03 a share, in | the corresponding quarter last year, i The company’s plants are in Milwau kee. Kelsey-Hayes Wheel. Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Co., and subsid iary companies reported for the three months ended March 31 consolidated net profit, after all charges, including I Federal income taxes, of $177,677. equal to 61 cents a share on the Class “A” stock. This compares with net profits for the comparable period in 1936 of : $325,860, or $1.12 a share of Class "A.” ■ HEADS WINCHESTER BANK, j WINCHESTER. Va.. April 24 (Spe | cial)Hollie B. McCormac. indus | trialist, was re-elected president of the Union Bank. Directors include Mr. 1 McCormac, J. Fred Thwaite, Charles P. McVicar, John H. Rosenberger, | Burr P. Harrison. Coleman Dunn, W. ! A. Bailey. Julius W. Richard and Llewellyn Jackson. INSURANCESTOCKS NEW YORK, April 24 <7Pi.—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid Asked Aetna Cas (2a) __ _ 98*2 102 Aetna Ins (1.00) _ 4334 4534 Aetna Life f.xoaV. _ 29»4 ;U*4 Am Equit (1 OOa' _ 4 1'2 44*4 Am Ins Newark (da)_ 12 13d Am Reins '.4<>g. _ 43*4 4.V* Am Reserve <la> __ 2014 3114 Am Surety <2d> _ 5334 oft3* Automobile «la» __ 20*2 31 d Balt Amer < 2()a) _ x 9 Carolina (1.30) _ 20 2712 | City of N Y « 1.20) _ 27 28 d I Conn Gen Life < xn) _ 37*4 3S34 Coniin Cas il.20» _ 28 30 Fid A: D^p <4 i 129 133 Firemen's Nwk (.30) _ 11 12d Frank Fire (la) _ 293i 3134 Gen Reinsur (2) _ 44 4 0 Glen F. lis « 1.00) _ 4 1 ]4 43 d Globe A; Rep (.80) _ 2034 23 d Globe Sz Rut _ 04 87»2 Great Amer <la» _ 2034 2Sd Hanover (1.80) 34 30 Hartford Fire (2) _ 67d 89d Home Fire Sec _ ft 0(4 Home Ins (la) _ 34s-, 3034 Homestead (1)_ 1734 1914 Maryland Cas_ 8d 7d Lincoln Fire _ 4d ft5« Mass Bond (3*4) _ On'; 8334 Natl Fire (2) _ 01d fi3d Natl Liberty (,20a) 9 iod N Hampshire d.00) __ 44 d 40 NY Fire (,80a) 21 3 1 24 d Nor River <1)_ _ 2ft34 27d Phoenix (2a t _ Rft «9 Prov Wash (1) _ 3334 3ft34 St Paul Fire (0) _ _ 208 213 Sprinc^eld (4 da) __ 119 122 Sun Life (334c> TOO 7ft0 Travelers ddi _47ft 4Rft U 8 Fire (2) 53 55 Westchester (1.20a) 34 30 a—Also extra or extras e—Declared or paid so far this year REAL ESTATE LOANS P>a/ RESIDENCE and SMALL BUSINESS %J PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0302 OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1*10 Ere St. N.W Phone NA. 2184 Money for Constrnction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates first deed of trust only GEORGE I, BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 STOP PAYING T Buy Your Own Home Pay the same per month as you now pay in rent—own your home outright in less than 20 years. May we help? (Shannon & luchS| Mnrtrare Loan Correspondents INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 ELECTROLUX CORP. NETS $768,369 FOR QUARTER B? the Associated Press. WILMINGTON, Del., April 24 — Electrolux Corp. and subsidiary (vacuum cleaners) reported consoli dated net profit of $768,369. after all charges and Federal income tax and after making provision for estimates surtax on undistributed profits, for the first quarter ended March 31. This compares (with net profit of $722,472 for the corresponding period last year. --1_ Property Management Automobile Insurance Fire and Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance Your real estate and automobile are safely covered when we write the in surance—in the strong companies we represent. B: F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. McPHerr!ocnn%uar< National 2100 REAL ESTATE Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— as low as including interest and curtail. . . No commis sions . . . No renewal fees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the leaders in theentire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL’S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000 000 for the year PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 11th & E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington —Assets Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman o/ The Board President Secretary Bring your REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS to the firm that "KNOWS WASHINGTON" WE started in the real estate busi ness here forty-eight years ago, and have grown up with modern Wash ington. Naturally, we are well qualified to help you with your real estate prob lems. We invite you to call on us if you are planning to do any of the following: Finance a home or other property. Borrow money with which to pay off your present mortgage. Sell improved or unimproved rea. estate. Secure profitable management for income earning property. Get complete information regarding in surance for your real estate holdings, present or prospective. In our long years of service we have dealt with thousands of people in the District, nearby Maryland and Virginia. If your problem involves real estate, bring it here and let us discuss it together. WEAVER BROS in< REALTORS Washington Building • District 9486 o Mortyatt Lean CemsponJtnt Mtlnpchlan Lift Imuran it Company WE KNOW WASHINGTON