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HAD BONDS TURN DOWNWARD High-Grade Corporates and U. S. Obligations Im prove Slightly. Bond Averages eo 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Dtil F'en. Net change. —.2 Unc +.2 Unc Today, close. 94,0 103.3 99.2 71.4 Prev. day... 94.2 103.3 99.0 71.4 Month ago. 92.9 102.5 99.5 70.8 Year ago... 91.4 102.2 101.3 69.2 1937 high— 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 92,6 102.4 98.7 70.5 1936 high— 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low— 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_110.3 Prev. day. 110.1 Month ago 108.6 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low— 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 8.—With price swings generally narrow and mixed, rails lost a little ground in today's bond market. This movement, however, was com pensated by further moderate gains in a fair number of low yield issues, in cluding United States Governments. Top grade ratings were still respon sive to a number of developments in the week pointing to a revival of in stitutional interests in new issues and prolongation of the era of low money rates. United States Governments moved on an even keel with several gains panging from 1 32d to 4 32ds of a point. Higher prices were also paid for Pacific Gas 334s. Remington Rand ■ 4>4s, Texas Corp. 3>2s. Western Union 5s, American Telephone 3’ts and Loews 3!2s. With the medium priced rails it was ft case of yielding some of the gains made during the week. Losses ran from fractions to a point in Great Northern 4s, Chesapeake Corp., 5s, 8t. Paul 5s, Erie 5s. Pennsylvania Gen eral 4'is, Frisco 4'=s and Nickel Plate 4'2s. COTTON REMAINS AT STEADY LEVELS Improved Technical Position i After Recent Decline I» Apparent in Week. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 8.—Cotton was •teady this week in quiet trading. Reflecting the improved technical position following recent heavy liqui dation and less nervousness over out side influences, prices advanced $1 a .bale, carrying the market up *2 from recent lows. July recovered from 12.86 to 13.19 and closed yesterday at 13.08, compared with 13.01 a week ago. * The trade gave more attention to feather and crop developments. Part «f the buying was attributed to an Unfavorable view of continuous rains .In the Centra! and Eastern belts which ■retarded plantings, and low tempera tures which checked germination, i While conditions in the Western belt •Were regarded more favorably, moist lure is said to be needed. Hesitancy to buy more actively on these features 'was due to the outlook for a larger •acreage, private estimates this week ipointing to increases of about 10 to ^13 per cent over last year. The trade was also inclined to wait tor more definite indications on the ■character of the crop start during the ;next month or so. Spot cotton mar kets were dull. ^TREASURY GOLD HOARD [ CLIMBS TO NEW PEAK ;Sr the Associated Press . NEW YORK, May 8.—Last week's jsmall Increase in the gold stock, 'brought in mainly from Europe, -boosted the Treasury’s holdings to the •Jargest ever recorded here or abroad. The current total was exactly one third the national debt and 15.4 per cent larger than last year, t The gold hoard, reported by the Federal Reserve Board, compared as iollows: -Week ended. May 5...*11,838,000,000 Previous week,.. 11,782,000,000 :6*me period last year.. 10,248.000,000 -« Collar goes higher IN LONDON DEALINGS LONDON, May 8 WP).—'The United States dollar closed at *4.93% to the pound, up % of a cent, in foreign exchange trading today. This com pares with a similar overnight New York sterling rate. French francs were quoted at 109 91 to the pound, against 110.00 yesterday. -. JIRE SHIPMENTS HOLD WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 8.—February •hipments of pneumatic casings were estimated by the Rubber Manufactur ers’ Association today at 4,370,630 units, a decrease of 3.1 per cent under 'January, but 36.1 per cent over Feb ^ruary, 1936. 100 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. ; NEW YORK, May 8 (VP).—The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 100 tons ©f pig lead from Southeast Missouri >nlnes were sold yesterday at $5.85 per hundred pounds, St. Louis. ---- PENNEY VOLUME UP. NEW YORK, May 8 04*1.—April •ale* of J. C. Penny Co. were $20, .£29,760, compared with $19,757,483 in nthe same month a year ago, an in crease of 2.4 per cent. For the first four months of 1937 sales showed an Increase of 10.2 per cent over the comparable figure last year. -■-•--— j FOREIGN EXCHANGES. in Montreal, 99.75. n—Nominal. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to Tbe Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bonds , 260.000 Foreign Bonds ______ MO,000 Domestle Bonds__ 8.4*0,000 TREASU RY. All time shown below Is daylight savins on which the Exchange 1s now operating. High Law. Close. 2 >4* 1849-58_ *7.26 97.26 97.26 2*4*1946-47_ 102.8 102.8 102.8 244* 1961-64_ 99.28 99.27 99.27 144* 1961-69_ 99.26 99.26 99.26 1th* 1960-60__ 100.26 100.26 100.26 2* 1961-66__ 102.20 102.16 102.*0 2 %• 1949-62_ 104.8 104.8 104.8 814* 1944-46 _ 106.24 106.24 106.24 846* 1940-43Jun* 106.1* 106.16 106.16 8 44* 1941-48 Mar. 106.20 106.20 106.20 844s 1841-42 March reg_ 108.18 106.18 108.18 844* 1946-66_ 109.12 101. 109.12 4S 1944-64 . 110.26 110.26 110.26 414 8-814* 1942-46 106.27 106.26 106.27 414* 1947-62 116.10 116.10 116.10 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 244* 1842-47_ 101.10 101.10 101.10 8s 1949.. 102.8 102.8 102.8 . HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 214* 1942-44_ 99.21 99.21 99.21 244* 1989-49_ 100.4 100.2 100.2 8* 1962_ 101.27 10126 101.26 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Clop* Abltibt PaAPw 6#’6».. 10* 1034 10*4 Akenhui 6* 68_ 984 984 *»4 Antloqula 7«'*6 C_ 14 14 14 Argentine 4 4*'71_ 984 984 984 Argentina C 4a 62_ 1004 1004 1004 Argentina 6a 67 A_1014 1014 1014 Argentina 6a ’68 B_ 1004 1004 1004 Argentina 6s 59 June 1004 1004 1004 Argentine 6s 69 Oct . 1014 1014 1014 Argentine fia'60 May. 1014 1014 1014 Argentina 6a'60 Sept. 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s’60 Oct.. 1014 1014 1014 Argentina 6a 61 Fabr. 1004 1004 1004 Argentina 6a ’61 May.. 1014 1014 1014 Australia 44a'66_1014 1014 1014 Auatralla 6a'65_ 1064 1064 1064 Belgium 7a 65 _1174 1174 1174 Bergen City 6a'60_ 99 4 9*4 994 Berlin 6a 68- 194 194 194 Brasil 6 4s ’26-’57_ 38 874 874 Brazil 64s,27-’67_ 884 884 884 Brazil 7a*61- 40 40 40 Brazil 8s 41_ to 494 *0 Budapest 6s '61 unmat coupon on__>94 294 294 Buenos Alras 44a-SHa'77Py_ 764 784 764 Bus A1 44e-44e'75_804 604 804 Buenos A C 84a'55... lot 101 101 Buenos A 6s '61 at Pv. 86 85 85 Bue A C 64» '61stPr_. 864 864 864 Canada 34*'61_ 994 99 994 Canada 6s 62_112 112 112 Chile 6a’60 _ >1 *1 21 cnll# 6a‘61 Fabr_ 21 21 [21 Chile 6a'62 ...... 21 21 21 Cologne 64a’50_ 194 194 194 Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 82 314 32 Colombia 6* 61 Oct_ 82 114 82 Col Mtg Bk 64s'47_ 24 24 24 Col Mtg Bk 7s’46_ 234 284 284 Col Mtg Bk 7s'47_ 244 244 244 Copenhagen 6a '82.__ 984 984 984 Costa Rica la A '61_ 884 884 334 Cuba 64a 46 _ 664 644 6*4 Czechoslovakia 8s ’81. 1084 1084 1034 Denmark 44a'62_ 98 974 974 Denmark 6s'42 _ 1064 106 1064 French G 7 4a’41 un at 116 116 1I6 Ger C Bk A 6s '38 ... 424 424 424 GerC Ag Bk 6a’60 Oct. 814 314 *14 Gar Gov 64a'65 at_ 264 *64 264 Gar R#t> 7a '49 atpd_ 29 4 29 4 294 Grt C El Jap 64a'60.. 96 94 96 Hamburg St 6s'46- 184 184 184 Italy 7s 61- 864 864 *«4 Japan 64s'66- *34 834 834 Japan 64s’64- 964 864 964 KreuRAToll 6s’59 efs. 604 60 604 Mex 4s’10-45 asst_ 64 64 «4 Mex 4s’10- 45 asst sin 6 6 6 Milan 64s'62. 74 74 74 New So Wales 6s’58_. 1024 1024 1024 Norway 4s'63- »7 964 97 Norway '4s 65 .. 1014 1014 1014 Norw Hy El 5 4s '57.. 1034 1034 1034 Oriental Dev 64s ’6*.. 764 764 764 Oriental Dev 6s'63_ 814 814 814 Oslo 44a 65.... 994 99 4 994 Paris Orl Ry 64a’88.. 1004 100 1004 Peru 6a '60_ 20 194 £0 Peru 6s'81- 20 194 20 Poland 6s '40- 484 484 484 Porto Altars 8s ’61 Juna coupon off_ 294 294 294 Queensland 6s'47—_110 110 110 Rhein Rnur 6s ’51_ 194 194 194 Rio de Jan 84s'61 Aur coupon off_ 264 2* 26 Rio Or do Sul 6s’61 June coupon off _ 284 284 264 Rio Or do Sul 7s '67 June coupon off_ 28 28 28 Rio Or do Sul 8s ’48 April coupon off.814 114 si4 Rome 6 4s'62- 744 744 744 Sao Paulo St (a '60 July coupon off_ 814 814 S14 Serbs 7s'62 unm c o_ 294 29 294 Serbs 8s‘62 unm c o_ 80 294 30 Sydney 64s'65_ 1044 1044 1044 Taiwan Elee 64s'71.. 754 754 754 T0W0 64s 61_ 76 76 76 Toklo E L Ltd 6s '51_ 79 79 79 CJlKawa E P 7s 45_ 924 924 924 Uruguay 6s SO_ 674 664 664 Uruiruay 8s‘48- 67 664 664 Westphal El Pw 6s ’51 204 204 204 Tokohoma 8s ’it.. . 844 844 844 DOMESTIC I0NDS. Adams Express 4«’47. 1014 1004 1004 Allsr Corp 6a '44_ 994 994 994 AlleK Corp 6s "49 - 93 4 984 984 AlleR Corp 6s'50_ 86 86 86 AlleK Corp 6a '50 stp._ 66 644 65 Am & For Pw 6a 2030 _ 804 804 804 Am I G Ch 64s'49 .. 1064 io«4 IO64 Am Tel & Tsl 14s ’ll. 984 #74 98 Am Tel ft Tel 3 4 s '68 #74 974 #74 AmT*T44s'89- 106 IO64 1054 Am T & T 6 4s 43_ 118 118 113 Am Wat Wks 6a ’76... 106 106 106 Anaconda deb 4Ha *50 1064 1064 1064 Armour & Co 4Hs’89. 108 1024 103 Armour!Delllst 4s’66 98 #74 974 Armour & Co Del 4s 57 974 #7 #7 ArmstronK Ck 4s ’60. 1054 1054 1064 A T&S Fe 4s ’05-'65_1044 1044 1044 A T&S Fe 4s 09-’65_ 106 1044 105 A T&S Fe adj 4s'96_ 1084 1064 1064 A T&S Fe sdj 4S 95 st. 1054 1064 1064 A T&S Fe Ren 4a '96.. 1104 110 110 A T&S Fe 4Ha'48- 1094 1094 1094 Atl Coast L 1st 4s'61. 1084 108 1034 Atlantic & D 2d 4s *48. «6 46 44 80- 7884 7684 7684 B ft O 1st 6a'48__ 114U 114U 114U Balto*Oraf5s'9SA- 87* 87 8$ n£26"J#,F- 6684 8«84 8684 l^S^f8*’9fiC- 9884 9884 9884 B ft O PLEAW V 4s"41 IO8J4 1O8J4 108* BftOSwn6s'60- 10484 10484 10484 Bell T of Pa 6a '60 C-_. 12884 12884 12$ Beth steel 8 84a’66- 0684 9684 9684 Beth Steel 4 84 a'80-10s* 108* 108* Bos ft Mi 484a '61 J_8O84 80 8O84 Boa ft Me 6s '65__ 86 86 85 Boa ft Me 6a‘87- 8484 8484 8484 Bot Con M 6 84a '24- 2884 2884 2884 B C R ft N 5s '34 res— 2084 2084 2084 Bklyn Man T 4 Vis 66. 04 0384 »3U Bklyn Un Gas 6a 46_ 118 11284 11284 Bklyn Un Gas Es'60.. 9884 9884 9884 Bklyn Un Gaa 6s '67 B 106 106 106 Bklyn Un Graf 6s'47. 11984 11984 11984 Buff R&P con 4 Vi a ’67 8684 8*84 8684 Bush Term Bide 6a'60 628i 6284 6284 Canada So 6a'62 A_116 11884 116 Can'dlan NR4Via'61. 111J4 111* 111U Can'dlan N R4Via'67. III84 11184 mw Can’dlan N 6s’69 July, lit 11484 114k Can’dlan N REa '70_ 117 117 117 Can’dlan N db 6 Vi a *46 124 124 1*4 Can'dlan Pdb 4a perp. 9484 94 94 Can'dlan Pao 6s '64_IO884 108 108 Caro Cl ft O 6a 62 ft— 11084 11084 11084 Cent Br U P 4e'4t- 8I84 9184 8184 Cent of Qe con 6s '46_ 82 82 82 Cent of Ga 6a '69 C_ 2084 2084 >084 Cent of Ga rf 6 Vi a’69. 21 21 21 Cent 111 E ft G Es '61.. 101 101 101 Cent N England 4a '81. 70 70 70 Cent of N J 4a '87_ 67 67 67 Cent of N J gen 6s '87. 69 <9 69 Cant Pao 1st rf 4s'49.. 10884 108V4 108* Cent Pac 6s 60 _ 9984 S9* 9984 Ccrt'd dab 6Via'48_ 87 87 87 Cheaap C cy 6s'44_ 116 11684 116 Cheaap Corp 6s 47_ 182 18184 181V4 Chesft O 3 Via 96 D_ 0714 9784 9784 CheaftOIVis 96 B_ 9784 9784 9784 Chi B ft Q yen 4s ‘68_ 10984 10984 10984 Chi B ft Q 4 Vis '77_IO884 10*84 10884 Chi B ft Q ref 6a'71_ 116 116 116 Chi Grt Waat 4s '69_ 4684 46 46 Chi 1 ft Lean 6a’66_18 18 IS C M St P 4a *89_ 8884 »*84 8884 CM&St P 6a 76_ 81 8084 8084 High. Low. dote. CM&StPAP sdl 6*2000 104 104 104 Cht A N W 4 44 ■ 49 20 194 194 Chi A NW gen 6i *7.. 46 46 46 CAN W Nr W 64* *36.. 604 604 604 Chi R IAP rf 4s'14_ 224 22 224 Chi R IAP rf 4s*t4ctf_ 194 194 194 Chi R IAP rsn 4s '81_' 824 884 S84 Chi R IAP 4 4S '62_ 22 22 22 Chi R IAP 44s '62 otf. 194 194 194 Chi R IAP 44s'60_ 184 18 18 Chi T HAS 1st 6s '*0.. 914 914 914 Chi Un Sts 8 4*'61... 1084 1084 1084 Chi Un Sts 8 46s 48 K. 1044 1044 10*4 Chi CnSta 4s *44_10*4 10*4 10*4 Chi A W in oon *s *62- 1084 10*4 10*4 Chi A W Ind 4iis *2_1014 1014 1014 Childs A Co 6s'43 _ 904 904 904 Choc O G con 6s‘52... 89 89 89 ClnOABIUi'61 ... 1004 100 1004 Cln CnTerSHsDrtd 1084 1084 1084 CCCASt L(«n4s'9l-_ 994 994 >94 CCCASt L rf 44* '77 E 98 9* 0* CCCASt L rsf ts '18 D 1064 1064 1064 Clsw El 111 I4s«6 I074 107HI074 Clsv Un Term 4 4 » ’77. 102 1014 102 Clev Cn Term 6s 78 B 10* 1064 1064 Clew Un Ter 64* '72A. 110 110 110 Colo Fuel A Ir 6s ‘70_ 804 804 >04 Columbia OABis •62 May__1084 10S4 1084 Columbia GAE 6s'61.. 1014 101 1014 Colum Ry PAL 4s '66.. 10*4 108 10*4 Cornel Credit 84s‘61. *84 984 984 Com Inv Tr 84s '51 1024 1014 1024 Conn Rlv Pw 2 4 a’61A 106 106 106 Cons Ed NY S 4a 46 n. 1044 1044 1044 Cons Ed NY 64a *66 n. 108 108 108 Cons Gas NY 44s '61_ 108 108 108 Consol OU >4*'61_1014 1014 1014 Coneum Pwr 4 4s 66_ 994 994 994 Cons Pwr 8 4s'70 _101 108 108 Consum Pwr S4s’66.. 1064 10*4 1064 Container *s *48_ 1084 1084 1034 Crane Co 84* 61_ 994 994 994 Cuba Northn 6 4s'42_. 604 6O4 604 Dayton P&L I Via'80_ 104 104 104 Del A Hud ref 4s 48 Dili 91 Ml Den A R G con 4a 38„ 2M74 29*4 29*4 Den & U G 4 Til '36_ 8014 3014 3014 Den & U G W 6s 65.18 18 18 Den & ROW 6a'55as*t. 17 17 17 Den & R G ref 6s '71_ 2814 28 2614 Det Edison 3 Vi■ 66. .. 104 104 104 Det Edison 4Vi■ '61 D. 11314 11814 113 4 Det Edison 6s'62_ 107*4 107H 10774 Duquesn* Lt 374s ’68„ 10474 1 0474 10474 Elec Auto Lite 4s '62— 10914 10914 10*14 Erie gen 4s'91__ 84 84 84 Erie ref 6e'67-- 82 82 82 Erl* ref 6s‘T5__8114 81 81 Fla E C Ry Es ‘74_1474 1*74 1*74 Gen Am lay n il_ 10074 10014 100|] Gen Mot Aco3s 48_10214 10214 102'4 Gen Mot Aaa 3 74 s '61— 10014 10014 10014 Gen Stl Cast 6 Vi a *49.. 8714 8714 8714 Goodrich 4 74*'66_10014 100 10014 Goodrich 8s 46_ 10514 *0*74 10*14 Goodyear T&R 6s ‘67 10474 1®*T4 10414 Gt North'n Ry 3%8'67. *4 94 94 Great N Ry 4a 46 G... 13674 18*14 18514 Great N Ry 4a 46 H-.. 10*14 10*14 10914 Grt N R gen 4Vis‘76 D 10414 10414 104H Grt N R pen 4Via’77 E 104 104 104 Grt N R gen Ea '7* C._ 11074 11074 11074 Grt N R 6Vis 62 B_11714 11714 11714 Green Bay 6s'62 B__1174 1114 1H4 Gulf M & N 5a '60_ 9814 *814 *814 Gulf Sta Stl 674a '42_*7*4 97 *774 Houston 011 6 74*'40„ 103 10214 10211 Hudson Coal Ea '62_4874 4814 4814 Hud & Man ref 6a ‘57_. 7614 7614 7614 111 Bell Tel 3 Vi* ‘70_ 10474 19474 104*4 111 Cent ref 4s 66_ 8674 8814 8674 111 Cent 414* 66- 7*74 7674 78tj iCCAStL N O 6*'88_ 8474 8474 8474 Inland Stl M4* 61_ 10474 10414 10474 Int R T 1st rf 6* 66... 7874 76 75 1 RTlstrf 6a'6«otfa. 7614 7474 7474 Int RT 6s'32_ 2714 2714 2714 Int RT 7a 32_ 78 7774 7774 Int R T 7a *12 ctfa_ 77 77 77 Interlak* Iron 4a'47— 101 101 101 Int Grt Nr «s '62 A_ 1774 8 774 8 7 74 int Grt Nr ad) 6s'E2 A. 14H 1414 1414 Int Hydro Elec 6a '44— 77 7874 77 Int Mer Marin* 6s‘41. 8174 8174 8174 Int Pap 1st 6s 47 A_101 10014 10014 Int Pap ref 6a 66_ 8874 *8 *874 Int T&Tct 4 Via 39_ 8274 82 82 Int TAT 4Vi* ‘62_ 66 86 66 Int TAT 6s '66_ 6914 69H 6914 Iowa Cent lst&rf4a*61. 774 774 774 JonesAL Stl 4 54s’61A- 10254 10254 102*4 Kans C So 1st 3s 60_ 8854 6644 8854 Kresse Found 4s'45... 106 106*4 106 Laclede G 6H*'58 C_ 6044 6 944 604 Lake SAM So 3He ‘97. 10054 10054 10054 Leh A N E RR 4s ’65.. 103*4 10814 10344 Lsh VslHarBs 64_ 10244 10244 102*4 Leh V Peon 48 2008... 8244 «2 82 Leh V P eon «Hs 2003. 8654 6644 *644 Leh V RR con 6s 2008. 76 7444 76 Llgg A Myers 7s ’44_ 12944 129*4 129*4 Loews 2Hs '48_98J4 9844 9854 La A Ark 6s *89- 9454 9454 9454 L A Nash 8H0 2008_ 92 92 92 LAN lst4s 2008_ 99 99 99 L A N 4 HS 8008 C- 10344 10354 10854 McCrory Stores 6s'SI. 10344 10344 10844 MoKessARob 6Hs'60.. 104 10344 10344 Me C RR gn 4H*'60A- 88 88 88 Manhat Ry 4s'90_ 3954 8954 8954 Manhat Ry 4s '90 ctfs. 8444 8454 3454 Mead Co 6s *46... _ 10454 10454 10454 Met W S El Cr 4s'88_18H 1854 1154 Mich Cent 4He'79_ 10844 10844 10344 Mid RR N J 6s '40_ 17 67 67 MU El RAL 6s ‘61_ 10244 10244 102*4 Mil E R A S L rf 6s*71. 10244 10244 10244 Minn A St L 68*34 ctfs. I6V4 1654 1654 MStPASSM cn 4S'38_ 26 54 2 454 2 6 54 MStPASSM 6H»'78_ 8654 84*4 84*4 Mo K A T 1st 41 '90_ 86 8654 854 Mo Pao 4s '76- 21 2044 2044 Mo Pac 6HS '49 A- 1654 1 654 1 654 Mob A Oh M dlv 6s*47. 4654 4654 4654 Monong Pub S 4Hs*60 lot 103 108 MomaAEssex 4Hs *55 8954 8954 8954 MorrisAEsaex 6s *65.. 9854 9854 9854 Natl Dairy SHrBlww. 104 10854 104 Natl Dls PC 4Hs**S.. 106 106 106 NatRy Mex 4Hs’67 as 854 354 854 Natl Steel 4s 66_ 10414 1 0454 1045( New E TAT 4Hs *61_ 11754 11754 11754 New Orl AN 4Hs *62.. 79 79 79 New Orl P S 6s 62 A._ 9754 975< 9754 New Orl TAM 6H* *64. 68 68 68 NOTAM 5Hs*54A cfs 64 64 64 N Y Central cv 3Hs*52 109 108*4 109 NY Central 3Hs 97_ 9654 »*54 9854 NY Central 8Hs *46_ 1025* 10254 10254 NY Cent con 4s '98__ 97*4 9754 *754 NY Cent rf 4H» 2018.. 8954 89*4 89'a NYCrf 4Hs2013n_ 895* 89*4 8954 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 9854 98 J854 NYCLSh 8Hs*98— - 92 92 92 NYC L Sh 3Hs’98 rg.. 88 88 88 NYC Mich 3Hs’98 rg. 91 91 91 N Y Chi AStL4s-48_ 104 104 104 NYCASt L4HS *78_ 89 8854 8854 NYCASt L 6Hs *74 A.. 100 100 100 NY Chi A St L 6s ’38.. 100 9954 100 NY Conn 1st 4Hs *53.. 10854 10854 IO854 NY Edison 8Hs 65 D. 100 100 100 NY Edlsref 8Hs'68._ 10054 10054 IOO54 NY G El HAP 6a *48... 12054 12054 12054 NY NH A H Cons Rye *■ 04- 8464 8464 NY O&W gen 4a'65_ 1964 19 1964 NY OftW ref 4s'92_ 2764 27 27 NT Putnam 4e *93_ 86 86 86 N T Rys 6s ’65 asst A. 10564 10564 10664 NT ft Rich G 6s '61_ 10764 10764 10764 NT Steam 1st 6s '61_ 10864 10664 10664 NT Steam 6s '66_ 10664 10*64 10664 NT Tel gen 466a ’39_ 10764 10764 10764 NT Tr Rk 6s'46 stp_ 98 9264 98 NT W ft B 464s '46_ 1664 1464 1664 NiagSh6%s 60_ 10254 10254 10254 Norf So 1st ref 6s'81.. 3164 8064 8064 Norf ft W 1st 48 '96— 11564 11664 11564 North Am Co 6s 61... 104 104 104 North Am Ed 6 54s'68. 10364 10864 10364 Nor’n Pao gen 3s 2047. 74* 7464 7464 Nor’n Pac 4s '97 _ 10464 10464 10464 Nor’n Pao 4 64s 2047 9854 9864 9854 North Pac 6s 2047_112 11154 11154 Ohio Edison 4s *66__ 10464 104 104 Ohio Pub Svo 7s'47—_ 11161 11164 11164 Ohio Pub Sto 7He'46. 11264 11264 11264 Oreg W RR 4s ’81.. .. 10664 10664 10664 Pao Gas ft El 2 54 s‘66. 9764 9764 9764 Pao G ft E 264 s ’61_ 10264 10264 10264 Pao G ft E 4s "64_. 10664 106 10664 Pao RR Mo 1st 4s’18.. 100 100 loo Pao TftT rf 8 64 s *66 B. 10064 10064 10064 Pao TAT 264s *68 C_ 10064 10064 10064 Paramount Pie 6s *65_ 10064 10064 10064 Parmelee 6s'44__ 6664 *964 66 Penn Co 4s 68_ 102 10154 102 Penn Dixie C 6e'41„ 100 996i 9964 Penn PftLlHs 81_ 10864 102*4 102 Penn RR 264s *62_ 10964 10864 10964 Penn RR 246s 70 C_ 9964 9964 9964 Penn RR 464*‘81D_ 10664 10664 10664 Penn RR gn 454s 66._ 10964 10964 10964 Penn RR deb 464s '70. 10164 10164 10164 Penn RR gen 6s'68_ 116 11564 11664 Pere Marq 464s'80.... 98 9764 98 Pere Mara 1st 6s '66_ 10864 10364 10864 Phila BftW 454s '81_ 10964 10964 19964 Phils Co 6s 67 ..._ 10464 104 104 Phila ft RCftl6s'78_ 8064 8064 8064 Phila ft R Cftl 6s '49_ 14 1864 1864 PhlllDDlne By 4s '87_ 27 27 27 PCCftSt 1) 454s *77 C_ 10764 10764 10764 Port Gen El 454s 60_ 6164 6O64 61 Postal Tel ft C Ss *68__ 2664 2664 2664 Pure Oil 454S 'W ww_ 11764 11664 11764 Purity Baking Cs *68_9964 N 9954 Him. Low. ClOM. Readln*JirOU'il.. 9844 9644 9844 Reading R 4Ha'97 A. 107 10644 10844 Rem-R 6%* ‘47 A »w. 109 10844 109 Rapubllo 8tl 4 Ha '60.. 171 170 171 Rapubllo 8t! 4H*64„ 9*44 *744 *744 Rapubllo Btl 4Ha,61.. |9744 *744 9744 Rapubllo 8U6Ha‘54.. 116 111 111 Raver* Cop 4Ha '86_10144 10844 10814 RlAAL.lat4Ha‘84.. 8844 >244 8344 Saguenay Pw4 H a*66.. 101 101 101 Bt JoRy L TAP 6a *87. 99 99 99 St L. IMAS RAG 4a*ll. 88 II *2 St LIMASRAS4a*28ot. 81 81 81 Bt L-8 Fran 4Ha '78... |29 ^ |29 29 St L 8 W lat ter 6a'B2. 1854 1844 6844 St P MAM P ext 4a *40. 108 10* 108 San An PSvo 6a *61 A. Ill 111 111 Baabd A L6a '46 A„__ 1944 1 944 1944 Baabd A-Fl 6a*36 A et. *44 944 944 Shell Dn deb 8Ha *81.. 9944 *954 *944 Socony Vao *He*60 .. 10644 10644 10644 Southn Cal Gaa 4a '85. 10844 10844 10144 SoPaoMta 46_ 100 100 100 Bo Pao col 4a *49- 9644 9644 9644 Bo Pao ref 4a *65_ 10644 10644 10644 So Pao 4Ha'6S__ 90 ; f90 90 8oPao4Ha,*9_.__^ (90 8944 90 So Pao 4Ha '81-- 8944 8*44 8944 SoPaoOrag4H*'7T_ *844 9644 *644 So Ry gen 48*58 A_ft844 7844 7844 80 Ry gen 6a *56- 9*44 9*44 9944 80 Ry 6Ha *58-__ 10244 102 10244 Bpokanalnt 6a*66____ 8244 8244 8244 Staley A B 4a *46-- 10144 10844 10344 Stand Oil N J la *61__ 98 9744 9744 Btudebaker ov 6a *45_ 127 127 127 Tenn El Pw la *47 A— 9844 *844 9844 Term AaStL.4a*6!_ 10844 10844 10844 Texarkana 6Ha *50_ 106 106 106 i'axaaCorplHa'61— 10244 10244 10244 Texaa A Pao 6a 80 D_. 10844 IOS44 10844 T** * P MPT 6H e*64. 10841 10844 10844 Third Av ref 4a 60 6944 695i 6944 Third A ad In ex 6a*A8. 81 80 80 Tide Water 0 3 He *62 9944 9944 99J4 Un El Chicago 6a 46._ 19*4 19*4 194 Un El L & P 6s 67 ._ 106 106 106 Un Oil of Cal S4s *62. 1114 mu mu Un Oil Calif 6a 43 A_117 m 117 Un Pao 14s *71_ 96 96 96 Un Pao lat 4e'47- 1124 1124 1124 United Drug 6a'E2_100 994 994 U S Rubber 6s '47- 1064 1064 1064 Utah L & T 6s '44 (A). 99 99 99 Utah P ft L 6s *44-- 1014 1014 1014 Util P &L 6s 19 ww >04 604 >04 Util P ft L >4s *47->2 >14 >14 Vanadium or 6s'41-1044 1044 1044 Va E ft P lat raf 4s*65. 1074 1074 1074 VaRy 1st 2%a *16 A— 1044 1044 1044 Wabash 1st 6a *29_ 96 944 95. Walker HAS 4‘4s’45_. 106 106 106 * Walworth 4s '66- 804 804 804 Warnsr Bros ot 6s *28. 96 944 944 Warner-Quln 6s *39___ >7 >7 47 Warren Br cv 6a ,41_„ 86 66 66 West PennPIHs*66_ IO44 1044 1044 W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd__ 984 9*4 9S4 West'n Md 1st 4s *62._ IO44 1044 1044 Wesfn Md 64s*7T- 107 107 107 Westn NY&P gn 4S*4S. 1074 1074 1074 Wesfn Pao 61 46 A_ 864 864 864 West'n Un 44s 60_ 1024 1024 1024 Wesfn Un 6a 61_ 1024 102 1024 Wsat’n Un 6s 60_1014 101 1014 Wheal Steal 4%i ‘61_ 1004 1004 1004 White Sew M 6s 40_1024 1024 1024 Wilson ft Co 4s 66_101 1004 ioi Wls Cent 1st gn 4s ’49. 284 284 284 T’ngstn SAT 4a *61_1014 1014 1014 General Motors Buys Tract for 9f Rochester Plant Br the Associated Frees. DETROIT. May 8.—General Mo tors Corp. announced yesterday the acquisition of a 66-acre tract In Rochester, N. Y„ as a site for a factory to produce automotive accessories for Eastern assembly plants. Manufac turing operations will begin next Jan uary. The announcement said 3,000 men would be employed. The plant will produce such acces sories as air cleaners, fuel pumps, speedometers, generators, starters’ brake equipment and fractional horse power motors for assembly plants at Buffalo and Tarrytown, N. Y.; Lin den, N. J.; Baltimore and Atlanta. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Transit Co —5 at 11*;. Washington Gas Light—10 at 79. AFTER CALL. Washington Gas Light—10 at 78*;, 10 at 781,i, 10 at 78V4. Washington Rwy. & Elec, pfd.—1 at 108\2. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. * Tel. 4 'is . imv, Asked' Anacostla & Pot. fis_ 74 77 ~ Ana. & Pot. Guar. 5s_107 C. k P. Tel. of Va. 5s_103 Capital Traction R. R. 5s__ 01 03 " City Suburban 5s _ 84J.i 85^ Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_112 K?1 uE1^c- Pow- 314s_K»1 10.3Vi Wash. Gas 5s 1058- 3 05^ 1 OH Wash. Gas os I960_ _ 315>2 120 Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4s_I 105 MISCELLANEOUS. Col, Country Club 5Vis_105 _ W. M. Cold Storage os_100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer, Tel. & Tel. (9)_167 _ Canital Transit Co. _ 11 12Vi N. <fc W. Steamboat (6) _ no Pot. Elec. Pow. 6% pfd. (8>_ 111 112 ~ Po. El. Po. S'/aft Pf. 15.50) 111 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Oo. (3.601 _ 7ft 80 Wash. Ry. & El. com. (36)- 725 _ Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. (5)_109'/* _ BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec. A Tr. Co. (e8)_ 291 300 Bank of Bethesda <h75)_ 34 Capital i4) _140 Com. & Savings (10)_ 210 Liberty (4) 150 160 Lincoln (ft).25) _ 200 __ National Sav. & Trust 170 Pr. Georges Bk. & Tr. (.50) 17 21 Riggs ie8) _ 305 325 Riggs pfd. (5) 101 >2 Washington (8'_ 130 Wash. Loan A Tr, (eft)_ 291 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6)_110 Corcoran (5) 180 _ - Firemen's ii.60) 26 National Union (.60)_ 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_ __ 13 154 Real Estate (6) _ 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Coro (2.00). _ 20 26 Lanston Monotype (t4) 95 100 Lincoln Service com. (tl.00) 15 174 Lincoln Service pfd. (3.60)_ 50 63 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 454 47 Peoples-Drug S. com. (tl.OO) 54 67 Peoples Drug S. pfd. (6.60) 112 _ _ Real Est. M.&G. pf. (**.70) 54 54 Security Storage (5) _ 115 125 Ter. Ref. Wh. & Corp. (3) 00 _ Wdwd. & Loth. com. (tl.50) 60 68 Wdwd. & Loth. pfd. (7)_115 126 •Ex. dividend. (Plus extras, e—29» extra, f—1 Wc extra, h—75c extra. *•—25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid December 22. 1936. --• ■ ■ ■ -*» U. S. TREASURY NOTES. _ (Reported by 6ha«. D. Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer. 34 sept. 15, 1337„ 101 4-32 1016-32 24 Feb.. 1. 1938 __ 101 16-33 101 17-32 3 Mar. 15. 1938_ 102 5-32 102 7-32 24 June 15. 1938._ 102 13-32 102 15-33 24 Sept. 15. 1938.. 102 5-32 102 7-32 14 Mar. 15. 1939.. 100 22-32 100 24-32 24 June 15. 1939.. 101 29-32 101 31-33 14 Dec. 16. 1939.. 100 14-32 100 16-32 14 Mar. 15, 1940.. 100 24-32 100 26-32 14 June 16. 1940.. 100 7-32 100 9-32 14 Dec. 15, 1940.. 100 3-32 100 5-32 14 Mar. 16, 1941.. 100 100 2-32 14 June 15. 1941.. 99 17-32 99 19-32 14 Dec. 15. 1941.. 98 24-32 98 26-32 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on May 6: Receipts. #23.784.990.20; exi>end!tures, *39.537,973.52; balance. *1,721.979. 199.51: customs receiots for the month. #9.694.280.30. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). *4.180 555.500.47; expenditures. *0. 416.493.683.14, including *2.416.761. 093.95 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. *2.229.938.092.67; gross debt. *35.040.090,079.18, an Increase of *133.746.69 over the previous day; gold assets. $11,845,468,007.44. including *614.165.213.45 of Inactive gold. SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. SAVANNAH. May 8 OP).—Turpentine firm: 37: sales. 81: receipts, 365: ship ments. 118; stock. 24,365. Rosin firm; sales. 613; receipts, 1,107: shipments, 327; Stock. 46.778. Quote—B. 7.20; D. 7.26: OH SHARES GAIN ON CURBEXCHANGE Small Advances Recorded as Industry Enters Busy Period. Bl the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 8—011 shares perked up today In another quiet run of trading on the Curb Exchange. With the Industry entering the period of maximum consumption of gasoline and oil products, small gains were recorded for Gulf Oil, Creole, In ternational Petroleum and Pantepec. Creole announced an extra dividend. Most utilities dragged In a narrow range. American Light Sc Traction and Niagara Hudson edged a little higher. Minor losses and advances ruled In the mining group. Pepperell and Knott Corp. rose more than a point while Dominion Steel fell 2 on an early trade. In most shares, nothing more than an urge among traders to await de velopments was apparent In the listless shuffle of prices. 8 1 — i ii 1 *8 CORPORATION REPORTS TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF LEADING ORGANIZATIONS NEW YORK, May 8.—The following la today's summary of corporation news, prepared by Standard Statis tics Corp., Inc., New York: Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.—Febru ary quarter common-share earnings were 45 cents, against 4 cents, before Federal taxes in like 1936 quarter. Net sales of company for quarter ended February 28 amounted to $3, 004,837 and were highest for any similar period in its history: in 8 months ended February 29, 1936, net sales totaled $449,003; unfilled orders of company as of May 1, 1937, were reported as $22,347,898, exclusive of unfilled orders of its subsidiary, Nor throp Corp., which on April 8 had orders totaling $6,221,670, or a total for the two companies of more than $28,000,000; unfilled orders of Doug las at April 8, 1937, were $23,647,620. Hudson Motor Car Co.—Factory shipments of Hudson and Terraplane cars during the week ended May 1 totaled 3,600 cars, compared with 2,885 in the week ended April 24 and 2.100 in the week ended April 17. Production has been gaining steadily since the reopening of the plants following the termination of the recent strike. Gabriel Co.—March quarter net in come before Federal taxes was $10,182, equal to 4 cents a common stare, against deficit of $8,023. Westvaco Chlorine Products Corp.— March quarter common-share earn ings were 44 cents, against 44 cents. Distillers Corp.-See grams. Ltd.— Company plans to build *1,000,000 bottling plant at Louisville. Electrolux Corp.—Declared an ex tra dividend of 10 cents a share and regular quarterly dividend of 40 cents a share, payable June 15; on March 15, 1937, a similar extra dividend was distributed. Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co.— April estimated profit was *203,000, against *173.000 in April, 1936. In four months estimated profit was *919,700, against *716,000. Anchor Cap Corp.—March quarter common-share earnings were 45 cents, against deficit of 7 cents a common share in like 1936 quarter. Standard Dredging Co.—Company called a special meeting of stockhold ers for June 15 to vote on a plan for acquisition through merger of plant of National Dredging Co., Delaware, and operated jointly with plant of Standard Dredging since June, 1932, and conversion of Standard Dredging shares into stock of the new merged company. In exchange for each share of present convertible prefer ence stock, no par, there would be given one share of new $1.60 cumu lative convertible preferred stock, par $20, and one share of new $1 par common stock of the merged company, plus *15 face amount of 20-year liqui dating non-interest bearing notes of Dredging Realization Corp. Each share of present common would be exchanged into one share of new common. Amerada Oorp. — March quarter common-share earnings were 66 cents, against 60 cents. Louisiana Land & Exploration Co.— March quarter oommon-share earn ings were 18 cents, against 14 cents. Fairchild Aviation Corp—Unfilled orders of company as of March 31, 1937, totaled *1,147,502, against *599, 744 on same date in 1936, a gain of 91 per cent. Lockheed Aircraft Corp.—Deliveries of company for quarter ended March 30 amounted to about *1,000.000 and compared with *325,000 in like 1936 quarter. Backlog figure as of April 30, 1937, was $2,972,000, compared with *750,000 on same date of 1936. Num ber of planes delivered to April 30 of current year totaled 25. Fisk Rubber Corp.—Net of company in first quarter was estimated at over $203,000, in like 1936 period net loss was $268,511. Plants of company cur rently are operating at 80 per cent to 85 per cent of capacity. Hayes Body Corp.—Deficit, four months ended January 31, was $50,209. Birtman Electric Co.—March quar ter common share earnings, after Fed eral taxes and preferred dividends, were 96 cents, against 73 cents. Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd., de clared a dividend of 25 cents a share on common stock, payable May 24, on April 30, 1937. A dividend of 50 cents a share was distributed on this issue. Wilson & Co.—Chairman stated that net earnings of company for period from October 31, 1936, to March 27, 1937, were in excess of $2,250,000, although no comparison with the pre ceding year was given; in the full fiscal year ended October 31, 1936, net in come was $4,068,457, equal to $1.06 a share on the 2,001,163 shares of com mon stock outstanding. Blaw-Knox Co.—President stated that business booked by Blaw-Knox Co. and its subsidiaries in the first four months of 1937 was twice that of the like period of 1936. Volume of business was the greatest for this period for any year since 1930. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.— March quarter common share earn ings were $1.32, against 17 cents. Cooper-Bessemer Corp.—Billings of company for April, 1937, were $792, 730, compared with $578,864 for March, 1937, and $295,505 for April, 1936. Billings for the first four months of 1937 were more than double those for the same period of 1936. Unfilled orders as of May 6, 1937, were said to Insure operations at a high level for several months to coma Prospects for new business continues bright. NEW YORK CURB MARKET! By private wire direct to the Star. All time ■hewn below ie daylight nrlu •n which the Exchange I* new -operetlnt. Stock end Slice— Dividend Ret# Add 00. Rich. Low. OloM. Air Investors Ino. 2 4 4 4 Air Inv tne war... till Am Airlines, me.. 1 23*4 28K 28K Am Beverage- 1 2K 2H 2H Am Box B od (1).. 2 22K 224 22 H Am Clt PAL (Alt 100* 84'4 84K 84K Am CltPAL B a20e 1 44 4‘4 44 Am Cynam B t60o 4 804 to so Am ft For Pw xrw. 1 2K 2K IK An QftK (1.40) ... t 82H 82 82 Am GenCof (2).,100s 24K 84K 84K Am L A T (tl.10). 11 20K Z0H 20K Am MfgCo (aS)..l60. 61H 61 61K Am Maracaibo_loo 1 IK IK Am Superpower.. 16 1H 1(4 IK Angostura (t20c). 17 7 7 Arcturue Radio T. 1 IK IK IK Ark Nat G cu pf._ 1 8K »K 8K Ark Nat Gao (A).. 12 7K 7K 7K AaaoQ A E (A)... 2 8 8 8 Asao Laundries... 2 K K K AU Coast L at 14 - 60. 68 68 68 Atlas Corp war . 8 8K 2K 2K Atlas Plyw'd(lH) i 28H 28K 88K Austin Silver. 64 2K 2 2K Aato Products_ 1 7K ?K 7H Auto Vot Meh SOe 8 10K lo iok Babooz A WU (4). 160. 127 124 126 Bardatown Dlat-_ 1 8K 8K 8K Barium Stain 8U„ 1 6* 6K 6K Beech Aircraft__ 2 4 4 4 Bell Aircraft_ 8 12 12 12 Bellanca Aircraft. > 6K «K *K BerkayftGay F Co. 8 2K 2K 2K BerkftQF pur war 1 IK IK IK Bourjois (a75c)__ 1 6K 6K 6K Bower Roll B (2). 8 80K 80K tOK Brill Corp (A)_ 6 10H 10K 10K Brill Corp (B)_ 2 4K 4H 4K Brill Corp pt_60. 5SK 6«4 66K Rrown Co pf 60. 71 71 71 Brown F&W b30e.. 2 12K 12 12K Burry Biscuit .. 4 64 64 64 capital city P 60o 1 28 28 28 Carib S.vnd (b50c). 40 24 24 24 Carnegie Metals_ 4 24 24 24 Carrier Corp _ 2 494 49 49 Carter (JW) 80c— 1 104 104 104 Catlln Corp is40e) 1 74 74 74 Cslsnssslstpf t7 180. 1204 119 119 Cent PA Lt 7% pf (bJ.06 4 )_ 261 884 884 884 Cent A 8 W Util_ 8 84 84 84 Cent States Elec,. 8 14 14 14 Centrlf Pips t40o. L 4 64 64 64 Charts Corp(l 4). 1 14 14 14 Chief Consol_ 4 14 14 14 Clues Samoa_ 26 84 84 84 Cities Servlcs pf_ 1 604 604 604 Claude Neon Lie.. ! 16 24 24 24 Cler Tractor_—_ 1 144 1*4 144 Clinchfleld Coal_ 1 74 74 74 Club Aluminum_9 14 1 1 Colon Der Ltd_ 2 64 64 64 Colon Dev 6% pf— 14 4 4 Colo FuelAIr war. 8 16*4 164 16*4 Columb O&G b20e. 8 8 8 8 Comwlth Edls T4. 2 1114 111 111 Com'wlth A S war 6444 Com’u’ty PAL 1st. 26 * 42 42 42 Cons Aircraft 1 24 24 24 Consol Biscuit 60o 1 64 64 64 Consol Copper 5 94 9 9 Consol Retail Sirs 1 74 74 74 Consol Steel Corp. 6 104 104 104 Cooper Bessemer. 6 264 2&4 264 Corroon A Reyn_ 1 64 64 64 Coeden Oil Me (d) 8 2 2 2 Creole Pec (s60c). 1 884 38*4 884 Croft Brewing_ « 14 4 4 Crown Cent P sCo. 4 24 24 24 Cusl Mez Minina.. 8 4 4 4 Darby Petr (60c) _ 1 14 14 14 Dayton Rubber_ 1 24 24 24 Dennison 7% pf_10a 87 87 87 Derby Otl A Ref 1 74 74 74 Derby OilAR pf b2 60s 82 8 1 81 Det Gray ir tide.. 2-144 144 144 Det (Mich) Stove. 1 64 64 64 Det Pap Prod r25o 1 74 74 74 Doraln SAC (Bj_ 2 194 194 194 Mg Fit cead bloc. 8 1»h 1984 1984 East-n GAF Asso 8 6)4 6)4 8)4 Estn GAF pf 3.160* 48 46 46 East'n States Pwr I 484 4)4 4)4 Easy W M(B)b25o 1 1084 1984 1084 Elea Bond A Share 12 1884 18)4 1884 Elec BAS of («). 2 78)4 78 78)4 Eleo PAL 2d pf A. 10» 61 61 61 Elec Sh pf ww (6) 26« 88 88 88 ■lectrol Inc v.t-c.. 1 884 884 384 Equity Corp(a25c) 2 2)4 2)4 2)4 Evans Wall Lead. 14 1)4 1)4 1)4 Evans Wall L pf.. 10o» 29)4 24)4 29)4 Fairchild av al6c. 8 7)4 T 7)4 Falstaff Br U1H) 1 #84 »84 #84 Fedders Mfg b25o. 6 16 14)4 16 Fldallo Brewery_ 6 J4 % % Fisk Rubber_ 4 16)4 15* 15)4 Ford Ltd alSl-10o 2 7 7 7 rord (Can) A (1). 8 2484 24)4 24)4 Franklin Ray a60o t 12* 12)4 1284 Gen Invest Corp 2 184 184 184 Gen Teleph (b25c) t 17)* 17)4 17)4 Gen Tire A Bub S 80)4 80 SO Gilbe’t(AC)a62Ho 1 10)4 10)4 10)4 Grand Natl Films 1 2)4 2)4 2)4 GrtAAPTOVtB 30» 102 102 102 Grt A&PT lat pf 7 75« 122)4 12284 122)4 Green Held TAD 1 16 16 16 Gulf OH (Pa) b26o 2 66)4 6684 6584 Hall Lamp (80c) 16 6 6 Hecla Mining b45c 2 17 17 17 Holllnger (T65c)_ 3 1184 11)4 11)4 Holophane (b50c). 1 24 24 24 Hudson BMAS (1) 8 29)4 29)4 29)4 Humble 011 (184)- 3 77)4 7 7 7 7)* Hussm'n Ligoncfl. 2 20 20 20 Hygrade Food Pr_. 1 4)4 4)4 4)4 111 IowaPwpf 2’4 1 81)4 31)4 31)4 111 Iowa Pw d ctfs. 1 12* 12H 1284 Illinois Zinc_160« 31 80)4 80 Imp OH Ltd t60c_ 3 2184 2184 21)4 Ind Pipe Lin* b30c 1 1184 H8i 1184 Ins Co of NoAt2. 100. 67)4 *7)4 67)4 Inti Petrolm tl%- 2 86 8684 36 Inti CJUi (B)_ 10 184 184 184 Inti Vitamin (60c) 1 684 684 684 lav Royalty (t6c) 1 84 84 84 Iron Firs vto 1.20 . 200. 22 22 22 Jacobs(FL)Cod). 1 1684 1684 1684 Ken RTAL A a7ie 2 21 21 21 Kln.stonProd 40o 8 684 6)4 6)4 Kirby Petrol (20c) 7 6)4 6 6)4 Knott Corp (blOc) 1 12 12 12 Lake Sh M (T4)_ 2 534 634 534 Lakey Fy & Mach. 2 64 64 54 Leh Coal AN 80c— 7 84 84 84 Leonard Oil ... 2 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)-. 1 224 224 224 Lit Brothere_ 16 6 6 Lockheed Aircraft 1 124 124 124 Lone Star Oas 80c 1 124 124 124 Long island Ltg.. 4 44 4 4 La Land <40e)_ 6 124 124 124 Lynch Corp <t2)„ 1 394 394 *94 McWilliams D (tl 8 28 274 274 Marlon Steam 8h. 2 164 154 154 Maas Util Assocla 18 8 8 Massey Harris 1 18 124 124 May Hos pf ww(4)100s 654 *®4 564 Mesabl Iron_ 15 4 4 4 Mich Sugar..._ 6 14 14 14 Midwest Oil (tl)- 4 114 114 H4 Molybdenum Corp 8 94 *4 94 Mont Ward A (7). 20. 142 142 142 Moore Distillery— 7 4 4 4 Mount Prod iSOc) 4 64 *4 *4 Mount St TAT(8). 10. 142 112 112 Nat Bella Hess — 7 24 2 2 Nat’l Contaln’a50c 8 13 124 18 Nat Leather 11 4 4 Nat Rub Mcb a20o S 164 154 164 Nat Serrlce _ 8 4 4 4 Nat Service pf -- 1 44 14 44 Natl Transit b45c. 9 12 104 12 Nat llniun nadir 1 24 24 24 N EngPw AS pf (6) 50. 77 77 77 New Jer Zinc (t2> 100. *24 82 82 N Y Shlpbldg 1 84 84 84 Niag Hud Pwr new 14 134 134 134 Ntag Sh Md B a60e 1 134 134 134 Niles Bm Pnd b50e 1 414 H4 414 Nlplsslng (60c)-- 1 24 24 24 Noma Elec (b40c). 1 «4 64 64 North Am LAP 1 84 84 84 North CTO (30c). 2 64 64 64 Northern P L 76c- 1 124 124 124 Northwest En b50c 1 294 2#4 294 Ohio Brass B b75c 60. 66 66 66 OhloEdlspf (6» —100. 102 102 102 Ohio Oil cu pf <«)- 2 107 107 107 Okla Nat Oas Co— 2 H4 UH 114 Okla Nat Gas pf— 60. 274 274 274 Oldetyms Distil-- 2 *4 44 44 Pao GAB 1st < 1H ) 1 294 294 294 Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 70 70 70 PantepeoOll - 107 74 74 74 Pender G (A)34- 60. 88 88 88 Penin Tel pf (7) — 10. 1094 1094 10»4 Peppereli Mfg t6 176. mo 135 mo Phoenix Secur 7 104 10 104 Phoenix 8 nfA(3) 1 884 884 884 Plon’r G Ltd M0c. 2 44 44 44 Pitney Bow(t40e) 1 74 74 74 Potrero Susar_ 2 84 84 84 PowdrellAAl t«0O. 1 104 104 104 Producers Corp.— 12 4 4 4 Prosperity Bal 4 8 14 124 U PubSvc Ind pr pf. *0. 60 60 60 Pub 8t Okla pl(6). 10s »6 *6 96 Pug 8d PAL <« Pf. 26. 274 274 >74 RwyAUtll InT(A) 1 14 14 14 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00 High Low. Close. Reiter-Foster . ft 1*4 114 114 Reybarn Co blOc — 1 4*4 4*4 04 Kuatless IrAStl-.. 1 16*4 16*4 15*4 Ryan ConsoHd'd — 4 8*4 8*4 6*4 Saf Oar HALt bl*4 26s 18ft l»ft 18ft St Anthony Gold.. « *4 54 <4 St Reals Paner 4 8*4 8*4 9*4 Samson Unltd C’p. 1 6*4 6*4 5*4 1 ScovtU Mfg (b50c)18Oe 43*4 43 43*4 Segal Lock AH. . 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 Selberllng Rubber ft 8 g g Hhattuck Den Min 2 16*4 1**4 16*4 Sherwln W pf (6). 10e 110 110 110 Simmons Hd A P. 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Sonotone C islOo) ft 1*4 1*4 1*4 So*»Mfg(50c)_. 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 Snuthn Union Gas 6 4*4 4 4 Southl'd Roy blOc. 2 10*4 10*4 10*4 Stand Dr cv pf (0s 19*4 19*4 19*4 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 8 19*4 19*4 19*4 Stand Pwr A Lt ft 4*4 4 4 Stand Prod (b28c) 1 18*4 18*4 18*4 Stand StlALd 14c) 18 *4 *4 *4 Starrett Corn vtc. 17 7 7 Sterchl Bros s30o 1 9*4 9*4 9*4 Sterl Alum (b25c) ft 8*4 9*4 9*4 Sterling. lnc<2Uc) 20 6*4 6*4 6*4 Sunray Oil <b(c)— 8 4*4 4*4 4*4 Sunshine Min (I). 9 18*4 18*4 18*4 Superior Port C B 26s 17*4 17*4 17*4 8wlse-Am Eleo pf 180s 110 110 110 Taggart Corp- 1 124 124 124 Taylor Dlst (30c). 4 4 4 4 Technicolor «60e.. 8 224 224 224 Tech Hughea T40o 4 64 64 64 Tr-Lux OPS t20c_ 1 44 44 44 Transweat OU Co. 2 124 124 124 Triplex S G(nsw). 6 1« 16 16 Tublze ChatllJlon. 1 284 284 284 TublzaCb A (bl). 1 86 86 86 Tung-Sol Lamp— 1 64 64 64 United Corp war.. 2 14 14 14 Unit Gas Corp.... 6 84 94 94 Utd Gas war_ 4 24 24 24 Unit Lt ft Pw (A). 4 64 «4 64 UnHSboeMT24. 60a 884 88 88 U S Lines pf 4 84 34 34 U S Play Cards tl 200a 284 28 284 U 8 Radiator_ 1 124 124 124 U 8 Rub Raclalm.. 1 74 74 74 U S Stores . ... 6 \ 4 \ U S Stores 1st pf.. 20a 74 T 74 Unit Verde Ex (1) 5 84 34 34 Unit Wall Paper.. 11 44 44 44 Unlv Insur (1) ... 60a 154 154 154 Univ Prod (b50c). 60a 254 254 254 Utilities P ft L id) 6444 Van Nor 11a b40c.. 1 29 29 29 Venezuela Petrol. 8 2 2 2 Walker Minins ... 1 24 24 24 Wayne Pump 50c.. 7 46 444 414 VVell t n OU of Del 6 124 124 124 W Va Coal ft Coke 16 64 6 54 Westn A E (a25c) 1 10 10 10 Western Auto Sup 6 284 284 284 Willson Prod (Tl) 2 164 I64 164 Wrlkbt Haro »40o 7 64 64 64 Tukon Gold(alSc) 2 14 34 34 Dividend rates In dollars based on last quarterly or semi-annual payment (An nual rate—not Including extras jac cumulated dividends a Paid iast year b Paid this year d Companies reported as being In bankruptcy or In receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by zucb com panies. --• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL May 8 UP*.—Silver futures closed steady. 5 higher. No sales. Closing bids—May, 44.85; July. 44.75; September, 44.85. Net for Quarter Compares With $267,790 During Same 1936 Period. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 8.—Mission Corp., an investing concern, reported for the first, quarter net Income of $1,395,878, including a non-recurring profit of $1,249,234, equal to $1 a share on the capital stock. In the like quarter of 1936 net was $267,790, or 19 cents a share. The non-recurring profit arose from the sale to Revada, Inc., of 250,000 shares of common stock of Tidewater Oil Co. White Sewing Machine. White Sewing Machine Corp. re ported today for the quarter ended March 31 net profit of $77,907, equal to 78 cents a share on the $4 pre ferred stock, upon which there are accumulations. This compared with $50,384, including an unrecurring profit, or 42 cents a share in the like period of 1936. Factories are at Cleveland, Ohio, and Newark. N. J. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. May R OPV—New York Security Dealers' Association. , _ Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas 2a) _ H.51', pp « Aetna Ins (1.001 __ 44 46 Aetna Life (,R()a)._ __ Z_ 28d 30 Am Eouit (1.60&1_ _ 4<id 4 f Am Reins 41 d 4: I Am Reserve Oai__ 2R'a 30 Am Surety (• id)___ S2 54 J Automobile (lai _ _ 2P 31 f Balt Amer (.'lna) _ 734 -I Carolina (1.30i 25 2' I City of N Y (1.20)_ 26 2 I Conn Gen LIT 1 80)_ 37 3)1 Cent in Cas (1.20)_ _ 27 211 Eld * Den (4' _127 luo* Frank Fire (la) _ 30*4 32% Gen Reinsur (2) _ 4" 44 Glen Falls H.60) _ 41 d 43% Globe & Rep (.80) _ 20d 2'’% Globe A Rut _ 62 65 Great Amer (la)_ 26d 27% Hanover (1.60i _ 33d 35% Hartford Fire (2)_ 66d 6R'I Home Fire Sec _ 5 6'i Home Ins (la) _ 3514 3714 Homestead (1) 17 lR'J Knickerbocker (.80)_ 17 IP Lincoln Fire _ 4d o’« Maryland Cas _ 6d 7 Mass Bond (3d)_ 5Pd 62d Natl Fire (2) 6'’d 64d Natl Liberty (,20ai _ p lod N Hampshire 0,60)_ 45d 46d N Y Fire (.ROai _ 20d 23d Nor River (1) _ 2nd 27d Phoenix (2a > 86 pn Prov Wash 11) . 34 d 36 d Revere (Pi In (1.30)_ 2nd 26d Rossia Ins (60a>_ 11 12d St Paul Fire <6> _ 205 20Pd Springfield i4da) _ IIP 122 Sun Life (3d*) _ 675 725 Travelers (I61 _ 475 46.5 U S Fire (2) _ 52d 5417 . Westchester (1.20a) _ 83d 35d a—Also extra or extras. *—Declared or paid so far this year. First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Business Apartments Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall. H. Hagxer & Company INCORRORATtO Mortgage Loam Corkk rw)>dtvt J?ri<iv*ance 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 4 Property Management Automobile Insurance —1 Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance Fire and Appoint us agents for your automobile Automobile and in™ce-and enjoy the _ protection of the strong companies Insurance we represent. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPherson *SQuare National 2100 I Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS oa improved or to be improved real estate— at low as including interest and curtail. . . No commis sions . . . No renewal fees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of theleaders in theentire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000 000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 11th & E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Larqait In Wuhlnqton—Aitati Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUST13 EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman of Tha Board Pmldont Saeratarr k