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Parties of Varied Types Continue to Fill the Early Spring Calendar Mrs. Hull Honor Guest At Luncheon Yesterday Of Wife of Minister Minister of El Salvador Host—Other Social Activities in Official and Diplomatic Circles in the Capital. MRS. CORDELL HULL, wife of the Secretary of State, was the guest in whose honor Mme. Fotitch, wife of the Yugoslav Minister, entertained at luncheon yesterday. The guests were Mme. Saito, Mme. Ertegun, Mme. Peter, Mme. Hurban, the newly ap pointed United States Minister to Norway, Mrs. Borden Harriman; Mrs. William King, Mme. Wankowicz, Frau Thomsen, Mrs. Ernest G. Draper, Signora Coppola Viola, Mrs. Wallace Murray, Mrs. Adolf Miller, Mrs. Frank Simonds, Mrs. Maynard Barnes, Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Mme. Schlatter, Mrs. Campbell Prichett, Miss Har riet Winslow, Miss Mary Randolph and Mme. Franges. The Minister of El Salvador, Senor Dr. Don Hector David Castro, entertained at luncheon today in honor of Dr. James Brown Scott, secretary general of the Carnegie Endowment for Interna tional Peace, at the Metropolitan Club. The guests were the Mexican Ambassador, Senor Dr. Francisco Castillo Najera; the Cuban Ambassador, Senor Dr. Pedro Martinez Fraga; the Ecuador Ambassador, Senor Capitan Colon Eloy Alfaro; the Minister of Colombia, Senor Don Miguel Lopez Pumajero; the Minister of the Dominican Republic, Senor Don Andres Pastoriza; the Minister of Venezuela, Senor Dr. Don Diogenes Escalante; the Minister of Panama, Senor Dr. Don Augusto S. Boyd; the Minister of Nicaragua, Senor Dr. Don Carlos Brenes Jarquin; the Minister of Haiti, M. Elie Lescot, the Charge d’Affaires of Honduras, Dr. Julian N. Caceres; the former President of Panama, Dr. Richard J. Alfaro; the Minister of the Dominican Republic in London, Dr. Max Enrique Urena; the Consul General of Costa Rica in charge of the Legation, Senor Arturo Fernandez; Dr. George E. Finch and Mr. Alan T. Hurd. Senator Claude Pepper of Florida, with Mrs. Pepper, who make their home at the Wardman Park Hotel, left today for a two-day tour of historic Virginia with other Senators and Representatives and their wives. Representative Robert L. Mouton and his niece, Miss Theodora Olivier, have been joined by the latter’s sister, Miss Dorothy Olivier of Lafayette, La., who will remain with them for a month or more. Representative Dewey W. Johnson of Minnesota is at the Ward man Park Hotel at the present time. Mrs. Richard M. Kleberg, wife of Representative Kleberg, enter tained at lunch at the Shoreham yesterday. Mrs. Jesse P. Wolcott, wife of Representative Wolcott, enter tained at dinner Wednesday evening on the occasion of a reunion of the Bruncheon Club from Port Huron, Mich. Mrs. Wolcott is a member of the club. Guests at the dinner were Mrs. Mervin Tomlin, Mrs. A. L. Easter, Mrs. Burr Stevens. Mrs. S. Curtis, Mrs. A. Hughes. Mrs. W. T. Wilson, Mrs. Harry Gillow, Mrs. John Gerber, Mrs. James Mugan, Mrs. Russell Tretty, Mrs. C. Conley, Mrs. James B. Scholler, Mrs. E. Russell, Miss Evelyn Murphy. , The Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr will entertain at dinner this evening in their house on Wyoming avenue. The Assistant Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Theodore A. Walters were joined yesterday at their apartment at the Roosevelt Hotel by their daughter, Mrs. Robert R. Coker of Hartsville. S. C. Mrs. Coker was Miss Lois Walters before her marriage in October. Mrs. R. T. Van Uden, sister of Mrs. Coker, has been in Harts ville for the past two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Coker. She accompanied Mrs. Coker to Washington yesterday. The Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Ernest G. Draper entertained at dinner at the Shoreham last evening. They remained for the ice carnival. Mrs. Stuart A. Rice, wife of the chairman of the Central Statis tical Board, entertained at luncheon today at her home on Beech wood Circle, Arlington, in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Donald Young, who, with her husband, Dr. Young, arrived yesterday from their home at Mamaroneck, N. Y., for a few days’ visit. Dr. Young is professor of sociology at the University of Penn sylvania, and also is the secretary of the Social Science Research Council at New York City. Other guests at the luncheon yesterday were Mrs. Harry B. Mitchell, Mrs. R. D. W. Connor, Mrs. .Corrington Gill, Mrs. Leon Henderson, Mrs. T. J. Woofter, jr.; Mrs. Paul Young, Miss Collie Enders, all of Washington; Mrs. Frank Bane, Mrs. E. R. Gray and Mrs. Paul Betters of Arlington. Yellow and green was carried out with Spring flowers and the guests were seated at two tables. Capt. C. M. Austin, U. S. N„ and Mrs. Austin, accompanied by their two daughters, Mrs. A. S. Richardson and Miss Margaret Austin, have arrived in Washington from the West Coast and have taken an apartment at the Roosevelt Hotel. Capt, Austin, who has been stationed in California, is now on duty in the Navy De partment. Maj. and Mrs. Frank H. Hastings entertained at dinner at the Shoreham last evening. Their guests were Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Stanley D. Embick, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Herman W. Schull, Col. and Mrs. Henry T. Burgin, Col. and Mrs. George W. Cocheu, Col. and Mrs. Francis H. Lincoln, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Robert H. Van Volken burgh, Lieut. Col and Mrs. Clarence H. Danielson. Miss Marjorie Jane Dampman, daughter of Capt, and Mrs. Paul E. Dampman, gave a luncheon party at the Shoreham today. Miss Alison McDaniel Wed Yesterday to Mr. Anthony Bisgood 'T'HE marriage of Miss Alison Mc Daniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alien Boyer McDaniel of Chevy Chase, Md., to Mr. Anthony Francis Bisgood, son of Mr. Wilfred Philip Bisgood of London, England, took place yester day afternoon at 4 o’clock in the chapel in the residence of Mr. Charles Mason Remey, uncle of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Kenneth Lyons. About 40 relatives and intimate friends witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a reception in the home of the bride’s parents, on Graf ton street, in Chevy Chase. The bride was given in marriage by hei father and wore a starched mous eeline de soie gown made with a red lngote over a plaited white chiffon. She wore a tiara of small blue and I>‘ pie iris, larkspur, delphinium and ytaow and white blossoms, and car ried a bouquet of the same flowers. Mrs. Samuel Sloane Auchincloss of New York was the bride’s only at tendant, wearing a gown of white chiffon. Her headdress was made of the same flowers as that of the bride’s and she carried a similar bouquet. Mr. Francis Thornton Greene of Warrenton, Va., was the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Bisgood left later for a wedding trip and will travel for an indefinite period and then make their home in New York. Mrs. Bisgood has been living in New York for the last year and was a member of the staff of the magazine Mademoiselle. She made her debut in Washington sev eral years ago. Over 36,000,000 crossed Sydney Har bor Bridge, in Australia, last year. Miss King Bride of Mr. Johnston The marriage of Miss Ruth King, daughter of Mr. H. I. King and the late Mrs. King, to Mr. Richard Leiter Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnston of Hagerstown, Md., took place today at high noon at the Cal vary Baptist Church, with the Rev. W. S. Abernethy, D. D., officiating. A wedding luncheon followed at the Carlton Hotel. Miss King, who wore a navy blue ensemble with matching accessories and a corsage bouquet of orchids, had as her only attendant Mrs. Frank McLemore. Mrs. McLemore’s suit was of rose crepe with blue bolero and accessories. Her flowers were roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. Harold Johnston, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the wedding luncheon, the couple left for their wedding trip in the North and will return to Wash ington before making their residence in Chicago, 111. Miss King is from Dublin, Ga„ and graduated from the Wesleyan Con servatory of Music before coming to Washington three years ago. Mr. Johnston is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and the George Washington Law School. He has been a well known patent attorney here for the last few years. -• Diplomat Host. The Minister of Venezuela, Senor Dr. Don Diogenes Escalante, enter tained at luncheon yesterday at the Mayflower in compliment to the Min ister of the Dominican Republic to Great Britain and Mrs. Henriques Urena, who have been in Washington for about three months and are leav ing in time to attend the coronation. » Entered in Show MISS SUZANNE OYSTER, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Larmour Oyster of 116 Inverness driveway. Chevy Chase, who will take part in the pony classes at the American Legion Charity Horse Show, to be held next Sun day. May 2. in Rock Creek Park, at Chevy Chase, Md. Proceeds will be used to maintain the Legion’s orthopedic clinic for chil dren at Montgomery County General Hospital. —Star Staff Photo. Maryland-Virginia News Mrs. Fieser Hostess Yesterday at Lunch eon in Edgemoor Home. MRS. JAMES L. FIESER of Edgemoor, Md., was hostess at a luncheon yesterday at the American Association of University Women, having as her guests Mrs. Gaston Summers. Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs. Proudfoot and Miss Northup, all of Boston, Mass., who are spending the week end in Washington. Mr. Northrup Church and his brother, Mr. Elbridge Church of Falls Church, Va„ will sail today from New York City on the He de France for a three-week trip abroad. They will spend a week in Paris and visit other places in France. Mrs. Daniel Landis Detwiler was hostess at luncheon, followed by bridge and anagrams, Wednesday, in her home in Herndon, Va. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. David Murray Aud, Mrs. Lawrence Detwiler, Mrs. Ralph O. Ennis, Mrs. Charles Fisher, Mrs. Frank Humme and Mrs. Stanley B. Hanes. Among the guests were Mrs. Harvey Earlton Hanes, Mrs. George F. Buell, Mrs. Richard Glenn Hawthorne, Mrs. J. L. Nachman, Mrs. L. H. Johnson, Mrs. Carroll Murphy, Mrs. Russell Allen Lynn, Mrs. T. Edgar Aud, Mrs. Allen H. Kirk, Mrs. j William H. Dawson, Mrs. Arthur j Hyde Buell, Mrs. George Ramsey ; Brcady, Mrs. Ruth Keyes, Mrs. Calvin | Kidwell, Mrs. Ernest C. Shull, Mrs. Bert Sasher, Mrs. Horace Turner, Mrs. William Meyer, Mrs. Russell Gillette, Mrs. William S. Blanchard, jr.; Mrs. Cassius M. Lawrence, Mrs. Walter C. Carter, Mrs. Roscoe S. Crippen, Miss Matilda Decker, Mrs. Willis W. Mc Glincy, Miss Nora Ellmore. Mrs. Harry Breckepridge, Mrs. Maurice A. Yount, Mrs. Henry Piggott, Mrs. Beu lah Anderson and Mrs. Harry Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barbour of Fairfax. Va., will leave today for i Charlottesville, where they will at tend the wedding of Mr. Barbour's niece, Miss Ellen Barbour Compton, to Mr. Lewis Meriwether Walker, jr., which will take place tomorrow eve ning at 8:30 o'clock at the university chapel. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Glendenning, who are returning after spending the Winter in Bradenton, Fla., visited their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. | and Mrs. Harold Machlan, in the city, i and were also guests of Mrs. A. C. Tinsley in Takoma Park. They have now gone to their home in North Leo minster, Mass. Mrs. F. B. Kaye gave a luncheon to day in her Aurora Hills home, which was followed by games and contests. The hostess used daffodils, tulips and ferns for table decorations, and guests were Mrs. Charles Wolz and her house guest, Miss Irene Fowler of Covington, Ky.; Mrs. Ada Heath, Mrs. William Cunningham. Mrs. Wil lard Sudenga, Mrs. Anita Youngman, Mrs. Harry Jacobs. Mrs. Edgar Wer ner, Mrs. Harry Wood, Miss Laura Kaye, Miss Aurora Larson and Miss Dorothea Cutting, all of Washington; Miss Nannie Lee Ballenger of Alex andria, Mrs. J. R. Simmons, Mrs. W. J. Cronin, Mrs. Chester Waldron of Aurora Hills, and Miss Hazel McCord of Ottawa, Canada, who is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Kaye. Mrs. Charles Robertson and Mr. Francis Kirk of Eutawville, S C., will arrive in Fairfax, Va., today to visit Mrs. Robertson’s sister. Miss. Virginia Frazer, at Singing Pines, and Mr. Kirk’s brother-in-law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. Herbert A. Donovan, at the Episcopal rectory. Mrs. Owen E. Williams entertained MRS. ROBERT D. FRlBOfJRG, Formerly Miss Minnie Aurelia Herndon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Herndon of Vir ginia. at a tea yesterday afternoon from 2 until 4 o’clock at her home cm Twenty sixth street south, Arlington, Va„ In honor of Miss Amy White of Attle boro, Mass., who is the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Brown of Aurora Hills. Mrs. David Wark and Mrs. Chester Waldron presided at the tea table. Additional guests at the tea included Mrs. X. C. Brown and her mother, Mrs. L. J. White; Mrs. Hugh A. Allen, Mrs. G. O. Basham, Mrs. C. E. Kellogg, Mrs. R. D. Karr, Mrs. Carlos Campbell, Mrs. Housden X^ane Marshall, Mrs. A. W. Longaker, Mrs. K. C. Beeson, Mrs. Arthur Gardner, Mrs. William K. MacMahon. Mrs. E. J. Skidmore, Mrs. Oscar Reynolds and Mrs. Julia lee Richart, all of the Aurora Hills sec tion; Mrs. John C. Gall of Country Club Hills and Mrs. FYancis Gall of Washington. Miss Coda Kincheloe will arrive from Fredericksburg, Va., where she Is a student at the State Teachers’ Col lege, to spend the week end with her parents, the commissioner of the rev enue and Mrs. .^ames U. Kincheloe, in Fairfax, Va. Mrs. Charles S. Weston and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Herbert R. Weston, entertained 22 guests at luncheon Tuesday at their home in Silver Spring, Md. The guests were members of the Goodwill Bible Class of the Woodside Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Raymond C. Moffett enter tained at a bridge party Wednesday night at her home in Woodside Park, Md. Among the guests were Mrs. Ernest F. Klinge, Mrs. Charles W. Hensey, Mrs. Karl Jarrell, Mrs. John Brookbank and Mrs. C. L. Sowers of Wynnewood Park. Md., Mrs. Gomer L. Davies of Woodside Park, Mrs. J. Harold Kilcoyne, Mrs. Raymond Brown and Miss Rc*e Bowling of Chevy Chase, Md., Miss Katherine Richards and Mrs. H. Stanley Stine of Washington and Mrs. Aloysius I. Sheehan of Bethesda, Md. Mrs. Frank Neumann was hostess at luncheon Thursday at her home in Blair, Silver Spring, Md. The guests, numbering 16, were members of the Woman's Guild of the Church of Ascension. Mrs. H. W. Hawthorne entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday at her home in Kensington, Md. -• Gray Ladies Feted After Graduation At Walter Reed 'p'EA was served in the Red Cross House at Walter Reed Hospital yesterday afternoon following the graduation of 21 Gray Ladies of the Walter Reed Unit of the Hospital and Recreation Service of the District of Columbia Chapter. Mrs. Ira E. Ben nett, Mrs. George L. Dunlop, Mrs. Royal Reynolds and Mrs. John W. Meehan presided at the tea table which was decorated with Spring blossoms. The Senior Gray Ladies, carrying their Red Cross flag, escorted the members of the graduating class to their seats, the Army Band playing a martial air for accompaniment. Chaplain Albert C. Oliver, jr., gave the invocation; Brig. Gen. Wallace DeWitt, commanding officer of the Army Medical Center, presented the certificates; Miss Margaret H. Lower, field director of the American Red Cross, presented each graduate to Gen. DeWitt. Mrs. Henry R. Rea of Pittsburgh, who founded the Gray Ladies and is their honorary chair man, presented each graduate with her pin. Mrs. Rea was field director of the American Red Cross at Walter Reed during the World War. Chaplain Patrick J. Ryan pronounced the benediction. The Surgeon General of the Army, Maj. Gen. Charles R. Reynolds, made the address to the graduates and was introduced by Col. Joseph F. Siler, assistant commandant of the medical department of Professional Service Schools. Following the benediction, the Army Band played “The Star Spangled Banner,” after which tea was served. The class yesterday included Helen McLaughlin Await, Mary Eleanor Bick nell, Martha Williamson Bradley, Ellen Bryden, Gertrude Camp, Jane Cul bertson, Hilda Higgins Doyle, Dorothy Tuttle Ferrell, Colden Ruggles Flor ance, Georgiana Butler Joyes, Florence Ferguson Mackay. Elizabeth McCart ney. Antoinette Reynolds, Mary Vir ginia Scrivener, Ruth Smith, Dorothy Cammer Thompson, Hope Durfee Wag ner. Mary Belle Ward, Lillian R. Wardman, Frances Weems Wheeler and Mary Lloyd WiUli. 4 i Shakespeare Anniversary Celebrated Prominent Men and Women Attend Lecture. ROMINENT officials, diplomats and outstanding figures in the world of letters observed the anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare last evening when they attended the lecture of Mr. George Lyman Kittredge, pro fessor emeritus of English at Harvard University. The lecture was given in the quaint little theater in the Folger Shakespeare Library and Prof. Kit tredge spoke on ‘ Shakespeare and the Critics.” Before the lecture Prof. Kittredge was the guest in whose honor Dr. and Mrs. Walter Willard Boyd enter tained at dinner. Among others at the lecture were the Swiss Minister and Mme. Peter, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, Senator and Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, Senator and Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis, Repre sentative and Mrs. Sol Bloom and Miss Vera Bloom, Representative and Mrs. Allard H. Gasque, the Apos. tollc Delegate the Most Rev. Am* leto Glovanna Cigognani, accom panied by the Very Rev. Mgr. Leo Binz; Mr. Leander McCormick-Good hart of the British Embassy and Mrs. McCormlck-Goodhart, the president of Amherst College and Mrs. Stan ley King, the librarian of the District of Columbia, Dr. George F. Bowerman; Mr. and Mrs. Fred eric* a. .tsrascn, Mr. ana Mrs. Hylton L. Bravo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Brooke, Miss Gertrude Brooks, Miss Mary Louise Brown, Miss Eliza beth Bryan, Dr. and Mrs. Frank F. Bunker, Rev. Charles H. Butler and Mrs. Butler, President H. C. Byrd of the University of Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Caldwell, Miss Jean Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cantrell, Miss Agnes Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncev P. Carter, Mr. James B. Childs, Mr. Victor S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Stan wood Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Vail Coleman, Mrs. Avery Coon ley, Miss Anna Pearl Cooper, Prof, and Mrs. William L. Corbin, Judge and Mrs. J. Harry Covington, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Croft, Dr. and Mrs. De Witt C. Croissant. Miss Mildred Dean, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Deering, Miss Agnes De Lano, Miss Katherine Dougal, Mr. and Mrs. Fayette B. Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Droop. Dr. and Mrs. George S. Duncan. Mrs. Day Dunlap, Mrs. James R. Ellerson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Emley, Mrs. J. Fred Essary, Miss Anne M. Fauntle roy, Mr. and Mrs. James Waldo Faw cett. Miss Claire Fawcett, Mrs. Isabelle S. Farrington, Mr. Richard Foley, Dr. and Mrs. Harold N. Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Friedenwald, Miss Mae M. Friedman, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Furness, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gar field, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Garfield, Mrs. Allard Henry Gasque, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Geissman of Flushing, N. Y.; Miss Martha Gibbon, Dr. and Mrs. Raleigh Gilchrist, Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam T. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Glassie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winslow Gordon, Rev. John E. Grattan, S. J., chancellor American University: Mrs. Joseph M. M. Gray, Rev. G. M. Greenewald, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Grover, Miss Grace Dunham Guest, Mrs. Jennings Hackett, the Hon. Charles S. Hamlin and Mrs. Hamlin, Dr. William A. Hammond, Dr. Susan E. Harman. Mr. Collas G. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. David J. Haykin, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jay Heath, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Heil man, Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Helvering, Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hemelt, Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. Hendrick, Prof, and Mrs. Marvin Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Heyl, Miss Madeline Hicks, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Higbie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Hine, Prof, and Mrs. John D. Hird, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hogan, Miss Elizabeth Holland, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmes, Mrs. J. M. Holton, Dr. Annette B. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. House. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hummel. Miss Patricia Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Chapin Hunting ton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchins, Mrs. J. Franklin Jameson, Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs. William Chanmng Johnson, Miss Maiy B. Kerr, Rev. and Mrs. Paul L. Kirby, Mr. Paul Franklin Kirby, Mrs. Jennie Kunst, Mrs. John B. Lamer, Mr. F. M. Lemon, Dr. Patrick J. Lennox. Miss Alice H. Lerch, Mr. H. LeRoy Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon A. Lyon, Col. and Mrs. Wil liam Lyster, Miss Jessie MacBride, Rev. Vincent McDonough, S. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett McLean, Mrs. W. C. McSparren, Miss A. M. Macfadyean, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Mansfield, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mayer, Miss Leila Mechlin, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Mr. Joseph L. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. John Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Minster, Mr. Leo G. Mona ghan, S. J.; Mr. Lewis L. Moneyway, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Morley, former Senator George H. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt Myers, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Naigles, Miss Helen Nico lay, Mr. Norman J. Nelson, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Newton, Mrs. William F. Notz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Noyes, Msgr. D. T. O’Dwyer, Mrs. Eliot O’Hara, Rev. Arthur A. O’Leary, S. J.; Comdr. John J. O’Malley, Mr. Richard S. Ould, Col. and Mrs. Edwin P. Parker, Rev. and Mrs. Cornelius H. Patton of West Hartford, Conn.; Rev. Dr. and Mrs. G. Freeland Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Phillips, Miss Elizabeth W. Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pockmann, Rev. E. S. Pressey, Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. Riddick, Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Rogers, Miss Mary R. Rogers, Mrs. Alys Rickett, Miss Cara Ann Riggsbie, Dr. and Mrs. David A. Robertson, Dr. Sterling Ruffin, Mr. Rene Samson, Mr. W. LeRoy Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Schapiro, Miss Julia E. Schel ling, Miss Bess Davis Schreiner, Miss Isabel Sedgley, Miss N. P. Sedgley, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Shepard, Miss Virginia M. Shull, Miss Sarah E. Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Winship Slade, Mr. William Adams Slade, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Smith, Mr. Frank Smith, Mrs. Owen F. Smith of Manhasset, N. Y.; Mr. Philip M. Smith, Miss Florence P. Spofford, Justice and Mrs. Wendell P. Stafford, Judge and Mrs. Harold Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Faber Stevenson, Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Stone, Mr. Frederic N. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. George Winchester Stone, jr.; Mr. William Morrell Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Strunk, Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran Thom, Mr. and Mn. Merle Thorpe, t . . By the Way— j -- Beth Blaing ■ . fyJR- AND MRS. HENRY BLAKISTON WILKINS’ home at 1701 Twenty-second street will be open Monday, May 3, from 3 to 6, for a Book Binding Exhibition to aid the Children’s Hospital. Previously the property of the Misses Patten, the Wilkins purchased this residence several years ago after they had sold their Florentine villa, “Buoninsegni," to Princess Elena of Greece. The music room downstairs has the original paneling from the ‘‘Villa Palmiere” in Florence, where Boccaccio wrote the famous "Decameron.” Princess Elena, not caring for the paneling which the Wilkins had in their villa, allowed them to take it down. They brought it back to America, along with other exquisite objets d’art. The rotunda-shaped dining room has several handsome Flem ish tapestries on the walls. Two interesting tables contain large carved two-headed Austrian eagles, made in Italy during the time of the Austrian occupation. However, in the drawing room, with its Aubusson rug and Louis XV furniture, the chandelier of blown henna-glass from Murano causes guests to marvel as to how its fragility managed the perilous ocean voyage. Among the many books on exhibition, with bindings so beauti fully tooled and in so perfect a state of preservation that they might have been done recently, is a rare volume which belonged to Louis Le Grand Dauphin, only legitimate son of Louis XIV Several of Napoleon’s own, amongst them the “Code for Ruling Italy,” are outstanding; also a “Book of Hours,” the property of Henry III, the unique binding of which is embossed with a series of religious pictures. Among Mrs. Wilkins’ most prized books is one dating back to 1552, the first edition ever printed outside of Italy containing Dante’s three great works, not to mention several’ German monastic stamped bindings, dating from 1571. One re markable red, morocco-bound volume was done by Clovis Eve considered by many as one of the greatest. Several large and handsome bindings once were the property of the Vatican, amongst which four were signed by Nicola Edler, a great rarity, as book binders seldom signed their work until more modern times. The only Incunabulum Mrs. Wilkins owns is one which belonged to Pope Leo X—year 1473. Incunabulum (derivative of “cradle”; means any book printed up to and including the year 1500. Standing in the center of the library, we gazed at the wonderful bindings fashioned of embossed leather• silver inlaid with semi-precious stones and colorful velvets embroid ered with silver thread. The coats of arms belonging to many historical names were visible . . . the balls belonging to the Medici .. . the three turrets of Mme. de Pompadour . . books of Philip V of Spain . . . those of Louis XIV . . . Piero Strozzi, the apostolic secretary of Florence, and countless others. Mrs. Wilkins has been collecting books for over 30 years and her collection, numbering 300-odd volumes, is well known for its careful selection. Incidentally, one of her volumes, at present on loan to the Library of Congress, is an interesting book which de scribes m detail the coronation of Charles I of England. 3k 3k rk * MRs- ?■ BORDEN HARRIMAN when seen yesterday chez Mme. Fotitch at luncheon, never looked better in her life and is really thrilled at the thought of going to Norway. She is starting lessons in Norwegian immediately. When we left the Yugoslav Legation after lunch, there were four mah jong players, who remained to play through out the afternoon. There is a small group who play con stantly, including Mme. Saito. Mme. Ertegun and Mme. Fotitch. * * * ★ THE other evening Stewart McDonald, Federal housing adminis trator, entertained at a dinner in honor of his delightful daughter, Carol and her husband, Dozier Gardner of St. Louis. Mr. Gardner comes from a very distinguished Missouri family, his father having been Governor of that State at one time. They are the most attractive young couple and CQ’TOl Gardner is now on her way to London to be presented at the first court--the diplomatic one, which is by tar the most thrilling and interesting. The James Roosevelts were at dinner, as Mrs. “Jimmie” and Mrs. Gardner attended Westover together. The Emmons Smiths were among those present, for Emmons and Dozier Gardner were classmates at Princeton. Sooo, it was a veritable “get-together” evening! It could not have been a more amusing party and we sat up till the wee small hours listening to an accordion plaver and Tom Cochrane at the piano. Kitty and Messmore Kendall of Palm Beach and New York dropped in after dinner. Messmore was in Washington making a speech at a banquet that night. The following evening, at the Colony Restaurant in New York, Stewart Mc Donald gave another large dinner and the Gardners were seen off to Europe in proper style when they sailed at mid night. Col. and Mrs. Crane Hosts at Dinner Lieut. Col. and Mrs. John Alden Crane entertained a small company at dinner last night in their quarters at Fort Myer. having as guests from the garrison Capt. D. G. Erskine, Lieut, and Mrs. Joseph Ganahl, Lieut, and Mrs. Leslie H. Wyman and Liuet. and Mrs. R. E. Weber and Mrs. Alice Tor rey Griffith of Washington. This afternoon Col. and Mrs. Crane will attend the Maryland Hunt Cup race at the Green Spring Valley show grounds, and will later be guests at a tea given by Mr. and Mrs. John Duer at their home in Pikesville. Md. ■-• Miss Dunbar Hostess To Classmates Miss Jane Dunbar of Somerset, Md., is entertaining five of her class mates at Gettysburg College at a house party over the week end. Miss Dun bar's guests—her roommate, Miss Edith Webster of Westfield. N. J.; Miss Idamae Harms, also of Westfield; Miss Winifred Webster and Miss Pris cilla Haseltine. of Harrisburg, Pa., and Miss Betty Knecht, of Tower City, Pa.—came yesterday and will return to Gettysburg tomorrow night. Miss Dunbar, their hostess, is the daughter of the assistant chief of the Food and Drugs Administration and Mrs. Paul B. Dunbar. In college she has been active in dramatics and re cently took the leading woman’s part in the annual college play. She is the secretary of the freshman class at Gettysburg College. ■ 1 ■ •-• Mrs. Fletcher Guest May 1 of Ohio Girls Mrs. Brooks Fletcher will be the guest speaker at the Ohio Girls’ Club banquet Saturday evening, May 1, in the Italian gardens of the Mayflower. Miss Ernestine Brown, at 916 Barr Building, has charge of banquet reser vations and the banquet will be fol lowed by a dance, to which Ohioans and their friends are invited. Tickets for the dance may be obtained from Miss Esther Ameson at 2440 Six teenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Josephus C. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tuckerman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Tupper, Miss Mabel Turner, Dr. Harry W. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Uflord, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Vance, Mrs. Van Noyes Ver Plank, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Voegtlin, Miss Sabra Vought, Mr. Bernard Wagner, Mrs. Charles D. Walcott, Mr. and Mrs. John Waldron, Mrs. Hugh Campbell Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Walter, Miss Josephine Watson, Dr. Donald C. Weeks, Mr. Edward M. Weeks, Mrs. Enoch H. Wells of Stoney Brook, Long Island; Mrs. Walter Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. White, Dr. and Mrs. William Charles White, Mrs. Matthew John Whittall, Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic William Wile. Mr. John Cabell Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Wilson, Mr. Doug las Emory Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Miss J. D. Wishart, President Amos W. W. Woodcock of St. John’s College of Annapolis, Dean and Mrs. George B. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Wright, Mr. W. Lloyd Wright, Dr. and Mrs. W. Hayes Yeager, Miss Matilda Young, Miss Bertha L. Zoel ler and Mr. and Mrs. George F. Zook. /** i Judge Soffel Feted At Luncheon Today Judge Sara M. SofTel was feted at i luncheon today at the club house of the American Association of Univer sity Women, 1634 I street, by members of her class and friends at Wellesley College, of which Judge SofTel is a graduate. A well-known jurist from Pittsburgh. Pa., Judge SofTel will ad dress the twentieth annual dinner of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia to be held this evening. Among those present at the lunch eon will be Mrs. Hamilton Alexander, Mrs. Clarence E. Handcock, Mrs. Wal ter D. Brookings, Mrs. Samuel Herrick, Mrs. Edwin G. Nourse and Mrs. Harry B. Caton, president of the Wellesley j College Club of Washington. --1 ■ ■ Louisiana Society To Hold Reception The Louisiana State Society will hold its first reception and dance of the year Monday evening at the Washington Hotel, at which guests w'ill include delegates to the National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Mr. Clarence J. Bourg is president. Dfmcing will be in the rose room, starting at 9:30 o'clock. There also will be several entertainment features. Members of the Louisiana congres sional delegation, some of whom are serving their first terms, and their wives will be among the guests and will form the receiving line. Accept ances have been received from Sena tor and Mrs. John H. Overton, Sena tor and Mrs. Allen Ellender, Rep resentative and Mrs. Rene DeRouen, Representative and Mrs. Paul Ma loney, Representative and Mrs. J. O. Fernandez, Representative and Mrs. A. Leonard Allen, Representative and Mrs. John K. Griffith, Representative and Mrs. Overton Brooks, Repre sentative and Mrs. Newt V. Mills and Representative Robert L. Mouton. ----• Women Democrats Plan Spring Rally Much interest is being shown in the Spring rally of the Woman's Democratic Club of Montgomery County, Md., which will be held Mon day night at 8 o'clock at the court house in Rockville. Representative Caroline O'Day of New York will be the guest speaker. Among those assisting Mrs. Charles Y. Latimer, president of the club, in arrangements for the affair are Mrs. Raymond Clapper, Mrs. Charles E. Roach, Miss Laura Gilliland, Mrs. E. A. Merritt, Mrs. Walter Perry, Mrs. Vernon H. Brewster, Mrs. Edith P. Allnutt, Mrs. Eugene Casey, Mrs. John Diamond, Mrs. A. L. Reynolds, Mrs. Ralph Chase, Mrs. Ralph A. Wells, Miss Anne Snure, Mrs. P. J. Fischer, Mrs. F. Eliot Middleton, Mrs. Roger Shaw, Mrs. W. W. Skinner, Miss Mar garet Jones and Mrs. Marion L. Clark, i Activities planned by the club for j the year, which include a fashion show | and bridge party the latter part of | May, will be outlined at the meeting. All Democratic women are Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. B. Watson of Rye, N. Y„ have arrived in Washing ton for a visit of several days. They will be at the Wardman Park Hotel while here. Residential Washington Social News Mrs. Chatfield Spend ing Week End in Leesburg. MRS. FREDERICK R. CHAT FIELD went to Leesburg, Va , today to spend the week end with her uncle, Mr. Frederick Saunders. She will return the first of the week to join her mother, Mrs. William H. Saunders, and remain for a longer visit before returning to her New England home. Mrs. Chatfield formerly was Miss Edna Saunders, daughter of the late Mr. William H. Saunders of this city. Mrs. Frederic A. Keep will be host ess at dinner this evening. Mrs. James A. Frear, wife of former Representative Frear, was hostess today at a luncheon at the Shoreham. Mr. John Christie Duncan has been joined at the Mayflower by Mrs. Dun can, who motored from their home in Pelham Manor. N. Y., and will remain here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Gud8 announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Mead, Thursday. Mrs. Stanley J. O'Connor enter tained today at luncheon the visiting wives of the delegates to the Confer ence of National Retail Lumber Deal ers' Association being held in Wash ington this week. The guest of honor was Mrs. George La Pointe of Meno mine, Wis., wife of the retiring presi dent, and the luncheon was given in the Pall Mall Room at the Raleigh Hotel Among those present were Mrs. W. C. Bell of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Roger Pinkbine of Des Moines, Iowa: Mrs. Ormie Lance of Minneapo lis. Minn.; Mrs. Leo Clair of Louis ville, Ky.; Mrs. Alice Hoegh of Meno mine. Wis.; Mrs. H M. Gains of Detroit. Mich.; Mrs. H. M Montgom ery, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. William Anderson, Ogden, Utah; Mrs. Dean Prescott, Fresno, Calif ; Mrs, A. J. Fehrenback. Chicago. 111.; Mrs. F. H. Ludwig, Reading. Pa ; Mrs. Bruce Wilson, Miss Janet Carnahan and Mrs. J. C. McLaughlin, all of Washington. Miss Claire de Hedervary. who arrived in this country from Belgium a few weeks ago. is at the Carlton Hotel. Miss de Hedervary is one of the foremost women lecturers in Bel gium and while in New York gave several lectures on Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Mather of Brookline, Mass., are at the Shoreham w'hile in the Capital to see Mrs. Mather's brother, Mr. John E. Parker, and Mrs. Parker, of 3712 Ingomar street northwest. Later they will visit the gardens in Virginia, return ing home the first of May. Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Thompson of Providence, R. I, are stopping at the Wardman Park Hotel while in Washington for several days. Mrs. James B. Sweeney and her daughter, Miss Mary Sweeney, of Naugatuck, Conn., are spending a few days at the Shoreham. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Curtis of Winthrop, Mass, are at the Wardman Park Hotel while in town for several days. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley King of Amherst. Mass., who came to Wash ington for the Shakespeare celebra tions at the Folger Library last eve ning are at the Shoreham for a brief stay. Dr. King, who is president of Amherst College, was formerly Special Assistant to the Secretary of War. --•--— Chinese Ambassador And Mme. Sze to Be Honor Guests Tonight ^ FAREWELL dinner to the Chinese Ambassador. Mr. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze, who will retire shortly as Am I bassador to this country, and Madame j Sze, will be given tonight at the Carlton Hotel by the Cornell Club of i Washington. In addition to the local members of | the Cornell Club, other nationally important alumni of the university will be present to honor Dr. Sze. who is a Cornellian of the class of 1901. Among those who arrived this morning for the dinner tonight was Dr. Jacob Gould Shurman. president of the university when Dr. Sze was a student. Dr. Shurman was at one time United States Ambassador to Germany and Minister to China. Ha came from his home in Mount Kisco, N. Y., and is staying at the Carlton Hotel while here. Mr. Clarence B. Kugler, one of Dr. Sze's classmates at Cornell, arrived from Philadelphia and will be a guest at the Chinese Embassy. Among those sitting at the head table with the guests of honor will be Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft Ghcrardi of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Vanneman of New York City, Prof. Charles L. Durham of Ithaca, who will represent the Cornell faculty at the dinner; Mr. E. B. Whitman of Balti more, Md., and Minister of Paraguay, Dr. Alfredo Busk Codas, who is a Cornell alumnus, and Senora Codas. Grosvenors Hosts At Dinner Last Night Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Grosvenor entertained 20 guests at dinner last evening at their country place, Wild Acres, on Grosvenor Lane, in lower Montgomery County, Md. Guests present at the dinner were the Japanese Ambassador and Mme. Saito, the Turkish Ambassador and Mme. Ertegun, Senator and Mrs. Wal lace H. White, Representative Virginia Jenckes, Representative Allen T. Treadway, the President of George Washington University and Mrs. Cloyd Heck Marvin, Gen. and Mrs. Malin Craig, Dr. and Mrs. James Alexander Lyon, Commissioner of the District and Mrs. George E. Allen and Dr. and Mrs. John Oliver La Gorce. LEN CORBIN HEIN1 PIANISTS TEACH Efi PupU o# Mward Now York: Harold Dauor. Parn ; and TrrffA CarrtKo.Badln Phono North $600