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ON D. MANGE Dollar Value of Stock and Bond Dealings Higher in March. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Trading on the Washington Stock Exchange in March was substantially ahead of February in the total dollar value of all stock and bond transac tions, the Security and Exchange Commission reported in its monthly summary of business on all regis 1 tered exchanges. The dollar value of all Washington stock and bond sales during the month amounted to $193,058. as com pared with $173,348 in the preceding month. The dollar value of stock sales alone totaled $131,498, against $86,585 in February. At. the same time March sales involved a turn over of 1.380 shares, in comparison with 1,129 in the earlier month. Bond trading was not quite as heavy in March as in February, the j dollar value dropping to $61,560, as ! compared with $86,763 in February. The March record was better than the January figures, however, when bond sales totaled $55,205. Total 'stock and bond trading in Marrh was also the largest of any month in the first quarter, the total value of all sales in January being $156,507. Trading on all registered exchanges in March was $3,416,595,823, against $2,977,978,904 in the previous month, the largest total since the commission began compiling the figures in 1934. j This was a 14 per cent gain over J February and 23 per cent over March a year ago. Willis Assumes New Duties. Stanley D. Willis, who is counsel for the National Metropolitan Bank and has been connected with the in stitution for the past 15 years, will assume his new duties as trust officer on May 1, to which posi tion he was elected at the March meeting of the directors. Bom in Wash ington in De cember. 1888, he w-as educated in the grade and high schools in the Capital and then took his law degree at George town University, Stanley D. Willis. class of 1910. Since that time he has j been a practicing attorney here, being I a member of the District of Colum- j bia. and American Bar Associations. | Mr. Willis was a former partner of Jackson H. Ralston. He is a past j president of the Manor Club, member j of the Washington Board of Trade, j Society of Natives and other organi- ! nations and is a director in the Pus- ; sell-Young Ice Cream Corp. At pres- i ent he is enjoying a short vacation in i Bermuda. Retail Sales Best in South. Daily average sales in small towns end rural areas for March showed a larger increase in the South than in * other parts of the country, as com- | pared with March, 1936. Estimates ! of the Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce, based on dollar value of rural chain store and mail | order sales, indicate that sales in the j South were 29 per cent above March ' of last year. The other three regions ! recorded gains of between 15 per cent I and 20 per cent each. An increase of about 1812 per cent was shown for the country as a whole. Average daily sales of chain drug stores in March, 1937, were 8.5 per cent higher than in March, 1936. The . greatest gain was shown by tobacco I sales, which were 11.1 per cent higher, | followed by fountain sales with a 9.3 per cent increase from last March, ! while "all other” sales increased 7.6 per cent. New Yire President Named. J. F. Fogarty, president of the North ! American Co., announced today that Frederick H. Piske had been appointpd a vice president following his election as a director at the annual meeting. He has been with the company 26 years, secretary since 1926. Reed Hartel. assistant secretary since 1928, was elected secretary. William C. Hrise was appointed assistant secre tary and Frank H. Schneider was made assistant treasurer. Trends in American commerce with individual countries Is shown in a re view of export trade for 1936 just completed by the Foreign Commerce Department of the Chamber of Com merce of the United States. "Exports to the British empire as a whole,” the chamber reports, "made a greater increase than those to other countries, more than 8 per cent, con stituting about 43 per cent of our total sales abroad. Quarterly Dividends Yoted. Directors of the Washington Rail way & Electric Co. have declared the regular quarterly dividend of $9 a share on the common stock, payable May 29 to stockholders of record'May 15, and the usual quarterly dividend on the preferred of $1.25 per share, payable June 1 to stock of record May 15. The usual quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on Potomac Electric Power 6 per cent preferred stock has been voted, payable June 1 to stock of record May 15; also the regular quarterly dividend of $1.37 Vi per share on the 5 Vi per cent preferred stock, payable June 1 to shareholders of record May 15. On the Washington Stock Exchange today Anacostia & Potomac first 5s sold at 76 and Capital Traction Ss changed hands at 93. Potomac Elec tric Power 5 Vi preferred and the 6 per cent preferred both sold at 111 Vi. Washington Gas 5s, 1960. came out at 117Vi. The final transaction was an other sale in National Capital Bank stock at 145, unchanged. INCREASE IN FLAXSEED CRUSH IS DISCLOSED By the Associated Press. The Census Bureau reported today flaxseed crushed in the quarter end ing March 31 totaled 228.904 tons, compared with 198,642 fn the corre sponding quarter last year and 161,116 two years ago. Linseed oil produced totaled 16,877, 263 pounds, compared with 132,136,919 a year ago and 111,822,662 two years ago. Stocks of flaxseed at mills March 31 totaled 84,063 tons, compared with 68.149 a year ago and 58,629 two years ago. Stocks of linseed oil reported by crushers March 31 totaled 93,395,673 pounds, compared with 149.030,984 a year ago and 87,514,22^ two years ago. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. All New York markets are now on daylight saving time. Prev. 19.37 Stock and Seles— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 55 49% Abbott Lab (tl.60). 2 50% 49% 49% —1% 84% 63% Acme Stael (4)- 2 77 76% 76%-3 22% 15 Adams Exp (a55c)_. 60 17% 16% 17 — % 28% 24% Adams Minis (bl)_ 3 25% 25% 25%—% 36 30% Addressograph (1). 9 32% 32% 32%+ % 4% 2% Advance Rumely_ 5 2% 2% 2% 80% 68% Air Reduction (tl)_ 26 73 72 72% -1% 5% 3% Air*\Vay Electric... 16 3% 2% 2% - % 15% 12% Alaska Jun lt60c)__ 39 13 12% 12% - % 3% Alleghany Corp- 101 4% 3% 4 - % 5. % 43% Allegpf ww $30- 16 61 48% 48% -2% 4+5^4 All eg pf ww $40_ 3 50 .47 47 -2 52*4 40Va Alleg Corp pr pf_ 2 4(U* 40 40 -2V* 35^ AUeg Steel (b80c)— 10 36% 35Vi 35*i - % & 22 Allen Indus tl)_ 2 21% 21 21 —1 258V* 225 Allied Chem (6)_ 10 233 224 224 —9 33% 25 Allied Mills (b50c). 19 24% 24% 24%-% -I'* 16% Allied Stores (b20c) 46 17% 16% 16%-% ™ "0% Allied Strs pf (5)— 2 81 79% 79% -1% 83 a 63% Allls-Chalm <b50c)_ 47 66% 64 64% —1% »•, 4% Amal Leather- 18 6% 5% 5% — % 33V* Amal Leath pf (3).. 6 40 38 38 -2 Amerada Corp (2).. 4 99 96% 96%-1% 1"Jia 33 Am AgChm Delhi. 7 88% 86% 86% -1% ’A * 25% Am Bank Note (tl). 8 25% 25% 25%-% ini ‘ n- Aro Brake Sh <Y2)_ 13 59% 57V* 57V* -2% 1-1 97% Am Can (14 > .. 20 101 98 100%-% . 311% Am Car & Foundry. 4 63% 62 52 -2 14% 89 Am Car & Fy pf(h4) l 87 87 87 -3 ."7 li Am Chain & Ca bl._ 16 89% 86 86 -4 105% 98 Am Chicle <t4)_ 1 98 98 98 -1% i?"* Am Colortype - 7 17% 16% 16% -1% 3+i .5 Am Cornel Al a50c._ 9 25% 24% 24% —1 33’h 25% Am Crystal Sug b2_. 4 27V* 26 26 —1% 99% 94% Am Crys S 1st pf 6.. 10s 97 97 97 13% 8% Am Encaustic. 36 10 9 <1 _ s, 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr.. 101 9% 7% 8 —Its 58% 46% Am & For Pw $6 pf.. 3 45% 44% 44% -6V* 68-s o4 Am & For Pw $7 pf. 4 55% 55V* 55V* -1 38% 20% Am & For Pw 2d pf _ 7 23 22 22 —2 | 31 17% Am Hawaiian (1) 3 16% 16% 16% -1% 11% 6% Am Hide & Leather. 72 8% 7% 7% — % '^9? k!'1 AmHide&Lpf (3). 6 41 39% 39%-1% 52% 45% Am Home Pr t2.40__ 3 45% 45% 45% 4% 2% Am Ice . - 3 3% 3% 3% - % 27% 17% Am Ice pf (2)_ 3 22 21% 21% -1% 17% 13% Am Interntl (a40c)_ 23 14 13% 13% — % 58 s 43 Am Locopiotive_ 17 45 44% 44% _i 29% 22 Am Mach & F (tl)__ 11 22 21% 21% — % 13% 10 Am Mach & Met 60c. 8 9% 9 ~9 —1 ,?5W Am MetaJs 29 47% 46% 46% -2% 116 Am Metals pf (6) ... 2116% 116 116 J'1 63 Am News <N Y) (3) 20s 63% 63 63 -% 16% 9% Am Power & Light.. 69 10% 9% 9% — % ‘2% 53% Am Pw & Lt pf (5).. 3 52% 51% 51% — 1 % 8.% 64 Am Pw & Lt pf (6).. 3 60 59% 60 -4 29% 22V* Am Radiator t60c . 104 22% 21% 21%.— 1% liO 153 Am Radiator pf (7). 20s 156 156 156 +1 45% 33% Am Roll Mill tl.20.. 140 35% 33% 33% -2% 36 30% Am Safty Raz (t2)_ 3 30 29% 29% - % 29 22% Am Seating <a2%)_ 8 23% 22% 22% ■+■ % 33 41 Am Shipbldg (2). .. 420s 46% 44% 46% - 1 105"i 82% Am Smelt & Ref (3). 105 84% 81% 82% — 2% 107% 105 Am Sm & Ref pf(6). 5 1051* 1051* 1051* 154 138% Am Sm & Ref pf(7). 1 140 140 140 /3'-4 51'-* Am Steel K (boOc) . 58 53", 51*, 53", 37, 2V4 Am Stl P rts May 15. 159 2", 2V, 24* 26'* 20 AmStores<2)_ 2 23 22 22 —H* 567, 47',j Am Sugar (2) 4 40!-* 46 46 -1'.. 148", 130 Am Sugar pf (7)_ 1 130 130 130 187 164',i Am Tel & Tel (9)- 47 164", 160', 160', -4", 99 18 Am Tobacco (5)_ 3 79", 79 79>.* + v, 997, 80'i Am Tobacco B (5)._ 16 81 80', 81 20', 14", Am Type Founders. 80 15 13', 14 —1 29', 1!) Am Water W (SOc). 65 19", 18'., 18", -l'-s 14", 9Vi Am Woolen. ... 15 9'* 9t, <U, - i3 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl). 9 64', 62", 62", -2'.* 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead _. 106 13'* 12", 13 —1 79", 44'* Am Zinc & L pr pf2 55 547, 547, -31., 69'* 52V, Anaconda Cop <tl). 406 52V* 49'* 491... —3s, 25'-, 18 Anchor Cap (60c)._ 17 20 18'.* 19K — V 10', 5V4APW Paper _ 4 8 7'* 71, — 4, 46 40 Archer-Dan-.M(t2) _ 7 40", 40'* 40'*— v, 13", 7 Armour of Xll(b35c) 141 lit* 10',* 10", — V, 99'* 81", Armour(Ill)pr pf 6. 1 93 93 93 —u3 70'* 59'* Armstrong Cork(2) 4 61'* 60", 60", -1", 16'1 12'* Arnold Cnst b62V*c. 4 12'* 12'-, 12V, — i, ^7", 12 Artloom Corp _ 10 12 10V, 10", — p* 24", 17 Assoc Dry Goods _ 13 16 15", 15V*—1", 57'* 49", Associates Inv (t2). 1 52'* 52'* 52'* -2'* 1"6 99 Assoc Inv pf w\v(5). 1 98 98 98 —1 87", 69" j Atcb T & S Fe(a2)_ 67 82", 79'* 82",-", 55"* 44', Atl Coast Line<al). 21 46 4>lVi 44'-*—2',, 37 30', Atl Refining (tl)_ 55 31 29V, 29"i —l1, 116'* 111 AtlReflnpf (4)_ 1 111 Hi in — IS1* 16', Atlas Corp (80c)_ 69 17 16',i 16',*—*, 52", 50'* Atlas Corp pf (3)_ 6 51 51 51 94 72', Atlas Pwdr (b75c)_. 4 75Vi 73'i 73Vi —2", 18", 14 AtlasTack(l)_ 4 14 14 14 36", 28'-* Auburn Auto _ 17 29 ,27V, 27v* —1'* 9'* 7 Austin Nichols_ 3 7 67, 67, — v, 52'* 39 Austin Nicli pf (tl). 10s 39 39 39 9V, 61, Aviation Corp Del.. 128 7", 6", 67, — ", 111* 7', Bald win Loco (d) _ 57 7", 6V« 6", — 7, 120 86", Baldwin Locopf(d) 1 92", 92", 92", —8'* 9'* 5", Baldwin asd (d) .. 36 6', 5", 5", — 1.* 120 88'* Baldwin pf asd(d).. 2 97'* 92", 92", —7", 40’* 20", Baltimore & Ohio .. 218 33 31V* 32", —IV* 47', 33", Baltimore & Oh pf_ 13 37', 35V* 35", — 2", 43", 34 Barber Co (b23c)_ 40 36 32 32V, —l7, 32 25", Barker Bros_ 6 27 25", 26'* —3 35', 26', Barnsdall (1) 80 29", 27", 277, —1", 20'., 151* Bayuk Cigar t75c_ 15 15', 15 15 — 1* 28", 24 Beatrice Cream tl_ 7 24", 23", 23", — "I 105", 101", Beatrice pf ww(5) . 1 103', 103', 103', - Vs 112 105 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4). 1 107 107 107 —1 15", 1244 Belding Hemin <1)_ 8 12", 12"4 12",— "4 30'* 21’* Bendix Avia(b25c>. 40 2lv, 20", 20'* — H, 23", 20", Benef Ind Ln (b95c) 18 207, 20'* 20'*— ", 105V* 73 Bethlehem (al Vi)_ 186 86", 82 82',*—4'. 20 IS"* Beth 590 pf (1) _ 8 19", 19 19 + vi 129'* 119'/* Bethlehem pf (7)_ 1 117', 117'-4 11714 —31/, 69", 52 Bigelow-San b50c._. 1 53", 53", 53", —1 38 29 Black & Deck b50c— 5 28'* 28 28 —1 29", 22", Blaw Knox (b20cl 26 24'* 22 22"* —l"s 32’* 28 Bloomingd'le b47'-.c 40s 29'* 29 29 — V, 49", 337, Boeing Airplane 47 37 34i, 34"* —2", 48V, 407s Bohn Alum* B(3).. 8 42 41',* 41"*— 14 93 85'4 Bon Ami A (4) 20* 89", 89", 89",— l, 46',* 414s Bon Ami (B) (2%). 190* 45V4 44", 44V,-7, 28 247, Borden Co (1.60) .. 46 25 24", 25 -I- Vs 43'4 40 Borg-Warner (new) 49 40'* 387, 387s —1", 15", 8'4 Boston & Maine . 7 11'* 11 11V, — 7* 4'.* 2", Botany Mines A(d). 3 3 2", 3 + t* 23', 15", Bridgept Brss(60c.. 47 1544 15 15 — ", 597, 45', Briggs Mfg (t2) ... 23 46 45V* 45", — ", 53'* 437, Briggs & Strat (3).. 2 46 45v, 45v* —1", 47 41 Bristol-Myrs t2.40_. 1 42 42 42 53 33T, Bklyn-Man Tr (4)__ II 34 324 324—14 1024 884 Bklyn-Man T pf (6). 2 89 87 87 —24 8 4 Bklyn & Queens_ 23 44 4 4—14 384 224 Bkn&QTpf (3) . 2 23 224 23 +4 524 33 Bklyn Un Gas(l.60) 9 344 334 334 — 4 50 454 Brown Shoe (3) _ 1 464 464 464 —1 244 194 Brunswick-Balke... 14 194 18 184 —14 254 174 Bucyrus-Erie _ 16 18 174 174 —1 144 94 Budd (EG) Mfg_ 79 10 9 94 -1 13 84 Budd Wheel(a20c).. 34 8% 8 84 -4 454 324 Bullard (b25c) 18 33 314 32 — 4 654 504 Bulova Watch (t4)_ 16 544 524 544 —1 354 28 Burr Add M (800... 5 284 28 28V*— 4 11s* 74 Bush Terminal (d)_ 8 84 7 7 —14 454 244 Bush T Bldg pf(d)_ 20s 33 33 33 -1 184 134 Butler Bros (bl5c).. 21 144 134 14 — 4 364 294 Butler pf (1 %) _ 9 304 294 294 -1 94 5s, Butte Cod & Z(a5c). 25 54 44 44 —1 334 22s* Byers (A M)_ 12 234 224 224 -14 34s, 27 Bvron Jackson (tl). 11 294 284 29 — V* 48V* 384 Calif Packing (1%). 6 394 38 38 -14 64 24 Callahan Zinc-Lead 131 34 34 34 — 4 20V, 134 Calumet&Hecla (1). 62 134 124 124-14 374 284 Campbell Wy (tl)— 4 29 274 274 -14 384 274 Canada Dry G Ale.. 62 294 254 27 -24 174 124 Canadian Pacific .. 104 13 124 124 — 4 614 484 Cannon Mills(boOc) 2 484 484 484 — V, 184 15 Cap Adm(AXal).. 1 154 154 154 - 4 106 100 Car Clin & O stp (5) 60* 102 101 101 -1 94 7 Carriers & Gen(b5c) 28 84 8 8 —4 1764138 Case(J I)Co (4) .. 10 1564 1534 155 100 854 Caterpillar Tr (t2). 6 88 854 854 -3 39V* 264 Celanese (b75c)_ 116 354 334 34V* -14 48V* 364 Celotex Corp _ 6 40 394 40 824 74s* Celotex Corp pf (5).. 20* 76 76 76 39V* 334 Cent Aguire (tl 4)- 1 33 33 33 -1 124 8 Central Foundry_ 69 84 74 74 — 4 107V* 101 Cent 111 Lt Pf(4 4)_. 30* 102 1004 1004 -24 14V) 104 Century Rib M b20c. 2 114 114 114—1 864 674 Cerro do Pasco (4)_. 20 69 664 664 —2 234 16V* Certain-teed Prd 18 174 164 164 —14 82 674 Certain-teed pf (6). 20* 704 704 704 —2 60V) 354 Champion Pap (tl). 17 534 51 52 —2 48 31% Checker Cab Mfg_ 1 30 30 30 —2 684 574 Ches & Ohio t2.80_ 42 584 564 574 — 4 4s* 24 Chi & East 111 (d)__ 1 34 34 34—4 134 64 Chi & Est 111 pf (d)_ 1 94 94 94 — 4 4 24 Chi Grt West (d)... 9 24 24 24 —4 184 124 Chi Grt West Df (d). 4 134 12 12 —14 114 84 Chi Ind & L pf (d)_20* 84 84 84 32 274 Chi Mail Ord tl4 1 27 27 27 —1 34 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d). 6 24 24 24 -4 74 44 Chi M St P&P pf (d). 43 5V* 44 44 — 4 64 34 Chi & N W (d) _ 22 4V* 4 4—4 19V) 114 Chi & N W pf (d)._. 13 13 12 12 -1 22% cm Pneumatic Tool 3 21 21 21 —2% 3% 2% Chi R 1 & Pao (d) 18 2% 2% 2% 8% 5% Chi RI&P 6% pf(d). 7 6% 6% 5% - % 10% 6Vi Chi RI&P 7 % pf (d). 12 7% 6% 6% — % 15% 12% Childs Co _ 7 12V* 12% 12V*— % 135% 110V* Chrysler (bl%)- 321 113 109% 111 —3 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2). 7 20 19% 19%—% 92 85 City Ice&Fpf 6%. 110« 85 84 84%-% 10% 8 City Stores _ 33 8% 7 7 —1% 38% 32% Clark Equip(tl.60)_ 12 35 34 34 —1% 44% 35 Clev Graph Br (2).. 13 39% 36 37 —2% 98% 78 Cluett Peabody (3)_ 6 83 82% 82%—4% 170% 122% Coca-Cola (t2)_ 6 151 149V* 150 -3% 25V* 19% Colgate-P-P(t50c)_ 45 21% 19% 20 —1% 104% 102% Colgate-P-P pf (6). 3 103 102% 102% — % 62% 53 Collins & Aik 412) __ 15 64 51% 52 -2 112% 108% Collins & Aik pf (6j. 40* 109% 109% 109% - % 51% 38% Col Fuel & Xron(bl) 3 38 36 36 -2% 27% 20% Colo & Southern_ 10* 20% 20% 20% 30 22 Colo & South 1st pf. 20» 23% 23% 23%+ V* 29 25 Colo & South 2d pf.. 60s 21% 21% 21%—3% 20% 13% Columb G& El (40c) 150 13% 12% 12%-% 108 94 ColG&Epf A (6).. 1 94% 94% 94%-% 39% 32 Columb Pio vtc <tl) 6 32 31% 31%-1 125V* 112% Col Carb vtc <T4)_ 3 113% 113 113 -2 69% 66V* Cornel Crullt (t4)_ 20 61V* 59% 69V*-2% 114 100 Cornel Cr^pf (414) 3 103% 102% 103% - % Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 80% 64 Cornel Jnv T (T4)._. 3 64 63% 63% —1% 21% 16% Cornel Solv (t60c).. 100 16% 14% 14% — % 4% 2% Comw & Southern.. 144 2% 2% 2% 75% 53 Comw & Sou pf<3)_. 2 54% 53 54% +1% 19% 13% Conde Nast Pub_ 2 14 13% 13% —1% 45% 36% Cong«'.Jeum-Nrn(2). 9 39 37% 37% — % 19% 15% Congress Cigar(a2). 2 16 16 15 — % 22 16% Conn R & L pf_ 20* 16% 16% 16% 18% 13% Consol Cigar_ 3 13 12% 12% — 1% 49% 37 Cons Edls N Y(t2)_. 92 38% 37% 37% - % 108 104% Cons Ed N Y pf(5)_. 4 105% 105% 105% — % 5% 3% Cons Film _ 6 3% 3% 3% _ % 18% 14 Cons Film pf (a2)._ 10 14 13% 13% — % 13% 9% Cons Edlbndrles_ 15 10% 9% 10 — % 17% 15% Cons 011 (80c)_ 211 16 15 15%—% 10% 7 Cons RR Cuba pf_ 2 7 7 7 — % 1% % Cons Textile (d).... 61 % % % 13% 8% Cons Coal (Del) vto. 21 11% 11 11% — % 52% 33 Cons Coal Del vtc pf 790« 50 46 46 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 82 34% 33 33% —1% 37% 24 Conti Baking (A)_ 27 24% 23 23 —2% 6% 3 Conti Baking (B)_ 75 3V* 3 3 — % 69% 53% Conti Can (3) _ 41 53% 50% 50% -2% 25% 20% Conti Diamond (2)_ 14 21 20 20 —IV, 42% 37 Conti Insur (tl.60). 7 37% 36% 36% -1% 3% 2% Conti Motors_ 75 2% 2% 2% — % 47% 40% Conti Oil Del (tl)— 64 43 41% 43 - % 35% 26% Conti Steel (b50c)_ 6 31% 28 28 —3% 77 63% Corn Ex Bank (3)._ 110» 64 63 63 —1% 71% 59% Corn Prod Ref(t3)_. 19 59% 68% 58 — 1% 10% 6 Coty Inc_ 43 7% 7% 7% — % 56% 46 Crane Co _... 20 49 48 48 — % 37 29% Cream of Wheat(2). 1 32% 32% 32% — % 28% 21 Crosley Radio al>4_ 2 20V, 20% 20% — 1% 100% 70% Crown Cork & S(2)_ 80 75% 71 73 -2% 47% 41 Crn C&S pf xw 2%.. 1 42 42 42 25% 17 Crown Zeller(new). 164 21% 19% 19% —1% 108% 99 Crown Zell cu pf (5). 2 101 % 100% 100% -1% 81% 51 Crucible Steel_ 15 65 62 62 —2 3 1% Cuba Co __ 1 1% 1% ia, 17% 11% Cuba R R pf_ 20s 11% 11% 11% 14% 9% Cuban-Am Sugar 20 10% 9s, 9% — % 127 110 Cuban Am S pf b2% 220s 120 116% 116% -5% 43 39% Cudahy Pkg (»%).. 1 39 39 39 — % 20-% 15% Curtis Publishing_ 24 15% 15 15 — % 109% 92% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 4 94% 93% 94 + % 8% 6% Curtiss-Wright_ 268 6% 5% 5% — % 23% 18V, Curtiss-W (A)a50c. 44 19% 18% 18%-% 86 80 Cushman S pf 3%__ 80s 77 74 74 -6 62 49 Cushman Sons pf_ 10s 48 48 48 —2 24 19% Davega cum pf 1%_ 6 19% 19% 19% — % 137% 104% Deere & Co _ 25 125 122 123 -4% 31% 29 Deere* Co pf 1.40 . 2 29% 29% 29% - % 29 21% Deisel-Wem-G(tl). 4 21s, 20% 20', -1% 58% 42% Delaware & Hudson. 19 43% 42% 43 —1 24% 17% Del Lack & West __ 63 18% 17% 17% — % 10% 7% Den & R G W pf (d). 8 7% 6% 6% —1% 146% 122 Detroit Edison ( + 4). 4 121 120 120 —4 36% 30% Diamond Match (tl. 2 31% 31% 31% — % 23 19% Diamond T Mot b25c 6 19% 18% 18% —1 29 21% Distil Corp Seag ... 37 22% 20% 21 -1 25 20% Dixie Vortex(l%) . I 21% 21% 21% - % 46% 36% Doehler Die Cast(2) 13 39% 37% 37% —2% 61 41% Dome Mines <t2)_ 9 42% 41% 42% — % 12% 10 Dominion Stores_ 2 10% 10% 10s.— % 77% 54% Douglas Aircraft_ 91 56% 49% 51% -5% 55 49 Dresser (A) (a3)_ 1 46 46 46 —4 39V, 29 Dresser B (al)_ 1 29% 29% 29%+ % 3% 2% Duluth SS&Atl pf_ 2 2% 2 2 — % 8% 5% Dunhill Internatl_ 6 5% 5 5 — % 17% 15% Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 15% 15% 15% - % 180% 152 Du Pont (b75c)_ 38 152 148% 150 -3 135% 131% Du Pont deb <6)_ 1 132 132 132 17 11% Eastern Roll Mills.. 13 12% 11% 11%-% 175% 155 Eastman Kodak(6). 12 156% 152 152 —3 37% 31% Eaton Mfg (2) _ 23 35% 32% 34% -1 16 11% Eitington-Schlld_ 3U 12% 11% 11s,— % 29 22% El Paso Nat G 1.60.. 12 22% 21s, 21s, —Is, 45% 35% Elec Auto Dt t2.40.. 22 36 34% 35 —1% 16 11 Elec Boa' <a60c)_ 51 11% 10% 10% -1 7% 4% Elec&Mus I <al8c)- 3<> 5 4s, 4% — % 26s, 19 Elec Pow & Eight _. 157 19% 17s', 18 -3 87 67 Elec Pw * Lt 36 pf.. 3 67 67 67 92% 74% Elec Pw & Lt S7 pf_ 4 72% 70 70 —4s, 44% 39% Elec Storage Bat (2) 5 39% 39 39 -% 2 1% Elk Horn Coal Id)8 1% 1% 1%— % 8 4% Elk Horn Cl pf (d) 19 4% 4% 4% 81 68 Eng PS 35 % pf b4 % 2 70 70 70 —1 9% 6% Equitable Office B._ 9 6% 6% 6% — •% 23% 13s, Erie R R. _ _ 23 17s, 17 17% -1 35% 26% Erie R R 1st pf_ J 4 26% 24 25 —3 14% 11% Eureka Vac (80c)_ 3 11% 11 11s, — % 34% 28 Evans Prod (tl)_ 14 28% 26s, 26% —1% 6% 4% Exchange Buffet_ 7 4s, 4% 4',— % 54 34 Fairbanks Co_180» 3 '* 34 34 — 4 28 207* Fairbanks Co pf_ 80» 234 214 214 -2 71*« 52 Fairb'ks-Morse (tl) 10 534 51 51 —3 70 534 Fajardo Sug Co (bl) 8 57 554 5(4 —14 297* 207, Federal Lt & Trac.. 2 20 20 20 — 4 103 93 Fed Lt & T pf (6)... 20* 93 93 93 114 74 Federal Motor(40c) 16 84 7 74 — 4 114 54 Fed Screw Works... 24 6 4 6 64 — 4 6 44 Fed Water Svc A_ 16 4 34 34 — S 434 34 Fed’d Dept Str(2)__ 1 344 344 344 + 4 1084 974 Fed'ted Dep S pf 4*4 1 97 97 97 -4 457* 374 Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 9 384 38 38 — 4 414 32*4 Firestone T&R (2). 22 344 33 33 -14 1074 1024 Firestone pf A (6).. S 1024 1024 102'*- 4 524 464 First Natl Strs t24 4 46 454 454 —14 464 344 FlintkoteCo (1) ... 7 344 334 334 —1 584 46 Florence Stve b50c. 2 504 504 504 — 4 94 6*i Follansbee Bros(d). 2 74 7 7 — 4 58. 474 Food Machine <1). _ 16 54 53 53 -1 128 116V* Food Mach pf(4’4) 60. 121 1204 1204 —14 54!* 43 Foster-Wheeler . 15 46 444 46 32V* 264 Freeport Sulph (1). 14 27V* 26 26 —1 117 1094 Freeport Sul pf (6).. 20. 116 1144 1144 -14 484 317* Fuller Co 2d pf_ 80. 26** 26 26 -5** 7V* 44 Gabriel Co (A)_ 4 5 5 5 — 4 33 22 Gamewell Co _ 40. 224 22 22 — 4 1064 1004 Gannett cv pf (6)__. 10. 1004- 1004 100*, -14 194 134 Gar Wood Ind a55c. 14 144 134 13*, —14 15V, 124 Gen Am Inv(a75c).. 5 12*2 124 124 — 4 864 69-4 Gen Am Trans <a3). 1 70** 68 68 —34 194 124 Gen Baking (t60c)_. 12 13 124 124 -4 14 9 Gen Bronze_ 16 9 84 84 — 4 324 244 Gen Cable_ 10 25 234 234 -14 65 52 Gen Cable (A)_ 6 514 474 48 -4 126-4 114*2 Gen Cable pf (a7)_ 3 115', 112V, 1124 -64 524 43 GenCigar(t4) _ 1 424 42*, 424 — 4 644 504 Gen Electric (b40c) 227 524 507, 51**— 4 444 394 Gen Foods (2)_ 10 404 39*. 394—14 34 2V. Gen Gas & Elec(A) 31 24 14 14 - 4 644 57 Gen G&E 6% cv pfA 10. 56 56 56 -2 654 60 Gen Mills (3) 3 64V, 64 64 — 4 124 1174 Gen Mills pf (6)_ 100. 120 1184 1184 —14 704 554 Gen Motors(b25c) — 503 574 554 55** -14 1224 114V, Gen Motors pf(5)_ 4 1154 115*, 1154 15** 104 Gen Outdoor Adv_ 5 10*, 104 10*, 604 45V, Gen Outdoor Adv A. 1 45s* 454 454 — 4 19 15V* Gen Print Ink new_ 11 16 154 154 — 4 5V* 37. Gen Pub Service_ 6 34 34 34 -4 65V. 43 Gen Ry Signal (1)_ 7 43 42*, 42**—14 54 3 Gen Realty & Util._ 60 3', 34 31* - 4 48** 364 Gen Realty & U pf.. 7 37 35 35 -34 70V* 60 Gen Refract (a3%). 5 604 60 60 — 4 88 70 Gen Steel Cast pf ... 100. 66 624 624 -77* 337* 244 Gen Thea Eq(b25c). 4 234 23 23%—IV* 434 37 Gen Time Instru tl. 4 39 384 39 -1 204 154 Gillette S Raz (tl)_ 23 154 15', 154—4 884 83 Gillette S R pf (5)-. I 834 834 834 -4 297* 204 Gimbel Bros _ 31 23'* 23 234 — 7* 90V* 837* Gimbel Bros pf(6)_. 2 834 834 834 -1 514 424 Glidden Co (2)_ 12 43 424 424 - -4 67* 44 Gobel (Adolf)__ 22 44 44 4*, — 4 84 64 Goebel Brew(t20c). 27 64 64 67* — 4 504 31 Goodrich (BF) <al)_ 60 434 41V* 42 -2 877* 794 Goodrich pf (5)_ 3 814 804 81 -4 474 277* Goodyear T & R hi.. 236 414 394 40V* -17, 141 100 Goodyear cu pf (5)3 125 120 120 —5*» 134 104 Gotham Silk Hose.. 5 104 94 94 —1 96 92 Gotham S H pf (7).. 60. 92 914 914 -27, 47* 3 Graham-Paige_ 95 37* 34 34 - 4 15 64 Granby Cons_ 24 84 67* 6** —14 54 34 Grand Union ctfs... 3 34 34 34 277* 204 Grand Union pf(bl) 13 20 19V* 194-14 48% 33 Granite City Stl(l>_ 7 35 35 35 47% 40% Grant <WT) <tl.40) 4 40% 40 40 - % 65% 40% Grt Northern pf_ 60 50 49% 49% — % 28% 19 Grt N'orthn Ore < 1)_ 38 21% 20% 20%-1% 42% 35 Grt West Sug T2.40_ 8 35% 35 35 — % 39% 32% Green H L 4 + 1.60 >_ 7 32% 32 32 -1 16% 13% Greyhound <T80c)„ 39 14 13% 13%-% 4% 3 Guantanamo Sug_ 15 3 2% 3 — V* 17% 12% Gulf Mobile A N_ 3 12% 11% 11% - % 59% 49% Gulf Mobile A N pf _ 1 48% 48% 48% -2% 20% 13% Hall W P Print_ 25 15% 14% 15 -1 31 25% Hamilton W (b65c). 3 28% 28 28 — % 58% 43 Harb-Walker <t2).. 4 44% 43% 43% -1% 17% 13% Hat Corp of Am 80c. 1 13% 13% 13V* — % 8 5% Hayes Body_ ... 16 5% 5% 5% — % 109% 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (t5). 2 105 103 103 -2 15% 13 Hecker Prod <60o)_. 35 13% 12% 12%-% 39% 28% Hercules Motor(tl) 1 28% 28% 28%- % 185 150% Hercules Pwdr (6).. 1 155 155 155 -4 111 102% Hershey Ch pf(t41_ 1 108 108 108 52% 39% Holland Fur(al%)_ 7 40% 40% 40%-% 120% 105% Holland Fur pf (5).. 20s 108 107% 108 + % 30% 21 Hollander A Son(l). 14 26% 26 26%- % 43% 31% Holly Sugar (t2) — 17 33% 32% 32%- % 114% 110% Holly Sugar pf (7).. 20s 110% 110% 110% 43 1 355 Homestake <tl2) — 140s 374 364 364 -9 41 37 Houd-Hersh A(2%) 4 37 37 37 - % 27% 21% Houd-Her B (tl%). 16 21% 20% 20% -IV* 73 57% Household Fin <4)_. 3 61% 60% 60%-% 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 114 15% 14 14% — % 90% *52% Howe Sound <t3)— 82 79% 75% 75% -3% 5% 3% Hudson A Manhat_ 2 3% 3% 3% — % 15% 10% Hudson A Man pf— 3 9% 9% 9% — % 23V* 18% Hudson Motor — 60 19% 18% 18% -1% 4 3% Hupp Mot (n) xrts— 36 3% 3% 3% Hupp M rts May24_. 48 % % % 38 22% Illinois Central_ 64 30% 28% 29 -2% 22% 12% Indian Refln <al)— 4 15% 15% 15% - % 47% 36% Indus Rayon (2)- 56 43 40 41%-2 144 126 Ingersoll RandCt2). 2 125 125 125 -1 131% 111% Inland Steel (t4)— 4 110 110 110 -3 33% 22% Inspiration Cop ___ 68 23% 21% 21%-2% 6 5 InsurSh Md (blOc). 10 5 4% 4% — % 13% 7% Inter Rap Tr vtc(d) 5 7% 7% 7% - % 11% 4% Intercontl Rubber— 13 7 6% 6% - % 28% 16% Interlake Iron_ 101 20% 18% 19%-% 9% 6 Inti Agricultural— 77 6% 5% 5% —1 63% 42 Inti Agricul pr pf_ 11 51 48 48 -4% 189 168 Inti Bus Mach(t6)_. 5 158% 157 157 -1 111% 99% Inti Harvester(2%) 38 105% 103 104% - % 16% 8% Inti Hydro El A_ 32 10% • 9% 10 - % 15% 6% Inti Mercantile M_ 12 10% 10 10% - % 18% 11% Inti Mining <a90«»„ 13 11% 11% 11%-% 73% 68% Inti Nickel <b50c)._ 143 58% 55% 55% -3% 24% 16% Inti Paper (A)_ 42 19 17% 17%-1% % a Prev. 1937 Stock and Hales— Met High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, ehge. 18 10% lntl Paper (B)_ 22 14% 13 13% -1% 9% 5% lntl Paper (C)_ 36 7% 6% 6% - % 121% 90% lntl Paper pf_ 74 104 98 100 -6% 64% 41 lntl Print Ink <+2>_. 2 67 56% 57 -1% 10 7% lntl Ry Cent Am... 40a 6 5% 5% -1% 8% 6% lntl Ry Cent Am Tte 30a 6% 6% 6% 57% 46 lntl Ry C Am pf A.. 10a 51 50 50 28% 25% lntl Salt (11 %)_ 2 25% 25% 25%-% 49% 45 lntl Shoe (t2)_ 3 44% 44% 44% — % 52 31% lntl Silver_ 9 43 40% 40% -3 15% 1IV* lntl Tel & Tel_ 74 11% 10% 10%—% 36% 25 Interstat Dp St b2 % 2 26 25 25 -1 107% 103% Inter Dept St pf<7). 10a 104 104 104 26% 17% Intertype Corp (1)_. 2 18% 18% 18%+% 30 25% Island Creek (2)_ 2 28 28 28 -% 87% 76% Jewel Tea (+4>_ 1 74 74 74 -2% 155 126 Johns-Manv t +3) ... 3 126% 125 126 -3 126 120 Johns-Mansv pf(7). 50a 124% 124% 124% - % 136 123 Jon&L 7% pf(bl%). 130a 127% 125 125 -2% 46 35% Kalamazoo S <tl)_ 2 35% 35 35 —l 29 20 Kane City South _ 7 23% 21% 21% -2% 27% 23% Kayser J & Co (2) . 4 24 23% 23%—% 110 103 Kelth-A-O pf (bl %) 20a 98% 98% 98% -7% 23% 17 Kelsey-H A (al%). 3 17% 17 17 -%| 19% 14% Kelsey-H B (al%).. 3 14% 13% 13%-% 109% 102 Kendall pf A ( + 6)_30a 104% 104% 104% — % 69% 53% Kennecott (bBOo) ... 104 54% 61% 52** -1% 20% 17V* Keystone S&W b30o 22 17% 16% 16% -IV* 46% 38% Kimberly ClarkU). 3 40% 39 40% —1 9% 5% Kinney (G R) Co... 3 7% 6% 6% -IV* 71 47% Kinney pf (al) _ 300a 61% 57% 59 -4 29% 24% KresgeS S (b30c)_ 8 24% 24% 24% — % 47% 34 Kress S H (1.60) 2 37 36% 36%+ % 24% 22 Kroger Groo (tl.60) 22 22% 21% 22% — % 41% 26% Laclede Gas pf_ 10a 25% 25% 2544—2** 24 18% Lambert Co (2)_ 21 20% 19% 19% — % 17** 13% Lane Bryant_ 1 13 13 13 — % 27% 17 Lee Rubber (60c).8 23% 22 22 -1% 61% 37% Leh Port Cmt 1% ... 4 37V* 35% 35%—2% 3% Lehigh Valley Coal. 38 2 1% 1% — % 18% 10% Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 7 11% 10% 10% — % 34% 17V* Lehigh Valley R R_. 15 18% 17 17V* —1 137 118 Lehman Corp (T3»3 120% 120 120 -2% 21% 16 Lehn & Fink b62 %c. 3 16% 16% 16% — % 58% 48% Lerner Stores(T2)_ 1 49 49 49 79 64% Libbey-Ow-F b?5c._ 23 65% 61% 64 —1% 15% 9% Libby McN & L(al). 6 13% 12% 12%— % 28% 25% Life Saver (tl.60).. 1 27 27 27 114 96% Llgg & Myers B T4_. 15 97% 96% 97 — V, 83% 59 Lima Locomotive_ 11 65% 61% 61V* -3% 53% 43% Liquid Carb (2.60)_. 9 48% 47% 47% — 2% 84% 64% Loew's Ino (t2)_ 55 78% 75V» 77 -1 3% 2% Loft Inc 19 2% 2"» 2% — % 75% 55 Lone Star Cmt b75c. 18 55 5.3% 53% -1% 10** 6% Lumb( A) 2.% 8 7% 7Va — % 'l l', 34 % Loose-W lies (2) .. 1 .34% 34% 34%+ 4 28% 22 Lorillard P (tl.20). 28 224 214 214 — % 147% 1384 Lorillard P pf (7)_100, 140 140 140 — 4 28% 11*4 Lou Gas & Elec (A). 4 194 19s, 19s,— 4 99 87% Louis & Nash b24_. 5 884 87', 874 —1’, 41% 294 Ludlum Steel (tll_. 25 33 314 314 —24 38 294 McCall Corp < + 2)_ 1 30', 304 304 + 4 244 104 McCrory Stores _ 11 171, itjy, 1(54 — 4 644 40% McGraw Llec (T2)_. 5 51 50 50 -1 424 35 McIntyre Porcu(2). 8 354 34% 34% —1'., 424 32% McKeesp’t Tin Plate 12 33 31% 32 — % 104 12s, McKesson & Rob . 73 144 134 13% 19 144 McLellan Strs b75c. 13 144 14 14 — V, 624 42% Mack Trucks (Tl)_ 21 51 48s, 49 —24 584 46% Macy (R H) <t2) . 5 484 474 474 —14 15% 1 Is, Mad Sq Garden h9fie 4 13s, 13% 13% — ', 63 47 Magma Copper (2).. 3 48 47 47 —p, 74 5 Manati Sugar (d) 4 6 6 fi *— 4 7 64 Manati Sug ctfs (d) 1 54 54 54—14 20 lfi Manati Sug pf (d) .. 240, 20 18 19% — 4 16% 14 Mandel Bros (bl) . 3 14 13% 14 —1 16', 9% Man El md gtd <d)_. 10 9% 9 9 — % 29s, 21 Manhat Shirt (1)_ 6 20% 20 20 —1 6% 44 Maracaibo Oil Exp.. 25 44 3% 4 — 4 14', 104 Marine Mid <t40c).. 41 104 104 10',— 4 31, 2 Market St Ry . 100» 2 2 2 64 44 Market St Ry 2d pf. 70s 4 4 4 -1 61s, 42 Marlin Rock (T2)_ 2 41 41 41 —1 304 184 Marshall Field_ 42 24 22% 23 —1% 29 264 Martin <Glenn)_ 31 27 254 254 —2 134 9 Martin-Parry_ 2 94 9 9 — % 74 58 Masonite (tl). . 3 59 57 57 —3 41si 36 Mathieson Aik (14) 14 36s, 35% 36 — 4 66 4 594 May Dept St <t3)_ 1 58 58 58 -1%, 34% 25% Mead Corp ._ 13 294 28% 28% -1% 86', 72 Melville Shoe (t5)_. 2 73', 72 72 —2 16% 114 Mensel Co 36 13 12% 12% — % 47% 41 Mengel 1st pf (2%). 80« 424 42 42 —1 724 59 Mesta Mach (bl4i). 4 59% 58 58 -3 264 16% Miami Copper __ 64 16% 154 154 —Is, 35s, 294 Mld-Cont Pet alll5. 26 304 28% 29 -14 48 4 384 Midld Stl Prod(t2). 8 40s, 38 38 -34 122 1164 Midld Stl 1st pf<8)_ 50, 1174 117 117 120 100 Minn-Hon Ros (2).. 4 101 100 101 -2s, 16% 11 Minn Moline Pow_ 72 13% 124 13 — 4 24 1 % M St P&S S Marie_ 1 1% 1% 1% 54 3s, M St P&S S M pf 2 3 3 3 -% 34 26% Mission Corp <a45c) 12 29 27% 27% —14 9% 6% Mo Kans & Texas 35 74 7 7 —4 34% 244 Mo Kans & Tex pf A 17 264 254 264 — % 64 3 Mo Pacific (d) 4 4% 4% 4% — 4 124 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) __ 18 8s, S', 8% — % 40', 304 Mohawk Carp(1.20) 5 32% 30% 30% —1% 101 88% Monsanto Chm(ti). 11 884 87 87 —14 69 624 Montg Ward <t2) 118 54% 52% 54 -1% 34 14 Mother Lode al24c 71 Is, 1% 1% + 4 384 314 Motor Prod <t2) _ 6 34% 3.3 34% — % 26 214 Motor Wheeld.60). 15 21% 204 20%—14 54 41 Mueller Brass (tl). 2 424 42 42 — 1% 38% 28% Mullins B <a50c)_ 2 28’, 28% 28% —14 99s, 914 Mullins pf (7) 120, 95 934 93V, —1% 364 27% Munsingwear (3)... 2 28% 284 28' ,— % 90 70 Murphy G C <2.601.. 2 79 78', 78'* —3 25 32 IS 32 Murphy rts May 10. 7 20 32 20 32 20 32 -3 32 20% 144 Murray Corp(a50c). 40 14% 134 13T, — % 71 58s, Myers (P E) (bl)_ 1 62', 624 624 —1’, 24% 17% Nash Kelv (1) 92 20s, 19 19% —1 474 36 Nashv Chat & St L.. 70* 384 374 374 — 4 24 184 Natl Acme (a75c)_ 17 18% 18% is% — 1 18s, 13% Natl Aviation (al)_. 13 13% 12% 13 —1% 33", 25% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 40 26 25', 25% — 4 33s, 264 Natl Bond & In 1.44. 3 264 26 26 - 4 38% 29% Natl Cash Reg (1) . 27 30% 29% 30 -1 264 23 Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 53 23 22'* 224 —% 1124 108 Natl Dairy pf A (7). 40, 1104 1104 1104 109', 107 Natl Dairy pf B (7). 50, 108', 108', 108', — 4 24s, 17’, Natl Dept Stores 9 18% 174 17',— 4 10% 74 Natl Dept Strs pf... 270, 74 6’, 7 — 4 35 274 Natl Distillers(t2). 64 30', 29', 29% —1% 18% 16% Nat l Gypsum Co_ 14 16 154 154 —1% 44 33% Natl Lead <t50c> .. 35 35 314 32 -34 150 144 Natl Lead pf B (6) . 50, 137 136 136 —9s, 61% 48 Natl Mall & S C h50o 1 51 51 51 14% 104 Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 45 104 9% 9% - % 1 4 Natl Ry Mex 2d pf_ 2 % 4 1,-4 94 4 70 Natl Steel <t2Vi)16 824 81 81 -5 102% 62 Natl Supply Co 10 94 92 9.3 -24 130 1214 Natl Supply pf a3 Vi 1 1254 1254 1254 —24 124 9 Natl Tea (60c) _ 9 9 8% 84 - 4 134 10% Natomas (tSOc)_ 10 n 11 11 + 4 574 47V* Netsner Bros (12)_ 1 47 47 47 —14 64'* 544 Newberry JJ t2.40.. 1 544 541* 544 — 4 41'* 294 Newport lnd(b50c). 22 30V* 28 28V* —1% 984 78V* x Y Air Brake (al)_ 1 75 76 75 —44 55V* 40 N Y Central _ 571 464 44'* 454 —1% 18 32 10 32 N Y Cent rts Mayl_ 1714 11 32 9 32 9 32 -1 32 72 41 N Y Chi & St L _ 1 64V* 644 644 — % 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf_ 5 88 86 86 -2 314 26 N Y City Omnibus . 10 26% 264 264 21V* 17 N Y City Omnib p w. 1 164 164 164 — 4 124 8 N Y Dock _ 290« 8% 84 84 —'* 25% 174 N Y Dock pf_ _ 300a 19 17V* 171* —14 135 129% NY& Harlem (5)._ 50s 125 125 125 -5 2 1 N Y Investors (d)_ 40 14 1 1 9% 54 NY NH & H (d)_ 15 6% 64 64-4 264 164 NY NH & H pf (d)_. 15 184 17 174 -14 6'* 44 N Y Ontario & W_ 3 44 44 4V* — 4 15% 104 N Y Shipbuilding... 9 104 10 10 -14 764 63 N Y Shipbldg pf_ 10b 624 624 624 -4 102 95 N YSteampf (6)_ 20s 100 994 994 —14 1114 107 N Y Steam 1st (7).. 10s 110 110 110 4% 2 Norfolk South (d)4 2% 24 2% 272 241 Norf & Wst (b2 Vi )- 1 2444 240 240 -4 17% 12 North Am Aviation. 128 12% 114 llVi—14 344 244 North Am Co(b30c). 89 254 24% 24% —14 57Vi 51% North Am Co pf (3). 1 52 52 52 -1 104V* 974 North Am Ed pf (6). 2 100 100 100 —4 36% 27V* Northern Pacific _. 123 31 29% 30% — 4 534 514 Northwest Tel (3)_10s 524 524 524 64 34 Norwalk Tire & R_ 9 4% 44 44 — 4 40 28 Norwalk Tire pf_ 60s 28 28 28 224 174 Ohio Oil <a60c) ... 103 204 19% 194 - 4 73 53V* Oliver Farm Equip. 47 66 63 654 + 4 264 17% Omnibus Corp vtc.. 16 17% 16% 17 — 4 19% 134 Oppenheim Collins.. 2 144 14 14 — % 45V* 35 Otis Elev (60c)_ 16 36 35 354—7* 140 1274 Otis Elev pf (6)_ 60s 133 133 133 24% 164 Otis Steel .. 61 194 174 174 —14 28 224 Outboard Mot b75c_ 1 224 22V* 224 75 66 Outlet Co (3)_ 10s 67 67 67 +1 87Vi 84 Owens-Ill Glass (3) x 7 854 824 82Vi —2% 23 18% Pacific Am Fish 1.20 9 184 17% 18 — % 15% 9% Pacific Coast_110a 104 10 10% + % 40 254 Pacific Coast 1st pf. 60a 30V* 30 30 — 4 274 18 Pacific Coast 2d _100a 18 17 17 —14 32% 24 Pac Finance(tl.80). 6 264 25% 25% + 4 38 304 Pac Gas & Elec <2)_ 28 31 294 294 —% 53% 434 Pao Lighting (3)_ 4 454 444 44% — % 444 34 Pac Mills (boOc)_ 12 35 33V* 34 152 140 Pac Tel & Tel (8)._. 30a 142 142 142 +1% 149 134% Pac Tel & T pf (6).. 30a 133 133 133 -1% 29% 224 Pac West Oil(a65c). 13 244 23 244 -4 12% 9% Packard Mot (b!5c) 164 9 4 9 4 94 - % 44 2% Panhandle P& R_._ 10 3 2% 2% — V* 1024 60 Panhandle P&R pf_. 80a 94 92 924 —2 90 78 Paraffine Co (bl)_ 3 70V4 70 70 -5 28% 21% Paramount Pic_ 309 21% 20% 20%-1% 200% 153 Paramnt 1st pf (*)_ 2 143% 140% 143%-12% 26% 19% Paramnt 2d pf 60c._ 65 20 18V* 18% -1% 34% 28 Park & Tilford (2).. 4 29 28 28 - % 8% 4% Park Utah _ 79 4% 4% 4% - % 44% 38 Parke Davis <bl)_ 11 38% 38 38 -% 29% 24% Parker Rust (tl%). 4 26 25% 25%-% 7% 4% Parmelee Trans_. 10 5 4% 4% — % 10% 7% Paths Film Corp_ 20 7% 7 7 — % 23% 14% Patino Mines(t60c). 44 15% 14% 14%-% 7% 3% Peerless Corp_ 28 6% 6% 6% - % 64 43% Penlck & Ford(t3)„ 9 44% 44% 4414 - % 103% 95% Penney J C) (4)_ 13 96% 94% 94% -2% 6% 4 Penn Coal & Coke... 6 4% 3% 3% - % 12% 7% Penn Dixie Cement. 21 8% 7% 7% — % 29% 22 Penn G1 Sd ct a50c_. 3 23% 22% 23%+% 60% 39% Penn Railroad (a2)_ 67 43% 41% 43 63 49% Peoples Drug (til— 1 52 52 52 +2 116% 112% Peoples Dpf (6%).. 10« 114% 114% 114% +2 65% 47. Peoples Gas Chi_ 7 48 46% 46%-2 m v Prev in 37 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close chge. , 17 4% Peoria & Eastern ... 1 9 8% 8% -4 91 81 Pere Mart] pf ... 1 81 81 81 21% 17% Petr Corp Am a'JOc. 23 18% 16% 16a, -1% 13'/, 10 Pfeiffer Brew b60c 6 10% 10 10% - % 6 32 2-32 Pfeiff Br rts May 13 35 2 32 1 32 1 32 59% 47% Phelps Dodge b35c . 36 48% 47 47% -1 54% 50 Phila Co 6% pf (3). 2 49", 49% 49% — % 7% 5% Phila Rap Tr (d) .. 110s 5 5 5 - % 14 9% Phila Rap Tr pf(d). 20s 8% 8% 8% — % 3% 1% Phila Read C&l <d)_ 50 1% 1% 1% 84V, 70 Philip Morrls(b3%) 9 73% 72% 73% -1% 20 13% Phillips Jones ... 2 12% 12(4 12% —1% 69% 49% Phillips Petrol (2).. 87 56 63% 54%-** 74% 58 Phoenix pf (3%)... 60* 51 50 50 —9 20% 16% Pierce Oil pf. 7 17% 16 16 —1% 33% 28% Pilisbury Flour 1.60 1 28% 28% 28% — % 18% 12% Pittsburgh Coal .. 3 11 10% 11 —1% 190 174% nttsFW&C pf (7) 30. 175% 175% 175% +1% 20 13% Pitta Screw&B bl5c. 31 15% 14', 15V* - % 43 24% Pitta Steel _ 2 32 31 31 ,-3 122 100 Pitts Steel pf _ 180* 100% 99 99 -2 4 2% Pitts Term Coal_ 2 2% 2% 2% — Vi 8% 3% Pitts United _ 24 5% 4V* 4% — % 137% 109'% Pitts United pf_ 20* 100 100 100 -13 47V* 31'% Pitts & W Va_ 70s 36% 36 36'% -1% 3 2 Plttston Co _ 12 2 2 29% 24% Plymouth Oil (tl).. 83 27% 26 26 -1% 21% 18% Pond Creek Poo <2)_ 2 19 19 19 33% 23% Poor & Co (B) 1 23% 23% 23%—% 11% 6*, Porto 11 Am Tob A.. 3 6% 6 6 — % 15% 8% Postal Tel&C pf(d). 10 9% 8% 8% — % 31% 22% Pressed Steel Car_ 24 23% 22% 22%-1% 86 66 Press Stl 2d pf 2%.. 1 63 63 63 -4% 65% 55% Proctor & Gam(T2). 11 60% 59% 59%-«% 118% 114% Proc& Gamb pf(5)_ 100s 116 115 115 -V, 52% 4 1 Vi Pub Svc N J (2.60).. 14 42% 40% 42 -1 112% 100% Pub Svc N J pf (5).. 1 102 102 102 + % 128% 118% Pub Svo N J pf (6).. 1118 118 118 -V, 72% 58 Pullman Inc (1 %)_. 29 59% 57% 57% -2% 24% 19% Pure Oil 152 19% 18% 18% -1% 112% 108 Pure Oil pf (8) 50s 110% 110% 110% - % 23% 17% Purity Bak (60c) .. 29 17% 15% 15% — 1% 18% 16 Quaker State O b45c 6 16*, 16% 16%+ Vi 12% 9% Radio Corp _ 492 9% 8% 8% — % 80 70 Radio pf A (3%). .. 8 70 69 69V, - 1% 10% 7% P.adio-Keitb-Or (d) 85 8% 8% 8% - % 25% 14% R R Sec 111 Cent ...150* 19*, 19V* ]9% — ', 37% 30% Raybestos M (tl%) 4 30% 30 30 — V* 13% 8% Real Silk Hosiery.- 2 8», 8% 8% + Vi 4 V 2 V Reis (Robt) _ fi 2v 2 V 2V — V* 83 fi2*i Real S H pf alOVj-- 20s 62 62 62 -2 22V 18V Reliable Str (a50c) 6 1 S', 18 18 -1 3514 30 Reliance Mfg (t60c) 3 28 27'j 28 —2 29’* 21'2 Rem-Rand (t60e).. 24 22'a 21 22'i — V 9', 5 lteo Motor Car_ 108 7 6'i 6'/*— V 47V 27',i Republic Steel ___ 541 39'.* 3614 37 -2V 124 109 Republic pf (bl'4) 1117 117 117 -1 110', 99 Republic pr pf A(6) 1 106 106 106 -2'i 49V 33'a Revere Copper 24 41 38', 39 ,-3 98 71 Revere Copper(A),. 6 83 80 80 -4 30V 2!') Revuolds Met (Tl)„ 5 24 2.3V 23V — V, 34V 24V Reynolds Spr (tl)_ 7 24V 23 23 —IV. 67 60 Reynolds Tob (3) 1 61V 61'4 61V + 1V 58 50 Reynolds Tob B (3). 26 50'* 50 50'* - V 9V 6 V Rutland R R pf_ 1 6V 6V 6V 46 38'. Safeway Stores(t2) 6 38V 374 37V —1 103 97V Safeway Strs pf(5). S0« 100 100 100 -2 113 106', Safeway Str pf (6).. 70s 107 107 107 + V 113 110 Safeway Strs pf (7). 10» 110V 110V 110V - v 65 43V St Joseph Ld(bSOc) 41 51V 50V 50', —IV 4V 3 St L-San Fran <d)_. 19 3V 3 3 — ', 11V 6',, St L-San Fr pf <d)_. 29 7V 6Vi 6V - V 20', 11 StLSouthwn (d) 10s 14’, 14*, 14V —IV 27V 14V Savage Arms (h25c) 7 21 19 19 —2 51", 42',, Schenley Dist(b75c) 8 43V 42V 42*, -IV 3V 2 Schulte R Strs (d) 15 2 2 2 2.3V 17 Schulte R S pf (d)_. 3 17V 16*. 16V - V 45V 38 Scott Paper (1) . 20i 39V 39V 39V — Vi 2V IV Seahoard Air L (d)- 25 1', IV 1', 8V 6 Seaboard A Lpf(d). 5 5V 5V 5V — V 54V 40Vi Seaboard 011 (1) 38 45 43V. 43 .-2*. 95V 81 Sears Roebuck (3)„ 33 85 84 84V —IV 34 27V Servel Inc (tl) _ 43 27V 26 26 -2 42V 29 Sharon Stl (tl.20)_ 18 34V 31V 32 -3 120 102 Sharon Stl pf (5)_ 4 101 100', 100'i —J*. 14 10 Sharpe & Dohme __ 31 10 9V 9V — V 17V 13*. Shattuck F G (60c). 5 13', 12V 12V -IV 44 37V Sheaffer Pen(bl I* ). 30s 40 39V 40 34V 26V Shell Un Oil (a25c). 59 28'.. 25*. 26 -2V 105V 102 Shell Un Oil pf 5V_ 5 103V 102V 102*. 17V 12V Silver King (b25c) 29 13V 12V 13V - V 58 44V Simm'nsCo 50c xrts 38 47V 45 45', —2 Simm’ns rts May 19 78 2 32 1 32 1.32 4V 3V Simms Petrol_ 1 3*. 3*. 3V — V 60V 42 Skelly Oil 14 55V 52V 53V -1', 102V 98*. Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 2 99 99 99 -1 197 85V Sloss-Sheffield Stl 220s 150 145 145 -5 106 105 Sloss-Sheff pf (6) . 100s 104 104 104 -IV 54V 37V Smith (A 0) 3 39 38 38 -lv. 40V 27V Smith & Cor ctfs(l) 6 31*. 30', 301, - V 29*. 21V Snider Pkg (blV) . 7 22 22 22 -V 20*. 16v. Socony-Vac (b25c) 493 18V 18V 18V - V* 6V 4 South Am G & P 3C'c 130 4 3V 4 42V 34 South Port Sug(t2) 23 36V 34V 34V —2V 32V 25V So Cal Edison tlH- 5 25V 25V 25V - V 65V 42V Southern Pacific_ 195 55 52V 5.3V -2V 43** 24 Southern Ry _ 142 37 35 35V —2 60V 47 Southern Rv pf _ 17 47*. 45*. 46V -3'i 65V 55 So Ry M&Oct (4). 1 54 54 54 -1 11V 9 Spalding (AG)_ 1 8', S', 8V — V 77*. 68', Spalding 1st pf_ 100t 68 67V 67V -2V 9V 6V Sparks-Withing 26 6V 5*. 5*. — V 36 31V Spencer Kell (1.60). 3 31*. 31 31 -2 23*. 17*. Sperry Corp vtc(al) 48 18V 17V 17V— V 34V 28V Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 5 30V. 30 30 -IV 50 45*. Spicer pf A (3)_ 30s 46V 46V 46', — ». 28*. 21V Spiegel. Inc (1). 64 22V, 21V 22 -IV 95V 91V Spiegel cum pf(4>j) 1130s 9.3 90V 90V -IV 48*. 37*. Square D (B) b25c 2 38 38 38 4- V 16’. 13V Stand Brands(*80c) 116 13V 13V 13', - V 12SV 124 Stand Brands pf(7) 30s 125V 125*, 125*, a- V 12V 8 * Stand Com Tobac 3 9V 8'. 8V — V 14V 8V Stand Gas & El (d) 41 9 8V 8V - V 32V 21 Stand G&E S4 pf(d) 50 22V 19 19V -3V 65 53 Stand G&E $6 pf (d) 2 46 42V 42V -10*. 72V 53', Stand G&E S7 pf(d) 10 54V 49V 50 -5 4 2V Stand Inv Corp_ 1 3 3 3 — V 50 42V Stand Oil Calif (tl). 53 43*. 42V 42V -IV 50 43V Stand Oil Ind <tl)__ 15 44V 43V 43V-IV 76 64V Stand Oil N J (tl).. 119 65V 64 65 -V 48 34V Starrett L S(tl.40). 2 40', 40 40 75 65 Sterling Prod t3.SO. 11 66V 65V 66 — V 21 17V Stewart-Wam t50c 30 19', 18 18 — !* 17% 15% Stokelv Bros (tl).. 1 15% 15% 15% 33"* 22% Stone & Web<a25c). 61 23% 21% 21% -2 20 13% Studebaker Corp_ 204 15% 14% 14% — 1% 77% 68 Sun Oil ( + 1) _ 2 68 68 68 -1 125 119 Sun Oil pf (6)_130s 122% 122 122 -% 61% 43% Superheater Co (1). 6 41% 40% 41 —2% 7% 4% Superior Oil _ 70 5% 5% 5% — % 47% 35 Superior Steel.. ... 16 35% 33 33 -3% 39% 32% Sutherland P tl.60.. 6 34% 33% 33% -1% 20% 13 Sweets Co of Am_ 1 17% 17% 17% 28% 25 Swift & Co 111.20)_ 15 25% 24% 24%-% 33% 30% Swift Inti Ltd <2)__ 45 31% 31 31 -% 23% 17"* Symington ww blOc 27 17% 16% 16% —1% 17% 12% Symington xw blOe. 22 13% 12% 12%-% 8% 6% Telautograph(60c). 5 7% 7 7 15% 11 Tenn Corp ial5c)_. 35 11% 10% 11% — % 65% 50% Texas Corp (2) _ 267 60% 57% 59%-1% 9% 7% Texas Gulf Pr a5c .. 68 7% 7% 7% — % 44 37% Texas Gulf Sul (12) 24 37V* 35V* 35% -2% 16% 13% Tex Pac C&O blOc _ 66 14 12% 12% -1% 15% 11% Texas P L T (alOc). 30 12 11% 11%-% 13% 10 Thermoid Co_ 42 10 9 9% — % 8% 4% Third Avenue_ 2 4% 4% 4% + % 28% 23 Thomps'n Prod b40c 3 24% 23 23 -1 10% 5% Thompson Starrett. 31 5% 5% 5% — % 40% 22% Thompson Star Pf-- 1 22 22 22 -1% 21% 18 Tide W'at As Oil 80c 41 18% 17% 17%-% 28% 22 Timken Detroit tl - 23 22% 21% 21% -1% 79 60% Timken Roller B(3) 9 61 60V* 60% — % 17% 14% Transamerica t40c. 149 14% 13% 13% — % 22% 15% Trans Wat Air a25c. 11 16 14% 14%-1% 27% 19 Transue & W(t60c). 3 19% 19 19 -% 11% 8% Tri-Conti (a50c)_ 40 8% 8% 8% — % 12 8% Truax-Traer(b25c>- 2 10 9% 9% — v, 26% 21V* Truscon Steel_ 1 18 18 18 -3% 40% 33% 20th Cent Fox b50c. 68 38% 36% 37% -1% 50 42% 20th Cent F pf (1%)- 4 46% 46% 46%-% 17% 10% Twin City R T ... 2 10% 9% 9% -IV* 94 70 Twin C R T pf al4_100« 70% 68 68 -2 26% 16% Twin Coach (bl5c). 27 19% 18 18% -1% 6% 3% Ulen & Co _ 6 3% 314 3V* 100% 84V? Und-Ell-Fiaher (3). 3 85 83 83 -1% 91% 63 Union Bag & P (2)„ 10 81 76 76 -6 111 96 Union Carb (3.20).- 37 96% 95 96 — % 28% 2414 Union Oil(Calif) 1.20 75 24% 24% 2414-% 148% 126% Union Pacific (6)_— 5 143 139% 141 -2% 99% 91V* Union Pacific pf(4). 1 92% 92% 92%-% 31% 26% Union Tnk Car 1.60. 7 27% 26% 26%-% 35% 26 Utd Aircraft(a50c). 90 27 24% 25 -1% 24% 17% Utd Air Lines a20c_ 64 17% 16% 16%-1% 31% 22 Utd Am Bosch_ 4 21 20% 201,-1% 30% 25% Utd Biscuit (1.60)— 7 25% 25 25 -% 117% 113% Utd Biscuit pf (7)— 100. 115V* 115% 115% 91 74% Utd Carbon (4) - 10 75 69% 69% -5 35 29% Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 2 30% 30 30 — % 8V, 5% Utd Corp (a20c)- 216 5% 4% 4% - % 46% 40 Utd Corp pf (3)- 10 39% 38 38 -2 16 12% Utd Drug <a75c)_ 15 13 12% 12%-% 26% 18% Utd Dyewood (1)— 5 21% 20% 20%-1% 9% 6% Utd Elec Coal _ 15 6% 6 6 — % 1% % Unit El C rts May 14 16 % % % 63 464 Utd Eng&Fy (t2).. 2 50 49 49 -3 864 804 United Fruit (t3)— 14 81 794 794 -2 17 134 Utd Gas imp (1)_ 91 134 134 134—4 164 64 Utd Paperboard- 16 134 124 124 — 4 34 2 U S Distributing- 12 2 2 204 13Vj U S Distribute* pf. 10* 144 144 144 — 4 244 17 U S & For’n Secur 3 184 18 18 — Vs 1004 96 U S& For'n 1st <6)_ 1 964 954 954 -1 344 224 U S Freight <tl)- 3 224 22 22 -4 137 106 U S Gypsum <t2) — 5 1084 1054 1054 -24 172 1564 U S Gypsum pf (7). 30*1614 161 161 -4 234 17 US Hoffman _ 1 194 194 194-14 434 364 U S Indus Alcohol— 33 374 344 344 -24 154 64 U S Leather vtc_ 26 84 8 84 -4 224 134 U S Leather!A)vtc. 18 154 154 154-4 112 89 USL’h’rprpf bl%. 3 1084 1084 1084 +4 724 564 U S Pipe & Fdry<3). 14 574 54 4 544 -3 194 114 U S Realty & Imp... 31 12 114 114 - 4 724 444 U S Rubber _ 164 58 524 554 -24 118 92 US Rubber 1st pf— 20 934 894 894 -34 105 834 U S Smelting (b4)_. 14 87 84 84 -54 754 69 U S Smelt pf (34).. 5 70 694 694 -4 1264 75 US Steel ... 764 1064 1004 1014 - 64 150 1394 U S Steel pf (7) ... 30 1434 142 143 -4 136 1294 U S Tobacco <t»)— 1 127 127 127 -» (ConMnued on Page A-19.) STOCKS SELL OFF $110 $7 OH MORE \ Many New Lows'Are Set as f Market Studies Capital Warnings. - I . Stock Averages .'fft 1S J 5 Bn Indus. Rails. Util. Btks Net. change.—2.1—1.1—1.4—17 Today, rlose*89.6 43.2 "42.8 *66.2 Prev. day... 91.7 44.3 44.2 67 9 Month ago. 97 8 47 2 47.4 72 4 Year ago... 77.1 31.5 43 4 57 3 1937 high---101.6 49.5 54 0 75.3 1937 low... 89 6 37 8 42.8 66.2 1936 high... 99 3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low... 73 4 30 2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8 7 23 9 169 1929 high.-.146.9 153.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95 3 61 8 61 8 •New 1937 low. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writtr. NEW YORK. April 28—With am munition provided partly by Wash ington news, selling forces today blasted stock market leaders for losses of 1 to more than 7 points in one of the sharpest onslaughts in about a year. Many new lows for 1937 or longer wore registered in an exciting early downturn when the high-speed ticker tape at times fell 4 minutes or so be hind floor dealings. Offerings dried up somewhat at in tervals and extreme declines were j shaded moderately. Momentum again ! picked up on the downside in the final half hour. Wall Street’s attack of nerves fol lowed advices from the Capital indi cating a move by the administration to tighten monopoly laws as one means of putting brakes on an inflationary boom in commodity and other prices. Heed was also paid to the President'! warnings on public stock speculation and the dangers of spiraling living costs. Further liquidation by London and continental houses badly burned by slumping staples was seen as a factor in the setback.. Transfers approximated 2.500,000 i shares. Share declines were distributed over a broad front, with United States Steel | particularly under pressure through ! out. Other conspicuous tobogganers | included Bethlehem. Republic. Youngs i town Sheet & Tube. Crucible Steel, j American Rolling Mill, Chrysler, Gen eral Motors. United States Rubber, Goodyear. Sears-Roebuck. Montgomery Ward. Douglas Aircraft. Deere, Boeing, American Telephone. Western Union, Public Service of New Jersey, How# Sound. Anaconda. Kennecott, Amer ican Smelting, International Nickel, Westinghouse. Du Pont Allied Chem : ical. General Electric, Standard Oil of New Jersey. Seaboard Oil, Yellow | Truck, Santa Fe. New York Central, I Southern Pacific. Pullman. Loew s, j Celanese and Johns-Manville. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press NEW YORK. April 28.—Colton »old off about tl to $1.50 a bale today un der renewed liquidation, owing to weakness of other markets and con tinued nervousness over the price sit uation as influenced by Washington. Slight partial rallies were attracted by a less favorable weekly weather re port. but the buying was limited. July eased from 13.17 to 13 00. and in the midafternoon was selling at 13.10. with prices generally 12 to 20 points net lower Futures closed steady IT fo 30 lower High Low Close May _ 13.04 12 90 12.95-97 July ___ 13.17 13.95 12.98 October _ 12 92 12 7 1 12 75 December 12 89 12.88 12.70-71 January 12.90 12.72 12 72 Marrh 12.91 12.75 12 75-78 Spot quiet middling 13 55. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed weak. 16 to 20 lower. Sales, 301 contracts, including 78 switches. May, 9.60-62; July, 9 76; September, 9.85; October. 9 76; December, 9.68b. b—Bid. New OrIean« Prices. NEW ORLEANS April 28 -P —Cot»on prices reacted early today and opened 9 to 11 points under the previous cloy* Profit-taking by recent buyers and disap pointment ovei foreign cables were the main influences behind the decline May contracts started at 12.90 bid: July 13.07: October. 12 90: December, 12 98; January. 12 99. and March. 13.01 Demand was light, and offerings con tinued after the start Toward the end of the first half hour October and De cember positions showed losses of 14 pom** Cottonseed oil opened steady March.’ 9 21. July 9.37b: September 9.41b. Oc tober 9.32b: December. 9,2sb. b—Bid. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK April 28 p —Reven ,e freight carloading? on railroads reporting today for the week ended April 24 in cluded April 24 Prev Week Year Ago. Burlington 22.898 22.37.3 22.183 Chesan A O 33.149 33.124 30.399 Gulf Coast 5 7 7 8 5.355 4 850 111. Central 30 098 30.773 29.710 Int Gr. Nor 5.3! s 4 913 4 844 Mo. Pacific 24.158 23.907 22 883 N Y. Central 88.031 SK.o28 79 398 N.Y.C. A St L 14 919 15.881 14.3 7 8 Pennsylvania 118.27 1 1 18 142 104 188 Pere Marq 12.308 12.553 11.975 St. L S. F. 14.084 13 262 Wabash 14.310 13P33 RAILWAY INCOME. NEW YORK April 28 r.4>».—Net operat ing income (before fixed charges and other income! of railroads reporting today for March included; 1937. 1930. Atlantic Coast Jl.193 225 $895,000 D. A R. G West *40.393 28.347 Long Island *03.4R7 ,3.31 1 Minn. A 8t. L 34.929 «3 7P7 Mobile A- Ohio 241.004 75.459 Naih Chat. A St L. 229.7S4 109 499 N. Y. Ont. A West. *24.570 22.77R Seaboard Airline RR2.12R 503.543 Virginian Rwy. R0R.335 000.030 •Deficit. -5-• METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. April "8 <8*.—Copprr un settled, electrolytic spot and future. 14.50; export nominal, no quotation. Tin easy: spot and nearby. 50.00a50.25; future, 55.50a55.75. Lead steady. New York .<y>ot. O. 0Oa0.05: East St Louis spot. 5.85. Zinc steady; East St. Louis spot and future. 8.75. Iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksilver, platinum and wolframite unchanged. MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. April 28 OPi.—Call monfT steady; 1 per cent all day; prime commer cial paper. 1 per cent; time loans steady; 00 to 90 days. IV4: 4 to 0 months. 1 ’/* per cent: bankers acceptances unchanged; rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, lVa per cent. -• MOTOR COACHES ORDERED. NEW YORK, April 28 (*>).—'Thfl American Car & Foundry Motor, Co. has received orders for 32 motor coaches powered with Hall-Scott horizontal engines. New England Fund Prospectus on Request A. $. Goclden & Co., Inc. Woodward Bld«. NA. 2000