Newspaper Page Text
Roosevelt Finds Winds Not in His Favor at Port Isabel, Tex. By the Associated Press. GALVESTON. Tex.. May 5.—Presi dent Roosevelt waited on the weather man today to decide where to cast his iine next in the choppy waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Running down to Port Isabel, near the Mexican border, yesterday for a change of fishing grounds the vaca tioning Chief Executive found the winds unfavorable for tarpon. The biggest catch was a catfish, less than a foot long, by Col. Edwin M. Watson, military aide. The yacht Potomac, with the Presi dent aboard, steamed out of Brazos Santiago Pass at 6:20 a.m. today, ap parently returning to Aransas Pass. After snagging 14 silver kings near the Port Aransas south jetty Monday, the presidential party decided to seek a little more privacy yesterday and cruised 160 miles down the coast near the mouth of the Rio Grande. From shore, residents of the Port Isabel area watched Elliott Roosevelt, the President's son, and other members of the party fish from small boats lowered from the Potomac. They didn't see the President, but under stood he, too, was near the jetties in a dory. Military Honors for Dog. POCATELLO, Idaho, May 5 (/P).— Full military honors for "Jackie,” a mongrel dog, were given by the C. C. C. enrollees of Company 560, who turned out in full uniform for burial of the mascot in a silver-colored box after he was crushed under a car's wheels. _ FOUND. CALF, young. Owner describe and pay ex penses. National 2848. j _LOST. BILLFOLD brown, containing driver's per mit. cash and rent check Sunday after- ' noon bet. Wise. ave.. Friends School and Rock Creek Park. Liberal reward. Col. 3643 after 6:30._ BRACELET, yellow gold, initials “H. R. W.” Keepsake Lost Mayfair Restaurant or vi- \ cinity. Reward Greenwood 1129_ BUNDLE, containing currency and checks, in the main auditorium of National Press Bldg.. Sunday evening. May 2. 1937. A j liberal reward will be given for Its return. | Call Lincoln 0990 or Columbia 4 194._ CAT. male pure white. Reward if re turned to 2132 Florida ave. n.w. Decatur 17 66._ CAT—Tabby-colored Persian; vicinity 4th *t. and North Carolina ave s e. Lincoln yoil. Reward._ CAT. large grey, white feet: vacinity 39th et. n.w.: name. “Snoonie." Reward. Call Emerson 3522. _ _ COCKER SPANIEL black, collar and tag; vicinity Fessenden st. and Wisconsin ave. Reward._Emerson 827S._ COLLIE, black and white, male. Clarendon 2089-J Reward._6*_ EYEGLASSES tortoise-shell, in case: vi cinity of 14th and Kenyon. Reward. 1318 Kenyon st. n.w. Columbia 9381. GLASSES—Lost Monday; tortoise shell: tn black leather case. Liberal reward. 418 L st. n.w._5•_ LOST, vicinitv Brighton Hotel. California &t.. Monday night. 8-mm. movie projector, brown carrying case, several reels film, aluminum case. Liberal reward. Call Mr. Behrens, District 1424. until 5:3u p _Adams 4796-W thereafter. _ PACKAGE, containing pass book, other papers and $381. by old war veteran, rep resenting his life's savings; on Monday, May 3. Reward. Phone National 5697. _6* _ POCKETBOOK. blue, beaded, in Capitol Theater, on Tuesday, containing currency, billfold and green address book. Reward. Alexandria 985.__ POCKETBOOK, black. $40 postal savings, receipt book, on Treasury car. 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Return Hester Sullivan. 3419 Lowell st. n.w._ PURSE, man's, brown, zipper, contained bank book. cash, valuable papers: Tues. eve., bet. 1241 Euclid n.w. and Mount Ver non Church. Liberal reward offered. Re turn to Clark Manufacturing Co. 1241 Euclid st. n.w. Adams 7281 or North 8413,___ TERRIER, white maltese; looks like poodle, name Clarice; strayed from 1501 Kalmia rd. n.w._Reward. Phone Geo. 7455. 6* WATCH CHAIN—Platinum, with 2 gold foot balls attached; nr. Wardman Park, on Saturday. Reward. Phone Walnut 7 395. 5* WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER male, small white with tan ears: at 4th and G s.w.. license No Alex. 189451. Reward. Alex, a nd na.1275, SPECIAL NOTICES. t WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts not contracted by myself in person. PERRY WHITELOCK 1 07 Cedar Ave.. _Takoma Park. Md._• Sew folding chairs for rent, very reas. Wc cater to all occasions, small or large. Metropolitan 8259. National 8664. i WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted by any one other than myself. WILLIAM M. VOSHELL. Jr.. 228 34th pi n.e.. city._5* DAILY TRIPS MOVING LOADS AND PART loads to and from Balto., Phila. and New York. Frequent trips to other Eastern cities. “Dependable Service Since 1896." THE DAVIDSON TRANSFER & STORAGE CQ. Phone Decatur 2500_ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted by any one other than mvself. MORRIS TURLEY. Chesterbrook. Va.___6* COLUMBIA COUNTRY CLUB Twenty-year 5'2%. closed mortgage bonds. dated December 1 1930. due December 1, 1950. secured under deed of trust indenture dated December 1. 1930. TO THE HOLDERS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED BONDS: Notice is hereby given that the club has elected to call and redeem on June 1. 1937. nil of said bonds as provided for under Item 7 of the above-mentioned deed of trust indenture dated December 1. 1930. at the principal amount thereof with interest which may have accrued thereon, and in addition thereto 5'* of the principal amount of each of said bonds so called and redeemed. The holders of the above bonds shall present and surrender them for payment and redemption at The Riggs National Bank. Trust Department. 1503 Pennsyl vania ve N W.. Washington. D C . and the bonds should have attached thereto all coupons maturing subsequent to June 1. 3 937. By the terms of said indenture it is provided that after such redemption date bo interest shall accrue upon or in respect pf any such bond called for redemption as aforesaid. Dated April 30th. 1937. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. D C.. Substituted Trustee. By SIDNEY F TALIAFERRO. Vice President and Trust Officer. *THE PARTNERSHIP OF ORDWAY W. Richard and Elmer L. Davis, trading as Richard & Davis Dodge and Plymouth dealer, dissolved as of April 12. 1937. Business taken over by Ordway W. Rich ard, sole proprietor. JACOB POLITZ. Attorney. ___1010 Vermont Ave. N.W. CHAIRS FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, banquets, weddings and meetings. 10c up oer day each. New chairs. Also invalid rolling chairs for rent or sale. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO., 418 10th st. n.w. MEtropolltan 1844. IF YOU NEED STORAGE. LOCAL OR lone-distance moving services, phone Met. 2042. MANHATTAN STORAGE A* TRANS. CO. 639 N. Y. ave. n.w. Rugs cleaned snd stored._ THE FOLLOWING CARS ONE CHEVRO^ let sedan motor No. 1928384: one Ford sedan, motor No. A-3190345. and one Ford roadster, motor No. A-2439726. will be sold at public auction to highest bidders at JOHNSON’S GARAGE. 501 57th st. n.e.. for repairs and storage bills, on date of May 7. 1937. at 10 a m._♦ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted for by any one other than myself. BERNARD C. KEMP. 2108 1st at. n.w. _.___ WHY PAY MORE? S. O. S. WILL WASH and shampoo your domestic rugs. 9x12. 8x10. $2.50 up. Adams 5712. FULL AND PART LOADS WANTED TO all point' within 2.000 miles: return-load rates: padded vans. Natl. 1460. NATION AL DELIVERY ASSOCIATION. INC._ _ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted by any one other than myself JAMES A. LANCASTER. 1908 3rd st. n.w.• KOOF TIME IS HERE! Let us put things in good shape before spring rams arrive. Accept the service of this reliable firm and forget your roof worries for years to come Estimates free. KOONS ROOFING 033 V St. N w. J scj COMPANY North 4423. We Are Experts in Planograph! ?'rom the most complicated color job to he simplified black and white effect we afford perfect reproduction backed by years of experience Reprints and extra copy work at reasonable rates. Estimates at your request. Columbia Planograph Co. 50 L 8t. N.E. Metropolitan 4892 A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 grovldes .am* service as one costing $500. ont waste "insurance money.” Call DEAL, with 25 rears' experience. Lin coln 8200. > J 4 Boys Tell of Watching “Bloody” Harlan County Ambush MRS. MINNIE CLOUSE. Mother of the two boys, who corroborated the statements of her sons. La Follette (Continued From First Page.) ber of a "gang of mine guards" ordered to "hunt down union men and bump them off.” He told La Follette he did not “mean to be evasive" and explained that since the hearings started he had given or ders “not to dismiss any workers be cause they join a union” and had stopped requiring employes to sign “yellow dog contracts” pledging them selves never to join a union. . Says Policy Changed. He readily acknowledged he “might have" hired a “gang of gun-thugs to run off union organizers,” until a few weeks ago. but assured the committee he recently had abandoned his policy of “firing all union men." During four hours of insistent cross examination, Bassham repeatedly shifted his testimony and pleaded a faulty memory. Shortly before he took the witness stand Bassham listened to two thin faced. gum-chewing mountain young sters testify that they had seen four of his mine guards ambush a carload of union organizers, severely wounding one of them with a burst of rifle fire. One of Bassham’s former employes, Jasper Clouse, also told the committee that mine guards had beaten him un conscious and shot his brother Lloyd to death on the main street of Verda, the company town, only 10 days ago. Keport From Harlan. In Harlan County Bert Howard, county attorney, was quoted as saying that Lloyd Clouse was shot only after he himself had opened fire. Bassham conceded that, “so far as I know,” the deputy sheriffs Involved in both shootings were still on the pay roll of his firm, the Harlan-Wallins Coal Co. He first asserted that he believed the shooting of Lloyd Clouse was “just a drunken quarrel” and that he had not discussed it with any of the depu ties involved. When confronted with conflicting testimony, however, he agreed that he had discussed the shooting at some length with Deputy Bill Lewis, named by Jasper Clouse as one of the four officers who attacked him and his brother. Bassham refused to comment on the testimony of “Thug” Johnson on the grounds that “I have nothing to dis prove it.” Bilbao (Continued From First Page.) Guernica toward Bermeo had been freed of Basque gunfire. Both Basque and insurgent reports said tanks and airplanes had been used in heavy fighting. The French cruiser Empire Fertin and the destroyer Fantasque sailed from Brest, France, toward Bilbao to join the French destroyer Terrible in co-operating in the evacuation of the refugees. While fiery Basque militiamen held their net around the trapped Insur gents at Bermeo, 16 miles northeast of Bilbao, a second column drove southeastward along the Durango road, meeting the insurgent advance and capturing important positions. Basques Control Summit. A slashing foray of the Durango road column gave the Basques control of the summit of Urrumendi—“moun tain of gold"— just east of Amore bieta and commanding the main highway gateway into Bilbao. Amore bieta is 11 miles east of Bilbao. Basque commanders said the isola tion of the Bermeo force—completed yesterday—would have been a "second Guadalajara” if their air force had been strong enough to take full ad vantage of the land success. The enr irclement drove hundreds of Italians oown the steep hill* and into the Bay of Biscay, where they per ished. The trap was closed by the Markham Clouse, fright), 12, and his brother, John, 13, jibing each other about their new clothes outside the Senate Civil Liberties Committee hearing room just after de scribing an alleged ambush murder of a union organizer in Harlan County. ------. dynamiting of a bridge between Ber meo and Mundaca, Just southeast of Bermeo. The sea covered their only unopposed flank. An Italian soldier taken prisoner said the insurgent artillery was com manded entirely by Italians and that the men in the ranks were Italians and Moorish. GERMANS DENY CHARGE. Basque Statement of Guernica Attack “Typical Atrocity Tale.” BERLIN, May 5 WP).—An official spokesman reported today to new Basque charges that German pilots had bombed and machine-gunned the sacred Basque city of Guernica with this statement: "It is a typical bolshevist atrocity tale by which the Reds try to hide their own crime—the town’s destruc tion.” ANARCHIST FLARE CALMED. Catalan-Valencia Uprising is Reported Settled. PERPIGNAN. Franco - Spanish Frontier, May 5 (A1).—A government radio broadcast from Barcelona an nounced peaceful settlement today of the anarchist uprising against the Catalan and Valencia Spanish re gimes. The brief, bloody rebellion is re ported to have cost 100 lives and split the forces lighting the Spanish in surgents. The radio announcement tersely re ported that ^Juan Garcia Oliver, min ister of justice in the Valencia govern ment and spokesman for the revolting anarchists, had arrived at a peaceful solution with President Luis Cotn panys of autonomous Catalonia. The announcement of peace came as two British warships, the cruiser De spatch and the destroyer Hostile, sped to Barcelona as a "precautionary measure” because of the violence there. U. S. ASKS REVOLT DATA. Consul at Barcelona Instructed to Follow Developments. The anarchist revolt at Barcelona prompted the State Department today to instruct its consul general there to keep this Government constantly ad vised. The consul general, Mahlon F. Perkins, and the captain of the Amer ican cruiser Raleigh, now in French waters, were said to be keeping a close watch on events in the Cata lonian capital. Latest advices to the department were that all Americans in that city were safe. Officials here had no knowledge of the exact number. Diplomatic circles here heard that local hostilities began in Barcelona on the evening of May 3 when the gov ernment attempted to take over the telephone building. During the night of May 3 and the morning of May 4, intermittent ma chine gun and rifle firing from "See Eta and See Better’* People who need glasses and do not wear them attract unfavorable at tention to themselves in their efforts to see. ETZ Optometrists 608 13th N.W. Between F and G N.W. • Vt Gallon of Larrex, pro tects a three-piece suite from, tooths for a full year, cm ia Was Notv only jL Pearl Bassham, left, alleged "head man” of the Harlan County mining region, photo graphed with his lieutenant, "Duke” Johnson, as they testi fied before the committee. —A. P. and Underwood Photos. buildings in the business section were reported. Up to 10 a m., May 4, these advices said, the situation still was not under control. -• D. C, Rector Tells Of Embarrassing Moment in Pulpit By th* Associated Press. CHESTERTOWN. Md . May 5 —The Rev. Howard Wilkinson, rector of St. Thomas' Protestant Episcopal Church, Washington, where President Roosevelt frequently worships, yester day related an “embarrassing moment" in the life of a clergyman. It took place the day after President Roosevelt had outlined his proposal for revamping the Supreme Court. Dr. Wilkinson told delegates to the Easton Diosesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Dr. Wilkinson said he had chosen as his subject for a sermon "The New and the Old." Unexpectedly, the President and party entered to attend services. The clergyman said he proceeded with his sermon, which dealt with advocacy of a return to the “old order of things" from a theological stand point. After he had completed his sermon, Dr. Wilkinson drew the Chief Ex ecutive aside and assured him that it had no political significance. STUDENT ART SHOWN Works of the pupils of Eugen Weisz, vice director of the Corcoran School MOTORISTS WHO KNOW QUALify ark asking sot BAYERSON OIL WORKS _Columbia 5228 JASPER CLOUSE, i4s he told the committee of the slaying of his brother 10 days ago. “because he heard of the Wagner act and joined a union.” of Art, are on display this month in the second-floor lobby of the Public Library, Eighth and K streets. Symbolic designs, water color work, local scenes and black and white illus tration characterize the exhibition. Paintings and drawings of the pu pils of Katherine Summy, head of the Central High School art department, will be exhibited during May at the Mount Pleasant Branch Public Li brary. I frr.r1*" E»wp«wm| L Silver and Metal Plating and I Repairing J SHERWOOD niajgicTruAm. OIL BURNER Smi CONNECTICUT AVENUE. N. W. — OECATUN 4111 • (OPEN UNTIL » P.M.) =: i ' - ■ - • - - - -.4 IN BUSINESS IN WASHINGTON OVER 60 YEARS We Are Specialists —in Rug and Carpet CLEANING, Repairing and Storage! • Hinkel's matchest process cleans THOROUGHLY . .. expels moths, germs and dirt . . . restores floor coverings to their original brightness and beauty—without destructive rubbing! ★ All work U backed by Hinkel’s reputation for RE LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY. LOWEST PRICES FOR FINEST WORK . . . ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Rugs and Carpets STORED ]or the Summer in STEEL STORAGE RACKS, at moderate cost. E. P. HINKEL & CO. 600 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. Phone: POtomac 1172 ' Today . : You Can Take Advantage of Our SUMMER BUDGET PLAN NO DOWN PAYMENT '11 °rdpr 1» blue coal At Present Summer Prices II__J JUVENILE COURT BILLISINDORSEG Senate Committee Makes 12 Amendments in Taking Favorable Action. The House-approved bill to mod ernize and humanize Juvenile Court procedure was placed on the Senate calendar today alter its indorsement by the Senate District Committee. After making a dozen amendments in the bill the committee late yester day ordered it favorably reported. The principal changes are designed to pro vide additional safeguards for delin quent children and to restrict the power of the Judge of the Juvenile Court. The amendments were sponsored by Senator Copeland, Democrat, of New York. In approving these changes the committee ignored a proposal of Corporation Counsel Elwood H. Seal that a member of his office be restored to the court staff. One of the amendments provides that whenever the court appoints a social worker as commissioner to hear a case, the appointment must be ap proved by the District Commission ers. Another change, approved on mo tion of Senator Overton, Democrat, of Louisiana, would prevent children from being taken from parents ex cept as a last resort. The record of j the court, under another amendment, | would be opened only to defendants, i their parents, guardians or their au thorized attorneys on order of the United States District Court. Chairman King appointed several I DENTISTRY Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Rowell, both dentiiti of long experience, offer a complete dental aervice, at one third to one-half what you would pay for a like quality lervice. Free examine tion and diag-lM nosit, free X-rays, free extractions with other work. Terms may be arranged. DR. VAUGHAN Dentist 932 F St. N.W. District 7863 METROPOLITAN THEATER BLDG, i DR. FRANK J. ROWELL _DENTAL SURGEON. ASSOCIATED i Lubrication baity's 2020 M ST. N.W. Let Haley’e Do It Right! f PO’Hbl, ' '3ni*»d ' .obO"2S% !*OWn Pa*'» i 'n «mol/ '•<?ui>*<# _ of only l ■n°,,to"unt!i0!y p°ymeni, J ln0 Pole. . <0 d0 ' **'»* do I 0,/ •*o»nj*I , *c,u‘iv pi r°m ‘ail. ■ pWWiiiiiiiirr ' ■ subcommittees to consider measures sending before the committee. One of these subcommittees, made jp of Senators Capper, Republican, of Kansas; Tydings, Democrat, of Mary land, and Overton, will handle two neasures providing for compulsory mechanical Inspection of motor ve hicles. Another, composed of Sena tors Hughes, Democrat, of Delaware; Bridges, Republican, of New Hamp shire, and Capper, was named to con sider a bill recently passed by the House to license and regulate real estate dealers and salesmen through I a commission appointed by the Com missioners. Senator Reynolds, Democrat, of North Carolina was appointed chair man of still another subcommittee, which will study bills to name undes ignated streets in the Mall area. He made arrangements for a hearing this afternoon at 3 o’clock. --- • Shaw Plurality Over 25,000. LOS ANGELES, May 5 l/P).—Frank L. Shaw was re-elected to his second 4-year term as mayor of Los Angeles with a plurality of more than 25,000 votes over Supervisor John Anson Ford, tabulation of the city's final election showed today. rNOW I EAT CUCUMBERS \Upiet Stomach Goes in Jiffy with Bell-ans i Bell-ans >011 INDIGESTION AMMAS CLEANED—BLEACHED BLOCKED Bach rvc II 733 11th St. N W. : LAWYERS1 BRIEFS S COMMERCIAL PRINTING S ADVERTISING SERVICE - BYRON S. ADAMS ~ | 5I211TH ST. SPECIAL OFFER! CUSTOM-MADE Reg. 48c Sq. Ft. Per Square Foot Minimum 12 Sq. Ft. Small Charge for Installation • ^ Vnd«.,0.nd FOR EXAMPLE: harmonize with your Blind 34 in. Wide decorations. . • Du Pont Paints and an(* in* Long. Finishes. • Specially designed Estimates Gladly Given Minted hardware for • Imported Tapes • 30 Colors In Slats automatle control. . Non-Warp Slats * 30 Colors in Tapes National Shade Shop 1213 Eye St. N.W. National 7706 Any Preference in WEDDING BANDS r= - - —^ Three generations of Brides have preferred A. KAHN Inc. Wedding Bands, and for that reason we have made it possible for "her" to select from the widest assortment, mak ing the preference angle complete. Diamond Wedding Rings from SI2.S0 to S300 CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED JewelerB PlatinumemitfiB Stationerers A. KAHN Inc. ARTHUR J. SUNDLUN, President 45 Years at 935 F St. \ A DISTINGUISHED RESIDENCE Drive ouf Massa chusetts Avenue to Westmoreland Cir cle. Turn left on Wetherill Road to Albemarle Street, right to DalecajUa Drive. For a large cultured family ... At the corner of Dalecarlia Drive and Blacki stone Road in fashionable Westmore land Hills . .. The utmost in luxurious living . . . Framed by virgin forest. XI Loughborough Development Corporation. 923 15th St. N.W. NA. 6370. West Waehinuton Construction Co., Builders. 1’