IS FUND HERE Life Underwriters to Hold Luncheon—Exhibit to Be Opened. BY EDWARD C. STONE.. National life insurance week in Washington will start off with two special events next Monday, first a luncheon of all members of the Dis trict Life Under writers’ Associa tion at the Wil lard Hotel at 11:30 a.m., and second the open ing of a special life insurance exhibit at the Depart m e n t of Commerce, com mencing at 1:45 p.m„ Earle W. Sapp, association chairman, a n - nounced today. The lunch eon guest speaker Earle W. Sapp. will be George L. Hunt of Boston, the national association's campaign chairman, who will also take part In opening the exhibition at the Commerce Department. The national association reports that references to the value of life Insurance will be made in the pul pits of hundreds of churches all over the country tomorrow. Many Amer ican colleges will observe the week with lectures, displays and discus sions. while business firms everywhere have donated space for posters, signs and other material about insurance. The newspaper advertising cam paign will be larger than usual this year. Liberal space has been taken in the Washington papers and in some 730 other papers in 401 cities. Local broadcasts have also been arranged. In some instances State and city of ficials have called attention to in surance week aims. Secretary of Commerce Roper is sued a statement lauding the pur poses of life insurance as it touches the social and economic welfare of the country. The exhibit in his de partment has been prepared by Guerra Everett. Bond Outing Plans Ready. Members of the Bond Club of Wash ington today received invitations to the annual outing, ‘o be held at the Manor Club on Friday, June 4, signed by President Thomas C. Montgomery and Secretary Chauncev G. Parker, jr. All the usual amusements are on the program, will elaborate prizes for the winners. Three high spots of the outing will be the annual mock stock exchange session, the annual dinner and the election of officers. Kenneth S. Wales Is chairman of the Nominating Com mittee, his report placing before the Bond Club the names of Clark Brown for president, Chauncey G. Parker, jr„ viqe president; George M. Ferris, secretary and treasurer; Frank M. Hall, governor, and Thomas C. Mont gomery, also governor. Edson B. Olds, jr., is general chair man of the Outing Committee, Ills assistants being Chet Ailes, ban quet; Myles H. Quail, tickets; Bayne Marbury, putting; Dick Dunn, golf; Frank Rapee, horseshoe pitching; Donald H. McKnew, prizes, and Har old Patterson, stock exchange. “In view of the substantial growth In the membership of the club, it is impossible for us to have guests," the invitations state. GENERAL STOCKYARDS SELLS SHARE HOLDINGS By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, May 15.—United Stock yards Oorp., $12,000,000 holding man agement company, announced yes terday acquisition for $3,383,483 of all the stock holdings of General Stockyards Corp., giving It definite majority control of four yards at St. Paul, Sioux City, Fort Worth and Toronto. Associates of John Da Witt, organ leer of United Stockyards, said part of the proceeds will be used by Gen eral Stockyards to retire its 21,360 outstanding shares of $100 par 7 per cent preferred at $107.50 a share plus accrued dividends and the corpora tion then will be dissolved. Holders of 64,000 shares of General Stockyards common stock outstand ing. approving the dissolution of the company, voted recently to accept not leas than $28 a share for their stock In the deal. DOLLAR MOVES DOWN IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 15.—United State® dollars were quoted 4.94 >4 to the pound, off seven-sixteenths of a cent, In final foreign exchange dealings to day, contrasted with $4.94*4 for ster ling in New York yesterday. French francs closed net unchanged 110.25 to the pound. 50 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK, May 15 (£>).—'The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 50 tons of pig Iron from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per hundred pounds, St. Louis. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 16 (/Pi (U. 8 Dept. Agr.). •—Hoga. 2.000, including 1,800 direct; very little on aale. practically nothing mod or eholce: nominally ateady with an #11 nomi nal top. aame aa Friday; shippers took, none; eetlmated holdover. 300: compared week aso. 60 to 05 higher; week's top. 11.00: closing top. 11.00. _ Cattle, 100; calves. 100: compared Fri day last week; good end choice fed steers and yearlings 50 higher, as much as 1.00 over last week’s low time: common and medium grades 25 higher; biggest advance on kinds now selling at 10.50 upward: largely light weight steer run: killing quali ty Teas desirable than week earlier: upturn stimulated by aupply abridgement et all markets follovgng last week's break; in tenJlve field work expected to curtail runs •ear next two weeks, but sharp advance may attract cattle; fed and grassy heifers 96 higher: beef cows steady: grassy cutters weak to 25 lower; bulls 50 oft and vealers ft to 1.00 down; top. 1.265-lb. steers, 16.00. Uttle above 13.60; best yearlings. 13.00: light heifers. 11.75; package heavy Heifers. 13.00; most steers. 9.75-12.60. Sheep. 9.000. including 9.000 directs. ^»r week ending Friday. 13.000 directs. Oompared Friday last week: Fat lambs 95-60 higher: Spring lambs. 60-76: spots. 1.00 up; sheep steady; week's extreme top native Spring lambs. 13.50; bulk Call {ornlaf. 12.65 down to 12.60: top wooled ambe at midweek. 12.76: bulk of week's offerings. 11.60-12.75; extreme top clipped lambs. 1125: others. 10.25-10.76 mostly: top shorn ewes. 6.25: bulk. 4.00-5.00: acattered wooled ewes, upward to 6.00 and 6.60. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NKW YORK. May IB MB.—Kggs. 34.002: firmer. Mixed colon, special packs. 2314 2B: standards. 231V. storase-packed firsts, 23: firsts, 2114-14: mediums. 20-2014; dirties. No. 1. 20; average checks. 10. Butter. 9.410: weaker. Creamery, higher than extra. 3214-33: extra (92 score). 32; firsts (88-91 scores). 2914-31: seconds <84-87 scores). 20-29: centralised <90 score). 3014. Cheese. 233.980. firm and unchanged. Live poultry, by express, weak. Prices unchanged. a Dressed poultry generally steady. Fowls. PJO-0B pounds, fresh and froeen. I7a22. [ oUter fresh and frozen prices unchanged. 1 TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private wire Direct I* The Bter. All New York markets ere bow ea IsylUht savin* time. Prev. 1937 Btock end Bales— Net Hlth Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Huh. Low. dote. cute. 22% 15 Adams Exp (a&5c).. 4 16% 16% 16% 36 29% Addressog'ph b60c.. 2 30 80 30 + % 4% 2% Advance Rumely... 1 2V4 2% 2% 80% 68% Air Reduction - 1 214 214 214 - 4 34H 27 Byron Jmckson (tl>. 2 28 27% 27% — W 24 Callahan ^inc-Lead 7 3% 34 34+4 204 12 Calumet&Hecla (1) 12 124 124 124 + 4 374 26V* Campbell Wy (tl).. 1 27 27 27 —4 384 254 Canada Dry O Ala.. 3 264 264 264 + 4 174 12V* Canadian Paclflc... 17 12V* 124 124 94 7 Carriers* Gen_ 4 194 194 194 + 4 92 834 City Ice & F pf 64. 10s 844 844 844 104 7 City Stores_ 3 74 74 74 40V* 324 Clark Equlp(tl.60). 3 36 36 36 —4 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 44 30s 1074 1074 1074 984 78 Cluett Peabody (3). 1 86 86 86 -1 1704 1224 Coca-Cola (t2)_ 2 161 151 151 +1 25V, 194 Colgate-P-P(t60c). 9 204 204 204 624 514 Collins & Alkn (t2). 1 63 63 63 —4 27V* 204 Colo & Southern 10s 22 22 22 +1 30 21V* Colo & South 1st pf. 10s 22 22 22 29 214 Colo & South 2d pf_. 10s 214 214 214 204 12 Columb G & El <40c) 41 124 124 124 —4 101 904 Col G* E pf (6)- 10s 894 894 894 —14 69V* 564 Cornel Credit (t4) — 7 60V* 60 60 —4 21V* 144 Cornel Sole (t60c)._ 6 15 144 144 — 1* 44 24 Comw & Southern.. 38 24 2 4 24 —4 754 50 Comw & Sou pf(3).. 2 624 624 524 +14 454 36V* Congoleum-Nrn(3)_ 1 374 374 374 + 4 18v* 114 Consol Cigar- 1 114 114 114 494 344 Cons Edls N T(t»)_ 13 354 364 364 -4 108 1034 Cons Ed N T pf(6)_ 1 103 103 103 —4 6v* 34 Cons Film.._—. 3 34 34 34 184 124 Cone Film pf 8 64 54, 64 234 164 Curtisa-W (A)a50a. 4 174 174 174 +4 24 19 Darega cum pf 14- 9 204 204 204 +4 1374 1044 Deere*Co _— 6 1274 126 126 -14 314 29 Deere * Co pf 1.40.. 2 274 274 274 —14 29 20 Delsel-Wem-G(tl). 4 204 20 204 — 4 104 64 Den * R G W pf (d). 2 64 64 64 -4 1464 1144 Detroit Edison _ 6 15% 15% 15%+% 29% 20% Olmbel Bros . 6 21% 20% 21% + % 90% 83% Glnibel Bros pf(t).. 2 83% 83 83% 61% 41 Glldden Co (2)_ 11 44 43 44 +1 6% 4% Gobel (Adolf)_ 3 4% 4% 4% 8% 6% Goebel Brew)_ 1 82% 32% 32%-% 431 336 Homeatake (til)— 530s 365 352 354 +7 27% 20% Houd-Her B (tl%). 3 21% 21% 21% - H 17% 12% Houaton Oil vto- 11 14% 14% 14%+% 80% 62% Howe Sound _ 2 22 22 22 +% 83% 69 Lima Locomotive.. 1 63% 63% 63% 84% 64% Loew'a Ino 4+2)_ 7 77% 76 77%+% 3% 2% Loft Ino_ 3 2% 2% 2% + % 75% 60% Lone Star Cmt b75c. 8 54% 53% 54%+ % 10% 6% Long-Bell Lumbi A) 1 7% 7% 7% 28% 21% Lorlllard P - 8 45% 45% 45%-% 15% 11% Mad Sq Garden b95e 2 13 12% 12% 7% 6 Manatl Sugar (d)._ 2 4% 4% 4% — % 30 16 Manatl Sugpf (d).. 30e 17 16% 16%-% 16% 8% Man El tnd gtd (d)_. 4 9% 9% 9% - % 6% 3% Maracaibo Oil Exp.. 14 4 4 14% 10% Marine Mid It40c).. 2 10% 10% 10% 3% 2 Market StRy_ 300 • 2 2 2 89 24% Market St Ry pr pf. 20i 26 26 26 + % 51% 41 Marlin Rock 1% 1% 1% + % Prev 1937 Stock and 8a)e«— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Oloie. chat. 84V* 70 Philip Morrls(bSVl) 2 74V* 73V* 74V* +2 69V* 49% Phillip* Petrol’m t2 5 63V* 53 63V* + V* 33% 28% Plllebury Flour 1.60 1 29% 29% 291k + % 18V* 101k Pittsburgh Coal_ 1 12 12 12 20 13% Pitts Screw&B bl6e. 5 15 15 16 122 931k Pitta Steel pf_ 10* 96 96 96 +1 8% 3Vk Pitta United-_ 3 4% 4V» 4% 291k 24V* Plymouth Oil (tl).. 4 26% 26 26% + % 21% 171k Pond Creek Poo 12). 1 17% 171k 171k 33% 22V* Poor* Co (B)_ 1 26% 25% 26% + V* 11% 6% Porto R Am Tob A.. 2 6% 6% 5% 3% 1% Porto R Am Tob B_. 1 2* 2 2 16% 8 Postal Tel&C pf(d). 18 8 8 31% 20 Pressed Steel Car... 3 21% 21% 21%-% 66% 66% Proctor 4kGarni12). 6 60% 60% 60%-% 62V* 40% Pub Svo N J (2.60).. 8 40% 40% 40%-% 112% 100% Pub Svo N J pf (6).. 1 101% 101% 101% - % 72% 66% Pullman Ino (1%).. 8 67% 57% 57% + V* 24% 17% Pure Oil.. . 25 18 17V* 17% 112V* 108 Pure Oil pf (8)_ 60* 109VI 109% 109V* - % 23V* 15V* Purity Bak (60c)... 5 16V* 16% 16V, + % 18% 18 Quaker State Ob45c 3 17% 17% 17%+% 12% 8% Radio Corp. _ 64 9 8% 8% - % 80 66% Radio pf A <3^4 )_ 4 66% 6R 66tf - % 10% 7% Radlo-Keith-Or (d). 9 8% 8 8% + % 4% 2% Reie (Robt).. _ 1 2% 2% 2% + % 29% 21 Rem-Rand (t«0c)._ 21 25% 24% 25%+ % 94% 80% Rem-R pf ww(4H). 1 82 82 82 -2 9% 6 Reo Motor Car__ 12 6 5% 6 + % 47% 27% Republio Steel_ 67 34% 33% 33%+ Vi 112 103 Reynolds M pf 5%.. 1 102% 102% 102%-1 34% 22% Reynolds Spr (tl)-. 1 22% 22% 22% 58 50 Reynolds Tob B (3). 26 49% 49% 49% — % 113 106% Safeway Str pf(6)._ 60e 109'% 109% 109% — % 113 110 Safeway Strs pf (7). 110s 110% 110% 110% 65 43% St Joseph L>d(b50c). 3 62 61% 62 + % 4% 3 St L-San Fran (d)_ 13 3 3 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d).. 2 7% 7% 7% — % 51% 41% Schenley Dlst(b75c) 5 42% 42 42 — % 98% 94 Schenley pf (5%)_ 1 94% 94% 94% — % 3% 1% Schulte R Strs (d).. 4 1% 1% 1% + % 2% 1 Vi Seaboard Air L (d). 12 1% 1% 1% — % 8% 6 Seaboard A L pf(d). 4 5% 5% 5% 95% 81 Sears Roebuck (>)-. 7 83% 83% 83% + % 34 26 Servel Ino (tl)_ 6 28% 28 28%+ % 42% 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 1 31 31 31 - % 120 95 Sharon Stl pf (5)_ 1 97 97 97 +2 14 9% Sharpe & Dohme_ 2 11 10% 10%+ % 17% 12% Shattuck F G (60c)_ 1 13% 13% 13%+ % 34% 25% Shell Un Oil (a25c)_ 2 29 28% 28% 105% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 6%„ 3 103% 102% 102% - % 17% 12% Silver King (b25c).. 1 13% 13% 13% + % 58 40 Simmons Co (b50c). 2 42% 42% 42% -r % 60% 42 Skelly Oil (b50c)_ 3 52% 52% 52% + % 197 85% Sloss-Sheffleld Stl - 10* 157 157 157 +2 40% 27% Smith A Cor ctfa(l) 1 32% 32% 32% +1 29% 21% Snider Pkg (bl% )__ 1 21% 21% 21% 20% 16% Socony-Vac (b25c)_ 83 18% 18 18% + % 6% 3% South Am G & P 30e 11 4 3% 3% 32% 22% So Cal Edison tl%„ 9 23% 23% 23% 65% 42% Southern Pacific__ 18 66% 56% 56% + % 43% 24 Southern Ry_— 14 37% 36% 36% + % 60% 45 Southern Ry pf__ 2 47% 47% 47% + % 9% 5% Sparks-Withlng__ 5 5% 5% 6% 31 20 Spear A Co (a50c)_ 1 20% 20% 20%+ % 23% 17 Sperry Corp vtc(al) 6 17% 17% 17%+ % 34% 28% Spicer Mfg (e3)_ 1 29% 29% 29%-1 28% 19% Spiegel, Inc (1)_ 8 20% 20% 20% 95% 88 Spiegel cum pf(4%) 20* 88 88 88 16% 12% Stand Brande(t80c) 48 12% 12% 12% 12% 8 Stand Com Tobac... 2 8 7% 7% — % 14% 7% Stand Gas A El (d). 11 7% 7% 7% + % 32% 17% Stand GAE $4 pf(d). 9 18% 18 18V* - % 50 41% Stand Oil Calif (tl). 6 43 42% 42% — Vi 50 43% Stand OH Ind — 3 1084 1084 1084 +14 434 324 U 8 Indus Alcohol.- 2 34 34 34 164 64 U S Leather vtc_ 1 94 94 94 + 4 224 134 U S Leather(A)vtc. 6 154 154 154 —4 72V* 524 U S Pipe & Fdry (3). 4 53 524 52V*— 4 194 10 US Realty & Imp_ 2 114 11 11 + 4 724 444 U S Rubber- 9 554 554 654 + V* 118 86 U S Rubber 1st pf._ 2 87 87 87 —4 105 82 U S Smelting (b4)_. 2 84 83 83 — V* 754 68 U S Smelt pf (3V4)_. 1 684 684 684 + V* 1264 75 US Steel- 46 964 95 95 —4 150 131 U S Steel pf (7)- 11314 1314 1314+4 136 121 U S Tobacco (t*)_ 1 120 120 120 —1 94 64 Unit Stk Yda (50c)_ 8 74 74 74 +4 84 44 Utd Stores (A)_ 14 44 44 44 —4 44 24 Util Pw&Lt (A)(d). 1 24 24 24 +4 24 14 Vadsco Salse Corp.. 3 14 14 14 — 4 394 26 Vanadium Corp_ 3 274 274 274 — 4 12»* 74 Va-Car Chemical_ 3 9 84 9 + 4 744 52 Va-Car Chem 6% pf 1 554 554 554 + 4 115 108 Va El & Pw of (6).. 20b 112 112 112 +1 124 64 V'a Iron Coal&Coke. 40s 74 74 74+ 4 98 70 Vulcan Detin (a8)_20s 78 754 78 +3 104 34 Wabash (d) _ 1 64 64 64 — 4 194 13 Waldorf Sys(tl.20). 4 134 134 134 494 424 Walker (H) (2)- 9 434 434 434 194 19 Walker (H) pf (1).. 1 194 194 194 18** 114 Walworth Co __ 1 144 144 144 + 4 10** 64 Ward Baking (B)— 2 64 6 64 18 114 Warner Bros Plot... 42 124 114 124 + 4 14 4 Warner-Qulnlan(d) 2 4 4 4+4 124 64 Warren Bros (d)_ 1 84 84 84 94 44 Webster Elsenlohr- 3 4s* 44 44 — 4 24 14 Weils Fargo- 10» 14 14 14—4 109 98 West Penn El pf (7). 30« 964 96** 96** —lv* 114 84 Western Maryland- 2 84 84 84—4 234 154 Western Md 2d pf_ 1 164 164 164 + 4 44 24 Western Pacific_ 2 3 24 24 114 74 Western Pacific pf.. — 2 74 74 74 834 544 VVestn Un Tsl (I)... 4 564 564 564 —4 574 414 Westlngh’se A B(l). 8 444 444 444 + 4 1674 130V* Westhse Elec (b2)_. 3 134V* 134 1344 + 4 65 38 Wheeling Steel 2 454 45 45V* +1V* 234 23 WhitelS S) Dental- 4 234 23 23 334 214 White Motor_ 5 23 224 224 184 144 White Rk M S(1.40) 1 144 144 144 -4 464 274 White Sew Mch pf.. 8 314 30V* 314 — 4 64 44 Wilcox Oil & Gas.— 1 44 44 44 + 4 12V* 84 Wilson & Co (50c)_ 3 9 84 9 654 46V* Woolworth (2.40)... 12 474 47 47 — 4 47 324 Worthington Pump. 2 354 344 354 +14 76 684 Wrigley W Jr (t3)_ 1 70 70 70 374 204 Yellow Tr & Coach.. 81 22 214 22 +4 1014 754 Ygstn S&T (b75c)_ 6 844 834 84 +11* 404 31 Zenith Radio (bl >_ 1 35 35 35 | Total Sales for ths Day 340.000 l Dividend rates as given in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the iatest quarterly or half-yearly declarations s Unit of trading less than 100 shares. > Annual rate_ not including extras, a Paid last year b Paid this year j d Companies repoited In receivership or being reorganised' I x Ex dividend. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 15 —Cotton fu tures opened very steady, 8 to 12 higher on foreign buying and week end covering with offers small. July, 12.77; October, 12.58; December, 12.56; January, 12.56; March, 12.60. With the English and continental markets closed, trading tapered off to small proportions after the opening call. With offerings restricted the market displayed a steady undertone. Shortly after the first half hour prices sold at net gains of 1* to 15 points with October advancing from 12.57 to 12.63. Part of the buying was credited to a belief the decline had gone far enough and a technical rally was due., Texas advices reported heavier boll weevil emergence. Cotton plantings In that State was said to have made fair progress in the past week and with ample moisture in the North west planting was expected to get Into full swing next week. Requests for release of but 70 bales of loan cotton stocks reported by the Commodity Credit Corp. during the past week was said to be causing the agency to consider changes in re lease terms or suspension of the dis posal program. Light scattered show ers were reported along the Atlantic Coast. Futures closed steady. 8 to 14 higher. . , High. Low. Last. July-12.84 12.76 12.78-77 October ,- 12.84 12.57 12.58-59 December _ 12.62 12.56 12.56 January _12.63 12.56 12.68 March - 12.65 12.60 12.63-64 Spot steady; middling. 13.26. Cottonseed OU. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady, 3 to 5 higher. Sales, 174 contracts, Including 12 switches. May, 9.70-9.72; July, 9.84b; September, 9.91-9.94; October, 9.84b; December, 9.74b. b—Bid. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. May IS.—Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp.): Extra. Pe- Stic, of Pay Rate. rlod. record, able. Masonite Corp_ 50c 5-25 6-10 Natl Standard_ . 10c __ 6-15 7-1 Regular. Cen Ilf L 4Va7o Pf $1.12',-4 Q 6-10 7-1 Chestnut Hill RR 75c Q 5-20 6-4 Compo Shoe Mach vtc_25c Q 6-5 6-15 Finance Co of Am A 15c Q 6-10 6-30 Do B- __ __ 15c Q 6-10 6-30 Do 7% pf ($25)__4.334C <3 6-10 6-30 Do 7% Pf (#5)_8%c <3 6-10 6-30 Glen Falls Insur_40c <3 6-16 7-1 Gt Western Electro Chem 6% pf _ 30c Q 6-10 7-1 Hein-Werner Mot Pts 15c Q 6-15 6-25 Muncie Wat Wk 8% pf #2 Q 6-1 6-15 National Oats Co _._26c._ 6-22 6-1 Ohio Edi *7.20 pf..$1.80 <3 6-15 7-1 Do pf .._*1.76 <3 6-15 7-1 Do *6.60 pf_#1.65 Q 6-15 7-1 Do #6 pf_#1.50 <3 6-16 7-1 Do #5 pf . ... #1.25 Q 6-15 7-1 Savannah Gas 7% pf 43% Q 5-20 6-1 South Shore Util Asso $1.50 pf 37%c Q 5-15 6-1 United Tel Co (Kans) 7% Pf _ —$1.76 <3 6-25 6-30 West Coast Life Insur (San Fran) __ 50c A 6-10 7-1 Am Rad & Stan San 15c Q 5-28 6-30 Amer Rad & Sta pf $1.75 .. 5-26 6-1 Bayuk Ctgars __18%c — 5-31 6-15 Buff Nias Si Estn 1st pf $1.25 _. 7-15 8-2 Buff Niae & Estn pf_40c .. 6-15 7-1 Jaeger Machine_25c 6-20 6-1 Masonite Corp_25c Q 6-25 6-10 Mission Corp _$1 6-1 6-15 Natl Standard _40c Q 6-16 7-1 Selected Amer Shra-20c __ 6-29 6-8 Frank G Shattuck_16c __ 6-1 6-21 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Asioclated Press. The position of the Treasury May 13: Receipts, $10,318,046.73: expendiuures, I'll 9.205,076.33; balance. $1,747,033, ;l 9.04 - customs receipts for the month. 20,046,960.02.. of expenditures." $2.*281,316.635.68: cross debt. $35,090,361,300.05. an Increase of $114,705.04 over the previous day; cold assets, $11,885,667,757.33, lncludlnc $654,359,514.12 of Inactive cold. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Oha*. D. Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer. ■d'/t Sept. 15. 37— 101 1-32 101 3-32 2% Reb. 1. ’38— 101 14-32 101 16-32 3 Mar 15. ’38._ 102 2-32 102 4-32 2% June 15. '38— 102 12-32 102 14-32 Z'k Sept. 15. '38— 102 4-32 102 6-32 l'/a Mar. 15. '39 — 100 20-32 100 22-32 2V. June 15. '39— 101 29-32 10131-32 l*fc Dec. 15. '39— 100 12-32 100 14-32 IV, Mar. 15. '40— 100 22-32 100 24-32 IV, June 15. '40— 100 8-32 100 10-32 1V, Dec. 15. ’40— 100 100 2-32 1V» Mar. 16. '41— 99 28<32 99 30-32 1H June 15. '41._ 99 13*32 99 15-32 iy« Dec. 15. '41— 98 22^32 98 24-32 CORPORATION REPORTS TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF LEADING ORGANIZATIONS NEW YORK. May 15.—The follow- | ing is today's summary of corporation news, prepared by Standard Statistics : 00, Inc., New York: Newport Industries, Inc.—March quarter common share earnings were 79 cents, against 13 cents. Continental-Diamond Fibre Co — March quarter common share earn ings were 40 cents, against 10 cents. Peerless Corp.—Net income, six months ended March 31, was *224,165, equal to 29 cents a common share, against deficit of *13,352. Ward Baking Corp.—Declared a dividend of *1 on account of accumu lated dividends on the 7 per oent pre ferred stock, payable July 1. On April 1, 1937, a disbursement of *1.75 a share was made on the preferred. Giving effect on current dividend, ar rears aggregated $19 a share as of July 1, 1937. It was stated smaller profit margins have reduced earnings for current year to date. Hercules Motors Corp. — March quarter common share earnings were 57 cents, against 36 cents. International Harvester Oo.—Presi dent said billings in first fiscal half were 30 per cent greater than in the like period of the preceding fiscal year. He stated further that the outlook far company’s truck business is very encouraging, with further expansion indicated. National Pump6 Corp. — March quarter common share earnings before Federal taxes were 48 cents, against 18 cents. Reed Roller Bit Co.—March quarter common share earnings before Fed eral taxes were 65 cents, against 69 cents. Heel* Mining Oo.—March quarter common share earnings, including $196,535 income tax credit, were 52 cents, against 18 cents, before Federal taxes, in like 1936 period. Greyhound Carp.—March quarter common share earnings were 11 cents, against 6 cents. Pacific Can Co.—March quarter deficit was $51,569, against deficit of $17,224. Sterling Products, Inc.—Company acquired at cost of about $7,300,000 all of the assets, properties, trade marks, business, etc., of the American Fer ment Co., Drew Pharma cal Co. and the Cellasin Co., all of Buffalo. Of the purchase price, 25 per cent was payable in cash and the remaining amount within three years. United States Freight Co.—March quarter deficit was $89,108, against net income of $88,212. Wilcox, H. F., Oil & Gas Co.—March quarter common share earnings were 10 cents, against 8 cents. Alton R. R,—Deficit, four months ended April 3% was $70,984, against deficit of $561,452. Pennsylvania R. R.—President said earnings surplus of company in first four months was around $7,000,000. Atlantic, Oulf 7 15 RQ Keystone Cust Fund B-3 21 41 23 43 Major Shrs Corp_ _ 3 00 Maryland Fund_1111 95] 10 4«>’ Mass Invest Tr_27 °0 -'R hr Mutual Invest _~ 15 41 16 R5 Nation Wide Sec _I 4 *7 4 37 Nation Wide Voting_ 3.95 2 11 Natl Investors 6 93 7 17 NeY^kKla-A-d8hr"d--:::: 19:18 V v e,t0Ci?S' S,ocks -- 11.07 11.96 M \ S'ocks' Supply., 11.15 12.04 S v siock,s Elec Equip., 11.57 12.40 N Y Stocks. Insurance . 1099 N ■ Stocks. Machinery _ 12 64 13 65 N V Wt00^5' % R, Equip _ 13.85 14.95 N Y Stocks Steel 13 9.5 15 06 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 59.00 63 26 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2 67 Nor Am Tr Sh 19.65_ 3 39 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 I ” 3 .33 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 _ 313 Plymouth Fund Inc _ _ 86 97' Quarterly Income Sh_1711 1874 Selected Am Sh Inc_ 14 25 15 54 SDencer Trask Fund_20 47 21 "in Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 3 95 ~4 "n Stand Util Inc __ 78 84 Super of Am Tr A...I, 3 9.5 Super of Am Tr AA " 67 - Super of Am Tr B 4 1" - Super of Am Tr BB__I_ " 67 Super of Am Tr C " 7 64 Super of Am Tr D_ 7 64 - Supervised Shrs _ 13 87 15 08 Trustee 8tand Inv C __ 3 00 Trustee Stand Inv D _ 2 04 Trusteed Am B ' B" I", 88 ' os Trosfeed Industry Shrs_ 1.44 1,69 Wellington Fund _ 19.13 20 98 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS Se® Y°rk Bk of Man (l'i)_ a’”*, Bankers’ Tr (2) _ figiZ Cen Han Bk <& Tr (4)_125 128 Chase Nat (1.40) ___ so gS Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 84>i OfiVi Commercial (8) _ 105 201” Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_” 1? igit Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 6.33.: 043’ Empire Tr (1) „ ,30 3? First Nat (Bos) (2)__I 61 53 First Natl (100) _ 2145 "185 Guaranty Tr (12) " 321 Ter? Irvin* Tr (.80) 1514 33g% Manufacturers’ Tr (2) ... 5254 il t t Property Management Automobile Insurance jSSii Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance APARTMENT AND HOUSE MANAGEMENT You’ll find many advantages In let ting our Property Management De partment manage your apartment house and residential properties. The fee for the service 1s very rea sonable. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. *ePh/rSShnsQuar, National 2100 STOCKS EDGE UP • AT WEEK’S CLOSE Selected Rails, Industrials Improve, but Others Drift Aimlessly. Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indus. Ralls. Util. Stas Net change- +.2 +.1 Unc. +.2 Today, close 89.6 44.7 41.7 66.3 Prev. day.. 89.4 44 6 41.7 68.1 Month ago. 94.5 45.7 45 8 70.0 Year ago... 81.8 34.0 45.6 60.8 1937 high..101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 88,5 37.8 41.4 65 4 1936 high.. 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low ... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9 1929 high ..146 9 153 9 184 3 157.7 1927 low ... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Editor. NEW YORK, May 15.—It was fair weather for selected rails and indus trials in today’s stock market, but other categories shifted aimlessly in a fog. Dealings, almost as listless as last Saturday when the volume was the smallest since June 6, a year ago, found favored issues up fractions to a point or so. On the other hand steels, motors and utilities were generallly unsuc cessful in climbing out of a rut, and moderate minus marks were well dis tributed at the close. Most traders, only mildly cheered by constructive business news and the truce in the Jones & Laughlin and General Motors labor controver sies, inclined to step lightly in view of possible developments over the week end. Transfers were around 350,000 shares. Bonds were quiet but, on the whole, a trifle improved. Commodities, es peciallly grain and cotton futures, did better. Stocks pointing higher during the greater part of proceedings—Some fell back in the final few minutes— Included Santa Fe, Southern Railway, Northern Pacific, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Pennsylvania, Great Northern, Celanese, Loew’s Para mount, Warner Bros., Eastman Kodak, Otis Elevator, Union Carbide, Corn Products, Owens-Illinois, Kennecott, Anaconda, Texas Corp., Barnsdall, American Can, American Steel Found ries, Republic Steel, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Montgomery Ward, Caterpillar Tractor and American Water Works. Homestake Mining ad vanced sharply. In a restricted area to down mor* than a point were U. S. Steel, Beth lehem, Inland Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, Goodyear, Goodrich, Wool worth, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Air craft, Deere, American Tobaccc "B,” Reynolds Tobacco "B,” Allied Chemical, Standard Oil of New Jersey, American Telephone, Western Union, Consolidated Edison, Electric Powei & Light, American Smelting and Cerrc de Pasco. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. May 15 dP>.—New York Security Dealers' Association. Bid. Asked Aetna Cas (2a'_ 934 974 Aetna Ins (1 80) _ 42 44 Aetna Life (,80a) ___ 274 2!>‘< Am Equit (1.80a)_ 38'« 41', Am Reins (.40g> _ 41'. 434 Am Reserve (In)_ 204 2S4 Am Surety (24) __ 50 62 Automobile ilal _ 29 304 Balt Ame (.20a) -_ 74 84 Carolina (1.30) _ 234 254 City of N Y (1.20) _ 25 20', Conn Gen Lif (.80)_ 354 37 Contin Cas (1.20)__ 254 274 Fid & Dep (4) _ . 1214 128 Frank Fire (la) _ 294 314 Gen Reinsur (2> _ 414 434 Glen Falls (1.00) _ 414 43 4 Globe & Rep ( 80)_ 194 214 Globe & Rut _ 59 021! Great Amer (la) ______ 24 25'i Hanover il.K0> __ 314 334 Hartford Fire (2) _ 65), 07U Home Fire Sec_ 4 51J Home Ins (fa) _ 324 344 Homestead (1) __ _ I84 18 Knickerbocker (.80) _ 104 184 Lincoln Fire ___ 34 44 Maryland Cas _ 8 7 Mass Bond (34) _ S«4 81'4 Natl Fire (2) _ 593, 6iiJ ! Natl Liberty C.20a' _ 84 94 N Hampshire (1.60) _ 453, 4712 N Y Fire (,80a)_ 193$ «3 Nor River (1) _ 244 "535 Phoenix (2a> _ __ 834 874 Prov Wash (1) _ 331. 351? Revere (P) In (1.30)_ 234 254 Rossia Ins (.00a)_ 104 113,; St Paul Fire (0) _ rt()2 0A7 4 Springfield 4 4a) _118 Toi Sun Life (33,41 - 040 090 Travelers (10) _468 408 U S Fire (2) _ _ 494 hjm Westchester (1.20a) _ 32Vi 3414 a—Also extra or extras. *—Declared or paid so far thii year. --• FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK, May 15 dP).—Federal Land Bank bonds ,, _. „ „ Bid. Asked, 44s Nov.. 1958-38_ 1034 1044 44s May. 1957-37_1014 102 4s May. 1958-38_102S 1034 4s Nov.. 1957-37_1014 1014 4s July. 1948-44_109 1094 34» May. 1955-45_ 102 1024 3s July, 1955-45_ 1004 1004 3s Jan . 1958-40_ 1004 lOO3, 3s May. 1950-48- 100 4 1004 FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK May 15 dPI —Foreign ex. change steadv: Great Britain In dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand, 14.944: cables. 4.943,: 80-day bills. 4.93'„ France, demand. 4.483,; cabies. 4 483fc ] Italy, demand 5.284: cables. 5 20V, Demands—Belgium, 18.85; Germany, free, 40.18: registered. 19.00: travel, 23.80: Holland. 54.94. Norway. 24.83: Sweden. 25.48: Denmark. 22.07: Finland, 2.19; Switzerland. 22.87; Spain, unquoted; Portugal. 4.50; Greece. .91; Poland. 19.00; Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yugoslavia. 2 34| Austria. i8.75n: Hungary, 19.80: Rumania, .75: Argentina. 32.94n; Brazil. 8.804nl Tokio. 28.82; Shanghai. 29 93: Hongkong, 30.73: Mexico City. 27.85: Montreal in New York. 100.17A; New York In Mon* treal. 99.8211. n—Nominal. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, May 15 (4b.—Crude rubbel futures closed Irregular, unchanged to 4 lower; sales. No. 1 standard. 4T contracts! July. September. 21.10a21.11; Octo« ber. 21.12n; December. 21.15. Smoked ribbed, spot. 20.88n. n—Nominal.