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fc_—■ - ■ Plans Made For Museum In Capital Mrs. Davis Hostess To Art Lovers Yesterday. ESTERDAY afternoon In the Ideal setting of the very beauti ful residence of Mrs. Dwight F. Davis, on Foxhall road, a distinguished group of persons learned of the plans for the Washington branch of the Museum of Modem Art which will open in Washington next Autumn. The gallery will be located In the Metropolitan Club Building, wdth an entrance on Seven teenth street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Harriman & Keech. Mr. A. Conger Goodyear, president of the Museum of Modem Art, in New York, came down to speak, and told most Interesting details of the plans on foot. The museum located at 11 West Fifty-third street in New York City was organized in 1929, and next year will be moved into a new build ing. So far some 30 cities throughout the United States have become or ganized with branch galleries. Receiving the guests yesterday with Mrs. Davis was Mrs. George Angus Garrett who is assisting in the organ! ration of the Washington Gallery. Tea was served on the terrace prior to the talk and a lovlier sight could not be Imagined. Growing along the edge of the stone terrace is a pro fusion of tulips and beyond the fresh green lawn leads to a wood which gives the impression that one is far, far away from the busy city. mnong uie Kuwis eiicuumfieu writ Cannon and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell Minnigerode of the Corcoran Gallery of Art; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Phillips who were accompanied by Mr. C. Law Watkins; Capt. and Mrs. John Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Langhorne, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Casper Miller, Mrs. Dean Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lammot Belin, Mr. and Mrs. David Edward Finley who arrived with Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge, jr., and Miss Anne Eustls; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lincoln O’Brien, Mrs. Thomas Bell Bweeney, Mrs. Philip O. Coffin, Mrs. James Clement Dunn. Mrs. Frank C. Letts, Mrs. Lee P. Warren. Miss Mabel Boardman, Mrs. Winthrop Chanler, Mrs. Henry L. Roosevelt, Mrs. E. G. H. Slater, Miss Mary Sheridan, Mrs. GlfTord Pinchot, Mr. Thomas Wilson, Mr. Henry La Farge, Mr. Frederick H. Brooke, Mr. Charles Moore, chair man of the Commission of Fine Arts; Mrs. Richard Oulahan, Mrs. James W. Wadswwth, Miss Josephine Patten, Mrs. Nathan C. Wyeth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moulton of Brookings In stitute; Mrs. William Mason Wright, Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Mrs. Edward R. Finkenstaedt. Princess Leonide Our usoff, Mrs. Emory Scott Land, Mrs. Edwin M. Watson and Mr. William Brewster. Mr. Goodyear explained that prog res* and originality are qualifications required for exhibits In the Museum of Modem Art, and when the pres ent permanent exhibition ceases to fill these two requirements it will be discarded. Washington is looking forward to the gallery, and the en thusiasm shown at yesterday’s tea must have been most gratifying to Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Garrett. Also present was Mrs. Cornelius N. Bliss of New York, who returned today after spending several days with Mrs. Davis. Mr. Davis’ two daughters, the Misses Cynthia and Helen Davis, as sisted in serving tea. SHOES Four More Days of Clearance Many of the shoes ore as low at half price. Lots of styles, but many sizes are misting. And the widths are mostly narrow. Black and Brown Straps and Oxfords *3.85 All Saleg Final It your site Is here, you’ll ret “the Bargain of Bargains” EDMONSTON’S 612 13 th St. Engagement Announced MISS DOROTHY VIZE, whose engagement to Ensign Herman J. Mecklenburg was an nounced Sunday afternoon at a tea given by her mother, Mrs. Frances W. Vize, in her apartment at 3321 Sixteenth street. Ensign Mecklenburg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Mecklenburg of San Diego, Calif. After the wedding Mr. Meck lenburg and his bride will make their home in Pensacola, Fla. Miss Vize is the daughter of Mr. Percy Vize.—Harris-Ewing Photo. Annual Garden Party Will Benefit Convent The annual garden party for the benefit of .the Convent of Perpetual Adoration will take place Monday, May 17, in the garden of the convent at 1419 V street. Although the president of the Board of Lady Managers, Mrs. Daniel C. Stapleton, is not in Washington for this year's party, an able corps of assistants will make arrangements. They include Senora de Alfaro, vice president; Mrs. William P. Knoblock and Mrs. John Galen Carter, secre taries of the board, and honorary members. Countess Van der Straten Ponthoz, Senora Lopez and Miss Janet Richards. An additional attraction to the usual gay booths, this year the party will offer a fashion show. “Fashions of Long Ago,” displaying gowns from many yesterdays. Colonial times, the mid-Victorian era, the very gay 90s and the late and dreadful 20s. Miss King Observes Anniversary Today Miss Cecelia King is the guest of honor at a surprise today to celebrate her 90th anniversary. The party is being given In Baltimore by Mrs. Frank Kahn, who is a frequent visitor in Washington. Miss King motored to Baltimore today with Dr. Joseph A. Murphy of the Public Health Service and Mrs. Murphy, who is a cousin of Miss King. Mrs. Edwin Rowland and Mrs. William Reaney are among others from Washington who have gone for the party. SERVING WASHINGTON OVER HALF A CENTURY Clearance SALE of Floor Samples Chairs and Sofas at Generous Reductions MANY Lovely Sofas and Chairs, covered in rich and durable materials, all of HENDERSON'S specified construction, which means: White Down in the cushions and Black Horse Hair Filling—are offered at generous reductions in this SALE. Come In Tomorrow If You Wish To Avail Your self of This Opportunity To Purchase Furniture of Henderson's Quality at Prices Asked for the Or dinary Kind. James B. Henderson —--- 1108 G Street N.W. - FINE FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATING $22.75? No. $19.95? No, no! $16.95? Of course not! These were the original prices! When HARRIS has a SALE—it means SAVINGS. And every• one of these dresses is from our own stock—not manufacturers’ "mistakes.” SPRING DRESSES Spring is still young! Most of the year's best spring days still lie ahead. That's why this sale of spring dresses you can wear into summer is outstanding. Prints! Sheers! Some with capes, some with jackets! Redingotes, too! Navy, Beige, Grey, St. James Blue, Rose and Black. Juniors', Misses' and Women's. LEST YOU FORGET HALF-PRICE SALE COATS and SUITS is still going strong. But hurry. t Commerce Secretary And Mrs. Roper Hosts at Dinner 'J'HE Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Daniel C. Roper entertained at dinner last evening at the May flower. Their guests included the Am bassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Mme. Troy anovsky, the Ambassador of Japan and Mme. Saito, the Minister of Switzer land and Mme. Peter, the Minister of the Irish Free State Mr. Michael Mac White, the Minister of Denmark Mr. Otto Wadsted, the Canadian Minister and Lady Marler, Senator and Mis. Morris Sheppard, Senator and Mrs. Charles L. McNary, Senator Arthur Capper, Senator Theodore F. Green, Mrs. Mary T. Norton, Representative J. Walter Lambeth, Admiral and Mrs. William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral and Mrs. David F. Sellers, MaJ. Gen. and Mrs. Oscar Westover, MaJ. Gen. and Mrs. Frederick W. Coleman, the First Assistant Postmaster General and Mrs. William W. Howes, Mr. J. F. T. O’Connor, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Charles Edison, the Assistant Secretary of the Interior Mr. Oscar Chapman, Mrs. Ernest G. Draper, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. J. Monroe Johnson. Col. and Mrs. James Roosevelt, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Averill Harrlman of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Barron Collier of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Everett Hughes of West Orange. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran Thom, Mr. and Mrs. Gould Lincoln, Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Mrs. J. Bordon Harri man, Mrs. Mabel Walker Wlllebrandt, Mrs. James M. Helm. Mrs. Rushmore Patterson, Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gates, Dr. Sterling Ruffin, Mrs. John Allan Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Roper and Dr. Henry F. Grady. Dinner was served in the Chinese room of the hotel following reception of the guests In the Pan-American room. Table decorations were made up entirely of Hollywood roses, a deep red shade, and white lilies. Music was furnished throughout the evening by a section of the Navy Band playing in the promenade Just outside the Chi nese room. STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING FOR EVERY OCCASION MR. FOSTER'S REMEMBRANCE SHOP 606 13th St. N.W. NAtionol 5390 Benefit Card Party. Among the patrons and patronesses of the Spring card party to e given tomorrow for the benefit of the Shrine of the Sacred Heart are the Ambas sador of Brazil and Mme. Aranha, the Ambassador of Cuba, Dr. Pedro Martinez Fraga; the Ambassador of Poland, Dr. George Potockl; the Am bassador of Italy, Signor Fulvio Su vich; the Ambassador of France and Mme. Bonnet, the Minister of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Andres Pas toriza; the Minister of Venezuela, Dr. Diogenes Escallante; the Minister of “12” Distinct Service! tor Tour Fur Coat; FOR ONLY * R .75 SLellned (with our new linings). Rips Sewed. Renew Worn Loops, New Fur Button. New Crocheted Button, Demothed. Extra Yokes. Extra Shields, Glaxed. Steamed. Stored (In our Cold Storage Vault), Call and Delivery Service. 1SADOR MILLER Manufacturing furrier SOB 11th St. N.W. NAtl. 0628 Bet. H A I Nicaragua, Dr. Carlo* Bren** Jar quen; th« Minister of Haiti, Dr. Elie Nescot; Mme. Lupita C. de Castro Beeche, the commissioner of the Phil ippine Islands, Dr. Quenten Parades; the Right Rev. Msgr. P. C. Gavan, the Rev. Mlchae’ W. Hyle, the Rev. John A. Dunn, the Rev. John S. Spence, the Rev. Lawrence A. Wempe, Judge John P. McMahan, Judge Ellen R. Ready, United States Marshal John B. Colpoys. Medical Society Auxiliary Lunch The Woman's Auxiliary of the Dis trict of Columbia Medical Society, of which Mrs. J. Lawn Thompson is president, will give a luncheon tomor row at the Congressional Country Club in honor of the wives of the delegate* to the scientific assembly of the society which is being held this week. Mrs. Carl Burbank is in charge of transportation. Corrective Garments—Expertly Fitted BY MRS. C. L. EDWARDS Who la In charge of our Women’s Corset and Personal Hygiene Dept. Trusses ... Elastic Hosiery Corsets, Etc. Special Attention Given to Maternity Catee • Wheel Chaire and Fracture Bede for Sale or Rent 1 BEUCHLER’S Phyeiciant' and Hotpital Suppliee 1325 Conn. Ave. POt. 5300 BUY YOUR- FUR COAT NOW! YOU CAN ACTUALLY SAVE AS % MUCH AS $129 ON ONE COAT! M TOMORROW AT 10 A.M. With Fur Prices Going Up and UP .. *195 FURS \ *179 FURSY *159 FURS i *139 FURS i *99 FURS 1 *89 FURS - Remember—fur prices HAVE gone up, and ARE GOING HIGHER! It would be well nigh impossible to replace these coats later at this price. Remember—these are brand-new coats, the styles you’ll see NEXT year! Re member—it’s a wise shopper who buys her fur coat NOW with an eye on the FUTURE! Remember—the sale begins at 10 o’clock tomorrow, and we urge you emphatically to be here early—this event is TOO GOOD TO MISS! (tin n^\A/kl —bolance in convenient monthly pay $10 UUWIN menti. No carrying charge. Free Fur Storage until FALL! A Partial hist of What the Early Shopper Will Get: Silveri-one Muskrat Swagger-$195 Value Sleek Black Kidskin Swagger- $9 Value Natural Grey Squirrel.195 Value Kaffa Kidskin Swagger.159 Value Black Pony, Pointed Fox Collar - - 195 Value Krimmer-Dyed Caracul Swagger 99 Value Mendoza Beaver-Dyed Coney - - 179 Value Premier Bonded Seal-Dyed Coney 139 Value Black Caracul, Fitted or Swagger 179 Value Raccoon, Full Length Swagger - - 195 Value Blocked Lapin-Dyed Coney - - - 89 Value ... . ... _ a TC 0re one 0 ^'nd somP*es- S'zcs *or m'sses MANY COAT5 and women. Be sure to see our window dis play tonight! BROOKS—FUR SALON—SECOND FLOOR.