Newspaper Page Text
Traffic Convictions LEAVING AFTER COLLIDING. Johnnie Smith, no address given, $300 or 180 days. NO PERMIT. Johnnie Smith, no address, $100 or 00 days. NO HACKER’S LICENSE. Johnrkj Smith, no address, $100 or 00 day*. SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. William M. King, Riggs road, $15. Coast* C. Proctor, 5423 Bell place, $15. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Howard C, Hackney, Virginia, $10. Crenshaw D. Briggs, 1010 I street, $10. Saul Zimamon. 610 Madison street, j $5. Samuel S. Oaplan, 1428 Ninth street, ■ $5 Max L. Stevens, 1403 Allison street, $5 Emanuel Aaronson, 7914 Orchid atreet, $10. Charles H. Pickett, Maryland, $15. George C, Breeden, Virginia. $10. James R. Nichols, 3105 Woodley toad. $10. Richard L. King, Virginia, $5. Eugene E. Gorges, 512 Tenth street ■outheast, $5. Russell M. Bevlin, 1471 Irving street, $5. William J. Chilcoate. Maryland, $5. Phillip D. Arnett, 1758 Corcoran atreet, $10. Bernadme M. Cullen, 1750 Lanier place. $10. James H. Lee. Maryland. $5. Arthur L. Darling, 4805 Fourth afcieet. $5. Dorothy E. Wolfiey, Maryland. $5. Benton F. Potter, Maryland. $5. Bennie A. Sales. Maryland. $5. Norman O. Nielson, 3109 Woodley j Poad. $5. George Adams. Maryland. $5. Walter E. Button, 2408 North Cap itol street, $5. Charles Corbin. 735 Fifth street southeast, $6. Charles V. Hickinbotham, 5303 Eighth street, $5. George V. Wiggins, 239 Virginia P-venue southeast. $5. Jacob Mehlman, 4506 Georgia ave nue $5. Bryan L. Dorsey, 3603 Eighteenth atreet, $5. Ernest B Ellis, 2219 Naylor road southeast. $5. Marie K. Page. Maryland, $5. James Poston, 5419 Hawthorne j atreet, $5. David Troshmsky, 446 Eleventh atreet southwest. $5. Henry R, Hanes, Maryland. $5. Clarence P. Rutherford, 511 Fourth atreet, $5. Sol Rosen, 150 C street northeast, $5. Charles Wood. 1225 Jefferson street, $5. Charles H. Mann, jr4700 Connec ticut avenue, $5. William Litvin, 815 I street, $5. Osborne S. Ludlow, 1924 Seven teenth street, $5. Marcel Beauvias, 3042 Fourteenth atreet. $5. Joseph K. Myers, 1708 Twelfth 1 atreet, $5. George C. Harris, 2032 Belmont I atreet, $5. Joseph W. Turner. Maryland. $5. Dean E. Crandall, 442 Buchanon atreet, $5. Hubert C. Newell, 1391 D street northeast, $5, ARCHITECT CERTIFICATE ACCUSATION IS DENIED First Man Ever Held Here on Charge of Practicing Without Registration Asks Jury. Clifton B. White, 7295 Orchid street, the first man ever arrested here on a Charge of practicing architecture with out a certificate of registration, plead ed not guilty and demanded a jury trial when arraigned before Police Judge Isaac R. Hitt yesterday. He was released in custody of his attorneys, 1 William H. Collins and P. B. Ennis. White is charged with three viola tions. one in 1934, another in 1935 and a third in 1936. He was arrested on complaint of Robert S. Beresford, sec retary of the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects for the Dis trict of Columbia. The defendant, while living in the District, maintains his office in Silver Spring. Md. He claims he has acted only in an advisory capacity in the District, according to Assistant Cor poration Counsel Rice Hooe. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Meeting, District Optometric So ciety, La Fayette Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Philatelic Society, Carl ton Hotel, 8 p.m. Dinner, American Judicature So ciety, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Card party, Holy Comforter Auxil iary, No. 181, Knights of St. John, Holy Comforter School, 8:30 p.m. Meeting, Young Democratic Club, Willard Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting. District Public School As sociation, board room, District Build ing, 8 p.m. Meeting, Lodge No. 39. American Federation of Government Employes, Hamilton Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Ladies' Auxiliary. Photo Engravers' Union, Hamilton Hotel, 8 p.m. TOMORROW. Luncheon. Kiwanis Club, Mayflower Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Cosmopolitan Club, Carl ton Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Brotherhood of St. An drew, Carlton Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Dinner, District Medical Society, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, Georgetown University Law School, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Meeting. Friendly Sons of St. Pat rick. Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting. Amity Club, Hamilton Ho tel, 8 p.m, Dinner, Thirteen Club, Willard Ho tel, 6:30 p.m. Supper meeting, Holy Comforter Church, Willard Hotel, 6:30 p.m. BOILEAU TO SPEAK Representative to Talk on laving Standards in Broadcast. Representative Boileau, Progressive, of Wisconsin will talk on "Living Standards" over the blue network <WMAL> of the National Broadcast ing Co. Saturay at 2:30 p.m. Others scheduled to speak on the half-hour broadcast are Gardner Jackson on "Wages" and Lief Dahl on "Security for Agricultural Work ers." Prior to the broadcast the People's Lobby will have a luncheon in Wesley Hall, 1703 K street, at 1:30 p.m. The subject "What Working Farmers Want” will be discussed. a> \ ABOtIT THESE | SENSATIONAL [ NEW | eiQar\ftyCjhair \ ALL-SILK THREE THREAD Sheer Chiffons \ at 85* \ I m ! Mo wiMHfor! To see Iftrm - j l »» to fcoy them, hbeer f m rvhurtm, omd thef t wear ,i -^^1 Am Ideal Gift for Mother’s Day I (May 9th) Women's Speciolty Shop 1 1105 F STREET N.W. BEN WEBSTER’S CAREER. Surprise! _By EDWTN ALGER ■ i 1 ~ ~ ■ - ■ ------ — . „ - —- - -_ CW UJUVOst YJC HAVCVn C_ $10,000 FOO.TMC AAORJGAG' UWCll WAT. BUT TVTAVS > WOT TMt MObT I VWQgTAWT TvnvJG* < VJCLL, AAV VOUWJ6 'TWtMD Aft , WtLL Aft > wopwew, WILL ^STtLl ME *“>. EXACTIVWW ) »«> MORE < ? UAPORXAUT? ) f VOU'Rfc OAOJWJ ^ ( fcVKXJTlUG J ^ i w»u/ y /VOU AklD I CAM TAKE IT, LETS ^ f €>AV* BUT WVAAI AftOUT OUfc ' ^ yof tut ewceesr old lAoies 7 VW THB VJORJLOT ^-VSx^£ oo YOU W Vwwy. TVAAT OLD STUFF ABOUT JoOSU, UUCLfr ) UISOIUS f y'uxX 1 OVOkTT *> -T-T-'—r-—'~^K*>*eN4 you TOT ==-.! m Service Orders. ARMY. Sturdevant, Col. Clarence L., Engi neer Corps, office chief of engineers, to Kansas City. Mo. Parker. Lieut. Col. Edwin P., jr., Field Artillery, Army War College, to Virginia National Guard, Richmond, July 1. Coughlan, Lieut. Col. Joseph D., chemical warfare service. Army War College, to Hawaiian Department, August 4. Parmelee, Maj. Clyde D., Field Artillery, Fort Moyle, Md., to Virginia National Guard, Norfolk, August 1. Schimmelpfennig. First Lieut.. Irving R.. Field Artillery, Fort Hoyle, Md., to Military Academy, July 1. Belgian Linen $10 95 Smartly fashioned from an \ I imported hand - blocked fabric. featurina a plain 1 skirt with a flavred top. Shown in black, navy and | brown in sizes 12 to 20. Sketched at Zirkins! j Dress Dept., Second Floor ZIRKIN 821 14th Street N.W. | Washington's Oldest i Furriers STEPSTGDL STRONG ARKANSAS PINE • Rubber Treads on Steps • Heavy Durable Seat • Joints Glued and Nailed • 24 Inches High • Steps Fold out of Way You pay only 59c for the purchase of this step «tool— easily worth *1.00 to *1.25—with the purchase of m quart of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote at the regular price. Enamel-Kote is Acme’s finest enamel, which dries in 4 hours. Your choice of 20 colors 1 This Week Only! SP£ C / CL L - WITH PURCHASE OF 1QT.0F ACME QUALITY ENAMEL-KOTE AT THE y-|4g REGULAR PRICE*X 9? BrTn.d' this ad wTtk you SEE YOUR NEAREST ACME QUALITY DEALER Max Cohen, 4813 Ga. Ave. N.W. F. Frager, 1115 Pa. Ave. S.E. Max Goldberg, 259 15th St. S.E. Fred M. Haas, 2014 R. I. Ave. N.E. Loveless Hwd. Co., 23 Fla. Ave. N.W. Geo. L. Mayhew, 1847 7th St. N.W. R. S. Mead, No. Beach, Md. Miller Hardware, 800 King St., Alex., Va. Moore Hardware, 3430 14th St. N.W. Brooklond Hardware, 3501 12th St. N.E. Louis A. Pincus, 426 7th St. S.W. John F. Scott, Fredericksburg, Va. Geo. B. Stevens, 2755 Nichols Ave. S.E. Geo. Walsh, 827 Upshur St. N W. D. Weinberg,* 530 4th St. S.W. Geo. M. Yeatman, 3141 Wilson Blvd., Clarendon, Va. Robert Tilch, Silesia, Md. Walter Kuehn, Bryant Rd., Md. i » Wilson, First Lieut. Norton B„ Coast Artillery, Fort Monroe, Va., to Hawaiian Department, August 4. Patrick, First Lieut. Bream C.. Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okia., to Fort Myer, Va. NAVY, Tennent, Capt. Eugene H„ Dental Corps, detached Naval Training Sta tion, Norfolk, Va., to treatment, Nor folk Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Harrison, Comdr. Marion E., Dental Corps, detached Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif., to Norfolk Naval Hos pital, Portsmouth, Va., June 1. Hanns, Lieut. Satolll W., detached Navy Yard, Cavite, to Navy Yard, Philadelphia. -• Many munition factories are being built in the suburbs of Tokio, Japan. DEMOCRATS TO SING Glee Club to Hold Its First Con cert Tomorrow. The District Democratic Club’s Qlee Club will hold lta first ooncert tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Pierce Hall, Fifteenth and Harvard streets, un der the direction of Lynn L. Olll chreet. Assisting on the program will be J. Horace Smithey, baritone; Edwin M. Singer, tenor; Kevin Cosgrove, violinist; Dr. Donald Brown and Mrs. Marie Morris, pianists. The diamond is the hardest of all minerals. tovdsTta Home f CRACK- SHOT is W#^4 i _ , cuaranteed to rid tho ! CT " *J home of roaches. Get g jB* 3 3l a can now. Worry no more with these dis f MlACK'SW carryinr pests. f M Sold only at drug l 1**cmma** j stores. _ Plan Your Own Color-Schemes! . v CUSTOM-MADE .SLIP COVERS 3250 FOR 3 PIECES Two delightful fabrics! Chevron cloth in 12 smart colors. A sun fast, dogwood-patterned cretonne in green, rust, gold, blue or brown. All sorts of combinations are possible . . . and the work manship of the covers themself is superb, french seams on all and box-pleated flounce on all 4 sides. -\ SIXTH __ 1 FLOOR r 7-7-^ Ruffled Curtains—3 Styles • RUFFLED CUSHION DOTS, each side 47 inches wide. In a choice of ivory or I ecru. Big, puffy dots. • RUFFLED COLOR DOTS, each side 41 inches wide. Green, blue, gold or rose cushion dots. • RUFFLED PIN DOTS, each side is 47 inches wide. Well-spaced tiny dots on ivory or ecru marquisette. SIXTH FLOOR—The Hecht Co. Simmons O-Lushion Metal (jlider —with water-rcpellant cover 17" Amazing at this price. O n e-pc. I solid metal frame, coil spring base, broad, metal arm rests. Gay striped water repellent covers. SIXTH FLOOR— Th« Hecht Co.. HODGE'S SPRINGDALE REVERSIBLE 9x12 IIIMU ICMi^ Beautiful patterns, even though they have been discontinued by Hodge's. Brilliant floral, modern and all-over conven tional designs, woven clear through to double < the wear. SIXTH FLOOR—Th» Hecht Co. * „ .* ' > SLOAN-BLABON 9x12 AND 9x10.6 FT. Inlaid "Linofloor Rugs" Eight beautiful marbleized ond tile patterns . . . the colors clear through to the back. None with any serious defects. (st€»ndt)