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CURB LIST HOLDS TO NARROWRANGE Minor Losses and Gains About Evenly Divided Late in Session. By ths Associated Press, NEW YORK, May 7.—Except for a few specialties, curb stocks idled in a narrow range today, with minor losses and gains rather evenly divided in late trading. Aluminum Co. of America, recently hit hard on an anti-trust, move against the company by the Federal Govern ment, extended a previous rally more than 3 points. Montgomery Ward "A," New Jersey Zinc and Pan-American Airways were up 1 to 2 points. Oils were disposed to go forward, with Gulf and Pantepec up moderate ly . Utilities were mixed. Newmont Mining yielded more than a point end small losses appeared in Pioneer Gold and St. Regis Paper. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. 1pm. Ala Power 4%s ’67_ 82% 82% 8234 Ala Power 5s '40 A 102% 102% U'2% Alum Co 5s ’52 105*2 105*2 105% Alum Co Ltd 5s '48_106% 100 106% Am GAE 5s 202S___ JOT % 107 107% Am P A L 6s 2ol6___ 04 *2 03% 03*2 Am Rol Mill 5s ’4S__. 102% 1<>2% 102% Am Seat 6s '36 stpd_105% 105% 105% Ark PAL 5s '56 ___ 98% 08*2 08% As El Ind 4%s 53__. 53 53 53 As G A E 4%s ’40_ 49 49 40 As GAE 5%s inv ct __ 83 83 83 As TAT 5 %S 55 A 84% 84 »2 84% Bald L 6s '38 XW stp _ 18] 170 l8<>% Boll T C 5s 60 C _ 110*2 110% 1 10% Birm El 4%s '68 86% 86% 86% Can Pac 6s '42 ... 100% loo*4 lo0% Con UPS 4*2s '67 P . 08 08 98 Cent 111 P S 5s '68 G . lol % lo 1 % lol % Cent I P S 4%s ’81 H _ 06*2 96% 06% Con O LAP 5s 5o A 100* 2 loo* 2 loo* 2 Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56 _ 93% 03% 93% Cm 8t PAL 5%’S '53._ 60 50% 59% Chi Pn T1 5%s '42 . 102 102 102 Chi Rys 5s '27 cod _ 72 _ 71% 72 Cities Svc 5s '50 727a 72% 72 a Cities S Gas 5%s 42 lOn% loo% lno% Cities S Gs P 6S 43 103* 2 103% 103% Cit S PAL 5%s 52 09% 09% 60% Clt S PAL 5%s '40 70% 70% 70% Comw Ed 4s M F loo 105% 105% Comuty PAL 5s 57 7 8»2 7 8% 78% Con Gas Ut 6s 43 st 78% 78% 7K% Cont GAE 5s '58 A 80 88% 88% Crucible Stl 5s '40 103 % 103 % 10.3% Betroit C G 6s ’47 A 106% 1(*6% 100% et Cit Gs 5s ’5o B 105% 105% 105% Det Int Be 7s 52 cd 234 234 2% East GAF 4s '56 A 86*2 86% 80% El Pas El 5s ’5o A . 101 % lol % lol % Emp Dis El 5s 52 _ 08*« 98% 98% Emp OAR 5 % s 42 . 89% 8034 so% Fed Wat 5’2s ’54 _ 82 8-.’ 82 Purest Cot M 5s 'IS lo4% H>4% lop Florida PAL 5s '54 92% 92% 92% Gary EAG 5s '4 4 xw st 00 90 99 Gatineau Pw 5s '56 lol % ini % 101 % Gatineau P Os 11 B 101 *4 101 *4 101 *4 Georgia Pw 5S ’67 1*7* 4 97 97% Georgia P&L 5s '7 8 _ 74*2 74*'2 74 *2 Glen Alden Cl 4s *65 S0% 80*2 80% Grand Tr We is ’50 loo 99%1oo Hack Wat 5s *38 109% luo% lo9*8 Hall 1WF) 6s *47 stn . ion 00* 4 100 Hou Gulf Ct 6s '43 A 104% 104% 1 *> 1 '« Hyerade Fd 6s ‘40 A so% 80* 2 80*2 Hygrade Fd 6s *41* B 8<»*2 80% 8o*2 Idaho Pw Co 5s '4 7 109 109 109 111 North Util 5s ’57 107 106% 107 111 Pw A L 6s ’5.3 A 1 047a 104% 104% ill PWAL 5%s ’54 B . 102% 102% 162% 111 Pw A L 5s 56 C 09*4 90% 9!*% Indian E C 5s '51 C 9n% 90 90*2 ndiana Ser 5s '50 7 1 7" 70 ndiana Ser 5s *63 A 60% 09% 60% ndnRp PAL 5s ’57 A 1»>5% ln5% 105% ntl Securities os '47 1 i»l % 1 o 1 % 101 % nterst Pw 5s '57 59% 59% 59% Interst P S 5s ’56 D 8.3*2 83 83% !nterst P S 4%s '58 F 79% 79% 79% owa-N LAP 5s '57 A 102% 102% in2% ou a Pub Sv 5s '57 11*212 1 02% 102 * 2 Jackson G .3s ’42 stp 50% 50*2 50% Jer C P A- L 5s '4 7 B 10 1 % lo4% I'M*, Kan Pw Co 5s '4 7 A . lol % 101% 101 % Kentucky Ut 5s '6 1 03*2 93% 1*3*2 Kentucky U 5s '60 I 92 92 92 Ken U 6%s ’48 D 103% lo.3% 103% Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A 107% 107*2 107* 2 Libby McNAL 5s '4 2 _ 104% 104% 104% La PAL 5s '57 105% 105% 105-% Mem PAL 5s '48 A . 98% 98% 98*2 Metrop Edis 4s '71 E 105% 1 o5% 1 05% Mil GAE 4 % s '07 103% 103% 103% Minn PAL 4%s '7 8. 98% 98% 98% Miss PAL 5s 57 90%. 90% 90% Na&s A Su L 5s '45 _1**5 1<*5 105 Nat PAL 5s 2030 B _ 80* , 86 86% Nat Pb S 5s 78 cod._„ 45% 4 5 45 Nevad Cal El 5s '56_ 90% 90% 90% New Ams Gas 5s '48 _ 115% 1 14% 115% New E GAE 5s ’47 _ 72% 7 2 72 New E GAE 5s '48_ 71 % 7 1 % 71% New' E Pw 5s ’48 93% 93% 93% New E Pw 5 * 2s ’54 _ 96* 2 96 96 % rPA-L 4%s ’67 __ IO6V4 106% 106% Y S EAG 4%s ’80 _ 101 100% 100% Y A W L ns '54 . . 11 2’2 1 12>2 11 2% No Con U 5%s '4 8 A 57 57 57 Ogden G Co 5s '45 108% 108% H>S% Ohio Pwr 5s ’52 B 106% 106 1**6 Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D ln5% 105 105 Okla PAW 58 'IS A . 9n'4 90 9n% Pac PAL 5s 55 _ 77% 77% 77% ?aimer C La 6s '38 1**1 loi loi enn CLAP 4%s 77 99% 99% !»9% Penn El 4s ’71 F 96 90 96 Penn O E 6s ’5o A 1<*2 !<*•: 1**2 Peop GLA C 4s '8] B 9134 !'P, 91% Peop LAP ns ’7 9 19% 19% 19* 2 Pitts Steel os ’48 103 loo 10.3 Portland G A C 5s ’40 7 9 7 9 79 Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs 130% 130% 130% Pub S No 111 5s '66 C 105*2 105*2 105*2 Pub S N T 4 ’ 2s ’7 8 D 102% 102% lo2% Pub S N T 4%s ’81 F M:% 1<>2% 102% Pug S PAL 5* 2s '49 A _ SS% 88% 88% Pur S PAL 5s ’50 C _ 86 % 80% 86*2 Pug S PAL 4%s ’50 D _ 80% 80% 80% L GAC 6s '47 mar ._ 14 % 14 % 14*4 fehw WAP 4%s '68 B . 102% 102% 102% ©oil Cal Ed 3%s '45. _ 105% 105>4 3 0.5* 4 Sou Cal Ed 3%s ’60 _ 101% 101% 101% Sou Cal E 3%s '60 B 101 % 101 % 101 *4 Souw GAE 5s ’57 A _ 102 H»l% 101% Souw PA-L 6s 2022 A 93 93 93 fjtd GAE cv 6s *35 cod 80% 80% 80% Std GAE cv 6s *35 mat .81 81 81 Btd GAE 6s '66 B 80% 80% 80% Stand Inv 5%s ’39_ 98% 98% 98% Bund PAL 6s '57 . 79% 79*4 79% Super of II 4%s '68 105 10478 104% Super of T] 4%’S ’7<* . 104% 104% 104% Byra Lt Inc 5%s ’54. _ 107*2 107% 107% Texas Elec ns '60 _ 102 10l34 l<il34 Tex PAL ns '56 105% 105% 105% Tide Wat P ns 79 A 97% 97% 97% Twin C RT 5%s '52 A 81 % 81 *4 81% On ELAP M 4%s ’57. _ 105% 105% 105*4 XJn EL A P M 5s '54 A 107% in? 107 Unit El N J 4s ’49 1 13 113 113 U n i t L A R D 5' > s '52 8 7 % 87% 8 7 * > Utah PAL 4%s '44 98% 98% 98% Utah P A L 6s 2022 A 95% 95% 95% Va Pub Ser 6s '40 9.3% 93% 93% Va Pub Ser 5s ’50 B 93% 93* 2 93% Ward Baking 6s '37 __ 100% 1on*4 ioo*4 Wash Gas Lt ns *58 1**5% 105% 105% West News U os '4 4 *51% 01 *2 61 % West T Ut 5s '57 A 95*4 95 95 Wis-Min LAP 5s 44 loo% 10038 106% Wis PAL 4s 50 A 95*4 95 95*/* FOREIGN BONDS. torg M B 7 s '4 7 MAN 23 *2 23* 2 23’ 2 OROt M B 7s '47 a-o 23% 23% 23% auca Val 7s '48 10% 16% 16% Com Prv B 5%s '37 _ 48% 48*2 48*2 Cuban T 7%s '41 A 99 99 99 ftal Su Pw 6s '63 A _ 58 58 58 Maranhao Br 7s 58 __ 29 29 29 Rio de Jan 6%s ’59 _ 27 27 27 Russian 6%s 19 mat _ 1% 1% l*2 Bantiag Chil 7s ’49 17*2 17*2 17*5 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st <stp*—8tamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanles reported in receivership. f SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney Ac Col Bid. Offer. Am Tel & Tel 5%s ’43 ... 113 313% Auburn Auto Co 4%s '30... fiS 7fi% Calif Packing Coro os ’40 104% 105 Carol Clinchfleld * OB« ’38 103% 104% Cheaap A Ohio Ey fis '39. _ 107% 107% Edls Elec Ilium 4s ’39_ 104 104% Gen Pub Serv 6%s '39.. ... 102 102% Or Ran Ac Ind 4%s ’41_ . 108% Houston OH fi%s ’40.. ... 102% 103 intern Mer Marine fis ’41 80% 82 int’l Tel fr Tel 4Vis ’39. _ 82% 83% Laclede Gas Light fis ’39.. 91% 92 Lehigh Valley Coal fis ’38_. 98% 90% Lehigh Val Ter Ry fis '41_. 107% . .. Long Island Gen 4s ’38.. 102% 103 Lou Ac Nash R R 4s ’40. _ 108% 10fi% Mich Cent R R 4s ’40... 104 105% Midi R R of N J 5s '40 65 75 MilW Ac Nor R R 4%s ’39 99 98% N Y Chi Ac St L 0', Notes'38 100 100'/* New York Dock fis '38 _ 61 62 N Y Susa & West fis 40._ . ... 4fi N Y Tel Co 4%s '39 107% 107% Pac R R of Missouri 4s '38 99% 100% penn-Dixte Cement fis '41 . 99% 100 Penna R R Co 4s '43.. ... 108 Rio Grande West 4s '30.. 70% 74 Sou Bell Tel Ac Tel fis '41 10fi% 105% Ter R R Assn St L 4%s '39 106% 107% Vanadium Corn fis '43 104% 104% Vertler.tes Sug Co 7s '42__ 2fi 27% Wabash Ry Co fis 39 ... 93% 95 Warner Bros fis '39 _ 94% 95 West N Y Sr Ps 4s 43 .... . _ 108% Western Union Tel 5s '38.. 102% 102% -• BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. May 7 (CPI.—(United States Department of Agriculture. 1—The bulk of new requirements for domestic wools was Elled today by » new wools previously ought on contract. Prices at which many early contracts were turned over to mills were below cur rent prices asked on unsold spot supplies. Due to this condition mills owning con tracted wools were not interested in spot offerings. Spot quotations on fine original bags territory wools ranged mostly $1 to $1.05. acoured basis, but concessions from these asking prices were reported available on nmi offerings. Phelps Dodge Corp.—Declared & ■dividend of 45 cents a share, payable June 10. On March 10, 1937, a divi dend of 35 cents a share was paid. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All time ahown below la daylight laying on which the Exchange le now operating. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Oloae. Alnsw'th M C b26o 1 16 16 16 Air Device Corp—. 6 84 <4 84 Air Investors lnO_ 2 4 4 4 Air Invest cv pf 1 *9 29 29 Alabam Pw pf (7) 80s 74 724 724 Alum'n Co of Am 650e 1874 134 186 Alum (Am) pf (6) 60e 1164 1154 1164 Alumn Goods b25o 1 17 17 17 Aluminum Ltd 150» 1084 107 107 Alum Ltd cv pf(6) 2 131 180 131 Aru Airlines. lne_. 1 24 24 24 Am Box B od (1).. 7 224 224 224 Am CltP&L B a20e 13 44 44 44 Am Cynam B t60o 16 31 30 804 AmDistTNJpf 7 25. 127 127 127 Am Fork & H (tl) 1 20 20 20 Am G&E < 1.40)_ 2 S3 324 *> Am Gen C’p <a50e) 8 104 104 104 Am Hard Rub(al) 160* 22 214 214 Am Mfg Co <a3)„ 26. 61 604 61 Am Maracaibo_ 22 2 4 2 2 Am Meter (75c)_ 6 484 47 474 Am Superpower_ 4 14 14 14 Am Superpwr pf— 1 86 36 86 Anchor Post F_i 1 44 44 44 Angostura <t20c). 17 7 7 Arcturus Radio T. 7 14 14 14 Ark Nat Gas_ 2 74 74 74 Ark Nat G cu pf_ 4 84 84 84 Ark Nat Gae (A). 20 8 7 4 74 Ashland O&R ttOo 1 64 64 64 AsK 1 Ltd b36 2-5. 2 124 124 124 AssoGAElA)_ 7 34 8 8 Asso G & E S5 pf„ 1 23 4 234 234 Asso Laundries 8 4 4, 4 Atl Coast La24— 20* 624 624 624 Atlas Corp war_ 1 24 24 *4 Auto Products_ 3 74 7 74 AUto VotMch 50o. 4 104 104 104 Baldw L bd rts(d) 8 24 24 24 Berlow&S<A)1.20 100* 17 164 IT Bellanca Aircraft. 2 64 64 64 Benson & Hedges. 14 4 4 Berkey&Gay F Co. 11 24 24 | 24 Berk&GF pur war 12 14 14 14 Bliss Co (E W) . 1 184 184 184 Blue Ridge (bl5c) 6 3 24 8 Blumenthal 8 ... 1 224 224 224 Bower Roll B (2). 11 804 80 4 804 Bowman-Blltmore 2 14 14 14 Brazil TL&P 40c.. 8 23 4 23 4 284 Breeze C Inc a75c. 2 108k 104 104 Brld'p’t Mch b25c. 2 194 19 19 Brill Corp (B)- 2 44 44 44 Brill Corp pf_ 50* 564 Sb4 664 Br Am Oil cou (1). 2 224 22 4 224 Brown F&VV D16c. 1 124 124 124 Buckeye P L (4)..100* 49 49 49 Buff N&E pf 1.60_. 1 244 244 244 Burry Biscuit__ 1 64 64 54 Cable El Prod vto. 1 ii H H Can Car&Fdry pf _ 25» 281* 28)* 281* Can Hydr E 1st pf 20. 78 76 76 Can Indus Alco A. 1 6)4 6T* 6)* Can Marconi_ 2 1)4 1*4 Carlb Syndicate_11 2*4 2?* 2*4 Carnegie Metals_ 1 2*4 2)4 2*4 Caro L&P pf (6)_]0« 84 84 84 Carrier Corp _ 3 49** 49** 4»>* Carter (JW) 80c_. 1 10*4 10*4 10*4 Casco Prod b2?i_ 1 81** 81** 81** Catlln Corp (a4uc) 2 7*4 7*4 7*4 Celanese lat pf t7. 60. 120*4 120*4 120*4 Celluloid Corp pf_ 26. 64** 54** 54?* Cent Ohio Stl b50c. 1 15 15 15 Cent & S W Utli8 8*4 3*4 3*4 Cent States Elec.. 4 1*4 1*4 1*4 Cent St El 6% pf. 60. 17 16 16 Centrif Pipe T40c. 2 6*4 5** 6*4 Charls Corp(1*4). 1 13J, 13)* 13*4 Chesebrough <T4) 60. 120 120 120 Chi Rivet & Mach. 10 17 16*4 17 Chief Consol_ 1 U* 1*4 1*4 Childs Co pf_ 26. 90 90 90 Cities Service_ 33 3*4 3*4 3*4 Cities Service pf_. 6 61 60 50 Cities Svc pf (BE). 10. 48 48 48 Claude Neon Lts.. 9 3 2)4 2)4 Clev Tractor_ 2 14 14 14 CUnchfield Coal__ 3 7!* 71* 7** Club Aluminum_ 9 H* 1** 1 ** Cockshutt Plow... 2 19*4 19!* 19J* Colon Dev Ltd ... 2 6»* 6*4 5*4 Colon Dev 6% pf_. 2 3J4 3)* 8*4 Colo Fuel&Ir war. 1 16*. lb** 16*. Columb O&G b20c. 12 8*4 8 8 Comwlth Edls T4_ 2 110'* 110*4 110?* Com with &S war 8 •* *4 54 Com'u’ty P&L 1st. 60. 44)* 43 48 Compo S M stc tl- '1 16*4 15*4 16*4 Cons Aircraft_ 8 26** 25 25 Consol Biscuit 60c 1 6?* 6*4 6?4 Consol Copper . 20 9?4 9*4 9** C GELt&P Bo 3.60 1 74 74 74 Consol Gas Util... 1 2?* 2** 2?* Consol Retail Strs 8 7?* 7?* 7?* Consol Steei Corp. 4 11?* 11 11*4 Cont’l G&E pr pf 7 25. 87?* 87 87?* Cont’l Roll & S Fy 1 21*4 21*4 21*4 Cooper Bessemer.. 14 25 24 26 Cord Corp- 6 3)4 3?* «?* Corroon * Reyn... 8 6 6 < Coaden OH Me (d) 2 2 2 2 Creole Pet (a50c). 82 84** 33*4 83*4 Croft Brewing_ 1 \ % Crown Cent p a6o. 4 2*4 2*. 2*4 Crown Dr (b20c)_ 6 3** 3?* 8** Cusl,Mex Mining.. 9 *6 ** )* Darby Petr (60c)_ 11 14 12*. 14 Dayton Rubber_ 3 24*4 24 24 Dennison 7% pf_ 135. 87 85*4 87 Derby Oil A Kef.. 2 7)* 7** 7** Detroit Gasket tl. 1 19*4 19*4 iju Det Stl Prod b25c. 1 54 64 54 Distill Ltd b27c... 1 28*4 28*4 28*4 Domln S&C (Bj . 8 21*4 21*4 21*4 Dow Chemical (3). 1 144*4 144*4 U4)4 Driver liar pf (7). 10. Ill in 111 Duke Power (3).160. 78 73 73 Duro Test (blOc). 1 6?* 6?. 6?* Duval Tex Sa50c. 8 8*4 8*4 8*4 ■ag Pit Lead blOc. 8 20 19?* 80 East'n G&F Asso. 2 6?* 6?* 6?* Estn G&F As pf 8.100s 44** 44 44** East G&F p pf 4*4 26. 62 62 62 East Mall Ir al.80. 80s 24 24 24 East'n States Pwr. . 6 6 4X 4)4 East’n St Pw (A), a 1 68 68 (8 East'n St Pw (B)_ 1 67*4 67*4 «7*4 Easy W M(B)b25o 2 10)4 10*4 10)4 Edison Bros(b75c) 3 20 20 20 Elec Bond & snare 31 19*4 18*4 18*4 Elec B & S pf (5). 1 67*4 67*4 67*4 El Pwr As(A)a25o 1 6?4 6*4 6*4 Elec P&L opt war. 3 8*4 8** 8J* Elec P&L 2d pf A. 20. 60 60 60 Elec Shareholding 1 3** 3** 314 Emp Twr pt b50c. 100. 31 31 31 Bmsco DerrlcK tl. 1 16 16 16 Equity Corp(a25cl 7 2** 2*4 2** Europ’n El bd rts. 3 *4 *4 14 Evans Wall Lead. 2 1*4 1*4 1*4 Bxcello Air(b20c). 2 21** 21** 21** ratrcnild Av al5c_ * 7 64 7 Fal staff Br (tl Vi). l 9)* 9), 94 Fedders Mfg b25c. 1 14)* 14)* 14)* Ferro Enam b75c. l'38 88 88 Fldello Brewery_ 1 % % % Flak Rubber- 9 16), ibv* 15), Fla P A L pf- 200r46 43)* 46 Ford Ltd al81-10o 17 7 7 Ford (Can) A (1). 1 24)* 24)* 24)* Franklin Ray a60c 1 124 12)4 12)4 Froedt GAM(20c). 1 12)* 12)* l^u Froedt't cr pf 1.20 100. 17)4 17)4 17)4 Gen Alloya_ 2 4 4 4 Gen El Ltd a56V4o 2 21)* 21)* *14 Gen Firepr’f b25c. 8 19)4 17 19)4 Gen invest Coro 2 R* 1(4 jj, Gen Pub Svc pf(6) 40. 76 74)* 74)* Gea Rayon Ltd A 1 14 14 jC Gen Teleph (b25c) 1 17)* 174 174 Gen Tire 4k Rub 8 81 81 81 Gen TAR pf A (6 ) 80. 106 106 106 Georgia Pw pf (6) 126. 76)* 76)* 76)* GleD Alden C (tl) 8 114 114 „u Godchaux S A b2_ 100. 44)4 44)4 444 Godchaux SugtB) 8 80)4 80)4 80)4 Gorham Mf Ttc tl 8 *6)4 264 264 Grand Natl Films. 1 2)* 24 2U Gray TelPS (1).. 1 16)4 154 H4 Grt AAPTn vt6. 10* 102 102 102 Great Nor Pap tl. 60. 41 41 41 Greenfield TAD 6 16)* 16U 16U Gulf Oil (Pa) b26o 9 66)* (6 66 Hartman Tobacco. * 2)* 2)4 *u Harvard Brewary. 1 2)* 24 *4 Hearn Dep S bl.65 C I64 I64 154 Hecla Mining b45o 11 174 17 17 Heller pf ww Hi _ 100. 26)4 26 25 Holllnger (t65c)_ 2 12 114 114 Horn AHar pf(6) 20. 1074 1074 1074 Hudson BMAS (1) 6 80 294 *94 HumbleOil (1H). 6 77)* 77 774 Huasm’n-Llgon tl 1 20 20 20 Huyler's Del pf(d) 80. 19)4 19)4 1914 Hygrade Food Pr_. 2 4)4 4 4)4 Illinois Iowa Pow. S IR4 114 114 111 Iowa Pw pf 2 Vi 2 32)4 82)4 82)4 111 Iowa Pw d ctfs. 4 134 13 18 Illinois Zinc_100. 29)4 29*4 294 Imp Oil Ltd t60o. 4 214 214 214 Ins Co of NoAtl. 100. 674 674 074 Int H E Sep A war 1 4 4 4 lntl Hy El 8 cv pf. 9 814 80 10 lntl Petrolm tl)4_ 8 864 *64 864 lntl Products — 2 7 7 7 lntl Util war new. 6444 lntl Vltamln(SOc) 2 64 64 64 Interst P(Del)pf- (0. 12 12 12 Inv Royalty <t#e) 7 4 4 4 Iron Fire vtc 1.20. 100* 22 22 22 Irving Air Ch (1). 1 13 18 It Jacobs(FL)Cod). S 164 164 Wi JersCen PAL pf (. 20* 86 86 86 . *:30 Stock and Salta— Dividend Rata. Add 00. Rich. Low. Oloae. Kao RTftL. A a76o 2 21 tl tl Klnra Co Lt pfDA 10a 10 60 60 Kingston Prod 40a S 64 64 *H Kirby Patrol (10c) 1 6*4 «*4 **4 Koppara of <•)._. 26a 1084 108*4 108*4 Kreuger Brew tl. 8 17 16*4 16*4 Lake Sh M <T4)_ 10 63*4 UH UH Lakey Fy ft Mach. 1 6Vi 6*4 8*4 Lefcourt pf(a76c) 2 H?4 14*4 14*4 Leh Coal AN 20c.. 88 8*4 8 8*4 Leonard Oil_ 87 1*4 1*4 14 Lion Oil Ref 41)_ 1 22*4 22*4 22*4 Lit Brother*_| l 6*4 6*4 6*4 Locke 8tl Ch t80c_ ' 1 15*4 16*4 16*4 Lockheed Aircraft 4 12*4 12*4 12*4 Lone Star Oar, SOo 6 12*4 12*4 12*4 Long laland Lts.. 7 4*4 4 4*4 Long 1 Lpf A<7>_ 20a 82*4 *1 *2*4 Loudon Packing_ 2 4 4 4 La Land! 40a)_10 12*4 12*4 12*4 Lynch Corp It2)„ 1 29*4 99*4 99*4 Me Williams D (ts l 27*4 27*4 27*4 Madestlo Ra*Tal_ ( 1 8*4 8*4 8*4 Marlon Steam Sh_ I 1 16*4 15*4 16*4 Maaaey Harris_ 8 18*4 18*4 I8*i Maas Util Assocla M 8*4 8*4 8*4 Mead Johnson!t3> 76» 116 114*4 115 Merch & Mf pf(t2)200» 105 105 105 Merritt Chsp ft 8 2 8*4 6*4 6*4 Merritt C ft 8 pf ft 26* 66Vi 66V4 66*4 Messbt Iron 8 4 % % Metal Textile 40c- 1 8*4 314 84 Met Tex pt pf t**4 60s 87 37 87 Mich Bumper C... 8 2*4 2*4 2*4 Mich Oaa ft Oil _ 1 10*4 10*4 10*4 Mich Stl T P b26o. 2 13*4 13*4 124 Mich Sugar- 8 1*4 1*4 1*4 Mid Sta Pat (A)_ 16 6 5 Mid StaPat (B>__ 6 14 14 14 Mld-W AbrasalOo 1 84 84 84 Midwest Oil (tl)_8 11*4 114 11*4 Minn MAM b40c._ 160s 844 >44 844 Molybdsnum Corp 8 9*4 9*4 9*4 Mont Ward a (7). 10s 1444 1424 1424 Moore Distillery.. 11 4 4 4 Moore C Ltd b40c. 60a 43 424 424 Mount Prod (60c). 6 64 64 64 Mount St TftT(8). 20a 142 142 142 Murray! Ohio )b30t 1 22*4 22 4 224 Nat Baking Co- 2 12 114 114 Nat Bella Hese_ 7 24 2 24 Nat’l Contaln’aSOc. ' 8 184 1* 18 Nat Fuel Oaa (l)_ 1 164 154 154 Nat Leathar_ 8 1 4 4 Nat Mfg & Stores. 2 9 84 9 Nat P ft Lt pf 18). 50a 77 77 77 Nat Rub Mch a20o 1 154 154 164 Nat Service_,1 4 4 4 Nat Service pf-j 1 44 44 44 Nat Sugar N J !2) ( 1 26 26 26 Natl Transit b45c. 2 114 11*4 114 Nat Union Radio.. 1 24 24 34 o.eison<M) <a4oC) 2 I8I4 1314 1314 NeptuneM(A)a60o 1 1614 16 18)4 N EngPw Aa pf (6)100« 78J4 7814 784 New HavCl (114) 1 22 22 22 New Jer Zinc (t2) 400* 8114 *1 *1)4 Newmont Min b75i 8 11014 110 110 NYMer(gOc)- 1 1334 1334 1834 N Y Omnlbus(war) 4 16 15 16 N Y Tel pf (614) 350. 11114 11114 11114 N Y Water Svc pf. 20. 40)4 40 40 Niag Hud Pwr new s 13)4 1* 1814 Niag Hud 1st (6). 200. *834 8*4 86W Niag Sh Md B a60e 7 14 1814 14 Nlpisslng (50c)1 2*4 234 2*4 Northern P L 75c. 1 1234 1234 123. North AmLAP pf 250. 56*4 *64 664 No Am Ray B b50c 1 454 454 454 North'n Europ 011 1 4 4 *4 No IPS 6% pf b76c 40. 864 854 854 North States Pa 8 25 2414 2414 Novadel Agene(2) 1 824 824 824 Ohio Oil cu pf (6). 1 107 107 107 Ohio Pwr pf (6)... 25. 110 no 110 Pac GAE let (114) 2 29*4 29*4 29*4 Pac Tin spec <t2). 150. 414 41 41 Pan-Am Air (tl). 6 704 684 704 Pantepee Oil_ 501 8 614 74 Pender Gr(B)a50o 1 10*4 104 104 Pennroad (a26c>. 8 44 434 44 Penna PAL pf <7)150. 102 1014 1014 Penn Wat A P (4) 1 79 79 79' Peoperell Mfg 18. 260. 187 1334 187 Phoenix Secur .. 2 1C4 104 104 Pierce Gov (bl5c). 2 28)4 2* 2* Pion’r G Ltd b30c. 2 44 44 44 Pitts A L E b2*4— 80. 1054 106*4 1064 Pitts Plate G (bl) 1 124 124 m Potrero Suiar. ..2 8 s 8 PowdrellAAl tSOe 2 104 104 104 Pratt A Lamb (a21 1 844 *44 844 Producers Corp... 19 4 4 14 Propper-McC (d). 1 4 4 W Prudent Invpf (6) 100. 1004 1004 1004 Pyrene Mf* a90c.. 1 104 104 104 Ry A Lt Sec al.66. 26. 214 214 2114 Rainbow Lum (A) 1 1 1 Rayro’d Cono (tl) 50. 43 424 424 Raym’d Con pf(J) 150. 484 484 484 Raytheon Mfg etc. 6 6 6 6 Reeves (Dan) 50e. 2 64 « g Reiter-Foster_ 10 14 114 11/ Rlchm’d Radiator. 1 54 64 54 Roosevelt Field ..2 8 24 24 Root Petrolm b25e. 8 74 74 74 Root Pcvpf 1.20.. 2 114 12 12 Ryan Conaolld’d.. 2 64 54 *4 Ryerson A Haynes 1 64 64 54 St Anthony Gold., P 1 4 4 4 Sr Regis Pacer . 42 104 94 97^ Samson Unitd C’p. 1 64 54 631 ScoviU Mfg (b50c)550. 44 434 434 Segal Lock AH.. 7 24 24 24 Selberllng Rubber 1 ' 8 77^ g Selhv Shoe (1.60). 10J. 25 25 25 Sel Ind ell cfs 54 300. 108 103 103 Sel Ind pr pf <6141200. 1004 1004 1004 Sel Ind cv b374c . 1 25 26 26 Seversky Aircraft 4 6 4*4 44 Shattuck Den Min 8 17 164 164 Sher-Wlllms (t4). 50. 183 188 138 Sherwln W pf (5). 60. 1104 1104 1104 Simmons Hd A P. 6 44 44 44 Singer Mfg <t«)— 20. 297 297 297 SonotoneC (alOc) 7 14 14 14 So Penn Ollftl 4). 1 424 424 42U Southn Onion Gas. 1 4 4 34 Southl’d Roy blOc. 2 104 104 low SpanlshAGen rcta. 10 4 4 4 Spencer Ch S b75c. 4 104 104 low Stand CapAS tl.60 t 224 224 224 Stand C S pf 1.60. 1 25 26 26 Stand Dredging.. 8 6 6 6 Stand Dr cv pf-450. 21 20 20W Stand Oil Ky (tl). 4 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 8 384 88 884 Stand Pwr A Lt .. 24 4 4 Stand Prod <b25c) 1 19 19 19 Stand SllALd («c> 2444 Sterchl Bros s30c 8 94 94 94 Sterl Alum (b25c) 2 94 94 94 Sterling, lnc(20c) 18 64 6 64 Stuti Motor_ 7 X H 4 Sullivan Machine- 4 214 214 214 Sunray Oil (b5c)_. 9 44 44 44 Sunr'y O cu pf 214 1 47 464 47 Sunshine Min (I). 8 184 1*4 184 Swlsa-Am Eleo of 50.111 m m Tampa El (2.24).. 2 864 864 864 Tastyeast (Del) A. 1 14 14 14 Technicolor a50«_ is 234 234 28 Texon Oil A L 6O0. 1 54 54 64 Tllo Roof Inc (1). 1 164 164 164 TobAAll Stksa314 50. 644 644 644 Tob Prod Exp 11c. 2 84 84 84 Tonopah M (a6e). 2 14 14 14 Tr-Lux DPS t20e. 17 44 44 44 Triplex S G(new). 1 154 154 164 Tublze Chatllllon. 18 294 284 284 Tublze Ch A (bl). 6 864 84 85 Tung-Sol Lamp... 2 7 7 7 Un Gas of Can 60c. 4 15 15 16 United Corp war— 1 14 14 14 Unit GaaCorp- 28 104 94 94 UtdGaewar__ 1 24 24 24 Unit Gas pfb3 4-. 8 116 116 116 Unit Lt A Pw (A). 1 64 64 64 uuusaotn Tin. eus 89 89 Unit S Mch pf 1.60 160a 88 88 88 U S Poll <B) <1)_ S U 13)4 13)4 USA Inti Secur.. 2 2H 2)4 2k U S Lines pf- 1 3H 8k 8k U S Rub Reclaim— 8 7*4 7)4 7)4 U 8 Stores_— 9 H H k Unit Verde Bx (1). 11 8k 8k 8k Unit Wall Paper.. 82 4)4 *k 4k Unlv Corp’n t.Lc.. 4 6)4 6k 6k Utilities PA L (d) * k k k Util P A L pf (d) —100* 19 16X 19 Utility Eoultiee .. 6 4)4 4k 4k Utility Ed pf b4^. Me 80 80 80 Utilities Induari. 11 11 Valspar vtc-- 1 6k 8)4 6k Venezuela Petrol- 8 2H t 2)4 Va Pub Svo pf (7). 20a 90 90 >0 Waco Aircraft_ 16 6 6 Wagner Bale b40o. 1 20 20 20 Walker Minina_1 2)4 t)4 2)4 Wayne Pump 60e— B 46 46 4& Weirt-n Oil of Del • 12)4 12k 12k Wntwth Mfg bloc 1 6)4 6)4 6)4 Weet Tex Ut pf (6) 10* 86)4 86k 86)4 W Va Coal A Coke T 4)4 4)4 4)4 Westn A B (a2Bc). 8 10 9k 10 Western Auto Sup 2 28k 28 28k WUson-Jones blk 1 B0 60 60 Willson Prod <tl * 2 16)4 16 16k WlaP&LpE blJk. 10s 81 81 81 Wolverine PortC- 2 4)4 4)4 4)4 Wolver Tube b20c. 1 16k 16k 16k Woodley Pet t40o. 1 8k 8k 8k Wright Hare t40o 22 6k 6k 6k Yukon Gold)alSo) 6 8k 8k 8k Ygstn Steel Dblk ' 69*4 69k (9k Dividend rates tn dollars based an last quarterly or semi-annual payment, tAn nual rate—net lndudlnt extras. {Ac cumulated dividends, s Paid last year, b Paid this year, d Companies reported as beint In bankruptcy or in rscatvershlp, or belns reorganised under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by eueb sous penis*. EARNS 8SUI Quarter’s Net Compares With $1,505,266 for Same 1936 Period. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 7.—Niagara Hudson Power Corp., in a report for the quarter ended March 31, showed net income of $3,378,630, equal after preferred dividends to 32 cents a share on the common stock. This compared with revised net income of $1,505,266, or 17 cents a share for the quarter ended March 31, 1936. Chicago Pneumatic Tool. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. and subsidiaries reported March quarter net profit of *421,137, equal to *1.31 a share on common stock, against *191,427, or 16 cents a share in first quarter last year. Allied Products Corp. Allied Products Corp., producers of machine equipment, with plants at Detroit and Hillsdale, Mich., reported March quarter net profit of *47,851, equal after dividend requirements on class "A” stock to 26 cents a share on common stock. The company filed no report for the first quarter last year. American Maracaibo. American Maracaibo Co., a holding concern for properties with oil leases in South American fields, reported for the year ended December 31 net loss of *175,913, against net loss of $137,532 in 1935. Poor & Co. Poor & Co. reported for the March quarter consolidated net profit of $570,000, before the undistributed profits tax, compared with $119,000 In the like 1936 period. For the 12 months ended March 31, net profit totaled $869,000, after provision for the undistributed profits tax. This compares with $176,000 In the pre ceding like period. Holland Furnace. Holland Furnace Co. reported for the first quarter a net loss of $176,864, compared with a net loss of $188,032 a year ago. For the 12 months ended March 31, there was a net profit of $1,394,265, after undistributed profits taxes, against a profit of $727,476 in the preceding like period. Superior Oil Corp. Superior Oil Corp. reported for the March quarter net income of $42,167, before undistributed profits taxes, equal to 3 cents a share on 1,388,979 common share*. This compares with $63,438, or 6 cents a share on 988.979 shares in the like 1936 quarter. General Transportation. General American Transportation Corp. reported March quarter net profit of $1,120,000. before undis tributed profits taxes, compared with $308,025 In the corresponding 1936 quarter. The company manufactures, repairs and operates various kinds of railroad cars. Sterling Products. Sterling Products, Inc., and sub sidiaries, manufacturers of medicinal products, reported March quarter net profit of $2,746,676, equal to $1.60 a share on capital stock, compared with $2,706,646, or $1.57 a ahare, in first quarter last year. Curtiaa-Wrifht Corp. Curt las-Wright Corp, and subsidi aries, manufacturers of airplanes and equipment, reported for March quar ter net profit of $269,251, equal to 23 cents a share on non-cumulative class “A” stock. This compared with re vised net income of $268,479. or 23 cents a share on class "A” stock in March quarter last year. INVESTING COMPANIES Security SSf* AsYocikt,Y°rk "Closine Quotations 1 i , T o*a Asked. Admin Fd 2d Inc_.38 72 19 9° Am Business Shrs.._ ] ’2.3 1^35 Am Gen Ea Inc_..... i.ii 1 °4 Am Ins Stocks_ 5*05 H 00 Bancamer Blair _ 10.375 11 ..375 Bankers Nat Inv Corp... .3 75 4,375 Basic Industry_519 J/° Broad St Inv -.35.21 37 88” Bullock Fund -21.75 2,3.50 Corporate Trust __ 0 98 Corporate Trust AA_ 2.8.3 Corp Tr AA mod__ .3 86 Corp Tr Accum Ser__ 2 8.3 7 Corp Tr Acc Mod__ .3 68 Cumulative Tr Sh __« 40 Depos Bk Sh N Y “A"_ 2.48 I” Depos Ins Shrs "A”_ 3 39 Depos Ins Shrs “B"_ 3 20 Diversified Tr C_ 5.10 Dividend Shrs _ 1 97 V10" Equity Corp $3 pf_ 38.25 A\'nF* Fidelity Fund Inc_ 27.10 29 °0 Boston Corp- 34.00 35.50 Fixed Trust 8h A__ 3 .3 .34 Fixed Trust Sh B_11 1.3 Found Tr Sh A_ 4.95 "5'«5~ Fund Investors Inc_ 24 1 1 25 46 Eun5 Jr ®t?rs A- 6.28 7.OO Fund Tr Shrs B_ 5.47 Gen Investors Tr__ 6.02 ”7 5.3” Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.9.3 2^09 Group Sec Automobile__ 1 45 1.58 Group Sec Building__ 2.12 2 *'9 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.60 174 Group Sec Food _ .99 ] 08 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.70 1.84 Group Sec Merchandise.. 1.41 1.5.3 Group Sec Mining_ 1.68 • 1 8° Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.49 1.62 Group 8ec RR Equip_ 1.56 1 69 Group Sec 8teel_ 2.05 2.22 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1 07 1.17 Huron Holding _ .75 1.13 Incorp Investors_25..37 Instl Sec. Bank Group_ 1.8.3 1.97” ■Instl Sec. Insurance_ 1.59 1 72 Investors Fd “C” Inc .. 15.54 16.50 Keyston Cust Fund B-,3._ 2214 24 24 Major Shrs Corp_ .3 00 Maryland Fund _ 9.90 l"n 85” Mass Invest Tr- 28.35 30.08 Mutual Invest_16.14 17 64 Nation Wide Sec_ 4.52 *62 Nation Wide Voting__ 2.06 2 rt2 Natl Investors_ 7.2.3 7 48 2*5 F^nd-IR.54 19.94 N J Bk Tr Shra- 4.00 _ _ NY Stock*. Bk Stock* __ 11.85 13.80 N Y stocks. Bid* Supply_11.07 12.93 N Y Stocks. Klee Equip.. 12.45 13.44 N Y Stocks. Insurance_10.02 11.47 N Y Stocks. Machinery.. 13.48 14.55 N Y Stocks. RR Equip_14.73 15.80 N Y Stocks, Steel_15.37 16.58 North Am Bnd Tr ctfs_ 69.125 63.376 Nor Am Tr Shares_ 2.76 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1056_ 3.52 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3.46 _ Nor Am Tr Shs 1958_ 3.26 _ Plymouth Fund Inc_ .92 1.03 Quarterly Income Sh_17.87 19.58 Selected Am Sh Inc_15.00 16.35 Spencer Trask Fund_ 21.28 21.94 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 10 4.35 Stand Util Inc_ R7 .94 Super of Am Tr A_ 4.04 _ Super of Ar Tr AA_ 2.74 __ Super of Am Tr B__ 4.21 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.74 _ Super of Am Tr C_ 7.82 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 7.83 _ Supervlaed Shrs _14.49 15.75 Trustee 8tand Inv C_ 3.10 __ Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.05 .__ Trusteed Am Bk “B"_ .92 1.03 Trusteed Industry Shra.. 1.66 Wellington Fund_19.86 21.77 NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. May 7 (JPi.—Butter. 3,071, firmer. Creamery, hither than extra. 33',4-34: extra (92 score). 33: first* (88-91 scores), 30(4-32(4: seconds (84-87 scores). 27-30. Centralized (90 score). 32. Cheese. 108.296. firm. State, whole milk flats, fresh, fancy, 18(4-17; held fancy 1936.. 22(4-23. Efts. 16.169. Irregular. Mixed colors: Special packs. 23'a-24Vi; storage Packed firsts. 22(4-%: firsts. 20(4; mediums, 19 (i; other mixed colors unchanged. Live poultry, by express, steady; broilers. Leghorn, 14a20; Reds. 17a21: Crosses, 17a24; roosters. Ilal2: turkeys. 14a20. Other express prices unchanged. No freight prices, due to handler!' ■trike. Dressed poultry steady to easy: fowls, fresh and frozen. 36-42 pounds. 17(4a22(4; 48-64 pounds. 18,4a23(4; 60-86 pounds, 13al6. Other fresh and frozen prices un changed. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK May 7 ()P).—Copper steady; electrolytic spot and future. 14.00: export. 14.32(4. Tin firmer; spot and nearby. 55.60-82'4; future. 55.12(4-25. Lead steady; New York spot. 6.00-6.05; Cast St. Louis spot. 5.85. Zinc steady; last St. Louis spot and future. 6 75. Iron, aluminum, antimony, aulcjufiver. platinum and wolframite unchanged. How the Price of Alleghany Corporation Stock Fluctuated During the Last Five Years dollars Prica* of Allaghotoy Corporation Stock, 1933-1937 dollars FfR SHARI KR SHARI J F MAM J J A S ON 0 J FM AM J J A SON D J FMAMJ JASONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASON 0[ 1933 1934 1935 1935 1937 LoHart Abov^ArajmtiaUofjdonfhi: J for January, F for Fobruary, Etc. lamHm Washington Exchange SALES. American Security & Truat Co.—2 at 295. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 91%, $1,000 at 91%, $1*000 at 91%, $1,000 at 91%. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 41 ,-s lu.V. Anacostia & Pot. 5s_.. 74 77 Ana. k Pot. Guar. 5s. _1 07 _ __ C. k P. Tel. of Va. 5a . _ 103 Capital Traction R R. 5s . ftl 02 City & Suburban 5s .04', S5'4 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 112 Pot. Elec. Pow. I'.a. __ 101 103% Wash. Gas 5s 1050 _ 105 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1000 . _ 115', _ Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4s 105 _ MISCELLANEOUS Ool. Country Club 5'4s _ 105 _ W. M. Cold S'orate 5s 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Tel. (9) __ 169 _ . ' Capital Transit Co. _ 11 13 N. Ac W. Steamboat (6) . 110 _ __ Pot. Elec Pow. 67* pfd. (fit 11 L _ Po. El. Po. .Vaf* W <5 50) 111 117 Wash. Gas Lt. Co. <2.60t _ 79 81 Wash. Ry. Az El. com <36)_ 735 Wash. Ry. & El. pfd (5) 109*4 _ BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES Amer. Sec. A Tr. Co (e8)_ 29! 300 Bank of Bethesda <h73) .. 34 Capital <4> 140 Com. A: Savings (10). _ 210 Liberty <4» _ . 15o 160 Lincoln (f6.25) 200 National Sav A: Trust 170 Pr. Georges Bk. Ac Tr. (.50) 17 21 Riggs <e8i_ 300 325 Riggs pfd (5) _ ] <> 1 1 2 Washington (6) 130 Wash. Loan A: Tr. <p8> 201 300 FIRE INSURANCE American (6». 110 _ Corcoran (5) __ _3 80 _ Firemen's <1.60) 20 _ National Union (.60) 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE | Columbia (.30)_ _ . 13 3 634 Real Estate <6) 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corn <2.00). __ 30 26 Lanston Monotype ( + 4) 95 1(8) Lincoln Service Com. < l.00> .15 Lincoln Service nfd. <3.50) _ 50 63 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00» 45'2 47 Peoples Drug S com (tl.OO» 54 57 Peoples Drug S. pfd. <6 50> 112 Real Est. M AG. pf (••.70) 5’, 5V* Security Storage <5) 115 3 75 Ter. Ref. Wh. & Corp <3* 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 80 68 Wdwd. A Loth. Pfd. (7)_115 125 •Ex. dividend. ♦ Plus extras, e—2rr extras, f—1 Va% extra, h—75c evtra. ••—25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid December 22. 3 936. -• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. May 7 OPV—A confident tone prevailed in the stock market today arid prices were generally firm following the completion of the fortnightly settlement without any difficulties appearing. De Beers shares were strong on favorable dividend forecasts and gold mining Issues sold higher, with kaffirs moving upward on Cape Town buying German bonds were also strong and trans-Atlantic se curities generally higher. In the industrial group oil and rubbers were in demand. PARIS.—Closing prices were generally firm in the Bourse, with rentes showing net advances of .35 to 55 centimes. Bank of France shares gained 105 francs. Royal Dutch. 50 francs, while Suez Canal was easier, declining 15 francs. FOREIGN EXCHANGES, NEW YORK. May 7 opi.—Foreign ex change steady: Great Britain in dollars, others In cents. Great Britain, demand. 4.9334', cables. 4.933,. 60-day bills. 4.955«. France, demand. 4.49: cables. 4.49, Italy, demand. 5.26*4: cables. 5.26*4. Demands—Belgium. 16.95: Germany, free, 40.21*2: registered. 19.85: travel. 23.50: Holland. 54.87*2: Norway. 24.82: Sweden. 25.47; Denmark. 22.05: Finland. 2.18: Switzerland. 22.88* i: Spain, un quoted: Portugal. 4.49*2: Greece. 0.91: Poland. 18.98; Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yugo slavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.75n: Hungary. 19.80: Rumania. 0.75: Argentina. 32.90n: Brazil. 8.80Un: Tokio. 28.79: Shanghai. 30.00: Hongkong. 30.71: Mexico City. 27.86: Montreal in New York. 100.21'g; New York in Montreal, 99.78*8. n—Nominal. -• MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. May 7 0P>.—Call money steady: 1 per cent all day; prime com mercial paper. 1 per cent: time loans steady: 60 to 90 days. 1*4: 4 to 6 months. 1*2 per cert; bankers’ accept ances easy: 30 days. *.a-,T,: 60 to 90 days. A-Va: 4 months. »»-,*«; 5 to 6 months. 4 - * W: rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, 1*2 per cent. Security Offerings Show Substantial Increase in Week By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 7.—Security financing expanded sharply in the week ended Thursday, Investment cir cles noted today. A special compilation by Poor’s Pub lishing Co. follows: , Week Ended _ , May 6. Previous Week. Total -$04,216.733 $ 1 Municipal ..$11,718,175 $8,728,000 Industrial_$2,300,000 Utility -$42,500,000 $5,000,000 Railroad _$0,400,000 $14,700,000 Miscellaneous $130,000 SRO.OOO Stock -$1,078,558 $8,608,911 WOOL PRICES EASE IN QUIET MARKET Scattering Small Sales Recorded. Extent of World Decline Is Debated. By the Associated Press. BOSTON. May 7 —The Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow: “Scattering small sales of wool are reported, but the market Is generally very quiet and the trend of prices is easier. Just how much the market has declined is a matter for debate, but the trpnd is downward both here and abroad. “London closed with prices under the opening and except for medium and low crossbreds about on par with March closing rates. Medium and low crossbreds were up 2 to 3 cents, com pared with March. “Western operations are limited. Prices on bright fleeces are said to be down fully 3 cents from the peak. Best territory and Texas woois are being taken at about $1, clean landed Boston. “The piecegoods market la unsettled and disappointing. “Mohair is firm with business chiefly for sampling purposes.” LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT DELIVERIES TREBLED Special Dispatch to The Star. LOS ANGELES, May 7.—Showing a substantial gain, deliveries of the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. for the three months ending March 30, 1937, amounted to approximately $1,000. 000, according to Robert E. Gross, president. This compares with de liveries of about $325,000 for the same three-month period in 1936. The current backlog figure as of April 30, 1937, stands at $2,972,000, compared with $750,000 as of the same date last year. Present employment of 1.500 work ers compares with a pay roll of 450 a year ago. CHEESEBOROUGH SALES UP. NEW YORK. May 7 f/P).—Clifford W. McGee, president of Cheeseborough Manufacturing Co., told stockholders at the annual meeting today first quarter sales showed a healthy in crease over the same quarter last year. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. May 7 '.P>.—Revenue freight carloadine> on railroads reporting today for the week ended May 1 included: Previous Year Mayl. week. ago C «Vr O 34.444 33.140 31.305 Nickel Plate ... 15.837 14.010 14.435 Pere Marquette __ 12.665 12.308 12.04t JQUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKINoJ STATED in simple terms, it is the duty of bank directors to direct. They are elected by the owners of the bank—the stockholders who delegate to the board of directors the responsibility of management. The directors, in turn, hire the officers who, with other employees, carry on the daily work of run ning the bank. But the final and inescapable responsibility for the bank rests upon its board or directors. It is their job to exercise control and super vision of its affairs. It is their duty to know about the important phases of the bank's business. Our directors actively direct the affairs of this bank. They meet regularly to pass on important matters, to make decisions and establish policies which guide our officers in. the daily management of the bank. Mcl,achlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation f Booklets covering this srrlr.t - may be had «ro» request.] INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. May 7 on.—New York Security Dealers' Association: „ „ , Bid Asked. Aetna Cas (2a)_ _ 95'2 99'3 Aetra Ins (1.601 _ 44'. 46'. Aetna Life (,80a)_ 2R‘/a ,‘lrt Am Equit (1.00a) _ 40'2 4:t'4 Am Rems (,40g) _ __ 41 s4 4.('4 Am Reserve (la)_. 28". 3o'/4 Am Surety (2'2) _ ft:! ft4 Automobile (la: _ 29 -Sou Balt Amer (,30a) 7'; 8*. Carolina (1.30) __2ft "n'i City of N Y (1.20) 2ft’4 °T'4 Conn Gen Llf (.80)_ 37 3Ri, Contin Cas (1.20) __ 27 29'4 Fid At Dep (41 127 130 Frank Fire (la)_ _ 30'a 3314 Gen Remsur (2) _ 4" 41 Glen Falls (1.60) _ 47 44 Globe As Rep (.80)_ 20'4 ""it Globe A: Rut _ 62 6ft Great Amer (la) . 26'. "7s; Hanover (1 60) 333. ~(5X Hartford Fire (2) _ 66'2 08(4 Home Fire 8ee _ __ ft 6'4 Home Ins (lai _ _ 3.51, 37'j Homestead il) ..._17 js>, Knickerbocker (.80) .... 17 19 i Lincoln Fire _ _. 41, 5% Maryland Cas _I 6'4 7 Mass Bond (3!4> ._ 59 62 Natl Fire (2) ... H">4 64'i Natl Liberty (,20a 1 9 10'i N Hampshire (1.60) _ 4ft'4 40', N Y Fire (,80a) . _ “ "(>3’ ’- if Nor River (li__I~~ "s'* "7 Phoenix (2a> _ 86', pn'i Prov Wash (1) __ _ 3414 36'! Revere (Pi In (1.30)_ 2ft "6'a Rossia Ins (.(Ida) _ 11 1 •> 1 * St Paul Fire (61 _ _ 20ft "of)', Springfleld i4’3si) _ 119 ('•>•. Sun Llf (3\gi .. ' 67ft 4-g T/avelers (10) -475 48ft U 8 Fire (2) ft"' 5414 Westchester (1.20a)_ 34 36 a—Also extra or extras. «—Declared or naid so far this year. IT. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury May ft' S83*fto'*.030 ftV 5°alance ’ 5°mS recelpts for the month, j 4 for the fiscal year r since July' i) /% / 667 .9*: expenditures. $6.- i ■T9 0.018.323.56. including $2,409,926. .->54.00 of emergency expenditure?: excels j of expenditures. $2 223.457.655.5*: gross • 335Ay. an increase cf ' $0- 052.439.07 over the previous dav: gold *37.706.761 *2 including j $606,405.2*8.51 of Inactive ftold. LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance ot principal. Eq uitable Co-operative B UILDING A SSOCIATION 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 18T9 IF YOU HAVE MARKETABLE SECURITIES „ . . . and need money at any time, you should have no hes itation in asking us for a ioan. We assure you courteous and prompt attention The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY F Street at 9th ^ 17th Street at G MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BANK ACCEPTANCE’ RATE IS REDUCED Expectations of New Rise in Short-Term Loan Costs Upset. By the Associated Press. NEW YARK, May 7—A cut In rates today on bankers’ acceptances, a credit instrument used chiefly to finance foreign trade, upset expecta tions widely held in financial circles a few weeks ago of further advance In short-term borrowing costs. After five increases accompanying Federal Reserve Board moves to cur tail credit expansion by locking up the bulk of member banks’ surplus reserves, bill dealers reversed the trend and lowered rates on most maturities one-sixteenth of 1 per cent. Many had looked for more advances In short-term money rates after May 1, when the raising of reserve require ments as a means of reducing surplus loanable funds became fully effective. Member banks, however, have emerged with a remaining surplus larger than had been calculated early In the ”ear and heavy liquidation of United States Government loans by banks this year provided many in stitutions with extra cash. With the money market thus amply supplied, dealers had noted increasing demand for short-term paper the last few days. When the May 1 boost in reserve requirements failed to tighten rates, a cut in bill yields was con sidered logical. Another manifestation of easing money tendencies was seen in a re covery in United States Government bonds, hard hit by selling last March and early April. Dealers also were said to have been influenced by announcement there would be no increase next week in the amount of Treasury bill offerings. A steady rise in the rate on Treasury short-term paper in recent months contributed to mark-ups in yields on competing credit instruments. Under the new rates, bills maturing in 60 to 90 days were quoted at 9-16 of 1 per cent bid and >2 asked. Four month bills were s to 9-16 and six month bills % to %. Bills payable in 30 days remained at y2 to 7-16. Grant W. T. Co.—April sales were off 6.2 per cent, four months up 3.9 per cent. _advertisement. DON'T”SPECULATE! " t50 YOU INVEST IN AN OUTRIGHT PURCHASE WILL EARN YOU 8'; NOW AND A GOOD PROSPECT OF INCREASED INCREMENT In a 40-year-old Company having Vmcert. Astor. Adrian Iselln and Bradley Martin as Directors, and which has consistently paid substantial dividends throughout this and prior subnormal periods. B^ok value is about three times present market value We trade in this stock and agree to re purchase within four months at 10^ dis count and will send you a report of the comDany upon reauest THE WHITELAW COMPANY, INVESTMENT STOCKS & BONDS, 89 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK CITY.