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Lutherans To Install New Pastor Rev. Theodore Paul Fricke Succeeds Rev. Edwin H. Meuser. 'T'HE rite of installation will be read 1 for Rev. Theodore Paul Fricke, new pastor of the St. Matthew’s Lu theran Church, tomorrow at the 11 o'clock service. Rev. R. G. Stein meyer will preach the installation sermon and Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer, pastor of the Takoma Lutheran Church and representing the Amer ican Lutheran Church, will conduct the installation service. Rev. Mr. Fricke, who comes to Wash ington from St. Marys, Ohio, suc ceeds Rev. Edwin H. Meuser, who served the congregation for the past 12 years. Recently Rev. Meuser ac cepted a position in, the administration of the American Lutheran Church. Mr. Fricke is a graduate of the college and theological departments of Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, having matriculated from the arts college in 1926 and from the sem inary in 1929 with the degree of bachelor of divinity. Thereupon he became assistant pastor in the Faith Lutheran Church in Detroit for two years, after which he attended the Princeton Theological Seminary, where, in 1932, he received the degree of master of theology. Since that time he has been pastor of the Zion Lutheran Church of St. Marys, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. Fricke will reside at the parsonage, at 535 Kentucky avenue southeast, Mrs. Fricke is a graduate of the conservatory of music at Capital University, Columbus. Ohio. She was also a student of the late Herbert Witherspoon of the Chicago Conservatory of Music. YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE TRIP Group From Unitarian Church to Go to Down ingtown, Pa. A large delegation of young people from All Souls’ Unitarian Church is attending the meeting of the Joseph Priestley Federation at Downingtown, Pa., over the week end. The principal speaker will be Dr. Jesse H. Holmes of Swarthmore on "Our Misfit Civil ization.” At the 11 o'clock service at All Souls’ tomorrow Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce will preach on "The Mother of Us All.” Speakers before the adult classes of the church school will be Gen. H. C. Newcomer and Dr. Prank H. H. Roberts of the Smithsonian Institution on "Early Man in Asia and America.” A musical tea. under the auspices of the Women's Alliance, with Helen Williams Brodie. pianist, of Montreal, Canada, will be held Tuesday at 3 o'clock. The same eve ning Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs of the Church of Two Worlds will speak before the Unitarian Thought Study Group on “Spiritualism.” There will be a sports festival in the recreation center Friday evening. This evening at 8 o’clock the German film "Die Weisse Majestaet" will be shown. -• BRIGHTWOOD PARK TO OBSERVE DAY At Brightwood Park M. E. Church tomorrow Mother's day will be cele brated. At the morning sermon Rev. S. Carroll Coale will speak on “Queen Mothers.” A Mother’s day story, •‘Mary's Igloo.” will be given to the children. At 8 p.m. the minister will •peak on ‘‘The King's Portrait.” Special programs will be presented by the Intermediate and Epworth Leagues at 6:45 o'clock. Mrs. Estelle Dawson will address the young people In their devotional service. Dr. G. Ellis Williams. District super intendent, will preside Monday eve ning over the Fourth Quarterly Con ference. The Downs Bible Class will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Margaret Myton, 827 Ingraham street. The Cole Class Club will conduct Its business and social program at the church Wednesday evening. -• McKENDRIE M. E. Each Mother to Be Given Flowers Tomorrow. Mother’s day service will be held at McKendree M. E. Church at 11 a.m. Each mother will be given a flower. Rev. S. E. Rose will speak on “A Great Mother.” Young People's League meets at 7 p.m. At 8 p.m. the minister speaks on ”A Good Man." A program, “African Cruise,” will be provided by the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society Monday at 8 p.m. The Woman’s Guild holds a cov ered dish luncheon Wednesday at noon. Holiday plates will be pre sented. Annual election of officers. Midweek service with address by Mr. Rose Thursday at 8 p.m. "MOTHERS” THEME Children to Take Part in Takoma Baptist Rites. In observance of Mother's day six children will take part at the morning service at Takoma Park Baptist Church. “Four Wonderful Mothers” will be the theme. Four of the chil dren will in turn tell the story of Jochebed, mother of Moses; Hannah, mother of Samuel; Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, and the Syrophenlcian mother, whose name U unknown. At the evening service Rev. William K. La Rue will speak on “The Outlook lor Religion.” -« WILL SPEAK TWICE Dr. John E. Briggs Gives Subject of Sermons. Dr. John E. Briggs, pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church, will preach at both services tomorrow. All services will be in keeping with Mother’s day. At 11 a.m. he will preach on “Mothers of Men." Miss Gloria Lochboeler and Master Robert Farrell will each give a recitation in honor of mother. Dr. Briggs will preach at night on “When Home Is Heaven,” following a short play. Vernon E. Lowery will teach the Mooney Baraca Class and Represent ative Clyde L. Garrett of Texas the Darlington Berea Class tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. > r. New Pastor REV. THEODORE P. FRICKE. WORLD MISSION HEAD TO SPEAK Dr. Ziegler to Conduct Service at United Brethren Church. At the Memorial United Brethren Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Dr. S. G. Ziegler, secretary of the Board of World Missions, will preach and later conduct a ritualistic service of the consecration of Miss Anna Schafer, R. N., a member of this church, for medical missionary work in Africa. Miss Schafer will speak briefly on "Why I Go to Africa." Dr. S. B. Daugherty will have cliarge and assist in the service of ordination. The junior c-hurch group will worship with the adults. The youth groups will meet at 7 o'clock in a fireside sendee, and at 7:50 the minister wdll deliver the mes sage appropriate to the day on "More over Hts Mother." A mother and daughter banquet wdll be held in the social room Monday at 6 p.m. The guest of honor wdll be Miss Anna Schafer. Apron social, conducted by the Reed Class, Tuesday at 8 p.m. On Thursday at 8 p.m. sendee of prayer and Bible study. The pastor has been elected a dele gate to the general conference and will attend the sessions at Chambers | burg, Pa., beginning Monday. “UNCROWNED QUEEN” IS THEME Rev. Clifford Jope Will Speak at Morning Serv ice Tomorrow. At the 11 o'clock communion service j tomorrow at the Ninth Street Chris tian Church, Rev. Clifford H. Jope I will preach on “The Uncrowned ! Queen.” The junior church meets at j the same time in the Junior depart J ment room. At 7:45 p.m. Rev. Mr. Jope will preach on “Life's Hedges.” j On Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Mothers’ Club of Boy Scout Troop 10 will meet in the church house. Mrs. North cross of the Homemakers’ Club will be present. On Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. the annual mothers’ and daughters’ banquet will be served in the church dining room. Prayer service will be conducted Thursday at 7:30 p.m. by Mr. Jope, who is giving a series of stewardship studies. --- WALTHER LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS Mother’s day will be celebrated to morrow morning in Christ Lutheran Church. Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel will speak on “The Mother of Yester day and Today.” Next Sunday Whit sunday will be celebrated with holy i communion. Wednesday evening the I voting members will meet in the Sun day school hall. The Walther League at its last meeting elected the following officers: President, R. Walch; vice president, L. Olsen; recording secretary, Miss Ann Horn; corresponding secretary, I Miss D. Meves. This week end, May 8-9, the Wash ington Walther League acts as h06t to the eastern district of the Inter national Walther League in its annual convention. Sessions at the Conti nental Hotel on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Sight-seeing tour at 7:30 Sunday morning. Speakers at the convention banquet will be Repre sentative J. W. Boehne, District Com missioner Melvin C. Hazen and Inter national Representative Rev. A. Kretzmann of Chicago. On May 23 the league celebrates its birthday an niversary, the Washington League meeting at Trinity Church, Mount Rainier. TOPIC SELECTED Dr. Brooks to Speak on “Motherhood’s Claim.” Mother's day exercises will be held at Lincoln Congregational Temple to morrow morning. Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on “Motherhood's Claim.” Holy communion will be observed. The Men’s Brotherhood at 10 a.m. will be addressed by Attorney Edward P. Lovett on “Causes and Cure of Juvenile Delinquency.” Men and women are invited. The Forum will meet at 6 o’clock. The guest speaker will be Dr. E. P. Davis, dean of Liberal Arts College, Howard University, who will discuss “The Problem of the Pacifist.” The Young People’s Club will meet at 6 p.m.. ■ The subject for general discussion, “What Does It Mean to Honor Your Mother and Father?” led by Ruth Whltted. -•-- — THEME GIVEN Rev. H. M. Hennig Will Speak on ‘The Ascension.’ Rev. H. M. Hennig’s topic in the German service in Trinity Lutheran Church tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. will be “The Ascension of Our Lord.” In connection with the convention of the Eastern district of the Walther League, a young people’s organization affiliated with the Missouri Synod, a special young people’s service will be held at 11 a.m., in which Rev. A. R. Kirtzmann of Chicago will speak. Two sessions will be held at the Continental Hotel today and tomor row at 2 p.m. Today at 7 p.m. a fel lowship dinner will be given at the hotel, with Representative William Boehne as guest speaker. A congregational meeting will be held Monday night. a Church Casts 100 Members In Pageant Will Be Presented at First Congregation al Tomorrow. TWO services at the First Congre gational Church tomorrow will honor mothers. At 11 o’clock Rev. Howard Stone Anderson will preach on "Who Is My Mother?” and at 8 o’clock a cast of 100 will present the pageant, "The Mothers of America.” In the cast of the pageant will be Mrs. Ronald Briggs, Mrs. Nena P. Carden, Mrs. James V. Craig, Mrs. Jacob A. Duerksen, Mrs. Charles F. Hughes, Mrs. John M. P. Metcalf, Mrs. Max Tucker and Mrs. James A. Winn. Dr. Elmer Klein, psychiatrist In charge of the Life Adjustment Cen ter, will speak to the Young People's Society at 6:30 p.m. on “Problems of Marriage.” A motion picture or the matting oi furniture will be shown at the din ner meeting of the Young Women’s Club Tuesday at 6:15. Newly elected officers of the club are Miss Mary Esther Bailey, - president; Miss Har riet Parker, first vice president; Mrs. Louise Tillotson, second vice presi dent; Miss Blanche Heacock, record ing secretary; Miss Anne L. Ash, cor responding secretary' and Miss Frances Ooston, treasurer. Reports of the Middle Atlantic Conference of Congregational-Chris tian Churches, held at Montclair, N. J., on May 4 and 5, will be made at the meeting Thursday, following the supper at 6. A business meeting of the church will also be held, to con sider revision of a portion of the church manual, which constitutes the by-laws of the church. -• Mount Rainier Lutheran. Rev. Edwin E. Pieplow will preach Sunday morning on "A Language Ac ceptable to the Ear of God.” A Mother's day service will be held at 8 p.m. The pastor will again preach, speaking on “A Christian's Tribute to Mother.” The Walther League meets Wed nesday evening. i AT ST. STEPHEN’S Rev. Sam H. Kornmann to Preach Special Sermon. At St. Stephen’s Evangelical Lutheran Church tomorrow morning Rev. Sam H. Kornmann will deliver a special Mother’s day sermon on “Mary, the Mother of Jesus.” The Luther League will meet at 6:30, the meeting being an open one for general discussion. At 7:30 p.m. the subject will be "An Evidence Not Seen.” A council meeting will be held Tues day at 8 o’clock. CATHOLICS RENEW OUTDOOR FORUMS Meeting of Evidence Guild to Be Held in Park Tomorrow. The Washington Catholic Evidence Guild has resumed its weekly out door religious forums at Franklin Park and Judiciary Square. At these meetings some particular phase of Catholic doctrine is discussed, after which the audience is Invited to ask questions. The meeting tomorrow at Franklin Park will be under the chairmanship of Dr. John G. Bowen of Georgetown University. Talks will be given by Rev. Leon Aycock of New Orleans and Frank Larkin. At Judiciary Square Mrs. Agnes Stewart, loo Wieland and Paul Ma loney will be the speakers under the chairmanship of Harry Kirk. With the coming of warmer weather evening sessions will be inaugurated but until further notice, meetings will be held in the two designated parks every Sunday from 3 to 5 o'clock. CONFERENCE SET Dr. Taylor Arranges Presbyterian Program. At Central Presbyterian Church Dr. James H. Taylor has arranged a Bible conference beginning Sunday and extending through Friday night. Dr. F. Cro6sley Morgan will speak twice each day. Dr. Morgan is the son of Dr. G. Campbell Morgan of London. Visitors will be welcome. SUBJECT CHOSEN Dr. Blackwelder Gives Theme For Service. “Mother’s Day and the Kingdom” Is the theme of Dr. Oscar P. Black welder at Lutheran Church of the Reformation tomorrow at 11 o’clock. At the 8 o’clock service he will con tinue his series of sermons on "Get ting Along in a Difficult World,” speaking on “Is Life Worth Living?” At 6:45 a Mother's day play, “What Mother Means to Me,” will be pre sented by a group of young people at the Luther League meeting. ‘GOD’S MAN/ TOPIC FOR REV. E. CLARK Baptism Will Be Admin istered in Evening at Chevy Chase Baptist. Mother’s day will be observed at the Chevy Chase Baptist Church tomor row, with Rev. Edward O. Clark speak ing on "A Square Deal for Mother” at the 11 o’clock service. ‘‘God's Man” will be the sermon theme at 8 p.m., followed with the ordinance of bap tism. Tire pastor will lead the devotional sendee Thursday evening. The mother and daughter banquet will be held next Saturday In the Sunday school house at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Mabel H. Test Is chairman of the Committee on Arrangements. At the annual business meeting re cently held the following officers were elected: Deacon, G. N. Wheat; dea conesses, Mrs. Robert P. Mancill, Mrs. P. R. Wheater; church clerk. Miss Pearl Stephens; financial secretary, Charles D. Demarest, Jr.; treasurer, current expenses, building fund and benevolences, Frank H. Jackson: su perintendent of the Sunday school, George B. Fraser; trustees, William Hughes, Sidney Pearce; Board of Lady Managers, Baptist Home for Ladles, Mrs. Donald Earll and Mrs. Ernest L. Talbert; Board of Lady Managers, Baptist Home for Children, Mrs. Adon Phillips; members of Executive Board, Columbia Association of Baptist Churches, Mrs. H. M. Watkins, Charles S. Muir and George B. Fraser; mem bers of Executive Board. Federation of Churches, Robert F. Mancill and George B. Fraser. New Dean Will Speak Tomorrow Very Rev. Noble C. Powell to Deliver Sermon in Morning. ■yERY REV. Noble C. Powell, who was installed as dean of Wash ington Cathedral Thursday afternoon, will deliver his first sermon from the Cathedral pulpit at the celebration of the holy communion at 11 o'clock tomorrow. Bishop James E. Freeman will be the preacher at the people's evensong service at 4 o'clock. Holy communion is In the chapel of St. Mary at 7:30 a.m. Public officials and all the people of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be remembered In special prayera at all services In Washington Cathe dral for one week, beginning tomorrow under the “Union of States” plan, which was suggested to the Cathe dral authorities by George Wharton Pepper, former United States Senator from that State. The Pennsylvania flag will be carried in the procession at the choral evensong service at 4 o’clock, and members of Congress from Pennsylvania are expected to be pres ent. A service of prayer and thanks giving on the occasion of the corona tion of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth will be held in the Great Choir of the Cathedral next Tuesday at 10 a m. The British Ambassador and the J'inisters of the British Do minions with their entire staffs, other members of the diplomatic corps and officials of the United States Govern ment have been invited to attend. Bishop Freeman will conduct the serv ice, which will be an adaptation of the order recommended by the Arch bishop of Canterbury for use in churches throughout the British Em pire. The annual "massing of colors" will be held In the Cathedral outdoor am phitheater May 23 at 4 o’clock under the auspices of the District of Colum bia Chapter of the Military Order of the World War. Very Rev. Noble C Powell will preach the sermon, and Representative Scott W. Lucas of Illi nois will deliver an address. Activities in Local Churches Congress Street M. P. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Maj. E. W. Brown, first vice president, will pre side. Thomas R. Harrison will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, the pastor, will give a short talk. Representative John Ridley Mitchell of Tennessee, will be the guest speaker. The lesson theme is "Abraham, a Man of Prayer." All men are welcome. At 11 a.m., a new electric cross will be dedicated, after which Dr. Kester will preach on "Mother and the Cross.” The services at 8 p.m. will be designated as Police and Firemen’s night. Capital View Baptist. Rev. J. C. Griffin will preach at 11 am. The B. Y. P. U. will meet at 7 p.m. At 8 p.m., the choir will present a special Mother’s day pro gram. Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p.m. On Wednesday at 8 p.m., a lecture and exhibit on "Life in India Today" will be given by Mrs. Sue Bailey Thurman, recently returned from India, Burma and Ceylon. Church of the Pilgrims. The District Chapter of the Alum nae of the Assembly’s Training School for Lay Workers in Richmond, Va., was entertained at dinner last week by the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Church of the Pilgrims. Rev. John L. Parks of the Bethesda Presbyterian Church was the guest speaker. Divine Science. Rev. Grace Llghtfoot Patch will give the Divine Science interpreta tion of “The Motherhood Principle" in her lesson-sermon tomorrow at 11 a.m., at the Grafton Hotel. Wed nesdays, at 8 p.m., she holds open classes on “Divine Science and Heal ing.' Emory M. E. South. Special Mother’s day services will be held tomorrow morning. Rev. Horace E. Cromer will preach on "Barren Trees” and in the evening on “You Cannot Change.” Special music. Lincoln Road M. E. Rev. Reginald Heber Stone will speak on “Mothers of the Famous” at 11 a m. The Baraca Philathea Class will pre sent to every mother present a copy of “Breaking Home Ties,” by Hoven den as a memento of “Motherhood.” At 6:45 Miss Mary Lou Sission will lead the discussion group in the Ep worth League. At 8 p.m. the pastor will speak on “Young Women Who Have Become Famous.” Special Mother’s day music and anthems at both morn ing and evening services. Hyattsville Baptist. The First Baptist Church will ob serve Mother’s day at 11 a.m. The pastor will preach an appropriate ser mon. He will preach again at 8 p.m. Installation of church officers will take place at the morning worship. Installation of the general B. Y. P. U. officers will be at 6:45 p.m. Christ Lutheran, Bethesda. Rev. Henry J. Whiting will preach tomorrow at 11 am. on "Parents of Today.” The Senior Luther League will attend a supper Sunday evening to be given by the Incarnation Lu theran Church. Preparations are under way for a congregational fel lowship supper in June at the Furh man Inn. Club meetings will be held May 19 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Krumm, 6701 Forty-fourth street. Missionary Alliance. Rev. R. P. Hyde, pastor evangelist, will deliver a sermon on "Sermons In Genesis” at 808 I street tomorrow afternoon, and will preach on the "Real Value of Personal Testimony” in the evening service. Young peo ple's hour at 6:45, Miss Ruth Horn in charge. Tuesday evening, Bible study, at 1931 Biltmore street. Thurs day prayer meeting, 3738 Twenty ninth street, Mount Rainier. Cleveland Park Community. The Mother’s day sermon topic of Rev. Joseph S. Loughran is "Disin terested Love.” Women of the church and their friends are Invited to a thimble party at 8 o’clock May 14 at the home of Mrs. Charles Woodbury. 1801 Hoban road. Church of the Epiphany. At the 11 o'clock service of morning prayer tomorrow there will be a ser mon by the rector. Dr. Z. B. Phillips. At. 8 p.m. Rev. Mr. SafTord will be the preacher at the service of even song. Potomac Heights Community. Mother's day will be observed to morrow with a sermon by Rev. O. J. Randall at 11 am. on "Motherhood, the Crowning Glory of Womanhood.” The New Idea Society will conduct the service at 8 p.m., when Mrs. W. F. Dement will present a stereopticon ad dress on "Mothers of the Bible." The Sunday school board will meet Wednesday evening at the home of the primary superintendent, Mrs. E. H. Witzke. 5523 Sherrier place. On Thursday evening the Christian En deavor Society will give an entertain ment for the building fund, featuring a pageant, "The March of Time.” Gunton Temple Memorial. Dr. Bernard Braskamp will have as his subject at 11 o’clock "Mother's day.” Wesley Methodist. In observance of Mother's day Rev. J. Luther Neff will preach at the 11 o’clock service on "Creative Moth erhood.” The young people, at 6 o’clock, will have for their discussion theme “A Parental Guidance.” Leader. John Moore. Jhe parents of the young people will be guests. West Washington Baptist. Rev. C. B. Austin will preach to morrow, 11 a.m., on "A Mother's Throne” and at 8 p.m. on "Home Religion." Salvation .Army. Meetings tomorrow are: Washington No. 1 Corps—606 E street, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., Maj. W. E. Graham. Washington No. 2 Corps—1501 Sev enth street, 11 a.m., Maj. James Rob erts; 8 p.m., special Mother's day pro gram. Washington No. 3 Corps—733 Eighth street southeast, 11 a.m., Capt. C. William Jaynes; 7:45 p.m., spe cial Mother's day program. Washington No. 4 Corps—1075 Jef ferson street, 11 a m., Capt. Jackson Martin; 8 p.m., Mrs. Brig. J. Asher, chairman Mother's day play. Washington No. 5 Corps—715 Eye street northeast, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., Adjt, and Mrs. Albert E. "aldwln. Men’s Social Service Department— 526 First street, 11 a.m., Adjt. Walter Needham. Transfiguration Episcopal. Rev. J. J. Queally will officiate and preach at the 7:30 and 11 a.m. serv ices on Sunday. Confirmation classes are held at 7:30 every Sunday evening, Chevy Chase M. E. “The Testimony of Experience” Is the subject of Rev. Edward G. Latch for his 11 o’clock sermon. Members of the young people's group will pre sent flowers to the mothers in the con gregation. Rev. William A. Keese of Metropol itan M. E. Church will be the speaker at the Men's Fellowship dinner Mon day at the church. Trinity Methodist. A Mother's day sermon on "The Strength of the Nation” will be preached tomorrow at 11 a.m. by Dr. Dan L. Ennis. At 8 p.m. he will give an Ascension day discourse on "The Exalted Christ.” Herbert H. McMur ray will address the adult Bible classes at 10 a.m. A chicken pie dinner will be served Tuesday, from 6 to 7 p.m. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 p.m. Entertainment by the King’s Heralds on Thursday. Concord-Cabin John M. E. Rev. Prank Edwards gutch will speak on "Mothers and Mother's Day.” At Concord, River road above Wil son lane, Sunday school at 2:15 p.m.; church service at 3 p.m. At Cabin John Sunday school at 10:15 a.m.; church service at 8 p.m. St. Andrew’s Episcopal. Special services and prayers for the "Mothers of the Nation” at 11 a.m. Rev. A. J. Wilder will preach. Holy communion 8 am. Children’s serv loa, |;U am. Third Christian. Rev. C. N. Williams will preach at 11 o'clock tomorrow on "The Trusted Gospel." The Lord's Supper will be observed. Church of Two Worlds. Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs will ad dress the Unitarian Thought Study Group of the Business and Profes sional Women's Club at All Souls’ Unitarian Church Tuesday at 8 p.m. His subject will be "Spiritualism." | Tomorrow evening at the services in the Hotel Continental he will speak on “Can a Medium Predict the Fu ture?" Church of the Brethren. Rev. Rufus D. Bowman will preach at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Morning sub ject, “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.” Evening subject. "Utilizing Your Reserve Powers.” The young people will leave immediately after the morning church sehvice and go on a hike to Snowr’en Lonberger's cabin in the mountains. The mothers and daughters' ban quet will be held May 12. 6:30 p.m., at Albright Church, Fourth and Rlt tenhouse streets. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. St. Paul M. E. South. At 11 a.m. tomorrow. Rev. Wil liam F. Locke will preach on "A Mother's influence." At 8 p.m., his subject will be “Our Dally Bread.” This is the third in a series of ser mons on the Lord's Prayer. Howard Cranford will lead the meeting of the young people’s division at 7:15 p.m. The Board of Stewards will meet Thursday evening at the conclusion of the prayer service. Twelfth Street Christian. The churches of Brooklyn, New York, Baltimore and Hagerstown, Md., and the District of Columbia will hold a one-day convention tomorrow. Rev. J. F. Whitfield will conduct the church program. Dr. M. F. Robinson, Hagerstown, Md., will de liver the sermon. Open Door Church. On Sunday morning, Dr. Robert H. Glover, home director of the China Inland Mission, will speak at 11, and in the evening at 8 there will be a gospel message. The young people have a Mother's day pro gram at 7 p.m. Highlands Baptist. The series of sermons on "Homely Matters'’ will be continued tomorrow with a sermon on "Our Gifts.” In the evening a Mother's day pageant will be presented. The annual meeting of the Workers’ Council will be held Tuesday evening. The trustees will meet Wednesday evening. Midweek services will be held Wed nesday at 8 p.m. There will be a lecture by the minister, followred by messages and spiritual healing. Bethesda Baptist. Regular morning service tomorrow at 11 a m. At 7 pm. the B. Y. P. U. will have a pageant, w-ith special Mother's day exercises. Rev. Claude A. Brubaker, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, will speak at 8 p.m. Healing Mission. The prayer circle of the St. Ste phen's Healing Mission will meet Tues day evening in the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation. The program will be a study in life ad justment and prayers for the sick. Mrs. Z. D. Blackistone will lead. Kendall Baptist. There will be an informal reception next Thursday night for members who have come into the church since Rev. L. F. Stevens has been the pastor. Knox Presbyterian. Services will be held in the Bible Institute, 1316 Vermont avenue, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. In the morning Rev. Leslie W. Sloat will preach on ‘‘The Scripture Teaching Concerning the End of the World.” In the eve ning the subject will be “The Provi dence of God in the Life of Joseph.” All persons are invited. Grace Reformed. Dr. Ranck will preach tomorrow morning on “Glorious Mothers.” Miss Elizabeth Kornaromy will lead the young people’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. Merry Helpers' Club meeting Tuesday night. Wisconsin Avenue Baptist. Rev. C. R. Ferguson will preach on "Mother” at the 11 o’clock service. The senior B. Y. P. U. will conduct a devotional service at the Home of the Incurables at 3 o’clock. Weaver Doyle will lead the meeting. The pastor will preach at 8 p.m. on "Rejoice in His Salvation.” Prayer as found in Isaiah will be studied during the church prayer meeting Thursday evening. Metropolitan Presbyterian. An evening communion of the Lord’s Supper is emphasized once a year. This event will occur tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. Dr. Freeley Rohrer will officiate. New members will be re ceived. At the morning service Dr. Rohrer will speak on "The Changeless Christ.” St. Luke's Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Elliott will officiate at 11 a.m , morning prayer and sermon Holy communion at 7 a.m. Mother's day services by the Sunday school at 4. Mother's day tea at the rectory, 5 to 7:30. Wednesday evening prayer and meeting of Daughters of the King at 8 :30. Western Presbyterian. “The First Love Story" will be the subject of the sermon tomorrow morn ing at 11 o’clock by Rev. J. Harvey Dunham. This special sermon will be in honor of "mother.” The Chinese Sunday school meets at 6 p.m. Spe cial service at 7 p.m. Seat Pleasant M. E. Young people will be in charge of worship at 11 a.m. The program will be in honor of all mothers. At 8 p.m. Rev. Paul E. Bohi will speak on “We Cannot Get Along Without Mothers.” The Young People's Society will meet at the church Wednesday night for its annual election. The Official Board will meet at the church Mon day night. Eckington Presbyterian. The communion service will be ob served at 11 o’clock. Baptismal serv ice and the reception of new members also at this service. At 8 p.m. a special Mother's day service will be held. Rev. Henry B. Wooding will speak. A memento of Mother's day will be given to those in attendance. Christian Science. “Adam and Fallen Man” is the sub ject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomor row. The golden text is from I Corin thians, xv.49: "As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” Among the citations which comprise the lesson-sermon is the following from the Bible: "As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy; and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly” (I Corin thians, xv,48). Wallace Memorial. Dr. C. E. Hawthorne, pastor of the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian Church, will preach at the 11 o'clock service on Mother's day. The eve ning service is at 8 o'clock. Women to Meet. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Po tomac Presbytery, Synod of Virginia, wdll meet May 11 and 12 at 9 am. in the Bethesda Presbyterian Church. An Executive Board meeting will be Monday at 7:45 pm. Capitol Pulpit. “God's Program for the Last Days Revealed” will be the subject of a pro phetic discussion from the book of Revelation by Evangelist Dale Crowley at 311 East Capitol street Sunday night at 8 o’clock. The public is in vited. Ryland Methodist. “The Christian Family” is Rev. Neweli's theme at the morning service. At 7:30 p.m. the young people will con duct a service in honor of mother. This will be followed by a fellowship featuring poems and songs appropri ate to Mother’s day. Trinity Episcopal. “The Eternal World” will be the subject of the sermon by Rev. Reno S. Harp, jr., at the 11 o’clock service. There will be a service of the holy communion at 8 am. I <NNt ▲dflVll'JjBS, Ftp | Guest Speaker SENATOR JOSH LEE Of Oklahoma will be the guest speaker at the 11 o’clock service tomorrow at the Ingram Memorial Congrega tional Church. He will speak on “Mother.” LUTHERANS TO HONOR MOTHERS Rev. Charles Enders to Talk at Concordia Evangelical Church. Mothers will be honored tomorrow at Concordia Lutheran Evangelical Church in both the German service at 10 am. and the English service at 11:15 am. The Young People’s League will present carnations to all mothers in both services. Rev. Charles Enders will preach on “Our Debt to Mothers ” In the annual meeting of the Church Council the following officers w'ere elected: H. F. Dunkhorst, presi dent: Dr. William P. Herbst, vice presl • t; A. N. Schroeder, secretary; Augur Berker. jr., treasurer, and R. W. Stantelmann, financial secre tary. Rev. Mr. Enders and H. F. Dunk horst will attend the annual confer ence of the Atlantic district of the Evangelical and Reformed Church at Irvington, N. J., May 10-13. The fortieth anniversary of the Concordia Mission Society will be celebrated May 14 at 8 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Short addresses will be delivered by Rev. and Mrs. David Baker, former missionaries to Meso potamia, and Mrs. Dr. Lang, former missionary to India. The Young People's League will give a presenta tion of various phases of home mis sions. MOTHER’S DAY TOPIC AT ZION LUTHERAN “Mother’s Coronation" will be the subject of the sermon at Zion Luther an Church at 11 a.m. tomorrow by Rew. Edward G. Goetz. The Intermediate Luther League will meet at 6 p.m., with Earl B. Pruitt, jr., as the leader. The topic is "Doing in the Home." At 7 p.m. the Senior Luther League will have a special Mother’s day meeting, with Miss Margaret Herzog in charge. The theme will be “Loving Mothers." A cafeteria dinner will be served by j the Ladles' Aid Society Wednesday j from 5 to 7 p.m. in tire chapel. The Sunday school teachers and officers | will meet Wednesday night at the home of Miss Mary Leonberger, 511 Crittenden street. SEASON STRESSED Ascensiontide Services at St. Paul’s Church. Ascensiontide sendees tomorrow at St. Paul's Church on Twenty-third street near Washington Circle will stress the teaching of the season. Rev. Gordon E. Brant of Minneapolis will celebrate holy communion at 7:30 a.m. Rev. Calvert E. Buck, superintendent of the Episcopal Hospital, will be the preacher at 11 o'clock. In the evening at 8 o’clock there will be a sendee of evensong and adoration, sponsored by the Young People's Fellowship of the parish. The rector, Rev. Arlington A. Mc Callum, is preaching in his former parish, St. Elisabeth's Parish in Glen coe. 111., and attending the convention j of the Chaplains' Association of the Army, of which he is the president. -• SERVICES PLANNED Albright Church to Hold Observance. \ There will be a general observance i of Mother's day at Albright Memorial i Evangelical Church tomorrow. The opening assemblies in the various de partments of the Sunday school will be built around the theme of "Mother." At 11 o'clock Rev. George E. Schnabel will preach the second sermon In the series on "God at the Fireside.” The Mother's day sermon subject will be "Do Our Homes Need Christian Mothers?" The prayer meeting Friday Right will be devoted to the study of the bishops crusade, "Farther With Christ.” DR. BARROWS BACK. Will Resume Pulpit at Eastern Presbyterian. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Barrows have returned from a 10-day vacation in Virginia and Maryland and Dr. Barrows will be in his pulpit at the Eastern Presbyterian Church tomor row. The topic at the morning serv ice will be "A Mother's Faith.” In the evening at 7:45 the Senior Chris tian Endeavor Society will have charge of the service and present “Mother's Day at Seth Parker’s.” Jack Stams will Impersonate Seth Parker apd Miss Mary Elizabeth Berry Mother Parker. They will be assisted by members of the society. -• JERUSALEM TOPIC Rev. A. P. Wilson to Preach Tomorrow. At Columbia Heights Christian Church tomorrow morning Mother's day will be celebrated by a special observance of recognition. The ser mon topic of Rev. A. P. Wilson will be ‘‘Jerusalem, the Mother of Us All.” At 8 p.m. the service will be in chf-rge of the Gleaners’ Class, who will present a Mother’s day pageant. The Board of Education will meet Thursday seanlng. • \ Two Days’ | Sessions I Arranged Diocesan Convention; at St. Paul’s, in Rock Creek Parish. 'J'HE 1937 Washington Diocesan Con vention will be held next Wed nesday and Thursday in St. Paul'« Church, Rock Creek Parish. Corporate communion for the clergy and delegates will be held Wednesday at 8 a m., with fellowship breakfast following. The executive officers of the several diocesan institutions will make brief reports at 4 p.m. In the evening in the parish house dinner will be held. The Men's Club of Rock Creek will have charge of dinner. One of the most important matters to be acted upon at the convention is the election of deputies to the general convention, four clerical and four lay. Robert Spillman and Lois Viancour, official delegates to the provincial con ference, will give their report on the theme of "Person Religion” at the Young People’s Fellowship tomorrow at the service. The Y. P F. will have a dance next Saturday night. The Candidates’ Class will give the operetta "The Sleeping Beauty" at the parish hall May 21 at 8 p.m. Regular services will be conducted by Dr. F. J. Bohanan at 8:30 a m. and the morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. and the Young People's Fellowship at 7 p.m. TOPIC SELECTED BY DR. PERKINS “Glory of the Familiar’' Subject at Universalist National Church. “The Glory of the Familiar'' Is the theme of the sermon, appropriate to Ascension day, which Dr. Frederic W. Perkins will preach tomorrow at the Universalist National Memorial Church at 11 o'clock. A Mother's day observance is planned for 5 o'clock, when the Sun day evening group and the Univer salist Players are having a program of music and reading in the Romaine Van Schaick room. A number of children and mothers are to take part and all the women of the parish ha'.'9 been invited to attend. The Board of Management will meet Monday at 8 o’clock instead of hold ing its meeting Tuesday. This has been arranged to allow more time be fore the annual meeting of the church Wednesday evening. There will be a parish supper preceding the annual meeting at 6 o'clock in Perkins Hall. The supper conference of the Church School Association will b« held Thursday at 6 o'clock. LUTHERAN SERMON ’ TO BE ON BIBLE “Mother's Bible” will be the subject Sunday at 11 a.m. in Georgetown Lutheran Church by Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. Joseph C. Wimmer will conduct the Bible study at 9:30 a.m. in the dis cussion of the theme "Prayer.” "Loving Mothers” will be the young people's topic at 7 p.m. Helen Beatty will be the leader. A playlet, “A Real Mother's Day,” will be given. "The Forbearance of Isaac” will be the subject of the prayer service Thursday at 8 p.m. The delegates chosen to represent this church at the 118th Convention of the Maryland Synod, May 24-26 in Trinity Church, Baltimore, are An drew Lindberg, Joseph C. Wimmer and the pastor. THEME SELECTED Rev. H. J. Smith to Talk Tomorrow Morning. Rev. Henry J. Smith, pastor of Pet worth Baptist Church, announces Mother's day services with sermon entitled ‘'Unneeded, Therefore Un wanted.” In the evening the B. Y. P. U. will have charge of the service, with subject, "Derelict or Ship?” Thursday evening, prayer service. Installation services of the Yaden Bible Class were held Wednesday eve ning, with Rev. Dr. Johnston, assist ant pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, as the installing officer. As an enter taining feature of the evening a drama on “Abraham and Isaac” was presented. Mother’s day will be observed, with the president presiding. Anna Wat kins. 92-year-old member of the church, will be the guest of honor. SERMON SUBJECT “Christ’s Cosmic Rel evance” Theme of Dr. 0. J. Hart. "The Cosmic Relevance of Christ” is the sermon subject of Dr. Oliver J. Hart, rector of St. John’s Church, at both the 9:30 and the 11 o'clock serv ices on Sunday. Services for Sunday are as follows: Holy communion, 8 am.: morning prayer and sermon by Dr. Hart at 9:30 a m., morning prayer and sermon by Dr. Hart at 11 a.m. and evening prayer and sermon by Mr. Madison at 8 p m. The Business and Professional Women's Group will meet in the par ish house, 821 Sixteenth street, Mon day evening. Dr. Otto Torney Simon will give an address on "Charles Dick ens and His Times.” B. Y. P. U. News Fifth will have a special Mother's day program In the form of a playlet, given by the stewardship commis sion, Lucy Cooler In charge. May 18 federation meeting will be held at Fifth. The Orioles from Balti more will be present. Petworth will be led by the serv ice commission, with Ruth Miller in charge. Topic, "Christian Vocations.” May 12 and 14 a special three-act play, "Dotty and DafTy,” will be pre sented by the members from Fifth. Takoma Park will have a special Mother’s day tea at 5:30. The reg ular meeting will be led by Bert An drews at 6:30. National will be led by Bill Trennt Sunday evening. There will be a meeting at the Children's Home Sun day evening, led by a group from’ the B. Y. The annual installation will be held Wednesday. Calvary will discuss the subject of "Prayer” at its meeting Sunday eve ning. The devotional life comm is aion will present the program. Jk