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General Gains Range Up to Major Fractions Late in Session. Bond Averages cn in io 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change. +.1 Unc. +.1 —.1 Today, noon 93.9 103.1 99 0 71.1 Prev. day... 93.8 103.1 98 9 71.2 Month ago._ 93 6 102.8 99 7 71.2 Year ago... 91.5 102.2 101.6 68.8 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 92.6102.4 98.7 70.5 , 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_109.7 Prev. day. 109.6 Month ago 108 6 Year ago. 111.4 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113 5 1938 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86 8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 5.—Most active bonds crept higher today as the vol ume of trading fell off noticeably. Gains were general, and, with few exceptions, ranged to major fractions late in the session. Walworth 4s stood more than a point to the good, maintaining the improvement shown | early in the day, and International Hydro Electric 6s lifted several points - on an improved earnings report. Frac tional improvement was shown by most of the rails, including Alleghany 6s. Erie 5s. Northern Pacific 4s and Southern Railway 4s. United States Governments also marie headway, with gains ranging from 1-32 to 9-32 of a point and virtually all issues participating. WORLD RUBBER SUPPLY IS DECLARED TOO LOW Bj the Assoclatec Press. NEW YORK. May 5 —P. W Litch field. president of Goodyear Tire <fe Rubber Co., said yesterday the world supply of rubber is too low. * “We hope the Restriction Commit tee will make further releases." he said, adding he felt the crude rubber price should be a little less than 20 cents a pound. Rubber futures closed today at 21.26 cents a pound for the May delivery. Sailing to attend the annual meeting of the company's British unit in Lon don, he said Goodyear's results this * year have been “very satisfactory.” NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK May 5 -F-—New York Se curity Dealers' Association. (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Man (1 »*)_ 34 36 Bankers Tr (2» _ 0')i2 71 *2 1 Cen Han Bk * Tr <4>_120 132 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 53 55 I Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 6<i>2 0*«2 Commercial (8) _ _ 2»»n 206 , Cont Bk & Tr (.80*_ J?34 10*4 Corn Ex Bk A- Tr <3)_ 6634 6734 Empire Tr <1) 30,2 3112 First Nat (Bos» (2> _ 52 54 first Natl <100>_2265 2305 Guaranty Tr (12) 347 352 Irvine Tr (.60) _ _ 1 6% 17*-,: Manufacturers Tr (2)_ 55*2 57% Manufacturers Tr pf (2) __ -1 ' j Natl City dj_ 47 40 N Y Trust (5)_ 1..2 lo.» Public (l’i) 46 48 Title G & T- 15 16 FEDERAL LAND BANKS ' NEW YORK. May 5 </P).—Federal Land Bank bonds 41 4S Nov 1 058-38 _ 10.3'2 1 04 1 2 4Us May 1957-37_ 101 »2 102 4s May 1958-38 _ 1<>25b 10.3*8 4fi Nov 1057-37 __ 101 *4 10P4 4s July 1946-44 1 os ~ 8 100*2 3*4s May 1955-4 5 ___ 102*8 102*,a ■ 3s July 1955-4 5 __ 1()u7b H»1 *« 3s Jan 1956-46.. 1 oo~H ]0]*r f 3s May 1956-46 . _- lnu78 101*8 --8 — CHICAGO PRODUCE, CHICAGO. May 5 VP'.—Poultry, live 30 trucks, steady to firm; hens, over 5 pounds. 5 pounds aid less. 18*2: Leghorn hens. 15: fryers colored. 23: White Rock. 24; Plymouth Rock. 25. broilers, colored. 23: White and Plymouth Rock 24: bare backs. 19-21: Leghorn 20: Springs, col ored. 24: White Rock. 24* _>; Plymouth Rock. 26: roosters. 12*2’ Leghorn roosters. ll*/a- Turkeys, hens. 16; toms. 15: No. 2 turkeys. 14. Ducks. 4*2 pounds up. white and colored. 16; small white and colored, 2 4. Geese. 11. Butter. 10.646: unsettled: creamery, spe cials (93 score). 30-30Vfe: extras (92). 29*^: extra firsts (90-91). 29-29U: firsts <88-89'. 28-2812: standards <90. central ized carlots). 29'2. Eggs. 38 083: steady: extra firsts, local. 20*4: cars. 20*2: fresh graded firsts, local. 19*/4: cars. 20; cur rent receipts, is*a: storage packed extras, 22. storage packed firsts 21V Potatoes. 40; on track. 143: total U S. shipments. 558; old stock steedy; supplies light: demand good Sacked, per hun dredweight—Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. 2.60-85: Mairc Green Mountains. XT, S No 1 mostly 2.20; fine quality, 2.35: U S commercial. 3.00-10; Wiscon sin round whites. U S. comorcia). 1.80. New stock strong; supplies very light of ferings cleaned tip demand moderate; Louisiana Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1 and partly graded. 4.(10-50. --- FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK May 5 (ipi.__Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended May 1 included; Week Prev. Year May l week. ago. Burlington . . 22.273 23.ti:m 21 803 Gulf Coast 5.208 5 77s 4 752 Illinois Central _ 3(1.300 .30.008 29.203 Inti. Ot. North. 5.2!>7 5.318 ’4,535 Missouri-Pacific 23.740 24.150 22 841 N Y Central 02.202 88.021 70 711 Pitts, i- Lk Erie 15 158 13.373 ] n 858 St L. San Pran. 13,Oi l 14.084 to 153 N'folk &- Western 27.920 27.190 24 500 Pennsylvania .172.144 118.271 103.080 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. • The position of the Treasury May 3: _ Receipts. $32,028,711.83: expenditures. $76,603,026.47: balance. $1693 513, 707.28: customs receipts for the month. $4,697,531.28. Receipts for the fiscal year 'since July 3). $4.128.368.647.56: expenditures. $6, 342.272.131.87. including $2 394.834. > 424.16 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $2.2133)03.484.31; cross debt. $34.987.016.268.23. an increase of $2,379,247.8] over the previous day; cold assets. $11.833 074.488.51, including $601,776,845.95 of inactive cold. -• V NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. May 5 (IP).—Eggs. 48.287. steadier. Mixed colors, storage packed firsts. 2134: firsts. lOVi-CO'c other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 9.64(1. firmer. Creamery, higher than extra. 3234-3.'l’a: extra (92 score). 32Vii-'A; firsts 188-91 scores). 36-32: sec onds <84-87 scores). 28-20Vb: centralized <96 score). 31 Vs Cheese. 170.496. steady to firm. Prices unchanged. Live poultry—By express steady to firm: broilers. Rocks. 24a26: Reds, 17a20: crosses. 17a25: turkeys. 12a20; other ex press prices unchanged. No freight quotations due to handlers' * gtrike. Dressed poultry—Steady to easy: fresh, eld roosters. 13al6: old turkeys (North western. Western, Southwestern and Vir ginia i. 17a22: frozen, old rosters. 13al8; other fresh and frozen nrlces unchanged. MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. May 5 <&).—Call money steady; 1 per cent all day; prime commer cial paper. 1 per cent: time loans steady. 60-90 days. 1 >4; 4-6 months. 1*2 per cent; bankers’ acceptances unchanged; redis count rate New York Reserve Bank, l1^ per cent. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. May 5 (/Fi.—Silver futures Jpened steady. 10 higher. May. 44.85b; uly. 44.75b: September. 44.65b. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. May 5 —Crude rubber future* opened steady. 4 to 34 hlRher. May: 21 30b: July. 21.65-75; September. 21.84-86. A 4 , L BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct t* Tbe Star. Approximate Transaction* Today. U S Gov't Bond*__ 740,000 Foreign Bondi__. #60,000 Domestlo Bonds_ 7,560,000 TREASURY All time shown below is daylight aavlng on which the Exchange la now operating. High Low. Clost. 2*4s 1949-53___ 97.24 97.22 97.24 2*48 1946-47_ 101.25 101.25 101.26 2 *4 a 1948-61_ 100.10 100.9 10\9 2 *4 8 1961-64_ 99.27 99.24 99.24 2 *4 8 1966-69_ 99.23 99.21 99,23 2%a 1960-60 ... 100.27 100.23 100,25 2Hs 1965-60 reg_. 100.22 100.22 100.22 Ss 1946-48 _ 103.6 103.6 103.6 3a 1951-55 _ 102.19 102.15 102.15 IVtiS 1946-49_ 108.27 103.27 103.87 3 *48 1949-62_ 103.29 103.25 108.23 3*48 1941 __ 106.8 106.8 106.8 I *4 a 1944-46_ 105.17 106.16 106.17 364a 1943-47_ 106. 106.80 106. 8 64a 194 6-Bp_ 108.24 108.16 108.24 48 1944-64 _ 110.16 110.10 110.16 4*48-3*4 8 1943-46 105.18 106.16 105.18 4*4a 1947-6* ... 114.28 114.22 114.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 88 1947_ 102.10 102.10 102.10 8a 1949_ 102. 101.28 101.28 8 *4s 1966_ 102.20 102.12 102.17 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 1*48 1942-44_ 99.19 99.16 99.19 2648 1939-49_ 100. 99.28 99.31 ta 1952_ 101.17 101.14 101.16 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbl P*&Pw 6s -63. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Antloqula 7s 46 A_ 14*4 14*4 14*4 Antloqula 7e'45 B_ 14>4 14*4 14<4 Antloqula 3d 7s'57_ 13*4 13*4 13*4 Antwerp 6s 58 _ 100*4 100H 100** Argentine 4 *4B'71_ 98*4 98>4 98*4 Argentine f*4s 62_ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Argentine 6s 67 A_1014 I01‘4 101*4 Argentine 6s'68 B 100*4 100*4 100*4 Argentine 6s 69 June. 100*4 100*4 10014 Argentine 6s 69 Oct . 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6a '60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 10U4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s 60 Oct . 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s 61 Febr. 100*4 100*4 100*4 Argentine 6s '61 May. 102 102 102 Australia 4*is'66_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Australia 6s'65_ 106*4 106!4 105*4 Belgium 6s '55 108*4 108*4 108*4 Belgium 6*4s 49_ 109*4 109*4 109*4 Belgium 7s 65_117*4 117*4 07*4 Berlin 6s 68 _ 19*4 19*4 19*4 Berlin 6*48 60 _ 19*4 19*4 19*4 Brazil 6*4s'26-’67_ 38*4 38 38*4 Rrazll 6*4s'27-'57_ 38*4 37*4 37*4 Brazil 7s’52 _ 404 39*4 «0*4 Brazil 8s 41 _ 49V4 48*4 49 Breda Ernesto 7s'54_ 72 72 72 Brisbane 5s 58 100*4 100*4 100*4 «*4S-3*4S'77 Pv_ ■,704 76*4 77 Buenos A 4 *4s'76 Aug 77*4 77*4 77*4 But A1 ♦ *4 S-4 *4 *'75 .. 81 10*4 81 Buenos A C 6*4s'55 .. 100*4 100*4 100*4 Buenos A 6s '61 st Pv. 84*4 84*4 84*4 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coapon oft_ 24*4 24’4 21*4 Canada 3 Via '61_ 99 98*4 96*4 Canada ls'60 _ 107*4 107 107 Canada 6s'62-112*4 111*4 Ul*i Chile 6s *60 _ 21 21 21 Cmle 6s'61 Febr_ 21*4 21 21*4 Chile 6s 61 Sept_. 21 21 21 Chile 6s 62_ 21*4 21 21*y Chile 6s 63_ 21*4 21 21 Chile 7a 42 _ 21 21 21 Chile Mtg Bk 6s’61 _ 18'4 18*4 18*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6*4s'67. 18>4 18** 18*4 Colomhla 6s 61 Jan .. 30 £0 30 Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 30*4 29*4 30*4 Copenhagen 4*4s'53 94*. 3** 94*t Copenhagen fis'62 98'y 9“** 98V* Copenhagen T 5s '54_lt)0*4 100’j ROW Cordoba 7s'57 _ kfi 86 »6 Cordoba is'57 stpd.._ 77 76 77 Cordoba 7s 42 Prv_ 96 95 96 Costa Kit a . s A '61_ 32 31*4 at** Cuba 5*4s 46 _ 6b*4 16 66 Denmark 4V4s 62_ 96*4 97*4 97*4 Denmark 6 Vas '56_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Denmark'69 42 _. 105*4 lub*4 105*4 Dominic lit 6*48 42 . 80 80 80 Ger C Ag Bk 6s'60 Oct. 31*4 81*4 81*4 Ger Gov 5*4s'65 st 26*4 2f*4 26*4 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 6*4s'58 ... 26*4 26*4 26*4 Ger Ren 7a '49 stpd_ 29*4 29*4 29*4 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st_ 28*4 23*4 23*4 Helsingfors 6*4 s'60_ 105 105 105 Italy 7a 61 _ 86*4 86*4 *6*4 Ital P U Crd 7s’52_ 77*4 71*4 77*4 Japan 6*4s'65_ 82*4 82*4 82*4 Japan 6 *4s'64_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 Kreug&Toll 6s'59 eta. 60*4 49*4 60V4 Medelln 6*4a'54 _ 14 14 14 Milan 6*49 52 _ 74 74 74 MlnasGars 6*4s '69 Sent coupon on _ 27*4 27*4 27*4 Montevideo 6s '59_ 60*4 60*4 60*4 New So Wales .6s'68 . 102' 102*4 102*4 Nord Ry fi*4s '50 _ lo6*4 106*4 106*4 Norway 4a '63 _ 96l» 96*4 96*4 Norway ■» s 65_ 101*4 1U1 101*4 Norwav *141 56_ 103*4 103 103 Norway fis 43_ 106 105*4 105*4 Norwav fis 44 _10614 106*4 106*4 Norw Hy E16*4s'67._ 102*4 102** 102*4 Oriental Dev 6s '53 8014 80*4 80*4 Oslo G & E 5s 63 ... 101*4 101*4 101*4 Panama 6s 63 stp as .. 67 66*4 66*4 Paris Orl Ry 6*is'68.. 100 100 100 Peru 6a '60_ 19*4 19 19*4 Peru 6s 61- 19*4 19*4 1»H Peru 7a 69_ 23*4 22 23*4 Poland 7s 47_ . 61*4 61*4 *1*4 Porto Alegre 7*4a '86 July coupon oft_ 27*4 27*4 27*4 Queensland 6a 47.._110*4 110 110*4 Queensland 7a’41_ 109*4 109*4 109*4 Rhinelbe Un 7s'46_ 25*4 25*4 26*4 Rhine W El P bs 62_ 20*4 20*4 20*4 Rio de Jan 6 *4a 68 Aug coupon off _ £8*4 26 26 Rio Gr do Sul 6a '68 June coupon off ._ 27 *7 27 Rio Gr do Sul 7a '67 June coupon oft_ 28 18 28 Rumania 7s '59 Aug coupon Off_ 86 86 37 Sao Paulo C6*4s '57 Mav coupon off _ 26*4 26*4 26*4 Sao Paulo St 6a 68 July coupon oft_ 26*4 26*4 26*4 Sao Paulo St 7a 40_ 92*4 92*4 92*4 Sao Paulo St 7a '68 8ept coupon off _ 28*4 2f*4 28*4 Sao Paulo St 8a ‘50 July coupon off _ 81*4 81*4 81*4 Serbs 7a '62 unm c o._. 28*4 28*4 28*4 Silesia Prov 7a'58_ 43 43 43 Taiwan Elec 6*4a'71_. 76*4 75*4 75*4 Toklo 6*48 61 ._ 76 76 76 ToktO E L Ltd 6s '68_ 78*4 78*4 78*4 Uruguay fla 60_ 64*4 68*4 64*4 Uruguay 6s 64_ 64**, 68*4 64*4 Uruguay 8a 4S____ 64 64 64 Warsaw 7s 68_ 42*4 41*4 42*4 Tokohoma 6a 61 83*4 88*4 88*4 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express «s '47 108 108 103 Alisa Corp 6s '44 99 9854 9854 Alice Corp 6s 49 _ 93 9 2 54 98 Ailee Corp 6s '60 stp 6854 68 63 Allied Stores 4 Hs '60. 99 9854 985i Allied Stores 454*'61 98 98 98 Am A For Pw 6s 2030 8054 7954 8051 Am I G Ch 6 54*'<9 1 0654 1 0654 1 06*4 Am Tel A Tsl 8 54s <1 971* 9754 9754 Am Tel A Tel S54s'66 9754 9754 9754 Am TAT 454s '89_ 10654 10654 10654 Am TAT 6 54 s 43 ... 11854 118 113 Am Wat Wits <s '76 _. 105 106 105 Anaconda deb 4 54s *60 10654 10654 105W Anelo-Chll Nit 7s '87 8654 3654 86J4 Armour!Del list 4s’55 9754 9654 »65i Armour A Co Dsl 4s 67 97 9654 9654 Armstrone Ck 4s '60 10654 10654 10551 A TAS Fe 48'06-'55_ 10454 10451 10414 A TAS F# (ten 4s 96.. 10954 10654 109 A TAS Fs 4 54 s'48 . 10854 10854 108*1 AU Coast L 1st 48 '61 10254 102 10251 Atl Coast b Clt 4s 62 94 9854 9854 Atl C L un 4 54 s 64 . 9251 9*55 925l Atl Coast bins 6s 46 . 104 104 104 Atlantic A D lst4s'48 66 68 68 Atlantic A D 2d 4s *48. 46 46 46 B A O 1st 48 48 . 10654 10654 10654 B A O 454* 60 _ 77 7 654 7 654 B AO 1st 6s 48 114H 1U54 11454 Balto A O ref 6s '96 A 8 754 8 7 51 87 51 B A O ref 6s 96 C 99 9856 99 R A O Swn 6s 60 . 10454 104 104 Bel) T of Pa 6s 48 B.. 117 54 117 54 11754 Bell T of Pa 5s '60 C-. 126 12351 126 Beth Steel 351 s 66 _ 96 9 454 9454 Beth Steel 4 54s 60_ 10854 '08 10854 Bos A Me44as'61 J_ 80 80 80 Bos A Me 6s 65 _ 86 54 8 6 54 8 6 54 Boa A Me 6a 67 _ 8454 6454 8 454 Bklyn C RR 6s'41_ 90 90 90 Bklyn Ed con 3 54a’66. 10054 10054 10054 Bklyn Man T 4Hs 66. >6 94 9454 Bklyn Un El (s '60 _. 106 106 106 Bklyn Un Gas 6* 46_ 11854 11*54 11(54 Bklyn UnGaa6a '60__. 9954 9954 9954 Bklyn Un Gas 6s '67 B. 106 106 106 L High. Low. Clou. Buff RAP eon *54a’67 885* «65< 8654 Bush Term Bldg 6s ’60 6254 62 62 Calif Pecking 6s 40... 106 106 106 Camag 7a 42 Ctrs _ 275* 2654 2644 Canada So 5s 62 A_ 1145* 11454 11454 Can dlan N R 4 54s'51. 11154 m 111 Can dlan N R 4¥jS'56. 112 11154 H2 Can’dlan N R 454s 67. 1105* 11054 11054 Can dlan N 6a’69 Oct . 116!* 11654 1165* Can dlan N db 654s 46 1 23 54 1 23 54 1 23 5* Can dlan P db 4s perp 945* 94 94 Can dlan Pao 4 54 s'46. 105 106 106 Can dtan Pao 4 54* 60 10154 10154 10154 Vlan’dlan Pac 6s ’64_ 109 109 109 Caro Cl & O 6a 62 A_1105* 11054 11054 Cent of Ga con 6s 45.. 6054 3054 3054 Cent of Ga 6a ’69 C_ 205* 1954 2054 Cent of Garf 654s'69. 205* 205* 205* Cent 111 E& G 6s'61 10154 101 101 Central 111 Lt 354s'66. lot 103 108 Cent N England 4S ’61. 70 70 70 Cent of N J gen 6s '87 . 4054 6954 6954 Cent of NJ gn 6s'87rg. 82 62 62 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49.. 10 754 1 0 7 54 10 7 54 Cent Pao 6s '60 _ 99 985* 99 Cert’d deb 6 54s'4*_ 8754 87 8754 Champ P A F 454s '60. 10554 1055* 10554 Chesap C cv 6s 44_ 11754 H854 11854 Chesap Corp 6s '47_ 1385* 133 183 Ches A O 8 54 s 96 D_ 965* 965* 945* ChesAOS54s 96 B_ 97 97 97 C A O gen 454s '92_ 1175* 117 11754 Chi A Alt ref 8e'49_ 865* 665* 665* Chi BAQI die S54s’49„ 10 1 54 1 0 454 1 0 4 54 Chi B A Q ref 6s 71... 114'* 1145* 114'* Chi A E III 6s *81 _ 40 895* 3954 Ch1 A E 1115s ’61 ctf«._ 3854 3814 8854 Chi Grt West 4e’69 .._ 46 455* 46 CM&St P 454s '89 E.._ 85 54 6 6 54 6654 CM&St P 6s 75 .. 315* 3054 81 CM&StP&P adl 6S2000 105* 10 1054 Ch &NW gen 3 54s '87.. 3914 3 9 54 8 9 5* Chi A NW 454s 2037 . 295* 29 29 Chi & NW 4 548 2037 C. 2954 29 29 Chi ANW 44s 49 .. 20 1954 19** Chi & PTW gen 6s 87_ 45 45 45 Chi & NW rf 6s 2037_ 31 3054 305* Chi R 1&P rf 4s’84 ... 20«* 20>* 205* Chi R [&P rf 4s’34ctf_ 1854 18 185* ''hi R IAP gen 4s'88 .. 38 38 88 Chi R I&P 4s'88 ctfs.. 365* 36 54 8 6 54 Chi R I&P 4 54S '62 . 28 20 20 Chi R I&P 4 54s'62 ctf. 19 19 19 Chi R I&P 4 54 s 60 ... 18 128* 135* Chi Un Sta 3Hs'51 ._ 103** 1025* 10354 Ch1 Un Sta 3 5*s 63 E. 10554 1 05 1 05 5* Chi Un Sta 4s '44_ 106H 1065* 1065* Chi Un Sta 4s '63_ 1085* 1085* 1085* Chi & W In con 4s'62. 104 1035* 104 Chi & 5V Ind «54« 62.. 1015* 101 101 Childs A Co 5s’43 ... 9054 90 90 Cln G & E 3 5*s'66 . 1005* 100 1005* Cln Union Term 5s’57. 1085* 1085* 10S5* CCC&St L gen 4s'93 _ 98 54 9 8 54 9 8 5* CCCASt L rf 454s '77 E 9554 9 55* 96'* CCC&St L ref 6s'63 D 10654 10554 1065 CCC&StL StLdv 4S'00 99 99 99 CCC&StLCW&M 4S’91 94 94 94 Clev Un Tel 4 54s'77 102 10154 10154 Clev Un Term 6s '73 B 106 105'* 106 Clew Un Ter 654s'72A 11 154 11 154 11 154 Colo Fuel&lron 6s '48. 105 106 106 Colo Fuel & Ir 6s 70_ 81 81 81 Colo & So 4 54»'80_ 65 65 65 Columbia G A E 6s 62 May . _10314 102*4 102*1 Columbia G&E 6a'61.. 101*4 100*4 100*1 Cornel Credit 314s '61_ 96»4 96*1 96*4 Com rriv Tr 3 14s '51 10114 10114 101*4 Conn Rlv Pw 3Vs'61A 104 104 104 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 70 6914 6914 Cons Ed NY 3 148 46 n. 108*4 103*4 103*4 Cons Ed NY 314s *66 n 10814 103 103 Consol 011 314s'61 _. IOH4 101 101*4 Conaum Pwr 4 14s 66 .. 9814 98 98I4 C< Tsum P un 314s '65. 103 102*4 103 Consum Pwr 34is'66— 101*4 104*1 101*4 Cons Pwr 314s'70_101 100*4 100*4 Crane Co 3*48 61_ 99*4 99 m9*4 Crown C * S 4s ’50_101*4 101*4 101*4 Crown Will Pfis '51_101 10314 101 Cuba HR 1st 5s 52 ... 55 55 55 Cuba Northn 6*4s'42. 60 60 60 Dayton PAL 3*4s'60.. 104 101 104 Del * Hud ref is'43 . Ml 90*4 Ml Don G & E 5s'51 St_ 107*4 107*4 107*4 Dep &RG conA0 36_ 2914 2914 -9*J Den & R G 4’4.1*36 ... 114 31 31 DenARGW5a'65 __ 1714 1714 1714 Den * ROW |^|6asst. 17*4 1«*4 16*4 Pet Edison Sffa 66... 10314 103*4 103*4 Det Edison 5s'B2_ 107*4 107*4 107*4 Dul & Ir Bsr •» '37-101*4 101*4 101*4 Dul S S A At 6s '37_ 65 65 b5 Duquesna LA 314s’56— 104*4 104*4 104*4 Elac A mo Ate Is '62 .. 109*4 109*4 109*4 El Paso N«*G4*4a’51_ 102*4 102 102 Erie cv 4s ‘¥8 A*._ 8514 8514 8514 Erie cons 4a '98_ 98*4 8**4 98*4 Erie (ten 4a'96_ 84 83 84 Erie ref 6a .*7_81*4 81 81 Erie ref 6s %5_ 81 80*4 80*4 Falrbks Morse «s'56.. 101*4 1*1*4 101*4 Fed U&Tr 5s ’42 at_ 102** 102*4 102*4 Fla E C Ry 5a ‘71_ 15 14*4 16 Gen Cable 6*4S 47_ 104*4 104*4 104*4 Gen Mot ACC 3* 46_ 10214 101*4 102*4 Gen Mot Aas 314 a'61— 10014 ioor 100*4 Goodrich 414 ■ "56._ 100 99*4 99*4 Goodrich 6a 46 _ 105*4 105 105*4 Goodyear T&R 5a'67 10414 104 104 Goth Silk H 5s 46 ww 100 ICO 100 Gt North'n Ry 3*4s’67 93*4 9314 93H Great N Ry «s 46 G 133*4 13214 132*4 Great N Rv 4a 46 H 108*4 109'4 108*4 Grt N Ry ref 414s '61 A 110*4 11015 110*4 Grt N R Ren 414b’7R D 104 10314 104 Grt N R Ren 4148'77 E 108*4 10814 103*4 Grt N R een 6a'73 C._ 109*4 109*4 109!* Grt N R 614S 52 B ._ 116*4 118*4 116*4 Gulf Sta Stl 614s 42 . 97 9614 97 Gulf States Util 4a '66 100*4 100*4 100*4 Hoe (R > 1st mt« 44 ... 91 90*4 90*( Houston OH 5Hs'40._ 10214 10214 10214 Hudson Coal 5a'52_ 47 46*4 47 Hud * Man Inc 6s '67.. 31 3014 3014 Hud * Man ref 6s'57.. 7414 74 74 111 Cent 1st ex 314s’51. 102 102 102 111 Cent ref 4s 66_ 86*4 8614 86*4 III Cent 4*is 66 _ 7614 75*4 75*4 111 Cent Ltch 3s '51__ 93*4 93*4 93*4 ICC&StL N O 6c 61_ 84*4 83*4 84*4 Inland Stl 364a 61 ... 108*4 10314 103*4 Int R T lat rf 6a'66 .. 75*4 74 75 I R T lat rf 6a'66 ctfa. 7314 73 73*4 Int R T 6s 32 _ 28*4 28*4 28*4 Int R T 6s 32 ctfa_ 26 26 26 Int R T 7a 32 _ 79 77 79 Int R T 7s'*2 ctfs 76*4 76 76*4 Interlaka Iron 4a '47.. 101*4 100*4 100*4 Int Grt Nr 6s 52 A .. 38 87*4 37*4 Int Hydro Elec 6a 44_ 79*4 76*4 77*4 Int Mer Marine 6a'41. 82*4 82*4 82*4 Int Pap 1st 6a 47A ... 101 100*4 101 Int Pap ref 6s 55 98 98 98 Int Ry Cant A 6%s'47. 95*4 95 95>4 Int T&T cy 414s 39.__ 83 82*4 82*4 Int TAT 4V4s'51_ 68*4 65 66*4 Int TAT 5a 65 _ 70 69*4 69*4 Iowa Cent lat&rf4a'61 7*4 7*4 7*4 James F A C 4a 39 ... 94*4 94*4 94*4 Jones&L Stl 414s'61A. 102*4 101*4 10214 Kans C F SAM 4a '36 68 66*4 67*4 KanCFSAM rf4s'36ct 63 53 63 Kans C So 1st 3a 60 88*4 8814 8814 Kans City So ref 6a'60 91*4 9054 90*4 Kan C Term 1st 4 s'60 10T 107 107 Kresse Found 4a 45_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Laclede Gas 6»'*9_ 91k 91k 91k Laclede G 614s 68 C_69k 68k 68k Laclede G 614e 60 D . 67k 67k 57k LaKe SAM So 3141 ’97 100k 100 100k Lake SAMS 3 44s'97 rg 96k 96k 96k Lautaro Nltr 6s'64 88 87k 37*4 uautaro Nit 6a 64 eta. 88 38 as Leh CAN 414a 64 A .. 91k 96k 96k Leh A N E RR 4s '65 — 101k 100k 10lH Leh Val Coal 5s 64_ 63 68 63 -«eh Val Coal 5a '74_ 67k 67 67 Leh Val Coal 6s 88_ 99 9814 98k Leh Val Har 6a 64_102k 102k 102k Leh V Peon 4s 2003 .. 61k 60k «0k Leh V Peon 414a 2003 66k 66k 66k Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 78k 78 78 Ligg A Myers 6a '61— 119 119 119 Loews 3 44 8 46 _ »8k 98k 98k Long Isl gen 4s'38_102k 102k 102k Long Isl unif 4s '49 102*4 10214 102*4 Long Isl ref 4a 49_102k 102k 102k Lorlllard 6s '56_117k 117k 117*4 Lori Hard 7a 44_127k 127k 127k La A Ark 6s *69_ 9«H 94k 94k L A Naah Ska 2008_ 92 92 98 LAN lst4s 2003_ 99 99 99 LAN unlf 4a 40_ 106k 106k 106*4 LAN 414s 2003 C -.104 103k 104 LAN SAN Ala 5a '63- 120 120 120 McCrory Stores 6a 61. 108k 10*k 108k McKessARob 6t4s’60. 108k 103k 103k MeC RR gn 4 44a'60A. 81 80k 80k Manhat Ry 4s 90 . 40k 40k 40k Manhat Ry 4a 90 ctfa 36k <<5k 3ok Manhat R 2d 4S 2013.. 20k 20k 20k Manila RR S 1 4a'39 . 83k *3 8* Market St Ry 7s 40 A. 100 100 100 Mead Co «a'46 .... 104k 104k 104k Mich Cent 844a'62_104k 104k 104k Mich Cent 4'4i 79_102k I02k 102k Mil El HAL 6a 61 .... 102k 102k 102k Mil E R A S L rf 6a‘71. 102k 102k 102k Mil Spa A N W 48 -47- 88k 38k 38k MtnnASLrf4a 49 6 6 6 MStPASSM cn 4s 88— 21k 24k 24k MStPASSM 6448 49_ 19 19 19 MStPASSM 644a'78 86k 86 86 MStPASSM rf Is 4IA- 20 19 19 Mo 111 (a 19. _ Mk 68k 68k Mo RAT 4s '13 B_Mk **H «*k Mo K AT la'll A._ 79 7* 79 MoK A T adj 6a'6T_ 66k Mk Mk t hi eh. Low. Close Mo Pae 4a '75_ 20*4 20 20*4 Mo Pac 6s'77 F_ 48*4 43*4 43*4 Mo Pae 6a'78 0_ 48*4 43*4 484 Mo Pao 6a '80 H_ 43*4 43*4 43*4 Mo Pac 68 '81 I _ 48*4 43*4 43*4 Mo Pac 6*48 49 A _ 13 15*4 16*4 Mob & Ohio 4*48’77 .. 88*4 »3 83 Motion* Pub S 4*4a'60 102*4 101*4 102*4 Monone Pub 8 «a'65 102*4 102*4 102*4 Montana Pwr 3 *4 a'63. 94*4 »3'4 »4*4 Mor&Esaex 3*4a 2000 88*4 8814 88*4 Morrls&Essex 4*4e'55 90 89*4 89*4 MorrlaAEssex 6a'55.. 98*4 98*4 98*4 Namm i Sons Is 43__. 101 101 101 NashvCASt L 48'78 .. 94 93*4 9 Natl Dairy 3<Hr61ww. 108*4 103*4 103*4 Natl Dls PC 4*4a'46 104*4 104 104*4 Natl Steel 4a 86 . — 104*4 104*4 104*4 New E TAT 1st 6a'62. 121 120*4 121 New OrlONR 6a'83 A. 96*4 96*4 96*4 New Orl Ter lat 4a'63 98*4 93 93 New Orl T&M 6s '61 B. 85 64*4 64*4 N Y Cent S*4a'62 w.l_ 107*4 107*4 107*4 NY Central 3 *4a 97_ 96*4 96 96*4 NY Central 3*4a'46_101*4 101*4 101*4 NY Cent con 4a' 9S_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 NY Cent rf 4*48 2012— 90 89*4 89*4 NY C rf 4*4a 2018 n_ 90 89*4 90 NY Cent rf 6a 2013_97*4 *7*4 *7*4 NY Cent cv 6a 44_118 114*4 114*4 NY C L Sh 8*4a'9*- 91 90*4 91 NYC Mich C 3*48'98__ 90 90 90 N Y Chi A StL 48-46_ 104 103*4 104 NYCASt L4*4a'78 ... 88*4 *8'4 88*4 NYCASt L6*4a'74 A- 99*4 »9*4 »9*4 NY Chi A St L 6a'38 . 100*4 100 100 NY Edison 8 *4a 65 D. 100*4 99*4 100*4 NY Edls ref 3*4 8'66.- 100 99*4 99*4 NY Dock 5a 38 _ 62 62*4 *2 NY G El HAP Ea'48_ 120*4 120 120*4 NY LAW 1st 4a 73_ 98 98 98 NY NH AH 4s'47_ 39 39 89 NY NH AH 4s'67 __ 29 29 29 NY NH A H 4*48'67 46 46 46 NY NH A H cl tr 6a'40 67*4 67*4 *7*4 NY NH A H cv 6a 48.. 48*4 48 48 NY CAW Ken 4a 65 ._ 21 21 21 N V O&W ref 4s 92 29*4 28*4 28*4 NYQucens conS *48*65. 104*4 101*4 104*4 NY Kya 6s 65 A atp... 105*4 105*4 105*4 NY Steam 1st Es'51... 106*4 106*4 108H NY Steam 6a 58 _106*4 103*4 106*4 NY Steam 1st 6a’47_ 108*4 108*4 108*4 NY Tel Ken 4*4a'39... 107*4 107*4 107*4 NY *V A B 4*4a '46 .. 15*4 16*4 16*4 NtaK Falls P 3Ha 66.. 102H 102*4 102*4 NlaR Sh 6*4« 60 _ 102*4 102*4 102*4 Norf So lat 5a’41_ 80 80 80 Norf So 1st ref 6a'61.. 29*4 29*4 29*4 Norf S 1st rf5a'61 cfa. 27 26*4 27 Norf & W 1st 4s '96 .. 115*4 114*4 115*4 North Am Co 5a 61 . 104*4 104'4 104*4 North Am Ed 6s '67 A. 103*4 103*4 103*4 North Am Ed 6*4s’63. 102 102 102 Nor'n Pac Ken 3s 2047. 75*4 74*4 75 Nor'n Pac 4a '97 __ 103*4 103*4 103*4 Nor'n Pac 4*4a 2047 ... *8 98 98 North Tac 5s 2047 C_102*4 102*4 102*4 Norn Pac 6s 2047 D_ 103 102*4 103 North Pac 6s 2047_111*4 111*4 111*6 Ogflen LC'I '48 _ 234 2*4 234 Ohio Edison 4s ’65__ 103 103 108 Ont Pwr Nlag 5s 48 _. 1124 1124 1124 Pac Oas* El S4« ««- 974 97 *7 Pac G & E 344s-61_102 1014 102 Pac G * E 4s 64 ... 105 1044 1044 Pac TAT 3 4s ’68 C — 1004 1004 1004 Paramount Pic 6s'55 — 1004 1004 1004 Park-Lx 64s'63 CtfS- 46 46 46 Parmelee 69 44 __ 684 684 684 Penn Co 4s'52 E_ 1044 1044 1044 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 102 102 102 Penn Dixie C 6s'41__ 994 994 *94 Penn PAL 4 4s 81_ 1044 104 1044 Penn RR 34s'62_ 108 4 1084 108H Penn RR 3 4 9 70C—_ 98 4 974 974 Penn RRcon4s 48_1114 1114 1114 Penn P.R«4s'81 D—_ 106 10S4 106 Penn RR 44»'84 — 1064 105 106V Penn RR con 44*'60. 1174 117 1174 Penn RR gn 44s 65 . 1094 1084 1084 Penn RR deb 44»-70_ 102 1014 102 Penn RR gen 6s '68 .. 1164 US 1164 People G LAC 6s 4* 117*4 1154 117»4 Pere Mara 4 4s '80 ... 97 87 97 Pere Mara 1st 5s'66— 101 1034 1034 Phila BAW cn 5s'74— 1214 1*14 121*4 Phila Co 6s 67 _10B 1044 1044 Phila A R CAI Bs'7*-_ 814 814 314 Phila A R CAI 6s 49„ 14 134 134 Philippine Rv 4s 37 ... 274 26 4 264 Pillsbury FI M 6s 43.. 1074 1074 1074 PCCASt L 4 4s '64 J_ 1164 1164 115V PCCASt L 6s '70 A_ll»4 1154 1154 PCCASt L 5s’75 B_ 1154 1154 11»4 Port Gen El 4 4s 60_ 614 60*4 «1 Postal Tel AC 6s’53 . 28 274 *74 Potomac El P 3 4a'66. 1024 1024 1024 Pressed Stl Car 6a'51. 95 95 96 Pure 011 4 4a 60 ww_ 1184 1184 1184 Pure 011 4 4s'60 xw_104 10* 104 Purity Baking 6s'48_ 9*4 99 99 Reading Jer C 4S'61_ 984 984 984 Reading R 44a '97 A- 1064 1064 1064 Rem-R 54a'47 A ww- 107 1064 107 Republic Stl 44s'60— 176 172 178 Republic Stl 44s'66„ 98 974 »8 Repuhllo Stl *4s 61 — 97 964 *7 Republic Stl 54a '64— 118 116 116 Revere Cop «4a'56 „ 101 103 103 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs.. 604 604 604 R I AAL 1st 44s '34 _ 22 4 22 4 224 R G W 1st ex In 4s'39- 784 734 734 Rutland RR 44s'41._ 24 24 24 Saguenay Pw4 4 <66 1004 1004 1004 St Jo Ry L TAP 6s'37 . 99 4 99 4 994 St L R M A P 5s '55— 824 824 824 St L-S Fran 4s '60A — 80 4 80 10 St L-S F 48 '50 A CtfS- 264 264 264 St L-S Fran 44s’78._ 284 284 284 St L-S Fran 6s '60 B_ 804 30 30 St L-S F 4 4s,78 cf St_ 26 4 26 4 264 St L S W gn rf 6s '9*.. 44 434 434 St L S W 1st ter 6s’62- 19 68 69 St P K C 8 L 44s 41— 284 234 234 San A & A Pass 4s 43. 1014 1014 1014 San An P Svc 6s '52 A. 109*< 1094 1094 Schulco 6%s’46 B_ 814 804 814 Seabd A L 4s '60 stp_ 80 80 to Seabd A L ref 48'69_ 164 16 164 Seabd A L 6s 46 A__ 204 20 20 Seabd A L 6s 45 CtfS— 194 184 184 Seabd A-Fl 8s'36 A ct. 104 104 104 Sharon Stl cr 4 4s’51. 110 110 110 Shell Un deb S4s'51.. 984 *84 984 Silesian Am 7S '41_ 694 69V4 694 Skelly 011 48 '61 _ 99 984 *9 Socony Vac 34s'50 .. 1054 10b 1054 Southn Cal Gas 4s 65. 1024 1024 1024 South NSt G 44s'51 . 98 974 98 South Bell TAT 6s'41. 1054 1054 1054 So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A— 105 105 105 So Pac 348 46 _ 100 994 »«4 So Pac col 4s 49__ 944 944 *44 So Pao ref 4s 55_ 1064 105 1064 So Pac 44s 68_ 904 894 894 So Pac 4 4a '69_ 90 894 *»4 So Pac 44a 81_ 894 89 89 So Pac Dreg 44s'77 — 954 964 964 So Pac S F Ter 4a '60- 1074 1074 1074 So Ry gen 48-56 A_ 784 784 784 So Ry 6s '94 _ 107 1064 107 So Ry gen 6a'66_ 994 994 994 So Ry 64s'66 .. _ 1024 102 1024 So Ry MAO 4s'38_ 94 94 94 j Soutnw n GAE 4s 60- 1014 1014 1014 Spokane Int 6s’55_ 804 804 804 Staley A E 4s'46_ 1044 1044 1044 Stand Oil N J 3s 61_ 964 964 *64 Swift & Co 3 4s'50— 1064 1064 1064 Symgn GAO '56 xw.__ 1134 112 1134 Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A_ 944 9*4 *44 Texas Coro 34s'51 .. 102 1014 102 Texas A Pac 5s 77 B_. 104 1034 1034 Texas A Pac 6s 80 D 1084 1034 1034 Tex A Pac 1st 5s 2000. I184II84II84 Third Av ref 4s 60 61 60 60 Third A ad In ex Bs'66 82 4 314 *14 Tide Water 0 3 4s'52 984 98 4 984 Trl-Contl Corp 6s 63 .. 117 117 117 Un El Chicago 5s 45— 19 19 19 Un El LAP 5s 67 . 107 107 107 Un Oil of Cal 34s'62. 1114 1114 1114 Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A— 1164 1164 1164 Union Pao 3 4s'70_ *5 944 *6 Un Pac 34s '71 _ 944 844 944 Un Pao 1st 4s 47_ 1114 111 1114 Un Pao 1st rf 4s 2008.. 1064 1044 1054 United Biscuit 5s‘50— 1064 1064 1064 Untied Drug 6s '62 ... 99 984 99 United NJRR 4s'44— 111 111 111 United Rya St L 4s '34 27*4 274 274 U S Rubber 5s *7 .. 107 1064 1064 Utah LAT6s 44 (A). 994 984 994 Utah P A L 6s '44_102 1014 1014 Util PAL 6s 69 ww_ 52 61 tl Util PA L 64s’47_ 524 614 814 vanadium cv bi 41_104k 104k 104k Ver Sug 1st 7s"42 ctfa. 27k 28k 27M Va E A P lat raf 4s’56. 107k 107 107 Va Ry lat 244a 66 A.. 108k 10^4 i03k Wabash lat 6a '89_ 84k 94 84k Wabasb 2d 6s 39_ 8214 82 8214 Wabash 5 ks 76 89k 89k 89k Wabash Oma 314s *41. 62k 62k 62k WalKer HAS 4 las 45 106 10414 104k Walworth 4s 65 _ 80k 79k 80k Warner Bros cv 6a'39 94k 94k ®4M Warren Br cv 6s 41... 67k 67k 67k W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd_. 9214 92 92 West'n Md 1st 4S'62.. 10414 104k 104k West’n Md 6kB '77 106k 106k 106k Westn NYAPgn 4S’43 107k 107k 107k West'n Pac 6s 46 A... 36k 85k Stk West’n Un 4 ks to ... 102 102 102 Westn Un cl tr 5s '3S.. 102k 102k 102k West'll Un ts 61_10tk 10214 102k Wast'n Unta 60_101k loik 101k Wh A L E con 4a '49_107k 107k 107k WhealStsel 4*ia ’6l„ 99k 99k *9H SMALL GAIN SEEN IN POWER OUTPUT Week’s Increase Leaves Total 13.5 Per Cent Above Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 6 —The Edison Electric Institute reported today pro duction of electricity in the United States for the week ended May 1 was 2.193.779.000 kilowatt hours. This was’ an increase of .3 of 1 per cent over the previous week’s figure of 2,188, 124.000 kilowatt hours and an increase of 13.5 per cent over production of 1.932.797.000 kilowatt hours in the same period a year ago. The advance, which was contra seasonal, brought the Associated Press index of electric power production, with 1929-30 taken as 100, to 118.9 for the week ended May 1. compared with 117.5 in the previous week. The index, which is adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 106.9 a year ago. The range for recent years follows: 1937 1938 1935 1934 1933 HUh _ 119.0 119.8 105.5 97.4 91.9 Low_110.3 103.0 94 1 91.9 80.3 The institute reports the following per cent Increases in major geographic regions of the country: New England, 14.5; Middle Atlantic, 14.5; Central Industrial, 15.9; West Central, 8.7; Southern States, 16.0; Rocky Moun tain, 28.4, and Pacific Coast, 4.3. NEW PEAK IS SET BY OIL PRODUCTION Institute Finds Average Daily Output at 3,497,450 Mark During Week. By the Associafa Press. NEW YORK, May 5 —Crude oil production pushed through to a new record high level in the weelg ending May 1, daily average outturn of 3, 497.450 barrels, the American Petro leum Institute indicated today. This was an increase or 1.050 barrels in the week for the entire country. Despite steadily mounting production in most areas, California continued to report a decline of 8,700 barrel, a day. Finished and unfinished gasoline stocks at refineries, terminals and in transit dipped slightly, from 82,303, 000 barrels at the end of the previous week to 82,273,000. Trade quarters pointed out the re duction in supplies, currently at a high level, has been slower than expected at this time of year, when 100,000 barrels or more a week are generally cut from stocks by rising consump tion. Reports received from 89 per cent of the industry’s refining capacity, which operated at 81 per cent of potential, indicate 3.140.000 barrels a day were run to stills. This was a daily in crease of 15,000 barrels over the pre ceding period, when the same com panies operated at 80 per cent of ca pacity. STEEL SCRAP REDUCED 50 CENTS MORE A TON By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, May 5.—Dow Jones & Co., in a dispatch from Pittsburgh, said offerings of No. 1 heavy melting steel scrap had caused a further down ward revision of 50 cents a ton in price, which is now $20 to $20.50. The same agency reported the Struthers Iron & Steel Co. of Youngs town. Ohio, had booked a 25,000-ton order for pig iron from Eastern bro kers for export to Japan within the next two months. This was the second purchase of a like amount for Japa nese shipment recently. It was understood a $2 premium over domestic prices was paid on the order. -- • NEW ISSUE PLANNED BY WISCONSIN CENTRAL By the Associated Press. The Wisconsin Central Railway Co. asked Interstate Commerce Commis sion permission yesterday to issue $2,500,000 of 3^ per cent equipment trust certificates. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment the carrier now leases from the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Line. The carrier also asked permission to issue an additional $1,200,000 of certificates bearing not more than 4 per cent to buy new equipment from the Lima Locomotive Works and the Pullman Standard Manufacturing Co. _ Washington Produce I , BUTTER—92 score, 1-pound prints. 35; Vl-pound prints. 36: tub. 34: 90 score. 1-pound prints. 34; Vi-pound prints. 35; tub 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 1R: calves. 16: veal. 16; lamb. 24: pork loin. 24: frozen sliced bacon, 33: slab bacon. 28; com pound. 13Vi: lard 14Vg. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. ?Via9: light hogs, fH«a9*i: mediums. aVialO; heavies, R^ia 93>4: roughs o'/iaR; calves. OalO. Prices paid shippers, net f.o.b. Washing ton. by the United States Bureau of Agri culture Economics: EGGS—Market continues weak as re ceipts remain heavy; prices one-half to 1 cent lower: only a few nearby ungraded eggs bringing ton quotations; current re ceipts. 18Vaal9; hennery whites. 19a20: Government graded and dated white eggs (net prices paid snippers, f.o.b. Washing ton): U. S. extras, large. 23: U. S. extras, medium, 19; U. S. standards, large, 20. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at un changed prices on Rocks and crosses, but lower on Leghorn broilers: colored fowl firm and mostly l cent higher; fowl, col ored heavy. 19a20: Leghorns 14al5: chick ens, Rocks. 22a24; crosses. 2la2.3; Leg horns, ITalR; old guineas. 25a30 each; turkeys, old hens. 16al7: old toms, 14. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. May 5 </P).—Raw sugar was unchanged early today at 3.45 lor spots. Sales were confirmed as of late yesterday of 17.600 bags of Puerto Ricos. 20.000 Cubas and 36.000 bags of Philip pines for May arrival at this level, with additional buying Interest evident. Futures were quiet, but the undertone was steady. Price movements were nar row in both contracts. The No 4 ad vanced on scattered commission-house buy ing. encouraged by firmness at London and report an agreement had been reached on the export quota for the free market at the International conference. The No. 3 was higher on trade covering against sales of actuals July No. 3 sold at 2.51 and September at 2.52. or un changed to 1 point net higher Sep tember No 4 advanced from 1.21Va to 1.22 or 2 points net higher, and the market at midday held around the best. The report from Washington President Roosevelt would veto any bill that did not carry out his recommendations in the sugar bill had little if any influence on the market. Refined was unchanged at 4.8n for fine granulated, with only moderate trade. High. Low. Clou W 8pStl l»t7a'35ct 87 M 87 M 87* WUko» B&B 1st 6a *4>. 88 IS 88 WIlwiftCoM 66_101 1COH 101 WlsCant latch 4a'4». MM MM 88M Wl»CSftDTrints’H- SOM SOM SOM WCttDtsr4l,8l8fl. II 11 18 THanta SAT 4a '81_101M 101 101 CREDIT CURB REDUCES 1 AMERICAN SNUFF SALES ] By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 5.—Earnings of American SnufT Co. for the first quar ter were somewhat less than for the same period a year ago, stockholders were told at the annual meeting. The decrease, it was said, reflected lower sales volume, largely attributed to a change In the company’s selling ■ ■■ = I Office Space For Rent 1,300 square feet of exception ally desirable front space in modern elevator building in heart of business and financial district. Apply Wm. J. Flather, Jr. 1508 H St. N.W. Ha. 1753 Amortized LOANS • for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bank Has Made Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loans “ SECURITY13 Sciomos & Commercial BANK Two Convenient Branches: 9th & G _ 1518 K Sts. N.W. * St. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinance your homo or business property LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthly pay* ments, which, in addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you • share in th« profits of this Associstion. NORTHERN LIRERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION 511 SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Ettobliihtd 46 yean member or FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE U. S. BUILDING AND LOAN LEACl'E First Mortgage Money • For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 YOUR HOME Buy, Build or Refinance Free Booklet with valuable information 1. Pictures of attractive homes from $6,000.00 to $18,000.00, also floor plans. 2. Financing a new home. 3. Planning within your means. 4. Selecting competent archi tect and builder. 5. Refinancing your present home. 6. Buying a home already built. Write, phone or call for your copy of this booklet, "Your Home," without cost or obliga tion. It will assist in determin ing the type of loan to meet your need*. Frederick W. Berens Mortgage Loang Heurich Building 1627 K St. N.W. Phones National 8280-8281. Mortgage Loan Correspondent for Six Insurance Companies J •olicy by which consignments were hanged from a long-term credit base o a 30-day settlement requirement. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL. BUY OR EXCHANGE Desk* Steel Files Table* Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE I4IA tif St N.W Phone NA *1*4 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I.BORGER 643 Indiana At#. N.W. Nat’l 0350 5% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Application« Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St N.W. NAtL 1403 Safe Investments _ First mortgage notes, F* Qj well secured on con servo*iveiy appraised. V ' ^ new buildings in Washington and near* by Marylond. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears a======~?^— First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from i to 13 Tears I Also Monthly Payment Loan* ! Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated I _ ' MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT Nea York Ltle lniuranc$ Co. i 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 i1BS=aBB=!1Bsa_!_==a=i LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 1879 ★ For Safety of Principal ★ For Assurance of Income r=T| FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES SELECTED properties and conservative appraisals combine to make these First Mortgage Notes on District of Columbia and nearby Maryland homes one of the highest class offerings we have ever sponsored. ^ Denominations from $250 Up ^[Shannon & luchS]^ Real Estate 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345 Members of Washington Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE • LOANS • NO COMMISSION OR RENEWAL FEES Monthly Payments as Low as $7.50 Per $1,000 Consult us if you wish to obtain money to help you Build, Refinance or Modernize Tour Home. ENTERPRISE BUILDING ASSOCIATION 7th St. and Indiana Avenue N.W. MEMBER OF D O BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE MEMBER OF U S BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE ► i REAL ESTATE LOANS on Improved Property Monthly Payment Loans or Straight Three Year Loans 5% INTEREST Consult Real Estate Department AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUSt COMPANY Itain Otic* FIFTEENTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Branchci 7th and Uau Av*. N.W. Seventh and E St« S.W. Eighth and H St«. N.E. 1140 Fifteenth St. N.W. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM