' RAILROAD BONDS REGISTER GAINS Other Corporate Issues and U. S. Obligations Re main Narrow. Bond Averages in 10 in in Rails. Indust. Util F gn. Net change. +.1 +.1 +.1 —.5 Today, close 93.6 103.0 99.1* 70.5 Prev. day... 93.5 102.9 99.0 71.0 Month ago. 93 8 102.9 99.9 71.3 Year ago... 80.7 101.9 101.6 68.9 1937 high... 99 0 104 4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 98.7 70 8 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102 9 100.5 L 10 Low-Yield Bonds. * Close_ 109 4 Prev. day. 109.2 Month ago 108.6 Year ago. 111.2 . 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104 4 1932 low.. 86.8 *New low. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 1 .—The bond market rode an even course today with most, of the narrow swings fa voring higher values. A moderate demand for rails pro vided a number of gains ranging from fractions to a point. Other corporate groups were quieter, showing minor variations from previous closings. U. S. Governments rested on their recent improvement within a small range. , With recovery of equilibrium, fol lowing unsettlement earlier in the tveek, the market appeared to be re flecting improved sentiment based on estimates of high banking authorities that excess reserves would amount to 8850,000,000 after banking adjustments incident to the May 1 increase in de posit reserve requirements. This level, it was pointed out, would far exceed what had been previously forecast, and furthermore, it was indi cated the excess reserves would be fairly evenly distributed throughout the country. Bonds of Santa Pe. Baltimore & Ohio, St. Paul, Rock Island, Erie, Great Northern, Illinois Central and ' Nickel Plate led the modest upturn. Other gainers included Bethlehem Steel 4’4s, U. S. Rubber 5s and West ern Union 5s. --• < Washington Exchange • SALES—AFTER CALL. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. —3 at 108. Security Storage Co.—5 at 125. Mergenthaler Linotype—1C at 46, 10 at 46, 10 at 46, 5 at 46. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel, A Tel. 4’as_ juft Anacostia &. Pot. 5s _ 74 7T Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5s_108 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s ... 103 , Capital Traction R. R. 5s _ fit 04 City A- Suburban 5s _ 8.3'i 87 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_113 121 Pot. Bee. Pow. 3'4*_ 1011,2 jo.'i'i Wash. Gas 5s 1058_ 105 107 Wash. Gas 5s l.Ofio. _ _ llftij . Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s_105 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club B’as. . 105 _ W. M. Cold Storage os .. 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. & Tel. (0)_ 163*4 _ Capital Transit Co. _ 13 14 N. A W. Steamboat (6) 108 Pot. Elec Pow. 6% pf. (0)_ 112 Po El. Po. 5y2*r of. (5 50) 111 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Co. (3.60> 79 _ Wash. Ry. A* El. com. (36) _ 725 _ Wash. Ry. & El. pfd. (5) 109 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. & Tr. Co. (e«)__ 290 300 Bank of Bethesda _ 34 _ Capital '4) __ _140 * Com. A: Savings (10)_210 Liberty (4) _ 150 160 IJncoln (f6.25> _200 Natl. Sav. A Tr. 170 * Pr. Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50) 17 71 fL Higgs (e8) _ 300 375 Riggs pfd (5) _ 101*4 Washington (6) . _130 Wash. Loan A- Tr. (eP) 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE. ' American (6) _ _ 110 _ Corcoran (5) 19<> _ Firemen’s (1.60) 29 _ National Union (.60)_ 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_ _ 15 1634 Real Estate (6). 150 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp. (2.00) _. . . 20 26 Lanston Monotype (+4) 95 1 •»1 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00' 45 4 7 Peoples Drug S. com. (+ 1.00) 51 55 Peoples Drug S cfd (6.50' 112 Real Est. M.AG. pfd. (••.TO) 5 5U Security Storage (5) 115 125 Ter Ref. A Wh. Corp. (3> 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7) 115 125 •Ex dividend. 4Plus extras, e—2*r extra, f—1 12*0 extra, h—75c extra. * **25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid Dec. 22. 1936. DOLLAR MOVES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 1.—Further im provement was registered by the United States dollar in the foreign exchange market today. Closing quotation of 4.941-16 to the pound was ".-cent better than yesterday, and compared with an overnight New York rate of $4.94-%. French francs ended at 110.38 to the pound compared with a previous close of 110.44. FINANCING TO DECLINE. ^ NEW YORK, May 1 m.—Next ^ Week one State and 40 municipalities are scheduled to offer $11,295,002 of bonds, compared with $25,958,203 in , the current week. The weekly average of new offerings to date this year is *34,256,997. -• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. May 1 l/P,.—Silver futures eirised steady. 10 higher. No sales. Clos ing bids: May. 44.85, July, 44.75; Sep tember, 44.66. TT. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. _ The position of the Treasury on April £9 Receipts. $21,921,883.62; expendi tures. $41,210,886.98; balance, $1,705, 3 46.815.95: customs receipts for the > month. $44,290,773.83. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 11. $4,079,949,201.16: expenditures, $6, 226.652.169.72, including $2,360,973. P90.66 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $2,146,702,968.56: gross debt, $34,939,097,625.18. a decrease of $2 410,353.73 under the previous dav; Fold assets; $11,785,298,553.34. including §554,009,460.44 of inactive gold. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co..) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer. 3>«s Sept 15 ';t7_ 1016-33 1018-33 2s,s Feb 1 '3R_ 101 17-33 101 10-32 3s Mar 15 ’.38_ 102 8-33 103 10-32 2"«s June 15 ’38 103 14-32 102 16-32 Elys Sept 15 ’38 __ 102 7-32 102 0-32 l 3'is Mar 35 30_ 100 22-32 100 24-32 I 2Vas June 15 ’30 __ 101 28-32 101 30-32 \ l*as Deo 15 ’30_ 100 12-32 100 14-33 % lHs Mar 15 '40_ 10022-32 10024-32 June 15 ’40_ 100 6-32 100 8-32 1 '/is Dec 15 '40_ 100 2-33 1004-32 3' as Mar 15 ’41_ 00 20-32 00 31-32 l*»s June 15 '41 __ PP 13-32 00 16-32 lt.s Dec 15 '41 „ 98 24-32 98 26-32 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bonds_ , 80U.O00 Foreign Bonds_ . 590,000 Domestic Bonds_ #.710,000 TREASURY. All time shown below is daylight sarins on which the Exchange lx now operating. High Low Close. 2Hs 1949-63 _ 97.16 97.14 97.16 2 Ai s 1946-47 101.14 101.14 101.14 2A;s 1945-47 reg.. 101.11 101.11 101.11 2448 1948-51_ 110.2 100.2 10\2 2AiB 1961-64_ 99.18 99,16 99.18 2Ais 1956-69_ 99.15 99.15 99.15 2*/6s 1950-60_ 100.20 100.12 100.17 3s 1946-48 _ 103.8 108.3 103.8 3s 1951-55 _ 102.9 102.8 102.3 116s 1946-49_ 108.18 103.18 103.18 3 16s 1949-62_ 103.13 103.18 108.13 3<4s 1944-46_ 105.6 105.4 106.4 3 46 8 1 9 4 3 - 47_ 105.22 105.19 105.19 344s 1946-56 _ 108.4 108.4 108.4 4S 1944-64 _ 110. 110. 110. 4 <6 8-3 16 8 1943-45 105.6 106.* 106.6 4148 1947-62 114.13 114.18 114.18 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947 101.18 101.18 101.18 HOME OWNERS1 LOAN. 2 148 1942-44_ 99.14 99.14 99.14 2»is 1939-49_ 99.25 99.18 99.25 is 1952_ 101.5 101.1 101.4 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Close. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s "CI_ 1034 1024 1034 Adriatic Elec 7s'52_ 88 874 88 Akershus6s 63 97 97 97 Antlooula 7s 45 A_ 16 144 16 Antlooula 7s'46 B_ 144 144 14*4 Antlooula 7s'45 C_ 144 144 1476 Antlooula 7s 45 D_ 144 144 147-6 Argentine 4 >(,8'71_ 98 974 98 Argentine 1 48 62_1004 1004 1004 Argentine 6s 57 A_1014 10176 1014 Argentine 6s "68 B ... 1004 1004 1004 Argentine 6s'69 J une 1004 1004 1004 Argentine 6s'69 Oct . 1014 101*6 1014 Argentine 6s'60 May. 102 10176 1014 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 1011* 1014 1014 Argentine 6s'60 Oct.. 1014 1014 101*6 Argentine 6s 61 Bebr. 10076 19076 100!, Argentine 6s 61 May. 10176 1017s 1014 Australia 4 4s'66_ 101*, 1017, 1017, Australia 6s '65_106 106 106 Belt turn 7s 56 _1174 1174 1174 Berlin Elec 6s'65_ .14 214 214 Brazil 6 4a "26-'57_ 374 374 3701 Brazil 64e'27-"67_ 374 374 874 Brazil 8s 41 _ 46*6 464 464 Buenos A C 3s'84_ 67 67 67 Buenos Aires 4 4a-3 4s'77Pr_ 77 76lj 76*6 Buenos Aires 4*s-4Ss '76 April.. 77 764 7676 But A1 44S-474S '76_ 804 704 804 Buenos A C 64s'55... 100,4 1004 1004 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon oft_ 25Vj 25 264 Canada 2 74a 45_ 984 984 *84 Canada 3 4 a 61_ 984 984 984 Canada 4s'60_106*, 106*4 1064 Canada 6s'62__ 112*6 112 1124 Chile 6s "60- 21.4 214 2176 C»-:le 6s 61 Jan_ 2)4 21 21 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 2 1 76 2 176 2 1 4 Chile 6s 62_ 21 21 21 Chile 7s '42 _ 21!, 2176 214 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 19 19 19 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62_ 19 19 19 Chile Mtg Bk 6 4s'67. 19 19 19 Chile Mtg Bk 6 7, s 61. 19 19 19 Colombia 6e 61 Oct .. 29*6 294 294 Copenhagen *4s'63.. 93*, 937, 937, Copenhagen 6s 62_ 984 98 9876 Cordoba 7s'57 stpd_ 764 76 764 Costa Klca .s A '51_ SI 31 81 Cuba 64s 46_ 667* 664 664 Cuba 54s 53- 1024 1024 1024 Denmark 4 4a'62_ 97*4 3776 974 Denmark 64s 58-1014 1017, 1014 Denmark 6s 42 _1044 1047* 1044 Dominic 1st 54s 42__ 7874 784 784 Finland bs 45_ 107 107 107 Ger C Bk A 6s 38_ 42)4 42)4 4Z4 Ger C Ag Bk 6s'60 Oct. blH 314 314 Ger Gen Elec614 s '40_ 80 80 So Ger Gov 6 3*s 6r. st . 2654 26)4 2654 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 6 3ss '58- 2654 2# 2654 Japan 634s'54 - 96)4 *44 *6)4 Mex 4s '10-45 asst_ 6 6 6 Mex sf 5s 45 asst_ 7)4 7)4 7)4 New So Wales os '57.. 1024 102)4 102)4 Nord Ry 6 34s '50_ 105Jj 106)4 105)4 Norway 4s'63_ *6)4 96 9614 Norway '4s 65_ 100)4 100)4 100)4 Norwav 4 34b'56- 102** 10254 102*4 Norway 6s 44_106). 1064 1064 Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 79)4 7654 79)4 Oslo 4 34S 65 - *9)4 99)4 99)4 Paris Orl Ry 6 34s'68. 100 100 100 Pernambuco 7s 47 Sept coupon off_ 25 25 25 Peru 6s 60 _ 1914 19)4 19)4 Poland 6s 40_ 48)4 48)4 48)* Poland 7s 47_ 621* 62)4 b2J4 Queensland 6s 47-1C94 10*5* 10954 Queensland 7s’41_109); 1094 109)4 Rio de Jan 6 34 s 51 Aug coupon off_ 26 264 26)4 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 July coupon off_ 263* 26)4 26)* Serbs 8s 62unmco._. 2854 28*4 2854 Toklo 634s 61 _ 76 76 76 Toklo E L Etd 6s'53_ 79 78'*' 79 Uruguay 6s 60_ 634 634 68T4 Uruguay 6s 64_ 64 64 64 Pokohoma 6s 61_ 84 83)4 8354 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s ’48 101 lei 101 AJleg Corp 6s'44_ 99 984 »9 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 92 92 92 Alleg Corp 6s'60 stp 64 64 64 Allied Stores 4 34 s'60. 994 994 994 Allied Stores 434s'61. 98 974 98 Ajn & For Pw 6s 2030. 79 79 79 Am 1 G Ch 6 34 s 49_ 107 1064 107 Am Inti 6 34*'49 _ 1064 1064 1054 Am Tel & Tel 3 34s ’»1. 974 974 974 Am Tel & Tel 3 34s '66 *7 4 97 4 974 AmT*T 4 34s'39_ 1054 105 4 1064 Am T & T 6 34 * 43 _ 11254 1124 1124 Am Wat Wks 6s'75_ 105 104 106 Am Writ Paper 6s 47 . 624 524 524 Am Writ Pa 6s 47 cts. 614 61*4 614 Anaconda deb 4 34s'50 1054 105 1054 Anglo-Chll Nit 7s'67 £6 36 86 Armour!Delllst 4s’55 96*1 964 96 4 A T&S Fe gen 4s '96 1084 108)1 1084 A T&S Fe 4 34s'48 . . 1084 1084 IO84 Atl Coast L 1st 4s'52 . 102 1014 102 Atl Coast E elt 4s 62 93 93 93 Atl C Eun 4 34 s 64 91** 91*2 914 Atlantic & D 2d 4s'48. 44 43 44 B ft O 1st 4s 45_106*4 106*4 106*4 B & O 4 *4 s 60 - 77*4 7614 7614 B ft O 1st 5s '48 . 113*4 113*4 113*4 Balto ft O ref 6s '95 A. 87*4 87*4 87*4 B ft O 6s 06 F _ 87 86*4 87 B ft O ref 5s 2000 D_ 86*1 86H 8611 B ft O PLE&W V 4s'41 102*4 102*4 102*4 B&OSwnOs'BO ... 103 103 103 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 117 117 117 Bell T of Pa 6s ’60 C 123*1 123*1 123*1 Beth Steel 3 81 s'66_ 94*4 94*1 9484 Beth Steel 4*4 s'60_ 103 103 103 Bos ft Me 6s '67 84*4 *4*4 8484 Boston N Y A L 4s '65. 27 27 27 Bot Con M 6*48 '34 28 28 28 Bot Con M 6*4s'34 ct. 27 27 27 Bklvn Ed con 3 *is’66. 100 100 100 Bklvn Man T 4 Vis 66. 93*4 »3 93*4 Bklvn IJn El Rs'60 ___ 105 105 106 Bklvn Cn Gas 6s 60 99 99 99 Bklvn Un Gas 6s '57 B 10681 10581 105*1 Brown Shoe 3 84 s'R0 _. 10184 104*4 10484 Buff G E 4*iS'81 B.._ 108*4 10881 10884 Buff HftP con 4 Vis’67. 86*4 86*4 86*4 Bush Term con 5s *65- 65 66*4 67 Oamag 7s 42ctfs. 27 264 27 Can'dian N R 44e '56- 1114 1114 1114 Can'dian N 6s'69 Oct— 1164 1164 1164 Can'dian P db 4s perp 944 944 944 Can'dian Pae 44»'60_ 101 loi loi Caro Cl ftO 6s '62 A— 111 111 111 Cent of Qa con Es'45_ 814 314 814 Cent of Ga 6s'69 C_ 20 20 20 Cent of Ga rf 64a’69- 20 20 20 Cent 111 E ft G 6s '51 1004 1004 1004 Central 111 Lt 84a'66. 1024 1024 1024 Cent N England 4s'61. 71 71 71 Cent of N J gen 6s'87. 70 70 70 Cent Pae 1st rf 4s'49— 107 107 107 CentPac6s'60 _ 99 98 99 Cert'd deb 6 4a'48_ 864 864 864 Chesap C cv 6s 44_ 1174 1174 U74 Chesap Corp 61 47_ 133*4 1334 1384 Ches & O 3 4e 96 D_ 96 96 96 C & O gen 44s 92_1174 1174 1174 C ft O con 6s '39 _ 107 4 107 4 107 4 Chi ft Alt ref 3a'49_ 664 66 4 664 Chi B ft Q gen 4s '68— 1074 1074 1074 Cht B & Q 44s 77_ 107 107 107 Cht B ft Q ref 6s 71—. 114 114 114 Chi ft E 111 6s'61 ... 40 40 40 Chi ft E 1116s '61 etfa.. 39 4 394 394 Chi Grt West 4a'59... 46 45** 454 C M St P 4S '89_ 684 6 84 684 OM&St P 6a '75 _ 814 804 31 CM&StP&P adj 682000 104 10 104 Chi ft NW 44a 2037.. 294 894 294 Chi ft NW 4 4* 2037 C- 294 39 29 Chl&NW «%a’49_ 20 194 194 Blsh. Low. Clone Cht & NTV Ren 5s'87 _ 44*4 44*4 44*4 C&NW Nr W 6*48*36. 49m 49*4 49*4 Chi R I&P rf 4a -34 . .. 20*4 20*4 20*4 Chi R l&P rf 4a'S4ctf. 18*4 17*4 17*4 Chi R l&P gen 4a '88_38 SB 88 Chi R l&P 4*48'62_ 28*4 20*4 20*4 Chi R l&P 4*4a 60 .. 12*4 12*4 1**4 Chi T H&8 Ino 6s '60_ 80 80 80 Chi Un Sta 3 *48'61 __ 108 102*4 102*4 Chi Un Sta 3*4 8 63 B. 106 106 106 Chi & W In con 48'62. 108*4 108*4 103*4 Childs & Co 6s *43 90 80 90 Cln Un Ter 3*4a D Rtd 108*4 103 108*4 CCC&St L Ren 4a'93.. 98*4 98*4 98*4 CCCASt Lrf 4*48 '77 E 96*4 ' 96 96 CCC&St L ref 6a '68 D 105*4 106*4 106*4 CCC&StLCW&M 48'91 94 94 94 Clev El 111 8Ha 65 108 108 108 Clev Short L, 4*48 61.. 109*4 109*4 109*4 Clev Un Tel 4*4s '77 101*4 101*4 101*4 Clev Un Term 6a '78 B 106*4 106*4 106*4 Colo Fuel & Ir 6a‘70_ 80*4 80*4 80*4 Colo & So 4*4a ‘80_ 64*4 64*4 64*4 Columbia G & E 6a 62 May- 108 102*4 103 Columbia G&E 6s '61.. 101*4 101*4 101*4 Colum Ry P&L 4a '66. 105*4 105*4 105*4 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 69*4 69 69 Cons Ed NY 3*4a'66 n 108*4 108 108*4 Cona Gas NT 4 *4 a’61. 107 107 107 Consol 011 8 *48 '61 .... 101*4 100*4 101*4 Conaum Pwr n 14s 66.. 98*4 98 98*4 Cons Pwr 3 *4 a '70 ... 100*4 100*4 100*4 Container deb 6a'43_101 101 101 Container 6a’46_ 104 108*4 104 Crane Co 3*4a 61- 93*4 98*4 98*4 Crown Will P6a'61_103J4 108*» 1035* Cuba Northn 6 *4 a '42.. 49*4 49*4 49*4 r-'ayion trALi 3*s *60_» 104* 104* 104* Del A Hud ret 4a ‘4J 91 90* 91 Den A R G con 4e '3* 29* 29* 29* Den A RGW 6s'65asat. 17* 17 17 Detroit Ed 4s'65 F .. 108* 108* 108* Det Edison 4 * a '61 D. 112* 111*112* Det River Tun 4*s'61 112* 112* 112* Elec Auto Lite 4a '52.. 108* 108* 108* Erie cons 4a'96_ 99 99 99 Erie gen 4a 96-” 83 82* 83 Erie ref 6a 67- 81* gi gl* Erie ref 6s'76 - 81 80* 80* !■ la E C Ry 4*s'69- 74* 74* 74* Fla EC Ry 6s'74 -*14* 14* 14* Francisco Sue 6s'56_ 74 74 74 Gen Mot Ass 3* s'61„ 100* 100 100* Goodrich 4 * a 66_ 99* 99* 99* Goodrich 6s 46_106* 1U6* 106* Goodyear TAR 6s'67 104* 104 104* Gt North'n Ry S *s'67 93* 93 93* Great N Ky 4s 46 G_ 182*131*131* Great N Ry 4a 46 H .. 107* 107* 107* Grt N Ry ref 4*s'61 A 110* 110* 110* Grt N R gen 4*s'77 E. 108* 103 108 Green Bay 6s *62 B_ 10* 10* 10* Gulf Sta Stl 6*s 42_ 96 96 96 Hoe (R) 1st mtg'44_ 90* 90 90* Houston OU 6*s'40_ 102 102 102 Hudson Coal 6s '52 __ 46* 46* 46* Hudson Co G 1st 5s'49. 117* 117* 117* Hud A Man lno 6a’57„ 80 80 80 111 Bell Tel S*s-70-104* 104* 104* 111 Cent col tr 4s'52- 86* 86* 86* Cant ref 4S'65- 86* 86* 86* 111 Cent 4*s 66_ 75 74* 74* 111 Steel deb 4*S'40_ 106* 106* 106* Ind 111 & Iowa 4s‘60_101 101 101 Ind A Loulsv 4s '56_ 42* 42 42* Inland Stl 3*s 61-108* 108* 103* Int R T 1st rf Bs'66_ 73 73 73 I R T 1st rf 6s '66 ctfs. 71 71 71 Int R T 6s 82- 27* 27 27* Int R T 7s 32 ... 74£ Interlake Iron 4s’47.. 102 101* 101* Int Grt Nr 6s 66 B_ 86 86 86 Int Grt Nr 6s '62 A- 87 86* 87 Int Grt Nr ad} 6s'52 A. 14* 14 14* Int Hydro Elec 6s '4«_ 76* 76 75* nt Pap 1st 5s 47A_„. 101 101 101 Int TAT KiCKR**2- 66H 66'* 6i* Int TAT 6s 65 - 69 68* 68* Iowa Cent lstArf4s*61 8 g g ^neMpsums'BlA. 1014 1014 1014 Kans C So 1st 3s 50_ 88 874 88 Kans City So ref 6e ’50 91 904 904 Laclede Gas 6s’39_ 914 914 *14 Laclede G6Hs’63 C__. *94 684 684 Lake S&M So 34s'97. 1004 1004 1004 LehC&N44s64A- 964 *5 954 Leh Val Coal 6s’54_ 63 63 61 Leh Val Coal 5s 64_ 68 68 68 Leh Val Har 5s ’64-1024 1024 1024 Leh V Peon 4s 2003. 60 694 60 Leh V Peon 44s 2003 644 644 644 Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 724 724 724 Loew's 3 4s '46 98 4 98 4 984 Lone Isl ref 4s 49-1024 1024 1024 Lorlllard 5s 55- 1174 1174 1174 44- 1274 1274 1274 r (\*ri 5®’69 - 94!< »4MI 944 L & Nash 3% s 2003_ 914 914 914 L & N 4 4s 2003 C- 102 102 102 McKess&Rob 64s’60_ 1034 1034 1034 Me C RR clt 4s '45 A-_ 1024 1024 1024 Manhat Ry 4s 90- 404 40 404 Mead Co 6s *45- 104H 10M 104U Met Ed 1st rf 44s'68. 1084 1084 1084 MU El R&L 5. '«i._„. 1024 102*4 1024 Mil E R & S L rf 6s’71_ 102 1014 102 Mil Spa & N W 4s '47 _ 894 39' 394 Mil & St Line 34s’41. 67 67 67 Minn & S L rf 4s 49 64 64 64 Minn & St L 6s’S4 ctfs 174 174 171^ Minn & St L 6s '62 A.. 6 6 6 ilStP&SSM cn 4s'38_ 24 4 244 24U MStP&SSM 64s'49_ 18 18 18 MStP&SSM 64s'78... 83 4 83 4 834 Mo « & T 1st 48 90- 864 864 864 Mo K & T 6s '62 A- 79 78*k T84 T 6* 67- B6H 66l« B«u H° Pac j.: p-a" fin Allied Lab 11 11 11 Pub Svc pf-- H8 68 68 400 Armour A Co . _ ii>, u n 300 Asbestos Mfg _ 2'2 23« ■'i, ■’0 Assoc Invest 543, 543, 543, 100 Backstay Welt . 18 18 18 on Barlow A- Seellg A 16s, lh3. ins. 50 Bastian-Bless 20sa "O5* °(i’« lo(>B;nks Mfg _ 12‘a 12‘J l-’i, 100 Bliss 4 Laughlln. 38 38 38 2 ,00 Borg Warner N 4l'j 4]'a 41'a 50 Brown F A W .11 n il 3o0 Butler Bros 15 I41, ift inn rten ^rnPcb ®vc 88 88 68 100 Cen 111 Sec cf 15 15 15 650 Cen & 8 W Ut 314 314 3.4 . 1','Cen & S W $7 Df 6(1 60 6n 550 Chi Corp 43. 43. 43 50 Chi Fix Shft (2a) 67 67 67 800 Cities Serv _ 3», 31, 314 , 100 Con Bisct (.60) 7 7 7 1.300 Consumers _ t. 1. 14 200 Cord Corn 31, 31, 3,* 5n Dayton Rubber 245. ■’4'. •’as” JODe Mets pf 24 -14 ”4 5n Dixie-V’tex (1>2) 21*. 2)J* 2I3; 611 El Household 8>2 31, s'2 30 Gardnr Deny (2) 5T'« 57 67 80n Gen Finance (.40) 6'« 5’» 514 .350 Gen Household 6'. t,’„ 15(1 Heileman (G) Bw n3. ps, .ti ' 150 Hein Wer Mot P lo'« km. km, 1 no Jarvis (WB)_. 23 3 , ••:»»! ■■•('„ 150 Katz Drug __ ._ 13 i.>i* Km Kellogg Switch_1(M. in’, ln'l KIKv Ut 67 pf 7!C* 7'i3. 71,1 Km Kingsbury Brew "v. "3. 3v. 100 Lib-McN fi L 1.7 lit 13 611 Lincoln Pr _ KOi KM, 1 n 1 ■, 150 Lion Oil Ref .. 2°3J *’3, ""a21 50 Loudon Pack 4' . 41, '41. 40 McCord Rad A., 31 31 31 ' 1(10 McGraw Elec_ 6(M« 5n'« on1; 400 Merch Sz Mfrs__ ft3! .v! ft3! Mirkelberry’8 Fd 4 r*3! 4 ^00 Mid West Corp 10*2 lo*4 lo'i 200 Midland Unit 3, \ V 250 Midland Unit pf 8 73^ s 10 Midi Util 77 pf 3>/« 3'a 314 10 Miller A Hart pf 5 5 5 * lnOModme . 37>2 37'2 3714 50 Monroe Chem o3, n3, 03. 150 Nat Leath _ 1 11 50Nat-Stand _ 28>i 28>2 78(8 150 Noblllt-Sparks . . 43 43 43 100 Nor Am Car 6>a 6'2 6*8 20 No West Ut pi . 64'a 64'a 64'2 50 Peabody Coal B !5» Is, i3„ lOOPrlma Co l’, l’, 70 Quaker Oats . 115 114>a115 50 Rath Pack .. 22 22 22 Km Reliance Mfg 28 28 28 20(1 Rollins Hos cv pf 28)3 37 381; 5(1 Schwitzer Cumm 21 31 21 2nd Sernck Corp B 12>a I3*i ]•’( 150 So Bend L Wks 223« 22'2 22s« 50 Std Dredg 4’a 4’a 41 „ loo Std Dredg pf . 18(, isi. ls>, KioSunstr M Tool 237» "33, "3’, 100 Swift A- Co 35 243, 343. Km Swift Int _ 31'2 31'« 31'2 1200 Utah Radio.__ 4K. 4:2 4'2 5(1 W'ahl Co _ 2'j 33 g -’s, 3(10 Walgreen 20 "n 20 350 Zenith Rad . _ 35*.a 34'2 34'a Stock sales today, 18,000 shares. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. May 1 opt—New York Security Dealers' Association: . Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_18.48 in.00 Am Business Shrs_ 1,21 1.33 Am Gen Eq Inc_ 1.10 1.23 Am Ins Stocks_ 5.25 o.uo Bancamer Biair _lo.Oo 11.00 Bank Group Shrs _ 1.82 1.00 Bankers Nat Inv Corn_ 3.025 4.25 Basic Industry __ 5 ns Broad St Inv _35 oi 37 44* Bullock Fund _ _ 21 50 23.25 Corporate Trust _ 2 07 Corporate Trust AA _ __ 2 70 Corp Tr A,A mod _ 3 00 Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 270 Corp Tr Acc mod _ 3 oil Cumulative Tr Sh _ _ __ 0 :to Depos Bk Sli N Y A _ 2 40 Depos Ins Shrs A _ 3 33 Depos Ins Shrs B _ 3 13 Diversified Tr C_ 5.05 Dividend Shrs _ 1 04 2 00 Equity Corp S3 of_ 37 50 40 50 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 20 83 °8 01 First Boston Corn_ 34 875 30 .!75 Fixed Trust Sh A _ 13 07 Fixed Trust Sli B _ _ 11 02 Found Tr Sh A _ 4 on 5 "0 Fund Investors Inc_£3 04 25 "8 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 0.21 6 88 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 5 08 8en Investors Tr _ 0.84 ‘7 44~ roup Sec Agriculture_ 1.01 2 07 Group Sec Automobile_ 1 42 1 54 Group Sec Building_ 2.11 2 28 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.58 17" Group Sec Food . _ .07 l'no Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1 00 1 83 Group Sec Merchandise_ 1.41 153 Group Sec Mining _ 1.04 1 78 Group See Petroleum_ 140 102 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.55 l os Group Sec Steel _ 2.02 2 10 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1 00 l io uuiuiiii - . <0 1.1.} Incorp Investors _25 0.1 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1 58 i to" Investors Pet C Inc __ 15 11 1H '’8 Keystone Cust, Pund B-1_ 21 00 24 04 Major Shrs Corp __ _ 100 Maryland Fund_ _ 0 TO 10 T°" Mass Invest Tr_ 28 08 °0 TO Mutual Invest _ 15 00 17Vs Nation Wide Sec _ 4 44 4 54 Nation Wide Votintr_I 2 0.1 0 10 National Investors _ 7.15 741 N Y Bk Tr Shrs _ 4.00 New England Pund _ 18.10 10 74" North Am Bond Tr etfs_ 68.875 61 125 Nor Am Tr Shares __ _ 2 70 Nor Am Tr Sh 1055 _ 147 " Nor Am Tr Sh 1056_ 140 Nor Am Tr Sh 1058_ 3.20 Plymouth Fund Inc_ 01 1 02~ Quarterly Income Sh_17B7 lo'is Selected Am Sh _ 4 08 Selected Am Sh Inc_ 14 88 16 21" Selected Cumul 8h_1040 Selected Income Sh_ 5 44 Spencer Trask Pund_ 21 02 21 67" Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 05 4 10 Stand Util Inc _ 87 04 Super of Am Tr A_ 3 04 Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.70 -" Super of Am Tr B_ 4 11 Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.70 I Super of Am Tr C_ 7 81 Super of Am Tr D_ 7 8.1 Supervised Shrs _ 14.11 15 58’ Trustee Stand Inv C _ 1.06 Trustee Stand Inv D __ _ 3 01 Trusteed Am Bk B _ .01 1 01 Trusteed Industry Shrs __ 1.40 1 65 Wellington Fund _ 10.60 21.15 WAGES TO BE INCREASED. WINCHESTER Va. May 1 (Spe cial) .—Employes of the Virginia Wool en Co. here and the Berkeley Woolen Co., Martinsburg, W. Va., an affiliate, received pay Increase* of approx imately 10 per cent effective today. CURB RALLY LED Recovery on More Selective Basis—Metals Hold to Narrow Range. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 1.—Recovery con tinued In the curb market today, but on a more selective basis, with Indus trials In best demand. First-hour dealings resulted In gains of 2 points in Aluminum Co. of America, Dominion Steel & Coal and Royal Typewriter. Fractionally higher prices were paid for Sherwin Williams, Wayne Pump, American Cyanamld “B," Great Atlantic & Pacific and McWilliams Dredging. There was a leveling off in most utilities. Gulf Oil dipped about y2 point. Metals were narrow. CURB BONDS Ala Power 5s '46 A._ 101 Va lOlVa 101 *4 Alum Co 5s ’52 105% 105% 105% Alum Co Ltd 6s 48 _ 105% 105% 105% Am G & E 5s 2028 . _ 100% 100% loti3# Am P & L Os 2010 043* 04 04 Am Rol Mill 6s ’48 __ lo2% 102% 1<>2% Appalach E P 5s *50 ... 108 l<)8 108 Appalach Pw 6s ’41 J06% loo3* 106% Ark PAL 5s ’50 _ 08% 08 08 As El Ind 4%s ’53 63* 4 52*4 63*4 As Cr A E 4’as ’40 __ 40 40 40 As G A E 6s 50 51 61 51 As G A E 5s ’08 __ f>«»1 a o<» 50 As GAE 51 as inv ct _ 77% 70* a 77% As T A T 5*aS ’55 A _ 83*/4 8.3% 82% Bald Lo 6s 38 xw _ 184 183 183 Bald L Os ’38 xw stp_ 184% 182 182 Bell T C 5s 'Ou C 1 1 * * 4 1 1 8* 4 J 1 8% Caro Pw A Lt f>s ’50 100% 007« OO7* CedRr R M A P 6s ’63 112*4 112*4 112 % Cent I1PS 5s '50 E 104 104 104 Cen II P S 4*aS ’07 F 07 % 07 3* 07 3H Cent 111 P S 5s ’08 G _ lo27* 102% lo2% Central Pw 6s ’57 D . 80% 8034 80% Cent Pw A Lt 5s ’50 02 * a 02 02* a Cent St El 5%s ’54 57 34 57 % 57 34 Cen St P A I- 5*.a* 63 60% 58*2 507« Chi Ryg 5s '27 cod . 7<>a* 7o% 7o% Cm Str R 5‘.as ’52 A _ 05* a 05* a 05* a Cities Svc 5s ’50_ 72a* 71% 7 1% Cities Svc 5s ’66 _ _ 72% 72 72 Cit S PAL 6* as 52_ 68% 6.s% 08*4 Cit S PAL 5* as ’40 . 003a 00 0!* Comw Ed 4* as ’60 C . 1 lo% 11 Ol4 110*4 Comw Ed 4* as '57 D _ 110 110 110 Comw Ed 4s ’81 F _ lu5*4 105% 105% Comw Ed 3%s 05 H 103la lo.'lVa 10.i1 a Comw 8b 5‘as ’48 A 103 103 103 Comuty PAL 6s 57 _ 78 78 78 Oon Gas Ut Os ’43 st 80 80 8n Cont G & E 5s '58 A _ 88% 88 88% Del El Pw 5>as '50 103 103 1 <>3 Dei Cit Gs os 50 B . . 10534 105% 105% Dct Int Bg 7s 52 __ 3% 3 3% East G A F 4s '60 A _ 80% 80 80% Ei Pw A Lt 5s 2030 __ 84 83% 84 Ei Pas Ei 5s ’60 A 102% ln2% 102% Emp OAR o%s ’42 _ 90% 00% 00** Emp GAR 5%s 42 _ OU a 90% 00% Fed Wat 6%s '54 _ 84 82% 82% Firest Cot M 5s 48 1 o4 % 104 % 1 o4 % Florida PAL 5s ’54 _ 01 % 01% 01% Gary EAG 5s '44 stp xw 08% 07 % 08% Gen Bronze Os ’40 00% 90% On* Georgia Pw 5s 07 07 % ou% 07 4 Georgia PAL 5s '78 75 75 75 Glen Aiden Cl 4s ’05 . 70% 70 7oJ4 Grand Tr We 4s 50 _ 0834 08% 08% Hotl W Ast 7s 54 ww 33 33 33 Hou Gulf G Os '43 A 104% 1 Oft ?(» Intil Securities 5 s '47 lui% iol% 1111 * 8 Interst Pw 5s 57 _ 60 587* 60 Interst Pw Os ’52 4 47* 44% 447* Interst P S os '50 D _ 82% 82 % 82% Inters: P S 4 %s ’58 F 77% 77 77% Iowa-N LAP 5s 57 A 1 02 % 102*4 1«)2 14 Iowa-N L A P 5s ’01 B lo2% 102*2 102*2 Kentucky Ut 5s '01 01 % 01 % 01% Ken U 5%s ’55 F _ 00* 3 08 00 % Lehigh P S Os 2020 A 108** 108% los% Libby McNAL 5s '42. 1 04% 1 n4% 104% Long Is Lt Os ’45 100 100 100 Mengel 4%s '47 _ 110% IO0% 110 McCord Rad Os '43 _ 100 0034 100 Mid S Pw 6%s ’45 A 01*2 01 *2 01*'2 Mmn PAL 4 %s ’7 8 07 *4 07% 07% Minn PAL 5s ’55 103% 103*2 103% •viun oc n*2s ww coa .‘2 7*2 7*2 Nat PAL 5S 2030 B 84% 84% 84% Nat Pb S os ’78 cod 45% 45% 45% Nebr Pw 4%s 81 A 110 110 110 Nevad Sal El 5s 56 90% S07» hp% New F GAE 5s '4 7 ?] 70 70% New E GAE 5s '48 7 0% 70% 70% New E GAE 5s '50 7 0% 69% 7 0% New E Pw 5s '4 8 92% 92% 92% New E Pw 5 % s '54 963 4 96% 96% New Or 5s 17 slnd 90 89% 90 N Y P .t L? 4%s '67 11*5% 105% 1 h.*,% N Y S EAG ** %c >0 1 On % } cc ]en No Con U 5%s '48 A 56% 563it 56% Northw P R 5s ’57 A-- 98 97 % 98 Ohio Pwr 4 %s ’56 D 1 05% 3 "5% 105% Okla P A W 5s 4 8 A 90 pn 90 Pac G A* E 6s 41 B __ 115% 1 15% 115% Par P A L os 55 .. 77% 77 77 Penn CLAP 4%s '77 98% pv% ps% Penn C P A L os '79. ]«'•' 3 02 102 Penn El 4s '71 F 94% 94% 94% Peop G LAC 4s '8 1 B 91 90 90% Puts steel 6s '48. . iu.3% ln.3 303 Portland GAC 5s 40 78% ;s% 78% Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs_- 130% 130% 130% Pub S N I 4%s '81 F 102% 107% 1 02 2 Pus S PAL 5%s ’4f» A__ 88% 88 88 Pug S PAL 5s ’50 C _ 85 85 85 Puc S PAL 4%s ’50 D__ 8n% sc 8c Safe H Wa 4%s 79 _ 106 106 306 St L GAC 6s ’47 mat. 15% 14% 14% Schulte Real E 6s '51 __ 35 35 35 Shw W A P 4%s '67 A __ 1 (»7% 107 107 S E PAL 6s 2025 A_- ]co% lcc% ]00% Sou Cal Ed 3%s 45 __ 105% 105% lc5% Soil Cal Ed 334s '60__ 1 00% ]Oc% ] ' Super of 11 4%s '68 lf'4% 104% lc4% Texas Elec 5s '60 100% 100% 1 cn% Tex Pw A Lt 5s '56_. 105 105 105 Toledo Edis 5s '62 los% 108 30s Twin CRT 5 % s ’5-’ A 81% 80 81 Unit LtAPw 5%s '59.- 304 ]04 104 Unit LtAPw 6%s ’74 80% so% £<1% Unit LAR D 5%s '57 88 S?% 88 Unit LAR M 6s ’52 A 1 10% 1 lo% 1 10% Wash Gas Lt 5s '58_ 106 106, 3 00 West Pa 5s 2030 PS7* 98% 98% West T Ut 5s '57 A 93% 933* 93% Wis-Min LAP 5s '44 . 306% 106% 106% Wis PAL 5s '56 A 933* 93% 93% Yadkin Riv P 5s 41 _ 306% 106% 106% York Rwy Co 5s ’37 88 88 88 FOREIGN BONDS. Cent Bank G '52 A _ 21% 21 % 21 % Cuban Te 7%s '41 A _ 99% 99s* 99% Medelin Col 7s '51 _ 15% 15% 15% Mendoz P 4s '51 stp_ 96 96 96 Parana Braz 7s '58 . . 27 27 27 Pied El 6%s '60 A _ 72 71 72 Russian 5%s '21 mat _ 1% 1% 1 % Ternl-Soc 6%s '53 A 7 1 71 71 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st (stpl —Stamped ^Negotiability impaired by maturity tCompanles reported in receivership. -• BALTIMORE STOCKS Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, May 1.— Sales. Hieh. Low, Close, fin Arundel Corp _ lit:1* 22*. ■: fit? Black & Decker .'!0 30 30 i (i Con Gas 5', pf A 11 3 11 :i 11 :i 28 Fidelity & Deposit 127 I2ti*« 127 25 Fidelity & Guar 41 41 41 1355 Houstn Oil pf vtc 23'. 23 23*. 28 Mlrs Fin 1st pf 11'. 11 >* 11'. 145 Mar Tex Oil Co A 4', 31. 31. Hi Merchant A- Min 3li 38 36 5 Northern Central 1,7*2 37*2 97*2 383 New Amster Cas 18*. l.V, 1R*. 120 U S Fidel n—Nominal. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlkh Low. Close. Agfa Ansco _ 2 86 84 88 Air Device Corp .. 10 4 3)4 4 Alabam Pw of (7) 10. 73 78 73 Alum'n Co of Am 760a 186)4 183)4 138'4 Alum (Am) pf (6) 100> 114)4 114)4 114)4 Am Airlines Inc . 8 24 23)4 28)4 Am Box B od (1).. 6 22 20)4 21 Am CltPAL. B a20o 8 4)4 4)4 4)4 Am Cynam B t60o 60 804 29)4 80*4 Am & For Pw »w. 6 2)4 2)4 2*4 Am GAB (1.40)... 8 34 83)4 83*4 Am Gen C’p (a60c) 4 10)4 10)4 10)4 Am L A T (tl.20). 1 19)4 19*4 19*4 AraMfrCo Ii3)_26a 614 61)4 51)4 Am Maracaibo_ 8 14 14 14 Am Superpower_16 14 1*4 1)4 Am Superpwr pf__ l 86 86 86 Angostura (t20c). 8 7 6)4 7 Arcturua Radio T. 4 1)4 1)4 1)4 Ark Nat Gaa_ 6 8 8 8 Ark Nat Gas (A>_. 16 8)4 8)4 84 Art Met W (80c).. 1 12)4 12)4 124 Ashland OAR t40o 6 6H 64 64 Asso Gas A Elec__ 1 14 14 1*4 Asso GAB(A)_ 1 34 »4 84 Asso G A E *5 nf 6 244 22 4 24 Atl Coast FIs b35o 1 8)4 84 84 Atlae Corp war . 1 24 2*4 24 Atlas Plyw’d (14) 1 23H 28)4 234 Austin Silver 6 24 24 24 Axton-Fisher (A). 50a 82 81 82 Babcox A Wll (4) 400. 126 1244 1244 Baldw L bd rta(d) 10 24 24 24 Barium Stain Stl_. 8 64 64 64 Bellanca Aircraft. 1 64 64 64 Berkey&Gay F Co 4 24 24 24 Berk&OF pur war 8 14 14 14 RIlseCotEWI 1 174 174 174 Blue Rldee (bloc) 2 84 34 34 Blumenthal S_ 1 22 22 22 Bohack (HC)_ 100 . 7 4 7 4 74 Bower Roll B (2). 1 294 294 294 Brazil T1.&P 4(>c.. 6 214 214 214 Breeze C Inc a7oc. 3 10 10 10 Brld'p't Mch b25c. 1 194 1»4 194 Brill Corp (B)_ 2 44 44 44 Brill Corp pf SO. 57 67 57 Brown F&W (A) 2 1 254 254 254 Buckeye PL (4) .100. 484 484 484 Buff N&E pf 1.60_. 1 24 4 24 4 24 4 Burry Biscuit 15 5 5 Can Marconi_(42 142 Carlb Syndicate_ 7 24 24 24 barman & Co B_ 1 64 64 64 Caro L&P pf (6)_10« 88 88 83 Carrier Corp _ 4 494 494 494 Carter (JW) 80c— 1 10 10 10 Catlln Corn ia40c) 3 74 74 74 Celar.ese let pf t7 60. 116 116 116 Cent P & Lt 7% pf (b3.06 4)_ 60. 854 854 854 Cent & S W util— 1 34 84 34 Cent States Elec.. 6 14 14 14 Centrlf Pipe »40e 8 64 64 54 Chi Flex Shaft (4) 60. 67 67 67 Childs Co pf _ 25. 90 90 90 Cities Service_ 42 3 4 3 4 34 Cities Service pf.. 11 614 51 514 City Auto S< t60c) 1 104 104 104 Claude Neon Lte._ 3 24 24 24 Club Aluminum_ 1 14 14 14 Colon Dev Ltd_ 4 5*1 6*1 54 Colo Fuel&lr war 8 174 174 174 Colum G&E pf(ol 100. 75 75 75 Columb O&G b20c 14 84 74 8 Com with &S war 68 4 4 4 Consol Copper 6 9 84 9 Consol Retail Stre 2 8 8 8 Consol Steel Corp 22 124 104 104 Conti Oil (Mex)—. 8 14 14 14 Copper Ranee_ 8 II 11 11 <~oro ».orp _ 3 31 3*4 E*4 Coaden Oil Me 1 65 65 65 Easy W M(B)b25o 1 101 101 101 Eisler Elec (a5c). 2 21 21 21 Elec Bond & Share 44 191 19 191 Elec R & S pf (6) 1 761 751 751 Elec Shareholding 14 4 4 El Shov C 1st pf .. 360s 19 171 19 Electrol Inc v.t.c.. 1 374 31 81 Elgin Nat W boOc. 60s 3474 34 1 341 Emp G&F 6% pf 26s 59 59 59 Equity Corp* 66V* 66*» I Hecla Mining b45c 7 17*,* 17 175* HevdenCh(t2l 1 40 40 40 Holophane (b50c) 1 241* 241* 245* Hudson BMSS (1) 12 30V* 29'* 29J* 111 P & L 6% pf_ 60* 69V* 69V* 69V* 111 Pwr * Lt *6 pf 900* 69>* 68'* 66V* I Illinois Zinc_100s 32 32 82 Imp Oil Ltd t60e 10 22V* 21J* 21** Ind’n Ter 111 O(B) 1 3V* 3V* 3V* Ins Co of No A t2 100s 66V* 66V* 6Ri* lntl Hy El S cv pf 1 28 28 28 lntl Petrolm tlV4 - 6 86** 35 So lntl Utli (B) 8 2J* 2V* 2H lntl V1tamln!50c) 1 6V* 65* 6V* Interst P( Del )pf. 40s 13 13 13 Ital Superpwr(A) 10 1 l l Jacobs! FL )Col 1 ) 2 15** 155* 155* JersCen P&L pf 6 20s 84** 84 84*4 Kloiston Prod 40c 6 5V* 6V* 6V* Kirkland L G tfic) 4 IV* 15* IV* Kobacker S (bl)-_ 1 23 23 23 Konpers of (6) 26s 1085* 1085* 108V* KresslSH) pf 60c. 1 11V* 11V* 115* Lai 26. 115 115 116 Mem XatG (hinc) 1 6*4 654 6*4 Mer & Mfg A b20c 1 6)4 5*4 6*4 Mesabl Iron _ 12 "4 *4 *4 Mich Bumper C_ 9 2*4 254 2*4 Mich Gas* OH 8 954 9*4 9*4 Mich Stl T P b25o. 1 13 13 13 Mid Sta Pet (Bl . 2 1*4 1*4 1*4 Midwest Oil (1) 11 10*4 10*4 10*4 Molybdenum Corp 1 9)4 9*4 9*4 Moody's pt pf (3). 60. 36 36 36 Mount Prod (60r> 2 6*4 6)4 6*4 Murray (Ohlo)b30i 1 25 25 25 Nat Bella Hess... 12 2*4 2 2 Nat Container_. 2 12)4 12)4 12)4 Nat Fuel Gas <1)_. 4 16 15*4 16 Nat Leather .. — 1 1*4 1*4 1)4 Nat Rub Mch a20o 6 16 1654 1654 Nat Service pf — 1 454 454 454 Nat Union Radio . 8 2)4 2)4 2)4 Navarro Oil (40c). 1 24 24 24 New Jer Zinc (t2) 860. 80)4 79)4 80 New M&A Ld ale 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 Newmont Min b75t 1 109 109 109 NYPw&Lt pf (7) 40. 109 108 109 N Y Tel pf (6 *4 1 32 6 0.111)4 11154 111)4 Nlag Hud Pwr new 9 12)4 12*4 12)4 NlagHP(A)war 6 54 54 54 Nlag Hud 1st (5). 60. 87*4 87*4 87*4 Nlag Sh Md B a60e 1 12*4 12*4 12*4 Nlpissing (6(lc) .. 1 2)4 2*4 2*4 North Am L A P 2 3*4 8*4 3*4 North AmL&P pf 250. 54 54 64 No Am Ray B b50c 1 43 43 43 North Am Ut Sec 2 254 2*4 2*4 No IPS 6% pf b75c 30. 83 81*4 83 N Ind PS pf bS7%c 20» 90 90 90 Ohio Pwr pf (6) . 10. 108*4 108)4 108)4 Oil StksLtd T40C-. 1 13 13 13 Oldety me Distil.. 14 4 4 PacGAE 1st <15t) * 29U 29)4 2954 Pae Tin spec (72). 100. 48)4 43)4 43)4 I Pan tepee Oil_, 16 6)4 6)4 6)4 Stock and Sales_ Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close. Pennroad 9 44 44 44 renna P & L pf(6) 20s 102 99 99 Penna P&L pf (7) 160s 1014 1014 101*4 Pepperell MfK t«. 25s 132 132 132 Phoenix Secur .. 6 104 104 104 Plon'r G Ltd b30e_ 1 44 44 44 Pitney Bowl t40c) 1 7*4 7*4 7‘i Plttsbgh Fortink 4 214 214 21*4 Pitts Plate O (bl) 1 127*4 127*4 127*4 Potrero Sugar 2 8 24 24 Powdrell&Al tgOe 6 104 104 104 Pratt & Lamb (a2 l 344 844 344 Premier (}old 1120 8 24 24 24 Producers Corp 3 4 4 4 Prudent’l Inr a50o 2 124 124 124 Pub S Colo pf (7). 10s 108 108 108 PubSvolndpf . 40s 304 80 304 Pub Svc Ind pr pf 40t R04 60 60 Pub Sv Okla pf (7) 10s 102 102 102 Rainbow Lum (A) 3 14 1 14 Raytheon Mfe vte 6 64 64 54 Reed R B new t80i 2 38 38 38 Retrer-Foster 8 14 14 14 Root Petralm b25c 8 7 7 7 Royal Type b75e _ 450s 1084 107*4 IO84 Rustless Ir&Stl... 1 16 16 15 Ryan Coneolld'd_ 2 6 54 64 hr Regis Paper_ 13 »4 9 9 Savoy Oil _ 1 34 34 34 Scovill Mfg (b50c)750a 42 414 42 Segal lock AH. 3 24 24 24 Selberllng Rubber 1 74 74 74 Selected Indus 1 3 8 3 Sent Saf Control,. 1 4 % \ Seversky Aircraft 2 44 44 44 Shattuck Den Min 6 17 164 164 | Sherwln Will (4). 200a 133 182 4 133 ! Sonctone C lalUc) 14 14 14 14, Soss Mfg Co (50). 1 64 64 64 So (Jal Ed of B 1 H 2 274 274 274 1 Southl'd Roy blOc. 1 104 104 104 1 Southwest P L(2) 50« 30 30 30 \ Spanish&Gen rcta 8444 Stand Dredging 1 44 44 44 Stand Inv cum pf. 180« 614 60 60 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 4 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 1 874 874 374 Stand Pwr A Dt 7 84 34 34 Stand SllALd (4c) 6 4 4 4 Starrett Corn vtc. 6 7 64 7 Sterl'g Brew a75c. 8 74 64 74 Sterling, lnc(20c) 4 64 54 64 Stutz Motor _ 7 4 4 4 Sun Ray Dr t80c— 1 164 164 164 Sumay Oil (b5c)_. 1 44 44 44 Sunshine Min (3). 2 184 184 184 Swlss-Am Elec pf 60a 1124 1124 1124 I Taggart Corp_ 4 124 124 124 Tampa El (2.24)._ 1 864 864 864 Tastyeast(Del)A_ 1 14 14 14 Taylor Dlst (30c). 1 44 44 44 Technicolor a60«. 15 224 224 224 Tech Hughes t40e 6 64 54 64 TennEP 1st pf(7). 25« 64 64 64 Texon Oil & E 60e 4 64 6*4 64 Thew Shovel a50e 126« 68 67 4 68 Tob Prod EXD 16c. 2 8 8 8 Tonopah M _6 14'4 14 14'4 U S Rub Reclaim. 4 74 74 74 U S Stores _ 3444 Unit Verde Ex (1) 8 34 34 34 Unit Wall Pacer - 4 44 44 44 Utilities P & JL, /\oEivini> L ment win relieve you completely. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL E8TATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPherson S