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Dr. Burgan , To Preach On Mothers Hamline Church Con tinues “Women’s Recognition Week.” VCOMEN'S Recognition week will '' be continued at Hamline M. E. Church tomorrow with special Moth er's day services. At 11 am. Dr. H. W. Burgan will preach on "The Mother Heart.” Mrs. A. Earl Kema han, Mrs. Inez Lowdermilk and Mrs. W. H. Ramsey will participate in the service. Ten mothers will also act as ushers. At 6 o'clock the Epworth League will give a tea to their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Herrell will act as host and hostess. At 7 o’clock Miss Martha Catlin will have charge of the service. At 8 p.m. there will be a mother tribute service. The following will participate: Miss Mary Havens, Miss Helen Nicholson and Miss Virginia Amidon. Miss Ethel Yost will give a brief address on “What Daughters Owe to Their Mothers," and Miss Elizabeth Brown on "What Mothers Mean to Their Daughters.” On Wednesday at noon a break fast will be given in the social hall. Prayer service Thursday night. I>r. Burgan will continue his series of talks on famous hymns of the world, discussing the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” On Saturday a barbecue, sponsored by group No. 2, will be held in the woods of the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Breuninger. 2601 Foxhall road, from 1 to 4 o'clock. EPWORTH M. E. LISTS ACTIVITIES 'Mother’s Law’ to Be Sub ject of Dr. H. M. Canter. “The Mother’s Law” will be the subject of Dr. Harry' M. Canter, pastor of Epworth M. E. Church South, to morrow morning and in the evening “Ships That Never Sail.” The Conway Class will have charge of the devotional services in the adult department, for which it has prepared an appropriate “Mother's day’’ pro gram. The official board has authorized the preliminary plans for remodeling the two church buildings at 1304 and 1306 East Capitol street for Sunday school purposes. It is hoped to be able to occupy the buildings as modified by early Fall. Hugh Harstin and Marvin Hummer are making plans for the annual picnic of the young people on Memorial day. It is expected the picnic will be held at Camp Letts on Chesapeake Bay. Dr. Canter will haw charge of the prayer meeting Thursday evening. SCHEARRER PICKS TWO SUBJECTS Takoma Park Pastor to Speak on “Mothers of Men.” Rev. R. Paul Schearrer, pastor of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on “Mothers of Men,” and at 8 p.m. on "The Spirit of Scouting in the Life of John James Audu bon.” The sacrament of infant bap tism will be administered at the morning service. Troop 33, Boy Scouts, will attend the evening service in a group, under the direction of Louis Flagg, scoutmaster. F. B. Linton, sr., will address the Brotherhood Bible Class on “Work and Wages.” George Gibble, Betty Wood and Arthur Portness will be In charge of the young people's meet ings at 7 p.m. The teachers' training class, un der the direction of Miss Olwen Evans, will meet at the church Monday eve ning. The Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday evening. The annual mother-daughter ban quet will be held at the church Fri day. The men of the Brotherhood Club will sene the dinner. Reserva tions must be made through Mrs. C. Dwight Avery by Wednesday evening. -• SERVICE SCHEDULE Rev. W. F. Atkinson Will Speak Tomorrow. Mother's day will be observed in Dumbarton Avenue Methodist Epis copal tomorrow. At 11 a.m. Rev. W. F. Atkinson will preach or> “The Meaning of Mother's Day.” At 8 p.m. a Mother's day pro gram has been prepared featuring hymns our mothers love. On Tuesday at 8 p.m. a meeting of the Sunday School Board will be held. Thursday at 8 p.m. prayer service will be held. The minister will speak on the “Second Epistle to the Thes salonians.” The adjourned quarterly conference Will be held May 27 at 8 p.m. ICutftcran christTutheran BETHESDA-CHEVY CHASE ITJ,TE„JHEATER BETHESDA. MD. REV. HENRY J. WHITING. Pastor. B:45 a m.—Church school _Sermon: “Parents of Todav." ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN 8th and Independence Ave. S.W. Rev. J. Luther Frantz, Pastor, a m—“Mother’s Day” Service. r9:4ft a.m.—S. S._5:.'*() p.m.—L. L. Worship in the Charmino Little Church. CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. KEV. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL, Pastor. „ 11( Mr. C. Dohrman. Assistant. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Mother’s Day Service._ Keller Memorial Maryland Avenue and Ninth 8t. N.E. S. T. Nicholas, D. D., Pastor Bible School_9:30 A.M, Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. "Administering Your Gift" Evening Worship __ 7:45 P.M. Celebration of Mother's Day Sermon by Rev. G. J. Grewenow Young People's Societies_ 6:45 P.M. The Homelike Church Superintendent HARVEY V. PRENTICE. _ GOSPEL MISSION ! IS 31 YEARS OLD Exercises Will Mark Suc cessful Operation of Local Institution. The Gospel Mission, with headquar ters at 214-16-18 John Marshall place, is celebrating 31 years of continuous work in soul saving and ministering to the needy. At a monthly meeting of the board of directors annual elec tion of officers was held, and the pres ent incumbents were all unanimously re-elected. Supt. Harvey V. Prentice presented the statistical report. Demonstrations by the various de partments will be the main exercise, with testimonies and reports at the service tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Friends of the mission are invited. DR, RASMUSSEN CONTINUES SERIES “Holy Mystery” Is His Subject at Luther Place Memorial. Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen, pastor at Luther Place Memorial Church, will continue his series of sermons pro ceeding Pentecost at the 11 o'clock service tomorrow. His subject will be "Holy Mystery.” At the Thursday service the assist ant pastor. Rev. Edgar D. Ziegler, will conclude his series of studies of the parables, his subject being "The Para ble of the Laborers and the Hours.” This service will be in the chapel at 7:50. An outdoor party will be given by the young people Tuesday evening, the location of which has not yet been an nounced. Those attending are re quested to be at the church not later than 8 p.m. to secure transportation. SPECIAL SERVICES AT PRESBYTERIAN “Honor Thy Mother” Will Be Subject of Sermon Tomorrow. Mother’s day will be observed in the Sixth Presbyterian Church to morrow morning by special services in the Sunday church school and In the morning worship at 11 a m. The subject of the sermon by Rev. J. H. Lamer will be “Honor Thy Mother!” A nursery is provided for small chil dren so that all mothers may attend. The young people's societies meet at 7 p.m., with Mary' Elizabeth Skinker leading the high school group. The Board of Trustees will meet Monday night in the minister's study. The men and young men will serve a mother and daughter banquet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. A surprise pro gram will be presented. The primary department will hold a picnic this afternoon. -:-•• LIQUOR LECTURE The “Greatest Enemy of Motherhood” Described. Clinton N. Howard will speak at Centennial Baptist Church tomorrow at 11 o’clock. His topic, “The Greatest Enemy of Motherhood,” has been chosen especially for Mothers’ day. He will present the activities of the liquor traffic as they affect mother hood. This will be followed by sug gestions for activity against liquor by mothers and all others interested. Rev. Wilson Holder, the pastor, will speak at the evening service This will be especially for mothers-in-law. _Lutheran TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.YV. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG Rev. C. Stuebe, Assistant 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Convention Service. Ser mon by Rev. A. R. Kretz __mann of Chicago. 111. Takoma Y -“‘Mother’, ” Dreachln«’ S»n_day_May in. Confirmation Beryl™ Atonement N. Capitol St. Lutheran Rhode Island k Aye. QUN OBJECTIVE Howard E. Snyder, Pastor Sunday School_9:40 a.m. Morning Service_11:00 a.m. Vespers-8:00 p.m. Church of the Reformation Opposite Folaer-Shakespeare Library. 212 East Capitol Street DR. OSCAR F. BLACKWELDER, Pastor Dr. John Weidley, Pastor Emeritus. 9:30a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon, "Mother’s Day and the Kingdom” 7:00 p.m.—Luther Leagues. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. Sermon, "Is Life Worth Living?" Dr. Blaekwelder will preach. The Public it cordially invited. Baptists To Honor Mothers Services at Metropol itan Church Tomor row to Be Featured. A* THE Metropolitan Baptist Church tomorrow tributes to mother will feature every service. Dr. John Compton Ball will speak in the morning on "Blessed Expressions of Bible Mothers.” New members will be welcomed. At the evening service the sermon will be "Mothers of Yester day, Today and Forever.” Brief trib utes will be given to mothers by Will Ivey, jr.; Ellen Frediklng, Calvin Beale and Mildred Miller. Dr. Ball will present junior B. Y. P. U. diplomas to Virginia Brown. Jeanette Brown, Winifred Carter, Ellen Frediklng, Jack Gillikin, John Ousley and Robert Shumate, members of the union hav ing completed the study course. Mothers acting as ushers at the eve ning service will be Mrs. L. T. Gravatte, Mrs. Spencer Walz, Mrs. L. P. Ousley, Mrs. Clifton Harper, Mrs. George E. Downer. Mrs. Truman Ward, Mrs. Hubert Keefer, Mrs. Thelma Hix, Mrs. Will Ivie, Mrs. Ray Blair, Mrs. Otie King and Mrs. Lola Everett. The B A. U. meets at 6:45 o'clock. Thomas Barnes is leading. Subject, "Samuel, the Teacher.” The Fidelis Bible Class will hold a business and social meeting Monday evening. The Through the Bible Class meets Tuesday at 7 o'clock. The Phi Gamma Kappa will hold the class business session Tuesday evening. Prayer service Thursday evening, led by the pastor. MOTHER’S SERVICE WILL BE GIVEN Plans for Week An nounced by Atonement Lutheran. Under the direction of Mrs. Mary Kennon, president of the Ruth Bible Class, a mother's service will be given in the parish hall at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Atonement Lutheran Church. At the morning service Rev. H. E. Snyder will preach on “The Quicken ing Power of the Holy Ghost.” May 16 will be communion Sunday at the morning and evening service. The annual banquet of the District Luther League will be held in the parish hall May 14 at 6:30. Pastor Snyder will attend the an nual meeting of the Chaplains' Asso ciation of the Armies of the United States in Chicago May 11 to 14. He will return to Washington by Sunday morning. Founders day at the National Lu theran Home for the Aged will be observed May 19. The 118th annual convention of the Synod of Maryland will convene in Trinity Church, Baltimore, Md., May 24, at 2 p.m. SERVICES LISTED Mother’s Day to Be Ob served at All Saints’. Rev. Henry Teller Cocke, rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, will speak on “Mother’s Day” at the 11 o’clock service. Preceding the church service the main school of the Sun day school will have a special serv ice in the church, in lieu of their usual study period. The rector will speak. In the evening the young people will meet at 6 o’clock for supper, fol lowed by a discussion period with Miss Helen Spann and Dick Northrop leading. A supper, with art exhibition and flower show, will be given at the church June 3. under the auspices of the Rector's Aid. iCatljeran INCARNATION GAIXATIf^N.W. (Maryland Synod. Cnlted Lutheran Church! Worship 11: School. 9:30: Y P L.. 7:15. _VISITORS ARE WELCOME._ (Er&tt 'Eafiwta tfljurtt) , I6*«l Y«rnwn 5tKV.i €muu i. iwtia, Pattm! — 9:45 ft.m.—Sunday School. Classes for all. 11:00 a.m.—“The Mother’s Pre-eminent Place.’’ sermon by Pastor. We Welcome Visitors! ST. PAUL’S Conn. Ave. and Everett St. REV. HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D. Pastor f>:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Sermon: “Mother. Child and God.” 8:30 p.m.—Address by H. Forrey Walker of the Iron Moun tain School. LUTHER PLACE Memorial Church At Thomas Circle 11 O'clock Service: "HOLY MYSTERY.” Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen. Pastor. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 6:00 p.m.—Intermediate Luther League. 7:00 p.m.—C h r i s 11 an Endeavor Society. 7:50 p.m.—Thursday. "The Parable of the Laborers and the Hours.” Rev. Edgar D. Ziegler. Assistant Pastor. SERMON ON MOTHERS. Georgetown Presbyterian to Observe Special Day. At Georgetown Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 11 o'clock Rev. R. M. Skinner will preach on "As a Mother Loves.” The Intermediate Young People will meet at 6:30 p.m. and the Senior Young People at 6:45 p.m. in Cissell Chapel. The Evening Fellowship Group will hold a vesper service at Mount Alto Hospital at 5:30 p.m., when Rev. Mr. Skinner will speak. The Evening Guild will present a play, "Who Is Your Neighbor?” Mon day evening. Prayer service will be held Thurs day evening, when Rev. Mr. Skinner will speak on "From Easter to Pente cost.” ..■ ■ ■ -» -.■■ Communion Rite Will Be Observe d Dr. McCartney Will Officiate at Cove nant-First. rJ''HE sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the Covenant First Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning. Dr. Albert Joseph Mc Cartney will officiate. Mother's day services will be observed in the young people's organizations at 7 p.m. The Covenant Fellowship will be addressed by Elinor Winship on "My Personal Pledge." The West minster Club will discuss "How True to Life Are the Movies?" under the leadership of Virginia Walker. The intermediate group will discuss "In My Home—My Rights and the Rights of Others,” led by Paul Walker, jr. Dr. Arthur I. Brown of the Royal Society of Physicians and Surgeons of London and Edinborough will ad dress the All Comers Men's Bible Class at 9:45 am. This Sunday 1s missionary Sunday in the Sunday school. Dr. Danner will address the group and tell of the work of the Leper fund. Miss Thurston's class will have as their topic "Is True Prayer Un answered?” at 9:45 a m. ■-• REV. J. HOLLISTER TALKS ON’SHRINE’ Tennyson Chang Will Be Guest of Church School Department. Rev. J. Hamilton Hollister, pastor of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, will preach on "The Shrine" tomor row morning. Tennyson Chang, research student in the Library of Congress and for mer president of the Chinese Chris tian Student Association of North America, will be the guest of the intermediate department of the church school Sunday morning. At 6:30 p.m. the Hearthstones will meet in the young people’s room and the Alpha Omega in the church house. At 7:30 the fireside group will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Wiley, 103 Quincy street; the Col legians at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verner C. Bogg. 140 Custer road, Be thesda, Md., and the Young People’s Society in the young people's room. Dr. Nelson Vance Russell will be the guest of the Young People's Society. The young people will present three 1-act plays Friday evening, proceeds to help send young people to the Frederick Young People's Conference. iHi00tmt The Gospel Mission Harvey V. Prentice, Superintendent. 31st Anniversary Service Sunday, May 9th, 3 P.M. 216 John Marshall PI. N.W. TESTIMONIES, REPORTS, EX ERCISES BY DEPARTMENTS Public Cordially Invited OIIjrtBttatt CHRISTIAN Ctjr National Citij THOMAS CIRCLE DR. RAPHAEL H. MILLER REV J. R. MILLS. Ministers. 0:45 a m.—Bible School. 10:50 am.—"So God Made Mot hers.'* 7:45 p.m.—‘‘Horizontal vs. Vertical Living.” Dr. Miller preaching both services. d:30 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. Nintlj £>trrrt 9th A D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE, Minister WM. GEO. ORAM, Assistant 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Unc r owned Queen.” 7:45 p m.—“Life1. Bedres.” Columbia Sfrigbto | 1435 Park Rd. N.W. Rev. Arthur P. Wilson. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—“Jerusalem, the Mother of Us All.” 8:00 p.m.—Mother’s Day Pageant. Gleaners Class. __fflgtllflftifit gptHfopal S’rmllt Mf. Vernon Place M. E. Church, So. Southern Methodism’s Representative Church Massachusetts Ave. and 9th St. N.W. MOTHER'S DAY To accommodate the great crowds attending Mt. Vernon Church and to assure a seat for everyone there will be Two Identical Services Sunday Morning 9:15 and 11 O'Clock Same Sermon—Same Music Sermon "A MOTHER'S NAME" DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN, MINISTER SUNDAY NIGHT 8 O'CLOCK "FAMOUS MADONNAS" Presented by Adult—Younger Adult—Young People's and Senior Deport ments of the Church School Under the direction of DEANE SH|JRE Dr. Johnson To Preach Tomorrow “Who Is My Mother?” Is Topic at National Baptist Church. OTHER'S DAY will be observed tomorrow at the National Bap tist Memorial Church. At 11 a m. the pastor, Dr. Gove Griffith Johnson, will preach on “Who Is My Mother?” Dr. Arthur I. Brown, at 8 p.m., will open a Bible conference, taking as the theme of his sermon “The Greatest Preacher and His Greatest Sermon.” The conference will continue through Friday, at 8 o’clock each evening. Dr. Brown, a fellow of the Royal So ciety of Physicians and Surgeons, and who, at one time, did scientific re search with Sir Oliver Lodge, Conan Doyle. Sir Aruth Keith and others, is now devoting himself to the work of Bible conferences. This present con ference is held under auspices of the Bible Institute of Washington. Dr. Brown’s other subjects will be: Mon day, “Wise Fools”; Tuesday, “Genesis —The Wonders of Creation—Modern Science”; Wednesday, “Infallible Proofs of an Infallible Book"; Thurs day, “Our Amazing Body,” and Fri day, “From Operating Room to Pulpit A Life Story.” Monday evening has been designated as young people’s night and Dr. Brown in his topic, ‘Wise Fools,” will touch upon the evils of intemperance. The annual installation banquet of the senior B. Y. P. U. will be held at the church Wednesday evening, with Dr. A. B. Potrof, professor of religious education at American University, as the speaker. SUPPER IS PLANNED BY LUTHER LEAGUE Baltimore and Bethesda Young People to Be Hon ored at Incarnation. The Incarnation Senior Luther League will tender a fellowship sup per in the parish hall tomorrow at 6 p.m. to the St. John’s and Third Church Luther Leagues of Baltimore and to the Lutheran Young People of Bethesda, Md. John C. Bitten bender, president, and Barbara Kib bey, supper chairman, will be in charge. Rev. H. T. Whiting will make the address. At the congregational service at 11 a.m. Rev. Henry Manken will preach on "The Ascension of Jesus Christ.” Holy communion will be adminis tered at both services on Whitsunday at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. The Church Council elected John W. Martin and H. Ernest Griffith as its official delegates to the 118th an nual convention . of the Lutheran Synod of Maryland, which convenes in Baltimore May 24 at Trinity Lu theran Church. SFrintiia FRIENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX) I3th and Irvine Streets N.W. Sunday School. 0:15 a.m. 11 a.m.—Meeting for Worship. All welcome. Friends Meeting 1811 Eye St. N.W. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, _11:00 a.m.—Meeting for Worship. Friends Meeting of Washington. (Established 10.50—dill Florida Ave.l Meeting for Worship First Day (Sunday) at 11 a.m Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. All interested are welcome._ fHrlhoMal iEplarnpal ' . » Jfounbrp 16th St. Near P St. Frederick Brown Harris, D.D. Minister 11:00—“A Mother’s Dav Garden.*• 8:00—“What Mother Said." ELDROOKE M. E. Wisconsin Ave. at River Rd. N.W. WALTER M. MICHAEL. Minister. 11:00 a m.—Wordship. “Courageous Mothers.” 8:00 P.m.—Worship. “Righteousness That Challenges.” (Let Us Show Our Respect to Our Mothers by Worshiping Today.) SPECIAL PROGRAM. Mrs. Bridge to Preside at Waugh Methodist Service. The mothers of Waugh Methodist Church will present a special Moth ers' day program tomorrow night, with Mrs. Cora Bridge presiding. Those who will act as ushers are Mrs. Bessie Reed, Mrs. Jannie Kauffman, Mrs. Ophelia Reddick, Mrs. Angie Kerwln and Mrs. Nellie Anderson. Prayer will be offered by Mrs. Fannie Colonna. Mrs. Edith Tice will make an address and benediction will be given by Rev. A. F. Poore. Spe cial music. The pastor will preach at 11 am. on “Interrogation or Adoration.” --• Dr. Harris Talks Twice Tomorrow Rite of Baptism to Be . Administered in Morning. FOUNDRY M. E. Church to morrow- morning Dr. Frederick Brown Harris will preach on “A Mother’s Day Garden,” and at 8 p.m. on “What Mother Said." At the morning service the rite of baptism will be administered to in fants, and at the evening service the officers of the Epworth League will be installed. J. K. Stacy will read Wachob's "Mother,” with organ ac companiment, at 8 pm. The annual dinner and business meeting of the Sunday School Board will be held Monday. Rev. E. Pearce Hayes of China will speak. Tributes to the memory of the late Bishop William Fraser McDowell will be made at the midweek service at 8 p.m. Thursday. Mrs. Eugene Wesley Shaw of Chevy Chase will address the Adult Bible Class tomorrow in the absence of the teacher, R. P. Green. ---- People’s Congregational. Rev. A. F. Elmes will have as his Mother's day message Sunday morn ing “More of Reverence.” The Busy Bees offer a Mother’s day program at 6 o’clock. At church night next Thursday the constitution of the church will be read. Opportunity for questions and discussion will be given. The deaconesses are in charge of ar rangements for the social. Christian and Missionary Alliance 3 P-m-—“Sermons in Genesis” “Abraham at Thirty-Nine” [i Sonc and Praise Service ~:3®—“The Value of Real Personal Testimony.” Always a Welcome. Rev. P. R. Bvde. Pastor. | 808 Eye St. N.W. "SILVER WINGS" m 8 P.M. b ft A rousing, enthusiastic service. JRw People from everywhere at tend You'll like it! jg-jpt. "Mother—Home—Heaven" 8* 11 AM. B—s WOL Broadcast, 2 P.M. |Lj^ Bible School. 10 A.M. IT Young People. 7 P.M. Tues. & Fri. Meetings. 8 p m. A PLACE OF THE OLD-TIME Sf*/ RELIGION FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. S# Dr. Clark Forcey , Minister |l Piney BR.Ro.dt Georgia Ave.N.W|1 £uangrliral anfi 5Rrf nrmrb GRACE REFORMED '»hN*"vd HENRY H. RANCH. D. D., Pastor 11:00 a m.—“Glorious Mothers.” Junior Choir. 9:40 a m.—Sunday School. 6:30 pm.—Young Peoples Society. CONCORDIA Lutheran Evangelical 20th and G Sts. N.W. REV. CHARLES ENDERS. Pastor 9:45 a m.—Bible School. PREACHING SERVICES. 10:00 a m.—German. 11:15 a m.—English. GOOD MESIC EVERYBODY WELCOME. Epiarapal Eptarnpal WashingtonCathedral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodley Road Holy Communion. _7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer. Holy Com munion and Sermon 11:00 a.m. Preacher, the Dean. People's Evensong and Ser mon 4:00 p m. Preacher, the Bishop of Washington. St. Thomas’ Church 18th St. Bet. P and Q Nep.r Dupont Circle Rev. Howard S. Wilkinson, D. D.. Rector 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 0:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon. the Rector. Holy Communion. Wed.. 8 a.m. and Thur.. 11 am. &amt Jtlarfe’s "ON CAPITOL HILL" Third and A Streets Southeast REV. WILLIAM R. MOODY, Rector 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 0:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rector. 0:30 p m—Young People's Meeting 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer. Sermon by the Rector. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. F. J. BOHANAN D. D. The Country Church in the City. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St. and Rock Creek Church Rd. Services. 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL Georgia Ave. and Madison St. 7:30. 9:30. 11 a.m.. 8 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH 16th and H Sta. 8:00 am.—Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer anda Sermon by Dr. Hart. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr. Hart. 7:45 p.m.—Organ Music by Arthur Howes. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Ser • mon by Mr. Madison. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 222 8lh St. N.E.—Tel. All. 1746 THE REV. A. Q. PLANK Sunday Masses—7:30 and n a.m Evensong. Benediction, 7:30 p.m. Daily Mass 7 a.m. Holy Hour Thurs., 8 p.m. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 23rd St. near Washington Circle 7:30—Holy Communion. 11:00—Eucharist and Sermon. 8:00—Eyensons and Adoration. ST. MARGARET’S Conn. Ave. and Bancroft Place. REV. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. D. D.» RECTOR REV. G. BERKELEY GRIFFITH 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. The Rector will preach. 6:00 p.m.—Young People's Society. CHURCH OFST. STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. The REV. PAUL D. WILBUR, S. T. B.. Rector. The REV. GEORGE F. DUDLEY. D. D., Rector Emeritus Holy Communion_7:30 a.m. Church School_9:30 a m. Confirmation _ _ 11:00 a.m. The Right Rev. James E. Freeman, D. D.. Bishop of Washington. WEEK DAYS. Thursday. Holy Communion _10:00 a.m. Eptpljang 1317 G Street N.W. REV. Z. B. PHILLIPS. D. D.. LL. D. REV. RICHARD A. CARTMEI.L. B. D. REV. D. WADE SAFFORD. A. B. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon by Dr. Phillips 0:30 p.m.—Young People's Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. SalTord. —ST. AGNES’— 46 Que Stre«t N.W. (Fla. Ave. or North Capitol 8t. Car.) REV. V. O. ANDERSON. RECTOR Sundays 7:00 a.m.—Low Maas. 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sung Mass and Sermon. 8:00 pm.—Evensong. Benediction. Week Days. 7:00 a.m.—Low Mass every day. 9:30 a.m.—Low Mass Thursdays, r 8:00 p.m.—Intercessions Friday. ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 3210 O ST. N.W REV. F. BLAND TUCKER, Rector. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon. Thursday. 10 A.M. AH Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Ayes. N.W. REV. H. H. D. STERKETT. Rector 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sormon. *:30p.m.—Young People's Club j Lutherans Pay Tribute To Mothers Dr. Lenski to Speak on Place in Christian Civilization. CUNDAY’S services at Grace Lu theran Church will honor the thought of Mother’s day. Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski will preach at 11 a m. on "The Mother’s Pre-eminent Place in Christian Civilization.’’ The church board will have a busi ness session Monday evening. The Fidelity Club will meet Wednes day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Clara Brown, 1471 Harvard street. The Young People’s Senior Group will present the play, "Very Untruly Yours,’’ In the church hall Thursday at 8 p.m. under the leadership of Frederick Winkelman, president. Harry Crow is directing this play. On May 16 at 6 p.m. the young people will hold their customary devotional meet ing, discussing the topic, “The Moral Influence of the Movies." -•-— TO SPEAK ON INDIA Spirit of Hindu Philos ophy Will Be Described. Dr. Haridas T. Muzumdar, a per sonal friend of Mahatma Gandhi, who was present at tiie recent round table conferences in India, will speak at the Chapel of the Self-Realization Fellowship, 1758 Columbia road, to morrow at 8 pm. on "The Spirit of Hindu Philosophy.” He will also speak at a special meeting of the society Tuesday in the chapel on "The Hindu Way of Life.” The public is invited to attend these meetings as they will afford an op portunity to hear comments from an eyewitness concerning conditions in India today. -i-... IBrrUjrftt Church of the Brethren 4th St. and N. C. Ave. S.E. Rev. Rufus D. Bowman, Tastor 11:0U am.—"Honor Thy Father and Mother." 8:00 pm.—"t'tillzinf Tour Reserve Powers.” 0:45 a m.—Church school. IJrraliijtrrian CENTRALPRESBYTERIAN Southern Gen> r.v Assembly 16th and Irving St.. N W. REV. JAMES H. TAYLOR, D. D., Pa.tor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. F. Crcesley Morgan. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 5:00 p.m.—Westminster League. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon by Dr. Morgan. River Road Church United Presbyterian River Rd. at 45th and Fessenden Sts. | Rev. Virgil M. Cosby, Minister. 9:45 a m.—Bible School. Classes for All. Worship Service. 11:00. Mother's Day Sermon. "A Mother’s Wages.” GUEST PREACHER HERE TOMORROW Will Speak in New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. Dr. Howard Moody Morgan, minis ter of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, will be the guest speaker at the New York Ave nue Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning and evening. At 11 o'clock he will speak on ‘Life—A Pageant of Triumph in Christ," and at 8 p ro. on "God’s Picture of a Mother.” The Tuxis Group will meet under the leadership of Miss Betty Thomp son. The topic for discussion will b« "Our Work." Dr. Albert Evans, minister in charge, will speak at the prayer service Thurs day night on the Pentecost. His sub ject will be "The World in One Room.** "APRON STRINGS” Rev. R. W. White to Dis cuss Theme Tomorrow. "Apron Strings" will be the subject of Rev. Raymond W. White, pastor of Rhode Island Avehue M. P. Church, at the Mother’s day celebration tomor row. A number of new members will be received. The evening subject will be "The Remedy for Lost Ideals." The Men’s Bible Class, taught by the pastor, will discuss the subject "Abraham, a Man of Prayer” at 9.45 am. . On Tuesday night there will be a meeting of the official board. The new members recently elected will be Introduced and initiated. Srruaalm (SWEDEXBORGIAN) CHURCH OF THE HOI.Y~CITY L Kith Above Q N.M. 0:45—S S . 10:no—Arcana Class 1 1 mi—Worship Sermon. "The Mother." S p m.—Circle of Faith _Pastor,_Rev._Paiil Sperry._ Ptrahytman UNITED PRESBYTERIAN WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Ave. and Randolph St. N.W. C. E. Hawthorne, D. D., Minister 11a m—"Mother’s Day Messare.’* 8:00 p m—Sermon by the Pastor. Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at 2‘ind and P Sts. N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the South to the Nation's Capital. Rev. Andrew R. Bird. D. !>.. Minister Divine Worship, ll a.m. end 7:15 p m. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN | CHURCH 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.1Y. j James H. Miers, Minister g 11:00 am.—*‘A Reference t# 4 Mother's Day.” y (Broadcast over WOL at 11:30) g 8:00 p m.—‘‘The Two-Mouthed 1 Sword.” «*»*•' •. Presbyterian Church of America KNQX PRESBYTERIAN 1316 Vermont Ave. N.W. Rev. Leslie W. Sloat. Minister. 11:00—“The Scripture Teaching Con cerning the hnd of the World.” 8:00—“The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph.” • Central PRESBYTERIAN Church Intersection of 15th, 16th and Irving Sts. N.W. REV. JAMES H. TAYLOR, D.D., Pastor BIBLE CONFERENCE May 9-14 inclusive Conducted by Dr. F. Crossley Morgan I Sunday, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Week Days, 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Visitors Welcome. CJYTU Sixteenth and VIA 1 FI Kennedy St*. N W. 1. HERBERT GARNER. Minister 11 am. “HONOR THY MOTHER” 0:30 a m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—C. E. NEW YORK AVENUE CHURCH 13th and H and N. Y. Ave. Miniiter in Charge DR. ALBERT EVANS 0:30 a m.—Church Bible School. 11:00 am.—"Life—a Pareant of Trl umph in Christ,” Dr. Howard Moody Morgan. 6:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Society. 8:00 p.m.—‘‘God’s Picture of a Mother.’* Dr. Howard Moody Morgan. PECK MEMORIAL CHAPEL Pa. Ave., 28th and M Sts. N.W. IRVING W. KETCHL'M. Minister ' 0:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Mother's Day Service. 7:00 p.m.—Youna People. 7:45 p.m.—Talkina Pictures. "Mission Fields.” _ p . m | 16th and bunton-1 emple sw. Rev. Bernard Braskamp. D. D., Minister 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Braskamp. ‘‘Mother’s Da'." 9:15 p.m.—Youne People's Tea. Wednesday. 11 a.m —Women's Guild Thurs.. 8 p m.—Church Night Service. SHERWOOD Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N.E. THOMAS LAW COYLE. Minister. 3 Church Services Each Sunday 9 a.m.—Worship and Sermon 1 1 a.m.—Worship and Sermon 8 p.m.—Worship and Sermon Sunday School at 9:40 A.M. EASTERN Maryland Are. and Sixth St. N.E. ALFRED E. BARROWS. D. D. Pastor 9:30 a m.—Bible School. 11.00 a m.—"A Mother'* Faith.” 7:45 p.m.—Mother* D» at "Seth Parker'*.” (Presented br Senior C. HO WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. REV. J. HARVEY DUNHAM, D. D. Minister. ll:OOam.—“The First Love Story.** a Mother's Day sermon 7:00 p m —Song Service. Special Music. GEORGETOWN (Founded 1780) P Street near 31st Street N.W. REV, ROBERT M. SKINNER. Minister 0:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morninc Worship “As a Mother Loves.** 6:30. 6:45. 7 pm.—Young People's Groups. SERVICE FRANCA1S (New York Avenue Church) New York Ave., 13th and H St». Andre Frank Liotard. Pasteur de la Congregation Francaise. Dimanehe a 4 h., service du eulte. COVENANT FIRST Conn. Ave. at 18th & X Sts. X.W. Dr. Albert Joseph McCartney Rev. Samuel R. Allison Ministers Morning Worship, 11 am. “Sacrament of Lord’s Supper” Dr. McCartney in charge Sunday School for all ages. Sunday Evening Young People, 6 to 8 Mid-week Worship Service, Thurs day 5 o’clock. CHEVY CHASE Chew Chase Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister. Minister. 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. and 12 noon— Church School. 9 45 a m.—The Clyde Kelly Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Suoiect. "The Shrine." 7:30 p.m.—Young People's Groups. Washington Heights Presbyterian Church Kalorama Near Columbia Road. REV. JOHN C. PAI.MER. D. 0.. Minister. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Palmer. "As One Whom His Mother Com* forteth." Communion of the Lord's Supper follows the 8ermon. All Welcome