Newspaper Page Text
COMTE BONDS REGISTER GAINS Buying Interest Stimulated by U. S. Bond and Stock Advances. Bond Averages in 10 io 10 Roils. Indust. Util. F'Bn. Net change. +.2 -i-.l —.3 -f.4 Today close. 93.8 103.1 98 9 71.2 Prev. day 93.6 103.0 99.2 70 8 Month ago.. 93.8 102.7 99.8 71.4 Year ago.— 91.1 102.1 101.5 69.0 1937 high... 99 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 98.7 70.5 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103 1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45 8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Ronds. close -109.6 Prev. day. 109 3 Month ago 108.6 Year ago. 111.4 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104 4 1932 low.. 86 8 (CtSipiled by the Associated Press.) II Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 4.—Buying inter est in the bond market, was stimulated today by a further advance in stocks ^nd general gains in the United States Government list. A few corporate issues served as leaders, and of these New Haven 6s, up 3, and Great Northern 4s, New York Central 5s and Youngstown Sheet & Tube 3 is, up 1 to 1'2, turned in the best performances. Excepting minor losses in two or three Treasury loans the Federal list Was up l-32d to 12-32ds of a point, with Federal Farm Mortgage 3is cap turing the top again. Italian and Cuban obligations were ahead in the foreign sector. CHICAGO EMPLOYMENT NEAR ALL-TIME PEAK Ej the Associated Press. CHICAGO. May 4.—The Association of Commerce reported employment in Chicago was within 7.2 per cent of the all-time high record established m 1929. The statement related workers in Wholesale, retail and manufacturing fields numbered 748,884 in 1929; 441,899 in 1933, and 649,330 at the end of 1936. -• INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. May \ -New York Se curity Dealer Association (Noon quotations • B;d. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc _1> 14 19.(52 Am Business Shrs __ 1.21 1.33 Am Gen Lq Inc___ 1.1(» 1.22 Am Ins Stocks _ .'» . > '•.(•(> Baicamer Blair __ . 1". i 25 11 Bankers Nat Inv Corp. _ 3.0 JO 4.75 Basic Industry _ 5.11 Broad St Inv _ _ 34.99 37.42 Bullock Fund _ _ Ml .»<» 23.25 Corporate Trust 2.95 Corporate Trust A A __ 2.M Corp Tr A A mod 3.*>2 - Corp Tr Ac cum Ser _ . 2.81 - Corp Trr Acc Mod ... __ 3.02 - Cumulative Tr Sh . 0.30 - Depos Bk Sh N V A”_ 2.4; _ Depos Ins Shrs “A' __ 3.55 - Depos Ins Shrs ‘ B_ 3.1(j _ Diversified Tr C _ 6.05 Dividend Shrs _ 1.94 2.09 Equity Corp S3 pf_ 38.UO 41.00 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 2( 28.97 First Boston Corp_34.5o 33.00 F.xed Trust Sh A_13.14 _ F.xed Trust £Jn B_10.93 Found Tr Sh A _ 4.95 5.25 Fund Investors Inc _ 23 91 25.24 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 0.22 3.88 Fund Tr Snr* B _ 5.39 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.44 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.93 2.09 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.42 3.54 Group Sec Building _ 2.14 2.31 Group Sec Chemical. . - 1.3n 1.74 Group Sec Food .. .98 l.<»7 Group Sec Invent Shrs . 1.7<» 1.84 i Group Sec Merchandise 1.42 1.54 Group Sec Mining 1.37 1.81 Group Sec Petroleum 1 51 1 .*>4 Group Sec R R Equip- 1.35 l.os Group Sec Steel 2.<>3 2 2'* Group Sec Tobacco 1 "3 l.lo Huron Holding •» 1.13 Incorp Inv- tors 24 ok Instl Sec Bank Group l.*3 1.97 Instl Sec: Insurance 1 58 1 7 1 investors Fd "C " Ire _ 15.38 13 33 Kevston Cu •' Fund B-.3 22."2 24.11 Major Shrs Corp - 3.125 Maryland Fund 9.7* 10.72 Mass Ii ve t Tr 28 07 29.78 Mutual Invi- t lO.ol 17.50 Nation Wide S°e _ 4 44 4 54 Nation Wide Voting. 2 <*3 2.1.* Natl Investor. . _ 7.7'* 7.45 New England Fund l8.:;7 19.75 N Y Bk Tr Si:: - _ 4 «*«> N Y Stocks. B.< S'neks I ! *5 17 8" N Y Stock* B.dg Supply 17.(*1 17 97 N Y Stocks E.rc Equip 1 7’ 1" 13 -.9 N Y Stocks Insurance.. 10 4 7 1! ' I N Y Stock.-. Machinery 13 ".1 14.37 N Y Stock'. R R. Equip - 14 06 15 84 N Y Stock-. S' eel . 15.07 13.23 North Am Bond Tr ctfs . 59."n 63.25 Nor Am Tr Shares 2.70 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 3.47 . _ Nor Am Tr 1953 _ 3 U .. Nor Am Tr Sh 1958- _ 3 '.’1 Plymouth Fund Inc _ .91 1.02 Quarterly Income Sh 17.07 19.33 Selected An Sh Inc 1 • ^ 16.22 Spencer Trnsk Fund . 2l.oo 21.65 S'and Am Tr Sirs.. 4.'*5 4.30 Stand Util Inc __ ... >9 .96 Super of An Tr A - 3.94 SJ'iper of Am Tr A A _ 2.7 o .... Super of Am Tr B . __ 4 11 Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.70 Super o' Am ~ • • C * 83 __ S .per of Am Tr D _. 7.8.7 Sunen - 34 .71 15 56 Trust S Inv C 3.08 Trustee Stand Inv D 3."2 Trusteed Am Bk "R" .91 1.01 T • Shrs 1 *8 1.04 VellT.gion Fund 10.02 21.51 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK May 4— Dividend* de clared 'prepared by the Standard Statis tics Corp >. Special. Pe- Stock of Pay Rnte rlod record able. Vick Chemical $1 bn 5-15 0-1 Columbian Carbon 50c . 5-17 0-10 Interim. BiJfclow Sanford 75c . _ 5-17 0-1 Initial. Boston Fund Inc 1 «c ... 4-30 5-20 Rcpub Pet 5*arr pf 32*2C 5-5 5-15 Seabrd Finance Corp 15c O 0-15 0-30 United Nat Coro $1 4-30 5-S Crown Zellerb $5 pf $1 25 Q 5-13 0-1 Increased. Addressoeraph-Multi 35c _ 0-2 0-22 Irregular. Gen Motors . $1 __ 5-13 6-12 Extra. American Bus 8hrs 1c __ 5-15 6-1 Eeabrd Finance Corp 10c 0-15 0-30 Standard Oil Ind 15c 5-15 6-15 Standard Oil N J 7 5c _ 5-17 0-15 Vick Chemical 10c _ 5-15 0-1 Accumulated. W V W Sv $0 cm pf $1.50 . _ 6-15 7-1 West P S $1.50 Pf A 37!aC _ 5-25 6-1 Regular. Am Business Shrs 2c 5-15 6-1 Coca-Cola 50c Q 6-17 7-1 Coca-Cola A _$1.50 S 6-12 7-1 Elein Nat Watch __ 5oc 6-1 0-15 Gen Motors pf $1.75 O 7-0 8-2 Ohio Oil 0rr Pf $1.50 Q 0-1 0-15 Seabrd Finance Corp 15c Q 0-15 0-30 Standard Oil Ind 25c Q 5-15 0-15 Standard Oil N J 50c S 5-17 0-15 United Nat Cor ptc pf 40c 4-30 5-8 Vick Chemical 50c Q 5-15 0-1 W Va Wat Sv $0 pf $1.50 Q 0-15 7-1 Amer Thrd 5r, pf 12*aC SA 5-20 7-1 Beaunit Mills 40c _ 5-15 0-1 Crum A Foster A 30c _ . 5-lit 5-20 Crum A Foster B __30c__ 5-10 5-29 Fajardo Sutrar _ $1 _ 5-15 0-1 M A Hanna _ 25c 0-19 0-30 Inti Nickel _50C 6-1 0-30 Lincoln Stores _ 25c Q 5-24 0-1 Natl Transit _ 45c 5-20 0-15 Reliable Stores _ 25c Q 5-70 0-L Reliable Stores 25c Q 0-21 7-1 Spear A Co 1st of $1.37*2 Q 5-15 0-1 Spear A Co 2d pf $1.37*2 Q 5-15 0-1 Amer Water Works 70c 5-71 0-15 Bendix Aviation . 25c 5-20 0-12 Columbian Carbon $1 Q 5-17 0-10 United Drue Co 25c 5-14 0-1 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. May 4 (IP).—Federal Land Bank bonds. 4 Us Nov.. 1958-38_]03'2 104% 4 Us May. 1957-37_ 111112 102 4s May 1958-58_1025s 105'b 4s Nov.. 1957-37_ 101 U 101 3, 4s July. 1940-44_ 108U 1095* 3Us May. 1955-45_ 102‘a 102Mi 3s July. 1955-45 __ . 100U 101 3s Jan.. 1950-40 _ loOU 101 3s May. 1950-40_ 100s/« 101 Kansas City Public Service Co. March quarter deficit was $63,112, against net income of $17,317. I i BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approvlmate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bonds_, 820,000 Foreign Bonds_ 1,180,000 Domestlo Bonds_ 7.760,000 TREASU RY. All time shown below ts daylight saving on which the Exchange Is now operating. High Low. Close. 2'4s 1949-53_ 97.20 97.20 97.20 2*is 1945-47_ 101.23 101.18 101.23 2 *4 s 1948-61_ 1(0.7 100.4 100.7 2 8 1961-64_ 99.23 99.22 99.28 2448 1966 69_ 99.21 99.20 99.21 274s 1950-60_ 100.28 100.19 100.28 3a 1946-48_ 103.6 108.3 103.6 38 1951-65_ 102.14 102.11 102.14 1748 1946-49_ 108.24 103.22 103.94 8748 1949-52_ 103.23 103.21 103.23 *748 1941 106.3 106.8 106.3 * 748 1944-46 _ 105.16 106.8 106.14 S«4s 1940-43June 106.16 106.16 106.16 344s 1941-43 Mar. 106.2 106.* 106.2 S&4* 1941-43 March retr_ 105.28 106.28 105.28 *448 1943-47_ 106.30 106.2* 105.80 *448 1946-66_ 108.13 108.13 108.18 48 1944-64 _ 110.7 110.7 110.7 4 74 8-3 74 8 1941-46 105.14 106.18 106.18 4 74 8-3 *i s 43-45rfc 105.10 106.10 106.10 4748 1947-52 114.16 114.12 114.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. *8 1947 _ 102.6 102.6 102.6 2s 1949 _ 101.29 101.26 101.29 3 *4 a 1964_ 102.16 102.18 102.14 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 *4 B 194 2-44_ 99.16 99.16 99.16 1989-49_ 99.80 99.27 99.29 1* 1962_ 101.14 101.10 101.14 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbl PiAPw 6s '63.. 104 103W 10364 Adriatic Elec 7s'52_ 8914 8964 8964 Antloqula 7s 45 B- 14’4 16*4 1164 Antioqula 7a'45 C — 14*4 14*4 1**4 Antloqula 2d 7s’67 new 18*4 1 364 1 364 Antloqula 3d 7a'67_ 13*4 13*4 I864 Antwerp 5s '68 __ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Argentine 4 64 8'71_ 98*4 97*4 9864 Argentine 164s 62_10014 10014 1006* Argentine 6s'67 A_101*4 10164 1016* Argentine 6s'68 B ... 10064 100*4 10064 Argentine 6s 69 June. 100 64 1 00 6-4 10064 Argentine 6s 59 Oct . 101*4 101*4 101 A* Argentine 6a '60 May. 102 101** 102 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s '60 Oct _ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s 61 Febr. I00J4 100*4 100',j Argentine 6s '61 May.. 102 101*4 102 Australia 4*48'56_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Australia 6s'55_ 106*4 106 It 6>4 Australia 6a'67_106 106 106 Belgium 6s'55____ 108*4 108*4 108*4 Belgium 7s 65 _117*4 117** 117*4 Bergen City 6s'60_ 99*4 9*64 99**. Berlin 6 64s'60 _ 19*4 19** 19*4 Berlin Elec 6*4s 59_ 20*, 2064 20*4 Brazil 6*49'26-'57_ 38*4 37*4 87*4 Brazil 6*4s'27-’67_ 38 37*t 37*. Brazil 7s’52_ 89*4 89*4 89*4 Brazil 8s 41 _ 48*4 47*4 4864 Eirishane 6s’67_ 100*4 10064 100*4 Brisbane 5s'68_ 1006* 10164 IOO64 Buenos A C 3s '84_ 68*4 67*4 58*4 Buenos Aires 4 64*-3 64s ‘77 Pv_ 76*4 76*4 76*4 Buenos A 4 64s’76 Aug 776* 776i 7764 Buenos Aires ♦ 64s-4 64s'76 April.. 77 *4 7 7 64 7 7*4 But A! 4 64 ®*4 64 a'75 .. 8064 10*4 806» Buenos A C 6 64s'55 .. IOO64 100h 100*4 Buenos A C 6s'61 Pv.. 98 98 98 Buenos A 6s 61 st Pv. 84 84 84 Eulgarla 7s 67 July cnapon oft_ 26 24?4 2164 Canada 264* 45_ 99 99 99 Canada 3*4*'61_ 9h 98*4 99 Canada 4s'60 _ 10",64 1061* 10664 Canada 6s'62_III64 111*4 111*4 Chile 6s'60 _ 2t *4 2064 2064 CMle 6a'61 Jan_ Zo6* 2064 20*4 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 21 20*j 21 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 21 201. 21 Chile 6s 62 _ 20*4 2064 20*4 Chile 6s 63_ 21 20*4 21 Chile 7s 42 _ 20:4 20*4 20*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 18 4 18*4 18*1 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62... 18*4 186. 18*4 Chile Mtg Ek 664s'57. 18*4 18*4 18*4 Colombia 6s 61 Jan._ 80 2964 29*4 Colombia 6s 61 Oct __ SO 2964 80 Copenhagen 4*4 a'53_ 93 98 93 Cordoba 7s'57__ 86 86 86 Costa Klca i s A'51_ 31 31 SI Cuba 54s 46 ... 664 654 66 Czechoslovakia 8s '52. 1034 1034 1034 Denmark 44s’62_ 984 98 98 Denmark 64s’55_102 1014 102 Denmark 6s'42 _ 105 105 106 Dominic 1st 54s'42 ._ 80 80 80 Dominic 54s'61 ext._ 814 80 80 Frameric In 74s 42 108 103 108 Ger C Bk A 6s 38 _ 42 42 42 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 324 824 324 Ger Gen Elec 6s'48 . 324 32 32 Ger Gov 5 4s'66 st 264 2(4 26*1 Ger Gov 5 4s 65 un st- 224 214 214 Uai Rep 7s '49 stpd . 294 294 29*4 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st... 234 234 234 Greek Gov 6s'68 ... 294 294 294 Helslnefors 6 4s’60._ 1054 IO64 1054 Italv vs 51 _ 864 86 864 Iral P U Crd 7s '52_ 76 76 76 Japan 64s'65 _ 824 81*4 814 Japan 64s'54 .. »b4 964 964 Jueos Mte Bk 7s '57 unmat coupon _ 40 40 40 Kreuk&Toll 6s'59 cts. 494 484 494 Met Wat 54s '50_ 102 102 102 Mex 4s 10-45 asst_ 64 64 «4 Mex sf 5s 45 asst_ 74 74 74 Mex Ire 44s 43 asst.. 64 64 64 Milan 64s'52 73*4 78*4 734 MinasGsrs 64s ’69 Sept coupon on_ 264 264 264 New So Wales 5s'57.. 1024 1024 1024 New So Wales 5s'58_ 1024 1024 1024 Nord Ry 64s'50- 1064 1061, 1064 Norway 4S'63_ 964 964 964 Norway y*s'65_ 1014 101 1014 Nor wav 4 4s 66 _ 103 1024 103 Oriental Dev 6s'63_ 804 804 804 Oslo 44s 56 _ 994 99 994 Panama 6s 63 stp as.. 664 664 664 Pernambuco 7a '47 Sept coupon off_ 24 24 24 Peru 6s 60 - 194 184 184 Peru 6s 61 194 194 1*4 Poland 6s 40- 484 484 484 Poland 7s 47- 624 624 624 Poland 8s 50 ... 46 4* 46 Porto Alepre 7Ujs '66 Julv coupon oft__ 27 264 27 Prussia 6s'52 194 194 1*4 Prussia 6 4a'61_ 194 194 194 Queensland 6s 47_ 1094 1094 1094 Rio de Jan 64a '51 Aue coupon oft_ 264 26 26 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 284 284 284 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’6* June coupon off_264 264 264 Rio Gr do Sul 8s '46 April coupon off_ 81 31 si Rome 64s'62 _ 76 744 75 Rumania 7s’59 Au« coupon off_ 35 86 35 Sao Paulo C6 4 s '57 May coupon off_ 27 27 27 Sao Paulo St 6a 68 July coupon off_ 274 274 274 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 944 93 98 Sao Paulo St 7a '66 Sept coupon off_ 28 28 28 Sao Paulo St 8s '86 July coupon off_ 38 4 384 384 Sarba 7s '62 unm c o_.' 28 4 28 284 Serbs 8s’62 unm c o_ 284 284 284 Sydney 6Hs’55_ 1024 1024 1021* Tokio E L Ltd 6s'51_ 784 78 78 Uruguay 6s'60_ 644 634 644 Urukuay 6s '64_ 644 64 64 Urukuay8s'46- 644 644 644 Westphal El Pw 6s'63 204 204 204 Fokohoma 6s 61 84 84 84 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 48 '47 103 103 103 Adams Express 4s'48. 1014 1614 1014 Alleg Corp 5s'44 - 89 984 99 Alleg Corp 6s '49 - 924 914 924 Alleg Corp 6s'60 stp-_ f34 624 624 Am * For Pw 6s 2030. 80 794 794 Am 1 O Ch 6 Vis 49_ 107 107 107 Am Inti 64s'49 . .. 1064 1064 1064 Am Tel & Tsl 8 4s'81. 874 97 974 Am Tel & Tel 8 4s 66 97 4 86 4 974 Am T & T 5Vis 43 1184 118 1134 Am Wat Wks 6s '76__. 104 4 1044 1044 Anaconda deb 4Vis’60 1064 106 IO64 Armour & Co 44s ‘S9_ 1024 1024 1024 Armour! Del) 1st 4s’55 97 964 97 Armour & Co Del 4s 67 964 964 964 Armstrong Ck 4s '60 1064 1064 IO64 A T&S Fe 4s'05-'66 — 104 104 104 * T&S Fe adj 4s 95 at 1044 1044 104P 4 T&S Fe een 4s 95 1084 1084 1084 A T&S Fe gn 4s 95 rg_ 106 105 105 A T&S Fe 4 4 8 48 . 1084 1084 1084 Atl Coast L 1st 4s '62- 102 1014 1014 Atl Coast Lclt 4s'62-. 934 98 BSP Atl C L un 44s 64_ 924 924 924 < HlKh. Low. Close. Atl Coast Line Kb'45.. 104 1084 104 Atlantlo & D lst49 '48. 62 614 62 Atlantic* D 2d 4s'48_ 44 4 44 4 444 Atl Q * W I 6s '59_ 744 74 74 B * O 1st 4B 48_ 1064 1064 1064 B AO 44B 60_ 77 764 77 B * O 1st 6s '48_1144114 1144 BaltoAOref 5e’&6 A. R74 87 4 874 B * o 6s 96 F ... 864 864 864 B * O ref 6s 2000 D— 864 664 864 B & O ref 6s ’96 C_ 984 984 »84 BAOSwnis 50 _ 104 104 104 B* O Toledo 4S '59... 92 92 92 Bang & Aroos 4s '51 . 106 104 105 Bang & Aroos 4s'51stp 1104 1104 H04 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B._ 1174 1174 1174 Bell T of Pa 6s ’60 C_1234 1234 1234 Beth Steel 3 4s'66_ 944 944 94 4 Beth Steel 414 e'60_1034 1024 1034 Bos A Me 4 4 s '61 J_ 79 4 794 794 Bos A Me 6s ‘65_ 864 844 864 uua « mo os u (_.... ou/j oo/| Bot Con M 644s'34 ct.. 27 27 27 Bklyn C RR 6s'41_ 90 90 90 Bklyn Ed con 3*4 s'6«_. 10054 10054 10054 Bklyn Man T 4Hs 66_ 94 93 94 Bklyn Un El 6s '60_ 10454 1 0 4 54 1 04 54 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60.9954 99 99 Bklyn Un Gas 6s'67 B 106 106 106 Brown Shoe 3 »4s'60 _ 105 105 105 Buff R&P con 4 44 s'57. 8654 6 654 8654 B C R & N 6s '34 ctfs.. 25 26 26 Bush Term Bldg 5s '60 65 65 65 Calif Packing 6s 40... 106 105 105 CamiK 7s 42 ctrs_ 2 6 54 2 654 2554 Canada So 6s'62 A_113 118 113 Can dlan N R 4 44s’61. Ill 111 111 Can'dlan N R 4 54s'66. 111*4 11154 11154 Can'dlan N R 4 54s'67. 110J4 110*4 11054 Can'dlan N 68*69 July . 114 114 114 Can'dlan N db 6 54s'46 123 123 123 Can dlan Pdb 4s perp 94*4 94 94 Can'dlan Pac 4 54 s 60. 10154 101*4 101*4 Pan'jdlan Pac 5s '64 ._ 109 108*; 1034* Caro Cl & O 6e '62 A... 110!4 11054 110*4 Car 4 Gen 5s '60 ww_ 10354 108 103 Central Fdry cv 6s'41. 103*4 103*4 103*4 Cent of Ga 5s'69 C_ 20 20 20 Cent 111 E & G 6s'63 1 01*4 1 0 1 54 1 0154 Central 111 Lt 3 54 s'66. 104 103 103 Cent N England 4s'61. 70 70 70 Cent of N J gen 6s'87. 70 69*4 70 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49.. 10754 1 07*4 107*4 Cent Pac 6s 60 _ 98*4 98*; 985; Cent Steel 8s'41_1235; 123>; 123*; Cert'd deb 654s 48_ 87 86*4 87 Chesap C cv 66 44_117'; 117*; 117*4 Cbesap Corp 6s 47_138*, 133*; 13314 Ches & O 8 44 s 96 D_ 96*4 96 96 Ohes & O 3 54 s 9fiB.__ 96*4 9t>54 96’j C & O gen 4 54s '92_1175; 117*; 117'; Chi* Alt ref 3s 49 ... 66*4 66*4 ffi*4 Chi 13 & Q gen 4s '58 ... 109 108 1*9 Chi B & Q ref 6s'71 .. 114*4 114*4 1141; Chi B&U1 div 3 54s'49 . 104*5 1045; 10454 Chi B & Q 111 dv 4s '49. 109*, 109*4 109*, Chi & E 111 6s'61 ... 39!; 39V; 89*; Chi Grt 5Vest 4s '59_ 46 45*; 46 C M St P 4s 89 ... 57’i 67*; 57*4 CM&StP gn 4 44s'89 C- 65 65 65 CM&St P 4 54s 89 E .. 65 65 65 CM&St P 6s 75 . 31 30*; 305; CM&StP&P ad1 582000 10*; 10 10*; Ch &NW gen 8 44s'87. 395; 39*4 39*; Chi & NW gen 4s 87._. 42*4 424; 42*; Chi A NW 4 54 s 2037 ... 29 26»; 29 Chi & NW 4 54 S 2037 C. 29*; 28*, 291* Chi A NW 4 4; 1 49 ._ 19’; 19»; 195, Chi & NW rf 6s 2037 _ 80 29*; 30 CAN W Nr W 654s ’36- 49*4 4»*4 49*4 Chi R 1AP rf 4s '34 .. 20|; 20 20 Chi R I&P rf 4s'34ctf.. 18 17*4 17*4 Chi R I&P gen 4s '88._ 38*4 87*, 384, Clll R I&P 454s'62_ 20'; 204; 204, Chi R I&P 444s 60 .. 13 125; 13 Chi T H&S 1st 6s '60._ 90*4 90*; 90*4 Chi Un Sta 35,s 51 _. 102*, 102*. 1025, Chi Un Sta 'i%f> 63 E. 105*4 104’, 105 Chi Un Sta 4s 63 . 108 107’; 108 Chi & W In con 48'62. 104 103*; 104 Chi & W Ind 4 54 s 62.. 101 101 111 Childs & Co 6s >43 _ 90'; 40 POP; Cin G & E 35is'66 loO 100 100 Cln Un Ter 3 54» D gtd 103‘; 103>; 103*; CCC&St L rf 4 54 9 '7 7 E 95*4 95*, 95*4 CCC&St L ref 6s'63 D 105*4 105*; 106** Clev Cliffs Ir i\s '50 . 107*; 107*4 107*4 Clev Un Tel 4 548 '77 102 10154 101*, Clev Un Term 6s 73 B 105’; 105*, I05T, Clev Un Ter 6 54s'72A 111*; 11 H; 11154 Colo Fuel & Ir 6s 70._ 81 80 80*; Colo & So 4 44s '80 _ 64*4 64*4 64*4 Columbia G A E deb 6s '62 April. _ 103*4 1025; 103*4 Columbia G A E 6s Miiv ma ini ins Columbia G&E 5s '61.. 101*1 101*1 101*1 Colum Ry P&L 4s'65.. 105* 105 105*1 Cornel Credit 3 '51_ 86*4 96*4 96*4 Com Inv Tr 3*4s’51 . 101*1 101 101 Conn Rlv Pw 3 Vs'61A 104 104 104 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 69*4 69*1 69*1 Cons Ed NY 3*4s '56 n 103*4 103*4 103*4 Cona Gas NY 4*4s'51. 107*1 107 107*1 Consol 011 3 *4s '51 .. 101*4 101 101*4 Conaum Pwr ^ *4s 66 _ 98 98 98 C' isum P un 3**s'65. 102*1 102*1 102*1 Cons Pwr 3*4B "70 .. 101 101 loi Consum Pwr 3*is'65.. 104*4 104*4 101*4 Crane CoS *4 s 61 _ 99 48** 981, Cuba RR 1st 6s'52 .. 66 65 65 ! Cuba Northn 5 *4 s 42. 49*4 49; 49*1 Dayton PAL 3 *4 s -60 .. 101 104 101 ; Del A Hud ref 4s '43 _ 9l 90*4 si Del P & L 4 *4 s 69_ 102 102 102 Den G & E 5s 51 _ 107*4 107*4 107*4 j Den G & E 5s '51 St ._. 107*., 107’, 107*. ] Den & R G con as 38-_ 2»*4 28’, .9 Den & R G W 6s'65 17*4 17*4 17*4 Den A RGW 6s'55asst_ 17*, 15*2 16*4 Den A R G ref 6s'78 . 27 26 26 Des M&Ft D 4s’35 cfs. 9 9 9 Det Edison 3*4a 66... 103*4 103*4 103*4 Detroit Ed 4s '65 F ... 108»* 108*4 108*4 Det Edison 4>4a'61 D. 112*1 112*1 112’j Duquesne Lt 3*4s'56_. 104*4 101*4 104*4 Elec Auto Lite 4a '62.. 109*1 109 109*1 El Paso Nat G4 ’As'51. 102*4102 102 El Paso Nat G 4\s'15- 148*4 148*4 148*4 Erlecv 4a -53 A- 85*4 85H 85*4 Erie cv 4s ’53 B_ 84*4 84*4 84*4 Erie cons 4s'98_ 98*1 98*1 98*4 Erie pen 4s 98- 82*4 82*4 82*4 Erie ref 6s 67_ 81*4 80*4 80*4 Erie ref 6s '75- 8L 80*4 80*4 Falrbks Morse 4s '68.. 101*1 181*1 Ml*, Fed Lt & Tree 6s '42__ 102*, 102** 102’, Fla E C Ry 4>.is ’59 .. 75 75 75 Fla EC Rv 5s'74 !5U 11 is Fla E C Ry 5s'74 ctfs. 15 144 15 ! Gen Am Inv ss 62_ 10! 101 101 Gen Cable 64* 47-1044 1044 1044 Gen Mot Acc 3s 4* ... 102 1014 102 Gen Mot Ass 34s'61.. 1004 10m; ico1; Gen Pub Svc 54s’39.. 102 102 102 Ga Caro & Nor 6s’3 4.. 415; 41*; 414 Goodrich 4 4 s'66 __100 944 994 Goodrich 6s 46_j054 106 lo& Goodyear T&R 6s’57 1044 1045* 1044 Gt North’n Ry 354s’67. 93 y25; 93 Great N Ry 4s 46 G 1324 131 1324 Great N Ry 4s 46 H 1084 1084 IO84 Grt N R Ren 4 4s’76 D 104 1034104 Grt N K Ken 4 4s’77 E. 103 103 103 Grt N R gen 6s '73 C„ 1085; 1085; 1085; Grt N R 64s 62 B_1165; 1165; 1165; GulfM&N5s'50_ 99 984 984 Gulf Sta Stl 64s'42 . 96 96 96 * Gulf States Util 4s’66 1005; 1005; 1005; Hock Val 44s 99_116 116 H6 Hoe (Kl 1st mts 44_ 904 90 904 Houston Oil 64s '40._ 102 102 102 Hudson Coal 6s 52 47 464 465; Hudson Co G 1st 5s’49. 119 119 119 Hud & Man lno bs '67.. 31 304 304 Hud & Man ref 6s ’57_. 74 4 735; 735; 111 Bell Tel 3 4s’70_ 104 4 1044 1045* 111 Cent S4s'62_ 87 864 87 111 Cent ref 4s 65_ 864 864 864 111 Cent 4 5is 66 _ 75 745; 75 ICC&StL N 04 4 s’68_ 80 80 80 lCC&StL N O 6* <1... 844 844 S4L 111 Steel deb 44s 40_ 1065* 1064 1064 Inland Stl 34s 61 ... 1084 1034 1034 Int R T 1st rf 6s'66 .. 74 734 74 1 R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs. 724 724 724 Int RT 6s 32_ 284 274 284 Int RT 7s 32_ 764 764 764 Int R T 7«’32 ctfs _ 76 754 76 Interlake Iron 4s’47_1014 1014 1014 Int Grt Nr 6s 56 B__ 86 86 86 Int Grt Nr 5s'66 C_ 36 86 86 Int Grt Nr 6s’62 A_ 874 37 374 Int Grt Nr adl 6s’62 A- 144 144 144 Int Hydro Elec 6s 4«_ 764 764 765; fnt Mer Marins 6s’41_ 82 4 81 82 Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_ 101 1005* lot Int Pap ref 6s 65_ »»4 984 *84 Int T&T cv 4 4» 89_ 82 814 82 Int T&T 4 4s ’5J_ 66 654 66 Int T&T 6s 65 . 694 684 694 lows Cent lst&rf4s’51. 8 751 74 Jones&L Stl 44s’81A- 102 1015*102 Kan CFS&M rf4s’3*ct. 63 624 S3 Kans C So 1st 3s 50 884 884 884 Kans City So ref 6s'50 91 904 91 Kan C Term 1st 4s ’60. 1064 1064 1064 KansG &E4Hs’80 ... 1044 10451 1044 Kreste Found 4s 46_ 1064 1064 1064 Laclede Gas 6s’89_ 914 91 914 Laclede G6V4S'63 C._ 684 *84 684 LacledeG 64s 60 D-. 67 67 67 Lake S&M So 84s’97. 10051 100 100 Leh C&N 44s 64 A_ 964 964 »64 Leh C&N 44* 64 C_ 95 94 95 Leh Val Coal 6s ’44_ 674 97 974 Leh Val Coal 6s'64_ 63 63 63 Leh Val Coal 5s'64_ 664 664 664 ueh Val Coal 6s *74_ 67 67 67 * High. Low. CIom. Leh Val HarBs’54_102H 102H I02H Leh V Peon 4s *003 61 604 61 Leh V Peon 4Us 2003. 66 66 66 Leh V RR con 6s 2008. 78 72>4 7* Leh Val Term 6s '41_107*4 107*4 107*4 Loew's3M>s 48_ 98*1 98*4 9844 Lorillard 6s’65_11714 117*4 H7*i La & Ark 6a *69 .. 94H 94 94H Lou & Jeff Bid 4s'45.. 107 107 107 L&N lsC4a 2003 ... 99 99 89 L & N P M 4S '46 . 106*4 106*4 106*4 L& N So Mon 1t 4s'El 96 95 96 L & N 6s 2008 R 109 109 109 McOrory Stores Es '61. 1034 1084 10*4 McKessARob 5Hs’60.. 1084 1034 1034 Me C RR Bn 4%8'BOA.. 814 81 *1 Marlon St Shov 63'47. 84 94 94 Mead Co 6s'45 .. .. 105 1044 1044 Met Ed 1st rf 4%s'68. 1084 108 lt>8 Mlcb Cent 4%s'79_1014 1014 1014 Mid RR N J 6s *40_ 61 6L 61 Mil El RAL 6s ‘61_ 1024 1024 1024 Mil E R A S L rf 6s’71_ 1024 102 1024 Mil Spa A N W 4s "47_ 88*4 88*4 88*4 Minn & S L rf 4s '49 64 6 6 Minn ft St L 6s’S4 ctfs. 17 16*4 16*4 MStP&SSM cn 4s ’38_ 25 25 26 MStP&SSM 6Hs '78_ 88 4 83 4 834 Mo K ft T 6s '62 A_i 79 79 T9 Mo Pac 4s '75_204 20 204 Mo Pac 5s ’65 A_ 43‘4 43 4 434 Mo Pac 6s'77 F__ 434 434 434 Mo Pac 6s’78 0 _ 434 43 434 Mo Pac 6s'80 H .___ 43 43 43 Mo Pac 6s ’80 II ctfa_ 41 41 41 Mo Pac 6s’81 1 _ 434 43 434 Mo Pac 6 4s '49 A ... 164 164 164 Monon* Pub R 4 4s’60 102 1014 1014 Monons Pub S 6s'65 _ 1024 102 102*4 Motion* Ry 1st 4s’60_. 105*4 1054 1064 Montana Pwr 34s '66 . 93 4 934 984 Mor&Essex 8*48 2 000 88 4 88 4 884 MorrlsftEssex 4 4s'56 894 89 894 MorrlsftEssex 6s’65 _ 984 974 984 Mutual Fuel G 5s ’47_114 114 114 Namm ft Sons 63 43_ 1014 1004 1014 Natl Dairy 3%s'61ww. 1034 1034 1034 Natl Dls P C 44s’45 . 1044 104 1044 Nat Ry Msx 4%s’57 as 34 34 84 Natl Steel 4s 65 .. 104*4 1044 1044 New E T&T lBt Es'62. 1204 120 1204 New OrlGNR Es ’83 A. 93 93 93 New Orl ft N 44s'62.. 79 79 79 New Orl P S 6s 62 A._ 95 94*4 95 New Orl P S Es'65 B . 964 95 4 954 New Orl Ter 1st 4s '53 . 92 4 92 4 924 New OrlT&M 4Hs'66 . 62 4 62 4 524 New Orl T&M 6s'61 B. 644 544 644 New Orl T&M 6H« '54. 684 68 684 N Y Cent 3*4s'62 w.l. 107 1064 107 NY Central 34s 97_ 96 96 96 NY Central 36*s'46_1014 1014 101*1 NY Cent 4s 42__ 1064 1064 1064 NY Cent con 4s'98_ 964 964 964 NY Cent rf 4 48 2013.. 90 * 894 89** NY C rf 44s 2013 n_ 90 894 89*j NY Cent rf f.s 2013_ 974 964 »7t NY'Cent cv 6s 44 _ 1174 1154 1174 NYCLSh34s'9S . 91 91 91 ' NYC I* Sh 3 4s ’98 rgr.. 88 88 88 N Y Chi & StD 4s'46_ 104 1034 104 NYC&St L 4 4s'78 .. 884 87*4 884 NYC&St L 6 4s'74 A.. 994 98*i 994 NY Chi & St 1. 6s '38 1004 100 100 NY Dock 1st 4s'61_ 68 62 63 NY Dock 5s 38 . _ 63 624 63 NY Edison 3 4* 65 D. 1004 99*1 99*1 NY’ Edls ref 3 4 ■ '66 ._ 100 100 100 NY’ G El H&P 5s ’4 8_ 1194 1194 1194 NY L & W 1st 4s 73_ 97 4 974 974 NY Ml & H 4b '65_ 40 40 40 NY' NH & H 4s 56 _ 40 40 40 NY NH & H 4 4s '67 _ 46 454 46 NY NH & H Cl tr 6s'40. 68 67 68 NY NH & H cv 6s 48 . 48 4"4 48 NY NH & H Cons Rys ♦s 54 __ 35 35 36 NY O&W ref 4s 92 ... 294 29 29 NY Steam 1st 6s ’47 .. 1084 1084 1084 N Y S&W 1st rf 5s'37— 79 79 79 NY Tel een 44s 39... 107.4 1074 1074 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp ... 91 91 91 N Y W ft B 4 4s 46 „ 154 I64 154 Mac Falls P 3 4s 66.. 1024 102*1 102*1 Norf So 1st ref 6s 61 . 29 28», 29 Norf S 1st rfos’61 cfs. 260*' 26 * 264 Norf & W 1st 4s'96 .. 1144 114 1114 North Am Co Es 61 . 1044 1044 104 * North Am Ed 5s 69 C. 1034 103 1034 NoCn Pac Ken 3s 2047. 75 74 75 Nor'n Pac 4s ’97 __ 1034 1034 1034 North Pac 5s 2047 C_ 102 102 102 Nor n Pac 6s 2047 D_ 1024 1024 1024 North Pao 6s 2047_111*1 1114111*1 OKden DC 4*'48 997* 997* oot* Onio Edison 4b ’65_103 lu2’i 102*' Ohio Pub Svo 7s 47_1114 ill 1114 Ores Sh L Es ’46 gtd._. 1174 1174 1174 Pac Gas * El 3 4s ’66. 97 97 97 Pac G & E 34s '61-1014 1014 1014 PacG*E4s 64_ 105 1044 1044 Pac T&T rf 3 4a ’66 B. 1004 10C4 1004 Pac T&T 2 4a'6* C _ 1004 I004 1004 Para Broadway 3a '55, 724 724 724 Paramount Pic 6a’65.. 1004 1004 1004 Parmelee 6s 44_ 69 68 4 681* Penn Co 4s 63 _102 101*j 102 Penn Dixie C 6a 41_100 994 994 Penn P&h44s 81_1044 I04 1044 Penn UR 34s *57 A_ 1004 1004 1004 Penn RR34s'52_1084 1084 1084 Penn HR 34s 70 C_ 98 974 98 Penn P>R4 4s'8l D___ I054 104>« 1054 Penn RR 44b 84 _ 1054 1044 1054 Penn lil; con 4 4s '60. 1164 1164 1164 Penn HR gn 44s 65 _ 109 1084 109 Penn RR deb 44s'70. 1014 1004 1014 Penn HR gen 5s 68_II64 11541154 l'ere Mara 44s'80 ... 974 974 974 Pere Mara 1st Ss'66._. 108’ 1034 1034 Pliila B&W cn 5s '74._ 1214 1*14 1214 Phlla Co 6s 67 _1044 1044 1044 Phlla & R C&l 6s '71_ 32 314 314 Phlla &RC&1 6a 49_134 134 134 Philippine Ry 4s 37 __. 274 26 27 Plllsbury FI M 6s'43.. 1074 1074 1074 PCC&St L 44? 42 B__ 1094 1094 1094 PCC&St L 4 4s '77 C_ 1074 107 1074 PCC&St L 5s'70 A_ 1154 1154 1154 PCC&St L 5a '75 B_ 1154 1154 1I54. Port Gen El 44s 60_ 614 6O4 604 Port G E 5s'35 assd._. 106 106 106 Postal Tel & C 5a '53 .. 284 274 274 t-Yessed Stl Car 5a 51_ 95 95 95 Purity Baking Ea '48_994 994 994 R-K-Q6e 41 . _ 1174 1174 1174 ^ to ui_an Reading H 4758'97 A. 107 10674 106*4 ‘leading R 4 Hs 97 B_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Rein-R 6748'47 A ww 106*xl06 106*4 Republic Stl 4 Hs 50_. 1765* 173 1765* Republic Stl 4748 56.. 97*4 97*4 97*4 Republic Stl 4 *48 61.. 9654 96*4 96'4 Republic Stl 6748 64.. 118*4 1 1874 I1874 Revere Cop 4 74s 6R .. 10) 10254 103 Richfield O 6s’44 ct'S. 60 60 60 R G W 1st ex in 4s ’39. 73 73 73 Saguenay Pw4 Hs 66_. 100 9954 100 St Jos & Gr isl 4s 47_. 107 107 107 St h P A N7V 6s '48_ 41 41 41 St L R M & P 5s'55_ 8 2 54 8 2 74 8 2 54 St D-S Fran 4s'60A ... 80 2954 10 St D-S Fran 4 74 s'78 285* 2854 2854 St D-S F 4 74s'78 cf St. 25 2454 2454 St L S tV 1st ter 6s’52. *9 57 54 69 St P MAM ext 6s '43 ... 102 102 102 San A & A Pass 4s 43. 10 1 54 10 1 54 10154 San An P Svc 6s '52 A. 11054 110 110 San Diego CG&E4s'65 1085x 10854 10854 Schulco 674s'46 A 35 36 85 Schulco 6 74s 46 B stp. 36 35 35 Seabd A L ref 4s'69 16*4 1654 1674 Seabd A L rf 4s'59 cfs 14 54 1 45* 1454 Seabd A L adt 6s 49 __ 954 954 954 Seabd A L 6s 46 A ... 2u 1954 20 Seabd A L 61 45 ctfs.. 19*4 1974 1974 Seabd A-Fl 6s'36 A ct. 1054 1054 1054 Shell Un deb 3 74s'51.. 98H 9854 98*4 Skelly Oil 4s '61 _ 9 854 9 8 54 98*4 Socony Vao 374*'60... 106*4 1 0474 1 04*4 South Bell TAT 6s'41. 10 6 74 1 0 5 74 1 0 5 74 Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 . 10254 10274 10254 Southn Cal Gas 4 74 '61 106*4 10574 106*4 South Nat G 4 74s’61 98 98 98 So Colo Pwr 6s '47 A._ 10574 105 105 So Pac 3 71 s 46_ 9954 99*4 9974 So Pac col 4s'49_ 9454 93 74 9 4 54 So Pao ref 4s'65_ 105 104*4 106 So Pac 4 74s'68_ 90 8974 8974 So Pac 4 74» *69_ 9 0 8 9 74 9 0 So Pao 4 74 * 81_ 8 9 54 8 9 8 9 So Pac Oreg 4 74s'77._ 9 6 9 674 9 5 74 So Ry gen 4 s'5 6 A_ 7 8 54 7 854 7 8 54 So Ry 6s'94 _ 10654 106 IO654 So Ry gen 6s '56_ 99 74 9 9 9 9 So Ry 6 74s '66 _ 102 10154 102 So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 9354 98 98 IS W Bell Tel 3 74 s 64_. 105 105 105 Spokane Int 6s’55_ 31 8054 31 Stand Oil N J 3s '61._. 96*4 9 674 9 674 Studehaker cv 8s 46_ 130 130 130 Swift & Co 354s'50.__ 10654 10654 10654 Symgn G&G'56 xw.__ 112 11154 112 Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A 95 95 95 Term Asso con 6s '44_. 115 116 115 Texarkana 6 74s'50_ 10 474 1 04 74 1 0 4 74 1'exaa Corp 3 74 s 61... 10154 101*4 10154 Texas A Pao 6s 77 B__ 10354 10354 10854 Texas & Pac 6s 80 D . 103 108 103 Tex & P MPT r, 74 s '64. 109 109 109 Third Av ref 4s 60 61 6954 60 Third A ad In ex 6s'66 11*4 3054 8174 Tide Water O 3 74 s '62 9854 98U 9854 Truax T C 674s 43 ._ 103 108 108 Un El Chicago 6s 45_ 1954 1 954 1 954 Un El L. A P 6s '67 10 7 54 1 07 54 10 7 54 Un El L A P 5 74s'64._ 10474 104 104 Un Oil of Cal 3 74s '52. Ill 11054 111 Un Pac 3 74*'71 _ 9454 9454 9454 Un Pao 1st 48 47_III 111 111 Un Pao 1st rf 4a 2008.. 10474 10474 10474 DAILY OIL OUTPUT OFF 11 BARRELS Oklahoma Total Reduced, While Texas Fields Re port Increases. By the Associated Press. TULSA, Okla., May 4.—Production of crude oil in the Nation’s fields de creased 3,591 barrels during the week ending May 1 to a total of 3,497,693 barrels daily, the Oil and Gas Journal reports. In Oklahoma production was down 5,050 to a total of 665,600 barrels daily, East Texas increased 898 to 463,248 and all of Texas increased 6,347 to 1,391,932. Louisiana showed an increase of 2,775 to 251,975, California declined 6.950 to 622,400 and Kansas increased 425 to 198,350 barrels daily. Eastern States, including Michigan, increased 9,332 to 161,166 and the Rocky Mountain area was down 230 to 72,640 barrels dally. RISE IMPRESSIVE IN PAPER INDUSTRY Sales and Earnings Make Better Showing Than in Other Lines. 8peclal Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, May 4 —Sales and earnings enjoyed by manufacturers of paper to date far exceed for 1937 the progress of most industries, ac cording to a new report in Poor's In dustry and Investment Surveys. This experience is in line with the trend j of 1936, when production of paper amounting to 12,000,000 tons was not only about 8 per cent above the 1929 peak, but also sold at a more favor able price level than in 1935. "Impressive earnings were recorded last year by producers of kraft and board paper,’’ the report states. "Best of all were the profits of those units specializing in containers. Cartons over a period of years have made vast inroads into the business formerly held by makers of wooden and jute packages, an there is every indica tion that this trend will continue over the long term. Because of a further lift in demand during the first quar ter of 1937, prices of such paper were again boosted. As a result of earnings ran far above the level of the open ing months of 1936, with all evidence pointing to continuation of the pres ent trend.” -— • BANK DEBITS SHOW DROP OF 7 PER CENT Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 4 —Withdrawals from individual and corporation bank accounts in the latest week dropped 7 per cent from the previous period. Banking circles lay the decline at the door of normal seasonal changes, pointing out there was no settlement date such as the middle or end of the month during the seven days. Bank debits in 274 centers, reported by the Federal Reserve Board, com pared as follows: Week ended April 28_$8,721,305,000 Previous week_$9,405,758,000 Same period last year..$8,311.910,000 Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score, 1-pound prints. 36; 14-pound prints tub 35 90 :cor*. 1-pound prints 35; 4-pound prints. 36; tub. 34 MEATS—Choice beef. 1 * cal\e? 16; Veal 16. ,«mb -.‘4: pork loin. 24 frozen Sliced bacon, 33; slab bac :.. 28; com ; pound 13 1 « lard. 1 4 . LIVE STOCK Pig* 85 af light hoes 9,4a934' mediums 9’4al0 heavies. S34a 934 rough' 5: as calves 6a lc. Prices paid shipper* ne- f ob. Wash ington. By the Unfed Slates Bureau of Agricultural Ee onomtes EGGS—Market weak. Receipts very heavy. Demand slow Prices ‘a cent lower on nearby ungraded eggs Current receipts 19: hennery whlt°* 2" Govern ment graded and dated white eggs ‘Net prices paid shippers, fob. Washington*: U. S Ex’ras. large. 231. U S extras, mediums 1934: U S standards, large. 21. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at un changed prices Fowl—Colored heavy 18 to 19; Leghorns. 14 to 15. Chickens— Rocks 22 to 24: crosses 21 to 23: Leghorns. 134 to 254 pound* and up. 20 to 21: smaller sizes 18 Old guineas 2ft to 30 each. Turkeys—Old hens. 16 to 18; oxd toms. lft. REGISTRATION STATEMENTS. By the Associated Press Registration statements for proposed new securities filed yesterday with the Securities Commission included American Investment Co of Illinois. | Springfield. 111., for working capital 44 - 5m) shares of r.o-par common to he of 1 fered first to stockholders at *:n a share and the unsubscribed poriion through un derwriters at the marked price. Francis Bros A: Co underwriters. Amtex Petroleum Corp Fort Worth. Tex 175.000 shares of cumulative con vertible (lass A 5*a per cent stock at 510 per share ft50,000 shares of no-par com mon reserved for conversion. 000. MOO shares of common optioned to underwriters at *.') for resale first a* 50 and later at the market price, and certain other securities. Cobh Sanderholm A* Baird trustees for the Federated Underwriters’ Assurance Co Omaha Nehr 1.000 shares of no-par common at 5100 for capital and surplus Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co.. St Louis. 7.>.000 shares si par common for accrued preferred dividends, bank loans and working capital. -— 0 IT. S. TREASURY NOTES. NKW YORK. May 4 0Pt—Prices quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds Approx. Rate—Maturity. Bid. Asked. Yield. 3V«s Sept. 1037 _ 1(11 5 ]ni 7 2*«s Feb.. 1P38_101,15 101.17 .56 3s Mar. 1938 __ 102.7 102 P 35 21ss June, 1R38_ 102 13 102 15 .04 2’is Sept . 1P3S 102.0 102.8 .S3 l’is Mar.. 1P3P 100.20 100.22 1 13 2'«s June 1030 _ 101.20 1P17K 1.23 13/Bs Dec.. 1P.3P.__ 100 J1 100.13 1.22 IS* Mar. 1P40_ 100.21 100.23 1.37 1 'is June. 104o___ 100.4 100.0 1.40 lV?s Dec. 1 P4o _ 100 100.2 1.48 ISs Mar 1P41 _ 08.28 PP.30 1.51 ISs June. 1P41_ 09.12 09.14 1.51 lV«s Dec.. 1041 ... 08.22 08.24 1.53 High. Low. Close United Biscuit 5s’50.. 10714 106H 10644 United Drug 6s'68_ 9814 9814 9814 U S Rubber 6s 47_ 10714 106»4 107 Utah L & T 6s ’44 (A). 99 9814 99 Utah P & L 6s '44_ 102 10144 102 Util PAD 6s 69 wi... 6314 62 62 Util P& L 614*'47_ 6444 63 68 Vanadium cv 6a 41_ 105 105 105 Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs. 26 26 26 Va E & P 1st ref 4e’55. 107 107 107 Va IrC&C 1st 6s’49_ 69H 6914 6914 Va Ry tst 3 64 8 ’66 A._ 108H 10814 10314 Va S W con 6s ’BJ_ 9414 9414 9414 Wabash 1st 5s’39_ 94 9244 94 Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 81V4 8114 8U4 Walker HAS 4»4a’45_. 101*4 10444 104H Walworth 4s'65 .. 7844 7714 7844 Warner Bros cv 6s'39. 96 9444 9414 Warren Br cv 6s 41 .. 6744 6714 6714 West Penn P 314s’66. 104H 10414 104H West’s Md 1st 4s '62_10414 10414 10444 West’s Md 6%s'77- 107 10644 1064* West’s Pao 6s 46 A_ 8514 8614 36H West’s Pao 6s 46 A as 86 1414 36 West’s Us 414s 50 10214 10214 10214 Westn Un cl tr 61’88_. 10244 102H 102*4 West's Us 6s '61_10244 10244 10244 West’s Un 6s 60_loll* 101 101 Wheel Steel 4Ha '68... 9914 9914 9914 W So Stl con 7s’35 ct. 89 >844 39 Wilkes B&E 1st 6s ’42. 3514 S6H 8514 Wilson & Co 4S 65 . 100*4 10014 1 0044 WisCent 1st gn 48’49. 29 28 29 Wls C S&D Trm4s’36_. 20H 2014 2014 rngstnS&T 8*4S’B1.. 14214 141 14214 r’ngstn S&T 4a ’«1_10114 101 10114 1 t CROP IS FORECAST Chicago Experts Predict Largest Harvest of Last Six Years. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, May 4.—Despite crop deterioration in the United States Winter wheat belt last month, Chi cago experts Indicated today, 1937 production still promises to be the largest since 1931. The average of six crop experts’ estimates of Winter wheat harvest this Summer was 652,000,000 bushels, which compared with an average of 655.000. 000 a month ago and the April 1 estimate by the Department of Agriculture of 656,000.000. The 1936 harvest totaled 519,000,000 bushels. The crop experts estimated the area seeded to Spring wheat in the United States, including durum variety, at 22,614.000 acres, which compared with the Government's preliminary esti mate of 20,918,000 acres a month ago. Last year, because of the serious drought, 11,212.000 acres of Spring wheat were harvested. Reports reaching the grain trade today from some sections of the Winter wheat belt, particularly in Kansas, the largest wheat producing State, indi cated serious need of rain. This was in contrast to heavy rainfall in much of the corn belt, where an abundance of moisture actually has retarded field work preparatory to the seeding of corn. The heavy Spring moisture in the corn belt, which has delayed opera tions as much as two to three weeks in some sections, is also a striking contrast to last Summer’s drought, which killed so much corn that the Nation's total production was the second smallest in a half century. Rains fell over the Winter wheat belt yesterday, but precipitation gen erally was light and many traders said much more moisutre is needed. Sec tions of Oklahoma and Nebraska also are in need of rain, crop reports indicated. During April, Winter wheat pros pects improved in Ohio, Indiana, Il linois and Missouri, the experts said, but declined in Kansas and Ne braska. -• REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. May 4 ..TV—The Reichsbank statement as of May ;$ shows the follow ing changes >in thousands of reichsmarks': Notes in circulation. 4 OTO.OOO. Increase. 500.000. Gold 0*.4O2; Increase. 102. Foreign currency reserves 5.022: de crease. 60 Other bills of exchange and checks 5.152.040. increase. 780,50*. Other dally mi'.’urin? obligations 71.4 • j::4; Increase. 30.0:5. Advances 51. «*>♦;. In crease 10.114:: Investments 105 o«»5: decrease 12 *'22 Ratio oi gold and for eign currencies to notes 1 5 per cent. Rate of discount. 4 per cent. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK May 4 V .—Eggs 40,7:1 unsettled Mixed color' special packs. 22l/2a2fl34 standards. 22a2'.M4 storage packed firsts 21,4h,4 firsts 10a20*4 me dium and dirties No. 1. lh;,4alo. average checks. 18 Butter 14 002 weaker Creamerv. higher than extra 013«a0212: extra >02 score*. •'ll,4a,2 firsts <s*-:*i scores*. 20!2a01!4 seconds <M-*7 scores). 2sa20; cerOralized • 00 score* .40V Cheese. 304 741. about steady. Prices unchanged. Safe Investments _ ^ . First mortgage notes, well secured on con ■ \ /f\ servatively appraised, ^ new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations ot S500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldt;. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Years INSURANCE THE PROPER k-nd ond amount cf insurance is vita! for FULL PROTECTION OUR Insurance Department has the facilities for cover ing a'I types cf risks, ex cept life We would be glad to d-scuss with you vour Insurance Drob'ems. I Burglary—Windstorm—Fire Furs and Jewelry Tourists' Baggage Liability (all types) Plate Glass—Automobile Workman's Compensation ! Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporatfd : Real Estate—Loans—Insurance j 1321 Conn. Ave N.W. DE. 3600 j I I—. _ I YOUR HOME Buy, Build or Refinance Free Booklet with valuable information 1. Pictures of attractive homes from $6,000.00 to $18,000.00, also floor plans. 2. Financing a new home. 3. Planning within your means. 4. Selecting competent archi tect and builder. 5. Refinancing your present home. 6. Buying a home already built. Write, phone or call for your copy of this booklet, “Your Home," without cost or obliga tion. It will assist in determin ing the type of loan to meet your needs. Frederick W. Berens Mortgage Loans Heurich Building 1627 K St. N.W. Phones National 8280-8281. Mortgage Loan Correspondent for Six Insurance Companies Steel Rate Likely To Hold Levels For Ninety Days By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 4.—Dally Metal Trade today says: Iron and steel production will con tinue heavy for the next 90 days. The industry is at or has just passed the peak; a progressive tapering ofT can be expected, but the descent will be temporal and less than seasonal A lull, not a slump, is in prospect for the Summer and it will develop later than usual. Extension of sec ond-quarter prices into third-quarter has relieved the tension of buyers. Some shipments have been re scheduled, permitting more prompt delivery on some shipments by ex tending mill backlogs. Practically no tonnage has been canceled Only the collapse of general business and a more repressive program in Washing ton can torpedo a good market over the remainder of the year. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. Mav 4 OP,.—New York Se curity Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) . ,, , Bid Asked. ; Bk of Man fl'-ji Du'2 35'2 l Banners Tr (2) _ hR'2 7oi2 On Hun Bk A Tr (4) 1 m2 131 >2 Chase Nat H.40) 52i2 541’ Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) - Oh HR Commercial (R> _ 10H 202 Coni Bk A Tr (.Mil _ 17*2 ~]p Corn Ex Bk A T CO . __I .1 (i«i34 h?3. Empire Trdi _ no 3 1 First Nat (Bos 1 (2) 52 54 First Natl (1(101 _ 2270 2310 Guaranty Tr (12) _ __ 34R 353 Irving Tr (.HO) _ ji;i4 i7>4 Manufacturers Tr (2) 551,3 571 , Manufacturers’ pi (2) _ 6i)‘2 5212 Natl City (1) _ __ 4His 4*1 , N Y Trust (5) _ 132'2 135': Public (J ' 21 _ 4>; • a 4R' 2 Title GAT ..._ . 141, 15.1, -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. May 4 OP —Crude rubber futures opened steady. 13 to 30 higher May , 71 oHb: July. 21.20-35; September. _b-_ B id._ OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 141(1 Ere II IK Phone NA 2181 tor Business Records'?;;: and Equipment v; CHAIR CUSHIONS ^WalcottTaylorCo.Ino MILLS BLDG MEtro. 5846 Amortized LOANS • /or buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bank Has Made Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loans 0 SECURITY03 Saomos & Commercial BANK Tico Convenient Branches: 9th & G 1518 K Sts. N.W. St. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FOREIGN MARKETS. '* LONDON. May 4 OPV— Stock prices con tinued to exhibit a firm tone today and a good demand developed for all groups of securities. Industrials moved higher, especially tobacco steel and rubber issue* and gilt-edged shares and home rails were also flrm Til ere was good buying in the oil section and mining issues also con* tinned their upward movement. German bonds moved irregularly PARIS —French renter, were generally lower closing 5 centimes higher to 45 lower Royal Dutch finished with a net gam of d8 francs and Bank ol Frai c# moved 50 francs higher Suez Cana! lost 50 francs and the closing tone was mixed. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL May i (/Pi.— Silver futures opened steady and unchanged. May* 44.1 5b; Ju 1 y. 44 tio; Sep;ember. 44 55b r~; ~~7-——- i 1886 5 SI at rear 1937 of Proirna I SAFES I Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FIRST DEED OF TBl ST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 j WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY Mortgage and Deed of Trust Dated Jan uary 1. 1933 The Marine Midland Trust Company cf New York as Trustee under Washington Gas Light Company Mortgage and De-rt of Trust dated January 1 1933 pursuant to the provisions of ARTICLE XII Sectr 2. of said Mortgage hereby gives notice of It* resignation of the trusts created by said Mortgage such resignation to take ofTect on June 1 *> 193?** previously a successor trustee shall ha' e been ap pointed pursuant to the provisions of sa'd ARTICLE XTI in which event it shall tak* effect pursuant to the provisions of said ARTICLE XII Section 2 immediately upon the appointment of «urh *ucce««;or trustee. THE MARINE MIDLAND TRUST COM PANY OF NEW YORK ns Trustee et a lore said. r-- "iT——i » . 11. A. LOAMS on short notice for building your home or REFINANCING (Shannon & lUchS) Mortgage Loan Correspondent* INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRL JGTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl 2100 W B. HIBBS & COMPANY MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE 1 ; NEW YORK Ol.'RB EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE HIBBS BUILDING * WASHINGTON, D. C. Telephone • National 0510