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Looks Like the City Dump It’s not, though—not by a long shot. The photographer had to go only as far as the Treasury to find this scene, which shores a broken automobile bumper, a broken bottle, matches and cigarette butts. Undoubtedly, the Treasury Department wel comed the “Clean-up weeks,” which began last week. ____—Star Staff Photo. Daughters of 1812 Hear Ad-; dress by Andre La Fargue, : French Legion Head. The women of present-day America should stand shoulder to shoulder with their men in times of stress, just as they did in the War of 1812, Andre La Fargue, commander of the Legion of Honor of France, told the Daughters of 1812 last night at their annual banquet at the Willard Hotel. La Fargue cited Dolly Madison, Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte and Rachel Jackson as examples of wom en of the 1812 period. He also cited the heroic efforts of women in the Battle of New Orleans and proposed a park be created in its memory like that for Gettysburg and Yorktown. Dr. Earl E. Harper, president of Simpson College, also spoke last night, having been forced to miss the open ing session on Monday due to the weather. He told the delegates that "America is demanding more and more education of a useful sort and a longer educative period for its youth.” The banquet was one of the high points in the forty-fifth annual con vention of the society. A chorus of harpists, led by Mrs. Dorothy John stone Baseler, and impersonations of early Presidents’ wives by Miss Mar garet P. Blish featured the dinner .program. Mrs. John Francis Weinmann, re tiring president of the society, was honored with a silver book from the society, presented by Mrs. Robert J. Johnston, honorary national presi dent, and a medal from the Louisiana Historical Society, presented by La Fargue. Hew officers of the society were nominated yesterday without oppo sition. Mrs. Arthur J. O'Neill of Chicago, former national treasurer of the so ciety, was named for president. Those named with Mrs. O'Neill are Miss Minnie B. Wade, first vice presi dent; Mrs. A. Lee Smiser, second vice president; Mrs. H. B. Diefen bach. third vice president; Mrs. Joseph W. Marsh, fourth vice president; Mrs. William A. Porter, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. Maurice A. Blake, treas urer; Mrs. Henry W. Warren, his torian; Miss Katherine H. Wootten, librarian, and Mrs. P. S. Tilson, cura tor. During the day Mrs. Weinmann presented a Slate charter for the New Hampshire society to Mrs. R. H. Steams, who has reorganized the State society during the last year after it had been disbanded several years •go. Reports of State presidents occupied the 500 delegates this morning. The •fternoon program calls for reports of committees, culminating in installa tion of new officers and adjournment. Three members of the society are present at the convention whose fathers fought in the War of 1812. They are Mrs. George F. Sibley and Mrs. Clara L. Dowling, both of Wash ington, and Mrs. Betty Jordan Elliott, Greensboro, N. C. BATTERY PARK CITIZENS SELECT NEW OFFICERS Directors and Delegates to Mont gomery Civic Federation Also Chosen. BdmIsI Dispatch to The Star. BATTERY PARK, April 28 —Offl ters and directors were elected and delegates to the Montgomery County CiTio Federation were elected at the *£ast /tesourc* mates ugly itchy PIMPLES DISAPPEAR IN 3 WEEKS "Disagreeable surface pimples and bright red patches broke out on my face and forehead. They itched and my appearance made me miserable. I tried several ointments to no avail. Then I purchased some Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in' three weeks my complexion was clear and smooth again.” (Signed) Miss S. Fortier, 959 (Worcester Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Wonderful relief for pimples, rashes, itching and burning of eczema and other skin and scalp conditions of external origin when you use Cuticura. Buy BOTH today. FREE samples by writ ing "Cuticura” Dept. 33, Malden, Mass. annual meeting of the Battery Park ' Citizen's Association last night. Capt. F. O. Smith was named presi dent, J. B. McPherson vice president, F. T. Farmer secretary and Wesley I. Sauter treasurer. For its directors, the association chose Dr. E. F. Koh man, Paul Ledig. Mrs. H. B. Richard son and W. J. Norfleet. To represent it in the Montgomery County Civic Federation the associa tion elected the following delegates: Capt. Smith, R Granville Curry and Maj. Adam Richmond, and as alter nates. W. J. Norfleet, Carey Quinn and R B. Looker. Quinn was named counsel for the organization for another year. -•— Beef cattle raisers should select a type smooth in comformation and blocky in build, advises F. W. Bell, animal husbandry expert at Kansas State College. BIRTHDAY EXERCISES HELD FOR GEN. GRANT Representative Robsion Speaks at Monument to Sons of Union Veterans’ Gathering:. In commemoration of the birthday of Gen. U. S. Grant, members of William B. Cushing Camp, No. 30, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, together with their auxiliary and special guests, held services yes terday at the Grant Monument in Union Square. Representative Rohsion of Kentucky delivered a short commemorative ad dress and Mme. Julta Cantacuzene, granddaughter of Gen. Grant and national president of the Dames of the Loyal Legion, laid a wreath of memory at the foot of the monument. Other wreaths were laid by the Women's Relief Corps, Department of Potomac; Cushing Auxiliary, No. 4, Auxiliary of the Sons of Union Vet erans of the Civil War; Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the Ladies' G. A. R., Department of the Potomac. -• 1,200 Deer Killed. More than 1,200 deer were killed on Webb County, Tex., ranches during the season that ended December 31, Game Warden Arthur Gardner esti mates. W. C. TAYLOR DIES FROM LONG ILLNESS W. C. Taylor, 75, of 4911 V street, retired bricklaying contractor, died Monday night in Providence Hospital. He had been 111 about a month. Mr. Taylor had lived here for the last 15 years and retired frofn busi ness about 10 years ago. Before com ing here he was in business in Vir ginia. Among survivors are a brother, George Taylor, of this city, and three sons and three daughters, all of Ports mouth. Funeral services will be held at 9 'a m. tomorrow in St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Portsmouth. Hair must b« healthy to be good-looking. .. Let 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic help... it cleanses and tones the scalp, adds life and lustre. Here's the routiner RUB THE TONIC well into the scalp and hair. THEN STEAM THE HEAD by wrapping it in towels ■ that have been wrung out of hot water... Shampoo. 3 -— -vXSSBH THESE TONIC TREATMENTS are excellent (or conditioning the hair before and after a permanent wave ... Correct dryness and dandruff, supplement natural scalp oils, bring out the beauty of your wave. Why not try one? Vaseline HAIR" ONIC ■CO. u. •. PAT. OPP. c*pr. IW7. Cheeebroacb Mfff. C#.. Cmi 4. ACME QUALITY PORCH&DECK ENAMEL Can take itl Porch and Deck Enamel is the best and most economical floor enamel you can buy—because of its rock like durability. Made for use on wood or concrete floors—in kitchens, halls, bedrooms, basements, garages, porches, etc.—inside or outside sur faces. SEE YOUR NEAREST ACME QUALITY DEALER Max Cohen, 4813 Ga. Ave. N.W. F. Frager, 1115 Pa. Ave. S.E. Max Goldberg, 259 15th St. S.E. Fred M. Haas, 2014 R. I. Ave. N.E. Loveless Hwd. Co., 23 Fla. Ave. N.W. Geo. L. Mayhew, 1847 7th St. N.W. R. S. Mead, No. Beach, Md. Miller Hardware, 800 King St., Alex., Va. Moore Hardware, 3430 14th St. N.W. Brookland Hardware, 3501 12th St. N.E. Louis A. Pincus, 426 7th St. S.W. John F. Scott, Fredericksburg, Va. Geo. B. Stevens, 2755 Nichols Ave. S.E. Geo. Walsh, 827 Upshur St. N.W. D. Weinberg, 530 4th St. S.W. Geo. M. Yeatman, 3141 Wilson Blvd., Clarendon, Va. Robert Tilch, Silesia, Md. Walter Kuehn, Bryant Rd., Md. Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star NEW MOTOR FUEL ... REVOLUTIONARY! ... MONEY-SAVING! GET THIS REMARKABLE GAS5GINE AT THE FOLLOWING DEALERS: NORTHWEST Amato Coal Co., 1218 4th St. N.W. West End Auto Supply, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Blair Road Service Station, 6429 Blair Road N.W. Sheridan Service Station, 6312 Georgia Ave. N.W. Bright wood Service Center, 5949 Georgia Ave. N.W. Dome Oil Co., Blair Road and Cedar St., Tako«na Park. Dome Oil Co., 16th and Taylor Sts. N.W. Alvin J. Farmer, 6th and Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Firestone Auto Supply & Service, 13th and K Sts. N.W. Harry and Abe Glickman, 258 Carroll St., Takoma Park. William Paul Hamm, Wisconsin Ave. and Van Ness St. N.W. Herbert’s Tire Repair Shop, 3150 Mt. Pleasant St. N.W. Lawrence P. Higgins, Park Drive and Virginia Avs. N.W. Samuel C. Hubbard, Georgia Are. and Underwood St. N.W. Miller’s Super Service Station, 3734 Georgia Ave. N.W. Minute Service Station No. 7, Inc., 3939 Conduit Road N.W. Valley Service Station, 4S04 Arkansas Ave. N.W. Wardman Park Garage, Connecticut Ave. and Woodley Road N.W. Greystone Service Station, 1101 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. NORTHEAST. Aaron Bernstein, 1309 New York Ave. N.E. Sidney Broida, 1735 Benning Road N.E. Oscar T. Burrell, 47th and Deane Ave. N.E. Stephen A. Clements, Jr., 813 13th St. N.E. R. G. Dunne & Co., 600 H St. N.E. Fort Lincoln Service Station, 3107 Bladensburg Road N.E. Paul Hammer, 3000 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. * A William H. Limerick, 4430 Benning Road N.E. Rhode Island Avenue Filling Station, 6th and Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Courtesy Service Station, 2315 Bladensburg Road N.E. Schneider’s Service Station, 1729 Bladensburg Road N.E. Howard’s Service Station, 1000 Bladensburg Road N.E. Smith & Stevenson, 900 4th St. N.E. John O. Wilson, 1950 Benning Road N.E. SOUTHWEST Washington Tourist Camp, Potomac Park. SOUTHEAST Peter C. Bowman, 3101 Nichols Ave. S..E. Federal Oil Co., Nichols Ave. and Orange St. S.E. Jerome Hurst, 15th and C Sts. S.E. Clark Keene, 3300 Pennsylvania Ave. SJk John H. Schwarzmann, 13th and Pennsylvania Ave. 8.E. 1 Earl Williams, 103 Atlantic Ave. S.E. VIRGINIA Homer G. Bauserman, Columbia Pike and Glebe Road. Arlington. Chimney Villa Service Station, Falls Church. J. B. Burroughs, Virginia Highlands. Old Dominion Service Station, 3432 Lee Highway, Arlington. Tide Water Service Station, Hunting Creek, Alexandria. Economy Service Station, Halls HiU. Frazier & Taliaferro, Falls Church. Morris Levy, Arlington. E. X. Mervine, Potomac. Marion W. Miller, Wilson Blvd. and N. Irving St., Clarendon. Milstead’s Garage, 1501 Wilson Blvd., Clarendon. Dennis J. Smlthers, Drainesville. Joe's Place, Annadale. \ 1 Joseph T. Toone, Jr, Cherry dale. J. E. & Agatha Willett, West Falls Church. MARYLAND Buns’ Service Station, Berwyn. De Wilton H. Donaldson, 6th and Montgomery Are, Laurel. Gingell Motor Co, Berwyn. Queen’s Chapel Service Station, Hyattsrille. Edward J. Jarvis, Betterille. Noah Joffe, Chestnut St., Bowie. Traveller's Service Station. Hyattsrille. Rosie’s Service Station, 619 Baltimore Bird, Brentwood. R. A. Shreve, Jr, Cottage City. Steele’s Garage, Sea brook. Minnie ft Henry WeoMen, Laurel. s