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BUSINESS US t t> H V‘ _ Ranking Points to Fast Pace Despite Many Unfavor-, able Factors. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Although there are enough un favorable lactors to chill the en thusiasm of the most ardent optimist, the volume of industrial production and the pace of commercial activity continue without abate ment, says Bank ing, official organ of the American Bankers’ Asso •ciation, today. The momentum of the advance Is the most striking feature of the current Dutlook, the sur vey adds, at the same time laud ing Federal “en F. G. Clend&niel aeavors to head off any conditions that suggest a boom.” Uncertainty growing out of con flicting policies in business and gov ernment should be noted a.- chief among the unfavorable influences of the moment. For many months every effort has been directed toward build ing up the volume of business, in creasing productive activity and strengthening commodity prices. Now, with prices approaching the sought for-level and industrial output near ing the point called normal, some steps are being taken to remind busi ness that booms are not desirable, while other factors work in the opposite direction. In the case of bank credit the conflict of action or policy is notable. Before the recently ordered increase in reserve requirements had become fully effective, the Reserve System was called upon to put more money into the banks by the purchase of Govern ment securities in open market opera tions. Prices of certain commodities actually were getting out of reason able relationship with others and no doubt a word or two of caution was needed. Excess reserves, as every body knows, were far too high and a reduction was necessary to fore stall possible misuse of funds in ipeculation. Bond Situation Studied. How far the reserve will have to go in upholding the market is prob lematical. The buying will be suffi ciently substantial to carry out the reserve policy of “exerting its in- , lluence toward orderly conditions in ' the money market” and facilitating "the orderly adjustment of member j banks to the increased reserve re- j quirements.” the A. B. A. review says, j Until these current uncertainties ! as to bond prices, money rates and ; fiscal policies are cleared up bank management difficulties are likely to be numerous. The open market j policy of the Reserve Board will doubt- | less result in a substantial increase ! In the amount of excess reserves on hand after May 1, the latest esti mate being around $700,000,000 in stead of the $500,000,000 originally anticipated. At all events the excess will be sufficient to maintain easy money conditions indefinitely. Otherwise the outlook for better banking conditions may be described as favorable. Demands for credit for business are improving and "other" loans in reporting member banks are steadily increasing. Bank deposits will doubtless take another spurt as the Government renews its borrow ing. Building Contracts Mount. Building contracts continue at a level running about 25 per cent above the same period last year. Private construction has more than doubled and in recent weeks as been running more than twice public construction. The textile industries continue ope rating at their maximum. The con sumption of cotton in American mills In March was the highest on record with no lessening of volume antici pated. Rayon mills are running at capacity and are expanding their production equipment as rapidly as possible. Retail buying has been somewhat spotty as a result of labor unrest, un- ! favorable weather and a reaction from an early Spring holiday season, but the volume continues well above that of the corresponding period of last year even though the latter included the pre-Easter season, the survey con cludes. Clendaniel Quits Insurance. F. George Clendaniel, president of the District of Columbia Life Under writers Association two years ago, and for the past seven years a representa tive of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., has been elected a vice president of Stone's Mercantile Agency, Inc., William R. Stone an nounces. He will devote his entire time to financial and credit report ing in conjunction with rea estate title work, assuming his duties today. Mr. Clendaniel is now serving on several Washington Board of Trade committees and is much interested in civic development. He was connected with the mencantilf agency several years ago. The agency, established in 1890, is said to be one of the oldest local-scope credit exchanges in the United States. Headquarters at 1419 H street were recently expanded, 60 telephones now being used for out side conversations at the same time. William R. Stone, president, Is also treasurer; Gordon H. Fletcher, vice president and general manager, and M. Inez Stone, secretary. Institute Program Ready. The American Institute of Bank ing. section of the American Bankers’ Association, will hold its convention June 7 to 11 at St. Paul. Depart mental conference leaders for this meeting have just been announced. They are: Audits and accounting, E. G. Armstrong, comptroller of the Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo.; bank management, Raymond C. Gee, vice president of the Port Worth National Bank, Port Worth, Tex.; bank operations, Daniel F. O'Meara, assistant vice president of the Public National Bank & Trust Co., New .York; business development and ad vertising, Robert J. Izant, vice presi dent of the Central National Bank of Cleveland; credits, E. L. Blaine, jr., vice president of the Peoples Bank & Trust Co., Seattle; investments and divestment banking, William A. Ten <lck, jr., assistant cashier of the Chase National Bank; savings bank fig, Noble R. Jones, savings executive tthe First National Bank of St. uis; trust business, Louis S. Head ley, vioe president of the First Trust Oo. of St. Paul. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. May 1 iJP>.—Tin steady: /pat and nearby, 55.25: future. 55.00. Platinum. 55.00. Other metals nominally unehanaed. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. All New York markets are now on daylight saving time. Prev. 19.17 Stock and Beles— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 55 49 Abbott Lab (tl.60). 1 484 484 484 —4 844 634 Acme Steel (4)_ 2 784 784 784 —14 224 15 Adams Exp (a55c)-. 5, 18 174 18 + 4 36 304 Addressograph (1). 1 314 314 314 + 4 44 24 Advance Rumely_ 1 24 24 24 804 684 Air Reduction <11)_ 1 72 72 72 -2 54 24 Air-Way Electric__ 1 24 24 24 154 114 Alaska Jun (t60c)_ 6 124 124 124 — 4 54 34 Alleghany Corp_ 4 44 4 44 +4 594 434 Alleg pf ww *30_ 1 60 60 60 454 35V* Alleg Steel (h80c)__ 8 364 364 364 — Vi 217a 164 Allied Stores (b20c) 6 17V« 174 174 834 634 AUis-Chalm (b50c)_ 16 654 64Vi 644 -14 84 44 Amal Leather ... 1 64 64 64 +4 524 34.4 Amal Leath pf (3).. 1 39 39 39 1144 95 Amerada (,'orp (2)11014 1014 1014+14 1014 83 Am Ag Chm Del bl. 1 884 884 884 +14 804 574 Am Brake Sh <T2)__ 2 614 61 61 121 974 Am Can < +4) ._ 7 994 984 984 —4 71 514 Arfl Car & Foundry. 3 56 554 554 — Vi 1044 87 Am Car & Fy pf(b4) 1 91 91 91 +2 994 72 Am Chain & Ca bl.. 3 89 89 89 +4 234 134 Am Colortype ... 2 184 18 184 + 4 334 254 Am Crystal Sug b2.. 2 264 264 264 994 944 Am Crys S 1st pf 6.. 60s 96 96 96 134 84 Am Encaustic .. 8 10 94 94 + 4 134 74 Am & Foreign Pwr. 11 94 84 8a* 384 204 Am & For Pw 2d pf. 2 234 23 23 — 4 21 164 Am Hawaiian (1) .. 3 174 174 174 + 4 tviam maeaLeatner. 7 8% 8 8 — % 4% 2% Am Ice 6 3% 314 3% + % 27% 17% Am Ice pf (2)_ 1 2ft 25 25 4 % 17% 13% Am Interntl (a40c)_ 1 14% 14% 14%+ % 29% 21% Am Mach & F (tl).. 1 21% 21% 21%—% 13% 9 Am Mach & Met 6O0. 1 9% 9% 9% — % 68% 46% Am Metals (b25c)._ 10 49% 49 49 129% 116 Am Metals pf (6) _. 2 115 115 115 -1 75 62 Am News <N Y) (3) 20a 63 63 63 16% 9% Am Power & Light. 24 10% 9% 9% 29% 21 Am Radiator t60c _ 19 22% 22% 22%+ V« 45)4 33% Am Roll ATI 11 tl.20__ 29 35% 35% 35%+ % 36 28 Am Safty Raz f12) _ 6 30 29% 30 + % 29 22% Am Seating <a2%). 8 24 23% 24 58 41 Am Shtpbldg (2) _. 120s 50% 50 50 105% 81% Am Smelt & Ref (3) 11 85'% 85% 85% — % 107% 105 Am Sm <& Ref pf (6). 1 105$ 105$ 105$ 67% 59 Am Snuff (t3) ... 1 60 60 60 + % 73% 51% Am Steel F (b50e> 12 55% 55 55% — % 3% 2% Am Stl F rts May 15 68 3 2% 2% — % 26% 20 Am Stores (2) ... 2 21 20% 21 + % 25% 21% Am Sum Tob (tl)_ 1 22% 22% 22%+ % 187 160% Am Tel & Tel (9)... 20 164% 162% 164% +1*. 99% 80% Am Tobacco B (5).. 1 81 81 81 — % 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf (6)_. 3 130 130 130 +1% 20% 13% Am Type Founders. 9 14% 13% 13*4 29% 18% Am Water W (SOc). 14 20% 19% 20 + % 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead ... 11 13% 13% 13%-*- % 79% 44% Am Zinc & L pr pf._ 1 57% 57% 57% +2% 69% 48% Anaconda Cop (tl) 62 51% 50% 51% — % 97 79 Anaconda Wire bl% 1 80 80 80 25% 18 Anchor Cap (60c). 2 19% 19% 19% 46 40 Archer-Dan-M(t2). 1 42 42 42 -*-l% 111 107% Armour( Del)pf (7) . 2 110% 110% 110% + % 13% 7 Armour of Ill(b33c) 11 11% 11 11%+ % 70% 59% Armstrong Cork(2). 1 63 63 63 +1% 16% 12% Arnold Cnst b62 %e. 1 12*1 12% 12% 17% 10% Artloom Corp _ 3 11% 11% 11% +■ % 24*4 15% Assoc Dry Goods . 2 17% 17% 17% +1% ; 57% 4^% Associates Inv (t2). 2 55 54% 54% +1' i 89*4 69% Atch T * S Fe<a2)_. 20 88% 87% 87% - % 104 97% Atch T & S F pf (5) _ 2 99 99 99 -* 1% 65% 41% Atl Coast Line(al). 7 48% 48 48 -1- % 29 23 Atl Gulf & Wst Ind. 1 24 24 24 - 1, I 37 29% Atl Refining (tl)_ 5 31% 31 31 + % 116% 111 Atl Refin pf (4)_ 1 111% 111% 111% -r % 18% 16% Atlas Corp (80c)... 2 16% 16% 16% 94 72% Atlas Pwdr (b75e)_. 2 75% 75 75% +2 133 113% Atlas Pwdr pf (5)__ 10s 113% 113% 113% -2% 36% 27% Auburn Auto _ 1 29 29 29 — % 9% 6% Aviation Corp Del_ 11 7% 7% 7% + % 11% 6% Baldwin Loco (d) . 15 7% 7% 7% + % 120 86% Baldwin Loco pf(d) 1 99 99 99 +1% 9% 5% Baldwin asd (d) ... 6 6% 6 6 + % 40% 20% Baltimore & Ohio... 41 34% 33% 34 — % 47% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf.. 1 38% 38% 38%+ % 110% 104% Bangor <*? A pf <5)_ 60s 103 103 103 —1% 43% 31 Barber Co (b25c)_ 4 34% 33%. 33% — % 32 25% Barker Bros _ 2 27% 27% 27% 35% 26% Barnsdall (1) _ 30 28% 28% 28% 20% 15 Bayuk Cigar t75c... 2 16 15% 15% + % 105% 101% Beatrice pf ww(5).. 1 102% 102% 102s, 30% 20% Bendix Avia(b25c>. 8 22 21% 21% 23% 20% Benef Ind Ln (b95c) 4 20% 20% 20% + % 105% 73 Bethlehem SteeKbl, 40 86% 85 85% — % an jo-i ceui D-vo pr (i) __ 2 18% 18% 18% — % 29% 22 Blaw Knox (b20c)_ 8 24% 24 24% + % 49% 33% Boeing Airplane_ 8 38 37% 37% + % 28 24% Borden Co (1.60) ... 17 25% 24% 25%+ % 43% 38% Borg-Warner (new) 9 41% 40% 40% — % 15s, 8% Boston & Maine _ 2 12% 12 12% + % 23% 15 Bridgept Brss(60c_. 25 16% 15% 15% 59% 45 Briggs Mfg (42)_ 6 46% 46 46 53 32% Bklyn-Man Tr («).. 7 34% 33% 34 +1% 8 4 Bklyn & Queens_ 1 4% 4s, 4% + % 38% 22% Bkn & Q T pf (3) __ 3 23% 23% 23%+ % 52% 32% Bklyn I’n Gas(1.60) 1 33% 33% 33% -t- % 50 45% Brown Shoe (3) 1 46 46 46 + % 24% 18 Brunswick-Balke_ 1 19% 19% 19% -+• % 25% 16% Bucyrus-Erie _ 2 18% 18' 18% — % 14% 9 Budd (EG) Mfg_ 10 10 9% 10 + % 13 8 Budd Whee!(a20c).. 11 94 S 9 + % 45% 31% Bullard (b25c) 1 34 34 34 + % 65% 50% Bulova Watch (44). 3 56% 56 56%+ % 35% 20% Burr Add M (80c) 10 27% 27 27%+ % 11% 7 Bush Terminal (d). 2 8 8 8 45% 24% Bush T Bldg pf (d). 20s 32% 32% 32% + % 18% 13% Butler Bros (bloc). 2 15 15 15 -r % 36% 29% Butler pf (1%) ... 1 30% 30% 30%-% 9% 4% Butte Cop Z(a5c). 15 6 5% 6 + % 33% 22% Byers (AM) _ 2 24% 24 24 — % 6% 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead 22 4 .3% 3s, + % 20% 12 Calumet&Hecla (1) 33 13% 13% 13% T % 37% 27s, Campbell Wy < 41) _. 3 28 27% 27% 38% 25% Canada Dry G Ale.. 5 29% 29 29 — % 17% 12% Canadian Pacific .. 45 13% 13 13 + % 61% 48% Cannon Mills(b50c) 1 50 50 50 +1% 9% 7 Carriers & Gen(b5c) 18 8% 8% 8% + % 176% 138 Case(J 1 )Co (4)_ 2 168% 168 168' . -1 100 85% Caterpillar Tr (t2)_ 6 90 88% 89% +1% 39% 26% Celanese (b75c)_ 19 36% 36 36 — % 48% 36% Celotex £orp_ 1 41% 41% 41% 82% 74% Celotex Corn pf (5).. 70s 77 75 77 +2 12% 7% Central Foundry_ 7 8% 8% 8% + % 24% 14% Cent Violeta Sug_ 1 16% 16% 16% + % 86% 62% Cerro de Pasco (4).. 9 68% 68 68 23% 16% Certain-teed Prd .. 2 17% 17% 17% 60% 35% Champion Pap (41). 1 54 54 54 — % 68% 56% Ches & Ohio 42.80 11 59% 59% 59% — % 100 91 Ches & Oh pf A (4). 1 95 95 95 — % 13% 6% Chi & Est 111 pf (d). 1 10% 10% 10% - % 4 2% Chi Grt West (d) . 5 2s* 2% 2% + % JB4 uni urt west pr (d) 4 144 14 14 + 4 34 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d). 2 24 24 24 -4 74 4% Chi M St P&P pf(d). 11 54 54 54 -4 6% 34 Chi & N W (d) _ 2 4% 4% 4% — 4 194 114 Chi & N W pf (d)_ 7 144 144 144 +1 33 21 Chi Pneumatic Tool 4 23% 23% 23% — 4 704 584 Chi Pn T pf b87 4c-. 1 59 59 59 34 24 Chi R 1 & Pac (d) . 5 24 24 24 — 4 8% 54 Chi RI&P 6% pf(d). 8 7 6% 7 + % 104 6% Chi R1&P7% pf(d) 2 8 7% 8 + % 224 17% Chlckasha Cott'n Oil 1 15% 15% 15% —2 154 124 Childs Co _ 1 13 13 13+4 1354 1094 Chrysler Corp b3 69 115% 113% 113% + 4 21% 184 City Ice & Fuel (2). 1 194 194 194 + 4 92 84 City Ice & F of 6%. 20« 834 834 83%-% 10-% 7 City Stores . _ 3 8 7% 8 +4 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 4%_ 10s 107 107 107 -% 44% 35 Clev Graph Br (2) 3 40 394 394 — 4 98% 78 Cluett Peabody < 3)_ 1 88 88 88 25% 194 Colgate-P-P( +50c). 7 22 21% 21% — 4 62% 51% Collins & Aik (t2).. 4 544 53% 53%+% 514 36 Col Fuel & Iron(bl) 1 374 374 374 +1 30 22 Colo & South 1st pf. 40s 23 23 23 204 124 Columb G&El(40c) 36 134 13% 13% + 4 394 314 Columb Pic vtc (tl) 10 324 314 32V* + 4 694 56% Cornel Credit 4 + 4)_ 5 624 61% 624 +1% 804 634 Cornel Inv T (t4)_ 2 674 67 674 +1% 21V* 14% Cornel Solv (t60c)„ 11 15% 154 154 + 4 44 24 Comw & Southern_ 32 2% 2% 2% 75% 50 Comw & Sou pf (3)_ 2 53 52% 53 + 4 194 134 Conde Nast Pub_ 3 16% 16% 16% +14 494 37 Cons Edls N Y(t2)_. 27 38 37% 37% 5% 3% Cons Film- 2 3% 34 3% + 4 18% 13 Cons Film pf (a2)__ 1 134 134 134 + % 134 94 Cons Laundries__ 1 10 10 10—4 174 15 Cons Oil (80c)_ 45 16% 16 16 —4 10% 64 Cons R R Cuba pf_ 1 74 74 74 +4 1% 4 Cons Textile (d)_ 15 4 % 4 13V* 84 Cons Coal (Del) vtc. 3 12% 124 124 52% 33 Cons Coal Del vtc pf 230s 514 51 51+4 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20 11 35V* 34% 34% — v* 37% 23 Conti Baking <A)__. 6 26 254 254 —4 54 24 Conti Bakinc (B)__. 7 34 34 34 89% 00% Conti Can (3) 11 54% 53% 53% + % 42% 36% Conti lnsur (tl 60). 5 36% 36% 36%+ % 3% 2% Conti Motors _ 11 2% 2% 2% + % 47% 40% Conti Oil Del (tl)._ 22 45 44% 44% 35% 26% Conti Steel (b50c)._ 1 30% 30% 3074 71% 57% Corn Prod Ref (t3)_. 4 5974 58% 58% 10Vi 6 Coty Inc 7 7% 7% 7% 28% 19% Crosley Radio al%_ 2 19% 19% 19%+% 100% 70% Crown Cork & S(2)_ 3 77% 77% 77% -h % 25% 17 Crown Zeller(new). 26 20% 20% 20% — % 81% 61 Crucible Steel _ 1 65% 65% 65% + % 14% 9% Cuban-Am Sugar.™ 110 10 10 — % 20% 14% Curtis Publishing_ 1 14% 14% 14% 109% 92% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 4 94% 94% 94%—% 8% 5% Curtiss-Wright_ 68 6% 5% 6 + % 23% 18% Curtiss-W (A)a50o. 4 19% 19% 19%+% 62 48 Cushman Sons pf... 20» 49 49 49 137% 104% Deere & Co . _ 4 133% 132 133% +1% 29 20 Deisel-Wem-G(tl). 2 21% 21 21% + % 58% 42% Delaware & Hudson 6 45 44% 447; — v; 24% 17% Del Lack & West... 11 18% 18% 18%—% 12 9% Det & Mackinac_ 20» 12 12 12 23 18% Diamond T Mot b25c 1 1974 19% 1974 29 20% Distil Corp Seag .. 8 21% 207* 21%+% 25 20% Dixie Vortextl %).. 1 21% 21% 21% +1 46% 36% Doehler Die Cast(2) 6 41% 40% 40% — % 51 38% Dome Mines < +2)_ 21 41% 40% 4074 77% 49% Douglas Aircraft_ 16 55% 54 54 — % 8% 474 Dunhill Internatl_ 2 5% 5% 5% + % 1807» 148% Du Pont (b76c) ___ 9 154% 154 154% + % 135% 131% Du Pont deb (6)_ 1 132% 132% 132% + % 17 11% Eastern Roll Mills.. 3 12% 12% 12%+ 7* 175% 154 Eastman Kodak(6)_ 3 156% 155% 166% +2% 163 150 Eastman Kod pf (6). 10*161 161 161 —1 37% 81% Eaton Mf* (2)_ 1 84% 84% 84% Prev 1037 Block and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add (in. High. Low. Close, chge. 16 11% Eitington-Schild__ 6 12% 12% 12% — % 29 21% El Paso Nat G 1.60.. 2 25V* 24s* 25%+ % 45% 34% Eleo Auto Lt t2.40_. 13 38% 37% 38 +1 16 10% Eleo Boat (a60c)_ 6 11% 11 11%+ % 7% 4% Elec&Mus 1 (al8c)_ 2 4% 4% 4% — % 26% 17% Eleo Pow & Light 31 20% 19% 19% — % 87 66 Elec Pw & Lt 86 pf.. 1 67 fi7 67 +1 44% 39 Elec Storage Bat (2) 1 39% 39% 39%+ % 115% 108% Endicptt-Jhn pf(5>_ lOalll 111 111 9% 6% Equitable Office B_ 2 7 7 7 23% 13% Erie RR- 6 18% 18% 18%-% 85% 24 Erie R R let pf_ 3 27% 27% 27% + % 28% 21 Erie R R 2d pf- 2 21% 21 21%-% 14% 11 Eureka Vac (80c)__ 3 11 11 11 34% 26% Evans Prod (tl)_ 3 28% 28% 28%+ % 6% 4% Exchange Buffet_ 2 4% 4% 4% + % 5% 3% Fairbanks Co_ 290» 3% 3% 3% 28 20% Fairbanks Co pf_ 90s 25 24V* 24% — % 71% 51 Falrb'ks-Morse (tl) 6 64% 63% 54% +2 70 53% Fajardo Sug Co (bl) 2 68% 5S% 58% + % 29% 20 Federal Lt & Trac . 1 20% 20% 20% + % 11% 7 Federal MotorMOc). 3 8% 8 8 — % 11% 5% Fed Screw Works _. 1 7% 7% 7s* + % 6 3% Fed Water Svc A _ 4 4% 4% 4% + % 45% 37% Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 6 39 38% 38% + % 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2). 2 35% 35% 35% — % 52% 45 First Natl Strs t2 74 2 45 45 45 46V* 3274 FUntkote Co (1) 3 35% 35% 3574 9% 6% Follansbee Bros(d). 2 7% 7% 7% + % 58 47% Food Machine (1)_ 3 64% 54% 64% + 7, 5474 43 Foster-Wheeler_ 9 47% 467* 46% 184, 12 Francisco Sugar_ 7 1274 12% 12% — 74 83 67 Franklin S pKaS'li). 10« 67 67 67 3274 2544 Freeport Sulph (1)_ 3 26% 2674 2674 + 74 19% 13% Gar Wood Ind a55c. 4 14% 14V* 14% 86% 68 Gen Am Trans (»3). 2 68% 687, 68%+ 7, 19% 12% Gen Bakin* <t60c)_. 7 12% 12% 12% + 74 14 84, Gen Bronze_ 2 97, 97* 9% — % 32% 23% Gen Cable_ 6 25% 257* 2574 + v* 6 5 4 7 74 Gen Cable (A)_ 2 52 61% 52 +174 5274 39 Gen Cigar (t4)_ 3 41 41 41 +2 64% 5074 Gen Electric (b40c). 35 54 53% 53% — 74 44% 39 Gen Foods (2) 9 39'i 39% 39% + % 3% 174 Gen Gas & Elec(A). 13 274 2 2% + 7* 65% 60 Gen Mills (3) 2 64% 64% 64% 124 117% Gen Mills pf (6)_ 10,117 117 117 — % 70% 5544 Gen Motors(b25c) „ 63 58% 57% 58 — y* 157* 10% Gen Outdoor Adv .. 4 107, 10% 1074 60% 45% Gen Outdoor Adv A.. 1 44 44 44 —14* 19 15% Gen Print Ink new_ 6 16% 1674 16% 54, 3% Gen Pub Service_ 1 37, 3% 3% 5% 3 Gen Realty & Util_ 8 3", 3% 3% + 74 88 62% Gen Steel Cast pf __ 10s 65 65 65 20% 157* Gillette S Raz C11)_ 12 15% 154* 15"* - 74 29% 207, Gimbel Bros _ 5 24V* 24 24% + % 907* 83V* Gimbel Bros pf(6).. 2 84 84 81 + % 51% 41 Glidden Co (2)_ 2 43% 43% 43% — 7* 6", 474 Gobel (Adolf)_ 3 4% 4% 4% 50% 31 Goodrlch(BF) (al)_ 15 434* 434, 43%— 4, 474, 274* Goodyear T & R bl_. 22 41% 41% 41% — % 141 100 Goodyear cu pf(5)_. 1 125 125 125 +2 4% 3 Graham-Palge_ 21 34* 3", 34* + % 15 6% Granby Cons_ 9 9 8% 9 + % 5% 37* Grand Union ctfs 3 3% 3% 3% + % 27'* 19% Grand Union pf bl % 1 227, 227, 22% + % 48% 33 Granite City Stl(l). 2 35% 35% 35% 55% 40% Grt Northern pf ... 43 53 527, 524, 28% 19 Grt N’orthn Ore (1)_ 4 22% 22% 22%+ '« 42% 35 Grt West Sug t2.40. 2 35", 35% 35%+ % 39% 31% Green H L (11.60)_ 1 32% 32% 32% — % 16% 13', Greyhound <t80c)_. 11 14% 13% 13% — Vi 4% 2s* Guantanamo Sug_ 1 3 3 3 17% 114, Gulf Mobile & N ... 1 13% 13% 13% +1% 591, 47% Gulf Mobile & N pf. 1 51 51 51 +3% 20% 137, Hall W F Print .. 2 17 17 17 +7, 31 25% Hamilton W (b65c). 3 29 28% 29 +1 105 101 Hanna (MA) pf (5) _ 10s 101 101 -101 58% 43 Harb-Walker (t2) 2 45 45 45 + '* 17"* 12% Hat Corp of Am 80c 2 137, 13% 13% + % 8 4% Hayes Body 1 5% 5% 5% 109% 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (ta). 1 103>, 103% 103% — % 157, 12% llecker Prod (60c)5 13% 13 13 — % 185 150% Hercules Pivdr (6). 1 154 154 154 —1 120% 105% Holland Fur pf(6).. 70s 108 106% 106% —1% 30% 21 Hollander & Son(l). 3 26% 26 26 4 3 7 , 3 1 74 Holly Sugar (t2)_ 4 33% 33% 33% + % 431 337 Homestake (tl2)_ 90s 354 350 350 —2 27% 207* Houd-Her B (tl 74). 8 21", 21% 21%-+- % 73 57", Household Fin (4).. 1 60% 60% 60% — % .17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 301 17 16% 16% -r % 90% 62% Howe Sound (13)_ 6 78% 76 76 -3 23% 17", Hudson Motor _ 16 18’, 18% 18% + % 4 3% Hupp Motor (new). 12 3% 3", 3% ft ft Hupp M rts May24_. 14 f, ft ft ss 224 Illinois central 1 i 32 311, 314+ 4 224 12s* Indian Refin (al)_ 1 154 154 1.')',+ 4 474 364 Indus Rayon (2)_ 4 434 43'* 434 1314 110 Inland Steel (t4)_ 3 114 1134 114 + 4 33 4 204 Inspiration Cop_ 13 224 224 224 -r V* 6* 44 Insur Sh Md (blOc). 1 44 44 44 134 7s, inter Rap Tr vtc(d) 2 84 84 84 * 114 44 Intercontl Rubber.. 2 74 74 74 + 4 284 164 Interlake Iron ... 20 204 20", 204 + 4 94 5 Inti Agricultural_ 3 64 64 64 63V* 42 Inti Agricul pr pf ... 2 52 514 514 — 4 189 157 Inti Bus Wach(t6)_. 1 160 160 16u i-3 1114 994 Inti Harvester(2Vi) 9 107 1064 1064 + 4 164 84 Inti Hydro El A_ 7 104 104 104 15V* 64 Inti Mercantile M._. 13 114 114 114+ 4 18s* 114 Inti Mining ta90c)_. 3 124 124 124 + 4 734 55V, inti Nickel (b50c)_ 60 604 594 594 244 164 Inti Paper 1A)_ 8 194 194 194 + V* 18 104 inti Paper (B)_ 5 144 144 144 94 5s* Inti Paper (C)_ 15 74 74 74 — 4 1214 904 lntl Paper pf _ 12 10s 1064 1064 — 4 in 54 Inti Ry Cent Am_ 40s 6 6 6—1, 574 46 lntl Ry C Am pf A.. 20s 49 4S 48 —1 110 90 Jnt Silver pf (b4)... 40« 93 924 93 —2 154 104 lntl Tel & Tel _ 21 lit* 114 114+ 4 364 244 Interstat Dp St b2 V* 2 264 26 264 — 4 156 1257* Johns-Manv <T3)_ 4 1.324 132 132 -r 4 29 20 Kans City South _ 1 23 23 23 —1 444 35 Kans City So pf(al) 1 36 36 36 35 284 Kaufmann (tl.60).. 1 30 30 30 194 134 Kelsey-H B (alVi). 1 134 134 134 69s, 51 Kennecott (b50c) . 36 55 54 54 — V* 204 16'* Keystone S&W b30c 9 19 18 184 294 244 Kresge S S (b30c> . 4 244 244 *244 244 217* Kroger Groo (tl.60) 6 22’, 22 22 —4 24 184 Lambert Co (2)_ 5 204 204 204 + 4 274 17 Lee Rubber (50c)_ 3 254 254 254 514 35V* Leh Port Cmt 174 ... 4 36s* 364 36s* + 4 3s* 14 Lehigh Valley Coal. 11 2 2 2 + 1* 18V* 10 Lehigh Val Coal pf. 1 104 104 104 244 17 Lehigh Valley R R.. 4 194 194 194 — 4 137 118 Lehman Corp t T3)_ 2 122 1214 121V* — 4 79 614 Libbey-Ow-F b75c_ 4 644 64 64 + V* 114 964 Ligg Ai Mvers B t* 5 984 974 974 — 4 175 153 Ligg & Myers pf (7). 1 155 155 155 + 4 23 214 Lily Tulip (tl 4)_ 2 224 224 22s* +1 83'* 59 Lima Locomotive... 1 634 634 634 534 434 Liquid Carb (2.60).. 3 49s* 49s* 494 84V* 644 Loew's Inc (t2) 11 774 76'* 76V* — 4 110 106V* Loew’s Inc pf (6 Vi)- 1 196 106 106 + 4 o h zva i^oii me __ z Za4 z** z** — 75% 52 Lone Star Cmt b75c. 2 564 56', 564+1 10% 64 Long-Bell Lumb(A) 9 84 8% 84 + 4 43V* 34V, Loose-Wiles (2) .. 3 34% 34 34 — 4 28% 21% Lorillard P (tl.20)_ 16 214 21% 21% — % 147% 138% Lorillard Ppf (7 >_30s 138% 138V* 138V* 28% 19% Lou Gas & Elec (A). 1 20 20 20 +4 99 86% Louis & Nash b24_ 8 88 874 874 — 4 41% 29% Ludlum Steel <tl)_. 3 33% 33% 33% — ■% 36 29V, McCall Corp ( + 2)_ 1 30 30 30 + 4 244 164 McCrory Stores_ 1 17% 17% 17% 54V, 40% McGraw Elec (tZ)_ 1 504 504 604 —4 424 334 McIntyre Porcu(2)- 10 35% 35 35 + 4 424 31% McKeesp’t Tin Plate 9 32% 324 32% + % 16V* 12% McKesson & Rob 15 14% 144 144 + 4 1124 103 McLellan St pf (6). 100s 104 101 104 +% 62% 42% Mack Trucks <tl)_ 22 494 49 49 58% 46% Macy (RH) < +2)_ 6 48 48 48 + % 63 46 Magma Copper (2).. 1 47% 47% 474 + % 30 16 Manati Sug of (d)_70s 21 21 21 6% 3% Maracaibo Oil Exp.. 2 44 44 44 — % 14% 104 Marine Mid <t40c).. 9 10% 10'., 10%—% 39 26 Market St Ry pr pf. 10s 284 284 284 304 184 Marshall Field_ 6 234 23% 23% — % 29% 254 Martin (Glenn)_ 15 29 284 284 —4 134 8% Martin-Parry_ 1 9% 9% 9% + % 41% 354 Mathieson Aik (1%) 2 374 37'* 374 + 4 66% 56 May Dept St t+3)_ 1 564 564 564 -% 34% 25% Mead Corp_ 5 304 30 30 — 4 101 95 Mead Corp pf (6)._. 10s 954 954 954 -14 16% 114 Mengel Co_ 3 13 13 13 47% 41 Mengel 1st pf (2%). 80s 43 43 43 + Vi 26% 14% Miami Copper. ._ 10 16% 16 16-4 35% 28% Mid Cont Petb(50c). 16 31% 30% 30%+% 484 38 Midld Stl Prod(t2). 6 39% 394 394 122 1164 Midld Stl 1st of<8) . 10s 117 117 117 124 113 Minn-Hn R pf B(4). 100s 113 1124 113 164 11 Minn Moline Pow . 5 13% 13% 13% 34 264 Mission Corp (a45c) 4 29V, 294 294 +1 9% 64 Mo Kans & Texas _. R 7% 74 74 — % 34% 24% Mo Kans* Tex pf A 10 274 27% 274 +% b% 3 MO Pacino (d) _ 14 ov'j b% 5% + % 12% 7 Mo Pacific pf (d).__ 24 10% 9% 10 + % 40% 30% Mohawk Carpfl.20) 2 31% 31% 31%+% 69 52% Montg Ward < + 2) 28 55% 55 55% — % 3% 1% Mother Lode a!2%c 18 1% 1% 1% 38% 31% Motor Prod (+2)_ 3 34% 34% 34% 26 20% Motor Wheel (1.60)_ 5 21% 21% 21%+% 39% 28% Mullins B (a50c)_ 1 29% 29% 29% +1 99% 91% Mullins pf <7)_ 30« 94% 94 94 +1 90 70 Murphy GC (2.60)_. 2 78 78 78 -1 20% 13% Murray Corp(a60c). 5 15 14% 15 + % 24% 17% Nash Kelv (1)_ 25 20% 20% 20%+% 47% 36 Nashv Chat & St L„ 10» 38 38 38 + % 24 18% Natl Acme (a75c)_ 9 20 19% 20 +1% 18% 12% Natl Aviation (al)_ 2 13 13 13 33% 25% Natl Biscuit (1.60)_ 25 26 25% 26 + % 38% 29% Natl Cash Reg (1)__ 3 32 31% 32 + % 26% 22% Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 7 23% 22% 23 + % 24% 17% Natl Dept Stores 3 18% 18% 18%+ % 35 27% Natl Distillers(t2)_ 13 31% 30% 31 +% 18% 15% Nat'l Gypsum Co—_ 6 17% 17% 17%+ % 44 31% Natl Lead (t50c)—_ 4 35% 34% 35% +1% 14% 9% Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 8 10% 10 10 94% 70 Natl Steel (t2%)_ 8 84% 83% 84 102% 62 Natl Supply Co_ 8 99% 96% 98% +3 13% 10% Natomas <t80c) — 3 10% 10% 10%-% 41% 28 Newport lnd(b50c). 5 30 29% 29% — % 98% 73% N Y Air Brake (al)_ 2 76 75 76 +2 55% 40 NY Central _ 115 47% 46% 46% -1V4 72 41 N Y Chi & St L_ 2 67 67 67 -1 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf—. 1 91% 91% 91%+% 31% 26 NY City Omnibus— 4 27% 27 27% + % 21% 15% N Y City Omnib p w. 2 17 16% 17 +1% 12% 8 NY Dock_ 20* 9 9 9 C6% 17% NY Dock pf_ 20» 19% 19% 19% 12 1 N Y Invertor* <d).. 6 1% 1 1% + % Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 9% 5% NY NH & H (d)_ fi 7% 7% 7% + Vi 26% 16% NY NH & H pf (d)_. 2 20% 20% 20%+% 6% 4% N Y Ontario & W_ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 15% 10 N Y Shipbuilding,.. 2 10% 10% 10% — % 17% 11% North Am Aviation. 17 12% 12% 12%+ % 34% 24 North Am Co(b30c). 14 25 24% 24% — % 104% 97% North Am Ed pf (6). 1 100 100 100 36% 27% Northern Pacifio ... 60 34% 33% 33% — % 6% 3% Norwalk Tire & R_ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 22% 17% OhloOtl (afiOc)- 20 21% 20% 20%-% 73 63% Oliver Farm Equip. 17 71 69% 70 + % 26% 16% Omnibus Corp vtc._ 2 17% 17% 17% — % 45Vi 35 Otis Elev (60c)_ 7 38% 37% 37%—% 24% 16% Otis Steel- 10 18% 18 18%-% 97 75 OtisStlcvpf (5%). 1 86% 85% 85% -2% 28 22 Outboard Mot b75c. 2 23 23 23 +1 87% 82% Owens-IU Glass (3). 2 85% 85% 85%+% 23 17% raclfic Am Fish 1.20 12 20% 19% 20% + % 40 25% Pacifio Coast 1st pf. Ida 32 32 32 +1 27% 16'% Pacific Coast 2d _ 30a 18% 18% 18% 38 29% Pac Gas&Elec (2). 4 30% 30% 30% 44% 33% Pac Mills (b50c)_ 2 36% 36% 36% + Vi 152 140 I'ac Tel & Tel (8)... 80s 141 141 141 29% 22% Pac West Oil(a65c>. 3 25% 25% 25%+ Vi 12% 9% Packard Mot <bl5c). 48 9% 9% 9% + % 4',a 2% Panhandle P & R 4 3% 3 3% + % 102% 60 Panhandle P&R pf.. 10a 93% 93% 93% +2% 28% 20% Paramount Pic ... 68 22% 21% 21Va — % 200% 140V, Paramnt 1st pf («)_ 3 155% 153 153 —1% 26% 18% Paramnt 2d pf 60c._ 2 20 19% 19% — % 8% 4% Park Utah_ 13 4% 4% 4% 29% 24% Parker Rust (tl%). 3 25% 25% 25% 7% 4% Parmelee Trans_ 2 4% 4'% 4% — % 10% 7 Pathe Film Corp_ 5 7% 7% 7% + % 23% 14% Patino Mlnes(t60c). 9 16 16% 15% 7% 3% Peerless Corp_ 21 6% 6% 6% + % 64 43% Penlck & Ford(t3)_. 1 46 46 46 + % iv.5’1 renncy J C) (4)_ 1 98 98 98 6% 3% Penn Coal & Coke... 3 4 4 4 + % 12% 7% Penn Dixie Cement. 4 8 8 8 + % 29% 22 Penn G1 Sd ct a50c.. 10 27% 25 27 +3 50% 39% Penn Railroad (a2)_ 13 44% 44% 44% — % 65% 46% Peoples Gas Chi . 7 50 49% 59%+ % 21% 16% Petrol Corp(A) b40c 2 18% 18% 18%+ % 13% 9% Pfeiffer Brew b60c 2 10% 10 10% + % 6 32 2-32 Pfeift Br rts May 13. 7 2-32 1-32 2 32 59% 46% Phelps Dodge b35c .. 12 48 47% 47% + % 3% 1%'I’hlla Read C&l (d). 3 1% 1% ]% + 59% 49% Phillips I’etrol'm t2 19 56% 56% 56% 20% 15% Pierce Oil pf _ 4! 17% 17% 17%+ % 18% 10% Pittsburgh Goal_ 1 11 11 11 76% 60 Pittsburgh Coal pf_. 1 63 63 63 — % 20 13% Pitts Screw&B bl5o. 23 16% 15% 16 + % 43 24% Pitts Steel _ 2 32 32 32 — % 122 98 Pitts Steel pf. - 20* 101% 101% 101% 4 2% Pitts Term Coal_ 1 2% 2% 2% — % 8% 3% Pitts United _ 8 5% 5 5 + v, 29% 24% Plymouth Oil (tl).. 23 28% 28% 28%+ V, 33% 22% Poor & Co (B) ... 12 23% 22% 23%+ % 3% IS Torto R Am Tob B.. 1 2 2 2 + % 31% 22 % Pressed Steel Car 2 24% 24 24 65% 55% Proctor & Gam(t2)_ 1 61 61 61 — Vi 52% 40% Pub Svc N J 42.60>_ 3 43 43 43 + % 72% 57% Pullman Inc (1%).. 2 60% 60% 60% + % 24% 18% Pure Oil _ 36 20% 19% 19%-% 112% 108 Pure Oil pf (8) ... 60s 110% 110 110 — % 23% 15% Purity Bak (60c)... 2 17% 17% 17% 18% 16 Quaker State O b45c 1 17 17 17 + % 12% 8% Radio Corp . 87 9% 9% 914 10% 7% Radlo-Kelth-Or (d). 27 9% 8% 8% — % 47 37 Reading RR (2)- 1 41% 41% 41% +1% 4% 2% Reis (Root) ... 2 2% 2% 2% + % 22% 17% Reliable Str (a50c). 4 18% 18% 18", •+• % 29% 21 Rem-Rand (t60c> . 26 22% 22% 22% + % 94% 80% Rem-R pf ww(4%)_ 1 82% 82% 82% +1% llo 99 Rensselaer&S(8)._ 80s 100% 100% 100% + % 9% 5 Reo Motor Car_ 24 6% 6% 6% 47% 27% Republic Steel_ 142 39% 38% 38% — % 49% 33% Revere Copper _ 6 40% 39*4 39% _ \ 95% 91 Revere Cop pf 5 >4._ 60s 91% 91% 91% 30 , 23 Reynolds Met (tl).. 3 23% 23% 23%—% 112 103 Reynolds M pf 5%.. 1 104 104 104 +1 34% 23 Reynolds Spr (tl).. 3 23% 23% 23% 58 50 Reynolds Tob B (3). 8 50% 50% 50%+ % 46 37 Safeway Stores)t'2) 3 37% 37 37 _ u 65 43% St Joseph Ud(b50c) 1 52% 52% 52(4+ % 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d) 5 8% 8% 8% + % 51% 42% Schenley Dist(b75c) 1 44 44 44 8% 1% Schulte R Strs (d).. 2 2 1% ]% 23% 16 Schulte R S pf (d).. 1 16% 16% 16% + % 2% 1% Seaboard Air L (d). 12 1% 1% 1% + i„ 8% 5% Seaboard A L pf(d). 33 6% 5% 6 +% 54% 40% Seaboard 011 (1) 6 46% 45 45 _is‘ m bears lioeouck (3).. 4 864 864 864 -14 34 26 Servel Inc < +1) . 10 284 28 28 424 20 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 5 334 33", 334 +4 14 94 Sharpe & Dohme . 83 114 114 114-14 65 594 Sharp & Do pf (3 % )_ 1 604 604 604 - 4 174 124 Shattuck F G (60c). 2 14 14 14+4 34 4 254 Shell Gn Oil <a25c)_ 15 28*. 284 284 + 4 17 s 124 Silver King (b25c).. 1 134 134 134 5S 444 Simmons Co (b50c). 7 464 46 464 + 4 2 32 1 32 Simm'ns rts May 19. 52 2 32 2-32 2 3? 604 42 Skelly Oil 6 604 594 604 + 4 191 8o4 Sloss-Sheffield Stl 20s 156 154 156 + 7 404 274 Smith & Cor ctfs(l) 2 334 33 334 + 4 204 164 Socony-Vac (b25c). 77 194 194 I9a„ 64 34 South Am G & P 30c 20 44 4 41, + 14 424 34 South Port Sug(t2). 6 374 37 374 + 4 324 254 So Cal Edison tl 14.. 5 254 254 254 +4 6.,4 424 Southern Pacific_ 12 574 56 56 -14 434 24 Southern Ry. _ 25 384 374 37-4 —4 604 45 Southern Ry pf ... 6 49*, 49 49 + j 1044 10(1 Spang Cha) pf bl4. 10s lffo loi) 100 94 54 Sparks-Withing 6 64 6, 64+4 234 11>, Sperry Corp vtc(al) 18 194 194 194 - a, 344 284 Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 2 314 31 314 +14 50 454 Spicer pf A (3)_ 30s 49-4 494 494+14 2,-4 214 Spiegel, Inc (1) _ 8 234 23 2.4 - 4 484 374 Square D (B) b25c.. 1 414. 414 414- t„ I64 124 Stand Brands(t80c) 54 134 131, 134 1. 1284. 120)4 Stand Brands pf(7) 180s 121 121 121 124 8 Stand Com Tobac _. 4 84 8*, "gs. + 4 14 4 84 Stand Gas & El (d). 6 94 9 9 _ , 324 19 Stand G&E $4 pf(d) 1 214 214 214 + 724 494 Stand G&E $7 pf(d) 3 514 504 504 - V* Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 50 42% Stand Oil Calif (tl). 14 444 444 444 + 4 50 434 Stand Oil Ind <tl)_ 8 444 444 444 + V* 76 64 Stand Oil N J (tl) .. 47 674 664 664 +4 48 344 Starrett L S(tl.40). 2 42 42 42 +2 21 174 Stewart-Warn t50o. 8 184 184 184 - 4 334 214 Stone&Web(a26c). 9 234 234 234 + 4 20 134 Studebaker Corp_ 39 154 154 164 125 119 Sun Oil pf (6)_ 10s 1244 1244 1244 + 4 61% 404 Superheater Co (1). 1 434 434 434 + 4 74 4% Superior Oil _ 26 6 54 54 204 13 Sweets Co of Am... 1 174 174 174 284 244 Swift & Co <tl-20)_ 9 244 244 244 + 4 334 304 Swift Internatl (2). 1 314 314 314 + 4 234 164 Symington ww blOo. 15 18 174 174 174 12% Symington xw blOo. 11 134 134 13V*— 4 84 64 Telautograph(60c)_ 3 74 64 7 154 104 Tenn Corp (al5c)._. 8 12 12 12 654 504 Texas Corp (2) 33 614 61 61 94 74 Texas Gulf Pr a5c .. 18 84 8 8 +4 44 354 Texas Gulf Sul (12) 5 374 37 374 + 4 544 424 Texas Sc Pao R R .. 5 44 44 44 —1 164 124 Tex Pao C&O bl0c._ 17 144 144 144 + 41 151, 114 Texas P L T (alOc). 3 124 124 124 + 4 134 9 Thermold Co_ 6 94 94 94 + 4 84 44 Third Avenue_ 4. 44 44 44 f 4 284 23 Thomps'n Prod b40c 1 24 4 24 4 244 104 54 Thompson Starrett. 5 64 64 64 404 22 Thompson Star pf . 1 24 24 24 +14 214 164 Tide Wat As Oil 80c 17 184 18 184 + 4 284 214 Timken-Detroit(tl) 6 224 224 224 — 4 79 604 Timk’n-Roll Brg(3) 3 624 624 624 +4 174 134 Transamerlca t40c. 5 144 144 144 -r V* 224 144 Trans Wst Air a25c. 10 154 15V* 15V* — 4 12 84 Truax-Traer(b25c). 4 104 104 104 + 4 404 334 20th Cent Fox b50c_ 3 38 374 37s* — 4 174 94 Twin City R T_ 4 114 llv* 114+ V* 264 164 Twin Coach (bl5c)_ 4 194 194 194— 4 6 * 34 Ulen & Co __ l 34 3*» 34 + 4 914 63 Union Bag & P (2)_. 1 80 80 80 111 95 Union Carb (3.20)__ 11 994 984 !-9 284 244 Union Oil(Calif)l.20 5 254 25 254 +4 1484 1264 Union Pacific (6) _ 2 1434 142 142 —2 994 9114 Union Pacific pf(4). 1 914 914 914—4! 314 264 Union Tnk Car 1.60. 1 27 27 27 354 244 Utd Alrcraft(a50c). 15 264 26 26 — 4 244 164 Utd Air Lines a20c_. 8 18 174 174 — i, 304 244 Utd Biscuit (1.60)_ 3 25 25 25 + 4 91 694 Utd Carbon (4) ... 3 744 734 744 - , 35 29 Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 1 294 294 294 -r 4 I 84 44 Utd Corp (a20c)_ 89 54 54 ft4 464 38 Utd Corp pf (3)_ 7 414 404 414 +14 16 124 Utd Drug <a75c)_ 3 13 124 13 + i* 264 184 Utd Dyewood (1)_ 1 23 4 23 4 234 -1 94 6 Utd Klee Coal _ 3 64 64 64 -r 4 14 4 Unit Kl C rts May 14 3 4 4 .4 864 79 United Fruit (T3)._. 3 824 82 82 17 134 Utd Gas Imp (1)_ 31 134 134 134 164 64 Utd Paperboard_ 2 134 13 13 344 204 U S Freight (tl)_ 1 214 214 214 234 17 US Hoffman_ 1 194 194 194 — 4 434 344 U S Indus Alcohol_ 2 36 354 354 + 4 154 64 U S Leather vtc_ 6 I04 94 104 - 4 224 134 U S Leather<A)vtc. 1 17 17 1?” — j, 724 53 U S Pipe & Fdry(3). 2 564 56 56 194 114 U S Realty & Imp... 8 124 124 124 — *, 72?, 444 U S Rubber_ 23 604 584 584 —*, 118 894 U S Rubber 1st pf... 1 92!, 9^4 924 — 4 105 824 U S Smelting (b4)_. 2 884 88 88 -1 1264 75 U S Steel _ 118 1024 100 101 - 4 150 136 U S Steel pf (7)- 1 137 137 137 -1 04 64 Unit Stk Yds (50c). 3 ?*, 7 , 7 , 84 4*4 Utd Stores (A) . 8 54 5 54 - 1,! 44 24 Util Pw&Lt (AHd). 6 24 24 24 - * 24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp . 6 1*4 14 p4 394 26 Vanadium Corp ... 13 29*4 2S!, 294 + 4 464' 414 Vick Chemical (t2). 5 424 42 , 424 — 4 12*4 7?, Va-Car Chemical 2 94 9 9 _ 744 52 Va-Car Chem 6% pf 2 564 55*, 554 - 1 - 115 108 VaEl&Pw of (6) 30s 112 112 112 + 4 j 12*4 64 Va Iron Coal&Coke_ 40s 74 74 7., 135 124 Virginia Ry pf (6).. 1 125 125 125 +1 104 34 Wabash (d)_ 1 74 74 74 4 ! 184 9 Wabash pf (A) (d) . 4 13** 134 13*4- 4 19', 13 Waldorf Sys(tl.20) 6 14 1.34 14 - 4 33 28 Walgreen Co (2) 1 29 29 29 — 4 118 1124 WalgFn Co pf (6% ) 10s ] 134 1134. 1134 18*4 114 Walworth Co 12 15 14 j 14*4— 4 504 30 Ward Baking (A)__. 2 31 31 31 + 1 10*4 54 Ward Baking (B)_ 4 64 64 64 + 4 18 124 Warner Bros Piet _ 14 13', 134 134— 4! 14 *4 Warner-Ouinlan(d) 5 *. — j. 1. < 4fi 33b Warren Fdy&P(tl) 5 40 4n 40 -r b 38b 28b Waukosha Mot (1). 1 29b 29b 29b I 9b 4b Webster Eisenlohr. 2 5b 51, 5- 4 56 46 Wesson O&S (T50c) 3 48 47b 48 + i2 ■ 100b 90 West Penn El pf(6) 90s 92b 92b 92b— b 109 101b West Penn El pf (7) 30? 100b 100 b 100b — b lib 8b Western Maryland. 8 9b 9b 9b + b 4b 2b Western Pacific ._ 1 3b 3b 3b lib 7b Western Pacific pf.. 1 8b 8b 8b -t- b 83b 59b Westn Un T«1 (3) ... 5 63b 62b 62b 57b 41b Westingh'se A B(l) 7 44b 43b 43b— b 167-Vh 130b Westhse Elec (02) . 3 140b 139 139 —lb 122 114 Wheel&L E pf (5 b 1 180s 120 120 120 65 38 Wheeling Steel ... 2 49 49 49 — a, 110H 103 Wheel Stl pf (bl)... 1 103 103 103 -4b 33b 23b White Motor 27 25b 25 25 — b 6b 4b White Sewing Mach 4 5b 5 5b + b 12b 8b Wilson & Co (50c) 9 9b 9b 9b 65b 48 Woolworth (2.40) 26 49b 49b 49b - b 47 34b Worthington Pump 7 37 1 36 37b -r 2 i 112b 81 Worth Pump pf( A) SO? 103 103 103 128 99 Wright Aero (al) . 10s 102b 102b 102b -r2b 62b 48b Yale&Towne(t60c). 1 50 50 50 37 - 20b Yellow Tr & Coach . 65 25 24 24b- — b 46b 411 Young Spr&W(t3)_ 3 40b 39b 40b + '■? 101b 75b Ygstn S&7 (b"5c)_. 17 87b 86b- 86b -1 9b 6 Z.onite Products 1 6b 6b 6b Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. ¥. Stock Exchange. Total Sales for the Day , 550,000 Dividend rates as (riven in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest auarterlv or half-yearly dec larations s unit of trading less than 100 shares * Annual rate_ not including extras a Paid last year. b Paid this year d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganised 1 x tx dividend NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 1.—Cotton fu tures opened quiet, 1 to 5 lower, on dis appointing Liverpool cables and under moderate liquidation. May, 12.93b: July. 12.97; October, 12.71; December, 12.71; January, 12.75; March, 12.78. b—Bid. The market had a quiet opening but, with the initial offerings small, prices soon turned steadier on local buying and trade covering. There was little disposition to add to com- I mitments for over the week end. The I trade was inclined to await further developments at Washington and abroad. July recovered from 12.96 to 13 08, and shortly after the first half hour was 13.03 when the market generally was 2 to 5 points net higher. The Commodity Credit Corp. an nounced from Washington it was ex tending indefinitely its loan cotton program which had been scheduled to expire yesterday. Requests for releases of loan cotton during the past week were reported at 23.312 bales. Reports that the Senate Agriculture Committee was planning formulation of farm policy independent of the | administration attracted some atten tion. While Liverpool advanced the mar ket there failed to meet the 25-point recovery in New York yesterday. Futures closed steady, 9 to 12 lower. High. Low. Last. May - 13.02 12.94 12.88n July _ 13.08 12.80 12.91-93 October _12.83 12.85 12.67-68 December _12.80 T2.R2 12.65 January _ 12.83 12.65 12.85 March - 12.82 12.66 12.69n Spot quiet middling, 13.41. n—Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed barely steady, 5 to 9 lower. Sales, 61 contracts. May, 9.80; July, 9.94-95: September. 10.00: October, 9.87; December, 9.77b. b—Bid. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. May 1 (45.—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid. Asked. Bk of Man n ■■j)_ 33% 35% Bankers Tr (2) _ 69 71 Cen Han Bk & Tr (41_128 131 Chase Nat U 40) _ 52% 54*4 Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 65% 67% Commercial (8) 195 201 Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 17% 19(4 Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 64 65 Empire Tr (1) ... 30 31 First Nat (Bosl (2)_ 52 54 First Natl (100)_ 2205 2245 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 347 352 Irving Tr (.60) . _ 16% 17% Manufacturers' Tr (2) 56 58 Manufacturers' Tr pf (2) - 60% 52% NaO City (1) 4614 48*4 N Y Trust (5)_133 136 Public (1 Va)_ 46% 48] t Title G & T _ 14% 15% FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK, May 1 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid. Asked. 4%s Nov. 1958-38_103% 104% 4%s May 1957-37_101% 102 4s May 1958-38_102% 103% 4s Nov. 1957-37 _101 Va 102 4s July 1946-44-—._108 108% 3VtS May 1955-45-..._101% 101”, 3s July 1955-45_100% 100% 3s Jan. 1956-46_100% 100% 8* Max 1966-46-..._100% 100% Mid-Continent Petroleum Nets $1,233,025, Against $942,659 Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 1.—Net income of Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp. for the quarter ended March 31 was re ported today at $1,233,025 before un distributed profits surtax, equal to 66 cents a share on the capital stock. In the like period of 1936 net income was $942,659, or 51 cents a share. Directors declared an interim div- j idend of 50 cents a share, payable 1 June 1 to stockholders of record May 10. On last December 1 a dividend of 75 cents a share was paid. Lone Star Cement. Lone Star Cement Corp. reported March quarter net profit of $735,704. equal to 76 cents a share on 967,070 shares of capital stock, against $468. 304, or 71 cents a share on 656,740 shares in the March quarter last year. Denver & Rio Grande. The 1936 pamphlet report of Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. showed a net deficit for the year of $4,046,4*0, against deficit of $3,268, 798 for the previous year. Railway operating revenues totaled $25,599,309, compared with $20,936,608. Railway operating expenses were $20,938,958, including $2,000,000 charges for main tenance work deferred in prior years and in connection with improvements. In previous year operating expenses were $16,135,467. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK, May 1.—Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Sta tistics CorD.). Increased. Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. Std-Coosa Thatcher-_60c _ 5-1 6-10 Regular. Boott Mills _$1 .. 4-24 6-1 Va Coal & Iron Co _2oc Q 5-21 6-1 Whitman, Wm & Co 7% pf _ $1.75 Q 6-12 7-1 NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. May 1 1/Pi.—Butter. 6,44.3. unsettled. Creamery, higher than extra, 33'/2-34; extra (02 score). 33: firsts (88 01 scores). 30 Va-.'IU . seconds (84-87 scores). 24-30; centralized |0() score), 32 Vt. Cheese. 126.600, steady to firm. Prices unchanged. Eggs. 41.030. steady. Mixed colors, standards. 23-2314: storage packed firsts. 22V2-23: mediums and dirties. No. 1. 20 20j/4. Other mixed prices unchanged. There was no freight poultry market today because of the handlers' strike. Live poultry, by express, weak. Prices nominal: no quotations. Dressed poultry irregular. Fresh and frown prices unchanged. I INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK May 1 l-P .—New York ' Security Dealers' Association * . ^ * Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a> _— !»4J2 Oh1 . Aetna Ins (J .»i»> * _ 431., 441\ Aetna Lite (.Hda) _ 3s •>;) 1, Am Equit (l.ooa> _ 4u» > 431. Am Ins Newark d/aai_ 12 1.31 Am Reir.s ».40g» _ 4-* 44 Am Reserve da’ -t#i4 -»«»34 Am Surety (2!.> __ 33 5j Automobile < 1 a >_ _ 3*34 iuiU Balt Amer (.2oa» _ ;34 *3 Carolina (1.30* _ *w4 «o3l City of N Y (1.20) __ •»534 •*>-, Conn Gen Lif < so) _ 301 • 3* Cor.tin Cas (1.20) __ 27 ~ °<i Fid A* Den (4) 120,2 130 Firemens Nwk (.30)_ km4 j 1 n Frank Fire 11 a >_ _ 20,4 31 i4 Gen Rpinsur (2>_42*2 441., Glen Falls (1.00) _ 40 4*’ Globe A: Rep (.80) _ ID3* “-Tj Globe A: Rut __ 02 05 Great Amer (la) __ 20 *’*713 Hanover il.HO) _ __ 331. 3517 Hartford Fire (2) __ _ 0414 odd Home Fire Sec __ _ 4% 0 Home Ins da)__34 30 Homestead (1) „_ j7 JKi„ Lincoln Fire__ 40 =1. Maryland Cas _ _ 0>4 Mass Bond (3>/2) __ __ 5s>, Old Natl Fire (2) _ ___ go* 1 o*d Natl Liberty <.20a> k34 id . N Hampshire (1.60)_ 4434 40 ! N Y Fire (.R()a)._ 4 ^,4 Nor Hiver (1) _ _ 25 .'.2,4 Phoenix cfa) _ So ko Prov Wash (]) __.;-u .,4, St Paul Fire iH)_ 0^4 oj,,( 2 Springfield 141 oa) _ _ nil i-L Sun Life ih\ 700 Travelers (16) 4,;-, 4-7 U S Fire (2) - 5-1. Westchester n.‘fOa'__ 33 35 4 a—Also extra or extras. g—Declared or paid so far this year. ---• STOCK INCREASE VOTED. NEW YORK. May 1 (^.—Stock holders of Torrington Co., meeting at Portland, Me., have approved an in crease in the authorized capital stock to 2.000,000 from 560,000. It Is planned to give stockholders two additional shares for each present share. *-•--— FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. May 1 t/pv—Foreign ex change easy great Britain in dollars, others in cents. ! Great Britain demand. 4.93’,.: cables, ! 4 (to-day bills. 4.92*,: France de- I mand. 4.47 V rabies, 4.47V Italy de- ! mand, 5.26 >,; cables. 6.26 V Demands: Belgium. 16.89: Germany free 40.21'i. registered 19.80: (ravel. 23.75: Holland, 54.86: Norway, 24.83; Sweden, 25.48; Denmark. 22.06: Finland. 2.10: Switzerland. 22.00: Spain, unquoted; Portugal. 4.50; Greece. .91. Poland. 18.9,s; Czechoslovakia. 3.49 Jugoslavia 2.34: Austria, 18.72n; Hungary. 19.80: Ru mania. .75: Argenina. 32.03n; Brazil. 8.80',n: Tokio. 28.81; Shanghai. 30.00: Hongkong, 30.76; Mexico City. 27.85; Montreal in New York. 100.18V New York In Montreal. 99.81'/,. a—Nominal. -•-; CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. May 1 t/P).—Poultry, live, six trucks; easy. Leghorn hens, 15; other prices unchanged. Butter. 9.615: steady; prices unchanged. Eggs. .*{6,368; unsettled. Extra firsts, local, 2114; cars, 21*.a: fresh-graded firsts, local. 2014: cars. 2current, receipts. 19; storage-packed extras, 22 U; storage packed firsts. 22. Potatoes, 46: on track. 144; total U. S. shipments. 737; old stock. Idaho Russels, supplies moderate; demand slow, market slightly weaker, other stock supplies light, demand slow, market about steady; sacked, per hundredweight, Idaho Russet Bur banks. U. S. No. 1. 2.50a2.75; U. S. No. 2. 2.30a2.35: Maine Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. ]. few sales. 2.25; Wisconsin round whites. U. S. No. 1. car. heavy to large size. 2.10. New stock, supplies light, de mand light, market steady; Texas Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, 3.70a3.85; Ala bama Bliss Triumphs, U. S. No 1. car. 3.35; Louisiana Bliss Triumphs, U. 8. No. 1, and partly graded,^car, 3.25. Selected Oils, Implements and Specialties Higher. Steels Decline. Stock Averages 30 15 15 30 Indus. Rails. Util. Stks. Net change. Unc —.4 +.2 Unc Today, close 92.1 45.1 43.9 68.2 Prev. day... 92.1 45.5 43.7 68.2 Month ago. 96.0 46 4 46 5 71.1 Year ago... 78.3 32.7 44.1 58.3 1937 high...101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 89.6 37 8 42.8 66.2 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high...146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 'Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, A soclatefl Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, May 1.—Quiet strength was displayed in parts of today’s stock market, but many issues fell back after yesterday's sharp ascent. Selected oils, farm implements and specialties trudged upward for gains of fractions to 1 or more points. Steels, however, gave ground easily. Dealings were slow throughout as traders displayed more than the usual amount of discretion in extending commitments. There was some week end profit selling, but this was ab sorbed fairly well in most instances. Wall Street had an idea the anap back of Friday may have been a bit overdone in view of further possible complications abroad on London's set tlement date next Thursday. Offerings from overseas were small. In fact, few buying orders from this source were reported. Transfers were in the neighborhood of 550.000 shares. Highly favorable corporation state ments were plentiful, but some ques tioned whether the earnings pictu; ~ would be .so bright in the last half of the year. Pointing higher during most of th^ brief session—some slipped in the fin' 1 few minutes—were Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texas Corp.. Houston Of. Mid-Continent Petroleum, Socony Vacuum. Barnsdall, Skelly Oil, Conti nental Oil, Shell Union Oil, J. I. Case, Deere. Oliver Farm, International Har vester. Illinois Central, Northern Pa cific, Atlantic Coast Line, Peoples Gas, Chrysler, Electric Auto-Lite, Phelps Dodge. International Nickel, American Telephone, National Supply. Eastman Kodak and Worthington Pump. Lower tendencies were shown b\ United States Steel. Bethlehem, Re public. General Motors, Goodyear, Montgomery Ward. Sears Roebuck, North American. Electric Power & Light. Howe Sound. American Smelt ing. Anaconda, Seaboard Oil, West inghouse. General Electric, New York Central. Santa Fe, Pennsylvania and Southern Pacific. -9 - 300 TONS OF LEAD SOLD, NEW YORK. May 1 (£■).—'The S*. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 300 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at *5 85 per hundred-pound St. Louis. INVESTOR fan show you ‘23*3 net return nn sis. 300 equity in 13-unit apartment house, just ofT 10th Street. Statement on request. Call, write, or see Stanton T. Kolb J. LEO KOLB, INC. 1337 Wisconsin A ft. West 0002 REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and /O SMALL BUSINESS v PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE DISTRICT B3»* Second Trust Notes We will buy monthly payment deferred purchase money second trust notes secured on owner-occupied dwelllnrs In D C. and nearby Md. & Va. Union Finance Co. Plfi Woodward Bldg NAtl 7836 OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye St. N.W Phone NA 2184 Jj% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applicationt Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtl. 1403 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street NetL 2100