Newspaper Page Text
: EXPANSION AIDS Banker Tells Safe Deposit Leaders Best Ways to Increase Profits. BY EDWARD C. STONE. How to build up new safe deposit business In the banks was outlined by Frederick P. H. Siddons, secretary of the American Security & Trust Co. and former president of the Distrust Banxers Associa tion, at, today's session of the Na tional Safe De posit Association, in convention at the Willard Ho tel. He declared the development of this business Is both difficult and unspectacu lar. The average renter of a safe deposit box in a bank takes a long time to make up F. P. H. Siddons. liis mind to use this important service. The average renter takes a box for only about four years on the average, bo a large sum of money cannot be used in advertising the service. Ex pansion of the safe deposit business is also somewhat contingent on economic conditions, Mr. Siddons declared. The Washington banker suggested that any development plan should be most carefully worked out in advance, great care should be used in selection of prospects from other departments of the bank, the staff should be fa miliar with safe deposit services, and advertising expenditures should be ■watched. Then, the service must be of such a nature as to encourage contin uation for years to come. Not only should members of the bank's staff be "safe-deposit minded," but the officials should keep in very close touch with the progress of any safe deposit campaign, the speaker continued. Personal solicitation is most profitable, but continued develop ment depends on the service rendered once a prospect becomes a renter. , Service rendered is so vital because a "lost safe deposit box is the hardest of any type of business to recover,” Mr. Biddens declared, in conclusion. Lacey Introduces Chairman. Robert H. Lacey, cashier, Columbia National Bank, of this city, introduced the chairman at today's opening ses sion, Louis S. Thomas, president of the East Hartford Trust Co. The first forenoon address was presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Wills, First National Bank, Cincinnati, on ''Customer Rela tions.” Mias Wills has made an ex pert study of the subject and present ed many practical ideas. John W. Brown, secretary and man ager, National Safe Deposit Co., Chi cago, spoke on “Vault and Box In surance.” The closing speaker on th« forenoon program was Ralph D. Slay maker, manager. Union Safe Deposit Co.. Kansas City, whose topic was “The Safe Deposit Department—an Asset.” The afternoon program was to be opened by Mrs. Helen R. Sharpe, Bank of Commerce & Savings, this city. The annual banquet will take place in the main ball room at the Willard tonight, with Thomas W. Brahany of E. A, Pierce & Co. as toastmaster, and Sir Willmott Lewis, Washington correspondent of the Lon don Times, as the guest speaker. “To day” will be his subject. Ticker Club Holds Dinner. Chauncey G. Parker, jr., retiring president of the Washington Ticker Club and partner in the New York Btock Exchange firm of Auchincloss, John E. Parker. Parker & Red path, was host at the annua! din ner of the club last night at the Chevy Chase Club. T he occasion wras made not able by the pres ense of many dis tinguished guests, including James M. Landis, chair man of the Se curities and Ex change Commis sion, and Charles R. Gay. president of the New York Stock Exchange. It was the first time the club has had the honor of enter taining the head of the exchange. Chauncey Parker presided, and the dinner was wholly informal so far as speeches were concerned. Thomas W. Brahany assisted in the entertainment, the manager of E. A. Pierce & Co. being unusually interesting and witty. John E. Parker, one of the man agers of the local office of G. M. P. Murphy & Co., assumed his new duties as president of the Ticker Club for the coming year. He has been in the brokerage business for many years, starting his career with Homblower & Weeks in New York. He has been with the Murphy company ever since the New York Stock Exchange firm took over the business of John L. Edwards & Co. several years ago. A graduate of the Naval Academy, he is also active in the Masonic Fraternity. The other officers are Maj. Gen. Richmond P. Davis vice resident, and Hugh D. Auchincloss secretary-treas urer. Living Costs Up Slightly. Living costs for families of wage earners and lower-salaried workers in 32 large cities of the United States averaged 1.7 per cent higher on March 15 than on December 15, 1936, Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins announces. “Each of the six groups of items Included in the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics’ indexes of the cost of goods purchased by wage earners and lower salaried workers increased in cost during the quarter ending March 15, 1937,” Secretary Perkins said. “Par ticularly large advances were noted in the cost of food and house-fur nishing goods. Twenty-seven of the 32 cities re ported advances in the cost of mis cellaneous items. Most of the in creases were slight, with the larg est, 2.9 per cent, reported for Jack sonville, where the cost of laundry service, hair cuts and cigars and cig arettes was higher than on Decem ber 15. In Washington all items were 0.3 per cent higher than on December 15; food was down 0.3 per cent, clothing gained 1.2 per cent, rents advanced 0.3 per cent, fuel and light costs dropped 0.2 per cent, house hold furnishings moved up 3.3 per cent and miscellaneous items 0.1 per cent. Motor Wheel Corp.—Company’s plant is operating at capacity with a record working foroe of over 2,700. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Br Print* Wire Direct to The Star. All New York market) are new on daylight earing time. Prev.lfi.97 Stock and Saleg— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Ologe. ehge. 22% 15 Adams Exp (a55c).. 2 18% 18 18 36 30% Addressog'ph b60c— 8 82% 32% 32%—% 80% 68% Air Reduction <tl)_ 1 74% 74% 74%-% 5% 2% Air-Way Electric . 1 3% 8% 3% 15% 11% Alaska Jun (t60c)._ 5 12% 12% 12%—% 5% 3% Alleghany Corp 88 4% 3% 4 59% 43% Alleg pf ww *30_2 62 61 62 +2 69 43% Alleg pf ww *40- 2 61% 60% 61% 46% | 62% 40 Alleg Corp pr pf_. 4 43% 43 43 + % 45% 35% Alleg Steel (bSOc)_ 7 37 36% 37 + % 33% 24% Allied Mills (b2)_ 6 27% 27% 27% 21% 16% Allied Stores <b20c) 6 17% 16% 17 83% 60 Allls-Chalm (b50c)_ 16 63% 63% 63% 4 % 8% 4% Amal Leather_. 1 6 6 6 — % 114% 95 Amerada Corp (2)__ 2 100 99 99 —1 41*. 25% Am Bank Note (tl). 5 25% 25 25 — % 80% 57% Am Brake Sh <t2> 4 61% 61% 61%—% 121 97% Am Can (Ml— 2 101% 101% 101% 104% 87 Am Car & Fy pf(b4) 1 90 90 90 —1 99% 72 Am Chain & Ca bl_ 1 92% 92% 92% 41 23% 13% Am Colortype __ 119 19 19 4 % 30% 24% Am Cornel A1 aS0c._ 1 25 25 25 33% 25% Am Crystal Sug b2_. 1 27% 27% 27% 13% 8% Am Encaustic _ 1 9% 9% 9% 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr„ 6 8% 8% 8% — % 58% 44** Am & For Pw *6 pf_ 1 44 44 44 — a* 38% 20% Am & For Pw 2d pf_ 1 23% 23% 23% — % 11% 6% Am Hide* Leather. 6 8% 8% 8% — % 17% 13% Am Interntl <A40c)_ 1 14% 14% 14% 4 % 58% 43 Am Locomotive__ 2 48% 48 48 —1 29% 21% Am Mach & F (tl)_. 3 22% 22% 22%—% 68% 46% Am Metals (b25c)_. 8 52 50% 52 — % 16% 9% Am Power & Light.. 7 10 10 10 — % 72% 51% Am Pw & Lt pf < 5) _ 1 56 66 66 —1 87% 59tj Am Pw * Lt pf <6)_ 1 66 66 66 29% 21 Am Radiator T60c__ 9 22 21% 22 — % 45% 33% Am Roll Mill tl.20_. 8 36 35% 35% — % on m Am sarty Kaz (t2)_ 1 29% 29% 29%—% 105% 81% Am Smelt & Ref(3>_ 7 86% 86% 86%—% 73% 51% Am Steel Fdry (hi). 11 64% 54% 54%—% 3% 2% Am Stl F rts May 15 41 2% 2% 2% — % 56% 45 Am Sugar (2) ... 1 46% 46% 46% + % 25% 21% Am Sum Tob (tl)_ 3 22% 22% 22%+ y4 187 160% Am Tel & Tel <9)__ 9 167% 166% 167 99 78 Am Tobacco (5)_ 2 78% 78% 78%-% 99% 80% Am Tobacco B (5).. 2 81% 81% 81V* 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf (6)_ 2 130% 130 130 —1 20% 13% Am Type Founders. 1 14% 14% 14%+ % 29% 18% Am Water W (80c)_ 5 20 20 20 — % 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead_ 3 13% 13 13 — % 69% 48% Anaconda Cop (tl). 36 53V* 52% 53%+% 13% 7 Armour of 111(b35c) 18 11% 11% 11% 70% 59% Armstrong Cork(2). 3 63 62 62 —1% 24% 15% Assoc Dry Goods _ 1 17% 17% 17% 106 97 Assoc Inv pf ww(5). 1 97 97 97 94% 69% Atch T * S Fe(a2)_ 23 93 91% 92%—% 55% 44% Atl Coast Llne(al)_ 1 49% 49% 49% —IV* 37 29% Atl Refining (tl)_ 4 30% 30 30 — V* 18% 16% Atlas Corp (80c)_ 15 16% 16% 16% 133 113% Atlas Pwdr pf (5)_60*116 116 116 9% 6% Aviation Corp Del.. 6 7 6% 6% — % 11% 6% Baldwin Loco (d)__ 7 7% 7% 7% 9% 5% Baldwin asd (d)___ 3 6% 6 6>« — % 40% 20% Baltimore & Ohio... 20 34% 34% 34% — % 47% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf.. 2 40 40 40 110% 102 Bangor & A pf (5).. 10* 102 102 102 32 25% Barker Bros__ 1 26% 26% 26% — % 35% 26'* Barnsdall (1)_ 3 27% 27% 27% — V* 30% 20% Bendix Aviat’n boOc. 9 21% 21 21 — % 23% 20% Benef Ind Ln (b95c) 6 21% 21 21%+ % 105% 73 Bethlehem SteeKbli 21 87 86% 86% -IV* 20 18% Beth 5% of (1) _ 3 ig% 18** 18% 38 28 Black & Deck b50c.. 2 31% 31 31 — % 29% 22 Blaw Knox (b20e)_. 1 25 25 25 49% 33% Boeing Airplane.... 3 37% 36% 36%—1 28 24% Borden Co (1.60)_ 10 25% 25% 25% 43% 38% Borg-Warner _ 7 41% 41 41% 15*i 8% Boston & Maine_ 1 12% 12% 12V* — % 23% 15 Bridgept Brss(60c_. 9 16% 16 16% 59% 45 Briggs Mfg (+2)_ 6 46 45% 46 + % 53 31% Bklyn-Man Tr (4)_. 5 31% 31 31 _ 7, 102'* 82 Bklyn-Man T pf (6). 2 82 77% 77% -4% 8 4 Bklyn & Queens__ 1 4% 4.*, 4*t 24% 18 Brunswick-Balke__ 2 18% 18% 18% 25'. 16% Bucyrus-Erie_ 4 18% 18% 18% - u 14% 9 Budd (EG) Mfg ... 1 9% 9'* 9'g 13 8 Budd Wheel(a20c)„ 3 9 9 9 _ u 45V* 31% Bullard (b25c)_ 1 34 34 34 + u 65% 50% Bulova Watch (t4)_ 2 55% 55 55 — y. 35% 26V* Burr Add M (80c)_. 7 27V* 27 27 18% 13% Butler Bros (60c).. 3 14% 14% 14%—% 36% 29% Butler pf (1%) - 1 30% 30% 30% 9% 4% ButteCop & Z(a5e)_ 4 5% 5% 5.% _ vi 33% 22% Byers (AM)- 1 23% 23% 23% - % 6% 2% Callahan rlinc-Lead. 3 3% 3% 3T4 20% 12 Calumet&Hecla (1). 2 13% 13% 13% _ y. 37% 27% Campbell Wy <tl)— 2 28% 28% 28%—% 38% 25% Canada Dry G Ale_ 2 28 27% 27% — % 17% 12% Canadian Pacific_ 13 14 13% 13% _ % 9% 7 Carriers &Gen(b5c) 3 8', 8% 8% + % 176% 138 Case(J DCo (4)- 1 169% 169% 169% -1 100 85% Caterpillar Tr <t2)_ 2 91% 90 90%—1% 40 26% Celanese (b76c)_ 44 40% 39 39%-.% 12% 7% Central Foundry_ 4 8% 8% 8% — % 86% 62% Cerro de Pasco <4)_ 2 66 66 66 23% 16% Certain-teed Prd __ 3 17 16% 16% — % 82 67% Certain-teed pf (6). 60s 71 71 71 + % 60% 35% Champion Pap (tl). 1 57% 57% 57%+ % 111 108 Champion P pf (6)_. 10» 108% 108% 108% — % 48 28 Checker Cab Mfg_ 1 26 26 26 —2 90% 78% Chesapeake Crp(3)_ 4 81% 81 81 —1 68% 56% Ches & Ohio t2.80_ 14 58% 58% 58% _ % 4% 2% Chi & East 111 (d)_„ 1 3% 3% 3% — % 4 2% Chi Grt West (d)_ 13 3 3 11% 8 Chi Ind & L pf <d)_20s 8% 8% 8% 7% 4% Chi M St P&P pf (d) 4 5% 5% 5% _ % 6% 3% Chi & N W id) _ _ _ 2 5 5 5 33 21 Chi Pneumatic Tool 3 27% 26% 27% — % 3% 2% Chi R 1 & Pao (d) 1 2% 2% 2% 10% 6% Chi R]&P7% pf<d). 18 8 8 27% 19*i Chi Yellow Cab (2). 1 19% 19% 19% — % 22t, 15% Ohlckasha Cotfn Oil 2 16% 16% 16% + % 135% 1091a Chrysler Corp b3%_ 18 116 114% 115V* — % 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2)_ 1 19% 19% 19%+% 10*, 7 City Stores_ 2 7% 7% 7% _ % 39*4 32% Clark Equip(tl.60). 9 40% 39 39 — % 98% 78 Cluett Peabody <3)_ 6 94 92 94 +4 170% 122% Coca-Cola (t2)_ 1 160 160 160 —1 25% 19% Colgate-P-P(t£0c)_ 3 21% 21% 21% 62% 51% Collins & Aik fT2)_ 1 56 56 56 — % 112% 108% Collins & Aik pf (5j_ 20s 110% 110% 110% ol'* .lb Col f uel & Iron(bl) 2 38 38 38 + S 20% 12% Columb G & ElMOc) 21 13% 13% 13% 108 93% Col G & E pf A (6).. 2 94% 94% 94% — % 39% 31 Columb Pic vtc <tl) 2 34% 34% 34% 125% 112% Col Carb vtc (t4)__ 1 117% 117% 117% +1% 69% 56% Cornel Credit (t4)__ 4 64% 63% 63%— % 21% 14% Cornel Solv (t60c)__ 3 15% 15% 15% 4% 2% Comw & Southern.. 27 21* 2% 2% — % 18% 12% Consol Cigar 1 13% 13% 13% 49% 37 ConsEdls N Y(t2)_ 3 38% 38% 38% 108 104 Cons Ed N Y pf(5)_. 1 105 105 105 + % 5% 3% Cons Film_ 2 3% 3% 3% + % 18% 13 Cons Film pf (a2)_. 1 14 14 14 + % 17% 15 Cons Oil (80c)- 14 15% 15% 15% 10% 6% Cons R R Cuba pf_„ 1 6% 6% 6% — % 1% % Cons Textile (d)___ 38 % % % _ ^ 13V* 8% Cons Coal (Del )vtc_. 6 11% 11% 11% — % 52% 33 Cons Coal Del vtc pf 60s 48 47 47 —1 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 10 35% 34% 34%—% 37% 23 Conti Baking (A)_ 1 25% 25% 25% — % 5% 2% Conti Baking (B)._ 8 3% 3% 3% 69% 50% Conti Can (3)_ 1 55% 55% 55%+ % 3% 2% Conti Motors 3 2% 2% 2% 47% 40V* Conti Oil Del (tl)-_ 5 44% 44 44 77 62% Corn Ex Bank (3)_40» 66 66 66 71% 56% Corn Prod Ref (t3)_ 5 57% 66% 57%+ % 10% 6 Coty Inc .... 3 7% 7% 7% 37 29% Cream of Wheat(2). 1 31% 31% 31%—% 28% 19% Crosley Radio al%_ 1 20 20 20 + % 100% 70% Crown Cork & S(2) — 14 77% 76% 77% +1% 47% 41 Crn C&S pf xw 2%.. 1 41% 41% 41% 25% 17 Crown Zeller(new). 9 20% 20V* 20% 108% 99 Crown Zell eu pf (5). 1 103% 103% 103% + % 135 120 Crucibe St pf b3 %.. 3 120 116 120 +4 109% 92% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 1 93% 93% 93% 8% 5% Curtiss-Wright_ 13 6 5% 6% — % 23% 18%Curtiss-W (A)a50o_ 8 18% 18% 18%—% 137% 104% Deere & Co-- 6 132% 131 131 -1% 29 20 Delsel-Wem-G(tl)- 1 21% 21% 21% + % 68% 42% Delaware & Hudson. 1 46 46 46 —1% 24Vi 17% Del Lack & West_ 8 20 19% 20 146% 120 Detroit Edison (t4). 3 120 120 120 —1% 15% 9% Det & Mackinac_ 50a 14% 14% 14% 36% 30% Diamond Match (tl. 1 32% 32% 32% — % 29 20V* Distil Corp Seag- 2 22% 22% 22% — % 25 20% Dixie Vortex(l %)_ 1 21% 21% 21%-% 51 38% Dome Mines (t2)___ 3 40% 40% 40% 77% 49% Douglas Aircraft... 3 53 52% 52% —1% 8% 4% Dunhill Internatl__ 1 5 5 5 — % 17% 15 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 15 15 15 180% 148% Du Pont (b76c)_ 2 156% 156% 156% — % 115% 112 Duquesne 1st (5)._. 40s 114% 114 114 — % 17 11% Eastern Roll Mills.. 4 12 11% 11%—% 175% 151 Eastman Kodak(6)_ 3 158% 158% 158% + % 37% 31% Eaton Mfg (2)_ 3 35 35 35 — % 16 11% Eitington-Schild__ 1 12% 12% 12% + % 45% 34% Eleo Auto Lt f2.40_. 3 39 38% 39 + % 16 10% Elec Boat <a60c)__ 1 11 11 11 + % 7% 4% Elec&Mus 1 <al8c)_ 6 6% 5% 5% 26% 17% Eleo Pow & Light™ 7 19% 19% 19% 92% 69 Elec Pw & Lt J7 pf_. 2 74 74 74 —1 44% 39 Elec Storage Bat (!) 6 39 39 39 — % 2 1% Elk Horn Coal (d)__ 2 1% 1% 1% 8 4% Elk Horn Cl pf (d)_ 1 4% 4% 4% 17% 10 Eng Publlo Serv__ 1 n n n + 14 9% 6% Equitable Office B__ 6 6% 6% 6% — % 23% 13% Erie R R.-__™. 3 20 19% 19% — % 28% 21 Erie R R !d pf—_™ 1 23 23 23 — % 14% 10% Eureka Vao (80c)_ 1 10% 10% 10%—1% 5% 3% Fairbanks Co-lOe 3% 3% 3% + % 28 20% Fairbanks Co pf_ 70s 23% 23 23 — % 71% 61 Fairb'ks-Morse (tl) 2 53 53 63 — % 29% 19% Federal Lt& Trao._ 2 19% 19% 19% _ % 11% 5% Fed Screw Works™ 1 7% 7% 7% 6 3% Fed Water Svc A___ 1 4% 4% 4% — % 43% 34 Fed'd Dept Str(2)— 1 35% 35% 35% — % 45% 37% Fidel Phoenix tl.CO. 2 38% 38% 38% + % 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2). 3 35% 35% 35% 107% 102 Firestone pf A (6).. 2 104% 103 104% +! 52% 45 First Natl Strs t2%. 3 45 45 45 39% 34 Florshelm A (2)_ 1 33% 33% 33%—% 54% 43 Foster-Wheeler_ 1 46 46 46 — % 83 67 Franklin S pf(a6%) 10s 67 67 67 -1 32% 25% Freeport Sulph (1). 2 26% 26% 26% — % 7% 4% Gabriel Co (A)- 1 6% 6% 5% + % 33 22 Gamewell Co_ COs 25% 25 25% + % 1 19% 13% Gar Wood Ind s56o. 1 13% 13% 13% - % l 15% 11% Gen Am InY(A75o)_ ft 12% 12% 12% - % Prey. 1037 Stock and Bale*— Net Hith. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlih. Low. Close, dice. 86% 68 Gen Am Trans <aJ). 2 71% 71 71 19% 12% Gen Baklnc (t(0c)_. 2 13% 13% 13% 14 8% Gen Bronze_ 1 9 9 9 — % 32% 23% Gen Cable_ 2 26 26 26 - % 65 47% Gen Cable (A)_ 3 53 62% 62%-1 12?% 112% Gen Cable pf (a7)— 1 116% 116% 116% +4 62V* 39 Gen Cigar (t4)_ 1 42% 42% 42% 64% 60% Gen Electrlo <b40c). 15 63% 63% 63% — % 44% 39 Gon Foods <2)- 1 40% 40% 40%—% 3% 1% Gen Gas & Elec(A). 4 2 2 2 65% 60 Gen Mills (3)- 1 64% 64% 64%+ % 70% 65% Gen Motors (bl % ) .. 29 69% 59% 69% 1m 48% 35 Gen Realty & U pf— 4 36% 36% 36% — % 20% 15% Gillette S Ras <tl)_ 3 16% 16V* 16% + % 29% 20% Glmbel Bros-_• 2 23% 23% 23%—% 61% 41 Glldden Co (2)—__ 1 42% 42% 42% — % 6% 4% Gobel (Adolf)__ 13 6% 6% 6% + % 50% 31 Goodrich(BF) b50c. 8 44% 44 44 — % 47% 27% Goodyear T & R bl.. 6 41% 41 41 — % 4% 3 Graham-Paige_ 17 3% 3% 3% 15 6% Granby Cons_ 2 9 9 9 27% 19% Grand Union pf bl % 1 21% 21% 21% 65% 40% Grt Northern pf . 16 54% 63% 54V* — % 28% 19 Grt Northn Ore (1). 2 22V* 22 22 42% 85 Grt West Sug t2.40. 2 36% 36V* 36% 145% 137% Grt Wst Sug pf (7).. 30» 136% 135 135 -3 39% 31% Green H L (tl.60)_. 6 32% 32 32%+% 16% 13% Greyhound (t80c).. 8 14% 14 14%—% 11% 10% Greyhound pf (66c). 2 11% 11% 11% 4% 2% Guantanamo Sug_ 4 2% 2% 2% 105 101 Hanna (MA) pf(5)_ 10* 102 102 102 17% 12% Hat Corp of Am 80o. 1 14% 14% 14%+% 15% 12% Hecker Prod (60c)_. 6 13V* 13% 13% 126 111 Helme (GH) (t5>_ 1 108 108 108 -2 30% 21 Hollander &Son(l). 6 27% 27% 27% + % 43% 31% Holly Sugar (t2)_ 3 35 34% 34% 431 337 Homestake (tl2)... 40» 352 350 350 -5 27% 20% Houd-Her B (tl%)_ 1 22% 22% 22%-% 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 16 16 15% 15%-% 90% 62% Howe Sound (t3)_ 3 76% 76 76% 23V* 17% Hudson Motor_ 28 18% 17% 17%-1% 4 3ly Hupp Motor ... 15 3% 3% 3% m 4 ilupp M rts May24.. 72 ft 4 ft-* 38 224 Illinois Central_ 6 314 314 314-4 474 3614 Indus Rayon (2) 4 434 43 43 — Vi 144 125 Ingersoll-R'd (bl4) 2 130 130 130 +2 1314110 Inland Steel <t4)_ 2 112 112 112 334 204 Inspiration Cop_ 2 224 214 214 — 4 134 74 Inter Rap Tr vtc(d) 4 74 74 74 —4 114 44 Intercontl Rubber_ 1 74 74 74 284 164 Interlake Iron_ 8 204 20 204 + 4 94 5 Inti Agricultural... 23 74 7 74 +4 1114 994 Inti Harveeter(2V4). 6 1084 1084 1084 + Vi 162 1444 Inti Harv pf f 7)_- 1 148 148 148 164 84 Inti Hydro El A_ 5 114 114 114-4 154 64 Inti Mercantile M__ 12 104 10 104 — V* 184 114 Inti Mining (bl5c)1 124 124 124 +4 734 654 Inti Nickel (bl)_ 47 614 614 614 244 164 Inti Paper (A)_ 2 184 184 184 94 54 Inti Paper (C)_ 8 74 64 74 + 4 1214 904 Inti Paper pf__ 2 105 105 105 —14 154 104 lntl Tel & Tel_ 9 114 104 104 —4 364 244 Interstat Dp St b21ft 3 274 27V* 274 30 254 Island Creek (2) _. 5 294 294 294 + 4 1264 121 Island Creek pf (6).. 20* 124 124 124 +14 155 1254 Johns-Manv «t3)_ 11314 1314 1314 126 120 Johns-Mansv pf(7). 20* 124 124 124 +2 136 122 Jon&L7% pftblV*). 60* 125 125 125 194 134 Kelsey-H B (alV4)_ 1 134 134 134 694 51 Kennecott (b50c) .. 17 554 554 654 + 4 204 164 Keystone S&W b30o 1 174 174 174 294 24V* Kresge S S <b30c) _ 1 244 244 244 —4 24V* 214 Kroger Groo (tl.60). 1 224 224 224 24 184 Lambert Co (2)_ 3 214 21 21 —4 514 354 Leh Port Cmt 1V4 1 39V* 394 394 — 4 34 14 Lehigh Valley Coal. 2 2 2 2 +4 184 94 Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 2 104 104 104 -4 137 118 Lehman Corp r + 3)_ 1 1224 1224 1224 — 4 214 16 Lehn & Fink b62 4o. 1 17V* 174 174 79 614 Libbey-Ow-F b75c_. 11 71 70 70 4 + 4 154 94 Libby McN & L(al). 4 13 124 124 -4 1134 97 Ligg & Myera <t4)_. 3 984 984 984 114 964 Llgg & Myers B t4_ 2 99 984 984 — 4 834 59 Lima Locomotive.— 4 69 684 69 844 644 Loew's Ino < +2)_ 2 79V* 784 784 — Vi 34 24 Loft Inc_ 7 24 24 24 + 4 <oV 02 Lone Star Cmt b75c. 2 55V 55V 55V 28V 21Vi Lorillard P «11.20)_ 2 22V 22V 22V + V 28V 19V Lou Gas & Elec (A). 1 20V 20V 20V - V 99 86V Louie & Nash b2%_ 2 91V 91Vt 91V — IV* 24V 16V McCrory Stores_ 2 16V 16V 16V 54V 40V McGraw Elec < t2)_ 1 52 52 52 42V 33V McIntyre Porcut2). 2 33V 33V 33V — V 42V 31V McKeesp’t Tin Plate 2 31V 31V 31V - V 16V 12V McKesson & Rob_ 8 14V 14V 14V 4- V 19 13V McLellan Strs b75c. 1 14 14 14 63 46 Magma Copper (2)_ 4 48 46 46 —2 7V 5 Manati Sugar (d)._ 1 6V 6V 6V 4- V 16V 9 Man El md gtd (d)_. 1 9V 914 9V — V 29V 19V Manhat Shirt (1)_. 1 22 22 22 4-1 14V 10V Marine Mid (t40c).. 6 11 10V 11 39 26 Market St Ry pr pf_ 20» 28V 28 28 — V 30V 18V Marshall Field__ 5 24V 24V 24V — V 29V 25V Martin (Glenn)_ 4 28 28 28 74 55 Masonite (tl)_. 2 59 58 59 4-1V 66V 56 May Dept St (t3)_ 1 59 59 S9 -lv 34V 25V Mead Corp_ 2 29 29 29 — v 101 94 Mead Corp pf (6)_. 20» 94V 94V 94V— V 16V 11V Mengel Co_ 2 13 13 13 - V 47V 41 Mengel 1st pf (2% ). 80* 42V 42V 42V- V 72V 58 Mesta Mach (bl44)_ 2 64 64 64 - V 26V 14V Miami Copper .. 4 16V 16V 16V — V 35V 28V Mid-Cont Fet (b50c) 3 29V 29V 29V - V 16V 11 Minn Moline Pow... 12 13V 13V 13V— V 9V 6V Mo Kans & Texas... 2 8V 8V 8V — V 34V 24V Mo Kans & Tex pf A 6 30V 30V 30V - V 12V 7 Mo Pacific pf <d)._. 1 10 10 10 40V 30V Mohawk Carp(l.20). 1 30 30 30 —3v 69 52V Montg Ward (+ 2>_ 11 53V 53V 53V - V* 66V 60 Morris* Esx (3%). 60» 62 60 60 3V IV Mother Lode al 2 Vc. 6 IV IV IV 38V 31V Motor Prod (t2) ... 1 34V 34V 34V -IV 108V 102 Murphy GCpf (5).. 10* 107 107 107 20V 13V Murray Corp(aSOc). 4 14V 14V 14V— V 24V 17V Nash Kely (1)_ 4 20V 20 20V - V 24 18V Natl Acme (a75c).» 8 20 19V 19V - V 33V 25V Natl Biscuit (l.«0)_ 4 26V 26 26V 38V 29V Natl Cash Reg (1).. 1 33V 33V 33V - V 26V 22V Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 6 23 22V 23 109V 107 Natl Dairy pf B (7). 20* 108 108 108 -V 10% 6V Natl Dept Strs pf... 60* 7V 7V 7V 35 27V Natl Distillers(t2)_ 4 31V 31V 31V - V 18V 15V Nat'l Gypsum Co... 1 17 17 17 14V 9V Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 5 10V 10V 10V + Vi 1 V Natl Ry Mex 2d pf.. 1 V V V 94% 70 Natl steel (TZ%)_ 5 84% 84V* 84V* 109% 62 Natl Supply Co_ 10 109% 107% 109% 12% 8% Natl Tea (60c)_ 2 9% 9 9 -% 13% 10% Natomas (180c)..— 1 10% 10% 10% 41% 28 Newport Ind(b50c)_ 47 33% 31% 33% +2% 98% 73% N Y Air Brake (al)- 2 83% 82% 83% +2% 65V* 40 NT Central _ 75 48% 47% 48 - % 72 41 NYChl&StL_- 1 68 68 68 +1 31% 26 N Y City Omnibus.. 6 30% 29% 29%-% 2 1 NY Investors (d) — 4 111 9% 5% NY NH & H (d)_ 18 7% 7 7 -% 26% 16% NY NH & H pf <d)_. 4 20% 20 20% - % 6% 4% N Y Ontario & W 3e 4% 4% 4% - % 112% 107 NY Steam 1st (7)— *0» 111% 111% 111% 4% 2 Norfolk South (d).. 3 3 3 3; 17% 11% North Am Aviation. 4 12% 12 12 34% 24 North Am Co(b30c). 10 25V* 25 25 - % 104% 97% North Am Ed pf <«). 1 100% 100% 100% + % 36% 27V* Northern Pacifio___ 40 35% 34% 34% - % 22% 17% Ohio Oil (b50c)- 9 20% 20% 20% 73 53% Oliver Farm Equip. 1 69 69 69 — % 26% 16% Omnibus Corp vtc-_ 4 19 19 19 19% 13% Oppenheim Collins. 2 14% 14% 14% — % 45% 35 Otis Elev (60c)- 5 39% 39% 39%+% 24% 16% Otis Steel _ 11 17% 17% 17% - V* 92% 82% Owens-Ill Glass (3). 9 96 95 96 +3% 23 17% Pacific Am Fish 1.20 3 19% 19% 19% + % 15% 9% Pacific Coast_ 30» 9% 9% 9% - % 38 29% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 6 30% 30% 30% — % 53% 43% Pac Lighting (3)... 2 45 45 45 29% 22% Pac West Oil(a65c>. 1 23% 23% 23%-% 12% 9% Packard Mot (bl5c). 13 9% 9% 9% - % 4% 2% Panhandle P * R- 42 4 3% 3% + V. 107 60 Panhandle P&R pf.. 960» 115 106% 112% +6% 28% 20% Paramount Pic__ 38 21 20% 20% - % 200% 140% Paramnt lstpf (4). 2 146 143% 143% -6% 26% 18% Paramnt 2d pf «0o__ 1 18% 18% 18% - % 8% 4% Park Utah-_ 2 4% 4% 4% 44% 38 Parke Davis (bl)__. 1 39% 39% 89%+% 29% 24% Parker Rust (11H)- 1 25% 26% 26%+% 7% 4% Parmelee Trans—- 2 4% 4% 4% — % 10% 7 Paths Film Corp— 6 7 7 7 23% 14% Patino Mines(t60c). 4 17% 17% 17%-% 7% 3% Peerless Corp-- 2 6% 6% 6% - % 103% 94% Penney JC) <4)- 1 98% 98% 98% 12% 7% Penn Dixie Cement. 1 8% 8% 8% 29% 22 Pa Glass S ctfs a50o. 2 26% 26% 26% 50% 39% Penn Railroad <a2). 11 44% 44% 44%-% 25 20% Pet Milk (tl)- 1 20% 20% 20% 13Vi 9% Pfeiffer Brew b60c- 4 10% 10 10 - % 6-32 1-32 Pfelff Brrts May 18. 25 1-32 1-32 1-32 59% 46% Phelps Dodge b80c — 10 48 47% 47% — % 54% 48% Phlla Co 6% pf (S)_ 1 48 48 48 — % 14 8% Phlla Rap Tr pf(d). 80« 9 9 9 3% 1%Phlla* Read C&I.. 2 1% 1% 1% - % 84% 70 Philip Morris(bJ%> 1 76% 75% 75% 20 12% Phillips Jones- 1 14% 14% 14%+% 69% 49% Phillips Petrol’m t* 8 65% 66% 65% - % 20 13% Pitts ScrewAB bl5o. 2 15% 15% 15% + % 8% 3% Pitts United- 1 5 6 6 — % 47% 31% Pitts A W Va-- 100* 40 40 40 -1% 29% 24% Plymouth Oil (tl)-. 1 27% 27% 27% - % 33% 22% Poor A Co <B)- 8 27% 26% 26%+% 11% 6 Porto R Am Tob A_ 1 6% 6% 6% 31% 22% Pressed Steel Car— 3 23% 23% 23% - % 65% 65% Proctor A Gam( t2)_ 2 61% 61% 61% 62% 40% Pub Svc N J <2.60)_ 11 41% 41% 41% 72% 67% Pullman Ino (1%)_ 6 60% 60 60%+% 24% 18% Pure Oil_ 6 19% 19% 19% - % 107 99 Pure 011 6% pf_ 2 101 101 101 112% 108 Pure Oil pf (8)_ 50« 110% 110% 110% - % 18% 16 Quaker State O b45c 1 17% 17% 17% - % 12% 8% Radio Corp- _ 12 9% 9% 9% + % 10% 7% Radlo-Keith-Or <d). 5 8% 8% 8% 25% 14% R R Sec 111 Cent_ 40s 21% 21% 21% + % 22% 17% Reliable Stores (1)_. 1 19% 19% 19%+1 29% 21 Rem-Rand (t60c)._ 12 25% 25% 25% + % 9% 6 Keo Motor Car_ 9 6% 6% 6% - % 47% 27% Republlo Steel_ 19 38% 37% 38% - % 49% 33% Revere Copper__ 6 40% 40 40 — % 98 71 Revere Copper(A).. 1 80 80 80 —2% 58 50 Reynolds Tob B (I). 6 60% 50% 60%-% 31% 24 Ritter Dental (tl).. 1 28 23 23 —1% 118 110 8afeway Strspf(T). 10e 111 111 111 66 48% St Joseph Ld(btOe). a 61% 6114 -61% +!% Prev. 19.17 Stock and Skies_ Net Hleh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, ehgc. 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d)_ 2 8% 8Vi 8% — % 61% 42% Schenley Dlst(b75o) 1 44% 44% 44%—% 45% 38 Scott Paper (1)_ 20s 40% 40% 40% 2% 1% Seaboard Air L (d)_ 1 l% 1% 1% — % 95% 81 Sears Roebuck (3).. 3 88 87% 87%-% 34 26 Servel Ino (tl)_ 12 29% 29% 29V* — % 42% 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 2 33 32% 33 — % 44 37% ShMkffer Pentbl% )_ 20s 40 39% 40 34% 25% Shell Un Oil <a25c). 7 30% 80 30 — % 17% 12% Silver King (b25c)_. 4 13% 13% 13% 68 44% Simmons Co (b50c). 1 45% 45% 45%-% 2 32 1 32 Slmm’ns rta May 19. 80 1 64 164 1-64 60% 42 Skelly Oil (h50c)_ 1 58 58 68 — % 197 85% Sloss-Sheffleld Stl._ 80s 166 164 166 +6 20% 16% Socony-Vac (b25c)_ 29 19% 19 19% + % 42% 34 South Port Sug(t2). 2 36% 36% 36% + % 32% 24% So Cal Edison tl%_. l 24% 24% 24%—% 65% 42% Southern Pacific_ 3 59% 69 69 -1% 43% 24 Southern Ry_ 12 39% 39 39 — % 60% 45 Southern Ry pf_ 1 51% 61% 51% 23% 17% Sperry Corp vtc(al) 6 18% 18% 18% 28% 21% Spiegel, Inc (1)_ 2 22% 22V* 22%—% 95% 90% Spiegel cum pf(4%) 10s 92% 92% 92%-% 48% 37% Square D (B) b25c.. 1 41 41 41 + % 16V* 12% Stand Brands(t80c) 31 13% 13% 13%-% 14% 8% Stand Gas & El (d)_ 6 8% 8% 8% - % 72% 49% Stand G&E *7 pf(d). 1 51 61 51 — V* 50 42% Stand Oil Calif (tl)_ 4 44 4.3% 43%-% 50 43% Stand Oil Ind (tl)-.. 3 44% 44% 44%-% 16 64 Stand Oil N J (tl).. 13 67% 67 67% 21 17% Stewart-Warn t50c. 15 19% 19 19%+ % 334 21V* Stone & Web(a25c)_ 6 234* 234 234—4 20 134 Studebaker Corp_ in 154* 154 154 74 44 Superior Oil__ 20 54 54 54 -4 474 33 Superior Steel__ 2 364 354 364 -5* 285, 244 Swift & Co <tl.20)_ 4 244 244 244 -4 334 304 Swift Internatl (2)- 2 314 314 314 234 164 Symington ww blOo. 1 174 174 175* — 4 174 12', Symington xw blOo. 3 1314 13*, + 4 IS', 105* Tenn Corp <al5c) 16 12Mi 12Vt 12i* + 4 654 504 Texas Corp (2) _ 20 614 604 604 —4 94 7Vi Texas Gulf Pr a5c._ 6 1\ 74 74—4 41 35!* Texas Gulf Sul (t2). 3 37 37 37 — Vi 164 124 Tex Pao C&O blOc__ 3 14 14 14 155, 114 Texas P L T (alOc). 1 11V* 114 114—4 13V* 9 Thermold Co _ 9 104 104 10!*+ Vi 284 23 Thomps’n Trod b40c 3 254 254 254 + 4 104 54 Thompson Starrett 1 64 64 64 — 4 215* 164 Tide Wat As Oil 80c x 5 18 174 18 — 4 79 60V* Timk'n-Roll Brg(3) 4 624 62 624 — V. 174 134 Transamerlca t40c_. 4 14s* 144 144 224 144 Trans Wst Air a2Gc. 3 15 144 114 — 5, 404 33'* 20th Cent Fox b50c_ 14 374 374 374 — 4 265, 164 Twin Coach (bl5c)_ 1 194 194 194 —4 1004 80 Und-Ell-Fisher <3)_ 4 80 78 78 -2', 111 95 Union Carb (3.20)__ 5 995* 99 99 — 4 284 244 Union OillCalif) 1.20 2 244 245* 244 + V* 1485* 1264 Union Pacific (6) . 1 143V* 143!* 143V* 995* 90V* Union Pacific pf (4). 1 914 914 91V* +1 354 244 Utd Aircraft(a50c)_ 14 26 254 255* — V* 24s, 164 Utd Air Lines a20c„ 17 165* id*, 16!*— 4 Prev. 1037 Stock and Sale*— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 91 69% Utd Carbon (4)_ 3 79% 79 79 +2% 8% 4% Utd Corp (a20o)_ 80 5% 6% 6% 46% 38 Utd Corp pf <J)- 1 40*. 40% 40%-% 16 12% United Drug (b25c). 6 13% 13% 13V* — V. 9% 6 Utd Eleo Coal_ 10 7 6% 7 — % 1% % Unit El C rta May 14 18 % % % 86% 79 United Fruit (t3>— 1 81% 81% 81%-% 17 13% Utd Gaa Imp (1)- S 13% 13% 13%+ % 16% 6% Unit Paper'bd b30c- 5 14 13% 14 + % 20% 13% U 8 Distributing pf. 20* 13 12% 12%—1% 137 105% U S Gypsum <t2)— 1 113% 113% 113% -2% 23% 17 US Hoffman.. 3 20% 20 20% — % 70 63% U S Hoff'an pf(2%). 1 62% 62% 62% 43% 34% U S Indus Alcohol.. 8 36% 36 36 22% 13% U S Leather(A)^tc_ 1 16% 16% 16% — % 72% 44% U S Rubber- 13 59% 68% 58% - % 118 89% U S Rubber 1st pf__ 7 92% 90% 90%—1% 105 82% U S Smelting (b4)_. 3 86% 86% 86%+ % 126% 75 U S Steel- 65 104 103 103%—.% 169 147 U S Tobacco pf (7).. 30* 150 150 ISO 8% 4% Utd Stores (A). __ 2 5% 6% 5% 164 148% Unlv Leaf T pf <*)_. 20* 145% 145 145 -3% 4% 2% Util Pw&Lt (A) (d). 1 2% 2% 2% 39% 26 Vanadium Corp__ 2 29 28% 29 — % 12% 7% Va-Car Chemical_ 19 9% 9% 9% + % 37 26 Va Iron C & C pf_ 100* 26 26 26 10% 3% Wabash ii)_ 1 7% 7% 7% — % 18% 9 Wabash pf (A) (d)_. 1 14% 14% 14V* -,% 19% 13 Waldorf Sys(|1.20). 3 14V* 14 14 — % 18% 11% Walworth Co_ 11 15% 15% 15% •+ % 60% 30 Ward Baking (A)_ 2 32 32 32 — % 10% 5% Ward Baking (B)__ 1 7% 7% 7% + % 18 12% Warner Bros Plot... 10 13% 12% 12% 1% % Warner-Qulnlan(d). 1 % % %— % 12V* 6% Warren Bros (d)_ 1 9% 9V* 9% + V. 2V* 1% Weils Fargo_ 10* 1% 1% 1% 56 46 Wesson O&S (t50c). 1 49% 49% 49% 102 West Penn El A (7). 100i 98 68 98 100% 90 West Penn El pf<6). 80e 93% 93 93%+ % 123% 118 West Pa Pwr pf (7). 60s 120% 120% 120% 11*4 8% Western Maryland.. 2 9% 9% 9% — % 11% 7% Western Pacific pf.. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 83% 59% Westn Un Tel <*)._. 12 62 61% 62 — % 57% 41% Westlngh'se A B<1) 9 45% 45 45 —1% 167% 130% Westhse Elec (b2)_. 3 138% 138 138% + % .33% 23% White Motor__ 2 25 24% 24% — % 12% 8% Wilson & Co <60e)._ 12 9% 9% 9% 65% 48 Woolworth <2.401... 7 49% 49'% 49% — % 47 34% Worthington Pump. 2 37% 37 37 112% 81 Worth Pump pf<A). 20* 106 105%105%-1 37% 20% Yellow Tr&Coach.. 91 23% 22% 22% -1 46% 39% Young Spr& W <T3). 1 40% 40% 40%+ % 101% 75% Ygstn S&T <b76c>__ 16 89% 89 89 — % 40% 81 Zenith Radio (bl)_ 2 35% 35 35 -1 9% 6 Zonlte Products_ 1 6% 6% 6% + % Total Sales for the Day 290,000 Dividend rates as given in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declarations, s Unit of trading less than 100 shares. * Annual rate_ not including extras. a Paid last year. bPaid this year d Companies repotted In receivership or being reorganized x Ex dividend. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. May x op..—New York Security Dealers’ Association: , J , Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_18.: 1 3900 Am Business Shrs _ 1 23 1 35 Am Gen Eq Inc_ _ 111 i *’3 Am Ins Stocks _ _ 5 25 6 on Bancamer Blair 30.3:5 31 375 Bankers Nat. Inv Corp_ 3.75 4 375 Basic Industry _ . _ 5 ix Broad St Inv __ __ 35 31 37 76 Bullock Fund _ 21 75 23^60 Corporate Trust __ 2 OH Corporate Trust A A_ 2.83 I_1 Carp Tr A A mod _ 3 66 Corp Tr Accum Sor __ 2.X.3 Corp Tr Acc Mod _ _ 3.66 Cumulative Tr Sh __ 6 42 Depos Bk Sh N Y *‘A,’__ 2 47 I " I Depos Ins Shrs •‘A” _ 3 40 Depos Ins Shrs ‘ B ’_ 3 2n Diversified Tr C __ .'> in Dividend Shrs _ 1 96 2 11 Equity Corp JR 3 Pf_ 38.25 4 1 25 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 27.12 20 22 First Boston Corp _ 33.875 35.375 Fixed Trust Sh A _ 13.33 Fixed Trust Sh B .1112 Found Tr Sh A 4.00 5.25 Fund Investors Inc 24 12 25 4 7 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 6.27 Fund Tr Shrs B . . _ 5.73 Gen Investors Tr _ 6 93 7.54 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.03 2.09 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.4 4 1.57 Group Sec Building _ 2.12 2 20 Group Sec Chemical . .. _ 1.60 i.:4 Group Sec Food .00 ] .08 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.69 1 >3 Group Sec Merchandise __ 1 42 1 54 Group Sec Mintne 1.67 1.81 Group Sec Petroleum __ 1.49 1.62 Group Sec R R Equip __ 1.58 1.72 Group Sea Steel 2.05 2.22 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.07 1.17 Huron Holding _ .75 1.13 Incorp Investors _25.42 Inst Sec Bank Group __ 1.83 1.97 Instl Sec Insurance _ 1.50 1.7 2 Investors Fd *‘C” Inc_15.61 16.35 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 __ 22.11 24.21 Malor Shrs Corp _ 3.00 Maryland Fund _ 9.92 10.86 Mass Invest Tr _28.40 30.13 Mutual Invest _16.16 17 66 Nation Wide Ses _ 4.51 4 61 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.05 2.21 Natl Investors 7.23 7 48 New England Fund _18.52 19.92 N Y Bk Tr Shrs ... 4.00 N Y Storks. Bk Stocks _ 11.84 12.78 N Y Stocks Bldg Supply 11.04 12.80 N Y Stocks Elec Equip _ 12.4s 13.47 N Y Stocks. Insurance . in.61 11.46 N Y Stocks. Machinery 13.64 14.: 2 If Y Stocks. R R Equip _ 15.13 16.3,2 N Y Stocks. Steel . 15.34 16.55 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 50.25 63.50 Nor Am Tr Shares __ 2.75 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1055 ___ 3.52 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1056 3.4 6 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 _ 3.26 Plymouth F'und Inc _ 2*2 1.03 Quarterly Income Sh _17.kx 19 59 Selected Am Sh Inc_15.00 16.35 Spencer Trask F*und_21.33 21.99 Stand Am Tr Shrs _ 4.10 4.35 Stand Util Inc - .86 .93 Super of Am Tr A_ 4 04 - Super of Am Tr AA_ 2 74 - Super of Am Tr B_ 4.21 - Super of Am Tr BB- 2.74 - Super of Am Tr C_ 7 1 o - Super of Am Tr D_ 7.91 Supervised Shrs _14.54 15.80 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3.10 Trustee Stand Inv D _ 3«>4 Trusteed Am Bk B"_ 91 l.oi Trusteed Industry Shrs_ 1-50 1.06 Wellington F\ind 19.87 21.78 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 8 (U. S Department of Agriculture'.—Hogs, 3.000, including 2.500 direct; nominally steady: practically nathing on sale: nominal top. 10.40; ship pers took nore; estimated holdover. 500; compared week ago generally 10 to 15 higher, the week's top. 10.45. Cattle. 300: calves. 100; compared Fri day. last week—Steers and yearlings grading good and better, 50 lower; in stances 75 off on a set of very draggy markets weakened by dull dressed trade; common and medium grades weak to 25 lower; such cattle now high compared good and choice offerings, prime 1.403 pound steers topped at 15.75: outstanding light steers. 15.10: very few heavies above 14.00. however, and practical top on light yearling steers. 13.25; this suggested 10.25-12.00 market with good to choice yearlings relatively cheapest to killers and common and medium grades highest, closing market on latter pointed down ward: heifers scarce, active, mostly steady; best heavy. 11.50: light. 11.35; beef cows very scarce. 25 higher; cutters and vealers strong: bulls weak to shade lower. Sheep. 4.500. incluoing 2.500 directs. For week ending Friday. 17.200 directs. Compound Friday, last week—Fat lambs mostly 25. lower, having recovered good part of early losses; sheep closing weak; week’s top wooled lambs, also California Springers. 12.50. both classes closing at that level; tap clipped lambs. 10.25 paid early; no choice clippers here at close; week's bulk wooled lambs. 11.25-12.50; bulk California Springers. 11.50-12.50, around 22 doubles here this week; most clipped lambs. 0.00-10.25; bulk shorn slaughter ewes. 4.25-5.25; week s top at outside, little above 5.00 late; scattered wooled ewes. 6.00-0.50, -« CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. May 8 MY—Poultry, live. 11 trucks, quiet: hens, over 5 pounds. 17Vi; 5 pounds and less. 19: Leghorn hens, 16: fryers, colored. 24: Plymouth and White Rock. 26Vi; broilers, colored. 23: Plym outh and White Rock, 24; barebacks, 19-21; Leghorn. 20; Springs, colored, 24Vi; White Rock, 26Vi: Plymouth Rock, 26V2*. roosters, 12 Vi; Leghorn roosters. IIV2; turkeys, hens. 16; toms, 16; No. 2 tur keys. 14: ducks, white and colored. 4 Vi pounds up, 16: small. 14; geese, 11. Butter, 3 4,112; firm: prices unchanged. Eggs. 36.938; unsettled; extra firsts, locals. 2034; cars. 21: fresh graded firsts, local. 1934: cars. 20V*; current receipts. 19Vi: storage packed extras, 22; storage packed firsts. 213/». Potatoes. 58; on track. 134: total TJ. S. shipments. 764. Old stock, slightly weaker; supplies light: demand slow Sacked, per cwt., Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. 2.56-70: Maine Green Mountains. U. S. No. 1, 2.20-25; Maine Round Whites. U. S. No. 1, fine quality. 2.35. New stock, weak; prices lower; supplies light; demand slow. Per cwt.. Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No 1 Alabama. 3.30-40: Louisiana, small few sales, 3.00-25: Mississippi. 3.25: Alabama. U. S. No. 2. 2.30; California White Rose U. S. No. 1, few sales. 3.40-50. ^ NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. May 8 MY—Eggs. 37.34R, Irregular. Mixed colors, special packs, 23-24*4: standards. 22%: storage packed firsts. 22Vi: dirties. No. 1. 19V.-V4; aver age checks. 18-18*4. Other mixed prices unchanged. Butter. 8.918. firm. Creamery, higher than extra, 34-34%: extra (92 score), 33*4; firsts (88-91 scores). 30*4-33:; other prices unchanged. Cheese. 143.921, firm State, whole milk fiats, fresh fancy. 1(1*4; other prices unchanged. Live poultry, by express, about steady. Broilers unquoted. Other express prices unchanged. Dressed poultry steady to easy. Fresh chickens (boxes), broilers, 23-25; other fresh and frozen prices unchanged. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, May 8 I/P.—Crude rubber futurea tlosed firm. 44 to 50 higher. Sales No. 1 standard, 295 contract*. July, 22.60n; September. 22.74-75: Qetobef. 22.80: December. 22.80: January. 22.80n: Ma^ch. 22.8jmT ajnoked ribbed, spot. I DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4Gs 07_ K23, S1’3, k-'3, Ala Power 5s 40 A_102G lui3, 102U Am O A E 5s 2028 107 4*107 107 Am P A L Os 2010. ..04 04 04 Am Radial 4Gs 47 _.]o5 105 105 Am Rol Mill 5s '4K .. lo23i 102’, 102*4 Am Seat Os '30 stpd_105G105G105G Appalach E P 5s '50 _ 1 <k;34 loo3, loo3, Arlc PAL 5s 50 ... OK1, ok1, ok1. As El Ind 4Gs '53 _ 533« 53 53G As G A E 4'as '40 _ 4K3, 4K', 4K>, As G A E 5s '50__ 50*a 50a 50G As G A E 5s 'OK on 50 50 As GA E 5'as mv ct 83*4 S3G K.'i', Bald Lo Os '3K ww loo 100 100 Bald L Os '38 ww stplKo 180 ] KO Bell Te C 5s 55 A _ 114 G 114 114 Buff Ge El 5s '50 A _ lo5G ]05*« I On3; Can Pac Os '42 _ 1007* loo’, loo1, Caro Pw A Lt 5s '50 003, »o3, on3. Cent II P S 5s '50 E 104 104 104 Cen II P 8 4Gs 07 P _ OK3, OK OK3, Central Pw 5s '57 D _ 88 kk kk Cent Pw A Lt 5s '58 04 04 04 Cent St El 5s '4K. _ 5KG 5kG 5kG Cen St P A L 5Gs '53 50G 50G 50 G Chi Di El 4Gs '70 A 104G lo4’a 104G Chi Rys 5s '27 cod __ 71G 71 ’a TIG Cities Svc 5s ’50 72G 72G 72G Cities S Gas 5Gs '42.. 100G lOOVa 10oG Cit S PAL 5Gs '52 70 70 70 Cit S PAL 5Gs '40 _ 70*» 70'* To’, Comw Edis 5s '53 A ..112 112 112 Comw Ed 4Gs '50 C 1 1113, llo3; 11 o34 Comw Ed 4Gs '57 D llo3, 1103, llo3, Comw Ed 4s '81 F _ 108', loo 100', Comw Ed :;34S 05 H . 103G 103G 103G Comnty PAL 5s '57 78', 77’, 77’, Con Gas 0t Os '43 st.__ 783, 783, 7K3, Cont G A E 5s '58 A 88', 88 SS Del El Pw 5Gs '50 ... 1023, 102G 102*; Denver GAE 5s '40 .. 108', 108G108G Detroit C G Os '47 A. . . 108G 100G 100'a Det Int Bg 8>.is '52_ 8G 8'a 8‘a Det Int Bg 7s '52 cd __ 2G 2G °G East G A F 4s '50 A. . 80G 88*, 803, E! Pw A Lt 5s 2030 ._ 84 S31, 831, Emp OAR 5Gs 42_ 00 80G DO Fed Wat 5Gs '54 _ 81'4 81G 81 G Firest Cot M 5s '48 _ 104 104 104 Florida PAL 5s '54 02'/* 01G 01’, Gary EAG 5s '44 sip xw 00 98G 98G Gatineau Pw 5s '58 101 G 101 G 101 Gen Pb U OGs '50 A KOG 80 80G Gen W W A E 5s '43 A 80 80 80 Georgia Pw 5s 07 07G 07 07G G-orgla PAL 5s '78 . 74 G 74 74 Glen Alden Cl 4s '05 SI3, si si3; Hou G G OGs '43 A . 104G 104G 104G Hou G G OGs ’43 A 30 30 30 Hygrade Fd Os 40 A 703, 70G 703, J!' E" * ,L -R,'s A 1114’, 104 G 1 04 G II. Pw A L nGs .->4 B 102G 102G 10"G ill Pw Sc l 5s '58 c nr*3* nn** on1* Indiana Spt 5s '50 * 7o*4 to** 7nt4 Indiana Srr 5s ’8:* A 70** 70** 7o*. Indr.ap PAL 5s '57 A 308 105** 3 05** Interc Pw «s '48 A 7*4 7*4 ~i4 inti P sec H%s ’55 C 70 70 70 Inti Pw Sec 7s '52 E 71 71 71 Inti Salt 5s ’51 . 107% 107% 107% Interst Pw 5s '57 _ 50 59 50 Interst Pw fis '52 4fi 4fi 4fi Interst P S 5s ’5fi D 84% 84% 84', Inters' P s 4 %s '58 p 793, c«i 7.1*1 Inwa-N LAP 5s Ml B ln.3% m.9% lo.3% Kentucky Ut 5s ’fil . - fi.'l*4 9.3*4 o.'t*4 Lehigh P S fis 2026 A.107% 107*. 107’. Libby McNAL 5s '42_104'.- 104’? 1041 ? La Pw A Lt 5s '57 105*. 105*0 105*, Midlan VRR ns 4.3_90 90 90 Mid S Pw fi%s '45 A _ 9114 91 >1 91 14 Mil G A E 4%s 07_10.3 10,3 10.3 Minn PAL 4%s '78_ 98'2 OHt, 98% Minn PAL 5s '55_1041, 104 104', Miss Pw A L 5s '57_ . . 91 90'4 qot4 Nat. P A L ns 20.30 B _ 86*, 80% 86*, Netsner Bros fis '48 „ I05 105 105 New E G A E 5s '47_ 71s, 71% 71 14 New E G A E 5s '48 __ 93 9.3 9:1 New E G A E 5s '50_ 71*4 71'4 71 >1 New E Pw n>2S '54_Ofi‘2 95'? 95', New Or P S fis '40 A._ 82’? 82'? S'"', N Y P A Lt 4%s ’67 106‘2 infiVi 10fi% N Y B EAG 4’is '80 __ 101 % 101 101 % N Y A W Lt 45 2004_10.3 10.3 10.3 Nor A LAP 5'?s '56 93'4 9.3% 9.3% No Con U 5'is '48 A 54 54 54 No Ind GAE fis '52 _. 108 108 108 No Ind PS 5s 'fifi C 10.3'i 10.3'i 10.3'i No Ind PS 4'is '70 E 99*, 90% 99*, Ogden G Co 5s '45.. 109 109 109 Ohio Pub S fis '5.3 C _ 110 110 110 Ohio Pub S ns '54 D 105% 105*1 105*4 Okla PAW 5s ’48 A _ 91 91 91 Okla N G 4'is '51 A . 97% 97'4 97'4 Pac G A E fis '41 B _ 116 1 lfi llfi Penn C LAP 4'is '77 _ 99*', 98’/, 98% Penn C PAL 5s ’79 . 102 102 102 Penn El 4s '71 F . PR% 96 9fi Penn O E 5'is '59 B 101 101 101 Penn WaAP 5s '4o 109 109 109 Peop GLAC 4s 81 B 92 91% 92 Potomac E 5s \5fi E . 107% 107*, 107% Pub S No 111 5s '5fi. 110'? 110% 110% Pub S N I 4'is '78 D . 10.3 10.3 10.3 Pub S N I 4'is ’SO E 102% 102'', 10°% Pub S N I 4%s ’81 F 10.3 103 10.9 Pub S Okla 4s ’fit; A 100*4 loo*', ]on% Pug S PAL 5'is ’49 A 88% 88% 88'? Pug S PAL 4'is '50 D 80V, 80',, 80'/, St L GAC fis ’47 mat.._ 15 15 15 San An PA-S 5s '58 B 104*', 104% 104% Servel Inc 5s ’48_106% 106*, loti*,, Shw WAP 4%s ’67 A . _ 3 03 102*, 10.3 S E PAL Rs 2025 A 301 100% 100% Snu Cal Ed 3*4s ’45 1 05% 1 05% 105% Sou Cal Ed 3%s ’60 _ 102% 102 102 Sou Cal E 3*,s HO B _ 102% 102 l()"*i Souw LAP 5s '57 A 102 V, 102% 102% Std G&E cv fis .95 cod 79 79 79 Std GAE cv fis '35 mat 80 so 80 Std GAE fis '51. A 80% 80% 80% Stand PwALt fis '57_ 78% 78*, 78% Super of 11 4%s '68_105% 105% 105% Tenn Pub S os '70_ 74'/? 74% 74% Texas Elec 5s ’fiO_ 102 102 102 Tex Pw A L 5s ’5R-- 105% 105 105% Twin C RT 6%s '52 A 81V? 81% 81% Un ELAP M 4%s '57_ 105% 105*. 1415% Unit Lt A Pw fis '75 __ 79% 79% 79% Unit Lt A Pw fi‘?s '74 _ 8.3 81’, 81% Unit L A R D 5%s ’52. 87% 87% 87% Utah P A L 6s 2022 A . 95% 95 95% Va Pub Ser fis ’4fi_94% 04% 94% Wash Gas Lt 5s '58_105% 105*, 105% Wash R A E 4s ’51 — 10fiv, loflV, lOflV, West News U fis '44 _ 61'/? fil% 61% West T Ut, 5S '57 A _ 95 95 95 Wls PAL 4s '56 A_ 95% 95'/, 95% York Rwy Co 6s ’37--- 89 88% 88% FOREIGN BONDS. Cauca Val 7s ’48 _ 16% 16% 16% Danish Con 5s ’53 99 99 99 Santiag Chil 7s ’81. _ 17 17 17 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st (stp)—Stamped ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. May 8 OP).—New York Se curity Dealers' Association: , ,,, Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan (1%)_ 33% 35% Bankers' Tr (2) 69 71 Cen Han Bk it Tr (4)_129 132 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 52% 54% Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)- 66 68 Commercial (8) 200 206 Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 17% 18% Corn Ex Bk A T (3)_ 66% 66% Empire Tr (1)_ 30% 31% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 51% 63% First Natl (100)_2250 2290 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 341 346 Irving Tr (.60). ._ _ 16% 17% Manufacturers' Tr (2) _ 54% 66% Manufacturers' Tr of <2)_50% 52% Natl City (1) _ 46% 48% N Y Trust (5)_134 137 Public (1%) _ 45% 47% Title G A T_ 14% 15% FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. May 8 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4%s Nov., 1955-38 __ 103% 104% 4%e May. 1957-37 „_101% 102 4s May, 1958-38 _102% 103'/, 4s Nov.. 1957-37 _101 % 101 a, 4s July, 1948-44 _108% 109% 3%« May. 1055-45 _102% 102% 3s July. 1966-45 _100% 101V, h 8H = laiS ia# CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. May R iff*).—Following is the complete official list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today; Sales. High. Low. Close. IOO Abbott Lab__ 4834 48’4 48*4 50 Advance Alum »'-2 912 p>2 650 Armour <fc Co IP* u«. ip4 50 Autom Prod T 7 7 306 Autom Wash cv pf K 8 h lOOBerghoff Brew Jo3* 10Vi lOVk 300 Borg-Warner __ 41'2 *1 41 250 Brown PAW. . 12’, 12’, 12’, ^00 Butler Bros J4‘« J47* J47» 5o Castle A M ;<«>- ;j«i'4 60 Cn 111 Pb Svc pf 60 60 60 £50 Cen <k 8 W ut ;u2 :pb ;pB ;|n Cen <fc S W $7 pf 6o>« 6o'4 60>4 300 Chi Corp., .. 47. 4^4 4 <4 150 Chi Corp Df 41 44 44 J'»OChi Flex Shaft., 6S]2 6h>2 68V* 100 Chi Yell Cab . _ 2n 2o •><, 250 Cities Serv . a', 31, 31, 300 Club Alum _ iv, ji, ji„ 20 Coleman LAS 30>2 30', 30', 1 .m Com with Edis 111 Ho’, lu loo Con Biscuit i;3, o3, 03. loii Cunningham D S 22', 10 Deep Rock Oil pf 22 5 50 Dixie-Vortex 21', 21'2 "f 1 , loo El Household SI2 s1., ~n'l Ion Elgin Nat Watch 34 34 34 ■ ill Gardner Denver 5!*3< 5!0, so3. Molt Gen Finance _ S’, 51, ss, Ison Gen Household 5', 4’, 5 50 Goldblatt 37', 37', 371, 450 Heileman (G> Br 8*2 83, p3, 35(1 Hupp Mot Car rt 1. 2o 111 Nor Ut pf 103 103 103 50 Ind Steel Prod in>4 in', ini. in Inters Pow ?t> pf 10 jn in 100 Kerlyn Oil A . o>4 O', O', lSOLeath A Co_ at, p S'4 100 Le R01 Co _ 1P'2 lfi'i mi; 50 Lib-McN A L_ 12’, 12’, 12’i loo Lincoln Pr . .. 101/2 id's ]n’t 3o Lincoln Print pf 40 40 40 50 Lion Oil Ref 22 Vi 0 ’'4 "n, 50 Lynch Corp 40 40 40 20 McQuay Norris 40 411 40 50 Merch A Mfrs pf 27'i 20'i •’o', loo Mickelberry's Fd 33. as. -is, 1200 Mid West Corp 10'4 ](i io>J 300 Midland Unit », », ion Midland Unit pf s3, sl s3! Oo Midi Util Tcj pi. 5'j 5>i 51J 20 Midi Util 7', pf 2-a Si I so Monroe Chem_. S>2 g'2 8S 350 Nat Leath . % ’! 100 Nat Pres Cooker. 17 ]7 ]7 no Noblitt-Sparks 43'u 43', 43', oo No West Eng an an 311 20 No West Ut pi 04 04 04 2o No West Ut 7<7 pf 37 37 37 inoNor'west Bancorp 11113; 1131 50 Perfect Circle 33 33 33 4 loo Pines Winter 2’, 2’, };;pobi svc ?'-, Df 115121151211.V2 16 Quaker Oats lie j]2 11° 4o Quaker Oats Df 134 134 134 56 Raytheon N 57* 57* 57. 56 Reliance Mfg 28’* °R«. 4ls>. 16 RoUins Hos cv pf 33>4 33>4 .3314 InSk L Nat Stk Yds 77 77 77 4 50 Serrick Corp B l”3; l "3; ms' 50 South Bend L W 24 24 -’4 250 Std Dreds 5 5 '5 Son Std Dredg pf _ 2n mu op 50 Storkline Film l .’3, 123, i •’3 . 100 Swift A Co _ 24s, "41,! 50 Swift Int _ 31 31 >4 31 >4 350 Utah Radio_ 4’, 4 4 100 Walgreen __ 20*2 28!2 epic 50 Wise Bankshrs *'2 S', 'si, ioo Zenith Rad 35>4 35 35 Total sales. IS.non shares. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED i , NEW YORX May 8.—Dividends declared | corp> by fhe Standard Statistics Initial. „ Pe- Stk of Pay 0 . , .. Rate, riod record, able. R-einhardt Brew 15c 5-15 6-1 Accumulations. Sh^rwin Williams 7rr Pi - SI.78.. 8-15 7-1 Extra. May Hosiery Mills 25a __ 8-19 8-1 Special. Metal Textile Corp. ir*o .. 5-20 6-1 American Chicle $1 8-1 6-15 Participating. Metal Textile Corp $3.25 pto Pf _10c 5-20 8-1 Regular. Butler Water 70 pf $i 75 Q 6-1 6-15 Chicago Venetian Blind 5c M 4-30 East St L & Interban Wat 70 Pf fl 'S Q 5-20 6-1 Do. 60 pf __ $1.50 Q 5-20 8-1 Griggs Cooper A Co . Pi $1.75 Q 7-1 7-1 Jarvis, W B Co 37'ic Q 5-15 6-1 Metal Textile Corp .''t Pf Rl’ic Q 5-20 6-1 Abbott Dairies 25c Q 5-15 6-1 Brown Fence A Wire ?>d ‘ B" 30c 5-16 5-31 Do. _ _25c 5-15 5-31 Mav Hosiery Mills 50c Q 5-10 6-i Do. $4 cum pf . $1 Q 5-10 H-1 --•--. BALTIMORE STOCKS BALTIMORE Md.. May 8 fSpecial).— Sales STOCKS. High. Low. Close. I 90 Arundel Corp _ 223* 22'4 22*4 23 Balto Trans pf_ 5V» 5Va 5V« 25 Consol Pr com . 74*a 74 74 10 Fidelity A Dep . 127 127 1°7 223 Guilford Realty. 3*4 3*4 "3x4 3(15 Houston Oil pf vtc 22'4 22*» 2"J* lOOMarTexOtl 1 old) A 37. 37, 37, 5 Merchant & Miners 36 36 36 3 Mong W P S 77 26*4 26H 26*,4 -•-_ METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. May R (IP).—Tin steady; snot and nearby. 55.50: future. 55.1214 Antimony. 15..37 '4. Other metals nom inally unchanged. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana At.. N.W. Nat’l 0350 0% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation IC1C x St. N.W. NAtl. i«os STOCKS SELL OFF FRACTIONS TO SI Few Specialties Improve, While Other Sections Drift Lower. Stock Averages 30 1ft 15 60 Indus. Ralls. Util. Stic*. Net change. —.1 —.5 —.2 —.2 Today, close. 93.0 46 3 43.7 68 9 Prev. day.— 93.1 46 8 43 9 69.1 Month ago.. 93 0 44.5 45 8 69 0 Year ago... 79.7 33.1 44 0 59.1 1937 high 101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 89.6 37.8 42.8 66.2 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high_146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, May 8 —Stocks wer* unable to get a recovery foothold in today's market and many leaders slipped fractions to more than a point. A handful of issues, notably spe cialties, managed to weather chilling currents and a few even posted new highs for the year or longer. But traders on the whole found little in the immediate news picture to stimulate the buying urge and the disposition generally was to cash m profits or shelve commitments over the week end. While earnings and dividends wpre to the liking of speculative forces, the old question again arose as to just how much these had been discounted^ in the majority of instances. Steels and motors, as well as many of the rails, gave ground with little or no resistance. At the same time many stocks held to a restricted groove. It was one of the slowest sessions in a year, transfers approximating 300.000 shares. General Motors announced April world sales to dealers were the largest for that month in the history of the company, but the shares shuffled about indifferently. Anaconda was ahead most of the two hours following disclosure this pro ducer's net for the initial three months was the best in eight years. Poor fc Co. also edged forward on its prof.'s showing. Hudson Motors, one of the few concerns to report a set-back in earnings, was off throughout. Principal losers included United States Steel, Bethlehem, Republic, j Chrysler, Yellow Truck. Douglas Air { craft, Goodrich, Homestake Mining, j Santa Fe, New York Central. Southern Pacific. Great Northern. Illinois Cen tral, Southern Railway. Du Pont, Skelly Oil. Texas Corp., Celanese and Paramount. Owens-Illinois made another new year's top and Cluett Peabody ex hibited strength. BANK DIRECTOR NAMED. NEW YORK. May 8 (/Pi— David Sweetser, president of Bigelow-San ford Carpet Co., was elected a director of Chemical Bank & Trust Co. * •1 ■■ —— OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1418 Eye 8t. N.W Phene NA. 2184 Second Trust Notes We will bur month!* varment deferred purchase moner second trust notes, secured on owner-oeeuvled dwellinis In D C. and nearbr Md. A Va. Union Finance Co. 816 Woodward Bids NAtl. 7836 REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and ^ /O SMALL BUSINESS v PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0302 Amortized LOANS tor buying, building or refinancing loans on your home, made under Federal Hous ing Act, Title 2. This Bank Has Made Over $2,000,000.00 of These Loans “ SECURITY3 Saoiiios & Commercial BANK Two Convenient Branches: 9th & G _ 1518 K Sts. N.W. * Sr. N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street NatL 2100