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Carha of Gtyanfuc. ANDERSON. ELLA. We wish to thank our many friends and societies for their ex pressions of sympathy and floral trib utes during our bereavement. W'e also wish to thank Rev. R W. R-embert. Rev. J. L. Pinn, the Enon Baptist Church and choir. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gordon and Mr, G. A. Jackson for their kind services. MELBA H. WASHINGTON. Grand daughter. • ROOD. JOSEPH. The family of the late JOSEPH HOOD gratefully acknowledge the thoughtfulness and sympathies of their many friends and relatives during their bereavement. THE FAMILY. 8 DratljH. A*H1.IN, HELEN V Oil Thursday, May R. 1037. at her residence 12334 South Dakota a ve. ne HELEN V. ASHLIN. beloved wife of Robert M. Ashlin and daughter of Maude Lewis-While and the late Daniel S Lewis. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. May 8. at 3 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 7* AUSTIN. MARTHA MERCER. Suddenly, on Monday May 3. 1037 at Phoenix. Ari7.. MARTHA L. MERCER, aged ‘27 years, beloved wife of Albert M. Austin, daughter of the late Maj. Morton B. and Martha Whatley Mercer, stepdaughter of Mrs. Mabel V. Mercer of this city. She is survived by a young son. a brother, James W. Mprcer of Wilmington. Del , and a stepaisfpr. Mrs. A H Pritchard. Interment on May 5. in Phoenix. Ariz. • BRISCt'SO. TERESA. On Wednesday. May 5. 1037. at her residence. 515 Irving st. n.w.. 'TERESA BRISCUSO. the beloved wife of Frank Briscuso and mother of Carmelo Briscuso. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday, May 8 at 8:30 am.: thence to Holy Rosary Church. 3rd and F sts. n.w where mass will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of her soul Relatives and friends are Invited Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Services by the W. W. Chambers CO. 7 BURKE. WILLIAM THOMAS. On Wednes day May 5. 1037. at Freedmen's Hos pital WILLIAM THOMAS BURKE, de voted husband of Henrietta Burke lov ing father of Christine Burke. He also is survived by a niece Maude Burke. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Sat urday May 8. at 2:30 p.m . from the above-mentioned establishment Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemeterv. 7 BUTLER. IRENE. Departed this life Fri day May T. 1931. IRENE BUTLER, oh L st. n.w.. devoted daughter of Katie and Thomas Payne. She also leaves to mourn their loss a husband. Ramsey Butler: five children. Annie May Doro thy Lee. Rosa Lee. Alice Marie and Irene Butler: many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Mahan A: Schey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. CLARKE. JAMES F. On Thursday. May H. 1037. at Emergency Hospital. JAMES E. CLARKE husband of the late Julia F Clarke Services ?t the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. May 10. at 8:30 a.m : thence to St. Paul’s Catholic Church, loth and V sts. n.w.. where mass will be said at 0 a.m. Interment New Cathedral Cem etery. Baltimore. Md. 0 CROWN. SAMUEL <1. Suddenly, on Thurs day. May k 1037. at Emergency Hos pital SAMUEL G CROWN husband of Maud R. Crown . son of the late David M. and Sallie A Crown Funeral serv ices at the W. W Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st. s e. Notice of time later. DIETZ. ERNEST. On Thursday. May 6 I. 937 ERNEST DIETZ, beloved husband of Lillie L. Dietz <nee Todd', father of Thelma M. Dietz Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home. 816 H st. n.e , on Saturday. May 8 at 2 p.m. RelaMves and friends invited Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery with Masonic services. DIETZ. ERNEST. Members of Liberty Bell Council. No. 55 Jr O U A M . arp requested to assemble at the Deal funeral home. 8 i6 H 1 st. n.e . on Saturday. May 8. 1037. at 2 p.m.. to pay respects to our late brother ERNEST DIETZ Bv order of ALLEN C. WITHERITE. Secretary. DROVEV JOSEPH MARTIN. On Thurs dav. May 6 103? a! Philadelphia Pa JOSEPH MARTTN DRONEY beloved husband of Mane Cenlia Droney <npe McHueht. father of Deirdre Droney and brother of Viet i a Marie Droney and Robert Francis Droney. Notice of funeral later. Mr,AN. MICHAEl, A. On Thursday May 6 1037. a* Georgetown University Hospital, in his ?6th year MTCHAEL A DUGAN the beloved husband of Mary E V Duean. Funeral from his late residence. 33 10 N st. n.* . on Saturday. May 8 a* 8:30 a m Reouiem mass at Holy Trinity Church at 0 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. FITZGERALD. MORRIS. Op Thursday May 0 1937. at his residence. 4230 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. MORRIS FITZ GERALD. beloved husband of the late Isabel Fitzgerald and father of Morris V G . Goldie C . James Madison. Reginald Paul and Russell John Fitzgerald. Fu neral services at the residence of his son. 4619 42nd st. n.w.. on Saturday. May 8. at 9 a.m.: thenrp to St. Ann's Church where mass will be offered at 9 30 a m. Relatives and friends invited, i Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Serv- j Ices by the W. W. Chambers Co. i FOMAN*. EVELYN. Suddenly on Wednes day morning. May 5. 1037. at 1240 Duncan st. n.e. EVELYN FOMAN. daughter of Mrs. Laura Quander and the late James Quander: beloved wife of William Foman. mother of Clarence. Thelma.^ James Paul and Walter Foman. Sho also leaves to mourn their loss three sisters, five brothers, one grandson: also other relatives and friends. Re mains may be seen at her late residence. 1740 Duncan st ne. at 5 p.m. Friday. May 7. and until 17 noon Saturday, at which time remains will he taker to : Woodlawn A M. E Church Arcotink Va . for funeral and interment. Ar rangements by Malvan Schey. HALL. ROBERT CLARK. On Thursday. May 0. J937. at Freedmen's Hospital ROBERT CLARK HALL. He leaves a wife and two sons. Columbus and John Hall: three grandchildren, two sisters, five brothers and a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w until 4 p.m. Safur- i day May 8: thereafter at his late resi dence. 1541 P st. n.w Funeral Sunday. May P. at 1 :30 p.m from the First Bap tist Church. Chesterbrook. Va.. Rev. Fairfax officiating. Interment church cemetery. 9 HARPER. JOSEPH F. Or. Wednesday May 5 1937. ar Detroit. Mich. JOSEPH F. HARPER thp beloved husband of Mabel Harper and «on of the late Beniamin F Harper of Georgetown D. C Remains will arrive Saturday morning. Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co. fu neral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Saturday. May S. at 7:30 pm. Rela tives and friends are invited. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 7 HAWKINS. MINERVA. On Wednesday May 5. 1937. at the Home for the Aged and Infirm MINERVA HAWKINS moth er of William L. Hawkins She also is survived bv two grandchildren. Re mains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 p i ave. n.w Funeral Saturday. Mav 8. at 1 p.m.. Rev. E. B Smith of ficiating Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. * 7 HEATH. THOMAS H. On Thursday. May 8. 1937. at the residence of his son. Harry G. Heath. 8320 7th st. n.w., THOMAS H. HEATH, husband of the late Martha L. Heath Funeral services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. May 8 at 1 p.m. Interment fPTivate) Glen wood Cemetery. HERBERT. ADA LOUISE. On Thursday. May 8. 1937. at her residence 1503 C st. s.e . ADA LOUISE HERBERT, beloved wife of Robert D. Herbert, beloved moth er of Mrs. Eva Knitter. Mrs. Bessie M. Goodrich and Mr. John Austin Herbert. •Services at her late residence on Satur day. May 8. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 7 HENNIG. HENRY A. Suddenly, on Thurs day. May 8. 1937. HENRY A. HENNIG of 808 Keefer pi. n.w,. beloved hus band of Gertrude Hennig (nee Rupertus) and father of Wilbert A and Ruth C. Hennig. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. May 10. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 7 HENNIG. HENRY A. The members of Edward J. Ross Council. Jr. O. U A. M.. are requested to as semble at Hines’ funeral par i lors. 2901 14 th st. n.wr.. on Sunday evening. May 9. 1937. at 8 o’clock, and attend the funeral services of our late brother. Past Councilor HENRY A. HENNIG. Signer. AUGUST A. ERDM.AN. Councilor. 8 ! HORIGAN. LEROY CHARLES. On Fri day. May 7. ,1937. at his residence. 4007 5th st. n.w.. LEROY CHARLES HOR IGAN. beloved son of John T. and Anna M. Horigan. Notice of funeral later. JENKINS. PHILIP ARCHIE. On Thurs day. May 8. 1937. at Mount Alto Hos pital. PHILIP ARCHIE JENKINS of Clinton. Md.. and Washington. D. C.. beloved husband of Harriet Hunter Jen kins. son of Mrs. Jannett and the late Jcyhn Z. Jenkins and brother of Mrs. J. Frank Dent. Remains resting at the residence of his sister-in-law. Mrs. T. Morgan McCloskey. 2803 Mozart pi. n.w. * Services at above address on Saturday, Mav 8. at 9 a m.: thence to St. Paul’s Church. 15th and V sts. n.w., where mass will be said at 9:30 a m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. _FUNERAL DESIGNS. __ THE PALAIS ROYAL FLORIST SHOP FLORAL SPRAYS. S2.50 upward*. tfSE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT Phon* DI 4400 Prompt delivery._ _ lURTON’S FLORIST BLVD. Funeral Sprays, $2.50 up HYATTS. 785°^" g'gfcyAT. 0162 GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 Open Evening _ .... r » and Snndayg COf. 14Hl & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral PiecM 1213 P 8t. N.W. NAtlonal 4276 ERNEST DIETZ DEAD; LIVED IN D. C. 34 YEARS ! - Funeral Services to Be Tomorrow for Betired Bureau of En graving Man. Ernest Dietz, 66, retired assistant mechanical engineer of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, died yester day after a slibrt illness at his home, 1010 Tenth street northeast. A native of Hawes Caves, N. Y., Mr. Dietz came to Washington 34 years ago to enter Government service and served continuously until retired two years ago. He was a member of the Joseph H. Milans Masonic Lodge, the Fellowship Club, the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and the Fellowship Club of the Bureau of En gineering. He was a member of the Official Board of the Douglas Me morial Methodist Episcopal Church. Among survivors are his widow, Mrs. Lillie L. Dietz, and daughter, Miss Thelma M. Dietz. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Deal funeral home. 816 H street northeast. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery, with Masonic rites at the grave. Sratlja. JOHNSON. PEARL. On Wednesday. May r*. UM,. at her residence. 63 Pierc* st n, " • PEARL JOHNSON devoted mother of Bernice. Evelyn. Frances and Charlie Johnson. She also Iprvcs two grand children. one sister three brothers and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. J 432 You st. n.w.. until in a m. Sunday. May 0: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Monday. May U». at 1 p.m . from the above residence. Interment Arlington National Cemetery, 9 KINO . WILLIAM F. On Thursday. May fl. J •»,.,. at 8; 1 5 p m. at Montgomery Count v Oenera, Hospnal. Olney. Md.. WILLIAM * , ir;G- Remains resting at the Colo nial funeral home of Wm Reuben Humphrey Rockville. Md. Notice of funeral later. LEr*HMary Virginia (nee CHAMBERS). On Friday. May 7. 1937 Memorial E4°spital. MARY VIR GINIA LEUTBECKER ( Chambers', the beJoved wife of the late Walter 8. Leutbecker and mother of Mrs. Sarah L. Pierce of Richmond. Va.: Mrs. Lucy P,0s£0f’' w- Scolt Leutbecker of Detroit, Mich.: Mrs. Mary Cheatham of Norfolk va and *Mrs. Dorothy Scales. Remains resting at the residence of her daugh «er 130 Jefferson st. n.w. Funeral serv aL the National Baptist Memorial Church. 1 Hth st. and Columbia rd. n w. on Monday. May 10 at 2 d m Rela p.ves and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by W W. Chambers Co. g MALONEY. ANNIE MARY. On Thursday. May r>. 193,. at her residence. 150 ?&4jA4el?J*ia«„av,e- Takoma Park. Md.. ANNIE xMARY MALONEY (nee Albert) aged H8 years, beloved wife of the late Marie J Maloney. Funeral from her late residence on Saturday. May 8. at 8:30 a m Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity. 0000 Georgia ave. n.w . at 9 a.m- . Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Arrangements by W. K. Hunte ir.ann. Please omit flowers. 7 McCORD, ARTHUR W. Suddenly, on Thursday. May o. J937. at his resi dence. 1707 Adams Mill rd. n.w.. AR THUR W McCORD. beloved husband of Frances Spnngman McCord and brother of Miss Jniin L. V. McCord and Mrs. Esther Chapman. Remains resting at thp Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass ave. n e . w'here services will be held on Sfiturday. May 8. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. MI RRAY._ JOHN J. On Thursday. May o. 19..,. JOHN J. MURRAY, beloved husband of Rose E Murray. He is also survived by three sons and two daugh ters. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home, oi, Jlth st. s.e. Notice ot funeral later. Ml RPH\\ Rl'TH P. On Thursday. Mav P wiRbuv Providence Hospital. RUTH F\ MURPHY, beloved wife of William A Murphy of 3,05 Camden st. s.e Fu neral from the James T. Ryan funeral home, ji, Pa. ave. s.e.. on Saturday. May 8. at 8:30 a m.: thence to 8t. «nn5ls XflViers Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Laurel. Md. DAI,?Y- On Tuesday. May 4. J93,. at Freedmens Hospoal. after a 1Jll5ess . DAISY NAN*, the be loved wife of Fletcher Nance of 12.(5 oth at. n.w.. mother of Lillian Sulli van. Also surviving are four brother*, three grandchildren and other relatives cur 1inds' R°mains resting at Henry ®shmgton & Sons- funeral home. 4b, N st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. May V* D nl- from Miles Memorial C. M. E. Church, 3rd st.. between L st. and xi Y- aye^n w- Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. • NEIDOMANSKI, ANNA E. On Thursday, May b 193/. ANNA E. NE1DOMANSKI. beloved wife of the late George Neido manski. Funeral services will be held at, the home of her son, Mr. Horace E Burrows. 512 Woodside road. Ten Hills Md.. on Saturday. May 8 at 2 p m' Interment Loudon Park. Cemetery, Md! Please omit flowers. ROSS. CHARLES A. On Thursday May «•. 193/. at Ins home. ?ubu Eastern ave. Takoma Park. Md.. in his 33rd year. CHARLES A. ROSS. Body resting at Warner E Pumphrey's funeral home, j 8421 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md ! Services at th? Church of the Na- I tivit.v. on Georgia ave.. Washington D. ! C on Saturday. May 8. where mass wil* be said at 10 a m. for the repose I of his soul. Interment Washington Memorial Park Cemetery. SELLERS. RANTO. On Tuesday Mav 4 1 . at; Society. S. C.. RANTO SEL LERS. the beloved husband of Marian Sellers of 1250 Columbia rd. n.w. Also surviving are four daughters, three brothers and many other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at his late residence after 2 p.m. Saturday. Funeral Sunday. May 9. at 1:30 p.m, from Liberty Baptist Church. 23rd *t. between H and I sis. n.w. Interment in Harmony Cemetery Monday. May 10. Relatives and friends invited. 8* WATSON. SCOTIA T. Departed this life Tuesday. May 4 1937. in Baltimore, Md.. SCOTIA T. WATSON of 3b Eye st. n e.. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Watson. She also is survived by five devoted brothers. Hugh. Edgar. Ulysses. Paul and Gerald Watson: three loving sisters. Ila. CeleMine and Phyllis Watson, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral on Monday. May 10. at. 1 p.m.. from above parlors. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. $ WOODWARD. MILDRED C. On Wednes day. May 5. 1937. at 1829 M st. n.w.. MILDRED C. WOODWARD. beloved mother of Albert Woodward and sister of Wesley Woodward of Luray. Va. Re mains resting at the W. w. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin at. n.w. Funeral services at the grave, in Sperry ryville Cemetery. Sperryville. Va.. on Saturday. May 8, at 2 p.m. In iHemnriam. HI NT. JOHN GABRIEL. In sacred mem ory of our beloved brother and devoted uncle. JOHN GABRIEL HUNT, who de parted this life Mav 7. inns LILLIE S. PIERSON. ESTELLE P. WEB STER. . SHEA. MARIA. In sad but loving re membrance of m.v beloved mother, MARIA SHEA who departed this life thirty-seven years ago today. May 7, HER' DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MARIA WATERS. • SMITH. MARIE I. In sad hut loving re membrance of our dear wife and mother. MARIE I. SMITH, who died eleven yeari ago today. May 7. lfl-ffi. We are lonely, dear mother and wife. In this world. But by and by we will meet again. HUSBAND AND CHILDREN • CEMETERY LOTS. fi SITES CEDAR HILL CEMETERY-PA. ave. entrance: reasonable. Lincoln 4027-J. _FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium tth and Mass. Ave, N.E. Lincoln B20Q Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Manacer) Established ?S41 3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St. N.W. ft! A i!An.l 9479 Modern Chapel Tel ™ AtlOlUil V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlona°Pe3882 1009 H St. N.W. AIMS R. SPEARE 3200 Rhode bland Ave. N.K. Succeeding the original. W. R. SPEARE Formerly Conn. Ave. N.W. Greenwood 2748._Decatnr 8242. Chamber^ One of the Larreat Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 MRS. SAUL DECREE Judge Refuses to Annul Mar riage—First Divorce Was Contested. Justice Oscar R. Luhring of District Court today refused to annul the marriage, July 12, 1927, of Bernard F. Saul, son of the late head of the B. F. Saul real estate lnvesement house, and Mrs. Mary Harding Saul, which the husband sought. The jurist held that Mrs. Saul was entitled to a decree granting her $350 monthly separate maintainance and custody of their 8-year-old son, Bernard, Jr. The case was tried last November, the hearing lasting three weeks. Since then, Justice Luhring has been con sidering the voluminous evidence. The couple was married in Rich mond. Ind„ and lived together here and in Ontario. Canada, until April 23, 1934, when they separated. Shortly thereafter Saul filed suit for annulment, claiming that Mrs. Saul's prior marriage had not been legally dissolved. She had married her first husband, Herbert W. Gard ner, October 30, 1917, in Nashville, Term., and obtained an absolute di vorce there July 9. 1927. Saul con tended the decree was void because neither party was a resident of Ten nessee at the time. During me lengtny trial Mrs. Saul introduced evidence to show that she and her first husband lived in Ten nessee until he enlisted in the Army during the World War. After the conflict, he returned to Tennessee and they lived there for a short wgiile, later moving to Washington, where the first husband obtained employ ment in the Government. They lived here eight years, but frequently vis ited Tennessee and maintained a legal residence there, the evidence indi cated, Justice Luhring stated. The justice said he was convinced Mrs. Saul and her first husband had no intention of abandoning Tennessee as their domicile and that the divorce obtained there was valid. Mrs. Saul, who lives here at the Westchester Apartments, was repre sented by Attorneys Alvin L. New myer and David G. Bress. --•-— ARTHUR W. M’CORD, 66, U. S. EMPLOYE, DIES Treasury Clerk Was Native of Kentucky—Funeral to Ba Held Tomorrow. Arthur W. McCord. 66, clerk in the bookkeeping and warrant division of the Treasury Department, died yes terday of a heart attack at his resi dence. 2707 Adams Mill road. He had been stricken at his office Wednesday. Mr. McCord was descended from pioneer settlers of Kentucky. A na tive of Louisville, Ky., he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCord and came to Washington with his parents when a child. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Frances Springman McCord, and two sisters. Miss Julia L. V. McCord, re tired librarian of the Geological Sur vey, and Mrs. Charles H. Chapman, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Lee funeral home, Fourth street and Massachu setts avenue northeast. Rev. Dr. Rod erick Brown Harris, pastor of Foundry M. E. Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. -•-* Marriage Licenses. William H Maxwell, jr.. 19; 1513 Rose dale street northeast, and Amelia Russo, 18. 1631 Benning road northeast. Rev. J. H Lanzinger. Gerald H. Wintermute. 31, 5425 Con necticut avenue, and Louise McFadden, 33, 1629 Columbia road, Rev. 8. R. Allison. Benjamin S Thompson. 58, Columbus. Ohio, and Laura A Wadsworth. 41, Washington Grove, Md.; Rev. H. H. D. Sterrett. John R. Merritt. 29. and Rosa V. Taylor, 29. both of 1734 Corcoran street, Rev. J. L. Pinn. Francis A Contee. 22. 33 Myrtle street northeast, and Georgianna Martin, 23, Pomfret. Md.: Rev. J. J. Kelly. John S. Fletcher. 25, U. 8. 8. Hemphreys, and Canolista C. S Ducey. 24, Navy Yard. Rev. W. N. Thomas. George L. Smith. 21. 222 F street south west. and Eva Ellis. 21. 500 Virginia avenue southeast: Rev. B. H Whiting. Robert 3. Eichelberger. 26. 1440 Girard street, and Florence White. 22. 522 Sev enth street southwest; Rev. W. H. Hoff man. Everett L. Cooper, 22. 83 O street, and Inez M. Gwvnn. 22. 1828 Fourth street; Rev. R. M. Williams. Samuel T. Dowdy, jr.. 24. Richmond, and Bessie L. Johnson. 21, Wilson, N. C.; Rev. A. F. Poore. John B Exum. 29. 710 Lamont street, and Mildred Malloy. .30. 1142 Sixteenth street southeast; Rev. R. M. Williams. Allen McCary. 24. 6847 Blair road, and Florence Simmons, 20. 45 Q street; Rev. J. L. Pinn. James T. Hall, 27. 525 Second street northeast, and Madeline L. Hunt. 22, 6002 Ohio avenue northeast; Rev. Ar thur Luckett. Roosevelt A. Freeman. 22. 908 N street, and Mattie E. McClain. 18. 1337 Jeffer son street; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Rufus C. Wright. 22. 512 Second street, and Eula M. Buggs. 20, 605 P street; Rev. W. J. Tyler. Mitchell I. Koppel. 33, New York City, and Theresa H. Alexander, 32. Dallas, Tex.; Rev. Abram Simon. Lewis Bailey. 35. 926 Fourth street, and Rebecca Gough. 28. 1422 Sixth street; Rev. Alexis St. Onge. Jacob Levy, 33, and Julia E. Comen, 28, both of 2106 F street; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Louis H. Hammerer, 35. 1361 Maryland avenue northeast, and Elisabeth H. Hanold. 27. 622 Fourteenth street northeast; Rev. 8 T. Nicholas. Raymond C. Wanner. 24. and Agnes L. Stickler, 25, both of Baltmore; Rev. F. J. Kelly. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Generally fair tonight and Saturday; little change in temperature; gentle, variable windi, becoming north and northeast. Maryland, Virginia and West Vir ginia—Generally fair tonight and Sat urday; little change In temperature. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivera very cloudy today. Repart ter Uil 24 Hours. .. Temperature. Btromrter. Yesterday— Degrees. Inchrs. 4 p.m_ 88 29.71 8 p.m- 84 29.79 Midnight__ 58 29.85 Today— 4 am_ 54 29.88 8 a m_ 52 29.88 Noon _ 84 29.97 Rrrerd for M«i 24 Heart. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest, 74, at 2 p m. yesterday. Year ago. 8.1. Lowest, 50. at 5:45 am. today. Year ago. 65. Record Trmprratnrra This Year. Highest. 93, on April 18. Lowest, 19. on February 28. Hamldlty ter Lett 34 Hears. (From noon yesterday to noon todsy.l Highest, 70 per cent, at 4:10 p.m. yes terday Lowest. 42 per cent, at noon today. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic 8urvey.) „ Today. Tomorrow. Hiatt--— 4:57 a.m. 5:49 a.m. --11:54 a m. 12:01 a m High -- 5:22 p.m. 8:18 n m. Low - -- p m. 12:50 p.m. The Ran and Meen. _ , , Rises. Sets. Sun. today .. _ __ 5:04 7:08 Sun tomorrow . _ 5:03 7:07 Moon, today 2:49 a m. 3:58 p.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one-half hour after sunset. Freelpitatlen. Monthly precipitation in Inches In thg Capital (current month to date): Month. 1937. Avg Record. January - 7.83 3.55 7.83 '37 February _ 3.33 3.27 8.84 '84 March - 1.50 3.75 8 84 '91 April -_ 8.85 3.27 9 13 '89 May - 0.09 3.70 10.89 '89 June - . . 4.1.3 10.94 '00 July -- 4.71 10.83 '88 August -- 4.01 14.41 '28 September __ 3 24 17.45 '34 October -- 2.84 8 67 '85 Bovember-- 2.37 8 89 '89 erember _ . _ 3.32 7.68 '01 Weather in Various Cities. Temp. Rein stations B*ro. H'h.Low.tall. Weath’r Abilene. Tex _ 20.04 88 fid Cloudy Albany. N Y._ 29.90 12 A4 0.10 Cloudy Atlanta. Ga ._ 20 08 74 52 Clear Atlantic City _ 20.00 82 54 0.02 Clear Baltimore. Md. 20.04 74 54 Clear Birmingham 20.08 78 54 Cloudy Bismarck. N. D. 20.82 80 58 Cloudy Boston. Mass _ 20.84 88 52 0.02 Cloudv Buffalo. N. Y. 20.02 44 40 _ Cloudy Charleston. 8. C. 20 08 82 84 Clear Chicago 111 . _ .70.08 58 42 Clear Cincinnati 20.08 88 44 0.14 Cloudy Cleveland Ohio 20.08 54 42 Clear Columbia. S. C. 20.08 78 58 Clear Denver. Colo . . 20.88 70 50 _ Clear Detroit. Mich _ .70.00 80 .78 Cloudy El Paso Tex 20.02 84 52 0.02 Clear Galveston. Tex. 20.08 80 70 Cloudy Helena. Mont .70.08 70 40 Cloudy Huron. 8 Dak. 29.04 78 50 Clear Indianapolis .70.00 84 44 0.01 Cloudy Jacksonville.Fla. 20.08 82 88 . Clear Kansas City .70.02 78 52 Clear Los Angeles _ .70.02 84 58 Cloudy Louisville Ky 29.08 88 52 0.01 Rain Miami. Fla 20.02 80 72 0.10 Cloudy Minneapolis _ .70,02 72 50 Clear New Orleans 20 08 84 88 Clear New York. N. Y. 20.88 70 54 0.24 Cloudy Oklahoma City 20.08 78 80 Cloudy Omaha Nebr .70 no 82 52 Clear Philadelphia . 20.04 74 58 0.22 Cloudy Phoenix. Aril 20.02 00 82 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa. .70.00 80 42 0.01 Clear Portland. Me 20.90 58 50 0 01 Cloudy Portland Oreg 20.80 78 52 Cloudy Raleigh N. C 20.98 78 52 Clear Salt Lake City 20 84 74 48 0 01 Cloudy San Antonio 20.02 88 88 Cloudy San Diego. Cal. 20.98 88 58 Cloudy San Francisco. .70.00 58 50 Cloudv St Louis. Mo.. 70.00 88 54 __Cloudv Seattle. Wash. 20.74 78 52 Cloudy Spokane. Wash. 29.88 88 48 Clear Tampa. Fla.. _ 20.08 78 88 Clear WASH., D. c.- 20.08 74 50 ._ Clear FOREIGN STATIONS. (7 am.. Oreenwich time, today 1 . . _ Temperature. Weather. London. England _ 5-7 Cloudv Paris. France _. 54 Cloudy Vienna. Austria_ 5o Cloudy Berlin. Germany_ 50 Cloudy Brest. Franc# _ __ 54 Cloudy Zurich. Switierland ... 48 Cloudy Stockholm. Sweden_ 52 Cloudy Gibraltar. Spain fin Cloudy (Noon. Greenwich time, today. > Horta (Fayal). Aiores fifi Cloudy (Current observetloni.) St. Georges. Bermuda fifi Rain San Juan. Puerto Rico 82 Cloudy Havena. Cuba _ 72 Clear Colon, Canal Zone.. 84 Cloudy FLOWERS * ^ i NO. 7000 Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. rCNEKAL DIRECTORS Amoulavct Serrtct 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 Mortfc «!«o of »too top Park (ede,r Hill *M ^limqtbm matBemtikd (emeteru CtBBinItT M»«v>lrnm Colamkariaa _tn< facritlm V»ult». For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR 575 No Extras! For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 Any Family Can Afford Ryan > Funeral Service Ryan Service notable for its quiet dignity and solemn beauty—leaving a memory pic ture that comforts the bereaved with the y feeling that everything has been done in f a most fitting, considerate and dignified manner. XWe offer t,ie since re recommendation ot thousands of families in all walks of life—of a satisfactory service re gardless ot what you pay. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service, the Last Word in Ambulance Service. Phone A T. 1700. James T. Ryan , Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ate. S.E. ATlantie 1700-1701 BURLESQUE ATTACK HERE IS DELAYED Federation of Churches Agrees to Request to Withheld Campaign. The Washington Federation of Churches will withhold its threatened attack on burlesque in Washington until convinced that the theater man agement will not ‘‘clean house voluntarily.” This assurance was giver* yesterday by Wilbur La Rose, jr., chairman of the federation’s Civic Affairs Committee, in reply to a request by Arthur R. John of Washington, president of the Burlesque Critics’ Association of America, that ‘‘action be held in abeyance." La Roe wrote: "The evil is not con fined by any means to the burlesque. The same kind of rottenness appears altogether too frequently in vaudeville acts and in other performances. "We Join heartily in your statement that it is possible to develop in burlesque a type of entertainment suitable for both sexes and all ages. “We shall comply with your request and refrain from making any repre sentations for the time being. We are glad the industry appreciates the need for voluntary improvement. But it is only fair to say that if the improve ment is not forthcoming, we shall not lag behind New York in finding a remedy.” La Roe said the evil to which his organization objected in burlesque is not “confined to so-called strip teasing, which makes such interesting publicity.” Barrel Is Mouse Trap. ELMDALE, Minn. ifP).—A gunny sack thrown carelessly over the edge of a metal barrel turned the barrel into an effective mouse trap. Children found it almost full of mice, unable to escape. A cat got some. Men later summoned by the children killed 129 MRS. HELEN v! ASHLIN DIES AT HOME HERE Deceased Was Wife of Electrician and Inspector for Rapid Transit Company. Mr*. Helen V. Ashlin, 46, wife of Robert M. Ashlin, electrician and in spector for the Washington Rap,d Transit Co., died yesterday at her home, 2334 South Dakota avenue northeast. A native of this city, Mrs. Ashlin had lived here all her life except for several years she and her husband resided in Richmond, Va.; Palm Beach and Miami, Fla. She was a member of the Episcopal Church of Our Savior here. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by two daughters, MLss Helen Ashlin and MLss Jane Ashlin, and five sons, Robert L., Charles M., Bev erly D, William V. and Jack D. Ashlin. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at her late residence. Burial will be In Glenwood Cemetery. H. A. HENNIG, FORMER R. A. FOREMAN, DIES Henry A. Hennig. 54, of 606 Keefer place, foreman with the Resettlement Administration, died yesterday of a heart attack shortly after reaching a physician's office, where he was re moved when stricken at home. A native of Germany, Mr. Hennig was brought to Washington by his parents in infancy. Until about a year ago he was in the cabinet making business. He was a member of the Stansbury Looge of Masons, the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and the Carpenters' Union. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Ger trude Hennig; a son, Wilbert A. Hen nig; a daughter, Miss Ruth C. Hennig; a brother, John L. Hennig, and two sisters, Mrs. J. Maher and Mrs. Wil liam Widmayer, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at Hines’ funeral home. 2901 Fourteenth street. Burial will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery. _jiAy_ “* 40977h N.W 111111 ' at kay's , YOU RECEIVE i *«ITTEN I ^aramee/ -r-STSS- —‘ "$!/ gold. ^*jSS5!sk ■AAV Biv.'mn'ii'iiiialai 409 7 st. n.w. baa u*V