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(Earfo of (ZHputkfl. ■ TEWART. JOHN W. The family of the late JOHN W STEWART wishes to thank its kind neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during Its recent bereavement. THE FAMILY. 29 Dratlja. ADAMS, CLARA. On Tuesday, AptII 27. 1937. at the Episcopal Eye. Ear and Throat Hospital. CLARA ADAMS. She leaves to mourn a devoted husband. Al bert. Adams; six children. Elmer, Dersey. Juanlth, Martha. Freddie and Francis De Sales; a loving mother. Susie Dyson; five brothers. Clement. Bernard. Freddie. Ernest and Gilbert: two sisters. Mrs. Helen Carter and Mrs. Susie Hill, and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at Ruth Dabney’s funeral home. 453 O st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. May 1. from Holy Redeemer Church. New Jerse and New York aves. n.w., where mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery. Bushwood St. Marys County, Md. 30 BLAKEY. ASHBY O. On Monday, April 2(5. 1937. ASHBY O BLAKEY. devoted husband of Bernice Blakey. loving son of Nora Blakey. brother of Ambrose Blakey. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral on Friday. April 30. at 2 p.m.. from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. C T. Murray officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 29 BOWEN, W’lLLIF. On Monday. April 26. 1937. at Newland Va . WILLIE BOWEN, beloved husband of Sula Hynson Bowen. Funeral services Thursday. April 29. at 2 p.m.. at Rappahannock Baptist Church. Newland. Va. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Newland. Va. CLEM. NANNIE. On Monday. April 26 1937. at her residence. 421 11th st. s w . NANNIE CLEM, wife of the late John W. Clem and mother of Mrs. Mary Duvall. Mrs. Delia Duvall and Clarence Rose and sister of Mrs. Martha B. Ror ers. Mrs. Ella Maddox of Rockville. Md.. and Mrs. Margaret Selby of Gaithers burg. Md. and grandmother of Charles Duvall. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e.. on Thursday. April 29. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 28 CLIFFORD. Rl BY. On Monday. April 26 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. RUBY CLIFFORD of 407 14th st. n.e.. devoted daughter of Elona J Clifford and the late Thomas E. Clifford She is also survived by two sisters, seven brothers, a grandmother and four aunts Re mains temporarily resting at Frazier’s funeral home 389 R. I ave n w . until 4 pm. Wednesday. Anril 28: thereafter at late residence Funeral Thursday. April 29. at 12 noon, from the above mentioned es,ablishment. Interment Lin coln Cemetery Rev E. F Howard of ficiating. 28 COLLINS. MARY C. On Tuesday. April 27, 1937 at Providence Hospital MARY C. COLLINS beloved wife of Bernard J Collins and mother of Thomas H. Collins. Mrs Mary Hogan Sidnev F . J Kenneth and Ralph J. Collins. Notice of funeral later. COPLIN, ALICE. The Lincoln Mutual Relief Association announces the death of Mrs ALICE COPLIN on Saturday, April 24. 1937. GEORGE W COLE President. L. H. THOMPSON Recording Secretary. CUNNINGHAM. MARY A. On Tuesday. April 27. 1937. at her residence, 939 Eve st. n.w.. MARY A CUNNINGHAM, beloved mother of Charles A Cunning ham Services, private, at the Saffell funeral home 4 75 H st. n.w.. on Thurs day. April 29 at 9 am Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. DANIELS. EMMA VIRGINIA. On Tuesday April 27. 1937, at her residence. 1H37 Underwood st. n.w.. EMMA VIRGINIA DANIELS, beloved mother of Ara Marcus Daniels, in her 85th year. Services at the above address on Thursday. April 29, at 2 pm. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. FOLEY, JOHN PATRICK. Or* Tuesday. April 27. 1937. at Providence Hospital. JOHN PATRICK FOLEY beloved hus band of Ellen Foley Funeral from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Eugene Lanoir. 3020 12th st. n.e Friday. April 30. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Anthony's Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 a m for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 29 FOREMAN. FRANCIS LEROY. On Mon day. April 26 1937. at his residence. 013 16th st. n.e. FRANCIS LEROY FOREMAN, devoted son of Mr. and Mrs. August Foreman. He also leaves to mourn their loss one brother, four sisters and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the George B Clarke Co. funeral parlor, 1416 Florida ave. n e . until 11:30 a.m. Thursday April 29: thereafter at his late residence Fu neral from his late residence Friday. April 30. at 9 am. thence to Sr. Cyprian's Catholic Church. 13th and C sts se.. where mass will be said for the repose of his soul. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 29 HAGERTY. WILLIAM J. On Monday. April 20. 1937. WILLIAM J. HAGERTY of 708 oth st. n.w. Funeral will be held from Timothy Hanlon's funeral parlor. 041 H st. n.e., on Thursday April 29. at 8 30 am. Requiem mass at St Mary's Church at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. HENDLEY. DAVID W. Suddenly or, Tues day April 27. 1937. at Casualty Hos pital. DAVID W. HENDLEY. beloved husband of Dorothy L. Hendley. father of Dorothy Lee. David Carlton and Wil liam Franklin Hendley and son of How ard J. and Carrie B Hendley. He also is survived by three brothers and three sisters. Funeral from the W. W. Cham bers Co. Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of time later. JANNEY. MARY E. On Monday. April 26. 1937. at her residence 2940 25th st.. North Cherrvdale. Va.. MARY E. JAN NEY. beloved wife of the late E. Wes ley Janney. formerly of Elkton Cecil County. Md.. and Baltimore. Md. She is survived by two daughters Mrs Flora Hudson and Mrs. Meta Startt. Remains resting at her late residence, where fu neral services will be held on Thursday. April 29 at 9:30 a.m. Interment Lou don Park Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 28 JOHNSON. HARRIET B On Monday. April 26. 1937. at 315 H st n.w.. HAR RIET B. JOHNSON, devoted wife of Eu gene Johnson She also is survived by other ielatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w Funeral Thursday. April 29. at 2:30 p.m., from the above men tioned establishment. Interment Lin coln Cemetery. 28 Kehoe, Catherine f. on Tuesday, April 27. 1937. at her residence 479 E st. s.w.. CATHERINE F. KEHOE. beloved wife of James A. Kehoe. in the 74th year of her age. Funeral from the chapel of P A. Taltavull. 436 7th st. s.w . on Friday. April 30. at 9:30 am; thence to St. Dominic's Church, where requiem mass will be said at 10 a.m for the repose of her soul. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 29 Mitchell, cora Morgan. Passed away Sunday. April 25. 1937, in Wash ington. D. C.. Mrs. CORA MORGAN MITCHELL, widow of the late Joseph J. Mitchell. Since the death of her hus band she had been making her home with her sister. Mrs. James G. Caldwell. 812 Van Buren st. n.w.. Washington. D. C Funeral services were held Tuesday at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. (Albany papers please copy.) • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ALMfJS R. SPEARE 3200 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Succeeding the original. W. R. SPEARE Formerly 1623 Conn. Ave. N.W. Greenwood 2740._Decatur 0242. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 6200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Manager) Phone West 003fl9A9A M Ei N 11/ Established 1841 31. IT. TV. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. Bayaas- ■aNAti.n.i 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the tuecessor to nor connected with the original W H Speare establishment. WAtlona°Pe2892 1009 H St. N.W. PERCY J. SAFFELL * FUNERAL DIRECTOR Announces removal to a new funeral homo 475 H ST. N.W. Formerly located 733 5th St. N.W. WILLIAM H. SCOTT 403 8th St, 8.1,_Lincoln 0530 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 _FUNERAL DESIGNS._ BURTON’S FLORIST 4000 Balt. Blvd.. Cottace City. Md. FUNERAL SPRAYS. $2.50 up Oven Evenings and Sundays Hyatt*. 785_Atlantic 0162 GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0108 Open Evening* _ , . e and Sunday* COT. 14th QT Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piacaa 1212 F 8t N.W_NAttonal 4278 THE PALAIS ROYAL FLORIST SHOP FLORAL 8PRAY8. $2.50 upward*. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT. PhOU* DI. 4400 Prompt delivery. Ewes Prolific in Indiana. Five of six ewes owned by Malcolm Oates of Yanlceetown, Ind., gave birth to twin lambs. The sixth had trip lets. SralljB. MURRAY, MARY E. On Tuesday. April 27. 1937, at her residence. 217 F st. n.w.. MARY E. MURRAY, the beloved daughter of the late Charles and Mary E. Murray. Remains resting at H. M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th »t. s.e. Funeral from the above funeral home on Thursday. April 29. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 28 NEALON. GEORGE A Suddenly, on Tues day April 27. 1937. at his residence, Indianhead, Md.. GEORGE A. NEALON. beloved husband of Agnes Ahearn Nealon and beloved father of Geanne, George and James Nealon and brother of Mayme Mason and James Nealon. both of Wash ington. D. C. Remains resting at the late residence, 38 Strauss ave.. Indian head, Md. Requiem mass at St. Mary’s ®Jar °*the Sea Church. Indianhead, Md.. at 9:30 a m. on Thursday. April 29. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. PARKER. EDGAR DELANEY. On Sun day. •5pril 25. 3 937. at his residence, T*H^,,frospect ave- n.w.. EDGAR DE LANEY PARKER. devoted husband of Annie Parker, father of Willis Benny Parker. He also leaves several sisters, brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. E Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w., until Wednesday noon: thereafter at his late residence. Funeral Thursday. April 29. at l p.m.. from the above residence. Father Douse officiating. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. A. °n Tuesday. AprU*27. 193, LUCY A ROGERS, beloved wife °* V}e late John F. Rogers and mother of Mrs. Alberta R. Wilson and Albert j Rogers of Dayton. Ohio. Funeral from i the W. W. Deal funeral home. 816 H i st. n.e.. on Thursday. April 29 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter- 1 ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 28 ROSETTA. VITO A. On Tuesday. April r-.Li, 3.93/. at_Walter Reed Hospital. VITO A. ROSETTA, beloved husband of ffrerl?r Rosetta. Remains resting at the W. W Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. SULLIVAN. CORNELIUS. On Wednesday April 28. 1937. at his residence. 1328 Randolph st. n.e.. CORNELIUS SULLI VAN. beloved husband of Elizabeth Sul livan. Remains resting at W. Warren Taltavull's funeral home. 14th st. and Spring rd. n.w Funeral notice later. On Monday. April 26. I 193,. at his residence. 3720 Gasch st.. Brentwood. Md., EDWARD beloved hus band of Gussie Sword. Remains resting at Gasch s funeral home. 40 Maryland ave,. Hyattsville. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Thursday. April -• • ~ Pm. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. TAYLOR. SUE LEE. On Tuesday April lii*17- af children s Hospital. SUE LEE TAYLOR beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert N Taylor of 1375 Hamilton st. n.w Funeral from the above residence on Friday. April 30. at 8:30 a.m. Mass of the angels at the Church of the Nativity at 9 a m. Rela tives and friends invited to attend. TAYLOR. WILLIAM C. Departed this life April 20. 1937. at Providence Hospital, WILLIAM C. TAYLOR, aged 75 years, of 4911 V st. n.w. His departure is mourned by his dear friends, Mrs Eliza beth Heyer. Mr. and Mrs J. German. Rosemary Taylor and Betti Wood be sides relatives and others. Interment Thursday at 9 a.m. St. Paul's Church. Portsmouth. Va. 29 UNDERWOOD. MARCELINA. On Monday. April 20. 1937. at her residence. 225 Mass, ave n.w. MARCELINA UNDER WOOD. wife of the late Albert Under wood and mother of the late Rev William Underwood, the late Mrs. Sadie Boyde. Mrs. Nellie S. Graves and Joseph Un derwood, mothcr-in-law of Joseph Graves. Thomas Boyde and Florence Underwood Funeral Thursday, April 29 at 1 p.m.. from Israel C. M. E. Church. N. J. ave. and Morgan st. n.w. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Ar rangements by McGuire. 28 WALKER. JUNIUS. On Monday April 20. 1937. at his residence. 2420 North 15th st.. Philadelphia. Pa.. JUNIUS WALKER. I devoted husband of the late Lizzie Clark ! Walker. Funeral on Thursday. April 29. WALKER. MARY. On Saturday. April 74 1937. MARY WALKER, the beloved mother of David Walker and Isabella Walker of Redbank N J. Remains resting at Suttbn A Brown’s funeral home. 1344 4th st. n.w. Funeral services will be held at St Peter’s Baptist Church. 10th and V sts. n.w . Thursday. April 29. at 1 p m.. Rev. B F Smith officiating. Interment Kinston. N. C. • WASHINGTON. JAMES. On Monday. April 20. 1937. JAMES WASHINGTON of 1521 9th st. n.w . devoted husband of Lizzie Washington, father of Dorothy. George and America Washington; broth er of Addie Lee Golden. Ella Brock and John Washington; nephew of Elizabeth Turner. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home 389 R. I. ave. n.w.. until 8:30 a m. Thursday. April 29; thence to Standardsville Va. WEADON. WILLIAM CLINTON. On Tues- 1 day. April 27. 1937. WILLIAM CLIN TON WEADON. husband of Julia Weadon and father of Mrs. Mary Eva Rudisill ; and Rodger T. Weadon Funeral from the W\ W. Chambers Co Southeast fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of time later. WHITE. KATIE. Departed this life on Saturday. April 74. 1937. after a long illness. KATIE WHITE She leaves to mourn their loss a loving husband. Jos eph White; four sons. Joseph, jr.: Nor man. John and William, and one daugh ter. Annie May White and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home. HI4 4t.h st. s.w. Funpral on Thursday April 29. at 1 p.m.. from the above-named funeral parlors. Rev. W. Westray offi ciating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 1 in fHpmnrtam. ACRES. IOLA WASHINGTON AND ER NEST. A tribute of loving devotion to i the memory of our loved ones. IOLA WASHINGTON ACRES, who departed , this life April 11. 1921. and our dear J brother. ERNEST ACRES, who so sud- , denly left us April 28. 1931. Not yet. dear God. anothpr day With us let our beloved ones stay: We must believe when falls the blow That wisely God has willed it so. BROTHERS AND SISTER. BARNES. PERRY. Sacred to the memory of our dear husband and father. PERRY BARNES, who passed away two years ago today. April 28, 1935. Sweetly resting In thy Savior's care. WIPE. JULIA BARNES. AND CHILDREN. LENA AND LEONA. CLARK. ZEBULON. In loving memory of my dear husband. ZEBULON CLARK, who died one year ago today April 28. 1936 Our loved one left. Leaving wife and only chlid bereft. HIS WIFE AND ONLY SON. ALVIN. DAGGS. FRANK W. In loving remem brance of my husband. PRANK W. DAGGS who departed this life two years ago today. April 28. 1935. Remembrance keeps you near. LOVING WIFE. • DAVIES. ESTELLE. In memory of my dear mother. ESTELLE DAVIES, who passed away one year ago today. April 28. 1936. God’s hidden saints we call them. Their earthly life work o’er; They rest, all sorrow ended. With God forevermore. DAUGHTER ANITA. * GUDGIN. MARGARET. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our beloved mother. MARGARET GUDGIN. who entered eternal rest one year ago today. April 28. 1936. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day. dear mother. That we do not think of you. HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. KATHER INE AND ALCINDA GUDGIN • HANDS. JOHN. In loving memory of our father. JOHN HANDS, who passed away nineteen years ago today. April 28. 1918. Loved in life, remembered in death. HIS LOVING SON WILLIAM. • HURLEY JOHN W. Sacred to the memory of my friend. JOHN W. HURLEY, who departed this life six years ago today. April 28. 1931. MAY. • KANE. WILLIAM A. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear husband and father. WILLIAM A. KANE, who passed away one year ago today. April 28. 1936. WIPE AND CHILDREN. * KELLY. PETER D. In loving memory of my dear husband. PETER D KELLY, who departed this life two years ago today. April 28. 1935. The lace I loved is now laid low. His loving voice is still. The hand so often rlasped in mint Lies now in death’s cold chill. I often sit and think of him When I am all alone. For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own. HIS LOVING WIPE. MAGGIE KELLY. • KING, THERESA HAWKINS. In memory of our dear wife and mother. THERESA HAWKINS KING, who passed away one year ago today. April 28. 1936. THE FAMILY. • NICHOLS. ADALADE. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. ADA LADE NICHOLS, who passed away nine years ago today. April 28. 1928. May she rest in peace. HER DAUGHTERS. BERTHA. ANNA AND RUBY. • REID. VEOLA MENARD. In memory of our loving daughter and sister. VEOLA MENARD REID, who departed this life six years ago today. April 28. 1931. Deep in our hearts you are fondly re membered. Sweet happy memories cling to your name. True hearts that loved you with deepest a fleet ion Always will love you in death just the same. THE FAMILY. • TYLER. MAMIE E. In memory of one who will long be remembered in this world and whom we look forward to meeting in the hereafter. Mrs. MAMIE E. TYLER, who passed away two years ago today. April 28. 1935. If ever a love existed. If ever a sweet flower grew; If ever a soul filled its mission on earth. Darling mother. It was you. SON. CHARLES TYLER. AND RELA TIVES. WILSON. MARY LEE. In sad but loving remembrance of our devoted mother, MARY LEE WILSON, who suddenly fell asleep in Jesus’ arms five years ago to day. April 28. 3932. When days are dark and friends are few. Dear mother, how we miss you. There may be friends who may be true. But we lost our best friend when we lost you. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • NG. Former Virginia Executive Was Head of Veterans’ Appeals Board. John Garland Pollard, 65, chairman of the Board of Veterans’ Appeals and former Governor of Virginia, died of bronchial pneumonia early today at his home, 1026 Sixteenth street. At his bedside when death came were his wife and three children. He was first stricken with a bronchial affliction last September, but appar ently recovered after a trip to the South. About three weeks ago, how ever, he suffered a relapse and his con dition became critical. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Grove Avenue Baptist Church, in Richmond, with Rev. W. C. James officiating. Mr. Pollard will be buried in Hollywood Cemetery in the Virginia city. Pall bearers had not yet been named today. Mr. Pollard had a notable career as a lawyer, benefactor of underprivileged children, newspaper publisher, war worker, college professor, Governor of his State and Federal official after overcoming 14 years of semi-invalidism in his youth. As the "depression Governor” of Virginia from 1930 to 1934, he main tained a balanced budget by holding expenditures to meet revnue when the State's income was curtailed. He was the "father" of the Virginia Art Commission and he took great pride in the founding of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, for which he had long worked with John Barton Payne. Came Here in 1934. In 1934 Mr. Pollard moved his home to Washington, where he had studied law in his youth, following his ap pointment to the Board of Veterans' Appeals by President Roosevelt. Throughout his life Mr. Pollard de voted much time and effort to aid homeless and otherwise underpriv ileged children and for many years was president of the Virginia Chil dren's Home Society. Born in King and Queen County, Va., on August 4. 1871, the son of the Rev. and Mrs. John P. Pollard, the former Governor graduated from Richmond College in 1891 and came to Washington to study law at Columbian College, now George Washington Uni versity. Prom 1902 to 1907 he served as a member of the Virginia Constitutional Convention and as chairman of the Virginia Commission on Uniform State Laws. He was elected as a presi dential elector in 1904 and served as attorney general of the State and a member of the State Board of Educa tion from 1913 to 1917. As Attorney General, Mr. Pollard at tracted widespread attention through his vigorous campaigns to clean up race track gambling. He ran for gov ernor at the completion of his term, but trailed Westmoreland Davis and 1 Lieut. Gov. J. Taylor Ellyson in the three-cornered contest for the Demo cratic nomination. Was Richmond Publisher. Financial difficulties of the Rich mond State, since abandoned, brought him into the publishing business. He later said he acquired the paper almost for the price of the pay roll. Later, he sold it to the late Joseph Bryan, publisher of the Richmond Times and I the Richmond Leader. At the outbreak of the World War Mr. Pollard engaged in educational work for the Federal Government among the soldiers overseas. He re turned to Virginia to recruit 100 men and 60 girls for Y. M. C. A. work in France. Later, he went back to Europe to lead the “Y” court-martial and investigate charges against the organization. He continued his work with the “Y” until 1919, when he was named to the Claims Division of the War Department. In 1920 and 1921 Mr. Pollard served as a member of the Federal Trade Commission. He resigned that post in 1922 to become dean of the Mar shall-Wythe School of Government and Citizenship at the College of William and Mary, a position he held until he became a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor in 1929. He also served the college as professor of government and consti tutional law. First Wife Died in 1932. Mr. Pollard's first wife, the former Grace Phillips, died May 4, 1932, and in July, 1933, he married his secretary, the former Violet Elizabeth McDougall. His daughter and two sons were mar ried while he served as Governor. They are Mrs. Herbert Lee Boatwright and John Garland Pollard, jr., of Washington, and Charles P. Pollard of New York City. Mr. Pollard was widely known In CORNS Say goodbye to risky razor* and clumsy com* pads. A new liquid N OX ACORN relieves pain quick. Soon the com (or callus) loosen* and comes out with ease. Absolutely safe. Contains pure castor oil. iodine and "corn aspirin." 3 bottle saves untold misery. Druggist refunds /'CPSnI i money if it fails. Vrrsry L___I HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Lowered Symptoms Relieved Scientific testa prove that High Blood Preaanre can in many eases be low* •red, kept lowered, and the accompany* ing symptoms of headaches and dizsi ness greatly relieved by the regular and continued use of ALLIlflN Essence of Garlic Parsley Tablets. Compounded from pure Essence of Garlic and Parsley and specially colled, thssa tablets are tasteless—odorless—and posi tively guaranteed free from dangerous drugs of every kind. Be sure to ask for these tab lets by name — ALLIMIN — and insist om economy sits, 11.00. At PEOPLES and other rood drug stores. ADVERTISEMENT. If Constipated Take This Tip Here’s one of the friendliest tips one can give another—how to really relieve Constipation. It is simply this: One or two E-Z Tablets taken when bilious, due to Constipation, are amaz ingly, effective . . . yet so mild and gentle. If you haven’t felt good for sometime . . . have headaches, tired feeling, no pep, you may be suffering from Intestinal Fatigue, commonly called Constipation. If so, E-Z Tablets are what you need. You get 60 little E-Z Tablets for 35c. At all good drug stores. Illness Fatal JOHN GARLAND POLLARD. official circles for his keen sense of humor and ready wit. He was author of a book which he called "A Conno tary,” a collection of clever definitions. Typical was his definition of a poli tician—“One who stands for what he thinks the voters will fall for." Under Mr. Pollard’s administration Virginia ratified the amendment re pealing the prohibition law and estab lished the dispensary system for selling liquor. Mr. Pollard championed the fight of District citizens for national represen tation. In an address before the Soci ety of Natives two years ago, it was re called, he urged voteless District resi dents to fight for their “rights as citi zens of the United States." He was a member of the Cosmos Club, the Richmond Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the William and Mary Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. He formerly was president of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. CRASH INTO POLE KILLS MOTORIST Oxon Hill Resident Dies of In juries—Two Hurt by Hit and-Run Driver. A resident of Oxon Hill, Md., died In Casualty Hospital late yesterday of injuries received a few hours ear lier, when his car went out of con trol and crashed into a power pole on the Marlboro pike near District Heights, Md. Meanwhile police here broadcast a lookout for a hit-and-run driver who injured two residents of Arlington, Va., late yesterday while they were on Key Bridge watching the flood. The man fatally injured was David Hendley, 32, a grocery clerk. His machine crashed through the post and hurtled into a field for 75 feet, throwing him from behind the steer ing wheel. Hendley, alone in the ma chine at the time, suffered head in juries and a crushed chest. Joseph P. Hillman, 30. and Paul P. Kavanaugh of Arlington were the victims of the Key Bridge mishap. Hillman was treated for a broken shoulder at Emergency Hospital and Kavanaugh for cuts about the face and hands. Myrtle Lee, 32, of 2121 New York avenue was treated at Casualty Hos pital last night for shock after the automobile in which she was a pas senger was in collision with another machine at Twenty-eighth street and Pennsylvania avenue southeast. MAIN LINE OPENS Some B. Sc O. Branches Still Sus pended Due to Flood. BALTIMORE. April 28 (£>).—'The Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad announced today that its main line operations were normal after the recent flood. Service on some branch lines was still suspended, however. Water was over the tracks at Wheeling. W. Va., delays occurred on some other lines due to the flood. Mil RITES THIS AFTERNOON Many Persons of Promi nence to Attend Funeral for Bishop. Many persons of prominence were expected to attend funeral services this afternoon for Bishop William F. McDowell, 79, in Foundry M. E. Church. The services were scheduled for 2:30 p.m., and the body was to lie in state in the church from 10:30 am. until a half hour before the funeral. Rev. Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, pastor of Foundry Church, is in charge of the services. Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, resident bishop of the Washington area, and Bishop Francis J. McConnell of New York were scheduled to speak. Ministers Assisting. Other ministers assisting in the serv ices are Rev. Dr. G. Ellis Williams, su perintendent of the Washington dis trict of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Rev. Dr. James Shera Mont gomery, chaplain of the House; Rev. Dr. J. M. M. Gray, chancellor of Amer ican University, and Rev. Walter S. Jackson of Hagerstown, Md. Burial will be tomorrow in Dela ware, Ohio. Additional services will be held in Gray Chapel, Ohio Wes leyan University, at 2 p.m. tomorrow. The services there are being arranged by Dr. Edmund Soper, president, of Ohio Wesleyan, of which Bishop Mc Dowell was an alumnus. Bishop Hughes and Rev. J. C. Millian will assist in the services at Gray Chapel. They and Miss Maude E. Wilson, Bishop McDowell's secretary, will ac company the body to Ohio. Honorary Pallbearers. The list of honorary pallbearers for the funeral is headed by Secretary of Commerce Roper and includes many prominent persons. The active pall bearers list is made up of clergymen. Bishop McDowell, who died Monday of a heart attack at his residence, 2400 Sixteenth street, was bishop of the Washington area from 1916 to 1932, when he retired. He served as resident Bishop of Chicago from 1904 to 1916. Widely known as a churchman and speaker. Bishop McDowell had held a number of important offices in his church and had written many articles dealing with religious subjects. He was a noted scholar and held many degrees. Milbum T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North 8!do of Stanton Park. FLOWERS DUPONT CIRCLE N0 7000 0e£&ruj Jmtations and /Jn nounccments' * 0 The imprint of Bre wood under the enve lope flap on your wed ding stationery guar antees the best crafts manship and style at very moderate prices. *BReUH£>D Entjravrra «nb Tin* Trintrw 1217 G Street Thirty-Seven Yeors Young For thirty-seven years we have been serving the people of Washington and vicinity, but in all these long years we have ever kept up-to-date in our methods, our funeral home and equipment. The years have added to our ex perience and knowledge, but have not taken from us our everlasting progressive viewpoint. That is why we have constantly occupied the position of leadership which we hold in this field of service. The Price Is Your Choice WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 A good reputation is our most valuable asset A good reputation is priceless, for it is something that takes many years to create. The James T. Ryan Funeral Home enjoys the reputation for offering funeral services rich in beauty, dignity and refinement, fairly priced, and within the means of every family. You may place full confi dence in Ryan service for every help in bereavement. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service, the Last Word in A mbulance Service. Phone AT. 1700. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 A. M. DANIELS’ MOTHER DIES OF LONG ILLNESS Native of Eastern Shore Had Been Resident of D. C. Since 1859. ' Mr*. Emma Virginia Daniels, 84, mother of Ara Marcus Daniels, jr., consulting engineer and potentate of Almas Temple of the Mystic Shrine, died last night after a long illness at her home, 1637 Underwood street. A native of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Mrs. Daniels had been a Washington resident since 1859. She was married in 1882 to the late Ara Marcus Daniels, sr., early Washing ton druggist, in the drug business here for 35 years. He died in 1907. Besides her son, she leaves two grandchildren, David Whitmore Daniels and Mark Daniels, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the residence. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. CORNELIUS SULLIVAN, MUSICIAN, DIES HERE Cornelius Sullivan, 51, cornet and saxophone player in the National The ater Orchestra, died of pneumonia to day at his home, 1328 Randolph street northeast. Mr. Sullivan, for the last 10 years a Washington resident, came here from Fall River, Mass. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Elsie Sullivan, and four sons, Cornelius, Jr.; John A., Francis and Ross Sullivan, this city; three brothers, Dr. Timothy Sullivan, retired physician, this city; Alfred Sullivan, Philadelphia, and William Sullivan, Boston, and a sister, Mrs. Millie Corbitt, Boston. Beware of Traffic Trifles. The margin between safety and danger is truly a narrow one. A bump In the road, a sudden turn, .. quick stop by the car ahead, blinding lights, failure of brakes. Any of these may send your car crashing Into the ditch in a twinkling. Insignificant things may cause the greatest tragedy. (ede,r Hill ‘WaAlutujtmiA molBwufthJ (emetery Command? Maanolron. Coliabirlaa and Receiving Vault*. See better and work better! A man t success in hit work depends on his skill—and he can only be skillful if hit vision it keen and sure. Improve your vition—and you improve your earning ehancet! Know more about your eyetight by contusing the registered optometrist here. 1004 F ST. N.W. ~ I _I TRIE GRAND RAPIDS CARiotr OjJ.) A-2ID48 ★ Cuban Mahogany A Registered Grand Rapids Group From Which You May Make Up You Own Bed Room Suite Chippendale influence is apparent in this charming Early American Group. Many different pieces from which you may make up your own Bed Room Suite. Fine Grand Rapids construction and noble quality throughout. See this group at once. Chest of Drawers_$65 Toilet Table___$65 Bench_$21 Chair_$21 Night Table_$21 Poster Beds, each__$52.50 ★ When we mention mahogany we mean GENUINE MAHOGANY, whether it is used in connection with other cabinet woods or used exclusively. GENUINE MAHOGANY grows ONLY in the West Indies, Tropical America and on the west coast of Africa. Woods commonly known under the name of Philippine Mahogany ARE NOT PERMITTED in our regular stocks. Panel Bed-$52.50 Highboy_$95 Many Other Distinctive Suites Shown Now MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E