Newspaper Page Text
2£trt!|. MARSHALL. Mr. and Mrs. Jacouelin A. Marshall announce the birth of a daugh ter. FRANCES COURTENAY, on May 4. 1037. at Columbia Hospital. • Carta of Cljanka. BALL. JULIA KING. We do gratefully acknowledge and appreciate eyery ®x: pression of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes sent during the illness and at the passing of our beloved friend. MLS. JULIA K HALL. MISS ALICE DOUGLASS AND MRS. MAMIE ADAMS. SMITH. MARY. The family of the late MARY SMITH wish to thank Rev. J. K Marshall, the officers and members of the Florida Avenue Baptist. Church, rel 6fives and the many friends for the eautiful floral tributes and kind ex pressions of sympathy during their sorrow and bereavement._. THE FAMILY. • Uralljfl. ALLEN, JAMES. On Saturday, May 1, 3 037. ai Casualty Hospital. JAMES ALLEN, devoted husband of Rebecca Allen, loving father of George and James Allen, son of Mrs. Nancy Allen. He also leaves five brothers. Wallace. Benjamin. John. Isaiah and Milton Allen: one sister. Mrs. Tulip Jones; other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. where funeral services will be held on Thursday. May H. at. 1 p.m. Interment in Harmony Cemetery. A&HFORD. MARGARET E. On Tuesday. May 4. 1037. at Canton. Ohio. MAR GARET E. ASHFORD <nee Hess), be loved wife of Joseph H. Ashford and daughter of the late Robert C. Hess of Washington, D C. Interment Shep herdstown. W. Va.. Friday. May 7. at 11 a.m. 6 BENSON. HARRISON. On Monday. May 3. 1037. at Freedmen's Hospital. HAR RISON BENSON. He leaves a devoted wife. Mrs. Ednar Benson, onp daughter, two sons and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains restinc at Wil liam T. <fc Ruth B Tolberts funeral home 1308 Hth st. n.w. Funeral Thurs day May 0. at 2 p.m.. from above named funeral home. Interment m Payne's Cemetery. BOWMAN. BERTHA. Suddenly, on Sun day. May 2. 1037. at her residence. 1320 You st n.w BERTHA BOWMAN, de voted daughter of Solomon and Alice Bowman sister of Mary Williams and Jasper Bowman. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w . until Wednesday. May .5. at 6 p.m. Interment Columbia. S. C. 5 BROWN. FLORENCE E. On Tuesday. Mav 4. 1037. FLORENCE E. BROWN the beloved mother of Mrs Evelyn Bryant. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home ft 17 11th st 5 on Friday. May 7 at 2 P.m. Rela tives and friends are invited. Inter ment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. b CARTER. REV. ROY. Departed this life on Saturday. May 1. 1037. at 3:30 pm. at Norfolk. Va Rev. ROY CAR TER devoted husband of Beatrice Carter, father of George. Wilmer. Al fred and Aronzo Carter: nephew of Alma Carter, stepfather of Robert Ham ilton. Julia Anderson and Mamie Par ker. Other relatives and friends also survive Remains will rest at his late residence. 1*47 Vernon st. n.w.. from rt pm Tuesday to 10 a.m. Wednesday. Body will lie in state at the Friendship Baptist Church 1st and H sts. s.w.. from 11 am to 11 Pin. Wednesday. iSinpral services will be held at the Ver mont Avenue Baptist Church at 12 o'clock noon Thursday Mav u. Casket will not be opened at the church. o CARTER. REV. ROY. All members of the Friendship Baptist Church attend ing the funeral of Rev. ROY CARTER, held from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church at 12 o'clock noon Thursday, will be admitted by ticket. Tickets will be distributed at the Friendship Baptist Church Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8 to 11 D m. f> CASWELL. LILLIAN V On Tuesday May 4 Iii37 at Siblev Hospital LILLIAN V. CASWELL, the beloved wife of Alfred E Caswell. Serwcrs will be held at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. se . on Thursday. May b. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Inter ment Buena Vista. Va.. Sunday. May 3. CORCORAN. EDNA. On Monday May 3. lh-37. at Galiincer Hospital. EDNA COR CORAN She leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Phoebe Tibbs and Florence Brown, and a host of iriends Remains resting at 383 R I ave. n.w. Funeral Friday. May T. at 1 .'W p m from the above-mentioned establishment. G. W. Nicholas officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. DAVIS. RAYMOND. On Tuesday. May 4. 1987 at Freedmen's Hospital RAY MOND DAVIS, husband of Mary Davis, father of Ruth and Marion Davis^ He also leaves three sisters. Mrs. Grace Tavlor Mrs. Gertrude Oden and Mrs. Frances Hill: three brothers. Fred. James and George Davis: other relatives and friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd ana Eye its. a w. Notice of funeral later. H.LIS. ROSE MARIE On Wednesday. Mav ft. 1937. at her residence. 4910 19th st. n.e.. ROSE MARIE ELLIS, bo loved daughter of Clarence T. and Flora Ellis and sister of Betty J and Barbara A. Ellis. Funeral from the above resi dence on Friday May 7. at 5 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 9 HOMAN. EVELYN. Suddenly, on Wednes day. May ft. 1937. at her residence. 1540 Duncan st. n e. EVELYN FOMAN daughter of Mrs. Laura Quander and the late James Quandpr. beloved wife of William Foman mother of Clarence. Thelma. James. Paul and Walter Foman. She also leaves to mourn their loss three sisters, five brothers, one grandson and many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Malvan A: Sc hey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. GIBBS. GIBSON. On Sunday. May 5. 1937. at 11.39 pm. at Freedmen's Hos pital GIBSON GIBBS, devoted husband of Mrs. Marv Agnes Gibbs, father of Mrs. Agnes Boyer. Mrs, Pauline Dean, Ruth Gibbs and Frederick G. Gibbs: brother of Mrs. Liza Thornton. Mrs. Mamie Cobbs. Joseph and William Gibbs. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3S9 R. I ave. n.w. Funeral on Thursday. May 9. at 1 P.m., from Mount Carmel Baptist Church. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. GOLDSMITH. WILLIAM H. On Tuesday May 4 1937. at his residence. 13.91 Perrv pi. n.w-.. WILLIAM H. GOLD SMITH beloved husband of Marv Gold smith and father of Joseph Goldsmith and Henrietta Goldsmith Kornitzer. Funeral services at his late residence on Friday. May 7. at 5 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 8 HAMILTON. JACK B. The Retail Clerks' I P A Local. No 595. announces with regret the death of thfir fellow member. JACK B. HAMILTON, on Thursday. April 59. 1937. Funeral services will be, held at Gawier's funeral chapel Thurs day. May 6. at 8 a.m. Friends lnvvcd. HARDEE. HOBSON DEWEY. Suddenly, on Tuesday. May 4 1937. at his residence. 5609 North 3rd st.. Arlington. \ a . HOBSON DEWEY HARDEF beloved hus band of May G Hardee. Remains rest ing at the Ives funeral home. 584. Wil son blvd . Arlington. Va. Notice of fu neral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. N-i>i NAtional 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment. NAtlon>alPe2892 1009 H St. N W. WILLIAM H. SCOTT 409 8th St. 8.E._Lincoln 0S30 PERCY J. SAFFELL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Announces removal to a new funeral home 475 H ST. N.W Formerly located 733 5th St. N.W AUIIS R. SPEARE 3200 Rhode Island Are. N.E. Succeeding the original. W. R. SPEARE Formerly Conn. Ave. N.W Greenwood 2740._Decatur 6242. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th end Mass. Are N.E. Lincoln S2P0 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Merger) Rhone west onpflOAOA M St N W Established 1841 1V1 IN. TV. ihambm., One of the Largest Undertakers tn the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 S17 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE VAT 01 OB Open Evenings _ . . , _ and Sundays Cor. 14th (7 Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* 1212 F at N.W_National 422B THE PALAIS ROYAL FLORIST SHOP FLORAL SPRAYS. *2 50 upward*. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT Phone DI 4400 PromDt delivery. BURTON’S FLORIST ft™. BLVD Funeral Sprays, $2.50 np HYATTS. 785°"? BBSS,? AT. 0162 CEMETERY LOTS. « SITES CEDAR HILL CEMETERY. PA. ave. entrance, reaeoneble. Lincoln 4027-J. } Drive Against Alcohol as Beverage Also Is Asked. Opposition to legalization of horse race betting in the District and pro tests against liquor and cigarette ad vertising were expressed today in resolutions prepared for introduction before the sixtieth annual meeting of the Columbia Association of Baptist Churches. The meeting opened yesterday In Metropolitan Baptist Church, Sixth and A streets southeast, and will close tonight. The report of the Resolutions Com mittee was signed by Charles B. Aus tin, Gratz E. Dunkum, E. H. De Groot, Jr.; E. Hilton Jackson and Len F. Stevens. One of the resolu tions urged a church and Sunday school educational campaign "setting forth the personal and social evils of beverage alcohol and urging personal commitment to total abstinence.” Dr. Rufus W. Weaver, executive secretary of the association, declared in an address yesterday that the Na tron's Capital, not foreign continents Ocatlja. H^!S,ISAACVin? Tuesday. May 4. 1»M,. ISAAC HARRIS of 1222 Potomac st. n.w Remains resting at Frazier* itineral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. 6 £5£:J? rf* °n Monday May 3. 13.1/. hRED F. JONES, devoted husband of Bettie Jones, father of Frederick A. Jones and Grace Jones Hunter of Bos ton. Mass. He also leaves other rela es and fnends. Remains resting at iTr Eri\esl Jarvis funeral church, i4’*3 Y°u st. n.w. Funeral Thursday. . a>, °* J*1 ? P m . from the above fu church. Rev. Johnson officiating. Relatives and friends invited. 6 ' KtiNDia1£K' .C0,RA M- 0)1 Tuesday. May i- H'.l ■ ■ at the residence of her son. L. K,?ndrl,ck 4414 North Carlyn feprmg road, Arlington. Va.. in the 81st year of her age. CORA M. KENDRICK, beloved mother of William Herbert. ,Vymle,r„and Luther Garland Ken 5*1 lc,a: tjfrs. Lillian E. Johnson and Mrs. 2™- w Harrison. Remains resting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Robert E Johnson, olrt North Irving st.. Arlington. ■r2iherS fuIV.ral services will be held on Thursday. May li. at 2 p.m. Inter ment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. ! LArfT5' £vs-., Depantd 'his life on Mon 1 r-'tic U1'1, after a brief illness. GUS LAWS Remains resting at Eugene Ford s funeral home 1 .'10(1 South CaDitoi al, -where funeral services will be held Monday. May 1(1. at 2 p.m. In'erment Rosemont Cemetery. i DAVID W. On Sunday. Mav 2. JJ.x. at 6:06 a.m . DAVID W. LOWE son of the late James B and Mary Lowe, devoted husband of Mrs. Murl E. i We.w He .al5° Ieaves to mourn their loss three brpthers. James B Edward t and Cornelius Lowe; a mother-in-law. Mrs. Susan Hunter, and a host of other relative.-, and friends. Remains resting at Morrows funeral home. 1326 V st n.w. Funeral Thursday. May 6. at 1 P m.. from the above-named funeral homp. Rev. G L. Davis officiating. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 5 MAHANEl, ROWLAND B. On Sunday. May 2. 1937 at his residence. 3 4 14 v!*S^n slv Hon- ROWLAND B MA HANE\ Funeral from the above resi dence on Thursday. Mav 6. at 3 d m Relatives and friends invited. In'er ment Concessional Cemetery. 5 MARTTN. SADIE A. (NEE DILLON). On Tuesday May 4. 1937. at her residence 3<>r> Allison st. n.w. SADIE A . beloved 'Mfe of Herbert R Martin and sister of Mr.s. M. Cleaves and Mrs. Charles W. Gill Funeral from her late residence an Friday May 7 at 9 am Requiem j mass at St. Gabriel’s Church at 9:30 a,m. Relatives and friends irvited to attend. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. ft MrDANlEL. LILLIAN MAY. On Tuesdav. Mav 4 1937 at her residence. 1220 Peasant st. s.e.. LILLIAN MAY MC DANIEL inee Sweeney), beloved wife of Charles J. McDaniel. Funeral from the above residence on Fridav. Mav 7 at 1;30 mm. Services at Emanuel Eois coDal Church. 13th and V sts. s.e.. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 6 MeNAMARA. MARTIN FRANCIS. On Tues day May 4. 1937. at 11:30 a.m.. at his residence. 37 Michigan ave. n.e.. MAR TIN FRANCIS MeNAMARA. beloved hus band of Maria A McNamara (nee Mahroney). father of Agnes C. Thomas A.. Winifred F. and Celia M. McNamara. Funeral will be held from the above resi dence on Friday. May 7. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Marlin’s Church at 10 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. ft MIRPHY. CHARLES F. On Wednesday Mav 5_1937. at Casualty Hospital. CHARLES E. MURPHY beloved father of James E. Murphy. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Fri day Mav 7. at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Notice of interment later. NANCE. DAISY. On Tuesday. Mar 4. 19.37. after a brief illness at Freed man's Hospital. DAISY NANCE, the be loved wife of Fletcher Nance of 1235 5th st. n.w.. mother of Lillian Sulli van Also surviving are four brothers, three grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S Washington A- Sons’ funeral home 467 N st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • O’BRIEN. WILLIAM F. S uddenly, on Wed nesday. May 5. 1937. WILLIAM F.. be loved husband of Irene O'Brien (nee Creveling) and brother of Margaret R. O'Brien. Funeral from .his late resi dence. 1092 4th st. n.e.. on Friday. May 7. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Aloysius Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 6 PRICE. JENNIE HINKLE. On Tuesday. May 4. 1937. JENNIE HINKLE PRICE aged 43 years, wife of Joseph Price and mother of Sandra Fay and June Price and Arnold and Martin Meyers. Fu neral from the chapel of Bernard Dan zansky on Wednesday. May 5. at 3 p.m. Interment Adas Isiael Cemetery. SIMPSON. HARRY C. On Wednesday. May 5. 1937. at his residence, the Sherman Apartments. 15th and L sts n.w.. HARRY C. SIMPSON, beloved husband of Mary A. Simpson and father of Roland C. Simpson and Mrs John M Rftsely of Arlington. Va Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Friday. May 7. at in a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment private. 6 SMITH. ALBERT. On 8unday. May 2. 1937. ALBERT 8MITH of 1531 King man st. n.w., beloved husband of Minnie Smith and father of Ber nice. Milton and Antoinette Smith. He also leaves three brothers. G-eorge. Andrew and Fred Smith and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Malvan As Schey’s funeral home. N. J. ave. *>nd R st. n.w. Fu neral Thursday May (V at 1 p.m.. from above parlors. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. WICKS. BENJAMIN. Or Monday. May 3. 1937. at Freedmen's Hospital. BENJA MIN WICKS devoted husband of Loretta Wicks, devoted stepfather of Clarence. Helen and Kathleen Snowden. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains renting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 143° You st. n.w. Fu neral Fridav. Mav 7. at 2 P.m. from the above funeral church. R-ev. W. D. Jarvis officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 6 in HUmnrtam. BANKS. MAGGIE E. In lovint memory o{ mv devoted daughter. MAGGIE E. BANKS, who departed this life fourteen sears ago today. May 5. 1923. To know her was to love her. HER LONELY MOTHER. * BAYLY. CHESTER. In loving remem brance of CHESTER BAYLY. who de parted this life May 5. 1935. aged 9 years. "I cannot say. I will not say. That he Is dead He Is Just away! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand He has wandered into an unknown land. And left us dreaming, how very fair It needs must be since he lingers there.” MOTHER AND DADDY. ■ LL'SBY. MARVIN ALBERT. A tribute of love to the beautiful memory of my be loved husband MARVIN ALBERT LUSBY. who entered Into eternal rest one year ago today. May 6. 1936. What would I give his hand to clasp. His face once more to see. To hear his voice, to touch his hand As in the days that used to be. 'Tis sweet to think we'll meet again Where partings are r.o more. And that the one I loved so well Has only gone hefore. HIS LOVING WIFE. MINNIE HOWE LUSBY • SCRUGGS. FLORENCE L. In memory of our dear daughter. FLORENCE L SCRUGGS, who departed this life May Twenty-five long years ago today Since our darling oassed away: Still we miss the radiant smile Of our dear, beloved child. MOTHER. • THOMAS. ALFRED L. In sad but loving remembrance of our son ar.d relative. ALFRED L. THOMAS, who departed this life two years ago today. May 5. 1935. You went ir. answer to His call. Two years ago today: We have missed you greatly, dear. Since you were called away. Ood needed another angel. Your face on earth no more we eMI But our love for you will linger Until we are united with thee. MOTHER AND RHLATXVBB. or countries, Is the most strategic mission field In the world. E. B. Shaver, Metropolitan Church, was elected moderator of the associa tion for the coming year. Other of ficers named were Rev. C. Austin, vice moderator; S. G. Nottingham, clerk; Elgin Smith, treasurer, and William N. Janson, assistant clerk. The Social Service Committee’s re port was delivered by Rev. C. Clark, pastor of Chevy Chase Baptist Church. He stressed the need of individual tem perance education, suggesting all pa% tors preach upon some phase of tem perance each quarter. Senator Logan of Kentucky spoke on the need for participation of men in Sunday school activities. The meeting will close tonight with addresses by Dr. Joseph A. Cooper, field representative, Northern Baptist Convention, and Dr. Walter P. Binns, Roanoke, Va. This morning’s session was to be devoted to women's missionary socie ties of the District. Mrs. Edward H. Pruden was to lead the devotions, with Mrs. E. B. Shaver, general missionary secretary, and Mrs. J. M. Rissler mak ing the annual and financial reports, respectively. The main address today was to be delivered by Rev. Francis H. Rose, missionary from the Philippines. D. C. BAR MEMBERS TO HEAR DR. ROGERS A large attendance of the District Bar was expected at a special ses sion of the Georgetown Law School at 5:10 p.m. today to hear Dr. James Grafton Rogers, former Assistant Secretary of State, give an address on legal education. Dr. Rogers came here from Yale University to attend the annual meet ing of the American Institute of Law and was invited to speak at the Georgetown Law School by Henry I. Quinn, president of the District Bar Association. As chairman of the American Bar Association's section of legal educa tion and admissions to the bar. Dr. Rogers will outline what is being done throughout the country to raise the standards of the legal profession. Dr. Rogers was formerly dean of the Law Schools of Denver and Colorado Universities and is now a member of the Yale faculty. HARRY C. SIMPSON, 68, STAR EMPLOYE, IS DEAD Harry C. Simpson, 68, veteran em ploye of The Star, died suddenly last night at his home, 1101 Fifteenth street. Death was believed due to a heart attack or a stroke. Mr. Simpson, a compositor and copy holder, was a native of this city and began work for The Star in Septem ber, 1884. In 1893 he left The Star, returning in 1902. He was a member of Petworth Lodge of Masons and the Artisans. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Mary E. Simpson; a son, Roland C. Simp son. this city; a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Rasely, Arlington, Va„ and a brother, Walter L. Simpson, this city. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 am. Friday in Chambers' fu neral home 1400 Chapin street. Burial will be private. SRA. DE LA GUARDIA DIES Senora Dona Dora I. de la Guardia, 28, wife of the Secretary of the Panama Legation, died yesterday at the, legation after a short illness. Funeral services were held today in St. Matthew's Catholic Church, fol lowed by burial in Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. Senora de la Guardia came to Wash ington about six months ago with her husband, Senor Don Camilo de la Guardia, jr„ who formerly was aide de camp to the President of Panama and secretary to the New York consulate. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Showers to night, probably ending tomorrow morning; slightly cooler tomorrow; gentle to moderate south shifting to north winds. Maryland and Virginia — Showers tonight, probably ending tomorrow morning; slightly cooler in west por tion tonight and in east and central portions tomorrow. West Virginia—Showers and cooler tonight; tomorrow generally fair. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers muddy today. Report for Last 24 Hours. Temperature Barometer Yesterday— Degrees. Inches. ■4 p.m. _ 16 29.98 8 p.m _ 68 29.97 Midnight_ 58 29.95 Today— 4 a.m._ 54 29.89 8 a.m._,_ 59 29.89 Noon _ . _ _ 72 29.83 Record for Last 24 Hours, iFrom noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 77, at 4:20 pm. yesterday. Year ago. 71. Lowest. 53, at 6:30 am. today. Yaar ago 49. Record Temperatures This Year. Highest. 93. on April 18. ■ lowest, 19. on February 28. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today ) Highest. 86 per cent, at 6:10 a.m. today. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today Tomorrow. High_ 3:02 a.m. 4:01a.m. Low _ 9:51am. 10:56 a.m. High _ 3:25 p.m. 4:25 pm. Low __ 10:09 p.m. 11:06 p.m. The Bun and Moon. Rises. 8eti. Sun. today __ 5:06 7:04 8un. tomorrow 5 05 7:05 Moon, todsy _ 1:67a.m. 1:40p.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one-hall hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in Inches In the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1937. Ave. Record. January _ 7.83 3.55 7.83 '37 February _ 3.33 3.27 6.84 '84 March _ 1.50 3.75 8.84 '91 April_ 6.85 3.27 9.13 '89 May _ ___ 3.70 10.69 89 June _ 4.13 10.94 '00 July _ 4.71 10.63 ’86 August _ 4.01 14.41 ’28 September _ — 3.24 17.46 ’34 October _ 2.84 8.57 '85 November_ 2.37 8.69 ’88 December .__ 3.32 7.56 ’01 Weather in Various Cities. Temp. Rain Stations Bare. H’h.Low.fall. Weath’r Abilene. Tex _ 30.00 78 60 _ Clear Albany. N. Y_ 29.84 84 54 Cloudy Atlanta. Ga. __ 29.92 76 66 0.88 Rain Atlantic City . 29.94 70 52 _Cloudy Baltimore. Md. 29.90 76 54 . Cloudy Birmingham 29.86 72 64 2.44 Clear Bismarck. N. D. 30.02 76 46 ___ Cloudy Boston. Mass 29.86 84 16 Cloudy Buffalo. N. Y . 29.82 74 44 0.04 Cloudy Charleston. 8.C. 29,98 72 64 Cloudy WASH.. D. C. _ 29.88 77 63 ___ Clear Births Reported. Arthur and Ruth McKenney. girl. Joseph and Virginta Clements, boy. Malcom and Juanita Shepherd, ar.. boy. Richard and Emma Moore, boy. Burke and Dorothy Walsh boy. Paul and Alice Minor, boy. Charles and Helen Shank, boy. Edward and Elizabeth Taylor, boy. Stalin and Anastasia Collins, girl. Aloyslus and Mary McGowan, girl. John and Eva Blanco, girl. Stephen and Margaret Tuhy. Jr., girl. Michael and Cora Comas, girl* William and Martha Townsend, boy. John and Bertha Beckelman. boy. Thomas and Pauline Sweeney, boy. Joseph and Marie La Placa. boy. William and Florence Howes, boy. Laurence and Abble Scott, boy. Fred and Mary Kosma. girl. Dominic and Concettlna Leppe. girt. Frederick and Annie Frost, girt Fred and Dorothy Lambert, boy. b0T Arthur and Lilly FUlC boy. I Shipping News Arrivals and Departures at New York. ARRIVALS. Today. AMERICAN FARMER— London..7:00 P M AMER. IMPORTER—Liverpool. 8:00 A.M! PRESIDENT MONROE—World Cruise _ ... 8:00 AM SEMINOLE—Jacksonville 7:30 A Ml SOUTHERN CROSS—Buenos Aires - 5:00 P.M. Tomorrow. ACADIA—Norfolk 7:00 P.M. CAI.ARMARKS—Kingston _8:00 A.M. FORT TOWNSEND— Halifax 0:00 A.M. PLATONA—Puerto Corlez_3:30 P.M. PONCE—Puerto Rico .... 8:00A.M. REX—Naples 0:30 A.M. Friday. May 7. ATI.ANTIDA—La Ceiba _ AM IROQUOIS—Miami . — 11:00 A.M. MONARCH OF BERMUDA— Bermuda 0:00 A.M. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND—San Francisco 10:00 AM. ROBT. E. LEE—Norfolk 4:00 P.M. Saturday, May 8. HAMBURG—Hamburg _ . KONIG8TEIN—Antwerp _8:30A.M. SAILING. (Trans-Atlantie.) Today. BEROENsr.lORD—Oslo _1:00 P.M. BLACK HAWK—Rotterdam_ Noon EXMOUTH—Constanza _ Noon Tomorrow. SANDOWN CASTLE—Belra 8:00 A M. Friday. May 7. AMERICAN FARMER—London 4:00 P.M HENRY STANLEY—Lagos 8:00 A.M. Saturday. May 8. AMERICAN IMPORTER—Liver pool Noon AMERICAN TRAVELER—Harve 3:00 P.M. ESTRELLA—Casablanca _ . INNARF—Gothenburg __ LACONIA—Liverpool _11:30 A.M. REX—Genoa Noon SCANMAIL—Leningrad _ Noon SAILING. (South and Central America, West Indies and Canada.) Today. CARACAS—Maracaibo . 3:00 PM. QUEEN OF BERMUDA—Bermu da 3:00 P.M. Tomorrow. COAMO—Ciudad TrutUlo_3:00 PM. PASTORES—Cristcbal _ Noon QUIRIGUA—Port Limon _ Noon YUCATAN—Vera Cruz 4:00 P.M. Friday. May 7. AMOR—St Marc 4:00 PM. LAM HAWKINS—Georgetown s no P M. SANTA LUCIA—Valparaiso Midnight STl'YVESANT—Eparamaribo 4:00 P.M. Saturday. May 8. ATLANTIDA—Le Celba -11:00 AM. BIELA—Ccara __ CALAMARES—Santa Maria . Noon COLUMBIAN-—Sar. Francisco . FORT TOWNSEND—Si John's 11.00 A.M. MONARCH OF BERMUDA—Ber muda 3 00PM PL.ATANO—Puerto Cortez Noon WALTER D. MUNSON—San Juan Noon WESTERN WORLD—Buenos Airea _ Noon Marriage Licenses. Paul L. Galleher 34. 1311 Corbin pi n.e.. and Mary Cooke. 25. J317 Jackson st. n.e. Thomas E. Minehart. 22 2115 C st. and Bernice LonR 22. Vivian Apartments; Rev. J. H Dunham. Howard R Fredette. 38. and Elba M. Fitz patrick. 37. both of Philadelphia. Rev. C. S Briggs Willie B. Liggan, 3d. 23. 525 Tennessee ave. n.e . and Carmela C D’Agostina, . 22. 55 K st.; Rev L. J. Kelly. Lionel A Walford 32. and Mary L. Duff. 31. both of .3021 Cambridge pi . Judge R E Mattingly. James M Smither 28 725 Shepherd st.. and Josephine M Golemeeske. 24. 1515 lHth st ; Rev. E H. Roach George W. Williams. 4'. 1446 V st.. and Hazel W. Brown 43. 810 2oth st.; Rev. J H. Dunham. Henry Wedlock. 23. 1816 12th st.. and Marie E Sims. 20 16 North Carolina ave s.e Rev. L G Troch Oscar C. Forbes. 28. 1717 Willard st.. and Eva L Bailey, 24. 942 R st., Judge R. E. Mattingly. Charles H. Tucker. 71. and Elsie Y. Dunkle. 54. both of Lancaster. Pa.; Rev. E. G B. Pierce Louis R Huber. 29. and Hazel I. Aickin. 29. both of Seattle; Rev. H W. Burgan. Qlenn E Kelso. 26. 1219 L st . and Ar lene W. Browne. 22. 1923 North Capitol st.; Rev. A. F. Poore Leonard T. Ball, 26. 18 New York ave.. and Elizabeth R. Lacewell. 24 Chatta nooga Tenn.; Rev Freeley Rohrer. Philip J. Kiatta. 26. 614 14th st. n e.. and Scandria Salloom. 27. 1330 Mary land ave. n.e : Rev B T. HofBz. John L. Glanville. 23, Catonsville. Md . and Flora M Rogers. 18. Ellicott City, Md.: Judge R. E. Mattingly. Allen R Oakley. 23. and Alice M. Nut tall. 18, both of Richmond; Rev. J. C. Ball. Roy W. Perry. 22. and Mary E Morrison. 22. both of Raphine. Va.; Rev. J. H. Dunham. Ralph W. Harris. 28. and Thelma M. Powell. 31. both of Manassas. Va., Rev. Wiley Westray. James Henry. 35. 728 3d st. s w . and Maggie Fields. 32. 209 F st. s.w . Rev. Wiley Westray. Mike L. Bear. 32 and Hazel M Adkins. 22. both of Boulevard. Va., Rev. J. S. Montgomery. Deaths Reported. Sarah E. Maxwell. 88 2833 27th at. Emma E Richardson, 82. 1303 Maple View pi. s.e Emma Chambliss. 75. 8t. Elizabeth's Hos pital. Anna M. Diaz. 71. 3508 18th st. n.e. Richard Miller. 71. Garfield Hospital. Charles Diedel. 71, 02to 20th st. Samuel T. Johnson. 05. 223 Sheridan at. Walter B. Bergevin HI Garfield Hospital. Minnie A. Harrison, 40. National Homeo pathic Hospital. Bernard F. Day. jr., 17. Casualty Hospital. Walter Massenberg. 73. 1724 Florida ave. Helen Ferguson. 05. Gallinger Hospital. William Boone. 05. railroad yards 5th and T sts. n.e. Charles T. Ferguson. 03. 1228 S st John Wright, 60. Gallinger Hospital. Florine Dyson. 53, 23 Myrtle st. n e Hattie Black. 27. Gallinger Hospital. George Murray. 21. Freedmans Hospital. FUNERAL RITES HELD FOR MRS. POWELL Author Had Been Bibliographer at Institute for Government Research. Funeral services for Mrs. Sophy Powell, 52, who died Sunday night of a sudden illness at her home, 3705 McKinley street, were held today in Bethlehem Chapel, Washington Ca thedral. Canon Anson Phelps Stokes officiated. Burial was to be private. Mrs. Powell, wife of Dr. Fred W. Powell, acting director of the Institute for Government Research of the Brookings Institution, for some time had been bibliographer at the Institute for Government Research. She was author of "The Children's Library,” published some years ago. and had just completed "A Guide Book of Eng lish Gardens.” A native of Flemington, N. J„ Mrs. Powell was educated at Reading Acad emy, Flemington; Oberlin College, the Library Schools of Pratt Institute, Columbia University, the University of California, receiving a bachelor of arts degree at the latter, and at George Washington University, where she re ceived her master's degree in 1934. Besides her husband, she leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hulsizer, Flemington, N. J.; a sister, Miss Mary Hulsizer, Newark. N. J., and two brothers, William Hill Hulsizer, Omaha, Nebr., and Allan Hulsizer, Pine Ridge, S. Dak. WILLIAM H. GOLDSMITH, MUSEUM WORKER, DIES William H. Goldsmith. 64, foreman of laborers at the National Museum, died last night at his home, 1350 Perry place. He had been ill three months. Mr. Goldsmith was widely known in Episcopal Church circles, having served as a lay reader at several churches in this city and nearby Maryland. He was a member of St. Stephen and In carnation Episcopal Church, here, and belonged to the Concord Lodge of Ma sons, at Vienna. Va. He had been employed at the National Museum for 42 years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Goldsmith: a son, Joseph Goldsmith: a daughter. Mrs. Henrietta Goldsmith Komitzer; a brother. James S. Gold smith, and two sisters, Mrs. R. A. Vietch and Mrs. E. V. Davidson. He also leaves three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 3 p m. Friday at the residence. Dr W. Sinclair Bowen will conduct the serv ices. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. 40 POLICEMEN CALLED FOR TARGET PRACTICE Forty policemen were ordered to re port to Camp Simms today for target practice. The officers will be required to fir© 300 rounds and attain an average of 65 per cent. Those failing to qualify must shoot again with their own ammunition and on their own time. The Police Department’s annual target practice started yesterday. Only 6 of the first group of 40 men failed to qualify. Pit. G C. Nance, seventh precinct, scored 289 out of 300 shots E. W. Allen, fourth precinct, scored 92 per cent, and W. J. Perkins, seventh precinct, was third, with 91 per cent. Lowest score was 74 hits out of 300. FLOWERS rOUPONT CIRCLE ^ NO. 7000 Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Unc. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park. f I i —!■ I (ede,r Hill Ti 'ashuujtmu meat Beautiful (emeteru Communit? Mausoleum. Cfllnmberlen end Receiving Vaults. Thirty-Seven Years Young For thirty-seven years we have been serving the people of Washington and vicinity, but in all these long years we have ever kept up-to-date in our methods, our funeral home and equipment. The years have added to our ex perience and knowledge, but have not taken from us our everlasting progressive viewpoint. That is why we have constantly occupied the position of leadership which we hold in this field of service. The Price 1$ Your Choice WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 i Any Family Can Afford Ryan Service “Choose Wisely and With CONFIDENCE99 VThis business has grown year after year, because of our ability to serve honestly and well at prices that are fair and reasonable. Only by winning and holding the confidence and respect of those whom we serve can such a business possibly endure. fWV offer the sincere recommendation of thousands of families in all walks of life—of a satisfactory service re gardless of what you pay. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service, the Last Word in Ambulance Service. Phone AT. 2700. James 7. Ryan Fnmtnl Director 317 Pa. Av*. SJS. ATUmUe 1700-1701 Mothers and Fathers HERE'S A THRILLING NEW FEATURE FOR YOUR BOY AND GIRL ■ fe I ; \ i i «wi^nar/Vt f ! <tv*ts* buU(m| A CUT-OUT MUSEUM IN MINIATURE THE IDEAL FEATURE ALL PAR ENTS HAVE BEEN HOPING FOR £ \ ★ It is th$ most intriguing, interesting children's feature ever developed. From a full-size news paper color page your boy or girl can as semble a diorama of three dimensions. The only equipment they will need is scissors, paste and some heavy wrapping paper or light cardboard. A new diorama will be published each Sunday in The Star and thus they can build their own colorful and educational world museum. ★ A NEW DIORAMA EVERY SUNDAY Each one fascinating—with scenes of long ago, pictures of our present world, and glimpses into man's future. Look for the full color page in the comic section next Sunday that your child can cut out and put together to make the first diorama: "The Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth." Beginning Next Sunday, and Every Sunday, in |p)c Jluttday fHaf