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Races at Warrenton and Party of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hold Spotlight Interest of Official Set Divided Between Parties And Out-of-Town Visits Mrs. Roosevelt in San Francisco—Mrs. Cordell Hull Honor Guest at Italian Embassy. MRS. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT spent the night in San Francisco en route to Seattle to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Boettiger. She was the guest of Mayris Cheney, dancer, who is a friend of the Roosevelt family. Mrs. Cordell Hull, wife of the Secretary of State, was the honor guest at luncheon yesterday of the Italian Ambassador and Signora de Suvich, who entertained in the Embassy. The Ambassador returned yesterday from New York, where he went to meet his sister, Signorina Giunia de Suvich, who will be a guest at the Embassy for a month or six weeks. The German Ambassador, Herr Hans Luther, has gone to New York, where he will remain over Sunday. The Japanese Ambassador and Mme. Saito were the guests in whose honor the Siamese Minister and Mme. Rajamaitri enter tained at dinner last evening in the Legation. The guests were the Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Francis B. Sayre; Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. Camp Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos riel Mar and the third secretary of the Legation, M. Luang Dithakar Bhakdi. The Spanish Ambassador and Senora de los Rios will return today from New York, where they went by motor to spend yesterday. The Ecuador Ambassador, Capitan Alfaro, was host at luncheon today in honor of Senor Carlos Mantillo, editor and publisher of El Comercio, the leading newspaper of Quito, Ecuador, who is visiting his son and daughter-in-law, the first secretary of the Ecuador Embassy and Senora de Mantillo-Ortega. The Swiss Minister and Mme. Peter have as their guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stehli of New York. The Irish Minister, Mr. Michael MacWhite, will return today from a brief stay in New York. The Latvian Minister and Mme. Bilmanis entertained at dinner last evening. Senator and Mrs. Bennett Champ Clark were hosts at dinner last evening, entertaining in compliment to their house guests, Mrs. Walter Mayne and Mrs. E. E. Pershall of St. Louis. Mrs. Clark and her guests, accompanied by Mrs. Alexander Walker of Hono lulu and Mrs. Edmund Horgan of Ashley, The Plains, Va., motored through Virginia to visit the gardens which were on view this week. The naval attache of the British Embassy and Mrs. Bradley entertained at dinner last evening. Their guests were the retiring naval attache of the French Embassy and Mme. Sable, Comdr. and Mrs. William Sherbrooke Popham, the commercial secretary of the Embassy and Mrs. Heywood. Mrs. McCook Knox and Mr. Philip Broad, second secretary of the Embassy. Mrs. Harlee Branch, wife of the Assistant Postmaster General,' was hostess at luncheon today in her apartment in Wardman Park Hatel, entertaining in honor of Frau Stresseman, widow of the former foreign minister of Germany, and Mrs. Frank Mason of New York, who are at Wardman Park for a short visit. Col. and Mrs. William P. Wooten have as their house guest Mrs. William Blanton of Paris. Ky. Maj. W. C. Lewis of Oklahoma City, Okla., is at the Martinique for several days. Capt. and Mrs. William D. Puleston were given a farewell dinner by the officers of the division of Naval Intelligence, Navy , Department, last evening at the Shoreham. Capt. Puleston is retiring today from the office of director of Naval Intelligence. Rear Admiral Ralston S. Holmes, the new director of Naval Intelligence, and Mrs. Holmes were among the guests. Others were Capt. and Mrs. A. S. Farquhar, Capt. and Mrs. William D. Brereton, Capt. and Mrs. Francis T. Leighton, Comdr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Lind, Comdr. and Mrs. Earl C. Metz, Comdr. and Mrs. F. D. Pryor, Comdr. and Mrs. Laurence F. Reifsneider, Comdr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Small. Comdr. and Mrs. Frank A. Loftin, Comdr. and Mrs. John N. Creighton, Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs. Cyril E. Taylor. Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Alexander, Lieut. Comdr. D. Wells Roberts. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Maurice G. Holmes, Lieut, and Mrs. Joseph A. Flynn, Lieut, and Mrs. Robert N. Allen, Lieut. A. John Bolton. Lieut. Allan B. Banister, Lieut. Edward S. Pearce, Capt. and Mrs. William L. Bales. M iss Iglesias Weds Mr. F. W. Thatcher In Rectory Today 'T'HE marriage of Miss America Igle sias, daughter of the resident com missioner of Puerto Rico and Mrs. Santiago Iglesias, to Mr. Frank W. Thatcher, jr.. of Loan. Utah, and Hol lywood, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Thatcher of California, took place this morning at 9:30 o'clock in the rectory of St. Anne's Church. The ceremony was performed by Father Cartwright in the presence of the bride's immediate family and the mother of the bridegroom. The bride was given in marriage by her father and she wore a gown of pink mousseline de soie, the skirt hav ing insertions of pink satin on a bow design. The bodice was made with short puffed sleeves and a high neck line. and she wore a Juliet cape of pink satin and carried an arm bouquet of garden flowers. Miss Luz Iglesias was the maid of honor for her sister and she wore a gown of hyacinth blue net with inserts of lace on the skirt. The neckline was high and the gown had puffed sleeves. She wore a picture hat of blue trimmed with yellow and blue ribbon and her bouquet was of blue and yel iow Diossoms. Mr. Alexander H. Bell, jr., was the best man. Assisting the couple in receiving at the informal reception which followed at the home of the bride’s parents were Mrs. Iglesias, mother of the bride, who wore a gown of navy blue chiffon with accessories to match and a cor sage of gardenias, and Mrs. Thatcher, mother of the bridegroom, who was in a black and beige ensemble with black accessories. Her bouquet was of talisman roses. Mr. Thatcher and his bride left after the ceremony for New York, the bride wearing a navy blue suit with a white lace blouse. Among the guests at the reception were the Governor of Puerto Rico, Maj. Gen. Blanton Winship, and Mr. William Green, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. -«. - Ladies’ Auxiliary Arranges Benefit Arrangements have been completed for the annual card party sponsored by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the National Catholic School of Social Service for the school's scholarship fund, to be held Monday evening at Wardman Park Hotel. In addition to unique ar h A rangements for contract bridge, there will be door prizes, table prizes of un usual value, and a number of inter esting surprise features. The ladies of the auxiliary will act as hostesses. Msgr. Michael G. Ready, general sec retary of the National Catholic Wel fare Conference, who has long been identified with social service work, will talk from the ball room over a Nation-wide radio hook-up, and tell of the scope of the activities of the school's graduates and the need for social service workers at this time. Many distinguished gue.'*s. patrons, and patronesses will attend the party, among whom are Mr. Justice and Mrs. Pierce Butler, Representative Thomas O'Malley. Mr. Justice Harold Stephens. Msgr. John F. O'Grady, Senator and Mrs. McHale, Mr. Leo F. Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Giegengack, Mr. and Mi’s. Frank R. Jelleff. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Street, Miss Janet Richards, Mrs. Davenport White, Mr. and Mrs. William Wimsatt, Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam F. O'Donnell, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. B. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joynt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keenan, Miss Elizabeth Dolan, Dr. John R. Cava naugh, Miss Anna Keady, the Misses Kerby, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Murphy, Mrs. Mae Hamilton, the Misses Jarboe, Mrs. John Cammack, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Altemus, Mr. and Mrs. George De Bruler, Mr. and Mrs. Galt Burns, Miss Dorothy Abst, Miss Mary T. Greeley, Mr. Brien McMahon, the Misses Wag gaman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tu multy, Mrs. Clarence W. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frederick Sells. Mrs. Dorothy K. Butler, Miss Katie Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remon, Mr. and Mrs. John Victory, Miss Clara Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Brennan, Miss Mary Kolb, Mrs. Allen C. Vories, Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Neill, Miss Maude Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn, Miss Margaret Lynch. Miss Mary Hyatt To Wed Mr. Eastman Capt. Claudius Roscoe Hyatt, U. S. | N., retired, and Mrs. Hyatt announce I the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. Wilfred Walter Eastman of Loma Linda, Calif., son of Rev. and Mrs. William Walter Eastman of Los Angeles. Mr. Eastman is a student in the College of Medical Evangelists, having taken his college work at Washington ! Missionary College in Takoma Park. Miss Hyatt completed her high school course in Long Beach, Calif., and at tended the Pacific Union College. She is an accomplished musician. The wedding will take place in Ta koma Park during July. Will Attend Luncheon MRS. J. BORDEN HARRIMAN, Newly appointed United States Minister to Norway, who will attend the luncheon given by the Women's National Democratic Club, May 15, at Woodlaum, the estate of the Secretary of War and Mrs. Harry H. Woodring. —Harris-Ewing Photo. By the Way— --Beth Blaine-.—. jyjR. AND MRS. RUSSELL SARD gave a delightful tea yesterday afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Walker of Honolulu, and the Marquis Jacques de Veyrac, who has been in Honolulu for the past few years. He has been lighting, by the new reflected lighting system, most of the beautiful gardens of Honolulu including that of the Walter Dillingham's, which is world famous. The rooms ivere crowded with smart Washingtonians. We were so glad to see Mrs. John Gibbons, who has just returned from spending the Winter at Palm Beach, where she and Capt. Gibbons have bought a lovely new home. Mrs. John Dwight is in town for a short visit. She has been in Honolulu for the Winter and is about to start out on the North Cape cruise. Mrs. John Phillip Hill was looking smart in a brown outfit and Mrs. William McCracken in black and yellow poured tea and Mrs. Henry Roosevelt was at the opposite end of the tea table. Mrs. Emory Sands in a lovely flowered print was going on to Lady Lewis’ cocktail party, but we stayed on late chatting with friends and then dropped in at Evie and Chip Robert's—there was great excitement at the Roberts’ as out-of-town guests were arriv ing for the party tonight including the Joe Robinsons from At lanta. Mrs. Jim Farley, Jack and Lisa Kennedy from New York Jimmie Cromwell and Sol Rosenblatt—all old friends and we were so glad to see them. The Max Gardners and Charlie Michaelson all arrived just as we were leaving. They were dining informally in the Farley's apartment and were promising an “early” evening, especially Jimmie Cromwell, who had not been to bed early for about six nights! Some of the guests were talking about the Cromwell’s wonderful party for President Quezon of the Philippines, given a few nights before in New York—it must have been very fine, from all reports. AT LUNCHEON yesterday at Mrs. Warren Delano Robbins’ we learned that the John Caswells have taken the house at Blue mont. for this Summer, that the Brazilian Ambassador and Mme Aranha had last year. Betsy Mary de Sibour was at luncheon, too and full of plans for the gay week end ahead, which she and Blaise will spend with the Jack Hinckleys. Mrs. Jimmie Roosevelt was among Mrs. Robbin’s guests, also Mrs. "Paddy” Day, to whom we gave the verbal prize of being the last word in trimness, wearing the most beautifully cut and tailored tweed suit and perfectly polished brown shoes. * * * * AND MRS. BRINKLEY SMITHERS entertained yesterday, too. for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lamont, jr„ of New York and Darien. Conn. The Lamonts arrived two weeks ago and plan to make their home in Washington, specializing in some sort of machine which to all accounts seems indispensable to our Gov ernment. Diddy Smithers. in a bois de rose sport dress, looked utterly chic. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marsten were present. Patsy in a smart blue and white ensemble. Sandy and Priscilla Liggett confessed to gardening as a pastime and any sunny afternoon will find them digging in the garden of their palatial habitat on Tracy place—the old Liggett home. During the Summer the Smithers will move out toward Rock Creek'Park. ik * * * 'Y'HE Swedish Minister and Mme. Bostrom have with them for the next six weeks their daughter. Fru Sixten Wollmar, from Stock holm, and her two adorable children. Ellis Wollmar, better known to Washington as Ellis Bostrom, made her debut here during the season of ’29 and ’30 and was one of the most attractive and vivacious debutantes of her season. With her shoulder-length bob of golden curls and her wonderful complexion, Ellis was a picture, and every one remembers that she gave up debutante frivolity in favor of secretarial work, acting as her father's aide. She met and married Sixten Wollmar in America, living for several years in Rye, N. Y. before returning to Sweden. Speaking of Sweden, in town for the next week is the son of the late Iket Clason, well-known Swedish architect, Gustaf Clason. Mr. Clason is lumself an architect of note attached to the Royal Board of Public Works at Stockholm. Finding English a difficult language to master, Mr. Clason confessed that he found “zero” and “aught” most unpronounceable on the telephone. He figured out, what he considered, an easy conclusion, and to date when on the phone he requests “North 1 ‘love’ 44”! All very well providing the astonished operator is a tennis enthusiast! Incidentally, the past history relative to the use of “love,” in tennis scoring, is most amusing. Tennis was first played at the Court of Versailles by Louis XIV. under the name of “Jeu des Pommes.” When scoring on the board “15 to 0” the zero was always a bit lopsided and was dubbed “Voeuf.” The ultimate end of “Voeuf” became “love” in the English language, and is now almost uni versally used. Bethesda Women To Have “Play Day” The Woman's Club of Bethesda. Md., will usher in May day with a "Play Day” at the home of Mrs. E. M. Willis, at 5510 Moorland lane, in Bethesda today. From 2 until 4 o’clock this after noon there will be cards, for which there will be prizes. At 4 o'clock there will be an old-fashioned May day celebration with all the traditional games and sports with which this day has been celebrated for centuries, and several more modern ones will be added. Grab bags, pony rides, a plant ex change, a white elephant market, an apron market and refreshment booths will turn the lawn into a semblance of the old English market place. For the safety of the children the street will be roped off and policed. It is hoped, if the weather is fair, to have dancing in the street in the evening. -• Annual Banquet. The Lookout Sundjy School Class of the Sherwood Presbyterian Church entertained at its annual banquet last evening in the garden house of the Dodge Hotel. Miss Grace L. Putman, president of the class, presided. Mrs. Ruth Walker, missionary from Ethiopia, was the guest of honor. She gave a short tails and showed mo tion pictures regarding her work. The officers of the class are: Miss Putman, president: Mrs. Eilleen Montgomery, vice president: Mrs. Vida Brunner, re cording secretary; Mrs. Jewel Aiken, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Hazel Greene, treasurer. Mrs. Jesse Cowles and Miss Helen Jamison are the teachers of the class. -• Japanese Honor Slain. Fou rJapanese soldiers, killed In anti-bandit operations in Manchukuo, were honored at elaborate rites held at the West Honganji Temple at Harbin, which were attended by many Japa nese and local officials. BROOK JOHN -OLD BARN OPENING TONIGHT Delicious Fried Chicken and Tenderloin Steak Dinners Served Week Days b Sundays DANCING » P.M. to I A.M. Miminum Choree SI.00 ($1.50 Saturdays per person) No Cover Charee Beer and Fine Wines OCT GEORGIA AVE. EXTENDED H MILE BEYOND NORBECK Reservations. Ashton 47-1 and 42-F-5 Residential Washington Social News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hosts Tonight at Villa Rosa. TkE Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Law rence Wood Robert will enter tain at dinner this evening at Villa Rosa, the home of Mrs. Robert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury. The dinner will be fol lowed by a dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James H. R. Cromwell, son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. Stotesbury. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Dewey are among the hosts entertaining at din ner before the dance. Mr. and Mrs. George Sloane are entertaining at luncheon today at Whitehall Farm, their estate at War renton, Va., preceding the Virginia Gold Cup Association races. Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose will close her apartment at the Shoreham Tues day, and she will go to Kansas City for a visit of six weeks before open ing her Summer home at Gloucester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunn of 2925 Glover driveway, Washington, are at the Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Prouty of Hingham. Mass., who have been at tending Garden week in Virginia, are at the Dodge for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Elias have ar | rived in Washington from Summit, N. J., and during their stay they will be at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mr. Elias is professor of Romance lan- I guages at the College of the City of New York. Mr. and Mrs. E. Graham Wilson of New York City are spending a few days at the Dodge. —- -m I Justice Department Honors Chief Today The Department of Justice enter tained at a surprise birthday luncheon at the Hotel Raleigh today in honor of Attorney General Homer S. Cum- I mings. The guests included Mr. Sun ley Reed, solicitor general: Mr. Robert i H. Jackson, Assistant Attorney Gen eral: Mr. James W. Morris, Assistant ’ Attorney General: Mr. Sam E. Whitaker, Assistant Attorney General; Mr. Carl McFarland. Assistant Attor ney General; Mr. Brian McMahon, Assistant Attorney General; Mr. Golden W. Bell, assistant solicitor gen era!; Mr. Ugo Carusi, Executive Assist ! ant to the Attorney General; Mr. Gor don Dean, Special Executive Assistant to the Attorney General: Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, director. Federal Bureau of Investigation; Mr. Clyde Tolson, as-: sistant director. Federal Bureau of ! Investigation; Mr. Julius Martin, di rector. War Risk Bureau; Mr. Robert M. Gates, Mr. William T. Hammack, assistant director of prisons: Mr. Liston M. Collins, Special Assistant to the At torney General; Mr. Nat M. Town- I send. Special Assistant to the Attorney : General; Mr. Salvator A. Andretta, Will Participate in Horse Show LITTLE MISS SUZANNE LADD, Daughter of Mrs. James M. Ladd, on her favorite mount, which she has entered in the junior horsemanship events at the Washington Horse Show, Saturday and Sunday of next week at Hie Meadowbrook Show Grounds in Rock Creek Park. —Underwood & Underwood Photo acting administrative assistant; Mr. Daniel Lyons, pardon attorney; Mr. Alexander HoltzofT, Special Assistant to the Attorney General: Mr. Joseph Lawrence, director, Taxes and Penal ties Division, and Mr. Paris Houston, assistant secretary to the Attorney General. -•-. Capt. Pu Hsaio Host at Dinner Capt. Pu Hsaio of the Chinese Em bassy military office and Mme. Pu Hsaio gave a Chinese dinner at the Chinese Republic Restaurant last eve ning in honor of Col. and Mrs. John Breitling Covlter and Col. and Mrs. Harold W. Huntley. Dr. and Mme. Yung Kwai, an offi cial adviser to the Chinese Embassy; Mr. Z. T. Ing, councilor of the Chinese Embassy, and Mme. Ing: the first secretary of the Chinese Em bassv and Mme. Ho. the attache of the Chinese Embassy and Mme. Shieh. the director of the Oriental division of the Library of Congress and Mrs. Arthur W. Hummel. Maj. and Mrs. Robert A. McCure. Maj. and Mrs. W. Mayer. Maj. and Mrs. W. Collier, Maj. and Mrs. Edward S. Johnston. Maj. and Mrs. Taylor of the United States Army and Miss Yung Kwai, secretary to Capt. Hsaio, were the guests. Curley Club Spring Dance The annual Spring dance of the Curley Club will be held in the ball room of the Shoreham Hotel this eve ning from 10 to 1 o'clock. Mr. William J. Boyd, chairman, will be assisted by Miss Mary L. McGee, reception; Mrs. Jule Mattimore and Miss Amelia Tassa. door; Mr. Silvio Poll, tickets, and Mr. Roland J. Hy land and Mr. James J. Corbett, Floor Committee. Other members of the committee include: Miss Gretchen Baden, Miss Edythe Connor, Miss Luella All, Miss Abbie Barry, Miss Dorothy Barrett, Miss Agnes Bayer, Miss Mary Bazzuro, Miss Denise Blancke, Miss Jessie Boehlert. Miss Mary Connelly. Miss Gertrude Con nor, Mrs. Rosemary Boehlert, Miss Elizabeth Davis. Miss Marie Fust. Miss Marie Dougherty, Miss Margaret Freedman. Miss Helene Gingras, Miss Clara Goltz. Mrs. Mary Hyland. Miss Josephine Hytrek. Miss Margaret Kane, Miss Mary McKay. Miss Mildred Mat timore. Miss Peggy McKay. Miss Mary Oberg. Mrs. Faniola O'Connell, Miss Mary O'Connor. Miss Margaret Poore, Miss Margaret Rankin, Miss Beatrice Tabinski. Miss Mary Zurn, Mr. Ed ward Pospiscel. Mr. Thomas Cullinan, Mr. Francis Smith. Mr. Leonary Boeh lert, Mr. Thomas Brennan, Mr. Joseph Devine, Mr, Prank Finley, Mr. James J. O'Connell and Mr. Richard O'Donoghue. Proceeds from the dance will be ap plied to the scholarship fund. This fund is donated annually to the Most Rev. Michael J. Curley. Archbishop of Baltimore, for the education of poor, deserving children of high school age. --•-» State Society Plans Dinner The “Alaska night dinner party” of the Washington State and Alaska So ciety will be held next Friday evening. May 7, at 6:30 o'clock at Chaplin’s Grille. 1219 G street. Representative Martin F. Smith, president of the so ciety, will preside over the meeting, assisted by Representative Knute Hill, vice president, and Delegate Anthony J. Dimond, honorary vice president. The program following the dinner will include short talks by Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald, Mr. Carl J. Lomen and Mr. J. J. Underwood; songs by Miss Els:; Shulz. accompanied by Miss Pear’.e Hendrixson: songs by Mr. A. G. Mas son, accompanied by Mrs, A. G. Mas son, and tricks by Mr. W. T. Miskelly. Reservations should be made through Mrs. Lloyd A. Nelson, 2123 Eye street. '—-> London's last British Industries Fair was the most profitable since 1928. 1 • Beginning Today (Saturday) % On the Purchase of a DETROIT JEWEL Gas Range THIS OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY n $84-50 Allowance $ 15-00 v Other Models You pay.__$69*50 to $189.50 The time and gas a Detroit Jewel saves make it a real economy. The stove pictured has all these features: Folding Cover Top Porcelain Finish Top Crate Flush Cooking Top Stoves . . . Fifth Floor Ebonite Finith Burnert Automatic Lighter One-piece Porcelain Interior Baking and Broiling Oven All Round Corner$ Robertthau) Rheoetat Oven• Heat Control Utility Drawer Operatei on Roller Bearing 20-Inch Oven