Newspaper Page Text
Rate on Bankers’ Bill Re garded as Sign of Money Situation. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 _ Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change. +.3 +.1 +.2 +.3 Today, close 94.2 103.3 99.0 71.4 Prev. day... 93.9 103.2 98.8 71.1 Month ago. 93.2 102.5 99.5 70.9 Year ago... 91.3 102.3 101.3 69.0 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 98.7 70.5 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close-110.1 Prev. day. 109.9 Month ago 108.4 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104 4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 7.—United States Government and top-grade corporate loans turned in good gains in the bond market today in response to a reduc tion in yields on bankers' bills. Investment circles regarded this de velopment as confirming recent fore casts of Federal authorities that long term money rates would continue low. Gains in Government issues ranged from 1-32 to 9-32 of a point. Late im provement in some corporate issues ran to major fractions. Many junior and speculative loans were up fractions to a point or more. -• FAIRCHILD AVIATION REPORTS BIG BACKLOG By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 7.—Fairchild Aviation Corp. announced unfilled orders on March 31 amounted to $1. 147.502 against $599,744 a year ago. Airplane sales by Fairchild Engine fz Airplane Corp. in the first quarter totaled $129,143, r gain of 141 per cent over the like 1936 period. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK, May 7,—Dividends de c.ared. Prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp. Extra. Pr- Stk of Pav Rate. rlod. record, able. Electrolux Corp 10c 5-14 0-15 Natl Pres Cooker Co lOo __ 6-15 6-1 Special. 0 6 Graphite Co fine 6-1 6-15 Arrearage. Crucible Steel pf «l 76 __ 6-16 6-30 Increase. Parker Wolverine 50c 6-15 6-1 Initial. Superior Oil 5oc 5-10 5-20 United Paperboard 30c __ 5-17 6-27 Regular. Allied Prod $1.75 class A 43j4C Q 6-10 7-1 American Cap $5 5n pr pf Si.37*2 Q 5-15 6-1 Case J I 7% Pf $1.75 Q 6-12 7-1 Crown Cork A Seal 50c Q 5-21 6-7 Cr Cork A- Seal pf SO'kC Q 5-28 6-15 Dayton P & L 4*> cum pf $1.12*2 Q 5-20 6-1 Electrolux Corp 40c Q 5-14 6-15 Firestone Tire A: Rub Pf $1.50 Q 5-15 6-1 Gen P Svc $6 pf $1.50 Q 7-15 8-2 Gen P S #5.5(1 Pf #1.37*4 Q 7-15 8-2 C E Hires "A 60c Q 5-15 6-1 Ludlow Mfg Associates $2 . . 5-8 6-1 May Dppt Stores _ 75c_5-17 6-1 May Dept Stores ..75c __ 8-16 0-1 Mountain Producers 30c 5-15 6-15 Nebr P 77 pf ..$1.75 Q 5-14 6-1 Nebr Pwr »6 pf_$1.5(1 Q 6-14 6-1 Prentice Hail _ ?oc Q 5-20 6-1 Frentice Hall pf 75c Q 5-20 6-1 P Svc Colo 77- pf _68>'2C M 5-15 6-1 P Svc Colo 67- pf. 50c M 5-15 6-1 Thew Shovel pf $1.75 Q 6-1 6-15 United Paperboard 67 pf $6 5-17 5-27 Va E & P #6 pf $1.50 Q 6-28 6-21 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. May 7 (P).—New York {Security Dealers’ Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bank of Man (1 ’ 2)_ 34 36 Bankers Tr (2) 69*/2 ll'i Cen Tan Bk A- Tr (4) 129 *,2 132*2 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 53 66 Chem Bk Sc Tr (1.80)_ 66 68 Commercial (8) _ 201 207 Cont Bk Sc Tr (.80)_ 17*2 10 Corn Ex Bk <fc T (3)_ 65*2 66*2 Empire Tr (1) 30*4 3134 First Nat <Bos> (2)_ 51 3,4 5334 First Natl (100) _2260 2300 Guaranty Tr (12) _ _ 344 349 Irving Tr (.60) 10‘4 17*4 Manufacturers’ Tr (?) . 54’2 56*2 Manufacturers' Tr pf (2) - 50*2 52*2 Natl City (1) _ 47 49 N Y Trust (5)_133*2 136*4 Public (1 * 2) _ 45* 2 47*2 Title G & T. _ 14*2 15*/2 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. May 7 OP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid Asked. |'4s Nov., 1958-38 _1 0.3*4 104*2 d:4s May. 1957-37 _ 101 *2 102 4s May. 1958-38 _ 102*8 103 *4 4s Nov. 1957-37 _101>4 101’4 4s July. 1946-44 _ 1(TR7B 100*2 I 3* 4s May. 1955-45 . _102*8 102*4 1 3s July 1955-45 ___ _ loo7« 101*8 3s Jan 1956-46 1()07« 101 * 8 1 3s May. 1956-46 1007« 101 * a j CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. May 7 l/P).—Poultry, live. 54 trucks, steady: hens over 5 pounds. 17*2: 5 pounds and less. 19*.V. Lehorn hens. 16 fryers, colored. 24: Plymouth and White Rocks. 25*.. Broilers, colored. 23: Plymouth and White Rock. 24: bare backs. 19-21: Leghorn 20: Springs, col ored. 24 1 • White Rock. 25*2: Plymouth Hock. 26*. roosters. 12*2: Leghorn. 11*2; turkeys, hen^. 16: toms. 15: No. 2 tur- ' keys. 14' ducks, white and colored. 4*2 pounds up 16; small 14 geese. 11. Butter. 10.553. firmer; creamery specials (93 score). 31*2-32: extras (92). 31: extra firsts (96-91). 36-36* 2: firsts (88-89). 28-29: standards (90 centralized carlots*. 30J/2. Eggs. 4 1 844. steady; extra firsts, local 2034; cars. 21: fresh graded firsts, local. I934: cars. 2<>*2; current receipts. 3 9*4. storage parked extras. 22*2: storage parked firsts 22*4 Potatoes. 75, on track, 137; total United Btates shipments. '36: old stock. Idaho Russets, weaker, other stock about steady; supplies light, demand slow. Sacked, per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S No. 1. 2.55-76: U. S. No. 2. 2.30; Maine Green Mountains. U. S. No. 1. 2.25 27>2; Wisconsin Bliss Triumphs unclassi fied. 1.75. New stock weaker: supplies light: demand light. Sacked, per hun dredweight, Bliss Triumphs. Louisiana, u. S. No 1. 3.75-4.25. according to size; Ala bama. U. S No. 1. 4.25: U S No 2 *3.00; California White Rose. U. S. No. 1. few gales. 3.90-4.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 7 (£») (United States De partment of Agriculture).—Hogs. 8.000. including 4.000 direct: market strong to 3 0 higher than Thursday's average; top. 3 0.45; bulk good and choice, 200-300 pounds. 10.25a 10.4(»: 150-190 pounds. P.76&10.30; most good packings sows 9.boa 9.80; medium kinds down to 8.50 and good big weights 9.00. Cattle. 1,000: calves. 600; generally iteady trade on all slaughter classes; steer crop mostly medium to low good light weights at 8.50a 11.60; several loads good and choice bullocks not being shown: around three loads fed heifers, 9.3R&10.25; remaining crop mostly common and me dium lightweights at 6.75a8.50: strong weight cutter cows up to 0.00; very lew beef grades above 7.50; vealers steady with Thursday's close; few selects. 18.00; bulk, 8.00a9.50: bulls weak; practical top. 0.90 Sheep. 10,000. including 3.000 direct: comparatively little done on fat lambs early; undertone strong to 25 higher; few sales wooled lambs 12.‘45 down: choice held 12.50 upward; short deck good to choice clipped lambs. 10.00; as yet nothing done on Spring lambs; sheep about steady; bulk clipped ewes. 5.00 down; strictly choice held around 5.25. -• PARIS BANK REPORT. PARIS. May 7 (A*».—The Bank of Prance ffatement tor the week ended April 30 tin millions of francs) Gold reserve. 57.358: unchanged. Sight balances abroad. 12; increase. 1. Bills pur chased abroad. 1.083; decrease. 30. Dis counted commercial bills—Prance. 7.298: decrease. 524. Temporary advances to itate (prior to June 18. 1930). 12.191: decrease* 8. Temporary advances to state (since June 18. 1930). 7,800: unchanged. Advance against securities. 3,917: increase. 234. Circulation. 87.003: increase. 1,894. Total credit to current account. 17.709: decrease. 987 Thirty-day advances against government securities. 904: increase, 129. URate oX discount. 4 per cent. ^ BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transaction* Today. U S Gov't Bouds_, 480.000 Foreign Bond*_, 840.000 Domeatlo Bond*_ 9.130.000 TREASU RY. All time shown below Is daylight saving on which the Exchange Is now operating. High Low Close 2*s 1949-63_ 97.26 97.28 97.25 2** 1945-47_ 102. 101.2: 101.29 2*a 1948-61..!_ 100.12 100.12 2*8 1951-64_ 99.27 99.27 99.27 2*8 1966-69_ 99.24 99.22 99.24 2*8 1956-60_ 100.28 100.24 1 00.26 3* 1946-48_ 108.10 108.10 108.10 38 1961-66 _ 102.16 102.16 102.16 3*8 1949-58_ 104.6 104.1 104.6 I **1941 _ 106.8 106.8 106.8 1*8 1944-46 _ 106.26 106.26 106.21 3*8 1940-43June 106.18 106.17 106.18 3*8 1941-43 Mar 106.17 106.12 106.17 3** 1948-47_ 106.4 106.4 106.4 48 1944-64_ 110.22 110.12 110.22 4*s-3** 1948-46 106.26 10n.25 105.26 4** 1947-62. 116.6 116.2 116.2 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 1* 1947_ 102.18 102.15 102.18 *8 1949_ 102.2 102.2 102.2 3*8 1964_ 102.28 102.20 102.20 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 8*S 1942-44_ 99.18 99.18 99.18 3*8 1939-49_ 100.4 100. 100.4 U 1952_ 101.26 101 20 101.23 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s 'Cl. 1041$ 1048$ 1048$ Antloqula 7s 46 A 14V* 144$ 14V* Antloqula 2d 7s'67 new 18*$ 138$ 138$ Antloqula 3d 7s’67_ 138* 138* 188$ Argentina 4 44s '71_ 98*$ »8V$ 988* Argentine C 44s 62_ 100*4 1008$ 1008$ Argentine 6s'67 A_10H* 1014$ 1014$ Argentine 6s ‘58 B_ 1004$ 1004$ 1004$ Argentine 6s 69 June. 10( 4$ 1004$ 1004$ Argentine 6s 69 Oct . 101V* 1014$ 1014$ Argentine 6s'60 May. 1014$ 1014$ 1014$ Argentine 6s'60 Sent. 101V* 101V$ 1014$ Argentine 6s 61 Febr. IOoJ* 1004$ 1004$ Argentine 6s '61 May.. 102 1014$ 1014$ Australis 4 44s’66_ 1014$ 101 1014$ Australia 6s'65_ 1064$ 1064$ 1064* Austrlan7s '67_101‘$ 1014$ 1014$ Berlin 6s 68 - 198$ 19* 194$ Berlin 644s 60- 19»$ 198$ 198$ Brazil 644s’26-’67_3**$ 384$ 888* Brazil 6 8$s’27-*67_ 884$ 384$ 384$ Brazil 78*52_40V* <0 *0 Brazil Is 41- 498$ 494$ 498$ Brisbane 6s'60- 1024$ 1024$ 102v$ Budapest 6s 62 unmat coupon oo__ 294$ 288$ 294$ Buenos Aires 4 44»-3 84s'77 Pv_ 774$ 768$ 768$ Bus A1 48$e-4%is’75_. 808$ 808$ 808$ Buenos A C 6s 60 Oct. 10m 1014$ 1014$ Buenos A C 644s'65 . 1004$ 1004$ 1004$ Bue A C 68$s'61stPy.. 85 85 85 Canada 2 4$s 45- 99 98*$ 988$ C4vnada 3 8$ a 61_ 99 9s1* 99 Canada 4s'60- 1074$ 1078$ 1074$ Canada6s'62_ 112 112 112 Chile 6s ’60____ 2iv* 21 21 Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 214$ 2iv$ 21V$ Chile 6s 61 Sept__21 21 21 Chile 7e'42 . - 208* 204$ 204$ Chile Mtg Bk Is'61_ 18‘$ 184$ 18V$ Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62_ 184$ 184$ 184$ Chile Mtg Bk 644s'57. 18V$ 18V$ 184$ Chile Mtg Bk 68$s'61. 18*$ 18J$ lgt* Chinese Gv Ry5s'51.__ 674$ 674$ 67V$ Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 314$ 81 814$ Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ Siv* li 81V* Col Mtg Bk 7s "46 _ 238$ 288$ 288$ Copenhagen 4 44« ’53_ 938$ 984* 934$ Copenhagen 6e '62__ 98V* 98 98 Costa Rica 7 s A’61_ 84 84 34 Cuba 5 4$s 45 668$ 648$ 6*8$ Denmark 4 8$8'6 2_ 98 98 98 Denmark 64$s'55_ 1024$ 102 102 Denmark 6s'42 ... 1064$ 1064$ [061$ Dominic 1st 5448 42.. 10 80 80 Finland 6s 45 .. 107 107 107 Frameric In 7 44s'42__ 108 108 108 Frankfort 644s 53 ... 19 19 19 French Gov 7 441 41.. 1154$ 1154$ 1164$ Ger C Bk A 6s'38 .. 428$ 42 428$ Ger C Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct 324$ 318$ 82 Oer Gen Elec 7s 45_ 304$ 304$ 30V* Ger Gov 6 4$ s '65 st 26** 2fV$ 268$ Ger Got 6 44s 65 un st. 23V* 214$ 23V* Ger Rep 7s 49 nn at... 24V$ 23!* 244* Grt C El Jap 7s'44_96V$ 96V$ 954$ Haiti 6s '62 988$ 988$ 988$ Hung Con M784s*4B unmat coupon on ._ *14$ 934$ 284$ Hung LM 7 44s '61 A.. 25 26 26 Hungary 7 44«*44 Febr coupon on_ 614$ '614$ 614$ Italy 7b 61 - 864 864 864 Ital P U Crd 7b '52_ 764 76 76 Japan 64b'65- 835* 835* 8S4 Japan 6Hb’54- 964 964 96*4 KreugAToIl Gs '69 cfa_ 50 60 60 Lombard Elec 7s'62 — 744 74 74 Mex 4s '10-45 asat _ 64 64 64 Mex 4s 10- 45 asat sm 64 64 64 Mex 4s'54 asst _ 64 64 64 Mex 6s '33 asst lge- 84 84 84 Milan 64s 62 - 734 734 734 Montevideo 6s'59_ 604 604 604 Montevideo 7a'52_ 67 67 67 New So Wales 5s'57— 1024 1024 1024 Nord Ry 6 4s '60- 1064 1064 1064 Norway 4a '63 - 964 »6I* 964 Norway '4s '66- 10t»4 1014 1014 Norway 44s'66- 1035* IC84 icsi* Norway 6s ’43-IO64 106 1064 Norway 6a 44-IO64 IO64 1064 Oslo 44a'66—______ 994 994 994 Panama 5s '63_ 77 77 77 Panama 6s 63 atp as— 69 68 684 Pernambuco 7a’47 Sept coupon off___ 26 26 25 Peru 6a'60-194 194 19^ Peru 6a '61 -— 19*4 194 194 Poland 6s '40-484 48 4 484 Poland 7s 47- 82 614 *2 Prussia 6s'52_ 194 194 1»4 Rio de Jan 64a '61 Aug coupon off _ 264 264 *6U Rio Or do Sul 7s'66 * May coupon off _ 274 274 274 Rio Gr do Sul 7s'67 June coupon off _ 284 284 284 Rio Gr do Sul 8s'46 n April coupon off_ 814 814 314 Rome 6 4 s'62 _ 744 74 4 74 4 Rumania 7s'59- 86 86 86 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 July coupon off_ 264 264 264 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 93 93 93 Sao Paulo St 7s '66 Sept coupon off _ 284 284 284 Sao Paulo St 8s 16 July coupon off_ 394 384 894 Silesia Prov 7s'58 - 43 4 43 4 484 Sydney 54s "55- 1034 1034 1034 Toklo 64a 61 _ 76 76 76 Toklo E L Ltd 6s’62 — 78 4 78 4 784 U*8tlWk64s 47 A . 264 264 254 Un Stl Wks 6Hs'61 A. 264 264 264 Uruguay 8a 80 - 664 664 864 Uruguay 6s 64- 664 «64 664 Vienna 6s'52 May c o- 954 964 954 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4S'47 103 1025*1025* Adams Express 4s '48 101 111 101 Ala Grt South’ll 4s '43 106 106!* 106 AlbASus 3!*s’46 ntd 103 103 103 AlbASus 3!4s46rg gtd 100 100 100 Alb Per W P 6s'48 ww 66 66 66 Allen Corp 6s'44 _ #95* 995* 995* Allen Corp 6s 49_ 99 925$ 93 Allen Corp 6s'60- 86 85 86 Allen Corp 6s'60 stD_ 645* 68!* 645* Allied Stores 4 54s’61. 985* 985* 98i* Am A For Pw 6s *030. 805* 805* 805* Am I OCh 6 548 49- 106!* 1065* 1065* Am Inti 6 54s'49 _ 1065* 1065* 1065* Am Tel A Tel 8 54s '61- 975* 97 5* 975* Am Tel A Tel 8 5*e’68 975* 975* 975* Am TAT 454e '89 ... 1085* 1065* 1065* Am TAT 654s 43 ... 1185* 118 118 Am Wat Wits 6s'76... 106 106 joe Anaconda deb 4 54s *80 1065* 106 1065* Ann A lit ex In 4s ‘95. 6614 665* 665* Armour A Co 4 54s ’89 1025* 1025* 10*5* Armourf Del list 4s’6fi 98 #7!* 98 Armour A Co Del 4s 57 975* 965* 97 Armstrong Ck 4s ’60 105H 1065* 1055* A XAS Fe 4s 09-‘66 106 106 106 A TAS Fe adl 4s 96 at 106 106 106 A TAS Fe nen 4s ’96 1105* 109!* 1105* A TAS Fe 4 5*S '48 1095* 109 1095* A IAS FeC A 454s'62 1115*1115*1115* Atl Coast L 1st 48 62. 103 1025* 1025* Atl Coast L clt 4s 62.. 96 95 96 Atl C L un 4 54 s 64 .. 985* 925* 925* Atl Coast Line 6s 46 .. 10454 104 1045* AtlantlcA Dlst4s’48. 685* 685* 635* At) O A W I 6s ’69 76 75 75 Atl Refining deb 6s’37. 1005* 1005* 1005* B A O 1st 4S 43_ 1065* 1065* 1065* BA0454S 80_ 715* 765* 765* B A O 1st 6s ’48_ 1145* 114 114 Balto A O ref 6s '96 A- 875* 865* 875* BAO6S 96 F_ 8654 865* 865* B AO ref 6s 96 C_ 965* 9854 985* B A O 8wn 6s '60_104!* 10454 10454 Bang A Aroos 4s'51 104 104 104 Bang A Aroos 4s'61stp 11054 11054 U0)4 High. Low. Close. Bell T of Pa 6s'48 B._ 1174 1174 1174 Bell T of Pa Sa ’60 C_ 1244 12*4 1244 Beth Steel 14a‘68_ 964 96 964 Beth Steel 4 4* ‘60_ 1034 1034 1034 Bos A Ms 44s'61 J_ 80 80 80 Boa * Me Sa ’66_ 85 8B 85 Bos A Me Sa‘67_ 844 *34 844 Bot Con M 8 4s’34_ 29 284 29 Bot Con M «4s‘34 ct.. 28 4 27 28 4 Bklyn Ed con 8 4 a'66. 1004 1004 1004 Bklyn Man T 44s 66 . 944 94 94 Bklyn Un El Ss‘60 1064 106 1064 Bklyn Un Gas Ss 45 1124 1124 1124 Bklyn Un Gas Ss'SO _ 994 89 99 Bklyn Un Gas Ss ‘67 B 1064 106 106 Brown Shoe 3 4s‘50.. 10S4 1044 10S4 Buff G E 44s‘81 B_ 1084 1084 1084 Buff RAP con 44s'57 . 874 **4 *«4 B C R A N Ss ‘34 ctfs_2« 28 23 Bush Term Bldg Ss'60 634 *3 63 Canada So Ss ‘62 A_ 1184 1134 H»4 Can'dlan R 4 4s *51. 1114 1H4 1114 Can'dlan N R 484s‘SB. 1144 1144 1144 Can’dlan N Ss‘69 July. 1144 1144 1144 Can'dlan P db 4s perp. 944 94 94 Can'dlan Pao 44s‘46. 10S 10S 106 Can'dlan Pao 4 4s '60 . 1014 1014 1014 Can'dlan Pac 6s‘44 cfs. 114 114 114 Ban'dian Pao Ss ’S4_ 1084 1084 1084 Caro Cl A O 6s 63 A_1104 1104 1104 Cent of Ga con Ss'45_ 82 31 82 Cent of Ga 6s'69 C_ 204 204 204 Cent 111 E AG Ss'61... 101 101 101 Cent of N J 4s'87_ 67 67 67 Cent of N J gen Ss‘87. 694 6»4 694 Cent Pao 1st rf 4s'49.. 108 108 108 Cent Pao Ss so _ 994 994 994 Cent P Tr Sh 4s '64_ 1044 1044 1014 Cent Steel 8s'41_ 1234 1234 1234 Cert'd deb 6 4s'41 __ 874 *7 87 Champ P&f 44s'SO. 105410541054 cnesap c cv bs 44_1164 1164 1164 Chesap Corp6» 47_ 132*4 131*4 1824 Chea A 0 84* 96 D_ 97 97 97 Ches A O 34a 96 E_ 974 97 97 C A O gen 44a 92_1184 117*4 1184 C A O con 5a '39_ 1074 1074 1074 Chi A Alt ref 3s 49_ 674 67 674 Chi B A Q gen 4a '68_ 1094 1094 1»94 Chi B & Q 44s '77_ 1084 10^4 1084 Chi B A Q ref 5s '71.__ 116 115 116 Chi B&Q1 dlv S4s'49_. 105 105 105 Chi B A Q 111 dv 4s '49- 1094 10»4 1094 Chi A E 111 5s *61 40 39 394 Chi A E 1115s '61 ctfa.. 39 39 39 Chi Grt West 4a'69_ 464 46 464 Chi Ind&So4s'66 ... 1024 1024 1024 CMAStP gn 3 4*'89 B. 63 624 53 C M St P 4a *89_ 68 674 68 CMAStP gn 4 4a '89 C. 65 65 65 CMAStP 6s '76_ 814 804 814 CMAStPAP adj 6*2000 104 104 104 Chi A NW 44s 2037 .. 294 294 294 Chi A NW 44s 2037 C. 294 29 4 29*1 Chi A NW 44a 49_204 194 20 Chi A NW rf 5s 2037 __ 80 30 30 C&NW Nr W 64a’36_ 604 604 604 Chi R IAP rf 4a'34 214 21 214 Chi R IAP rf 4s'34ctf_. 194 184 184 Chi R IAP gen 4a ’88._ 384 88 38 Ch1 R IAP 44»'62 .. 214 20 214 Chi R IAP 4 4s'52 ctf. 19 184 184 ChlRI&P44s 60 .. IS 124 13 Ch1 T HAS 1st 6s'60._ 914 914 914 Chi T HAS Inc 6s '60._ 80 80 80 Chi Un Sta 34s'61 . 1034 1034 1034 Chi Un Sta 34s 63 E. 1064 106 1064 Chi Un Sta 4s'44_ 1064 1064 1064 Chi Un Sta 4s 63_ IO84 1084 1084 Chi A W In con 4a'62. 1034 1084 1034 Chi A W Ind 44* 62.. 1014 1014 1014 Childs A Co 6a *43_ 904 90 904 Cln G A E 3 4a ‘66- 1004 1004 1004 Cln Un Ter 34a Dgtd 1034 1034 1034 Cln Union Term 6s’57. 1084 1084 1084 CCCASt L gen 4a '93._ 99 99 99 CCCASt L rf 441'77 E 96 964 954 CCCASt L ref 6s '68 D 1064 1064 1064 CCCAStLCWAM 4S’91 95 94 95 Clev El 111 84s 65 1074 1074 1074 Clev Un Term 4 4s’77. 1024 1014 102 Clev Un Term 6s 73 B 106 1054 1054 Colo FuelAlron 6s’43. 1054 1064 1054 Colo A So 44s 80_654 664 654 Columbia G A E deb 6a 52 April - 103 4 103 4 103 4 Columbia G A E 5s 82 May - 1034 1034 1034 Columbia GAE 5s 61.. 101 1004 101 Colum Ry PAL 4s 66. 206 1054 1054 Cornel Credit 3 4s’61. *84 974 984 Com Inv Tr 3 4s ’51 1014 1014 1014 Conn Rlv Pw 34s’61A 1044 IO44 1044 Cons Coal Del 6s 6(1 694 694 694 Cons Ed NT 34a 46 n. 1044 1044 1044 Cons Ed NT 3 4a'66 n 1034 108 1034 Cons Gas NY 44s'61. 1074 1074 1074 Consol 011 3 4s'51 1014 1014 1014 Conaum Pwr 4 4s 66 .. 99 984 99 Cr nsum P un 84s '65_ 1034 1084 1034 Cons Pwr 84s '70 _1014 1014 1014 Consum Pwr 3 4s'65_. 1054 105 106 Container 6a’46- 103 4 1034 1034 Crane Co 8 4s 61_994 994 994 Crown C A S 48'50_ 105 106 106 Crown Will p 6a'51_104 104 101 Cuba RR 1st 6a'62__ §44 644 644 Cuba Northn 64a'42_. 6O4 604 604 Dayton PAL 3Hs’60.. 104 104 104 Del A Hud ref 4a '43... 91 904 91 Den G A E 5s '61- 1064 IOS4 R184 Den & R G con 4S '3$_294 294 1,94 Den A R G 44a '36_ 804 304 304 Den A K G W 6s'65_ 174 174 174 Den A RG W 6s’65asst. 174 17 174 Den A R G ref 6a ’78 . 254 264 254 Det Edison 44a'61 D. 1124 1124 1124 Det Edison 6s'62 . 1074 1074 1074 Det River Tun 4 4s’61 114 114 114 Duquesne Lt 3 4a’56.. 1044 1044 1044 Elac Auto Lite 4B'52_. 1094 109 109 El Paso Nat G4 4s'51_ 1024 1024 1024 Erie cv 4s ’63 A- 864 86 864 Erie cy 4s ’53 B_ 864 864 864 Erl# gen 4s 99_ 844 84 84 Erie ref 6a 67_ 82 814 814 Erf* ref 6s'76- 814 81 814 Erie A Jersey 6a'65— 1174 1174 1174 Falrbka Morse 4a 5«_. m 1914102 Fed Lt A Trace* *42_ 1024 1024 1024 Fed L&Tr lnt 5s ’42-1014 1014 1014 Fla EC Ry 44a ’69_ 75 76 75 Fla E C Ry Ss ’74_ 15 144 144 Fla E C Ry 6s'74 etfs. 15 144 144 Fond JAG 2s-4s '82 ct. 4 4 4 Gen Cable 64s 47- 1044 1044 1044 Gan Mot Aco 3s 46_1024 1024 1024 Gen Mot Aaa 34s'61.. 1004 1004 1004 Gen Stl Cast 64s-49.. 874 874 874 Ga Caro A Nor 6s'34_414 414 414 Goodrich 4 *4 a'66 _100 994 994 Goodrich 6s 46_ 1054 1064 1054 Goodyear TAR 6a ’57 1044 1044 1044 Goth Silk H 6s '46 ww 1004 ICO 100 Gt North'n Ry S8is'67. 944 94 94 Great N Ky 4s 46 G 1374 185 1364 Great N Ry 4a 46 H 1094 1084 1094 Grt N Ry ref 44s'61 A 112 1114 112 Grt N R gen 4 4s'76 D 104 104 104 Grt N R geD 4 4s'77 E 1084 103H 1034 Grt N R gen 6* 73 C._ 1104 lio 1104 Grt N R 64s 62 B_1174 1174 31794 Green Bay 6s’62 B_ 11*4 11*4 11*4 Gulf Sta St) 648 42 . 974 974 974 Gulf States Util 4a ’68 101 lot 101 nac* wtt 1st 4s '52 106 106 106 Hock Val4%8 99- 115% 116% 1,5% Hoe (Hi 1st mts 44_ 91 91 91 Houston OH 5%s'40__ 102 102 102 Hudson Coal 5s 52_ 48% 48 48% Hudson Co G 1st 5s’49. 119 11« 119 Hud & Man Ino 6s '67_. 80% 30% 80% Hud ft Man ref 6s '57_. 75 74% 76 111 Bell Tel 3%s '70_104% 101% 104% 111 Cent 3%s’62- 82 82 82 111 Cent col tr 4s '62_ 86% 86% 86% til Cent ref 4s 65 - 86% 86% 86% III Cent 4 %a 66 76 76% 76% 111 Cent W L 1st 4s’51. 96 96 96 ICC&StL N 04%s'63 _ 79 78% 79 ICCftStL N O 6c ft 84% 83% 84% Ind'polls U R 6s ’65 B_ 108% 103% 103% Inland Stl 8%s 61 _ 104 103% 108% Int K T 1st rf 6c 66 _. 77 76 76% 1 R T 1st rf 6c'66 ctfs. 75 75 76 Int R T 6s 32 -- 28% 28 28% Int R T 6s 32 ctfs_ 26% 25 25 Int R T 7s 32 - 78% 78 78% Int R T 7s ’12 ctfs_ 77 77 77 Interlaks Iron 4s ’47_101% 101% 101% int Agr cl 6s 42 stp_100 100 iso Int Grt Nr 6s ’62 A_ *7% 27% 87% Int Grt Nr sdj 6s’62 A. 14% 14 14% Int Hydro Elec fs 44_ 78 77% 77% Int Mer Marins 6s ’«l_ 82 81% 81% Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_101% 101% 101% Int Pap ref 6s 66 _ fs 97% 98 Int T&T ct 4%s 19_ 88% 83% 83% Int T&T 4%s’62_ 86* 66 «6 Int T&T 6s 66 _ 70 69 69 lows Cent 1 st&rf4s’61 8 8 8 Jones&L Stl 4% s’61 A. 102% 101% 102% Kans C So 1st 3s 60 88% 88 88 Kans City So ref 6s’60 91% 91% 91% Kan C Term 1st 4s'60. 107% 107 107 Laclede G6%s 60 D.. 69% 69 69 Laclede Qas 6s 42 B_ 66 66 66 LSH C&N 4%s 64 A... 96% 96% 96% Let) V Peon 4S 2003 . 62% 61% 61% Leh V Peon 4%s 2003. 66% 66% 66% Leb V RR con 6a 2003. 74% 73% 74% Loew s 3 %s 46 _ 98% 98% 98% Long 1st ref 4s '49 . 108 103 108 Long Isld rsf 4 s’49 stp 101 102% 102% Long Isl unit 4s ’49... 108 102 108 Lortllard 6s '55_118 117% 118 La ft Ark 6s'69_ >4% 94 94 L ft Nash t%s 2002_ 92 92 92 L&N lst4s 2092_ 99 99 99 LAN unit 4S40_106% {06% 106% A _ Irish. Low. Cioi*. L*N4H» 2003 C_ 104 104 104 E & N 6a 2003 B _ 108 108 108 L&N Atl K&C 4a’65.. 11IH HI 111 McKess&Kob 6V4s'50_. 104 103*4 104 Me C RR clt 4* '46 A... 102*4 102*4 102*4 Me C RR en 4*4»'60A. 82 81*4 *2 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ... 89*4 *» *914 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfa. 84*4 84*4 34*4 Manila RR S I 4s-39__ 83*4 *3*4 88** Mead Co 8s *46 ... 104*4 104*4 104*4 Met Ed 1st rf'6s'53... 108*4 108*4 10814 MU El R&E 6s *61_ 102*4 10214 10214 MU E R & S E rf 6a’71_ 101 102*4 102*4 Mil Spa&N W 4s’47. 38*4 »« 88*4 Minn & St E 6s'34 ctfa. 16*4 16*4 18*4 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38 _. 26 2t 26 MStP&SSM cn 6S 38_ 23 23 23 MStP&SSM 6*4S 49... 18*4 1814 18*4 MStP&SSM rf 6s 46A. 18*4 18*4 18*4 Mo K&T 4s 62 B- 68I4 6814 68*4 Mo K&T 1st 4s 90_86*4 86*4 86*4 MoK&T6s'62A__ 79 7» T9 MoK & T adj 6s'67_66*4 68 68 Mo Pac 4s "76 ____ 2i 20*4 21 Mo Pac 6s'65 A_ 44 43U 44 Mo Pac 5s 77 F- «« 43*4 431, Mo Pao 6s'77 F ctfs... 40 40 40 Mo Pac 6s'78 0 ... 43*4 4,14 43,4 Mo Pac 6s 78 O ctfs... 40 40 40 Mo Pao 6s '80 H- 44 {48W 43*4 Mo Pac 6s'811_ 44 431, 4ai, 49 A- 1«K 1**4 1**4 Mob & Ohio 4 *4s'77 .. 33 B3 28 Mob & Oh M dlv 6s'47_. 47*4 4714 4714 Mohawk* M 48 >91... 88*4 88*4 88*4 Morions Pub S 4 Vjs'60 102*4 10214 10214 Monontt Pub 8 8s '65 _ 10214 102*4 102*4 Motions Ry 1st 4s '60 . 106*i 106*4 106*, Montana Pwr 384s'68. 94*4 9414 9414 Mont Tram 4 *s'65 .. 80* 80* 80* Mont Tram 6s 41 _101* 101* 101* Mor&Essex 3*s 2000 89* 8»* 817* Morrls&Essex 4*s'65 90 8»* no Morrls&Essex 6s'65 _ 98* 98 98* Mutual Fuel G 6s '47_115 114*115 Natl Dairy 3*s'51ww. 108* 103* 103* w8!! £’8 PC 4^B’46 104* 104* 104* Natl RM 1st 4s'61 asst 3* 8* 8* Natl Steel 4s 66 _ 104* 104* 104* Newark C Gas 5s ’48 118 118 118 New Orl PS fas 62 A._ 97* 97 97 New url P S 6a '65 B . _ 97 96* 97 New Orl Ter 1st 4a'63. 93* 93’ 93 New Orl T&M 6s '61 B. 64* 63* 63* NewOr|T&M 6*,-61 68 58 68 NOT&.M6*s'54Acfs 64 64 64 NY Central cv 3* s'52 108* 108 108* NYCentrai3*a a?_ 96* 96* 99* NY Central 3*a*6.„ 102* 102* 102* NY Cent con 4s 98 y 7*^ VT!a NY Cent rf 4*8 2013.. 90 89* 89* N Y C rf 4*s 2013 n_. 90 89* 89* NY Cent rf 6a 2013_ 97* 97* 97* NYCDSh3*a'9S_ 92 92 92 NIC Mich C 3 *a '98.. 90 90 90 NYC&st Dl,t4.'37._ 101* loi* 101* , Y Chi & Stl. 4s‘46__ 104 10a*4 1034i N YC&8t L 4 '78_ 88 89 NYC&St L 6 bta '74 A_. 100 99U ioo N Y Chi & St 1, 6s *38_. 100 100 NY Dock ist 4s'51.- t2\i 62H «2Ce N 1 Dock 6s 38 - 60£| 605% 60*4 N Y Edison 8 *%« 65 D. 300 tufc 99U NY Ellis ref 3*a 66.. 100 100 100 H&P4s «»— 112* 112* 112* NYD&W 1st 48 73_ 98* 97* 98 NY Nil &H 4s 56 - 39* 89* 89* NY NH&H4*s-67... 46 46 46 NY NH & H cv 6a 48.. 48* 47* 48* N Y NH & H C R 4s’66. 31* 84* 84* N Y O&W gen 4s 65... 19* 19* 19* NYO&Wref^ 92_ 27* 27* 27* N Y Steam 1st 6s '61_ 106* 106* 106* N Y Steam 6a 56 - 106* 106* 106* K «S,team lst6B‘<7-107* 107* 107* N? £el Ken 4Hs '89- 107* 107* 107* N Y Tr Kk 6a'46 stp__ 93 93 93 NY W&B 4*s'4«-16* 16* 16* Norf So 1st 6a'41- 82* 82* 82* Norf So 1st ref 6a '61.. 31 8u* 31 Norf S 1st rf5a’61 cfa. 29* 29* 29* North Am Co 6s 61 _ 104 1C3* 104 North Am Ed 6s '57 A. 108* 103* 103* North Am Ed 6s 69 C. 103* 103 103* North Am Ed 6*s ’63. 103 102* 103 Nor n Pao gen 3s 2047 75 74* 741. Nor n 1’ac gn3s2047 rg 72 69* T> Norn Pac 4a '97 .. 104* 104* lu4* Nor'n Pac 4*s 2047 ... 98* 98* 98* North Pac 5s 2047 C_ 103* 103* 103* Nor n Pac 6s 2047 D__. 103* 108* loi* North Pao 6s 2047-111* m* m* Ohio Edison 4a'65.... 104* 103* 104* Unt pwr Nias 5s 43— 112* 112* 112* Dreg \\ RR 4a 61-106* 104* 105* p^c Coast 5s'46__ 72* 72* 72* Pac Gas & El 3 *a '66. 97 97 97* Pac G&E3*a'61-102 101*101*4 Pac G A E 4s 64- 106 106 105 Pan Am PC6s'40ctfa. 48* 43* 43* Paramount Pic 6a '66_ 100* 100* 100* Parmelee 6s 44- 68* 66 66* Penn Co 4s 61- 102 102 102 Penn Dixie C 6a‘41... IOO 99* 99* Penn O & Det 4*s'81. 109* 109* 109* Penn O & D 4 * a 77_ 106 105 106 PcnnP&D4*s 81- 104* 108* 103* Penn RIt 3*s '62- 109* 108* 109 Penn RH 3 * a TOC_ 99* 99 99* Penn RR con 4s 48-111* 111* 111* Penn HR 4 *s'31 D- 106* 106* 106* Penn K R 4 *8 '14_ 106* 106 106 Penn HR gn 4*s 66— 109* 109* 109* Penn RR deb 4 *s'70. 101* 100* 101* Penn HR gen 6s 68.__ 116*116 116 Pere Mara 4 *s’80_ 97* 97* 974 Pere .Mara 1st 4e 66... 93* 93* 98* Phila B&W 4*s'81 109 109 169 Phlla Co 6s 67 — 105* 104* 104* Phlla & H C&l 6a'71_81 lo* 30* Phlla &RC&1 6s 49_13* 13* 13* PhlllDPlne Ry 4s 37_ 27 27 27' PCC&St D4*s'77 C-_ 107 106* 107 PCC&St L 6s'70 A ... 116 116 116 x’ltts&VY Va 4*s'69 B 90* 89* 90* Port Gen El 4*S 60.. 61* 61* 61* Postal Tel &C 6a *63 . 27* 2»* I6* Potomac El P 3 *a'66. 102* 102* 102* Pure Oil 4*s 60 ww.. 118 117*118 Pure Oil 4*s'60 iw__ 104 104 104 R-K-O 6#'41- 117 U7 n7 Reading R 4*a'97 A.. 107* 107 107 Rem-R 6*8 '47 A ww. 108* 107* 108* Republlo Stl 4 *a '60.. 176* 174 174 Republio Stl 4*s 66— 98* 98 98 Republic Stl 4*a 61.. 97* 97* 97* Republic Stl 6*a'64.. 117 116*117 Richfield 011 6s 44__ 62 60* 60* Revere Cop 4*8 66 .. 103* 103* 103* Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs.. 60* 60* 60* R 1 A&L 18t 4*8'34_ 23 22* 23 Saguenay Pw4*s-66._ 100* 100* 100* St Jos & Gr Xsl 4s 47— 108 107* 108 St Jo Ry E T&P 5a'37. 99 99 gg St D LM&S R&O 4s'33_ 82 *1 gi St DIM&SR&S4s'33ct_ 81 80* 81 St L R M & P 5s'55- 82* 82* 82* St D-S Fran 4s '60A .. 29* 29* 29* St D-S F 48 '60 A ctfs. 26* 26* 26* St D-S Fran 4*a'78__ 29 28* 29 St D-S F 4 *a'78 cf at. 25 24* 25 St D-S Fran 5s '50 B ... 30 29* 30 St D-S F 6s 60 B ctfs.. 26* 26* 26* St D S W 1st 4s'89 _91 91 91 StPKCSD4*l 41 23* 23* 23* St P M&M P ext 4s '40. 102 102 102 CM. g- iyiociyj exi 08 4) _ 1U2 102 102 San A & A Pass 4s 43. 1014 1014 1014 Schulco 64s’46 A Stp. 34 34 84 Seabd A L 4s’60 stp_ 80 4 29 4 294 Seabd A L ref 4s'69_ 164 164 164 Seabd A L 6s 45 A_ 204 194 194 Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs.. 194 19 194 Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct. 10 10 10 Shell Ud deb 3 Vis '61.. 99 984 99 Skelly 011 4s-6l _ 99 99 99 Soeony Vac 34s’50 .. 1064 1044 IO64 South Bell T&T 6s ’41 1064 1054 1054 Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 1024 1024 1024 Southn Cal Gas 4H '61 1064 1064 1064 So Colo Pwr 6s '47 A_. 1054 1054 1054 South Nat G 44s'51_ 984 98 4 984 So Pac 34s 46 _ 1004 100 100 So Pac col 4s 49_ 95 4 96 4 95 4 So Pac ref 4s 65_ 1064 1054 1064 So Pac 4 4s 68- 904 904 904 So Pac 4 4s ’69_ 90 90 90 So Pao 44s 81- 894 894 894 So Pac Oreg 44s’77_ 96 964 »64 So Pac S F Ter 4s ’60.. 108 108 108 So Ry gen 48*66 A_ 79 784 784 So Ry 6s’94 - 1074 1064 1064 So Ry pen 6s ’58- 994 994 994 So Ry 6 4s’66 - 1024 1024 1024 So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 96 96 96 Sournwn G&E 4s 60.. 1014 1014 1014 Spokane Int 6s *65 __824 82 . 324 Stand Oil N J 3s 61._. 974 964 974 8tudebaker cv 6s 46_ 128 1264 1264 Swift* Co 3 4s’60 ._ 1064 1064 1064 Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A 94 4 93 4 984 Terra As St L 4%s '39. 1064 1064 1064 Texarkana 6 4s'60_ 105 1044 106 Texas Corp 34s 51 _. 1024 102 1024 Texas* Pac 5s 77 B._ 1034 1034 1034 Texas * Pac 6s 79 C-. 1034 1034 1084 Texas* Pac 5s 80 D . 104 1034 1084 Tex * Pac 1st 6s 2000 . 119 119 119 Tex & P MPT 64s ’64. 1084 1084 1084 Th.rd Av ref 4s 60 6t 6O4 604 Third A ad 1n ex 6s’66 314 81 81 Tide Water O 3 4s'52 994 99 994 Un El L. & P 5s 67 .. 1064 1064 1064 Un El L.& P 64a 64__ 1034 1034 1084 Un OH of Cal 3 4>’52. 1104 1104 1104 Union Pao 34s 70_ 964 964 964 Un Pac 34a'71_ 96 944 96 Un Pao 1st 4s '47_ 1124 1124 1124 Un Pao 1st rf 4s 2001.. 1064 106 1064 United Biscuit 6s'60.. 1064 1064 1064 , United Drug 6s '61_994 994 »94 FREIGHT LOADINGS AT M MARK Week’s Increase Raises Total 15.1 Per Cent Above Year Ago. NKW YORK Muy T—The Asso ciated Pres*, xrMf.oneUv adjusted weekly Index of freight cur loadings, based on l8”R-.'lo ns 1 on declined today to Hi h, compared with H‘!.2 the previous week and 88 H n year ago. Range or recent years 18.17. 18M8. 18.15. 1834. 1833. lTlah H*J •* H I 5 711 85 8 87.3 Low 73 0 80.7 58.0 68.6 47.7 By the Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today 782,423 cars of revenue freight, were loaded during the week ending last Saturday. This was an Increase of 21,241 cars, or 2 8 per cent, compared with the preceding week; an Increase of 111,535, or 15.1 per cent, compared with a year ngo, and an increase of 213,496, or 37 5 per cent, compared with two years ago The report classified the loadings as follows: This wk. Last. wk. Year aeo. Miscellaneous 325.994 — 1.219 +42.290 Leas than car lot 171.309 4- 1.479 4- 9 927 Coal _ 124 BOH 4- 6,141 4- 6.039 Clra In and products 29.031 — 19C, — 4,ii3(i West, dlsts. 13.323 — 539 — .3 559 Live stock 14 953 4- 99 — 327 West, dlsts. 11.945 4- 23 — 53] Forest prod'ts 37.132 4- 147 4- 4.999 Ore _ 70.192 4-15.4 33 4-52.302 Coke 10.397 4- 343 +- 2.742 FEDERATED DEPARTMENT HOLDERS APPROVE ISSUE By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 7.—Preferred stockholders of Federated Department Stores, Inc., today authorized a $2, 000,000 bond issue by one of its con trolled companies. Issuer of the proposed bonds is John Shillito Co. of Cincinnati, subsidiary of F. & R. Lazarus & Co., of the fed erated group. A first mortgage Issue, bearing 4V4 per cent, the securities will be uncon ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Lazarus concern. In addition to the Lazarus com pany, which operates at Columbus, Ohio, Federated has controlling inter ests in Abraham & Straus, Inc., Brook lyn, N. Y.; William Filene's Sons Co, Boston, and Bloomingdale Brothers, Inc., New York. Washington Produce BUTTER—02 score. 1-pound prints. 35: 14-pound prints. 36: tub. 34: 0<* score. 1-pound prints. 34. *'4-pound prints. 35; tub 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18: calves. 16; v'e.a|. 18. lamb 24: pork loin. 24 frozen sliced bacon. 33. slab bacon. 28; com pound 1312: lard. 14'*. STOCK—Pig' 8>^a0 light hogs. p'«a.»34: mediums. 0*.,ain. heavies. 83«a 6 « roughs .V 2a*: calves. 8al0. Prices paid shippers, net. f o. b. Wash ington By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market about steady at. un changed nrices. Current receipts ] SN IP. hennery whites. io-2n: Government; graded and dated white peas <nei prices paid shippers, f o. b. Washington! U. S. extras large. 23 U. S extras, mediums, 10 U. S standards large 20. LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady nt unchanged prices. Fowl, colored, heavy 10-20 Leghorns 14-15; chickens. Rocks, 22-24. crosses. 21-23: Lechorns 17-18; old guineas. 25-30 each; turkeys, old hens. 16-17. old toms. 14. Fruits and Vegetable*. Sales in large lots, by original receivers, up to 8 a m. today: APPLES—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate. market steady. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets. U S. No. 1 Wmesans. IVB-lnch minimum. 1 loal.15: 2-inch minimum. 1.25a 1.35; 2,4-inch minimum. 1.9(>a2.00; 2‘2-inch minimum 2.35a2.50; -l^-inch minimum, mostly around 2.60; Yellow Newtowns. 2V4-inch minimum. 1.65 al.75; 2,a-inch minimum. 2.00a2.15; 234 inch minimum. 2 25a2 35 Ben Davis. 2*4-I inch minimum. 1 15al.25: 2la-inch mini-1 mum. 1 40al.50; Golden Delicious. 2‘4-inch minimum. 1.75: 2‘2-inch minimum. 2.00a 2.25: 23,4-inch minimum. 2.5(»; few higher; Paragons. 2’2-inch minimum. 1.85&2.O0; 234-inch minimum 2.00, few higher; 3-inch minimum. 2.25: few higher: Stay mans. 2*4-lnch minimum 1 05al.75: 2‘-2 inch minimum. 2.ooa2.25: 234-inch mini mum. 2.25a2.35. Boxes combination extra fancy and fancy. Delicious. 2 25a2 75. Golden Delicious. 2.25a2 7 5 C grade. De licious. 2.(*0a2.25: Golaen Delicious. 2.0oa 2.25: Paragons, extra fancy and fancy. 2.25a2.50: scalded 1.85al 75: Romes, ex tra fancy and fancy. 138 size. 2 (M»a2.15: J25 size. 2.15a2.25; 113 size 2.25a2 35: 66 s and larger. 2 50. Staymans. extra fancy and fancy 2.25a2 .50: scalded 1.75a 2.oo, Winesaps. extra fancy and fancy. 103 size. 2.25. 150s 2.25a2.35: 138s. 2.35a 2.50; 125-113s. 2.50a2.65. Cartons: Gold en Delicious. 144s. 2.nOa2.25: 112s. 2.25a 2.50: Delicious, loos, 2.25a2.50; 112s. 2.50a2.75. 06s. 2.75. few higher. Lowrys. 1608. 1.75a 1.85: 112s. J.85al.90; Stay mans. 144s. 1.90a2.0U: 112s. 2.00a2.25: 144_s. 2 25. Winesaps. fancy. 160s. 2.25a 2.35: 112s. 2.35a2.50: Yellow Newtowns. U. S. No. 1. 160s. 2.00; 112s. 2.25. POTATOES—One Idaho, one Florida, three Maine arrived: five broken and ten unbroken cars on track. Old stock: Sup p,Ve,si,moderate: demand moderate: market slightly stronger. Hundred-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Maine, Green Mountains. 2.25- 2.36: Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 3.00 3.10. New stock: Supplies light: demand moderate; market slightly stronger. Flor ida- double-head barrels. Spaulding Rose. U S. No 1. 5.50-6.00: mostly 5.75. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts light; sup plies light: demand moderate: market steady. New* Jersey, pyramid crates, dozen bunches, colossal. 3.75-4.00: fancy, 3.0n 3.25: Delaware, pyramid crates, dozen bunches, large size. 3.5o CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals: one un broken car on track. Truck receipts light: supplies light: demand moderate: market steady South Carolina 1 ^-bushel ham pers. pointed type, packed locally, l.25 CARROTS-—One California arrived’ one broken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies light: demand moderate, market steady. California. Western lettuce crates. 3.25- 3.50: Texas, bushel baskets. 1.75 CAULIF-LOWER—No carlot arrivals: five broken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate- market steady. Cali fornia. crates. 2.00-2.25. mostlv 2.10. CELERY—Two Florida arrived: five broken and two unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. Florida, individually washed- 10 inch crates and 16-inch crates, wire bound. 3-lQ dozen. 2.00-2.25: poorer lower. LETTUCE—Two California arrived: seven broken and three unbroken cars on track Supplies liberal; demand moderate; market steady Western crates. Iceberg type mostly fair to ordinary condition: California. 5 dozen. 4.00-5.00; very few sales high as 5.50: poorer. 3.00-3.50; 6 dozen, fair condition. 2.75-3.00. Onion Prices Steady. ONIONS—One New York, three Texas arrived: four unbroken cars on track. Sup plies light: demand moderate; market steady. FMfty-pound sacks. U. S. com mercial. Texas: Yellow Bermudas. 1.65 1.75- Trys^l Wh^e Wax 1 75. PEAS—No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track. Truck receipts light: sup plies light’ demand light: market weak. South Carolina, bushel hampers. 1.00-1.10; very few sales high as 1.25. Hish. Low Close United Rvs St L «»'34 31 2954 81 U S Rubber 6s 47 107 10614 107 Utah L A T 6s 44 (A). 99M 99H 99H Utah P A L 6s '44 ... 10154 10154 10154 Util P AL 6s 69 ww 61H 60H 8014 Util P A L 6 H S *47 —_. 62 62 (2 Vanadium cv 6» 41-.. 10414 10414 104V* Va E A P 1 St ref 4a’66. 107 107 107 Va S W con 6a *68 ... *7V4 971* 9714 VaRy 1st SHs'66 A.. 10454 1 04 10454 Wabash 4Hs'78- 88 88 88 Wabaab 1st 6s’39- 941* 94 9454 Wabash 2d 6a 39_ 89 H 8314 881* Wabash ta'76 B- 8914 8914 8914 Wabash 6a 80 D_- 89H 8914 89H Wabaab 6Ha '76 - 40 40 40 Walker HAS 414a 46. 106 10454 10454 Walworth 4a 65 . 8054 805* 801 Warnar Bros cv 6*'89 95 #454 95 Warren Br cv 6a 41 .. 6654 6 6 65 W Sb 1st 4S 2061 gtd._ 9254 9254 9254 West'n Md 1st 4s'6310454 1*4 10454 Wesfn Md 5H* '77 10654 10654 10654 Westn NYAP gn 4*48 10754 10754 10754 Wsst’n Psc 6s 48 A S&14 3414 *614 West'n Pac 6* 46 A as 3454 1454 3454 Waat*n Un 4Hi 60 102U 10214 10214 Westn Un cl tr 6a '88.. 10214 10214 102‘i West'n Un 6a '61- 102H 10214 10214 Westn Un 6a 60 _ 10154 101 101 Wheel Steel 4Ha'6*~ 1004 1*014 10014 W Sp Stl COD 7a '86 et. 8654 3614 8654 Wlleon A Co 4a '66_IO054 10014 10014 Wla Cent lat gn 4a ‘49. 2# 29 *9 Wla C lit gn 4a '49 et— 2654 8654 2654 Wla C SAD Trm4a‘3<_ 1954 19 19 rngetnSAT* Ha'll.. 144 14*H 14254 Y*ngrtn SAT 4a '61_ 191H 101 10114 U. S. Lead Stocks Continue Steady Decline in Month By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 7.—Continuing the steady decline started in August last year, stocks of lead at smelters and refineries in the United States dropped 15,454 short tons in March, the American Bureau of Metal Sta tistics reported today. Stocks on hand April 1 totaled 212. 831 tons, compared with 238,285 March 1. Receipts of lead in ore and scrap by United States smelters during March totaled 50,678 short tons and for the first three months 130,562 tons, the report stated. REVENUES JUMP 1936 Total Best Since 1930 and 25 Per Cent Ahead of 1935. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 7—Southern Pacific Lines, second biggest railway system of the country, today reported 1936 operating revenues of $204,338, 550, the largest since 1930 and a gain of 25 per cent over 1935. The annual pamphlet report said conditions affecting traffic volume were generally favorable throughout the year, and the Increase in operating revenues resulted principally from a rise of 31 per cent in net-ton miles of revenue freight. Also a factor was a gain of 21.8 per cent in revenue passenger miles of the steam rail lines. Heavier traffic, the report said, was augmented during the last three months of the year owing to interrup tion of steamship service at Pacific ports. Operating expenses increased 19.5 per cent Taxes rose less than 1 per cent. Equipment and joint facility rents increased 32 3 per cent. Net railway operating income totaled $34,086,680, an increase of 71 8 per cent. The upturn In freignt revenues was 25.9 per cent. The emergency freight rate sur charges authorized by the Interstate Commerce Commission in April, 1935, and which expired December 31, 1936, produced about $2,570,000 for South ern Pacific Lines, compared with $1, 400.000 in 1935. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK May 7 iff).—Raw sugar was unchanged early rodav at 3 45 for spots, with no sales reported. There were some nearby sugars available at this level but local refiners showed no interest above 3 42. Futures v.err firmer for the No 4 con tract on further covering and commission house buying promoted by the firmness or the London market and a favorable interpretation of the results of the in ternational conference The No 3 con tract however was quiet with small, ir price charters. July No 4 sold up to 1.2*, and September to I.2.V2 or 2’2 to 3 Points net higher with the market a. midday holding within a fraction of the best. Trading In the No 3 contract was con fined to May at 2 50 or i point net lower and to July end September at 2.51 or i point net higher Refined was quiet and unchanged at lor fine granulated. -— MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. May 7 (JP>.—Silver futures owned steady, 15 to 20 lower. May. 44.80b: July, 44.70b; September. 44.60b. D-Bid. *-• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. May 7 Iffy—Crude rubber futures opened firm. 7 to 4 1 higher. Mav. 21.85b; July. 22.28-30; September. 22.40 4* b—Bid, We Are Making Conservative Loans on Business Property Only AT 4V2% for new construction or refinancing. (Shannon & l(jchS| Morttase Loan Correspondents MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1505 H St. N.W. Noth 2345 Amortized LOANS for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bank Has Mode Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loans ® SECURITY, Saoiivc^s & Commercial g BANK I Two Convenient Branches: 9th & G . 1518 K Sts. N.W. * $t. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or rofinanco your homo or businoss proporty LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthl y p ay* menu, which, in addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profits of this Association. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION Sit SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 years MEMBER OF FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILD1NO AND LOAN LEACUE U. B. BUILDING AND LOAN LEACUE WEATHER SUB RETMBUYING More Uniform Advance Re ported for Week by Dun & Bradstreet. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 7—Trade move ment for the week was more uniform. Dun <fe Bradstreet said today in the weekly trade review'. "Favored by auspicious weather and helped by special clearance events, retail distribution recovered some of the ground yielded in April,” the re port said. "In wholesale market future com mitments were more generous as the price trend turned steadier, and the volume was further enlarged by the most numerous reorders in a month. "Proceeding at full stride, more in dustries were forced to adopt faster operating rates in an effort to ex pedite overdue shipments." Sales for the country as a whole were estimated at from 3. to 6 per cent over last week and 8 to 25 per cent over the 1936 comparative. Sectional increases over last year were: New England, 15 to 20 per cent; East, 12 to 25; Middlewest, 18 to 25; Northwest, 12 to 22; South, 15 to 30, Southwest, 12 to 18, and Pacific Coast, 8 to 16. "Rebound of consumer buying from the more leisurely pace of April was pronounced in most retail divisions. Long postponed requirements were covered generously in women's dresses, millinery, hosiery and shoes," the re view said. “Men's suits sold well, and there was more interest in shirts, under wear and furnishings." Leading in the wholesale field, where the volume increased 18 to 35 per cent over 1936, were orders for women's white coats, cotton dresses and open-crowned millinery. For men: Slacks, sport coats and linen suits. Swim suits and bathing ap parel were more prominent in this week’s orders. Demand continued heavy for farm equipment and builders’ supplies, while industry moved along 25 to 40 per cent above the 1935 comparative. -• NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, May 7 i/P).—Bar silver easy, lower at 45. I First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporates MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT Nets Tor* lift Inturinct Co. IStI Conn. Avt. N.W. DE. 3800 i_ First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED I Terms Arranged on E*sjr Monthly Payment! I AAtMgCl BU'LOING 4 lOAH ASSOCIATION COUNCIL ^O.C NATIONAL T^ermanertt BUILDING ASSOCIATION I UNDER. SUPERVISION g " *7 U.S. TREASURY | ( 049 NINTH STREET, tW. | U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK, May 7 </pn-—Price* quoted In dollar* and thirty-aeconds Month. Pet. Year. Bid Asked ADyleld Sent., 3Y«_1037 101.4 Feb. 2*._1038 101.15 101,17 52 Mar., 3 _1038 102.5 102.7 'ok June, 2%_1038 102.13 102 15 'in Sept. 2 '-2_1038 102.5 102.7 81 Mar,, 1'2_1030. 100.22 100 24 1 00 June. 2's_1030 101.28 101.30 1 Hi Dec. I3,_1030 100.1.3 100 15 110 Mar., IS_1040 100.23 100,25 1 35 June. l>2_1040 100.7 100.0 1 41 Dec.. P2_1040 100.3 100.5 145 Mar., 112-1041 100 100 2 1.48 June, l3, 1041 00.10 00.18 1.48 Dec, 1V4-.-1041 08.24 08 2ri 1.51 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. May 7 (48.—Live poul try—Cross-breds. fancy. 314 pounds cr over. 24a25, few 2«. ducks. White Pekin. 15; Muscovy, white. 18; colored. Ifial7: turkeys, fancy hens. li;al7. Butter—Top grades. 34',a3S: 02, 33'A* 34; 02, 33; Oil. 32‘a. 80. 32; 88, 31 i2_ OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Era St N.W Pbona NA 2184 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nal’I 0350 Safe Investments First mortgage notes, *yell secured on ecn /f\ servotively appraised, ^ new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears First Mortgoge LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE At 5% Monthly Payments If Preferred Construction Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Md. and Virginia WM. J. FLATHER, Jr., Inc. 1508 H St. NA. 1753 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl 2100 We Are Pleased to Announce That JOHN A. PURCELL is now associated with us in our WASHINGTON OFFICE Mackubin, Legg & Company Established 1999 Woodward Building 15th and H Sts. N.W. Members New York Stock Exchange Washington Stock Exchange Baltimore Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Associate) I Redwood and South Sts. 14 Wall Street , Baltimore New York _ HOME LOANS TO PURCHASE, BUILD OR REFIHAHCE interest ns Low ns 5% Easy Monthly Payments as low as $7.50 per $1,000. Vour Savinge Here are protected by Federal Ineurance up to S5,000 COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th Street Opposite Palais Royal mmm<B———mam^^mmmmmmmm^m