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FRACTIONS 10 C Gulf Oil. Aluminum Co. and Newmont Among Lead ing Gainers. •y the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 4—Buying broadened a little in the curb market i today, giving many issues gains rang ing from fractions to around 2 points. Gulf Oil. Aluminum Co. of Amer ica. American Meter. Newmont, Amer ican Light & Traction and Wayne j Pump divided the largest advances. Utilities had a number of modest Rains. Several oils followed a rise in j Gulf. Pan-American Airways, Sun shine Mining and Great Atlantic & Pacific were a little lower. 21 Per Cent Rise In Buying Power Is Anticipated Bpfcial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, May 4.—The esti mated consumer income for the next six months in the United States shows an increase of 21 per cent over the same period a year ago. according to the Brookmire Income Map. It is also estimated that the consumer income In this country for the next six months will be 39 per cent greater than the average of the same period of the last three years. It appears that the income outlook continues to favor relatively active retail trade, despite the fact that rises in retail prices may be expected. Incomes from manufacturing in dustries should resist seasonal tend encies during the next month, though during the Summer months downward tendencies may well be experienced. LAKE ORE SHIPMENTS FAR ABOVE ESTIMATES Bv the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, May 4.—Lake ship ments of iron ore during the past month totaled 3.770,555 tons, the Lake Superior Iron Ore Association report ed. This is far in excess of recent forecasts and compares with move ment of 19,445 tons during the same month last year. Observers considered the showing ! remarkable in view of the fact ship- ; ping was blocked until the middle of the month because of severe icc con ditions in the Straits of Mackinac and the upper rivers and lakes. Last ; year navigation opened some two or three weeks later than this year. —- •- — DIVIDEND IS ORDERED. CHICAGO, May 4 (4h,—Directors of (South Bend Lathe Works. South ! Bend, Ind., have voted a regular quar terly dividend of 40 cents on the cap- j ital stock, payable June 1 to stock- i holders of record May 15. Tilts repre sents an increase of 10 cents a share j Quarterly. I “ --- I CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. 3 pm. Ala Power fis ’40 A . In]7* HU7, 1017, Ala Power 5s ’51_ OS 98 PS Alum Co 5s *52 _ 105*2 3 053* 105*2 Am G Sc E 6s 2028._ in? 107 107 Am P Sc L Os 2010 P4 * b 94 U 94* 2 Am Rol Mill 5s 48_lo25* 102U 103U Appalach E P 5s '50 _ loo3, loo1 * lor, *8 Ark PAL 5s 50 . ps*2 98 U PS1 - As El Ind 4 ■ 2s .. 312 3* .ill1* As G Sc F, 4 2 'U> 40 p *0*2 40 U As G & E 5s 08 _ .'•ii12 5i» 5n*2 As GAE 5 Us inv ct _ _ M12 mi SI*. As T AT 5 .s '55 A 84 U 84 ** 84 U Bald L Os \*js xw stp ]K3*r iso1* 18..'* Bell T C 5s tin C 118*2 118*2 118*2 Birming Gas ;>s '50 7;? ;:j 73 Can No Pw 5s 5:’. A lt»3U 303*2 lti.'i'j Cen II P S 4 1 til F os1* 07* > os1* Cent 111 P S 5s *>S G 1 *»*: U ]o7U ii»2». Cent I P S 4 U s s 1 H 90 or, Cent Pw a It 5. 50 «• * :• ; * Cent St E! 5> 48 5s'* 5s 5s'* Cent St El 5 Us ’54 n ' ,Vi'( tin Cen St P A L 5Us 53 03* * til3* til U* Chi Di El 4 Us ;ti A Ion1* lo5>* 1«*5U Chi Rys 5s ’27 cod In * 7o3* 7o3* Cin Str R 5Us *52 A 05 05 05 Cities Svc 5s '5o 7 3 72 7 23* Cities Svc 5s 'tit'. 72*2 72U 72U Cities S Gas 5Us 42 loo»2 loo»2 100*2 Clt S PAL 5 Us '57 70 t'.S 711 Clt, S PAL 5Us ’4 0 7 1 00 *2 no3* Comw Ed is 5s '53 A 3 12 112 3 12 Comw Ed 4Us '50 C _ 11 o5* 1 1 os, 110U Oomw Ed 4s ’81 F 105*n 1<»5 1<»5 Comw Ed 33*s ’05 H _ 1 031 2 103*4 1 ti31 * Con Gas Ut Os '4;; st. 7SU 7SU 7SU Cont GAE 5s *58 A so 8S7, S873 Detroit, C G Os 47 A 107 107 307 , Der Clt Gs 5s *50 B 305 3* 105*2 105U DeT Int Es: OUs 53 _ P 8U SU Dixie G G 0*2s 37 A 101 U 161 U mi *« East G A- F 4s *50 A SOU SO SO El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 S4U S35, 84 Emp Dis El 5s ’57 07 07 07 Firest Tire 5s '17 lo5 105 105 Florida PAL 5s '54 07 OP* 013 * Gary E&G 5s ’4 4 xw stp 08 * Os3* Os * Gatineau Pw 5s 50 ]«»1 1 on3, ] tu»“R Gen Bronze Os 10 sup* 003* PM3* Gen Pb U »>* , s '50 A 873* K73* ST-W Gen W.WAE 5s ’43 A _ SO3* so*4 SO3* Georgia Pw 5s t.: __ P7U 07 07 Georgia PAL 5s '7* 75** 751* 75** Grand Ir Wo 4s '."»«• OKU PsU !»8]2 Hall 1WF1 ti.s ’«'•* sip_ 00 08*2 00 . Ill Pw A L Os 53 A 304*2 103*2 103*2 111 PwAL 5 Us '5 1 B 3 02 102 107 111 Pw A L 5s '50 C 08** 073* OH1* 111 Pw A Lt 5Us '57 00 U 05 00 U Indian E C 5s '51 C 01 so 01 Indiana Ser 5s 5u To 0s*2 00U Indiana Srr 5s '03 A «in*2 os t;pia •Indnap PAI 5s ’57 A lOfi’2 100** 100*2 Interc Pw Os '48 A 8 S S Interst Pw 5s 57. r>7 01U 61'2 Interst P S 5s '50 D 835a 825a S2R, Interst P S 4 Us 58 p 7 s7* 78 78'H Iowa-N LAP 5s ’5 7 A._ 102** 1071* 103** Ioua Pub Sv 5s '57 3 03*8 103 103 Jer C PAL 4 Us 01 C 3 04U 104*2 104U Jer C PAL 5s 17 B __ 104** 11»414 104 «4 Kentucky Ut 5s 01 07*2 02 0”U Kentucky U 5s 'Hit I 01 *2 01U 91' Lehigh P S Os 707ti A 3 07s, 107s, 107s, La Pw A Lt 5s '57 3 05 lo47a lf>47s Miss Pow 5s 55 _ 85 85 85 Nat, PAL Os 7o7ti A __ 07 00s, 01;»B Nat PAL 5s 2030 B 84 U 84U 84'* Vn ort Poi FI \ - n i.m.1 ../-.i New E GAE 5s ’47 . 71 7, 71 7, 71’1 New E GAE 5s '48 _ 71", 71", 71"? New E GAE 5s 'SO... 71", 70", 71", New E Pw 5s '4 8 07", if’", if’". New E Pw 5'2s '54 00', nii', no', N Y S E&G 4'2s '80 100',, 100', 100', N Y A W Lt 4s 7004__ 107 101", 10° Nor A LAP 5'.s '50 n.'|>, ■*;{', nil', Ohio Par 4'3s '50 D . 105", 105", 105", Pac PAL 5s '55 77s, 77'2 77", Penn El 4s '71 F ... 047, 04’2 04', Penn O E 0s 50 A . 101 101 101 Peon GLAC 4s '81 B ._ fl'. 111 0) Phil* El P 5'.,s 77_110", 110", 110*i Phila Rap T 0s '07_ HS'.j 05’ ■ o>'2 Pitts Steel Os '4S _ 1 on 10:1 " 10:1 Portland GAC 5s '40 78'; 78'2 78'2 Potomac E 5s 50 E ..107 J07 107 Pub Ser N J Os ctfs . l.'tl 1:10'iMO'i Pub S N I t’2s '78 D. 107', 107', 10'", Pub S N 1 4'2s '81 F _ 107", 107", 1 Of’", Pub S Okla 4s '00 A 100", 100", ino». Pur s PAL 5'2S 40 A 88'2 88 88 Pub S PAL 4'2s 50 D.. 80‘, 80', SO', Quebec P C 5s '08 A 104 104 104 Sou Cal Ed :t",s '45 __ 105"; 105'i 105'/, Sou Cal Ed :t",s 00 . 101', 101 101 Sou Csl E :i",s '00 B . 1 01'2 101'i 101'2 Sou Cal E 1s '00 105’2 10S'-2 105'i Sou Co Gas Cai 4'2s '08 104'2 104'2 10412 Sou Ind Ry 4s '51 78 78 78 Std GAE cv Os '.'15 mat 70", 70", 70", Std GAE Os '51 A 80 80 80 Stand Pw A Lt Os '57 80 70 70 Super of 11 4'2s '08 105 104"; 105 Texas Elec 5s 00 __ 101"; 101 101", Tex Pw A L 5s '50 _ 105', 104"; 105', Tide Wat P 5s '70 A !)7'2 00’, n-t2 Twin C RT 5'2s '57 A 81 SO", 81 Un E L A P M 4'js '57 105", 105", 105", Unit Lt A Pw 5'2s '59. 104 1O.T2 104 TJn't Lt A- Pw Os '75 70 7!' 70 Unit Lt A Pw o'.-s '74 81 'i 81'i 81 ", Utah P A L 4'2' 44 00 00 00 Va Pub Ser Os '40 O.'t', 97>2 Oil’/, Va Pub S 5'2s '40 A 101', 101 101 \a Pub Ser 5s '50 B 04', 04', 01', Wash Gas Lt 5s 58 loti loo 100 Wash R A E 4s '51 1057, 1057, 1057; West, News U Os '44 _ 01", 01", 01 s. West Pa 5s 70.10 os', os', os', Wis-Mtn L A- P 5s '44 100", 100", 100", Wi" P A- L 4s '50 A DM'2 Oil Oil Yadkin Riv P 5s '41 100"; 100"; lofi"; FOREIGN Denm Mt B 5s '77 ix 07'2 07'2 nt'1; Erro M El 0'.2S 5M A 70 7o 70 Mendoz P 4s '51 stp 00 110 no Pied El o'as 'on A 70', 70 70'/, ww—With warrants, xw—Without war /arts, n—New. st trtpl—Stamped, fNeBotlablllty impaired by maturity. TCompanies reported in receivership. -•-. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.— .Company reduced Interstate toll rates about. $460,000, to go into effect June J. The lower charge* will apply in •lx States. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All time shftwn below is daylight saving on whirh the Exchange Is now operating. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Aula Ansco _ 1 35 85 35 Alnstv'th M C b25c 8 16 154 154 Air Device Corn... 6 84 84 84 Ala Grt Sou <t3)-. 60* 78 78 78 Ala Pa r pf (6) . 20s 68*4 674 67*j Alum'n Co of Am 50s 134 13844 1334 Alum (Am) pf (6 ) 200» 116 1144 1144 Alum Ltd cv pf (6) 2 129 129 129 Am Airlines. inc_. 3 234 234 234 Am Box B odd)-. 4 214 21 214 Am Capital (B)... 1 4 4 4 AmCItPSLlAil C0« 844 344 844 AmCrS I, A tv tv 2 \ 4 864 354 354 Am CIIP&L b ague 1 44 44 44 Am Cvnam B t60c 20 314 31 314 Am Dist Tel N J 5. 15s 120 120 120 Am U&F (1.40) 12 344 334 344 Am Gen C'p ia5('c, 2 104 104 104 Am Hard Rub(al) 60s 22 22 22 Am Faun'y A1 8oc_ 1 30 30 30 Am 1.4T ltl.20). 8 214 20 214 Am L&T pf (14 )_ l 284 284 284 Am Mfg Co ia3)25s 614 514 614 Am .Maracaibo .. 207 2 4 2 2 Am Meter (bioc).. 2 45 45 45 Am Superpower... 21 1** 14 1*4 Am Superpwr pf2 874 064 374 Anchor Post F ... 1 4 * 44 44 Angostura (t20e) 2 74 7 74 Appalach E P pf 7 20e 1074 1074 1074 Arciurua Kadlo X. 1 14 14 14 Ark Nat Gas _ 1 84 84 84 Ark Nat Q cu pf_ 1 84 84 84 Ark Nat Gas t A ) .. 16 84 84 84 Art Met W (80c).. 2 124 124 124 Ashland II&-K 14O0 1 64 64 64 As E 1 t'llti 2-5. 2 12 12 12 ASsu (ias A Flee 3 14 14 14 AssoUiE lA) 8 34 34 84 Atl Coast FIs b35o 1 94 94 94 Atl Coast F a2 4 .. 10s 51 61 51 Atlas Corp war _ 6 24 24 24 Atlas Plyw'd(14) 1 23 4 23 4 234 Austin Sliver_ 7 24 24 24 Auto Products_ 3 7 64 7 Auto Vot Mch 30c. 4 104 10 104 Babcox & Wll (4 ) 100s 126 1244 126 Baldw F bd rtstd) 2 24 24 24 tor mm Stain Stl_. 3 6-'4 644 54. Beech Aircraft 2 4!8 4 4l8 Bell felt fa pt 6 44 20. 1141* 114 1 1144* Berkey&Uay E Co 6 t*s 2*. 2*8 berk&GK pur war 9 l1* 1'. ]'f Bliss Co I E W ) 2 IS'* 17'g ]8>* Blue llidge (bli,c) 3 3 .1 Blumenihal S _ 2 23!1 23 23 Bower Koll B (2). 2 29:. 29 * 29!! Bow man-BUtmors 12 2 2 Brazil TE&P 4(JC_. 3 23 1 22*1 234* Brld pi Alch b2oo. 2 19*. 19*. 19?. Brill Corp iAt_ 1 1UH 104. 104j Brown Co pt 160* 7244 72 72 Buff Isiag&E 1st 6 60s 99,44 9944 9944 Burry Biscuit .... i 64* 6.4g 64, Cables&Wirel'ss A 1 l'i 141 144 Jan CarAEdry pt. 60s 254. 25 254. Can Indus Alco A. 1 6'* 5*1 5>* Can Ind Alco IB). 2 «»* 4>* *»4 Capital City P 6uc 2 234. 23 23‘. Carlb Syndicate . 21 24. 2*4 24. Caro E&P pf (7).. 10« 954. 954. 964. Carrier Corp_ 7 49*j 49 494. Carter (JW) 80c.. 1 10** ic* 10'* Casco Prod b2 % .. 2 3144 31, 314. Callln Corp .a-mc) 1 7** 7-'* 71* Celanase lit pf t7.260» 112 121 122 Celluloid Corp pf 60s 6044 5044 5044 Celluloid 1st pf b2 20. 1044. 1014. 10444 ! Ceil Hud GAE 8Uc 4 16 16 lb Cent Ohio Stl b»0c 1 14*4 n*t i4*t Cent A S VV Liu 1 3*1 3*. 3*. Cent Slates Elec . 4 1*. 1*. 1*. Cent St El cv pt n. 26. 17 17 17 Cent St El 6% pt. 75. 17*4 17 17*-* Cent St El 7 % pt. 26. 34 32 34 Centrif Pipe T«oc 1 6'j 5*4 6*4 Cham MetWs t80c 1 19 19 iy Charls Corpil 4. 1 13*. 1344 13H Cities service_ 31 3*. 34. 358 Cities Service pf.. 7 62 614. 62 Cllles Svc pf B_ 7 4'* 4** 4*, Cities Svc pfl BB) 10. 4' 48 48 City Auto S( T6Ue> 1 10*4 10s8 1054 Clark Con lb50c)_ 1 88 38 38 Claude »Neon Eta.. 6 3 2*g 2’4 Clev Tractor _ 6 14 13‘* 14 CUnchtield Coal_ 17 7 7 Colon Eev Eta_ 4 6>4 644 64. Colo Kuel&lr war. 4 174| 17 174. Columb O&G b20c. 18 8 7*4 71* Co wlm Disi aloe. 1 144 14. 14. Comwlth Edls T4_ 2 1124. 11 14. 1124. Com will) <st S war 15 4 *» 4 Cons Aircraft_ 3 26 24,* 25 Consol Biscuit 6O0 2 64 5*4 6*4 Consol Copper .. 52 84 9*4 a*. Consol Gas Ctll... 4 254 24 24 Consol Rpt S pf (8) 10* 122 122 122 Consol Steel Corp. 16 114 104 114 Cont'l Roll & S Fy 2 214 21 214 Cooper Bessemer. 2 24 23*4 234 Copper Range 1 11*4 114 ri* Cosden Oil Me (d) 4 14 24 24 Creole Pe: laoOc). 20 3.'4 344 35 Crocker-Wh alOc. 2 HR HR 144 Croft Brewing_ 17 4 »* 14 Crown Cent 1 a6c 18 24 24 24 Crown Dr (b20c)_. In 4 34 34 Cusl Met Milling 16 4 * * Dayton Rubber 5 24 234 24 Dayton Rub A(b2)100i 314 30v. 314 Derby on & liel 2 7*. ,4 74 Detroit Gasket tl- 5 184 17 , 184 Det Gas pr (1.20). 1 18*. 18*4 184 Domm S&C (Bt .. 5 10 194 20 Douglasi W D) pf 60» 41 41 41 Dow Chemical (3). 2 1444 144'* 1444 uobelier Condens. 2 34 34 34 Duke Power (2).6O1 73 73 73 Duval TexSaaOc. 8 84 84 84 tag I’it Lead blOc. 1 194 194 194 East n G&F Asso . 1 64 6*4 64 Estn G&F As pf 3.250» 45 434 434 Kast Mali Ir al.30. 26« 244 24 4 2*4 Kast’n St Pw (B). 1 67 67 67 Kasy W M(B)b25o 2 104 10*4 104 Kisler Klee ia5c)_ 1 24 24 2** Klee Bond & Share 85 I94 194 134 Klee li & S pf (5).. 2 67** fc6** Ht»* Klee B & S pf (6)- 2 764 764 764 Klee P&L opt war. 2 54 84 84 Klee Sharenoldlng 2 44 44 44 Kiec Sh pf ww (6) 50» 82 82 82 K1 Shov C 1st pf 100i 184 I84 184 Electrol Inc v.t.c.. 1 34 3. 3>s Elgin Nat W b50c. £0s 35 35 35 Emp GA2F I % pi 50s 614 63** 631* Emp Pwr pt b50c-.200s 304 304 304 Equity Corpialuc; 10 24 24 24 Eutop'n El bd rts. 2 4 4 »g Evans Wall Lead 11 14 1*5 14 Evans Wall L pf .160 . 294 28 4 294 Excello Alr(b20c). I 22 22 22 Fairchild Av al6c 8 7 64 64 Falstaff Br (t 14 )■ 7 94 94 94 Fanny Farm C(l). 1 204 204 204 tansleel Metal . 1 15 15 15 Fedders Mfg b25e. 1 15 15 15 * Fldello Brewery_ 11 4 4 4 Fisk Rubber- 12 154 15' 154 -— — -W! mo id Ford Ltd alSl-iOo 3 6)4 6*4 bH Ford (Cam A ( 1 ) 1 25 25 25 Ford M(Can)B<l) 100» 26 26 26 Fox (P) Brew 80c 2 9)4 914 9^ Frankltn Ray a60o 2 12H 12)4 12)4 Froedt't cv pf 1.20 250b 17)4 17 17^ Gen Alloys . 2 3)4 3)4 3)4 Gen Flrepr'f b25c. 2 19t, 19^ 19^ Geu invtMi Core 7 1^ li* Gen lnv Corp pt .. 4 90!, 89)4 90'4 Gen Teleph (b25c) 4 17)4 17*4 17)4 Uen Tire & Rub 2 32 32 32 Gilbert!AC)pf 3)4 10b 41 41 41 Glen Alden C <fl) 3 1114 ill, 114 Goldfield Consol-- 3 ** 14 ,4 Grand Natl Films 5 295 2)4 2)4 Grt A&PTnv t6. 40b 102 101 101 Greenfield T & D... 2 14*4 1414 1414 Groc Store Prod_ 1 6)4 6)4 bH Guardian Invest— 1 ’* *4 Gulf Oil (Pa) b26o 6 67)4 66)4 67 Hall Lamp (SOcl.. 2 6)4 6)4 5)4 Hat Corp (B) 80c- 1 11)4 11)4 njj Haarn Dep S bl.65 2 15*4 16*4 15*4 Hecla Mining b45c S 17 17 17 Helena Rub (A) 1. 1 10 10 10 Heller (WE) t40c. 1 7)4 7)4 7*4 Heller pf ww 1 % - 60s 25 25 25 Holllnger (t65c) _. 1 11"4 11J4 11)4 Hudson BM&S (1) 8 3OJ4 30 30)4 HumblsOU (1)4 ). 2 79 79 79 Hygrade Food 14 4 4 Illinois Iowa Pow- 4 11)4 1154 11)4 111 Iowa I’w d ctfs. 5 13)4 12*4 13 111 Iowa Pw p£ 2)4 3 33*4 32)4 33)4 imp Oil Lid T5UC 3 2l)j 21*4 21)4 Indiana Svc 6%pf 10b 25 25 25 Ind ap P&L pf 6)4 25b 92 92 M2 Indus Fin 7 % pf 60s 14 14 14 Ins Co of No A t2 250b 67)4 66)4 67)4 inti Hy El S cv pf 1 19 29 29 Inti Metals Inc A 75b 13)4 13)4 13)4 Inti Petrolm tl % - 28 35)4 35 354 Inti Products _ 1 6)4 6*4 6*4 inti Utli (B) _ 1 1)4 1)4 1*4 Interst P( Dellpf 20b 12*4 12 12*4 lnv Royalty (16c) 1 •* *M •„ Iron Fire vto 1.20. 60b 21!| 21)4 21)4 Jacobs! FL)Co(l) 4 1RJ4 16 16)4 Jones*Laugh Stl- 4 1C8 106)4 108 Ken RT&L A a76e 2 22)4 21 121 Kings Co Lt pfD 5 10b 63 63 63 Klnsston Prod «0o 6 6*4 6)4 6*4 Kirby Petrol (20c) 16 8 6 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close. Koppers pf (6)_25a 1084 1084 1084 Lake Sh M (T«)_ 7 604 604 604 Lakey Ey * Mach. 4 64 64 64 Leh Coal &N 30c_. 8 84 84 84 Leonard Oil _ 19 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)__ 5 23 £ 2 4 224 Lit Brothers _ 1 64 64 54 Locke Stl Ch t*0c. f 1 164 164 154 Lockheed Aircraft 9 124 124 124 Long i L pf A (7). 60« 81 81 81 Lone Star Oas 8C0 13 124 124 124 Loudofl Packing2 44 44 44 La Land (40c) ... 11 124 124 124 McWilliams D <t2 8 294 29.4 294 Mangel St pf (B)_. 10a 83 «H B3 Marlon Steam Sh 1 164 164 164 Maas Util Assocla 3 3 3 3 Massey Harris ... 2 134 13 13 Master Elec (1) _ 1 24 24 24 Mem Nat G (blOc) 4 6 64 6 Mesa hi iron 1 4 *2 *1 Merritt Phan * S 2 64 64 64 Metal Textile 40c. 6 3 8 3 Mex-Ohio OH_ 3 24 24 24 Mich Bumper C_ 1 24 24 24 Mich Oas & OH_ 2 I04 94 94 Mid Sta Pet l A)._ 3 64 5 5 Mid Sta Pet (B) __ 4 14 14 14 Midvale Co <b75e) 26i 83 83 83 Midwest Oil (til . 4 1(>4 104 104 Minn M&M h40c10» 344 34 4 84 , Mock j udson 60c 1 134 134 134 Molybdenum Corp 2 9 84 84 Mont Ward A (7). 60» 144 144 144 Moore Distillery . 8 44 44 44 Mount Prod (Kin-l 4 «4 64 64 Murray (Ohio)b30c 2 26 26 26 Nacnman Spr<a 1) 2 184 >84 184 Nut Bella Hess 7 24 2 2" -N.'lt'l Coiitain'a.'ii'o. 4 124 124 124 Nat Fuel Oas ill 4 154 154 L 4 Nat Leather .3141 1 Nat Mfg & Stores. 1 8.4 84 84 Nat Oil Prod t6(tc. 1 39 39 39 Nat P & Lt pf (6) 160s 784 77 .84 Nat Hub Mch a20o 1 154 154 154 Nat Service _ 42 4 4 4 Nat Service pf_ 3 54 5 5 Nat Sugar N J (2) 7 264 2s4 264 Nat Transit (75c). 3 114 114 114 Navarro Oil (40c). 2 2( ' 24 21 Nr/11 Corp _ 2 62 !2 62 Neisncr Br pf (7 >. 60s 115 116 115 New Jer'/.Inc (t2) 350. 804 794 HO New M&A Ldalc. 10 2;8 24 24 Newmont Min b75> 1 110 lto no N Y Pw&Lt pf (6) IPs 100 100 100 N Y Tel pf (64 ) 325. 1114 1114 1114 N Y Water Svc pf toa 42 414 414 Niag Hud Pwrnm ;,6 124 13 124 . -Niagara H B war. 1 14 14 14 Niag Hud 1st 16) . 160a 87 4 87 4 87 4 : Niag Sh Md B afiOe 6 124 1-4 134 Niles Bm Pnd b50c •» 41)4 41 <14 Niplssine i6uc)-- 1 24 24 24 North Am LAP _ 4 34 34 34 North AmU-P pf 60. 65‘, 654 654 No IPS 6 % pf b75c bOa 914 9P, 814 Northern P L 76c. 1 124 12), 124 North States 1 A 1 26 2b 2b Novadei Agenet 2t 1 33.4 33 4 334 Ohio Brass B b73c 76| 66 65 66 Ohio Edla pt t 6 /_25a 103 103 102 Uttla NatGaaCo.. 2 11 11 1L Okla Nat Gas pf__ lOUe 27 27 27 Oldetyme Distil... 3 «4 <4 <4 Overseas Sec 60c_ 1 94 94 94 PacG&L 1st (14) 2 294 294 294 Pac Public Servlca 1 64 64 54 Pan-Am Air <11 >_ * 64 4 644 644 Pantepec Ull _ 44 64 64 64 Pennroad ta26c). 7 44 44 44 PennaP&Lpf t7) 20os 1024 1014 1024 Pepperell Mft t6 26a 132 132 132 rhila HI rtv pf (2). 26a 32 4 32 4 32 4 Phillips Pkg ajuc. 3 114 114 114 Phoenix Secur_ 4 11 104 It Phoenix S pf A<3 ) 1 38 38 38 Pierce Gov (bl5c). 2 £9 27)4 24 Tton'r G Ltd b30c. 3 44 44 44 Pitney Bow t T4uc) 1 74 74 74 Ptttsogh PorglnB. 6 22 21), 22 Puts & L E b2>4-- 60a 1024 102 4 102 4 | Potrero Susat . 4 2 t 2), 2‘, ‘ Pratt & Lamb ta2. 1 S44 344 £4-* i Premier Gold T120 1 24 2 4 24 1 Producers Corp ... 7 4 4 4. Propper-McC id). 1 4 4 4 Prosperity B al 4 1 144 144 144 Prudent’l Inv a50o 1 114 114 114 Pu* Sd P&L pf b5_ 60a 754 754 754 Pug Sd P&L *6 pf. KOa 37 354 37 Pyrene Mfg a90c_. 1 104 104 104 Ditbl/s. n.t. / r \ 1 in a . n .... Rainbow Lum (A) 111 1 Kaym'd Cono (til 150» 42 414 414 Raytheon Mtg vto 1 54 54 54 Reed R B new TSOi 1 394 394 894 Reiter-Foster ._ 17 14 14 14 Reybarn Co blOc.. 16 6 5 Reynolds invest.. 2 2 1*, 14 Roch G&E pf D 6. 60s 1014 1014 1014 Russia inti Corp 1 4 4 4 Root Petrol (b75c) 3 74 74 74 Royal Type bloc.. 60s 1064 1064 10r)4 Rustless ir&Stl... 2 I64 15)4 154 Ryan Consolld d . 3 6 64 t> St Lau rence Corp I 124 124 124 St Reels Paper 18 94 9 9 Scovill Mfg (b50c)?0us 434 41', 424 Segal LocS AH. 8 24 2?, 2', Selberlmg Rubber 18 a'4 a a Sel Ind pr pf (54 )10u» lOu lot) lot) SeversKy Atrcratt 17 6 4>4 5 SliattucK Den Min 15 174 164 I64 Shawln W & P 80c 3 28 274 274 Sher-Willms (t 4)-350s 134 132 134 Sherwln W pf i5)_110s llu 109 110 Snrev-El Dor PAL 8 4 4 4 Solar Mtg (bl0c)_. 2 64 6*, 64 Sonctone C (aloe) 8 14 14 14 So Penn 01KT14)- 8 424 42 4 424 So Cal Ed pf C 14 1 264 2.V, 264 Southl’d Roy blOc. 4 104 10:4 10?, Spamsh&Uen ret*. 2 4),?, Spencer Ch S b75o. 1 94 94 94 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 8 38 37*4 374 Stand oil Ky ttl). 6 194 194 19), Stand Pwr A Lt_ 6 4 3; j 84 Stand Prod (b2£>c) 1 184 184 184 Stand Stl&Ld (4C) 20 4 y, ;.4 Stand Tube (B)_ 3 64 64 64 Starrett Curp v tc. 17 7 7 Sterchl Bros a30o. 2 94 9 9!4 Slerchl Bros 1st J. 26g 37 37 37 Sterling, InetZUc) 3 64 64 6’4 Stulz Motor. __ 4 4 4 »4 Sun Ray Dr t80c.. 2 15 15 15 Sunray Oil (b5c) 5 44 44 44 Sunshine Min (3). 6 18), I84 I84 Swlss-Am Elec pf 60s 114 1124 114 Taggart Corp_ 3 124 12 124 Tampa £1 t2.24)_ 1 3b;, 364 864 Tasty east (Del) A. 1 14 14 14 Taylor Dlst )30C)_ 5 4 4 4 Technicolor »50e_ 19 23), 124 234 Tex P & L pf (7).. 100s 101 101 101 Texon Oil A L 600 16 6 6 Thew Shovel a60o ZOOs 604 664 60), Tllo Roof Inc (1). 3 164 164 164 Tob&All Stlts all 4 60s 614 614 614 lob Prod Exp 16c. 1 34 8), 84 Todd Shlpyd (t2). 60s 61 61 61 l'r-Lux DPS t20c. 1 44 44 1U Transwest Oil Co. 2 125% 1254 125% Triplex S G(new). 1 165% R54 165% 1 unize chouiiiun. 1 2 7 54 2 75% 275% Tublzs Ch A (bl)_ 1 80 80 80 Tung-Sol Lamp__ 2 754 7 7 Unexcelled Altg... 1 254 2 54 2 5% UnltGa»Corp_ 43 1054 10 10 UtdGaswar_ 6 254 254 2 54 Unit Lt 42 Pw (A). 12 75* 7 75% Unit Lt & Pw pt 4 60 495% 49>% Unit Alolass bl 154 1 75% 75% 75% Unit Prot Sh aloe. 1 15% 15% 15% Unit Shlpyds B ... 3 3 3 3 Unit Shoe M 7254 176% 89 885% 88*4 Unit S Mch pf 1.60 20» 38 38 38 U S Foil (B) 41 > .. 3 145* 1354 1454 U S Play Cards 71 100« 29 285% 281% U S Kub Reclaim. 1 8)4 854 854 U R Stores_ 6 54 5% 5% Unit Stores vtc—_ 6 % >4 % Unit Wall Paper_ 10 454 45% 41% Univ Corp’n v.t.C.. 2 654 5 51* Umv Cons Oll(al) 2 16>4 16 165* Univ Pictures_ 19 99 Utilities P& L <d) 6 54 M 54 UUlP&Lpf (d).. 60* 18 18 18 utility Eq pf b4 54 76. 82 80 80 Utility & Indus pt 2 854 354 354 Valspar vtc_ 1 65% 654 65* Valspar pf vtc_ 60. 61 60 61 Van Nor 41a b40c. 1 29 2814 29 Venezuela Petrol- 2 2 15% 1J4 Wagner Bak b40c. 8 20 195% 20 WalKer Mirim* . 2 25* 254 25* Wayne Pump 50c - 18 46 44** 465% Well t n Oil or Del 1 12 12 12 Welsbaum B B 40o 1 95% 954 954 Wntwth Mfg bl5c 6 7.54 65% 65% West Tex Ut pf(6) 60. 87!* 875* 87‘* W Va Coal & Coke 6 45% 45* 4** Western Auto Sup 1 275% 27** 275% Willson Prod i7l) 3 lb5% 16 16 Woodley Pet t40c. 2 9 9 9 Wolver Tube b20c l 1654 165% 1654 Wright Harg t*uc 20 654 6 5% 65% Vgstn Steel D bl 5* 1 70 70 70 Y ukon GoldlalSc 1 3 85% 35* 35% Dividend rates in dollars based on last Quarterly or semi-annual payment. VAn nual rata—not Including extras t Ac cumulated dividends a Paid last year, b Paid this vear. d Companies reported a. being In bankruptcy or In receiver.hlp, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act. or .ecurltle. a.iumed by lucb com panic*. R. C. A. EARNINGS ILL ABOVE 1336 $2,243,056 Net Compares With $1,286,691 for Quarter Last Year. By (he Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 4.—Radio Corp. of America reported net income in the first quarter of $2,243,056. equal, after preferred dividend requirements, to 10 cents a share on the common stock. This compared with $1,286,091, or 3 cents a share, in the same quarter last year. Aviation Corp. Aviation Corp. and subsidiaries re ported consolidated net loss for the first quarter of the company's current fiscal year, the period ending February 28, was $43,347, compared with npt loss for the quarter ending March 31, 1936, of $112,308. Net sales for the 1937 period totaled $977,799, com pared with $707,056 the previous year. Brunswick-Balkc. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. and subsidiaries reported first quarter con solidated net profit of $110,195, com pared with a loss of $58,922 a year ago. This was equivalent, after pro vision for preferred stock dividends, to 15 cents a share. R. F. Bensinger, president, said net sales increased 25 per cent, compared with a year ago, and that orders for future shipment showed a higher ratio of Increase. Walworth Co. Walworth Co. and subsidiaries, makers of valves and fittings, with plants at Boston and East St. Louis, 111., reported today net profit of $542. 3R9 for the three months ended March 31, equal to 41 cents a common share, compared with $10,475 in the first quarter last year. Life Savers Corp. Life Savers Corp. and subsidiaries, manufacturers of confections, for the ! first quarter reported net income of $234,647, equal to 67 cents a share, I against $154,498. or 44 cents a share, j tn the first three months last year. Coca-Cola International. Coca-Cola International Corp. re- : ported March quarter net income of $762,436. against $632,873 in March quarter last year. Company is a holding concern for stock of Coca-Cola Co., with which it is Identified. It maintains offices at Wilmington, Del., and Atlanta, Ga. Quaker State Oil. Quaker State Oil Refining Corp., Oil City, Pa , reported March quarter net profit of $387,737, equal to 42 cents a share on capital stock. This com pared with $163,752, or 18 cents a share in March quarter last year. PACIFIC WESTERN BUYS MORE MISSION STOCK By the Associated Press. Statements on file with the Securi ties Commission disclosed today that the Pacific Western Oil Corp. had purchased 7,400 shares of Mission Corp. common stock during March. The purchases, according to the commission records, give Pacific Western a total hold'ng of 638,608 shares in Mission Corp. The Mission Corp. balance sheet as of December 31. 1935. showed that capital stock Issued and outstanding at that time amounted to 1,399,345. ---• BENDIX DIVIDEND VOTED. NEW' YORK. May 4 (/P).—Directors of Bendix Aviation Corp. today de clared a dividend of 25 cents oil the ! capital stock, payable June 20 to : stock of record May 12. A similar payment was ordered three months ago. -—-—• — Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Transit Co—10 at 13. Potomac Electric Powe 6T pfd,—10 at 113. 5 at 113, 5 at 113, 5 at 113 2 at 113. AFTER CALL. Potomac Electric Power pfd—5 at 111’2. Potomac Electric Power 6", pfd—23 at 112. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 92. BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. Anver. Tel. & Tel, 4Ls . in!v« A*ked' Aitaco.stia A; Pot. os 74 77 Ana. A pn;. Guar 5a ’ ]os C A- P. Tel. of Va. Ss _ ion Capital Traction R R. Rs i,l ” City A Suburban 5s _ S~.'„ S7 Oeorcetown Gas 1st 5s_lin * i*n Pit Elec. Po,. :i',s . 101 ion Gas ns IfiRN. _ ]or 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1000 n.y’. Wash. Rv.y. A- Flee. 4s 105 MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club R';s 105 W. M. Cold Bloiaae 5s 100 Z1ZZ 1 ULKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Trl. A Tel. (9) ll>9'2 Capital Transit Co. 431/, ^ & W. Steamboat id) Ins Pot. Elec. Power 0' nf. di) 11" 1131*, p°- ®- P°. ft’sT pl < A..TO) 111 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Co, <3.60> . 79 Wash. Ry. A El. com. (3(1) 7".5 Wash. Ry. A El. Did. <o> . 199 I"; BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec A Tr. Co. (eS)_ 29n 300 Bank of Bcthesda <h.?5) _ :t4 Capital (41 i4n Com. A Savings <10)_ 21o Liberty .4) .. - ISO lfiO Lincoln ift>,25' 200 Natl. Sav, A- Trust _ ' 170 Pr. Georges Bk. & Tr. (.50) 17 21 Rmgs ip8' 30n 325 Rises pfd. (5) _ _ lol 11 Washington ifii _ 130 Wash. Loan A Tr (eS) 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (ril _ 110 Corcoran (5) __ _ mo Firemen's (1.60) _ 29 National Union t.60)__ . 16 ”” TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.301_ 15 IB3, Real Estate (6) 150 __ MISCELLANEOUS Camel Coro (2.00) _ 20 26 Lanston Monotype <t4> _ 95 100 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 45'i 47 People Drug S. com. (11.00) 52'i 55 Peoples Drug S. pfd (6.50) 112 Real Est. M.&G. of. (**.70) 5'8 5V« Security StoraRe (5) 115 125 Ter. Ref. A- Wh. Corn. (.3) 60 Wdwd. & Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. ptd. (7)_115 125 •Ex dividend. tPlus extra, e—2CJ extra. t—1 Vj% extra, h—75o extra. ••—25c paid June 30. 1936: 45c paid December 22. 1936. -# U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury May 1: Receipts. $81,222 24s.2' : expenditures. I $24.(557,120.fin; balance. * 1.728.088. j 021.02: customs receipts for the month, $2,202,458.75. Receipts for the fiscal yrar (since July 11. * expenditures, Sd, (Including *2.281.484. 000.87 of emergency reliefi; excess of ex penditures *2.202.4 02.424.06. Gross debt. *2- an increase of *44. 007.055.77 over the previous day. Gold as sets. *11.802 414.008.72. including $572. 121.507.78 of inactive gold. -• NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. May 4 OP).—Bar sil ver steady and unchanged at 45. ' Average Daily Closing Price of 50 Leading Stocks on the New Vork Stock Exchange NET OF AMERICAN' IP $5,007,307 Profit Compares With $3,715,057 in Period Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 4 —American Water Works A: Electric Co. an nounced today net income for the 12 months ended March 31 was $5,007, 307, equal to $1 62 a common share. For the like period last year net profit was $3,715,057, or $1 40 a com mon share. Loose-Wiles Biscuit. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. reported March quarter consolidated net profit of $288,309, equal to 45 cents a com mon share. This compared with $407,675, or 68 cents a share, in the like quarter last year. The company : has plants in key cities. Mark Trucks. Mack Trucks, Inc . reported March quarter net profit of $294,299. equal to 49 cents a share, compared with $107,477, or 18 cents a share, in the like period last year. The company, through subsidiaries, owns property in Allentown. Pa ; Plainfield, N, J.; New Brunswick, N. J., and Toronto, Canada. •---* INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. May 4 • p —New Yor* Se curity Dealers Association. A . _ Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas < 2 a ■ _ _ 515 pp Aetna. Ins (l.rim _ 43 45 Aetna Life < 8ng)_ 2s>4 *o34 Am Eqtllt (J.80a>_ 4<)U 43’4 Am Rems t.4cgi_ -4 1*4 4 33 4 Am Reserve (la)_ 28’a .30 Am Surety C21 a)_ 52 54 Automobile Hat _ 2314 3<v»4 Bait Amer (.20a)_ 7’4 *34 Carolina (1.30) _ 25 281 3 Cltv of N Y 1 1.20) _ _ 4 27 34 Conn Gen Lif < SO; __ :p. 4 .37 34 Contin Cas <1.20). _ 2? •’!> F:d A: Drp (4‘ __ J27 Frank Fire <la> __ 2034 ;u% Gen Roinsur »2> 42’4 44' Glen Falls (l.»;0i__ . 41 i 4.31a Globe A: Rep <>0)_ _ 2" °*m9 Globe A Rut _ 1 • .,5 Grfat Amer (la» _ 273i Hanover 1 1 On. _ . . . , ;;.v, Hartford Tire .2) . . _ _ » ; , t,H34 Home Fire Src _ 43. * Home Ins < 1 a)__ .35 .3? Homestead < | * __ 17 '■ 2 jp Knickerbocker (80> __ 17 jr>4 Lincoln Fire _ __ 4' j 5>a Maryland Ca _ 012 7 >a Mass Bond <:p,) _ . 5k’3 rti»a Natl Fire (2) ___ ftrt*4 8234 Natl Liberty <20> . _ s34 ini4 New Hampshire (1.80) 44*4 4034 N Y Fire (>mr). . _ 21 2.3Vj Nor River « 1 > ___ 25:2 27 Phoenix (2a > __. __ 85 S3 Prov Wash 11) _ .34 .38 Revere iP) In <1.30)_ 26*4 2H34 R a Ins (.60a)_ i"34 12 V4 St Paul fire <8»_2<)4 2"3 Spnnefield (4’aa) _113 122 Sun Life (.3?4g) _87 5 725 Travelers (18) _ 472 482 U S Fire <2> _ 51*4 63*4 Westchester (1.20a)_ _ 33’4 35U a—Also extra or extras. k—Declared or paid so far this year. --m-- - — SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barr.ey & Co ) Bid. offer. Am. Tel. A Tel. 5'js 194.”. ir.”( lid Auburn Auto Co. 4’,s 1939 88 ?H'i California Packing 5s 1949 104s, 105 Caro.. Chfleld A O. 5s 1938 ltl.'tlj 194'2 Chesa. A Ohio Ry. os 1939 1(1? lo?>2 Edls. El Ilium. 4s 1939 JII.'Uj 194", Gen. Pub Scrv. ,Vas 1939._ 192 192’, C.r, Rap. A Ind. 4',s 1941 198’, Houston Oil 5'2S 1949__ 192 192', Inti. Mer. Marine Hs 1941 78’, 81 Itltl T AT. t'js 1939 81 ', 82 Laclede Gas Light 5s 19.39 90’, 92 Lehigh Valley Coal Hs 1938 99 99’, I. ehigh Val. T. Ry. 5s 1941 197’, Long Island Gen 4s 1938 192', 103 Louis. A Nash R.R. 4s 1940 loti', lOH’i Michigan Central 4s 1940 .194 105'a Midland of N J. 5s 1949 . 89 73’, Milne. A North 4'aS 1939 99 98', N Y . C A S. L. 8’- n;s 1 938 199 199', New York Dock 5s 1938 ... 01 H4’« N. Y. Sus. A West. 5s 1940 45 N. Y. Tel Co. 4 ’ js 1939.. 107', lo7s« Pacific of Missouri 4s 1938 100 100’, Penn-Dixie Cement 8s 1941 99s, 199 Penna R. R. Co. 4s 1943 19? KIT7, Rio Grande West. 4s 1939 73 74 So Bell T. A T. 5s 1941 105’, 105'a Tr R R Assn StL 4'as 1939 198', 197' Vanadium Corp. 5s 1941 104 108 Vertlentes Sugar 7s 1942 28', 28’i Wabash Rwy Co. 5s 1939 9o'2 91'.a Warner Bros. 8s 1939 94 95 West. N. Y. A- Pa. 4s 1943 197'2 198', Western Union Tel. 5s 1938 102’a 103’e ■--# CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 4 UP).—(United States Department of Agriculture.)—Hogs. 18.009. including 5.090 direct: market steady to 10 lower than Monday's average; top. 10.35 paid frequently: good and choice. 200-309 pounds, mostly 10.15-30: 150-190 pounds. 9.75-19.25: bulk good 350-550 pounds, packing sows. 9.60-80. Cattle. 8.900: calves. 3,500: steer market very dull bidding weak to 25 lower, es pecially on light steers and long yearlings grading medium to good: few loads strictly good medium-weight and weighty offerings and choice light steers steady, but rank and file unsold, with both local and outside buyers bearish: best light steers early 15 10: few loads 13.00-14.25: some held well above 15.09. but general crop 9.75 II. 25: leeders fairly active: cows very scarce, strong: cutters. 8.99 down to 4 25. according to weight and condition: light weight fed heifers steady: best. 11.00: bulls steady at 7.90 down; vealers strong to 25 higher at 9.00-10.00 mostly; selects 10.50 Sheep 5,000. including 2.800 direct slaughter classes mostly steady, quality considered- bulk wooled lambs. 1185 12.00: bulk choice clipped lambs. 10.25; two doubles merely good 77-pound Cali fornia Springers. 11.50; scattered wooled ewes. 0.00-50. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. May 4 (/P.—Foreign ex change easy: Great Britain in dollars, oth ers in cents. Great Britain demand. 4 !in: cables. 4.0;^: fiO-day bills. 4.02’2; France, demand. 4 40sg: cables. 4.49?*; Italy demand rabies. 5.20*4. Demands—Belgium. Hi.89: Germany, free 40 211L»: registered. 10.80; travel. ‘2.’?.45; Holland. 54.88: Norway. *24.81; Sweden. 25.40: Denmark. ‘2*2.05: Finland. 2.1!* Switzerland 22.HO: Spain, unquoted: Portugal 4 40,2: Greece. .01: Poland, is 08; Czechoslovakia. ,'140: Yugoslavia. *2.:t4: Austria. I8.72n: Hungary. 10.80; Rumania. .75 Argentina. ,'i2.00n: Brazil, 8.80* 4ii: Tokio. 28.80: Shanehai. 20.05: Honekong 00.72: Mexico City. 27.85: Montreal in New York. J00.1S34: New York In Montreal. 99.81 V4. n—Nominal. -• REGISTER SALES SOAR. NEW YORK. May 4 (/P).—April sales of National Cash Register Co. totaled $2,541,500, compared with $1,561,800 in April, 1936, an increase of 62.7 per cent. f General Motors Orders Dividend Of SI on Common By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 4 —Directors of General Motors Corp declared a divi dend of $1 on the common stock, pay able June 12 to stock of record at the close of business May 15. This compares with a dividend of 25 cents a share paid March 12 of this year and a dividend of 50 cents a share and an extra of 75 cents June 12. The directors also declared the reg ular quarterly dividend of 11.25 a share on the $5 preferred stock, pay able August 2 to stockholders of record July 6. The corporation paid a total of dividends of S4.50 in 1936. NEW YORK COTTON Ey the Associated Pres'. NEW YORK. May 4 —Cotton ral lied in light trading today, promoted by more favorable reports from for eign financial centers, rallies in stocks and wheat and on small trade, local and Wail Street, buying. July sold up from 13.02 to 13 13 and in midaUernoon sold at 3 08. when prices showed net adiances of 6 to li points Futures closed iteady 5 to 11 higher He) Low Close. May o i July . __ l.tin uni : 3.05-01; October __12 pt» it: tk : ■: sr.-«4 n<*rrmb»r . !•:>*' ; : ?♦> ' : *-• *-S l January 1 :*i r: sm ic 83 March « ? 01 ; : M 1'.*> Spot s’eariy: middlinc 13 55. Cottonseed Oil. B>achab> cottonse^a o.. future closed steady. 3 to 5 hlghe: Sales 104 con tracts Including •' switches Mav. 1" "3-111 July 1 • i.0*; September lu.15 1T: October, lo.oj; December. :» :*ib. b—Bid. New Orleans Prices NEW ORLEANS. May 4 -? —Cotton f - tires opined slightly higher toda\ main/-* on better Liverpool cables Initial trade showed gain* of C to 3 point' on active position, with July selling af H2.H1. Octo ber. lu.lti. December 112.8-1: January. 1° ^6 and March. 13 Sf>. or C to 3 points over the previous close Notices for pi. additional Coo bales of May contracts were issued today, bringing the total in the b.s ring here to approxi mately li.non bales The May auction was a little easier m early trading sliding off to i C 85. or 3 point .'.r' d Buying persisted in small volume after the star- and in the absence of any sell ing presume active positions showed net earn of i. to 1* points toward the end of the first half hour Cottonseed oil opened steady Mav. n 3nb July 0 4bb September. f> 5bh Octo ber ;» 46b; December, p 38. b—Bid. -• SPECIAL DIVIDEND VOTED. NEW YORK. May 4 HP).—Vick Chemical Co., producers of proprietary medicines, announced a special divi dend of $1.80 cents a share on cap ital stock for the fiscal year ending June 30. In addition directors de clared an extra 10 cents a share and a regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents. All are payable June 1 to holders of record May 15. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO May 4 (^..—Poultry. live, ene car. 36 trucks, easy: hens, over 5 pounds. 17*2. 5 pounds and less. 1712 Leghorn hens. 14j2: fryers, colored 33 White Rock. 34: Plymouth Rock 35: broilers colored. 33: Plymouth and White Rock. 34. hare backs. 10-31: Leghorn. 30: roosters. 13‘j: 1 Leghorn roosters. 11*2: turkeys, hens. 17. ! toms. 10- No. 3 turkeys 15: ducks, 412 ; pounds ud. while and colored. 1(5 small ! white and colored. 14 ceese 11. SJpring^ : colored 34; White Rock. 3412: Plymouth Rock. 30. Butter 10.000- weak' creamery, specials ! '03 score1. 3012-31 . extras *03>. 30 extra firsts <00-01 > 3M12-34: firsts *88-80' •>'2-30; standards <00. centralized car lots'. 3o Ecgs 35 008: weak extra firsts local. 30*4 cars. 30>_; fresh graded firsts local. 10’4 cars. 30: current receipts 1S'2 storage packed extras. 3134. storage packed firsts. 31 >2 Potatoes. 30: on track 157: total IT B shipments. 300: old stock steady, supplies light demand light: sacked per hundred weigh' Idaho Russet Burbanks U. S No. 1 3.50-85: U. S No 3. practically free from cuts and clipped ends. 3.40: Maine Green Mountains. U S No 1. 3 30-35; U. S. commercial 3.00-10: Minnesota Early Chios. U S No 1 and partly graded. 3.50: Wisconsin Round Whites. U. S com mercial. 1 .80: Michigan Russet Rurals. U. 8 No. 1. 3.07!? New stock firm strong undertone supplies very light, demand light: track sales, per hundredweight. Ala bama Bliss Triumphs U S. No 1. 3 85: less than rarlot*- per hundredweich- Cali f fornia White Rose. U. S. No. I. 4.00. -• BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. May 4 upi 'United States Dc nartment of Agriculture'.—The wool mar ket continued quiet today with mill buy ers showing little interest in domestic wools offered An occasional sale of fine Ohio and similar fleeces was reported at 43 cents in the grease for wools shrinking around 63 to 03 per cent. Country packed three-eighths and quar ter blood Ohio and similar fleeces were offered in carload lots at 45 cents grease basis. -• FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. May 4 (/Fu—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended May 1 include: Wk. May 1. Prev.Wk. Yr.Ago. Atchison _ 30.550 30.301 25,031 B. A O _ 52.227 52.713 45.885 Rock Island _ 25.018 25.170 22.086 St. Paul _ 28.248 28.083 20.570 Chi. A N. W_20.435 20.265 25.514 M.-K.-T 7.857 7.697 7 532 Southern Pac_38.656 38.055 34.027 Wabash _ 14 435 14.310 13.731 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. May 4 6Pi.—Live poul try Fowls Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 21-22: mixed colors. 20-21: cross breeds, fancy large. 24-25: turkeys fancy hens. 18. Dressed Douliry: Fowls. 18-24: old roos ters drv Dirked. I.3V2-I6 Butter—Top grades. 3234a36,2: 02. 32a 32‘a; 01. 32>2: 90, 31; 89. 30»2: 88. 30. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. May 4 (/Ft.—Copper steady, electrolytic spot and future. 14.on: ex port. 14.45. Tin easy; spot and nearbv. 56.00-5ti.12Va: future. 55.621a-75. Lead steady; spot New York. 6.00-6.05: East St. Louis. 5.85. Zinc steady East St. Louti spot and future. 6.75. Iron, alumir um, antimony, quicksilver, platinum and Wol framite unchanged. -• MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, May 4 (.Pi,—Call money steady: 1 per cent all day: prime com mercial paper, 1 per cent: time loans steady. 60-90 days, l'i: 4-6 months, l'j per cent: bankers' acceptances unchanged, redlicount rate. New York Reserve Bank. I1, xr cant. B. & 0. LOADINGS HOLD WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, May 4.—Carload;: gs on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad lor the month of April, 1937. totaled 221.805. comprising 143.293 cars loaded on line and 78.512 received from con nections. This was an increase of 31.355 cars over the month of April. 1936, when the total was 190.450, con sisting of 125.153 cars loaed on line and 65,297 received from connections For the previous month of March. 1937, the total was 246,036. For the week ended May l, 1937, total loads were 52.227. This was increase of 6.342 cars loaded over the same week of last year, when the total was 45, 885. During the previous week ithe week ended April 24, 1937; the total was 52,713. CONSTRUCTION SOARS IN FOOD INDUSTRIES Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, May 4— Awards for construction in the food industries during April. 1937. totaled $3,495,000, as compared with SI.641.000 for April. 1936. Food Industries reports in its May issue For April. 1937. beverage^ led In awards with $1,675,090 and canning and preserving were second with $235. 000. In irending protects, the total for the month was $6,610,000. Milk products led with $2 250,000, grain mill products se"ond. with $1 590.000. Total awards for construction in 1937 thus far. $12,601,000. FOREIGN BONDS MEET SETBACKS IN MONTH Special Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK, May 4.—Foreign dollar I bonds declined 0.17 per cent during April, according to the Foreign Bond Association, Inc. Index of 50 reprc 1 sentative issues, which stood at 58 43 i on April 30 compared with 58.50 on March 31. The 36 South American issues in the Index declined 0.52 per cent and the 29 European issues 0.27 per cent The 5 Australasion issues rose 0.75 per cent. Sperry Corp.—Subsidiary, Sperry .Gyroscope Co.. Inc. received a con i tract to furnish searchlights to War i Department at cost of $1,119,720. EASES FURTHER Fertilizer Association Finds Average at 87.5, Against 87.7 Week Ago. The general level of wholesale com modity prices was again lower in the week ended May 1, according to the index compiled by *he National Fer tilizer Association. This index last week was 87.5, com pared with 87 7 in the preceding week, 88.7 four weeks ago and 76 1 a year ago, based on the 1926-1928 average as 100. The index is now 1,4 per cent under the level reached before the decline began a month ago. It is still 4 1 per cent above the first week of the year. With the except on of foods and building materials, all of the changes in tlie group indexes during th" week were downward. A moderate advance was registered by the food price index, following declines in each of th" five preceding weeks. Higher lumber quo tations were responsible for the rise in the building material index, which was at a new high point for the re covery period. Farm product prices were again generalv lower, with the group index declining to the lowest point recorded since last February. During the past four weeks most of the rise in the price of cotton, which occurred from the firs* of the year until April, has been lost. Further recession ir. the textile price index took place last week, due largely to lower prices for cotton, cot ton yarns and silk. Continued weak ness in s*eel scrap and non-ferrous metal' was responsible for another | downturn in the metal index. -• NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. May 4 I —Raw ^ug*r was facy and uncnanged ear today at 3 •»<* loi spots with no e reported. Amo* from a iitt.* ** the 1 opening luture.s were genera»;v steadier ! ear'.v Today o.-. men a* * . co- *r.rg and i nneved Hade and outside buying encour ' aged by favorable reports from the London ; confer?’.'ce. The No 4 contract rpcr.rd 1 point lower ) to J higher, but recovered the partia* rt« i ^ct!o:r and ar m:ddav **>. ] . po.r.:^ r.*t hicner a*; July advanced from 1.15 to 1 17 . and September from 1.1b o 1 In ‘he No n contract July sold at 50 • i Sep* • ’ember from h 5 > to - 51. cr unchanged to j I point j et higher Refined ^a-. unchan-Ti at i for fins .... REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and Q SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE 0I8TBICT 0.192 Properly Management E OFFER owners of apart ment house and residen tial properties the complete, ex perienced service of our Prop erty Management Department. The fee is a very nominal one. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat l 2100 M o r t fi a g r L o a n s For Investors Who Buy Out of Income Because such investments are usually in small amounts, the price of the securities to be purchased is important, and low or moderately priced stocks may be the mo** suitable. Several hundred activestockslistedontheNew York Stock Exchange are arranged by price brackets, and classified as to industry, with useful data on earn ings in a new booklet — "Price Groups.” A copy will be sent upon request to accredited individuals. FENNER & BEANE Members KeuYerk Stack Exchange and ether leading Exchanges Southern HIdg., 15th and H Sts. N.W. National 7000. | QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKING J 111 ii LOAN is a contract between the bank and the borrower. If it is not repaid when due, the contract is broken. Ability to repay is the best proof that the loan is good. There are, however, circumstances which sometimes justify renewal. But bankers know from experience that the longer a loan is car ried the weaker it usually gets. Bank exam iners are, in fact, very critical of a loan which does not turn over at least once a year. Prompt repayment is also better for the borrower— for it strengthens his credit. A bank cannot tic up its tunas tor long periods because most of its deposits are subject to withdrawal on demand. Furthermore, bank credit is for the use of the whole com munity and regular repayments are necessary for making fresh loans. McL,achlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation \ Booklets covenna this series may be had upon request.]