Newspaper Page Text
TO NAM ME Market Drifts Aimlessly, With Small Losses Pre dominating. By tht Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 5.—The curb ^market drifted in aimless fashion to day, with slight losses predominant. Off fractions to a point or more were Aluminum Co. of America, Wayne Pump, Gulf Oil, American Cyanamid "B," Commonwealth Edison, Ameri can Light A: Traction. Atlantic A; Pa cific, Pan-American’Airways and Pan tepec Oil. Consolidated Mining & Smelting, on ^the. other hand, gamed more than 4 ‘cn light volume. Other gainers up to around a point included Brown Fence Ai Wire. Lake Shore Mines, McWil liams Dredging, Niagara Hudson Power and Pennroad. -• EXCHANGE MEMBER BORROWINGS GAIN Average Market Value of All Shares Drops From $45.26 to $41.80 in April. Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 5.—Total borrow- j lngs against collateral by New York j Stock Exchange members increased j during April, statistics showed. Meanwhile, the average market value Cf all shares listed declined to $41 80 on May 1 from $45.26 on April 1 and ' r compared with $35.74 on May 1. 1036. Borrowings against collateral by members rose to 2.05 per cent of mar ket value on May 1 from 1.85 per cent ! on April 1. On May 1, 1937, there were 1,232 stock issues, aggregating 1.386.653.884 shares, with a total market value of 557,962,789,210. This compared with 1.232 stock issues, aggregating 1,380, 281,474 shares, with total market value of $62,467,777,302 on April 1. On May 1, 1036. there were 1.193 stocks issues, totaling 1,336.686.499 shares, having total market value of $47,774,402,524. The stock exchange reported mem ,ber collateral borrowings at the close , of business April 30 of 57.187.279,384, an increase of $ over the March 31 total. --—• CUBA SHIPS MORE SUGAR. NEW YORK. May 5 -Cuban sugar exports from January 1 to May 1 totaled 1.004.967 long tons, raw * value, an increase of 5 per cent over the 957.082 tons shipped in the cor responding period last year. Latnborn & Co. reported today. Exports to the United States amounted to 851,203 tons, against 805.907 in the first four months of 1936. I CURB BONDS _ DOMESTIC BONDS. .. „ . Hieh. Low. Close. ! . Aia Power 5s A joc*a 1 <‘‘J 12 lo ’i . Ala Power 5s '51 ns *»s !»s Aia Power 5s '68_. _ s:» sn gn Alum Co 5s *5^ 1 n.v'* lo.V% 105% Alum Co Ld 5 s ’4S H»534 10534 10534 Am G & E os 2078. DC, 107 107U Am P A L (3s *J0Ui j»o>4 s»4j2 }i47* Appalach E P 5s 56 l(»tf*a 108>2 106I-a Ark PAL 5s '56 90 P834 9S34 . As El Ind 4'2s 53 54 533 2 5332' As G A* E 432s 49 4J*34 4!i'4 4.93* , As G Ac E 5s ’50 5134 51 511. . As G A E 5s V,s =>1 5] 51 As G A E 53as Inv ct s-j'j x,,!4 x-’i2 ' t*.’T £l?S 55 A S*'< «*'•♦ Bald L os .78 ww stp 191 191 191 ! Bald h 6s 718 XW sip 18.7 18.;', is:!1. Bell Te C 3s 60 C llo 119 mi Birmine Gas 5s Mil 77 -•< Bull Go El 3s .'in 106 loii DIO Can Pac 6s '47 loo1, Dili', mo1. Caro Pw & L* ."> ■ 56 ion inn ino I Cen II P S (1 s p <i;o. him h;i. Cent 111 PS .is '68 o 107s, 107»; 107s, Cen O LAP os 5o A ]iiii'■ jihi> imi, Cent Pw A L‘ 5s ’5«* ~ ju»*i «»•'"* Cent St El 5 ;lS ;>* 6 ;,s C^it, St El 5‘ s ’54 fitii . 5ii3. VHk Cent St PiL .v. ; 53 tip;, tip. ij'ii; Chi D1 El 4 1 - ; i A 1 n434 1 ii-134 Hip: Chl Pn T1 5Mb '17 jo- jjo'* i Cities Svc os '5o 7:; 7 *1.. 7-*'i, 1 Cit S P A L 5 1.s ’15* 7 .»3 • T.Vl ;oP Comw Ed 4 1 j > 57 D 11 *7 11 ■’ ‘ ] j •’ “ i Comw Ed 4s '81 P . J (157, 10.5',, 105*, ! Comw Ed 33,s 65 H 103 103 lei Comw Sb 5Ms '4s a 103 103 103 Comply PiL 5. 7s 77.1, "3. I Conn L & p ; ■ 51 a I •_* 7 ■ . i -j7 > . 1 •>r’ . Cont G A E 5s 7)8 A. SO34 88M 88M Det Cit Gs ns 750 B 1 On3, 105s, 1 On3, Dixie GG c,Ms '37 A lol lol lol East G A F Is 06 A SO1, 86 86. El Pw A Lt 5s 7'n::n S47, 84 M ml Emp Dis El 5s '57 97 97 97 8 Fed Wat 5Ms 51 8-' k-’ 8" Florida PiL 5s 751 miM «,.!». Gary EAG 5s 14 s:p xw 0,0 99 “ 99 Gatineau Pw 5s 56 . DMMloi lol1, Gatineau Pw 6 11 107 in'* in" Georgia Pw 5s '67 97 nil7. 07 Georgia PAL 5s '78 75M 751" 751s Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 811 Tip 7 ip Grand Tr We 4s '50 ns\ ns1* mss. Guard Inv 5s 'IS A 57 M 57 57 Hall 6V Ft 6s ’47 stn 00 os1, 99 Hygrade Fd 6s 19 B K-’ h- in* I £*. * L 'is ;•'*••! A . 104 ', 1114 1, DM3, 1 ? pLn’-S ’54 K 107 107 107 T p" a* tL t’l *'«3i "I 7, 983, iup A- L >Ms .1, _ 96', 95 ’, 96', Indian AM E 5s 55 D16M 106M loo’a Indian El c 6s 47 A 9H3, OK3, OS3, Indian E C 5s 751 C no 90 On Indiana Ser 5s *5n OHM 69'.. 60', Indnap P A- I. 5' 57 A 106M DiOM 1 oil', Tnterst Pow 5s 757 ni3, ui rim Inters! P s 5s 56 D S"3, s->\ s-’3! ! Intern P s 4Ms 758 F 7H3, tk3, 7h3. Jackson O 5s '47' stp 51 50M 50M Jfr C P A L 4 ‘ -s 6 1 C HI4', 104 ', 104 ', Kan GAE 6s 7077 A 11 S' , 11 s', 1 1 S', Kan Pw Co ns '47 A . 107 107 10” Ken U 6Ms '48 p 1033, ion3, m33:, Lehigh P S 6s 7076 A . 1077, I077, DI7M Lex Util ns 757 _ 103 103 m3 Lone Star G 5s ’47 _ 105M 105' . I05M La Pw A Lt 5s 757 _. 10.33, 1(15*, Din3. I Mil G A E 4 Ms '67.. m.77„ ln.77, m.37, Minn PAL 4 Ms '78 !'87, or3, 98M Miss POW 5s 755 . 85 84 85 Miss PwAL 5s 757 89 M sti' j snM Nass A Su L 5s '45 .. 105 ln.5 DIP, Nat PAL 5s 2030 B 86 8,3M 86 Nelsner Bros Rs '48 1 nit lm; mil New E GAE 5s '47 12M 7" 7’M New E GAE 5s '4 8 _ 771, 7f3, 713 New E GAE 5s 750_ 77M 7° 703, New E Pow 5s '48 97', 971, phi New E Pw 5' s 754 . HRt, hr hr NY P A' Lt 4Ms '67 106M D16', D'6M X Y S EAG 4Ms 'SO _ 100', DKI1, DlllM X Y A W Lt 4s 2904._ 102 Hi” |n" N YAWL 5s '54 117 117 117 No Con U 5 Ms '48 A 57', 57 M 57', No Ind GAE 6s 752 1I173, D'73, 107 3, No Ind PS 4 Ms ’70 E 90 99 119 Norw El 6s '45 stod. _ 103’, 10.37, 1031, 1 Ohio Pwr 5s '52 B _ 105’, 1057, 1057, Okla PAW 5s 'ts a . no no on Pac G A E 6s '4 1 B 11S*. 1 In5, 1 155, Pac P A L 5s 755 . 77 77 77 Penn C LAP 4 Ms '77. 99 ns7, on Penn C PAL 5s '79. 102 102 102 Penn El 4s '71 F . 95M 943, 943, Penn O E Os 750 A 101 ■« lol ', lot7, ?eon GLAC 4s '81 B 92 92 92 eop LAP 5s '79 . . 1PM 19M 19M Phtla El P 5Ms ’72 __ 1105, 11(1“., 110“. Portland GAC 5s '40. so', SO', so1, Potomac E 5s 756 E Dll', 107V, D171, Pub Scr N J (is ctls.. 1304, 130V, 130', Pub S N I 4Ms '78 D 1 02' 1 107', 107', Pub S N I 4Ms '80 E 107M 107M 107M Pub S Okla 5s ’61 C . J 0.7M 1 OnM 105M Pug S P A L 5Ms '49 A NSM S73; 88M Puk S P A L 4Mi ’50 D. so3, so3, 80*, St L G & C 6s ’47 mat. I43, 14M 14M Ban An P A S 5,s '58 B. lol 101 104 S E P A L Hs 2025 A lol', 101 Dll Sou Cal Ed 33,s 4.7 _ 10,3 Din 10.3 Sou Cal Ed 33,s '60 . 1(U M 101*4 101M Sou Cal E 33,s '60 B mi3. Dll3, 1013, rou Cal E 4s '60 . 10.3M lOn'i 105M DUW PAL 6s 2022 A 93 93 9,3 td O A E cv 6s 45 cod 80'a So S0'4 Std G A E 6s '66 B . 80 SO 89 ftand Pw A Lt 6* '57. . 793, 70*« *»*« xas Elec 5s ’60 __ 1 (11 3, lo 1 ", lol3, ex Pw A Lt 5s 776 __ 105 105 105 Tide Wat P ns ’70 A 97“, 973, 97*a Twin CRT 5 Ms 752 A 81 81 81 Ulen A Co Os ’44 Illst 51 51 51 un E L A P M ns 7)4 A 107M 107M m7Va unit El N J 4s ’49 _ 113 J 13 1 1.3 Unit Lt A Pw 6Ms ’74 87 87 87 Unit L A R D 5Ms 757 88 88 ks Utah P A L Os 7027 A 94 94 94 West News U 6s ’44 (47 oi5, 61M west T Ut ns 757 A 95 114 M 9.7 we U G A E .5Ms ’5.3 A D>47, DU7, 1R47, Wls-Min LAP ns '44. 106M 106M DlllM Wls PAL 4s 756 A . 94M l>33, 94', York Rwy Co 5s '37.._ 89', 89 89 FOREIGN. Cuban Te 7Ms '41 A _ 99 99 99 Ger Con Mun 7s '47 . I!)-1, 1H3, 193’, Ital Su Pw 6s ’63 A 583-, 58*, 58*, Mendor P 4s 73] stp 9.7M 9.5M 95M Qante F A 4s '45 St . 72 72 72 *w—with warrants, xw—Without war grants n— New. st (stp'-—Stamped (Negotiability impaired by maturity. ♦ Companiea reported In receivership. * i NEW YORK CURB MARKET | By private wire direct to the Star. All time shown below is daylight saving on which the Exchange is now operating. 3:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. low. Close. Apia Ansco_ I 35 85 85 Air Device Corp... 6 344 344 344 Air Invegtors -no. 1 35* 354 354 A la Pwr pf < 6) .. 10s 6754 6754 6754 Alum’nCoof Am SOOs 185 129 129 Alum (Am) pt (6) 950r 116 11444 116 Alumn Goods b25o 2 1744 174* 1744 Aluminum Ltd_S50s 107 44 1 07 4J 10744 Am Rook Co < 4)_10s 65 65 65 Am Box B’od (1). 20 22!4 2154 21*4 Am Clt P&L i A) 3 25s 34*4 3444 84*4 Am CltP&L B a20c 2 4*4 444 454 Am Cynam B t60o IS 31 29*4 2954 Am Eqit (a22>ic) 2 444 4*4 44* Am & For Pvv ww 2 254 254 254 Am Fork & H < tl) 1 16*4 18*4 1R*4 Am G*E ( 1.40)... 5 8 4 44 33*4 3444 Am G*E pf (6)... 25s 111 111 lit Am Gen C’p (aSOC 3 1044 1044 1054 Am Gen C pf 12) 100a 3 4 44 3 4 3 144 Am Inv of 111 (2). 1 20 20 20 Am Laun y Rl sue. 3 so so so Am L A T (tl 20). fi 214 204 204 Am MfE Co Ia3)_60s 60V$ 504 604 Am Rlaracalbo ... 124 2 24 Am Superpower R 1** l*j 14 Am Superpw 1 st 6 1 9: 92 92 Anchor Post 9 2 44 44 44 Angostura (t20c> 4 TVS 7 7 Appalach E P pf 7 20# 1074-4 107Vi 1074 I Arcturua Radio T 1 14 1V4 14 Ark Nat Gas ... 2 84 74 74 Ark Nat G eu of __ 1 84 84 84 Ark Nat Gas 1A).. Ifi 84 8 84 Art Met W (80c) 2 13 13 13 Ashland OAR t40o 3 64 64 64 Aaso Gas & ERc . 1 14 14 14 AssoGAE(A) .. S 34 34 84 Atlas Coro war 2 24 24 24 Atlas Ptvw'd' 14' 1 22*4 22*4 2i4 Austin Silver 5 24 24 24 Auto Vot Mch jOc 3 lOVt 104 104 Axton-Fisher (A) 30# 32 32 32 Babcux & W11 t4) t0> 128 128 128 Raldw L bd rts(d) 2 24 14 24' Bardstown Dlst... 4 34 34 34 Barium Stain KtR. 7 54 54 54 Baumann Co (!■)_. 1 104 104 104 Beech Aircraft ... 2 44 4 4 Bell Aircraft ... 3 12V1 114 124 1 Hellanca Aircraft 1 64 54 64 Bell Tell Pa pf 64 10# 1144 114V1 1144 Berke.v&Gay F Co 6 24 24 24 | Bliss Co IE W) 4 184 184 184 Blue Ridge (bl5c) 2 34 3 3 Blue Ridge cv pf 3 6 47 46*; 47 Bhimenthal S .. 6 23 224 224 Bower Roll B (2). 3 294 29** 294 Row man-RHtmor# 6 2 2 2 Brazil Tl<AP 40c 6 23 224 22*1 Breeze C Inc a75c. 3 104 104 104 Brld p t Mch b25c 1 19 19 19 Brow n Co Df £0. 724 724 724 Brown F&YV bl5c 3 12 12 12 Buff N&E Pf 1.60 1 244 24Vi 244 Buff Nlag&E 1st 5 £0# 701 101 101 Rurcolncwar 1 •„ *„ 4 Burma Ltd b 16#c 1 44 44 44 Can Car&Fdry pf. 25# 27 26 27 Can Marconi _ 1 14 14 14 !'arlh Syndicate . 43 24 24 24 Carnegie Metals.. 1 24 24 24 Caro L&P nf (6).. 10# 84 84 8! Carter 1JIV1 80c 1 10!*' 104 104 I Catlln Corn (a4tip) 7 74 74 74 , Calanase 1st pf t7 125# 122 1194 1194 Celluloid Corn pf £0# 524 524 52** Celluloid 1st pf b2 80# 105 1044 105 , I'en Hud G&E R"c 1 16 16 is ! Cent Me P pf a3’V 100# 93 93 93 I Cent P & Lt 7% pf ( 4) ... 75# 87 87 87 ICent&SWiTtll . 1 3-4 34 34 ! Cent States Elec 6 14 14 14 Cent St El cv pf n 25# 19 19 19 Cent St El 6% pf 25# 174 174 174 Cenrrif Pine *40c 1 54 54 54 Chi Flex Shaft (1) 50# 68 674 68 Chief Consol_ 2 14 14 14 Childs Co pf_60# 89 89 89 Cities Service_ 18 34 34 34 Cities Service of.. 11 62 514 52 Cities Sv c pf B 2 44 44 44 Cities Svc pft BB) 20# 49 48 49 I Cltv Auto St t60c) 2 11 104 104 Claude Neon Lts.. 13 3 3 Clev Tractor _ 8 144 14 ]* Cllnchfield Coal_ 1 74 74 74 Colon Dev Rtd .. 9 6 64 54 , Colo FuelA I r war 2 17 114 ]6»t | Columb O&G l)20c. 11 8V< 74 74 Comwlth Edls t4. 3 111 110 110 Corn with & S war 2 4 4 4 Community PS tl 100# 28 28 28 Cons Aircraft 2 254 25 254 Consol Biscuit 60c 1 64 64 64 Consol Copper (2 S4 94 94 Consol Gas Util ..2 3 24 3 j Cons Mln&Sm t2. 100# 824 824 824 Consol Retail Strs 2 74 74 74 Consol Steal Corn. 4 114 11 114 Cont'l Roll & S Fy 1 214 214 214 Cooner Bessemer. 1 244 244 244 Cord Corp 4 34 34 .74 Corr’n-R pf A bl'j 2 89 88 gs' Coauen OH ile (d; 4 2 2 0 Creole Re" ia50c). 7 35 31 34 Crocker-Wh alOc. 1 144 14*4 144 Croft Brewing 4 * # ' rnwni ("i Isfic 10 24 24 24 Cro'n Ck Int All). 2 13 13 13 Crown Dr ( b20c). 2 34 34 34 Cusl Mu Mining. 5 4 4 4 Dayton Rubber... 2 234 2S4 234 Dennison 7% pf._. 10. 85 85 35 Derby Oil A Ref . 3 74 74 74 Detroit Gasket tl. 9 194 184 194 Det Gas nf (1.20). 1 19 19 19 DomlnSAC(R) 1 :o4 204 20’< Dow Chemical (3). 1 1444 1444 1444 Draper C < T2.40 ).. 10* 81 81 81 Driver Harris 14. 1 874 374 374 Dubelier Condens. 14 4 4 Duke Power (3)_ 60. 73 70 4 73 Duval Tex S s50e. 1 84 84 84 tag Tit Lead blOc. 12 204 194 194 East'n GAF Asso. 2 64 64 64 East'n States Pwr 2 44 44 44 Elsler Elec (a5c)_ 1 24 24 24 Elec Bond A Shara 60 194 19 19 * Elec B A S pf (5).. 2 67 67 67 Elec R A S pf (6). 6 784 77 784 Elec P&L opt war. 2 84 84 84 Elec P&L 2d pf A. 20« 60 60 60 Elec Shareholding 3 4 4 4 Electrol Inc v.t.c.. 1 84 34 34 Eaultv <'oruia25c) 27 24 24 24 Europ'n El bd rta. 1444 Evans Wall Lead 9 14 14 14 Excello Alr(b20c) 6 22 21 2l«4 FalstaftBr (Jltj) 4 94 94 94 Ferro Enam b75c. 1 384 3<4 384 Fldello Brewery.. 2 4 4 4 Fisk Rubber ... 9 154 15 15 Fisk Rub pf (6) . 25« 82 82 82 Ford Ltd al81-10o 6 7 64 64 Ford (Can) A (1). 2 244 i’44 244 Fox (P) Brew 80c. 19 9 9 Franklin Rava60o 2 124 1?4 124 Gen Flrepr’f b25c. 8 194 184 184 Gen Invest Corp . 1 14 14 14 Gen Ravon Ltd A. 8 2 2 2 Gen Teleph (b25c) 1 174 174 174 GenTtre&Rub 8 82 814 814 Gilbert(AC)pf 34 20. 41 41 41 Glen Alden C (tl) 2 114 114 114 Godchaux Sug(B) 2 SO 294 SO Gorham (A)- 2 64 64 64 Gorham Mf vtc tl 1 26 4 264 254 Gray Tel PS d).. 1 154 154 154 Grt A&P TnrtS 80. 1014 1004 1004 Great Nor Pap tl. 100. 42 42 42 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 14 664 66 664 Hall Lamp (80c) .. 4 54 64 64 Hat Corp (B) 80c. 2 12 12 12 Hazeltine (b75c) _. 1 164 164 164 Hearn Dep S bl.65 1 164 154 154 Hecla Mining b45c 4 164 l«4 164 Helena Rub (A) 1. 4 9 84 84 Hoe & Co. Inc (A). 1 29 29 29 Holllnger (t65c).. 2 12 12 12 Holophane (b50c). 1 24 24 24 Hudson BM&S 11) 28 804 294 294 Humble Oil <18fc). 8 79 784 784 Hydro El Sec b20c 1 94 94 94 riygrade Food 244 4 Illinois Iowa Pow. 7 114 114 114 III Iowa Pw pf 2 4 1 824 324 824 111 Iowa Pw d ctfs. 6 13 13 13 Illinois Zinc_60. 804 304 304 Imp Oil Ltd t60c. 3 214 214 214 Imp Oil reg (t60c) 1 214 214 *14 Xnd'ap P&Lpf 6H E0. 92 92 92 Ins Co of No A 72. 600. 69 67 67 lntl Cigar M ta . 2 28 23 28 Int HE Sep A war 2 % 4 4 lntl H.v El 8 ctr pf 16 324 80 814 lntl Metals Inc A . ICO. 134 134 184 lntl Petrolm tlH- 6 854 864 354 lntl Utli (B) 1 14 14 14 lntl Vltamln(50c) 1 64 64 64 Interst P(DeI)pf. 20. 124 124 124 Ital Sup’pw d rts. 6444 Jacobs! FLIC011) 6 164 16 164 JerCen P&Lpf 64 26. 804 80 80 JersCen P&L pf * 60. 86 844 86 Jones&Laugh Stl 1 109 109 1 09 KansG&Epf (7). 10. 1114 1114 1114 Kingston Prod 40c 10 64 64 64 Klelnert Co (*0c). 2 11 11 11 Kreuger Brew tl_ 2 164 164 164 Lake Sh M <t4>_ II 504 604 504 Leh Coal AN 80c.. 7 84 74 74 Leonard OH- • 14 14 14 < L 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close Lion Oil Ref (1).. 4 22!* 12!* 22!* Lit Brothers_ 6 ft ft 6 Loblaw Gr(A)(l) 100» 28!* 23 23!* Lockheed Aircraft 4 U!* 12V* 12V* Locke Stl Ch t80c, 1 15V* 15V* 15V* Lone Star Oas 8Cc SO 12V* 12«* 12V* Long island Ltg . 1 4Vi 4V* 4V* Long I L pf A(7) 20« 82 82 82 Lone Isl Lt nf B 6 76a 70 70 70 Loudon racking,. ft 4 V* 4 4 La Land (40c) ... 7 124* 124* 124* Lynch Corp < 12) _. 1 40 40 40 McWilliams D (t2 2 294* 29 29 Mapes Cons (2)... 2 254* 23 254* Massey Harris 5 134* 1:4* 125* Mem Slat G (hlOc) 16 6 6 Merritt Chap A S 2 6** 64* 64* Mesa hi Iron _ 15 4* 9* a* Mex-Ohlo Oil_ 1 24* 24* 24* Mich Bumper C_ 8 24* 24* 24* Mich Gas A 011 4 104* 10 10 Mich Stl T P b25c. 2 124* 124* 124* Mich Sugar __ 1 14* 14* H* Mid Sta Pet (A)._ 8 44* 44* 44* Mid Sts Pet (B) 1 14* 14* n* Midwest Oil (.tl) . 4 114* 11 114* Molybdenum t'orp 19 9 9 Montr HLtAP 14*. 2 304* 304* 304* Moore Distillery 3 44* 4 4 Mount Prod 160c). 2 64* 64* 64* Nat Baking Co ... 1 12)* 124* 124* Nat Bella Hess 2 24* 2 2 Nat'l Contaln’afiOc 30 13!* 124* 134* Nat Fuel Gas 111 6 16 15J* 154* Nat Leather 11 11 Nat P A Lt pf (6) 450a 784* 78 78)j Nat Hub Mch a20o 1 154* 154* 154* Nat Service pf 1 5 5 5 Nat Sugar N J (2) 2 26 26 26 Nat Transit (7Re) 7 114* 11V* 11** Navarro OH (40c). 1 23’* 234* 237* Nehl Corn 3 53!* 63>* 53'4 Neisner Br pf (7) 50a 115 115 115 New HavCI (1 >4) 1 271* 22'* 22'* N EngPw As pf( 6) 60* 774* 774* 774* New Jer Zinc (t3> 800s 794* 794* 79)* Newmont M1n h75' 2 111 110 110 N Y & Hon (b75c) 150a 29<* 29 29 N Y Tel pf (64* ) 450a 1114* 11)4* 1114* Niag Hud Pwr new 32 134* 124* 13 N'lag H P< A) wsr 2 4* 4* 4* Niag Hud 1st (5) 20P« 874* 874* 874* Niag Sh Md B a60e 2 134* !2*4 12*i Niles Bm Pnd b50c 1 414* 414* 414* Niplssing (60c) .. 3 24* 24* 24* Noma Elec (blOc) 2 64* 64* 67* North Am LAP _ 1 34* 3** 3>4 North AmLS-P pf 60a 66 654* 654* No Am Ray A b50c 5 46 45 45 No Am Kay B b50c 3 454* 444* 44)* North n ICurop OH 5 >t No IPS 6% pf b75c 20a 85 85 85 Nor Tex El 6% pf. 1 24* 24* 2'* Novadel Acene<2( 1 334* 83 33 Ohio Brass B b75c 25a 564* 564* 564* Ohio Kills pf (61 . 76a 10)4* 1025* 1024* Ohio Oil cu pt (6). 1 1084* 107 lu7 Okla Nat Gas Co:. 6 ll7* 111* 114* Okla Nat Gas pf.. 100a 27 27 27 Oldetyme Distil . 4 11* 41* 41; Pac CAE 1st (1 4 ) 1 30 297j 294 Pac Tln spec 112) ICO, 42 <2 42 I'an-Am Air (tl). 2 65 fit** 65 I’antenec 011 X 6*4 64 n; I’atchague Ply a7. S0« 354 35 35 Pender O (A >3 4 10(J« 38 3K sx Pender Gr(Bla50e l lo 10 in Petinroad ia'-’5c> 16 44 44 4*4 Penna P&L pf (7) 6u« 1024 1024 1024 Penn Wat & P (4 ) 1 79 79 79 Tepperell Mfg t6 . 60, 1314 1314 1314 Phoenix Secur . 4 1C7* 104 104 Pion'r G Ltd b30c. 2 44 44 44 Pitney Bow(t40c) 5 74 74 75, Plttsbch Forging 4 ..4 224 724 Pitts & L E b2 4 .. 120s 1054 105 1054 Potrero Sugar . 2 3 24 3 Powdrell&AI t60o • 4 104 104 104 Pratt & Lamb <a2 1 344 344 344 ProducersCorp 1444 Prudent’l Inv a50c 1 124 124 134 Prosperity B a I 4 1 144 114 144 Prudent lnv pf(6) IOC, 1014 101 101 Pub Svc Irirt pt SO, 31 294 3u I Pub Sv Okla pl(B) 10. 96 96 96 I’ll! Sd P&L pf b5 125s 75 734 734 Pug Sd P&L S6 pf 25, 374 374 374 Pyrene Mfg aSOe. 4 10’* 104 104 ltaym'd Cone <tl) 100, 42 42 42 Raytheon Mfg vtc 1 5** 54 54 Reed K B new tSOi 3 394 394 3,14 Reiter-Foster __ 1 14 14 1(. Reynolds Invest_ 1 14 14 ]t( Klcbm'd Radiator. 3 5*4 54 54 Royal Type b75c. 1£C, 108 108 I0l> Ryan Consolld'd 5 64 6 s Rverson & Hai nes 15 5 5 St Reels Paoer 16 94 9 9 Samson Unitd C’p 1 54 54 64 Scovill Mfg (|>S0c)s00e 43 4 42** 424 Segal Bock * H 6 24 24 24 Selberllng Rubber 9 84 74 74 Selected indua .53 24 3 Sel Ind all cfs 54 100, 103 1024 103 Sel lnd prpf (54)500, 1004 1004 1004 Seversky Aircraft 11 54 5 54 Shattnck Hen Min 5 174 164 161; ShawinW&P80c 1 234 234 734 Simmons Hd&P. 1 44 44 *45 ‘ Solar Mfg (blOc). 2 64 54 54 Soni lime ( callic) 2 14 14 14 Soss Mfg Co (50). 2 64 64 64 So Penn OH' 11 4 ) 2 424 42 42" So Cal Ed pf C18i 2 264 25 25 Southn I’nion Gas ] 4 374 37. Southl’d Roy blOc. 1 104 104 104 Snanish&Gen rrta 3444 Spencer Ch S b75c 1 94 94 gw Stand C Spfl.SO- 1 25 25 25 Stand Dredging.. 1 44 44 44 Stand Dr cv pf_ 250, 194 19 19 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 2 194 194 194 Stand OH Ohio tl. 1 38 38 38 Stand Oil Oh pf 5. 50, 105 1044 105 Stand Pwr & Lt 2 44 4 44 Stand Prod (b25c) 1 184 184 184 Stand Sll&Ld (4c) 2444 Sterchl Bros a30c 1 94 94 94 Sterl Alum (b25c). 1 10 10 10 Starl'g Braw a75c. 5 74 74 74 Sterling, lnc(20c) 10 64 54 64 Stetson (JB >b50c_. 60, 194 194 194 Siroock & Co (2).. 1 254 254 254 Sunray Oil (b5c).. 7 44 44 44 Sunshine Min l|). 11 ]84 184 184 Superior Port C B 25, 174 174 174 Swiss-Am Elec pf 60, 1124 1124 1124 Taggart Corp- 23 134 124 134 Tastveast(Del)A- 2 14 14 14 Taylor Dlst (30c). 1 4 4 4 Technicolor a50c. 18 234 224 224 Tecb Hughes t40c 1 54 54 54 Texon OH & L 60c 1 54 54 54 Thew Shovel a50c 100, 614 Ey fio Tilo Roof Inc (1). 3 164 164 164 Tob&All Stks a3 4 60, 614 614 614 Tonopah M <a6c). 2 14 14 14 l’r-Lux DPS t20c. 2 44 44 44 Transwest Oil Co. 3 124 124 124 rf 1 -ContI C war ..2 2 2 2 Triplex S G(new). 2 16 16 je Tublze ChatlUlon. 1 274 274 274 Tublze Ch A (bl)_ 1 81 81 81 Un Gas of Can 50c. 1 144 144 144 Unit Air war- 1 20 20 20 Unit Gaa Corp- 34 104 94 94 Utd Gas war- 8 24 24 24 Unit Gas pf b3 4— 1 1154 1154 1154 Unit Lt & Pw (A). 5 74 64 64 Unit Lt A Pw pf 4 E0 49 49 Unit Milk Prod (2) 26, 284 284 284 Unit Shoe M T24 125e 89 89 89 Unit S Mch pf 1.50 50 , 384 38 4 384 U S Foil (B) (1)._ 4 144 14 14 US&lDtl Secur_ 2 24 24 24 USLlneapf ... 6 34 34 34 U S Rub Reclaim. 3 84 74 71* US Stores . ..1 4 X 2 U S Stores 1st pf.. 20, 74 74 74 Unit Verde Ex (l) 3 34 34 34 Unit Wall Paper . 10 44 44 44 Unlv Corp'n v.t.c.. 2 64 64 54 Un vlnsurd)... uo, 1*4 154 154 Unlv Pictures_ 1 9 9 9** Utilities P&L((J) 9 4 4 u Util P & L pf (d)_. 60, 18 18 18 Valspar vtc_ 2 7 7 7 Valspar pf vtc- 60, 81 61 61 Van Nor Ala b40c. 2 294 29 29 Walker Mining .13 3 3 Wayne Pump 60c_. 11 46 444 444 Weisbaum B B 40o 1 94 94 94 Wntwtb Mfg bl5c 3 64 64 64 vv Va Coal A Coke 1 44 44 44 Western Auto Sup 8 274 274 274 Willson Prod, tl, 4 ^ 2.1A Wolver Tube b20o 2 16H 1614 tsu Woodley Pet T40c. X 84 84 84 Wright Kara »40o 15 64 64 *4 Yukon Gold(al3c) 7 34 34 34 Dividend rate, m dollar, Dased on laat quarterly or eeml-annuai payment tAn nual rate—not Including extra, lAe curamated dividend! a Paid last rear b Paid this vear. d Companies reported e, being in bankruptcy or In recelverahlp or being reorganlaed under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by such com Danlet, METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. May 5 OP).—Copper steady: ,/c,to?lytlc-?D0t *nd future 14.50; export. >122 2-. Tin easier: spot and nearby. 55.62',,ao5. <o; future. 55.25a55.H7b,. Uad steady; spot New York, fi.00afi.05: East St. Louis, 5.85. Zinc steady: East St. Louis spot and future. «.75 Iron, alum inum. antimony, quicksilver, plaitnum and wolframite unchanged i AT STEEL PUNTS April Bookings Heavier Than Expected After March Record. Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 5.—New busi ness in steel continues to taper off. but the decline is moderate, and April bookings were heavier than expected in view of record-breaking March tonnage and third-quarter price stability, Iron Age said today in the weekly review of the Industry. Deliveries are easier on some prod ucts, but backlogs are still extremely heavy, equaling two to three months production of some companies, the review said. “The outlook for the remainder of Ihis quarter and for third quarter continues promising despite the ap pearance of an easier delivery situa tion.” the trade publication stated. "Automobile production, continued purchases of railroad equipment and a high rate of tin plate output will help to support Summer steel opera I tions. Although building work is making discouragingly slow gains, a considerable volume of structural steel was placed in April. "A new labor threat is the principal cloud on the horizon. Two large in dependent steel companies have re ceived warning from the Steel Workers Organizing Committee of the C. I. O. that failure to sign contracts, similar to that signed by Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp. and some other companies, may result in a strike call. The mat ter will probably come to a sharp issue within a week. "Steel production for the country I is estimated at 92 per cent for the current week. Indications point to a j continuation of output at around 90 , per cent cr hither during May at least. "The decline in scrap prices has not yet been cheeked The Iron Age scrap composite yielded to $19.58, a ; loss of $2.34 from its high point in March.” -. Loomis Elected Hoard Chairman Of Lehigh Valiev “ j B5 the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, May 5.—President E. E. Loomis of thi Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. was today elected chair man of the board and was succeeded in the presidency by D. J. Kerr, New York, who was assistant to the presi dent. Loomis also will be chairman of the ; Executive and Finance Committee. ! Loomis had been president of the com j pany since 1917, when he succeeded | E. B. Thomas The changes were announced after the regular board meeting held at the offices here. --«—. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 5—Cotton ad vanced moderately today in quiet trading influenced by steadier foreign markets and reports rains and cool temperatures had been unfavorable for cotton east of the Mississippi River during the past week. Outside interest was still small and prices moved over a narrow range. July, which reacted from an opening 1 high of 13.19 to 13 11 under scattered selling, had recovered to 13.14 by mid 1 afternoon when prices were 6 to 10 i points net higher. Futures closed steady, n lo 1'! hieher. I High. Low. Close. ; May Pi Pi Pin.-, LI.VJ July -- 1.1. in l.l.iili 13,15-18 October _ 1C.U4 lest P’ December p; <)•: l •’ p’mi 1 January lCiiti p’«•, p’ <i:; March 1C.OS PU>': l'J.tlii-97 J Spot steady; middline 13.03. Cottonseed Oil. Blraachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady, unchanged to 3 higher. Sales, 85 contracts. May, 10.03; July. 10.09 September, 10.15; October, 10.03; December, 9.94b. b—Bid. New Orlean* Prices. NEW ORLEANS. May 5 i^.-—Cotton prices started 9 to 11 points net higher today on good buying which was based on much better foreign markets than had been expected. Most active portions crossed the 13-cent line in the early trading. July onened at J 3.05. October at 12.91. December at 12.98 January 13 00 and March 13.02. There was a slight further rise after the oprning but a flurry of selling ensued and toward the end of the first half hour the market was selling around 7 to 11 points above the previous close Liverpool reported a demand based on higher Eastern advices. There was also a scarcity of contracts in the English mar ket. trade calling and straggle buying against Egyptian sales, the cables said. Cottonseed oil opened steady. May. 9.40b; July. 9.55b; September. 9.09b, Oc tober 9.55b: December. 9.45b. b—Bid. DOLLAR MOVES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS £y the Associated Press. LONDON, May 5.—Trade buying helped the United States dollar gain VB cent in foreign exchange transac tions today. The closing quotation waa 4.93 9-16 to the pound, compared with yesterday’s closing Newr York rate of $4.93sb French francs fell back to 110.03 to the pound, compared with 109.78 yes terday. PARIS, May 5 UP~ ~ per cent, 65 francs 70 cer. A.” 71.30; 4'is 1937, 94.L Exchange on London, 110.22. The dollar was quoted at 22.325, -« ASSOCIATED OUTPUT UP. NEW YORK, May 5 (JP).—Net elec tric output of subsidiaries of Asso ciated Oas Sc Electric System for the week ended April 30 totaled 86,329, 739 kilowatt hours, an increase of 16.9 per cent over a year ago. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 5 UP\ <1J. S Dept. Acr.). —Hogs. 15.000. including 5.000 direct; early market fully steady with Tuesday’s average; few choice hogs. 5 higher: early top. 10.40; market now slow: binding weak to 10 lower: bulk good and choice 300 300 lb.. 10.15-30; lo()-iP0 lb.. 0.75-10.25; packing sows mostly 0.50-80. Cattle. 0.000; calves. 1.500: largely steer run: killing quality improved; bulk of crop grading good and better: more weighty steers in run than recently; cows very scarce: fat steers and yearlings very slow: prospects 15-25 low-er with most down turn on strictly good and choice offerings with weight; liberal supply 1.050 to 1.150 !k >- yearlings and light steers here; tnese ~.» lower for week to date and under PJ„ei?sure aKain today; prime weighty bul at few loads. 11.50-13.50; below 0.75: bulk crop n/i'c0 liberal share of run without ?*dt’ „ d belters steady; best light offer y< <1choice koshers with 3; Promise to sell above 13.00: cows steady to strong; bulls and vealers steady dUn respeMvely10 50 down: mo,tly 10 00 aofnine' .'3!n0' nflne direct; fat Iambs sSuetiv® -hi??.' "I1*. undertone ttrong: avBnah!»ChS.<^l WoJ>i,d lambs scarce; best » 5n»n.*bovc, 12.25; early bids IV'cllnned b,ni«lo»d merely good 76 IewC«onUui a Hn sbeep about steady; 5 ooWdowa ****• 6-00'°0; moat thorn ewea. Net Income of the United States Steel Corporation by Quarters million Quarters Ended dollars March 31 40i 11 — - 35 n 30- - 25- - - 20 15- - - 10 0,-1Lj34 fL 10 11 Lf36 37 * io— - *§ 15 o u 20 251_ I MILLION DOLLARS million Quartan Endad °°Ly Juna 30 35 30 JT I 25' - 20- -- 15 - 10- - imE 30 '34^36'37 5 —<— - ± 10- - • is 20-LI 25 ___ MILLION DOLLARS MILLION DOLLARS 1UT MILLION 0 I DOLLARS Dividend Resumed! On Common Stoek Of Skellv Oil Co. J By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 5—Skelly Oil Co. resumed dividends with a dec laration of 50 cent* on common stock, payable July 1 to stock of record June 1. It is the first dis tribution for common shareholders, since December, 1930, when 50 cents was paid. Company's principal properties are in Oklahoma Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, Arkansas and Louisiana. DIVIDEND ORDERED. NEW YORK. May 5 W i—Van Raalte Co. directors declared a divi dend of 75 cents on the common stock, payable June 1 to stock of record May 18. On March 1 the company paid 6212 cents. The concern manu factures silk gloves, hosiery and knit goods at plants at Paterson and Boon ton, N, J., and Saratoga Springs and North Tonawanda, N. Y. FIRST TRUST LOANS Reasonable Rates and Commissions Tyler fir Rutherford, Inc. 1312 L Street N.W. National 0173 Loin Correspondent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. May 5 iJPj.—Bar sliver firmer, up 'g at 45'g. _ BY NICKELPLATE 1936 Profit Represents 561 Per Cent Gain Over 1935 Total. Bt the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, May 5 —W J Hara han, president of the Nickel Plate Railroad, reported to stockholders today a net income of $7,380,481 for 1936. an increase of $6,264,552 or 561 per cent over 1935. The net railway operating income W'as $9,137,723. an increase of $2,378, 176 or 35 per cent. Passenger revenue was $969,176, an increase of 21 per cent. Stockholders of the railroad re elected directors at their annual meet ing today and added C. C. Collister. assistant secretary of the road, to the directorate. Spokesmen said other business was routine. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. May 5 'A' —Live n il tiy fowls cross breds fancv ° „ ducks, white Peklns old rjalf '*n r\ colors. 12a 13: turkeys, young toms. 10a 1« . lancv hens 1 Ka2o. Dre.sspd Dour.rv unchanged. Butler—Top grace i1 02 33 33‘2: 01. 32*2l 00. so. 31-3iVa. Do You Need Advice on INSURANCE? You can depend on this firm to advise you, according to your best interests, in the matter of complete insurance protection and coverage. Our friendly counsel and efficient service arc at your command. J. Blaise de Sibour and Company INSURANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. Natl. 4fi7.3 This is not an Ottering Prospectus. The offer of these Debentures is made only by means of the Offering Prospectus. This issue, though registered, is not approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, ichich does not pass on the merits of any registered securities. $45,000,000 {of which $42,500,000 are publicly offered) Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Twenty-Five Year 3J/4% Debentures Dated April 1, 1937 Due April 1, 1962 Interest payable April 1 and October 1 in Xew York City Coupon Debentures in denominations of (1,000 and $500, registerable as to principal. Registered Debentures in denominations of f1,000. f5,000, (10,000 and (100,000. Coupon Debentures and registered Debentures, and the several denominations, intercharigcable. Redeemable, at the option of the Company, in whole or in part, upon at least 60 days’ notice, on any interest payment date, at the following prices with accrued interest: to and including April 1, 1941, 105%; thereafter to and including April 1, 1945, 104%; thereafter to and including April 1, 1949, 103%; thereafter to and including April 1, 1953, 103%; thereafter to and Including April 1, 1957, 101%; and thereafter, 100%. The following is merely a brief outline of certain information contained in the Offering Prospectus and is su bject to the more detailed statements in the Offering Prospectus and the Registration Statement, which also include important information not outlined or indicated herein. The Offering Prospectus, which must be furnished to each purchaser, should be read prior to any purchase of these Debentures. THE COMPANY Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, 99.99% of the stock of which is owned by American Telephone and Telegraph Company, was incorporated in New York in 1879. The Company is engaged in the telephone business in Alabama. North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida. Georgia, Kentucky, lx>uisiana. Mississippi and Tennessee. The properties of the Company consist mainly of telephone instruments and facilities for their interconnection, the latter consisting chiefly of central office switching equipment and connecting lines. The Company is subject to regulation by the Federal Communications Commission and by state authorities in each of the states in which it operates, within their respective jurisdictions. The Federal Communications Commission is presently engaged in an investigation of American Telephone and Telegraph Company and its subsidiaries. Outstanding as of CAPITALIZATION * December 31. 1936* Thirty Year First Mortgage Sinking Fund Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds, due January 1, 1941... $47,070,500 Real Estate Mortgage Notes... 5,000 Notes Sold to Trustee of Pension Fund (4% Demand Notes). 3,871,000 Advanqps from American Telephone and Telegraph Company, parent (5% Demand Note)..., 8,000,000f Capital Stock—par value $100 per share.;. 124,999,000 * Xxcludrx $H,040,000 mortgage bonds due January 1,1947, funds for the payment of which were deposited with the Trustee on December 41, 1946. whereupon the mortgage was released, idn additional advance of ft,000.000 was obtained on March 41, 1947, of which f700,000 had been repaid by April t8th. PURPOSE The net proceeds, exclusive of accrued interest, from the sale of the Debentures, after deducting OF ISSUE the estimated expenses of the Company in connection with such sale, are expected to approximate $42,394,000 and are to be applied toward the retirement of the Company’s presently outstanding * issue of $47,t70£0O of Thirty Year First Mortgage Sinking Fund Fire Per Cent. Bonds, due January 1, 1941, which the Company intends to redeem on July 1, 1937, at 105% of their principal amount ($49,424,025) and accrued interest. The Company expects to obtain the balance (approximately $7,030,000) of the requirements for such redemption, exclusive of accrued interest, from borrowinys from American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Its parent. EARNINGS The following figures are taken from the Income Statements of the Company in the Offering Prospectus. Years Ended Operating Total Fixed Net December 31 Revenues Income Charges Income 1934 $49,841,354.57 $10,288,269.34 $3.415,611.35 $6,872,657.99 1935 52,526,407.74 11,121,862.25 3,399,627.71 7,722,234.54 1936 57,290,776.50 12,762,189.09 3,362,172.46 9,400,016.63 RKBKNTURKS The Tiventy-Five Year 3l/4% Debentures will be issued under an Indenture dated as of April 1, 1937, between the Company and Bankers Trust Company, New York, X. Y.. Trustee. This issue of Debentures is not secured. It is limited to $45,000,000 but the Indenture does not restrict the amount of other securities or indebtedness, either secured or unsecured, which may be issued, incurred, assumed or guaranteed by the Company. Reference is made to the Offering Prospectus for information as to certain covenants in the Indenture with respect to the creation of liens on, or sales of, property of the Company. UNDERWRITING! Subject to certain terms and conditions, the Underwriters named in the Offering Prospectus have severally agreed to purchase an aggregate of $42,500,000 of these Debentures from the Company at 941/2%, or « total of $40,162,500. plus accrued interest. Such Debentures are to be offered to the public at 961/2%,ot a total of $41,012,500, plus accrued interest. The underwriting discounts are 2%, or a total or $850,000. There Is no firm commitment for the remaining $2^00,000 of Debentures but the Company is withholding such Debentures for sale, on or before July 1, 1937, only to the Trustee of Pension Funds established by affiliated companies, without underwriting discounts or commissions, at 94t/2c7c, or a total of $2,362,500,plus accrued interest. Price 96V2% and Accrued Interest The Underwriters, including the undersigned and the others named in the Offering Prospectus, have agreed to purchase 3^2,500,000 of these Debentures on the terms and conditions set forth in the • Purchase Agreement, including the approval of legal matters by Messrs. Davis Polk Wardwell Gardiner 4‘ Reed, counsel for the Underwriters, and by Mr. Eduard D. Smith, counsel for the Company. It is expected that delivery of Debentures in temporary form will be made at the office of J. P. Morgan 4' Co. on or about May 11, 1937, against payment therefor in Xew York funds. The Underwriters have authorized the purchase and sale, in the open market or otherwise, of these Debentures for their several accounts, either for long or short account, within the limits and during the period set forth in certain agreements referred to in the Offering Prospectus. Further information, particularly financial statements, is contained in the Registration Statement on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in the Offering Prospectus which must be furnished to each purchaser and is obtainable from the undersigned or from any other Underwriter of this issue. MORGAN STANLEY & CO. Incorporated KUHN, LOEB & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. LEE HIGGINSON CORPORATION THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION BROWN HARRIMAN & CO. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. Incorporated Dated May 5,1937